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USPW: The Illegitimate Son

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Broke the tie, then, I guess.


And who's Emma Frost? I mean, I doubt you've snagged the Emma Frost, unless this is some crazy over-9000-verse hijinks.


In which case, I'm aboard.


Oh, and the Caulfield opponent is Wolf Hawkins on loan.


Emma B!tch. I indicated that she was signed/renamed in the backstory, hoped that would be enough.

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**USPW TV Show Logo**



The Force & The People's Team d. Andre Jones, Roderick Remus & Nelson Callum




The show opens with the usual USPW American Wrestling music video set to "Frontline" by Pillar and promoting the biggest workers of the company including James Justice, Bruce the Giant, Enygma, Tyson Baine, Chris Caulfield and Sam Strong, as well as up-and-comers Des Davids and Grandmaster Phunk.


Rating: 76


Danny Jillefski: Ladies and gentlemen, once again welcome to USPW American Wrestling, I'm Danny Jillefski alongside my colleague, company owner and living legend, the one-and-only Sam Strong!

Sam Strong: It's always great to be in USPW, Danny, and we've got a stacked show tonight, man. Two titles on the line, and in the main event, one of our hottest stars Chris Caulfield in action against a USPW debut and the first member of Bruce the Giant's four man team for Stars, Stripes and Slams.

Danny Jillefski: And speaking of those title matches, we're gonna start out with one, as Raven Robinson defends the title against recent newcomer, Emma Frost.



Women's Championship; Standard Singles Match


It's no lie that the women's division is the future when it comes to match ratings for USPW with all the talent around here. However, so far they're not over and they're young, so while this was a solid match, the fans weren't really into it, and hopefully they'll be set for soda and snacks for the rest of the show. As for the match, Raven and Emma went back and forth, but it was the champion able to retain, Emma Frost going for the Payback, an inverted DDT, only for Raven to twist into the Night Faller flapjack for the three count.


Winner: Raven Robinson by pinfall; Title Defense #1

Rating: 36


Danny Jillefski: Big win for the champion, her first title defense of the year.

Sam Strong: That Emma Frost is a solid wrestler but tonight she wasn't able to put it all together tonight and Raven counters the Payback for the win.

Danny Jillefski: And here's a bad sign, that's the music of the Titans, T-Rex and Baine coming down to the ring once again.




Stalking to the ring comes the Arabian manager Sheik Mustafa, alongside his charges The Titans, Tyson Baine and T-Rex. Baine looks scary as usual, but Rex is a jolly giant as the fans cheer as he waves at them. Striding into the ring, Mustafa takes the microphone first to introduce his clients.


Sheik Mustafa: Ladies and gentlemen of USPW, I present to you at this time, "The Jurassic Power" T-Rex!


Mustafa passes the microphone over to T-Rex and the fans get ahead of schedule, beginning to chant "Streak! Streak! Streak!"


T-Rex: Yeah, you all know what time it is! Streak! Streak! Streak!


T-Rex tosses the microphone over to the timekeeper as Giant Redwood's music hits over the speakers.



Streak Match; Standard Singles Match


This would've made a great squash if Redwood could sell. So instead, he stands through all of T-Rex's moves, refusing to be chopped down. But Redwood's stoic, tree-like nature lends itself well to a display of agility and a feint by T-Rex allows him to slip behind the giant and lock in a full nelson. But rather than swing the big man, The Jurassic Power lifts him overhead and absolutely destroys Redwood with The Extinction, a dead lift full nelson suplex. Back to his feet, T-Rex slaps on the Swinging Full Nelson, the Jurassic Crush and the referee calls for the bell almost immediately.


Winner: T-Rex by submission

Rating: 40


Danny Jillefski: Another win for "The Jurassic Power" and the streak is now up to twenty four.

Sam Strong: And I hear he'll be going for twenty-five at Stars, Stripes and Slams, for the first time ever, live on Pay-Per-View, Dan. You don't wanna miss it, brother.




The entrance music of the Corporation plays over the speakers and Grandmaster Phunk leads the group down to the ring. Phunk has a somber look on his face as he holds the microphone, but Jumbo, Danny and Mick look scary as ever, and Anger looks almost confused as to why he's dressed to compete, but for the most part, the group looks different. As Jackson holds the ropes open, Phunk climbs into the ring and brings the microphone up, the rest of the group flanking him.


Grandmaster Phunk: A'ight, a'ight, ladies and gentlemen, put ya hands together for the one and only Grandmasta Phunk in the ring, on the mic and in ya hearts. Tonight we got a lot of housekeepin' to deal with, so let's get right down to it.


Phunk takes a pause and as he continues, he's not the quick talking joker, but his tone is more serious, his dictation more slow, more like a serious businessman.


Grandmaster Phunk: First order of business, Danny, Mick, y'all suck. Ya can't win the damn titles, you're talentless piles of crap, you're out. Out of the Corporation, out of my damn ring. Jumbo?


With no hesitation, clearly this was planned as Jumbo turns, grabs both Towers of Power by the throat and performs a ridiculous double chokeslam on the monstrous tag team. Rushmore and Muscles began to get to their feet but Jumbo lined them up in the corner and easily crushed both of them with a vicious double Jumbo Avalanche. Satisfied at the destruction that had been dished out to his former charges, Phunk continued.


Grandmaster Phunk: Now don't think I'm done, Anger. You lost last week too, playa. But don't worry man, you a legend. I ain't gonna have Jumbo crush you.


A sigh of relief passes over the face of Anger, but turns to shock as Phunk steps forward and he whomps The Demon of Rage over the head with the microphone.


Grandmaster Phunk: I can do that myself.


Jumbo steps out of the ring, giving his boss some space as a referee runs down to the ring to get this official match underway.



Standard Singles Match


A squash match as this serves to give Anger the boot from The Corporation and give Phunk a boost on his in-ring debut. Easily, Phunk puts Anger away with a Phunkensteiner (running double knees in the corner followed by a monkey flip).


Winner: Grandmaster Phunk by pinfall

Rating: 43


Danny Jillefski: Wow, the new head of the Corporation with a dominant performance. But can we really call it a whole Corporation if it's just down to Phunk and Jumbo.

Sam Strong: The fewer of them, the better, Danny. Just a bit ago they were trying to run this company, but I guess with Phunk in charge we don't have to worry about that.



USPW National Title Match; Standard Singles Match


A pretty standard squash match with Peter Valentine dominating the young Erik Starr. Starr managed to get in a few punches, but Valentine ducked one and scored with the Heart Breaker (Swinging Double Knee Gutbuster) for 1-2-3.


Winner: Peter Valentine; Title Defense #1

Rating: 47


Sam Strong: Another good performance from Erik Starr but for the second week in a row, just not enough. Still, there's something to this kid.

Danny Jillefski: Yeah, he's great at laying on his back. This kid doesn't need to go star gazing, he just gets in the ring to look at the sky. That's two huge losses in a row for Erik Starr!

Sam Strong: Well he's in there against champions, Danny, you can't expect the world from the kid on his national debut.



Tag Team Match


So remember when I said the last match was a squash? I lied, because in that one, Erik Starr actually got offense in. Java and Tribal Warrior destroy Al & Pete, not letting them tag, but rather just yanking Pete in and he gets a Head Hunter Special while Al earns a Greetings from the Island to end this in a hurry.


Winners: Savage Fury by pinfall

Rating: 30


Danny Jillefski: Savage Fury are definitely looking like they could take the tag titles off of the People's Team, Sam.

Sam Strong: Des and Freddie are powerful, but I don't know if they've got anywhere near the power of the monsters from Samoa.

Danny Jillefski: Well we're about to go backstage, as I'm being told that The Corporation, or what's left of it, is standing by with something to say.




Standing backstage in front of the USPW Interview banner is Grandmaster Phunk and Jumbo Jackson, the only two remaining members of The Corporation. Phunk has a ****y look on his face and a microphone in his hand as Jumbo just stands behind him looking menacing.


Grandmaster Phunk: Put away the tivo remotes, folks, it's just ya blessing that tonight, ya get to see the great Grandmasta twice. Now, I gotta clarify somethin' cuz it seems the folks in the booth, ol' Sammy Strong and Danny J-Lefski be thinkin' that the Corporation is sufferin' and that just ain't the case. The truth, y'all, is that I've been scoutin' guys who came from the streets like me. East coast guys, from Pittsburgh, New York, those kindsa places, if y'all catch my drift. The Corporation ain't dead, playas. We just rebuilding.


And that closes the interview as Phunk tosses the microphone at the stationary camera and walks off the set, Jumbo Jackson following behind.


Rating: 59


Danny Jillefski: Well that can't be good for anyone, The Corporation rebuilding? But it makes sense that Phunk is bringing in outsiders, he's made it pretty clear that he doesn't like anyone around here except that big ape Jumbo.

Sam Strong: Jumbo Jackson and Grandmaster Phunk both worked in Supreme together, so they've got history. It makes me wonder if Phunk will be bringing in anyone else who he has history with.

Danny Jillefski: More New England rejects? That's the last thing anyone wants to see down here.



Standard Singles Match


For the second week in a row, Belle Bryden puts on a fantastic performance. During the match, it is announced that Belle is going on to face champion Raven Robinson at Stars, Stripes and Slams, and Belle shows why she's chosen when Amber goes for a Northern Lights Suplex but gets countered with a knee to the face, promptly followed by the Dish of the Day for the win.


Winner: Belle Bryden by pinfall

Rating: 44


Danny Jillefski: Belle looks to be in great shape. For her title shot. Yeah, for that.

Sam Strong: Amber Allen got her shots in, but the women's number 1 contender was way too much for her today.

Danny Jillefski: And up next is our main event, and we're gonna see who Bruce the Giant has as his first team member.



Standard Singles Match


After Caulfield gets to the ring, the crowd is surprised by unfamiliar entrance music as the opening guitar riffs of "You'll Rebel to Anything (As Long As Its Not Challenging)" by Mindless Self Indulgence play over the speakers, followed quickly by "The Future" Steven Parker stepping out onto the ramp and coming to the ring. Parker puts together a great showing in his USPW debut and pushes Caulfield to his limits, but gets a little ****y after dropping Caulfield with his signature Reverse STO that he calls Back to the Future, taking time to taunt the fans. Upon turning around, Caulfield gets a huge second wind, and that culminates in his Danger Drop finisher for the win.


Winner: Chris Caulfield by pinfall

Rating: 54


Sam Strong: Wow, what a showing by this young guy, Steven Parker. He really took Caulfield to the limit, but he made a rookie mistake and Caulfield made him pay.

Danny Jillefski: If everyone Bruce the Giant has found has this level of skill, Chris could be in trouble, even if James Justice is his partner. So far it looks like a pretty even battle.




Over the speakers, interrupting the seemingly closing commentary is the ominous music of "The Demon" Tyson Baine, the number one contender, who stalks his way to the ring and demands a microphone, with Sheik Mustafa following behind him. As a break develops in the boos from the fans, Baine begins to growl out his words.


Tyson Baine: I have something to say about my match against Enygma at Stars, Stripes and Slams.


Mustafa takes the microphone from Baine for a moment, or at least tries. Baine is reluctant but Mustafa assures the giant that he'll only be a moment and Baine relents.


Sheik Mustafa: What all you fools are about to hear is the first of many glimpses into the soul of "The Demon" Tyson Baine!


Mustafa passes the microphone back to Baine, along with a piece of paper that the camera isn't able to get a good look at. Baine clears his throat, then speaks


Tyson Baine: Enygma, I'm coming and I want your belt. You've no idea the desire I've felt. These past three months, as we've fought in this ring, I have thought of no other thing. After I take your title, that mask will hide your head. Without that belt, I know, you'll wish you were dead.


Baine drops the microphone with a thud as the lights go out in the arena for a brief moment, and when they come on, Enygma is in the ring!




Enygma and Baine begin to exchange shots in the center of the ring as Mustafa tries to get them separated. Over commentary, the shouts of Sam Strong for security to come out and separate them aren't heard fast enough as Baine gets the upper hand with a vicious headbutt that sends Enygma staggering back, only to be caught by the crafty masked man and sent over the top rope, Enygma pulling it down as Baine charges and "The Demon" flops out of the ring. Mustafa holds Baine back outside of the ring as Engyma stands strong inside of the ring, raising the USPW World championship belt in the air.


Rating: 76


Total Show Rating: 53

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<div style="line-height: normal; font-size: 62.5%;" id="divContentWrapper"><div style="margin: 0px auto; width: 950px; position: relative;"></div><div style="margin: 0px auto; padding: 0px 20px 20px; width: 700px; position: relative; overflow-y: auto; background-color: rgb(85, 85, 85);"> <div style="padding: 0px 5px; overflow: hidden;"><div><div style="height: 18px; cursor: n-resize;"></div><div style="margin-top: 0px; position: relative;"><img style="float: left;" alt="Speaker" src="http://i757.photobucket.com/albums/xx212/Cverse_Rerender/jtlant/SamStrong_alt2jt.jpg" width="113" height="113"><img style="left: 103px; top: 53px; position: absolute;" src="http://fictionplus.interwebz.co.nz/images/layout/sbpointer/sb-pointer-ffffff-l.png" width="22" height="20"><div style='background: rgb(255, 255, 255); margin: 0px 0px 10px 123px; padding: 7px; border-radius: 0px; width: 300px; height: auto; line-height: normal; font-family: "Times New Roman"; font-size: 16px; position: relative;'><div><div><span style="font-family: tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;">Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the last episode of United States Professional Wrestling's Spotlight Star Search. The man who gets your votes tonight will go on to national Pay-Per-View with a chance to become a huge star tomorrow. Be sure to tune in. But for tonight, we're down to our final two contestants, "The Safe Bet" Blake Gabriel and The Warrior. Blake, Warrior, here is your question, and it's all about your confidence. <strong>Do you believe you will win the National Spotlight Tournament?</strong></span></div></div><div></div></div></div><div style="margin-bottom: 10px; position: relative;" align="right"><div style="float: right;"><img style="float: right;" alt="Speaker" src="http://img1.uploadscreenshot.com/images/main/9/25803270972.jpg" width="113" height="113"><img style="top: 25.5px; right: 103px; position: absolute;" src="http://fictionplus.interwebz.co.nz/images/layout/sbpointer/sb-pointer-ffffff-r.png" width="22" height="20"></div><div style='background: rgb(255, 255, 255); margin: 0px 123px 10px 0px; padding: 7px; border-radius: 0px; width: 300px; height: auto; text-align: left; line-height: normal; font-family: "Times New Roman"; font-size: 16px; position: relative;'><div><div><strong><span style="font-family: tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 14px;">The Warrior</span></strong><br><span style="font-family: tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 14px;">Do it have any Klorgs in it? If not, it's a piece of cake for me.</span></div></div><div></div></div></div><div style="margin-top: 58px; margin-bottom: 10px; position: relative;" align="right"><div style="float: right;"><img style="float: right;" alt="Speaker" src="http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii145/jtlant/TEW/BlakeGabriel-1.jpg" width="113" height="113"><img style="top: 42.5px; right: 103px; position: absolute;" src="http://fictionplus.interwebz.co.nz/images/layout/sbpointer/sb-pointer-ffffff-r.png" width="22" height="20"></div><div style='background: rgb(255, 255, 255); margin: 0px 123px 10px 0px; padding: 7px; border-radius: 0px; width: 300px; height: auto; text-align: left; line-height: normal; font-family: "Times New Roman"; font-size: 16px; position: relative;'><div><div><span style="font-family: tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 14px;"><strong>"The Safe Bet" Blake Gabriel<br></strong>Of course I'm going to win the tournament. With my talent and skillset, there's nothing stopping me from being the next big thing in the wrestling world.<strong> </strong></span></div></div><div></div></div></div><div style="position: relative;"><img style="float: left;" alt="Speaker" src="http://i757.photobucket.com/albums/xx212/Cverse_Rerender/jtlant/SamStrong_alt2jt.jpg" width="113" height="113"><img style="left: 103px; top: 53px; position: absolute;" src="http://fictionplus.interwebz.co.nz/images/layout/sbpointer/sb-pointer-ffffff-l.png" width="22" height="20"><div style='background: rgb(255, 255, 255); margin: 0px 0px 10px 123px; padding: 7px; border-radius: 0px; width: 300px; height: auto; line-height: normal; font-family: "Times New Roman"; font-size: 16px; position: relative;'><div><div><span style="font-family: tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;">Strong words from both men. Take to the internet ladies and gentlemen and vote for your favorite to be in the tournament tomorrow. This is your last chance to put your favorite future star on the USPW roster! So go vote, tune in tomorrow night, and be Strong.</span></div></div><div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div>


Well, that's that. The National Spotlight show is next. I'm thinking of doing larger match write-ups for Pay-Per-Views since I'm used to doing 4-5 page match write-ups before coming here. I've also considered doing what Phantom Stranger does and doing long match write-ups only for A* matches, which won't matter so much now but hopefully will in the long run. I've included the different options in the poll. Speaking of which,


This is the poll. Click here to vote. Please vote.


It's 1am, so I really hope that's funny at a normal hour of the day. In regards to predictions, here's the results of those.


Boltinho 7/7

codey 7/7


Good job to both. You can each ask a question of a USPW wrestler. codey, your question to Peter Valentine will be answered during Peter Valentine's next promo. Yes, asking questions is a way to get your favorites promo time on shows, so predict and do so well!



The National Spotlight Tournament Prediction Key (faces listed first)

Men's Division

Island Boy Apollo vs. Nelson Callum

California Love Machine vs. National Spotlight Winner

Ant-Man vs. Roderick Remus

Jebidiah vs. Steven Parker


Match 1 Winner vs. Match 2 Winner

Match 3 Winner vs. Match 4 Winner


Rd 2 Match 1 Winner vs. Rd 2 Match 2 Winner


Women's Division

Alicia Strong vs. Jana Marie Bowen

Amber Allen vs. Cherry Bomb


Match 1 Winner vs. Match 2 Winner


Gonna leave the voting up for a bit. Odds are that I'll run the show on Thursday night or Friday, and then I'll start writing up the show. Estimated time of arrival is either Sunday or a week from Friday.

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If its going to get my favouritres on-air time Im all for it.


Savage Fury: you're clearly the tougheast men in USPW. Why arent you tag champs and what are you going to do about it?


I hate predicting tournaments.


The National Spotlight Tournament Prediction Key (faces listed first)

Men's Division

Ant-Man vs. Roderick Remus

Island Boy Apollo vs. Nelson Callum

California Love Machine vs. National Spotlight Winner

Jebidiah vs. Steven Parker


Ant man vs. Match 2 Winner

Match 3 Winner vs. Steve parker


Rd 2 Match 1 Winner vs. Steven Parker


Women's Division

Alicia Strong vs. Jana Marie Bowen

Amber Allen vs. Cherry Bomb


Match 1 Winner vs. Cherry Bomb

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Men's Division

Ant-Man vs. Roderick Remus

Island Boy Apollo vs. Nelson Callum

California Love Machine vs. National Spotlight Winner

Jebidiah vs. Steven Parker


Ant-Man versus Island Boy Apollo

NSW versus Steven Parker

Island Boy Apollo versus Steven Parker


Women's Division

Alicia Strong vs. Jana Marie Bowen

Amber Allen vs. Cherry Bomb


Alicia Strong versus Cherry Bomb

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The National Spotlight Tournament Prediction Key (faces listed first)

Men's Division

Ant-Man vs. Roderick Remus

California Love Machine vs. The Warrior

Island Boy Apollo vs. Nelson Callum

Jebidiah vs. Steven Parker


Ant-Man vs.The Warrior

Nelson Callum vs. Steven Parker


Tournament winner: Steven Parker


Women's Division

Alicia Strong vs. Jana Marie Bowen

Amber Allen vs. Cherry Bomb


Tournament winner: Alicia Strong

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Looking at everyone's predictions, I realized that I did something wrong when I wondered why no one's was coming out right. >_>


The CLM vs. National Spotlight Winner and Ant-Man vs. Rod Remus matches should be switched in place. I'm gonna go update that the top post, and if y'all want to make changes, I'd recommend it.

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Men's Division

Island Boy Apollo vs. Nelson Callum

California Love Machine vs. National Spotlight Winner

Ant-Man vs. Roderick Remus

Jebidiah vs. Steven Parker


Match 1 Winner vs. Match 2 Winner

Match 3 Winner vs. Match 4 Winner

Rd 2 Match 1 Winner vs. Rd 2 Match 2 Winner


Women's Division

Alicia Strong vs. Jana Marie Bowen

Amber Allen vs. Cherry Bomb


Match 1 Winner vs. Match 2 Winner



Question for Tyson Baine: What's your favorite way to inflict pain?

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I might be able to get the show up tomorrow, there's only 4 promos on the show which are the longest thing to write, so that's a good sign. Thursday is also a possibility because I only work a 4 hour shift, but it's also my first payday at the new job, so I'll probably do more celebrating than writing. Friday I have off all day, so it'll be up Friday at the latest.
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**USPW The National Spotlight Logo**



The Force & The People's Team d. Andre Jones & Savage Fury

Rating: 62


Main Show


Danny Jillefski: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to United States Pro Wrestling's first foray into Pay-Per-View, The National Spotlight tournament! I'm Danny Jileffski alongside the American Legend, Sam Strong.

Sam Strong: And this is a great day for my company, Dan. Tonight, eight of the top guys on the independent circuit and four of the top women's wrestlers in the company are gonna get in the ring and proclaim the hottest rising stars in the country.

Danny Jillefski: And we're getting right down to the action as the mighty Ant-Man takes on Roderick Remus.



Standard Singles Match; Men's Round 1 Match


A great showing from both of these young men, contrasting the power of the slightly more gimmicky Ant-Man with the flying skill of the young and egotistical Roderick Remus. Remus uses some technical wrestling to take control early, but when he went to apply his signature Remus Clutch cross armbreaker, he couldn't get Ant-Man's hands apart. After complaints of cheating and steroids to the referee allowed Ant-Man to get to his feet, a charging Remus was met with the Antidote, a flapjack powerslam and pinned for the three count.


Winner: Ant-Man by pinfall

Rating: 29


Sam Strong: Wow, what a finisher there from this kid Ant-Man.

Danny Jillefski: A lot of power in a small package there, Sam. He almost reminds me of a smaller version of you.

Sam Strong: Whoa, Danny. Don't get ahead of yourself, maybe if he can win this tournament, but that was his first win ever there.

Danny Jillefski: You got it, boss. Next up on the docket, from the island of Puerto Rico, we've got Island Boy Apollo taking on The Corporation's entry in this tournament in Nelson Callum.



Standard Singles Match; Men's Round 1 Match


Callum came out aggressive in this match, using his technical wrestling skills to try to keep the brawler Apollo off his game, but Apollo got his moments of offense including an incredible moment where he caught Callum on the top rope and in one fluid motion Samoan Dropped him down to the mat. However, The Corporation's newest member was able to capitalize on one of Apollo's mistakes and pick his ankle, trapping him in the Honey Trap cloverleaf for the submission win.


Winner: Nelson Callum by submission

Rating: 29


Danny Jillefski: Wow, a devastating hold there for Nelson Callum, and that could take him straight to the top of this company.

Sam Strong: It's a tough hold to be sure, but it's nothing compared to T-Rex's Jurassic Crush. No one's escaped it yet.

Danny Jillefski: That's true, but Sam, I think it's your time to reveal the winner of USPW's Spotlight Star Search.

Sam Strong: You got that right, Danny. I'm off to the ring.




The camera stays focused on the wrestling legend as he gets up from the announce table and climbs into the ring, while the theme song from The Spotlight Star Search plays over the speakers and The Warrior and "The Safe Bet" Blake Gabriel walk down to the ring, climbing between the ropes to stand by Sam.


Sam Strong: Over the past five weeks, you fans, the Strongmen of the world, have decided who was gonna get this spot in the National Spotlight tournament from a bunch of kids who no one had ever heard of before. Now, I get to reveal which of these two kids is gonna be the man to get a USPW main roster contract and a chance to win a title shot. How many of you voted for The Warrior? And how many for "The Safe Bet" Blake Gabriel?


Each question from the American Icon gets about the same result from the fans, a large mix of boos and cheers for each man. It doesn't seem that either is louder, as the fans are clearly divided evenly between the two.


Sam Strong: Well it seems like the Strongmen in this arena are split right down the middle and the case is the same all around the country, as this was literally decided by just one vote. But ladies and gentlemen, advancing to The National Spotlight tournament tonight, "The Safe Bet" Blake Gabriel!


Both of the young competitors respond immediately, with Gabriel crouching down and bringing his arms in towards his chest in celebration. However, The Warrior reacts violently, as he springs off the ropes, and bounces back, blasting the unsuspecting Gabriel with a sprinting shoulder block very similar to the Full Force! The impact knocks Gabriel into essentially a backflip and he lands hard on the mat. Security quickly removes The Warrior from the ring, but the damage appears to be done. As the entrance music hits for Gabriel's opponent, California Love Machine, Sam Strong and a referee make sure that Gabriel is good to go, which he assures them that he is.


Rating: 87



Standard Singles Match; Men's Round 1 Match


Hailing from the Coastal Zone on the west side of the country, CLM brings a new style to the ring that the USPW fans aren't as familiar with, a spotty, flashy style. Gabriel puts on a good showing but after the attack from The Warrior, his back isn't in the best shape, and stiff kicks are able to halt Gabriel's offense, before a super kick lays "The Safe Bet" down long enough for California Love Machine to pick up the win with the LAX Departure Shooting Star Leg Drop.


Winner: California Love Machine by pinfall

Rating: 39


Sam Strong: Well I would've liked to think that the Spotlight Star Search winner would advance farther than that, but after that attack by The Warrior, it wasn't gonna be easy for Gabriel.

Danny Jillefski: And I wonder if we'll see The Warrior again, given that Gabriel will surely want revenge.

Sam Strong: I wouldn't be surprised. That was a huge impact, and if Gabriel doesn't want a piece of him, I'm sure that shot made someone want some.




As the commentators are discussing the actions of the previous match, "You'll Rebel to Anything (As Long As It's Not Challenging)" by Mindless Self Indulgence plays over the speakers to interrupt and the flashing lights of the arena herald the entrance of "The Future" Steven Parker. Parker comes down to the ramp, spinning on top of the ramp with his arms out before coming down and climbing into the ring, grabbing a microphone.


Steven Parker: This is the opponent that you pick for me Sam? A damn hillbilly? Three nights ago, I took a former champion to the edge. Chris damn Caulfield, Sam! He's a three time world champion. I'm a main eventer, I shouldn't be in this ring against a damn hillbilly! I should get a pass to the finals! But hey, the card is set, so this is gonna happen. So tonight, Jeb the Hillbilly, say your prayers. You're standing in the way of the future.


Rating: 51




Standard Singles Match; Men's Round 1 Match


This was a glorified squash match for Steven Parker who dominates Jeb the Hillbilly, who has been trained by Al and Pete, first drilling him with his Back to the Future reverse STO, then the Future Shock DDT to put Jeb the Hillbilly away for the easy 1-2-3.


Winner: Steven Parker by pinfall

Rating: 36


Sam Strong: I can't say I'm a big fan of this kid Parker but he's got a lot of talent, you gotta admit that.

Danny Jillefski: You got that right, Sam, and to think he's going to be in one of USPW's biggest matches coming up at Stars, Stripes and Slams. Someone like that could go far with a win here tonight.

Sam Strong: He certainly could. But up next is USPW's illustrious women's division, including my lovely daughter Alicia.



Standard Singles Match; Women's Round 1 Match


This is a fantastic example of why the women's division is the future headliners of USPW. This is the highest rated round 1 match so far, and JMB doesn't even have much overness. Fortunately, Alicia has both overness and skills to cover it, and a Strong Arm Tactic which Sam on commentary called "Daddy's Little Move" puts Jana Marie away.


Winner: Alicia Strong by pinfall

Rating: 43


Sam Strong: That's my girl. She's really getting quite good in that ring and has a good shot to earn herself a spot in the Women's title match at Stars, Stripes and Slams.

Danny Jillefski: Well Sam, she is a former champion, and with the training you've gotten her, I'm pretty sure I could be a champion in this company.

Sam Strong: Careful, Dan.



Standard Singles Match; Women's Round 1 Match


Amber Allen isn't getting any kind of serious push in USPW, if you haven't noticed. And Cherry Bomb is pretty talented, so she gets the win here. In fact, the women's round 1 was kinda gimmies. Cherry Bomb tosses Amber around the ring and ends the match with an appropriately named Cherry Bomb.


Winner: Cherry Bomb by pinfall

Rating: 47


Sam Strong: Well, the women's finale is set. My daughter Alicia and the cool, calculating Cherry Bomb.

Danny Jillefski: I don't think I've ever heard cool and calculating used to describe Cherry Bomb, but after a match like that, I almost have to agree. With Amber not antagonizing her, she very coolly dismantled her.

Sam Strong: But after that match, we go back to the men. In the second round we've got the powerful Ant-Man taking on egotistical "The Future" Steven Parker and "Ravishing" Nelson Callum facing high-flying California Love Machine.



Standard Singles Match; Men's Round 2 Match


A solid clash of styles here between Callum and Machine, who didn't really get to showcase his skills earlier against Gabriel, and despite Callum being on the attack and in control early with his technical wrestling skills, when he goes for the Honey Trap Cloverleaf, Love Machine is able to kick him off, somersault backwards onto his feet and deliver a crisp Superkick, which leads to the LAX Departure and just like that it's over.


Winner: California Love Machine by pinfall

Rating: 38


Danny Jillefski: Well Sam, that's one finalist decided. This next match will set that in stone, and it's the impressive Ant-Man taking on the very talented Steven Parker.

Sam Stong: Ant-Man scored an impressive win in the first round when he beat Roderick Remus with a surprising display of strength, while Parker steamrolled over Jeb the Hillbilly.



Standard Singles Match; Men's Round 2 Match


In five years, this could be a USPW Main Event with the talent in the ring. Ant-Man dominates with his power in the early going, but Parker gets control and begins to work on the back of Ant-Man. The damage is pretty clear when Ant-Man starts his big face comeback, and when he goes for the flapjack powerslam he calls the Antidote, he doesn't get "The Future" in the air, allowing Parker to cinch in the double underhooks and drop Ant-Man with the Future Shock DDT.


Winner: Steven Parker by pinfall

Rating: 44


Sam Strong: Well Strongmen, that sets the stage for the finals. The women will have my daughter Alicia Strong taking on Cherry Bomb, and "The Future" Steven Parker taking on California Love Machine.

Danny Jillefski: And let's get right to it. The Women's finale, Cherry Bomb versus Alicia Strong. I think they've both had adequete time to rest between matches.



Standard Singles Match; Women's Finals


Cherry Bomb comes out and is brutal right from the start, brawling with the smaller Alicia and keeping her on the mat for the most part. Also, Bomb is dominant on the mat, wrenching Alicia with a seated Abdominal Stretch that lasts over a minute with Sam's concern taking over commentary. However, as a confident Cherry Bomb drags Alicia to her feet to try to finish her, Alic;ia snaps her down into a small package and gets the 1-2-3!


Winner: Alicia Strong by pinfall; Alicia wins the Women's National Spotlight tournament and is added to the Women's title match at Stars, Stripes and Slams

Rating: 59


Sam Strong: My little girl did it! She won the National Spotlight tournament!

Danny Jillefski: And Cherry Bomb is fuming, Sam. She thought she had the match won, and the small package out of nowhere, she can't be happy about that.

Sam Strong: Who cares about the loser, Danny? The winner is Alicia Strong and she's going on to Stars, Stripes and Slams. But wait, what's this?




Over the speakers plays the music of the USPW National Champion Peter Valentine and he comes to the ring with a microphone already in hand. Not dressed to compete by any means, Valentine is "dressed to the nines," in a suit and tie. He climbs into the ring and raises the microphone promptly, as Sam and Danny speculate as to why he's down here.


Peter Valentine: Last week, someone asked me what it was like to have my career overshadowed by Sam Strong's career. Valentine pats the National Title over his shoulder. What does Sam Strong have that overshadows this? I am the greatest National Champion in USPW history. I am a legend in this business and Sam Strong? He's over at the desk. He's retired. Because he couldn't go as long as "The Living Legend" Peter Valentine. What's it like to have him overshadow me? I'll let you know if he ever does.


Valentine pauses as the fans boo him, but he doesn't care. Instead, he stares down Sam Strong for a moment before continuing.


Peter Valentine: But that's not why I'm out here. The winner of this next match, of the main event of the first ever USPW Pay-Per-View, will earn the opportunity to challenge for any championship except for the World Championship. I'm the National Champion, that includes me. If any of these losers think they can dethrone me, let them try. I'm the greatest National Champion in USPW history and no one in this tournament can beat me. No one in this company can beat me. No one in this industry can beat me. If you doubt that? Just try me.


Valentine drops the microphone and goes and joins Sam and Danny on commentary for the upcoming match, to the chagrin of both commentators.


Rating: 50



Standard Singles Match; Men's Finals


Both men tired after having already wrestled 2 matches, this match was the longest of the night and a back-and-forth affair, with both men trading blows, Parker connecting with the Back to the Future reverse STO for a 2 count and blocking CLM's recently debuted Superkick, giving a huge advantage to Parker. However, when Parker tried to get Love Machine hooked up for the Future Shock DDT, CLM slipped out but held onto an arm and used a different style of kick which Danny Jillefski called Sole Food, keeping Parker down for the LAX Departure!


Winner: California Love Machine; California Love Machine wins the National Spotlight Tournament

Rating: 50




But after the match, into the ring came Peter Valentine, not giving CLM an opportunity to celebrate, dropping the National Spotlight winner with the Heart Breaker, before standing over the smaller wrestler and raising the National Title in the air with one foot over the new rising star in USPW!


Rating: 53


Overall Show Rating: 52

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Post Show Thoughts</span></p><p>

*That show lowered our popularity, that's a bummer, but I figured it would happen.</p><p>

*CLM & Steven Parker pulled a 50 in the ME. Totally unexpected, especially without chemistry.</p><p>

*Peter Valentine's promos were kinda disappointing, I was hoping to be above 60.</p><p>

*2 hits of bad chemistry on the show, Ant-Man & Parker and Alicia & JMB. First chemistry notes of the diary.</p><p>

*The Spotlight Star Search segments are done now that the National Spotlight has come & gone.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Regarding the Spotlight Star Search</span></p><p>

So the voting was really really close. Gabriel ended up winning by 1 point, but for almost the entire time, The Warrior was winning so I came up with booking plans for him in the long run. As such, I'm trying to get both of them on the main roster. Fitting them on the show might be a little difficult but it'll be good. Congrats to Kovic and thanks to everyone who entered/participated. Around this time next game year, there will be another shot for you guys to get characters into the game world.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">The National Spotlight Predictions</span></p><p>

Hashasheen 5/10</p><p>

Kovic 8/10</p><p>

codey 8/10</p><p> </p><p>

As such, rather than just getting a question, since this is a PPV, Kovic & codey have the choice of picking a worker for me to sign, setting a goal for the game, or just asking a question of a worker.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Prediction Key for USPW American Wrestling Episode 3</span></p><p>

Des Davids vs. Java</p><p>

Freddie Datsun vs. Tribal Warrior</p><p>

The Hillbillys vs. Jumbo Jackson & Grandmaster Phunk</p><p>

Jeb the Hillbilly vs. Andre Jones ©; Television Championship</p><p>

The Forces of America vs. The Towers of Power</p><p>

Alicia Strong & Amber Allen vs. Belle Bryden & Emma Frost</p><p>

James Justice vs. Bruce the Giant</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Announced for Stars, Stripes & Slams (so far)</span></p><p>

Raven Robinson © vs. Belle Bryden vs. Alicia Strong; Women's Title</p><p>

The People's Team © vs. Savage Fury; Tag Titles</p><p>

Team Bruce the Giant (Bruce, Steven Parker, ??? & ???) vs. Team Chris Caulfield (Chris, James Justice, ??? & ???)</p><p>

Nicky Champion vs. Grandmaster Phunk</p><p>

Enygma © vs. Tyson Baine; World Title</p></div><p></p><p></p>

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Des Davids vs. Java

I love Java (and some of the alts of him) but hes a tag guy really


Freddie Datsun vs. Tribal Warrior

The Springsteen of the c-verse gets a solid win. Team him up with Steve Flash!


The Hillbillys vs. Jumbo Jackson & Grandmaster Phunk

Travesty. Get the Hillbillys up the card!


Jeb the Hillbilly vs. Andre Jones ©; Television Championship


The Forces of America vs. The Towers of Power

I love the Towers. Very solid team


Alicia Strong & Amber Allen vs. Belle Bryden & Emma Frost

In USPW you can do worse than getting Alicia to A pop and having her beat a different gal every week


James Justice vs. Bruce the Giant

Has to be a draw. I always see USPW as being very draw-heavy with lots of SE finishes

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Prediction Key for USPW American Wrestling Episode 3

Des Davids vs. Java

Freddie Datsun vs. Tribal Warrior

The Hillbillys vs. Jumbo Jackson & Grandmaster Phunk

Jeb the Hillbilly vs. Andre Jones ©; Television Championship

The Forces of America vs. The Towers of Power

Alicia Strong & Amber Allen vs. Belle Bryden & Emma Frost

James Justice vs. Bruce the Giant

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  • 2 weeks later...
Wow, I didn't realize how long it had been since I did stuff with this. Most of my TEW time has been wrapped up in an MAW game right now, since I finally got a job and bought the full version of the game. This week's work schedule is awful, but next week's is better, so I will probably run the show soon, and then get it written up early-to-mid next week.
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  • 2 weeks later...

<p>More good news & bad news 2 weeks since my last update. The good news is I'm in a writing mood and have knocked out half the show so far tonight. The other good news is that I'm 3 shows ahead in game, and going to get at least a few more ahead by the time Stars, Stripes & Slams is up. The bad news is that if the show isn't up tomorrow, the wait will be at least another week because of work. I promise that there will be a show in November though, and sincerely apologize for dropping off the world on this. My goal in the future is going to be 2 shows posted per month at minimum, to keep things moving even if I'm busy as sin, since I love the story, but sometimes don't like writing it.</p><p> </p><p>

Also, somehow I totally missed Boltinho's predictions for The National Spotlight, and he also got 8/10. So Boltinho, you're gonna get the same options as codey & Kovic, picking a worker for me to sign (if available), setting a goal for the game, or just asking a question of a worker.</p>

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<p><strong>Des Davids</strong> vs. Java</p><p>

<strong>Freddie Datsun </strong>vs. Tribal Warrior</p><p>

The Hillbillys vs. <strong>Jumbo Jackson & Grandmaster Phunk</strong></p><p>

Jeb the Hillbilly vs. <strong>Andre Jones</strong> © for the World Television Championship</p><p>

The Forces of America vs. <strong>The Towers of Power</strong></p><p>

Alicia Strong & Amber Allen vs. <strong>Belle Bryden & Emma Frost</strong></p><p>

James Justice vs. <strong>Bruce the Giant</strong></p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Rayelek" data-cite="Rayelek" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="32201" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> Also, somehow I totally missed Boltinho's predictions for The National Spotlight, and he also got 8/10. So Boltinho, you're gonna get the same options as codey & Kovic, picking a worker for me to sign (if available), setting a goal for the game, or just asking a question of a worker.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thanks man. And its always good to bump this along...</p><p> </p><p> Can I put a request in for one of the following please?</p><p> </p><p> Mario de Silva</p><p> Extraordinario Jr</p><p> Running Wolf</p>
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