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WWE 2011: Bragging Rights!

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John Morrison is already #1 contender. He beat Sheamus in a ladder match for it. He shouldn't be out to tell Punk he will win the Rumble to earn what he already has.


Just because this is a real world diary doesn't mean it follows real life events exactly (Morrison has not been confirmed as the number 1 contender in this diary, Orton has so why even mention it?). For example Cena and Sheamus are both on Smackdown but they weren't on Smackdown in real life at this point.


With the draft and the changes that have been made, certain things have been reset. Randy Orton has, indeed, been named #1 Contender by the Anonymous Raw General Manager. But this doesn't mean that Morrison is not going to be a major player, though.

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Monday Week 2 January 2011

Location: IL Prairie Capital Center Springfield, Illinois (Great Lakes)

Attendance: 7,700

Overall Rating: B

TV Rating: 7.89




[Following the opening video, the crowd here in Illinois are on their feet for another edition of WWE Raw! Joey Styles and Jerry 'The King' Lawler welcome everyone to the show. But before they can get into the actual matches lined up for the card they are interrupted surprisingly by the music of William Regal!]


[William Regal comes down to the ring as Joey reminds everyone that he was beaten by Daniel Bryan last week in a non title match. Regal has a microphone in hand and he speaks about last week and how he was beaten by a filthy little toerag by the name of Daniel Bryan. Regal calls Daniel Bryan out to the ring to settle this between the two of them like men.]




[The crowd is not surprised to see such a stand-up guy like Daniel Bryan come walking down to the ring. Bryan uses the stairs to climb up and then slides into the ring facing off with William Regal. Regal looks to Daniel Bryan and raises the microphone to his lips. He tells him that what he wants from Daniel Bryan is a chance to prove that he is the better wrestler. Therefore like with those dreadful NBA playoffs that people watch he wants a best of 7 series. Daniel Bryan nods his head to accept but then they are interrupted by the sound of, you guessed it, an e-mail from the Anonymous Raw General Manager.]


[Joey Styles shrugs his shoulders and gets up, reading from the computer. The Anonymous Raw General Manager states that he or she will accept the terms given forth by William Regal and that they will see a best of 7 series between Daniel Bryan and William Regal. However, it will not begin until after the Royal Rumble as he has plans for Daniel Bryan until then.]


[Furthermore, the Anonymous Raw General Manager states that he has been in contact with the Chairman of the Board Vince McMahon. Vince has stated that it is time for the Anonymous to become known. Therefore, next week, the Anonymous Raw General Manager will be in the building and inside the ring prepared to address the world in a State of Raw Address.]


[William Regal and Daniel Bryan manage to leave the ring without coming to blows this evening.]




Match #1


Alberto Del Rio vs. R-Truth


[Our opening contest this evening is one that gets the fans excited as R-Truth comes out doing his 'What's Up' routine. The crowd responds favorably but boo Alberto Del Rio. The contest is a solid back and forth matchup between these two. Late in the contest, R-Truth goes for a scissors kick but Del Rio manages to avoid it. Instead, he grabs R-Truth and brings him down with a double knee armbreaker! R-Truth grabs his arm in pain and Del Rio hooks on the cross armbreaker! R-Truth taps out nearly immediately.]


Winner: Alberto Del Rio (Via Submission @ 11:08)

Match Rating: B








Yes, that's right, the crowd boos heavily as Vickie Guerrero comes out from the back. Vickie enters the ring and the crowd continues to boo her. Vickie lets everyone know that even though she was drafted to Raw and Dolph Ziggler was drafted to Smackdown she is not going to let that stop their love together. But tonight is not about Dolph Ziggler. I said Excuse me! Tonight is about a Legacy. Tonight is about the return of Vickie Guerrero to the top. Next week all the plans will come into formation and everyone will see why Vickie Guerrero is the best manager ever.]






[We head backstage where Randy Orton and John Morrison are talking in the locker room. Of course the focus of their conversation is their tag team encounter later tonight on Raw against The Miz and CM Punk. They both have their issues with The Miz. CM Punk is just getting in the way. But Orton says it doesn't matter who stands in his way because tonight he is going to pin the WWE Champion. 'Or maybe I will' replies John Morrison. The two have a bit of a staredown as we head back to the ring.]




Match #2


WWE Divas Title Match

Natalya defends vs. Maryse


[The first Divas title defense on either show features Natalya defending against Maryse. This is another fairly evenly matched contest between the two divas. Natalya gets a two count following the Nattie By Nature Discus Clothesline. Maryse comes back by using an eye rake. Maryse goes to lock in a Boston Crab but Natalya reverses the hold. She turns things over and locks in the Sharpshooter! What a reversal by Natalya! Maryse struggles for about thirty seconds before she taps out.]


Winner: Natalya (Via Submission @ 8:24; Natalya retains the WWE Divas title)

Match Rating: B-


[A big win and a big defense this evening for Natalya. She is handed the Divas title but then she is joined in the ring by another Diva.]




[it's Beth Phoenix! These two teamed up together at the last pay-per-view event. Beth raises the arm of Natalya to signify her victory with the crowd cheering them both on. Beth walks over to the ropes and holds them open for Natalya. Natalya moves to exit and Beth slides behind her, grabbing her around the waist -- Release German Suplex! The Divas title goes flying in the air as Natalya hits the mat. The crowd boos as Beth picks up Natalya and hooks her in the double chickenwing -- Glam Slam! Natalya hits the mat facefirst! Beth Phoenix rises up and looks down at the WWE Divas title. She picks it up and drapes it along the body of Natalya. She makes the 'belt' motion at her waist and then exits the ring.]




[After Natalya is helped to the back, the crowd sits growing a little restless and rumbling slightly about what they just witnessed. Then some very familiar music begins to play. The younger portion of the crowd might not recognize the music but the older portion definitely recognizes it. It draws some stirs as Joey Styles himself says that it is 'Mr. Perfect's' music! But as everyone knows, Curt Hennig has long since passed away. Another man walks out from the back.]




[it's Michael McGillicutty? What is he doing coming out to Mr. Perfect's music? He has the signature hand towel over his shoulder and he's chewing gum much the way that Mr. Perfect used to. He pauses by the ring and spits out the gum, swatting it away. He enters the ring with a microphone in hand and the music stops as he stands in the center of the ring. The first thing he lets everyone know is that he is no longer Michael McGillicutty. That man is gone. For too long he has tried to deny who he is. But the fact of the matter is that he is the legacy of Mr. Perfect. He is Joe Hennig, the son of Mr. Perfect.]


[What does that mean for the WWE? Well, it's simple. There is a new Mr. Perfect here in the WWE and he is here to stay. That means that the WWE Champion has a lot to worry about. Because at the end of the day I am what I say I am and that's Perfect.]




Match #3


Ted DiBiase vs. Finlay


[The crowd was definitely buzzing about the new Mr. Perfect as Ted DiBiase and Finlay took to the ring. Speaking of second, or, rather, third generation superstars, right? The crowd booed the man who calls himself Priceless but he was mostly dominant in his match against Finlay. DiBiase catches Finlay with a fist drop and then picks him up, hooking on the Million Dollar Dream. He raises Finlay up and nails him with Dream Street! DiBiase makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Ted DiBiase (Via Pinfall @ 8:57)

Match Rating: B-


[Following the win, DiBiase smiles and pulls out a one hundred dollar bill. He walks over to Finlay and stuffs the bill down his throat. DiBiase poses for a moment over the fallen Finlay and then heads to the back.]






[We are treated to another promo of the WWE Royal Rumble! We are only a couple of weeks away from one of the biggest nights of the year! 15 wrestlers from Raw and 15 wrestlers from Smackdown will compete for the right to wrestle for the WWE Championship or the WWE World Championship at WrestleMania! Plus Randy Orton will face the Miz for the WWE Championship and Wade Barrett will try to wrest the WWE World Championship from Edge! What a night it will be!]






[We head to a hallway backstage where Big Show can be seen walking alone. At the other end of the hallway the Big Red Machine Kane is seen standing and waiting on Big Show. The two men lock eyes and hold a staredown for about a minute before Big Show turns and walks down another aisle. Kane just tosses his head back and laughs that evil laughter of his.]






[We head inside a locker room where The Miz, CM Punk and Alex Riley are getting their strategy together for tonight's tag team encounter. The Miz looks a little worried following the comments earlier tonight by both Randy Orton and John Morrison as they seem to be focused on him. CM Punk just shakes his head and pats The Miz on the shoulder, telling him that he needs to have faith. It will all work out in the end. Just keep telling yourself that you're the Miz and you're. The Miz holds up his hand to stop CM Punk from speaking. Instead, The Miz finishes the slogan: AWESOME!]




Match #4


Tyson Kidd and William Regal vs. Daniel Bryan and Mark Henry


[This match was not as strong as some might have hoped for given the matches that occured last week. Mark Henry seems to be the weak link in the match. But at the same time he provided the power in the match early on. Henry took Kidd up in a bear hug and nearly squeezed the submission out of him. He might have if Regal hadn't interfered in the bear hug. Later on, Daniel Bryan became the face-in-peril in this match as both Regal and Kidd made frequent tags to each other. They kept Daniel Bryan in their corner for the majority. The momentum shifted when Tyson Kidd went for a springboard legdrop and caught nothing but mat. Both men began moving toward their corners. Kidd tags in Regal but Daniel Bryan tags in Mark Henry!]


[The large Mark Henry takes down both Regal and Kidd with clotheslines! The World's Strongest Man picks up Regal easily and drops him with a press slam! The crowd really gets into it, especially when Daniel Bryan and Tyson Kidd come in. Daniel Bryan clotheslines Tyson Kidd and himself over the top rope to the outside of the ring. Mark Henry picks up William Regal in position for that World's Strongest Slam. Regal rakes the eyes of Henry and manages to wiggle free. Regal moves over into a corner but Henry charges at him! Regal moves and Henry slams chest-first into the corner. Regal rolls him up and places his feet on the ropes: 1 -- 2 -- 3! A big win for William Regal and Tyson Kidd!]


Winners: Tyson Kidd and William Regal (Via Pinfall @ 11:21)

Match Rating: C




Match #5

http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/TheMiz.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/CMPunk.jpg w/ http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/AlexRiley.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/VS.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/RandyOrton.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/JohnMorrison.jpg

The Miz and CM Punk vs. Randy Orton and John Morrison


[its time for our main event and what a matchup this is going to be as we have tag team action here. Of course The Miz makes sure that it's CM Punk that starts the match instead of him. Punk faces off with John Morrison just like the two of them did last week. The opening few minutes of the bout are spent in back and forth action with all four men getting in on the action. John Morrison gets sent into the corner by CM Punk. Punk rushes him with a high knee to the face and then a bulldog before making a cover and getting only a two count.]


[The next few minutes are spent with John Morrison playing the role of face-in-peril. Randy Orton claps his hands outside the ring, getting the crowd into it. CM Punk and The Miz make frequent tags in and out to keep a fresh man inside the ring. The Miz sends Morrison into the corner and rushes in with a swinging corner clothesline, leaving The Miz sitting on the middle rope. John Morrison struggles against the tag team effort of both The Miz and CM Punk. The momentum shifts when CM Punk goes for the Go-To-Sleep but Morrison somehow manages to wiggle behind Punk! Morrison catches Punk with a kick to the back of the head and both men go down. Both men begin crawling toward their corners. Both men make tags.]


[The Miz begs off for a moment but Randy Orton doesn't back off! Orton gives The Miz several kicks to the gut before whipping him to the ropes -- snap scoop powerslam on The Miz! Orton stands up and he's feeling it! He's going to that place where he hears voices in his head! He picks up The Miz and hooks him -- inverted headlock backbreaker! CM Punk climbs to the top turnbuckle behind Randy Orton. Punk leaps -- dropkick from John Morrison! What a save by Orton's partner! Punk rolls outside the ring and Morrison dives over the top rope but Punk moves and Morrison crashes and burns against the guardrail! Inside the ring, Orton drops to his chest and begins punching the mat! He's setting up The Miz as The Miz climbs to his feet. Orton goes for the RKO but he gets pushed off to the ropes! The Miz moves behind Orton and hooks him -- Skull Crushing -- NO! Orton slips free and drops The Miz with an RKO! Orton makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: Randy Orton and John Morrison (Via Pinfall @ 13:57)

Match Rating: B-


[Randy Orton just pinned the WWE Champion! That definitely gives him momentum toward their match at the Royal Rumble! CM Punk slides in the ring behind Orton -- chair shot to the back! The crowd boos as CM Punk stands over Orton with the chair. Punk helps The Miz to his feet and motions toward Orton. Alex Riley attacks John Morrison outside the ring and then tosses him inside. Punk lifts Morrison up -- Go-To-Sleep! The Miz hooks Randy Orton -- Skull Crushing Finale on the chair! Orton and Morrison are both laid out as Alex Riley hands The Miz his WWE title! The Miz, CM Punk and Alex Riley all stand tall as the show comes to a close. We'll see you next week where the identity of the Anonymous Raw General Manager will be revealed!]

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Welcome to the WWE Prediction contest. This contest will run through the end of March in-game time (basically ends after WrestleMania).


No perfect scores this week but several people did get 4/5 correct! Congratulations to pauls07, Zergon, Nathers7, Rayelek, smurphy1014, Fear and Destiny!


1. pauls07=3 Wins

Nathers7=3 Wins

Zergon=3 Wins

4. smurphy1014=2 Wins

5. Harmor=1 Win

CharlieCornell=1 Win

Jingo=1 Win

Kijar=1 Win

ChrisKid=1 Win

1234=1 Win

Trell=1 Win

Fear=1 Win

Destiny=1 Win

Rayelek=1 Win

15. Jaysin=0 Wins

TheLeviticalLawKid3=0 Wins

Huntman=0 Wins

The Final Countdown=0 Wins

KingAj=0 Wins

sebsplex=0 Wins

TDubRaiders=0 Wins

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Great to see this going guys. Loving the layout/look too. Very polished.


PS: No Ryder? Very disappointing haha..I'm enjoying this diary jhd and angel keep it up I read both your diaries and enjoy them very much, so I know this one will be very good


I caught up on your diary and agree with what sebspex said, nice and clean layout and most importantly, a nice read. I'm going to keep reading for sure.


Sorry I hadn't replied back to these. But let me say, and I think I can speak for jhd1 here as well, thank you and we're both glad that you're all enjoying the diary so far. We are having a ton of fun with it and speaking a lot in pm about how to proceed and how to make things better and more interactive for all of you. That was something that I believe we both wanted because we both enjoy the interaction with the readers.


The layout is also something that we enjoy as we feel it is easy to read and it's easy to write.


But we are both really excited about the future of this diary.

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Confirmed Matches 12/1/11

Zack Ryder vs Rey Mysterio

Michelle McCool vs Gail Kim

Sheamus vs Yoshi Tatsu

NON-TITLE: Wade Barrett vs Kofi Kingston

3-VS-2 HANDICAP MATCH: Otunga, Gabriel & Slater vs John Cena & Edge

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Zack Ryder vs Rey Mysterio

-WWWYKI! But sadly, Ryder doesn't beat Rey

Michelle McCool vs Gail Kim

-LayCool wins a lot.

Sheamus vs Yoshi Tatsu

-Tatsu is a jobber here.

NON-TITLE: Wade Barrett vs Kofi Kingston

-DQ by Nexus interference

3-VS-2 HANDICAP MATCH: Otunga, Gabriel & Slater vs John Cena & Edge

-I don't care how over the modmaker made the Nexus, they don't beat Cena and Edge

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Zack Ryder vs Rey Mysterio

WWWYKI! I love Ryder and I probably like Mysterio more, added he is more popular and talented, but I just wanna vote for Ryder here...

Michelle McCool vs Gail Kim

Sheamus vs Yoshi Tatsu

NON-TITLE: Wade Barrett vs Kofi Kingston

3-VS-2 HANDICAP MATCH: Otunga, Gabriel & Slater vs John Cena & Edge

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Zack Ryder vs Rey Mysterio i really wanted to pick Zack WWWYKI

Michelle McCool vs Gail Kim

Sheamus vs Yoshi Tatsu

NON-TITLE: Wade Barrett vs Kofi Kingston

3-VS-2 HANDICAP MATCH: Otunga, Gabriel & Slater vs John Cena & Edge

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Zack Ryder vs Rey Mysterio

Personal preferense


Michelle McCool vs Gail Kim

I would assume that McCool is doing more right now.


Sheamus vs Yoshi Tatsu



NON-TITLE: Wade Barrett vs Kofi Kingston

Barrett stays strong


3-VS-2 HANDICAP MATCH: Otunga, Gabriel & Slater vs John Cena & Edge

Cena and Edge are big enough names to overcome the man advantage.

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Zack Ryder vs Rey Mysterio

The right pick. WWWYKI


Michelle McCool vs Gail Kim

LayCool was my favorite female tag team in WWE.


Sheamus vs Yoshi Tatsu

Not today Yoshi...


NON-TITLE: Wade Barrett vs Kofi Kingston

I really want to pick Kofi, but I'm saying Wade cause he is a sneaky rat.


3-VS-2 HANDICAP MATCH: Otunga, Gabriel & Slater vs John Cena & Edge


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Zack Ryder vs Rey Mysterio

I love Zack but going over Rey Mysterio doesn't seem very logical at this point in time.

Michelle McCool vs Gail Kim

Has more going on.


Sheamus vs Yoshi Tatsu

Lol, yeah.


NON-TITLE: Wade Barrett vs Kofi Kingston

Number 1 contender picks up another victory with help from the Nexus probably.


3-VS-2 HANDICAP MATCH: Otunga, Gabriel & Slater vs John Cena & Edge

Cena losing 2 weeks in a row, some chance.

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iWireless Ampitheatre, Moline IL

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Dolph Ziggler defeated Trent Barreta in 10:04 by submission with a Sleeper Hold. C-


Dolph Ziggler says he doesn't need Vickie Guerrero to be at ringside to know that she's always there with him. He says that Kofi Kingston was lucky to win the Intercontinental title, but in a way it was a good thing for Dolph – now he can begin to focus on bigger and better things, like winning the Royal Rumble! B-


WWE Divas Champion Natalya cuts a promo about Team LayCool and the way they have been treating the rest of the divas. Natalya says she'll fight either one, any time they choose. C


A superstar is coming! The WWE has hired Mexican superstar Mistico – from now on known as Sin Cara! The high-flying luchador will be joining the Smackdown roster in a few weeks time, but for tonight we hear John Cena's praise of Sin Cara alongside some exciting footage of the newcomer in action. C


In a match that had some good action and average heat, David Hart Smith defeated Tyler Reks in 6:04 by pinfall with a Saito Suplex. C+


David Otunga, Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel are backstage plotting the revival of the Nexus. Otunga appears to have taken charge of the group and although the words spoken are muffled, it is soon clear that he has laid out a plan of action that will see Wade Barrett and The Nexus rise to the top, and John Cena and Edge come crashing down. C


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Chavo Guerrero defeated The Great Khali in 7:49 by pinfall with a Gory Bomb. C


A short video package hypes the 2011 Royal Rumble, including our two announced championship bouts – RAW's Randy Orton vs The Miz © and Smackdown's Edge © vs Wade Barrett! B+




After the show finished a graphic appeared on the screen, the logos of the WWE's two brands flicking between each other indicated that the winner of this week's Bragging Rights would be revealed....




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Thanks for all the predictions and comments so far! And, of course, thanks to you all for the fantastic response to our first Bragging Rights vote - 19 people voted which is phenominal support for the diary. We'll have a vote each week so we both hope you all continue to take part and enjoy the shows. :D


Smackdown will be up sometime later today if anyone wants to get in some last minute predictions.

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iWireless Ampitheatre, Moline IL


Your Announce Team


Michael Cole - Matt Striker



...Heading for a Handicap...

This week's episode of WWE Smackdown began with the short introduction from announce team Michael Cole and Matt Striker interrupted by the sound of John Cena's entrance music! The fans jumped to their feet in appreciation of the man they call "The Champ" and when he made it to the ring he grabbed a microphone before hopping inside. Cena got straight to the point by mocking Wade Barrett, reminding the fans that he beat Barrett several times last year, before aiming an angry tirade at David Otunga and his Nexus allies – the men who cost John Cena the #1 contendership last week. Suddenly music blared out across the Moline arena, but it wasn't Wade Barrett...it was World Heavyweight Champion Edge! The "Rated-R Superstar" joined Cena in the ring, the two debating who should kick Wade Barrett's a** first! The fans were really getting into the interaction between two of the most charismatic superstars on the Smackdown roster before they were once again rudely interrupted...by General Manager Teddy Long! Long said that the fans can't wait to see Edge vs Wade Barrett – but unfortunately they will have to wait until the Rumble. Long said that the fan's would love to see Cena vs Barrett – but they have seen that match enough times already. So, instead, Wade Barrett will take on Intercontinental Champion Kofi Kingston in a non-title match and tonight's main event will be John Cena & Edge vs Otunga, Gabriel & Slater!

* * * * *



A fast-paced match started off the week's in-ring action with
Rey Mysterio vs Zack Ryder
. “Long-Island Iced-Z” will be hoping that a return to Smackdown will reinvigorate his career after months of stagnation on RAW and his performance against Rey Mysterio will certainly go a long way to help. The veteran luchador was also in fine form, and together they put on a very good show. In the end not even outside interference could help Zack Ryder. “Dashing” Cody Rhodes – whose match with Rey Mysterio last week appears to have caused some bad blood between the two – began circling the ring, desperate to find a way of entering the ring without the referee seeing. His opportunity came when Ryder was sent crashing to the outside after a hurricanrana from Mysterio and with the referee checking on the Long Island star Rhodes saw his chance, sliding under the bottom rope and into the ring. Mysterio, however, was ready for his attacker and a dropkick sent Rhodes stumbling back towards the rope...Rhodes fell, resting his chin on the second rope! Rey looked to the crowd...
Rhodes went crashing out of the ring as Ryder clambered back in...another dropkick...another
Mysterio was the winner!

* * * * *


...Behind The Mask...

His villainous plan foiled, Cody Rhodes snatched a microphone from a nearby ring attendant and began addressing “The Master of the 619”. Rhodes claimed that Rey Mysterio was jealous of his good looks – why else would the Mexican wear a mask!? Rhodes said that was the reason that Mysterio keeps trying to hit him in the face – last week with a horrific hurricanrana, and this week with a 619. Well, Rhodes said, enough is enough – as well as eliminating Rey from the Royal Rumble, Cody Rhodes is going to make it his mission to unmask the great Rey Mysterio!

* * * * *



Smackdown returned from its first commercial break to tag team action with
Santino & Kozlov vs The Usos
in non-title action. The tag champs make unlikely partners but they have had a good run with the belts since winning them back in early December. The Usos – sons of former 3-time WWE Tag Team Champion Rikishi – are a more traditional team and their workrate was superb throughout this contest. The comedic timing of Santino was a stark contrast to the stiff brutality of Vladimir Kozlov but the unlikely duo would once again defy the odds and come out on top – an
Iron Curtain
from Kozlov on each of the Uso twins left Jey open to Santino's
Cobra Strike
and the bell was soon declaring the champions victorious.

* * * * *



Back-to-back matches was the order of the day and with the four competitors from our last match clear of the ring we were able to greet the superstars for our next match –
Michelle McCool vs Gail Kim.
Michelle McCool, alongside her best friend Layla, defeated Gail Kim and Eve in a tag team match last week – a match that LayCool spent 90% of mocking the two fan favourites. That strategy continued tonight with McCool and the ringside Layla firing verbal darts at Gail throughout. Kim was actually the more proficient in-ring competitor, coming close to victory several times in a match that will have surprised many in the WWE Universe with its quality. Michelle McCool didn't get to where she is today without bending a few rules and when the opportunity arose for Layla to intervene they couldn't resist. Layla's
behind the referee's back would have been enough to put away Gail Kim on its own but, adding insult to injury, McCool also hit a
Faith Breaker
and the laziest pin ever was greeted by a chorus of boos that almost drowned out the referee's count to three.

* * * * *


...We're Sooooo Cool...

With the match over Team LayCool grab a pair of microphones and begin taunting the rest of the WWE divas – in unison of course - claiming that not only are Michelle and Layla the best wrestlers, the best-looking divas and the nicest divas around, they are also the most successful and at the Royal Rumble they will once again become the joint Divas champions!




...You Will Notice Me!...

Back from the second break of the evening we were taken backstage where Jack Swagger was complaining to anyone who would listen – in this case an unfortunate roadie – that not only was he robbed last week against Edge, but he hasn't even been given a match for this evening! Jack Swagger, the All-American American without a match! I am the finest wrestler on the roster, Swagger claims confidently, and it is about time you people started noticing me!

* * * * *



Squash time! On any other card
Sheamus vs Yoshi Tatsu
could have been a solid wrestling bout – both young, talented wrestlers with a bright future. Unfortunately for the Japanese superstar, this match was always going to be the Irishman's and after nearly winning the #1 contendership last week Sheamus was on the rampage. That the match lasted more than six minutes is a testament to Yoshi Tatsu's determination but realistically there was only going to be one winner and when Sheamus's
Brogue Kick
nearly took the smaller man's head off this one was all over.

* * * * *


...To Prove A Point...

Sheamus may have won the match, but he was still no happier and the Irishman quickly cut off his music. The “Celtic Warrior” proceeded to blame John Cena for losing last week's triple threat match, adding that if he hadn't been so weak that Sheamus would have been the one in the Rumble's title match. But at least Sheamus can take a defeat – he claimed that he's going to eliminate John Cena in this year's Royal Rumble and then win the main event of Wrestlemania. And when he does, he's going to make sure that every single John Cena fan in the WWE Universe chants the name of the true champion of the WWE - Sheamus!




On paper
Wade Barrett vs Kofi Kingston
could have been the match of the night – even eclipsing our main event, a match featuring both John Cena and World Heavyweight Champion Edge. As it was, Barrett and Kingston proved that they were both on the rise in the WWE, but perhaps not quite there yet. Both men looked like they could win at any moment, and #1 Contender Barrett, in particular, looked right at home in the ring. For all Barrett's in-ring talent, his real strength lies in his ability to plan, scheme and see the bigger picture – his orchestration of the Nexus attack on John Cena is a testament to that skill. So, when Dolph Ziggler made his way to the ring in the seventh minute, Barrett was happy to assist in any way he could, distracting the referee while Ziggler jumped into the ring and blind-sided Kingston with his own Intercontinental title belt! Remember fans, Ziggler stole the belt at the end of their match last week! Barrett quickly released the referee's attention and picked up his opponent...
Barrett got another important win before his title match at the Royal Rumble!

* * * * *


...Way Past Perfection...

The boos from the crowd were deafening as Wade Barrett was announced the victor, and as he slipped out of the ring to be replaced by Dolph Ziggler those boos continued. Ziggler looked like he was going to attack Kingston but the damage had clearly already been done, and instead Dolph simply draped the Intercontinental title over the Jamaican's still body...and then spat on it! With Wade Barrett looking on smiling, everyone thought this segment was over...until...

* * * * *


...Two Wins Don't Make A Right...

“You think you know me...”
Edge is here! The "Rated-R Superstar" stood at the top of the ramp, microphone in hand as the crowd's boos turned to a wave of ecstatic cheers! Edge laughed off Barrett's victory, saying that two assisted wins isn't exactly the best preparation for a World title match. Barrett, without a microphone, shouts back but Edge continues over him. Wade Barrett may have a title shot at the Royal Rumble, Edge explains, but that doesn't mean he has the slightest chance of walking away a winner. The crowd laugh at Barrett's furious reaction as Edge finishes the segment with a bit of philosophy - two wins don't stop Wade Barrett being a loser!

* * * * *



Our main event –
John Cena & Edge vs David Otunga, Justin Gabriel & Heath Slater
in a
2-vs-3 Handicap Match
may have looked a little one-sided to the WWE Universe, after all Cena and Edge have more than 20 World titles between them. But history only counts for so much and with a numbers advantage, and a distinct lack of morals, The Nexus gave the two fan favourites a real run for their money. Matt Striker revealed that Teddy Long had banned Wade Barrett from ringside, leaving The Nexus to fend for themselves and the result was an exciting handicap match that was allowed to stay in the ring and within the rules – at least for the most part. The three Nexus members put in a good shift and the trio will have made an impression on the Moline audience, but John Cena and Edge would prove to have too much experience, too much know-how and too much ability. By the finish all five men had entered the ring and in the mayhem David Otunga tried to low-blow John Cena. He missed, and hit Heath Slater by accident who then comically rolled out of the ring – much to the crowd's amusement – leaving Otunga open to attack...
Gabriel tried to break up the pin...
Attitude Adjustment!
The referee doesn't know which pin to count! It doesn't matter, with two hands he counts them both...1.....2......3! Cena and Edge were the winners!

* * * * *


...The Earth Rumbles...

For the second time in two week's Smackdown ends with a tension-filled staredown. John Cena, Edge, Wade Barrett and David Otunga look ready to start another match until the WWE security staff place themselves between the two duos. With so much at stake each and every night on Smackdown it is no surprise to the WWE Universe that already we are seeing such heated rivalries – and the place to see them unfold? Friday Night Smackdown on SyFy, of course!






SyFy Rating: 3.71





Rey Mysterio def. Zack Ryder

Santino & Kozlov def. The Usos in a Non-Title Match

Michelle McCool def. Gail Kim

Sheamus def. Yoshi Tatsu

Wade Barrett def. Kofi Kingston in a Non-Title Match

John Cena & Edge def. David Otunga, Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater in a 2-vs-3 Handicap Match

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Welcome to the WWE Prediction contest. This contest will run through the end of March in-game time (basically ends after WrestleMania).


We had several perfect scores on Smackdown this week! Congratulations to ChrisKid, Zergon and Nathers7!


1. Nathers7=4 Wins

Zergon=4 Wins

3. pauls07=3 Wins

4. smurphy1014=2 Wins

ChrisKid=2 Wins

6. Harmor=1 Win

CharlieCornell=1 Win

Jingo=1 Win

Kijar=1 Win

1234=1 Win

Trell=1 Win

Fear=1 Win

Destiny=1 Win

Rayelek=1 Win

15. Jaysin=0 Wins

TheLeviticalLawKid3=0 Wins

Huntman=0 Wins

The Final Countdown=0 Wins

KingAj=0 Wins

sebsplex=0 Wins

TDubRaiders=0 Wins

nimo34=0 Wins

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Confirmed Matches



William Regal vs. Finlay

Ted DiBiase vs. Chris Masters

WWE Tag Team Titles Match: Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov defend vs. Husky Harris and Primo

WWE United States Title Match: Daniel Bryan defends vs. Tyson Kidd

CM Punk vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. Randy Orton

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William Regal vs. Finlay

Ted DiBiase vs. Chris Masters

WWE Tag Team Titles Match: Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov defend vs. Husky Harris and Primo

WWE United States Title Match: Daniel Bryan defends vs. Tyson Kidd

CM Punk vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. Randy Orton

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William Regal vs. Finlay

Ted DiBiase vs. Chris Masters

WWE Tag Team Titles Match: Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov defend vs. Husky Harris and Primo

WWE United States Title Match: Daniel Bryan defends vs. Tyson Kidd

CM Punk vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. Randy Orton


Edit: Also, what happens that I don't get win even though I think I only missed one match. Not a complaint just wanting to know the rules.

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