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The London-Verse

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Name : Diamond


Age: 24


Size: Lightweight


Appearance: Medium length dark blond/red curly hair, high cheek bones, green eyes, Well manicured face. (nice eyebrows and such) full lips, but not too big, just a little plump.


Ring Style: Entertainer


Nationality : Scottish


Finisher: 24 Karat kiss (Diamond Cutter)


Stats: Average to above-average athleticism, decent aerial. High (natural) charisma, moderate flashiness, below average technical skills and abysmal brawling stats. Passable talking skills. Basics are average, but ring psychology is a bit below average (due to caliber of opponents in her past). Average at selling.


Bio: Diamond moved to the US when she was younger. Having been a small-time female wrestler in her hometown, she wanted a bigger stage and better opponents. She joined PHW hoping to make a name for herself and prove to her fellow female wrestlers back home that she has what it takes to be a main eventer.


Wanting to prove herself most of all, Diamond is a hard worker, trains a lot, and works on her ring presence as often as she can. She wants to take on the best women in PHW and work her way to champion status.


That makes absolutely no sense at all. Manicures are cosmetic treatments for hands/fingernails :p

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Technically, manicure can have the general definition of "to trim or cut meticulously" e.g. the phrase "a well manicured lawn".


So clearly the render must have grass growing from Diamond's face. :p



Actually the Definition of "to trim or cut" doesn't mean lawn. It's a general term used for anything like hair, grass, flowers, or even fabric. :)


Like your beard is well manicured, does that mean you have grass on your face?


ohhhh now I'm going to start calling you Grassface. :p



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Ok, I kept it simple this time.;)



Name: El Cucuy (The Boogeyman)

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Size: Middleweight

Ethnicity: Mexican

Appearance: Creepy looking mask, tattoos and fairly muscular.

Ring Style: Luchador

Stats: Whatever you see fit

Bio: El Cucuy (The Boogeyman) is a solid worker from Mexico known for his really creepy mask and his tattooed body.


Calling himself MDL's worst nightmare El Cucuy wreaks havoc on all who oppose him.

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Name : Manicure

Age: 22

Size: Lightweight

Appearance: Long hair dyed green and great nails are the only features that really stand out about this high flying female wrestler. She is average across the board. Not ugly, not gorgeous... just plain.

Ring Style: Lucha / Entertainer

Nationality: American

Finisher: The Snip and Clip (Double Arm DDT)

Stats: Good ariel, selling and charisma. Other then that she is young and still learning the ropes. She is used to make the other stars look good because of her ability to sell their moves so well. A glorified jobber which, she is more then happy being.

Bio: Manicure grew up the daughter to a lawn care expert and a nail tech. Like most children the skills of her parents rubbed off on her and she began to do lawn care work in the day and nail care work at night. However, home life became too much for her. Her parents would constantly argue over what the word Manicure actually meant. In time she decided to leave home and follow a passion she had never told anyone about, wrestling.

While she is still new to the wrestling scene she has potiental. The word of mouth praise she is getting for her gimmick, a women with split personalities (one being in lawn maintenance, the other personality a nail tech that debate with each other over everything) is getting rave reviews on the internet.



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That's the noun... manicure the adjective(the Kevin Nash kind) just means to clean; to trim neatly this would apply here.


I've found the definition you guys are talking about and I've honestly never heard anyone use it in that way.


The word literally means hand care haha

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Name: Super Frankenstein

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Size: Light Heavyweight

Ethnicity: American

Appearance: 6'9. Very, very pale. Lanky. (fake)bolts on side of head. Bad Hair.

Ring Style: Entertainer


Stats: Mediocre top row. Cant do technical AT ALL. Maybe 1 digit numbers for tech. High entertainment skills, but does not speak spanish.

Bio: Miles Franklin got frustrated after working the independent scene of America for two years, and having never won a single match. He went to Mexico, and upon working a few indy shows(and Reinventing himself under the Super Frankenstein gimmick), he finally started working matches where he did not get jobbed out. Within six months of his time working the indies in Mexico, he got picked up to work shows for MDL.

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Name : Manicure

Age: 22

Size: Lightweight

Appearance: Long hair dyed green and great nails are the only features that really stand out about this high flying female wrestler. She is average across the board. Not ugly, not gorgeous... just plain.

Ring Style: Lucha / Entertainer

Nationality: American

Finisher: The Snip and Clip (Double Arm DDT)

Stats: Good ariel, selling and charisma. Other then that she is young and still learning the ropes. She is used to make the other stars look good because of her ability to sell their moves so well. A glorified jobber which, she is more then happy being.

Bio: Manicure grew up the daughter to a lawn care expert and a nail tech. Like most children the skills of her parents rubbed off on her and she began to do lawn care work in the day and nail care work at night. However, home life became too much for her. Her parents would constantly argue over what the word Manicure actually meant. In time she decided to leave home and follow a passion she had never told anyone about, wrestling.

While she is still new to the wrestling scene she has potiental. The word of mouth praise she is getting for her gimmick, a women with split personalities (one being in lawn maintenance, the other personality a nail tech that debate with each other over everything) is getting rave reviews on the internet.




I feel like I should point out at this stage that MDL do not have a women's division. :p

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Name: Hector Gomez

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Size: Lightweight

Ethnicity: Mexican but American born

Appearance: Medium length wavy black hair, Fainted Goatee, sunglasses

Ring Style Luchador, High charisma, flashiness and talking skill, below average psychology and swlling

Finisher: Tequila guillotine(guillotine leg drop) Buzz kill(Super Kick)


Bio: The self proclaim “Latino Heartbreaker”, Hector Gomez is a high flyer from Los Angles. Spenting his early years as a dancing jobber in the indie, it wasn’t until joining MDL where he was able to show his true talent. Shedding away his dancing gimmick and reinventing himself as the cocky Latino Heartbreaker and greatly improving his wrestling skill, Hector have slowly,but surely, climb the rank in MDL and might have a bright future ahead.

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Name: El Colector

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Appearance: Rugged face, no mask.

Size: Light Heavyweight

Ethnicity: Mexican


El Colector is the collector of masks. He's on a mission to unmask the whole MDL roster. For every unmasked opponent, El Colector makes a tattoo of that mask on his back. And as El Colector is very broad-shouldered, there are always space left for more tattoos..

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Name: El Guerrero de Oro Jr.

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Size: Lightweight

Ethnicity: Mexican

Appearance: Gold mask, babyface smile

Style: Luchador

Stats: Decent flying, decent technical, great charisma, great star quality


Bio: El Guerrero de Oro Jr. (Alexandre Valentín) is a young up-and-coming luchador, the son of the original. Being from the same mold as his father, Alexandre is relying on his charisma and look to carry him to stardom.

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Name: Avispa Atomico

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Size: Lightweight

Ethnicity: Mexican

Appearance: Mask in the colous of a wasp including some fuzzy antenna.

Style: Luchador

Stats: Decent flying skills mixed with decent performance skills and good charisma.


Bio: Avispa Atomico is a luchador who acts like he is a paranoid wasp. Originally a bland midcarder who no one ever remembers, he took up the mask in 2009 and soon became more recognisable, partly due to his increased skills but mainly due to the bizarre character he plays. Some of the acts include talking to himself, claiming that people are always trying to swat him away and that he is here to rid Mexico of humans, all in the name of wasp-kind.

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Name: Avispa Atomico

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Size: Lightweight

Ethnicity: Mexican

Appearance: Mask in the colous of a wasp including some fuzzy antenna.

Style: Luchador

Stats: Decent flying skills mixed with decent performance skills and good charisma.


Bio: Avispa Atomico is a luchador who acts like he is a paranoid wasp. Originally a bland midcarder who no one ever remembers, he took up the mask in 2009 and soon became more recognisable, partly due to his increased skills but mainly due to the bizarre character he plays. Some of the acts include talking to himself, claiming that people are always trying to swat him away and that he is here to rid Mexico of humans, all in the name of wasp-kind.


Sounds more like a Luchasaurus character. :D

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Age: 35

Gender: Male

Size: Big Heavyweight

Ethnicity: Mexican


Appearance: KENKA IX is 7'1. His mask is simply a red transparent mask covering his nose to his chin. He is bald. One of the most notable things is that he has a scar from the middle of the forehead to his chin. He also has a skull tattoo on his left cheek.


Ring Style: Psychopath


Finisher: KENKA Rush (Two brass knuckle punches to a standing opponent, followed by two brutal kicks to the groin), KENKASteiner (Reverse Hurricanarana, with the opponent landing on the back of the head), KENKA Clutch (Full Nelson while standing on the opponent's back)


Stats: KENKA IX is a menacing worker. He has a decent grasp of psychology and basics, and is relatively safe to work with. He is really powerful, can have a good fistfight, and has great hardcore skills. Submission skills is average. His aerial skills are pretty decent. His charisma and microphone skills is something to be desired. He's very resilient. A natural heel.


Personality: Although nice and almost always on time, KENKA IX is a bit manipulative.


Bio: The ninth guy to hold the KENKA mask, Agapito Romerra is the son of the recently deceased KENKA VIII. The KENKA mask is a family mask that requires sneak attacks on faces, DQs, cheating, power and good brawling skills. The most successful KENKA yet, Romerra had travelled to Japan, Australia, Mexico and North America. He plans to open a promotion; KENKA Wrestling, when he retires.


Before arriving in MDL, KENKA once signed with Luchasaurus for a few matches before he left due to a broken foot. He has a son, KENKA X, and a grandson.

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Name: Kidd Swag

Age: 29

Size: Lightweight

Ethnicity: American/White

Appearance: Very small figure, messy hair, lots of tattoos

Ring Style: Regular wrestler/entertainer

Finisher: Drop the Beat (Diving Leg Drop)

Stats: Very good charisma, good star quality, mediocre everything else.


Bio: Kidd Swag, real name Richard Barnes, is an American worker who has spent the majority of his career competing in Mexico. When Barnes first enterted the wrestling business he found it very difficult to get bookings due to his small, almost malnurished, stature. Barnes evenutually moved south of the border and began competing in Mexico, where he gained the attention of MDL and eventually signed a contract.


After Barnes signed with MDL he portrayed a number of different masked workers, often performing under one name for a few months before being switched to a new character. In 2007 Barnes was working under the gimmick of 'Numero Uno', a fun and family friendly character, when he was unmasked mid-match. Following the unmasking Barnes relentlessly attacked his opponent causing himself to get disqualified. Barnes returned at the companies next show unmasked and revealed his new persona of Kidd Swag, an American who was fed up of being forced to work comedy gimmicks who finally decided to be who he really was...a rapper. This gimmick provided Barnes' career with some much need stability, as he has been using this gimmick on MDL's midcard scene ever since.

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