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Last Gasp of the AWA - 1987

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AKA - The Big Gamble

March 1987 – the AWA board room is as dark as many predict its future is:


yes, the AWA is in turmoil. The proud organization once boasted legends such as Verne Gagne, Crusher and Dick the Bruiser, The Blackjacks, Billy Robinson, Nick Bockwinkle and Crippler Ray Stevens with their manager Bobby the Brain Heenan and the list goes on and on. Now, they have suffered thru the defection of several key players: Popular announcer Gene Okerlund, the colorful Jesse Ventura, and #1 hero Hulk Hogan all leaving for the WWF without notice and not working dates they were announced for. Then adding salt to the wounds, World Champion Stan Hansen threw the world title belt onto the ground and drove over it in his pick-up truck on his way out of town. Nick Bockwinkle assumed the championship, but no one likes to win by forfeit (especially a dented belt). Bockwinkle may be listed as the company’s top heel, but by all accounts he is cheered by the fans since he stayed with the AWA and carrying the title with honor. Upstart Curt Henning is jockeying for position and hopes to take over the world title as Bockwinkle prepares for retirement. The popular Henning has turned a few heads as he has been seeking advice from Larry Zbyzsko.


On the tag team front, young (21) and energetic Midnight Rockers are the champions and embroiled in a feud with The Playboy Buddy Rose and his partner Pretty Boy Doug Sommers. The Russians, Zukov and Ustinov, are also giving chase as are a new team that Paul E Dangerously reunited – Dennis Condrey and Randy Rose who are the Original Midnight Express.


Will the youth movement be enough to save the AWA or will these rising stars also abandon them for the bright lights of New York?




As we join this program, the board room of the AWA is as dark for a reason. It seems the owner and his son, Verne and Greg Gagne, are in Las Vegas. They were seen in a casino after another tv taping at the Showboat. Greg turned to his dad and told him they needed to do something and fast if they wanted to avoid the inevitable. “Dad, we need to GO BIG or GO HOME!” Verne looked up and smiled. “I agree son” and with that nod, they moved from the penny slot machines over to the Quarter slots.

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Verne’s idea of “going big” was not quite what Greg had in mind, but the walk over offered an unforeseen opportunity – one that could change the face of Professional wrestling forever. There he was – standing at craps table rolling the dice with really big bucks at stake. An idea hit Greg like a thunderbolt and he quickly whispered in Verne’s ear. The elder Gagne shook his head “no way son, no way that will ever work”. Greg was persistent. “We need an influx of money, we need to make a splash, something that will make people take notice again and realize that the AWA is the place to be. If we can get HIM to join forces with us, we can do all of the above.” Verne relented and they strolled over to place a bet of their own……what’s the harm in talking……and what if HE said yes!!




I'm not much into writing long and drawn out back-stories. You get the picutre. And the man they hope will turn around their fortunes will be revealed soon enough.


For those who followed my old Mid-South diary (before the game died), you know my MO> I try to stay realistic and not "game" the system. I will use roster provided in the MOD and slowly add new faces as guys contracts expire. No wholesale changes at the outset. NO turning the AWA into a conglomerate of stars who would never really excel there. Sure some familiar faces will return (I hope) and different storylines will develop. It's my first attempt at a Cult territory, so who knows I could be bankrupt within a couple months from all the horror stories I've heard. I'll post the key players from the current roster next

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thanks guys -- I'll be looking for your help and expert guidance along the way


here's what I have to work with:



the #1 wrestler in the AWA is somewhat of a surprise - Jerry the King Lawler. The King of Memphis is a Franchise Player, Showstopper, Ring General, and great talker. We expect big things from Kingfish - he was ranked #36 in the last Power 100


Next up is Superfly Jimmy Snuka (#50) - also a Franchise Player and showstopper. But as we know from the PNW diary, he is not much of a talker. :-)


Greg Gagne is the son of the owner and will have to be an important part of the organization of course.


Curt Henning - franchise, showstopper, ring general. Friend of Greg's but looking to bypass him and take the torch from Bockwinkle as the top man in the AWA. He was ranked #60 (one slot behind Nick)


Upper Midcarders are 2 veterans - Bulldog Bob Brown and Crusher Jerry Blackwell. Would not expect Brown to stay around long due to age and other commitments.

Face midcarders include the Midnight Rockers (Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty) and the Masked Assassin (YES, the evil villian from Georgia). Shawn was ranked #98 in the power 100.


On the Heel side

#1 heel and AWA champ, Nick Bockwinkle is Franchise, Showstopper, Ring General, and another great talker like Lawler. As stated earlier, many of the fans already cheer Bockwinkle due to his loyalty and years of service. He was #59 in the power 100


Larry Zbyskzo - ring general and talker. He can talk butts into the seats, then deliver a solid match night after night. Ranked #76


Sgt Slaughter - America's hero starts off on the othe side of the fence. Sarge is a Franchise player and great talker. Due to my own ground rules, will leave Sarge as heel for now and see how it plays out.


Solid Upper Mids include Playboy Buddy Rose, partner Pretty Boy Doug Sommers, Rip Oliver, Dirty Dick Slater, Mr Saito, Sheik Adnan Al Kaisey (who should see most of his time as a manager, but he is listed). Masa Saito was ranked #65


Some guys in the Mid range that could be valuable players in the future include Baby Bull Leon White (the man who grow up to become VADER), Col. DeBeers, Soldat Ustinov, Boris Zukov, Cocoa Samoa, Mike Miller, Midnight Express (Randy Rose and Dennis Condrey)


the lower card guys feature DJ Peterson, Rock and Roll Buck Zumhoffe and Steve O for the faces. Cactus Jack, Mr Magnificent Kevin Kelly, and the Terrorist for the heels (Terrorist will go onto become part of a great tag team in future years without the hood - Nasty Boys).


Owner Verne Gagne wants his son's momentum to reach 71 in 17 months (not sure if I can make that happen or not). Never any debt and improve popularity. He only wants to sign wrestlers who have 53 reputation and resilence (both seem reasonable from what I've seen so far).



we only start with the May SUPER CLASH on the books, but I titled a few of the other month's shows to reflect the rich history of the AWA. AWA was famous for their Chicago Stadium shows, but I set one up for July. In June, we're going to have The Battle by the Bay. In December, The Brawl in St. Paul. Also, since founder Wally Karbo's birthday was in August, we created a Karbo Kup to honor him that month (tagteam tournament). Also toying with bringing back WrestleRock for one of the other months. Anyone have ideas for a named show, let me know. I like to have a few since they are more fun for me. As is, they are all bunched in the middle of the year which could work fine. Big build to the first one (Super Clash), blow off in the Stadium Show, then the Karbo Kup. 3 months to build to the Brawl in St Paul, then work up to another SuperClash (or Wrestle Rock in Feb?)


Main tv show on ESPN is AWA Championship Wrestling. We also have a B show called All Star Wrestling that right now is only seen on syndication in Canada. Speaking of which, we will kick things off with an All-stars show (Friday taping) and then the live ESPN Show (Saturday). Couple weeks to build for our first super show which I will announce the line-up for

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Loved your take on the Mid-South (which inspired me to play a long-running DOTT game) and can't wait to follow this one as well.


Good luck with the AWA - having watched some of their recent shows on ESPN Classic, '87 seems to be a last gasp. If you manage to keep the Rockers and Hennig, you will be much better off than your real-life counterparts!

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Excited about this.... Ive been waiting for a diary from you, since the



anyone reading this, Be sure to Check this out... Full endorsement comming from this guy


thanks so much for the ringing endorsement. and the early support.


and oh yeah - I have to push Greg Gagne from 51 to 71......I'm gonna need all your guys help to do that. I've always done a bang of job of driving momentum DOWN 20 pts, but never up. So any good ideas feel free to send them my way. It'll take a couple shows to get things rolling but time to get started:



<iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/E4Zplci9n9E" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


All Star Wrestling is our B show that is syndicated in Canada - a chance to hype up our main show on ESPN and make some noise for the March Supershow. The main event for ESPN will be Wahoo McDaniel vs Nick Bockwinkle for the World title.


Wahoo comes out to say a few words:

"Nick Bockwinkle, that world title was just handed to you 9 months ago when Hansen walked out of the arena and left the area. You've been ducking me ever since then, but now with the AWA under new leadership, you can't hide any more. The match is signed for tommorrow night and live on ESPN I will become the first Native American world champion in history. You can count on that


Wahoo then teams up with Mark Young, the son of legendary Cheif Jay Strongbow, to defeat the team of Mike Miller and Kevin Kelly. Tomahawk Chop in 6:34 (good action, no heat for this makeshift match) (53 rating)


The Russians (w/ Sheik Adnan) demolish the Top Guns (Ricky Rice/John Paul) when Zukov lands a flying headbutt. (42)


Greg Gagne vs Dirty Dick Slater: Gagne looks strong as he puts Slater away with the Gagne Sleeper. There are rumors of bringing the LW title out of retirement and crowning a new champion via a battle royal or tournament. Greg Gagne would be one of the early favorites to win that title. (58 match rating)


Main Event: Superfly Jimmy Snuka vs Cocoa Samoa

These two guys have made quite a name for themselves recently in the Pacific Northwest and winning titles there (cheap plug). They put on a good match and some decent heat. Both men go all out and by the 19 minute mark, they were both visibly tired. Snuka knocks Cocoa to the mat with a Figian Chop then climbs to the top turnbuckle - he gives the hand signal to the fans and flies - Superfly Death Leap...1..2..3. Snuka is your winner at 19:43. (56 match rating)


the show goes off the air with a video tribute to some of the top stars of the AWA. (Nick Bockwinkle, Curt Henning, Jerry Lawler, Larry Zbyszko, Sgt Slaughter, and of course Greg Gagne) -- 70 rating for the angle.


Final tally - 58 rating. 1227 attendance.

Don't forget tommorrow on ESPN. Nick Bockwinkle defends the world title against Cheif Wahoo McDaniel. The King Jerry Lawler will take on Crippler Rip Oliver. World tag team champions, The Midnight Rockers will also be on hand.

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I'm in. I'm so in! I haven't managed to get around to having an AWA game in 87 yet but I'm super-psyched to do it - it really was the last chance saloon at that point and although it looked grim, there was still some hope there as long as they didn't try to build the company around Greg Gagne... oops...


I quite enjoyed booking Greg in the early Kurt Angle style in one of my aborted diaries - pushing him hard as a dorkish superface in interviews - ending promos reminding us all that drugs are for mugs etc. and having him win matches in bizarre and cowardly circumstances and then boasting about another great win. There's fun to be had with him for sure.

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Nick Bockwinkel could have been one of the greatest champions of not only the AWA but wrestling in general. Awa should have had him past the torch to the younger wrestlers of the AWA but the AWA screwed that up. The world would be a different place if AWA would have given the title to Hogan during the early 80's. Well it started in 1980 when Verne Gagne just had to have that 10th title. That right there was the down fall of the AWA.
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Nick Bockwinkel could have been one of the greatest champions of not only the AWA but wrestling in general. Awa should have had him past the torch to the younger wrestlers of the AWA but the AWA screwed that up. The world would be a different place if AWA would have given the title to Hogan during the early 80's. Well it started in 1980 when Verne Gagne just had to have that 10th title. That right there was the down fall of the AWA.


remember when you said something about how I was reading your mind, knowing some of the ideas you had booked. Well, keep these words in mind. You may hear someone else telling us how Verne should have let Hogan beat Nick for the title in the very near future. I haven't set up a lot of long range booking plans yet, but that very premise is the foundation I started with.


Loved your take on the Mid-South (which inspired me to play a long-running DOTT game) and can't wait to follow this one as well.


thank you for the kind words. That's quite an honor and makes the efforts worthwhile. It's usually enough just to know I was able to offer a little entertainment now and then,


Holy crap, what is Cocoa Samoa in every promotion from this era

of course he is, he's the true superstar of 1987!!! Much like Tiger Conway from DOTT being the unsung hero of my Midsouth. It is neat how these diaries bubble up some old names and give them new meaning.


there was still some hope there as long as they didn't try to build the company around Greg Gagne... oops...

lol - yes therein lies the rub. Liked your take on how to use him. I had a goofy idea for a fun feud to get him in - started to share it as just that, but the more I think about it, the more I want to do it. If the WWF can push Doink the Clown, I can have some fun too. Verne is not the only father to push his son to the main event. The "feud of the year" may have just been born. bwahahahahaha (everyone laugh like a mad scientist) :D

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Greg Gagne superpush begins... For the record, I cringe seeing him beat Dick Slater

Why cant I put my finger on wo Mark Young is...


Love seeing the AWA video... Kind of just sets the mood... Think I'm going to steal that


Look forward to seeing who you bring in... I always enjoy, your subtle pickups instead of just going out and signing the biggest names in the business

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Look forward to seeing who you bring in... I always enjoy, your subtle pickups instead of just going out and signing the biggest names in the business


Just to add to this, if you somehow manage to get it up to the modern day, you need to sign Necro Butcher!:D

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Greg Gagne superpush begins... Look forward to seeing who you bring in... I always enjoy, your subtle pickups instead of just going out and signing the biggest names in the business


You may be one of few that actually knows the guy I have in mind. He may become the Necro Butcher of the era lol. Truly the AWA fans would revolt if Necro came in, but I'd be daring to try it. Just like they may revolt against my "big idea" but it'll be fun to see what happens.


As for the Gagne push, who knows I might just revolt myself and push him into a hole. I'm making a few changes to what I had originally planned for the Super Card (at least I hadn't put into Advanced Booking) then I'll get the ESPN show out - with the complete March Super Card line-up in case anyone wants to venture predictions.


question: everytime I reboot, the game says it cannot find the License. Is that normal??


also - my Supercard is set for Saturday - same day as the ESPN tv show. Is it good to have both stacked like this (attendance boost) or should I move the monthly supercards to Sunday (for the income boost 2 shows should bring)?


When doing advance booking, is it better to only advance the top matches? (since in theory, they are why people are really buying tickets. In reality, seeing the undercard should not hurt attendance or viewers and in fact may bring in a few extra who are fans of the guy on the undercard, but wondering if the game takes that into affect)?

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<iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Jo3_D6AhEBo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Welcome to ESPN, and AWA Championship Wrestling.

We're coast to coast, border to border. The main event tonight: Nick Bockwinkle puts the World title on the line against top contender Chief Wahoo McDaniel


5939 sell out the Clune Arena and are treated to a great show!


In the preshow dark match, we see Cactus Jack team up with The Terrorist to take on Bulldog Bob Brown and Crusher Jerry Blackwell. Blackwell makes short work of Terrorist - but the most interesting part was the appearance of Sgt. Slaughter at ringside to lend a hand to Cactus and Terrorist to the surprise of many. (48 rating)


King Jerry Lawler vs Crippler Rip OliverGood action with average heat that is all but killed by the lack of chemistry between these two. King Piledriver gives Lawler the win at 10:52. (51)


Video to hype up the world title main event (68)

Nick Bockwinkle does a promo to follow the video: He tells the great Indian Chief to go back to his reservation. "This shiny gold belt will stay around my waist, you can stick to your beads" (74)


Sgt Slaughter vs Jake the Milkman Milliman (68)

Great chemistry!! Sarge looks good as he puts away Milliman with the Cobra Clutch in 5:08 (both men improve skills).


Rock and Roll Buck Zumhoffe and Steve O vs Midnight Express (w/ Paul E Dangerously)Zumhoffe energizes the crowd when he leads his team out with the boom box playing! Solid in ring action even tho it lacks heat. 7:36 Rocket Launcher pins Steve O. (60)


Dirty Dick Slater vs DJ Peterson -- Solid action in the ring (low heat) DJ hits a shoulderblock off the 2nd rope to score a huge upset, but no Slater gets a shoulder up. While DJ questions the count, Slater nails him from behind and delivers a Leaping Piledriver to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat (41)


Midnight Rockers defend World tag titles vs Mean Mike Miller and Baby Bull Leon WhiteMore good action (no heat), Rockers win with Rocker Shocker at 10:20 to pin Miller (58)


Sarge issues Cobra Clutch challenge - $1000 to anyone who can break the hold - You saw what I did to that puke maggot Millman earlier in the show. I will do the same thing to any other man foolish enough to step in the ring against me (76)

Lee Marshall catches up with Slaughter and they talk about the dangers of the Cobra Clutch. Lee wants to see how the hold works, and a jobber comes out to let Sarge demonstrate. Lee tries to describe the pressure points the move works on, but let's face it - Gordon Solie he IS NOT. (61)


Larry Zbyszko and Mr Saito vs Curt Henning and Greg Gagne

great action and decent heat. Bodies were flying all over the ring in this one! Henning Plex to pin Mr Saito whose foot was on the ropes -- the referee catches this and orders the match to be restarted. Saito makes the tag, and Larry applies the Larry land sleeper to put Henning away. Curt was upset at his partner Greg Gagne for not helping him out. (70)


Main event: World title match

Nick Bockwinkel vs Wahoo McDaniel

the two worked the crowd into a frenzy with great action. Wahoo wore the champion down with his Tomahawk Chops, he caught Nick in his Jet Sleeper, but when it looked like the champ might fade, he was able to back McDaniel into the corner to break the hold. As the 20 minute time limit was ticking down, Bockwinkle seemed to go into a stall. Wahoo pushed him and made a critical mistake! This allowed Nick to land his piledriver and cover for the win at 19:53 (77)


overall rating of 71, a nice boost to our popularity. Also got the news of a whopping .14 rating overnight on ESPN!


here is the line-up for the March Supercard

Sgt Slaughter and GI Jack vs The Top Guns (Rice/Paul)

The Assassin vs Col. DeBeers

Greg Gagne and Superfly Snuka vs The Midnight Express

Wahoo McDaniel vs Mr Saito

King Jerry Lawler vs Larry Zbyszko

Midnight Rockers vs Playboy Buddy Rose and Doug Sommers - world tag title rematch

Nick Bockwinkle vs Curt Henning - World title

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I wish i could give you some answers on game play, advanced booking... two shows on same day, but Ive taken WWWF in my game to regional and am about to lose TV, despite trying to stay true to how things were booked in 1983... So Im afraid I'm no help there




Sgt Slaughter and GI Jack vs The Top Guns (Rice/Paul)

GI Jack? I love it!!!! What a way to start and get him over


The Assassin vs Col. DeBeers

Gosh, I hate Col Debeers...He is just so boring... No chance he loses here


Greg Gagne and Superfly Snuka vs The Midnight Express

I am anti Greg Gagne... One of the reasons I never could get that into the AWA was having to watch greg gagne, who i just couldnt buy into as someone who would be good at wrestling... A feud in the futre with David Flair might be good... However Verne is still the boss, so theres your win


Wahoo McDaniel vs Mr Saito

Ive been watching some Mr. Saito matches, was thinking about having him return to the WWWF in my game... However, you seem behind on faces, so it would make sense for Wahoo to get W, but I really like Saito


King Jerry Lawler vs Larry Zbyszko

King can help you as a top face... Could see some kind of double DQ or draw of some sort here..


Midnight Rockers vs Playboy Buddy Rose and Doug Sommers - world tag title rematch

Rockers are much more marketable than Rose & Sommers (One of the most underated team of all time in my book)


Nick Bockwinkle vs Curt Henning - World title

Why not, you're going to try and save the AWA and Hennig can be that face for along time...



Also, Cant wait to see if that "Baby Bull" Leon White has any potential... Love your comment about Lee Marshall, Gordon Solie he is most definately not

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Sgt Slaughter and GI Jack vs The Top Guns (Rice/Paul)

Slaughter is a real star for your promotion - he's a man to build things around and I'm sure he'll be dragging GI Jack Foley with him...


The Assassin vs Col. DeBeers

Not a fan of DeBeers either but The Assassin is yesterday's news.


Greg Gagne and Superfly Snuka vs The Midnight Express

Going on your ooc comments and following on from last week's TV, I'm banking on Gagne screwing things up for the Superfly here and possibly starting a little feud along the way.


Wahoo McDaniel vs Mr Saito

Another tough call but I'm plumping for Wahoo to get some of his heat back following the loss to Bockwinkle


King Jerry Lawler vs Larry Zbyszko

Tough call but with Jerry's commitments to USPW, you have to rely on the loyalty of Zbyszko and give him the rub to challenge the new champion


Midnight Rockers vs Playboy Buddy Rose and Doug Sommers - world tag title rematch

A great feud at the time, but I can see the Midnight Express being bumped up the card for a run with the Rockers.


Nick Bockwinkle vs Curt Henning - World title

Bockwinkle is a legend but it's time to pass the torch and with his recent trip to Larryland still in the crowd's mind a logical step towards a Hennig v Zbyszko feud for the title with Bockwinkle taking sides somewhere down the road.

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Sgt Slaughter and GI Jack vs The Top Guns (Rice/Paul)


The Assassin vs Col. DeBeers


Greg Gagne and Superfly Snuka vs The Midnight Express


I see the crappy version of the Express picking up the win here. If Bobby's contract comes up you need to get him a.s.a.p. screw Rose.:D


Wahoo McDaniel vs Mr Saito



King Jerry Lawler vs Larry Zbyszko


Being married to the daughter of the boss can do wonders for your career. Just ask HHH...


Midnight Rockers vs Playboy Buddy Rose and Doug Sommers - world tag title rematch


My dislike of Shawn Michaels knows no bounds but I still think he and Marty have this. Oh and you do not know how much it pained me to see Vader jobbing to them...:mad::p


Nick Bockwinkle vs Curt Henning - World title


Going against the crowd here because I am not sure what kind of contract Mr. Perfect is under. If it is a P.P.A. he might bolt so I think it is a risk putting the title on him. Now if it is a written I could see him walking away with the title.

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Sgt Slaughter and GI Jack vs The Top Guns (Rice/Paul)

Really is there any other choice here. Love GI Jack myself.


The Assassin vs Col. DeBeers

Love DeBeers and no way he can lose here.


Greg Gagne and Superfly Snuka vs The Midnight Express

I really want to go with The Midnight Express here but Gagne needs to be pushed and Snuka probably will not be very happy about losing. Midnight Express is the future so they can lose here.


Wahoo McDaniel vs Mr Saito

Just fought for the title, needs a big win to make up for that.


King Jerry Lawler vs Larry Zbyszko

For some reason I have always loved Lawler plus this is during the time in which Lawler was still decent in the ring.


Midnight Rockers vs Playboy Buddy Rose and Doug Sommers - world tag title rematch

Rockers need to hold onto title. I have no reason but they just need to.


Nick Bockwinkle vs Curt Henning - World title

For some reason I believe Henning will be screwed out of the title here. Bockwinkle will relive his past as one of the most hated man in wrestling after tonight.

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thanks for the quick picks. This is just the first week of tv, but wanted to put out the full card for everyone to mull over. I hope to do a decent job to set the hooks for each of the main matches.....and of course introduce GI Jack (can you imagine Cactus with a hair cut - high and tight). Slaughter did wonders with Don Kernodle and Pvt Nelson in Mid-Atlantic (for trivia buffs, Pvt Nelson went on to become Boris Zukov in the AWA), and maybe he can do the same here with a very young Foley.


Not sure how things will work out long term, but the plan is to use March and April to build to the May Superclash, with added payoffs in June and July. Then maybe do the same thing using Sept, Oct and Nov to build up for a super mega event in December. I'm not drawing things up that far out, but think the "named" events should be bigger than the normal monthly supercards (not that something big won't happen at them. title changes might come on "house" show tours or tv even for that matter).


Every wrestler is PPA, so WWF could scoop up the lot of them - or maybe they will pass us by this time around. A few guys have shorter term contracts, so their main job right now is to pass on what they know and help build up the mid-card. Like to get their replacement in a month ahead of time to get them established. My face roster is low, but haven't seen too many solid names to pick up just yet -- plenty of bad guys to snag.


I will add this - I have not decided outcomes for over half the matches booked, so your comments and feedback will carry a lot of weight. Some of these matches will have major long term implications though - however there are some forks in the road on the best way to get there. cheers!

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<p><a href="" rel=""><iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/NQPneaZE_-8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></a></p><p> </p><p>

The AWA has kicked off a new era and things are heating up - The Rockers are on a collision course with former tag champs the Playboys, Rose and Sommers. World Champion Nick Bockwinkle is taking on all challengers and has signed to face #1 contender Curt Henning live on ESPN next week and he has the world famous Masked Assassin prior to that in a town near you!! We will find out soon who he will face at the March Supershow. Sgt Slaughter has issued his Cobra Clutch challenge and at the same time says he will find some youngster and mold him into a champion - that is IF he can survive Camp Slaughter. Just who will be the man that Slaughter takes under his wing?</p><p>

In other news around the wrestling world - </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>WWF</strong> puts on 81 rated show - Hogan over Honky Tonk Man (82) and Harley Race pins Andre the Giant (88). A Hogan-Andre confrontation (100) energized the crowd. 44,615 attend in great lakes area. The WWF is looking strong heading into Wrestlemania III - the question remains if anyone can slow down the juggernaut.</p><p>

Paul Roma defeats Don Muraco to headline a 64 rated WWF Superstars show (8200 attendance)</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>PNW </strong>(46) in front of 1857. Brady Boone & Cocoa Samoa go to DDQ with Grappler & Al Madril (51) Chris Colt wins TV title from Super Ninja (40)</p><p> </p><p>

49 - rated <strong>PNW NIGHT OF GLORY</strong> - Top Gun and Ali Hassan defeat "Wrecking Crew" who are American Ninja Bryan Adams and Grappler (49) Ferris and Madril defeat Oliver & Santana (52)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>64 - WCCW</strong> - Kevin Von Erich defeats Al Perez (68) Simpsons defeat R&R RPM's (38)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jim Crockett Productions (JCP) </strong>- Koloff and Animal over Luger and Blanchard (66) and Russians defeating Rock & Roll Express (63) headline a 64 rated show in Pensacola Fl.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>WWA</strong> - Super Black Ninga and Great Wojo defeat Team USA (55). Scott Steiner defends his title over Polynesian Warrior (52). 53 rated show - Steiner and Ninja had a confrontation so we may see more from them. Super scout, Ray Stevens was seen in attendance as the AWA scours the countryside for talent.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Central States</strong> bears mention only because of the main event that saw Earthquake Ferris team with Bobby Jaggers and take Rip Rogers and Rufas Jones to the limit (50 rated, sole highlight for 46 rated show). Both teams were a mixed Heel/Face</p><p> </p><p>

AWA will be in heavy action this week with a monthly house show featuring Bockwinkle vs Assassin, All-Star Wrestling TV will see Buddy Rose vs Shawn Michaels and Jerry Blackwell vs Dirty Dick Slater. Then the big ESPN show with Bockwinkle vs Henning signed, also Superfly Snuka vs Mr Saito.</p>

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