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The London-Verse

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Promotion Bio:

Leyendas de Lucha Libre de Liga (The Legends' Lucha Libre League) opened in 1969 as Lucha Libre Liga del Norte de México (The Lucha Libre League of Northern Mexico) in Northern Mexico and quickly became the dominant force in Mexican wrestling, with many Luchadors of several generations owing their fame and success to the promotional skills of owner and head booker Gomez Sancho. By the time he retired at the age of 70, LLLNM was popular not only in Mexico but in the Southern United States as well.


New owner and former multi-time LLLNM Campeón de Mexicana Hugo Hernandez felt the way to go was to make the promotion more 'US friendly' and went to the extent of hiring some former AWF cruiserweights to make some gains in the US. However this caused the Mexican audience to turn off in droves and also saw a drop in the US too. Hugo realised the true appeal of LLLNM, providing traditional lucha libre and all the theatrics that entails. He changed the name to Leyendas de Lucha Libre de Liga in 2007 and went back to true lucha libre. The business has never looked better!


Side Note:
From the bios of various LLLL workers I have discovered that LLLL use a six-sided ring. I know it means nothing in TEW but its worth noting


Starting Ave Pop Across Mexico:

















Hugo Hernandez

- Technico

- Ave pop across Mexico: 60

- Former LLLL star who took over the company from original owner Gomez Sancho. Now tends to stay away from the shows side of the business, but would make a half-decent RA if required. Could also be useful for angles as an Authority Figure.

- The guy is a class act backstage, so things shouldn't be too full on owners goals wise

- Announcing: 40. Manager: 54. Colour: 54. RA: 71. Personality: 58


Announce Team



Eloy Estevez

- Technico

- Announcer

- Ave pop across Mexico: 58

- Worked the LLLL desk for 15 years, huge knowledge of lucha libre

- Announcing: !96!



Reyes Nunez

- Technico

- Colour

- Ave pop across Mexico: 48

- Wanted to be a luchador but is afflicted with a brittle bone disorder but used his wrestling knowledge and charisma to bag a job behind the announce desk

- Manager: 84. Colour: 84.





Inocencio Palomo

- Technico

- LLLL's senior official

- Refereeing: !92!



Mauricio Rosales

- Technico

- LLLL's other official

- Refereeing: 89


Road Agents



Hugo Sanatana

- Rudo

- Ave pop across Mexico: 17

- A former LLLL wrestler of note and father of promising worker Severiano Santana. Would possibley leave on a contract renewal due to higher pop in the US & Canada

- Road Agent: 89




- Rudo

- Ave pop across Mexico: !92!

- Legendary luchador, now retired and father of LLLL main eventer Azul Jr. Also runs the LLLL Lucha Factory, training up the next generation of LLLL stars. Could be good to roll out for the odd legend appearance to boost angles.

- Road Agent: !94!





Cristóbal Oleastro

- Technico

- Ave pop across Mexico: 37

- Lucha Libre journalist turned booker. Awesome booking skills, not much else. Completely pointless on the roster if someone else is holding the book.

- Manager: 44. Colour: 44. RA: 14. Personality: 37








Main Event



Arácnido Negro

- Rudo

- Classic Rudo

- Luchodor

- Ave pop across Mexico: 79

- Anti-hero of luch libre, doesnt speak but lets his wrestling do the talking. Should be a useful guy to train up the young hopefull technicos if nothing else

- Rumble: 73. Tech: 71. Flying: 50. Entertainment: 51. Performance: 78. Physical: 76. Camera: 79.

- Mask Prestige: 74%



León de Oro

- Technico

- Classic Technico

- Luchodor

- Ave pop across Mexico: 84

- Super over, super talented flyer who acording to his bio has been a solid technico for LLLL for years, a guy I'd use to train up the up-and-coming high-flyers

- Rumble: 26. Tech: 67. Flying: 92. Entertainment: 76. Performance: 87. Physical: 73. Camera: 80.

- Mask Prestige: 96%

- #3 on the Show Stoppers list

- #4 on the Ring Generals list

- #5 on the Franchise Players list



Señor México

- Technico

- Patriot

- Technician

- Ave pop across Mexico: 97

- AWESOMELY popular, but at 40 past his best now, maybe one more run before I'd put his popularity about a bit, maybe have an up-and-coming technical rudo retire him. But when he does retire he'll enter the Hall, so its all good

- Rumble: 34. Tech: 70. Flying: 52. Entertainment: 87. Performance: 87. Physical: 68. Camera: 94.

- Mask Prestige: 95%

- #1 on the Franchise Players list

- #1 on the Talk the Talk list

- #3 on the Ring Generals list




- Rudo

- Classic Rudo

- Luchodor

- Ave pop across Mexico: 90

- The rudo equivilent of Senor Mexico, the pair's feuds over the years put LLLL on the map. A current Trios League Champion with El Mono & Tóxico but currently involved in a reboot of his feud with Señor México.

- Rumble: 30. Tech: 61. Flying: 85. Entertainment: 75. Performance: 88. Physical: 76. Camera: 85.

- Mask Prestige: 97%

- #2 on the Ring Generals list

- #2 on the Show Stoppers list

- #4 on the Franchise Players list



Hielo Rey

- Rudo

- Classic Rudo

- Luchodor

- Ave pop across Mexico: 89

- The current World League Champion and rightly so. Not the top dog, but more than popular and skilled enough to carry the company. And at only 26 he still has time to get better given his 89 SQ

- Rumble: 27. Tech: 66. Flying: 85. Entertainment: 84. Performance: 84. Physical: 82. Camera: 89.

- Mask Prestige: 68%

- #1 on the Show Stoppers list

- #1 on the Ring Generals list

- #2 on the Franchise Players list

- #2 on the Talk the Talk list




- Rudo

- Comic Book Villain

- Luchodor

- Ave pop across Mexico: 80

- One of only two main eventers not to have a Classic Rudo/Technico gimmick which sets him apart. Not as skilled as other main eventers but a good hand and at 25 he still has time to improve

- Rumble: 17. Tech: 44. Flying: 72. Entertainment: 78. Performance: 78. Physical: 78. Camera: 80.

- Mask Prestige: 29%

- #5 on the Talk the Talk list

- #5 on the Show Stoppers list



Azul Jr.

- Technico

- Classic Technico

- Regular Wrestler

- Ave pop across Mexico: 95

- A second generation luchador and the rightfull heir to the position of Top-Technico when Senor Mexico retires although he is already in his 30s

- Rumble: 80. Tech: 77. Flying: 59. Entertainment: 79. Performance: 80. Physical: 73. Camera: 95.

- Mask Prestige: 74%

- #3 on the Franchise Players list

- #3 on the Talk the Talk list

- #3 on the Time Decline list





Leoncio Santos

- Rudo

- Obnoxious

- Regular Wrestler

- Ave pop across Mexico: 83

- The first all-rounder I've come across, with all his ave stats above 65. A bit of a douche backstage and getting on at 31 years old. I can only assume he's not in the Main Event due to his not being a luchador as he is more popular than Anon

- Rumble: 65. Tech: 78. Flying: 66. Entertainment: 72. Performance: 81. Physical: 75. Camera: 73.



Javier Asis

- Technico

- Fan's Own

- Regular Wrestler

- Ave pop across Mexico: 78

- Another all-rounder and currently running with huge momentum. A big win over a main eventer could easily push him over the edge into the main event. Awesome performance skills for his age

- Rumble: 69. Tech: 76. Flying: 72. Entertainment: 75. Performance: 85. Physical: 79. Camera: 78.

- #5 on the Ring Generals list




- Technico

- Comedy Luchador

- Luchador

- Ave pop across Mexico: 70

- A flamboyant luchador with decent flying skills. One half of the current Tag-Team League Champions with midcarder Anastasio

- Rumble: 19. Tech: 50. Flying: 79. Entertainment: 74. Performance: 68. Physical: 74. Camera: 70.

- Mask Prestige: 4%



El Mono

- Rudo

- Classic Rudo

- Regular Wrestler

- Ave pop across Mexico: 72

- El Mono's demonic look and odd mannerisms hide another talented all-rounder. Current Trios League Champion with Satanas & Tóxico

- Rumble: 70. Tech: 69. Flying: 68. Entertainment: 65. Performance: 76. Physical: 72. Camera: 71.

- Mask Prestige: 31%



Isidro Vives

- Rudo

- Classic Rudo

- Luchador

- Ave pop across Mexico: 71

- A solid midcard talent. Not a huge amount more to say really

- Rumble: 21. Tech: 44. Flying: 76. Entertainment: 57. Performance: 71. Physical: 76. Camera: 65.



El Angel Blanco

- Technico

- Classic Technico

- Luchador

- Ave pop across Mexico: 77

- Charasmitic high-flyer who at 24 is on the rise. Usually part of a tag or trios team LLLL have recently pulled the trigger on his push an put the Mexico League Title on him.

- Rumble: 20. Tech: 47. Flying: 75. Entertainment: 84. Performance: 76. Physical: 74. Camera: 80.

- Mask Prestige: 44%

- #4 on the Talk the Talk list

- #4 on the Show Stoppers list



Feroz Dragón

- Rudo

- Classic Rudo

- Luchador

- Ave pop across Mexico: 77

- A unique looking rudo with decent skills. Took Anon under his wing in a tag-team but it seems the 'lesser' team member (Anon) has now surpassed his mentor in popularity

- Rumble: 43. Tech: 66. Flying: 77. Entertainment: 76. Performance: 80. Physical: 72. Camera: 72.

- Mask Prestige: 30%






- Technico

- Gay

- Entertainer

- Ave pop across Mexico: 65

- Openly gay worker, more of a brawler than the average LLLL wrestler. Current Tag League Champion with upper-midcarder Valentin

- Rumble: 20. Tech: 47. Flying: 75. Entertainment: 84. Performance: 76. Physical: 74. Camera: 80.



Erasmo Amador

- Rudo

- Rebel

- Brawler

- Ave pop across Mexico: 72

- The gimmick of a worker who delights in trying to unmask luchadors whenever possible will be a fun one to use. Decent all-rounder too.

- Rumble: 68. Tech: 70. Flying: 60. Entertainment: 78. Performance: 76. Physical: 75. Camera: 74.

- #1 on the Next Big Thing list

- #1 on the Hot Prospects list




- Technico

- Mysterious

- Cruiserweight

- Ave pop across Mexico: 69

- The first non-Mexican I've encountered on the roster. A former AWF Cruiserweight Champion, Enigma was amongst the US high-flyers brought in in LLLL's failed attempt to break into the US market. Due to his look he kept his spot in LLLL and his flying skills would see him pushed by me, although his passable Spanish and poor entertainment skills could be a drawback

- Rumble: 45. Tech: 55. Flying: 83. Entertainment: 57. Performance: 75. Physical: 82. Camera: 55.

- Mask Prestige: 37%



El Militante

- Technico

- Comic Book Hero

- Luchador

- Ave pop across Mexico: 64

- Not a huge amount to say, a good hand for the midcard. Part of a Trios team with El Angel Blanco & Rayo de Sol but with Angel busy in singles competition he may need a new team-mate soon IMO

- Rumble: 20. Tech: 46. Flying: 71. Entertainment: 64. Performance: 65. Physical: 79. Camera: 64.

- Mask Prestige: 0%



Sergio Castellano

- Rudo

- Punk

- Regular Wrestler

- Ave pop across Mexico: 69

- Good rumble & tech skills and an interesting gimmick for a lucha promotion. Teams with opener Elias Estevez as Punk Mentality

- Rumble: 75. Tech: 70. Flying: 52. Entertainment: 70. Performance: 77. Physical: 74. Camera: 68.



Rayo de Sol

- Technico

- Classic Technico

- Luchador

- Ave pop across Mexico: 63

- Hugely talented flyer who is on the rise and at only 23 things can only get better

- Rumble: 13. Tech: 54. Flying: !96! Entertainment: 65. Performance: 64. Physical: 72. Camera: 84.

- Mask Prestige: 14%



El Padrino

- Rudo

- Gang Leader

- Luchador

- Ave pop across Mexico: 66

- A true former gang member in his youth. Quite a diverse skill set for a luchador and is a member of the Latin American Union with fellow midcarder Axel Thrush

- Rumble: 68. Tech: 52. Flying: 78. Entertainment: 76. Performance: 74. Physical: 69. Camera: 66.

- #3 on the Hot Prospects list



Hierro Colado

- Rudo

- Classic Rudo

- Regular Wrestler

- Ave pop across Mexico: 62

- A Japanese wrestler who has found a home in LLLL. Bigger than most workers, he uses it to his advantage. Quite high menace which could be useful. Starts with a Classic Rudo gimmick but I'm changing it on the first show to a brute Man Beast gimmick as I personally feel he could do with it

- Rumble: 69. Tech: 69. Flying: 56. Entertainment: 56. Performance: 68. Physical: 66. Camera: 78.

- Mask Prestige: 30%



Axel Thrush

- Rudo

- Pitbull

- Cruiserweight

- Ave pop across Mexico: 65

- Another AWF cruiserweight who hung around after the disasterous fortay into the US market, and given his skills its easy to see why. A member of the Latin American Union with fellow midcarder El Padrino

- Rumble: 64. Tech: 53. Flying: 72. Entertainment: 77. Performance: 72. Physical: 76. Camera: 67.



Kid Flash

- Rudo

- Classic Rudo

- Cruiserweight

- Ave pop across Mexico: 68

- And another former AWF wrestler and despite the cool mask is more of an average all-rounder but is liberal, so I might get the odd sick bump out of him

- Rumble: 56. Tech: 41. Flying: 70. Entertainment: 67. Performance: 73. Physical: 76. Camera: 66.

- Mask Prestige: 3%

- #4 on the Hot Prospects list






- Technico

- Classic Technico

- Luchador

- Ave pop across Mexico: 53

- Decent young high-flyer who teams with second generation luchador Severiano Santana. Plenty of time for this guy to improve at only 21

- Rumble: 7. Tech: 33. Flying: 69. Entertainment: 64. Performance: 60. Physical: 79. Camera: 60.

- Mask Prestige: 0%



Severiano Santana

- Technico

- Classic Technico

- Luchador

- Ave pop across Mexico: 48

- Decent second generation luchador who teams with Inferno. Plenty of time for this guy to improve at only 22. Son of Road Agent Hugo Santana. The pairing of him and Inferno could go far

- Rumble: 14. Tech: 45. Flying: 74. Entertainment: 62. Performance: 56. Physical: 78. Camera: 64.



Pablo Alvaro

- Technico

- Bad Ass

- Brawler

- Ave pop across Mexico: 62

- Stiff and entertaining brawler in his 30s. Due to his brute gimmick could easily be Jesus-pushed to the top.

- Rumble: 74. Tech: 33. Flying: 15. Entertainment: 77. Performance: 71. Physical: 70. Camera: 70.



El Estereotipo

- Technico

- Comedy Luchador

- Regular Wrestler

- Ave pop across Mexico: 60

- A Canadian who grew up loving Lucha Libre and followed his dreams. Trained at the House of Adorn (worlds for-most training school) before moving to Mexico. A good, young hand who could be huge given time for his skills to mature

- Rumble: 61. Tech: 69. Flying: 64. Entertainment: 71. Performance: 73. Physical: 72. Camera: 60.

- Mask Prestige: 15%



Asesino Abeja

- Technico

- Classic Technico

- Luchador

- Ave pop across Mexico: 53

- Young. Learning. Nothing more to see here

- Rumble: 2. Tech: 36. Flying: 64. Entertainment: 55. Performance: 57. Physical: 74. Camera: 58.

- Mask Prestige: 0%

- #2 on the Hot Prospects list





Diego Arraulo

- Technico

- Underdog

- Japanese Junior

- Ave pop across Mexico: 47

- The only Japanese Junior style worker on the roster, could be an awesome prospect for the future

- Rumble: 30. Tech: 68. Flying: 74. Entertainment: 56. Performance: 66. Physical: 71. Camera: 70.



Lord Jaguar

- Technico

- Old School Face

- Regular Wrestler

- Ave pop across Mexico: 42

- Totally mysterious but hugely talented worker who is happy to work anywhere in the world. Due to higher popularity elsewhere in the world I doubt he'd hang around when his contract expires in 16 months time, hard push not withstanding

- Rumble: 73. Tech: 74. Flying: 76. Entertainment: 67. Performance: 80. Physical: 74. Camera: 68.

- Mask Prestige: 68%



Elias Valdez

- Rudo

- Punk

- Cruiserweight

- Ave pop across Mexico: 47

- Still young and improving, which given his high flying stats can only be a good thing. Teams with midcarder Sergio Castellano as Punk Mentality

- Rumble: 35. Tech: 32. Flying: 70. Entertainment: 73. Performance: 60. Physical: 77. Camera: 60.

- #5 on the Hot Prospects list



Hueso Dragón

- Rudo

- Classic Rudo

- Luchador

- Ave pop across Mexico: 38

- Trained by Feroz Dragon, the 21 year old rookie has been tagged for great things by LLLL management but I dont see it myself. He has the flying skills, but his psychology & SQ leave a bit to be desired compared to the majority of the roster

- Rumble: 6. Tech: 34. Flying: 67. Entertainment: 53. Performance: 50. Physical: 83. Camera: 52.

- Mask Prestige: 0%


Enhancement Talent




- Rudo

- Classic Rudo

- Luchador

- Ave pop across Mexico: 35

- The junior member of the Trios League Champions and as long as he's hanging with Satanas & El Mono maybe their skills will rub off on him. Still, better than Hueso Dragón

- Rumble: 7. Tech: 34. Flying: 70. Entertainment: 53. Performance: 58. Physical: 74. Camera: 60.

- Mask Prestige: 0%





Mayra Zamorano

- Rudo

- Seductress

- Ave pop across Mexico: 31

- On screen girlfriend of Leoncio Santos. Sex Appeal of !93!, but with the no T&A rules in LLLL I wont be able to take advantage of it

- Manager: 82. Colour: 70.


Tag Teams



Fear Of The Unknown

- Anon & Feroz Dragon

- Experience: 30



Hugs & Kisses

- Anastasio & Valentin

- Experience: 49



Jungle Pride

- Leon de Oro & Lord Jaguar

- Experience: 36



Latin American Union

- Axel Thrush & El Padrino

- Experience: 50



Newfound Heroes

- Inferno & Severiano Santana

- Experience: 22



Punk Mentality

- Elias Valdez & Sergio Castellano

- Experience: 33





Confused Erotic Ambiguity

- Anastasio, Enigma & Valentin



Fear Of The Unknown

- Anon, Feroz Dragon & Hueso Dragon



Guardian Militant Crusaders

- El Angel Blanco, El Militante & Rayo de Sol



Hellfire & Vengeance

- El Mono, Satanas & Toxico



Lords of the Six-Sided Jungle

- Diego Arraulo, Leon de Oro & Lord Jaguar



Punk Nation

- Elias Valdez, Erasmo Amador & Sergio Castellano



Titles & Champions



LLLL Mundo Campeón de la Liga

(LLLL World League Title)

- Level:
Main Event

- Prestige:

- Champion:
Hielo Rey



LLLL México Campeón de la Liga

(LLLL Mexico League Title)

- Level:

- Prestige:

- Champion:
El Angel Blanco



LLLL Parejas Campeónes de la Liga

(LLLL Tag-Team League Title)

- Level:

- Prestige:

- Champions:
Hugs & Kisses



LLLL Trios Campeónes de la Liga

(LLLL Trios League Title)

- Level:

- Prestige:

- Champions:
Hellfire & Vengeance


Starting Storylines


Hielo Rey vs Azul Jr.

- Two of the best luchadors are in direct competition for the biggest prize in LLLL. Can former champ Azul Jr. dethrone the dominant champ or will The Ice King add another name to his list of fallen adversaries?

- Heat: 85


El Angel Blanco vs El Padrino

- A feud over the Mexico League Title, El Angel Blanco will be pushed to his moral limits as he has to deal with the completely immoral El Padrino. El Padrino's underhanded tactics and will to win at any cost has already seen El Angel Blanco lose his cool on one occasion.

- Heat: 61


Hugs & Kisses vs Punk Mentality

- The Tag-Team League champions will be facing a duo who are about as diametrically opposed to the title holders as you could wish for. Punk Menality want to tear the gold away from the exuberant clutches of the fan-friendly tandem known as Hugs & Kisses.

- Heat: 52


Senor Mexico vs Satanas

- Senor Mexico & Satanas continue their long standing feud which was kicked back into focus when Satanas attempted to rip the mask off a bloody Mexico following a brutal beatdown whilst the latter was Contemplating retirement during a promo to his loving fanbase

- Heat: 92


And that's the promotion reviews over and done with...






La Experiencia De Lucha De LLLL

LIVE on TV-MEX and in front of 9148 paying customers at the Plaza de Toros (Northern Mexico)


Dark Match





El Mono, Tóxico, Kid Flash, Hierro Colado and Hueso Dragón


Asesino Abeja, Diego Arraulo, El Estereotipo, Lord Jaguar and Pablo Alvaro

- Segment Description:

In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, El Mono, Tóxico, Kid Flash, Hierro Colado and Hueso Dragón defeated Asesino Abeja, Diego Arraulo, El Estereotipo, Lord Jaguar and Pablo Alvaro in 10:23; Tóxico was eliminated first, then Hueso Dragón, then Lord Jaguar, then Diego Arraulo, then Asesino Abeja, then Hierro Colado, then Pablo Alvaro, then Kid Flash, and finally El Estereotipo.

- Road Agent Notes:

Lord Jaguar seemed off his game tonight. Hierro Colado has now switched to a Man Beast gimmick. It has gotten an initial 66 rating. The announcing quality lifted the match. Asesino Abeja is improving in Performance skills. Diego Arraulo is improving in Rumble skills. Diego Arraulo is improving in Flying skills. Pablo Alvaro is improving in Technical skills. Pablo Alvaro is improving in Flying skills. El Mono is improving in Rumble skills. El Mono is improving in Technical skills.

- Thoughts:

I shoe-horned all my spares in to this dark match, pretty good really. Nice to see lots of improvements. And good to see the gimmick change went well for Hierro, gives me hope for the future.

- Rating:



Main Show



Satanás vs Rayo de Sol

- Segment Description:

In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Satanás defeated Rayo de Sol in 11:59 by pinfall with a Valley Of Death.

- Road Agent Notes:

This match lifted the crowd. Rayo de Sol is improving in Technical skills. Rayo de Sol is improving in Performance skills.

- Thoughts:

WOW! Awesome opening match, could have put it further up the card but hey, I started with a bang!

- Rating:






Confused Erotic Ambiguity vs Punk Nation

- Segment Description:

In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Anastasio, Valentín and Enigma defeated Elias Valdez, Sergio Castellano and Erasmo Amador in 11:31 when Valentín defeated Sergio Castellano by pinfall with a Valentín's Massacre.

- Road Agent Notes:

The (LLLL) Hugs & Kisses vs Punk Mentality storyline has continued with this match. This match lifted the crowd. Anastasio is improving in Rumble skills. Anastasio is improving in Technical skills. Anastasio is improving in Performance skills. Valentín is improving in Performance skills. Enigma is improving in Performance skills. Elias Valdez is improving in Performance skills. Sergio Castellano is improving in Performance skills. Erasmo Amador is improving in Performance skills.

- Thoughts:

My classic trios match for the night, and it continues the tag titles storyline to boot.

- Rating:




Fear Of The Unknown vs Newfound Heroes

- Segment Description:

In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Fear Of The Unknown defeated Newfound Heroes in 7:36 when Feroz Dragón defeated Inferno by submission with a Satellite Armbar.

- Road Agent Notes:

The announcing quality lifted the match. The match was poorly placed on the show; the crowd were already pretty hot, so running a match designed to warm them up fell flat. Severiano Santana is improving in Flying skills. Severiano Santana is improving in Performance skills.

- Thoughts:

A good showing, and it seems that even by match 3 with no angles I should have switched to go all out on the RA notes, which is impressive.

- Rating:




- Segment Description:

A music video is shown to promote Hielo Rey.

- Rated On:

Hielo Rey: Overness

- Road Agent Notes:

There are no specific comments to be made about this angle.

- Thoughts:

I had spare angle time and checked out the champ.

- Rating:


#1 Contenders Match for the LLLL México Campeón de la Liga Title


Leoncio Santos vs Isidro Vives vs Javier Asis vs El Militante

- Segment Description:

In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Leoncio Santos defeated Isidro Vives, Javier Asis and El Militante in 7:49 when Leoncio Santos defeated Isidro Vives by pinfall with an Obsessive Impulse after Mayra Zamorano interfered.

- Road Agent Notes:

The announcing quality lifted the match. Isidro Vives is improving in Performance skills. Javier Asis is improving in Technical skills. Leoncio Santos is improving in Flying skills. Leoncio Santos is improving in Performance skills. El Militante is improving in Technical skills.

- Thoughts:

A fair showing from the Upper-Mid/Midcard there, and (kayfabe) with the manager interferance intended to be a running theme its bound to get El Angel Blanco's back up in the run up to the PPV match at the end of the month.

- Rating:





- Segment Description:

El Angel Blanco comes to the ring and challenges El Padrino and his partner Axel to a tag match, right now. They come out and accept. El Angel Blanco introduces his partner, someone who also believes in fair play, Señor México!!

- Rated On:

El Angel Blanco: Mic

Señor México: Overness

El Padrino: Enternainment

Axel Thrush: Not Rated

- Road Agent Notes:

The (LLLL) El Angel Blanco vs El Padrino storyline has continued with this segment. This segment lifted the crowd.

- Thoughts:

Good rating there, happy with that

- Rating:




El Angel Blanco and Señor México vs Latin American Union

- Segment Description:

In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, El Angel Blanco and Señor México defeated Latin American Union in 12:28 when Señor México defeated Axel Thrush by pinfall with a Latin Splash.

- Road Agent Notes:

The match was poorly placed on the show; the crowd were already pretty hot, so running a match designed to warm them up fell flat. The (LLLL) El Angel Blanco vs El Padrino storyline has continued with this match. This match lifted the crowd. Axel Thrush is improving in Performance skills. El Padrino is improving in Performance skills.

- Thoughts:

I'll be honest, I'm a little gutted that I ticked the wrong RA note, this could have been awesome given that it falling flat was better than some of the matches lower on the card

- Rating:





- Segment Description:

Señor México stays in the ring and introduces a legend to the ring for a once-in-a-lifetime interview, Azul! The two banter back and forth, rudo Azul ribs on Señor México, telling him that he should just get on with it and retire. And also that he should leave the interviewing to someone more suited, a true legend, himself! Señor México declares that he will retire, once he is done with Satanás.

- Rated On:

Señor México: Entertainment

Azul Sr: Overness

Satanás: Not Rated (Off Screen)

- Road Agent Notes:

The (LLLL) Señor México vs Satanás storyline has continued with this segment. This segment lifted the crowd.

- Thoughts:

Well that came out as I hoped TBH, good showing there by all involved and Azul Sr will deffinately make for a good interviewer as long as angles are based on his overness

- Rating:




Azul Jr. vs Arácnido Negro

- Segment Description:

In a bout that featured great action and great heat from the audience, Azul Jr. defeated Arácnido Negro in 13:58 when Arácnido Negro was disqualified when Hielo Rey ran in and attacked Azul Jr..

- Road Agent Notes:

The (LLLL) Hielo Rey vs Azul Jr. storyline has continued with this match. This match lifted the crowd.

- Thoughts:

I was expecting more from these two Main Eventers, end of. I could have put the opener in this spot and had it shine if the end wasnt for storyline purposes
Ah well, live and learn

- Rating:





- Segment Description:

Hielo Rey continues his assault on Azul Jr until León de Oro runs down for the save. León de Oro challenges Hielo Rey to a non-title match, Hielo Rey accepts.

- Rated On:

Hielo Rey: Overness

Azul Jr: Overness

León de Oro: Overness

- Road Agent Notes:

The (LLLL) Hielo Rey vs Azul Jr. storyline has continued with this segment. This segment lifted the crowd.

- Thoughts:

YES! That is all.

- Rating:



Non-Title Match


Hielo Rey vs León de Oro

- Segment Description:

In a match that had excellent in-ring action and great heat from the audience, Hielo Rey defeated León de Oro in 14:58 by pinfall with an Absolute Zero.

- Road Agent Notes:

This match lifted the crowd. León de Oro is improving in Performance skills.

- Thoughts:

So pleased that this match came off right, gives me hope for the future of LLLL with Hielo Rey as champ.

- Rating:




- Notes:
No specific comments

- Rating:

- TV Rating:
1.55 on TV-Mex

- Show Thoughts:

Obviously with only one show I stuck a couple of main eventer vs main eventer matches in at the top of the card, one awesome, one disapointing, good job I got them the right way around. This was in all honesty my second 'first show' with LLLL (my first attempt came in at 77 and a drop in popularity), I usually run Pop=Perf or Pop<Perf promotions so I'm pretty pleased with the No comments bit.








So, I went to the next day to fetch the TV rating, and my Owner Goals have shown up. I'm resigning anyway, this is a one shot deal, but I figure I'd take a look.


Owners Goals



DAMN!!! Forget everything I said about Hugo not being a hard-ass. Seems you wanna hold the book in this company long term, you've gotta jump through some serious hoops!








My only negative would be that despite having gimmick laddened bios most workers have a Classic Technico/Rudo gimmick. I have been assured this is on purpose so the the player can change things up at their own convenience (like I did with Hierro Colado), so thats cool.


Overall this is a fun promotion to book, a good range of all-rounders and specialists. I'm sure someone who regularly plays popularity based promotions will have a blast with LLLL, provided you can keep up with Hugo Hernandez's demands.


Hope you enjoyed my review of LLLL, the promotion I outlined for the LoNdOn-verse in the first place. Next up from me, a change of pace as I review the more performance based Dynamite-USA!
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I have never, ever seen the 'vibrant tag team' owner goal before. Cool.


Yeah, me neither. But I like it :D Mind you, I got quite into my 0/0/10000000(:p) game that I ran on a purely tag basis, so I'm probably biased on that one, I likes my tag wrestling ;)

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Tomorrow (Sunday), Astil has graciously agreed to do a twitch tv video for the AWF of the London-Verse. I have been informed that Astil will begin the show at 2pm EST or 7pm GMT.


Here is the link for when the show begins: http://www.twitch.tv/astil


Be sure to check out Astil's other adventures with SWF of the Cornell-Verse and for that matter, Wallbanger's foray with TCW.

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I have a selfish request to make. :D


When are we going to see a show review for XCW? I submitted Fluffy early on in the character submission and was accepted and I think I remember you saying he was put into XCW. And while it will be great to use him in the finished product when it is released I would REALLY love to see someone else's take on my character as pertaining to the mod since he is based on my real life wrestling personia.


Pretty please with sugar on top? :p

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I have a selfish request to make. :D


When are we going to see a show review for XCW? I submitted Fluffy early on in the character submission and was accepted and I think I remember you saying he was put into XCW. And while it will be great to use him in the finished product when it is released I would REALLY love to see someone else's take on my character as pertaining to the mod since he is based on my real life wrestling personia.


Pretty please with sugar on top? :p


The simple answer to that question is whenever I complete the XCW roster.


Right now I am working through completing HLG. When they are done I might do XCW, I haven't decided yet.


Don't worry though, XCW will get a show review when the promotion is finalised. :)

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Promotion Bio:

Dynamite USA is the brainchild of Roderick Stevens, a former highly entertaining loudmouth manager of the independent circuit. Stevens has always been a fan of the more hard-hitting indy style hence why he never "sold out" and joined the AWF when given the opportunity in 1998. His loose association with Pro Wrestling Dynamite and his strong friendship with Yatori Ono, saw Stevens branch out into the role of organizational owner in the year of 2002 when Dynamite USA held its debut show.


DUSA, thanks to its working relationship with PWD, has been greatly successful in the US market thus far, propelling the promotion into the top five stateside rankings. Their blend of oriental and Westernized ring craft has led to its fair share of breathtaking matches; a theme which Stevens hopes to continue.



Starting Ave Pop Across US:




Side Notes:

- Working Agreement with Pro Wrestling Dynamite in Japan

- All workers but Bobby Sweet on Written contracts













Roderick Stevens

- Face

- Authority Figure

- Ave pop across Mexico: 53

- Innovative former manager and the brains behind DUSA. Once turned down AWF to preserve his 'professional credibility'.

- A little anti-social backstage but thats it, sweet.

- Manager: 57. Colour: 57. RA: 44. Personality: 58


Announce Team



Shawn Tompson

- Face

- Announcer

- Ave pop across US: 48

- Good skill, what more do you need to know?

- Announcing: 84



Calvin Dean

- Heel

- Colour

- Ave pop across US: 39

- Former wrestler turned commentator,also decent skills

- Manager: 74. Colour: 74.





Gregory Yoll

- Face

- DUSA's senior official

- Refereeing: 78



Lee Mantell

- Face

- DUSA's other official, actually better skilled than the head official

- Refereeing: 80


Road Agent



Gerald Richins

- Face

- Ave pop across US: 49

- Former wrestler who retired to become a Road Agent. The usual booker for DUSA too.

- Road Agent: 77








Main Event



Harrison Silver

- Face

- Machine

- Japanese Junior

- Ave pop across US: 62

- Described as ' one of the elite American junior heavyweight competitors to never have competed in the AWF'. Given his skills he might leave on his next contract renewal.

- Rumble: 28. Tech: 76. Flying: 72. Entertainment: 67.

Performance: 70. Physical: 72. Camera: 66.

- #3 on the Ring Generals list

- #5 on the Franchise Players list



Hunter Wolfe

- Face

- Rebel

- Regular Wrestler

- Ave pop across US: 57

- Good all-rounder excelling at technical wrestling and at only 25 could be the future of the company

- Rumble: 68. Tech: 75. Flying: 58. Entertainment: 65.

Performance: 70. Physical: 72. Camera: 76.

- #4 on the Franchise Players list



Leroy Barnes

- Heel

- C0cky

- Cruiserweight

- Ave pop across US: 60

- Part of a tag team with upper-midcarder Cory Finn, but IMO way too skilled and popular for the tag ranks now

- Rumble: 44. Tech: 54. Flying: 87. Entertainment: 62.

Performance: 71. Physical: 79. Camera: 67.

- #1 on the Show Stoppers list

- #5 on the Ring Generals list



Lomas Haze

- Heel

- Cocky

- Regular Wrestler

- Ave pop across US: 61

- The heel equivalent of Hunter Wolfe, nuf said

- Rumble: 56. Tech: 72. Flying: 64. Entertainment: 64.

Performance: 68. Physical: 82. Camera: 72.

- #3 on the Franchise Players list

- #4 on the Show Stoppers list



Seth Stevens

- Heel

- Cult Leader

- Regular Wrestler

- Ave pop across US: 61

- Another all-rounder, but more charasmatic and less good at flying. Good evil gimmick too but is a dream backstage.

- Rumble: 68. Tech: 72. Flying: 44. Entertainment: 75.

Performance: 72. Physical: 71. Camera: 74.

- #1 on the Franchise Players list

- #3 on the Talk the Talk list



Yuuto Hashimoto

- Face

- No Gimmick Needed

- Puroresu

- Ave pop across US: 69

- I'm getting a Low-Ki vibe off him, I like it

- Rumble: 69. Tech: 62. Flying: 33. Entertainment: 60.

Performance: 80. Physical: 72. Camera: 60.

- #2 on the Franchise Players list

- #2 on the Ring Generals list





Abraham Sound

- Face

- No Gimmick Needed

- Japanese Junior

- Ave pop across US: 61

- Current DUSA main event champ involved in a three way feud with two main eventers. I can see why he's holding it though, and a decent win would push him into the main event but I cant help feeling he's a transitional champ, nothing more

- Rumble: 39. Tech: 75. Flying: 80. Entertainment: 55.

Performance: 77. Physical: 74. Camera: 69.

- #1 on the Ring Generals list

- #2 on the Show Stoppers list



Cole Low

- Face

- Dual-Sport Superstar

- Brawler

- Ave pop across US: 53

- Although he's a brawler he has decent tech skills too.

- Rumble: 68. Tech: 64. Flying: 6. Entertainment: 64.

Performance: 64. Physical: 76. Camera: 76.



Cory Finn

- Heel

- Dancer

- Cruiserweight

- Ave pop across US: 56

- Tags with a main eventer, maybe its time for either a singles run or a new tag partner

- Rumble: 38. Tech: 62. Flying: 77. Entertainment: 69.

Performance: 68. Physical: 74. Camera: 70.

- #3 on the Show Stoppers list



Eamon Fitzpatrick

- Heel

- C0cky

- Cruiserweight

- Ave pop across US: 54

- One half of the tag champs with his brother Franky and a decent hand. Managed by Bobby Sweet

- Rumble: 9. Tech: 66. Flying: 74. Entertainment: 56.

Performance: 70. Physical: 73. Camera: 60.



Estio Fiorenza

- Face

- Acolyte

- Cruiserweight

- Ave pop across US: 54

- Assasin's Creed inspired high-flyer and member of The Brotherhood with Aaron Dark. Could have a future at the top of the card given his young age

- Rumble: 18. Tech: 68. Flying: 74. Entertainment: 63.

Performance: 72. Physical: 72. Camera: 67.

- #4 on the Ring Generals list




- Heel

- Occult

- Brawler

- Ave pop across US: 57

- Another brawler who can also mat wrestle. Nice gimmick.

- Rumble: 70. Tech: 62. Flying: 18. Entertainment: 67.

Performance: 65. Physical: 68. Camera: 69.





Aaron Dark

- Face

- Acolyte

- Cruiserweight

- Ave pop across US: 51

- The other member of The Brotherhood. Not as skilled as Estio though, which could hold him back

- Rumble: 38. Tech: 52. Flying: 72. Entertainment: 58.

Performance: 62. Physical: 71. Camera: 54.



Benson Heat

- Face

- Rebel

- Japanese Junior

- Ave pop across US: 51

- Not as entertaining as the average DUSA wrestler, his tech and flying skills make up for it nicely

- Rumble: 29. Tech: 72. Flying: 70. Entertainment: 55.

Performance: 64. Physical: 77. Camera: 53.



Calvin Whittle

- Heel

- Comedy Incarnate

- Regular Wrestler

- Ave pop across US: 44

- Decent all-rounder with good entertainment skills. Gimmick of using wrestling quotes like 'Can you smell what Calvin is cooking?' and claims to be from an alternate universe

- Rumble: 60. Tech: 61. Flying: 47. Entertainment: 75.

Performance: 62. Physical: 70. Camera: 57.

- #2 on the Hot Prospects list



Chaise Future

- Heel

- C0cky Youth

- Regular Wrestler

- Ave pop across US: 46

- A good hand at only 23 and can only improve. Managed by Lord Winston Smithe

- Rumble: 61. Tech: 57. Flying: 60. Entertainment: 66.

Performance: 69. Physical: 76. Camera: 74.

- #1 on the Hot Prospects list



Ezgar Banderas

- Heel

- Egomaniac

- Regular Wrestler

- Ave pop across US: 40

- Former Mexican star trying his hand in the US. Would probably get snapped up in Mexico when his contract is up though

- Rumble: 61. Tech: 60. Flying: 54. Entertainment: 76.

Performance: 73. Physical: 706. Camera: 78.

- #4 on the Talk the Talk list



Franky Fitzpatrick

- Heel

- C0cky

- Cruiserweight

- Ave pop across US: 52

- The lesser Fitzpatrick brother. Had some law problems in the past. Managed by Bobby Sweet

- Rumble: 10. Tech: 68. Flying: 70. Entertainment: 57.

Performance: 66. Physical: 73. Camera: 65.

- #4 on the Hot Prospects list



Jacob Harman

- Face

- Clean Cut

- Regular Wrestler

- Ave pop across US: 44

- 23 year old all-rounder, loads of time for this guy to make it to the top yet

- Rumble: 53. Tech: 62. Flying: 56. Entertainment: 68.

Performance: 62. Physical: 84. Camera: 77.



MC Chaos

- Face

- Rapper

- Cruiserweight

- Ave pop across US: 44

- One half of the team Subject To Prejudice with Lethal Shizzle. According to his bio this could be the break-out year for the duo. I certainly believe that as during my time reviewing LLLL I saw them both signed by AWF. Of course, given their written contacts I've got them for a while yet

- Rumble: 22. Tech: 58. Flying: 74. Entertainment: 76.

Performance: 62. Physical: 76. Camera: 64.



Scotty Bessel

- Heel

- Arrogant Heel

- Japanese Junior

- Ave pop across US: 53

- Busted for drugs in 2008, took some time away and came back clean but lost his fire somewhat in the process. Shame.

- Rumble: 19. Tech: 54. Flying: 73. Entertainment: 57.

Performance: 62. Physical: 66. Camera: 66.





Augustus Clark

- Heel

- Preacher

- Regular Wrestler

- Ave pop across US: 40

- Average. But his gimmick is a preacher who talks about the coming 'End of Days', so there may be something there. Or not looking at his entertainment skills in comparison to the rest of the roster

- Rumble: 64. Tech: 62. Flying: 53. Entertainment: 53.

Performance: 65. Physical: 66. Camera: 68.



Cameron Buck

- Face

- Fan's Own

- Japanese Junior

- Ave pop across US: 40

- One half of the Mega Buck's brother tag team. Lesser skilled of the pair, but still a good hand.

- Rumble: 27. Tech: 66. Flying: 69. Entertainment: 53.

Performance: 62. Physical: 70. Camera: 64.



Danny Buck

- Face

- Fan's Own

- Japanese Junior

- Ave pop across US: 42

- The elder Buck brother and slightly better one of the two. TBH I'd be worried about pushing them too hard because all it would take is a bit more popularity to leave me at contract renewal for a larger company

- Rumble: 30. Tech: 64. Flying: 74. Entertainment: 57.

Performance: 64. Physical: 77. Camera: 67.

- #3 on the Hot Prospects list



Lethal Shizzle

- Face

- Rapper

- Cruiserweight

- Ave pop across US: 42

- See MC Chaos

- Rumble: 57. Tech: 50. Flying: 66. Entertainment: 79.

Performance: 66. Physical: 75. Camera: 66.

- #2 on the Talk the Talk list






Deng Cao

- Face

- Fun Babyface

- Entertainer

- Ave pop across US: 31

- Chinese wrestler who grew up in the US. His promos make to sense but the crowd love him anyway. Given time and work he could be amazing IMO

- Rumble: 63. Tech: 51. Flying: 34. Entertainment: 76.

Performance: 67. Physical: 76. Camera: 68.

- #5 on the Hot Prospects list



Mikey Adorn

- Face

- Daredevil

- Cruiserweight

- Ave pop across US: 31

- Great flyer with the lineage of the famous Adorn family. Right at the start of his career, this kid could be a superstar in 5-6 years time

- Rumble: 28. Tech: 58. Flying: 85. Entertainment: 57.

Performance: 69. Physical: 75. Camera: 70.



Enhancement Talent



Ian Stout

- Heel

- Royalty

- Regular Wrestling

- Ave pop across US: 25

- Another guy right at the start of his career who could be great one day given the right treatment. He's a regular wrestler right now. I could see him changing to a technician in time given his skills.

- Rumble: 53. Tech: 74. Flying: 53. Entertainment: 71. Performance: 68. Physical: 63. Camera: 85.

- #5 on the Talk the Talk list

- #5 on the Show Stoppers list





Bobby Sweet

- Heel

- Executive Consultant

- Ave pop across US: 58

- Only guy on PPA due to him also working for PWD in Japan. Runs the Sweet and Sour Corporation with clients in Japan and the US. He's also got enough skills to wrestle, which is a nice change in a manager. Currently manages Shamrock Heights

- Manager: 88. Colour: 88. Personality: 87.

- #1 on the Talk the Talk list



Lord Winston Smithe

- Heel

- Gentleman

- Ave pop across US: 57

- Pompus, arrogant, smug. Used to work for AWF before his star waned. Currently manages Chaise Future

- Manager: 74. Colour: 74. Personality: 76.


Tag Teams



House of Soul

- Members:
Cory Finn & Leroy Barnes

- Experience:



Mega Bucks

- Members:
Cameron & Danny Buck

- Experience:



Shamrock Heights

- Members:
Eamon & Franky Fitzpatrick w/h Bobby Sweet

- Experience:



Subject To Prejudice

- Members:
Lethal Shizzle & MC Chaos

- Experience:



The Brotherhood

- Members:
Aaron Dark & Estio Florenza

- Experience:



Titles & Champions



DUSA Openweight Title

- Level:
Main Event

- Prestige:

- Champion:
Abraham Sound



DUSA No Limit Title

- Level:

- Prestige:

- Champion:
Chaise Future



DUSA Tag Team Title

- Level:

- Prestige:

- Champions:
Shamrock Heights



Starting Storylines


Sound vs Stevens vs Hashimoto

- DUSA Open champ Abraham Sound, having won the title in a triple threat match against former champion Seth Stevens and the hard hitting Yuuto Hashimoto is Still trying to fight of the challenge from both adversaries. Yuuto is the fan-favorite and this has seemed to provoke heelish tendancies from the champion.

- Heat: 80


Shamrock Heights vs The Brotherhood

- Shamrock Heights have been taking on all comers in DUSA with manager Bobby Sweet threatening to have the duo signed away to the AWF if they are not offered more money immediately and the longer they leave it, the higher the price will be.

The Brotherhood have made it their mission to take the titles from the Irish-Americans and remove any leverage that Sweet & Sour Inc has over the board.

- Heat: 65


Chaise Future vs Hacob Harman

- The No-Limits champion has claimed to be the biggest stat in DUSA right now and has issued a 'come get me' to anybody on the roster who thinks they can beat him. Answering that call is Jacob Harman, a young up-and-comer who seens just as keen on shutting the mouth of Lord Winston Smithe as he does winning championship gold.

- Heat: 52


And that's the promotion reviews over and done with...






DUSA Weekly Explosion

LIVE on Arcadia and in front of a sold out crowd of 5000 paying customers at the McGaw Arena (Tri State)


Dark Match



Shamrock Heights vs The Brotherhood

- Segment Description:

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Shamrock Heights defeated The Brotherhood in 11:52 when Eamon Fitzpatrick defeated Aaron Dark by pinfall with a handful of tights.

- Road Agent Notes:

The (DUSA) Shamrock Heights vs The Brotherhood storyline has continued with this match. Eamon Fitzpatrick is improving in Technical skills. Eamon Fitzpatrick is improving in Flying skills. Eamon Fitzpatrick is improving in Performance skills. Franky Fitzpatrick is improving in Performance skills. Aaron Dark is improving in Performance skills. Estio Fiorenza is improving in Flying skills.

- Thoughts:

Hugely shocked at the awesome rating of this match, bit gutted I dropped it to the pre-show at the last minute really

- Rating:



Main Show



Lomas Haze and Ian Stout vs Harrison Silver and Benson Heat

- Segment Description:

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Lomas Haze and Ian Stout defeated Harrison Silver and Benson Heat in 11:53 when Lomas Haze defeated Harrison Silver by pinfall by using underhanded tactics.

- Road Agent Notes:

The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Harrison Silver is improving in Rumble skills. Harrison Silver is improving in Technical skills. Lomas Haze is improving in Technical skills. Lomas Haze is improving in Performance skills.

- Thoughts:

Given that this was a technical based match, all the participents have over 70 in tech skills and two of them are main eventers I expected more of this match.

- Rating:





Chaise Future vs MC Chaos vs Mikey Adorn vs Scotty Bessel vs Danny Buck vs Cameron Buck

- Segment Description:

In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Chaise Future defeated MC Chaos, Mikey Adorn, Scotty Bessel, Danny Buck and Cameron Buck in 10:14 when Chaise Future defeated Mikey Adorn by pinfall with a Futureshock. Chaise Future makes defence number 1 of his DUSA No Limit title.

- Road Agent Notes:

Lord Winston Smithe did some good work at ringside. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Chaise Future is improving in Flying skills. Chaise Future is improving in Performance skills. MC Chaos is improving in Flying skills. MC Chaos is improving in Performance skills. Mikey Adorn is improving in Technical skills. Mikey Adorn is improving in Performance skills. Scotty Bessel is improving in Performance skills. Danny Buck is improving in Technical skills.

- Thoughts:

Dis-a-pointing, CLAP, CLAP, CLAPPITY-CLAP! Man, I bumped the 73 rated tag match for this!!?!

- Rating:





- Segment Description:

Seth Stevens and Thorne announce that they are forming an alliance.

- Rated On:

Seth Stevens: Overness

Thorne: Overness

- Road Agent Notes:

There are no specific comments to be made about this angle.

- Thoughts:

Decent grade for the loose union of these two evil-doers

- Rating:



Hunter Wolfe vs Augustus Clark vs Calvin Whittle vs Lethal Shizzle

- Segment Description:

In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Hunter Wolfe defeated Augustus Clark, Calvin Whittle and Lethal Shizzle in 9:52; the order of elimination was Augustus Clark first, then Lethal Shizzle, and finally Calvin Whittle.

- Road Agent Notes:

Lethal Shizzle was really off his game tonight. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Augustus Clark is improving in Performance skills. Calvin Whittle is improving in Technical skills. Lethal Shizzle is improving in Rumble skills.

- Thoughts:

Good grade for a match between a main eventer, two midcarders and a lower-midcarder. Happy with that

- Rating:




- Segment Description:

Bobby Sweet is walking backstage with Shamrock Heights when he finds an unconscious Lord Winston Smithe. Sweet wakes Smithe, who says Jacob Harman attacked him.

- Rated On:

Lord Winston Smithe: Entertainment

Bobby Sweet: Entertainment

Eamon Fitzpatrick: Not Rated

Franky Fitzpatrick: Not Rated

Jacob Harman: Not Rated (Off Screen)

- Road Agent Notes:

There are no specific comments to be made about this angle.

- Thoughts:

Ah, Bobby Sweet, such a shame (see below). Solid angle

- Rating:




Seth Stevens and Thorne vs Yuuto Hashimoto and Deng Cao vs Cory Finn and Ezgar Banderas vs Cole Low and Jacob Harman

- Segment Description:

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Seth Stevens and Thorne defeated Yuuto Hashimoto and Deng Cao, Cory Finn and Ezgar Banderas and Cole Low and Jacob Harman in 13:55 when Seth Stevens defeated Cole Low by submission with a Wrath Of Hades.

- Road Agent Notes:

The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The (DUSA) Sound vs Stevens vs Hashimoto storyline has continued with this match. Yuuto Hashimoto is improving in Rumble skills. Deng Cao is improving in Rumble skills. Deng Cao is improving in Performance skills. Seth Stevens is improving in Performance skills. Thorne is improving in Rumble skills. Cory Finn is improving in Rumble skills. Ezgar Banderas is improving in Technical skills. Ezgar Banderas is improving in Flying skills.

- Thoughts:

Chemistry fishing. Decent grade for it and Stevens & Thorne put in a solid showing

- Rating:





- Segment Description:

Seth Stevens stands on the second turnbuckle and motions to the back, then to around his waist. Its obvious he wants 'his' belt back off Abraham Sound.

- Rated On:

Seth Stevens: Overness

Abraham Sound: Overness (Off screen)

- Road Agent Notes:

The (DUSA) Sound vs Stevens vs Hashimoto storyline has continued with this segment.

- Thoughts:

Standard angle to continue a feud. Solid grade.

- Rating:




Abraham Sound vs Leroy Barnes

- Segment Description:

In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Abraham Sound defeated Leroy Barnes in 16:12 when Leroy Barnes was disqualified when Seth Stevens ran in and attacked Abraham Sound. Abraham Sound makes defence number 1 of his DUSA Open title.

- Road Agent Notes:

Abraham Sound was visibly tiring toward the end. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The (DUSA) Sound vs Stevens vs Hashimoto storyline has continued with this match. Abraham Sound is improving in Flying skills. Leroy Barnes is improving in Performance skills.

- Thoughts:

Decent main event but nothing spectacular due to the ending. Your typical TV main event really

- Rating:





- Segment Description:

Seth Stevens continues to attack Abraham Sound after the match. Yuuto Hashimoto runs to the ring for the save, Seth Stevens bails from the ring, but then Abraham Sound attacks Yuuto Hashimoto until they can be split up by officials.

- Rated On:

Seth Stevens: Overness

Abraham Sound: Overness

Yuuto Hashimoto: Overness

- Road Agent Notes:

The (DUSA) Sound vs Stevens vs Hashimoto storyline has continued with this segment.

- Thoughts:

And this is the typical angle to end on after the main event. Nothing amazing though.

- Rating:






- Notes:
Ian Stout was used too much

- Rating:

- TV Rating:
3.28 on Arcadia

- Show Thoughts:

Ran this one how I would tend to run a performance based promotion's TV show rather than going for a 'money-shot' amazing show. Goes to show that you can sit comfortably at your current level if nothing else








So, I went to the next day to fetch the TV rating, and my Owner Goals have shown up. I'm resigning anyway, this is a one shot deal, but I figure I'd take a look.


Owners Goals



Not bad really, very few folks I'd have to worry about re-signing



Any Other Business

- Bobby Sweet got signed by AWF on Day Two. Not a huge shock really, the only guy on a PPA contract and the guy
good. A shame though, he could have been very usefull for getting guys over in the long term.








Yup, I like the way DUSA plays, the balance is right in all the major ways. The same as the c-verse, once you get to grips with who's good at what this promotion could be got up to Solid National in a year given a decent run of shows


Hope you enjoyed my review of DUSA, I'm sure to be back at some point reviewing somewhere. In the mean time, stay frosty!
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