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Impact Wrestling - Wrestling Will Matter

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<i>OOC: I must admit, this is going to be a challenge. I get on this forum and read Diaries as often as possible. I'm in love with a couple of the Ring of Honor Diaries, with Final Countdown being my favorite. There's a WWE one floating around here and there that I try to follow.


I wanted to offer something different for my next Diary and wondered why no one was doing a TNA Diary. Well, there is one, but it's theme follows the beginnings of TNA and not the current product. That's probably a smarter choice as I'm currently finding myself running into so many headaches on how to accurately follow TNA's current product.


This is going to be headache inducing, and I'm sure I'm going to run into many mental blocks when it comes to going forward with the TNA product. However, I think I have a few cool ideas. It would also be nice to get back into the writing game.


Here we go...?</i>


I'll be honest, from the day my father introduced me to pro-wrestling, I always believed I was destined for the business. In the fifth grade when my friend, Jeremy, bought a trampoline I got jealous. Not because he could afford something new and fun, but because he had the opportunity to practice his wrestling anytime he wanted where as I was still stuck, getting yelled at by my mom, for wrestling in my bed.


Finally, patience won out, as my parents caved-in and bought me a trampoline. Believe me, I was a wrestling machine. After school everyday my friends and I would gather in the backyard and work matches. Everyone refused to wrestle with me, because I took my stuff seriously. I still remember the day when my inner-Kurt Angle came out and I dropped my buddy, Jon, with three consecutive German Suplexes. I'm sorry about that, Jon.


High school rolled around and I couldn't seem to remember what happened in the time between my first day with my trampoline and my first high school girlfriend. I was seriously out of shape. I wasn't even watching wrestling anymore. I chalked it up to growing up, but I think what was really happening was the passion fizzling.


<i>Passion</i> that's what returned the very first time I saw a Ring of Honor event. AJ Styles, Low-Ki, and Paul London won me over with their feats of athleticism that night at the <i>One Year Anniversary Show</i>. I instantly fell in love. Wrestling mattered. That's the one thing that kept me gravitating toward Ring of Honor. Naturally, the desire to wrestle returned, but my body, not seeing any activity outside of the school required Physical Education course refused to comply.


At this point, you'd think I'd be bummed out or that I'd push myself harder to get what I wanted. I did neither of those things, though. You see, when you're sixteen and still have two years of high school ahead of you, you think you can do anything So instead of worrying about getting in shape to do what I loved when I was a kid, I figured why not be a rockstar, a professional gamer, an actor, a director, a photographer?


What I ended up settling on during my first year of college in 2007 was writing. Believe it or not, I could write and do it efficiently. I wrote poems, short stories, sports columns, screenplays, hell, I even attempted a novel. I didn't get paid for any of it, mind you, but it was nice to know I had a talent.


At this point, I told anyone who listened that I would someday be apart of WWE's Creative Staff. Looking back on it, though, I feel like that choice was more unrealistic than becoming an actual pro-wrestler. I remember the look my college advisor gave me when I told him what I intend to do with my creative writing degree. Hell, I remember the look I was mentally giving myself when I told him.


So here we are in 2011 a semester left of college and I've managed to make some progress in my career, but I'm still so far from where I want to be. Yeah, that's right, I am part of a creative staff. It's just not WWE's. Ever hear of TNA? No, it's not a softcore show. Trust me, that's what I thought, too. Nope, Total Nonstop Action, the Impact Zone...that's my new home. How'd it happen...?


Well, like so many other pro-wrestling diehards, I got vocal. I got the idea to create a Youtube channel from a friend, who did the same to criticize all of TNA's shortcomings, and if you knew anything about that company, there are a lot.


My Youtube channel grew into a weblog. The blog grew into a Twitter. I wasn't famous or anything, but I was definitely attracting the attention of the internet browsing wrestling fan. The attention, though mostly positive, had its critics. "If you think you can write better than them, prove it!" is what some fanboy said to me on Youtube. I've always been competitive and I've always wanted to prove myself, so I wrote a three month long transcript on how I'd make TNA consistently logical and entertaining. The document ended up in the right (or wrong, your opinion) hands and before I knew it, I was finding myself stationed in Florida.


And I'll say it now. Saying <i>is</i> easier than doing.






<B><U>Impact Wrestling Roster (Face | Heel)</B></U>


<B><U>Main Event</B></U>

AJ Styles

Brother Devon

Kurt Angle

Mr. Anderson

Rob Van Dam


Tommy Dreamer


<b><u>Upper Midcard</b></u>

Brian Kendrick

Bully Ray

D'Angelo Dinero

James Storm

Jeff Jarrett

Matt Morgan

Robert Roode

Samoa Joe




Alex Shelley

Austin Aries

Chris Sabin


Christopher Daniels

Eric Young




Orlando Jordan

Shannon Moore


<b><u>Lower Midcard</b></u>

Amazing Red

Chris Harris

Douglas Williams


Max Buck




Jeremy Buck


Rob Terry


Robbie E


<b><u>Impact Wrestling Knockouts</b></u>

Angelina Love

Madison Rayne

Mickie James

Miss Tessmacher





Velvet Sky



<b><u>Tag Teams</b></u>

Beer Money (Robert Roode & James Storm)

Generation Me (Max Buck & Jeremy Buck)

Ink Inc. (Shannon Moore & Jesse Neal)

Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin)

The British Invasion (Douglas Williams & Brutus Magnus

Mexican America (Anarquia & Hernandez)


<b><u>Knockout Tag Teams</b></u>

Love & Winter (Angelina Love & Winter)

Mexican America (Sarita & Rosita)

Tara & Miss Tessmacher (Tara & Miss Tessmacher)



Fortune (Styles, Daniels, Storm, Roode, Kazarian)

Immortal (Hogan, Bischoff, Hardy, Gunner, Abyss, Bully Ray, Jarrett)

Mexican America (Hernandez, Anarquia, Rosita, Sarita)


<b><u>Current Impact Wrestling Championships</b></u>


<b><u>World Heavyweight</b></u>




Eric Young



Brian Kendrick


<b><u>World Tag Team</b></u>

Beer Money



Mickie James


<b><u>Knockout Tag Team</b></u>

Tara & Miss Tessmacher


<i>OOC #2: The Diary takes place the week after Midsummer's Nightmare. I will try to follow as closely to the show as possible.</i>

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Wow. This could be fun.


I demand you detail all of Tessmacher's ass-moves, though. REQUIREMENT.


Also, lrn2workout srsly. Lazy man. LAZY MAN!


I also would like him to meet Styles. Would be pretty cool.

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Obviously I don't agree with Devon being a main eventer, but the mod I'm using (McD) has him listed and such, so therefore, I must follow through.


I'm glad you figured out that the opening of the Diary was semi-autobiographical. I'm fine now. I even tried pro-wrestling for a little. It's not for me. I am a student of BJJ now. My good friend wrestles, though.


I'm not going to do too much behind the scenes work on the Diary. Like Final Countdown's RoH work, I'm probably going to start off with just the events and if that's not too interesting, I'll provide behind the scenes stories.


Time to work on Impact.

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<i>Nightmares truly were incurred for <b>Hogan</b> & Co. last Thursday at <b>Impact Wrestling's</b> <i>Midsummer's Nightmare</i> event. <b>Hulk Hogan</b> and <b>Eric Bischoff's</b> powerhouse stable, <b>Immortal</b>, may have found a new ally in <b>Ken Anderson</b>, but even that wasn't enough to stop <b>Sting</b> from regaining the World Heavyweight Championship.


Immortal played all of their hand in an attempt to keep control of the World Heavyweight Championship, but Sting came prepared as <b>Fortune</b> members <b>AJ Styles</b>, <b>Kazarian</b>, <b>James Storm</b>, <b>Robert Roode</b>, and <b>Christopher Daniels</b> systematically eliminated members of fortune in the backstage area.


<b>Bully Ray</b>, however, remained untouched and was seen as potentially Immortal's savior, but when <b>Kurt Angle</b> declared his allegiance to Sting, Bully Ray, Ken Anderson, and the rest of Immortal came up short as the title left the Impact Zone with Sting.


With the World Heavyweight Championship now in the clutches of the Insane Icon Sting, one would think that the bargaining power Immortal had over the Network would cease to exist. Will order be restored to Impact Wrestling? Find out Thursday night only on Spike TV!</i>


<B><U>Scheduled Card for Impact Wrestling</B></U>


<u>Singles Match</u>

Alex Shelley vs. Amazing Red


<u>Tag Team Match</u>

Velvet Sky & Mickie James vs. Angelina Love & Winter


<u>Bound for Glory Series (7 Points)</u>

D'Angelo Dinero vs. Samoa Joe


<u>Bound for Glory Series (7 Points)</u>

Gunner vs. Rob Van Dam


<u>Singles Match</u>

Kurt Angle vs. Bully Ray

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Singles Match

Alex Shelley vs. Amazing Red


Tag Team Match

Velvet Sky & Mickie James vs. Angelina Love & Winter


Bound for Glory Series (7 Points)

D'Angelo Dinero vs. Samoa Joe


Bound for Glory Series (7 Points)

Gunner vs. Rob Van Dam


Singles Match

Kurt Angle vs. Bully Ray

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I love TNA's roster, but not necessarily the way they portray it on TV. Don't disappoint me.


Singles Match

Alex Shelley vs. Amazing Red


Tag Team Match

Velvet Sky & Mickie James vs. Angelina Love & Winter


Bound for Glory Series (7 Points)

D'Angelo Dinero vs. Samoa Joe (By Submission, 10 Points)


Bound for Glory Series (7 Points)

Gunner vs. Rob Van Dam


Singles Match

Kurt Angle vs. Bully Ray

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I love TNA's roster, but not necessarily the way they portray it on TV. Don't disappoint me.


Singles Match

Alex Shelley vs. Amazing Red


Tag Team Match

Velvet Sky & Mickie James vs. Angelina Love & Winter


Bound for Glory Series (7 Points)

D'Angelo Dinero vs. Samoa Joe (By Submission, 10 Points)


Bound for Glory Series (7 Points)

Gunner vs. Rob Van Dam


Singles Match

Kurt Angle vs. Bully Ray


I'll be honest. I don't understand the BFG's series point system. That's why I've just stated that the winners of these matches will receive 7 points. I'd do away with the whole series if possible, but like I said, I'm trying to follow TNA as accurately as possible. I need all the luck I can get.

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This is the points system:


Submission Victory- 10 Points

Pinfall Victory- 7 Points

Countout Victory- 5 Points

DQ Victory- 3 Points

Draw- 2 Points

DQ- -10 Points


I'll be following this :)


I hate you man. Now I have to follow this damn system. Ha. Thanks for the look, bro.

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This is the points system:


Submission Victory- 10 Points

Pinfall Victory- 7 Points

Countout Victory- 5 Points

DQ Victory- 3 Points

Draw- 2 Points

DQ- -10 Points


I'll be following this :)


Also 0 points for being the partner that doesnt get the pin in a tag match


Singles Match

Alex Shelley vs. Amazing Red - X division should pick up soon.


Tag Team Match

Velvet Sky & Mickie James vs. Angelina Love & Winter


Bound for Glory Series (7 Points)

D'Angelo Dinero vs. Samoa Joe - Still on a losing streak for Joe


Bound for Glory Series (7 Points)

Gunner vs. Rob Van Dam - Still my all time favorite


Singles Match

Kurt Angle vs. Bully Ray - Immortal shenanigans, which means Joker to the rescue :confused:

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Singles Match

Alex Shelley vs. Amazing Red


Tag Team Match

Velvet Sky & Mickie James vs. Angelina Love & Winter


Bound for Glory Series (7 Points)

D'Angelo Dinero vs. Samoa Joe


Bound for Glory Series (7 Points)

Gunner vs. Rob Van Dam


Singles Match

Kurt Angle vs. Bully Ray

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<b><u>TNA Xplosion Results</b></u>

Rosita defeated Miss Tessmacher (E)

Austin Aries defeated Shannon Moore ©

Mexican America defeated British Invasion (D+)


<i>A video package begins this episode of <b>Impact Wrestling</b> highlighting <b>Sting's</b> victory over <b>Mr. Anderson</b> and <b>Immortal</b> to finally reclaim the World Heavyweight Championship for all of Impact Wrestling.</i>


<b>Impact Wrestling - Immortal No More</b>


<i>After the video package ran its course, and the camera feed panned over the Impact Zone. Just when the crowd anticipation was about to keel over, Sting's music hit the PA system as Impact's night looked to start on the right note with World Champion Sting.</i>


<b>Mike Tenay:</b> <i>Looks like we're getting right to business tonight Taz. The Immortal Icon, Sting is making his way out to the Impact Zone!</i>


<b>Taz:</b> <i>No kidding! Sting had a hell of a match with Mr. Anderson last week. What's he doing out here?</i>


<i>Continuing with his Joker-lite gimmick, Sting began marching around in the ring in mock celebration. Fans of the WWE product would give a little pop when Sting even pulled off his best Santino impersonation by marching around and playing the trumpet. The Insane Icon finally gave way and took to a microphone.</i>


<b>Sting:</b> <i>Testing..testing...testing. Does thing work? Well, hello Impact! Lookie at what I have here!</i>


<i>Sting positions his arm to show off his newly won World Championship which delighted the Impact Zone attendance.</i>


<b>Sting:</b> <i>Don't I look beautiful with this? Immortal. Hogan. Bischoff. Immortal. Bischoff. Hogan. Anderson. Hogan. I TOLD YOU I HAD TRICKS UP MY SLEEVE! You didn't want to listen, though, did you? You're egomaniacs. You're simply....never....wrong. BUT NOW I HAVE THIS. This title that you guys wanted for so long as bargaining chip. But now that this precious wittle belt is in my hands, the ball game is over! YOU CHOKED!</i>


<i>Sting removes the microphone from his face to give off a maniacal laugh before speaking again.</i>


<b>Sting:</b> <i>And guess who's been calling me again. Come on just guess. Come on Bischoff, they've called you, too. YOU DON'T WANT TO GUESS!? Fine! The Network wants in again. That's right. The boys and girls in the Spike TV suits are finally done with Manswers and Deadliest Dead Guys. They want in pro-wrestling, baby!</i>


<b>Taz:</b> <i>What the hell is he talking about, Mike?</i>


<b>Tenay:</b> <i>Your guess is as good as mine, partner.</i>


<b>Sting:</b> <i>They're not just sending anyone this time, folks! Nope nope nope nope NOPE! This time, haha, they're sending someone who knows how to get his hands dirty. They're sending someone that they think can save this depressed company from those wretched tyrants. Ladies and Gentlemen...please stand up for....




Wait for it...






<i>When <b>Paul Heyman</b> actually appeared on the stage of the Impact Zone, the crowd went wild. The brains behind ECW had a huge smile adorned on his face and he strutted down the ring shaking hands with as many fans as he possibly could before stepping into the ring. He shook hands with Sting before looking toward <b>So Cal Val</b> who handed him a microphone.</i>


<b>Paul Heyman:</b> <i>Two things: Russo, pack your bags. You're out!</i>


<i>The crowd started a welcome home chant at Paul. Possibly because of his debut, maybe because of his shoot on Russo. Heyman gave a smile and then returned to character.</i>


<b>Heyman:</b> <i>Bischoff, Hogan, Immortal. I've got your balls in a vice grip. Sting has the only thing that kept The Network off your ass. Now get out here and let's play ball!</i>


<i>Heyman chants continued to swamp the Impact Zone, but were finally quelled when <b>Immortal's</b> music hit and <b>Eric Bischoff</b> came out on stage equipped with a microphone.</i>


<b>Eric Bischoff:</b> <i>Who the hell do you think you are? You can't just show up on MY show and call ME out!</i>


<i>Sting and Paul Heyman both look at each other, then toward Bischoff, then toward each other again before breaking out in a unison laughter.</i>


<b>Heyman:</b> <i>Did you not listen to anything that was just said? I'm with The Network. Sting's with us. That means I own your ass! For the last year, I've watched you and Hogan take this company, run it into the ground, and bleed it dry of its money. The Network tried to stop you before with Mick Foley, but when you threatened to pull the World Champion from Impact, they backed down. Oh, you didn't think I knew about that did you? Well, look where the belts at now. A man who personally came to us and requested that we intervene. And man is it a great feeling to have control over you. Now don't worry Eric, I'm not like you. I'm not here to stroke my own ego. I'm here to give what the fans at Impact Zone and the fans of TNA want to see, wrestling! Which is why I'm going to give you a chance to reclaim what you feel is rightfully yours next week. Next week on free TV, Ken Anderson and Sting will meet one more time for the Impact Wrestling World Heavyweight Championship!</i>


<i>Embracing his new psychotic gimmick, Sting gives a shocked look on his face, holding his right hand to his mouth before running around in a circle.</i>


<b>Heyman:</b> <i>Now, Eric, I would let you say your piece, but quite frankly, I don't give a damn. You've done nothing but talk for the last year and we're all sick of it. So cut his mic off and let's get this show going!</i>


<i>Bischoff tries to speak, but as Heyman requested, his microphone has no signal. A stressed-out expression drapes across Bischoff's face before Impact goes to its first commercial of the night.</i>


<b><u>Singles Match</b></u>

Alex Shelley defeats Amazing Red


<i>Though the in-ring action was of standard X-Division flare, the Impact Zone was still buzzing with the debut of Paul Heyman. Not to say that the match didn't receive a reaction, it was just lukewarm at best.


The Amazing Red went for his usual match spots including a suicide dive through the middle-rope. Shelley offered his own spots including an Asai moonsault to the outside of the ring.


The eventual finish of the match came at 10:16 with Alex Shelley picking up the pinfall after a Sliced Bread #2.</i>


<i>Shelley shakes hands with Amazing Red after the finish of the match and asks for a microphone. So Cal Val honors his request and hands him one from the outside.</i>


<b>Alex Shelley:</b> <i>I'm not going to take up too much time, but Brian Kendrick. Could you please come out here?</i>


<i><b>Brian Kendrick's</b> theme song hits the Impact Zone speaker system and the X-Division Champion walks out to the ring with a look of bewilderment on his face. He steps into the ring congratulating Alex Shelley on his victory but then shrugs his shoulder as if to express his not understanding on why he's been called out.</i>


<b>Shelley:</b> <i>Look, I know it's not your fault about what happened last week, I know you didn't want things to end the way they did. That punk, Austin Aries, screwed you, me, and the fans out of a great match.</i>


<i>Brian Kendrick wholeheartedly shakes his head in agreement.</i>


<b>Shelley:</b> <i>What I'm asking for is one more match. One more match next week for that X-Division Title. I want it to happen. You want it to happen. And I know these fans want to see it.</i>


<i>The Impact Zone pops.</i>


<b>Shelley:</b> <i>What do you say, Kendrick? One more match!</i>


<b>Brian Kendrick:</b> <i>After the last disgrace that held this title, what kind of wrestler, no, a man, would I be if I just turned down opponents? It's no secret that I didn't win the way I wanted to. Being a champion means more than just holding this belt. It means I strong both mentally and physically. It means I stand for honor and respect. Shelley, next week, you and I will dance again.</i>


<i>Both individuals shake hands before Kendrick leaves the ring.</i>


<b>Tenay:</b> <i>Well, how about that? Two title matches for free on Impact next week!</i>


<b>Taz:</b> <i>Impact is going to be off the charts!</i>


<b>Tenay:</b> <i>Up next we have some Knockouts action, Taz. I bet you can't wait!</i>


<b>Taz:</b> <i>I'll tell you what Tenay, these Knockouts are some feisty tomatoes. I used to be bad back in my day, but these girls put me to shame!</i>


<b>Tenay:</b> <i>Winter & Angelina Love will meet Velvet Sky & Knockout Champion Mickie James up next!</i>


<b><u>Tag Team</b></u>

Mickie James & Velvet Sky defeat Angelina Love & Winter


<i>There wasn't too much to say about the match at hand. The main purpose of the match itself was to set-up two possible storylines leading up to Impact's Hardcore Justice event.


Winter looked to prove a statement that she was the deserving #1 Knockouts contender, but a Mickie-DT at 8:29 put a halt to that with Velvet Sky & Mickie James picking up a pinfall victory shortly after.</i>


<i>Before Impact cut to another commercial break, the cameras found themselves in Bischoff's office where he was seen on the phone.</i>


<b>Bischoff:</b> <i>He's here, Hulk. The Network sent him. I don't know what we're going to do. We've got to get the belt back on Anderson firstly. And that damn Kurt Angle. I hope Bully Ray gives him hell. I don't...wait...you'll be here next week? Are you sure? I know you have a busy schedule. I agree something has got to be done. Alright man, I'll see you next week.</i>


<b>Tenay:</b> <i>Now that we're back from break, let's take a look at our Bound For Glory Series scorecard


1. Crimson - 31 points

2. Gunner - 28 points

3. Matt Morgan - 24 points

4. Rob Van Dam - 21 points

4. Brother Devon - 21 points

4. Bully Ray - 21 points

4. James Storm - 21 points

4. Robert Roode - 21 points

5. AJ Styles - 14 points

6. The Pope - 0 points

6. Samoa Joe - 0 points</i>


<b>Taz:</b> <i>The Pope and Samoa Joe are still at the bottom with the goose eggs, but one of them will be able to break the curse with a victory in their upcoming one on one bout.</i>


<b><u>Bound For Glory Series</b></u>

The Pope (0 Points) defeats Samoa Joe (0 Points)


<i>Of the three matches that took place thus far, this would be the one that had the hottest in-ring action accompanied by a hot crowd. While their storyline a few months prior might not have clicked with the fans, they were able to use their series of matches as an opportunity to pick up some chemistry.


In typical Samoa Joe fashion, the former World and X Division Champion came at Dinero with an array of dangerous moves. The Pope used his quick wits and agility to even the odds which allowed The Pope to get the upperhand at certain points in the match.


Joe attempted to go for a Muscle Buster, but The Pope was able to muscle himself of Joe's shoulders and knock him into the turnbuckles. The Pope followed up with a D'Angelo Dinero Express picking up his first 7 points with a pinfall victory at 12:41.


The Pope celebrated to the back while Samoa Joe continued to show frustration.</i>


<i>The camera once again focused backstage where <b>Austin Aries</b> was being interviewed.</i>


<b>Interviewer:</b> <i>Will you make your presence known in the Shelley Kendrick rematch?</i>


<b>Austin Aries:</b> <i>If they want to hold hands and kiss. Let 'em. It's obvious they're afraid of me, anyway.</i>


<b>Interviewer:</b> <i>Why do you think that?</i>


<b>Aries:</b> <i>Look, if you're fighting someone and I attack you. Do you fight me or fight the guy you were fighting?</i>


<b>Interviewer:</b> <i>I'd go after you.</i>


<b>Aries:</b> <i>And if you're a Champion, who just got the assist of his life, do you go after the guy you just sent packing. The guy everyone has already seen you beat. Or do you step up and take on a new challenger, a fresh face?</i>


<b>Interviewer:</b> <i>New challenger.</i>


<b>Aries:</b> <i>Bingo.</i>


<i>Austin Aries then walks away, the camera heading back to the ring for RVD and Gunner.</i>


<b><u>Bound For Glory Series</b></u>

Rob Van Dam (21 Points) defeats Gunner (28 Points)


<i>Gunner, who sits just below Crimson on the BFG Totem Pole finally lost some of the steam he was picking up in his loss to former Impact World Champion, RVD.


That's not to say Gunner still didn't prove to be a threat to anyone on the Impact roster as Rob Van Dam took some major damage from Gunner, including a snap suplex outside of the ring.


Inexperience ultimately led to Gunner's demise who tried for a Superplex off the top rope only to be knocked off and finished with a Five Star Frog Splash, earning Rob Van Dam 7 more points at 13:02.</i>


<i><b><u>Updated Bound For Glory Series</b></u>


1. Crimson - 31 points

2. Gunner - 28 points

2. Rob Van Dam - 28 points

3. Matt Morgan - 24 points

4. Brother Devon - 21 points

4. Bully Ray - 21 points

4. James Storm - 21 points

4. Robert Roode - 21 points

5. AJ Styles - 14 points

6. The Pope - 7 points

7. Samoa Joe - 0 points</i>


<i>The camera was backstage again where Fortune was seen hanging out backstage before being approached by Paul Heyman.</i>


<b>Heyman:</b> <i>When I think of the slogan "wrestling matters" I think of each and every one of you guys. Daniels, Styles, that was one hell of a match you guys had at Destination X. Storm, Roode, I expect nothing less out of you two against Mexican America at Hardcore Justice. Kazarian, you gave Samoa Joe you're all and then some. Excellent stuff guys. Let's talk business.</i>


<i>All six individuals head off before the anonymous interviewer is seen with <b>Bully Ray</b>.</i>


<b>Interviewer:</b> <i>Are you looking for revenge against Kurt Angle</i>


<b>Bully Ray:</b> <i>That son of a bitch took a bat to me. You don't take a bat to me and just think you can walk off. I'm going to make him regret getting into Immortal affairs.</i>


<b>Interviewer:</b> <i>Will Immortal be present tonight?</i>


<b>Bully Ray:</b> <i>The only thing you should be concerned with is if an ambulance is stationed nearby. Get out of my face!</i>


<i>Bully Ray storms off concluding the interview</i>


<b>Tenay:</b> <i>Our main event is next. Bully Ray and Kurt Angle after this commercial break. Don't go anywhere!</i>

<b><u>Main Event</b></u>

Kurt Angle defeats Bully Ray


<i>Bully Ray was mainly looking to teach Kurt Angle a lesson ignoring the referee's constant warnings of using closed fists and ignoring the referee's request that they bring the action into the ring. However, Bully Ray did not want to disqualified so before the referee could reach the ten count, both individuals found were back in the ring.


The warnings didn't stop there, however, as Bully Ray began choking Kurt Angle with his chain, but Angle managed to sandwich Ray between him and the turnbuckle stopping the choke out right.


Angle ducked a clothesline from Ray and hit him with a series of three suplexes. The singlet straps came down Angle's arms as he tried for an Ankle Lock, but Bully Ray quickly rolled to the outside. Angle however, chased behind him and winded up tossing Bully Ray into the ring post.


The two exchanged a series of punches on the outside before Bully Ray whipped Angle into the guardrail. Bully Ray charged down ringside, looking to smash Angle against the guard rail, but Angle darted to the side with Ray eating nothing but steel. In a daze, Ray turned around and was put out with an over the head belly to belly suplex from court angle, the fans breaking into "TNA" chants. Angle rolled Bully Ray into the ring, but only received a two count for his efforts.


The action picked up again this time with Bully Ray taking control as he countered an attempted Angle Slam with a backdrop. Bully Ray then taunted to the audience before going for his chain. Referee, Earl Hebner, tried to step in and stop Bully Ray from using the weapon, but Bully Ray pushed him aside. With the referee in a slight daze, Bully Ray tried for the coup de grace, but Kurt Angle ducked the punch and finally landed the Angle Slam. At 15:23, Earl Hebner counted the pin earning Kurt Angle his victory.</i>


<i>Before Kurt Angle could even celebrate, <b>Abyss</b> and Gunner, members of Immortal headed to the ring and assaulted Kurt Angle. Bully Ray even joined in on the fun as Abyss and Gunner lifted Angle up allowing Bully Ray to get some free licks. The assault would continue for several minutes before the lights dimmed out in the Impact Zone. When they came back on, Sting appeared in the ring taking both Abyss and Gunner out with his baseball bat. Bully Ray backed away from Sting begging to be spared, but he was backed into another Angle Slam from Kurt Angle.


Immortal took to the outside, talking trash before vanishing to the back. While many expected the confrontation to be over, the focus was now on Sting and Kurt Angle with Sting mocking and laughing at a frustrated and confused Kurt Angle before Impact faded to black.</i>


Quick Breakdown

Alex Shelley over Amazing Red (C-)

Mickie James & Velvet Sky over Winter & Love ©

D'Angelo Dinero over Samoa Joe (B)

Rob Van Dam over Gunner ©

Kurt Angle over Bully Ray (B-)


Impact (C+)


A watchable show. Dixie Carter is screwing me over on show content, though. I'm working with a 40% match ratio on TV. I've never booked so many angles in my life.

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Go to game options, edit data, click Total Nonstop Action Wrestling, click Product, and change it as you want.


Also, sad to see Joe take another loss, he's extremely talented.


It's fun playing like this. Makes it challenging. If I run into too much of an issue, it will be changed. Guaranteed.

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<i>A bombshell was dropped last week on <b>Impact Wrestling</b> when <b>Sting</b> announced the debut of a new Network representative. <b>Paul Heyman</b> turned out to be that representative, and he's already looking to change the face of Impact Wrestling.


He immediately announced that Sting and <b>Mr. Anderson</b> will meet in a rematch on this week's Impact Wrestling and also told Eric Bischoff that Immortal no longer assumes full control. With <b>Hulk Hogan</b> returning to Impact next week, how will Immortal fight back?</i>


<b><u>Scheduled Card for Impact Wrestling (Week 2, July)</b></u>


<b><u>Singles Match</b></u>

Mickie James vs. Sarita


<b><u>Singles Match</b></u>

Robert Roode vs. Hernandez


<b><u>X-Division Championship</b></u>

Brian Kendrick© vs. Alex Shelley


<b><u>Bound For Glory Series</b></u>

AJ Styles vs. Brother Devon vs. Crimson vs. Matt Morgan


<b><u>World Heavyweight Championship</b></u>

Sting© vs. Ken Anderson


I'll also start keeping track of predictions. Winners will get to decide certain outcomes at the end of each PPV.
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<i>OOC: I must admit, this is going to be a challenge. I get on this forum and read Diaries as often as possible. I'm in love with a couple of the Ring of Honor Diaries, with Final Countdown being my favorite.

Aww. :o


I'm not going to do too much behind the scenes work on the Diary. Like Final Countdown's RoH work, I'm probably going to start off with just the events and if that's not too interesting, I'll provide behind the scenes stories.

Fun fact: when I first started, I intended to do quite a bit of behind the scenes stuff. My early shows all had brief post-show chats between my user character and various members of the roster, and I was planning on expanding even further on that idea. But that was before I realized how much work went into simply writing the shows. Bye bye, behind the scenes segments. :eek:


I thought that was an excellent first show. Good luck! Oh, and while I'm at it...


<b><u>Singles Match</b></u>

Mickie James vs. Sarita


<b><u>Singles Match</b></u>

Robert Roode vs. Hernandez


<b><u>X-Division Championship</b></u>

Brian Kendrick© vs. Alex Shelley-No contest (Aries gets involved)


<b><u>Bound For Glory Series</b></u>

AJ Styles vs. Brother Devon vs. Crimson vs. Matt Morgan


<b><u>World Heavyweight Championship</b></u>

Sting© vs. Ken Anderson

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Singles Match

Mickie James vs. Sarita


Singles Match

Robert Roode vs. Hernandez

Isn't Roode in the B4G series?


X-Division Championship

Brian Kendrick© vs. Alex Shelley

I think Moore should take the title from Kendrick.


Bound For Glory Series

AJ Styles vs. Brother Devon vs. Crimson vs. Matt Morgan


World Heavyweight Championship

Sting© vs. Ken Anderson

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<p>Singles Match</p><p>

<strong>Mickie James</strong> vs. Sarita</p><p> </p><p>

Singles Match</p><p>

<strong>Robert Roode</strong> vs. Hernandez</p><p> </p><p>

X-Division Championship</p><p>

<strong>Brian Kendrick©</strong> vs. Alex Shelley</p><p> </p><p>

Bound For Glory Series</p><p>

<strong>AJ Styles</strong> vs. Brother Devon vs. Crimson vs. Matt Morgan</p><p> </p><p>

World Heavyweight Championship</p><p>

<strong>Sting© </strong>vs. Ken Anderson</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31832" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><span style="font-size:8px;"><b><u>TNA Xplosion Results</b></u></span><p><span style="font-size:8px;"> Amazing Red defeated Robbie E (D-)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px;"> British Invasion defeated Generation Me (C-)</span></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> <i><b>Mike Tenay:</b> Paul Heyman is in TNA!</p><p> </p><p> A video package complements <b>Mike Tenay's</b> proclamation last week where <b>Paul Heyman</b> and Impact World Champion, <b>Sting</b>, are seen standing in the ring. The volume picks up the "Welcome home" chants that the Impact Zone were giving off upon seeing Heyman in an Impact Wrestling ring.</i></p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> <span style="font-size:18px;"><b>Impact Wrestling - The Beginning of a New Era</b></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> <i><b>Immortal's</b> theme song went over the speaker system as <b>Eric Bischoff</b> and <b>Hulk Hogan</b> out on stage devoid of the rest of Immortal. Neither individual taunted or played to the crowd. They were all business tonight for very obvious reasons. Once both men entered the ring, <b>So Cal Val</b> handed over a microphone to Hogan.</i></p><p> </p><p> <b>Hulk Hogan:</b> <i>Let's cut the crap. Paul Heyman, get out here. Now! We're not here to play games tonight.</i></p><p> </p><p> <i>Paul Heyman eventually showed up on stage with a huge smile adorned across his face. He clapped his hands before motioning to Hogan and Bischoff. After a brief meet and greet with some of the fans in attendance, Paul Heyman stepped into the ring taking another microphone from So Cal Val.</i></p><p> </p><p> <b>Paul Heyman:</b> <i>Who would have thought that after all of these years it would be YOU working for ME!</i></p><p> </p><p> <b>Hogan:</b> <i>You got it all wrong, brother. Bischoff and I run things around here.</i></p><p> </p><p> <b>Heyman:</b> <i>No, you RAN things around here. Maybe you didn't get the memo last week, Hogan. Immortal has no bargaining ploy. The Network has sent me to straighten things out. And damn it, I think I did a hell of a job so far.</i></p><p> </p><p> <b>Bischoff:</b> <i>You don't get it, do you, Heyman? You think Immortal is simply going to cease to exist because you wish it. You think we're simply going to disappear?</i></p><p> </p><p> <b>Heyman:</b> <i>I thought you'd say something like that.</i></p><p> </p><p> <i>Paul Heyman placed the microphone on the ring canvas before pulling out rolled up sheets of paper from his back pocket.</i></p><p> </p><p> <b>Heyman:</b> <i>Right here, I have both of your contracts in my hand. And I have one for each one of your boys who even tries to defy me or the Network.</i></p><p> </p><p> <b>Hogan:</b> <i>Damn it, Paul, you can't do this!</i></p><p> </p><p> <b>Heyman:</b> <i>I can't what? I can't abuse my power? I can't abuse my power like you've been doing for the last year! I can do whatever the hell I want! But you know what, I'm in a mood. A game playing mood. Let's play a game! You guys want to resume control over the company. I want to assume control. That sounds like a conflict. I'm willing to give you want you want. There's a Pay Per View coming up, Hardcore Justice. </p><p> </p><p> <b>Hogan:</b> <i>Get to the point, Heyman.</i></p><p> </p><p> <b>Heyman:</b> <i>I'm thinking a friendly wager should be at stake for Hardcore Justice's main event. If you guys win the match, you can keep control over Impact Wrestling and I and the rest of The Network will be out of your hair. Forever. </p><p> </p><p> <i>Hogan and Bischoff look to each other, trying to figure out just how serious Heyman's statement was.</i></p><p> </p><p> <b>Heyman:</b> <i>But if I win, you and Bischoff are done. These contracts will go straight to the trash can and neither one of you will ever be spoken of again!</i></p><p> </p><p> <b>Bischoff:</b> <i>And what if we choose to accept? What kind of match are we talking about?</i></p><p> </p><p> <b>Heyman:</b> <i>I have hand selected five guys that I think best represent the direction that I want to see this company go. If you can even find five guys that are willing to pillage and bleed this company out then bring them to Hardcore Justice. My five against your five, elimination rules, Immortal vs. The Network.</i></p><p> </p><p> <b>Hogan:</b> <i>So let me get this straight, brother, you think you have five guys who are better than Immortal? If you were even watching Impact, dude, you'd know that there's nobody in that backstage area who can stand up to guys like the monster Abyss, Bully Ray, Gunner, Anderson, or anyone else in Immortal.</i></p><p> </p><p> <b>Heyman:</b> <i>Am I wrong or did Abyss just lose to a guy half his size? Didn't Bully Ray and Gunner both get beat last week? And Anderson was doing a hell of a lot better without you than he is with you, but I'm glad you brought him up, because regardless of tonight's outcome, I can guarantee you that Sting will be in that Hardcore Justice main event.</i></p><p> </p><p> <b>Hogan:</b> <i>I can't wait to see the look on your face when Abyss, Gunner, Bully Ray, and Mr. Anderson send your ass packing at Hardcore Justice.</i></p><p> </p><p> <b>Heyman:</b> <i>Then it's agreed? Hardcore Justice, Network vs. Immortal. It's a go?</i></p><p> </p><p> <b>Hogan:</b> <i>Damn straight it is!</i></p><p> </p><p> <i>Immortals music hits the sound system as Bischoff and Hogan continue to talk trash to Heyman before exiting the ring. Before Impact goes to its first break, the cameras go backstage where the anonymous interviewer is seen with <b>Velvet Sky</b>.</i></p><p> </p><p> <b>Interviewer:</b> <i>How do you feel about Winter surpassing you in the Knockout Championship contenders?</i></p><p> </p><p> <b>Velvet Sky:</b> <i>It doesn't bother me one bit. I know Mickie James will be waiting for me regardless of if I'm next in line or not. Besides, this gives me the perfect chance to get my hands on that bitch, Angelina Love.</i></p><p> </p><p> <b>Interviewer:</b> <i>Any comments on James' upcoming match with Sarita?</i></p><p> </p><p> <b>Sky:</b> <i>There's a reason why Mickie's Knockout Champ. Give her hell, girl!</i></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31832" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><b><u>Singles Match</b></u><p> Mickie James defeats Sarita</p><p> </p><p> <i>The crowd responded warmly to Mickie James and Sarita, two of the harder workers among the Knockout division and they showed why as the two worked a brief, but intense match-up.</p><p> </p><p> The Mexican America stable looked to use numbers against Mickie James as Rosita came out from the back. The distraction proved to be short-lived as both Miss Tessmacher and Tara came out and worked their own numbers game on Rosita.</p><p> </p><p> With Sarita distracted by her cousin taking a beating on the outside, Mickie James finalized the end of the match with a Mickie-DT at 7:05 to win via pinfall.</i></p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <b>Taz:</b> <i>I'm telling you Tenay, these girls are vicious!</i></p><p> </p><p> <b>Mike Tenay:</b> <i>You said it! But that's not all we'll see from Mexican America tonight. Robert Roode and James Storm will both step out of the Bound For Glory Series for the next couple of weeks to take on Mexican America for the Impact World Tag Team Championships.</i></p><p> </p><p> <b>Taz:</b> <i>Tonight, though, Robert Roode and Hernandez will meet in a one on one match.</i></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31832" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><b><u>Singles Match</b></u><p> Hernandez defeats Robert Roode</p><p> </p><p> <i>For one of the show openers, the match went a bit longer than expected and the fans were equally as into it. Then again, that comes to no surprise as Hernandez and Robert Roode both have been heralded as the future of Impact Wrestling at one point or another.</p><p> </p><p> Despite the fact that Robert Roode and James Storm are deemed to have an early advantage against Mexican America at Hardcore Justice, Hernandez proved to be too fast and too strong for Robert Roode.</p><p> </p><p> At 11:15, Hernandez put Robert Roode out with the Border Toss. Setting a tone for what could come at Hardcore Justice.</i></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <i>Before Impact Wrestling could go to a second commercial break, Eric Bischoff was seen with Immortal members <b>Gunner</b>, <b>Abyss</b>, and <b>Bully Ray</b> in his office.</i></p><p> </p><p> <b>Bischoff:</b> <i>You are my go to guys at Hardcore Justice. I know all three of you can get the job done. I think I might have a feeling on who else Paul Heyman is picking for his team at the Pay Per View. Gunner, I have just the job for you.</i></p><p> </p><p> <b>Tenay:</b> <i>Welcome back to Impact Wrestling, folks! Right now, we have an X-Division Championship match coming up. And here now at the broadcast booth with Taz in myself is Austin Aries.</i></p><p> </p><p> <b>Taz:</b> <i>Lookin' mighty spiffy on those shades might I add.</i></p><p> </p><p> <b>Austin Aries:</b> <i>Tenay, Taz. Thank you, I've gotta stay sharp. Wrestle sharp, think sharp, and look sharp.</i></p><p> </p><p> <b>Taz:</b> <i>That's right, brotha.</i></p><p> </p><p> <b>Tenay:</b> <i>We've recently seen you make waves in the X-Division. Firstly, you used the Book of DILLIGAF to assist you with your win over Shannon Moore.</i></p><p> </p><p> <b>Aries:</b> <i>I did no such thing. It looked like a good read, I just wanted to check it out. I didn't know Moore was going to ram his head into it.</i></p><p> </p><p> <b>Tenay:</b> <i>And the interference in Kendrick and Shelley's match last week?</i></p><p> </p><p> <b>Aries:</b> <i>Didn't happen.</i></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31832" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><b><u>X-Division Championship</b></u><p> Brian Kendrick© defeats Alex Shelley</p><p> </p><p> <i>Brian Kendrick continues to increase his appeal among the Impact Wrestling fans as he wrestled in yet again another intense and fast-paced match with Alex Shelley. There were several near falls between the two workers as each guy displayed to those watching in the arena and at home just how bad they wanted the win. Meanwhile, Austin Aries took to berating them at the broadcast booth.</p><p> </p><p> Alex Shelley would try Kendrick's own Sliced Bread #2, but found himself being toppled to the outside of the ring. From there, Kendrick would climb up on the top rope and leap to the outside splashing onto a standing, groggy Alex Shelley. Austin Aries would take this opportunity to leave the broadcast booth to get closer to Kendrick and Shelley to further antagonize them.</p><p> </p><p> The action returned to the ring with Shelley and Kendrick both trying to outdo one another in order to put the W in the record books. Austin Aries would finally make his presence known to the combatants by stepping onto the apron taunting both individuals. Shelley and Kendrick finally had enough as Kendrick stepped aside while Shelley flattened Aries with a dropkick.</p><p> </p><p> The match continued from there with Shelley moonsaulting off the middle rope to land behind Kendrick and go for a roll-up. The referee only got to a two count and Shelley immediately sprung to his feet whipping Kendrick back down to the canvas with a series of armdrags. Shelley tried for a dropkick on Kendrick, but Kendrick evaded the kick and flattened a kneeled Shelley with an enzuigiri.</p><p> </p><p> At 12:04, the match concluded as Kendrick, who was standing on the ring apron, countered Alex Shelley with a sunset flip pinning combo. Shelley tried to stay on his feet by grabbing the middle ropes, but Austin Aries clocked Alex Shelley with the X-Division Championship which unbeknownst to Kendrick at the time allowed him to pick up the victory.</i></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <i>Kendrick looked down to Alex Shelley who was evidently concussed from the title hit and Kendrick immediately grabbed a microphone looking up toward Austin Aries who was making his way to the backstage.</i></p><p> </p><p> <b>Brian Kendrick:</b> <i>I admit that I've ignored you long enough. I think I've underestimated you, even. These people paid good money to see me and this man do what we do best and you continue to spit in our face. I also heard what you said last week, and you think I'm scared? I'm a Champion. I'm going to be the best X-Division Champion that these people have ever had. Aries, at Hardcore Justice, you won't have to worry about interfering in a match between Shelley and myself ever again. Because on that night, I will prove that I'm the best by defeating both of you.</i></p><p> </p><p> <i>Kendrick drops the microphone before tending to Alex Shelley helping him back up to his feet. Austin Aries displayed a smile up on the stage before saying to the camera "I always get what I want." The camera then panned backstage, before hitting a commercial break, where <b>Mr. Anderson</b> was seen talking to Hogan.</i></p><p> </p><p> <b>Mr. Anderson:</b> <i>I don't want to hear about Immortal did this, or how Immortal did that. Heyman's right. I did better without you than I ever did with you.</i></p><p> </p><p> <b>Hogan:</b> <i>You want that belt back, right? We're your ticket there. Immortal is your ticket there. You scratch our back, and we'll scratch yours.</i></p><p> </p><p> <b>Mr. Anderson:</b> <i>If ANYONE, including YOU, screws this up. There will be hell to pay. Tonight, Mr. Anderson reclaims gold.</i></p><p> </p><p> <b>Hogan:</b> <i>Do you know who you're talking to?</i></p><p> </p><p> <b>Mr. Anderson:</b> <i>I'm talking to a guy who might be in the employment line in two weeks if the Hardcore Justice main event becomes a five on four handicap match.</i></p><p> </p><p> <b>Hogan:</b> <i>What are you saying?</i></p><p> </p><p> <b>Mr. Anderson:</b> <i>Exactly what I just said. If you screw this up for me again, Hogan, we're done. I don't need you out there. I can beat Sting. I've done it before WITHOUT you. So if you or your goons screw this up, you just might be out of a job when August comes around.</i></p><p> </p><p> <b>Tenay:</b> <i>Now that we're back from break, let's look at the updated Bound for Glory Series standings.</p><p> </p><p> <b><u>Updated Bound For Glory Series</b></u></p><p> </p><p> 1. Crimson - 31 points</p><p> 2. Gunner - 28 points</p><p> 2. Rob Van Dam - 28 points</p><p> 3. Matt Morgan - 24 points</p><p> 4. Brother Devon - 21 points</p><p> 4. Bully Ray - 21 points</p><p> 4. James Storm - 21 points</p><p> 4. Robert Roode - 21 points</p><p> 5. AJ Styles - 14 points</p><p> 6. The Pope - 7 points</p><p> 7. Samoa Joe - 0 points</i></p><p> </p><p> <b>Taz:</b> <i>We have a four-way coming up to decide who will earn some more points in the Bound for Glory series.</i></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31832" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><b><u>Bound for Glory Series</b></u><p> Matt Morgan (24 Points) defeats Crimson (31 Points), AJ Styles (14 Points), and Brother Devon 21 Points)</p><p> </p><p> <i>The action picked up from the moment the bell sounded with all four guys scrambling to pick up a quick win. Styles managed to get an early pop from the arena by springboarding from the middle rope to splash onto all three competitors. He taunted to the crowd to follow up on the crowd pop, but it eventually led to a clothesline to the outside from Crimson.</p><p> </p><p> Inside the ring, Brother Devon began to receive a series of elbows from Matt Morgan, but as Morgan stepped away from Devon, he received a spear from Crimson, who went for an immediate cover just to receive a two.</p><p> </p><p> The two big men of the match stood face to face the Impact Zone dividing into respective Morgan and Crimson chants. Before the two big men could get anything underway, AJ Styles came hurling in from the top rope taking both men out with springboard clotheslines. Devon follows up by nailing AJ Styles with a lifting reverse DDT, but as he goes for the cover, Styles manages to prop his foot on the rope. </p><p> </p><p> Devon comes at Crimson with a series of punches before hurling him toward the ring ropes opposite of where they stood. Before Devon can follow up with anything, the rebounding Crimson counters with a flying shoulder block. </p><p> </p><p> AJ Styles stalks Crimson from behind and when Crimson turns around, he eats a series of punches. AJ Styles finalizes his combo with a spinning elbow, but Crimson just barely evades out of the way. Before allowing Crimson to follow up with a counter, AJ Styles leaps backward and flattens Crimson with a Pele. Morgan gets back to his feet and AJ Styles comes darting at him only to receive a spinebuster for his efforts. It's officially a traffic accident scene in the ring.</p><p> </p><p> As the match neared the fifteen minute mark, the bout would finally come to an end. On one side of the ring, Crimson was setting up Devon with a Red Sky. Meanwhile, Styles was working on Matt Morgan. With Styles getting the upperhand, Gunner came out into the arena and tried to interfere. Styles removed himself from Morgan and clocked Gunner on the apron with a right hand, but Gunner evaded the punch and dropped from the apron onto the floor. Styles challenged him to step into the ring, but turned around and caught a Carbon Footprint from Matt Morgan. Meanwhile, Crimson had connected with the Red Sky on Devon and went for the cover. The referee who was concentrating on the problems between Gunner and Styles happened to see Morgan go for the cover on Styles and awarded Morgan the 7 points at 14:51.</i></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <i>Crimson, clearly frustrated at what just happened got in Matt Morgan's face and the two men began to jaw jack. The staff, fearing what would happen if either big man got physical all fled out to the ring to break up any potential conflict.</i></p><p> </p><p> <b>Tenay:</b> <i>I don't know if you've noticed this Taz, but the Bound For Glory series is all tied up now with both Morgan and Crimson at the top with 31 Points.</p><p> </p><p> <b>Taz:</b> <i>I'll tell you one thing, they better get those guys out of there before they tear this whole place down.</i></p><p> </p><p> <b><u>Updated Bound For Glory Series</b></u></p><p> </p><p> 1. Crimson - 31 points</p><p> 1. Matt Morgan - 31 points</p><p> 2. Gunner - 28 points</p><p> 2. Rob Van Dam - 28 points</p><p> 3. Brother Devon - 21 points</p><p> 3. Bully Ray - 21 points</p><p> 3. James Storm - 21 points</p><p> 3. Robert Roode - 21 points</p><p> 4. AJ Styles - 14 points</p><p> 5. The Pope - 7 points</p><p> 6. Samoa Joe - 0 points</i></p><p> </p><p> <b>Tenay:</b> <i>Well, coming up next, after our final commercial break is the one the fans have been waiting for, Taz. Sting and Mr. Anderson for the Impact Wrestling World Heavyweight Championship!</i></p><p> </p><p> <b>Taz:</b> <i>You'd be crazy to miss this one!</i></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31832" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><b><u>World Heavyweight Championship</b></u><p> Sting© defeats Mr. Anderson</p><p> </p><p> <i>The two start off with a typical lock up with Mr. Anderson powering Sting into a corner. Anderson manages to keep the lock up tight, but it's Sting who manages to maneuver Mr. Anderson into the turnbuckle. Sting allows a clean break before howling to the crowd and laughing maniacally. The two lock up again and Sting controls it with a headlock. Anderson then pushes Sting off to the ropes, but clings to the hair dragging Sting to the canvas. The referee warns Anderson and he just shrugs it off.</p><p> </p><p> Anderson uses the opportunity to beat Sting around the arena. The two individuals going to the outside where Sting eats the ring post with an aggressive Irish whip from Anderson. Anderson manages to drag the groggy Sting into the ring to connect with another series of moves including a suplex pin combo that only gets the two.</p><p> </p><p> Sting finally managed to retake control of the match battling out of an Anderson sleeper hold with elbows to the gut. Anderson tried to counter with another Irish whip into the turnbuckle Sting walked to the opposite corner before charging at Anderson with a Stinger Splash. Once the first one connected, Sting ran to the opposite corner again and hit Anderson with a second consecutive Stinger Splash. Anderson came staggering out of the corner, and Sting flattened him with a double leg takedown. Sting then tried to set up for the Scorpion Death Lock, but with as much strength as he could muster, Anderson kicked Sting toward the turnbuckle. Sting hit with such a force that he came bouncing back toward Anderson who dropped him with a Mic Check. Anderson went for the cover, but Sting miraculously lifted his shoulder up at the two count.</p><p> </p><p> Anderson showed some frustration and lifted Sting up for a second Mic Check, but Sting clocked Anderson with a series of elbows before whipping him around and dropping him with a Scorpion Death Drop. With Sting caught up in what was taking place in the ring, it was hard for him to notice Hulk Hogan who appeared to be walking down the walkway.</p><p> </p><p> Sting finally covered Mr. Anderson, but as the referee was nearing the three count, he was pulled from the ring by Hulk Hogan. Sting immediately moved to the outside to confront Hogan who was backing away. Meanwhile, Bully Ray came out from the crowd and placed a chain near the motionless Mr. Anderson. </p><p> </p><p> Hogan finally managed to turn Sting's attention to the ring and the World Champion gave him a menacing grin before returning to the ring. The entire arena looked to warn Sting of the chain in Mr. Anderson's hand, but Sting remained oblivious to it. Anderson stood up and looked to clock Sting with the chain, but Sting ducked under the punch, followed up with a kick to the gut which caused Anderson to drop the chain and then picked up the chain himself to knock Anderson with it.</p><p> </p><p> The referee was still believed to be out and so Hogan didn't worry too much about Sting going for the cover. Sting went for the pin anyway and from the audience came Paul Heyman in a referee shirt. He kneeled over Sting and Anderson and counted the 1-2-3 in favor of Sting at 17:23.</i></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <i>Hulk Hogan shook his head and looked to charge into the ring screaming "you can't do that!" to the celebrating Sting and Heyman. Neither individual listened to him as Impact faded to black with a very disappointed and worried looking Hogan staring down to the ring from the stage.</i></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31832" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><span style="font-size:8px;"><b><u>Quick Breakdown</b></u></span><p><span style="font-size:8px;"> Mickie James over Sarita (C+)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px;"> Hernandez over Robert Roode ©</span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px;"> Brian Kendrick over Alex Shelley (C-)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px;"> Matt Morgan over AJ Styles, Crimson, and Brother Devon (C+)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px;"> Sting over Ken Anderson (B)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px;"> Impact (C+)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px;"> Gotta admit, I'm having a lot of fun with this now. That's two positive shows in a row. I'm aiming for at least a B-, though.</span></p></div></blockquote>
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<i>The Heyman Era began with some brief turmoil, but ultimately saw things kick off the right way as the combination of <b>Sting</b> and <b>Paul Heyman</b> over come <b>Hulk Hogan</b> and the rest of <b>Immortal</b>.


Two weeks away from Hardcore Justice, a battle has been set that will change the face of Impact Wrestling forever. Paul Heyman set forth a challenge toward Immortal. Five of his against five of theirs. While neither man has an official five man team, it's been revealed that <b>Abyss</b>, <b>Gunner</b>, <b>Bully Ray</b>, and <b>Ken Anderson</b> have been drafted for Immortal. While Sting has been the only confirmed pick for Paul Heyman, it's assumed that AJ Styles will look to fight on his side after the random assault from Gunner last week.


Ken Anderson also threatened to walkout on Immortal if they screwed up his title match with Sting last week. While not an outright cause, it can be argued that were it not for Bully Ray's chain, Ken Anderson might not have lost when he did. Will dissension arise?</i>


<b><u>Scheduled Card for Impact Wrestling</b></u>


<b><u>Eight-Man Tag Match</b></u>

<i>Velvet Sky & Tara & Miss Tessmacher & Mickie James vs. Rosita & Sarita & Angelina Love & Winter</i>


<b><u>Singles Match</b></u>

<i>Alex Shelley vs. Austin Aries</i>


<b><u>Singles Match</b></u>

<i>James Storm vs. Anarquia</i>


<b><u>Bound For Glory Series</b></u>

<i>AJ Styles vs. Gunner</i>


<b><u>Team Heyman vs. Immortal</b></u>

<i>Sting & ??? & ??? vs. Mr. Anderson & Abyss & Bully Ray</i>


<b><u>Predictions Tally (First Two Impact Shows)</b></u>


Kijar - 6/10

Teh Showtime - 5/10

Destiny - 4/10

TracyBrooksFan - 3/10

jonnycosmic - 3/10

The Final Countdown - 3/10


Remember, winner of the predictions at the end of each month gets to contribute to the Diary in some form. Could be signing a wrestler, pushing a wrestling, depushing a wrestler, starting a new feud. I'm a man of the people.

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Was very tempted to start an Impact Wrestling diary myself, so following this very carefully!


Singles Match

Velvet Sky & Tara & Miss Tessmacher & Mickie James vs. Rosita & Sarita & Angelina Love & Winter


Singles Match

Alex Shelley vs. Austin Aries


Singles Match

James Storm vs. Anarquia


Bound For Glory Series

AJ Styles vs. Gunner

Team Heyman vs. Immortal

Sting & ??? & ??? vs. Mr. Anderson & Abyss & Bully Ray

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