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Last Gasp of the AWA - 1987

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All Star Wrestling

sold out crowd of 850 in the Great Lakes tv studio


Today's main event - a TV TITLE MATCH as Greg Gagne defends against Pretty Boy Doug Sommers


Preshow - The Russians take on the exciting team of Steve O and Sonny Rogers. solid action for this one. Sheik Adnan had his Russians in rare form (even though Soldat was exhausted by the end). Diving Headbutt finishes off Sonny in 8:51 (41 rating)


Sgt Slaughter comes out to fire up the crowd by running down the town of San Francisco. "Scott Hall and DJ Peterson belong in that fish smell of a town with all its hippies and flower children. They think because they have Clint Eastwood backing them up that now they have a chance to beat the greatest tag team in the world in myself and GI Jack, well, not even Dirty Harry will be able to save you two pukes from getting the beating you have coming." (74)


Magnum Force vs Ratamyus and Sabu

another match with solid aciton but void of any heat. Don Carson helped with the color commentaty and gave the match a boost. DJ pins Sabu with a diving shoulderblock. 10:32

Rating: 47


Cocoa Samoa vs George Gulas

horrible match - Cocoa gets a win with a 7:35 piledriver

Norvell Austin interfered to help Samoa get the win. For his part, Samoa will be rewarded with a match against World Champion Jimmy Snuka! (40)


Buddy Rose lets us know that all the champions are ducking him. "I am the top contender for the World title but Snuka won't sign for the rematch in my home town of Portland. Greg Gagne said he was ok with facing my partner Sommers but he didn't want to get in the ring with the Playboy since I beat him up so bad the last time. And the world tag champs, Wahoo and Bockwinkle won't return our calls either. Looks like I'm going to have to make an example out of someone to make my point and get their attention!!

Playboy Buddy Rose vs Mark Young

solid action, but again no heat. 5:53 Vegas Jackpot gives Buddy a dominating squash victory

Rating 48


Arnold is interviewed by Buddy Rose to find out who Arnold thinks will win the retirement match between Nick Bockwinkle and Leon White. Arnold says that Nicky doesn't stand a chance against the brute power. I proved that at Super Clash and had the old man beat to a pulp. He used that illegal choke hold on me - the same hold that the LA Police department had to make illegal due to the number of deaths it caused. Nick I am still standing and so will Leon White be standing at the end of your battle by the bay. It will be my pleasure to see you retired old man. A new day is dawning in the AWA!!!

Rating: 72


TV TITLE MATCH - Greg Gagne © vs Doug Sommers

Sommers was accompanied at ringside by his long-time partner Buddy Rose. Greg's father Verne came out to second his son. Spoiler tried to get involved in the match, but Verne Gagne chased him off. His distraction did allow Sommers and Rose to get in a few licks before Greg was able to lock on the Good Hands Sleeper and retain the title. 21:30 avg crowd, decent action in the ring

Rating 54


after the match, Buddy Rose attempted to blindside Gagne, but Greg was ready and applied his Sleeper to Rose!!! As Rose faded off, Greg dropped him and started to leave. Referee Bill Alfonso grabs him by the arm and demands he has to awaken the man. Ron Trongard is joined by Arnold who is detailing all the dangers of brain damage the longer the man is out. Finally, Greg picks Buddy up and slaps him on the back - behind the heart as detailed by Trongard. Buddy just slumps back to the mat as Gagne walks away. "See, look at that Ron Trongard!!! He waited too long. There may be permanent damage!!" Bill Alfonso once again gets Gagne to attempt to wake the man. Another slap to the back. "It looks like Rose is stirring, but no - he is motionless once again". For a 3rd time, Greg Gagne is sent back over to wake up the man. This time, Rose was playing possum!! He slips off his shoe and pelts Gagne in the head knocking him silly!! Rose gets up begins to put the boots to Greg Gagne. Doug Sommers hands him a can of something - oh my - this is despicable!! Buddy Rose paints a yellow stripe down the back of Greg Gagne!!"

(rating 55)


After order is restored, Greg Gagne yells at Buddy Rose! "Rose- you wanted match with me? You want a shot at this TV title? You got it mister!! Any time, anywhere. I will not rest until I get you in the ring.

(rating 58)


The angles lifted the show and we end up with a 55 rating -- that may be the lowest rating All-Stars show ever!

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-- that may be the lowest rating All-Stars show ever!


A Gagne main event along with Geoge Gulas vs Cocoa Samoa and Magnum Force vs Sabu and Ratymas will do that to you ;) Havent forgot about "The Brain" thing, I promise Ill get to it... Real life, a little hectic right now

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-- that may be the lowest rating All-Stars show ever!


A Gagne main event along with Geoge Gulas vs Cocoa Samoa and Magnum Force vs Sabu and Ratymas will do that to you ;)


yep. I decided to use the All star tv show as a true B show and give some lesser talents a chance to get in some experience. Even with main eventers, I hadn't cracked a 60 rating (chances are it will not be renewed when the contract runs out - tried to get a couple US regional channels to pick it up, but none were interested). I thought the Buddy Rose angle went over pretty well, even though it might have made more sense for an ESPN show. Speaking of which, I finished that show last night and hope to get the PPV done today (in between celebrations") so time is running out on anyone who wanted to add a character promo regarding the Leon White vs Nick Bockwinkle loser leave town match. Here's my next installment:


http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQXLgFmW_dlq8B4M_Hv3VdltO1RhpGXN43-KWIFIKVDxIBTe2-mOQ:images.wikia.com/prowrestling/images/b/ba/Baron_Von_Raschke.jpg Der Kaiser has a few words to say:


"Nicky Bockwinkle is the former champion of the world. Leon the Baby Bull is a big man though. He is the future and he has been hardened by the fires of The Sheik's Army. There is no question he will destroy the old man Bockwinkle. He will collect many deutche marks from the Great Sheik for ending the career of the man who attacked him. A new day is coming for the AWA"



Buck Zumhoffe was next on the video reel of wrestler comments:

Battle by the Bay, what a great day it will be!! First we get to see a match I'm very interested in as Ultimo Dragon comes in from Japan for a shot at the AWA Lightheavyweight title against Flying Fuji Yamada. Well you know I'm gonna be waiting for the winner of that one. Then we got the Rock and Roll Party in the street between the Freebirds and Midnight Rockers - I'll be there cheering on my rock and roll brothers in that one. Then the legend Nick Bockwinkle will be rocking and rolling all night long over that baby bullmoose Leon White. That's the match that everyone is talking about!! The way I see it daddy -- When Nick is done with his wrestling clinic, White won't be able to even stand up - and when he locks on that Singapore Sleeper, it will be lights out daddy. It's going to be a giant party in San Fran - ROCK AND ROLL!!!

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AWA on ESPN - one day before the June PPV - Battle by the Bay!


in front of a sell-out crowd (I hope we do as well tommorrow in San Fran)


video recap of Rip Oliver piledriving Ray Stevens in April and Stevens appeal to the fans of San Francisco to pack the Cow Palace one last time to see him get some payback


Midnight Rockers vs Southern Rockers (Doll-Peterson)

This was an exciting, fast paced tag match to get the crowd pumped up early. Rocker Shocker pins Scott Peterson to give Midnights the win. But that's when things really got interesting as Terry Gordy attacks Shawn Michaels and starts to drag him down the aisle to the back. Southern Rockers occupy Marty Jannetty to prevent him from helping his partner.

Rating: 59




Lee Marshall intereviews Jerry Lawler about the upcoming 6-man match at Battle by the Bay. Lawler says he is looking forward to getting all 3 of the Midnight Express in the ring at the same time. PYT Norvel Austin - it's more like "Ugly Old Thing". Let me tell you how ugly you are, I heard you got arrested coming to the matches today. Paul E was driving the car and you stuck your ugly head out the window and the cops thought you were mooning them. I particularlly can't wait to get my hands on your scrawny neck Norvell and I'll rip that silly looking mask off so all the fans can see your bald head and see just what I mean about how ugly you are. (Notes: Marshall looked plain goofy and totally lost trying to keep up with Lawler. And Lawler looks almost naked without his crown)



Jerry Lawler vs GI JACK --- Rock America round 3 match

Jack and Lawler do not click in the ring but managed to put on an entertaining match. GI Jack rough housed Lawler and beat him down. Lawler pulls the strap and returns fire with his famous punches to rock Jack and send him reeling. Sarge was there to help Jack at ringside, but his efforts were not enough as Lawler piledrives Jack in an exciting fast paced TV opener. 10:23. Sarge and Lawler are on a collision course for the 4th of July Supershow

Rating: 72


after the match, Norvell Austin and Randy Rose were back to their old tricks as they ambush Lawler and beat him down. Jerry won't be 100% going into the match tommorrow, but he will have the Man Mountain from Stone Mountain, Jerry Blackwell, and George Gulas,the son of legendary Southern promoter Nick Gulas, on his side. It promises to be a wild match to say the least. (65)


Mark Rocco vs Mark Young

Solid action but no heat - pretty good chemistry between 2 midcard guys which may bode well for the future. Rocco scores the pin in 7:08

(note: wanted to get some lower tier guys some tv exposure - I guess it worked as Rocco demanded a bigger push after the match).

Rating: 48


After the match, Gordy and Shawn reappear brawling down the aisle and Gordy is getting the better of the smaller Rocker. Big Scott Hall comes to the aid of Shawn Michaels but he is quickly met by Sgt Slaughter and they are tearing it apart in the aisles. Finally Marty breaks free to join the fray and several other wrestlers rush in to break things up before someone gets hurt. Never fear folks, all these men will be action tommorrow night at the Battle By the Bay. You don't want to miss it!!




LW TITLE MATCH: Flying Fuji Yamada vs Sabu w/ Sheik Adnan

solid action, non-existent heat. Rocco came back out to join the broadcast team briefly to remind the fans of the matches he had with Yamada over in Europe and saying he deserves to be the champion. At an opportune moment, he runs into attack Yamada while Sheik Adnan distracts the referee. Yamada recovers and delivers his Flying Yamada Bomb to get the win. He lets Rocco know he can be next in line after Ultimo Dragon!! Adnan and Rocco both snicker "that is IF you can get past the Ultimo Dragon"

Rating: 49


Video clip of the Greg Gagne-Buddy Rose segment from All-Stars where Gagne seemingly put Rose to sleep, but in his 3rd attempt to "wake" him, Rose blasts Greg with a shoe and paints a yellow streak down his back... afterward Gagne issues a challenge to Rose.

In the studio, Buddy Rose answers the challenge from Greg Gagne "that coward has been ducking me long enough. After everyone saw what a yellow streak he had down his back, he finally decided to man up and accept to fight me for his tv title. (70)


AWA TV TITLE MATCH: Greg Gagne © vs Mr Magnificent Kevin Kelly

TV title match - average crowd, decent action. Greg was off his game tonight (as he had to keep one eye out for Buddy Rose no doubt), but the great chemistry between these two kept the match interesting. Greg makes his 2nd title defense when he is able to apply his "Good hands Sleeper"

Rating: 62


announcers run down the Battle by the Bay Card and the focus is on the main event - Nick Bockwinkle vs Leon White. If Bockwinkle loses, he will retire from the sport. if White loses, he will leave the AWA. Tonight, both men will showcase their talents to show why they will be the one who gets their hand raised inside the steel cage in San Francisco.


The Bull Leon White vs Charlie Cook

solid action and average heat. Leon overwhelms the former football star and makes short work of him using his Power Bomb in 10:01. Leon begins to laugh at how easy it will be to beat Bockwinkle who is even smaller - that is if Nick is able to get past Big Mark Callous. "Bockwinkle will sucking geritol thru a straw at the old folks home because I'm gonna knock his teeth out and retire him once and for all"

Rating: 59


Nick Bockwinkle vs Mean Mark Callous

Good action but not much heat. Nick teaches the youngster a few things before putting him away with the Oriental Sleeper. Nick points over to Leon White and tells him that Sunday night, he will be put to sleep too. "and when you wake up, you will be in another country you. Pack your bags and have your passport ready!!"

Rating: 68


TV MAIN EVENT: Jimmy Snuka vs Cocoa Samoa w/ Shiek Adnan

Samoa earned this title match by beating George Gulas and wanted to make the most of it.

good action and average heat. Murdoch and Adonis are seen in the shadows taking notes and scouting the match. Sheik Adnan does everything he can outside the ring to help his man, but Superfly is able to overcome the dastardly tactics of Sheik Adnan's Army and get the win in 14:31 (title defense #9)

Sheik Adnan says he will find a man who can beat Snuka for the title on the 4th of July Supershow - where his entire stable will get title matches and ruin our Country's birthday. \

Rating: 75


show goes off the air with a moving tribute to the career of Nick Bockwinkle who we may be seeing for the very last time at BATTLE BY THE BAY:

Rating: 78

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/xXAW0DkmkXw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>



Final Show rating: 72

TV rating: .19

heat for Battle by the Bay increases to 60.11

Midnight Express vs Lawler, Blackwell, Gulas jumps to first place (72) with Bockwinkle-White and Snuka-Murdoch not too far behind.

I particularly like the list of titles Bockwinkle held being scrolled in the video - I could see that and the announcer saying ""Nick has had a storied career and he puts it all on the line Sunday night inside the steel cage"


oh, and if we are able to pull it off, there is one more special treat in store for you to help with the hype for the Supercard main event and help give it an epic feel.

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<p>The Playboy Buddy Rose here lying on this beautiful beach with these to gorgeous bunnies by my side. I could sit here talk about my money, my cars, my private planes and my women but I have something that even more important to me and that is the retirement of Nick Bockwinkel. </p><p> </p><p>

The retirement of Nick Bockwinkel is something I have held in my heart for years, as you’re a washed has-been wrestler, living on the coat tails of your past Bockwinkel. But since I was not given the honors of glorious task of ending your career, I have no problem seeing this beast of a man Leon White do it for me. After the White breaks you down and defeats I will gladly send him a couple of my bunnies to keep in entertained, if you understand my meaning. </p><p> </p><p>

Oh how I wish I could be the special referee to this match, just like I was in 1975 when you beat Verne Gagne for the AWA World Heavyweight Title but this time I would not allow Bobby Duncum to cheat for you. </p><p> </p><p>

Do not worry Bockwinkel, I will be in the front row, with my bunnies of course, watching you be beaten down into retirement. Leon White will end your career in that steel cage and hopefully leave you crippled as well.</p><p> </p><p>

Now if you would excuse me, I have my bunnies that need my attention.</p>

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<p><span>http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/cpevans31/BobbyHeenan020.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

Alright, give me a minute to get my thoughts together, because this whole "Retirement Match" with my dear friend Nick Bockwinkle versus Leon White" has really got me a little upset.. </p><p> </p><p>

First off, I believe there is a deep conspiracy to get Bockwinkle out of wrestling, because he is one of the greatest wrestlers ever and the one man who could be behind that conspiracy might be his arch nemesis Verne Gagne... Gagne has alot of time to draw up a conspiracy because in his down time, he sits in his rocker, with a blanket over his lap in Minnesota.. After all, despite me being under contract to the WWF, I cant be there, in fact Im not allowed to ever set foot in an AWA arena, and perhaps Gagane is trying to finally get his way to rid the AWA of his arch nemesis.... I wouldnt put it past that old man to somehow behind this "Retirement match"</p><p> </p><p>

Secondly, the match is being held in the Cow Palace in San Francisco, California, some 5,000 Miles away from where I work, that way they know I cant be there to support my friend.. And to add the fact, I know Nick Bockwinkle like me doesnt particularly like the "Cow Palace" We dont like the aroma, from all the animals... Which should make Leon White feel right at home... I mean he's from Boulder, Colorado, the Cow capital of the United States... Despite it being such a small town. You can put the city limit signs on the same post. I understand Leon White is this heavily hyped college Football star... He played at the University of Colorado, thats like sandlot... Anybody can go to school there, all you have to be able to do is write your name on the application with a crayon. </p><p> </p><p>

Well Sheik Adnan, Leon White, Stanley Blackburn, Verne Gagne, whoever may be a part of this conspiracy, let tell you something... This is professional wrestling.. Where you apply wrestling holds and there is nobody in the world better at doing that than Nick Bockwinkle... I dont care how big you are, how big your neck might be, when Nick Bockwinkle slaps on a sleeper hold, its good night Mr. White... Ive been in this business since, 1965 and Ive never seen something so wrong and if by hell or high water, I will figure out a way, to help my friend... I dont care what anybody says.. Vince McMahon, Stanley Blackburn, the San Francisco police department... I can tell you one thing, The Battle by the Bay will NOT be Nick Bockwinkle's last match... You can count on that</p>

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSOkVU7aRQVlxnauLMbrEhVMtNWwWIou76GPm1E46_9dX6r7_-wWky_g1gI:i51.tinypic.com/o6d9n6.jpg</span><p> <span style="font-size:18px;">JUNE 1987 - BATTLE BY THE BAY</span></p><p> </p><p> <span>http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSY513Vzox7Rw7Umkl5G1ZCoH2dFHVObbOOJ9-bSwLy6e9wdkSzAQ:upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/12/Cow_Palace_(front).jpg/240px-Cow_Palace_(front).jpg</span> Bockwinkle vs White <span>http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT2Lmr3wVVko5lrnLf7s_F2PjZxgjNIaYH4eBDLtf_g88_g8X8F:www.mainevent.com.au/content/events/headers/wwe-great-cage-matches640x360.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Pre show warm up match:</strong> Der Kaiser, Buddy Rose, Eddie Gilbert team up to beat up Ricky Rice, Steve O, and Mark Young. Solid action, and while I expected the veterans to maybe teach the kids a few things, it was actually the heels who improved their skills in the match, Der Kaiser uses the Brain Klaw to put away Rice in 11:34</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31689" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><span style="color:#FF0000;">Rod Trongard here in the legendary Cow Palace alongside me for tonight's action will be Lee Marshall and Larry Nelson. We are Border to Border and coast to coast. Before we go to the ring, I've asked Verne Gagne to come out here and address the comments heard earlier today by a man I thought I'd never see anywhere near the AWA again....Verne, how do you respond to what Bobby the Brain Heenan had to say?</span> <p> VG: "Well Rod, first off it's great to be back here in San Francisco in front of all these wonderful fans." </p><p> <span style="color:#FF0000;">Rod - That's true Verne, but the reason you are here is to address allegations from Bobby Heenan that you may be the leading a conspiracy against Nick Bockwinkle. How do you respond?" </span> </p><p> <strong>Verne</strong> is visibly agitated as he speaks "Never in my life have I have been so appalled. How can anyone in their right mind think I'd get in bed with the likes of Shiek Adnan or Leon White? How can anyone think I'd conspire against one of the all-time greats."</p><p> </p><p> Verne is interuppted by the <strong>Playboy Buddy Rose</strong> <span style="color:#9932CC;">"</span><span style="color:#9932CC;"><strong>Verne, Verne, Verne. Are you just that senile? It was just a few months ago that you conspired to help Jimmy Snuka defeat Bockwinkle for the AWA world title!!! Have you forgotten about that? Why should we believe you now when everyone knows you have always had a vendetta against Nick Bockwinkle</strong></span><span style="color:#9932CC;">"</span> </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Verne</strong> is now red in the face "That was very different and even you should realize that Rose!! I could not let Nick defend this great title that I have worked my entire life building up in a match against a movie actor!! this time it is very different!" And why are you involved in this affair anyway Buddy Rose? You're going to have your hands full with my son Greg.....everyone can see that Greg is the future of this sport and what you did to him last week on tv was dispicable. I'll be in Greg's corner when he faces you in the coming weeks, but tonight I have decided it is in the best interest of the sport to not be at ringside for the Bockwinkle-White match. I have decided not to be the special enforcer referee to help maintain order. Senior referee Jim Mitchell will have that task and he will do just fine. But I want to warn Bobby Heenan - he had better not try to involve himself. There are rumors that Heenan has in fact driven up the Pacific Coast Highway from his Beverly Hills mansion and has bought a ticket to this event. Mr Heenen, you are welcome to buy a ticket like any other fan. However, you are not employeed by the AWA and you are not welcome anywhere near the ring. San Francisco's finest have been put on notice and you will be arrested on the spot just like any other spectator who tries to cross the barriers at ringside.</p><p> </p><p> Rod has one more question for Verne before he leaves: <span style="color:#FF0000;">"</span><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Mr Gagne, should Nick Bockwinkle lose tonight and be forced into retirement, what happens to the AWA World Tag team titles</strong></span><span style="color:#FF0000;">?"</span></p><p> Verne studies the question for only a short moment. "Well Rod, I have given that very possibility a lot of thought. The solution is very clear though. In August, we will be holding a very prestigious tag team tournament -The Karbo Kup named after my former partner Wally Karbo. The winner of that event would not only be handed the trophy, but they would also become the new AWA tagteam champs. Of course, Wahoo McDaniel would be allowed to choose another partner and enter the event, but it would be open to all the great teams from around the world.</p><p> </p><p> ROD: <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>There you have it folks. From Verne Gagne himself. I'm not sure we got all the answers we were looking for, but it appears the words spoken by one Bobby Heenan have indeed struck a nerve with the owner of the AWA. And it does sound like he has a contingency plan in place in the event we see Nick Bockwinkle in the ring for the very last time tonight. Now, let's go the ring for the introductions of our first match</strong></span>......</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">WAHOO McDANIEL vs ADRIAN ADONIS</span></strong></p><p> First of three ROCK AMERICA "sweet 16" matches that we will see tonight</p><p> Solid action and average heat. Back and forth action as both men gave it their all. Adonis was beet red after absorbing several Tomahawk Chops from McDaniel, but using the Adorable Dog, Adonis comes out on top in 22:18</p><p> Match Rating: 76</p><p> </p><p> <strong>6man war - Midnight Express (Condrey, Rose, Austin) vs Jerry Lawler, George Gulas, and Crusher Jerry Blackwell</strong></p><p> solid action, but <span style="text-decoration:underline;">no heat</span> (that despite being highest rated heat match coming in). Lawler looked good as he was firing on all cylanders. Blackwell delights the crowd with a giant squash on Randy Rose. Paul E tries to get in the ring to help him men but suddenly finds himself isolated in the ring with Lawler's team - and the good guys set up Paul E for a squash. Lucky for Paul E, Condrey and Austin make the save and pull him to the safety of the floor. Pier 6er as everyone is brawling until order is restored. Lawler chases PYT hoping to get the mask - the ref is warning them which allows Paul E to clobber Gulas with his cell phone and the Midnight Express have stolen the victory!</p><p> Rating: 59</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31689" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>After the match, Paul E issues a challenge to the World tag team champions to put the belts on the line against his team, the Midnight Express. A team that just proved their dominance in the ring. "Whoever, the tag team champions are after tonight will need to watch out for the Midnight Express. And if the titles are held up due to Bockwinkle's retirement, then our task becomes even easier as all we have to do is enter and win the KARBO KUP to become champions of the world - and it is a foregone conclusion that we are winning the KUP."<p> (56)</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS1tv1WTafATSwDCke7odhY47lwqIy3CVns9sN_BK6V5TxgeVoCsg:www.obsessedwithwrestling.com/pictures/g/gagnes/greg2.jpg</span> vs <span>http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRVTb0zY3HrLRiy3etbCHsyEi45G3oNednVj5f25z7tkrPeYDZ_nQ:kentuckyfriedwrestling.com/theword2/wp-content/uploads/spoiler1.jpg</span></div><p></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">GREG GAGNE vs THE SPOILER</span></strong></p><p> solid action, no heat. Spoiler was off his game and Gagne gets the win with the Good Hands Sleeper</p><p> Rating: 53</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">COBRA CORPS (Slaughter and GI JACK) vs MAGNUM FORCE (Hall and DJ)</span></strong>Solid action and average heat. Aside from getting the crowd fired up when he walked to the ring with Magnum Force, Clint Eastwood really was not a factor in the match. These 4 men could not keep the match in the ring and referee Tom Stone had trouble keeping order. As they brawl on the floor, Sarge slips into the ring right at the 10 count. His hand is raised and Scott Hall pounds the mat in frustration. Cobra Corps steal a cheap win here.</p><p> Rating: 52</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31689" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Sarge laughs at Scott Hall on the floor and tells him to get ready for their Rock America round 3 match on All-Stars Wrestling this week (72)</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Arnold Schwarzenegger vs Scott Steiner</span></strong> </p><p> Arnold had warned Steiner to join the Gun Club or else. Scottie stuck to his guns and now he paid the price. Arnold TERMINATED him at 8:37</p><p> Rating 52</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31689" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Arnold cuts a short promo where he flexes his GUNS for the crowd and warns anyone that stands in his way will be terminated just like that punk in the ring. "I am the Predator of the AWA now. Nothing or no one can stop me."<p> (87)</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> LW TITLE MATCH -- <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Flying Fuji Yamada vs Ultimo Dragon</span></strong></p><p> LW title match - solid action as expected from these 2 high flyers. The lack of heat and name value did hurt the match though. Yamada Bomb for the win. Yamada points to Mark Rocco and tells him to get ready - he's next!</p><p> Rating: 48</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31689" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Sheik Adnan hypes the main event match "Leon White will destroy Nick Bockwinkle. Verne Gagne has been very helpful in putting all the pieces together. Revenge will be mine and retirement will be his. Praise Allah"<p> (65)</p></div></blockquote> <p> </p><p> </p><div class="ipsEmbeddedVideo"><div><iframe width="200" height="150" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/sQdWK041Vuo?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" title="Axe - Rock N Roll Party In The Streets"></iframe></div></div><p> <a href="" rel=""><iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/sQdWK041Vuo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></a></p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">FREEBIRDS VS MIDNIGHT ROCKERS</span></strong></p><p> Rock & Roll Party in the Street Fight (anthem provided live in the arena by AXE as part of our ROCK America tour)</p><p> solid aciton but again just average heat. Freebird manager Don Carson stirs up the crowd at ringside and his antics keep the Rockers off guard. Roberts bumped all over the ring to make Shawn and Marty look good, but then Gordy brought the heavy artillery - Power Bombs Michaels at 17:45 to give the Freebirds a huge victory. (rating = 62)</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31689" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Gordy was all smiles noting this was just the first step for the Freebirds as they plan to once again claim the World tag titles, but in his opinion the even bigger prize was a month away - that would be winning the first ever KARBO KUP to prove once and for all who was the greatest tag team in the world today. "The Freebirds are gonna be Karbo Kup champs, AWA world champs, and any other kinda champs we wanna be. Ain't nothing nobody can do about it neither.... if we stay focused, no team can beat the Freebirds. no body!"</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">BATTLE OF THE CRIPPLERS: RAY STEVENS VS RIP OLIVER</span></strong></p><p> Good crowd and good action. It was like the fans had been waiting for this match. They gave Ray Stevens a hero's welcome as he returned to the Cow Palace for the first time in a decade. 12:12 Bombs Away and the crowd got to see what they came for - Stevens rolls Oliver onto the stretcher and is the winner!</p><p> Rating: 64</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> </p><span>http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSBE_JUuJfFaUSQOlGheQKJ7sPVkbFD5rHw2bNNCB-pl-7ymG9p8A:www.pwhf.org/halloffamers/2012/jimmy_snuka.jpg</span> vs <span>http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQNWhqqV212nIBRlPiC5Jtemimea8l5VdsAdL6qgos3WtXSaDEGTg:pwa.wrestlingx.net/wrestlerimages/dick_murdoch.jpg</span></div><p></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="color:#0000FF;">WORLD TITLE MATCH -- SUPERFLY JIMMY SNUKA vs DIRTY DICK MURDOCH</span></span></span></strong></p><p> Second of three Rock America Matches - with the AWA World title on the line! solid action, average heat. Snuka said he would get revenge for Verne Gagne and he did as he dominated the wildman from West Texas. Murdoch got in a few licks, but in the end it was the Superfly Deathleap for title defense #10. 27:43</p><p> Adonis watched the outcome in disgust, but maybe deep down a little joy knowing that he too has a contract for a world title match that he can execute in the near future. Sheik Adnan gets to choose one of his men for the 4th of July title match -he will announce the challenger this week on ESPN</p><p> Match Rating: 73</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31689" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>The main event is up next. There will be a short break while the STEEL CAGE is assembled. We will be back with a few words from Nick Bockwinkle himself and then the match you've been waiting for....Bockwinkle vs White, loser retires or leaves the AWA.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>-----intermission while cage is assembled-----</p></div><p></p><p></p>
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Conclusion of BATTLE BY THE BAY -- the main event


to get into the spirit of the cage match, skip ahead to 2:25 on this Youtube video



Before we go to the ring, Larry Nelson catches Nick Bockwinkle who is with Wahoo McDaniel in the back for a few words about the match:


Nick Bockwinkle addesses the magnitude of the match before him.

"I've been in this business for 30 years. Tonight, I face my toughest challenge ever. Leon White - you may be big and you may be bad. But there's no way that I'm going to let you dictate the terms of my retirement. Yes I will retire some day, but it will be when I say so. My dear old friend Bobby Heenan has opened my eyes to the possible involvement of Verne Gagne in all of this. Could there really still been harbored resentment after all these years from that cretonous humanoid?

I fought him in HIS retirement match and I took HIS AWA title to even greater heights. When people think of AWA champions, they think of the name Bockwinkle instead of Gagne and I'm sure that upsets both him and his imbecilic son. I get it now, and I'll be ready for any tricks you might have planned Mr Gagne. They don't call me Tricky Nick Bockwinkle for nothing... And let me say this to men like Paul E Dangerously who are picking at the bones of the world tag titles when the body is not cold, heck it's not even dead yet. Gentlemen, I have my full attention focused on a 6'5 450 pound monster named Leon White who plans on ending my career and possibly my life. If he beats me Paul E, Gordy, Buddy Rose and anyone else who is listening then you can continue picking at the bones of my carcass and decide how to divy up our tag titles anyway you see fit.....but when I beat him, I'll be coming for you next! But that's for another day....tonight it's all about survival..Leon White, when we climb into the cage in just a few moments we are both will bleed, sweat, and pay the ultimate price for the right to stay here in the AWA and fight another day. I'm willing to pay that price and more....are you?"



MAIN EVENT - STEEL CAGE MATCH -- retirement vs loser leave town


http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_QPYh2tlcChA/Sb4prGsnVLI/AAAAAAAABUI/PMKNO_xQ5t4/s400/bock1.jpg .... vs .... http://www.onlineworldofwrestling.com/pictures/v/vader/21.jpg



Steel cage match. Loser leave town. Rock America Round 3 action. Can the stakes be any bigger? Good crowd and good action. The cage did its job by keeping Sheik Adnan outside. This is the AWA where a Cage Match is decided inside the ring where one man is left standing not like some cartoon leagues where the winner is the man who runs away and escapes the steel structure. Arnold Schwarzenegger joins Rod Trongard at the broadcast table.



ring introductions, Wahoo McDaniel accompanies Bockwinkle while Sheik Adnan is in the ring with White. Nick stands stoic with his arms crossed while White taunts and baits him. White offers to shake his hand and laughs when Nick refuses "Because you know I'll just crush your hand old man. Get ready for the rocking chair!!" After the instructions are given, the seconds are told to leave the ring. Leon White turns to walk Shiek Adnan to the cage door and Bockwinkle strikes like a cobra! As soon as Leon turned his back, Bockwinkle delivers a dropkick that knocks White into Adnan and sends the Sheik into the cage door. Wahoo grabs the manager and proceeds to drag him outside the cage and the door is locked behind him. Bockwinkle continues his assault on Leon White, his Pearl Harbor job has definitely given him the early advantage. He pounds White's head into the turnbuckle and drags it across the steel mesh. Nick goes to work on the legs on the mighty White in hopes of grounding him for the match and reducing his power game. It is noted that Bockwinkle is the master of both the Figure 4 and the Indian Deathlock - so maybe that is the end game he has in mind. White absorbs a lot of punishment in the opening minutes of the bout, but Arnold tells us that he is only biding his time "He has taken everything the old man could throw at him and look, Leon is still on his feet. Nick has to be getting frustrated that he executed his game plan to perfection but it did not get the job done....C'mon Leon, hit back, let's go" Rod Trongard admonished Arnold that "Please sit down....there will be no cheerleading from the broadcast table". Back to action as White is about to catch his break. Nick turns his attention just a for a brief moment to Arnold and points a finger of warning to him to stay out his business. White is able to club Bockwinkle from behind and now its turn to dish out some punishment of his own. And boy what punishment it is as he slams Nick hard to the mat followed by a splash. Then he catapults him into the cage and opens a gash above the right eye. Trongard points out an old lady at ringside who is dabbing away tears with her hankie "I've been told that is Nick Bockwinkle's 76 year old mother - here possibly to watch her son wrestle his last match ever" Arnold replies that she had plenty reason to cry tonight, but tommorrow her son could move in with her at the old folks home. White continues to batter and bloody the former champion of the world and Trongard remarks that maybe the referee needs to step in and stop this match "Bockwinkle's career will end tonight, but if this carnage goes on much longer his very life is in jeopardy" As if he heard Rod's words, senior referee Jim Mitchell does indeed step in to check the cuts - Bockwinkle grabs him by the shirt to tell him "this is a cage match and there will be blood. You don't stop this match until someone's shoulders are pinned or they are no longer breathing" With that, Mitchell steps back and waves the match to continue! As the match crosses the 20 minute mark, Bockwinkle can barely stand. He is covered in his own blood from the continuous beating from White and from being smashed into the steel cage time and time again.


23:39, Leon White pounds Bockwinkle repeatedly, He tears away the flesh as he rakes his face across the steel cage. Bockwinkle is barely able to stand but somehow he does. White sends Nick hard into the turnbuckle and sizes him up. BULL CHARGE to finish off the legend but in the Nick of time, Bockwinkle rolls out of the way and White hits the corner with all his force, his head going forward and crashing into the cage. He may have knocked himself out!! Sheik Adnan is waving to the back for reinforcements. Ratamyus and Sabu charge to the ring. They quickly double team and take out Wahoo McDaniel who is seconding Bockwinkle at ringside. Sabu begins to scale the cage wall when Crippler Ray Stevens hits the ring and pulls him off. Wahoo and Ray are able to keep the Devil's Duo away from the action. Nick staggers to his feet and comes in behind with the Singapore Sleeper. Shiek Adnan is in panic mode now! He is trying to get the cage door open when all of a sudden a lady at ringside steps over the railing and clobbers Sheik with her purse!!! WAIT A MINUTE!!! That's no lady!!! (as the wig falls off) Could that be Bobby Heenan!!!! With the sleeper locked securely on, The ref raises the hand of Leon White once....twice....3 times. Jim Mitchell calls for the bell and Nick Bockwinkle has survived this intense war. You can't tell it by looking at him as he is covered in blood, but Nick Bockwinkle has lived to fight another day. Leon White's AWA career has come to a close. He must pack his bags and vacate the area tonight. Arnold and Shiek Adnan try to console him.

Match Rating: 76


A blood-stained Nick Bockwinkle has proven he is still the legend. He celebrates in the ring and yes fans, that is Bobby the Brain Heenan that has joined him in the ring. An emotional hug between these two long-time friends. Tears in their eyes - they shake hands, and Heenan raises Nick's high into the air and the fans cheers are deafening as Ray Stevens joins them. This longtime trio of terror has been reunited here in San Francisco!!! In the back of the arena, the "mayor" Clint Eastwood is seen talking to a couple of San Francisco police officers and persuading them not to make a scene here tonight and not to make good on Gagne's threats to have Heenan arrested if he showed up. The policemen knew their limitations and decided it was Bobby Heenan's lucky day - instead of handcuffs, they held their arms out to control the crowd as Heenan and Stevens helped Nick Bockwinkle to the dressing room. What a historic night this has been.

(rating 81 for final celebration)


Final show rating = 74

feedback/comments always welcome

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You managed to poach The Brain!!!


I assumed you were using some creative licence with your Heenan promo before the show! Awesome work and something tells me that Superfly / Bockwinkle might be on the cards again sooner rather than later! No way can the Brain stay a face unless this was a one shot only deal

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Even though I picked Nick to win I am still shocked over the outcome. That was a very well written main event, this is coming from someone who usually only scans them. Just a great, well thought out show overall as well!


thank you

like you, I'm often a skimmer and prefer the shorter write-ups. But this match seemed to require something more. Glad that you approved.


some other particulars about the show

Attendance: 7662. (expected 8500, capacity at Cow Palace = 11,000)


.27 rating on the closed circuit. That means more people came out to local arenas around the west coast and paid to watch the show than watch each week for free on ESPN across the country.


as for Heenan, it was intended to be a fun addition and feel-good moment. More of this saga will unfold in coming weeks.

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A look at the other major promotion's Super cards for the month of June:


WWF (overall rating 80)

3.66 rating for their PPV, headlined by Hulk Hogan beating Junkyard Dog (80).

HTM upset Andre the Giant and stole the show (82), Muraco over Snake (79) Orton over Race (79), Savage retains I/C title over Demolition Smash on the undercard (77)


JCP (overall rating 76)

.56 PPV "Eddie Graham Memorial". Ric Flair defeat Nikita Koloff (86) to retain the NWA world title title. Russians defeat Rock & Roll Express (56). The main event was the only match above 60 but pulls a 76 overall. Not sure how they pulled off that kind of magic


UWF - 71 rating

Superdome Special: Buddy Roberts and Missing Link team to defeat UWF champ One Man Gang and Ted Dibiase in the main event (76). Sheepherders over Chavo Guerrerro and Bill Irwin (71), Leroy Brown defeats Sting to retain the TV title (56). Mike Jackson defeats Soldat Ustinov in his UWF farewell match.


and a look ahead

the final week of June will see a solid card in the home Midwest to build momentum into the hot summer month of July:


Jimmy Snuka will defend the AWA title vs Masa Saito

Paul E Dangerously demanded the match, and the champs were quick to agree - Midnight Express challenges Nick Bockwinkle & Wahoo McDaniel for the AWA tag titles -- what shape will Bockwinkle be in after his epic battle with Leon White?

The war of words rages between Buddy Rose and TV Champ Greg Gagne setting up a tag match between BIG 10 (Gagne-Steiner) and former tag champs Buddy Rose and Doug Sommers

Terry Gordy vs Charlie Cook and Sgt Slaughter vs DJ Peterson round out the card


AWA ALL-STAR Wrestling will be headlined by a pair of Rock America round 3 matches:

Sgt Slaughter vs Big Scott Hall

Terry Gordy vs Greg Gagne


ESPN Wrestling

Greg Gagne will defend the Tv Title vs an opponent drawn at random (Buddy Roberts)

Terry Gordy vs Scott Steiner

Rock America Round 3 match - Playboy Buddy Rose vs Crippler Ray Stevens


IN July, we will have a 4th of July Spectacular to kick off the month, then a giant stadium show in Chicago - full details of these cards to be announced on the televised shows this weekend.



Snuka vs Saito

Bockwinkle-McDaniel vs Midnight Express

BIG 10 vs Rose-Sommers

Cook vs Gordy

DJ Peterson vs Sgt Slaughter


Sarge vs Scott Hall

Gordy vs Gagne


Gagne vs Roberts

Steiner vs Gordy

Stevens vs Rose

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<p>and before I forget again </p><p>

the Battle by the Bay pick em results:</p><p> </p><p>

Out of 10 matches, OldSchool and TheHeel83 tied with 8 correct picks each. </p><p>

TheHeel83 wins the tie breaker by correctly choosing Lightweight title match between Flying Fuji Yamada and Ultimo Dragon to be the lowest rated match of the night</p><p> </p><p>

Borman, Thunderwill, and Blue Collar Fan each had 7 correct picks</p><p>

Destiny with 6, BHK and Ritchardo with 5. BHK did correctly foresee the best of the night (Cage match with Bockwinkle and White)</p><p> </p><p>

I was excited to have 8 people involved, and maybe there will be even more for the July Supershows and Karbo Kup.</p>

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<p><strong>Snuka </strong>vs Saito</p><p> </p><p>

<strong> Bockwinkle-McDaniel</strong> vs Midnight Express</p><p> </p><p>

Bockwinkle and McDaniel are the bigger stars in this match.</p><p> </p><p>

BIG 10 vs <strong>Rose-Sommers</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Scott is the weaker link in this match.</p><p> </p><p>

Cook vs <strong>Gordy</strong></p><p> </p><p>

DJ Peterson vs <strong>Sgt Slaughter</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sarge </strong>vs Scott Hall</p><p> </p><p>

Gordy vs <strong>Gagne</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Gagne</strong> vs Roberts</p><p> </p><p>

Steiner vs <strong>Gordy</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Stevens vs <strong>Rose</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Ray has to be older than dirt at this point.</p>

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Snuka vs Saito


Snuka in harder match then he thought it would be


Bockwinkle-McDaniel vs Midnight Express


Bockwinkle could be looking for the AWA World Championship, so a win here would help


BIG 10 vs Rose-Sommers


Rose gets the pinfall


Cook vs Gordy


Squash 2


DJ Peterson vs Sgt Slaughter


Squash 1


Sarge vs Scott Hall


Scott Hall just not ready yet



Gordy vs Gagne


Probably Gagne will win with this fathers help but still picking Gordy


Gagne vs Roberts


Same as above


Steiner vs Gordy


Gordy is too good at this point of this career over Stiener


Stevens vs Rose


Rose all the way

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AWA on tour

Greely, CO - the Butler-Hancock arena (4500 capacity)

expected over 6,000 but drew about half that!


Dark matches

Johnny Paul trying to garner some momentum drop kicks Mark Fleming to win a well executed squash. (40)

Col. Debeers vs George Gulas -- solid action!! Debeers really stood out in this one as there was no heat on Gulas. Pancake Piledriver gives the Col the win at 6:35 (45)


The show goes live with a video to hype the upcoming 4th of July supercard (80)


Sgt Slaughter vs DJ Peterson

fall out match from Battle by the Bay. good action and average heat. Sarge had to carry the match as DJ was tiring. Cobra Clutch for the win at 9:54



Sgt Slaughter celebrates the win and calls out DJ's Magnum Force tag team partner Scott Hall "hey big man!! On All Star Wrestling, it's just going to be you and me. No one else around to help. You came back here from Japan thinking you were going to win the Rock America tournament....you and all this ignoramous fans need to remember America's forgotten hero. After I beat you, I'll get Jerry Lawler on the 4th of July



BIG 10, Scott Steiner and Greg Gagne, are preparing for their tag match against the Playboys. Verne Gagne calls his son over for some quick strategy when Freebird Terry Gordy emerges from the shadows and lays out Scott Steiner!


Big 10 vs Playboys (Sommers and Rose)

good action and average heat. Gagne and Rose have been at odds of late and Rose is hot on the trail of Greg's TV title. Ton of action in and around the ring in this one. Sherri Martel got involved to help Rose and Sommers. That brought Verne Gagne out to chastise her and give the ref an earful. He coached Big 10 to a comeback, but as the match wore on the prematch beating Steiner took showed its toll. Sherri had an ace up her dress sleeve as the beast Ratamyus appeared on the entrance ramp. That caught the attention of Greg and Verne who did not know what to expect from the wildman. That allowed Sommers and Rose to doubleteam Steiner, then the Las Vegas jackpot gives Rose the pinfall win



Terry Gordy vs Charlie Cook

good action/average heat. 11:55 powerbomb as Gordy has a standout performance!



Terry Gordy is all excited about the upcoming Karbo Kup. "Once and for all the big stage, the Freebirds are going to prove they are the best tag team in the world. My brother Hayes maybe gone, but my other brother Buddy Roberts will be there by my side. Karbo Kup will be the greatest night of my career!




Nick Bockwinkle & Wahoo McDaniel vs Midnight Express

good action/average heat (almost a broken record). Some wild action in the match. Paul E was very active and kept the crowd riled up. Bockwinkle was off his game (needless to say after the brutal match he endured at the PPV against Leon White). Wahoo was up to the task of carrying the workload. The crafty Midnight Express used doubleteams to keep the match in their corner for the most part. Nick makes a hot tag to McDaniel who goes on the warpath. He drops the Express with a barrage of tomahawk chops prompting Paul E to sneak attack him with the phone. referee Bill Alfonso was right there and called for the bell and the DQ. This match really lifted the crowd

match rating:81


after the match as the champs are hobbling to the back after a grueling match, they are ambused by Boris Zukov and Soldat Ustinov!! Sheik Adnan has unleashed the Russian team he intends to win the tag titles at the 4th of July supershow!




Great action / good crowd!! Masa Saito was well prepared for the world champ. Saito already has one pinfall victory over Snuka to his credit and looked to take the title home. Every time Snuka would get something going, Shiek Adnan would get involved and derail his momentum. Saito applies his Prison Lock and the champ is just barely able to reach the ropes to break the hold. As the ref admonished Saito to release it, Sheik Adnan takes advantage and attacks Snuka with a weapon. Snuka was enraged and took off after Sheik Adnan!!! Adnan ran out the back with Snuka in hot pursuit. Referee Jim Mitchell had no choice but to count out the champ! Saito has his hand raised and tries to take the championship belt; however, the title cannot change hands on a COR. 47:50


Sheik Adnan tells Snuka to shine up the belt as he is looking at the NEXT world champion as of July 4th!


match rating 80

overall show rating: 79

attendance: 3473



aside from the plague of low attendance (and the world title match being outclassed once again), we are riding some momentum out of the Battle by the Bay. Can't wait to see if this carries over to tv ratings and if we can draw some fans the 4th of July show
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In some news around the wrestling world;


Scott Steiner won an award for top young prospect.

Tim Horner is thought to be the next break out star in Jim Crockett Promotions.


In recent weeks, WWF champ Hulk Hogan has been on a losing streak - dropping matches to Junkyard Dog and Don Muraco. He turns it up a notch when the title is on the line though


In the AWA, this weekend on television we will fill out the final slots in the Rock America Tour. Snuka, Bockwinkle, and Adonis punched their ticket at battle by the bay to join Lawler and Michaels. Only 3 slots left -- those 5 men will be joined by the winners of Buddy Rose vs Crippler Stevens; Greg Gagne vs Terry Gordy; and Sgt Slaughter vs Scott Hall.

We are on track to have a couple Elite 8 matches at the 4th of July card and hopefull the FINALS at the Chicago Stadium show at the end of July.

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778 attend the TV taping in a small gym in Newark CA


The dark match: Penny Mitchell vs Medusa Mecilla - awful match devoid of heat. Penny had been running her mouth about how she should be women's world champion and that Sherri Martel is a disgrace because she never defends her title. Sherri showed what she thought about those words as she attacked Penny during the match allowing Medusa to score the win (25)


Tonight's show features two Rock America tour matches. First up is Terry Gordy vs Greg Gagne and the main will see Sgt Slaughter vs Scott Hall.


Prior to his match, Lee Marshall got a few words with Terry Gordy and asked if Gagne's TV title would be on the line: Gordy responds: "I don't want no stinking television title. No disrepect to the belt or the tv fans or Greg Gagne himself. Its just that the tv title does nothing for Terry Gordy, it does nothing for the Freebird Legacy. My sights are set solely on The Karbo Kup! Winning this Rock America Tournament will be another feather in my cap so that's why I'm not worried about no stinking tv title. You see when I win this tournament and me and my brother Buddy Roberts win the Karbo Kup, our legacy will be set. Everyone will know that the Freebirds are the baddest force in the universe. No amount of tv titles can ever do that. Now excuse me, I have a punk named Gagne to beat up!!




good crowd, good action. Gordy's manager Don Carson worked the crowd at ringside and got the fans into the match. Very fast paced action which left Gagne winded at times. Gordy grabs a handful of tights to pin Gagne at 17:08 - Greg very upset at the infraction as he clutches his prized television title close and glares at Gordy who celebrates with Carson. (66 rating)


Eddie Gilbert & Buddy Rose vs Top Guns

Hotstuff teams up with the Playboy. Solid action, Rose and Gilbert looked good in the match and carried the youngsters. Rose takes down Rice with the Jackpot for the win



Rose comments on his upcoming match vs Ray Stevens. "Crippler Stevens, you may have gotten the upper hand against my good friend Rip Oliver, but you'll have no such luck against the Playboy. The fans all across the country will see that The Playboy is the better man when I pin your shoulders on ESPN. (62)

Scott Hall vs Sgt Slaugheter - Rock America

solid action and average heat - They worked a solid match with good ebb and flow. In the end, GI Jack helped Sarge get the victory as he distracts Hall allowing Sarge to blast him with the Cannon 21:02



Sarge is super happy with the win - "This sets up the epic showdown on the 4th of July against the once proud "king" Jerry Lawler. I'm so glad that Der Kaiser took away your stupid crown - what a disgrace to call yourself a king when that's what America fought the Revolutionary War for - to win independance from the crown. 4th of July Lawler!! You and me get to settle this once and for all. (65)



Final Show Rating: 64

highest rated All-Stars show in history and the first that ever broke the 60 barrier. Just a little bit of foreshadowing in the opening promo. It will all make more sense after the ESPN show!


IN other interesting matches around the country on this day:

WWF - Kerry Von Erich defeats Michael Hayes (66 rating in Midsouth!) - more interesting, Haku beat B Brian Blair in the main event of the show (45)

WCCW - Brody and Abdullah team to defeat Tony Atlas and Skip Young but did not win the titles

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Eddie Gilbert & Buddy Rose vs Top Guns

Hotstuff teams up with the Playboy. Solid action, Rose and Gilbert looked good in the match and carried the youngsters. Rose takes down Rice with the Jackpot for the win




Eddie and Rose would make a very intersting tag team together. I think you might want to look into that a little more.

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Thanks for the feedback!!

I've had Gilbert loosely associated with The Playboys since he got here; while also rekindling relations with old friends like Paul E Dangerously. Not exactly "spamming for chemistry" but do like to try random match-ups from time to time to see if anything does pop up. Main purpose is trying to get Eddie some national exposure. He's proven that he can stir the drink on a regional level, but never really got the chance on a national stage. He's over in Midsouth and SE, but no one really knows who he is yet in my regions. He shines when he jobs to my main event guys, and slowly starting to turn in passable matches against other midcard guys. It's just about time to turn him loose, and your idea of joining with Buddy might be a good one. I'd like to get some more good ideas for Eddie so he can start making some noise!!


I agree Eddie and Buddy make an interesting pair. My biggest concern (kayfabe) is both men have very large egos and both men expect to be the leaders of their respective stables (Playboys vs Hotstuff International). I'd be afraid that eventually they would have a huge blow-up over who was really in charge. Granted that makes a good backdrop for a storyline if I want to turn either of them "face" (whiich is not in either man's best interest just now). With Rose vs Gagne coming to a head, having Gilbert in his corner could set up some nice tag matches leading to Gilbert vs Steiner as well.


I have one idea simmering for Gilbert around the LW title. Couple more good feuds for him should set him nicely (ideas welcome)

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Rod Trongard catches up with TV Champ Greg Gagne in the back where they will draw out a random name to defend the title against on TV today. Gagne tells Rod he hopes he pulls out the name of Buddy Rose because there is no one he'd rather face right now than Rose - the man has been a thorn in my side for months now and the attack a couple weeks ago where he left me laying in a pool of blood will not soon be forgotten. Rod reaches into the hat and pulls out a card....he reads the name slowly....Buddy....Greg is all smiles and rubs in hands in joy.....Roberts. The smile is gone from Gagne's face. "not the Buddy I wanted but there is no love lost when it comes to The Freebirds either. It would be my pleasure to run another one of them out of the area today on TV"


On the split screen, Buddy Roberts is seen rejoicing his title match. Partner Terry Gordy comes into and tells him to pipe down "Just decline the match boy. The TV title doesn't do anything for us - we need to focus on the KARBO KUP. That's where all the prestige and glory is at.

Roberts tells Gordy that he wants to finish old Freebird business. Gordy reminds him that Hayes started that mess, and "I already took care of it. I already beat Greg Gagne but I told him to keep his worthless piece of tin title"

Roberts brushes aside his partner en route to the ring (69)

GREG GAGNE - TV title match - vs Freebird Buddy Roberts

these two did not click at all in the ring - Gagne fought Buddy's cheating tactics with some of his own before putting out the Freebird's lights with the Good Hands Sleeper. (52)



Gordy tirade after watching Buddy Roberts go out after the TV title and lose : "I can't believe you did that. You're a two bit bum and a loser just like Michael Hayes. Why you guys wanna fight for a silly piece of tin like the TV title is beyond me. You messed everything up now. You needed to get your head on straight and be focused on the important matters at hand like the Karbo Kup. Well now, I'm gonna have to go out and find another partner. You get out of my sight Buddy Jack, get outta here right now. You're a two bit punk loser who was more concerned with himself than with the Freebird Legacy so get out of my sight. I don't ever wanna see you again, leave now before I do something we might both regret later. <Roberts tries to explain his actions but that was a big mistake> Gordy levels Roberts!!! I told you to leave but you wanted to talk. I let my fists do my talking. There's one other man I trust to be my partner. I'll make that request right here next week. Karbo Kup is the night that must cement the Freebird name into the legacy of Professional Wrestling forever. (66)


Jerry Lawler vs Ratamyus

good action/avg heat and great chemistry to boot! Ratamyus did not sell too many of Lawler's punches but in the end he went down to a Royal Piledriver (73)

Lawler says he is taking out all his attackers one by one. Tonight it was Ratamyus. 4th of July it will be you big nose Sgt Slaughter. How dare you call me names or impune my patriotism? You seem to think our country is still at war with Great Britain - good thing Billy Robinson or Lord James Blears are still not here or you would be attacking them too. The English are our allies now Slaughter. It's only fitting that I draw you in an Elite 8 match for ROCK AMERICA on our nation's birthday. Once I knock you out, there will be nothing in my path to winning it all - and then Von Rashke there is some unfinished business between you and I. I will be wanting my crown back! (82)



video highlights from Battle by the Bay featuring the cage match with Bockwinkle vs Leon White (80)


Arnold bursts into Verne Gagne's office and demands to know what he's going to do about how Bockwinkle cheated his good friend Leon White!!! "He brought back that Bobby Heenan against your orders. He appears that no one here actually listens to you anymore old man. I demand that you make this right next week. It appears that you cannot punish Heenan, but maybe you can strip the belts from Bockwinkle and McDaniel as their penalty!"


Terry Gordy vs Scott Steiner

good action, average heat. Gordy was in rare form and still in anger mode after his confrontation with Roberts - he polished off Steiner with a powerbomb in 9:48



Flying Yamada defeats Nacho Barrerra in a LW title match.

Yamada looks good in this squash. Mark Rocco makes an apperance and mocks Yamada (44)


Sheik Adnan comes to the interview stations and agrees with Arnold about the underhanded tactics of Nick Bockwinkle at the Battle by The Bay. "This war is not over yet Mr Bockwinkle. I may have underestimated just how sneaky and tricky you really are and we paid for it dearly as Leon White was forced to leave town. But my stable is not void of men who will destroy you. At the 4th of July supershow, my Russians will defeat you for the tag team titles. Jimmy Snuka will have to face a man he has never been able to defeat in Mr Saito. And some day soon, I will reveal a new member to my mighty army. I have much oil money and will spend it all if necessary to beat you Nick Bockwinkle and make you pay for your attacks on me!



Superfly Snuka has a tune-up match with a member of Adnan's Army - SABU.

Snuka shows a new tactic as he prepares for his match against Saito. He forces Sabu to submit to a nerve claw





Very entertaining match between two wily veterans. Las Vegas Jackpot gives Rose the win after a 19 minute war (69)


Buddy Rose celebrates his win and taunts his next round opponent Shawn Michaels. "All the teeny bopper girls squeal when Shawn Michaels comes out, but the real ladies cheer for the Playboy. Feast your eyes on this sexy body ladies. Shawn thinks he is God's gift to women, but the truth is I'm the one who gets invited to the mansion to hang out with Hef and the bunnies. And after next week, I'll defeat you Shawn Michaels and advance to the Final Four.



Nick Bockwinkle & Wahoo McDaniel vs Crippler Oliver and The Spoiler

good action and average heat, Wahoo chops down Oliver at 14:52. Nick came out looking good, Spoiler and Oliver both gained in performance

The Russians come out to attack the world champs after the match and leave them down and out as the show fades to black.


Final Rating: 68 (which should help our overall popularity)

TV RATING: .21 (an all time record high)

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The next major AWA show will be our 4th of July Spectacular


Sheik Adnan's Army vs The AWA Champions


World: Superfly Snuka defends vs Masa Saito

Snuka has a lofty 23-3-2 record in the AWA; however, 2 of those 3 losses have come at the hands of Mr Saito. Sheik Adnan may have found the Superfly's nemesis. Real World history will show Saito to become the AWA world champion - will this legacy prove history to be correct? Will that happen on the 4th? Or can Snuka rise to maybe his greatest challenge to date?


World Tag: Nick Bockwinkle & Wahoo McDaniel vs The Russians

Boris Zukov and Soldat Ustinov are also trying to claim their real life legacy. They have been on a roll of late with a nice winning streak. If there is any man that Shiek Adnan truly hates, it is Nick Bockwinkle. Starting when Nick attacked Adnan (though I'm sure he was provoked) to the latest when Nick defeated Leon White in a loser leave town match. What better way for Adnan to gain his revenge than to win the tag team titles of the world away from Bockwinkle and McDaniel. Bockwinkle is still not 100% after his cage war with Leon White, but McDaniel has been more than capable of carrying the team so far. What toll as that taken on the great Indian Chief?


TV TITLE: Greg Gagne defends vs Ratamyus

Sheik Adnan reached deep into this stable to pull out the monster Ratamyus! The monster is twice the size of Gagne. For those who may have never seen him, imagine a cross between Kabuki (face paint and green mist), The Sheik (use of objects and fire), and Abdullah the Butcher (size and love of pure mayhem). Greg has not exactly lit the world on fire with his title defenses and with his mind on Buddy Rose will he be able to withstand the challenge of Ratamyus? Greg is tied with Saito for longest tv title reign - will he break that record with a win here


LW TITLE: Flying Yamada vs Mark Rocco

Japanese dream match features Jushin Thunder Liger vs The Black Tiger. Both men ranked in the 1986 Power 100. Yamada and Rocco developed quite the rivalry in Europe and that seems to have spilled over here in the US (posted video of a match earlier in this thread). Two guys with solid technical skills, aerial ability, and have proven they can even brawl if it comes to that. Rocco is known for classic matches in Japan against Inoki and Maeda (80+ ratings) during his travels there. We expect an exciting match here between the two; however, their style is now what the casual AWA fan is used to so it remains to be seen whether they can win them over. Who will emerge as the LW champion?



Playboy Buddy Rose vs Shawn Michaels

#1 seed vs #6 from the west. Rose and Michaels are no strangers having met in the early days in battles over the AWA tag titles.

Rose may be distracted somewhat by recent challenges from Greg Gagne and some speculate he could overlook the youngster for a bigger payday against the winner of Bockwinkle-Adonis next week. Shawn Michaels showed he can play on the grand stage when he Marty Jannety were tag team champions - now can he prove it again in singles competition against one of the all-time greats?


#1 Sgt Slaughter vs #2 Jerry Lawler from the South Region

this one could be an epic match. Add in the drama over Sarge wanting to collect the bounty on Lawler and his comments about Lawler's crown (even though Der Kaiser Von Rashke has it now) and you have a powder keg waiting to explode. No doubt 2 top AWA stars here - which one will advance?


other matches on the undercard:

Scott Steiner vs The Spoiler

two guys going in different directions of their career. Steiner the top rookie with a bright future ahead of him; Spoiler nearing the twilight with possibly one last good run in him. This match could determine their immediate future.


Crusher Jerry Blackwell vs Adrian Adonis

two nimble larger athletes. Blackwell a long-time AWA mainstay. Adonis shows some tag titles on his resume (PNW with Ron Starr, AWA with Jesse Ventura, and WWF with Dick Murdoch); however, no single titles of note. A victory over a top star like Blackwell could set him as the top contender for any belt he wanted. Of course, Jerry could be secretly hoping one of his friends lose an Adnan challenge above because a win here would put him in the drivers seat to challenge the new champ.


Crippler Ray Stevens vs Bam Bam Terry Gordy

Stevens is making a name for himself knocking off loud mouth young punks. Last month he shut down Rip Oliver. This month he has the last remaining Freebird knocking on his door. Stevens is not too happy at the Freebird attacks on owner Verne Gagne and now has a chance to do something about it. Now that both his "brothers" are gone, Gordy says there is one man left that he trusts enough to be his partner at the Karbo Kup. A case could be made for Stevens to be that man. Either way I expect to be a showdown for the ages. This match came out of the gates with higher heat than even Snuka vs Saito, with no hype whatsoever. Even as the world title match heat rises, this undercard brawl will still be in top 3 heatwise.


First time ever -- 4 title matches - how many if any will change hands?

also to mix things up a bit, extra weight will be given to the title and Rock America matches (compared to the other 3) in the pick 'em contest.


quick picks and thoughts:

Snuka vs Saito

Nick-Wahoo vs Russians

Gagne vs Ratamyus

Yamda vs Rocco


Rose vs Shawn

Sarge vs Lawler


Steiner vs Spoiler

Blackwell vs Adonis

Stevens vs Gordy


Best match of night:

worst match of night:

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Snuka vs Saito


No way is Saito going to win here. Though I this diary was real that would be the ultimate screw you to have Saito win the title on the 4th of July.:D


Nick-Wahoo vs Russians


Sheik Adnan's Army has to win one of these matches and I think this is the most likely of the matches for them to win. Like you said Bockwinkle is not 100% yet and well Wahoo is getting on in years, well really nobody is a spring chicken in this match, I just think the Russians winning the gold on the 4th of July would bring great heat.


Gagne vs Ratamyus


When your father owns the promotion, you get to break records.


Yamda vs Rocco


Rose vs Shawn



Sarge vs Lawler


Steiner vs Spoiler



Blackwell vs Adonis


I was never a fan of the Blackwell that I saw when they would re-run the AWA. I thought he was a great talker but that was about it. I have to go with Adrian in this one.


Stevens vs Gordy


What is the Crippler around 80 at the start of the mod? Seriously though I just do not think it serves any purpose to have Bam Bam lose here.


Best match of night: Lawler vs. Slaughter, they have such huge star power I would think that would translate into MOTN.


worst match of night: Oh Blackwell and Adonis no doubt. Though Greg vs. Ratamyus would not shock me either.

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The next major AWA show will be our 4th of July Spectacular


World: Superfly Snuka vs Masa Saito

A title change would be good for Snuka here. It will set up a very nice blow-off match down the road with Snuka going for the World Title once again.



World Tag: Nick Bockwinkle & Wahoo McDaniel vs The Russians

With Snuka losing the World Title, the faces need a win here but it will be a DQ win, as the Russians will beat the living snot out of Bockwinkle and McDaniel. The Russians will win the titles, just not tonight.


TV TITLE: Greg Gagne vs Ratamyus

Gagne is not losing here to Ratamyus


LW TITLE: Flying Yamada vs Mark Rocco - Time limit Draw

A very tough battle but I could see this being used as a way to set up a nice feud between the two. Time limit draw will keep both very strong/


Playboy Buddy Rose vs Shawn Michaels

I have a feeling Michaels will win here but I'll still go with Rose. Rose should be very pissed about not being in the World Title picture and should use this tournament as a stepping stone in reaching his goal as World Champion.


Sgt Slaughter vs Jerry Lawler

This two going one on one during the peak of their career is going to be awesome. The King though will find a way to win, as the King always finds a way to win the big matches.


Scott Steiner vs The Spoiler

This match can be used to see just what Steiner is made of. The future is very bright for Steiner and it could start now.


Crusher Jerry Blackwell vs Adrian Adonis

The Crusher at this point is probably being used as the jobber to the future stars of the AWA. It just makes no since to me for Blackwell to win here.


Crippler Ray Stevens vs Bam Bam Terry Gordy

Terry Gordy showing the world that he is a force.

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Snuka vs Saito

Id love to see Saito win, but I just dont think its going to happen... Always thought Saito was one of the greatest ever


Nick-Wahoo vs Russians

I dont see titles changing, yet... But some kind of "W" for Russians sets up for future matches


Gagne vs Ratamyus

Verne probably doesnt want his son to lose... And even if he did, it wouldnt be to ratymus


Yamda vs Rocco

Im going with a draw.... Great match, with little heat... This one as we fast forward to 2012, we would be looking for clips of it on youtube


Rose vs Shawn

Time to build for the future


Sarge vs Lawler

flipped a coin... this one can either way


Steiner vs Spoiler

The Spoiler makes Scotty look good


Blackwell vs Adonis

In the battle of "body fat" Adonis is one of my favorites, so he gets the "W"... Plus, he is just a better all around wrestler


Stevens vs Gordy

Gordy going to make some waves... Im sure Buddy Jack will make his presence felt... Does he question Gordy on why he would wrestler singles???


Best match of night: Slaughter/ Lawler... Probably the two most over

worst match of night: Wouldnt be surprised if its Rocco/Yamada because of lack of heat, but Ill go Greg vs ratymas

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