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The London-Verse

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Name: Shizu Tsukahara

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Size: Lightweight

Ethnicity: Japanese

Appearance: Shizu has very long black hair and a fairly soft face. She wears a green singlet.

Ring Style: Cruiserweight

Skills: Shizu has very high flying skills and strong selling. She has high puroresu and brawling. Her stamina is excellent and her resilience is very good. She has slightly below average psychology and safety.

Bio: Shizu Tsukahara is one of the more unique wrestlers on the joshi scene. Blending stiff strikes with graceful high flying, she has the potential to be one of the top workers in joshi but her underdeveloped psychology and negative attitude are seen as big setbacks.

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Name: Hana Otome

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Size: Lightweight

Ethnicity: Nihonjin

Appearance: /shrug. Young and cute?

Ring Style: Cruiser with a touch of technician


Hana Otome (Lil Flower Girl) is a young Joshi wrestler who made her name on the unforgiving Japanese indy scene. Being a young, petite adorable female, she was placed in squash matches to give the local monster great heat. As a result her selling and psychology are spot on, but her offense can be a bit spotty. Still young, there is much hope for Hana among insiders.

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Name: Rie Kuroshira

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Ethnicity: Japanese

Appearance: x, but rendered in your fashion (of course), you can give her brown hair to make her appearance more natural.

Ring Style: Entertainer

Skills: High entertainment skills, good selling, average flashiness, poor rumble and technical, mediocre basics

Bio: Fresh out of training, Rie Kuroshira is a hot prospect, known for her stunning, dynamic appearance, dynamic promo skills, and ability to draw in the audience through her charisma. However, her wrestling is quite poor, and while she sells good, many of her early matches have had a botch or two, almost injuring her several times.


While she lacks in skill and experience, she makes up for in charisma, to the point that insiders call her one of the most charismatic women in Japan. If Rie can find a promotion that can utilize her entertainment skills and not put focus on her shoddy ring work, she could have quite a career.

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Pretty sure I missed the deadline, but in-case I didn't.



Age: 7

Gender: Female

Size: Very Small

Ethnicity: Japanese and Korean

Appearance: Pigtails, she wears a sequence covered Japanese schoolgirl outfit.

Ring Style: Comedy/Flyer

Skills: She mostly comes out and takes on heelish men/gaijins during intermissions, highly charismatic, pretty athletic, flashy. She's the youngest girl to ever enroll at JOSHI's developmental Dojo(age 5), and mostly because of Japan's lust for youth prodigies, her intermission acts are one of the biggest draws for the promotion.

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The JOSHI competition deadline is now passed. The winners have been selected and the characters have been rendered and entered into the game.


The winners will have to wait until I stream JOSHI this upcoming weekend.

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The JOSHI competition deadline is now passed. The winners have been selected and the characters have been rendered and entered into the game.


The winners will have to wait until I stream JOSHI this upcoming weekend.


You sir are a tease.

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What is your release ETA?


I honestly couldn't tell you I'm afraid. I'm working through things whenever I get the chance, but I have to work around my full-time job and other commitments.


Trust me, I would love to be able to release it tomorrow, but I wouldn't want to release a half-assed piece of work after the countless hours I have already invested in the project.


As soon as I can confidently provide a release time I will. :)

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Pretty sure I missed the deadline, but in-case I didn't.



Age: 7

Gender: Female

Size: Very Small

Ethnicity: Japanese and Korean

Appearance: Pigtails, she wears a sequence covered Japanese schoolgirl outfit.

Ring Style: Comedy/Flyer

Skills: She mostly comes out and takes on heelish men/gaijins during intermissions, highly charismatic, pretty athletic, flashy. She's the youngest girl to ever enroll at JOSHI's developmental Dojo(age 5), and mostly because of Japan's lust for youth prodigies, her intermission acts are one of the biggest draws for the promotion.


Is this a tribute/parody to Chairman Ramu from DDT? I have a couple of her videos in my favorites on YouTube. ^_^

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Is this a tribute/parody to Chairman Ramu from DDT? I have a couple of her videos in my favorites on YouTube. ^_^


I was actually thinking of Riho from Ice Ribbon, only much, much better. When I looked at JOSHI's logo I immediately thought of Ice Ribbon.

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Just a little update before the stream this weekend. I have rendered all of the active workers for JOSHI and now only have three of them left to enter into the data. I will then render the commentator, announcer, booker/manager, owner and two referees. (Not forgetting a road agent). Enter that batch into the data and then I will be ready to stream. :)
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Make sure to check out London's Twitchtv channel. http://www.twitch.tv/londonverse . He's just done a render tutorial and it was awesome. Watch it.


Thanks for the recommendation. Shame that Daz disrupts the mic a little when it is loading. It was a lot of fun though. Here is the end result:



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During conversation in the render tutorial video, I decided upon a new competition incentive.


Having now completed JOSHI, I will be moving on to CWE, the second biggest promotion in the US. I will be opening up the character submission window, however, please only one character per board member. My favourite three submissions will make it into CWE and I will render the characters live in a stream on twitch tv, so the winners can have direct input on the creative process. Obviously, that doesn't mean that others can't tune in for those streams and enjoy the fun.


Let's get creative people:


(Please think about the type of workers that would appear in the promotion that the contest is regarding and not just whichever crazy, half-breed, monster that jumps into your noggin' first :p)

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Name: Jamari Hassan

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Size: middle weight

Ethnicity: Iraqi

Appearance: Tall dark and handsome. Wavy dark hair and a beard.

Ring Style: Tech/Flyer

Skills: Very technical in the ring and known for his flying cross body from anywhere, turnbuckle to ring apron to announcers desk. Really good Charisma and mic skills, talker in and out of the ring.


Jamari is an Iraqi born in a small village. His parents left the country when he was 8 to come to America and start a new life. Growing up as a Muslim in Chicago, Jamari's life revolved around people that didn't like his faith and his love of wrestling. Joining the wrestling team in High School got him a scholarship to University of Michigan and that's where he started to train for professional wrestling.


After a few tries in different promotions, Jamari found that all they wanted him to do was use the evil foreigner gimmick. Tired of being cast in an unpleasant light Jamari almost quit until a scout from CWE saw him work a show in Chicago. Impressed with the kids natural charisma and athletic ability he approached the kid and they talked.


Jamari impressed on the scout that he would not do gimmicks that shamed his faith or family and the scout agreed that Jamari should focus on what made him potential star, his skills and charisma. Jamari entered the promotion as a man on a mission to show everyone that he's a man with the talent to be a star in CWE. Jamari's charm and work rate has begun to sway the fans over to his baby face side.

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Name: “Flyboy” Seth Mondo

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Size: Lightweight

Ethnicity: White, Canadian

Appearance: Medium length black hair, youngful, clean-shaven with red Bandana

Ring Style: Cruiserweight. (high selling & safety)

Finisher: Cross Star(Phoenix splash) Mondo Slash(Rollin Cutter)

Bio: “Flyboy” Seth Mondo is a young prospect who has already become known for his acrobatic highflying skills and never say die attitude that wow fan in USA and Canada. A reliable worker and rarely having a bad match, Seth is well like backstage and have a cult following.


(You can change up bio if needed.)

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If he's running CWE like TCW, most gimmicks are realistic or just not flashy at all. Hassan is running a Man on a Mission gimmick, out to prove himself on a world wide stage. I'd suggest that you come up with what you think fits the guy, London will change it if it doesn't seem to fit.
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Name: Grayson Royce

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Size: Light Heavyweight

Ethnicity: White - American

Appearance: Clean shaven, short cropped hair. Very focused expression

Ring Style: Technical

Skills: Good in technical, psychology, basics. Okay in rumble.


Bio: A standout amateur wrestler at high school and college, Grayson Royce was destined to become a professional wrestler. Royce quickly adapted to the professional game becoming a World Champion only a year after his debut. The pressures of becoming champion took its toll on Royce. Injuries and resentment of the business led to him walking away from wrestling only a few years after debuting.


The, when or if Grayson Royce would return to wrestling was the talk of the internet for two years. That is until he returned unexpectedly at (insert CWE PPV Name) in August 2010. With a renewed passion for wrestling, Royce is on a quest to become World Champion once again.

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Name - Christophe Dynamite

Age - 25

Gender - Male

Size - Middleweight

Ethinicity - White

Nationality - Dutch

Style - Technician


Bio - Christophe Dynamite is a Dutch wrestler who has recently been poached off the European independent scene (or any promotion that seems to fit) by CWE. Dynamite is a well rounded worker but his main talent is his technical wrestling, which he uses to great effect to make many of his opponents tap out.


From the start of his career Dynamite has been a good in ring talent, but he initially lacked the look of a star. He was initially put in a tag team with (*insert European worker he could have tagged with*), and the duo were on their way to capturing the tag team titles before Christophe suffered a shattered knee after a botched move. Dynamite used the time off from wrestling to bulk up his pyshique, causing him to return to the ring with a much more muscular figure. This lead to rumours of steriod usage, which are more than likely to be true given the amount of muscle he put on during this time.


Within months of returning from his injury he was picked up by CWE, although only time will tell if he can survive in a company that operates with a drug testing policy (assuming CWE will have one).


Appearance - Obviously big shoulder muscles to indicate his new increase in size. Think Dynamite kid at the peak of his muscles (Link). Facial wise I am imagining something looking similar to Davey Richards, but it would be interesting to see what would be created during the live stream if this character did make it in.


Skills - Very good technical, and atleast decent in the other top row stats and performance skills. Depends how good you want to make him, as he could realistically be someone ready to break into the main event, or someone who has a good look but still needs to be developed.

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Name: Morgan Von Bonne

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Size: Middleweight

Ethnicity: White - German

Appearance: Blonde buzz cut hair, darker goatee. Fit but not muscluar. Plain Black T-shirt

Ring Style: Technical

Skills: Great chain wrestler and submissions. Low in brawling and flying. Should be high in Psych and Basis but very low in Entertainment skills.

Bio: Morgan is a wrestling machine who has honed his skills in Europe since his early teen years. He has spent every waking moment of his career perfecting his technical skills, learning every maneuver and submission hold he could find. Not skilled in a fist fight or a lucha contest, Morgan thrives when he can twist his opponent into a pretzel. His strict training has also left his mic skills to be desired, relying on a skilled manager to get him over.

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