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Last Gasp of the AWA - 1987

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Wow, talk about some predictions, that are all over the board (and each scenerio makes sense)... I guess it says, that one thing is for sure.. Anything can happen


Wait.. You have Liger, Muta, Vader, Hennig & Michaels?


Dude, that's like the perfect stable for AWA right now:


Main-event champ: Hennig

Television champ: Vader

Lighweight champ: Michaels

Tag Team champs: Muta/Liger

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Originally Posted by Oldschool

Wow, talk about some predictions, that are all over the board (and each scenerio makes sense)... I guess it says, that one thing is for sure.. Anything can happen

yes indeedy - each scenario presented is giving me some neat ideas for down the road. Now you guys see some of the struggles I've been going thru as I drew up the brackets. So many good ways to go, and none of them really wrong. in the end, can only pick one though.....trick is to choose wisely.


The thing I used to love about tournaments in other games is the unexpected feuds that might spring up (since you really didn't have any control over the outcomes). Hopefully we'll have some of that same result with some good feuds even though the finishes are more planned (guess I could have ran the matches thru the Rampage simulator or something, but I think everyone will be just as pleased with the end result)



Wait.. You have Liger, Muta, Vader, Hennig & Michaels?


Dude, that's like the perfect stable for AWA right now:


Main-event champ: Hennig

Television champ: Vader

Lighweight champ: Michaels

Tag Team champs: Muta/Liger


you know it - lot of good young talent on the roster - just hope we can keep most of them out of drug rehab (or worse). We are in the early stages and hopefully laying a good foundation for things to come. I see your dream stable playing a big role; some of them just need a little experience first.


BTW, loved your campaign slogan in the rookie diary voting. You know, I may just to have one of our characters borrow that. :D

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you know it - lot of good young talent on the roster - just hope we can keep most of them out of drug rehab (or worse). We are in the early stages and hopefully laying a good foundation for things to come. I see your dream stable playing a big role; some of them just need a little experience first.

True. But you better make the stable happen. Or you will feel the wrath of ... a random internet poster.


BTW, loved your campaign slogan in the rookie diary voting. You know, I may just to have one of our characters borrow that. :D


Use it as a hype for the company. :p

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ESPN AWA Championship Wrestling

attendance 6,277 in Denver CO (6500 capacity)


The sounds of FREEBIRD entertain the crowd as Michael Hayes introduces his new little talkshow called FANTASIA


Hayes tells the fans that "The South is gonna rise again baby. Here in Denver (cheap pop), you folks never heard much about the "War of the Northern Aggression" but that's still a hot topic down in Dixie...down in Hot'Lanta where Bam Bam and I are from. You're gonna hear amore about it in the weeks to come because this time the fight is coming to your doorstep. Time for a little revenge for that Sherman's march. But tonight, tonight, we want to introduce a very special guest - please welcome Mr Paul E Dangerously (smattering of boos from those who are not at the popcorn stand).

Paul E comes out as the guest, he reminds everyone that he manages the greatest team of all time. Hayes holds up his hand to stop him right there. "how can you possibly make that boast when you are standing out here with Bam Bam Gordy and myself. Gordy moves a little closer to Paul to glare at him - Paul begs off but before there was an altercation, the Midnight Express music hits and everyone resets.

Condry and Rose hustle out to save their manager from a possible beating. War of words between the two teams. Hayes rattles off their accomplishments in GA and Texas. Paul E says that just means they've been run out of every territory they go into. And if you don't watch your mouth, you'll get run out of the AWA too. Gordy stares him down and says anyteam you can beat, we can beat faster. Condry jumps in with "well we can beat any team on this roster in 15 minutes" Hayes and Gordy laugh and say they can easily beat any team in 10. Rose says that the Midnight Express can beat anyone in 8 minutes. Gordy and Hayes look at each other and respond in unison "BEAT THAT TEAM" We'll find out who their opponents are next week.


Paul tries to cool things down a bit by interjecting - "Gentlemen, I didn't come down here tonight to stir all this up. I came down here with some great news that I know you and all the fans will want to hear!! Next week on this very program, I am bringing a man out here to reunite the greatest 6-man tag team of all time!!!! Hayes and Gordy are all bubbly and giddy with excitement now. Hayes tells Gordy to get the biggest bottle of Jack he can find. THere's gonna be a party here next week"
Randy Rose takes on Greg Gagne in a dark match

good action and avg heat - Greg used his sleeper to score an easy win over Rose who was still distracted from the Freebird altercation earlier.


The TV show goes live with a video recap of the 91 rated World title match between Nick Bockwinkle and Curt Henning - with some focus on Arnold "The Terminator"s comments during the match. (70)


Nick Bockwinkle vs Steve O

Bockwinkle carried this match and the crowd was lifted by the good action in the ring. Piledriver at 10:28 allows Nick to get the win. (77)

When asked about Arnold's comments last week, Nick brushed aside the microphone and headed to the lockerrroom. Doctors tended to Steve O after the match - it appears he may have wrenched his back from the piledriver. He was also seen holding his arm. Hopefully he'll be ok after a few days.


Curt Henning vs Doug Sommers

Henning Plex in 17:12 (62)

Curt lets everyone know he's ready for a rematch any place and anytime. "Old man Bockwinkle's time is running out"


Stanley Blackburn shows why he should be let go. He complains about not being used, and puts the fans asleep when he tells them the TV title will be decided in a 16 man tournament over the next few weeks (27)

Larry Zbyszko vs Mean Mike Miller

awkward match between two bullies to kick off the TV Title Tournament; however, they deliver good action and avg heat starting off the tourney in grand fashion. Larry's performance stood out as he frustrated and picked apart Miller over the course of the match. Larry Land Dreamer puts away Miller at 10:49 (62)


Terry Gordy is seen back stage with a pillow under his shirt calling himself "Jerry Fatwell" and stooging around. (46)

Jerry the King Lawler vs Dirty Dick Slater

A match that could have been better with a little prep work and heat. Nonetheless, Lawler piledriver pins Slater. Lawler was the star of the show with his performance (64)


TV TITLE Tournament match - and TV MAIN EVENT

Flying Yamada vs Mr Saito

Critics are evenly divided on this match on their AWA office bracket pools. However, no one could deny it was easily the show-stopping match of the night!!!!

wow - these guys let it all hang out and put on a super match that fired up the crowd (and woke them back up). Yamada flew around the ring until Saito caught up to him and grounded him. Saito used the Saito Suplex to get the victory at 8:53. good action in this match, just not enough heat on Yamada yet.


Overall show rating = 68 (should improve our popularity)

ESPN TV Rating: .15 (improvement over last week)


OLDSCHOOL takes a narrow 1 pt lead in the bracket pool contest.

there will be 3 matches on All-Star Wrestling (as well as the LW battle royal) and the last 3 first round matches next week right here on ESPN

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Glad YOU liked Fantasia! The fans in the audience apparantly do not (37 and 39 ratings for the two bits). While I toyed with the idea of bringing the Birds as the face team (to counter all the heels), I had to go with making them the "bad guys from the South" since we are in a Northern territory mostly. I'm sure they will get their share of cheers from the cool fans (especially any transplants).


Here's a look at some of the other action around the country this week:


WCW: Ric Flair defends World title over Ron Garvin (83) Murdoch over Punky Morton (69) 76 rated show. Flair-Garvin did not reach the 90's like it did in other diaries; however, with the Nature Boy jobbing so often in non-title matches here it is hardly surprising. Glad to see Morton get his nose wiped by Dirty Dick.



Rocky Johnson over Bam Bam Bigelow (51) headlines a 49 rated show that also saw Mr Shima and Phil Hickerson defeat Giant Hillbilly and Jeff Jarrett, and Rock & Roll RPMs over Bruise Brothers (this is the Porkchop Cash team, not the Harris Brothers)



Smothers and DWB defeat Rodgers and Cooley (46), Dr Tom Pritchard over Scott Armstrong (45). Biggest pop was for a catfight between Miss Linda and Dirty White Girl (60) -- gotta give the Birmingham fans props.



Power Pro went head to head with Wrestlemania III and drew a sellout of 3800 in St Joes MO. 60 rated show headlined by Freebirds win over Bill Irwin and Leroy Brown (65). In other matches, One Man Gang over Missing Link; Terry Taylor and Chris Adams retained the UWF tag titles over Shane Douglas and Jeff Gaylord; and the opener saw Bobby Fulton defeat Steve Cox.


up next, I will bring you a complete WRESTLEMANIA III report.

Was it really THAT long ago? I can remember the hype like yesterday: The Irresistable Force vs Immovable Object. Andre the Giant put his WWF undefeated streak on the line for a shot at the world title held by Hulk Hogan (I say WWF streak because Andre actually lost several matches in other promotions around the country - including losing to Ronnie Garvin in Knoxville, TN. not just losing, but he got a beatdown - some clips available from that match). And we all remember how that match went.....Hogan tried to pikc up Andre, fell under the weight and was pinned just a few minutes into the match.....no wait.....the referee forgot how to count to 3 and the match continues until Hogan gets to drop the leg and then the ref cant count fast enough. While that main event got all the hype, an undercard match for the I/C title pretty much stole the show - Ricky the Dragon Steamboat vs Macho Man Randy Savage.


How does the TEW version of that card compare?

well - The Main event is the same with Hogan vs Andre

but Hogan and his ego do not want to lose the spotlight, so Steamboat is not on the card. Instead Savage will defend the I/C title against Hercules - way down the card. Semi main event see Jake the Snake Roberts vs the man who will become the "greatest of all time" Honky Tonk Man!!!! Moolah defends the women's title against Judy Martin. Bob Orton Jr vs JYD. Hart Fdtn defend WWF World tag titles vs Young Stallions. Blair vs Rougeau and bunch of other matches I wouldn't pay to see or waste time telling you about.


oh - and I just noticed that instead of going to the 90,000 seat Pontiac Silverdome, they have booked this card at the Lahina CC Amphitheater in Hawaii!!! So the crowd should be about 88,000 less that the one that made history. funny the things the AI does sometimes. So mull over that card - I'll post the results a little later

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I would have to agree with oldschool on the Wrestlemania III, as I would have watched UWF over the Wrestlemania card. I'm sure it will do great but in real life that would have been the death of the WWF.


I really liked the opening segment with the Freebirds, that made to whole show for me.


It sucks that I'm already losing in the picks.

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Wrestlemania III. 3.4 buyrate. 2,000 attend in Hawaii (what a contrast to the 90,000 silverdome crowd!!) 72 overall rating


Hogan defeats Andre in the main event (75)

Jake the Snake over HTM (66)

Moolah over Judy Martin (45)

Orton beat JYD (72),

Harts over Stallions for world tag titles (62)

Savage defeats Hercules (I C Title, 79 rating, so even without Steamboat, Macho outshines the main event).

in other matches,

Brunzell drew Kamala,

Islanders over Dream Team, Blair over Rougeau,

Sika over SD Jones (AI loves to book Sika in singles matches, wouldn't surprise me at all if Sika doens't beat Hogan for the world title at some point)


WWF didn't do too good of a job with the main event. Andre lost to Race and Hogan lost to Orton on Superstars leading to the event. Maybe Orton's win here over JYD will catapult him to a world title shot now.


Here in the AWA, we had pocketed a quarter million in profits from our shows in March, but when it came time to pay all the production costs, etc at month end we ended up losing it all back and then some (-$273,000 in month end accounting). Sponsorships and Merchandising sales of $200,000 nowhere near enough to offset over $450,000 in expenses). The AWA board decided to try to run some additional "house" shows starting with week 1 in Sheboygan Wisconsin (Great lakes). Another show will be planned for the SW and an a venture into Canada which was traditionally fertile ground for the AWA. Hopefully each of these will boost our popularity and help raise future profits. If things go well, then we may also run one in the home Midwest territory after the supershow to capitalize on its success. The good news is our momentum has jumped from 41 to 55, and prestige is back on the rise as well. We started out with a roster of guys below 50, and now most of the key players are approaching 60.


A lot will be riding on the success of the May Superclash. Arnold S expects to play a big role on that card - just what that role is has yet to be decided.


The line-up for Sheboygan is:

Jerry Lawler vs TBA

Wahoo McDaniel vs Cocoa Samoa

Curt Henning vs Rip Oliver

"Scared Hitless" (Leon White and Mr Saito) vs Midnight Rockers

Baron Von Rashke vs Sgt Slaughter

Nick Bockwinkle vs Crusher Blackwell


most of these are booked right down the middle in attempt to get some heat on the other cards down the road.

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AWA live from Sheboygan, WI. sell out crowd of 2,000 in attendance


Verne Gagne gleefully announces there are just as many people here to see Nick Bockwinkle defend the AWA title against Jerry Blackwell as saw those so-called mega stars Hogan and Andre live at Wrestlemania. The AWA truly is the major leagues of Professional Wrestling.


In a dark match, The Terminator defeats The Assassin. Assassin helps Arnold improve his performance skills in their training match. Arnold was tiring by 10:55 when he gets the pin using his Terminator. It was a good match and had a good crowd behind it. Not sure the crowd is really into seeing Arnold in the ring. Arnold asks where the Girly man champion Nick Bockwinkle is as he leaves the arena. Rod Trongard "just dont you worry about the heavyweight champion of the world. He's not a hard man to find. If you do cross paths, you may wish you had stayed in Austria."


Live crowd gets greeted by Nick Bockwinkel who runs down the list of opponents coming after his world title. "Tonight I have Crusher Jerry Blackwell, a giant of a man. In a couple weeks, I have Bulldog Bob Brown in his home country of Canada. Then the big show coming up at the end of the month, Superfly Snuka. There's a lot of sympathy right now for Snuka with events that have affected him but I can't let that stand in my way. There may be a groundswell of support for Snuka to win the world title, but all that matters is that I plan to keep this belt until I decide to retire"

Lee then asked Nick if he had any thoughts on Arnold and his apparant challenges.....Nick set the microphone down and brushed Lee aside as he exited the room. (76)


Jerry Lawler vs Buddy Wolfe

Just having the King's name on the banner is enough to draw fans. It does not seem to matter who he faces in the ring, they just want to see Lawler wherever he goes. 8:07 piledriver dispatches Wolfe, so Lawler has time to sign a few autographs (59)


Curt Henning vs Crippler Rip Oliver

good action and avg heat from the crowd. Oliver got a boost to his performance skills going against Henning. Back and forth action, Curt gets win with his Henning Plex at 14:49 (63)


Cocoa Samoa vs Wahoo McDaniel

still more good action but only avg heat on these 2. Wahoo chops down Cocoa at 19:12 to get the win. Neither man wanted to sell in this hard-hitting brawl (64)


After the match, Wahoo did not have time to celebrate as The baby bull Leon White and Masa Saito hit the ring and administer a beatdown. Sgt Slaughter was seen in the shadows laughing (38)


As Wahoo is helped to the back, Slaughter then joins the attackers in the ring. Slaughter asks if anyone has ever seen two meaner looker men. I'm sure the other teams are shaking in their boots right now, that's why I call them "Scared Hitless" because anything else might get censored. HAHA. Midnight Rockers - you long-haired rock and roll listening hippie freaks. You are what is wrong with this country today. The AWA is all about America, therefore it's all about me. I am the boss and I am going to clean up the trash around here starting with you. When GI Jack gets back from Camp Slaughter, we will take those world tag titles from you - if you still have them after tonight.
Now once again, I want to demonstrate the power of my Cobra Clutch. Are there any takers? DJ Peterson slowly walks out - anxious for a chance to win Sarge's money, but apprehensive at allowing himself to be put in that painful hold. Sarge locks in on tight - Peterson fights for all his worth and comes close twice to breaking free, but Slaughter just cinches in the hold tighter and DJ taps out. For his efforts, Sarge, White, and Saito put the boots to him afterward.......then out comes Wahoo McDaniel to make the save - but the numbers are too great and then he goes down. The villains use their belts to strap Wahoo across the back. Guest commentator Baron Von Rashke throws down his headset and jumps in the ring!!! The crowd goes wild as Sarge and his henchmen back away. Sarge tells Baron he "signed his death warrant by sticking his nose in my business." Baron says he's going to the back to change into wrestling gear - and challenges Slaughter to a match....TONIGHT! And that's all the people need to know

(41 for demonstration, 34 for the attack, 40 for the save)




(Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty vs Leon White & Mr Saito)

really good action in this one as all 4 men went all out to deliver (only Marty suffered from that extra pressure). Leon and Saito really gelled in the match and played off each other very well. We could expect to see more of this team!! They punished the smaller Rockers for most of the match, but Shawn connects with a Rocker Shocker to catch Saito by surprise and pin him at 11:39. defense #5 (rating 53)



Baron was fired up for the match and looked forward to using his claw. The crowd was solidly behind the cagey old veteran and he had the upper hand most of the match. When Baron did apply his Claw, Sarge quickly went for the ropes to force the break. Sarge then used every dirty trick in the book to gain an advantage. Then he puts the Baron out at 10:29 with his Slaughter Cannon (some ringside fans said he put something in the arm pad before clotheslining Baron). Good action and good crowd (73)





Rod Trongard pondered on air if Bockwinkle took this match against the much larger Blackwell to prove something....either to himself or to The Terminator that he can beat any man big or small.
Bockwinkle shows once again, he can stir up a good match every night of the week. Blackwell pounds on him and works the crowd to a frenzy as they think they may see a new champ. Jerry comes off the ropes for a Giant Splash, but Nick was playing possum and rolls out of the way. Blackwell hits the mat hard and Nick pounces on him with the cover for the win. 25:14 is the time of the fall. (72)



Post match analysis:

Overall rating was 65, which should boost our standing in the Great Lakes.

While Bockwinkle turned in another stellar match, it was edged slightly by the Slaughter-Baron match. Hopefully he'll bring his A game next time and get us back into the 80's to slow down his personal momentum drip (despite winning every match, Nick's momentum has dropped from 82 to 76. Meanwhile, Greg Gagne has improved to 62 - his next 10 pts might be a steeper hill to climb, but there is plenty of time.

Next week's Tour main event will see Wahoo McDaniel vie for some revenge over Mr Saito - this time in an Indian Strap match.


matches already signed for the April supercard

Bockwinkle vs Snuka - world title (62 heat)

Midnight Rockers vs Cobra Corps - world tag titles (32 heat)


All-Star Wrestling is next with the LW battle royal and more 1st round matches for the TV title.

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1191 paid for the tv taping


The dark show starts with a tv title tourney match

DJ Peterson vs Crippler Rip Oliver

Solid in ring action despite the lack of chemistry between these two. Peterson was sucking wind at the end, but had enough to climb up the turnbuckle and nail Oliver with the Diving Shoulderblock at 8:09 to advance (I have too many guys who are just plain out of shape!) (33 rating)


Buddy Rose draws the ire of the crowd "How does Superfly Snuka get a match with Nick Bockwinkle? The man is a goof. I wish he'd die in a car wreck or something and save us all from his insanity. Tonight I get to prove why I should be the one getting world title shots, not you Snuka. I will win this 20 man battle royal - and then await the finals to put that LW title around my slim waist. I'm a trim 217 pounds so we may have to add a few holes to make sure the belt fits snug and not be so loose that it falls off of me. We'd have to add some extra links to fit that fat Greg Gagne though. (38 - not sure why Rose could turn in such a poor promo with his skills)



The entrants parade to the ring with accompanying cheers or boos for them: Superfly Snuka, Greg Gagne, Mike Jackson, Super Black Ninja (Muta), Jushin Liger (Yamada), Buck Zumhoffe, Steve O (returning from his injury), Mike Graham, Shawn Michaels, Cocoa Samoa, John Paul, Ricky Rice, Lazertron (Hector Guerrero), Mark Young, Buddy Rose, Doug Sommers, Baron Von Rashke was the last name called and that set off a huge roar from the fans!


Buddy Rose drew a lot of attention and got into with several. He and Mike Graham went to war, then he and Snuka. Baron goose steps and locks the Claw on Buddy Rose to delight the fans. Sommers breaks it up, then everyone gets involved. everyone gangs up on Buddy Rose to send him packing early. His partner Doug Sommers follows.

Rockers work well together, but Playboys distract them from outside - Cocoa and Kevin Kelly gang up to toss them over. Cocoa and Kelly then turn their sights on Baron and Snuka to eliminate them. Buddy Rose takes the opportunity to bust Snuka with a chair and leave him a bloody mess - then Mike Graham dropkicks Kelly over the top rope. As he gets up, Cocoa throws him over.

Mike Jackson, Yamada, and Johnny Paul are the lucky ones to survive into the final group who will advance to the tourney before getting tossed

Zumhoffe and Steve O are working well together, eliminating Cocoa Samoa but then get dumped by Lazer and Super Ninja.

comes down to the Greg Gagne and the masked duo of Lazertron and Super Ninja. The masked men charge Gagne who ducks and sends them both over


most the big name stars were off their game in this one (Snuka, Rose, Graham, Baron). Baron, Rose, and Zumhoffe all improved some skills during the match

Final match rating 59


after the battle royal and Greg Gagne is celebrating, he is attacked by Buddy Rose and Doug Sommers. Gagne wants them NOW - "I will go in the back and find a partner and be back out here before the end of the show for a tag match." Rose laughs knowing that Curt Henning is not in the building tonight and Snuka is in no shape to wrestle after the beating he took in the battle royal.



Masked Assassin vs Kevin Kelly

Assassin Lock forces a tired Kelly to submit at 7:07. Solid action, no heat

Sherri Martell complains that this wasn't fair to her man who had to compete in the battle royal right before this important match (49)


TV Tourney match

Bulldog Bob Brown vs Col. Debeers

Debeers improves performance while Brown improves technical. Average heat and good action - Debeers proves to be too much for Bulldog on this night - especially after Rose blasted him with a chair. Debeers wins with Pancake Piledriver after that. (60)

Bulldog Bob Brown shakes off the loss saying he has bigger fish to fry. Sure the TV title would be nice, but right now my solidly on winning the world title from Nick Bockwinkle in Winipeg next week. I'm watching a lot of film and training strictly for Bockwinkle. Nick better be ready, I'm going to be the next great Canadian World champion in mold of Whipper Watson and Gene Kiniski (64 - very nice promo. see Rose...that's how its done)



The Playboys, Buddy Rose and Doug Sommers vs Greg Gagne and a mystery partner

The Playboys were confident that Gagne would not find a partner to face them despite his bragging. They were wrong. Greg came out with another second generation star, Mike Graham!!! Mike Graham is way off his game, suffering from jetlag I guess. Rose dominates him and pins him with the LasVegas Jackpot. Graham is hurt and they turn their attention to Greg Gagne, but a bandaged Superfly Snuka swoops in to save the day and back the bad guys off.


final show rating = 54

ok for a B show I guess. Only a small loss for the show, and we are able to get both titles progressing toward the next round.


(for the record, Mike Graham evoked some kind of contractual control and refused to take the loss for his team. I set Rose to win and Greg as "keep strong" and dominate - Mike did the job anyway but did it happily this way. His attitude did not set well with Verne who told him to pack his bags and fly on back to Florida after the show)


So Greg Gagne gets a bye into the finals of the tournament. the other brackets are as follows:


Cocoa Samoa vs Johnny Paul

Steve O vs Lazertron


Rock and Roll Buck Zumhoffe vs Mike Jackson

Super Ninja vs Flying Yamada (or Muta vs Liger in a few years)


signed for next week's show: Greg Gagne vs Buddy Rose!!!


meanwhile, WWF continues their Hawaiin blitz with 2 more shows out there

First, 2400 sell-out to see Orton get his title match vs Hulk Hogan. Hogan wins (83). Beefcake teams with Roddy Piper to win the WWF tag titles from Hart Fdtn (72). 78 rated show

Then a Wrestling Challenge show headlined by Koko B Ware beating Demolition Ax (60), it is a respectable 58 rated show, some back stage rumors were heard that Hogan and Snake Roberts may be turning heel in the near future to give them a better face/heel balance

also, Bret Hart and Roddy Piper both sign touring contracts with New Japan!!

In other news, Scott Putski is listed as the next breakout star.


ESPN Championship Wrestling is next for the AWA

In addition to the TV tourney matches between Leon White vs Jerry Blackwell, mark young vs Sheik Adnan, and Wahoo vs "mystery midnight expresser", we will have Superfly Snuka vs Larry Zbyszko in the main event. You won't want to miss that one!

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I like the "B" show...

How does Rose bomb that promo, especially after saying he hopes Snuka dies in a car accident


Loving Ninja and Flying Yamada... That could be a future "Orient Express in my WWWF" I think as youngsters here they catch the fans attention, .... Dont overpush or rush them to main event status and eventually they rule the AWA in a few short years...


Beefcake & Piper... What a tandom to put the titles on ;-/

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Beefcake & Piper... What a tandom to put the titles on ;-/


The Masters of the Sleepers lol!


I thought that was an odd pairing as well, although I could easily book into and out of it at this particular point in time to make it seem logical... Beefcake & Piper's mutual dislike of Adrian Adonis and Jimmy Hart shifts focus towards Jimmy's tag team champions for instance? Not to mention the world of hatred that would exist between Brutus and Valentine that you could weave in Piper's history with The Hammer as well. It's got legs I tell ya! Not that I'd book it myself though...


I take it the Buddy Rose promo was based on overness rather than entertainment skills?

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A good show for a 'B' show. Some good matches and some good angles being set up.


I really like some of the young talent you have on the roster and it should be fun to watch them grow into something more. I hope most of the young Japanese wrestlers stay in America and do not get lured back to the homeland.


Jimmy Snuka dying in a car accident, sounds like I have heard that before.:D Snuka vs. Rose will be some great matches and the hatred between the two will be awesome. Could Rose go to his dark side? ;)

I was really shocked to see a promo with a rating of 38 for Rose. I did not think you had a bad promo in him.


I hope you can fill in the cracks that will be the down fall of the AWA. How are you doing money wise? As in my game everything else is doing well, expect for the money part.

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I think Rose's promo was based on his enteratainment and then the opponent's overness. He has hit in the 60's before - it has been almost funny. I forgot to tick a box on one (title match or something) and went back to replay the card and the ratings for some will shift 20-30 pts. Seems rather a large range to be playing with. Other matches or angles may adjust a pt or 2 either way. Not sure what the random factor would be to cause 50% swings.


Money-wise, we make money on most of the shows and small loss on the B-tv show. However, the month end expenses are KILLER (guess that's normal for Cult and why everyone says to have 7-10 million in the bank before making that jump). I am hoping that the extra tour shows will keep my income to near break even / small loss while I'm building up a few extra territories. If we can keep TV, the outlyers will continue to improve and like us more (make take 2 years at this rate though).


Does anyone know at what point the PPV group might consider us. Right now both Canadian and US tell me we are not popular enough or would attract enough viewers to be considered. I wonder if I could set up a "western closed circuit" entity and if they would consider us since that is more of our stronghold. Most closed circuit events at that time were more regionalized instead of being national.. thoughts?

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Does anyone know at what point the PPV group might consider us. Right now both Canadian and US tell me we are not popular enough or would attract enough viewers to be considered. I wonder if I could set up a "western closed circuit" entity and if they would consider us since that is more of our stronghold. Most closed circuit events at that time were more regionalized instead of being national.. thoughts?



using the DOTT mod I set up a Southeastern Closed Circuit for Mid-Atlantic, since as far back as 1983 starcade was shown regionally on Closed Circuit...However, every other Cult and Regional fed (AI run) will try sign on to it, leading to an imbalance with a bunch of feds being shown as PPV in a few regions, making everyone really popular in the Mid-West

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6000 fans near fill the Mangess arena in Denver


Paul E Dangerously kicks things off as he is proud to present the re-unification of the greatest 6 man tag team the world has never seen. He is standing with Dennis Condrey and Randy Rose who are both dressed in black. "Now I know many of you are drinking Jack Daniels and waiting for Buddy Jack Roberts. But, I said we would see the GREATEST. The Midnight Express music hits and also dressed all in black, out walks Norvel Austin!!!! (some in the Denver crowd are asking each other "who is that"? 38)






Mark Young vs Sheik Adnan

TV Tourney match - Pre show, Mark Young defeats Sheik Adnan in a very short match, 5:30. Cut short graciously since they did not click at all in the ring (48)


Buddy Rose talks all the torment he is giving to Jimmy Snuka. "I told him to go back to Oregon and drive off a bridge. I bashed him with a chair, and yet he still has the audacity to interfere in my match against Greg Gagne and his worthless partner who at least had the good sense to tuck tail and leave town after the beating we gave him. Snuka, I know you are preparing to battle Nick Bockwinkle for the world title and tonight you have a very tough challenge that you think will help you to prepare for the champion. Well good luck with that because I will be watching. And maybe when you least expect it I will strike. Things are not done between us. Rose goes on to say a few more vile things to and about Snuka - and even though we understood the words, the venom was not appreciated and will be censored by ESPN (63 rating - at least an improvement over prior bombs!)


Leon White vs Crusher Jerry Blackwell - tv tourney match

these two big men put on a good show and the fans were mostly into it. Sarge did a run-in to help White who then did a superhuman feat of powerbombing the 400 pound Blackwell!!! Leon White will advance to the next round of the TV tourney!


FANTASIA is up next

Hayes talks to Bulldog Brown about his upcoming world title match in Canada. "You know - Terry and I were just talking about the history of your great country the other day. Let me ask you Bulldog, do you know how your founding fathers decided on the name? Let me enlighten you. You see they were all sitting around sipping on some cheap Canadian Mist - that's because they couldn't afford the good stuff like Jack Daniels....and they decided the country needed a name but no one had any ideas. Then one of them piped up that the country's name should "start with a C, eh. Then another said "yeah, yeah and then an N, eh" the 3rd one got all excited and said" and and and it should end with a D eh" and so that's how we came up with cAnAdA. LOL.


Brown started to attack Hayes, but Gordy quickly got between them. Brown said after he wins the world title, his next mission is to challenge the Freebirds to a tag team match EH. "I have a partner, you may know him. Crusher Jerry Blackwell, together we are High Intensity." Hayes retorted that it's more like High Chloesterol - this led to a scuffle between Brown and the Freebirds that security had to rush in to break up. Bulldog Brown was agitated "you punks better stay out of my way. In 2 weeks I'm going to become the World Champion by beating Bockwinkle. Maybe I'll give you of you a title match just so I can get you in the ring one on one. Terry Gordy seemed quite excited about that prospect. (rating: 66 - a most excellent score and twice anything I've had for a talk show segment before)


Midnight Express vs Ricky Rice and Buck Zumhoffe

They make true on their word to watch each other's back as Norvel interferes in the match to distract Zumhoffe. This allows ME to hit the Rocket Launcher and pin Rice at 8:13. Next week, we'll see if the Freebirds can beat the same team faster (part of the "Beat that Team challenge")


Wahoo McDaniel is interviewed about his upcoming matches. "Tonight I have this newest member of the Midnight Express. It's not enough I have my full with Sgt Slaughter, but now I'm going to have all 3 of them to keep my eyes on. At least I have Mark Young here to watch my back. Later this week, I'm finally going to finish off one of Slaughter's hitmen for good, I have Mr Saito in an Indian Strap match. Then I'm going to set my sights on Leon White. Maybe I'll get to beat him in the finals of this TV Tournament. Sarge - when you're all alone, it'll just be you and me


Wahoo vs Norvell Austin

if the fans in Denver did not know who Norvel Austin was when he walked in tonight, they will know who he is now, he worked over the Indian Legend and had him in lots of trouble. Wahoo was able to get his war dance going though and then landed a Tomahawk Chop to get the pin (62)


All 3 members of Midnight Express attack Wahoo and leave him laying in the middle of the ring (37)


Jimmy Snuka has something to say to Buddy Rose about his hateful comments last week. However, I'm not sure anyone could understand what he said…..brutha. (60)


Jimmy Snuka vs Larry Zbyszsko


just what we needed out of the main event - great action and pretty good heat. Snuka showed he can headline the show and Larry helped him improve his technical skills. Larry stalled the first 5 minutes ducking in and out of the ring, but then things started to heat up when Buddy Rose came to ringside. Rose urged on Larry and served to distract Snuka. Rose would yell obscure things like "why don't you go back to Oregon and take driving lessons" At that point, Snuka took off after Rose and threw him into the ringside railing. As the referee was tolling his count, Snuka was just able to roll back in the ring ahead of the 10. Larry greets him with boots. Snuka gets a second wind and rips into Larry with his Figian chops. Rose then got back involved. He grabs a chair and swing at Snuka - oops - he hits Larry instead and Z goes down! Snuka kicks Rose off the apron and quickly climbs to the top turnbuckle. Superfly Death Leap for the win at 31:57

rating: 74


As the show is going off the air, Buddy Rose attacks the celebrating Snuka and then the two of them brawl around the ringside area and all the way to the back of the arena (61)



ESPN Rating: .15


again a pretty solid show (especially with no Bockwinkle or Lawler on it). Should give us boosts everywhere except the Midwest.


I was pleased with some of the promos and especially Fantasia! That episode helped boost the main event for my Canadian show (Bockwinkle vs Bulldog Brown) from 55 to 60!! (by contrast, the Snuka-Bockwinkle match has risen from 62 to 67 on the heat index). I'm proud of the Winnipeg line-up, and following in some historical AWA footsteps by expanding and doing this show. If successful, it could add me another profitable territory even if it doesn't help me in the quest to become National. Honestly a couple of the tour shows this month will not help financially right now, but the popularity boosts in the remote area could pay long term dividends as we draw bigger crowds and can charge more Here is card for that show:


Main Event - Nick Bockwinkle vs Bulldog Bob Brown (60)

Larry Zbyszko vs Crippler Ray Stevens (50)

Sgt Slaughter vs Greg Gagne (41)

Superfly Snuka vs Crippler Rip Oliver (41)

Buddy Rose vs Baron Von Rashke (30)

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Once again a nice little show. It looks like things are moving nicely along.


I would have loved to see White powerbomb Blackwell. That would be worth the ticket price just for that. WCW and WWF really screwed what could have been the best big man in wrestler and probably one of the biggest monster. Just sad really.


Go Buddy Rose, send Jimmy Snuka to the grave. For some reason I really like Rose.

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AWA goes on tour once again, this time deep into the MidSouth to Abiline Texas - 769 curious fans turn out to see what the AWA is all about


The Masked Assassin vs Baby Bull Leon White

good crowd and good action!! 9:52 powerbomb gives White the victory.

Winner: Leon White. Rating 59


Bulldog Brown vs Pretty Boy Doug Sommers

good crowd, decent action. Bulldog Bite gives him the submission win at 16:18. A tired Brown signals that he is bring the world title home soon - he has a big title shot coming up in his home country of Canada next week.

Winner: Brown Rating: 50


Arnold the Terminator vs Steve O

Arnold wants to prove that Bockwinkle is a fraud and challenges Steve O, the man Nick injured a couple weeks ago on tv. Good crowd, and Steve carried Arnold to a decent match. 12:12 Terminator for the pin. Arnold seemed to tire by the end.

Rating: 52


Arnold grabs the microphone after the match and calls out the world champion! "Where is Nick Bockwinkle? That girlie man is afraid to show his face in the same building as me. I toyed with this Steve O before terminating him. I will terminate Bockwinkle too and win the world title. When I finally get him in the ring it will be Hasta La Vista baby

interview rating: 78


Playboy Buddy Rose vs Crusher Jerry Blackwell

average crowd reaction to a decent match - maybe they were still buzzing about seeing Arnold. These guys pushed it and gave a great effort, Blackwell started to tire and Rose went to some underhanded tactics to score the pinfall at 15:28, using the ropes for extra leverage.

Rating: 45

afterward, Rose tries his hand at another promo and bombs miserably (30) as the fans don't want to hear what he has to say down here in Texas. I couldn't hear a word he said from the boos

Superfly Jimmy Snuka vs Boris Zukov (w/ Shiek Adnan)

Zukov wore down as the match went on, but the crowd was into the good action they saw. Superfly Deathleap gives Snuka the win at 11:28

rating: 60


Jimmy Snuka tries his hand at a promo. Snuka lets it loose saying he will defeat Nick Bockwinkle at the big event in 2 weeks, he will become world champion and there is nothing Buddy Rose can do to deter him from the mission. He's getting tired of Rose running his mouth and he better watch out of someone will shut that big mouth of his....brudda.




again a good crowd and action - two tough men did not like to sell to the other's hard chops. Both men took turns whipping the other with the strap, and several small cuts were noticed. After 25 minutes, Wahoo lands his tomahawk chops to allow him to win the strap match - both men showed some big welts from the belt.



Saito's partner and fellow Slaughter henchman jumped into attack Wahoo after the grueling match (44).


Overall rating - 60

good show that should help our standing in the Texas area even though some felt it was underwhelming. Small $200 profit for the extension into this very important territory for us (.6 boost to popularity with the show). And for a little look ahead:


On ALL-STAR wrestling this week, we will see the first round matches of the LW Tournament:

Mike Jackson vs Rock & Roll Zumhoffe

Super Black Ninja (Muta) vs Flying Fuji Yamada (Liger)

Johnny Paul vs Cocoa Samoa

Steve O vs Lazertron (Hector Guerrerro)


The TV Title tourney will continue over on ESPN with Saito vs Mark Young and the main event of Wahoo McDaniel vs Larry Zbyszko. Our expert panel is evenly divided on these matches


I'll post the entire card for the April Supershow soon for anyone who wants to make any projections and suggestions

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Surpried to see that you didn't use the Freebirds in this Texan show? I'd have thought P.S. and Bam Bam were sticks on for this show!


I probably should use them in Texas, and may have been an oversight. However, at their pricetag it would have turned my small profit into a minor loss at the bank. May wait until the tv shows get my populariaty up enough to go back so it can be a more profitale show.


The All-Star television taping went a little like this:


757 attend the All-Star taping in Great lakes, Attack Athletics in Ill.

preshow video of Buddy Rose vs Greg Gagne and their altercation at the LW battle royal (34 rating, but necessary for the storyline. nice to sort of bury it here on unwatched tv)


Baron Von Rashke cuts a promo to hype his upcoming match with Playboy Buddy Rose: "Herr Rose, when we meet in Canada you will feel ze power of ze claw, and that is all you ..... or the people need to know"



Alabama JR Champ Mike Jackson vs Rock & Roll Buck Zumhoffe

very poor match, Rock & Roll Zumhoffee rolls up the Alabama champion to eliminate him



Sgt Slaughter fires up the tv crowd as the taping begins by telling them what he will do to the Midnight Rockers and they will soon have world tag team champions they can be proud of

Rating: 66


Flying Yamada vs Super Black Ninja

It may not exactly be Jushin Thunder Liger vs Great Muta, but the fans got into it nonetheless. They deliver with a very good match even though the fans didn't really know either of them (yet). Both men pour on the offense, we see the Yamada Bomb and also a sommersault elbow - end comes when Yamada misses with a flying dive and lands wrong on his leg. Ninja figure 4 leglock scores the submission victory. 7:58



Sgt Slaughter comes out and makes fun of the little guys - Greg Gagne confronts him - Sarge says that he'll be happy to accept a challenge from Gagne. We have a match scheduled for the big show in Winnipeg, but I don't want to wait that long. Why don't we both find tag team partners and settle some things here tonight? (Sarge is trying his best to salvage some ratings)

Rating: 72


John Paul vs Cocoa Samaoa

John Paul looked out of shape and was tired by the end of the match. Samoa piledrives him for the win at 6:56

Rating: 47


Lazertron vs Steve O

solid action in the ring, maybe the best of the night (even if the ratings don't reflect it, the Road Agents thought so). But not much heat on these guys. Steve O's experience paid off, but no doubt this Laser Tron has superstar written all over him as well. Steve O backflip for the win

Rating: 42


Larry Z accepts to be Slaughter's partner. We find out that Gagne will team with Crippler Ray Stevens. (43)


LZ and Sgt Slaughter vs Greg Gagne & Crippler Ray Stevens

main event anywhere in the world, but we have it for you right here on All-Star tv!!! 20:30 of wild back and forth action - the referee lost control of the match and finally had to stop it. These men will meet in singles matches on the Canadian tour



final show rating: 57


Canada tour card (if anyone wants to play along)


Midnight Rockers vs Col. De Beers and Sheik Adnan

Curt Henning vs Flying Yamada

Buddy Rose vs Baron Von Rashke


Superfly Snuka vs Crippler Rip Oliver

Larry Zbyszko vs Crippler Ray Stevens


Sgt Slaughter vs Greg Gagne

WORLD TITLE: Nick Bockwinkle vs Bulldog Bob Brown

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Canada tour card (if anyone wants to play along)


Midnight Rockers vs Col. De Beers and Sheik Adnan - Love the Rockers, as it does not matter who they face, even if it is DeBeers.


Curt Henning vs Flying Yamada - Curt is the man.


Buddy Rose vs Baron Von Rashke - Rose should never lose another match.


Superfly Snuka vs Crippler Rip Oliver - Snuka is just to good.


Larry Zbyszko vs Crippler Ray Stevens - Zbyszko is the AWA champion in my game, so why not win here.


Sgt Slaughter vs Greg Gagne - I picked this simply because daddy will not let Gagne lose.


WORLD TITLE: Nick Bockwinkle vs Bulldog Bob Brown - Sorry Bulldog but Bockwinkle will lose the title to a big match. Fans will go home happy though as Bulldog will probably win by DQ.

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Canada tour card (if anyone wants to play along)


Midnight Rockers vs Col. De Beers and Sheik Adnan

Adnan the week link here


Curt Henning vs Flying Yamada

potential to be agreat match... Yamada gets a nice rub, for battling Hennig


Buddy Rose vs Baron Von Rashke

Yeah, I agree... Rose is somehow mounting a nice comeback on these boards (between here and Thunderwill's PNW), Im going to have to go and Youtube him a bit


Superfly Snuka vs Crippler Rip Oliver


Larry Zbyszko vs Crippler Ray Stevens

Love Ray the Crippler...


Sgt Slaughter vs Greg Gagne

Slaughter somehow dominates but Gagne gets a dq win, or slips back in ring just before the 10 count



WORLD TITLE: Nick Bockwinkle vs Bulldog Bob Brown

Just dont think, Brown is in remotely the same class as Bockwinkle... Gives it a good run, but the champ prevails

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Midnight Rockers vs Col. De Beers and Sheik Adnan

Rockers seem on a collision course with the Cobra Corps.


Curt Henning vs Flying Yamada

It's still early for Yamada to be taking wins over AWA stars like Hennig but a solid match here will boost his popularity for sure.


Buddy Rose vs Baron Von Rashke

The Playboy's being pushed regardless of the crowd's apathy (which I can't understand - the apathy not the pushing!)


Superfly Snuka vs Crippler Rip Oliver

Superfly's a bona-fide star for your promotion... and this card isn't in the North-West so sorry Rip...


Larry Zbyszko vs Crippler Ray Stevens

Bad night for the Cripplers...


Sgt Slaughter vs Greg Gagne

Toughest match of the night but I'm going with Wahoo giving Greg a cheap win.


WORLD TITLE: Nick Bockwinkle vs Bulldog Bob Brown

He'll put up a fight alright but nobody is getting near Nick at the moment. And nor should they!

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