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The Flying Menace (USPW/Cornellverse)

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[Ryan's Restaurant

Huntsville Alabama]




[Shall I begin my tale as many others have? I was born. I grew up. No, I don't think the story of my beginnings shall be of any interest to you. And that is why I am writing this, isn't it? To be of interest to you, the reader? Yes, of course it is as I can speak of my times within my head as much as I would like to do so. Though I must say that there are certain portions within my life that I find...lacking in the memory department. Ah, but where was I? Ah yes. Back to that point where I met the man who was to become my boss for a very long time.


I was seated within the back section of a Ryan's restaurant. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the restaurant, it has a buffet where you simply go and get the food that you want for one low price. The year was 2009 and as I was eating my rather large portion of steak I happened to look up and saw a man walk into the restaurant with an obviously younger woman. I recognized both instantly as Sam Strong and Alicia Strong. Man and daughter. Both were dressed rather well and I can remember thinking about how stunning Alicia looks within her dress. Though she is a brute and tough wrestler she can still wear a dress and look feminine. That is a rare quality for any female.


The first thing that entered my mind at the time was to approach them and ask for an autograph. I also thought about telling them how much they have enriched my life as I was at one time an aspiring wrestler. But that was only a few years ago from this point in time. I had been The Flying Menace, an up and coming wrestler who didn't understand how the business works. Yes, that was so very long ago and I often think about how naive I was back then with a little laugh. After thinking about it for a couple of moments, I made the decision not to approach either of them. How would I feel if I came out to eat dinner and I had starstruck people hounding me for an autograph? So I slowly finished my dinner instead.


I have to admit that my eyes kept raising to both Sam and Alicia during my meal so perhaps I didn't eat as fast as I normally do. But that is normal for someone who is starstruck, right? I left the restaurant and walked over to my car, leaning against it for a moment. My eyes flicked back toward the restaurant a moment and I thought, again, about going for that autograph. That is when the two of them came out smiling and laughing until a group of five men and a woman approached them both.


The smiling and the laughter seeped from their expressions and I watched as the first man punched Sam in the gut, doubling him over and getting high fives from his buddies. Another brought out a metal pipe and beat Sam about the head as Alicia tried to step in and break this up. One of them grabbed her by the hair and I pushed off my car and approached the scene cautiously. Alicia raked his face and he screamed from the feel of her nails raking along skin. I snuck up behind the one with the pipe and drew in a breath before striking a kick to the back of his knee. He dropped the pipe on reflex and I grabbed it, swinging for the fences. It backed everyone up from the scene for a moment, watching this wild man swinging the metal pipe.


The sound of police sirens in the distance is, perhaps, the only thing that saved me from being attacked by the group of people. I looked toward Sam for a moment and then toward Alicia.]


Timothy Hawk

"Let's get him to a car."


[Alicia could only nod as she looked so worried about her father and what happened. I bent over and helped Sam to his feet, using all of my strength to carry his larger weight to his car. Alicia opened the door and I helped her get him settled in, adjusting him slightly and sliding his seat belt on.]


Alicia Strong

"Come with me, please?"


[It was obvious that Alicia did not want to go to the hospital alone. And if you thought I could turn that down then you are absolutely crazy. I climbed into the car immediately and we were off for the hospital before even the cops arrived.]

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[Strong Household

Huntsville Alabama]




[Moving forward, the incident led only to a minor concussion for the USPW Owner. Though it also led to some negative publicity as there were only all too many people willing to talk about what happened. Of course the incident got blown up by heresay. Some say there was nine or ten guys. Others say that Sam Strong got run over by a car. It is amazing how much people enjoy their gossip.


Though the incident was not a positive one, I can say that it had a very positive outcome on my life. Through that one incident where I was there to hold Alicia Strong, I was able to begin my friendship with both her and her father. It is through that friendship, through that bond of shared fighting that I was able to pitch some of my ideas. I do not claim to have the best ideas in the world, nor do I claim to have the worst. But it would seem that a lot of my ideas worked for the company, including the Andre Jones USPW Television title victory over The Force. My personal reasoning behind that was that Andre Jones could do better on television every week than Jim could. Not that I am not a fan of Jim's character because I am.


Now we reach the end of the year and with that comes change in United States Pro Wrestling. Sitting within the living room of Sam Strong, enjoying a couple of cold beers, we got to talking. That talk ended with Sam giving me the head booking job within the company. He said that he would have his own talk with Shane Sneer and that beginning with the new year I was the man for as long as I could handle the job.]

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January 2010


Main Eventers

Chris Caulfield


James Justice


Bruce The Giant

Tyson Baine (Managed by Sheik Mustafa)


Upper Midcarders

Nicky Champion

The Force


Jumbo Jackson (Managed by Shane Sneer)

Peter Valentine

T-Rex (Managed by Sheik Mustafa)



Freddie Datsun


Tribal Warrior


Andre Jones

Danny Rushmore (Managed by Shane Sneer)

Giant Redwood

Mick Muscles (Managed by Shane Sneer)


Lower Midcarders

Captain USA

Des Davids


Anger (Managed by Shane Sneer)



Pete The Hillbilly


Darryl Devine (Managed by Seduction)


Enhancement Talents

Al The Hillbilly


Women's Division

Alicia Strong

Raven Robinson


Belle Bryden

Cherry Bomb


Occasional Wrestlers



Timothy Hawk



Shane Sneer

Sheik Mustafa




Danny Jillefski


Colour Commentators



Baby Jamie

Robbie Sanchez


Authority Figures

Sam Strong


Road Agents

Micky Starr


Commissioner Doom




Tag Teams

Champion Force (Nicky Champion and The Force) (Occasional)

Savage Fury (Java and Tribal Warrior) (Occasional)

The Hillbillys (Al The Hillbilly and Pete The Hillbilly) (Regular)

The People's Team (Freddie Datsun and Des Davids) (Occasional)


The Titans (Tyson Baine and T-Rex) (Occasional)

The Towers of Power (Mick Muscles and Danny Rushmore) (Regular)




Sneer Corporation (Anger, Danny Rushmore, Jumbo Jackson, Mick Muscles and Shane Sneer)

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USPW American Wrestling

Wednesday Week 1 January 2010


Prediction Key:

Giant Redwood vs. Chris Caulfield



Darryl Devine vs. Captain USA



The Towers of Power vs. The Hillbillys



Non Title: Andre Jones vs. James Justice



Tyson Baine vs. Freddie Datsun




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Giant Redwood vs. Chris Caulfield

Comment: Caulfield is simply better and more important.


Darryl Devine vs. Captain USA

Comment:In your last diary Captain USA actually got a win or two but now it remains to be seen if the lightning can strike twice and before it does I will go against Captain with my predictions.

The Towers of Power vs. The Hillbillys

Comment: Towers might not be the best wrestlers in the roster but Hillbillys are just plain awful.


Non Title: Andre Jones vs. James Justice

Comment: Justice is the bigger name and it´s non-title so Jones has no reason to get a win.


Tyson Baine vs. Freddie Datsun

Baine starts the game in feud with the champ and as one of USPW top guys so he should go over tag team guy.


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Interesting backstory. It's a means to an end in getting the headbooking position, but I liked the idea of a parking lot skirmish being the starting point of Hawk's relationship.


Giant Redwood vs. Chris Caulfield

Comment: Timber!


Darryl Devine vs. Captain USA

Comment: Even if you're not looking to push Devine a great deal, I can't see the value in putting Capt USA over him.


The Towers of Power vs. The Hillbillys

Comment: The bumpkins get squashed.


Non Title: Andre Jones vs. James Justice

Comment: Different leagues at the non-title-ness suggests Jones is on lay-down duty in this one.


Tyson Baine vs. Freddie Datsun

Comment: Baine gets fed. Tonight he's dining on the midcard.


Signs: My Name Is Earl = Freddie Datsun's Life

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I'm liking the back story - hoping you're planning to further develop the two obvious stories, that being the Sam Strong friendship and the potential Alicia Strong relationship?


Anyhow, my predictions:


Giant Redwood vs. Chris Caulfield

Comment: Never have been a Redwood fan and never will be, Caulfield brings more to the table.


Darryl Devine vs. Captain USA

Comment: Devine is a star for the future, Captain USA needs to do the job here.


The Towers of Power vs. The Hillbillys

Comment: I'm wanting to say squash but really hope The Hillbillys get a decent amount of offence, they're a good team after all.


Non Title: Andre Jones vs. James Justice

Comment: As others have already said, the non-title stipulation lines Justice up for a win.


Tyson Baine vs. Freddie Datsun

Comment: Datsun isn't gonna be beating Baine anytime soon... Unless Baine is attacked?!

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Giant Redwood vs. Chris Caulfield


Darryl Devine vs. Captain USA


The Towers of Power vs. The Hillbillys


Non Title: Andre Jones vs. James Justice


Tyson Baine vs. Freddie Datsun


Sign: USA is #1


Also, I noticed Timothy Hawk on the roster as a face manager. Does that mean we might be seeing him on screen?

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First of all, thanks to everyone for the predictions and comments so far. I am really enjoying piecing this diary together. With that being said, here are some responses to some comments.


Interesting backstory. It's a means to an end in getting the headbooking position, but I liked the idea of a parking lot skirmish being the starting point of Hawk's relationship.


Glad that you enjoyed the backstory. It's something that slowly came to me and came to light within my mind. I thought for just a moment about the Shawn Michaels story where he was attacked outside of a bar.


I'm liking the back story - hoping you're planning to further develop the two obvious stories, that being the Sam Strong friendship and the potential Alicia Strong relationship?


I am definitely planning to develop the story within the background. This may very well take some interesting twists and turns. But at the end of the day I hope that my backstory is almost as interesting in the end as the stories told within the ring.


Also, I noticed Timothy Hawk on the roster as a face manager. Does that mean we might be seeing him on screen?


That is a definite possibility and maybe a probability as time goes on.

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[Strong Household

Huntsville Alabama]




[For such a popular company and the fact that we are considered the number three company within the United States, USPW was a rather limited operation when I arrived. They boasted a bare bones roster, limited television resources and no pay-per-view for their major events. The last I figured was nearly impossible for such an operation, especially with Sam Strong at the helm but somehow they have gone for this long without pay-per-view. Following a conversation with Sam, I came to realize that he had been putting a pay-per-view deal in place with U-Demand when he had the incident outside Ryan's which I mentioned earlier. This incident cast a slightly bad light on the company and U-Demand pulled out.


There are certain things that I knew I needed to focus on the very first day. The deal with U-Demand fell through but there are other pay-per-view companies out there. They may be smaller companies but they will still get the USPW name out there. I managed to pull one in particular to the bargaining table named American Option. We agreed to meet and discuss terms late in my first week within the company. The names definitely gel there, right?


About the bare bones roster, I didn't want to come in and just sign up all the indy talent on my first week within the company. No, I need to assess what we have and go from there. That is exactly what I did. Once I knew what we needed, then I could go shopping from there. Though I had no plans to try and spend all of Sam's money.


And one more thing before I continue. I feel the need right now to address a rumour that was making the rounds back during this time. During this period, the former head booker Shane Sneer had booked Nicky Champion and Alicia Strong in a romance angle that advertised their very first date on my very first show. The rumour mill was grinding within the dirt sheets that this was playing off the very real romance between Nicky Champion and Alicia Strong. However, that would be inaccurate. At this point in time, there was no romance blooming or blossoming between Sam Strong's protege and his daughter. I have this information directly from both sources.


As a matter of fact, Alicia rarely had any time to date. Though I do not wish to delve too much into the personal lives of Alicia and Sam Strong, the two of them were still living together at this time period. Or, rather, I should say that Sam was living with Alicia. The elder Strong was 63 years old during this time and he was showing some signs of that aging. Rather than placing him within a nursing home, Alicia opted to have the two of them live together within a split-level home. Sam got the top level and Alicia got the bottom level. As far as I am concerned, the situation worked out very well for both of them at the time. Though Alicia was often left running ragged and getting some of the wrestlers or other people working for USPW to run errands for her and her father. But we all pitched in anywhere we could. Luckily for us, when the cameras and lights were on him, Sam Strong was always on and never disappointed.]

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Tuesday Week 1 January 2010

Clover Fields (Mid South)

Attendance: 14,825

Show Rating: B-


Valiant defeated Knuckles...C-

Everest defeated Akima Brave...D+

Kurt Laramee and Frederique Antonio Garcia defeated The Amazing Bumfholes...C

Brandon James defeated Joe Sexy to retain the SWF North American title...B

Jack Bruce defeated Eric Eisen...B



Tuesday Week 1 January 2010

The V. Thompson Arena (South West)

Attendance: 10,000

Show Rating: B


Sammy Bach defeated Brent Hill...B

The L.A. Connection defeated The Canadian Animals...C

Scout defeated Charlie Thatcher...C+

Texas Pete defeated Giant Tana...C-

Wolf Hawkins defeated Bryan Vessey...B+

Troy Tornado defeated Ricky Dale Johnson...B



Tuesday Week 1 January 2010

The Portland Center (North West)

Attendance: 1,000

Show Rating: C-


Jessica Bunny defeated Zoe Ammis...E

Helen Bach defeated Missy Masterson...E

ANGLE: Skit involving Catherine Quine and Suzanne Brazzle...C+

Katherine Goodlooks defeated Devil's Daughter...E+

Sara Marie York defeated Vixxen...D+

ANGLE: Confrontation involving Sara Marie York and Nadia Snow...B-

The A-List defeated Lilly & Rose to retain the AAA Tag Team titles...D

Catherine Quine defeated Steph Blake...C-

Suzanne Brazzle defeated Gorgon to retain the AAA Femme Fatale title...C-

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Giant Redwood vs. Chris Caulfield

Comment: Caulfield fits the product enough that he can go over.


Darryl Devine vs. Captain USA

Comment: Similarly, the Captain is USPW. Can't lose this early.


The Towers of Power vs. The Hillbillys

Comment: Muscles looks...weird, man.


Non Title: Andre Jones vs. James Justice

Comment: Jones doesn't deserve this kind of rub.


Tyson Baine vs. Freddie Datsun

Comment: I don't like Datsun.




SLAP HER BUTT! (Held up during the Champion/Strong date)


YoU know

Strong is



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Giant Redwood vs. Chris Caulfield

There should be no bringing down the Redwood.


Darryl Devine vs. Captain USA

Devine is the future of USPW but Captain USA is the present!


The Towers of Power vs. The Hillbillys

I like them as a team and the Hillbillys for me when I think of USPW are jobbers.


Non Title: Andre Jones vs. James Justice

Justice will win by DQ.


Tyson Baine vs. Freddie Datsun

Not a fan of Datsun and it wouldn't bother me to see him fed to the roster.

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Wednesday Week 1 January 2010

Location: Huntsville Fairgrounds (South East)

Attendance: 5,000

Overall Rating: C+

TV Rating: 1.13




[The show opens with Danny Jillefski and Micky Starr welcoming everyone to USPW American Wrestling! The members of the crowd are on their feet, cheering as the music of the USPW World Champion opens things here on the show. From the back walks the mystery man in the green mask: Enygma. Enygma climbs into the ring and looks around at the cheering fans before lifting a microphone and welcoming everyone to the show that doesn't have an ending in sight. The show that presents a riddle wrapped in a mystery. That is an Enygma. Two weeks ago against Jumbo Jackson at Made In America the answer to that riddle is the same as it has been since June: Enygma is walking out of the building as the USPW World Champion. Enygma's speech is interrupted by the sound of a bass beat that draws boos from the crowd.]




['The Demon From The Deep' Tyson Baine and his manager Sheik Mustafa walk out from the back. The crowd boos and a few pieces of trash are thrown from the stands, one hitting Sheik in the side of the head. But the two men ignore it as they walk down to the ring. Baine steps in over the top rope and Enygma looks up at him. Sheik Mustafa has a microphone and is muttering words in a foreign language that almost no one within the audience can truly understand. As it looks like the two wrestlers are going to come to blows, they are interrupted by a fourth man!]




[it's Sam Strong! The USPW Owner has as much of a commanding presence as ever when he comes out from the back. The camera focuses in on a sign reading:

'YoU know

Strong is




He talks about how he is sick and tired of the two of these men fighting. Or, rather, Tyson Baine coming out and attacking Enygma from behind. So here is what he is going to do. At USPW's Stars, Stripes And Slams, it's going to be Enygma defending the USPW World title against Tyson Baine inside of a 15 foot high steel cage! The only ways to win the match are by pinfall, submission or escaping the cage! Two men will enter, one man will leave the USPW World Champion!]




Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/giantredwood.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/ChrisCaulfield_alt1.jpg

Giant Redwood vs. Chris Caulfield


[Our opening contest here on USPW American Wrestling is a semi-decent one. Though many fans would claim it wasn't main event material as 'The Hardcore American' Chris Caulfield sets foot in the ring against Giant Redwood. This is a good warmup match for Caulfield's match coming up at USPW Stars, Stripes And Slams with Bruce The Giant. Danny Jillefski spends most of the match talking up the good attributes that Giant Redwood brings to the table. Redwood was exhausted by the end, though, which saw Caulfield bring him crashing down to the mat with the Danger Drop. Caulfield made the cover and hooked the leg: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Chris Caulfield (Via Pinfall @ 7:48)

Match Rating: D+


[A major win for the Hardcore American here in his battle for the #1 contendership spot. Danny Jillefski complains that Giant Redwood got robbed. Chris Caulfield gets to his feet and gets his arm raised by referee Robbie Sanchez. As Caulfield celebrates by going to the middle turnbuckle and pumping his fists, Sanchez gets shoved out of the way by another wrestler.]




[it's Bruce The Giant! Bruce catches Caulfield with a double sledge to the back, pushing Caulfield over the top rope and sending him crashing down to the floor below! Caulfield's body lies mangled on the ground while Bruce stares down at him from inside the ring. Bruce is about to step outside when a bevy of officials and road agents come in to keep him from attacking and to check on Chris Caulfield.]






[We head backstage to see the short and muscular but explosive Cherry Bomb sitting and banging her head against the wall but laughing violently about it. She looks into the camera and says that Raven Robinson couldn't hurt her any more than she hurts herself. And she enjoys hurting herself. But she enjoys hurting her opponents even more. Soon, the Raven will be flying the coop and the Cherry Bomb will be exploding right on top of her. BOOM!]




Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/DarrylDevine_jsilver.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/Seduction_jsilver.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/CaptainUSA_ewanite.jpg

Darryl Devine vs. Captain USA


[Our second match of the night had some solid in-ring action but none of the fan support like in our first match of the evening. This was definitely a match of youth versus veteran, of speed and technical skill versus brawling. One fan did have a sign up in the crowd reading: 'USA is #1!' Seduction cheered on Devine from outside the ring and tried to distract Captain USA but the distraction didn't work as USA focused on what he needed to do inside the ring. Darryl Devine's legs have always been an issue for him and they are within this match, giving Captain USA a bit of a physical advantage, though he gets exhausted by the time he hits Devine with the Full Nelson Slam known as the Hail To The Chief. USA makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Captain USA (Via Pinfall @ 8:57)

Match Rating: D-


[The crowd is decently happy about the win by Captain USA. He gets his arm raised in the air by referee Baby Jamie. As USA starts to lead the crowd in a 'USA' chant, his efforts are cut short by an attack from behind.]




[it's the paranoid USPW National Champion Peter Valentine! Valentine slams USA in the back of the head with the National title belt and USA goes down like a ton of bricks. Valentine proceeds to stomp on the arm of USA again and again. Then he brings the belt down and shoves it in USA's face, telling him that he will never get this title. This title belongs to the Chosen One. Danny Jillefski cheers on the attack from his seat at ringside calling the matches.]






[With the crowd booing the attack by Peter Valentine, the boos grow even louder when we head backstage to see Shane Sneer and The Towers of Power. Sneer begins to taunt the other tag teams here in USPW, stating that he has the best tag team in the entire history of USPW: The Towers of Power. The proof of that is that they are four time USPW World Tag Team Champions. And after they beat those know nothing Hillbillys later tonight they are planning to come right for the People's Team to win back what is rightfully theirs: The USPW World Tag Team titles.]






[Those boos which were echoing off the walls here at the Huntsville Fairgrounds, suddenly turn into cheers at the sound of the music playing within the arena. Fans clamor toward the guardrail to get pictures and maybe touch the man coming out. The curtains part and out walks James Justice! Justice draws a strong reaction from the crowd as he walks down toward the ring, slapping the hands of the fans. Justice pauses in front of a couple of fans, letting them get a picture. The picture is taken but Justice is suddenly assaulted from the side.]




[Sheik Mustafa and T-Rex are the ones attacking Justice! Justice struggles, fighting back but the two on one advantage is far too much for James Justice to fight again. After all, Sheik Mustafa himself is a former USPW World Champion back in 2002/2003. T-Rex picks up Justice and drops him throatfirst on the guardrail at ringside! Justice is coughing, struggling to breath. T-Rex picks up Justice -- Jurassic Crush! He's got that swinging full nelson on! T-Rex looks toward the ring post and he runs, smashing Justice face-first into the ring post! Justice's nose is busted open! It may be broken! T-Rex releases and tosses Justice down, raising his arms up to boos from the crowd as EMTs come down to check on Justice. Will he able to wrestle later tonight?]




Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/DannyRushmore.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/MickMuscles.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/ShaneSneer.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/AlTheHillybilly_ewanite.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/PeteTheHillbilly.jpg

The Towers of Power vs. The Hillbillys


[An actual solid tag team match here between two veteran tag teams and former USPW World Tag Team Champions. Al and Pete did their best to keep the crowd entertained but The Towers of Power proved to be too much for the Hillbillys. The Towers showed several double team moves against the Hillbillys, including a double suplex and a double flapjack. The Hillbillys try to fire back in their limited offense but Pete gets knocked to the floor by Danny Rushmore and sent into the ring post. Back inside the ring, Mick Muscles drops Al with the Bulldozer Powerbomb and made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: The Towers of Power (Via Pinfall @ 6:05)

Match Rating: D






[We head backstage where the crowd cheers at seeing the former USPW Television Champion The Force! Force looks in the camera and talks about, well, something. Something about a starship and parts unknown and the power of the force? Oh and something about the universe not knowing the extent of the power of The Force. At the end of the day, he challenges Andre Jones to a rematch next week for the USPW Television title.]






[We are taken to something which occured earlier this evening and was taped. The tape shows the date between Alicia Strong and Nicky Champion. Well, highlights from the date, anyway. The highlights include Nicky Champion arriving at the Strong household. Sam Strong answers the door and gives Nicky a little bit of a run-down, making sure that he is a gentleman and takes care of his daughter. The video moves to a candlelight dinner between the two. Neither of them talks very much, both seeming very shy outside the ring. Nicky does hold the door open for Alicia and pulls her chair out. The night ends with a goodnight kiss on the cheek for Nicky Champion. He flashes a shy but happy smile toward the camera as we fade back to the ring and right on a sign reading: 'SLAP HER BUTT!']




Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/AndreJones.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/Liberty_dse81.jpg

Non Title

Andre Jones vs. James Justice


[Our semi main event is a very competitive match, made even more competitive with what Justice suffered earlier this evening. The attack left Justice with a nose that had to be taped up but he came out here for this match anyway against the USPW Television Champion. Jones takes advantage of this early on and Justice is busted back open within the first few minutes. The USPW Television Champion scores several near falls within those first few minutes, drawing the ire of the crowd. He attempts to mock Justice with a 'Dude Knee Drop' but he gets caught during his stall. A bloody James Justice shows his resiliance inside the ring with his comeback. Justice catches Jones with the Dude Knee Drop and then waits for him to rise up -- Liberation Slam! Justice makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3! A solid match for both men, showing the skills of Andre Jones and then the toughness of James Justice.]


Winner: James Justice (Via Pinfall @ 10:25)

Match Rating: C+




Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/TysonBaine_alt4.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/SheikMustafa_alt1jt.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW3/FreddieDatsun_alt3.jpg

Tyson Baine vs. Freddie Datsun


[Our main event is a good one. On one side, the top contender, the man who will face the USPW World Champion Enygma at Stars, Stripes And Slams, The Demon From The Deep, Tyson Baine. On the other side, we have the American Everyman, one half of the USPW World Tag Team Champions, a former USPW World Champion Freddie Datsun. During the entrances, a fan raised a sign in the air reading: 'My Name Is Earl = Freddie Datsun's Life!' One of the x-factors in this match is, of course, the presence of Sheik Mustafa at ringside. This is a very open match, with both men seeing the advantage at varying times. The evil demon Tyson Baine used power moves, like backbreakers and hard body slams to subdue Datsun. But the Blue Collar worker Freddie Datsun fired back with clotheslines and kneelifts against Baine. After several false finishes, the match came to a head around the 11 Minute mark when Baine used elbows to get free of a Patriot Press attempt by Datsun. Baine got to his feet and grabbed Datsun around the throat, raising him up -- Hades Bomb! Datsun's head bounces off the canvas with the finishing move. Baine makes the cover and hooks the leg: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Tyson Baine (Via Pinfall @ 11:23)

Match Rating: B-


[The Demon From The Deep walks away with the victory this evening. Sheik Mustafa enters the ring and yells at Tyson Baine, ordering him around. Baine turns toward the referee and senior referee Robbie Sanchez runs, escaping out of the ring. Baine looks down at Freddie Datsun for a moment, getting an evil look in his eyes and on his face. Baine starts to bend down but the crowd looks up as someone is coming down behind Tyson Baine on a rappelling line!]




[it's Enygma! The masked USPW World Heavyweight Champion lands in the ring behind Tyson Baine. Sheik Mustafa turns and sees Enygma first but the World Champion has a baseball bat in hand! Enygma gives Mustafa a shot with the baseball bat and Mustafa doubles over in pain! Baine turns to look at Enygma and he takes a shot with the baseball bat! Enygma slams the bat over the back of Baine, breaking the wooden baseball bat! Baine slumps down to the mat. Enygma looks down at Baine and smiles, going up, up and away toward the rafters as the show comes to a close with Tyson Baine and Sheik Mustafa down on the mat.]

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Welcome to the USPW Prediction contest. This contest will run through the end of March in-game time.


We had several people score 5/5 this week! Congratulations to Erock, Rayelek, 20LEgend and Eidenhoek!


Due to being the joint leaders in my last USPW diary, I am giving an extra point to Zergon and Emark!


1. Erock=1 Win

Rayelek=1 Win

20LEgend=1 Win

Eidenhoek=1 Win

Zergon=1 Win

Emark=1 Win

7. Bigpapa42=0 Wins

sebsplex=0 Wins

rdarnz=0 Wins

Midnightnick=0 Wins

juggaloninjalee=0 Wins

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What was the prize, again?




Well, interviews are a popular prize, which wouldn't be bad. Choosing someone to hire/push/somethinglikethat is also fairly common, and might not be too difficult for you. I want something original, though, and short of a cash prize (*cough*), can't think of anything.

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[Strong Household

Huntsville Alabama]




[Our first show under my tutelage was not an excellent show but not a poor show. I'd say it went just a little above average for what Sam has currently been putting out. It has been kind of a given that we will not yet match what the other two top companies in the United States are putting out. But we plan to get there one way or another. I have faith in this company and so does Sam and Alicia and a lot of the wrestlers. Otherwise, they wouldn't be here.


I managed to hold a meeting with representatives from American Option. The meeting went rather well, I suspect. Though I'd never gone through these kinds of things before hand. We managed to get them to agree to pay 10% of the show costs but they said that the pay-per-view shows must line up according to the final Saturday of each month. We agreed to their terms and at the end of this month, USPW will be holding it's first pay-per-view event.


I also managed to speak with several independent contractors who I have had my eye on. A few that I will reveal at this point in time were the legend Crippler Ray Kingman, British Announcer Steve Smith and referee Eugene Williams. Kingman became our primary road agent for the shows. Eugene Williams was one of our officials but not the primary one at this point in time. Steve Smith's job duty was as of yet undetermined. Though he did choose to leave his job in Great Britain to take the job here in the United States.]

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USPW American Wrestling

Wednesday Week 2 January 2010


Prediction Key:

#1 Contenders Match, Womens Title: Cherry Bomb vs. Belle Bryden vs. Alicia Strong vs. ???



USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. The Force



The Titans vs. The Hillbillys



Darryl Devine and Peter Valentine vs. James Justice and Captain USA



USPW World Title Match: Enygma defends vs. Jumbo Jackson




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#1 Contenders Match, Womens Title: Cherry Bomb vs. Belle Bryden vs. Alicia Strong vs. ???

Comment: Alicia won't win, so it's either Belle or Bomb (or ??? but I think she'll be a face). Going with Belle because I like her more.


USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. The Force

Comment: Jones does something dirty to set up a rematch.


The Titans vs. The Hillbillys

Comment: Lolno.


Darryl Devine and Peter Valentine vs. James Justice and Captain USA

Comment: Devine could use the boost, but Justice really should win this.


USPW World Title Match: Enygma defends vs. Jumbo Jackson

Comment: Jackson doesn't take the title, and I don't see a reason for him to win by DQ.


Signs: "USA Justice!" and "Who's under the mask?"

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