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CZCW: Some Things Never Change

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1. Can't quite get that total post in, can I?
If you did, we'd be wondering why this wasn't a TCW Dynasty! :p


2. That's something to ponder...
Happy to serve. Just think of a segment where Cornell learns the reason CZCW is kicking his butt is because of Sammy Bach. :p


3. Go ahead. I'd love to see your articles.


I'll have something tomorrow on the Total Mayhem incident, plus where Sammy Bach should end up.

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Sammy Bach vs. Staying Awake

StallCorp HQ

Seattle, Washington

Wednesday, Week 2, July 2011





So, there I was in Seattle, playing video games with JK Stallings, Jr., when...


No. Seriously.


I was playing video games with JK Stallings, Jr.


The private jet ride, the fancy stewardess, the high-tech headquarters of StallCorp, and the multi-million dollar waiting room wasn't near as impressive as what would happen later that afternoon.


The country's richest man was wearing flip-flops and Hurley boardshorts, kicking back in a recliner as he fumbled with his controller...just hanging out with me. You see him as the fancy software giant on TV, but I was seeing how he was like when the cameras were off and there were no more meetings on his planner.


I'm sure you people want all of the background stuff, how I got there, what he said to Eric and I...but this was what was most important. I was getting to know my new boss, the guy who was going to write my paycheck!


...okay. I'll give you what happened before. Man, you people want to know everything, with exact detail, waiting for me to forget something so you can point out a flaw in my story. But do you think I care? No. This happened to me, and I deserve to say what I want. If I just want to focus on me playing video games with Stallings only, I should be able to.


The fourth wall means nothing to me. I know you're out there.


Anyway, we got into Seattle in the afternoon. StallCorp's flight crew set us up with this nice gourmet meal on flight, which Eric took advantage of immediately. I just picked around at it...I have a rule when it comes to my diet: If I can't spell it, I don't need to eat it. And the only thing I recognized was S-A-L-A-D.


Eric raised his eyebrow at me as he cut into his filet-whatever you call it. "Not hungry?"


"Yeah. Not hungry." That was easier to say than the spelling thing, right?


"You know, Stallings is an interesting character," he said between bites. "Not exactly the same guy you see on all of those TV shows."


"What do you mean by that?"


"He's...well, he's just different when he's away from the cameras. You'll see soon enough."


I already pictured a mad scientist who had a basement full of bizarro inventions, ready to be let loose on humanity. Great. I might as well have that spamming midget from 4C be my boss.


Eric stayed on his laptop most of the trip, so I drifted off to sleep. Didn't get a whole lot the night before, as I was on the phone with Emma up into the early morning hours.


She was happy that I found a job, but not too thrilled when I told her what Eric had said about why the SWF probably hadn't come calling. She stayed silent, even when I tried to joke about the creepiness of Peter Michaels.


"Listen, babe," I had told her. "They made their decision, and now I've made mine. We have been through a lot since DAVE went down...this is actually making our situation better. I'm going to be out here most of the time now. No more hoping that our tours crossed in some random area, I've got somewhat of a home now."


"Must be nice," she flatly said.


Ugh. Women. Thought I was actually doing something she'd be crazy about...guess I was wrong.




I woke up as the plane was landing. Eric smacked me on the shoulder and told me to look presentable, that we were meeting with Stallings as soon as we got off.


I yawned my way through the hallways of StallCorp's maze of a headquarters building. I didn't really wake up fully until Stallings' unmistakable voice pierced my eardrums.




"There he is, the voice of the people...The Elation Sensation himself! Sammy, pleased to meet you. JK Stallings, Jr." He stuck out his hand like he had to introduce himself to me, as if he was just some rabid fan. "Huge fan, as Eric probably already told you."


I cut my eyes at Eric, who was smirking as he sat down in one of the chairs across from Stallings' desk, which appeared to be floating somehow. I shook the boss's hand and sat down next to Eric, who was slightly laughing.


I finally understood what Eric was talking about. Looking around his office, which he described as his "special place"...the office that was never on his TV shows. He considered that one more of a studio than an office. This was where "the magic happens". Every square inch was covered with wrestling memorabilia, except for a custom Icee machine and a statue of Napoleon Dynamite that was made out of Legos. All of the pictures I saw showed Stallings Jr. with the expression of a sugared-up five year-old who just got the key to a Baskin-Robbins.


This guy was a little kid trapped in a nerdy adult's body.


But this nerd happened to be a wrestling freak and a man with billions of dollars. The only problem is, I didn't know if I had to talk to Stallings the Kiddie Wrestling Nerd or Stallings the Powerful Software Giant.


Luckily, Eric broke the ice for me.


"Mr. Stallings, glad to see you again. I got our man for the job, as you can see."


Stallings adjusted his glasses and sat down. "I knew you would, Mr. Tyler. This marks a monumental day in the pro wrestling industry. Sammy Bach, easily the hottest name in wrestling right now, joins forces with the new Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling. All of the pieces are falling together nicely, don't you think?"


So now I'm talking to the Software Giant.


"Yes sir. From what Eric tells me, this place is about to take the wrestling world by storm. The financial backing, the vision, the product...if we can get started on the right foot, there's nothing that can stop us."




He nodded and pointed towards his computer screen, which was bigger than any television I have ever owned. "See that logo, Mr. Bach? StallCorp Industries. I started this company off the top of my head as a teenager, when my father was getting irritated with answering e-mails for his company one at a time. I come up with an idea for an automated system, I work on the design, we test it out. My father's company starts using it, he spreads the word to others. Eventually a company down in Oregon that makes athletic gear wants it. Major contract, and I become a millionaire overnight.


"Since those days and even the days of Hollyweird Grappling Company, we have expanded as a company. We now have become the number one software company in the world, and we are constantly investing in new industries, from pro football franchises to soda machines.




He clicked a remote that I didn't see at first, and the screen advanced to a slide with the new logo for CZCW. "This is our latest investment, Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling. Based in San Diego...where a few of our main offices our located...this company is going on its 21st year of operation, delivering an exciting product to today's wrestling fan. As you can see, we're rebranding it after the company's sale to us from Cliff Anderson and his investors.


"Mr. Tyler has made you aware of some of the changes, the major one being this..." Another click.




"PrideTV was recently acquired by StallCorp media. It offers coverage of full HD programming to most of the cable companies and major satellite providers in North America. With exclusive contracts in Arena Football, Major League Lacrosse, and several mixed martial arts companies worldwide, competition is major with PrideTV, formerly the National Pride Network. PrideTV's newest show, CZCW Coast to Coast, debuts next month on Monday nights. It will be a two-hour show with limited commercial interruption, prime time television. We like to think of it as the wrestling fans true start of the week, they can get real wrestling earlier instead of waiting for those other companies on Tuesday and Wednesday nights.


"PrideTV, combined with our online pay-per-view system, LiveFight, will give CZCW a nationwide audience. Once you take into account PrideTV's Spanish-speaking broadcast of Coast to Coast...we broke into Mexico with our coverage of Mexican Primiera soccer...and the ability to watch the show online through CZCW's website, everyone in the world can have good access to this company.


"LiveFight's first iPPV show, Wave of Fury 2011, will be in just a few weeks. During that event, we will reveal Mr. Tyler to be the President and Executive Producer of Coast to Coast, which combines the promotion owner role with an on-screen authority figure.


He leaned up and tapped the desk with every word. "We need high ratings here to show promise to my board of investors. If you sign today as our head booker, you become responsible for the booking of Wave of Fury."


That caught my attention. "So I would have to book their very next show, just like that? What about The Gu--I mean, Mr. Patel?" I asked.


"Mr. Patel has informed Mr. Tyler and me of his decision to take the booker job for Angel Athletic Association here in Seattle. His position as company color commentator still stands, and he is ready to set up a promotional relationship between CZCW and AAA," Stallings answered. "The company is wrapping up their nationwide tour over these next couple of weeks, as I've personally paid for shows in New England and Hawaii for next week. I am serious about these ratings. If we are going to have a nationwide audience, we need nationwide popularity."


"So, they still will be doing shows...but I have to get the big one all set up?" I asked, looking at Eric, who was scribbling notes. What, did he not know all of this already?


"Exactly. I want you to set the tone with this show. The rest of August will be a break period for these wrestlers and for you to set up the episodes of Coast to Coast. Our roster has been all over the place for the past year almost, part of our 'Taking Both Coasts' initiative. They will rest, you will work."


"Sounds good," I answered, still peering at Eric's notes. What in the world was he writing? "Now, I hear you've got a program you want me to sign."


"That will come in due time, Mr. Bach. I want to speak privately with you down in the basement. Mr. Tyler has informed me that he needs to get to a conference call with Mr. Sidle, who is relaying the results of last night's show in Massachusetts," Stallings answered, nodding at Eric, who stood up.


"Mr. Stallings, it was great to see you again, and I look forward to what's in store for this company," Eric said. "I'll see you back on the plane this evening, Sammy. We'll talk soon, Mr. Stallings."


"That would be great, Mr. Tyler. Sylvia will show you to the room we have set up so you can have your call privately."


As he walked out, Eric stuffed the notes he wrote in my laptop case.


I nodded at Eric as he walked out of the room.


"Now, Mr. Bach, we shall make our way to the basement," Stallings said, shooting up from his chair.


I reluctantly got up and followed him out the door as we turned towards a spiraling staircase that seemed to stretch into a circle of hell that Dante didn't care to number.


I just hope the mutating devices that I dreamed of on the flight weren't real...

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TCW: The Total Freefall

By Terrance Ward

It’s been total mayhem since Sammy Bach left TCW, burning down the Fourth Wall on his way out. For many a TCW fan and no doubt many of their younger fans, Bach just destroyed a good chunk of their hopes and dreams for the company. Hell, for those inside the company, Bach just destroyed their hopes and dreams.


Think about it. If even Sammy Bach couldn’t break Cornell’s golden main-event scene, then whose got a shot at pulling it off? Who from the DAVE survivors or the independent circuit talents is going to rise to the top? Eddie Peak? Probably spend his time jobbing to the stars and token runs than anything else. Joey Minnesota? As talented as he is, he’s been on the losing end of the Syndicate Wars since it’s started, though he’s enough of an a**hole backstage that I doubt he’s that close to the DAVE contingent to warrant a complete burial. Cornell will probably mold him into Syndicate enemy #1 for the fans to get behind, but considering the near-riots that have been TCW shows since Hawkins screwed over Bach (not kayfabe) and then Rocky Golden (kayfabe and probably demolished his main-event status), I’d say no one but Bach himself would settle down them down.


What would I do if I was Tommy Cornell? Beg Bach to come back. Throw the damn world at him, everything that TCW can offer. Money, title runs, a faction of his own, even throw in Jennifer Cornell for a threesome with him and Emma Chase (I know I’d love that!). Anything to bring him back. Because he’s got nothing. Hawkins is irrevocably tainted by the Bach screwjob in the eyes of the fans, Golden is just a chump, most of Cornell's clique is in their thirties and forties, getting ready to take backstage roles than wrestle matches, and he hasn’t prepared to replace them just yet. You hear me Tommy Cornell? You are not prepared!


You've lost Fortune, Andrews, Tornado, Bach and Benson so do what is necessary to insure TCW survives and grows: push the young blood. Push Freddy Huggins, sign the Keith boys and push them, hell push Edd Stone (for all his arrogance, Stone is one of the best future stars in the business today, and Cornell's lucky to have him!), and don’t you dare bury him or you’ll probably start a damn war with NOTBPW and just lose any chance to get the Stones in your company! Push some young blood not irrevocably tied to the Syndicate Wars, people who haven’t been pre-approved by yours truly but have got heart, smarts and a willingness to make it to the top.


Because if you don’t?


You’re f**ked.



OOC Note: Nice update, dude.

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Awesome article. Can't wait to read more.


Only one problem (and I'm happy I can point out a problem with you, considering all the headaches you've caused me!)...


Chance Fortune is not in TCW anymore. He left with Aaron for SWF.


Boo-yeah! Haha!

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Guest codey
Quick question: why did Rich and Famous walk out on CZCW? I figured they'd fit in even better with a more mainstream promotion. Idol especially.
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Awesome article. Can't wait to read more.


Only one problem (and I'm happy I can point out a problem with you, considering all the headaches you've caused me!)...


Chance Fortune is not in TCW anymore. He left with Aaron for SWF.


Boo-yeah! Haha!


I keep forgetting you actually made some changes to the roster instead of just taking out Bach. :o


And just for that, I'm stepping up the critics. :p

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Quick question: why did Rich and Famous walk out on CZCW? I figured they'd fit in even better with a more mainstream promotion. Idol especially.

They left CZCW with the old title belts, signing on with SWF (who stuck them in developmental with RIPW). Their style wasn't CZCW, in my opinion, as they were built more for a pop-based fed.


I keep forgetting you actually made some changes to the roster instead of just taking out Bach. :o


And just for that, I'm stepping up the critics. :p

Wait, you can go another level with the critics? Man, this thing will never get off the ground!

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Great updates so far! Have been enjoying where the storyline is going.


One thing that might be interesting is if Eric Tyler signed Teddy Powell to be part of the show, considering the hatred relationship between Powell and Bach. Considering the fact that they are former partners and former USPW and DaVE World Tag Team Champions. Just some food for thought.

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Great updates so far! Have been enjoying where the storyline is going.


One thing that might be interesting is if Eric Tyler signed Teddy Powell to be part of the show, considering the hatred relationship between Powell and Bach. Considering the fact that they are former partners and former USPW and DaVE World Tag Team Champions. Just some food for thought.

Don't worry, Angel. Teddy's going to be involved one way or another in this...glad to see you're enjoying this!

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Kudos LLK, you've really built up a great level of anticipation for the new CZCW. I'm actually excited just to see the final roster!


Eric Tyler's a good addition to the story, particularly due to his shared history with Bach in DaVE. For some reason I can't picture Tyler being able to operate any phone released circa to 1996.


Glad you've stuck to much of your previous backstory too, great segment with Bach and Tyler venturing to StallCorp HQ. Their company logo looks kinda familiar too. :p


And yes, a Powell/Bach reunion would be a bonus.

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...okay. I'll give you what happened before. Man, you people want to know everything, with exact detail, waiting for me to forget something so you can point out a flaw in my story. But do you think I care? No. This happened to me, and I deserve to say what I want. If I just want to focus on me playing video games with Stallings only, I should be able to.


Amen to that brother.


I'm really enjoying this, and I'm getting excited everytime I see this thread in the new posts section. Great stuff.

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Amen to that brother.


I'm really enjoying this, and I'm getting excited everytime I see this thread in the new posts section. Great stuff.

Thank you, sir. Get excited once again...because I've got another one, coming right up...

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Kudos LLK, you've really built up a great level of anticipation for the new CZCW. I'm actually excited just to see the final roster!


Eric Tyler's a good addition to the story, particularly due to his shared history with Bach in DaVE. For some reason I can't picture Tyler being able to operate any phone released circa to 1996.


Glad you've stuck to much of your previous backstory too, great segment with Bach and Tyler venturing to StallCorp HQ. Their company logo looks kinda familiar too. :p


And yes, a Powell/Bach reunion would be a bonus.

I'm just waiting for Disney to take over TCW at this point...oh, wait, that was your idea.


Great to hear from you as always, sir.

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Sammy Bach vs. His Imagination

Basement of StallCorp HQ

Seattle, Washington

Wednesday, Week 2, July 2011





Stallings and I finally reached the bottom of the eternal staircase.


"Why don't you have an elevator just to get down here?" I asked him.


He didn't answer. Just kept walking, solemnly...creepily. Death rays must be down here.


Did I offend him or anything during our meeting? I couldn't figure out why he had turned from the fanboy to the corporate suit so quickly. Whatever it was, he was totally on zero-fun mode.


Or so I thought.


After passing dozens of electrical closets, maneuvering through a maze of hallways, and going through five sliding doors marked "Security Level 12 ONLY", we reached a giant set of doors that looked like they could stop a tank. What was all of this for? The staircase itself said "OFF LIMITS"!


"Mr. Bach," he said, punching numbers in a keypad on the wall, "You are about to enter a room that is normally off-limits to anyone except for me. I can count on one hand the number of people who have been in here, including myself.


"What happens in here is going to stay in here. My public image as head of StallCorp would drastically change if anyone found out about what is in this room and what is about to happen in here."


"Uh...yes sir. You got it. Lips sealed."


Dear Lord, he's going to show me his torture chamber. Rival software execs were probably screaming out in pain in there.


"Good. Now, I must ask you a question to begin this private meeting."


This dude was freaking me out. "And...that...would...be?" I asked, trying to find an emergency exit or something.


He turned towards me, face completely serious, and asked, "Ping-pong or air hockey?"


"Excuse me?"


"Which would you rather play first, ping-pong or air hockey?" he asked me again, still straight-faced.


I thought this was some kind of joke. "Is this like a test or something, trying to prove my worth as a head booker? I mean, you're a brilliant guy and all...I'm sure you can learn everything about me and how I will do in my job by that one answer."


He adjusted his glasses and stepped towards me. We locked eyes and spent a few awkward seconds just staring at each other.


Then he stepped back and laughed louder than anyone I've ever heard in my life, a nasally laugh with booming volume. He slapped me on the back and wiped his eyes while I, as always, was trying to figure out just what the heck was going on.


"Sammy, come on, man...it's just an easy question. Not every question deserves some deep and doctoral answer," he said, prying open the door.


We stepped into what would be a wrestling nerd's heaven. Several flat screen TVs dotted the walls, each showing some form of wrestling. Classic APWF matches. HGC highlights. The last-ever DAVE pay-per-view. CZCW's best-selling DVD of all-time, "Welcome to the Coastal Zone 2010", when JK Stallings crashed the party to announce his purchase.


On the back wall, right in the middle, was a TV that I swear rivaled the size of the screen at the new Cowboys Stadium. I recognized the menu screen and the familiar toolbar...he had a PS3 hooked up to it.


He noticed me looking at the screen and said, "Yeah, that's my biggest secret. I'm secretly a Sony guy at heart."


I laughed, still a little shocked, as I scanned the room some more while Stallings excused himself for a bit.


Take the wrestling museum that he had in his "real" office and multiply it by one hundred. This basement was more like a full-fledged shrine to pro wrestling. Message board kings would have to take pilgrimages to this place, sacrificing a close relative at the altar of JK Stallings, Jr.


And they would do it.


Let's see...I spotted a steel chair with streaks of blood still on it, signed by John "Nemesis" Campbell after DAVE's final episode of Danger Zone TV. A 1980's era arcade machine was in one corner, set up with a special edition of Fire Pro Wrestling X. It was signed by Elemental, Bruce the Giant, Sadaharu Jimbo, and Tadayuki Kikkawa. He had all of HGC's title belts in glass cases, signed by their last holders. There was another Icee machine, similar to the one in his office, but it was the one that Sam Strong famously Irish whipped Mayhem Midden into during that classic 1979 Falls Count Anywhere match that spilled into the concession stands. It was still dented!


"Since you didn't decide between ping-pong and air hockey," Stallings said, emerging out of the restroom...now sporting Hurley boardshorts and a CZCW Cali Dragons t-shirt..."And since you took a liking to the screen for my PS3, I have an idea."


He hopped over the back of the couch in front of the TV, started hitting buttons on the controller that I didn't know existed, and stepped back for a moment. He reset the console and the StallCorp logo came up instead of Sony's.


He noticed my confusion and said, "Hey, I'm a software geek. I modded my own machine to my liking."


He started up a game and I immediately recognized the graphics and intro music.


"TCW's video game? Really, man?" I asked, rolling my eyes.


"No, no, it's not what you think...keep watching."


He pressed the start button and started up a Play Now match. He invited me to grab a controller and pick my wrestler. I scrolled through the list and found myself, but not with my TCW gear on. No, this was a modded outfit of mine that I recognized from my PPPW days. The awesome "And God created Sammy Bach...and saw that He was outdone." t-shirt that I used to wear to the ring was used, along with my old red and black pants, finished off by my old Chuck Taylors.


"How in the world..." I stammered, amazed.


"Now, let's begin." He scrolled through a list of venues, which included rings from every wrestling company that has ever existed. He settled on an old HGC one and we got started.


Remember me complaining about my stats in the game to Tommy in the promo? He had modded me to be all 100s, and we were bashing the snot out of, you guessed it...Tommy Cornell and Joel Bryant. Tornado tag barbed wire match, people. That's not even an option in the game. This man was a genius.


He had created himself, a splitting image, and was wrestling in his Armani suit. He snorted and exaggerated every move we hit on my virtual enemies, completely back to wrestling nerd mode again. This guy went from the straight-laced business talk to giggling whenever he thought the bean bag chair he was sitting in made a funny noise.


Between watching him and enjoying this wrestling fan bunker, I was having fun.


Through our violent video game experience, which helped me get a lot of anger out...seriously, I hit about forty Adrenaline Shots on Tommy that sent him straight into the barbed wire...Stallings and I talked about wrestling. Who we liked. Who we didn't like, which usually was the TCW main event scene. What guys from the past we wished were still around. What spots and storylines that should be tried at some point. How we would have booked a certain show. Who was going to be a star in the future.


We talked for hours about CZCW. Stallings had fallen in love with the company during his HGC days, when he would personally scout their events. He remembered my title run there even better than I did. He went on and on about loving their signature six-sided ring, their style of action, the way Cliff and The Guru called each match, etc.


"CZCW has always been about what the fans want, and I love that," he told me as he slurped down a Sam Strong Icee with one of those silly straws. "The fans down there want real wrestling action, awesome spots, memorable characters, great promos...and they don't care that you're not some megastar. You take a guy like Fox Mask and make him a living legend down there. They open their arms to anyone that is willing to go all out for them.


"I used to be all about the entertainment, but I appreciated good wrestling. That's why we had that cruiserweight division and a great tag team division in Hollyweird. I loved that kind of wrestling. Yeah, I appreciated what Sam and Rip did...those guys were living legends...but those guys that weren't so popular but still made a card a great success...I loved those guys."


I nodded and said, "So what do you want from this company? What do you want from me?"


"Sammy, we've been talking wrestling for hours now. You know your stuff. Eric Tyler definitely knows his stuff. You are a guy who puts the fans first and hates backstage nonsense. That's what I love to see.


"Eric's got a lot on his plate with being the President and Executive Producer...and you will too. You know this product and you know what the people want. We're not making drastic changes to the roster, even though a bunch of old-school Zoners hate us right now. Chris Perkins walked out on us because he said that TV and PPV would ruin this place. Said it wasn't the Coastal Zone he loved.


"But the thing about it is, it can be. This place has been rocking for two decades, but Cliff Anderson lacked vision. He was a penny-pincher, not wanting to take a risk and branch out. So, he stayed in this area because he knew people would come and it was easy money. Thing is, he could have made a lot more and made his company a bigger success if he would've just tried to reach out.


"As a fan of the Zone, I wanted to see this company grow into the next power, and I knew that Cliff Anderson wasn't going to do that. So, one morning, I wake up and decide that we're going to buy out the company and make it truly succeed. I was going to get the right people in place, and I was going to make sure that my return to the business would be a legendary one. I know my limitations as an owner, and I know that I don't know the business as much as most of the roster. I'm just a fan, you know?"


"And a huge one at that," I said, commanding my virtual likeness to hit a low blow on Joel Bryant.


"Exactly. I underestimated how hard it was to be a top dog in this industry the last go around, Sammy. But I know people who have made it and I can use them to get CZCW to that point. I'm not settling for just being a really good indy company. I have dreams of us challenging the SWF one day, Sammy. Eric Tyler has that vision. Mark Murdoch has that vision. Cliff Anderson did not have that vision, so we gave him a job where he can do his favorite thing 24/7: talk," he said, grinning.


"Cliff wasn't going to totally leave his baby, was he?"


"Not at all...but he really wanted the money we were offering to buy this place. I thought it was kind of low at first, but his eyes popped and he signed as soon as he could. One of the best deals I've ever made, I think."


Cliff Anderson was a greedy son of a gun, that's for sure. Too greedy to branch out, too greedy to get any bigger. But he sold out in a heartbeat.


I checked my watch and sighed. "Well, I've got to get back on that plane soon...California's calling me back," I said, getting up.


"Sammy, it's been a real pleasure to get to hang out with you this afternoon and get to know who is going to be booking our way into the big leagues," Stallings said, extending his hand. "Now don't run off just yet, I've got to get that 'contract'."


"Of course," I said, pulling a pen out of my pocket. Stallings handed the Total Mayhem program to me and asked me to do the honors.


Before I threw my signature on there, though, I drew a giant X over Tommy Cornell's face.


"You better run, Tommy. We're coming for you..."
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I'll be following along. Great job so far.

Thanks, Astil. Your DOA project is a good little read, too.


Can I go into Stalling's basement? Sounds like an awesome place.


Talking of Awesome, can you guess what I thought of the last few updates?

This last post was the one I was most nervous about...didn't think many people would like the Stallings basement for some reason. Good to hear that and that this dynasty as a whole is pretty awesome.


This. Stalling's is my kinda fan.

You finally like something of mine! Hallelujah!


Does that count as a point? 5-4 in my book right now...



Also, I need some help on wrestler's theme music. If you think you can help me out, PM me. The "you know it's gonna happen" Women's Division and some lower card guys will need the most help getting music. If you can help...please do. I am at a standstill with some of these people.

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Two things:


1. This is my favorite diary since Monkeypox's DaVE diary. I'm always leery when a c-verse diary broaches the real world for locations, companies, etc, but I have no issue with you doing it. Clearly a statement for how good this thing is.


2. Can't wait to see the roster. Curious to see if the "Samoans" are Rhino & Machine or Akima & Toma, or others all together.


Bonus number 3. Check your inbox :)

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Two things:


1. This is my favorite diary since Monkeypox's DaVE diary. I'm always leery when a c-verse diary broaches the real world for locations, companies, etc, but I have no issue with you doing it. Clearly a statement for how good this thing is.


2. Can't wait to see the roster. Curious to see if the "Samoans" are Rhino & Machine or Akima & Toma, or others all together.


Bonus number 3. Check your inbox :)



That is all.

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Fine.... :rolleyes::p


And I'm horrible at music. Might want to hit up PS for that.

I've got a few people lined up for this...so don't feel so bad.



Working on the roster part of the backstory, which will lead us into the preview for Wave of Fury 2011. So get excited, people.

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