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WWE 2011: Bragging Rights!

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Best of Seven Match Series (1-0), Non Title: William Regal vs. Daniel Bryan

Regal takes a big lead before Bryan starts to catch up.


Alex Riley vs. John Morrison

Easy Pick.


WWE Tag Team Titles Match: The New Legacy defend vs. Mark Henry and Ezekiel Jackson

Henry and Jackson would be an interesting team but title change would be too early.


The Miz vs. Diesel

Nash is 51 years old lol, he wasn't even that good in the ring in 1994 let alone now.


Non Title: Drew McIntyre vs. Randy Orton

RKO OUT OF NOWHERE, OMG THIS IS UNBELIEVEABLE!!! Yeah typical Orton match then.

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Best of Seven Match Series (1-0), Non Title: William Regal vs. Daniel Bryan

Alex Riley vs. John Morrison

WWE Tag Team Titles Match: The New Legacy defend vs. Mark Henry and Ezekiel Jackson

The Miz vs. Diesel

Non Title: Drew McIntyre vs. Randy Orton

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Best of Seven Match Series (1-0), Non Title: William Regal vs. Daniel Bryan

Alex Riley vs. John Morrison

WWE Tag Team Titles Match: The New Legacy defend vs. Mark Henry and Ezekiel Jackson

The Miz vs. Diesel

Non Title: Drew McIntyre vs. Randy Orton

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Best of Seven Match Series (1-0), Non Title: William Regal vs. Daniel Bryan

Alex Riley vs. John Morrison

WWE Tag Team Titles Match: The New Legacy defend vs. Mark Henry and Ezekiel Jackson

The Miz vs. Diesel

Non Title: Drew McIntyre vs. Randy Orton

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Best of Seven Match Series (1-0), Non Title: William Regal vs. Daniel Bryan

Alex Riley vs. John Morrison

WWE Tag Team Titles Match: The New Legacy defend vs. Mark Henry and Ezekiel Jackson

The Miz vs. Diesel

Non Title: Drew McIntyre vs. Randy Orton

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Monday Week 3 February 2011

Location: CA Davis Pavilion (South West)

Attendance: 8,000

Overall Rating: B+

TV Rating: 8.17




[Our show opens with Joey Styles and Jerry Lawler welcoming everyone to the Davis Pavilion in Davis, California for WWE Raw! We are 8,000 strong and what a show we have for you this evening!




The crowd boos as the former WWE Champion The Miz walks out from the back and heads right for the ring. He steps inside and proceeds to tell everyone here to shut up because he's got something to talk about. He proceeds to talk about what a failure Alex Riley has been since his arrival here in the WWE. He cost The Miz the WWE Championship at the Royal Rumble and last week he cost The Miz a tag team bout. Not going to happen anymore. In fact, if Alex Riley DOESN'T win his match later tonight with John Morrison, he can consider himself fired from his WWE contract. The Miz has more important things to worry about than Alex Riley, though. He needs to focus on the Elimination Chamber and winning back HIS WWE Championship so he can go on to WrestleMania and defend the belt against whatever pathetic loser wins the Raw Elimination Chamber match.






[The crowd explodes into nostalgic cheers as Big Daddy Cool Diesel walks out from the back. Diesel walks down to the ring and steps inside, coming face to face with The Miz. Diesel says that he's one of those who will be competing in the Elimination Chamber. He's also a former World Champion so The Miz needs to shut his mouth. As a matter of fact, Diesel is willing to shut his mouth for him in a match later on tonight. The Miz agrees quickly but rolls out of the ring to avoid a physical confrontation with Diesel. The Miz smiles and says that tonight Diesel and the rest of the world is going to see why he is The Miz and he's...AWESOME!]




Match #1


Best of 7 Match Series (1-0)

William Regal vs. Daniel Bryan


[Our opening contest here is a match in the best of 7 series between William Regal and Daniel Bryan. As anyone would expect, the match is filled with technical wrestling and holds and counterholds. Neither man goes on a tremendously long offensive burst in this match. Bryan manages to get some swift kicks in to the chest and then one to the head of Regal. He goes in for the LeBell Lock but Regal tries to reverse it into the Regal Stretch! The two men jockey for position and it's Daniel Bryan who wins the fight! Bryan locks in the LeBell Lock and Regal struggles, fighting, trying to break the hold, but he has to tap out! The series is tied at 1 apiece!]


Winner: Daniel Bryan (Via Submission @ 8:51; Score Tied At 1-1)

Match Rating: B






[We are taken backstage to the middle of an argument that has already begun between Drew McIntyre and Randy Orton. McIntyre tells Orton to keep the belt warm for him because he's coming after him at WrestleMania. Orton looks like he might uncoil and attack McIntyre but Eric Bischoff wanders in! Bischoff says that this looks like an interesting matchup for tonight. He tells McIntyre and Orton that they cannot fight backstage here but they CAN fight later on tonight as our main event!]






[The crowd cheers as the entrance of The Bella Twins, Brie Bella and Nikki Bella! The two beautiful twin magic ladies each have t-shirt cannons as they walk down to the ring. They step inside and draw cheers from the crowd, listening to who is louder before they fire off shots from the t-shirt cannons! It definitely makes the crowd here happy but nobody is happy as another figure comes out from the back.]




[it's Kharma! This woman has been attacking women wrestlers left and right, though mostly on Smackdown. But it seems she isn't tied down to one show! The Bella Twins look positively terrified of her! Kharma enters the ring and brings both of the women down with a double clothesline! Nikki manages to roll outside the ring but Kharma grabs Brie -- Implant Buster! Nikki looks horrified at what just happened to her twin! But she doesn't want to get in there with Kharma! Kharma just tosses her head back and laughs before giving an evil expression toward Nikki, who runs through the crowd to get away.]




Match #2

http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/AlexRiley.jpg w/ http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/TheMiz.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/VS.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/JohnMorrison.jpg

Alex Riley vs. John Morrison


[This match is a major one for both sides. Alex Riley has The Miz in his corner right now but will that be true by the end of the match? John Morrison is looking for some momentum headed toward the Elimination Chamber pay-per-view. Though it was a decent match, these two showed absolutely no chemistry wrestling together. A lot of the blame will probably be put on the greener Alex Riley. Morrison shows his high flying ability with a spinning somersault plancha outside the ring on Riley! Back inside the ring, Riley tries everything to beat Morrison. Instead, though, Riley catches a Running Knee from Morrison! Morrison makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: John Morrison (Via Pinfall @ 8:34)

Match Rating: B-


[The Miz enters the ring as soon as the bell sounds and comes face-to-face with John Morrison. The two men stare each other down for a moment and then The Miz turns his attention to Alex Riley! Morrison exits the ring as The Miz pulls Riley up -- Skull Crushing Finale! A-Ri is left laying in the ring as The Miz stands above him and yells down 'You're fired!']






[We are taken backstage where Vickie Guerrero is with two members of The New Legacy. Those two members are the WWE Tag Team Champions Ted DiBiase and Joe Hennig. Guerrero says she's happy with the way that they won the WWE Tag Team titles last week but they are being forced to defend those belts tonight! DiBiase says it's in the bag, the money bag that is. Hennig tells Guerrero not to worry because what can happen to such a perfect tag team?]




Match #3

http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/TedDiBiase.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/JoeHennig.jpg w/ http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/VickieGuerrero.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/VS.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/MarkHenry.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/EzekielJackson.jpg

WWE Tag Team Titles Match

The New Legacy defend vs. Mark Henry and Ezekiel Jackson


[in the beginning of the match, DiBiase tries to buy off Henry and Jackson and get them to lay down for him. Neither of them go for it, though, and the match gets started. Of course, The New Legacy have no problem with cheating throughout this match, including using interference and distractions by Vickie Guerrero, Primo and Husky Harris. DiBiase and Hennig show the chemistry that brought them to the WWE Tag Team titles throughout this match as Henry and Jackson struggle to keep up with them. DiBiase catches Henry with Dream Street and makes the cover, sliding his feet on the ropes in the process: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: The New Legacy (Via Pinfall @ 6:01; The New Legacy retain the WWE Tag Team titles)

Match Rating: C+






[The crowd was unhappy with the New Legacy victory but they were also unhappy with an interview segment with Alberto Del Rio! Del Rio talks about the Elimination Chamber and how it is his destiny to defeat the five other wrestlers in that match and go on to WrestleMania where he will win the WWE Championship! But, you know, you already know that.]




[This fades into a second interview with another Elimination Chamber participant in CM Punk. Punk talks about wrestling on the independent scene for a lot of his career and just waiting for the chance to wrestle on the biggest stage of them all: WrestleMania. In 13 days, at Elimination Chamber, he is going to defeat five other wrestlers to walk into WrestleMania to take on the WWE Champion, whoever that may be. But it won't matter who it is. Why? Because he's the only straight edge wrestler in the WWE. And straight edge means he's better than you.]




Match #4


The Miz vs. Diesel


[A very good semi main event here this evening as The Miz comes out alone now to go one on one with the man known as Diesel. The matchup is back and forth in the beginning with The Miz gaining control after sneaking out of a Snake Eyes attempt by Diesel. The Miz sends Diesel into the corner, though, and nails him with a clothesline hanging his legs out through the ropes. The Miz scores a two count following that move. The Miz focuses his attacks on the knees of Diesel, probably a smart move given Diesel's knee troubles previously. Diesel manages to block an attempt at a Skull Crushing Finale and makes his comeback. He manages to hit The Miz with the snake eyes and big boot combination! He signals that he is going for the JackKnife Powerbomb! He lifts The Miz in the air but The Miz manages to slide out behind Diesel! The Miz hits Diesel with a knee to the back and then hooks him -- Skull Crushing Finale! What a move out of nowhere! The Miz rolls on top, hooking the leg: 1 -- 2 -- 3! Great momentum for The Miz!]


Winner: The Miz (Via Pinfall @ 8:33)

Match Rating: B




Match #5


Non Title Match

Drew McIntyre vs. Randy Orton


[The crowd goes absolutely wild for the entrance of the WWE Champion Randy Orton for this non title match with Drew McIntyre. The first few minutes are spent in back and forth action, with both men getting a feel for each other. McIntyre gets the advantage when Orton tries to splash him against the ring post but McIntyre moves out of the way and Orton hits hard against the post. McIntyre sends Orton into the guardrail and then back inside the ring where he scores a two count. McIntyre shows off some definite wrestling skill throughout this match, showing that he can definitely be a player in the present and the future. He scores a couple more near falls after moves like a Hangman's Neckbreaker onto his knee and a belly to belly suplex. Around the fourteen minute mark, Orton fights out of a reverse chinlock and gains control with the crowd cheering him on. Orton catches McIntyre with the rope hung DDT and a snap scoop powerslam! He goes into that place where he hears voices in his head! He drops down and begins pounding the mat, waiting for McIntyre to get to his feet. The Viper coils and springs into action -- RKO! Orton makes the quick cover, hooking the leg: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Randy Orton (Via Pinfall @ 17:29)

Match Rating: A




[As soon as the bell sounds for the victory by Randy Orton, The Miz hits the ring and begins pounding on Orton! The Miz throws forearm shot after forearm shot to the back of Orton. Orton struggles to get to his feet and The Miz sets him up -- Skull Crushing -- RKO! Orton reverses the Skull Crushing Finale into the RKO! Orton's music cues up as the WWE Champion is handed the title and he stands over top of The Miz. Orton poses to cheers from the crowd. Could we be seeing this same sight at Elimination Chamber?]

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Welcome to the WWE Prediction contest. This contest will run through the end of March in-game time (basically ends after WrestleMania).


We had a couple of people get 5/5 this time! Congratulations to nimo34, Destiny, Trell and BoomKing!


1. Nathers7=11 Wins

2. pauls07=9 Wins

3. Zergon=8 Wins

Rayelek=8 Wins

5. ChrisKid=5 Wins

6. nimo34=4 Wins

7. Kijar=3 Wins

Trell=3 Wins

9. smurphy1014=2 Wins

Jingo=2 Wins

Destiny=2 Wins

12. Harmor=1 Win

CharlieCornell=1 Win

1234=1 Win

Fear=1 Win

Huntman=1 Win

jonnycosmic=1 Win

JudgeJuryExectioner=1 Win

Bigpapa42=1 Win

Olivier le Fou=1 Win

BoomKing=1 Win

22. Jaysin=0 Wins

TheLeviticalLawKid3=0 Wins

The Final Countdown=0 Wins

KingAj=0 Wins

sebsplex=0 Wins

TDubRaiders=0 Wins

Oogity=0 Wins

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Confirmed Matches 19/2/11

WWE DIVAS TITLE: Alicia Fox vs. Natalya ©

ELIMINATION CHAMBER QUALIFIER: "Dashing" Cody Rhodes vs. David Hart Smith

Zack Ryder vs Santino Marella


Sheamus & Wade Barrett vs Edge & Christian

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WWE DIVAS TITLE: Alicia Fox vs. Natalya ©

ELIMINATION CHAMBER QUALIFIER: "Dashing" Cody Rhodes vs. David Hart Smith

Zack Ryder vs Santino Marella


Sheamus & Wade Barrett vs Edge & Christian

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WWE DIVAS TITLE: Alicia Fox vs. Natalya ©

ELIMINATION CHAMBER QUALIFIER: "Dashing" Cody Rhodes vs. David Hart Smith

Zack Ryder vs Santino Marella


Sheamus & Wade Barrett vs Edge & Christian

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I need to catch up with this one, so these could likely be well off the mark, but I can't tolerate being so low down in the standings for much longer.


WWE DIVAS TITLE: Alicia Fox vs. Natalya ©

ELIMINATION CHAMBER QUALIFIER: "Dashing" Cody Rhodes vs. David Hart Smith

Zack Ryder vs Santino Marella


Sheamus & Wade Barrett vs Edge & Christian

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WWE DIVAS TITLE: Alicia Fox vs. Natalya ©

Draw with Kharma interfering might be the most likely option but I hope we get to see a clear match for a change.


ELIMINATION CHAMBER QUALIFIER: "Dashing" Cody Rhodes vs. David Hart Smith

Rhodes is doing more at the moment.


Zack Ryder vs Santino Marella

I never really liked Santino.



Could go either way but I go with Mysterio.


Sheamus & Wade Barrett vs Edge & Christian

Personal preference.

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WWE DIVAS TITLE: Alicia Fox vs. Natalya ©

ELIMINATION CHAMBER QUALIFIER: "Dashing" Cody Rhodes vs. David Hart Smith

Zack Ryder vs Santino Marella


Sheamus & Wade Barrett vs Edge & Christian<!-- controls --><!-- / controls -->

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WWE DIVAS TITLE: Alicia Fox vs. Natalya ©

ELIMINATION CHAMBER QUALIFIER: "Dashing" Cody Rhodes vs. David Hart Smith

Zack Ryder vs Santino Marella


Sheamus & Wade Barrett vs Edge & Christian

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WWE DIVAS TITLE: Alicia Fox vs. Natalya ©

ELIMINATION CHAMBER QUALIFIER: "Dashing" Cody Rhodes vs. David Hart Smith

Zack Ryder vs Santino Marella


Sheamus & Wade Barrett vs Edge & Christian

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February Week 2 2011 is complete! Using the link below, tell us which brand you preferred based on this week's showing - RAW or Smackdown. Whoever has the most votes by next Friday (September 2nd - not long I know!) will have Bragging Rights for another week!



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WWE DIVAS TITLE: Alicia Fox vs. Natalya ©

Neidhart is awesome!

ELIMINATION CHAMBER QUALIFIER: "Dashing" Cody Rhodes vs. David Hart Smith

DH Smith is awesome!

Zack Ryder vs Santino Marella


Sheamus & Wade Barrett vs Edge & Christian

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WWE DIVAS TITLE: Alicia Fox vs. Natalya ©

If Natalya loses the title it won't be to Alicia Fox.


ELIMINATION CHAMBER QUALIFIER: "Dashing" Cody Rhodes vs. David Hart Smith

DH Smith always bored me unfortunately plus Rhodes is awesome.


Zack Ryder vs Santino Marella




Pretty easy pick.


Sheamus & Wade Barrett vs Edge & Christian

You can't troll us and have a reunited Edge and Christian lose lol.

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WWE DIVAS TITLE: Alicia Fox vs. Natalya ©

ELIMINATION CHAMBER QUALIFIER: "Dashing" Cody Rhodes vs. David Hart Smith

Zack Ryder vs Santino Marella


Sheamus & Wade Barrett vs Edge & Christian

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Thursday Week 3 February 2011

Location: CA Galen Center (South West)

Attendance: 8,250

Overall Rating: C




[The Raw recap begins the show, beginning with highlights from the Miz/Diesel argument and ending with Randy Orton hitting the RKO on The Miz..]




Match #1


Curt Hawkins vs. R-Truth


[in a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, R-Truth defeated Curt Hawkins in 5:49 by pinfall with a Corkscrew Flying Forearm Smash.]


Winner: R-Truth (Via Pinfall @ 5:49)

Match Rating: D+




[Razor Ramon cuts a promo talking about his upcoming match on Raw with Kane. He says that the Big Red Machine may be angry but he's no Bad Guy. He's no Razor Ramon. At the end of the day, big meng, he is gonna carve..you..up!]


Match #2


Maryse vs. Kaitlyn


[in a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Maryse defeated Kaitlyn in 8:17 by pinfall with a Heel Kick.]


Winner: Maryse (Via Pinfall @ 8:17)

Match Rating: C+


Match #3

http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/Kane.jpg w/ http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/PaulBearer.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/VS.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/ChrisMasters.jpg

Kane vs. Chris Masters


[in a match that had some good action and average heat, Kane defeated Chris Masters in 10:19 by pinfall with a Choke Slam.]


Winner: Kane (Via Pinfall @ 10:19)

Match Rating: C




[The show ends with a preview of WWE Raw this coming week, including several signed matches. William Regal and Daniel Bryan will continue their seven match series. Kane will take on Razor Ramon. Plus a big surprise main event!]

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Galen Center, Los Angeles CA


Your Announce Team


Michael Cole - Matt Striker - Booker T




It isn't often that a Divas match will open the show but
Natalya vs Alicia Fox
was a solid, if unspectacular, start to this week's episode of Smackdown. The WWE Divas champion Natalya looked strong throughout the seven minute bout but Alicia Fox also managed to get in enough offence to show the fans why she has been on the receiving end of a strong push of late. A
from Natalya ended the match in predictable fashion, but once again the Divas show that, given the chance, they can wrestle too.

* * * * *


...Elimination Chamber Hype Video...

A short video played hyping the four confirmed entrants for the Smackdown Elimination Chamber match just two weeks away. Those four men are World Heavyweight Champion Edge, John Cena, Wade Barrett and Sheamus, while the final two competitors would be decided on tonight's show! With Cody Rhodes taking on DH Smith next, and Rey Mysterio facing Heath Slater in our semi-main event it won't be long until we found out the match's full lineup!

* * * * *



David Hart Smith has been a regular on Smackdown over the last few weeks but few in the WWE Universe would have expected him to be placed in an
Elimination Chamber qualifying match
. Unfortunately,
Cody Rhodes vs David Hart Smith
was, in the end, predictable, clumsy and dull. Despite recent weeks of great wrestling and entertaining promos from Rhodes, just didn't work out in this match and the fans were happy to see a seventh minute
Cross Rhodes
end the match quickly. Rhodes has a place in the Elimination Chamber, but he'll need a better performance than that if he's to win the title in two weeks time.


...For Whom The Bell Tolls...

The tolling of a bell, a swirling mist, a deserted field. A stone marker, a tombstone, a name. David Otunga...the tombstone falls. Heath Slater...the tombstone falls. Justin Gabriel...the tombstone falls. A tombstone remains...Undertaker! Only at Elimination Chamber 2011!

* * * * *



Dolph Ziggler missed his opportunity to win a place in the Elimination Chamber when he lost to John Cena two weeks ago. Still angry about the defeat, Ziggler started this match flying and
Dolph Ziggler vs JTG
turned into the squash match many were expecting. As a result, the match was even worse than the last one, but Ziggler's dominant victory will have done him no harm at all.

* * * * *


...The Smackdown Legacy...

The action cut backstage where the New Legacy – Joe Hennig and Ted DiBiase – were in the middle of mocking Teddy Long. They spent much of the short segment telling the GM that RAW was the superior brand, while Hornswoggle ran circles around the desk. In the end Long uncharacteristicly snapped, telling the pair that if they don't like Smackdown they don't have to be in it – so their match next week is cancelled! Holler, playa!





Santino Marella vs Zack Ryder
featured two of the most entertaining, and underrated, superstars of the WWE. When taking into account their position on the card the match itself was fairly solid, with enough comedy spots to keep the fans entertained. Marella was on top for almost the entire match but it would be a low blow from Zack Ryder, followed by a slap from his manager Alicia Fox, and a school-boy rollup that would end the match in the “Long Island Superstar's” favour.

* * * * *


...IC Boom...

Zack Ryder may have been victorious moments ago, but Kofi Kingston doesn't think much of him. The WWE's resident Jamaican told Josh Mathews that Zack Ryder is welcome to an Intercontinental title shot, but he won't be leaving the match with a belt. No, Kofi Kingston doesn't need to use low blows, to use his manager for distractions, or to bend the rules in any way, because he's the Intercontinental champion on
– something Zack Ryder will never be. Boom, boom, boom!

* * * * *



Rey Mysterio has had a tough start to 2010, first feuding with “Dashing” Cody Rhodes and now seemingly the target of RAW Superstar Alberto Del Rio. With a place in the
Elimination Chamber
at stake,
Rey Mysterio vs Heath Slater
was a tense encounter that was, in the end, surprisingly even. Slater managed to convince the most ardent of doubters that he is no “weak-link” in the Nexus, and Mysterio proved that he can still fly with the best of them. The match was fast-paced and full of spots which lent themselves well to the two competitors. Rey Mysterio's big match experience won the day and a
in the eighth minute was enough to see the “One Man Rock Band” pinned for three.



...A Man Callled Champ...

Unusually John Cena wasn't booked for a match on this episode of WWE Friday Night Smackdown, but he did get a chance to address the WWE Universe in the form of an interview with Josh Mathews. Kept short and sweet, Cena talked about the Elimination Chamber and in particular his semi-feud with Sheamus. Cena claimed he was excited to see the return of Edge & Christian and would definitely be cheering for them in tonight's main event.

* * * * *


...Five Second Pose?...

We were just of moments away from our last match but we had just enough time to cut backstage where Edge and Christian were psyching themselves up for their tag team bout against Wade Barrett and Sheamus. The angle seems eerily similar to older fans and we could easily have been watching a segment from 1999. By the time the segment has finished the reunion of Edge and Christian looks set to be a classic Smackdown moment!

* * * * *



Our main event featured a team that has very rarely seen eye-to-eye, and another that fans have been asking to reunite since it first broke up nearly ten years ago. The result was a solid match that made up for it's lack of polish and glamour in exciting, talented wrestling. Edge and Christian were soon working like the cohesive unit they once were, while Barrett & Sheamus continued their trend of using every available opportunity to inflict pain on their opponents. Everytime it looked like a cheap tactic would grant the heels the victory either Edge or his partner somehow pulled free. The ending was definitely the highlight of the match, with all four brawling in the ring to the referee's displeasure. Barrett and Sheamus were holding their own until the theme music of John Cena hit the arena PA. The fans jumped to their feet and the two Europeans turned their attention towards the top of the ramp. Cena, soaking up the crowd's adulation, merely shrugged his shoulders and pointed towards the centre of the ring. Barrett and Sheamus knew what was coming and their expression of fear was visible almost immediately. The two turned around, expecting the inevitable, and Edge and Christian wouldn't disappoint...
Double Spears!
Both men went for the pin as the referee used two hands to count the falls simultaneously...1...2....3!!!

* * * * *


...The Final Smackdown Elimination Chamber Lineup...

A music video ended the show, promoting the upcoming Smackdown Elimination Chamber match, which will feature "Dashing" Cody Rhodes, Rey Mysterio, Edge, John Cena, Wade Barrett and Sheamus for Edge's World Heavyweight title!






SyFy Rating: 3.58





Natalya def. Alicia Fox to retain the WWE Divas title

"Dashing" Cody Rhodes def. David Hart Smith in our fourth Elimination Chamber qualifier

Dolph Ziggler def. JTG

Zack Ryder def. Santino Marella

Rey Mysterio def. Heath Slater in our fifth Elimination Chamber qualifier

Edge & Christian def. Wade Barrett & Sheamus

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After the show finished a graphic appeared on the screen, the logos of the WWE's two brands flicking between each other indicated that the winner of this week's Bragging Rights would be revealed....




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Welcome to the WWE Prediction contest. This contest will run through the end of March in-game time (basically ends after WrestleMania).


We had several people score a perfect 5/5 on this week's edition of Smackdown. Congratulations to Kijar, Rayelek, Zergon, Jingo, pauls07, Nathers7 and nimo34!


A special welcome to 20LEgend for his first predictions in this contest!


1. Nathers7=12 Wins

2. pauls07=10 Wins

3. Zergon=9 Wins

Rayelek=9 Wins

5. ChrisKid=5 Wins

nimo34=5 Wins

7. Kijar=4 Wins

8. Trell=3 Wins

Jingo=3 Wins

10. smurphy1014=2 Wins

Destiny=2 Wins

12. Harmor=1 Win

CharlieCornell=1 Win

1234=1 Win

Fear=1 Win

Huntman=1 Win

jonnycosmic=1 Win

JudgeJuryExectioner=1 Win

Bigpapa42=1 Win

Olivier le Fou=1 Win

BoomKing=1 Win

22. Jaysin=0 Wins

TheLeviticalLawKid3=0 Wins

The Final Countdown=0 Wins

KingAj=0 Wins

sebsplex=0 Wins

TDubRaiders=0 Wins

Oogity=0 Wins

20LEgend=0 Wins

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Confirmed Matches


Best of Seven Match Series (1-1), Non Title: William Regal vs. Daniel Bryan

Primo vs. Darren Young

Maryse vs. Nikki Bella

Kane vs. Razor Ramon

Tyson Kidd vs. Vladimir Kozlov

The Miz, CM Punk, Drew McIntyre and Alberto Del Rio vs. Randy Orton, John Morrison, Big Show and Diesel

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