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The London-Verse

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Awesome! Can't wait!:cool:


Looking forward to it.




Great news, I'm another one that's looking forward to this :)


Nice to see interest in this hasn't completely tapered off.


Just to flesh out my previous post, I am currently working on the OFC roster, both in terms of character renders and bios. Following the completion of the aforementioned, the final three promotions are Scottish Wrestling Champions, Sydney Pro Wrestling and Gold Star Wrestling in Canada.


After the final three companies have been completed, I will proceed to determine the starting storylines for the promotions that are, as yet, without. (I believe about 1/3 to 1/2 of the promotions fall into this category).


I will evaluate the need for Free Agents in the various gaming regions and run several play tests of the L-Verse to make sure everything flows within reason.


Following that, I will plan for the initial release.


As I have said before, there is no set date for this, it is done when it is done, so please bear with me. I plan on writing some back story articles for the gaming world, in much the same way as jhd1 and others provided (rather masterfully if I do say so) for the Thunder-Verse also. (If you haven't checked out the Thunder-Verse, I cannot recommend it more highly).


From there I look forward to hearing how everybody is taking to the gaming world, and should diaries come to fruition, I will be sure to follow every one of them accordingly (and more than likely add a diary myself). There will be almost continual work going on in the background to further improve and expand on the initial data and you can expect to find out more about that nearer to the time.


Should anybody have any queries, feel free to ask away in this thread and I will look to respond to every one in due course.


All the best.



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I think it is one of the most ambitious projects in the TEW community, so I will be grateful in any outcome, but I will wait any time that it is needed to be fulfilled.


Thanks for the work regardless of the outcome.




I appreciate the support, thank you.


I fully intend on having, at some stage, a mod that at least matches the depth and size of the C-Verse. That will unfortunately, not be possible in the first release, but it is a strong platform from which to build later on.

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Nice to see interest in this hasn't completely tapered off.


Should anybody have any queries, feel free to ask away in this thread and I will look to respond to every one in due course.


All the best.




My interest in this certainly hasn't tapered off, I regularly check this mods section hoping for a Londonverse update. Great to see that there is light at the end of the tunnel as far as a release is concerned but agree with the others that nothing needs to be rushed.


I like the idea of backstory articles. As you say they really added some depth to the Thunderverse. I would like to see a backstory of the origins of the AWF and the rise and fall of companies in the Japanese scene.


With regard to any queries, I really loved all the promotions that were streamed on twitch, one promotion that we never saw and I was really curious to see how it turned out was Ring of Fire (as I really like indy workrate promotions.) I now you don't want to give to much away but could you give us any hints to this promotion.


Many thanks and keep up the amazing work.

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My interest in this certainly hasn't tapered off, I regularly check this mods section hoping for a Londonverse update. Great to see that there is light at the end of the tunnel as far as a release is concerned but agree with the others that nothing needs to be rushed.


I like the idea of backstory articles. As you say they really added some depth to the Thunderverse. I would like to see a backstory of the origins of the AWF and the rise and fall of companies in the Japanese scene.


With regard to any queries, I really loved all the promotions that were streamed on twitch, one promotion that we never saw and I was really curious to see how it turned out was Ring of Fire (as I really like indy workrate promotions.) I now you don't want to give to much away but could you give us any hints to this promotion.


Many thanks and keep up the amazing work.


First of all, thank you for the continued support, it is greatly appreciated.


Now to your specific queries:


- As far as backstory articles go I have yet to decide on the particular tact in which I will approach them. It could be based on region, specific narratives or even forum based suggestions such as the one you have made.


- ROF has been complete for a while and is certainly a fun promotion to play as (watch out for the poachers) and is similar in many respects to your ROH's of the world. The roster is also one of the better offerings in the game in Jan 2011 (the game start date) and is certainly a challenge to run due to a myriad of reasons that will become evident relatively early on.

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First of all, thank you for the continued support, it is greatly appreciated.


Now to your specific queries:


- ROF has been complete for a while and is certainly a fun promotion to play as (watch out for the poachers) and is similar in many respects to your ROH's of the world. The roster is also one of the better offerings in the game in Jan 2011 (the game start date) and is certainly a challenge to run due to a myriad of reasons that will become evident relatively early on.


No problem. I think everyone would agree what amazing effort you have put into this project thus far.

From that description of ROH it certainly sounds like a fun promotion to play a game with and you have made the decision on which promotion to play a first game with much harder.

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Hurry up, i'm still psyched to do a dynasty, badly written ofcourse, with my favorite L-verse guy. Been a while but it'll be well worth the wait.. Great to see you still around bud.


It's funny really, because I am almost constantly thinking about characters and promotions I want to add for future releases. Ranging from bigger promotions, all the way down to basic, almost backyard style organisations.


However, for now I have drawn the line for the initial release and know what needs to be done. 33 promotions is more than enough for people to be getting on with right away.


Thanks for the support, my friend.

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Day One London-man, I'll strive to have one up day one of the mod.


Is the Luchasaurus X stream still available to watch?


Unfortunately, twitch deleted every single one of my videos, including my rendering tutorials. Wallbanger had his deleted as well. I am not happy about this as I set them to be saved indefinitely and they were a useful point of reference.


However, should someone (or a few people) wish to stream L-Verse promotion reviews etc to save as a new point of reference, they can contact me in this thread or via PM and I may well send them the data to facilitate this.

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All active workers for Oriental Fight Club have been entered into the data. The backstage personalities have also been rendered and will be entered next. Current champs have been decided and following the inclusion of the promotion's event schedule, OFC will be complete.
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<p>Half of SWC's roster has now been rendered.</p><p> </p><p>

Out of interest, I was considering running a promotion based competition for future releases where board members can present promotion ideas and logos (although only the best will be considered as I am picky about the logos I use). Something to think about as nothing has been decided at this point.</p>

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All active workers for SWC have been rendered. Tiberious4 has the data at the moment so I will now continue to render workers for the remaining two promotions. I also have work to do with regards to free agents and L-Verse specific arenas.
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