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Last Gasp of the AWA - 1987

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Oldschool" data-cite="Oldschool" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31689" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Love it! But, one thing disturbs me... And that is that Paul Roma beat The Magnificent Muraco</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> that will not be the only crazy upset the AI gives us. In one stretch I saw Ric Flair lose to Nikita Koloff, RW Hawk, and Ed the Bull Gantner!!</p><p> </p><p> I set up one monthly "tour" show to help earn a little extra cash. So let's see the results from Sioux City Iowa in front of 2838 paid:</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://th51.photobucket.com/albums/f398/xxthe_charismatic_enigmaxx/Wrestling%20Stuff/th_MidnightRockers.jpg</span></p><p> <strong>The Midnight Rockers</strong> kick things off with a tag title defense against Nacho Berrera and Tom Stone: good action as the Rockers worked the crowd against the jobbers, Rocker Shocker at 7:34 for the win. (46)</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Sgt Slaughter </strong>says he is the greatest wrestler and the greatest instructor of all time. I can take any man and make into a champion if he can survive Camp Slaughter. I've been scouting the area and found such a man who is willing to endure the pain and suffering. Cactus Jack - you will have to do something about that hair, but let's see what you got maggot (39)</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Rip Oliver vs Sonny Rogers </strong>no heat for this match - Rip Oliver lives up to his name and literally destroys Sonny. Crippling Piledriver at 6:02</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://th258.photobucket.com/albums/hh244/newerawrestling/th_SGT_Slaughter.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> Sarge comes back out to wake up the crowd: "in case anyone has been living under a rock My Cobra Clutch is a dominant hold and now with GI Jack by my side we will march our way to the World tag titles. Those hippie Rockers listening to their loud music are the ruination of this great country. They need a little discipline. Today GI Jack, you watch and learn. Then we begin boot camp tomorrow (72)</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Slaughter and GI Jack vs Jake Milliman and Mark Young</strong></p><p> 7:19, Sarge pins Milkman with a Gutbuster. Sarge was a dominate force in the ring and threw Mark Young out of the ring for Jack to dish out some punishment. (Sarge improves his rumble skills)</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://images-partners-tbn.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRPV5D4raRI3WDWRWQPM5ylDGy__x71HHYkUsL7x2BFvJL5il9I2OTU454:cdn.bleacherreport.net/images_root/slides/photos/000/957/052/wahoo_display_image.jpg%3F1306115914</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Wahoo McDaniel vs Dirty Dick Slater</strong></p><p> before the match, Wahoo had a few strong words for Sgt Slaughter - "I can't believe this once great American hero is now working with slimeballs like Cactus Jack and the Terrorist. I expected better from him. Then he comes out and tries to injure Mark Young. His father and I were good friends and that doesn't sit well with me. Sarge - before you go looking for the Rockers, you're going to find me standing in your path. (66). </p><p> The fired up Indian Chief took out a lot of frustrations on poor Dick Slater. Wahoo layed in some blistering tomahawk chops to pin Slater in 15:52 (good action, average heat. 57 rating for match)</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Greg Gagne vs Larry Zbyszko</strong></p><p> Greg and Larry put on a show that energized the crowd. They slowly built up and told a fantastic story in the ring - both men demonstrated their versions of the Sleeper. Larry continued to go to his tights for an object to slow down the high flying Gagne. Eventually, Greg's temper got the best of him and the match turned into a brawl - at 29:48 the referee had no choice but to throw it out and DQ both men. Larry was quite upset at this decision (80)</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://th1011.photobucket.com/albums/af237/JohnnyFever78/Wrestling/th_Bockwinkle.jpg</span> vs <span>http://images-partners-tbn.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQATGM_-ItNuQ_DtNCmrvLtl1bGstk1wmSUObdaS9dh8rf25FUJ_KCjzw:cdn.bleacherreport.net/images_root/slides/photos/001/022/130/assass_display_image.jpg%3F1308240014</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> <strong>World title match: Nick Bockwinkle vs The Assassin</strong></p><p> 74 rated promo - Nick said he was impressed with what he just witnessed from Greg Gagne "I certainally never want to face him in the ring after all the wars I had with his father thru the years. </p><p> Nick then prepared to face the legendary Masked Assassin who has not gotten too many world title shots in his career - he fully intended to make the most of this one. Assassin used a few of his dirty tricks to keep the champ in trouble. Nick battles back using his superior conditioning to prolong the match and wear down his opponent. At 30:45, Bockwinkle applies the Oriental Sleeper and puts the masked man away. Nick acted like he might remove the mask, but Greg Gagne came down to prevent it - and help wake him up (83 rating on the match)</p><p> </p><p> Overall show rating of 73 - so close to the 75 I need to get a bump in the midwest. An incident in the lockerroom saw Bulldog Bob Brown stirring up some trouble. I gave him a strong warning and he said he got it. Meanwhile, Johnny Paul brought in a boatload of beer to lighten up the moment.</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">All-Star Wrestling is next.</span></strong> The main matches will see:</p><p> Midnight Express vs Bulldog Brown and Rock & Roll Buck Zumhoffe</p><p> Playboy Buddy Rose vs Rocker Shawn Michaels</p><p> Crusher Jerry Blackwell vs Dirty Dick Slater</p>
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<div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>ALL STAR WRESTLING</strong></span></span></p></div><p></p><p> We travel to the Wall2WallSoccer arena in the Great Lakes area for our syndicated B-show -- only 714 attend, slightly smaller crowd than hoped for.</p><p> </p><p> Dark match - The Terrorist (Brian Knobs) defeats Sonny Rogers with a powerslam. Sgt Slaughter did some good work at ringside getting the crowd involved. (27)</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Crippler Rip Oliver vs TopGun Ricky Rice</strong></p><p> poor match all around - Oliver piledrives Rice into oblivion (33)</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Rod Trongard </strong>announces the Lightheavyweight championship title is being brought back to the AWA> Over the next couple weeks, we will hold a battle royal of the top LW stars from around the world....the winner of the battle royal will receive a BYE into the finals of the tournament while the other wrestlers will be seeded according to the order they were tossed from the ring. One of the men expected to contend for this belt is here with me now - Greg Gagne (36):</p><p> <strong>Greg:</strong> "Thanks Rod, I'm proud to be here and excited to see all the LW stars that flock to the AWA to go after this prestigious belt. You know there is a weight limit for the belt, so we won't be seeing guys like my good friend Jerry Blackwell in there - it'll be more fast paced and high-flying action. Just the way I like it, you know...." Gagne is cut off as Buddy Rose walks out and interrupts him.</p><p> <strong>ROSE:</strong> "Yes Greg Gagne, you might be one of the fan's choices to win, but all the Las Vegas bookies have made me the prohibitive favorite to walk out with the shiny gold belt." Gagne reminds him of the weight limit for the division. Rose replies that he is "217 pounds of lean muscle" Gagne snickers at the comment and thinks 217 kilos might be more like it. Rose glares at Gagne and says "at least I'm not anorexic like you" Other wrestlers separate them before the fans go to sleep (27)</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://images-partners-tbn.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRBhuH_jrJVtKMWz3c078IXijBFI8essY7xTcdPHjr4Gxpl1Tc3ZPDZ86w:wrestlingtruth.com/wrestlehost/images/n4rb4dnlltuim1pgpp7q.jpg</span> vs <span>http://images-partners-tbn.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSv5IpASHBl6XOQsun4Fpcn3grQERc3jQ7weyZgvMtxFaberD0QNw5Fbw:cdn1.iofferphoto.com/img/item/191/943/782/g_history-of-shawn-micheals-hbk-341a9.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Playboy Buddy Rose vs Rocker Shawn Michaels</strong></p><p> Great chemistry between these two (thankfully). Average heat slowed down the otherwise good action. Rose busted Shawn open with brass knucks and the girls at ringside wept openly at the sight of blood. Shawn makes a superhuman comeback and has the crowd on their feet. He sets up Rose for a super kick when Pretty Boy Doug Sommers and Sherri Martell distract him - this allows Rose to hit his Las Vegas Jackpot and score the pin. Rose points down at the bloody and battered Shawn Michaels and tells him to shine up the world tag belts. "You can expect another beating even worse than this one at the Supercard. There's no way you two punks can stop the Pretty Boy and myself." (31 for the promo / 67 rating for the match)</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://images-partners-tbn.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQDatwFYdIL9wHEXUSVHuRoWUbv1nWkQxl8nYltaIjJcIBEIHkwMRewV6c:www.accelerator3359.com/Wrestling/pictures/omidnightexpress.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Midnight Express (w/ Paul E Dangerously) vs Bulldog Brown and Rock and Roll Zumhoffe</strong></p><p> Condrey pins Bulldog Brown with a Rocket Launcher - solid match that was very entertaining and back and forth (57)</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Sgt Slaughter</strong> video where he is in a bunker at an undisclosed location "I'm here hidden away at Camp Slaughter working out with GI Jack (Jack in the background doing push-ups and jumping jacks). I heard the words of Wahoo McDaniel, and he needs to mind his own business. I refuse to dirty my hands with him, but if he wants a challenge then he can take on my recruit GI Jack here - and I'll teach that young maggot puke squaw Mark Young another lesson. Sign the matches for ESPN and let's see how well you boys fare against the new Cobra Corps. (63)</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Crusher Jerry Blackwell vs Dirty Dick Slater</strong></p><p> Decent action and crowd reaction - Slater has Blackwell hurt early, but the Man Mountain from Stone Mountain picks up a head of steam and runs over the rebel. Slater carried most of the action and did all the selling - Blackwell delivers a Splash to get the win. (50)</p><p> </p><p> overall rating of 49 (may have actually put a damper on some of the heat we've been building up for the supershow)</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31689" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>EPSN Championship Wrestling is up next<p> signed for the card - Bockwinkle vs Henning (don't hold your breath for that one)</p><p> Jimmy Snuka vs Saito</p><p> Playboys vs Bulldog Brown and Steve O</p><p> and of course the challenge - Wahoo vs GI Jack / Slaughter vs Young</p><p> from there we're one week away from the Big One - and there'll be more news around the supercard on TV as we make our final push for ticket sales.</p></div></blockquote>
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Why cant I put my finger on wo Mark Young is...


Love seeing the AWA video... Kind of just sets the mood... Think I'm going to steal that


Mark Young's main claim to fame may have come in Continental Wrestling Federation where he was Private Mark Pyle in DI Bob Carter's honor guard. Just seemed like a natural to let Wahoo take him under his wing and team them up. Now let's see if I can let this feud breathe between them and Sarge's Cobra Corps until it ripens into something special.


glad you like the video, look forward to seeing a few in your legacy too. I won't do them every show, but work something in now and then to add some excitement and realism to it all.

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ESPN - Championship Wrestling



We come to you live in front of a big crowd in Kearney Nebraska


Sgt Slaughter kicks things off standing in the center of the ring. He calls out Wahoo McDaniel - "You said you wanted me Wahoo. Well I'm standing right here waiting, where are you?" Didn't take long to get Wahoo's attention and out came the Indian Cheif. He should have known Sarge had a trap laid, but he walked right into it! Slaughter had a couple hired henchmen, Mr Saito and Leon White waiting in the shadow and they attacked McDaniels as soon as he came thru the curtain. They laid a pretty good beating on Wahoo until his protege Mark Young ran out to help followed by a few others.


Sarge laughts heartily and continues his tirade: "You said you wanted to face me, but you're so drunk you can't even stand up. How do you expect to beat GI Jack here, much less me. Put down the firewater and maybe next time you'll have a fighting chance. Now just ring the bell and award my man GI Jack the victory by forfeit" (80)


Wahoo McDaniel vs GI Jack

Wahoo staggers to his feet after the beating and makes his way to the ring to fight GI Jack. Wahoo has lived thru wars in the Mid-Atlantic area with men like Flair and Valentine. He's not going to let this stop him. Sarge tries to help GI Jack in the match, but it backfires and he ko's his own man. Wahoo drops him with a Tomahawk Chop for the pin. Sarge puts a post match beatdown on Wahoo and leaves him bloody. (63)


(72) hype of the TV main event - Henning vs Bockwinkle, but Curt has not arrived yet. His partner Greg Gagne is dispatched to find out what the delay is


Jerry the King Lawler vs Nacho Berrerra

typical tv squash match that was common for the era.

Lawler fires up the crowd in this one!! Verne Gagne claims the Mexican Nacho was a former Sumo wrestler - think he may have gotten his cultures mixed up. Piledriver pins Nacho, but King brings the crowd alive (78 rating!!!! Was not expecting that one!!)


After the match, Lawler hypes his match for the super show agaisnt Larry Zbyszko: "you run around saying how you retired this guy and that one, but all you really do best is run your mouth and run out of the ring. Next week, you'll get your chance to show what you can do against a true legend of the sport. You won't be able to run your mouth so much after I get done with you" (84 rating, the King is golden tonight!)


Sgt Slaughter vs Mark Young

the other half of our War Party vs Cobra Corps challenge. Young gives a good accounting for himself against an overconfident Slaughter. Sarge finally locks on Cobra Clutch for the submission - Sarge does not release hold until a bandaged Wahoo McDaniel runs down to chase him off, Sarge is looking really good right now (72 rating)


Playboys (Rose-Sommers w/ Sherri Martell) vs Bulldog Brown and Steve O

another staple match for the era - established team vs mixed team of upper and lower card stars. solid in ring action and average heat - Brown and Steve O carried the fight to the top contenders as Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty watched from ringside. Rose pins Brown with Las Vegas Jackpot. Afterward, Rose cuts an awful promo (38) as we go to commerical break. (50 rating for the match - nice one to cool the crowd just a bit).



<iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/WWI2oxa2rnQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


NOTE: I'll use the mat classic feature differently each week. Maybe a way to introduce an angle or highlight a feud. Maybe to foreshadow something about to happen (might not catch on until later, but that's part of it). Sometimes just a fun match that I might find when I'm ready to post the results. Sometimes the videos might not even be AWA results (but are of guys on my roster) hope everyone enjoys


Superfly Snuka vs Mr Saito

excellent match between 2 superstars. Saito is able to secure the Prison Lock to score a pinfall at 17:50. Huge win for Saito as he tunes up for his match against Wahoo at the supercard.


It's time for our main event...but still no Curt Henning!!


Greg Gagne came out and said that he had tried to call Curt, but no answer. He doesn't know where his partner is. The championship committe convene quickly as Larry Nelson and Rod Trongard fill the airtime with speculation on what could be keeping Henning away from possibly the biggest night of his life. The championship committe sends Verne Gagne out with their decision. This is the TV main event and the fans deserve a match, so they decided to give the title match to Greg Gagne!!! Nick protested but to no avail.


WORLD TITLE MATCH: Nick Bockwinkle vs Greg Gagne

The two men went at matching holds and counter holds for 20 minutes. To a roar from the crowd, Curt Henning then arrived with his gym bag in hand and a puzzled look on his face. He ran to the ring and began yelling at Gagne. Bockwinkle nailed Greg with a knee to the back knocking him from the ring. Henning continued to yell at Greg, and grabbed his arm to prevent him from getting back in the ring. Gagne is counted out at 25:42

(match rating - 84)


While Gagne and Henning argue on the floor, Nick Bockwinkle has a good laugh at their expense. "Cry me a river Henning. You blew your chance at this belt. You send your boyfriend in here, and he couldn't get the job done either. Why don't both of you go have a good slap fight, then kiss and make up" Verne Gagne gets the other house mic - "Nick, you may think you got away with this. Something tells me you may have had something to do with Curt being late (Nick looks shocked at the accusation "would I do something like that"). Verne continues "The championship committe has decided that Curt Henning will get his shot at the title...next week at the Supershow!!"

crowd roars its approval, Nick looks upset, and Curt seems to be a little calmer now. (81 rated angle to close out the show)

Overall show rating - 78!!!

AWA struck gold with this one!! ESPN rating .17 (nice jump)

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WORLD TITLE MATCH:[/b] Nick Bockwinkle vs Greg Gagne

The two men went at matching holds and counter holds for 20 minutes. To a roar from the crowd, Curt Henning then arrived with his gym bag in hand and a puzzled look on his face. He ran to the ring and began yelling at Gagne. Bockwinkle nailed Greg with a knee to the back knocking him from the ring. Henning continued to yell at Greg, and grabbed his arm to prevent him from getting back in the ring. Gagne is counted out at 25:42

(match rating - 84)


I can not wait to see Henning vs Bockwinkle. Should be the perfect Main Event Superclash.

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In action around the world of wrestling


PNW: Brady Boone & Cocoa Samoa defeat Wrecking Crew (51) while Earthquake Ferris pins Rip Oiver (48). 47 rated PNW show


JCP's WCW show had a few surprises. Super Powers defeat Luger and Blanchard (71). Ed Bull Gantner defeats Ric Flair to retain Florida title!! (74, Flair was rated as the star of the show. Just not sure why the world champion is trying to win the Florida title and not the other way around.


CWA - Austin Idol retains Southern title over Rocky Johnson (61) Chick Donovan wins the International title from Soul Train Jones (47)


Sad news around the wrestling world - Fabulous Lance Von Erich died due to drug overdose. Dr Jerry Graham and Maniac Mark Lewin both retire from the business after hearing the news

The AWA board of directors is discussing a crack down after hearing this news. Any suggestions for how to conduct a War on Drugs is greatly appreciated.

The AWA supershow is coming up this weekend - final chance to make any predictions:


Sgt Slaughter and GI Jack vs The Top Guns (Rice and Paul)

Sarge is trying to mold his recruit into a fighting machine against one of the great young teams of the AWA


Masked Assassin vs Col Debeers (31 heat)

Assassin has allied himself with the Rockers while Debeers joined with his former PNW Army partner Buddy Rose. These forces will collide in a 6-man match on the ESPN "pre-super show"


Snuka-Gagne vs Midnight Express (43 heat, up from 33)

Paul E's team looking to move up the ladder for a possible shot at the Rockers and the world tag titles. Big obstacle in their path as 2 of the AWA's top stars unite once again (some may remember they teamed against Brody and Nord in a cage match in 1986)


with a promo like this, you see why I've been ordered to give Greg the big push. :-)


Wahoo McDaniel vs Mr Saito (heat improved from 31 to 52)

Wahoo McDaniel wants Sgt Slaughter - the Sarge is throwing roadblocks up to prevent this, The Japanese Sandman Masa Saito is the first of those roadblocks. We've also seen Sarge call on Baby Bull Leon White - will we see him get involved in this match as well? It should be a hard-hitting match as neither man is known to give much quarter.


World tag titles - The Midnight Rockers vs The Playboys (w/Sherri Martell)

Rose drew first blood on Shawn Michaels. The Playboy is intent on regaining the tag titles of the world. He has Col. Debeers giving them extra advice. Meanwhile, the Midnight Rockers have made a deal with the devil as they brought the Assassin in to train them on some dirty tactics to counter the Playboys. This should be a war! (heat improved from 26 to 34, pretty good percent improvement but didnt start very high)


Jerry the King Lawler vs Larry Zbyszko

battle of legends, and one all the fans want to see (heat has improved to 70!). The winner could definitely be considered a top contender for any title in the world. Both say they have something to prove.


WORLD TITLE: Nick Bockwinkle © vs Curt Henning (from 52 to 64 heat)

Much anticipated - Henning and many fans say it's time to pass the torch. Nick Bockwinkle seems reluctant to do so at this stage and may (or may not) have a few good matches left.


also for a little added bonus - I have completed my first signing who will make a debut appearance at the Supershow. Feel free to venture some guesses


Sgt Slaughter and GI Jack vs The Top Guns

The Assassin vs Col. DeBeers

Greg Gagne and Superfly Snuka vs The Midnight Express

Wahoo McDaniel vs Mr Saito

King Jerry Lawler vs Larry Zbyszko

Midnight Rockers vs Playboy Buddy Rose and Doug Sommers -

Nick Bockwinkle vs Curt Henning


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Sgt Slaughter and GI Jack vs The Top Guns

No doubt about this one


The Assassin vs Col. DeBeers


Greg Gagne and Superfly Snuka vs The Midnight Express

This pains me a bit.... Would love for you to try and get Lane... I just never bought into Randy Rose


Wahoo McDaniel vs Mr Saito

Heart says Saito, head says pick Wahoo here


King Jerry Lawler vs Larry Zbyszko

I just think Larry has to be at the top of an AWA card...Moreso than Lawler


Midnight Rockers vs Playboy Buddy Rose and Doug Sommers -

Dont think your going back on The Midnights yet


Nick Bockwinkle vs Curt Henning

Calling for a new champ... Yes it is time to pass the torch



Scott Hall?

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Greg Gagne and Superfly Snuka vs The Midnight Express

This pains me a bit.... Would love for you to try and get Lane... I just never bought into Randy Rose


I agree I never saw the original Midnight Express and I saw a little of the Eaton/Condrey version. However, to me the real version of the Express will always be Bobby Eaton and Stan Lane.

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I agree guys, Lane and Eaton took it to a whole new level. part of may be due to them being on the big stage (WTBS and JCP) and reprising a high profile feud from their Memphis / Midsouth days with Rock and Roll Express (somewhere I still have the PWI issue that pondered the rumors that Eaton and Gibson might trade places - boy, how that could have changed history.


Not sure if either will be available, but will do some checking. I can promise you one thing - there is a nice little angle brewing that should boost the Midnights Express into the spotlight. I'll try to make this group so meaningful and fun that you forget about Cornette's teams. :cool:

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1180 fans come to watch an All-Star Wrestling taping in Iowa


Top Guns defeat the team of Nacho Berrera and Tom Stone (13 - the fans did not rush to their seats to see this dark match)


Larry Zbyskzko brings the tv show to air with a tirade against Jerry Lawler - "I am the living legend. Other so-called legends retire after they face me Lawler, just ask Bruno Sammartino. He retired after I beat him in Shea Stadium. Bob Backlund retired after I beat him. I hear that Jerry Graham and Mark Lewin both retired this week rather than face me - you're next Lawler" (72)

Crusher Blackwell beat Boris Zukov in a solid match with average heat (52)


Buddy Rose tells the Midnight Rockers their days with the tag team belts are numbered. Sherri Martel gets in a few barbs too "so happy to be between the two sexiest men in the country" (42)

(46) video highlights of Midnight Express attacking Jimmy Snuka at a recent house show and being saved by Greg Gagne (kayfabe)


Sarge and GI Jack vs DJ Peterson and Steve O (59)

Sarge pins Steve O after a Gutbuster, 7:24. Sarge had another stand-out performance despite holding back a little in an attempt to let Jack have some moments.


Sgt Slaughter demonstrates the power of the Cobra Clutch on a willing Johnny Paul fresh off his win earlier. Once Sarge locked it on, there was no where for Paul to go. DJ Peterson came out to his aid


Superfly Snuka vs Dick Slater

good action here as Slater sold all of Snuka's offense quite well. Superfly Deathleap for the win at 18:49 (69)


Larry Z vs Bulldog Bob Brown

good action in the main event. Larry went all out and wore down the bigger Bulldog who was visibly tired. Larry picks up a solid win as he prepares for The King. (59)


overall rating - 58,
ESPN's live show that leads into the Supercard will be up next!!

pair of 6-man tags bookend the tv show - Midnight Rockers & Assassin vs Playboys & Col. Debeers.....then main event: Larry Z, Saito, and Leon White vs Snuka, Gagne, and Lawler

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NOTE - the first video below - close your eyes when you click it to let the visualize the events in your mind


Cobra Corps (Sarge and GI Jack) vs DJ Peterson and Buck Zumhoffe (68)

good match to start the show. DJ submits to the Cobra Clutch


6-man tag match

Playboy Buddy Rose, Pretty Boy Doug Sommers, and Colonel Debeers


Midnight Rockers (Michaels and Jannetty) plus the Masked Assassin

an exciting and fast-paced match to fire up the crowd. The teenage girls squealing for Shawn and Marty was a bit much for my ears, but the in ring action made up for it. All 6 men had a chance to show off their skills. A few near falls, but no one seemed to want to lose. Rose, Shawn, and Marty were all busted open but none of them showed any quit. The end came when Debeers delivered a pancake piledriver on Assassin while the other four fought on the floor. (62).

Shawn, Marty, Buddy, and Doug continued their brawling for some post match theatrics but were stopped cold in their tracks when MUSIC began to play overhead. All eyes turned to the entrance ramp - the fans rose and the noise they made was deafening .......



(yes it's time to click the link below and close your eyes - let the music take you to the scene. For many, you will see the events unfold in living color much better than I can ever describe - and without me saying a word. When you're ready, open your eyes and read on)








Larry Nelson did his best Joey Styles impression with an "OMG - what are THEY doing here!!!!" A pair of familiar faces made their way down the aisle and proceeded to clear the ringside area before grabbing a house microphone to address the crowd (I'll give you the names later if you don't already know them): "Hello AWA, we need no introduction. The last time we were here, we beat up the Road Warriors causing them to lose their world titles and basically ran them out of town. We never got our chance to carry the world tag belts and we are back to claim what is ours. Midnight Rockers!!! Playboys!! We don't care which of you walk out of here later tonight with the tag belts, just know who is standing in line waiting to take them away!"


Wahoo McDaniel vs Soldat Ustinov

The crowd was all abuzz after this entrance so - This match served the purpose of bringing the crowd's attention back to the ring for wrestling action after that dramatic debut. Wahoo's tomahawk chops put away the Russian who was exhausted at 9:52. (50)



<iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/otto9kqk20w" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Curt Henning vs Dirty Dick Slater

Curt Henning beats Dick Slater with Henning Plex in 11:59. Good action in the ring but could have stood some more heat (59)


Sgt Slaughter was kind enough to demonstrate the Cobra Clutch once again (video features a very young future Dirty White Boy)


Main event

6-man tag: Larry Z and Mr Saito choose Leon White to join them against Snuka & Gagne who have King Lawler as his partner

match deteriotes into chaos as the Midnight Express get involved to attack Gagne and Snuka....Wahoo McDaniel runs down to get a piece of Mr Saito and help even the odds - referee rules a no contest at 18:31 (67)

Curt Henning did the guest commentary for the match during which he put over his upcoming world title match against Bockwinkle later tonight in the super show.


Overall rating for this tv event was a dismal 59 - I can only hope the Super Show event itself does better. The highlight of the show of course was the return of The Fabulous Freebirds, Michael Hayes and Terry Gordy (the unnamed team from the video earlier for anyone who did not guess correctly)

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The fans are warmed up already from sitting thru the live TV show so let's get to some wrestling action!


Cobra Corps (Sarge and Jack) vs Top Guns (Rice and Paul)

John Paul submitted to the Cobra Clutch -he had felt the move before and wanted no part of it again. Sarge has another outstanding match and proves he is one of the top stars of the AWA right now (54)


Bulldog Bob Brown and Crusher Jerry Blackwell vs The Russians (Zukov and Ustinov w/ Sheik Adnan)

Brown and Blackwell call themselves High Intensity - and they defeat the Russians when Blackwell drops the SPLASH on Zukov in just 6:46 and Ustinov was tired already (48)


Jerry Lawler fires up the crowd as he hypes his accomplishments - "Once I finish shutting up Larry's mouth, I'll be looking to go after whoever wins the World title later tonight" (75)


The Masked Assasin vs Col. Debeers

Good chemistry between these two. Average heat, but they deliver a good match - Debeers pins the masked man with a Pancake Piledriver. (58)


With the Freebirds making their debut on TV, they strutted out and demanded a match tonight to show all the Midwestern morons what a real wrestling team looks like. Steve O and Buck Zumhoffe quickly answer the challenge

Freebirds vs Steve O and R&R Buck Zumhoffe

Steve and Buck make a good showing for themselves and lots of good action. Oriental Spike on Steve O. Freebirds strut and insult the crowd some more. (64 match rating)



Dirty Dick Slater vs D J Peterson

DJ dives off the second rope to catch Slater by surprise and pin him. What an upset as the rookie takes down the wily veteran. (dismal 39)


Tag team action - Jimmy Snuka and Greg Gagne vs Midnight Express good action and heat here - Paul E was handcuffed to Verne Gagne thus a non-factor. All 4 men flew around the ring - end came when Gagne dropkicks Rose, then Snuka hits the Superfly Death Leap for the win. 14:19 (67)


Verne Gagne brings in the man he and son had the pleasure of meeting on a recent trip to Las Vegas - The Terminator himself, Arnold Schwarzenegger!!! Arnold pumps up the crowd and hypes the show. "I'm really looking forward to this main event title match." Verne invites Arnold to sit with at the broadcast table for that match and share some of his insights - a proposition that Arnold is very thrilled with.


Wahoo McDaniel vs Mr Saito

great action and a good crowd that got into this one. Both men hit the other with suplexes and chops that were echoed by the crowd. Sarge made a run-in trying to help Saito - busting McDaniel open in the process, but Wahoo overcame the odds -pinning Saito with a Tomahawk chop in 17:27. Neither man wanted to sell for the other, and that hurt the match somewhat

(bookernotes: Wahoo didnt want to do the job here, so I left the outcome open) match rating - 70.






http://images-partners-tbn.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS2MYSOUrmViI3AvKDhKHndpvGsEsoCGrJemuv6pN6jhSMiqvM8IAs9iFI:wrestlingtruth.com/wrestlehost/images/s5shgscwxfyqr4521vb0.jpg vs http://images-partners-tbn.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQWyQrZMglWQBiivwuchUrfgP--JDpYvHavlusbOTzMcW2--LUgRPKbTg:mimg.ugo.com/200809/29057/cuts/midnight-rockers_288x288.jpg

Some good action in this one, All 4 men put it on the line for 14 minutes - Midnight Rockers show off their speed and agility early to frustrate the Playboys. Then a missed dropkick gives the Playboys an opening. They isolate Marty on their side of the ring and beat him down with repeated doubleteams. Shawn keeps trying to run across to help, but the referee escorts him back to his corner. Finally Marty breaks free and with a sommersault rolling flip, he dives into the corner to tag a red hot Shawn Michaels. Shawn takes on both men until the numbers game takes it toll. The action spills to the floor where Shawn is cut open when thrown into the ringside railing. As order is restored in the ring, The Midnight Rockers regroup, then Shawn connects with a Rocker Shocker to pin Sommers and retain the belts. (63)


75 - Nick Bockwinkle cuts a promo telling us how important this AWA title is and what it means to him. "ten years ago, Verne Gagne passed the torch to me and I have defended this title with honor and respect. Someday, yes I'm sure someone who is worthy will step thru the ropes and take this belt from me. But it won't be a snot-nosed young punk like Curt Henning who has no respect and shows no dignity in his actions outside the ring. A champion is expected to carry his himself like a champion at all times. You are going to grow up tonight Curt Henning."


Larry Zybyszko vs Jerry "the king" Lawler

Match started slow as Larry continued to duck out of the ring to avoid locking up with Lawler. When they did lock up, it would be an arm bar or leglock - then Larry would work his way out of the ring for another time-out. The intensity built slowly and then these men pulled out some stops. When Larry reached into his tights for his object, Lawler fought fire with fire - literally - fireball!! The ref stops the match at 20:05 due to chaos (78)


Curt Henning is intereviewed during the match as he expresses that yes he had a few butterflies in his stomach earlier today, and now they've grown to bats. He can't wait to finally get in the ring and get it on. "I've waited a long time for this chance. My father, Larry the Axe is right here beside me. He was never able to win the world title so tonight I do it for him and cement the great Henning name in the record books. Nick is a second generation wrestler too. He said something about me not conducting myself like a champion outside the ring, I don't know what he's talking about. I may not have made millions of dollars yet so I don't own as many nice suits as he does, but I will. Nick Bockwinkle, here's what I have to say to you - you don't conduct yourself like a champion INSIDE the ring. Many times you've ducked behind the rule book and gotten yourself disqualified intentionally to save the title. Tonight, all I ask of the referee is no matter what don't stop the match until one man's shoulders are pinned to the mat or he submits. Don't take away my chance of a lifetime.










wow - what can be said. These two men told a story in the ring for the ages. Henning went for a series of pinning combos early to set the tone, small package, inside cradle, roll up - but each time the champ got a shoulder up. Curt misses with a flying shoulderblock and Bockwinkle takes advantage. He slams Curt a couple times then applies an arm lock to work over the injured shoulder. Henning gets away and retreats to the floor to shake off the numbness. Nick would not let him rest and chased Henning to the floor - maybe that was Curt's plan all along as he is able to slam Nick to the concrete. Then he grabs a steel chair and busts him open!!! The fans are shocked to see the aggressive nature of Henning here. The referee was distracted by Larry the Axe Henning who came down to cheer his son on, but finally restores the match to the ring. Henning works over the bloody champ - but Nick is crafty and is able to block the Fisherman Suplex attempt. Bockwinkle delivers a couple suplexes of his own and both men are flat on their backs. As they get to their feet, Nick catches Curt with a Piledriver. It looks like curtains for the challenger who is now bleeding as well, but Henning is able to get a foot on the ropes at the last second!!! Bockwinkle shows his frustration. He tries for another, but Curt counters with a small package..1...2....shoulder up!! Once again the two men find their way to the floor and this time it's Bockwinkle that picks up the chair - whack!! Now Henning is wearing the Crimson Mask! Larry the Axe runs over and grabs the chair away from Bockwinkle - he points to the ring and tells Nick to get in while he checks on his son. Larry being the concerned father wants the match stopped due to the cuts....Curt demands to let the match go on, and swears that he is ok. Larry helps his son back in the ring when Bockwinkle greets him with a kick and another brutal Piledriver. Henning is lifeless as Nick covers...1.....2....somehow Curt reaches deep inside at the last instant and gets a foot to the ropes again. His moxie and wisdom saved him that time. Bockwinkle cannot believe what happened!! He argues with the ref, he kicks the ropes...he forgets about Curt Henning who sneaks up behind and takes Bockwinkle up for the Henning Plex!!! the ref counts 1...2...and Nick gets a shoulder up. Oh my!! As they get to their feet, both men trade punches in the center of the ring.. Curt fires a roundhouse right, but Nick ducks under it and catches the off-balance Henning in the Singapore Sleeper!! Curt has no fight left in him and passes out from the blood loss. Bockwinkle is declared the winner! The fans are the real winners here tonight having witnessed perhaps the greatest 45 minutes of wrestling action you will see anywhere.


Some of the commentary from Arnold turned out to be less than flattering as he questioned why Verne didn't make Nick just lose the AWA title to Hulk Hogan! "If you had done that, just think where you'd be today! Nick Bockwinkle is a fine champion, but Hogan is bigger and better." Verne did not appreciate the comments from Arnold and threatened to cut off his mic. The commentary then focused on the classic match they were witnessing, but the genie is out of the bottle so to speak as to Arnold's opinions on the matter.


final match rating for the main event - 91

final show rating - 79, thanks in large part to the main event.


The black & white picture of Bockwinkle contrasted with the color Henning was by design to set up the whole old school vs new storyline going on between them.

We were expecting a large crowd close to 9,000 and rented a big building. However, we drew only 7,191. Still a success and we put a little over 30 grand in the bank with the show. Next month, we will separate the shows and see if we can get a better profit.


comments and feedback always welcome

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great main event... Found myself rooting for hennig as read through it... But glad to see Bockwinkle keep it (as it just seems easy to transition to hennig at this day and age... sets up for some more dramatic stroy telling


Rockers win... Not really surprised... my only feedback would ve been to keep blood off of Michaels, to make the blood in the main event more dramatic...I always like Rose & Summers (very underated in my book), but hard to see them as threats to take titles of Rockers


Lawler/Zbyszko... gives you a hot feud, to semi-main event... Never really been a Lawler fan, but the fireball certainly got everyone's attention... Winne rof this feud, I imagine is next in line for title shot


Wahoo/Saito... Didnt realize Wahoo was a jerk and didnt want to do job... The blood here caused by Slaughter certainly will help build this... Saito is still awesome, hope you have a way to keep him involved... Id take that match rating anyday from these guys (better than World tag Title Match, which i wouldnt have expected)



Gagne/Snuka win... expected.... I feel Dangerously is a year or two away from dominating your AWA some how... No need to rush him



DJ/Slater... I love the idea of trying to make a new star out Peterson... I see him as having potential... but hate seeing Slater lose.. Peterson's inexperience, is what mustve crapped all over this match... Hopefully the rub he gets here builds him


Freebirds= awesome (which two worked?)


Id take that mrating from Debeers and Assasin... I pcture a slow plodding match... but imagine theri chemistry hlped tell a good story


Soldat Ustinov tired after 6 minutes... Really! get that man a treadmill... DPS, Did Ustinov ever wrestle under any different gimmicks, that 2 year AWA stint is all i know him from

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You are correct about Shawn's blood. The spot didn't call for it, but he hit the rail harder than expected and reopened an earlier cut. They (I) need to remember every match doesn't have to be a brawl between them.

The tag matches did not present too many solid scores, but maybe the division will improve.


As for Freebirds, I have Hayes and Gordy.

They will be searching for a 3rd member. Maybe Roberts will be able to join them part time, but if not feel free to send in suggestions.


As for Ustinov, He started in Florida and used the names Ivan the Terrible and Big Jim Steele (and a couple other forgettable monikers). With his stamina and lack of athleticism, I'm not real sure how long he will survive. He needs to get his act together if he wants to stay around and amount to anything.


as for the predictions in the first supershow, it was very close:

Thunderwill was tops with 6 correct picks, the other 3 came in just behind that. I think its good to give the fans what they want to see (rather than always trying to trick them with swerves and the wrong guys winning). As things go on, there maybe more closer and harder to choose matches.

I'm trying to put together the April Show right now with the intent of being a springboard into the Super Clash


feel free to send me a match you'd like to see - in particular who should be the next big challengers for Bockwinkle?

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That was a great main event. Bockwinkel could really go in the ring, even with his age beging over 50. There has to be a rematch down the road between these two, as the torch should be past over to the next generation.


The rest of the card I thought was solid but once again that main event was awesome.


It looks like you should be able to turn the AWA around before the bottom falls out.

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<p>Great card! I really thought that the switch was coming reading that report but it's the right decision for business to keep the belt on Nick. Although a great worker, he's less likely to be lured by the WWF and NWA at this point in time wheras you can't help but feel that Curt's AWA career could end at any point.</p><p> </p><p>

Clearly you're going somewhere with Arnold's shoot on Verne - obviously Hogan's not coming in anytime soon (without you playing havoc with the editor at least!) so it does raise a question of why did Arnold bring it up... could this be a foreshadowing of what's to come in terms of booking decisions?</p><p> </p><p>

I think the natural face choice for the AWA title is Jerry Lawler - he could continue his wild brawls with Zbyszko and the Sarge is coming up the ranks too... I get the funny feeling that you're going somewhere else though and the most loyal man on the roster might be getting the biggest rub of all (no doubt to Arnold's disgust!) - that could be an interesting spin on things</p>

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1159 attend the tv taping (midwest)


In a preshow very dark match, more of a workout to see what he can do:

Arnold defeats Mark Young with the Terminator. decent action that would get a decent crowd response. (59)


Top Guns vs Tom Stone and Rogers - 11 rated dark match that turned the crowd off big time. Guns get a win and a little experience, that's about it.


Show goes live - with Big Arnold addressing the crowd

Larry Nelson asks Arnold to explain some of the comments he made during his supershow broadcast. Arnold responds that "quite simply, Nick Bockwinkle is a Girly Man and I'd snap him half like a twig if he ever got in the ring against me. (78)

To say the least, that left the announcers buzzing as we go to the ring for our first match:

Flying Yamada vs Dirty Dick Slater

Yamada is a rookie high flyer from Japan who has come in for our LW tournament. Slater takes him for granted and pays for it big time!! Yamada connects with a Yamada Bomb and pins the veteran. Solid ring action, but little in the way of heat for the newcomer. Few more matches like this could get the fans' attention (58)



Rock & Roll Buck Zumhoffe vs Mean Mike Miller

another solid match with no heat - great chemistry between these two - they played off each other and traded offense. Rock And Roll Zumhoffe rolls up Miller for the pin at 7:26


Leon White vs DJ Peterson

the man who would be Vader takes on the man compared to Magnum TA (now that would be a main event worth seeing). As it turns out, we see a solid match and even some average heat from the crowd. DJ was tiring at the 8:26 mark when Leon powerbombed him for the win. Good workout match for both men.


Main Event

Greg Gagne and Superfly Snuka vs Boriz Zukov and Kevin Kelly

Zukov seemed to gain some skills carrying the match for his team, Kelly went down to the Superfly Splash at 9:58

overall show - a 55. (low rated even for a B show - will be interesting to see how the LW battle royal plays out next week)


In some other matches around the country:


WWA Scott Steiner defended the WWA title over Dr Jerry Graham Jr (fighting for his dad who recently retired) in a 52 rated match

UIC Pavillion, JCP had their super show in front of 6959 (sellout). Road Warriors defeat Big Bubba and Lex Luger in main event (66). Nikita defends US belt over Stan Lane (69). Awesome Twosome retain tag titles over Jive Tones (48). Tully Blachard defends World TV title over Florida champ Ed Bull Gantner (52), Dusty Rhodes over New Breed Sean Royal (66) - maybe he didn't want to be President. Vladimir Pietrov over Ron Garvin (64)

UWF Superdome show (62) - One Man Gang retains title over Missing Link (59). Dibiase and Bill Irwin defeat Chavo and Buddy Roberts (77). Gary Young over Rick Steiner, Eddie Gilbert over Brad Armstrong. Taylor and Adams defeat the Sheepherders to retain the UWF titles. Bad Leroy Brown retains UWF Tv title over Fantastic Tommy Rodgers

WCWA supercard (73): Kevin Von Erich over Al Perez (74) Kerry Von Erich over Red River Jack (78) everything else in the 50's. Good crowd of 8000.


World Class TV saw a semi-main event of Red River Jack, Al Perez, and Abdullah the Butcher defeating the Von Erich boys (72). What was the main event you ask -- Spoiler teams with Nord the Barbarian to beat Skip Young and Tony Atlas (53 rating, 56 rated show)


In WWF, Birdman and Brunzell defeat Adonis and Bret Hart (74 rating)

up next - ESPN Championship Wrestling: What will Bockwinkle's response be to Arnold's comments? Also, Michael Hayes hosts a new talk show called FANTASIA - his first guest will be Paul E Dangerously with a special announcement

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You know, I'm a little skeptical over celebs in wrestling, but I think this Arnold thing may be interesting..


Nice pick up in The Flying Yamada... That guy should be gold


Nice to see the crowd get into the matchup between Peterson and Leon White


PS... I get the "maybe he didnt want to be president" reference.... Im sure that is random wrestling trivia, that many wouldnt know


The UWF supershow looked awesome... I wouldve bought a ticket to that


Koko and Brunzell beating Adonis & Hart (wow) That World class semi-main event looked great but seriously Spoiler & nord vs Skip Young & Atlas... WOW, what was Fritz thinking!

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I have to scratch my head too sometimes when I see the AI results. But that's why I like to post them too. May even give other legacy writers some ideas.


NOW - I have a couple Pick-em challenges


First, the AWA LW title will be decided - mostly on All-Star Wrestling shows


The entrants are:

Alabama JR champ: Mike Jackson

Florida / Southern Jr Champ: Mike Graham

Lucha Jr Champ: Lazertron (from JCP)

Japanese Jr Champ: Super Black Ninja

also, rookie Sensation the Flying Yamata

AWA main stays like

Cocoa Samoa, John Paul, Steve O, Buck Zumhoffe,

should Greg Gagne (or Buddy Rose) be involved?


who do you pick to reach the Final 4 and who will become the new LW champion?


Then the AWA TV TITLE TOURNAMENT will begin on ESPN. The brackets are:


Masked Assassin vs Mr Magnificent Kevin Kelley

Bulldog Bob Brown vs Col. Debeers


DJ Peterson vs Rip Oliver

Crusher Jerry Blackwell vs Leon White


Flying Yamada vs Mr Saito

Mark Young vs Sheik Adnan Al Kaisey


Wahoo McDaniel vs (member of the Midnight Express)

Mean Mike Miller vs Larry Zbyszko


The next rounds will be fought in order (Assassin/Kelly winner vs Brown/Debeers winner; that winner will take on the Peterson/Oliver vs Blackwell/White winner). So you can project your winner all the way to the end. I have it mapped in my head to the finals, but as always your input could sway things along the way - especially with sound reasons.

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Alabama JR champ: Mike Jackson

Florida / Southern Jr Champ: Mike Graham

Lucha Jr Champ: Lazertron (from JCP)

Japanese Jr Champ: Super Black Ninja

also, rookie Sensation the Flying YamataAWA main stays like

Cocoa Samoa, John Paul, Steve O, Buck Zumhoffe,

should Greg Gagne (or Buddy Rose) be involved?


Im going to go with Flying Yamata to win this thing, with the rest of the fnal four being

Buck Zumhoffe (have to have a regualr AWA guy make it)

Mike Graham (because he has some name value)

Super Black Ninja (not sure who he is, but could he be Keijo Muto)


and at the very least "Playboy" Buddy Rose at a slim, trim, ripped, cut, buff, chiseled and jaaacked 217lbs, should be petionng to get in this tourney


who do you pick to reach the Final 4 and who will become the new LW champion?


Then the AWA TV TITLE TOURNAMENT will begin on ESPN. The brackets are:


Masked Assassin vs Mr Magnificent Kevin Kelley (Kelly doesnt have skill, but a good enough look to warrant a little push)

Bulldog Bob Brown vs Col. Debeers Think this one is over before it starts



DJ Peterson vs Rip Oliver (youth prevails)

Crusher Jerry Blackwell vs Leon White ( Iso want to pick Leon White, but im guessing he's not ready yet and gets a good rub from Blackwelll


Flying Yamada vs Mr Saito Size difference makes the difference

Mark Young vs Sheik Adnan Al Kaisey (how old is Al Kaisey anyways)


Wahoo McDaniel vs (member of the Midnight Express) no brainer

Mean Mike Miller vs Larry Zbyszko No brainer



Debeers beats Kelly

Blackwell beats DJ Peterson


Saito beats Young

Wahoo over Larry (Surprised they didnt meet in finals)


Saito over Wahoo and Blackwell over Debeers (this is probably where I lost it) but im pulling for Saito to take it with the Finals victory and give you a champ that can go against both larger and smaller opponents

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NOW - I have a couple Pick-em challenges


First, the AWA LW title will be decided - mostly on All-Star Wrestling shows


The entrants are:

Alabama JR champ: Mike Jackson

Florida / Southern Jr Champ: Mike Graham

Lucha Jr Champ: Lazertron (from JCP)

Japanese Jr Champ: Super Black Ninja

also, rookie Sensation the Flying Yamata

AWA main stays like

Cocoa Samoa, John Paul, Steve O, Buck Zumhoffe,

should Greg Gagne (or Buddy Rose) be involved?


who do you pick to reach the Final 4 and who will become the new LW champion?


Greg Gagne over Buddy Rose. Rose should never be a lightweight wrestler.

Now the picks

Final Four: Greg Gagne, Lazertron, Mike Graham and Cocoa Samoa

Winner: Greg Gagne. Keeps daddy happy and stops him from beging part of the world title scene.



Then the AWA TV TITLE TOURNAMENT will begin on ESPN. The brackets are:


Masked Assassin vs Mr Magnificent Kevin Kelley

Bulldog Bob Brown vs Col. Debeers


DJ Peterson vs Rip Oliver

Crusher Jerry Blackwell vs Leon White


Flying Yamada vs Mr Saito

Mark Young vs Sheik Adnan Al Kaisey


Wahoo McDaniel vs (member of the Midnight Express)

Mean Mike Miller vs Larry Zbyszko


The next rounds will be fought in order (Assassin/Kelly winner vs Brown/Debeers winner; that winner will take on the Peterson/Oliver vs Blackwell/White winner). So you can project your winner all the way to the end. I have it mapped in my head to the finals, but as always your input could sway things along the way - especially with sound reasons.


Masked Assassin vs Mr Magnificent Kevin Kelley

Jody Hamilton may be on his last legs but he can still go in the ring plus I need a babyface against the colonel.


Bulldog Bob Brown vs Col. Debeers

I really like Col. DeBeers. May not be championship material but he is a good gateway wrestler.


DJ Peterson vs Rip Oliver

Rip all the way


Crusher Jerry Blackwellvs Leon White

I really, really want to go with White but it's not time yet. Probably need to wait on White until Vader takes over him.


Flying Yamada vs Mr Saito

In every tournament you need a couple upset victories and I think this one of those matches.


Mark Young vs Sheik Adnan Al Kaisey

Mark Young is just not ready. I know his father Strongbow may not like it but just is not ready yet.


Wahoo McDanielvs (member of the Midnight Express)

Nothing to say about it.


Mean Mike Miller vs Larry Zbyszko

The Z-Man in a easy victory.


Next Round

Masked Assassin vs Col. DeBeers

Like I said I like DeBeers but The Assassin might just have one more run in him.


Rip Olivervs Crusher Jerry Blackwell

I needed a heel against Assassin plus Oliver can be brutal and very good in the ring when he's right in the head.


Flying Yamada vs Sheik Adnan Al Kaisey

Tought choice but I'm going with the flyer in a surprise victory once again.


Wahoo McDaniel vs Larry Zbyszko

Probably the thoughest choice but going with Zbyszko after a ton of cheating to get the victory.


Next Round

Masked Assassin vs Rip Oliver

The Assassin once again wins after a brutal match.


Flying Yamada vs Larry Zbyszko

The young Yamada will give it all he's got but the Living Legend will be to much for him.



Masked Assassin vs Larry Zbyszko

I really have no clue on this match but I'll go with the Assassin to win it all. Hamliton may not hold the belt very long but he is a good guy to have a last title run at the end of his career.

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Super Black Ninja (not sure who he is, but could he be Keijo Muto)


and at the very least "Playboy" Buddy Rose at a slim, trim, ripped, cut, buff, chiseled and jaaacked 217lbs, should be petionng to get in this tourney



you are correct - Ninja is Mutoh.

I was thinking as I set this up, a match between Yamada vs Ninja won't sound like much but could sell the arenas in Japan (and even US) a few years from now as Jushin Thunder Liger would be taking on The Great Muta. Nice to get them both as rookies to help break them in. Should have worked them into something with Leon White too, so we could have the future Great Muta vs the future Vader. But all this time travel gives me a headache.


I need to do a better job of getting Rose involved in the LW event hype. I'm sure he'll make his splash next week before the big battle royal. :-)


I had created the TV title and wasn't in a rush to crown the first champion until I saw it dropping prestige points every week. yikes!!! Gotta get moving!! I am putting the ESPN TV show together, which will kick off a few of the first round TV matches (and I'll work a few into the All-Star taping). Incidently, I picked the group to enter the tournament just by talking to each one and everyone who said they wanted to be going for the TV title got invited (plus a couple fillers). If work cooperates, I'll have it posted midweek....so some time left left if anyone else wants to venture some projections



You've both given me some good ideas, not only for the tourney but also some of guys who should be the top challengers at the end and some direction for the eventual champ to go. thanks so much

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Here's my thoughts:


I'd go with a final four of Gagne, Rose, Graham & Yamata



Then the AWA TV TITLE TOURNAMENT will begin on ESPN. The brackets are:


Masked Assassin vs Mr Magnificent Kevin Kelley

Default pick based on his opponent in the next round!


Bulldog Bob Brown vs Col. Debeers

Sorry Bulldog but Debeers is the stronger of the two


DJ Peterson vs Rip Oliver

Again, default because I've plumped for Leon but could go either way


Crusher Jerry Blackwell vs Leon White

A tough choice but if the AWA is going to survive it needs youth to succeed and Baby Bull is a hoss!


Flying Yamada vs Mr Saito

An upset for Yamada perhaps after Saito causes him to lose out in the LW stakes (or Saito causes the loss for him later?)


Mark Young vs Sheik Adnan Al Kaisey



Wahoo McDaniel vs (member of the Midnight Express)

Again, I'm pulling for Wahoo v Zbyszko in the next round...


Mean Mike Miller vs Larry Zbyszko

Total no-brainer




Masked Assassin v Col. De Beers

Assassin turns back the clock again


DJ Peterson vs Leon White

The bull tears through Peterson to set-up a clash of Old AWA vs the New AWave (I coined that... lol)


Flying Yamada vs Sheik Adnan

A shock win for Sheik Adnan with Mr Saito interference?


Wahoo McDaniel vs Larry Zbyszko

Time for the King to make his presence felt with an assist for Wahoo




Masked Assassin vs Leon White

A destruction job on the Assassin would build heat for Leon and make him look like an unstoppable monster...


Sheik Adnan vs Wahoo McDaniel

End of the road after a good run for Adnan, despite the Sarge's best efforts...





Leon White v Wahoo McDaniel

Wahoo is over enough and with a run to the title that includes Crusher, Peterson, Jody Hamilton & Wahoo... Vader would be laying down a message to the old guard of the AWA - it also gives you another different type of champion to book: the fast and flashy tag champs, the technical master World Champ, Charismatic (?) LW champ... and a monster heel TV champ - it would cover all bases.


Looking at it again, you could easily have Saito being the guy to run to the SF with Wahoo, substituting a Mark Young win over Al-Kaissey on the way - I just felt it fit the story of a young bull amongst the grizzled veterans... which of course Saito is as well...

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