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WWE 2011: Bragging Rights!

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INTERCONTINENTAL TITLE MATCH: Dolph Ziggler © vs. Kofi Kingston

"Dashing" Cody Rhodes vs. Rey Mysterio

Team LayCool vs. Gail Kim & Eve

#1 CONTENDER: Sheamus vs. John Cena vs. Wade Barrett

NON-TITLE: Jack Swagger vs. Edge

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Thursday Week 1 January 2011

Location: NY Blue Cross Arena Rochester, New York (Tri State)

Attendance: 9,572

Overall Rating: B

TV Rating: .51




[A pretty long Raw recap began the show highlighting all that happened on the very first Raw of 2011.]


Match #1


Alberto Del Rio vs. Finlay


[A pretty decent match to open Superstars this week. In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Alberto Del Rio defeated Finlay in 7:45 by submission with an Armbar.]


Winner: Alberto Del Rio (Via Submission @ 7:45)

Match Rating: B[/font]




[Drew McIntyre cuts a promo from Scotland talking about how he is the chosen one. What that means is that he is going to win the 2011 Royal Rumble and go on to WrestleMania where he will win the WWE title or the WWE World title. He plans to be the golden boy of the WWE.]


Match #2


Curt Hawkins vs. Chris Masters


[in a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Chris Masters defeated Curt Hawkins in 5:56 by pinfall with a Masterlock Slam. ]


Winner: Chris Masters (Via Pinfall @ 5:56)

Match Rating: D+


Match #3


William Regal vs. John Morrison


[in a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, John Morrison defeated William Regal in 9:58 by pinfall with a Starship Pain.]


Winner: John Morrison (Via Pinfall @ 9:58)

Match Rating: B




[The show ends with a preview video of next week's Raw where the main event will be Randy Orton and John Morrison vs. CM Punk and The Miz!]

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Great to see this going guys. Loving the layout/look too. Very polished.


INTERCONTINENTAL TITLE MATCH: Dolph Ziggler © vs. Kofi Kingston

"Dashing" Cody Rhodes vs. Rey Mysterio

Team LayCool vs. Gail Kim & Eve

#1 CONTENDER: Sheamus vs. John Cena vs. Wade Barrett

NON-TITLE: Jack Swagger vs. Edge

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INTERCONTINENTAL TITLE MATCH: Dolph Ziggler © vs. Kofi Kingston

Dolph is one of my favorite guys right now so I'll go with him


"Dashing" Cody Rhodes vs. Rey Mysterio

Cody deserves a huge push so I'm going with him


Team LayCool vs. Gail Kim & Eve

I assume LayCool will win


#1 CONTENDER: Sheamus vs. John Cena vs. Wade Barrett

I really want to see Wade Barrett win but it's hard to pick against Cena


NON-TITLE: Jack Swagger vs. Edge

Love Edge so I'll go with him on this one.



PS: No Ryder? Very disappointing haha..I'm enjoying this diary jhd and angel keep it up I read both your diaries and enjoy them very much, so I know this one will be very good

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I caught up on your diary and agree with what sebspex said, nice and clean layout and most importantly, a nice read. I'm going to keep reading for sure.


INTERCONTINENTAL TITLE MATCH: Dolph Ziggler © vs. Kofi Kingston

"Dashing" Cody Rhodes vs. Rey Mysterio

Team LayCool vs. Gail Kim & Eve

#1 CONTENDER: Sheamus vs. John Cena vs. Wade Barrett

NON-TITLE: Jack Swagger vs. Edge

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Your Announce Team


Michael Cole - Matt Striker



...A New Era Begins...

2011 - the new year, and new era, of Smackdown began with our General Manager Teddy Long stood alone in the centre of the ring. The fans were cheering as the TitanTron cycled through the members of the new Smackdown roster, leaving Long little choice but to wait patiently for them to quieten down. When they did so, Long began hyping the brand, claiming that from now on there will be no match for the finest show in Sports Entertainment. And to prove it, not only will we see Edge and Jack Swagger in a non-title match, but tonight, on this very show, Sheamus, Wade Barrett and John Cena will battle it out to see who will become the #1 Contender to Edge's title!

* * * * *



The excitement continued with our first match of the night –
Dolph Ziggler © vs Kofi Kingston
for the
Intercontinental title.
Ziggler has proven to be a strong champion since winning the belt back in July, but as the match wore on he began to look a little nervous without Vickie Guerrero at his side. Ziggler and Kingston put on an excellent opening match for the audience, and the rapid pace meant that there was no time for the WWE Universe to breath, let alone become bored. Kingston has had his fair share of title shots at Ziggler, but without Vickie Guerrero at hand to tip the balance this match was the most even – and as a result most exciting – match of the lot. Vickie's absence would prove the decider and when Ziggler couldn't escape from a
Trouble In Paradise
Justin Roberts was soon announcing our NEW Intercontinental Champion!

* * * * *


...I Am Perfection...

Ziggler couldn't believe he had lost! But as the happy-go-lucky music of Kofi Kingston continued, Ziggler's confusion soon turned to anger. Pulling the celebrating Jamaican down from the turnbuckle, Ziggler hit the new Intercontinental Champion with a perfectly executed
Zig Zag!
Kingston looked out of it as Ziggler picked up the Intercontinental title belt and headed backstage with it draped over his shoulder.

* * * * *


...Into The Nexus...

We returned from the evening's first commercial break to see Wade Barrett backstage preparing for his #1 contenders match later on this evening. A knock at the door was closely followed by the entrance of three unlikely superstars – David Otunga, Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel. The tension between the three Nexus members and their former leader was apparent, but the trio tried to brighten the mood by claiming that they wanted to join Smackdown to work alongside the Englishman. The sceptical Brit asked the three Nexus members what they wanted – only to help the greatest stable in professional wrestling reach it's potential, came the response from de facto spokesperson David Otunga. Barrett looked intrigued but dismissed the group, telling them he needed to focus on his match. Don't worry, said Otunga, we've got your back.

* * * * *


...We're All Dashing...

We remained backstage for the next segment which saw “Dashing” Cody Rhodes walking through the back in preparation for his match with Rey Mysterio. On his way, Rhodes was stopped by a girlish giggle. As the camera and Rhodes both turned around we saw Michelle McCool and Layla checking out the second-generation superstar. Rhodes stops to flirt with the divas, telling them that if he is the most 'dashing' superstar, then they are most definitely the most 'dashing' divas. Rhodes' attention appears to be focused on Michelle McCool, but as he leaves a smitten Layla starts to follow, stopped only by a tug of the hair from her partner in crime.

* * * * *



Our second match of the night was
“Dashing” Cody Rhodes vs Rey Mysterio
and would prove to be an excellent in-ring encounter. Rhodes and Mysterio went all-out for the victory in this one and the result was a match full of fast-paced, slick wrestling that dazzled the WWE Universe, reminded the fans why they love Rey Mysterio and gave Cody Rhodes a big boost in the mind's of many. Until the end, that is. The Dashing One was in control whenever he focused on his smaller opponent's legs, but Mysterio always managed to claw his way back to level terms. A hurricanrana from Mysterio saw Rhodes bash his head on the mat and the younger superstar clutched his face, desperately checking for a broken nose. He didn't find one, but the attack was too much for Rhodes who angrily stormed out of the ring and began walking up the ramp, completely ignoring the counts of the referee. Soon enough Rey Mysterio was declared the winner as the most “Dashing” superstar in Sports Entertainment went to make sure his face was all in the right place!

* * * * *


...The Fighting Irish...

As Rey Mysterio celebrated his bizarre victory we were whisked backstage to see former WWE Champion Sheamus alongside Josh Mathews. Sheamus hyped his upcoming match with John Cena and Wade Barrett for the #1 contendership, claiming that this was the chance he had been waiting for to prove himself yet again. Sheamus reminded Mathews and the audience that he beat John Cena 1-on-1 in 2009 to become the WWE Champion. Sheamus' title victory over John Cena was a tables match – he didn't actually pin Cena, reminded Mathews, angering the big Irishman. Sheamus grabbed the interviewer by the scruff of his neck and dragged him up onto his tiptoes. He never pinned me to win the belt either, Sheamus pointed out, and when I win here tonight I'll prove to you and every mug out there just who the biggest name in Sports Entertainment really is!





With our second commercial break completed we returned to see Michelle McCool and Layla making their way to the ring for our next match –
Team LayCool vs Gail Kim and Eve
. With the fan favourite team already in the ring the match was soon under way. A fairly typical divas contest saw Layla and McCool mock both Gail and Eve throughout – the two heel divas trying to humiliate their opponents into submission. The tactic worked and when an angry Gail Kim swung a little too wildly, Michelle McCool deftly turned it into a match-winning
Styles Clash
and Team LayCool were soon running up the aisle in search of safety!

* * * * *


...Sheamus Can't C Me...

With another match complete we were soon taken backstage where John Cena was talking to Josh Mathews. Cena responded to Sheamus' earlier comments by promising the WWE Universe that he would defeat Sheamus and Barrett to become the fan's champion. Cena claimed that Sheamus' comments were born of frustration and that he understood how hard it can be to make a name in this business. But Sheamus and Wade Barrett don't have the one thing the makes John Cena a serious title contender – the support of the fans.

* * * * *



With the hyping out of the way we were ready for action and
Sheamus vs John Cena vs Wade Barrett
to decide the
World Heavyweight Championship's #1 Contender
didn't disappoint. The fans were the loudest they had been all night and although fan favourite John Cena was outnumbered in the ring, the support from outside it gave him enough momentum to come close to winning the match several times in the opening minutes. Sheamus and Barrett would also get their share of the limelight, albeit mostly in a teaming capacity with both taking out their frustrations on the 'Doctor of Thuganomics'. That double-teaming began to take its toll and Cena looked beat when Sheamus connected with a
Brogue Kick
after seven minutes but Barrett interrupted the pin and instead hit the Irishman with a
The Englishman went for the cover..1.....2.....Cena broke the pin! Cena grabbed Barrett...
Attitude Adjustment!
Cena went for the pin....the referee has been knocked cold! How did that happen!? As Cena tried to revive the referee three figures, complete with matching black armbands, made their way from the crowd, climbing silently over the guardrail. The fans tried to warn 'The Champ' but Cena couldn't turn around before David Otunga, Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel attacked! The Nexus trio led a savage assault on Cena, with Otunga hitting
The Verdict
just before the referee came to. As the referee struggled to his feet, Barrett sent the now recovered Sheamus over the top rope, hit John Cena with a (probably unnecessary)
and covered for the surprise victory.

* * * * *


...To Prove A Point...

The ring announcer barely has time to speak Wade Barrett's name before Otunga, Slater and Gabriel dashed back into the ring to continue their assault on Cena. Barrett stood by watching the beating unfold without interfering, while Sheamus slipped out of the ring and headed up the aisle happy for the Nexus to attack Cena. A brief Cena fightback gave the Universe hope, but in the end the odds were against him and by the time the fun police had dragged the Nexus from the ring Cena was down and out.




On paper our main event –
Edge vs Jack Swagger
in a
non-title match
should have been a wrestling showcase. Unfortunately, overshadowed by the antics of the previous bout, it didn't quite live up to the billing. That said, Edge and Swagger gave their all in a fairly even match and the first five minutes were as open as any match on any card. Edge, however, is the World Heavyweight Champion for a reason and after around eight minutes the Rated-R Superstar began to gain control. Once in a dominant position Edge wasn't going to give it up and try as Swagger might nothing could get him back into the match. Even an
Ankle Lock
from the All-American American wasn't enough to keep Edge down and after a serious of suplexes and clotheslines in the twelfth minute, the champ hit a
that nearly drove Swagger through the mat. Such a decisive finisher left nothing to chance and the crowd chanted confidently in time with the referee...1....2....3!

* * * * *


...Rated R Champion...

Edge grabbed a microphone from ringside and, much to the crowd's delight, began to taunt Wade Barrett. The Rated-R Superstar reminded fans that his victory at
TLC 2010
made him a RECORD 6-time World Heavyweight Champion and an overall 10-time World Champion. Wade Barrett? He won NXT. Fair enough, that's no mean feat, but it's also no training to become World Heavyweight Champion. Actually, Barrett also won a Slammy, mocked Edge, so at least he has something to put on his mantelpiece! Edge's taunting continued until Wade Barrett's music once again hit the Connecticut arena's sound system - the Englishman standing at the top of the ramp staring down at the World Heavyweight champion with a smirk on his face. Both Edge and Barrett continue to stare each other down as the credits began to roll, drawing a close to the first momentous Smackdown of many in 2011. These two will meet at the Royal Rumble in three weeks time and what a match that's going to be!






SyFy Rating: 3.40





Kofi Kingston def. Dolph Ziggler © to become the NEW Intercontinental Champion!

Rey Mysterio def. "Dashing" Cody Rhodes via Count-Out

Team LayCool def. Gail Kim & Eve

Wade Barrett def. John Cena and Sheamus to become the NEW #1 Contender to the World Heavyweight Title

Edge def. Jack Swagger in a Non-Title Match

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Thanks for all the predictions this week - they were much appreciated as always and I hope you all enjoy the show! Seems to have been a tough week for predictions with 3/5 being the highest score. The wins from Barrett and Kofi seemed to have most people stumped, but fear not - there is method in the madness...somewhere! :D


1. pauls07=2 Win

2. 1234=1 Wins

CharlieCornell=1 Win

ChrisKid=1 Wins

Harmor=1 Win

Jingo=1 Wins

Kijar=1 Wins

Nathers7=1 Win

smurphy1014=1 Win

Trell=1 Wins

Zergon=1 Win

12. Destiny=0 Wins

Huntman=0 Wins

Jaysin=0 Wins

KingAj=0 Wins

TheLeviticalLawKid3=0 Wins

The Final Countdown=0 Wins

Rayelek=0 Wins

Sebsplex=0 Wins

TDubRaiders=0 Wins

Zergon=0 Wins

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Confirmed Matches



Alberto Del Rio vs. R-Truth

WWE Divas Title Match: Natalya defends vs. Maryse

Ted DiBiase vs. Finlay

Tyson Kidd and William Regal vs. Daniel Bryan and Mark Henry

The Miz and CM Punk vs. Randy Orton and John Morrison

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Alberto Del Rio vs. R-Truth

WWE Divas Title Match: Natalya defends vs. Maryse

Ted DiBiase vs. Finlay

Tyson Kidd and William Regal vs. Daniel Bryan and Mark Henry

The Miz and CM Punk vs. Randy Orton and John Morrison

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Alberto Del Rio vs. R-Truth

WWE Divas Title Match: Natalya defends vs. Maryse

Ted DiBiase vs. Finlay

Tyson Kidd and William Regal vs. Daniel Bryan and Mark Henry

The Miz and CM Punk vs. Randy Orton and John Morrison

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Alberto Del Rio vs. R-Truth

Del Rio is the bigger name here.


WWE Divas Title Match: Natalya defends vs. Maryse

First defense in this diary so no title change.


Ted DiBiase vs. Finlay

Finlay´s job right now is likely to put younger guys over.


Tyson Kidd and William Regal vs. Daniel Bryan and Mark Henry

Kidd looks like the weak link here but I wonder if he´s getting a push and Regal deserves a win after putting good grades in his two losses.


The Miz and CM Punk vs. Randy Orton and John Morrison

Could go either way but I go with heels winning via cheating.

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Alberto Del Rio vs. R-Truth

I'm not a big fan of Del Rio, but Truth just bores me to tears.


WWE Divas Title Match: Natalya defends vs. Maryse

Natalya is awesome.


Ted DiBiase vs. Finlay

Despite my liking of Finlay, DiBiase has this one in the bag.


Tyson Kidd and William Regal vs. Daniel Bryan and Mark Henry

WHY IS THIS ONE ALWAYS SO HARD?! I regret what I pick either way...


The Miz and CM Punk vs. Randy Orton and John Morrison

CM Punk, 'nuff said.

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Alberto Del Rio vs. R-Truth

Truth is awful as a face.


WWE Divas Title Match: Natalya defends vs. Maryse

Natalya is the more talented.


Ted DiBiase vs. Finlay

Finlay is too old to be winning against young stars.


Tyson Kidd and William Regal vs. Daniel Bryan and Mark Henry

Can't see the point in having Regal lose 3 times in a row.


The Miz and CM Punk vs. Randy Orton and John Morrison

Heels get the win by cheating.

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Alberto Del Rio vs. R-Truth

-His name...His name is Alberto Del Rio! Also, Truth should be a jobber.

WWE Divas Title Match: Natalya defends vs. Maryse

-Natalya is a good champion and Maryse (dunno about stats, but in appearance) isn't fantastic in the ring.

Ted DiBiase vs. Finlay

-A sustained push for Ted would be cool to see.

Tyson Kidd and William Regal vs. Daniel Bryan and Mark Henry

-Most people on the internet would push Daniel Bryan

The Miz and CM Punk vs. Randy Orton and John Morrison

-Orton wins to build up that he can hit the RKO from anywhere.

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Alberto Del Rio vs. R-Truth - Del Rio was a bigger heel

WWE Divas Title Match: Natalya defends vs. Maryse - Natalya can't lose the title already

Ted DiBiase vs. Finlay - Finlay's winding down, Ted needs some momentum

Tyson Kidd and William Regal vs. Daniel Bryan and Mark Henry - Regal & Kidd, I see Bryan getting jealous of Kidd.

The Miz and CM Punk vs. Randy Orton and John Morris - screwy finish

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Alberto Del Rio vs. R-Truth

WWE Divas Title Match: Natalya defends vs. Maryse

Ted DiBiase vs. Finlay

Tyson Kidd and William Regal vs. Daniel Bryan and Mark Henry

The Miz and CM Punk vs. Randy Orton and John Morrison

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January Week 1 2011 is complete! Using the link below, tell us which brand you preferred based on this week's showing - RAW or Smackdown. Whoever has the most votes by next Thursday (July 14th) will have Bragging Rights all week!




Don't forget to place your votes everyone! A definite interactive part of this diary.


Also, the Raw card will be posted tomorrow, of course. So get in your predictions while there's time. :D


Thank you to those who have predicted and commented so far. I enjoy reading those reasonings behind your selections and sometimes they do play a part in what happens next.

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John Morrison is already #1 contender. He beat Sheamus in a ladder match for it. He shouldn't be out to tell Punk he will win the Rumble to earn what he already has.


Just because this is a real world diary doesn't mean it follows real life events exactly (Morrison has not been confirmed as the number 1 contender in this diary, Orton has so why even mention it?). For example Cena and Sheamus are both on Smackdown but they weren't on Smackdown in real life at this point.

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