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21st Century Boys (English c-verse)

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I don´t remember if Price had any stuff already but I would like to get some so Leo Price merch is the order of the day.


Leo Price vs Dragon

I could actually see Dragon winning this one but since he seems to be tutoring Lionheart more than competing on top I´d say that Price takes this one instead.


Adam Matravers vs Luke Cool

Matravers wants a shot to RJS´s title and in order to get that he has beat Cool.


Business Jones vs Energy Punk

Jones might be slighly lost but nothing suggest that Punk would be getting singles win this big.


Anarchy vs Johansson

Could go either way as De Aske is talented enough to go over and Johansson could easily have DQ loss here. That said so far Johansson has been doing more and with Anarchy being a tag guy right now I go with safe route and pick Johansson.



Hot Stuff stealing the belts suggest that they are in title picture right now but with both them and Snaptime being heels there is need for another team and ELIMINATION seems like a good candidate after getting so close to win the tournament. So what does it mean here? Since both team have legit claim for title shots already (Stuff as the ex-champs and ELIMINATION via good showing in the tournament) I go with draw after Snaptime runs-in and attack both teams setting a three way for the title on later show.


Geordie Nation vs Absolutely Flawless

Debut win is possible but Nation seems to be one of your top teams and as faces they will likely get a shot to tag titles at some point now that Snaptime has those.

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The office that was formerly known as belonging to Jeff Nova.


There’s still some memorabilia on the walls to show that with pictures of feats of strength as well as Jeff’s days at the BBC.


However behind the desk is no powerful Scot – instead The Genius Dunton Hall is relaxing in the large, padded chair.





In front of the desk sits Jonathan Faust dressed in his best suit whilst Johansson looms in the background.





“All of these months planning seems to have finally worked out well. The future-proofing of our strategic objectives in order to become a true game-changing force whilst incentivising our shareholders has been actioned.



“And now there’s finally nothing that can stop me becoming World Champion. Joss is still defiant but with only a second-rate northern failure to support him there’s no way he can last.”



“And with Jeff Nova retired we can make any matches we want. The board have agreed that I’m the only man that can realistically lead 21CW forwards as a category-dominant force. And now no one can stop us doing whatever we want.”



“Joss will never know what hit him.”



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BoBW W1 May 2010








Dunton Hall introduces tonight’s show from the ring.

He again gloats over the fact that Jeff Nova is in a coma and tells the crowd that 21CW is almost completely under his control.






After Dunton is done he goes to leave but is interrupted by Business Jones’ music.


The big man has been on a bit of a sabbatical recently after displaying some seriously odd behaviour but he seems compus mentus now.


Business tells Hall and the crowd that he had sacrificed too much for a shot at success and he found himself doing things that made him sick inside.


And so he’s decided to make amends.


Dunton laughs him off and tells Jones not to be silly - he’s got a match now.

With that he corners Dunton Hall and [before his allies can come out] powerbombs the Genius!




Business Jones vs Energy Punk




* Punk is pretty competitive here with his hyperactive style but Business is determined and strong.

* During the match Jonathan Faust comes out to check on Dunton and locks eyes with Business. Jones is unbowed and takes the match comfortably as Faust watches.


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Business Jones defeated Energy Punk in 8:09 by pinfall with a Belly To Belly Suplex. During the match we also had Jonathan Faust turn on Business.








A video plays showing Eddie Cornell in his dressing room. He’s taping up but before he can do much the door slams open and four men rush in – Leo Price, Steve Stoat, Merle O’Curle and Nigel Svensson – The Takeover.




Eddie jumps up but he can’t do anything as four men club him to the floor and stick the boot in.






Geordie Nation [K’Lee Hawkins & Geordie Jimmy Morris] vs Absolutely Flawless (Kelly & Lance Martin)




* A close match – Absolutely Flawless impress on their debut and push the Geordie binmen hard…

* But the match is thrown into chaos as Pitbull Brown storms the ring and attacks K’Lee Hawkins forcing the ref to abandon the match.


In an extremely poor match, Absolutely Flawless drew with Geordie Nation in 6:08 when the referee lost control and stopped the match. During the match we also had Pit Bull Brown run in and attack K'Lee.






After the match Pitbull grabs a mic and growls at K’Lee and Jimmy.

He admits that he came up slightly short against his old friend Joss last month but he’s got a new plan. Joss is a skilled fighter but he can’t take pain. And Pitbull of course is The Man Who Never Gives Up. And so Pitbull is going to seek out some of the best submission artists in britian and use those skills against Joss.


Starting with K’Lee Hawkins and his Cross-face Chicken-wing.








ELIMINATION (GENOCIDE & SUICIDE) head to the ring with a pair of mics.


In their signature (ie loud, crazy and INTENSE) style they call out Hot Stuff for their theft of the tag titles as well as Snaptime for (so ELIMINATION say) cheating at Wicked.


ELIMINATION finish by demanding a match with booth teams and Hot Stuff walk out with the belts and accept.




ELIMINATION [GENOCIDE & SUICIDE] vs Hot Stuff [buff Martinez & Jay B]




* Great stuff as two polished teams fly around the ring.

* ELIMINATION are of course about big slams and clotheslines whilst the oiled up Hot Stuff play to the crowd when not squirming away from the big men.

* It’s all a waste though as Snaptime (Merle O’Curle & Nigel Svensson) attack the match to try and nab their belts back. All 6 men brawl around the arena until the ref abandons this match too and Hot Stuff escape with the belts.


In a match that had some good action and average heat, ELIMINATION drew with Hot Stuff in 9:48 following a double count out. During the match we also saw Merle O'Curle run in and attack Martinez, and Nigel Svensson also attack Jay B.








After the match Kathleen Lee heads to the ring to join Snaptime.

She claims that Hot Stuff are despicable thieves and cheats and demands they return the belts. When they of course don’t Kathleen goes on to say that according to the terms of the tag tournament Snaptime are guaranteed a match against Hot Stuff – and it will be at Partners In Crime at the end of the month.






Anarchy vs Johansson




* Johansson seems pretty lumbering compared to the speedy, jerky Anarchy but he’s still a world-class musclebound monster.

* Faust again comes to ringside to support his stablemate but before he can get involved Anarchy’s partner – the giant, tattooed Menace also comes down.

* With support for both men ringside Anarchy fades a little and Johansson manages to corner him to hit his Hercules Lift.


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Johansson defeated Anarchy in 6:48 by submission with a Hercules Lift after a distraction from Jonathan Faust. During the match we also had Menace distract Johansson.








Sugar Rush (Just Phoebe Plumridge and Adam Matravers this time) head to the ring swigging cans of Red Bull.


Phoebe tells te crowd again just how extreme they are and reiterates Adam’s aim of winning the UK title next before going on to fight for the World title.




Rolling Johnny Stones – the UK champion – appears with his debauchery-buddy Luke Cool and laughs off Adam’s threat. The Rockstars raise theor own drinks (bottles of Jack Daniels) as a toast and eye up Phoebe right in front of Adam. Stones then demands Adam fights Luke before he’ll even get involved.




Adam Matravers vs Luke Cool




* Matravers is always a pleasure to watch as he fights in his Junior-style whilst Luke is no slouch himself. He’s come a long way training (!) with Stones.

* Unfortunately Stones is the difference as he tries to lay Matravers out and clocks Cool instead allowing Adam the easy win.


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Adam Matravers defeated Luke Cool in 10:39 by pinfall. During the match we also had Rolling Johnny Stones hit Cool by mistake.








Joss Thompson – 21CW World Champion heads down a corridor backstage to ringside. Tonight he’s seen his old friend Pitbull Brown threaten him, his partners Eddie Cornell get beaten down 4-on-1 and is still missing Jeff Nova.

And things get worse as Joss himself is attacked by The Startup – Johansson and Jonathan Faust surprising the American and leaving him spitting blood.








Leo Price vs Dragon




* Tonight’s main event sees a big, old-fashioned fighter in Price take on one of Britain’s most modern wrestlers. Dragon shows off his world of experience and hybrid style.

* Leo makes the running as the Zen Dragon remains eerily still during breaks.

* And Leo looks even more frustrated as the match goes on. This was of course Dragon’s plan and the masked man lurches into attack mode as Leo rages.

* Unfortunately Dragon’s calm nirvana forgot Kathleen Lee and Leo’s manageress trips Dragon leaving him at Leo’s mercy on the floor.


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Leo Price defeated Dragon in 16:47 by pinfall with a Price Drop following interference from Kathleen Lee.






Overall show rating: C+

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Damn that's a lot of interference.


Yeah..... Sorry! The way I see SE is a bunch of chais/dodgy endongs/multiman matches during the month and clarity fleetingly arriving at PPVs.


Strokes for folks and all that...


Leo Price vs Dragon

Adam Matravers vs Luke Cool

Business Jones vs Energy Punk

Anarchy vs Johansson


Geordie Nation vs Absolutely Flawless


4. Only missed out on the two tag draws


Leo Price vs Dragon

Adam Matravers vs Luke Cool

Business Jones vs Energy Punk

Anarchy vs Johansson


Geordie Nation vs Absolutely Flawless


4 as well. A trend is appearing here...



Leo Price vs Dragon


Adam Matravers vs Luke Cool


Business Jones vs Energy Punk


Anarchy vs Johansson




Geordie Nation vs Absolutely Flawless


I owe you Leo gear. Sorry! I'll do it today


And it scares me how much you know exactly what Im doing all the time.


With ELIM/Hot Stuff draw thats a 5/6. Freaky.


Leo Price vs Dragon

Adam Matravers vs Luke Cool

Business Jones vs Energy Punk

Anarchy vs Johansson


Geordie Nation vs Absolutely Flawless


same 4/6. Boring booking from me?


Leo Price vs Dragon

Adam Matravers vs Luke Cool

Business Jones vs Energy Punk

Anarchy vs Johansson


Geordie Nation vs Absolutely Flawless


Finally not a 4! Just a 3 with your bet on Dragon upsetting Leo not coming off. Worth a bet as he is awesome but (ATM) he doesnt totally ft 21CW...


Thanks for getting involved chaps - I appreciate it.


Zergon was the finest but that's nothing new. EVERYONE can pick a theme tune for a wrestler/tag team if they like.


Thanks for reading

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Next time on Best of British Wrestling:




Another big show for 21CW as Dunton Hall seems to be solidifying his hold on the company. Where do the Takeover fit in that though?


Eddie Cornell, Danny Francis & Adam Matravers vs. Steve Stoat, Leo Price & Merle O’Curle




6 of 21CW’s top stars go head to head with Eddie desperately calling in favours after his beating last week at the hands of The Takeover.





Joss Thompson vs. War Machine, Nigel Svensson & Johansson

In a gauntlet match




Dunton Hall has promised to make Joss’ life hell. Now he seems to be in charge matches like this might become all too common.





Geordie Jimmy Morris vs. Pitbull Brown




Pitbull is going after submission specialists. Jimmy isn’t really one of those but he will back up his Geordie mate K’Lee Hawkins.





Anarchy vs. Rolling Johnny Stones



Anarchy has seen some TV time recently and has impressed with his slick style. Stones isn’t happy that Adam Matravers is coming for his title and will want to impress.





ELIMINATION [GENOCIDE & SUICIDE] vs. The Night Terrors [Mr Evilness & Mr Nightmare]




ELIMINATION are still angry that they didn’t win the tag belts and they’re now behind Hot Stuff as challengers for Snaptime’s titles. Can they impress in a match likely to be void if deep strategy?




Eddie Cornell, Danny Francis & Adam Matravers vs. Steve Stoat, Leo Price & Merle O’Curle

Joss Thompson vs. War Machine, Nigel Svensson & Johansson

Geordie Jimmy Morris vs. Pitbull Brown

Anarchy vs. Rolling Johnny Stones

ELIMINATION vs. The Night Terrors

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I´m pretty bad with picking theme musics thanks to my limited knowledge but I choose In The Shadows from Rasmus

for Wildcards.


Eddie Cornell, Danny Francis & Adam Matravers vs. Steve Stoat, Leo Price & Merle O’Curle

Cornell could really use the win here since he has mainly been on losing side against top heels and Adam and Danny could use a huge win too. The problem is, I see Stoat and Price as the two biggest names here and while O´Curle is probably the least important guy here he´s still pretty good too... No the faces simply need the win more so O´Curle eats the pin here.


Joss Thompson vs. War Machine, Nigel Svensson & Johansson

War Machine or Svensson likely aren´t over enough to go over Thompson. Johansson might be but he don´t really need it since he can pick up overness via squashes so I´d say that Thompson takes the win possibly via DQ so that Johansson can safe his face.


Geordie Jimmy Morris vs. Pitbull Brown

Brown is higher on the ladders.


Anarchy vs. Rolling Johnny Stones

RJS has MAtravers breathing down his neck so I´d say that he will win this one since he already has a challenger and we don´t really need another one.


ELIMINATION vs. The Night Terrors

ELIMINATION is the team who is in the title picture so they stay strong.

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Eddie Cornell, Danny Francis & Adam Matravers vs. Steve Stoat, Leo Price & Merle O’Curle

Joss Thompson vs. War Machine, Nigel Svensson & Johansson

Geordie Jimmy Morris vs. Pitbull Brown

Anarchy vs. Rolling Johnny Stones

ELIMINATION vs. The Night Terrors


A couple of theme music suggestions .. ELIMINATION - Song 2, Blur

Menace + Anarchy - Something by the Sex Pistols.

Adam Matravers - Panic, The Smiths

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Eddie Cornell, Danny Francis & Adam Matravers vs. Steve Stoat, Leo Price & Merle O’Curle

Joss Thompson vs. War Machine, Nigel Svensson & Johansson

Geordie Jimmy Morris vs. Pitbull Brown

Anarchy vs. Rolling Johnny Stones

ELIMINATION vs. The Night Terrors

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BoBW W2 May 2010




Wednesday Week 2 May 2010

Edgware Hall: Att. 2,000






Dunton Hall strides to the ring to introduce tonight’s show:


Dunton Hall

“Welcome back to 21CW mkII. Now that this company has a real, proven CEO at its helm you can expect things to be a lot more streamlined. For the first time in a while this is a company that will stand by its product and employees and pride itself on how we’re represented.

“And to do that I believe we need a change of champion as well as a change of manager.


“Joss Thompson has passed his sell-by date. In business there’s no room for sentimentality and so the American can look forward to finding life in 21CW a little more... Difficult. Exactly how difficult he’ll find out later on.


“But for now we’ll see Pitbull brown in action. He’s requested a match at partners in Crime this month and I’ve decided to see if he deserves it by taking on his intended target’s tag partner. We’ll find out if he really is The Man Who Never Gives Up.”



Geordie Jimmy Morris vs. Pitbull Brown




* A tight, strategic affair with both men conserving energy and waiting for the right opportunity.

* Geordie Jimmy again shows he’s a serious threat with an encyclopaedic knowledge of holds, reversals and techniques.

* But Pitbull is just too implacable and skilled. The shaven-headed brown waits for his time and then locks in what looks suspiciously like Jimmy’s own ankle-lock to force Morris to tap.


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Pit Bull Brown defeated Geordie Jimmy Morris in 11:36 by submission.








Kathleen Lee heads to ringside with her tag champion clients Snaptime (Merle O’Curle & Nigel Svensson)



“Hello worms. Still coming along to 21CW so you can watch people who look better than you do things you’ll never be capable of? No don’t boo. I know you’re just jealous.


“We wanted to come here tonight to show off our new shiny belts but as I’m sure you know those tiresome, and ineffectual posers Hot Stuff have misappropriated the belts.


“I’m sure they think it’s terribly clever but we don’t care. They’ll be facing Snaptime fair and square at Partners in Crime and then we’ll be taking our belts back.


“I guarantee it.






ELIMINATION [GENOCIDE & SUICIDE] vs. The Night Terrors [Mr Evilness & Mr Nightmare]




* Wild excitement. This match is about as far from the previous one as you can get with all four men careering around the ring.

* It’s really close too with numerous near-falls on both sides.

* Before ELIMINATION combine to hit their ELIMINATOR double team move on Mr Evilness for a flash win.


In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, ELIMINATION defeated Night Terrors in 10:16 when SUICIDE defeated Mr. Evilness by pinfall with an ELIMINATOR.






After the match The Night Terrors act strangely even for them. The two big zombies gather together in the centre of the ring and drop to their knees before Mr Evilness addresses the crowd:


Mr Evilness

“This izza only one defeata and it doesn’t evena matter. The enda times area comings and oncea the bossa blooda is here - alla you peoples is gonna be juss brainz for dinner.


“Thenna weza be the ones laughing.










Rolling Johnny Stones is backstage with Luke Cool. Tonight they’re wearing flowing white kaftans and sunglasses.


Cool has a guitar out and Stones is singing as a handful of tweenie girls sit around gazing at the Rockstars in adoration.


Needless to say the music itself is distinctly average. If you’ve ever seen someone produce a guitar at a party you know what I mean…


As the music continues a stagehand pops his head round the door:



“Mr Stones? Message from Mr Hall. You’ve got a match tonight against Anarchy. Be in the ring in 3 minutes after the ad break.”



“Anarchy? What the hell? Don’t these people know I’ve got an audience to take care of? Don’t they know who I am?”





Anarchy vs. Rolling Johnny Stones




* Anarchy impresses for the second week in a row with a smooth style interspersed with aerial attacks.

* But he’s got some way to go before he can match Stones. The UK champ can afford to be so blasé because he’s so talented and committed and he proves it with big suplex that morphed into a pin. Albeit with a foot on the ropes that the ref never saw.


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Rolling Johnny Stones defeated Anarchy in 11:49 by pinfall, illegally using the ropes for leverage.






After the match Rolling Johnny Stones grabs a mic and appears to be about to sing to the crowd when the lights suddenly go out.


It’s only for a second or two but when they come back on Stones is out cold bleeding from one nostril in the centre of the ring as a cloud of thick, white smoke slowly dissipates.










Dunton Hall is sitting in his newly inherited office behind the big, mahogany desk.



“I’ve had several careers in this country and others and I’ve been innovative, successful and profitable in every one of them. And I’ve learned one thing: people are predictable.


“I know what the fans want and it’s a champion to be proud of. One they can identify with. One they see a bit of themselves in.


“And how can that ever happen with an American holding our World Title? You don’t get it Joss. You don’t understand how the people think. You don’t belong here.


“And now you’ll find out just how much. Tonight you’ll have a chance to prove yourself. If you’re so strong and skilled and good you won’t have any trouble facing 3 men in a row will you?


“Tonight Joss you face War Machine, Nigel Svensson and my own bodyguard – Johansson. Let’s see how good you really are.”





Joss Thompson vs. War Machine, Nigel Svensson & Johansson





* It’s easy to forget how big War Machine is when you’re not looking at him. The man is HUGE. As a result he’s a tricky opponent to manipulate but Joss manages to make the big rookie to out to a finger-lock.

* Nigel Svensson is a very different proposition but again Joss shows his pedigree by pinning him after a big bulldog that the young Swede never saw coming.

* Unfortunately that absolutely exhausted the champ and by the time the huge Scandinavian Johansson gets in the ring Joss is staggering-tired. Johansson takes advantage of that by throwing Joss around and simply manhandling him like no one else.

* But Joss isn’t just any fighter and even through exhaustion when Johansson pauses to pose for the crowd the champ manages to find enough for one final move – a Clean Cutter that wins the match against all odds.


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Joss Thompson defeated War Machine, Nigel Svensson and Johansson in 14:48 when Joss Thompson defeated Johansson by pinfall with a Clean Cutter.





After the match Eddie Cornell has to physically support an exhausted and battered Joss. As his friend sags with exhaustion Eddie grabs a mic:


“Dunton Hall – you may be my boss now but I’m not afraid to say it. You’re a coward.


“Joss Thompson is an American but if you hold that against him you’re an even bigger idiot than I thought. Jeff Nova never thought it was an issue and he’s twice the man you’ll ever be.


“Joss is honourable, faithful and loyal and I’d stand beside him any day of the week.


“I’d be worried about getting the sack but you’ve not even got the balls to do that. You’d rather send out scum to do your dirty work instead.


“So how about instead of you hiding in your office we do what we’re here to do.


“Get out here and I’ll fight anyone you can drum up. Any damn one of your minions.“


Silence for a moment and a voice booms out over the loudspeakers as Dunton comes up on the big screen.


“An excellent idea Mr Cornell. A young man like you can’t possibly understand what I’ve done and who I am so I’d love to take you up on your offer. Tonight you’ll be facing these men:”


As Dunton talks 3 men walk out to confront Eddie – Leo Price, Steve Stoat and Merle O’Curle. Of course they’re all Takeover members rather than Dunton’s Startup (which is odd…) but it’s undeniable they’re all accomplished, sadistic wrestlers.




Eddie fronts up to fight them all but more men run in. This time it’s Adam Matravers and Danny Francis who gesture they’re here to back Eddie up too.




The ref glances at the monitor but Dunton hall has disappeared. The match is on!




Eddie Cornell, Danny Francis & Adam Matravers vs. Steve Stoat, Leo Price & Merle O’Curle




* The ref struggles to impose any kind of order on this as all 6 men get involved early and often.

* No-one looks out of place at all and the crowd are treated to signature spots by everyone.

* But there can be only one winner and of all people it’s Danny Francis who manages to make the difference as he slips his patented Rasta lock on an overconfident Leo Price forcing the Takeover fighter to tap.


In a bout that had great heat and great wrestling action, Eddie Cornell, Danny Francis and Adam Matravers defeated Steve Stoat, Leo Price and Merle O'Curle in 20:29 when Danny Francis defeated Leo Price by submission with a Rasta Lock.





Overall show rating: B-

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Thanks for all the predictions chaps.


My timetable is pretty random at the mo. Im lurching between extreme busyness and periods of calm so shows will be up pretty sporadically.


On the other hand I'm really loving this game and the plans I've got coming up so I'm doing as much as I can.


Eddie Cornell, Danny Francis & Adam Matravers vs. Steve Stoat, Leo Price & Merle O’Curle


Joss Thompson vs. War Machine, Nigel Svensson & Johansson


Geordie Jimmy Morris vs. Pitbull Brown


Anarchy vs. Rolling Johnny Stones


ELIMINATION vs. The Night Terrors


We don't need another challenger for RJS? You may be disappointed...


5/5 and impeccable as always.


Eddie Cornell, Danny Francis & Adam Matravers vs. Steve Stoat, Leo Price & Merle O’Curle

Joss Thompson vs. War Machine, Nigel Svensson & Johansson

Geordie Jimmy Morris vs. Pitbull Brown

Anarchy vs. Rolling Johnny Stones

ELIMINATION vs. The Night Terrors


A couple of theme music suggestions .. ELIMINATION - Song 2, Blur

Menace + Anarchy - Something by the Sex Pistols.


Another 5/5. love the tunes. Song 2 is PERFECT for ELIMINATION and Anarchy has to be the Pistols too. I'm not happy with the Wildcards' charcterisation yet (bad job me) but theyre basically the positive side of punk. They want to rip stuff down but so something better can grow rather than for the sake of it.


Eddie Cornell, Danny Francis & Adam Matravers vs. Steve Stoat, Leo Price & Merle O’Curle

Joss Thompson vs. War Machine, Nigel Svensson & Johansson

Geordie Jimmy Morris vs. Pitbull Brown

Anarchy vs. Rolling Johnny Stones

ELIMINATION vs. The Night Terrors


3/5. I cant fault you for going against Eddie and Joss. They are going to be put through peril but they needed those wins against the oppo.


Eddie Cornell, Danny Francis & Adam Matravers vs. Steve Stoat, Leo Price & Merle O’Curle

Joss Thompson vs. War Machine, Nigel Svensson & Johansson

Geordie Jimmy Morris vs. Pitbull Brown

Anarchy vs. Rolling Johnny Stones

ELIMINATION vs. The Night Terrors


Welcome to the diary! A great start with 4/5 only missing on Joss' gauntlet match. War Machine can be a star but he's still 17. Can I really justify him beating the top face in 21CW? Even with a handicap?


Eddie Cornell, Danny Francis & Adam Matravers vs. Steve Stoat, Leo Price & Merle O’Curle

Joss Thompson vs. War Machine, Nigel Svensson & Johansson

Geordie Jimmy Morris vs. Pitbull Brown

Anarchy vs. Rolling Johnny Stones

ELIMINATION vs. The Night Terrors


5/5 as well sir. BANG ON!


So - Seratonin, Jungo and Zergon all went perfect.


Help yourself to any merch/music you'd like to pick.


Thanks again!


Card for the next show will be up later on today

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Next time on Best of British Wrestling:




Well we had a week without much interference so it kind of equals out. Doesn’t it?


• Dunton Hall appears to be grasping 21CW in an ever-tighter grip.

• Joss Thompson and Eddie Cornell are being put through the ringer by Dunton.

• Is there some alliance between the Takeover and The Startup?

• Pitbull Brown continues to seek out submission experts to test himself.

• Rolling Johnny Stones was assaulted by someone who left behind a cloud of white smoke/mist.

• The Night Terrors reckon their boss is coming to 21CW…


The Startup (Jonathan Faust & Johansson) vs Adam Matravers & Danny Francis



Adam and Danny came to the aid of Eddie Cornell against Dunton Hall last week. they did well but can they overcome Jonathan Faust and Johansson?





Business Jones vs Pitbull Brown



Pitbull beat Geordie Jimmy Morris last week using his own hold. How will these two lone wolves fare against each other?



Eddie Cornell & Joss Thompson vs The Brothers Ivanoff (Igor & Ivan Ivanoff) vs The Night Terrors (Mr Evilness & Mr Nightmare) vs Snaptime (Merle O’Curle & Nigel Svensson)






Joss facing a gauntlet was one thing. A multi-tag match like this is another. Can he and Eddie survive against 6 men?






Pride (Dragon & Lionheart) vs The Strange Quarks (Energy Punk & Power Beast)



A study in contrast as the most controlled Zen masters in 21CW take on one of the least sane.






Leo Price vs ???



Leo is still one of 21CW’s finest fighters. Who could be challenging him?




We’re going back to stash after a couple of weeks of theme tunes. Best predictor can name his prize.



Jonathan Faust & Johansson vs Adam Matravers & Danny Francis

Business Jones vs Pitbull Brown

Eddie Cornell & Joss Thompson vs The Brothers Ivanoff vs The Night Terrors vs Snaptime

Pride vs The Strange Quarks

Leo Price vs ???

BONUS QUESTION: Who is Leo Price facing? He’s an ex belt-holder in the company and has featured already in this diary…


Thanks again for reading this everybody. I appreciate all your time, input and energy.


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Jonathan Faust & Johansson vs Adam Matravers & Danny Francis

Business Jones vs Pitbull Brown

Eddie Cornell & Joss Thompson vs The Brothers Ivanoff vs The Night Terrors vs Snaptime

Pride vs The Strange Quarks

Leo Price vs ???

BONUS QUESTION: Who is Leo Price facing? He’s an ex belt-holder in the company and has featured already in this diary…


K'Lee Hawkinsl

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I pick some Jonathan Faust stuff this time, thank you.


Jonathan Faust & Johansson vs Adam Matravers & Danny Francis

Could go either way but Faust is the top guy here and when I doubt I go with safer choise.


Business Jones vs Pitbull Brown

Another could go either way fight... actually I have absolutely no idea who to pick here but I go with Brown based on the fact that he is having that 'I beat best submission guys I can find' thing going


Eddie Cornell & Joss Thompson vs The Brothers Ivanoff vs The Night Terrors vs Snaptime

I don´t see anyone over enough to go over Joss here.


Pride vs The Strange Quarks

Dragon is the biggest name here and he´s presense is enough ot give Pride a win.


Leo Price vs ???

I actually looked to title histories before answering this one and it looks like who ever will come here won´t be big enough name to beat Price right away (I assume it´s someone not seen for a while).


BONUS QUESTION: Who is Leo Price facing? He’s an ex belt-holder in the company and has featured already in this diary…

I was going to say Red Dragon but he hasn´t been seen yet so I go with Philip Cooper instead

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A changing room. But not the normal kind we see in 21CW.


This one is dirty, scuzzy and cramped. It’s got a mirror but most of the lights don’t work. There are no energy drinks – just broken beer bottles.


In the changing room are two men who seem like they’ve been awake for about 48 hours straight – Rolling Johnny Stones and Luke Cool.



“I haven't slept a wink with worry. Well whiskey and worry. Matravers I can handle. I’m not scared of some little bloke who drinks enough Red Bull to make him think he’s indestructible. But what the hell was that smoke thing? It felt like I was hit by a car.”



“I’ve got no idea mate. I was just about to come out to help you out but it was over so quick…”


“Course you were Luke. The thing I’m really worried about is that there’s only one person I can think of that trails white smoke…”


“And I thought we’d dealt with him already.”


“Me too. But it wasn’t us that dealt with him. It was me. I’m the UK champion and I got that by beating…”


“Grey Angel.”



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I pick some Jonathan Faust stuff this time, thank you.


Excellent. I love Faust.


Start the fans early is what I say. Here's a set of the new Jonathan Faust children's cutlery set. Much better than Peppa Pig.



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