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TWL: The League's Return

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In what is no doubt great news for the Mid-South and most especially Texan wrestling fans, which we at TEW can be happy to report as an exclusive revelation!


As you may know from previous TEW Reports, TWL owner William Barrowman was in discussions with TCW, SWF, and USPW concerning the licensing or full sale of the TWL properties to the Big Three of the USA. While the fate of those discussions is now unknown in the wake of the sale, we can resolutely state that it is not SWF, TCW nor USPW who have acquired the League.


In fact, the new owner is none other than Texan professional wrestler and international journeyman Terrance Ward, recently returned from competing for the VWA and UEW in Europe. Seen as a young up and comer with over a decade under his belt, Ward has wrestled in every major wrestling region, though he has not won any championships. A vocal traditionalist, Ward seems the perfect owner to resurrect what is a well remembered and beloved promotion.


Only time will tell however, if Ward truly has the chops for it.



Article dated to December 28th, 2009

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Date: December 6th, 2009



“Derrick Wade, are you making your boy get all his own baggage to the car or are you going to give him a hand?” complained my aunt Betty as she gave me a hug “Welcome home, Terry.”


“Aunt Betty!” I said as I hugged my maternal aunt back “You didn’t have to come all the way out to the airport for me!”


“Hush boy. It’s not every day you come back home, is it?”


“I guess not…”


“Welcome home,” said my dad gruffly as he grabbed one of my pieces of luggage and began directing me out of the airport “You plan on sticking around for a while this time?”


“Good to back,” I offered as I stepped between the two and began walking out of the airport “And I’ve got nothing booked till after New Years. So yeah, I’m here for a while.”


“You win the title for that new European promotion?”


“Nope, though I did make it to the finals. I’ve got a standing offer to come back anytime for a series next year.”


As we exited the airport and headed to his Mustang, he chortled.


“Ten years in the business and you still haven’t won a championship.”




“So…” started my dad as we exited the airport parking area “You got anything planned on your first night in Dallas?”


“Besides staying in and sleeping early because I just flew in from Switzerland? Not really. Why, you got something planned?”


That got a grin out of him “The Ref’s going to be on TEW’s The Insider tonight for an interview, probably to hype a new DVD.”


“… I can stay up long enough for that. I’m surprised that Barrowman is still sprightly enough to do as much as he has with the TWL properties.”


“I can’t believe he’s actually bothering. Or that there’s a market for such outdated drivel.”


“My aunt, the SWF-maniac,” I grumbled “We’ve already given up your kids as lost causes to Eisen’s empire, so do you have to go on the attack?”


“I’m sorry Terry,” my aunt responded innocently “I just don’t see what you boys see in Two Eagles, Austin McCoy and the rest. Not when we’ve got sports-entertainers like Jack Bruce, Eric Eisen and Rich Money. Or even Big Smack Scott!”


“Betty if you weren’t my sister-in-law I’d make you walk home,” grumbled my dad half jokingly as he leaned over and flicked her hard in her right ear “But you are, so that’ll have to do.”

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Date: December 7th, 2009




Unfortunately, I was too jetlagged to stay up and watch the interview that night, and immediately headed off to bed, vaguely hearing my dad promising to download the interview for me. It didn’t seem that important to me. I figured it’d be one of those interviews TEW does every now and with ex-wrestling promoters like Preston Holt, Phil Vibert and the like. They’d either have an in-depth discussion of the promotion they helped run or do something like the Be The Booker series that Phil Vibert was undergoing.


But when my dad woke me up in the morning with a slightly upset look on his face and told me he downloaded it for me, I figured something was wrong. So when I headed downstairs to start up his PC, I was more than a little nervous…


[The show opens with Mark Smart, self-proclaimed insider seated at a table.]

Mark Smart: Welcome, ladies and gentlemen to The Insider! As always, I’m your host, Mark Smart!


[Canned cheering]


Mark Smart: For any new watchers of the show, let me give you a set up of our format. We tend to start with the Top 10 Botches of the Week, which is about botched moves and moments in professional wrestling matches throughout the week. Then we tend to take a look at some of the more surprising wrestling moments of the week in our Weekly Shockers, before finishing up with an interview. Usually it’s a current professional wrestler from one of the companies in Canada, Mexico or the USA, with occasional guest coming in from Japan, Australia, the UK or Europe. Tonight however, we will be interviewing former TWL referee and owner William Barrowman about some intriguing rumors that have been ongoing for a few weeks now, as well as discussing his booking styles, his recollection of the territory days and much, much more!





I frowned at that. For one thing I wasn’t in the mood to see some never-was poke fun at fellow wrestlers with a botch compilation video. And I wasn’t exactly feeling good about rumors when it came to the Ref. So I fast-forwarded to get straight to the interview.



[The show reopens with Mark Smart laughing with an elderly gentleman.]


Mark Smart: I can’t believe Floyd Bowman actually did that!


William Barrowman: Floyd always was a kidder…


Mark Smart: Billy, I’m afraid it’s time to get a little bit serious. You know the rumors, I know the rumors, everyone knows the rumors!


William Barrowman: So it seems. Sometimes it seems like there aren’t that many fans who don’t go hunting for dirt on everything and everyone behind the curtain.


Mark Smart: So is it true? Are you in negotiations to sell the TWL properties, most notably its video tape library?


William Barrowman: You know, before I came on this show, I had talk with my lawyer about what I could or could not say. But the truth is, yes I am in negotiations to sell or allow the licensing of the Texas Wrestling League properties.


Mark Smart: And the interested parties are?


William Barrowman: Eisen, Cornell and Strong. Richard Eisen has been in talks with myself and a few others such as Preston Holt and Dick the Devastator about buying the rights for a DVD series titled Best of the Territories and some additional footage for one of those SWF Superstar DVDs they’re doing for Vengeance. Tommy Cornell and Sam Strong are hoping to license the video-tape library for Ricky Dale Johnson and James Justice DVDs, respectively.


Mark Smart: And?

William Barrowman: Negotiations are still ongoing. But I will admit I’m more partial to the SWF offer than the other two.


Mark Smart: Well, money talks. *laughs*


[Canned Laughter]


William Barrowman: No, it’s not that. I’m not hurt for money, and if I was, Thomas would step in to help-


Mark Smart: -Thomas Barrowman, currently wrestling for TCW as Guide in The New Wave tag-team.


William Barrowman: Here’s the thing, Mark. What do most wrestling fans today talk about?

Mark Smart: Um… Supreme, Total, maybe a little United States? A lot of online talk about PSW or CZCW…

William Barrowman: Exactly, it’s all about the today, not about the past. Oh sure they’ll go for a discussion of the East Coast Wars or HGC or what have you… but they don’t respect where this country’s wrestling came from. They don’t pay tribute to the Lamberts, the Holts, the Devastators and the Streets. No one remembers the territories that SWF crushed under its heel all those decades ago when Eisen came out of nowhere and built his empire. No one remembers that even though ownership changed hands from Streets to Stampeder to Nero to me, we still held out all the way into the nineties, at a time when besides the SWF dominated the country and shattered the territories.


William Barrowman: The League deserves the spotlight, Mark. It deserves the glitz and the glamour and all the respect it deserves as the last of the territories. And if it’s done right, it paves a way for the other territories to get a DVD and the new generation of fans looking at them, a whole new generation to see where and what territories like TWL, CPW, AAFW and the like did right and did wrong. To me, that matters more than money does.

Mark Smart: I … I don’t know what to say. William Barrowman, ladies and gentlemen.


[Canned cheers trigger as the two shake hands and the show fades to dark]


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I'm following! So far nice story i like it alot. Keep it going :)


The good ole' boy Territory returns to reclaim some southern magic; very cool, Hash! Let's hope, this time around, Eisen doesn't simply drop his fist again & slam TWL to pieces.


Best of luck with this!


Thanks guys. I've got another piece done that I'll put up in the post after this.

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Date: December 10th, 2009

I don’t know what possessed me to do it. I really don’t. It might have been the thought that Richard Eisen was going to control the League. I know plenty of DAVE fans had that same thought when Vibert was close to closing and rumors were spreading of a SWF buyout. It’s the idea I guess, of some suit coming in and needlessly changing something that just worked because they think they know better, that their brand of wrestling is the best. We wrestling fans are a defensive bunch.


So yeah, it was that defensiveness that drove me to get William Barrowman’s personal number (through American Buffalo in TCW, who got the number off of his son Guide) and request a lunch meeting. I’ve got no idea what favors Guide owed Buffalo to get his dad to agree to meet with a complete stranger, but I’m buying the man a drink or three next time I run into him.


“So…” said an elderly gentleman as he drew me out of my reverie “you’re the guy my boy wanted me to sit down with? You could have picked a better place than a Dominos if you wanted to impress me.”


“Yes sir Mr. Barrowman,” I said with a wince as I got up from my seat to shake his hand “Sorry, but this all got done on the fly and I didn’t have time to plan things out-”


“Call me Billy,” said the Ref with a smile “And its fine, Dominos is as good a place as any to have a lunch meeting. You’re just lucky I live in Dallas and not anywhere else in Texas, else I’d have made you come to me. So what’s this about, exactly? Thomas wasn’t too giving on the details.”


“I watched your interview on Insider,” I started “and I’m here to make an offer for the League.”


“You… You want to buy TWL from me?” said Billy with a snort “son, do you have any idea the money Supreme and the others are throwing at me right now? And what, you’re some kinda fan who wants to get in the licensing game? Or maybe some guy looking to make quick money off a legacy?”


“No,” I said levelly as an approaching waiter stopped at our table “I’m a wrestler. Someone whose father took to every TWL show that ran in Dallas or Fort Worth from the day he turned five till the last show when he was twelve, and wore Junior Leaguer shirts every day till they faded out or got too small for him. Someone who’s bought every DVD you’ve put out and watched it at least a dozen times over. Someone who joined this business because of what guys like Stampeder, Nero and you did in the League for fans like me.


You said on Insider that you were considering selling to Supreme because it would be the best thing for the League, the best thing for the territories as a whole. I disagree with that idea. Eisen might have built his empire and ran North America for decades, but he did it on the backs of the territories he looted for wrestlers, TWL primary among them. He isn’t going to acknowledge that fact greatly, or the fact that the League was the last holdout. He’s going to focus on the negatives, portray it and all the territories as corrupt, crumbling feds holding back the innovation and greatness that he achieved with Supreme.”




“And you?” said Billy amusedly “What are you going to do with my company? You talk a great game, and if it’s true what you say about being a Little Leaguer I thank you for your love of my company; but I’m moving for editorial control on the TWL DVD. I get to put the story out the way I want it.”


“You and I both know Eisen won’t settle for that,” I shot back “ because he’s not going to open up his company to broadsides from TCW and USPW guys like Keith, Johnson, Justice or Strong who’ve got grudges or company loyalty liable to make their appearances as slanted as heck.”


“Hey, what do you want-”


“So what’s your game plan, then? Get a contract with Sports America for re-runs? Because I’ve tried that for years now, and trust me, those fellas ain’t interested in ‘fake wrestling’, as they so politely put it.”


At that, I opened the briefcase next to me on the ground and pulled out a folder.


“Here’s the contract, but I’ll give you a summary. Three million in exchange for the properties, with you retaining the right for rescission if displeased with my conduct or handling of said properties. I get the return of the three million in full if you rescind, while you get the properties plus any additional profits I’ve made while in charge.”




“Hold on kid, we’re talking business.” Said Billy absently as he began looking at the papers “So you want to buy me out … to run your own little indy fed? You can do that on your own, you know. You don’t have to pull out three million to buy the League off me.”


“I’m not interested in running an indy fed,” I said as I leaned forward “I want to run a territory. And to me sir, there’s no territory that outstrips the League.”

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Date: December 13th 2009

“You’re leaving already?” protested my Aunt Betty “But your cousins have barely seen you!”


“I should be back in time for Christmas,” I offered as I continued to pack things into my bag “But I'm not waiting, Aunt Betty. I want to get things done before New Year. And that means leaving as early as possible.”


“I still can’t believe you actually got him to sit down,” mused my dad as he overlooked my packing “Billy Barrowman himself.”


“I still can’t believe he said yes,” I shot back with a huge grin “Bet Eisen’s furious-”


“I’m the one who’s furious” snapped Aunt Betty “You just wasted your life’s savings on a dead-end project!”


At that, both me and my dad turned to stare at my aunt.


“Betty…” my dad started gently “It’s his money. Not mine, not yours. He’s not wasting it on drugs, or hookers, or any number of stupid things. Terry loves the League as much as I do, and if he wants to spend his hard-earned money making this a reality, then so be it. You may not approve, but at least be supportive of what he wants to do.”


“I… you’re right Derek,” said my aunt with a sigh “I still think this is a waste of your god-given talents, but it’s what you want and I’m going to be happy for you.”


“So where to first?” asked my dad “On this big ol’ flight across America for your new roster, I mean.”


“Puerto Rico to start things out,” I grunted as I started zipping up my luggage “Then a run around the Deep South, then up to the Mid-Atlantic, and maybe New York before coming back to Texas.”


“New York?”


“Yeah. I figure it’s time to bury the hatchet with Stomper.”

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Date: December 14th 2009

Location: Puerto Rico




“You’ve come to me with a serious proposition,” said the Puerto Rican legend as he leaned back in his chair “a very serious proposition, Terry.”


I was seated in Puerto Rican Power’s office, along with his lieutenant Shawn Gonzalez. I had come to discuss a possible working agreement for the returning TWL and permission to recruit from his territory and roster. Thus far in FCW’s existence, Power hadn’t shown much interest in working alongside other companies, not when Power was a living god in Puerto Rico and FCW held a stranglehold on Puerto Rico’s wrestling scene. You have that kind of authority, you don't usually go and treat most other companies as equals.


“I know, old friend. Some things aren’t easy to ask. But this is an agreement that will benefit you and me. I’m looking at the League’s traditional holdings and perhaps expansion into some of their more failed ventures. There’s no chance of conflict between our two promotions.”


“And so you present me the limits of your ability to undermine me,” pointed Power casually “But not the benefits.”


“Access to a good group of trained veterans and rising stars to use to put over your own talents, cross-promotion for FCW and more experience for your stars… any of that sound good?”


“Who are you looking to pick up?” said Gonzalez suddenly “Jameson? Hernandez?”


“Rico Santana-”


“The road agent?” said Gonzalez in a bewildered and slightly angry tone “Ward, you start a damn fed raid on us and you’d be a wanted man in Puerto Rico till the day you die.”


“Power, is there I’m getting harassed by your booker?” I said directly to the FCW owner “You and me go back a while, man. I wasn’t expecting the third degree and threats when I walked in here.”


“My lieutenant might have been a bit too passionate;” said Power amusedly “but he made a good point. Coming in and asking for an agreement and then starting with the road agent? Not exactly something we can look away from.”


“He’s a damn good road agent and we all know that,” I explained sternly “And I’m also looking to pick up Island Boy Apollo to start, and maybe do trades for you, Gonzalez over there, Peverell and Jameson later on.”


“Santana and Apollo to start, huh?” mused Power before smiling “Fine, we have a deal. Shawn, mind getting him Santana and Apollo’s numbers?”


“I… sure, man. Not a problem.”


As he exited the office, Power waited a minute before turning his attention to me.


“I’d say I’m sorry about Shawn’s attitude, but FCW is as much his baby as it is mine. So try not to ruin this relationship, Terry. You won’t like what happens between us if you do.”


“I won’t, and it’s fine anyway,” I offered politely “I’ve still got Stomper to deal with. That’s bound to be worse than anything Gonzalez can say.”


“True,” chuckled Power as Gonzalez walked back into the office “I feel bad for Whistler already.”


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I like where this is going. I'll be reading. Even though I'm not familiar with the classic TWL at all.


Thanks. And if you want to get familiar with a great version of the TWL, look up ajcrible's dynasty, which I believe is the longest running TWL dynasty, and a major inspiration to me and sort of in the background of this story.

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Texas Outlaws coming back? Right?


It just wouldn't be the TWL without the Outlaws... my main thought is what combination is he going to use. Lots of good options out there...


I actually had a discussion about this a while back in preparation for the Dynasty: http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=510673


Needless to say, things are still up in the air a bit. :o


Seems interesting, I'll be reading.
Thanks, LJ. Hopefully you'll be as entertained as I am with CCW! :p
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Date: December 14th 2009

Location: Atlanta, Georgia




“You’re serious about this Terry?” asked my long-time friend and fellow wrestler Jesse Christian “You want to bring back the League? Man, I knew you were a big fan, but even for you…”


“It’s not just the fan in me talking Jesse,” I said patiently “The Mid-South region as a whole has a critical lack of local wrestling . While Supreme, Total and USDub do time in the area with house-shows and television shows, it’s still perfect for a new territory to set up in. A decades old wrestling hotbed, plenty of nostalgia for the League…”


“I’m pretty sure you’re the only one with the nostalgia,” snorted Jesse “Look man, I’ve been out of the wrestling business since Southern shut down. I’ve got a life here, a family, a real job... you can’t expect me to go back to wrestling.”


“I’m not asking you to do three house-shows a week or anything,” I protested in earnest “Once a month shows to start, and if this really takes off and I go for television, I’ll give you the option of opting out and going back to your day job.”


“I don’t know, Samantha might not take it so well, and then there's the restaurant...”


“Take it so well? You two met at an SCCW event! And I think Jesse's Place can survive one day out of the month without the boss around.”


“I don’t know…”


“Come on Jesse,” I pleaded “Haven’t you missed the rush of just being in the ring, hearing the crowd cheer you on? If you don’t want in, just say so. I’d like to have my friend in there with me, but if you don’t want to step back in the ring…”


“Why not?” muttered Jesse with sigh “extra money coming in wouldn't hurt…”


“Thank you,” I said with earnest “It wouldn’t have been the same without you.”


“Sweet-talker. You got anyone else in mind?”


“Plenty of people from SCCW and elsewhere that I’ve already contacted and waiting to hear back from,” I said with an easy smile “but I want to go see Jack in person.”


“Yeah, that might be for the best.”

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Date: December 15th 2009

Location: Rainbow City, Alabama




“Terry,” said Jack Griffith with a hearty hug as I entered through the front door of his house “it’s good to see you, man. How was Europe?”


“Pretty good. Didn’t pick up the title, but did make it to the finals.”


“Yeah well, if you didn’t have your damn wanderlust, you’d have put down roots before now and won more than your fair share of titles.”


“You know me Jack. Never been one for putting roots down too long. Too easy to get entangled in the politics and lose sight of the wrestling…”


“Yeah,” said Jack with a snort “A career of running around because you got burned one time up in New York. Heh. Anyway, what did you come down to Alabama for? I can’t imagine you just felt the need to drop bye.”


“I’m starting a territory down in Texas. Wouldn’t mind having a good friend around, someone I can rely on.”


“I don’t know, man. I’m haven’t been the guy who set the world on fire back in Southern Class for over five years now.”


“Yeah, but that guy was a tool who often made a drunken mess of himself. You’re not that guy anymore, Jack. You still go to the AA meetings, right?”


“Yeah, once a week. Meet with the sponsor too. Have lunch, talk, do the whole nine yards.”


“And tell me you’re not tired of main-eventing ****ty little independent circuit shows across the country? You might not be the same guy who dominated Southern Class when I first entered the business, but you’re damn sure a better wrestler than most of the punks working today.”


“You know, sometimes I wonder how you ever bombed those early promos back in Southern.”


“Practice makes perfect,” I said with a shrug “So you in?”


“Yeah, I’m in. What’s the fed name?”


“You might have heard of it,” I said with a grin “It’s called the Texas Wrestling League.”


“I'm sorry, what?”

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Date: December 16th 2009

Location: Charlotte, North Carolina




“So let me get this straight?” said the wrestling legend as he leaned back into his chair “You want a working agreement with MAW and permission to sign a few of my guys?”


“Yes sir,” I offered with more than a little nervousness. After all, it wasn’t every day you met territory legends like Rip Chord.


“I was hoping for Ace Youngblood and the Atlantic Connection tag-team as full signees, and potentially focusing on trading tag-teams for tag-teams. I’m hoping to maintain a strong division.”


“Nothing wrong with that,” grunted Chord with a hint of approval “The League had its fair share of great tag-teams after all.”




“It’s a deal, kid. I’ll have Jean get you their numbers so you can contact them with your offer. Just don’t try to low-ball my boys, all right?”


“Wouldn’t dream of it, sir.”



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Date: December 18th 2009

Location: New York City




It was a quiet return to the city from which I had been exiled. I hadn’t expected to be met by anyone at the airport terminal considering I’d only told one person I was coming, but I guess Whistler just missed me.


“Terry,” said Whistler quietly after a moment pause to examine me “You’re looking good, kid.”


“Well I definitely feel good,” I offered with a grin “definitely feel good. You still got that beat-up old Beetle of yours outside?”


“Ten years and you’re still insulting a man’s car,” muttered Whistler with a sigh as we exited the terminal “I might just have to put on a clinic and remind you why I don’t take lip from anyone.”


“That Beetle is older than I am and it’s taken more hits,” I shot back as we quickly made it to his car “I think I’m justified in calling it out, Whistler.”


“So this project of yours…” said Whistler with a switch in conversation as he unlocked his car “You taking this seriously? I mean, starting a fed…”


“Would I have come back to make things up with Stomper if I didn’t?” I pointed out “I mean, he’s still holding a grudge right?”


“Not nearly as big as the one he’s holding against Joey for walking out to DAVE,” Whistler responded “But yeah he’s still got the grudge.”


The drive over the office that Stomper rented for NYCW’s backstage staff was quiet for the most part. I’d gotten caught up on what NYCW had been doing for the last few months event-wise and got a promise out of Whistler to come by Dallas once in a while to visit, but the tension was palpable. Whistler didn’t know which side he was going to go with.


As the old, sputtering Beetle came to a halt in front of the old brick and mortar building that housed NYCW’s backstage staff, I took a deep breath and stepped out of the car.

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Date: December 18th 2009

Location: NYCW Office Building





“Stomper,” I greeted as I entered his office, taking notice that two of his lieutenants, Steve Flash and Black Hat Bailey were also there “Flash, Bailey…”


“Good to see you Terry,” offered Flash politely “How you holding up?”


“Good, good. Never been better…”


“Let’s get to the point,” butted in Stomper “Whistler said you wanted to apologize and talk business?”


“Yeah. First off, I want to make the apology to you. My actions during that match and afterwards weren’t things that I should have done, and as a wrestler I should have been more professional and respectful in my conduct and for that I’m sorry.”


“No you’re not,” said Stomper with disgust “Because if you were, you wouldn’t have just parroted that bunch of bullcrap at me.”


“All right, you want the truth?” I offered rhetorically before continuing “No, I’m not sorry for turning that tag-match with Minnesota into a shoot, Stomper. He’d been asking for a dressing-down for months, and it wasn’t like you or Whistler were going to do anything particularly punishing to the company’s golden boy. Hell, he got into a fight with Steadyfast and you fired one of your top heels and a hard worker just to keep him happy.”


“Minnesota was going to take this company to a whole new level,” shot back Stomper “Even then, he was worth a hell of a lot more to me than you or Steadyfast and I don’t care if he knew it or if any of the boys knew it.”


“Except everyone but you knew Minnesota wasn’t going to stick around long enough to make this company a power-house. The man was a mercenary and held himself like he was above any of the veterans or the guys he came in with. He didn’t make friends with anyone in the locker-room, he did his match and left early, and he had you wrapped around his little finger till the day he left-”




“Stow it Black Hat,” I rebutted “Stomper spent years putting him on a pedestal, making him his top heel and then turning him face when Phunk and Century came into the company, only for Minnesota to walk out. Firing me and Steadyfast didn’t keep him happy and loyal. Curtailing Whistler’s authority as booker and pushing him into the tag-team division with American Machine after I left. He did everything he could to keep that self-serving bastard happy and failed. So if you expect me to come in after eight years and crawl on my belly and honestly tell you that I’m sorry for shooting on Minnesota when you probably wish you could do the same to him right now… then I’d tell you to keep on dreaming.”


“You know,” said Stomper quietly “I’ve beaten men for saying less than that to me.”


“I didn’t come here to assuage your bruised ego,” I pointed out sternly “I came here to do business.”


“And what makes you think I’ll do business with you after the verbal reaming you just gave me in front of my own workers?”


“The same reason you’d accept back Minnesota or Steadyfast if you could: You’ve always known how to separate personal matters from business. And even though you think I’m still a punk with no respect for his elders and still hasn’t finished paying his dues, you know that Whistler wouldn’t have brought me here if I didn’t mean business and good business at that.”



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Date: January 1st, 2010

Source: http://www.texaswrestlingleague.com



The Texas Wrestling League is returning with a bang as we aim to kick off January with two days of title tournaments, featuring such veterans and international stars such as Terrance Ward, Jack Griffith, Steve Flash and Paul Steadyfast competing for the coveted TWL Championship, as well as established tag-teams like Wiley Coyote, Ring Generals, the Good Ol’ Boys and the Tennesee Outlaws competing for the prestigious TWL Tag Team Championships! Don’t miss these twin events to be held on the 9th and 10th of January at the newly renamed League Arena in Dallas, Texas!


Tickets on sale now.


TWL New Dawn, Day 1


TWL Tag Team Tournament:


First Round:

Wiley Coyote versus The Atlantic Connection

The Island Warriors (Island Boy Apollo & Ekuma) versus The Tennessee Outlaws

The Southern Warriors (Jesse Christian & Elijah Harris) versus The Good Ol’ Boys

The Nation (Ace Youngblood & Running Wolf) versus The Ring Generals

Second Round:

Winner of Match #1 versus Winner of Match #2

Winner of Match #3 versus Winner of Match #4

Third Round:

Winner of Match #1 versus Winner of Match #2


TWL New Dawn, Day 2


TWL Championship Tournament:

First Round

Whistler versus Jack Griffith

Steve Flash versus Dazzling Dave Diamond

Paul Steadyfast versus Johnny Heizenger

Terrance Ward versus The Big Problem


Second Round:

Winner of Match #1 versus Winner of Match #2

Winner of Match #3 versus Winner of Match #4


Third Round

Winner of Match #1 versus Winner of Match #2

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