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2011 World Draft - Unlimited Players (Real World)

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Start Up



The Data. Special Thanks to all the Modders who gave me permission to use this data the last time around for a draft.

The Data - LINK

The Picture Pack - LINK (large)

(I will PM you the data once you have signed up)


Below is the list of prizes in the Prize Box. The file is passworded to save cheating. The password will then be given out at the end of the draft. This is to save anyone thinking I’m cheating and dealing myself the better hand

Prize Box – LINK


Below is the two Starter Packs. Again to make sure you know I’m not cheating in any way, I will be sending them all under Password again.

Starter Packs Cult – LINK

Starter Packs Regional-Local – LINK


Here is a reference of everyone who is on the roster, if you don’t have access to the game as any point during the draft.

Full Roster Link - LINK


Everyone who uses the prize box will have their numbers kept on record here. So at the end of the Draft when the boxes are open, you can remember them. (This will be locked and unavailable to edit)

Prize Box Pick’s - LINK


Everyone will have a place to put in there promotion Profiles and keep them up to date.

Promotion Profiles - LINK


The Full list of everyone’s drafting order per round. If you trade Draft Picks, Make sure to add these changes to here

Drafting Order - LINK


When you have Drafted, Input your Draft Here. Put your Promotion Initials in the Box. Leave Black for PPA, and Put the writing in RED for Written contracts.

Who’s Been Drafted – LINK




The first 12 People who join, Each will have the Ability to Create up to 4 Promotions. Your Main Promotion will be Cult Level, but if you select to have a second for Third, they must be Regional, Small or Local.

There will also be an unlimited amount of “Secondary” Drafters, This means the 13th (unlucky for some) person to join and those after. It will mean that they cannot have a Cult Promotion, but they can have a Regional-Local company. They can take part from Round 21st, depending on their promotion sizes. They will be aloud up-to 5 Promotions, Sized between Local and Regional.

Cult = 60 Picks

Regional = 40 Picks

Small = 32 Picks

Local = 26 Picks

Why so many picks? Well it’s to allow for larger Rosters, or a way to select more Prize Box’s.



There can be no more than 3 Promotions of each size, in each Area. EG; 3 Regional Promotions set up in the Tri State Area, that now means no more Regional companys can join the Area. Howeve Cult, Small and Local can.


After all Promotions are selected. The Promotions will have their drafting order randomly selected. After every 10 Rounds, The Drafting order will be Re-Randomised to make sure one promotion doesn’t get the #1 Pick every time. This will be done at the start so everyone will know there order’s all the way through.


Cult Promotions take part from the start (Written and PPA Rounds)

Regional Promotions take part from the 21st Round (All PPA Rounds)

Small Promotions take part from the 29th Round (All PPA Rounds)

Local Promotions take part from the 35th Round (All PPA Rounds)


The first 20 Rounds will be for Written Contracts only. Workers drafted during the “Written” Rounds cannot be shared between companies.

In Rounds 20-60 Workers will be signed to PPA Contracts. The limits to signing PPA are that a worker must not work for more than 3 Promotions.


Here is how many promotions are on offer

12 – Cult

25 – Regional

20 – Small

Unlimited - Local


Each Cult Promotion will be given 60% Popularity in all its Home Country Regions and 20% everywhere Else in the World

Regional will be given 30% in 3 Regions of its Home Country with the Remaining at 15%. The rest of the World will be 0%

Small will be given 20% in its Home Area and no Other Popularity

Local will be given 10 Popularity in its Home Area and no Other Popularity


If you chose a Regional-Local company to use as a “Development Company”, you will be unable to sign Development Contracts during the “Big 60” Draft. You will instead have to select a number of your given picks to be “Transferred” to the “Development Draft”. After the last pic in round 60, you will be allowed to take part in the “Development” Draft where the companies use there dedicated remaining Draft Picks to sign workers to Development Contracts.


Promotions must have a Booker and Owner, Neither can be Active Wrestlers. Non Active/Retired Workers only. You can have different Owners and Bookers, or the same person to do both Jobs.

If you wish to create your own worker you may do so, everyone is given the limit of 1 Create a Character. This person must be based on yourself. You will be given low Skill’s in your area, be it Wrestler, Announcer or Referee. You will be given Fair but Random Business and Booking Skills. The Plus side is that it won’t cost you a draft. This means 1 or 2 less people to Draft in order to run the corporate side of your company







The clock will run via GMT. The 0 hour. So everyone can work backwards or forwards depending on which side of the time line you live.


During the drafting rounds 1-40, Each Promotion has 1 Hour to select its Worker, this drops to 30-Mins during the PPA Rounds (round 16 until round 40). Selections will be fixed to a clock, each promotion has exactly that time to select, no more no less. Once a draft pick is selected, you have to wait until it’s your time window. For example; If your time slot is 3:00-4:00 and your previous draft was selected at 2:35, you have to wait until 3:00 to make your selected pick. This is to help people know the exact time they are up to select, saving “Skipped” picks, but also allows a small enough time to draft, which doesn’t make the Draft Drag.

From round 41-60, the set clock per promotion will disappear, as will the drafting order. Instead each round will have a 5 Hour Limit, where it’s first come first serve.


Once the hour time period elapses, and the next in line does not draft, then whoever is next in line can jump in and select. When you make your selection you are going to be required to add your Selection to the “Who’s Been Drafted” Google document.


If you have been skipped three times in a row, you will be forced to forfeit one of those 3 draft picks. If you are Skipped 5 in a row, you must Forfeit 2, If you Skip 6 or more, you will lose half of those draft Picks.


Staff will count as part of your 50/35/28/20 draft picks. You Must Draft at least one of each of the following, Owner, Head Booker, Announcer, Color Commentator, Referee and Road Agent. Failure to do so by the end of the draft will mean your promotion will be penalised.


In this draft you can pick workers from any area to join your promotion. Worker restrictions will be turned OFF.


During the “Written” Selection, If a Promotion is Skipped, they can make their selection at any time.

During the “PPA” Selection, If a Promotion is Skipped, they can make their selection at any time, But you can’t draft the same person 2 or 3 times to make them have a “Written” contract by using Skipped Picks. This is to stop people who purposely skip picks to get a worker under written contract easier.


Trading is allowed at all Times, You can Trade Draft Pick Slots, Workers, PPV Prestige, Promotion Popularity, Promotion Prestige and even the Prize Boxes. So long as the deal is fair and between two agreeing parties. HOWEVER, if you do not PM me to notify me of the Trade, it will be invalid.

Trading between your own promotions is stickily not allowed.


TV Shows will be available by using 1 of your Draft Picks. They can be selected at any point and only use up 1 Draft Pick per Show. When Selecting a TV Show, Make sure to select its Name, The Network, Day Shown On and Time Shown.


ONLY JAPANESE companies are allowed to have a touring schedule







Each Promotion (Cult Level) will randomly select its Prestige and Momentum. 1/B, 1/B-, 7/C+ and 6/C

Regional-Local will also Receive the same random selection of Momentum and Prestige, but with Lower Grades.


PPV Carriers are given to every promotion of Cult Level. At the Start you will be given a PPV contract in your “Starter Pack”, From Tiny to Enormous. Each company will only have their home country with a PPV Carrier (Unless in the UK or Europe where you get Carriers in both area’s)


PPV Events are as follows, You select 12 Events, one for each month. Then you get 1 Legendary, 1 Historical, 2 Highly Regarded, 2 Above Average and 6 Normal.

Regional-Local has 1 Above Average and 11 Normal


Each Promotion will have their money given to them when they select a “Starter Pack”. Cult Promotions will naturally have a larger cash flow.


During the PPA Rounds, Drafting a worker once means they are under PPA to you, Select them Twice and you have them under Exclusive PPA, Select them 3 Times and they are under a Written Contract.


Starter Packs work as follows. Only 1 may be selected and no Starter Pack is allowed to be picked more than once. If you are a Cult promotion, you will have between numbers 1 and 12 to choose from. Regional to Local will have numbers 1-81 to choose from.


When Selecting a TV Show, you can select any Network, any Time on any Day. However if you select ABC for a Friday and someone else already has a show on ABC on Fridays, you will have to select a different Day or different Network


All the contract information is being set to the following guidelines:

- Random Expiry date

- Alignment set to be decided at the end of the draft by you.

- Gimmick set to database default, unless stated otherwise by yourself.

- Gimmick rating’s will be set to “B”

- Momentum set to random, Except for your first 3 Picks which get A*


All title’s will begin with a default prestige level appropriate to their level. If you chose Floating, Select which level it should Start

Main Event Star - 90% prestige

Main Event - 80% prestige

Midcard Upper -70% prestige

Midcard Mid - 60% prestige

Midcard Lower - 50% prestige

Lower Level Upper - 40% prestige

Lower Level Mid - 30% prestige

Lower Level Lower - 20% prestige





Starter Packs






(You cannot chose which pack you want, you must select a number between 1-12 for Cult promotions, 1-81 for Regional-Local Promotions. You do this when finning out your promotion forms)

Hope that helps with the confusion


Money Talks

Money: $50m

Momentum: C+

Prestige: C+

PPV Carrier Size: Big

Extra 1: 2 Extra Written Draft Picks

Extra 2: 1 Above Average PPV Upgrade

Prize Box Amount: 10


Hate Is A Strong Word #1

Money: $10m

Momentum: C+

Prestige: C

PPV Carrier Size: Medium

Extra 1: 1 Extra PPA Contract

Extra 2: Forced Warring Relationship (with Hate Is A Strong Word #2)

Prize Box Amount: 5


Hate Is A Strong Word #2

Money: $10m

Momentum: C+

Prestige: C

PPV Carrier Size: Medium

Extra 1: 1 Extra Written Contract

Extra 2: Forced Warring Relationship (with Hate Is A Strong Word #1)

Prize Box Amount: 5


I’ve Got My Kliq

Money: $10m

Momentum: C

Prestige: C+

PPV Carrier Size: Medium

Extra 1: 4 Extra Written Draft Picks

Extra 2: Own An Arena

Prize Box Amount: 6


Numbers Matter

Money: $25m

Momentum: B-

Prestige: C

PPV Carrier Size: Medium

Extra 1: 1 Above Average PPV Upgrade

Extra 2: 3 Extra PPA Draft Picks

Prize Box Amount: 4


Full Of Prestige

Money: $5m

Momentum: B-

Prestige: A*

PPV Carrier Size: Very Big

Extra 1: 2 Above Average PPV Upgrades

Extra 2: Ultimate Title (100% Prestige)

Prize Box Amount: 3


True Fan Friendly

Money: $2.5m

Momentum: C+

Prestige: B+

PPV Carrier Size: Small

Extra 1: 10% Pop Boost outside of Home Country

Extra 2: Forced Working Agreement (with True Working Horse Pack)

Prize Box Amount: 7


Employee’s Round The Block

Money: $10m

Momentum: C

Prestige: C+

PPV Carrier Size: Medium

Extra 1: 10 Extra PPA Draft Picks

Extra 2: 1 Extra Written Draft Pick

Prize Box Amount: 8


Mind Over Matter

Money: $2.5m

Momentum: B-

Prestige: B

PPV Carrier Size: Big

Extra 1: Own An Arena

Extra 2: 3 Extra PPA Draft Picks

Prize Box Amount: 6


True Work Horse

Money: $5m

Momentum: B

Prestige: A

PPV Carrier Size: Medium

Extra 1: 2 Above Average PPV Upgrades

Extra 2: Forced Working Agreement (with True Fan Friendly)

Prize Box Amount: 4


Financed To The Hill

Money: $50m

Momentum: C

Prestige: D+

PPV Carrier Size: Medium

Extra 1: 2 Extra PPA Draft Picks

Extra 2: Own An Arena

Prize Box Amount: 6


Full Of Potential

Money: $5m

Momentum: B

Prestige: C-

PPV Carrier Size: Small

Extra 1: 2 Above Average PPV Upgrades

Extra 2: 2 Extra Written Draft Picks

Prize Box Amount: 5




Regional – Local

(each below is x4, there are four of each below. Plus 1 Golden Pack)


The Golden Pack

Promoted to ***Cult***

Money: $50m

Momentum: B

Prestige: B+

Extra 1: 5 Extra Written Draft Picks

Extra 2: 2 Extra PPA Draft Picks

Prize Box Amount: 10



Money: $500k

Momentum: C

Prestige: C

Extra 1: 1 Above Average PPV Upgrade

Extra 2: Forced Warring Relationship

Prize Box Amount: 2



Money: $250k

Momentum: C-

Prestige: C+

Extra 1: Own An Arena

Prize Box Amount: 3



Money: $1m

Momentum: D-

Prestige: C

Extra 1: 2 Above Average PPV Upgrades

Prize Box Amount: 2



Money: $2.5m

Momentum: C

Prestige: C-

Extra 1: 1 Extra Written Draft Pick

Prize Box Amount: 1



Money: $500k

Momentum: C

Prestige: C

Extra 1: 5 Extra PPA Draft Picks

Prize Box Amount: 1



Money: $100k

Momentum: C-

Prestige: C-

Extra 1: Own An Arena

Extra 2: Forced Working Relationship

Prize Box Amount: 5



Money: $500k

Momentum: D-

Prestige: D+

Extra 1: 2 Extra PPA Draft Picks

Prize Box Amount: 4



Money: $1m

Momentum: C

Prestige: E+

Extra 1: 3 Above Average PPV Upgrades

Prize Box Amount: 2



Money: $50k

Momentum: D

Prestige: E+

Extra 1: Own An Arena

Prize Box Amount: 1



Money: $250k

Momentum: C-

Prestige: C

Extra 1: 3 Extra PPA Draft Picks

Prize Box Amount: 3



Money: $500k

Momentum: C

Prestige: C-

Extra 1: 1 Above Average PPV Upgrade

Extra 2: Forced Warring Relationship

Prize Box Amount: 1



Money: $1m

Momentum: D

Prestige: D

Extra 1: 1 Extra Written Draft Pick

Prize Box Amount: 4



Money: $100k

Momentum: C

Prestige: D-

Extra 1: 1 Above Average PPV Upgrade

Extra 2: Forced Working Relationship

Prize Box Amount: 2



Money: $500k

Momentum: E+

Prestige: E+

Extra 1: 1 Extra Written Draft Pick

Prize Box Amount: 2



Money: $2.5m

Momentum: C

Prestige: D+

Extra 1: 1 Extra PPA Draft Pick

Prize Box Amount: 2



Money: $250k

Momentum: C-

Prestige: C+

Extra 1: 2 Above Average PPV Upgrades

Prize Box Amount: 4



Money: $250k

Momentum: D+

Prestige: D

Extra 1: Own An Arena

Prize Box Amount: 3



Money: $1m

Momentum: C

Prestige: D+

Extra 1: 1 Above Average PPV Upgrade

Prize Box Amount: 1



Money: $500k

Momentum: D+

Prestige: C+

Extra 1: 2 Extra PPA Draft Picks

Prize Box Amount: 1



Money: $250k

Momentum: D-

Prestige: C

Extra 1: Own An Arena

Prize Box Amount: 2





Mystery Boxes


Prize boxes will be opened at the end of the Draft.

There will be a selection of mystery boxes that will either be good, bad or neutral. Some boxes contain between 1 and 3 Prizes, Then 3 Mega boxes which will be 1 All good, 1 All Bad, and 1 a Mix Box. These boxes will contain upwards of 5 prizes and may contain duplicates. There will be a total of 250 Boxes with a Max of 10 per promotion to start. One Must be chosen after every 10 rounds (round 11, 21, 31, 41, 51 and 60) and you can chose to swap a draft pick for a Prize Box at any time. You are only aloud a Maximum of 25 Boxes when swapping your Draft Picks. The same box can be selected multiple times by anybody, But only once by each Promotion. Before the boxes are opened, you must declare which Promotion the Box is for. The lists of prizes included are as follows.





175 Good Boxes

60 Bad Boxes

10 Neutral Boxes

5 Mega Boxes



A TV Deal

Extra PPV Carrier Deal (outside of Country)

PPV Carrier Boost

Promotion Popularity Boost (5% in World, Country or Region) or (10%) or (15%) or (20%)

Select an Arena to “Own”

Receive a Dojo (50% Prestige) or (75%) or (90%) or (100%)

Worker Popularity Boost (10% in One Region) or (20%) or (30%)

Worker Popularity Boost (10% in One Country) or (20%) or (30%)

Worker Popularity Boost (10% in Whole World) or (20%) or (30%)

Create a Worker (Poor) or (Below Average) or (Average) or (Above Average) or (Masterful)

Increase a Tag Teams Experience (Up 1 Level) or (Up 2 Levels)

Increase a PPV’s Prestige (Up 1 Level) or (Up 2 Levels) or (Up 3 Levels)

Your Promotions Wins Big With a Money Boost

Promotion Prestige Boost (Up 1 Grade) or (Up 2 Grades) or (Up 3 Grades)

Promotion Momentum Boost (Up 1 Grade) or (Up 2 Grades) or (Up 3 Grades)

Owner Skill Boost (Up 10%) or (Up 20%) or (Up 30%) or (Up 40%) or (Up 50%) or (Maxed Out)

Booker Skill Boost (Up 10%) or (Up 20%) or (Up 30%) or (Up 40%) or (Up 50%) or (Maxed Out)




Promotion Popularity Crash (5% in World, Country or Region) or (10%) or (15%) or (20%)

One Worker is Randomly Injured (1 Month) or (2 Months) or (6 Months) or (12 Months)

Two Workers Randomly Gain a Negative Relationship

Your Promotion Takes a Money Drop

Promotion Prestige Hit (Down 1 Grade) or (Down 2 Grades) or (Down 3 Grades)

Promotion Momentum Hit (Down 1 Grade) or (Down 2 Grades) or (Down 3 Grades)

Owner Skill Loss (Down 10%) or (Down 30%) or (Down 50%)

Booker Skill Loss (Down 10%) or (Down 30%) or (Down 50%)




Empty Box

Box Cancelation (Get Out of Jail Free)

Draft Lottery Pick (Receive a Written contract with a Random Worker at the end of the Draft)





Your Owner/Booker

(not Compulsory)







Based In:






Roster Size:



Roster Turnover:


Style Preference:



Hiring Style:

Firing Style:

Title Changes:





Your Promotion





Set to Open:


Drug Policy:


Hiring Rules:



Starter Pack #:

Prize Box #’s:



Match Type for Events:

1 vs. 1:

2 vs. 2:

3 vs. 3:


Four way:

Match Ratio:


Match Type for TV:

1 vs. 1:

2 vs. 2:

3 vs. 3:


Four way:

Match Ratio:


Expected Match Lengths:

Minor -

Medium -

Main -

Minor TV -

Medium TV -

Main TV -


Product Appeal Definition (Current/Min/Max):

Traditional -

Mainstream -

Comedy -

Cult -

Risqué -

Modern -

Realism -

Hyper Realism -

Hardcore -

Lucha Libre -

Pure -

Daredevil -


Match Intensity:

Match Danger:

Women's Wrestling:

T&A Levels:

Face/Heel Divide:



Power Structure:

Owner -

Head Booker -


Titles: (Name, Level, Etc.)


(Check out the custom logo’s before selecting your Event Name, in case you can use a Graphic)

Events: (Name, Length, Prestige)

January -

February -

March -

April -

May -

June -

July -

August -

September -

October -

November -

December -





Players and Promotions



1. Togg (4 Promotions)

2. Rockambition

3. SWF Fan

4. Kijar

5. Clp605 (2 Promotions)

6. Rvdjrv2002

7. soxfan93 (2 Promotions)

8. Jaded (2 Promotions)

9. goblue1419 (2 Promotions)

10. snowjorden (2 Promotions)

11. thegostofjon

12. Scrazy

















1. Togg - Championship Wrestling Alliance (Tri State, USA)

2. Rockambition -

3. SWF Fan -

4. Kijar - Renegade Wrestling Revolution (Great Lakes, USA)

5. Clp605 - Gold Star Wrestling (Ontario, Canada)

6. Rvdjrv2002 -

7. soxfan93 -

8. Jaded - Rasslin in the Bronx (Tri State, USA)

9. goblue1419 - (Great Lakes, USA)

10. snowjorden

11. thegostofjon - NWA Tri-State (Tri State, USA)

12. Scrazy -



1. Togg - American Championship Wrestling (Greak Lakes, USA)

2. Togg - British Wrestling Association (South, UK)

3. goblue1419 - (Great Lakes, USA)

4. snowjorden -

5. Scrazy -























1. Togg - Diva Wrestling (South West, USA)

2. Clp605 - Supreme Excellence Wrestling





















1. Jaded - Rasslin's Future Stars (Tri State, USA)

2. Kijar - Pure Xtreme Wrestling (Great Lakes, USA)














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Starter Packs Revealed


Here are the numbers that have been chosen so far are as follows:

Cult: 2,3,4,5,8,9



1. Championship Wrestling Alliance - Full Of Prestige

2. Rockambition

3. SWF Fan

4. Renegade Wrestling Revolution - Financed To The Hill

5. Gold Star Wrestling - Full Of Potential

6. Rvdjrv2002

7. Multinational Championship Wrestling - Ive Got My Kliq

8. Rasslin in the Bronx

9. goblue1419

10. snowjorden

11. NWA Tri-State - True Fan Friendly




1. American Championship Wrestling - P16

2. British Wrestling Association - D4

3. soxfan93

4. goblue1419

5. snowjorden

6. Like Mike






















1. Diva Wrestling - T20

2. Supreme Excellence Wrestling





















1. Rasslin's Future Stars

2. Pure Xtreme Wrestling - H8

3. Like Mike













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Name: Reece Piper

Born: December 1987

Gender: Male

Race: White/Caucasian

Nationality: British

Based In: USA

Role: Personality

Personality: Professional

Face/Heel: FACE



Roster Size: Very Large

Pacts: Isolated

Patience: Medium

Roster Turnover: Medium

Finance: Average

Style Preference: Attitude Entertainment



Hiring Style: Bias Charisma

Firing Style: With Brain

Title Changes: Average





Name: Championship Wrestling Alliance

Initials: CWA


Set to Open: Feb 1990

Location: Tri State, USA

Drug Policy: Medium

Schedule: Normal

Hiring Rules: None

Size: Cult


Starter Pack #: (Would someone Select a Pack for me?, as I know whats in them)

Prize Box #’s: TBA



Match Type for Events:

1 vs. 1: 70 %

2 vs. 2: 15 %

3 vs. 3: 2 %

Triangle: 8 %

Four way: 5 %

Match Ratio: 80 %


Match Type for TV:

1 vs. 1: 60 %

2 vs. 2: 30 %

3 vs. 3: 6 %

Triangle: 2 %

Four way: 2 %

Match Ratio: 70 %


Expected Match Lengths:

Minor - 10

Medium - 15

Main - 25

Minor TV - 8

Medium TV - 12

Main TV – 18


Product Appeal Definition (Current/Min/Max):

Traditional – Key/Med/Key

Mainstream – Key/ Heavy/ Key

Comedy – Vlow/None/Low

Cult - Vlow/None/Low

Risque – None/None/Low

Modern – Heavy/Medium/Heavy

Realism – None/None/Low

Hyper Realism - None/None/VLow

Hardcore – Low/Low/Medium

Lucha Libre - VLow/None/VLow

Pure – Vlow/None/Medium

Daredevil - None/None/Medium


Match Intensity: 20%

Match Danger: 40%

Women's Wrestling: Division

T&A Levels: Low

Face/Heel Divide: Strong



Power Structure:

Owner – Reece Piper

Head Booker – Reece Piper


Titles: (Name, Level, Etc.)

CWA Heavyweight (Main Event Star)

CWA Tag Team (Upper Midcard, Floating)

CWA Intercontinental (Main Event, Floating)

CWA Cruiserweight (Mid Midcard, Floating / Max: Light Heavy)

CWA Hardcore (Mid Midcard, Floating / Hardcore)

CWA Women’s (Mid Midcard, Floating / Women Only)

The Golden Ticket (Upper Midcard, Floating / Tourny)


(Check out the custom logo’s before selecting your Event Name, in case you can use a Graphic)

Events: (Name, Length, Prestige)

Jan – Slamfest, 3hr

Feb – Make Me Famous, 3hr (Highly Regarded)

Mar – Power Play, 3hr

Apr – Brawl 4 All, 3hr (Historic) (Battle Royal)

May – Hostile Highway, 3hr

Jun – Superstar, 4hr (Legendary)

Jul – Caged Fury, 3hr

Aug – The Summer Ball, 3hr (Above Average)

Sept – Last Man Standing, 3hr (Above Average) (KOTR Style)

Oct – October Night, 3hr

Nov – Civil War, 3hr (Highly Regarded) (4v4)

Dec – Proving Ground, 3hr





Name: American Championship Wrestling

Initials: ACW


Set to Open: June 1998

Location: Great Lakes, USA

Drug Policy: None

Schedule: Normal

Hiring Rules: None

Size: Regional


Starter Pack #: (Would someone Select a Pack for me?, as I know whats in them)

Prize Box #’s: TBA



Match Type for Events

1 vs. 1: 70 %

2 vs. 2: 15 %

3 vs. 3: 2 %

Triangle: 8 %

Four way: 5 %

Match Ratio: 80 %


Match Type for TV:

1 vs. 1: 60 %

2 vs. 2: 30 %

3 vs. 3: 6 %

Triangle: 2 %

Four way: 2 %

Match Ratio: 70 %


Expected Match Lengths:

Minor - 10

Medium - 15

Main - 25

Minor TV - 8

Medium TV - 12

Main TV – 18


Product Appeal Definition (Current/Min/Max):

Traditional – Key/Med/Key

Mainstream – Key/ Heavy/ Key

Comedy – Vlow/None/Low

Cult - Vlow/None/Low

Risque – None/None/Low

Modern – Heavy/Medium/Heavy

Realism – None/None/Low

Hyper Realism - None/None/VLow

Hardcore – Low/Low/Medium

Lucha Libre - VLow/None/VLow

Pure – Vlow/None/Medium

Daredevil - None/None/Medium


Match Intensity: 20%

Match Danger: 40%

Women's Wrestling: Division

T&A Levels: Low

Face/Heel Divide: Strong



Power Structure:

Owner –

Head Booker –


Titles: (Name, Level, Etc.)

ACW Heavyweight (Main Event Star)

ACW Tag Team (Upper Midcard, Floating)

ACW United States (Upper Midcard, Floating)

ACW Women’s (Mid Midcard, Floating / Women Only)


(Check out the custom logo’s before selecting your Event Name, in case you can use a Graphic)

Events: (Name, Length, Prestige)

Jan –

Feb –

Mar –

Apr –

May –

Jun –

Jul –

Aug –

Sept –

Oct –

Nov –

Dec –




Name: British Wrestling Association

Initials: BWA


Set to Open: Dec 1984

Location: South, UK

Drug Policy: None

Schedule: Normal

Hiring Rules: None

Size: Regional


Starter Pack #: (Would someone Select a Pack for me?, as I know whats in them)

Prize Box #’s: TBA



Match Type for Events:

1 vs. 1: 80 %

2 vs. 2: 12 %

3 vs. 3: 1 %

Triangle: 4 %

Four way: 3 %

Match Ratio: 90 %


Match Type for TV:

1 vs. 1: 70 %

2 vs. 2: 22 %

3 vs. 3: 4 %

Triangle: 2 %

Four way: 2 %

Match Ratio: 80 %


Expected Match Lengths:

Minor - 12

Medium - 18

Main - 28

Minor TV - 10

Medium TV - 15

Main TV – 20


Product Appeal Definition (Current/Min/Max):

Traditional – Key/Heavy/Key

Mainstream – Medium/Medium/ Key

Comedy – Vlow/None/Heavy

Cult - Low/VLow/Medium

Risque – None/None/VLow

Modern – Medium/Low/Heavy

Realism – Low/None/Medium

Hyper Realism - None/None/VLow

Hardcore – Low/None/Low

Lucha Libre - None/None/VLow

Pure – Medium/Low/Key

Daredevil - None/None/Low


Match Intensity: 60%

Match Danger: 50%

Women's Wrestling: Division

T&A Levels: Low

Face/Heel Divide: Strong



Power Structure:

Owner –

Head Booker –


Titles: (Name, Level, Etc.)

BWA Heavyweight (Main Event Star)

BWA Tag Team (Upper Midcard, Floating)

BWA Commonwealth (Upper Midcard, Floating)

BWA Women’s (Mid Midcard, Floating / Women Only)


(Check out the custom logo’s before selecting your Event Name, in case you can use a Graphic)

Events: (Name, Length, Prestige)

Jan –

Feb –

Mar –

Apr –

May –

Jun –

Jul –

Aug –

Sept –

Oct –

Nov –

Dec –



Name: Diva Wrestling

Initials: DIVA


Set to Open: May 2001

Location: South West, USA

Drug Policy: None

Schedule: Normal

Hiring Rules: None

Size: Small


Starter Pack #: (Would someone Select a Pack for me?, as I know whats in them)

Prize Box #’s: TBA



Match Type for Events:

1 vs. 1: 70 %

2 vs. 2: 15 %

3 vs. 3: 2 %

Triangle: 8 %

Four way: 5 %

Match Ratio: 90 %


Match Type for TV:

1 vs. 1: 65 %

2 vs. 2: 25 %

3 vs. 3: 6 %

Triangle: 2 %

Four way: 2 %

Match Ratio: 70 %


Expected Match Lengths:

Minor - 10

Medium - 15

Main - 20

Minor TV - 8

Medium TV - 10

Main TV – 15


Product Appeal Definition (Current/Min/Max):

Traditional – Heavy/Med/Key

Mainstream – Heavy/Heavy/ Key

Comedy – Vlow/None/Low

Cult - Medium/None/Low

Risque – None/None/Low

Modern – Heavy/Medium/Heavy

Realism – None/None/Low

Hyper Realism - None/None/VLow

Hardcore – VLow/VLow/Medium

Lucha Libre - None/None/VLow

Pure – Vlow/None/Medium

Daredevil - None/None/Medium


Match Intensity: 40%

Match Danger: 55%

Women's Wrestling: Entire Promotion

T&A Levels: Low

Face/Heel Divide: Medium



Power Structure:

Owner –

Head Booker –


Titles: (Name, Level, Etc.)

DIVA Gold (Main Event Star)

DIVA Tag Team (Upper Midcard, Floating)

DIVA Silver (Mid Midcard)

DIVA Bronze (Upper Lower Midcard)


(Check out the custom logo’s before selecting your Event Name, in case you can use a Graphic)

Events: (Name, Length, Prestige)

Jan –

Feb –

Mar –

Apr –

May –

Jun –

Jul –

Aug –

Sept –

Oct –

Nov –

Dec –

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I'm interested. Can we start signing up for promotion sizes, starter packs, etc. right now?


If so, and if I understand this correctly, I want a Cult Promotion with the Starter Pack I've Got My Kliq and a Regional with The Golden Pack.


This looks awesome - can I get a cult promotion and a local promotion? I'm slightly confused about starter packs - are they being randomly allocated or do we choose?


Great idea Togg, really looking forward to this one!


Sorry i thought i explained the starter packs well, i guess i didnt hehe. You chose them by chosing a number of 1-12 for Cult promotions, and 1-81 for Regional-Local promotions.


When you fill in the form for your promotion, you will see a section where is says starter pack. Just enter a number there and you will recive the Pack, relating to that number :D




But yes its open for business. Its all on a firt come first serve style when it comes to Cult Promotions and selecting your starter packs (which just to clarify, you pick a random number, not which pack you want, it wouldnt make it all that fair) :-P


Thanks Jaded, its been almost a month in planning, im glad it excites you. it's got me pumped :-D

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Sorry i thought i explained the starter packs well, i guess i didnt hehe. You chose them by chosing a number of 1-12 for Cult promotions, and 1-81 for Regional-Local promotions.


When you fill in the form for your promotion, you will see a section where is says starter pack. Just enter a number there and you will recive the Pack, relating to that number :D


Oh, haha. Okay then, my bad.

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Great to be on board!


Ideally I'd like my Cult promotion to be Rasslin in the Bronx (RITB) and my Local to be Rasslin's Future Stars (RFS) - both in Tri-State. However, if anyone else wants to go in the Tri-State, will happily move my Local one elsewhere. RFS will be a developmental fed for RITB.


Will post info later today or tomorrow if that's okay.

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Great to see this up Togg I will sign in with a Cult and Small company. GSW(From the last draft) will be the Cult company and Supreme Excellence Wrestling will be the small.


Name:Gold Star Wrestling



Set to Open:February, 1996

Location: Ontario, Canada

Drug Policy:Low


Hiring Rules:None



Starter Pack #: 3

Prize Box #’s: (I take it we fill this in later? It says the starter packs have a #Of Prize Box's with them)


Product: Golden Entertainment

Match Type for Events:

1 vs. 1: 82

2 vs. 2: 20

3 vs. 3: 0

Triangle: 0

Four way: 0

Match Ratio: 90


Match Type for TV:

1 vs. 1: 80

2 vs. 2: 20

3 vs. 3: 0

Triangle: 0

Four way: 0

Match Ratio: 80


Expected Match Lengths:

Minor - 8

Medium - 12

Main - 20

Minor TV - 6

Medium TV - 10

Main TV - 18


Product Appeal Definition (Current/Min/Max):

Traditional - Key/Med/Key

Mainstream - Key/Low/Key

Comedy - None/None/Low

Cult - None/None/Low

Risqué - Med/Low/Med

Modern - Med/Low/Heavy

Realism - Very Low/None/Low

Hyper Realism - None/None/ Very Low

Hardcore - Low/Low/Heavy

Lucha Libre -Low/None/Heavy

Pure - Med/Med/Key

Daredevil - None/None/Low


Match Intensity: 40

Match Danger: 20

Women's Wrestling: None

T&A Levels: None

Face/Heel Divide: Med



When I get more time, I'll do the rest


Power Structure:

Owner -

Head Booker -


Titles: (Name, Level, Etc.)


(Check out the custom logo’s before selecting your Event Name, in case you can use a Graphic)

Events: (Name, Length, Prestige)

January -

February -

March -

April -

May -

June -

July -

August -

September -

October -

November -

December -

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Name: NWA Tri-State

Initials: NWA-TS


Set to Open: May 2001

Location: Tri State, USA

Drug Policy: Low

Schedule: Regular

Hiring Rules: None

Size: Cult


Starter Pack #: 8

Prize Box #’s: Confused by this still


Match Type fo Events:

1 vs. 1: 77%

2 vs. 2: 20%

3 vs. 3: 1%

Triangle: 1%

Four way: 1%

Match Ratio: 80%


Match Type for TV:

1 vs. 1: 77%

2 vs. 2: 22%

3 vs. 3: 1%

Triangle: 1%

Four way: 1%

Match Ratio: 90%


Expected Match Lengths:

Minor - 13

Medium - 17

Main - 25

Minor TV - 10

Medium TV - 15

Main TV - 20


Product Appeal Definition (Current/Min/Max):

Traditional - Key/Heavy/Key

Mainstream - Heavy/Medium/Key

Comedy - Very low/none/low

Cult - medium/very low/key

Risque - None/None/low

Modern - heavy/medium/key

Realism - low/none/heavy

Hyper Realism - None/None/low

Hardcore - none/none/low

Lucha Libre - med/low/key

Pure - none/none/very low

Daredevil - Low/None/heavy


Match Intensity: 40%

Match Danger: 55%

Women's Wrestling: integrated

T&A Levels: None

Face/Heel Divide: medium


Power Structure:

Owner -

Head Booker -


Titles: (Name, Level, Etc.)

NWA Tri-State Heavyweight (Main Event)


NWA Tri-State Tag Team (Midcard Mid)


NWA Tri-State Junior Heavyweight (Floating, Midcard Upper, maximum weight middle weight)




(Check out the custom logo’s before selecting your Event Name, in case you can use a Graphic)

Events: (Name, Length, Prestige)

January Week 3 Sunday - Judgement Day


February Week 3 Sunday - No Way Out - Above Average


March Week 3 Sunday - Backlash


April Week 3 Sunday - Armageddon - Above Average


May Week 3 Sunday - Cyber Sunday


June Week 3 Sunday - Insurextion - Highly Regarded


July Week 3 Sunday - Great American Bash - Historic


August Week 3 Sunday - No Mercy


November Week 3 Sunday - Rebellion


October Week 3 Sunday - Unforgiven - Highly Regarded


December Week 3 Sunday - Vengeance - Legendary



That should be everything, minus the prize boxes. They confuse me. Lemme know if I missed anything else.

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Name: NWA Tri-State

Prize Box #’s: Confused by this still


That should be everything, minus the prize boxes. They confuse me. Lemme know if I missed anything else.


There are a few little teething problems which i thought i had explained, but i have found i didnt quite cover them well enough. When you select your Starter Pack, you are given a set amount of compulsory Mystery Box Picks. You then chose numbers between 1-250, Those prizes will be for your promotion. They will be revealed at the End.

Hope that helps to clear it up



Check Post 2 for everyones Starter Pack's, It will be kept upto date when everyone makes there selections.

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There are a few little teething problems which i thought i had explained, but i have found i didnt quite cover them well enough. When you select your Starter Pack, you are given a set amount of compulsory Mystery Box Picks. You then chose numbers between 1-250, Those prizes will be for your promotion. They will be revealed at the End.

Hope that helps to clear it up



Check Post 2 for everyones Starter Pack's, It will be kept upto date when everyone makes there selections.


Alright, I think I get it. I don't pick them now, I pick them after I open the starter pack, right?

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Alright, I think I get it. I don't pick them now, I pick them after I open the starter pack, right?


Correct. Then you have untill the end of the draft to select the Mystery Boxes.

Your Starter Pack is "True Fan Friendly", which means you get 7 Boxes.


The rest of your starter pack is as follows


True Fan Friendly

Money: $2.5m

Momentum: C+

Prestige: B+

PPV Carrier Size: Small

Extra 1: 10% Pop Boost outside of Home Country

Extra 2: Forced Working Agreement (with True Working Horse Pack)

Prize Box Amount: 7




Would someone mind selecting 1 number between 1-12 for me? (excluding 3 and 8)

Plus 3 numbers between 1-81. Seems as i know whats in all the boxes, its only fair that i have a random shot at the starter packs too :)

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Correct. Then you have untill the end of the draft to select the Mystery Boxes.

Your Starter Pack is "True Fan Friendly", which means you get 7 Boxes.


The rest of your starter pack is as follows


True Fan Friendly

Money: $2.5m

Momentum: C+

Prestige: B+

PPV Carrier Size: Small

Extra 1: 10% Pop Boost outside of Home Country

Extra 2: Forced Working Agreement (with True Working Horse Pack)

Prize Box Amount: 7




Would someone mind selecting 1 number between 1-12 for me? (excluding 3 and 8)

Plus 3 numbers between 1-81. Seems as i know whats in all the boxes, its only fair that i have a random shot at the starter packs too :)


Alright cool, thanks. Disappointed at that only 2.5 mil though.

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Name: Multinational Championship Wrestling

Initials: MCW


Set to Open: February 1993

Location: South East

Drug Policy: Medium

Schedule: Regular

Hiring Rules: None

Size: Cult


Starter Pack #: 3

Prize Box #’s: TBA



Match Type for Events:

1 vs. 1: 75%

2 vs. 2: 15%

3 vs. 3: 3%

Triangle: 3%

Four way: 4%

Match Ratio: 80%


Match Type for TV:

1 vs. 1: 75%

2 vs. 2: 15%

3 vs. 3: 3%

Triangle: 3%

Four way: 4%

Match Ratio: 60%


Expected Match Lengths:

Minor – 7 minutes

Medium – 12 minutes

Main – 16 minutes

Minor TV – 5 minutes

Medium TV – 8 minutes

Main TV – 12 minutes


Product Appeal Definition (Current/Min/Max):

Traditional – Heavy/Medium/Key Feature

Mainstream – Key Feature/Heavy/Key Feature

Comedy – Medium/Low/Heavy

Cult – Low/None/Medium

Risqué – Low/None/Low

Modern – Heavy/Low/Key Feature

Realism – Low/None/Medium

Hyper Realism – Very Low/None/Very Low

Hardcore – Low/Very Low/Low

Lucha Libre – Medium/Low/Heavy

Pure – Low/None/Medium

Daredevil – Very Low/None/Low


Match Intensity: 20%

Match Danger: 40%

Women's Wrestling: None

T&A Levels: Low

Face/Heel Divide: Strong


I'll take care of the rest later. Also, I'd like to back out of having a Regional Promotion. I'm not sure if I'll have the time, plus I want to make sure I'm completely focused on MCW.

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Would someone mind selecting 1 number between 1-12 for me? (excluding 3 and 8)

Plus 3 numbers between 1-81. Seems as i know whats in all the boxes, its only fair that i have a random shot at the starter packs too :)


Alright, how about 2 for the 1-12 and 72, 49, and 81.

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Name: Renegade Wrestling Revolution

Initials: RWR


Set to Open: December 2006

Location: Great Lakes USA

Drug Policy: Low Level

Schedule: Regular

Hiring Rules: None

Size: Cult


Starter Pack #: 9

Prize Box #’s:



Match Type for Events:

1 vs. 1: 70%

2 vs. 2: 20%

3 vs. 3: 1%

Triangle: 4%

Four way: 5%

Match Ratio: 70%


Match Type for TV:

1 vs. 1:70%

2 vs. 2: 20%

3 vs. 3: 1%

Triangle: 4%

Four way: 5%

Match Ratio: 80%


Expected Match Lengths:

Minor - 13

Medium - 17

Main - 22

Minor TV - 10

Medium TV - 15

Main TV - 20


Product Appeal Definition (Current/Min/Max):

Traditional - Key

Mainstream - Very Low

Comedy - Very Low

Cult - Very Low

Risqué - Very Low

Modern - Low

Realism - Very Low

Hyper Realism - None

Hardcore - Medium

Lucha Libre - Medium

Pure - Medium

Daredevil - Heavy

(Auto Set Product)


Match Intensity: 65%

Match Danger: 65%

Women's Wrestling: None

T&A Levels: None

Face/Heel Divide: Strong



Power Structure:

Owner -

Head Booker -


Titles: (Name, Level, Etc.)

RWR World Heavyweight

Main Event


RWR Revolution Victor

Main Event

Tournament Title (Held in August)


RWR Television



RWR Tag Team

Floating, Midcard Upper


RWR Flyweight

Floating, Midcard

Maximum Weight Middleweight

High Flying


RWR Rising Star

Low Level


(Check out the custom logo’s before selecting your Event Name, in case you can use a Graphic)

Events: (Name, Length, Prestige)

January - Code of Honour (2 1/2 Hr, Highly Regarded)


February - Face the Unknown (2 1/2 Hr, Normal)


March - Fate (2 1/2 Hr, Normal)


April - Sudden Impact (2 1/2 Hr, Normal)


May - Aggressive (2 1/2 Hr, Normal)


June - Hit the Lights (2 1/2 Hr, Above Average)


July - Adrenaline Rush (2 1/2 Hr, Above Average)


August - Revolution (2 1/2 Hr, Highly Regarded, Battle Royal Held)


September - Wreck (2 1/2 Hr, Normal)


October - Scar Tissue (2 1/2 Hr, Normal)


November - Prohibited (2 1/2 Hr, Normal)


December - Passing the Torch (3 hr, Legendary)




Name: Pure Xtreme Wrestling

Initials: PXW


Set to Open: August 2009

Location: Great Lakes USA

Drug Policy: None

Schedule: Regular

Hiring Rules: None

Size: Local


Starter Pack #: 33

Prize Box #’s:



Match Type for Events & TV:

1 vs. 1: 70

2 vs. 2: 20

3 vs. 3: 1

Triangle: 4

Four way: 5

Match Ratio: 90


Expected Match Lengths:

Minor - 12

Medium - 17

Main - 22

Minor TV - 10

Medium TV - 15

Main TV - 18


Product Appeal Definition (Current/Min/Max):

Traditional - Key

Mainstream - Very Low

Comedy - None

Cult - Low

Risqué - None

Modern - Low

Realism - None

Hyper Realism - None

Hardcore - Key

Lucha Libre - Medium

Pure - Key

Daredevil - Key

Autoset Product


Match Intensity: 85

Match Danger: 85

Women's Wrestling: None

T&A Levels: None

Face/Heel Divide: Strong



Power Structure:

Owner -

Head Booker -


Titles: (Name, Level, Etc.)

PXW World Heavyweight

Main Event


PXW Tag Team

Floating, Midcard


PXW Cruiser-X

Floating, Low Level Upper

Maximum Weight Middleweight

High Flying



(Check out the custom logo’s before selecting your Event Name, in case you can use a Graphic)

Events: (Name, Length, Prestige)

Every Month but August:

R.I.P. (Insert Month Here) Post Fix Numbered starting at 1, 1 1/2 Hr, Normal



Summer Rage Post Fix Numbered starting at 1, 2 Hr, Above Average


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Sounds very fun and looks well planned. Good luck with this Togg!


Huge thanks :-). feel free to take part, There might only be 1 Cult Pomotion left, but there's plenty of Regional, Small and Local promotions left :D.

But it seriously took weeks of planning and tweaking, I hope it turns out to be a fun twist for everyone


Alright, how about 2 for the 1-12 and 72, 49, and 81.


Cheer's :-D. I wondered when someone would be kind enough to help me out :-). Now i just need my Prize Box numbers picked for each promotion, but im going to leave that for now, as i have access to what is in each box, and i dont want to know my results untill the draft is over :D

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