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WWE 2011: Bragging Rights!

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Welcome to the WWE Prediction contest. This contest will run through the end of March in-game time (basically ends after WrestleMania).


Sorry for taking so long on this one! I forgot that I didn't post it up yet! We had several people get close but only one person got a perfect score on the pay-per-view! Congratulations to Jingo!


A special welcome to Darkestearth and Tyler Gadzinski for their first predictions in the diary!


1. Nathers7=13 Wins

2. pauls07=10 Wins

Rayelek=10 Wins

4. Zergon=9 Wins

5. ChrisKid=5 Wins

nimo34=5 Wins

Kijar=5 Wins

8. Jingo=4 Wins

9. Trell=3 Wins

10. smurphy1014=2 Wins

Destiny=2 Wins

12. Harmor=1 Win

CharlieCornell=1 Win

1234=1 Win

Fear=1 Win

Huntman=1 Win

jonnycosmic=1 Win

JudgeJuryExectioner=1 Win

Bigpapa42=1 Win

Olivier le Fou=1 Win

BoomKing=1 Win

22. Jaysin=0 Wins

TheLeviticalLawKid3=0 Wins

The Final Countdown=0 Wins

KingAj=0 Wins

sebsplex=0 Wins

TDubRaiders=0 Wins

Oogity=0 Wins

20LEgend=0 Wins

Darkestearth=0 Wins

Tyler Gadzinski=0 Wins


The Raw show should be posted shortly!

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Monday Week 1 March 2011

Location: CT Arena At Harbor Yard (Tri State)

Attendance: 8,675

Overall Rating: B

TV Rating: 6.17




[Our show opens inside the Arena At Harbor Yard in Bridgeport, Connecticut for WWE Raw action! Joey Styles and Jerry Lawler welcome everyone to the show where we have some great matches lined up for you tonight. It is definitely a special night as wrestlers from both Raw and Smackdown will be in attendance! Before they can run down the show, they are interrupted by some very special theme music.






[One of the new owners of the World Wrestling Entertainment enterprise in Stephanie McMahon walks out from the back. She gets a lot of attention from the crowd as they haven't seen her in a very long time. When she gets in the ring, she talks about how it's been a very long time since she has been here. However, her husband, Triple H, and herself have decided that certain changes are in order, especially as we head toward WrestleMania. One of those changes is that there will no longer be a brand split! All WWE contracted wrestlers will now have the opportunity to be on both television shows. She is about to continue when she gets interrupted. This theme song draws a mixed reaction of boos and cheers.]




[John Cena doesn't seem to care about the boos as he is all smiles. He stands at the top of the ramp and salutes before heading down toward the ring and sliding inside. Cena throws up the Cenation sign and then focuses his attention on Stephanie McMahon. He welcomes her back and says that it doesn't matter whether it's Eric Bischoff or Stephanie McMahon or Teddy Long who's in charge. Actually the ones who are in charge are these fans. The fans who are trading chants of 'Let's Go Cena' and 'Cena Sucks' at the moment. Cena says that it doesn't matter who is in charge because he wants a shot at either the WWE title or the World title. It doesn't matter which one to him. But before Stephanie McMahon can answer, there is another theme song that draws boos from the crowd.]




[CM Punk walks out from the back and heads right to the ring. He gets inside and laughs at Cena. He says that there is a shocker, John Cena wants another title shot. Well, he is sick of John Cena and he knows it won't be long before he is sick of Stephanie McMahon. He is the only one in this ring with a title shot as he is facing Randy Orton at WrestleMania for the WWE title! Cena asks him if he wants to put that title shot on the line in a match tonight. Punk says he's not stupid enough to do something like that. Stephanie McMahon steps in and says that tonight we ARE going to see a match between CM Punk and John Cena but it will NOT be for the title shot. CM Punk and John Cena go nose to nose but McMahon says that they both need to go to the back and get ready.]




Match #1


Best of 7 Match Series (2-2)

William Regal vs. Daniel Bryan


[This best of seven match series is tied at two wins apiece. This may be one of the shorter matches between the two, which may be a surprise to many. Both wrestlers give it their all, though, the fans seem to be growing tired of seeing these two particular wrestlers going one on one. Bryan drops Regal with a Dragon Suplex and releases before he locks in the LeBell Lock! Regal struggles from the hold but eventually has to tap out, giving Daniel Bryan the lead.]


Winner: Daniel Bryan (Via Submission @ 5:35; Daniel Bryan leads series (2-3))

Match Rating: C






[We head backstage where we see Big Show stalking in the backstage area. He turns a corner and sees Kane, yelling at the Big Red Machine! Kane turns in time to take a blow to the head! Kane fires back! The two men exchange blows back and forth in the back. Big Show begins choking Kane! Paul Bearer steps in, hitting Show in the back with the urn! Kane clotheslines down Big Show after that shot to the back and then stomps away on him before being pulled back by Bearer and the two of them exit the area, leaving an angered and hurt Big Show.]




Match #2

http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/TedDiBiase.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/JoeHennig.jpg w/ http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/VickieGuerrero.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/VS.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/CharlieHaas.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/SheltonBenjamin.jpg

Non Title

The New Legacy vs. The World's Greatest Tag Team


[The crowd is absolutely shocked when they see who the mystery challengers are to the New Legacy! The World's Greatest Tag Team has not been seen in the WWE since 2009! This is a very good match given the wrestlers involved. It is one that goes back and forth. World's Greatest get a two count when Shelton Benjamin superkicks Hennig into a bridging German Suplex by Charlie Haas! Late in the match, Ted DiBiase makes it in the ring and goes for a Dream Street on Benjamin but Benjamin slides out and hits a jumping reverse STO called Paydirt! Benjamin makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3! A non title win on the return for The World's Greatest Tag Team!]


Winners: The World's Greatest Tag Team (Via Pinfall @ 8:06)

Match Rating: C+






[Joey Styles and Jerry Lawler talk about what has gone on tonight, including the ending of the brand split! However, they do give some focus to next week right here on WWE Raw. Stephanie McMahon has signed a match between CM Punk and Big Show! Big Show was robbed of his shot at the WWE title by Kane. He is getting a shot at the man who will face the WWE Champion at WrestleMania next week!]




Match #3


Michelle McCool vs. Kelly Kelly


[Our Divas match this evening featuring two women who have come from opposite brands. This was actually a very good match between these two as it went back and forth. Kelly Kelly went for the K2 but McCool was able to dodge it and sent Kelly into the turnbuckle. McCool rolls her up, hooking the tights and giving a quick glimpse at Kelly's butt with the hook: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Michelle McCool (Via Pinfall @ 5:34)

Match Rating: C+


[Michelle McCool picks up a big win and she may be on her way toward a title shot against Natalya one of these days. As she celebrates, Kelly Kelly argues with the referee about the pulling of the tights. But then no one seems to want to be in the ring when a female laughing breaks up the argument.]




[Kharma comes out from the back and walks right toward the ring with both McCool and Kelly watching from inside. Kharma enters the ring and McCool shoves Kelly toward her as she exits the ring. Kharma grabs Kelly and body slams her to the mat! She pulls her up -- Implant Buster! Kharma looks down at the body and smiles and laughs as she stands. The laugh quickly turns to a frown as she exits the ring.]






[We head backstage where the WWE Champion Randy Orton is standing by. He talks about defeating The Miz last night at WWE Elimination Chamber. But that's done and over with. Now his focus is on WrestleMania and defending the WWE Championship against CM Punk. You see, there are some who say that he is unstable. He has been known to have some mental problems. At WrestleMania, he is going to look forward to punting CM Punk in the skull and shutting him up for good.]




Match #4


The Miz vs. Rey Mysterio


[A match that could definitely be a main event anywhere in the world today. This was another very open and very back and forth match between two of the top talents in wrestling today. The match definitely reminds the WWE Universe why Rey Mysterio is one of the top talents and why The Miz had a WWE title shot just last night. During the match, Alberto Del Rio comes down to ringside and he plays a pivotal role in the match. The Miz is down in a corner and he gets the referee's attention. Del Rio climbs in and catches Mysterio with a double knee armbreaker! He rolls back out and The Miz quickly moves to his feet -- Skull Crushing Finale! The Miz makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: The Miz (Via Pinfall @ 7:20)

Match Rating: B-




[The Miz exits the ring with the victory and Alberto Del Rio enters, stalking Rey Mysterio! He pulls Mysterio to his feet and locks on the Cross Armbreaker! The crowd boos as Mysterio cries out in pain! Del Rio cinches the hold on tight until the referee finally forces him to break the hold. Del Rio gets to his feet and smiles an arrogant smile, putting a single boot to the chest of Mysterio before he exits the ring.]






[We head backstage where Stephanie McMahon is in Eric Bischoff's office. The two have a rather polite conversation with Bischoff trying to explain that McMahon should go back home and spend time with her baby. McMahon disagrees and the two come to a standoff with McMahon on moreso the winning side since she actually owns the company. Bischoff does NOT look happy about that.]






[We head elsewhere backstage where Sheamus is sitting within a locker room. He looks up and into the camera. He talks about his history here with the WWE. He is a former WWE Champion, after all, fella. Then he discusses the disgrace that it is having Daniel Bryan carry a belt. Daniel Bryan doesn't even want the belt. That's obvious by the fact that he doesn't defend it. But he is going to be forced to defend that belt at WrestleMania and he's going to defend it against Sheamus!]






[Joey Styles and Jerry Lawler discuss how last week they announced Shawn Michaels as the latest inductee into the WWE Hall of Fame this year. Then on Smackdown, Hacksaw Jim Duggan was announced. This week they have another wrestler to announce. A video plays showing the rich Georgia history of our next inductee. This man has a rich family history in the business, including several sons who have been active competitors in this business.]




[This man is 'Bullet' Bob Armstrong! Welcome to the Hall Of Fame!]




Match #5


Sheamus vs. John Morrison


[Another match that could be a main event anywhere in the world. This is a solid back and forth contest between these two. These two went all out for a victory, including Morrison springboarding off the guardrail and hitting Sheamus with a leg lariat! Morrison went for the Starship Pain inside the ring but Sheamus moved out of the way! Sheamus backed up and waited for Morrison to get to his feet -- Brogue Kick! Sheamus makes the 'belt' motion at his waist and makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Sheamus (Via Pinfall @ 9:07)

Match Rating: B+




Match #6


CM Punk vs. John Cena


[Another match that really drew the fans into it as this is our main event this evening. The match started off a little slow with Punk stalling for time by going outside the ring whenever Cena would grow momentum. The crowd got into the match with the dueling 'Let's Go Cena/Cena Sucks' chants. Punk catches Cena with the high knee in the corner and the bulldog, which gets a two count. Cena comes back in the match and goes for the Attitude Adjustment but Punk grabs the top rope to keep Cena from landing the finisher. Cena drops Punk and brings him down with a clothesline. Cena sets up Punk and drops the Five Knuckle Shuffle! He bends over slightly, waiting for Punk to get up but Punk slides out of the ring instead. Cena slides out after him and the two begin fighting. The fighting has them both ignoring the count of the referee as they brawl up the ramp. Eventually the referee has to call for the bell, counting out both men.]


Winner: Draw (Via Double Countout @ 11:31)

Match Rating: B+


[The bell sounds but neither CM Punk or John Cena seem to care! The two of them fight up the ramp and disappear to the back where the cameras follow them. Cena throws Punk into a wall and then eyes a table. Cena goes for a clothesline but Punk ducks! Punk picks up Cena onto his shoulders but gets distracted by another fight!]




[We have wrestlers from Smackdown and Raw brawling in the backstage area right now! There's Sheamus, Daniel Bryan, The Miz, Christian, Edge and Randy Orton! And they're all fighting! Punk drops Cena and goes after Randy Orton! The fight continues with Orton hitting Punk with an RKO! Edge and Christian are brawl with The Miz! Christian holds The Miz and Edge throws a punch but The Miz ducks! Edge hit Christian with a punch! Christian shoves Edge and those two men go nose-to-nose! We're out of time here on Raw, ladies and gentlemen! We'll see you on Smackdown!]

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Welcome to the WWE Prediction contest. This contest will run through the end of March in-game time (basically ends after WrestleMania).


Many came close, but only one person this time had a perfect score for Raw! Congratulations to Nathers7!


A special welcome to ya_its_me for their first predictions in the diary!


1. Nathers7=14 Wins

2. pauls07=10 Wins

Rayelek=10 Wins

4. Zergon=9 Wins

5. ChrisKid=5 Wins

nimo34=5 Wins

Kijar=5 Wins

8. Jingo=4 Wins

9. Trell=3 Wins

10. smurphy1014=2 Wins

Destiny=2 Wins

12. Harmor=1 Win

CharlieCornell=1 Win

1234=1 Win

Fear=1 Win

Huntman=1 Win

jonnycosmic=1 Win

JudgeJuryExectioner=1 Win

Bigpapa42=1 Win

Olivier le Fou=1 Win

BoomKing=1 Win

22. Jaysin=0 Wins

TheLeviticalLawKid3=0 Wins

The Final Countdown=0 Wins

KingAj=0 Wins

sebsplex=0 Wins

TDubRaiders=0 Wins

Oogity=0 Wins

20LEgend=0 Wins

Darkestearth=0 Wins

Tyler Gadzinski=0 Wins

ya_its_me=0 Wins

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Confirmed Matches 5/3/11

The New Legacy II (Husky Harris & Primo) vs Daniel Bryan & A Returning Superstar

Yoshi Tatsu vs Sin Cara

WWE INTERCONTINENTAL TITLE: Zack Ryder vs Kofi Kingston ©

Kane vs Christian

Wade Barrett vs Randy Orton

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The New Legacy II (Husky Harris & Primo) vs Daniel Bryan & A Returning Superstar

-It's been a good week for returning superstars so far.


Yoshi Tatsu vs Sin Cara


WWE INTERCONTINENTAL TITLE: Zack Ryder vs Kofi Kingston ©


Kane vs Christian

- By DQ, I suspect Show will interfere.


Wade Barrett vs Randy Orton

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The New Legacy II (Husky Harris & Primo) vs Daniel Bryan & A Returning Superstar

Debut win for the returning guy.


Yoshi Tatsu vs Sin Cara

Tatsu is just a jobber so Sin Cara should beat him.


WWE INTERCONTINENTAL TITLE: Zack Ryder vs Kofi Kingston ©

No title change in TV show.


Kane vs Christian

Christian is the one who will have title match in Wrestlemania.


Wade Barrett vs Randy Orton

Not sure here, Orton seems like a better choice but Barrett might get a win via interference... Well I play save and go with Orton.

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The New Legacy II (Husky Harris & Primo) vs Daniel Bryan & A Returning Superstar

[Always go with the returning superstar!]


Yoshi Tatsu vs Sin Cara

[smackdown > NXT everytime...]


WWE INTERCONTINENTAL TITLE: Zack Ryder vs Kofi Kingston ©

[Title won't change hands]


Kane vs Christian

[To keep Christian strong]


Wade Barrett vs Randy Orton

[Hope I'm wrong with this one, Barrett should be a in a title scene soon!!]

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Thursday Week 1 March 2011

Location: CT Arena At Harbor Yard (Tri State)

Attendance: 8,675

Overall Rating: C+




[The Raw recap begins the show, beginning with highlights from the Stephanie McMahon's return to the WWE and ending with the brawl between CM Punk and John Cena..]




Match #1

http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/Primo.jpg w/ http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/VickieGuerrero.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/VS.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/SinCara.jpg

Primo vs. Sin Cara


[in a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Sin Cara defeated Primo in 5:31 by pinfall with a La Mística.]


Winner: Sin Cara (Via Pinfall @ 5:31)

Match Rating: D+




[Big Show cuts a promo where his focus is on his upcoming matchup with CM Punk on WWE Raw. He talks about how he feels he was robbed of his chance at the WWE title at WrestleMania by Kane. He will take care of Kane at WrestleMania and he will prove to the world at Raw that he is the one and only undisputed giant in this industry! ARGH!]


Match #2


The Usos vs. The Highlanders


[in a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, The Uso's defeated The Highlanders in 7:53 when Jey Uso defeated Rory McAllister by pinfall with a Samoan Wrecking Ball.]


Winners: The Usos (Via Pinfall @ 7:53)

Match Rating: D-


Match #3


Chavo Guerrero vs. Goldust


[in a match that had some good action and average heat, Goldust defeated Chavo Guerrero in 9:35 by pinfall with a Final Cut.]


Winner: Goldust (Via Pinfall @ 9:35)

Match Rating: C+




[The show ends with a preview of WWE Raw this coming week, including several signed matches. Christian will team with Rey Mysterio to take on Cody Rhodes and Alberto Del Rio in tag team action! Also, CM Punk meets Big Show!]

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The New Legacy II (Husky Harris & Primo) vs Daniel Bryan & A Returning Superstar

Hope it's someone good.


Yoshi Tatsu vs Sin Cara

Easy win for Mistico.


WWE INTERCONTINENTAL TITLE: Zack Ryder vs Kofi Kingston ©

It would be great if Ryder won but I don't see it.


Kane vs Christian

He's rolling towards the title.

Wade Barrett vs Randy Orton

I'm going for a schmozz finish as I can't see so many faces winning on one show.

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Blue Cross Arena, New York NY


Your Announce Team


Michael Cole - Matt Striker - Booker T



Smackdown began this week's show at ringside where Teddy Long and Eric Bischoff were standing in the centre of the ring. The two argued about the new ownership – with Teddy Long backing Stephanie McMahon and Bischoff seemingly supporting her husband Triple H. When Long asks Bischoff – the RAW GM – why he is on Smackdown, Bischoff reminds Teddy and the fans that there is no brand split anymore. As the two look to continue their dispute the music of one billionaire's daughter hits the Blue Cross Arena...it's Stephanie McMahon! Steph tells the two men in the ring that without a brand split there is no real reason to have two General Managers. Hell, now she's back there is no real reason to have one general manager. So unless they want her to reconsider their contracts any thoughts of turning Steph against HHH, or against Vince McMahon, or about turning Smackdown against RAW again must stop. And to prove that she really is in charge of the WWE, Stephanie McMahon books Randy Orton and Wade Barrett to go one-on-one in the main event!

* * * * *



Our first match of the evening was refreshing in its four competitors -
The New Legacy (Primo & Husky Harris) vs Daniel Bryan &....Evan Bourne!
Evan Bourne's return from injury was a spectacular tag team match that surprised the backroom staff as much as it did the fans in its quality. Both teams wrestled like they had known each other for years and the even contest came to a close in the eighth minute, when Husky Harris tapped out to the
Omoplata Crossface

* * * * *


With the match over Daniel Bryan asks a ringside attendant for a microphone and interrupts his music. Bryan addresses “The Celtic Warrior” Sheamus, reminding fans of the brutal post-match attack that the Irishman inflicted on him. Bryan isn't interested in excuses, or in reasons – as far as he is concerned Sheamus' attack was unprovoked and unwarranted – but there one thing Daniel Bryan is interested in and that's a match 1 on 1 with Sheamus!



It was every diva for herself in
Kelly Kelly vs Maryse vs Melina vs Eve
. The match itself was excellent by the division's standards and Kelly Kelly's performance was really the stand-out of the four. All four women had a chance to win the match, but it would be Kelly Kelly's
that would end the match as she pinned Maryse for the victory.

* * * * *


Backstage, Cody Rhodes is preening himself in front of a mirror when a slight cough causes him to flinch. When Rhodes refuses to turn around the intruder continues...
That certainly got his attention! Vickie Guerrero was attempting to flatter Rhodes, perhaps into joining her New Legacy, but it wasn't working. Instead, Rhodes merely laughed her off. When Vickie turned to leave she crashed right into the huge chest of Diesel! Diesel's shout of
managed to get a few laughs from the WWE Universe as we cut back to ringside.

* * * * *



Sin Cara's
in-ring Smackdown debut couldn't have gone any better, as he completely dominated Japanese superstar
Yoshi Tatsu
. Following on from his victory over Primo on yesterday's Superstars, the Mexican luchador pulled out all the stops as his high-flying offensive dazzled the audience as much as it damaged his opponent. A sixth minute
La Mística
would end the match in the Mexican's favour, suggesting the WWE Universe's hopes for Sin Cara could be well placed.

* * * * *


With our high-flying action out of the way we head backstage where Edge is walking down one of the arena's many corridors. After turning a corner Edge stops suddenly, a smirk forming...it's Alberto Del Rio. The two trade minor insults but things never look like turning physical. The segment ends with Edge reminding ADR just which one of them is a World champion!



The action stays backstage when we return from our commercial break to see Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin, the World's Greatest Tag Team, chatting with a few old friends. Entirely focused on their conversation with the WWE backstage staff neither man notices the approach of Joe Hennig and Ted DiBiase! The New Legacy attack WGTT from behind! Haas and Benjamin manage to fight back just in time for the fun police to break up the brawl. Revenge for Monday's tag team match, perhaps!?

* * * * *



Our title match for the evening
Kofi Kingston vs Zack Ryder
for Kingston's
Intercontinental Title
was a real let down by the evening's standards. The two clashed horribly, with botches and mistimings becoming the hallmark of the contest. Zack Ryder came very close to winning the match on several occasions, but when he tried – and failed - to nail the Jamaican with the title belt behind the referee's back Ryder was disqualified, bringing to an end a match that promised much and delivered very little.

* * * * *


...WWE Hall of Fame 2011...

She was the WWE's original diva. A former PWI Manager of the Year, a woman who has managed championship winning tag teams, and AOL's most downloaded woman of 1996. The WWE would like to invite it's third inductee into the 2011 Hall of Fame...



* * * * *





From the result of our semi-main event –
Christian vs Kane
– it was clearly designed to help continue Christian's run of exciting form. It worked. Christian and Kane put on a very good match, both open and well performed, while Christian managed to edge (pardon the pun) the contest throughout. Despite Kane's early monster routine, Christian always looked like coming out of this one as the victor and he confirmed the WWE Universe's suspicions with a tenth minute

* * * * *


As Christian begins to head backstage the arena's PA changes the music...it's the Big Show! But he isn't here for Christian, here's here for Kane! The Big Red Machine stands in the centre of the ring beckoning Big Show but the giant just shakes his head. Kane laughs, calling Show a coward until he notices what Big Show is pointing at...the Wrestlemania sign! Could it be!? Kane vs Big Show at Wrestlemania!? We'll find out next week!

* * * * *


With Randy Orton's matchup with Wade Barrett just moments away we just about had time for The Miz to cut a promo about the WWE Champion. Stood alongside Josh Mathews, Miz told the fans how lucky Randy Orton was to win on last week's Elimination Chamber PPV and how he wasn't going to sit back until after Wrestlemania for a shot. If that meant facing Randy Orton, CM Punk and the rest of the locker-room then that doesn't matter. Why? Because he's The Miz and he's

* * * * *



The main event –
Randy Orton vs Wade Barrett
– was a strong finish to a rather mixed card. Barrett came out of the bell flying, throwing punches wildly at the WWE Champion in an attempt to stop him getting into his slow, methodical wrestling style. It didn't work and soon “The Viper” was on back on the attack, leaving the match wide open. If the Englishman wanted to look like a bonafide main eventer then a performance like this will go a long way to convince fans and although in the end Randy Orton would get the better of him – countering a
into an
in superb fashion – both men came out of this match like superstars.

* * * * *


Less than a week after Batista's brutal attack on The Undertaker, Smackdown ends with a promo by The Animal. Dressed in the jeans, shirt and sunglasses he wore when he controversially left the promotion in 2010. Batista claimed that he had returned to the WWE for one reason and one reason only and that is to go down in history as the man who ended the Undertaker's Wrestlemania streak. As the crowd's boos rang around the New York arena, Batista listed all the times he had defeated The Undertaker and asked why Wrestlemania, in less than a month would be any different. As “The Animal” looked set to finish his rant the arena's lighting dimmed, only to come back on again to reveal The Undertaker at the top of the ramp! Smackdown ended with the Undertaker nodding, accepting the challenge of Batista while the man in the ring looked absolutely terrified!






SyFy Rating: 3.55





Daniel Bryan & Evan Bourne def. The New Legacy II

Kelly Kelly def. Maryse, Melina and Eve

Sin Cara def. Yoshi Tatsu

Kofi Kingston © def. Zack Ryder via DQ to retain the WWE Intercontinental Title

Christian def. Kane

Randy Orton def. Wade Barrett

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Welcome to the WWE Prediction contest. This contest will run through the end of March in-game time (basically ends after WrestleMania).


Several perfect scores this week on Smackdown. Congratulations to Jingo, nimo34, Zergon, pauls07 and Darkestearth!


1. Nathers7=14 Wins

2. pauls07=11 Wins

3. Rayelek=10 Wins

Zergon=10 Wins

5. nimo34=6 Wins

6. ChrisKid=5 Wins

Kijar=5 Wins

Jingo=5 Wins

9. Trell=3 Wins

10. smurphy1014=2 Wins

Destiny=2 Wins

12. Harmor=1 Win

CharlieCornell=1 Win

1234=1 Win

Fear=1 Win

Huntman=1 Win

jonnycosmic=1 Win

JudgeJuryExectioner=1 Win

Bigpapa42=1 Win

Olivier le Fou=1 Win

BoomKing=1 Win

Darkestearth=1 Win

23. Jaysin=0 Wins

TheLeviticalLawKid3=0 Wins

The Final Countdown=0 Wins

KingAj=0 Wins

sebsplex=0 Wins

TDubRaiders=0 Wins

Oogity=0 Wins

20LEgend=0 Wins

Tyler Gadzinski=0 Wins

ya_its_me=0 Wins

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Confirmed Matches


Husky Harris vs. Shelton Benjamin

Beth Phoenix and Maryse vs. Natalya and Kelly Kelly

CM Punk vs. Big Show

Batista vs. Chris Masters

"Dashing" Cody Rhodes and Alberto Del Rio vs. Christian and Rey Mysterio

Non Title: Sheamus vs. Randy Orton

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Husky Harris vs. Shelton Benjamin

Beth Phoenix and Maryse vs. Natalya and Kelly Kelly

CM Punk vs. Big Show

Batista vs. Chris Masters

"Dashing" Cody Rhodes and Alberto Del Rio vs. Christian and Rey Mysterio

Non Title: Sheamus vs. Randy Orton

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Husky Harris vs. Shelton Benjamin

Not sure here as both are tag guys but Harris haven´t done much despite being part of the New Legacy so I gove this one to Benjamin.


Beth Phoenix and Maryse vs. Natalya and Kelly Kelly

Could go either way but I just don´t have much faith on Kelly even though she won that four-way match in Smackdown.


CM Punk vs. Big Show

Punk is more important


Batista vs. Chris Masters

Batista is challenging Untertaker so he can´t affort to lose to Masters.


"Dashing" Cody Rhodes and Alberto Del Rio vs. Christian and Rey Mysterio

Christian is kept strong.


Non Title: Sheamus vs. Randy Orton

I would usually go with Orton but that non-title clause is enough to change my mind.

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