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WAR Battleground Quick Picks

American Elemental vs. Ares

Ares needs a win, he's losing steam and looking like a fool.


Cali-Air vs. Demonic Intervention

Poor Cali, they are gonna get beat down. Perhaps a DQ for them, but either way, it's gonna hurt.


G-Phunk © vs. Puerto Rican Power vs. Fumihiro Ota

Ota is close to getting that belt, but it'd be wrong to just take it away so soon as G work so hard (HA) on winning it.


Coastal Zone Chaos vs. The Tri-State Kings

Kings all the way


James Prudence vs. Shawn Gonzalez

James should win this as he's hanging with Nemesis, but i see james as the X PAC of the group, so he should get his head kicked in from Gonzalez.



Great stuff, keep it up.

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American Elemental vs. Ares

Ares/acid should be with gold by now. The fact he doesn't is strange to me.


Cali-Air vs. Demonic Intervention

Scary mo-fos vs. above average and good talker. It's not always going to be simple.


G-Phunk © vs. Puerto Rican Power vs. Fumihiro Ota

This is a title is supposed to jump a lot


Coastal Zone Chaos vs. The Tri-State Kings

Only to avoid heel/heel


James Prudence vs. Shawn Gonzalez

Just more going for him hanging with The Brotherhood and being awesome.:p

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Just sweeping in to relay a '24 hour notice' to those interested in reading "Battleground" Episode #8! I'm only one segment away from the end and, given some free time tomorrow, it should all come together by the afternoon. Those of you still interested in leaving behind predictions, you still have time! Also, to those who already did, thank you SO much for doing so.
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Reign enters the Empire Coliseum

Involved: Reign + Steve Smith

“Evolution of the General”


{“Battleground” opens with the foreshadowing lettering of “Earlier today…” plastered upon the bottom of the screen. With this in mind, the trusted WAR announcer, and VOICE of the product as a whole, Steve Smith, is shown standing backstage in what appears to be the loading dock of the Empire Coliseum. With a microphone in hand, Smith ultimately begins to speak in an eager fashion. Meanwhile, a black hummer limo is shown pulling into said loading dock area; only a few feet away from the scrawny announcer in the end.}


[steve Smith]:
Last week, we all witnessed the rise of a new power in Wrestling Action in Revolt. With our faithful owner still residing in an area hospital, WAR General Nemesis took it upon himself to install a new order; that order is none other than Reign. Now, fast forwarding a week later, one has to wonder what the WAR General and Reign may have in-store for “Battleground” here tonight? While many are unhappy, and frankly unwilling to accept his ‘iron fisted rule’, the glaring truth ultimately remains… He IS… the highest ranking official LEFT in Wrestling Action in Revolt today…


{With that, said pitch-black hummer limo comes to an idled halt. Slowly, as the driver speeds around the corner to open the door, the members of Reign come piling out of their alpha-vehicle. With time, all with their feet on hallowed ground now, the powerful foursome slowly shuffle their way toward the locker room area. However, before doing so, Steve Smith best attempts to gain a word with the newfound, and unrivaled, sole leader of WAR.}


[steve Smith]:
General… may I have a word with you quickly?


{Projecting his chin outward in an authoritative kind of fashion, the brutish, yet intensely weathered, WAR General deters his step from the locker room area briefly. Ultimately standing next to Smith, the stern authority figure looks like a battle-tested warrior now at the very top of command. Years of blood, bruises, and broken bones, have left him practically paralyzed; however, his years of service also garner him the respect of a prevailing victor.}


[steve Smith]:
General, everyone is buzzing since your creation of Reign last week; however, my question has MORE to do with your OWN actions last week. When you were hired by Mr. Stallings as our General, there was a well-documented pact that you were NOT to be physical with anyone; at any-time. However, last week, we all witnessed you personally striking Troy Tornado from behind. Does this mean, due to your actions, that you’ve lost your post as… well… the WAR General?


{Shaking his head in a stern fashion, still projecting said chin of authority, Nemesis seems quite confident of his post despite the controversy.}


[WAR General Nemesis]:
That was an original clause of my agreement with Mr. Stallings but, given his injuries, my post must obviously evolve. This company is chalked full of violent men; we saw that last week when Mr. Stallings was unceremoniously assaulted like a rat in the night. Wrestling Action in Revolt doesn’t need another conceptual leader; it needs a strong hand… an… iron fisted rule. That is why this clause doesn’t mean anything to me now. I’m positive that Mr. Stallings would agree… if he were here today…


[steve Smith]:
Speaking of, have you discovered any new clues as to WHO may have attacked Mr. Stallings last week?


[WAR General Nemesis]:
I have a number of private detectives working on the case right now; however, it’s going to be hard to discover much more. Where Stallings was attacked, there’s no security camera anywhere around there. So, more or less, it’s going to come down to ‘he-said-she-said’, and we all know how much bull-sh*t can come from that.


{The WAR General appears as though he’s about to walk off when Steve Smith interjects one last question. A question that actually forces the gruff authority to release a final address.}


[steve Smith]:
Do you REALLY plan on handing over the WAR Championship to it’s rightful owner in Troy Tornado tonight? We’ve seen your past with him and, to be honest, I don’t think ANYONE expects to see you hold up your word!


{Spinning back around, projecting a sense of annoyed sternness, the WAR General barks one final time. This time; however, it’s more in an aggressive manner above all.}


[WAR General Nemesis]:
I ALWAYS hold up my word…
{Pauses as he sternly stares down Mr. Smith}
Troy Tornado will receive his WAR Championship back tonight for the first time in weeks. You can count on that…


{With that, led by the brutish steps of the WAR General, Reign walks past Mr. Smith on their way into the Empire Coliseum. Meanwhile, before cutting away, Mr. Smith turns back to the camera and addresses the situation one last time.}


[steve Smith]:
You heard it here, Folks. The WAR General MAY have evolved his position but he’s STILL holding true to his claim of handing over the WAR Championship to it’s rightful owner in Troy Tornado. Whether you believe it or not, either way, tonight’s BOUND to be a chaotic affair…


{With that, the ‘earlier in the day…’ scene comes to an end with the consummate professional in Steve Smith standing before the lens. Meanwhile, the question of whether or not Nemesis is being truthful resides in us all.}


Steve Smith:
Welcome to “Battleground” ladies and gentlemen and BOY do we have a good show for you tonight. That said, as we just witnessed, WAR General Nemesis comes into his first broadcast at the helm of leadership. With Mr. Stallings STILL in a hospital with signs of extreme injury, Nemesis has now been entrusted with the direction of Wrestling Action in Revolt. What does the General have in store for WAR? Also, how does Reign, his newest faction, play into that direction? I guess we’ll find out… tonight!

Slick Rick:
Reign is the greatest thing to EVER happen to Wrestling Action in Revolt! Mr. Stallings was a push-over, a punk, a loser who grew up to remain a loser. If WAR is to EVER succeed, it’s going to be under the iron fist of our WAR General! This should be a day of celebration!

Steve Smith:
I don’t know if I’d go THAT far but it’s obvious to see that there’s a new tone these days. With the General stripping away his own ‘non-violence clause’, truly… anything could happen…

Slick Rick:
… and I hope to hell it does!




American Elemental vs. Ares


Singles Match

“When good goes bad...”


Raging at speeds unseen, the incessant back-and-forth of Ares and American Elemental tell a story of two men well-versed in the other. From the opening bell, neither man really looks to be THAT much ahead of the other. That said, the action itself is entirely contested as the overall feel of the matchup is that of an open-nature; momentum bending every which way as they appear educated as it pertains to one another. In the end though, despite such a great back-and-forth, one that inspires the rabid WAR fanbase to clap feverishly in respect of their classic altercation, such a ‘great feel’ is quickly overturned by the shocking dubious nature of the “GOD of WAR”.


With WAR referee, Jez McArthuer, in an awkward position, Ares is able to land a dramatic low-blow upon Am El as it appears he was starting to pull away with a victory. Staggered, the masked international flier tries to return to action; however, is quickly met with a leaping Superkick from the equally speedy Ares. Seconds later, using the bottom rope for leverage in an underhanded manner, a fact that is QUITE striking given Ares’ previous respectable history, Ares is able to garner a three-count in his favor; a fact that brings a controversial end to their second meeting as the famed “GOD of WAR” ultimately casts a newfound devious light to his punk-rock persona.


Ares via underhanded pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
Low blow followed by a leaping Superkick

Ending Time:


Steve Smith:
What the bloody-hell was that all about?

Slick Rick:
It looks like Ares got bored of that masked idiot.
{Raspy laughter follows}
If this is a sign of what’s to come with the “GOD of WAR” then sign me up! Ares with a mean-streak is one bad-ass-motha-f*cker in the end…

Steve Smith:
I don’t know how ANYONE could applaud that though, Slick. I mean, they were having a healthy back and forth, this crowd was showing them nothing but respect, and then bam… Ares stoops as low as to not only land a low-blow but also use the bottom rope for leverage in his pinfall attempt. That’s the kind of thing we would expect out of the Tri-State Kings… not… Ares…

Slick Rick:
Quite your whining, Steve-o!




Turning on a manager

Involved: Ares and Goddess Emily

“Punk rock rebellion”


{Goddess Emily quickly scurries into the ring with a sense of authority to her step. Within seconds of her ascent, the tattooed beauty is ultimately seen questioning Ares in a heated fashion about his actions tonight. In the end though, as Ares rolls his eyes, c*cking his head back and forth in a defiant fashion, the scenario proves to be a shocking one none the less…}


{Placing his hand upon her face, open palmed, the famed “GOD of WAR” is shown shoving Goddess Emily square to the canvas with a harsh push. Collapsing onto the canvas below, Emily quickly checks for blood upon her lips as she look up in a ‘how dare you’ kind of fashion.}



Ares shoves Goddess Emily to the floor...


[steve Smith]:


[slick Rick:
{Laughing in a raspy fashion}
B*tch be down!! F*ck yea, Ares!


[steve Smith:
THAT was deplorable! To put your hands on a woman…
{Shakes his head in disgust}
… Down-right deplorable!!


{Walking out of the ring slowly, almost in a lazy-like fashion, Ares now finds himself at the forefront of a momentous wave of booing. Meanwhile, as he celebrates his newfound hatred in a proud fashion, Goddess Emily is shown slowly pulling herself off the mat in a disgusted fashion; a fact that the crowd shares with her.}


Steve Smith:
Soak in that boo, Ares, eat it up… it’s the ONLY thing you’re going to HEAR for here to eternity. What you did tonight CANNOT be applauded. Before you know it, you WILL pay for this… mark my words… you WILL pay for it…

Slick Rick:
What? You going to do something about it? Bull-sh*t, Steve-o!

Steve Smith:
I won’t… but you KNOW there will be someone out there that will…




Handing over the WAR Championship

Involved: WAR General Nemesis, Troy Tornado ©, and ???

“Killing the spirit of WAR”


{With a driving militaristic theme blaring in the background, one that sends shivers down most men’s spine, the overtly stern WAR General, Nemesis, is shown strolling through the “Gates of WAR” in a show of strong confidence. Holding the WAR Championship in hand, a belt that has been passed along between different thieves over the last few weeks, Nemesis appears to be on the verge of holding up his word. However, with that in mind, many still question the validity of his claim due to the self-indulged nature of the General.}


{Climbing into the ring, the WAR Championship gleaming in his hands, the WAR General is shown instantly calling for a microphone. In the end, while the nearby attendant does a good job of bringing one rather fast, the General seems entirely frustrated with, what he would perceive to be, a ‘lack of focus’ from another WAR employee. None the less, with his microphone in hand, and the fan-base booing like crazy before him, Nemesis finally brings forth the situation we’ve all been waiting for… WILL he turn over the WAR Championship to Troy Tornado?}


[WAR General Nemesis]:
For weeks, the WAR Championship has been bouncing around from one-hand-to-the-other… Yet, all the while, our champion remained the same.
Tornado and I have not always seen eye-to-eye; however, that is to be expected. Truthfully though, it’s what binds us together that ultimately forces me to stomp his skull into this very canvas…


{Nemesis looks out with his authoritative chin sticking out in a stern manner. Meanwhile, the crowd is heard booing rather loudly in opposition to his statement.}


[WAR General Nemesis]:
… but that’s a revelation that would be BEST unveiled… With Tornado out here… So, Champ… IF you want your title back… It’s time to get your a$$ out here…


{Walking out of the “Gates of WAR” in a lazy fashion, the obviously injured WAR Champion, Troy Tornado, strolls down the steel ramp-way without his gleaming gold in hand. None the less, as his loud, in-your-face, heavy metal theme continues to blare in direct defiance of the stern perspective of the WAR General, their appears to be an obvious sense of tension between the Champ and his authority figure.}



Coming to reclaim what is HIS!


{Slowly climbing into the ring, most certainly reeling from the gigantic powerbomb that sent him through the ring last week, Tornado is seen lazily calling for a microphone of his own. That said, Nemesis quickly interjects; looking down upon said technition in which to send a direct message.}


[WAR General Nemesis]:
He doesn’t need a mic…
{He barks as he points in a stern fashion}
… he’s here to listen… not talk…


{A ‘are you kidding me’ smirk forms upon the champ’s face as he slowly shakes his head in an arrogant fashion. Meanwhile, as Tornado’s theme fades into the background, the WAR General instantly turns his internal aggression toward the rebellious top-dog before him.}


[WAR General Nemesis]:
Your time to talk will come later BUT, for now, it’s time for you to LISTEN, champ.


{The crowd boos like crazy as Tornado continues to defy his aggressive tone with that of a lazy sense of arrogant cool.}


[WAR General Nemesis]:
Everywhere I go, everyone has the same question… Why are you SO hard on Troy Tornado?
{Pauses; looks upon the lazy state champ}
In the end my response has been, and will continue to be,… because… he’s on top.


{The crowd pops; however, Nemesis still appears stern in nature.}


[WAR General Nemesis]:
… and the man ‘on top’ will ALWAYS find a difficult road here in Wrestling Action in Revolt.
I’ve told you countless times, Tornado, that the WAR Championship is both a blessing and a curse. With the glory of the crown comes the insanity of non-stop warfare. You’ve got to be ready every night, to ‘turn it on’, and go to that next level. If you don’t, or if you can’t, then you’ll find yourself engulfed in your final blaze of glory. However, to those who can stand the flame, who can compete at the highest levels, unafraid of the hell before them, Immortality is what awaits you…
If you can tame the beast of the WAR Championship… Then, you’re guaranteed to go down in history as a LEGEND of WAR…
{Pauses; stares upon Tornado}
So far, you’ve kept yourself ‘on top’… but… by the sight of your injuries… the question remains as to HOW LONG you can stay there…


{Troy rolls his eyes in an arrogant manner as he steps closer to the WAR General; giving a sign that he wants his belt back. With this in mind, as you can expect, this enrages Nemesis that much more. His chin slowly protrudes out that much more, signifying a TRUE sense of authority, as it’s obvious he’s unhappy.}


[WAR General Nemesis]:
I’m not done yet…
{Pauses with a stern stare}
Life IS absolute HELL for the WAR Champion… but… for you… it’s become FAR worse.
You see, when I was first brought into WAR, handed the General position, I overlooked the roster in which to pinpoint those that would cause the most trouble. As you may not know, as NONE of you know what it’s like to be in a position of POWER, it’s those anarchistic minds that will ultimately unravel your dynasty. In your case, you are EXACTLY one of those reckless punks that needed to be squashed straight away…


{The crowd boos as Tornado, again, simply laughs in defiance of his tone.}


[WAR General Nemesis]:
I TRIED to crush you, to put you through HELL, as I would for ANY WAR Champion, but, somehow, you kept on coming back for more. The parties only got larger, the Strip only became brighter to you, and, in the end, I began to find new ways to torture you… hoping it would eventually push you to the brink. You see, you and I are not that different…


{A brief stare-down exists as Tornado looks confused; laughing to himself as he shakes his head}


[WAR General Nemesis]:
… You may not know it, given that brain of yours is practically mush by now, BUT… Where you stand… Is where I ONCE stood… only across the country in DaVE. The rebellious, revolutionary, a$$-hole who will stop at NOTHING to debunk the status quo. Sexy, cool, … violent…
{Pauses as he smirks devilishly}
Years before there was a Troy Tornado… There was Nemesis… the ONE… THE FIRST… Agent of Anarchy. So, to say the least, I know your game… I know your mindset because… That’s EXACTLY how I was at one time.
This is why… I must CRUSH YOU like the BUG that you are…


{The crowd boos as Nemesis vows to ‘crush’ Tornado. In connection, the champ’s mood turns slightly more aggressive in nature. Gone is the arrogant smirk. Now, while still bouncing with a lazy confidence, it seems as though he’s growing angered, or challenged, by the General’s statement.}


[WAR General Nemesis]:
I KNOW the kind of hell you can raise… I KNOW what your intentions are… That’s why… I will put an END to Troy Tornado before you can even come CLOSE to challenging my Reign. You may as well wipe that c*cky little grin off your face for good… because… when I’m done with you… You’ll be nothing more than a sulking paraplegic…


{Again, the crowd boos in a furious fashion as Nemesis stands in stern defiance of such a response.}


[WAR General Nemesis]:
So, go on, take your title… Walk out of this ring… Attempt to keep up… But keep this in mind…
You will NOT last here in Wrestling Action in Revolt. Before you know it, that BELT will be around the waist of another… and YOU’LL be lying in a hospital bed, just like Stallings,… watching “Battleground” as a spectator ONLY!


{With that, Nemesis throws the WAR Championship in a disrespectful fashion toward the chest of the TRUE champion. Catching it in his hands, Tornado looks back up at the WAR General with a look like he’s ready to fight. That said, Nemesis raises one finger in defiance of the look; the other raising the microphone on high once again.}


[WAR General Nemesis]:
… Don’t test me, Tornado… I may be in a suit but I can still kick your punk-a$$ like no other…


{An aggressive stare-down exists with nether man moving in the slightest. For a matter of 30-seconds, no man moves; no man breaks eye contact in the slightest. Chomping away at his gum like an arrogant cow, Tornado stands as a direct opposite of the stern, chin-protruding, WAR General who appears on the verge of explosion. None the less, as Tornado finally steps backward, never breaking eye contact, yet smirking in his arrogant manner again, the scenario takes another DRASTIC turn with one last statement by the General himself.}


[WAR General Nemesis]:
I almost forgot…
{Stares with a sense of sternness}
Your little party tonight will have to take a back-seat, at least for now, as… You’re going to be in action… RIGHT NOW…


{The crowd reacts accordingly, happy to see Tornado in action, as Tornado nods his head in a ‘bring it on’ kind of fashion; even with his obvious injuries.}


[WAR General Nemesis]:
… Tonight…. You will DEFEND that WAR Championship of yours against… “ALL… HAIL…”… TITUS!!



Coming to finish the job!


{The crowd boos like crazy as a nearby camera captures the menacing sight of TITUS slowly shuffling through the “Gates of WAR”. Flexing, showing off his monstrous frame like a Greek GOD, TITUS roars in a bear-like fashion as he stares down upon the squared circle. Meanwhile, Troy Tornado has already dropped the WAR Championship in his corner, turning his attention back toward the impending TITUS with a look of ‘come get some’ upon his face.}


Steve Smith:
Well, he DID hold up his word… but it was carried out with a hefty back-hand as well. Tornado and TITUS; RIGHT NOW… for the WAR Championship. I don’t know HOW the HELL Tornado can win this bout. I mean, it was only a week ago that the champ was thrown through the ring with a gigantic powerbomb; the injuries he sustained are OBVIOUSLY there! How CAN Tornado win?

Slick Rick:
He won’t… and WAR will be better off for it.

Steve Smith:
With TITUS as WAR Champion?

Slick Rick:
Exactly… A REAL champion!

Steve Smith:
I shudder to think of TITUS with the belt…






Troy Tornado © vs. TITUS


Singles Match

WAR Championship Match

“Torture the champ!”


Given Troy Tornado’s depleted condition, it’s entirely unfair for him to be in action this week; let alone against a MONSTER like TITUS. None the less, Tornado does his best to bounce off the ropes with fury, speeding around the ring like the rebellious renegade that he is; however, shortly after he starts, it all comes crashing down with the tree-trunk-sized arms of the bodybuilding behemoth. With time, TITUS’ immense power becomes too much for Tornado to overcome; especially given his current state. In the end though, the victory would STILL stay in the hands of the WAR Champion, allowing him to retain the gold; however, not in a convincing fashion. Grabbing a nearby steel chair, slid into the ring by the WAR General himself, TITUS is shown slamming the hefty-hand of steel square across the champ’s head; a fact that inspires Jez to call for the bell soon thereafter. Sadly though, even a ringside bell can’t stop TITUS from landing a couple more skull-crushing chair shots upon the head of a lying Tornado.


Troy Tornado via DQ

Ending Maneuver:
Steel chair strikes from TITUS

Ending Time:


Steve Smith:

Slick Rick:
Enough? Keep that sh*t going, TITUS!!

{The overwhelming sound of the crowd booing takes over for a brief second.}

Steve Smith:
This is just uncalled for!! Is THIS the kind of kingdom you’re going to run, General? Is THIS how you plan to employ Reign? GOOD GOD… This is… just… SICKENING!

Slick Rick:
Whatever… Crush the punk!! Say goodbye to Tornado; he’s on a non-stop trip to a hospital bed with this one!




The champ is stretchered out

Involved: Troy Tornado ©, WAR General Nemesis, and TITUS

“Hospital bound”


{Motionless, face-down on the canvas, the victorious WAR Champion looks anything but as the monstrous TITUS stands over him with steel chair in hand. Dropping said weapon at his side, TITUS ultimately puffs his chest out in an alpha-like fashion as he barks aggressively toward the fallen frame of Troy Tornado. Meanwhile, speeding toward the ring with fear in their eyes, a number of city-issued EMT’s are shown quickly overtaking the ring in large numbers; hoping to benefit the obviously injured champion in the process.}


{As the WAR General Nemesis sternly motions for TITUS to follow him, exiting the ring in a methodical fashion in the process, soaking in the negative response from the crowd, the two members of Reign leave the ringside area with a hefty sense of carnage behind them. Meanwhile, as they do so, Tornado is ultimately shown being loaded onto a stretcher; being moved in a very slow manner in which to limit further injuries. In the end, as he’s carted off the canvas, up the steel rampway, and through the side of the stage to a waiting ambulance, there’s an air that we may have seen the LAST of our WAR Champion for quite… some… time…}


Steve Smith:
All we can do right now is hope and pray…

Slick Rick:
Praying is for the weak. Face it, Steve-o, Troy Tornado is a gonner! His days in WAR are long gone. He’s tried to be the ‘savior of WAR’ but… as we’ve seen now… He simply CANNOT keep up with Reign. Hell, he may have just lost his head here tonight at the hand of TITUS… “ALL… HAIL…” TITUS!!

Steve Smith:
It sickens me that you think this is a good thing…

Slick Rick:
I think it’s a wrestling thing…Chairs, violence, injuries…It’s ALL part of our business. Tonight, Tornado found out FIRST HAND what it’s like to be on the wrong-end of a MAJOR ass-kickin…





Cali-Air vs. Demonic Intervention


Tag Team Match

WAR Tag Team Tournament - Semi-finals

“Scrappy but crushed”


The obvious size difference between the two teams is almost laughable as the rabid WAR fan-base cements their support behind the much smaller, much meeker, pairing of Cali-Air. That said, don’t expect that the newfound tandem to simply lay down. Flying every which way, utilize the air as their ultimate equalizer, the speedy tandem of Donnie J and Ash Campbell bring their brand of exciting west-coast offense to the body-crushing power of Demonic Intervention. Sadly though, despite all of their incessant bombardment of the big men, scrappy speediness is simply not enough to overcome immense, almost supernatural, strength.


Leaping from the top rope with a high octane approach, Ash Campbell eventually falls in the gigantic hand of Leper Messiah. Within seconds, the scrappy youngster is picked up off the ground in one fluid movement and slammed violently BACK down with his signature “Prophecy” maneuver. As expected, there was no kicking out of that.


Demonic Intervention

Ending Maneuver:
“The Prophecy” (Chokeslam)

Ending Time:

Demonic Intervention moves onto the next round of the WAR Tag Team Championship tournament.


Steve Smith:
Well… I guess they tried…

Slick Rick:
That was like watching a bunch of flies trying to get at a picnic for giants.
{Raspy laughter follows}
Squash here, swat there, and in the end, there’s nothing left of the pesky little flies.

Steve Smith:
Cali-Air really surprised me here tonight but, as you said, they didn’t really do much then get squashed here and there in the process. With this win though, Demonic Intervention is the FIRST WAR Tag team to cement a spot in the final round of the tournament! Will it be the Tri-State Kings or Coastal Zone Chaos that meets them there? Either way, after seeing THIS match, no one can feel confident when up against THESE monsters…





The Pin-up Girl Brand

Involved: The WAR Pin-up Girls (Blondie, Dharma, Misty & Mandy), Jayson Wright, and Hopkirk

“Sex Sells; not to all though...”


{Stepping away from the menacing sight of Demonic Intervention, “Battleground” now gets a glimpse into the night-life of the beloved WAR Pin-up girls. Partying, drinking, dancing, and strolling the Vegas strip in the midnight hours, these four lovely ladies are ultimately portrayed as seasoned party-goers tackling Sin City with every passing night. Scantily-clad, and often walking hand-in-hand like lovers, these sex-charged Pin-up girls do a knockout job of pushing the WAR brand name out into the Vegas masses; right where the action REALLY happens. In the end, while rather short, the video is ultimately there to build an aura about the busty beauties that they’re always in a state of partying on the strip. In a way, they’re quickly becoming an ambassador of both WAR and SEX as well…}


{As the video comes to a close, we now open with the sight of Jayson “Mr.” Wright standing before a TV backstage. At first, it comes as a shock as most are expecting to see the ringside area; however, witnessing “Mr.” Wright, especially after his heroic actions last week, there appears to be a connection between him and one of the ladies.}



Emotionally overrun


{Staring, his hand upward toward his mouth as he bites upon his nails, Jayson looks as though he’s emotionally working through something. Meanwhile, as he does, the grungy, greasy, and grimy, Brotherhood member Hopkirk is shown walking onto the scene with a lazy, overtly arrogant, sense of swagger.}



The greasy creep interjects a life lesson?


They’re a dime a dozen, boy…


{Jayson doesn’t look at Hopkirk. Instead, he continues to stare upon the TV screen as if he were in a trance of sorts.}


Hell, they’re probably all full of diseases anyways…


{Jayson STILL does not pay attention to Hopkirk despite his jarring behavior. None the less, as the Brotherhood member walks closer toward the fixated “Mr.” Wright, it actually appears as though Hopkirk is attempting to speak man-to-man to the young pretty-boy; just in his own… crude manner.}


Seriously, boy, why f*cking care? Sl*ts like that may show you a good time but, in the end, they’ll break your heart… take it from me…


{Snapping out of his trance-like state, Jayson “Mr.” Wright quickly springs into action. With a harsh push, clenching Hopkirk’s black mesh shirt in the process, Wright explodes into a sense of fury; staring Hopkirk directly in the eye as he appears to be bent on something.}


[Jayson “Mr.” Wright]:
Why do I care? Huh? She’s my sister, you a$$-hole…


{Hopkirk pushes Jayson’s hands off in one swift maneuver, showing he’s much more powerful than the other, as the two stare one another down in a tense fashion. Slowly though, as he realizes what Jayson has just said, Hopkirk turns back toward his sleazy roots; smirking devilishly as he shakes his head in a ‘riiigghht’ kind of fashion.}


That fine piece of country-a$$, Dharma, is your sister?
{Devilish grin}
I guess I’ll need to pick me up a twang; try to get into HER twang…


{With that, Jayson explodes into action once again; however, Hopkirk is able to move aside. In doing so, Hopkirk forces “Mr.” Wright’s momentum to go straight past him; slamming up against the wall in the process. Slowly, spinning back around, Wright appears to be still entirely enraged, as a big brother would, while staring upon a smirking Hopkirk.}


You wanna act tough, big-boy; stand up for that sl*t sister of yours? So be it… Meet me in the ring next week and I’ll show your sister who the BIGGER MAN really is…


{Hopkirk laughs in a devilish fashion as he slowly walks off the scene in a crude manner while never breaking eye contact with “Mr.” Wright in the process. Meanwhile, Jayson continues to stand in fury on the opposite side of the aged rocker; fuming with aggression yet more so mentally fixated then physically. In the end, the scene comes to a close with the sight of Jayson Wright slamming his fist into a nearby wall; overtly enraged over something… Hopkirk’s statement… Dharma’s role as a WAR Pin-up girl… Who knows exactly for sure…}


Steve Smith:
That HAS to be tough… to see your sister in that manner. I mean, these lovely ladies personify a sense of RAW sexuality that simply CANNOT be comfortable for family to see.

Slick Rick:
He’s going to get his a$$ killed if he tries to be the ‘big brother’ though. Let her go. She’s a BIG girl… at least on top.
{Laughs in a raspy fashion}
So your sister is hot… Get over it!

Steve Smith:
I have a feeling that that won’t be as easy as you think. I guess though, next week, we’ve got ourselves our first booked match… Hopkirk vs. Jayson “Mr.” Wright!




Pre-show interview with Puerto Rican Power

Involved: Puerto Rican Power + Steve Smith

“I'm fine...”


{Transitioning to a previously recorded video, as projected by the ‘earlier today’ wording at the bottom of the screen, we witness the sight of WAR announcer, and ultimate VOICE of the company, Steve Smith standing before a grey backstage door. With a sense of eagerness to his stare, the spirited speaker opens such a scenario with a brief introduction as to WHY he’s where he is currently.}


[steve Smith]:
Ladies and gentlemen, last week, Puerto Rican Power LOST the WAR Sin City Championship due to the dubious hand of a sneaky, and slimy, G-Phunk. Lying injured on the canvas, the victim of his OWN finisher, Power was simply unable to kick-out as Phunk ultimately curb-stomped his already weakened head. This week, I’ve been told that Power will not ONLY return to the Empire Coliseum but will ALSO challenge for his recently lost gold. Now, I’m ALL for Power attempting to regain the Sin City Championship but… is he even healthy enough to compete? That’s what were about to find out… come with me…


{Steve Smith turns and opens the grey door behind him to see a street-dressed Puerto Rican Power walking toward said door from a large parking lot. With a black duffle bag in his hand, Power looks focused and ready for action tonight. If anything, he looks as he always does: Huffing, puffing, and the figure of pure alpha-male interaction.}


[steve Smith]:
Power… Power… Have you been cleared to wrestle tonight?


{With a stern nod, Puerto Rican Power continues to look forward as he stomps toward the doorway leading into the Coliseum.}


[steve Smith]:
Do you think you’ll be physically ABLE to compete tonight? Reports claimed that your neck injury was pretty bad…


[Puerto Rican Power]:
… just a stinger… I’ll be alright…


{Puerto Rican Power barks in a husky fashion as he continues to stomp toward the door.}


[steve Smith]:
Do you have a game-plan for tonight’s three-way? I mean… with your depleted state and two rivals on the other side…


{Sharply, and in a strong fashion, Power looks over toward Smith; stopping for a brief second. With such a brutish stare, Smith is seen jumping back in the process.}


[Puerto Rican Power]:
I’m fine…
{Stares in a menacing fashion as he pauses}
… I don’t NEED a game-plan… my FISTS… are all I need…


{With that, Power begins to stomp in a hefty fashion toward the door. As Steve Smith staggers away in a reactionary sense of fear, Power ultimately flings the door open in a brutish fashion; a fact that pushes it to slam against the wall in the process. In the end, as Power exits the scene, a candid shot is shown of Steve Smith as he stands off camera; gulping, wiping his brow, and shaking his head in a ‘okay, I’m glad that’s done’ kind of fashion.}


Slick Rick:
Look at you…
{Raspy laughter follows}
… Cr@p your pants, Steve-o?

Steve Smith:
I’d like to see YOU try to speak to Puerto Rican Power. That man is one hell of a fighter but he’s also one scary lad…

Slick Rick:
Scary? DAMiaN is scary. Leper Messiah is scary. Hell, Genio VERDE can be scary. Puerto Rican Power? He’s a nobody with juice in his veins. That’s it.

Steve Smith:
I’d like to see you say that to his face…






G-Phunk © vs. Fumihiro Ota vs. Puerto Rican Power


Three-way No DQ Match

WAR Sin City Championship

“POWER overrides!”


Huffing and puffing from the start, Puerto Rican Power looks like an angry man looking for revenge. With this in mind, as the match officially opens, it should come as NO shock that the bruising powerhouse quickly employs his strength as a way of, hopefully, crushing the competition in the process. Sadly though, for him at least, his angered power is slowly tempered by the tricky hands of the WAR Sin City Champion, Genio Verde, and the incessant, lightning quick, ultimately crafty, approach of his long-time rival in Fumihiro Ota. Sensing the need for unity, Ota and Phunk ultimately create a very tentative, very awkward, alliance in order to temper the raging beast before them. That said, while their attempts are quite successful at first, their own WANT for a win ultimately unravel the very connection that they once attempted to force. Meanwhile, cracking in their own weak foundation, this is ALL the room that Power needs to do exactly that; POWER his way toward a swing of momentum. In the end, as Power resurges, and the combination of Phunk and Ota begin to wane, Puerto Rican Power is shown practically exploding with GOD-like strength; throwing both of his opponents around the ring like rag dolls. All in all, despite appearing strong in their short combination, Ota and Punk are simply unable to stop the raging beast. Seconds after dropping a strong-looking Ota with a guerilla-press/over the shoulder slam, the bruising powerhouse is shown turning his attention toward the Sin City Champion. With a speedy run, a fact that pushes a staggered G-Phunk to attempt to dive out of the way, Power is able to connect with a side-ways-turned Phunk; slamming him violently to the canvas in an awkward manner. At that point, as the crowd pops accordingly for the big man, all that’s left is a standard three count in favor of the previous holder; a fact that ultimately gives Puerto Rican Power control of the Sin City Championship… once again…


Puerto Rican Power via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
“San Juan Rush” (Spear)

Ending Time:

Puerto Rican Power wins the WAR Sin City Championship! This marks his second reign as said champion.


Steve Smith:

{Slick is shown rolling his eyes as he buries his head in his hands}

Steve Smith:
He came, he saw, he conquered! A week after losing his belt due to an underhanded pin by G-Phunk as he lay injured on the canvas, Puerto Rican Power has secured the Sin City Championship for a second time! What… a… win!!

Slick Rick:
Blah, blah, blah… It’s only a matter of time before he folds again…

Steve Smith:
I highly doubt that… BUT… as of right now, that doesn’t matter. For, in this moment, he’s the FIRST-EVER two time champion in Wrestling Action in Revolt!




Congratulating the victor

Involved: Eric Tyler and Buddy Garner

“The time has come...”


{We return from a short promotional video hyping internal WAR events in which to witness the sight of the polarizing “Traditionalist” Eric Tyler standing in the center of the ring. In direct contrast to what we expect from the often arrogant technition, Tyler appears to be somewhat sunken. With his mannerisms telling of a man whose been emotionally flattened, for the first time in his lengthy career, there’s a level of sadness upon his face. Regardless of his shown of humanity though, the rabid WAR fan-base does nothing but firmly boo the hated Tri-State King member.}





[Eric Tyler]:
I stand before you a man humbled…


{Tyler looks down upon the canvas as the crowd appears to be somewhat shocked by his candor.}


[Eric Tyler]:
For 30-minutes, I did my very best to bend, twist, and break, the very body of Buddy Garner…
{Pauses as he continues to look down; dejected}
… but… no matter how hard I tried, no matter what move I tried to inflict upon him,… Garner never tapped…
{Pauses as he sulks}
He never tapped…


{Tyler looks up upon the crowd with a dejected look upon his face. With that said, speaking in a saddened manner, the WAR fan-base continues to remain in confusion. That said, their appears to be more booing within the fray than anything else; even with his moment of candor.}


[Eric Tyler]:
Believe me, I tried…
{Pauses; sulks deep in thought}
… but I think that’s what I ultimately learned at the end of the night. It’s something that no man, but myself, could have forced me to understand… that I… have lost a step within the ring…


{The crowd responds almost as if to throw pity toward the LEGEND. That said, Tyler appears to be soaking it in with sadness.}


[Eric Tyler]:
For 30 years, I have made this ring my classroom; doing my best to teach the very essence of TRUE wrestling. At points, I may have lost control, lost my focus, became fixated in that notion, that I alienated myself from the fans and now, in hindsight, I feel bad for doing so. Know though, in the end, I made those choices not out of spite… but out of love… for the very sport we all respect and honor. So, last week, when I was physically unable to do the VERY thing I’ve made a career out of, I knew this time had come… that time… that time in a man’s life where he must re-evaluate where he stands…
That’s why, tonight, before I make any sort of grand gestures… I first have to congratulate the man who brought me to this point. The man that I spent 30 minutes trying to defeat and fell short…
{Looks toward the “Gates of WAR”}
… Garner… I’ve come here to congratulate… you…


{With that, as the WAR fan-base watches on in shock, a sunken “Traditionalist” looks toward the “Gates of WAR” as the victorious Buddy Garner appears. With his roaring rock theme blaring in the background, the long-time MMA standout shuffles his way down the steel rampway with a sense of impenetrable confidence (not in a c*cky manner but in a stern sense). Finally, once upon the ring, Garner climbs in through the ropes, never taking his focused eyes off of his rival, as even HE appears to be somewhat leery of the situation at hand. None the less, as Garner’s music slowly dies off in the background, all that’s left is a confused fanbase, an equally leery Garner, and a sunken Tyler with a microphone in hand.}



Leery and ready to fight!


[Eric Tyler]:
I know you don’t trust me, Buddy, and I don’t blame you. My history has given you that thought. That said, I’m not out here to further anything… Yes, we DID rip into eachother for weeks now but, at this point, after last week, I don’t know if I have anything left in me. Sure, I love this sport, and will continue to do so; however, I feel as though it’s time that I do so… from the sidelines. Now, I’m not looking for your pity, you’re a man who understands how proud one becomes in this sport, but I AM asking you for your hand…


{Tyler pauses as Garner’s ears perk in a leery manner still.}


Eric Tyler]:
I want to congratulate you, Buddy… You TRULY were, and ARE, the better man…


{Eric Tyler extends his hand outward while still holding the very same sunken look upon his face. Meanwhile, in typical wrestling drama, Garner takes a second to survey the situation at hand; not knowing if he SHOULD shake his hand or not. That said, as the fans actually begin to cheer in the background, buying into Tyler’s transformation and possible retirement, the OLD Tyler comes straight through…}


{As Garner goes to shake Tyler’s hand, leery but respectful, the crafty “Traditionalist” is shown reaching into his pocket and quickly throwing a cloud of white powder square into Buddy’s face!}



Tyler throws powder in Garner’s face!


[steve Smith]:


[slick Rick]:
‘Atta boy, Tyler!! Now THAT’S the “Traditionalist” that everyone LOVES to hate!!


{Blinded, Garner staggers away for a second, clawing at his face, as a devious smirk now grows upon Tyler’s face. Gone is the sunken, woe-is-me, I’m on the verge of retirement, look upon his face. Now, springing into action, Tyler seems energetic, focused, and determined on inflicting damage!}


{With the crowd booing wildly in the background, Tyler wages a one-sided beatdown squarely upon the blinded Garner. Sure, at one point, Buddy is able to connect with a wild right hand, a throw that he didn’t even know if it were to land, but despite the shot, Eric is able to regain control with an aggressive takedown.}


{After a number of hole-stomping strikes, Tyler eventually locks in a twisted Arm-bar square upon the blinded Garner. Squirming and roaring in pain, Garner attempts to break free; however, is too wound up to even consider freedom. In the end, as Tyler leans back in a violent fashion for a split second, it appears as though the “Traditionalist” has shockingly BROKEN the arm of Buddy Garner inside said arm bar!}



Eric Tyler potentially BREAKS Buddy’s Arm!


[steve Smith]:
Oh my… I think… oh no… I think Eric Tyler MAY have just broken Buddy Garner’s arm…


[slick Rick]:
Oh boo…hoo… Who gives a damn? Garner is a nobody!


[steve Smith]:
This is not good… not good at all…


{Squirming in pain upon the mat, screaming out in absolute horror, Buddy Garner appears to be in a severe amount of pain as Eric Tyler finally breaks the damaging hold. Meanwhile, as the crowd continues to boo wildly, the devious “Traditionalist” is ultimately shown celebrating amongst such; slowly shuffling out of the ringside area as his heated rival lay viciously injured at the hand of a emotional possum-playing Tyler.}


Steve Smith:
I can’t believe Eric Tyler just did that… Baiting Garner in and then NOT ONLY blinding him but also possibly breaking his arm? This is an ALL NEW LOW for Tyler…

Slick Rick:
You call it a ‘new low’…I call it just being Eric Tyler…
{Laughs in a raspy fashion}
What did you expect? A nice, kindhearted, Tyler? If so, you’re an idiot!! This guy is a consummate professional. He knows DAMN WELL how to play the game and tonight… he did EXACTLY that! You don’t become a LEGEND of this sport by simply being a ‘nice guy’…

Steve Smith:
There’s not being a nice guy and then there’s being an absolute prick!! Tyler is the latter… especially after what he did tonight!! He may have just put Buddy Garner on the shelf for QUITE some time!





Coastal Zone Chaos vs. Tri-State Kings


Tag Team Match

WAR Tag Team Tournament - Semi-finals

“Flashing to the finals!”


In the ultimate battle of east coast hardness and west coast high octane, the Tri-State Kings and Coastal Zone Chaos clash in a manner that can be best described as overtly tense. As one tandem takes to the sky, the other stays grounded in hopes of doing the same to the fliers in question. That said, the Kings knowledge of ‘the game’ ultimately helps them to do exactly that. For a number of minutes, it’s perceived that the veteran twosome are fast on their way toward a strong victory. Sadly for them, with time, keeping Coastal Zone Chaos grounded was much like attempting to keep a flapping fish in your hands. Breaking free, bouncing off every rope possible, and diving in every direction, Coastal Zone Chaos quickly explodes free from their captors; utilizing the squared circle like a gymnasts’ playground in the end. While it looks like the Tri-State Kings are still somewhat in control, despite the bouncing offense of CZC, the final moment comes as Snap Dragon is shown reversing an attempted powerbomb by Johnny Martin into a roll-up pinfall. Seconds later, as if out of nowhere, shocking the crowd and everyone in question, Dragon has pulled away a HUGE, unsuspecting, victory through the form of a flash, reversal, pinfall.


Coastal Zone Chaos via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
Powerbomb reversal into a roll-up pinfall

Ending Time:

Coastal Zone Chaos moves onto the next round of the WAR Tag Team Championship tournament.


Steve Smith:
Holy… I HAVE to say… I didn’t see THAT coming…

Slick Rick:
This is a DAMN travesty! Re-start the bell!! We CAN’T have the likes of… of… Coastal Zone Chaos in the finals! This was a tournament for the Tri-State Kings to WIN!!!

Steve Smith:
I’m shocked to say the least, Slick, but it’s not like the Kings were the ONLY team with some credibility here. I mean, look at Coastal Zone Chaos. This IS their backyard. This is WHERE they’ve found their success. If anything, the Kings came to their home court and ultimately came away with the loss.

Slick Rick:
This is bull-sh*t…




Backstage Promo

Involved: James Prudence

“The LEGEND... starts... now!”


{Standing before a fenced backdrop, equip with a prominent black-and-red WAR logo, the scrappy member of Reign, “Platinum” James Prudence, stands in a state of being alone. Without the General at his side, or anyone for that matter, Prudence completely commands the attention of all as he stares in a focused manner upon the lens before him. Slowly, a slight smirk forms upon his face; however, this is not a garden-variety c*cky heel kind of presence. In a way, for the first time, most likely due to his newfound sense of grandeur within Reign, Prudence appears much like a trendsetter of sorts; arrogant yet knowing that NOW is HIS moment in the sands of wrestling history.}


[James Prudence]:
{Pauses; smirks as he fixates something in his own mind worth smirking about}
… Tonight is the night that “Platinum” becomes the TRUE currency of Wrestling Action Revolt. For years, decades, generations, tapes of my matches, stories of my greatness, and glimpses of my LEGEND, will be passed along like a treasure of history. My days of carrying the weight of the miserable, long gone… as my inevitable climb takes center stage.
I joined Reign not because I wanted back-up… I joined because I believe in the WAR General’s vision for Wrestling Action in Revolt. He knows he needs a fire-starter; a man who can stand above the rest and drive WAR into an era of absolute prosperity. At the end of the day, I’m that man… I’m that fire-starter who will bring about our success... and in doing so… My name will become synonymous with the RISE of this company. I will be the TRUE “Cornerstone”, the be-all-end-all of everything WAR, and there’s really nothing you can do about it… But… would you really WANT to do anything? If you love WAR, if you LOVE what we stand for, then it’s about time you give in to the truth… “Platinum” is priceless to WAR…
{Pauses as he smirks}
As I said, Tonight is the night that you ALL bear witness to my rise. With Reign at my side, and greatness in my stride, I WILL defeat the scraggily “Lone Wolf” and ultimately take my place atop Nemesis’ kingdom. Tonight… A LEGEND… is born…


{With that, the short interview segment comes to a close with James Prudence smirking into the camera like a self-indulged madman of sorts. Confident in his ability, there doesn’t seem to be even the slightest crack in his psyche. More or less, he appears to believe the notion that he is the WAR General’s TRUE… fire-starter.}


Steve Smith:
Well, it looks like Prudence’s ego hasn’t come back down to earth in the slightest…

Slick Rick:
Why should he? He’s the ‘IT’ guy in WAR right now. He’s a member of Reign, at the WAR General’s side, and on the verge of a career-shifting victory! If you ask me, Prudence is on TOP of the world right now…

Steve Smith:
First off, if ANYONE is the ‘IT’ guy it’s our WAR Champion, Troy Tornado. Secondly, how can you be SO confident that he’ll beat Gonzalez? In case you’ve forgotten, the “Lone Wolf” is NO easy predator to kill…

Slick Rick:
Tornado? Really? The guy is lying in a hospital bed somewhere right now. There’s a DAMN good chance that we’ve seen the end of his career at the hands of TITUS… and YET… you want to say he’s on top?
{Shakes his head}
This is Prudence’s company to own now!

Steve Smith:
I can’t wait for you to eat those words after the “Lone Wolf” has devoured your little man-crush…

Slick Rick:
There ‘aint no way of it happening. As the fire-starter himself says… Tonight… A LEGEND is born… and that’s… “Platinum”… James… Prudence!




James Prudence vs. Shawn Gonzalez


Singles Match

Last Man Standing Match

“It begins!”


Maybe it was the numbers game firmly in his corner, having the WAR General Nemesis, TITUS, and the Guru at his side, or it was his pre-set high arrogance playing full force, but, somehow, James Prudence appears unfazed by the iconic mountain to climb before him. Spitting in his face, slapping him in the process, and infrequently mocking the stoic “Lone Wolf”, the new Reign member, Prudence, looks like a c*cky punk on the street corner attempting to ‘run that block’ with bullying tendencies. That said, such a scenario doesn’t’ work on the quiet, stoic, yet aggressive, “Lone Wolf”. With time, Shawn Gonzalez would brush off Prudence’s degenerate-like approach, landing a hard right hand that almost pushes the “Platinum” wrestling out of the ring in the process. From there, Prudence does his best to keep with the overtly disrespectful approach, feeling it best as a sense of psychological warfare; however, as time moves on, the “Lone Wolf” ultimately shows himself to be the stronger competitor. To our shock though, despite the momentum shifting in Gonzalez’ direction, there is NO interference from the hand of Reign. In a way, with the WAR General Nemesis standing outside of the ring, his arms crossed in a stern manner as he watches on, there appears to be an air of ‘let’s see what you got’. In the end, Prudence HAS a lot more than most gave him credit for…


While Gonzalez is often seen controlling the matchup, Prudence always finds a way to send a dirty jab here and there. As time goes on, these cheap-strikes, kidney punches and all, begin to slow down the older veteran; however, the hardened manner of the “Lone Wolf” never really gives that notion on. Shockingly enough though, as the match grows closer toward it’s end, Gonzalez finally looks to be human for the first time in awhile; unable to hide his injuries as his weathered frame starts to fall victim to the dubious hand of Prudence.


Using a pair of platinum brass knuckles, James Prudence ultimately beats a slowing Gonzalez down to the canvas in a thunderous manner. At first, the “Lone Wolf” is able to fend off his attacker; however, with time, the intensity of Prudence’s blows become WAY too much to overcome. In the end, after a number of strikes upon the fallen Gonzalez’s face, the “Lone Wolf” is shown dazed, confused, and bloodied atop his head.


Slowly he tries to pull himself up; however, one more running strike from Prudence puts him permanently back upon his back. The count surpasses 8, 9, and ultimately 10 as the Empire Coliseum grows quiet with shock. With a bloody pair of platinum brass knuckles still on his right hand, Prudence raises his arms high in the air in a show of extreme arrogance; smirking like the devil himself in the process.


James Prudence via ten count

Ending Maneuver:
Continual strikes from a pair of platinum brass knuckles

Ending Time:


{The crowd booing overpowers the announcing table at first.}

Steve Smith:
I’m speechless…

Slick Rick:
I’m not!! Hell… YEA… PRUDENCE!!

Steve Smith:
I can’t believe it… in THAT right… tonight… James Prudence did what he told us he would do… He defeated Shawn Gonzaelz… and in a bad way…

Slick Rick:
Down… goes… Gonzalez…
{Raspy laughter follows}
Just STAY down, Gonzalez. Honestly, you’re NO match for James Prudence!

Steve Smith:
If I know ANYTHING about Gonzalez though… He won’t take this lying down for very long. This is NOT the end… not in the slightest. Prudence may have won tonight… but the WAR will most certainly continue to rage on…

Slick Rick:
All for Prudence to FINALLY end his career in the process… It’s GOING to happen… there’s no way around it…




Post-match promo w/ Chaos

Involved: Reign and ????

“Can't hold me down... or maybe you can...”


{As James Prudence stands with his arms raised in a victorious manner, Shawn Gonzalez shockingly laying upon his back at his feet, the WAR General is shown entering the ring with an energized smirk upon his face. Brutishly barking for a microphone, Nemesis is quickly granted such; however, you wouldn’t know of it’s speedy nature if only looking at the look of disdain upon the General’s face (as if it COULD have been faster). In the end, as Nemesis stands alongside the newfound victor, there appears to be a sense of pride radiating from the General’s face; one that tells of his own happiness with finding an ‘it’ figure in Prudence.}



Prize pupil of the WAR General!


{Standing over a fallen Gonzalez, the WAR General is then shown looking down upon the “Lone Wolf” with a stare of high arrogance. Projecting his chin outward in an authoritative fashion, it becomes apparent that Nemesis’ first statement is going to be entirely directed to the fallen Gonzalez.}


[WAR General Nemesis]:
Shawn… Shawn… Shawn… How does it FEEL to lose to THE FUTURE… Of Wrestling Action in Revolt?


{The crowd responds with a hefty boo as Reign celebrates in the ring as one. Slowly, Nemesis looks back upon the booing crowd; taking his attention away from the fallen Gonzalez at his feet. All the while though, he still holds the very same look of arrogance seen earlier; basking in his OWN greatness in the process.}


[WAR General Nemesis]:
… because that is EXACTLY what James Prudence is; the FUTURE… whether you all like it or not. To be honest, your opinion means absolutely NOTHING to me. I will run this company as I see fit; regardless of the voices around…


{Nemesis pauses as he projects his chin outward in an authoritative manner. Meanwhile, the rabid WAR fan-base continues to boo Reign feverishly.}


[WAR General Nemesis]:
Tonight, James Prudence PROVED to every last one of you, every last doubter amongst you all, that his era has begun! People like Troy Tornado would LIKE you to THINK that he’s still relevant in the grand scheme of it all but, in reality, where is he tonight?
I’ll tell you where he is… He’s in a f*cking hospital bed, eating through a straw, sharing a room with Stallings, as a NEW Reign begins! No matter how hard…


{Shockingly, in the midst of his statement, the power-hungry WAR General is suddenly cut-off by the shocking image of a frantic ambulance speeding into the loading dock area. Shown on the gigantic Stallings tron above the “Gates of WAR”, we ALL, Reign included, witness the sight of said ambulance coming to an abrupt, squealing, halt. Seconds later, with heavy-metal blaring from within the speeding vehicle, a man is shown jumping out at mock-speed… that man is none other than… WAR Champion… Troy Tornado!!}



Back from the hospital in a stolen ambulance!


{A backstage camera man struggles to simply keep up with the speeding champ as Tornado runs at full-speed through the darkened backstage hallways en route to the ringside area. As expected, the crowd is absolutely beside themselves collectively with such a sight; however, quite the opposite seems to permeate from the angered mouth of Nemesis.}


[WAR General Nemesis]:
What the F*CK? He was supposed to be IN the hospital…


{The WAR General barks into the microphone as he watches Tornado speed toward the backend of the “Gates of WAR”. Meanwhile, spinning around to relay a feverous message to the big man, TITUS, in the process.}


[WAR General Nemesis]:


{With that, Tornado is shown speeding through the “Gates of WAR” at full-speed; a fact that overtly enrages Nemesis.}


{As the crowd cheers wildly in his favor, the WAR General is shown barking orders back in the direction of TITUS once again. Seconds later, TITUS brutishly steps in the direction of the rampway; stepping over the top rope and quickly engaging the Champ in the process. Sadly for him, Tornado has grabbed a beer bottle from a nearby fan along the way!!}



Tornado slams a beer bottle over TITUS’ head!


{CRASH!! Pieces of the bottle go EVERYWHERE as Tornado slams the half-full bottle square across the big-man’s skull. As expected, such a strike slows down TITUS; however, it doesn’t totally knock him out in the process. None the less, with TITUS on one knee, outside of the ring, dramatically shaking his head as he feels for the trail of blood starting to form across his forehead, Tornado ultimately gets to the ring…}


{You can tell his focus is ultimately to take-down the WAR General; however, before he can, James Prudence is shown jumping in his way. The two brawl rather wildly, going back and forth with fists of absolute fury; however, it isn’t until Nemesis chimes in with a cheap-shot from the side that everything turns upside down. At that point, much to the crowd’s dismay, the speeding Tornado has now quickly become food for the picking with these predators…}



The WAR General evens the score…


{Tornado attempts to fight back, still swinging like a drunken madman; however, his recklessness is not enough to overcome the consistent numbers game. Before you know it, all three men, Prudence, TITUS, and the WAR General himself, are all shown stomping the bloody HELL out of the fallen WAR Champion.}


{In the end, as they consistently take turns landing a number of body-crushing strikes, the final image is that of the WAR General himself, Nemesis, executing his signature “Nemesis Arrow” (Falcon Arrow) suplex square in the center of the ring. The maneuver, while quite famous at this point, ultimately seems rather eerie when done within a suit; something that NO ONE EVER expected to see when it came to the consummate rebel in Nemesis.}


{Ultimately, “Battleground” comes to a climactic end with the sight of Reign standing as one in the center of the ring. With their hands raised, all huffing due to the attack earlier, everyone but Guru, the lasting image is that of their dominance. Also, the motionless bodies of a bloodied Troy Tornado and Shawn Gonzalez respectably paint a picture to only FURTHER the powerful persona of Reign!}


Steve Smith:
Who can stop Reign? Hell, who can STOP the WAR General for that matter? Wrestling Action in Revolt is in a state of flux and I don’t know if we will EVER go back to how things were before. We’ve got an Iron fisted ruler, a band of his most violent men running amuck, and a number of our top wrestlers practically BROKEN in half by the likes of the menacing few. I don’t know HOW the HELL we can ever rebound from this? It pains me to say this but… I DO believe we’ve entered into a NEW era in WAR… one that may get a number of men killed in the process…

Slick Rick:
There’s NO stopping Reign. Not one bit!

Steve Smith:
Join us next week folks as “Battleground” continues to descend into absolute psychosis. What will happen? Will Gonzalez and Tornado live to fight another day? Will Reign continue to overrun the WAR landscape? All of these questions and SO much more… LIVE… Next week… On Pay-Per-View!! Good night!!














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James Prudence is a prat. I see that he gets promo time but bah, he shoulda got his head kicked in. I guess it's good i hate the little brat cause you're making me hate that punk.



Great stuff and Reign keeps dominating. I can't wait to see the Queen get her new knight to face off with Ares. That should be good. Keep up the good work. I'm still reading.

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Show grades up soon...


James Prudence is a prat. I see that he gets promo time but bah, he shoulda got his head kicked in. I guess it's good i hate the little brat cause you're making me hate that punk.


Good! ;P


I'm glad that Prudence comes across like a prat. ha. I mean, with his position, and his persona as a whole, that's EXACTLY how I would love to see others respond to him. If I remember right, I think someone even said he reminded them of like an 'X-Pac' (which made it even GREATER to book him in the manner that I did on "Battleground"). More or less, if people are hating on Prudence then that means I'm doing my job as a booker/writer. :D


Great stuff and Reign keeps dominating. I can't wait to see the Queen get her new knight to face off with Ares. That should be good. Keep up the good work. I'm still reading.


Sadly enough, as we'll come to find, Goddess Emily is actually leaving for NOTBPW. In a way, that was my attempt at 'writing her off' as Ares simply shoves her aside (physically and conceptually) as he moves on to a new chapter as the "GOD of WAR". In the end, she was shoved in which to create an obvious 'that's wrong of you' (attacking a female); so, moving forward, people could see him in a different light (that of a heinous punk-rock heel).


All in all though, Timber, thank you for swinging in and giving WAR a read!

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With this last show, WAR on the Vegas Strip has moved into being my second longest dynasty since I started out. This is how it lays out:


PSW had 20 shows

WAR has 10 shows

DOA had 9 shows


So, to say the least, I'm really happy about the longevity thus far. Let's hope, from here on out, things only become that much stronger as I attempt to overtake the length of my PSW project.


Also, as a note, I will be posting the show grade results from Episode #8 later tonight as I get home from work!


What the heck does NOTBPW need HER for?


I haven't the slightest clue. That said, NOTBPW has stolen a lot of talent from the US since they rose in size. For WAR alone, we lost Sayeed Ali, Queen Emily, and (as much as it pains me) Bulldozer Brandon Smith. Outside of that, Mick Muscles was stolen and a few other small wrestlers from other companies.


I'm just glad they didn't take anyone higher up on the card (even though Dozer hurt as I loved the idea of the 'Hyde Park Hitmen'.)

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WAR: "Battleground" - PPV Episode #8

Date of Event:
Monday, 1st Week of May 2010

Wrestling Action in Revolt (WAR)

7, 967 out of 10,000 at the Empire Coliseum (Located in the Empire Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, NV)

PPV Buyrate:
0.09 (+ 0.01)

Event Grade:


  • Reign is shown entering the arena earlier that day. In that moment, WAR General Nemesis claims that his position has evolved now that Stallings' is gone (stripping away his non-violence clause in the process) In the end, he holds true that he WILL pass the WAR Championship BACK to it's rightful champion, Troy Tornado, tonight. (B+)

  • Ares defeated American Elemental via underhanded tactics. (D)

  • Ares pushes Goddess Emily to the floor after a brief yet heated altercation between the two. (C-)

  • WAR General Nemesis hands the WAR Championship back to Troy Tornado, explaining why he's been so tough on him as of late, and then furthers said toughness by booking him against the man who put him through the ring last week in TITUS. ©

  • Troy Tornado defeated TITUS via DQ. (D+)

  • Troy Tornado is stretchered out of the ring and taken to a nearby hospital via ambulance. ©

  • Demonic Intervention defeated Cali-Air via pinfall. (D)

  • A short video is shown in which to depict the WAR Pin-up Girls as avid night-club goers around the strip; selling the image of sex of course. Meanwhile, Jayson Wright seems unhappy about the video and ultimately snaps on Hopkirk as he attempts to give his own version of sleezy life advice. In the end, a match is booked between the two for next week on "Battleground". ©

  • Earlier in the day, as he enters the arena, Steve Smith attempts to speak to Puerto Rican Power about his injuries suffered last week; which he brutishly shrugs off. (D+)

  • Puerto Rican Power wins the Sin City Championship for a 2nd time by defeating G-Phunk and Fumihiro Ota in a NO DQ Match via pinfall. (D)

  • Eric Tyler baits Buddy Garner into shaking his hand as a show of respect; only to throw powder in his face and ultimately injure his arm with a vicious arm-bar. ©

  • Coastal Zone Chaos defeated the Tri-State Kings via pinfall. (D)

  • James Prudence declares his LEGEND to start now in a promo centered on defeating Shawn Gonzalez tonight. (C+)

  • James Prudence defeated Shawn Gonzalez via a ten count in a "Last Man Standing" Match. (C+)

  • WAR General Nemesis declares James Prudence the FUTURE of WAR. Meanwhile, Tornado returns to the Empire Coliseum in a stolen ambulance and heads towards the ring with violent intent. After slamming a beer bottle over TITUS' head, and then brawling with Prudence, the WAR General is ultimately shown cheap-shotting the WAR Champion from the side; helping Reign to violently attack Tornado in the end. As the show closes, Reign is shown raising their hands as one; united in their cause. (C+)

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1st Week of May, 2010

... WAR ignites another regional battle with CZCW ...


Opening with a slight haze, beams of light bouncing every which way, our informative lens slowly comes to a point of clarity with the sight of our trusty documentarian seated a few feet away. Holding a number of papers in his hands, and displaying a black laptop positioned to his side upon the very bed he sits, there appears to be an air of something coming our way. None the less, as time passes, the documentarian wastes no time as he quickly jumps into his prepared insight.


WAR… a catchy name no doubt; however, as of late, Mr. Stallings newfound wrestling promotion, under the same name, has become quite indicative of it’s own creative acronym. Coming into this project, I had heard the whispers of Mr. Stallings state of mind; that he had, supposedly, constructed a list of people he was most hell-bent on destroying. These men and women, from all walks within our industry, were a targeted few who had wronged him in the past. While the actual names have been clouded thus far, protected behind the very same ‘iron wall’ that Stallings has come to employ religiously, we FIRST discovered ONE of those names a few weeks back when Mr. Stallings made it known that he was attempting to squash a local competitor in BSC.


In NO way is BSC considered on the SAME level as WAR; however, for marked personal reasons, Stallings set out to crush the very company that HE helped to initially fund; even if he didn’t KNOW he was doing so at the time. Instantly, upon this declaration of aggression, Stallings quickly analyzed the glorified strip club that is BSC in hopes of ‘stealing talent’. In reality, it’s not like he was attempting to steal REAL talent. I mean, is there anything resembling TALENT there? That said, he looked for the prettiest of the pretty, hoping to snip BSC into it’s own death by overtaking the ‘top performers’ from their post. Thus far, we’ve only seen the likes of Dharma and the Neptune sisters; however, there’s no doubt that there are MANY more on the horizon.


His reasoning for such was not necessarily the chance of squashing a nearby challenger, both occupying the Strip itself, BUT a personal vendetta long overdue with a former-lover in Nathalie (Honey Golightly). Truthfully, love, or the lack of, can make all do stupid things. In Stallings case, it’s the sour taste in his mouth that has ultimately left him with no choice but to flatten Nathalie’s very existence.


You would think that would be enough; however, earlier in the week, the whispers started up again!


Years removed from his VERY public comments about Stallings original TCW demise, it now seems apparent that Cliff Anderson is the NEXT person in Stallings line of sight.


It should come as NO shock that Stallings seeks revenge upon the loud-mouthed promoter as, shortly after Stallings sale of TCW, Anderson was quoted in saying that Stallings was a ‘snot-nosed punk who knew LITTLE about the industry’. While nothing special to Anderson, a man who is NEVER afraid to speak his mind, one has to wonder if he would have EVER thought this day would come… When Mr. Stallings would return with vengeance in mind.


It really seems like an afterthought right now. I mean, the dirt-sheets have Wrestling Action in Revolt engaged in TWO war’s right now. Hoping to crush the regional competition, also squashing some long-time rivals, WAR has seemingly stepped out into the forefront of West Coast wrestling… Hoping to wipe CZCW and BSC straight off the map!


In a moment, I will be speaking with one of Stallings’ most trusted creative minds, John Campbell. In this interview, I’m hoping to find FURTHER information as it pertains to Stallings’ reasoning for devouring CZCW. Is it ALL about Mr. Anderson’s comments in the past? Is there MORE behind it all? All of this, and I’m sure MUCH more, should be on it’s way as I speak with THE Legend of our time… John “Nemesis” Campbell…


Reaching above the camera, our trusty documentarian quickly brings this point of self-developed news to a close. With that said, you can almost read the very excitement upon his face as he gears up to speak with Nemesis. Recently pushed to the ‘outside’ of Stallings’ ‘Iron Wall’, this marks one of the FIRST conversations that our documentarian has had with someone WITHIN said wall in a LONG time.







1st Week of May, 2010

... Gaining depth to the CZCW battle ...


Coming back after what appears to be a short break, we once again return to the sight of a much more menacing figure before the lens. Dressed in his typical black rock concert T-shirt, faded and torn blue jeans, and a pair of black workout shoes which have obviously seen better days, John Campbell appears to be MORE like your average roadie than an industry LEGEND.


Seated uncomfortably in his seat, attempting his best to mask the raging pain radiating throughout his weathered frame, John lazily smirks in an inviting fashion; the kind of smirk you would see on the face of any veteran of a neighborhood bar. None the less, as he stiffly sits, limited in his movement, the Hardcore ICON appears more than ready to speak; at least so says the dirty grin plastered across his face.


Let me ask the same question I asked you off camera. Is that okay?


[John Campbell]:
Sure, shoot, chief…


The dirty grin from before still radiates across his weathered face. Meanwhile, his demeanor tells of a man who is NOT afraid to rile some feathers when need be. That said, there also seems to be an underlying sense of being coy underneath his lingering grin.


Are the dirt sheets telling the truth? Has Stallings declared war on CZCW?


Staring blankly as he smirks, John takes a second to think through his response to such. That said, while orchestrated in his thoughts on the matter, at least how he unveils it, there still appears a level of riskiness overall.


[John Campbell]:
What do you think?


The coy, dirty, almost devilish, grin still resides as he looks square upon our documentarian off-camera.


Well… I think that Stallings has been thinking about this day for years; that Cliff Anderson is on his ‘hit-list’ if you will. I think… Stallings wants to rid the west coast of CZCW so that he can ultimately gain some vengeance for Anderson’s comments in 2005.


[John Campbell]:
That sounds like a pretty good movie plot if you ask me…


John interjects with a hefty roar of laughter.


So… is it true?


After allowing his hearty sense of laughter to subside, doing so in a husky fashion, the wrestling LEGEND comes back to a point of orchestrated thought. Taking a brief second to review his comment on the matter, the crafty creative genius employs his own masterful ability to construct a web of mystery.


[John Campbell]:
Wouldn’t YOU want revenge for something like that? To call the man a ‘snot-nosed brat’ is enough to get your a$$-kicked in most circles if you ask me. If CZCW falls, it’s Anderson’s fault; not Stallings. Anderson is the one who opened his f*cking mouth. If we invade CZCW, not only will we destroy a regional competitor but Stallings will ALSO have his day. To me, that’s enough reason to do anything in this business.


So YOU would invade if it were you?


John interjects yet another husky sense of laughter.


[John Campbell]:
Oh f*ck yea! I would have flattened their a$$es FAR before BSC. B*tches are one thing, then again… He was f*cking with a stripper, but douche-bags are another. Anderson needs a good a$$-kickin’. In the end, he’ll lose his company over the sh*t he said. I promise you that!


It IS true, isn’t it?


John stops for a brief second to stare upon our documentarian off-camera. With a coy grin running across his face, the weathered ICON returns with another answer of mysterious complexity.


[John Campbell]:
Let’s just say… I wouldn’t be buying CZCW tickets far in the future…


A devilish grin continues to overtake the LEGEND’s face as his confusing statement sheds enough light on the fact at hand to KNOW that the war with CZCW is most certainly on.


How does he plan to, well, squash CZCW?


[John Campbell]:
What? You want me to get myself fired? Stallings is already leery of us talking to you… NOW you want me to dish out his secrets?


John interjects with another husky sense of laughter; almost in a ‘you’ve got to be kidding me’ kind of manner.


[John Campbell]:
Let me just put it like this… but THIS is all you get… there ‘aint nobody on the scene right now with a TRUE cruiserweight division. TCW has “All Action” but that bull-sh*t is getting old if you ask me. They’ve booked themselves into the ground and there ‘aint no coming back from that sh*t. Look up and down the board, NO ONE has that high-speed, high-octane, sh*t that CZCW has been booking for the last few years. Just sucks for them that… well… No one knows who the f*ck, or cares who the f*ck, they are!


John laughs once again as he moves slightly in his chair. In doing so though, you can see a slight look of pain upon his face amongst the hearty laughter.


[John Campbell]:
If a company could take that, bottle it up, package it in a round-about-way, and actually BROADCAST IT, versus that lame streaming sh*t, then THAT company would have something special on it’s hands…


And THAT’S what Stallings intends to do?


A devilish grin remains upon John’s face as he responds a few seconds following a short stare.


[John Campbell]:
I guess we’ll have to see. He IS a bright man after all…


With that, the taped raw footage comes to a close with the sight of our wrestling LEGEND, John Campbell, grinning like the deviant that he is. Withholding the depth of his information, Campbell makes it known of the CZCW/WAR struggle; however, still keeps things rather in the dark at the same moment. In the end, under Stallings’ new ‘Iron Curtain’, this is the BEST we can expect thus far.





<hr color="black">
What we learned

+ WAR has gone to war with CZCW due to A) being a regional competitor and B) for comments levied by Cliff Anderson shortly after J.K. Stallings Jr. sold HGC to Tommy Cornell.
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BSC was just a small shot. Now the real WAR starts. He has the guys and the money, but i don't think Cliff is without his friends and his guys aren't chumps. This should get really ugly, really fast.


Good stuff.


Oh, how I love you as a reader, Timber. :D You give me the ability to talk things through and indulge on what's going on in my head. ha. It can be lonely when it stays only in there.


That said, BSC is certainly small potatoes; however, worthy of being crushed (both due to being a minor regional competitor and Stallings' hatred of the b*tch who scorned him in Nathalie). With CZCW though, THIS is the all-out-war that Stallings has been waiting for. Sure, he'd love to tackle USPW, TCW, and SWF, (Especially Cornell and TCW), but, for now, Cliff Anderson will have to do!


Not only are they a regional competitor but, with the background, also has a company owner that once verbally ripped him apart. Now, resurgent, Stallings is MORE than happy to crush a competitor while gaining some revenge in the end.


As for their roster, they certainly have some great members there.... and that's why... WAR will most certainly invade. ;)


With a cruiserweight division on the horizon, there's no shock that Stallings' would raid the nearest competitor, one that actually uses such a style, and build a concise division around what they have to offer. In the end, how will they (CZCW and Cliff Anderson) be able to compete with WAR when their top-stars are actually working for the competition? I mean, Stallings has the money, the larger promotion, a PPV deal, and another HUGE asset in their corner (which will be announced on the next episode of "Battleground"). With all of that in mind, CZCW stands NO chance... (NO chance in hell... ha. Sorry, I had to).


(Cue evil cackle)



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1st Week of May, 2010

... Too cool for you ...


The camera lens comes into focus yet again in which to see the shocking sight of WAR Champion, Troy Tornado, aka Tony Rennie, seated just a few feet away in a plush Victorian chair. The stark contrast of such beauty between he and the timeless piece of furniture below his weight creates a crazy scenario for which Rennie’s persona becomes that much more clear. Not from an in-ring perspective really, while his on-screen personality is quite in-line with his larger-than-life lifestyle, but from a personal perspective.


Dressed in a ratty flannel button-down, open to bare his chest no doubt, and a pair of ravaged blue jeans, this ‘top dog’ of recent WAR fame looks entirely the part as it pertains to someone with high esteem for oneself. Thick midnight sunglasses and all, despite being in-doors and directly away from natural light, Rennie appears much like a slightly aged rockstar who STILL can’t break away from the lifestyle it leads.


Sunken back in his chair, entirely lazy in his seating, Tony continues said personality of gritty grandeur with the usage of a, what my mom always described as a, sh*t eatin’ grin upon his face.


[Tony Rennie]:
I shouldn’t even be talkin’ to you…


His smirk grows larger as the teeth beneath his arrogant snarl appear to have seen better days.


… and why is that?


Pausing for a brief second, still grinning in an arrogant fashion as he lazily slumps in his seat, Rennie milks each moment like a pro.


[Tony Rennie]:
Stallings’ orders…


Why ARE you speaking to me then?


Again, another pause follows as Rennie’s devilish grin grows larger by this point. From there, a slight chuckle is heard radiating from within his weathered frame; all the while projecting a tone that can only be described as a ‘smoker’s laugh’.


[Tony Rennie]:
… ‘cause I don’t really give a sh*t what anyone tells me to do. If I would have listened in the past, I’d probably be headlining some local benefit show or some sh*t. Listenin’ to others don’t get you nothing but bull…


Obviously, that can’t be true. You listened to Stallings when he talked you into leaving TCW for WAR. Hell, you listened when he spoke of your gigantic contract with his company. Something makes me think, underneath it all, you DO give a sh*t, as you say, what Stallings says.


[Tony Rennie]:
Like I said… I make my own choices. You want to talk? I came to talk… but I’ll tell ya right now… I ‘aint sticking around forever. If your sh*t gets old, I’m out.


Rennie grabs for a nearby box of cigarettes, lighting one, and taking a deep drag as he leans back heavily into his seat. The plume of smoke, dancing in the air above, appears to be that of a sense of comfort for the 30-something champion; as if taking a drag is quite common throughout the day.


Fair enough; you’re a busy man no doubt. So, let me not waste your time… There are reports out there that claim you’ve failed drug tests repeatedly since joining WAR. That you have quite a habit as it pertains to ‘hard drugs’ and yet, despite the issue, Stallings and his camp have done NOTHING to steer you clean. Is this true? Would you like to put these rumors to rest, right here, right now?


Rennie kicks out an abrupt sense of ‘smoker’s laughter’ as he takes another drag upon his cigarette. Shaking his head in a ‘you’ve got to be kidding me’ manner, Tony looks to perceive such a statement as full-on comedy.


[Tony Rennie]:
Now I know why Stallings hates you…


He continues to laugh once again, taking a strong drag upon his cigarette, sending the plume of smoke dancing on high, before responding once again.


[Tony Rennie]:
I don’t know where you’re getting your information from but it’s all bull-sh*t. Do I enjoy myself from time-to-time? Hell yea. I mean, f*ck, I live in Las Vegas! How can someone live here and NOT have a little fun?


Are you saying that you don’t have a problem BUT HAVE used in the past?


Looking upon the documentarian with the same devilish grin upon his face, there stands a moment of silence as Rennie arrogantly rummages through his response internally.


[Tony Rennie]:
I’m sayin’ that whatever information you have is bull-sh*t.


So you’re clean?


[Tony Rennie]:
As a whistle…


Rennie’s smirk becomes even larger now as we once again return to his ‘sh*t eatin’ grin’. Chuckling to himself, under his breath almost, the rebellious wrestler looks to be either A) truly clean and telling the truth or B) a devilishly good lair.


Do you know of anyone who HAS failed a test? Rumors out of your company say that there is a BIG problem with your backstage environment…


[Tony Rennie]:
Environment? You’re talking to ME about a backstage environment?


Tony bursts out into laughter once again; taking a drag before responding with high arrogance permeating.


[Tony Rennie]:
This ‘aint some football team or some sh*t. Pro Wrestling is not about being ‘buddy-buddy’ with the douche next to you. We come in, we do our job, and we party afterward. IT’s been that way for generations and it wasn’t until recently that anyone gave a flyin’ sh*t about the ‘locker room environment’. This ‘aint no ‘afterschool special’ we’re running. Hell though, even the company’s that run with that bull-sh*t like USPW have drugs, sex, and money everywhere. It’s part of the life… You’ll find it anywhere…


So you WOULD find it in WAR?


[Tony Rennie]:
You’ll find it… everywhere…


A brief exchange of silence follows as Tony continues to project the very same sh*t eatin’ grin as before.


I can tell I’m going to get nothing concrete out of you on that matter… am I right?


[Tony Rennie]:
I’m no nark… so if you’re looking for me to spill… you’re looking to the wrong guy, compadre…


Again, a moment of silence follows as Tony doesn’t seem to budge in the slightest. Then, following a hefty sigh from our faithful documentarian, all moves forward toward it’s inevitable end.


Let’s change subjects then… with recent rumors circulating that Stallings has declared war on CZCW, I wonder what your thoughts may be on the matter. I mean, you ARE an alumni of CZCW; however, you also have been paid very handsomely, and are the main figure, of Wrestling Action in Revolt. So… what ARE your thoughts?


In a move that actually seems like a man in thought, Rennie adjusts in his seat slightly in which to take such a moment of reflection. That said, before you know it, it’s come to an end and Tony’s sportin’ the same arrogant smirk upon his face.


[Tony Rennie]:
I loved my time in CZCW but that doesn’t mean that I’m going to champion for that a$$hole [Cliff Anderson]. He spoke his mind, said what he wanted to say, and now he’s paying for his sh*t!


Will you be sad if CZCW folds?


Grinning, shaking his head slowly, Tony sends the point home.


[Tony Rennie]:
Not in the slightest. Stallings pays me now; CZCW can’t keep up with that kind of money.


Thank you, Tony, for meeting with me today. I know it was against your boss’ wishes but you still came; and I respect you for that.


[Tony Rennie]:
Yea… Yea… whatever…


With that, before the lens can go black, Tony is shown stepping up from his seat in one fluid motion. For a second, he appears energized in his ascent; however, seconds later, is shown lazily shuffling his combat boots across the hotel floor toward the door. In the end, the segment of raw footage comes to a close with the sight of the WAR Champion, in all of his gritty glory, shuffling out into the hallway as he drags heavily upon his cigarette in the process.



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Sadly, game wise you can go to war with anyone and it only affects the two of you. For the dynasty you can get more into how it affects the other promotions out there. I would guess that Stalling wouldn't have much trouble if he's just crushing a local competitor, but i'm sure that TCW/SWF and even more so that the smaller promotions like NYCW and USPW would be very curious as to what he really has planned.


In the game, you can wipe out everyone and no other promotion will really care, i suppose at this point it'd be more interesting if this was a 4 person game, letting others set things up once they see the evil and the rage that's building in Stallings.


I still think that in the end, all this will crash and burn and we'll find Stallings in a hospital for the mentally unwell, holding his booking notes and drawing pictures of wrestling rings.

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Sadly, game wise you can go to war with anyone and it only affects the two of you. For the dynasty you can get more into how it affects the other promotions out there. I would guess that Stalling wouldn't have much trouble if he's just crushing a local competitor, but i'm sure that TCW/SWF and even more so that the smaller promotions like NYCW and USPW would be very curious as to what he really has planned.


In the game, you can wipe out everyone and no other promotion will really care, i suppose at this point it'd be more interesting if this was a 4 person game, letting others set things up once they see the evil and the rage that's building in Stallings.


I still think that in the end, all this will crash and burn and we'll find Stallings in a hospital for the mentally unwell, holding his booking notes and drawing pictures of wrestling rings.


It would be awesome to see how other companies were to take/perceive/work around other companies that are warring. In some cases, it'd be cool to see Owners attempt to be proactive about securing their talent as they fear one of the warring companies to 'steal' their talent in hopes of adding to their battle. In the end, I may, storyline-wise, flesh out other perspectives of the war, at least as it pertains to WAR/Stallings, but it'd be a great addition in future games.


As for Stallings, I can see it now... Strawn out on the floor, broken crayons before him, padded walls to his side, and a detached, yet twisted, look upon his face as he scribbles 'death scenarios' for Tommy Cornell. ha.


It's entirely possible.... ;)


As I've said before, I haven't stacked the deck in favor of Stallings and his chaotic resurgence. If anything, it looks like everything could ultimately explode in his face; which would be JUST as interesting for me as I've been booking, disciplining, and making business decisions, based upon what I feel Stallings would choose (not myself really). This is probably the FIRST TIME where I'm not trying for 'the best'... only to find quick, explosive, revenge in hopes of Stallings.


Another great series of updates, EV. KUTGW. On the forum on my IPad for the first time and your posting format looks brilliant on this! Haha. Keep it up.


That's awesome!!


I've been happy with how it looks on my Android; however, knowing it transfers well on an iPad makes me happy. I mean, as a PR graduate, image development, narrative creation, and telling said stories through pictures in a way of cementing an almost palpable brand on paper, is ultimately my BIGGEST focus when creating a dynasty.


Each dynasty, I've changed how the results look. That said, this is my favorite look thus far! It's sleek, to the point, yet gives me room to create enough depth to have it pop off the page.

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As a way of giving a small snap-shot of WAR ‘behind the curtain’, I’ve decided to unveil who my ‘top 5’ are from a ‘franchise player’ perspective (as given to me in the ‘creative meeting’ section). There is one that shocks me; however, the rest are pretty much what I expected. Most of these guys have been booked pretty strong since the start of WAR; so, it doesn’t come as a shock.


After 10 shows now, I felt it was the best time to really look back on what happened thus far from an in-game perspective. If there’s any other things that you find interesting (stable momentum, storyline grades, etc.) then let me know and I’ll put it out there.


Franchise Players


1. Troy Tornado

It should come as no shock that Troy’s at the top of this list. I mean, I’ve been booking him pretty hard since the start of WAR. More or less, he’s got the most popularity in the company (B) outside of Nemesis (B+) and is far-away the most talented person on the roster. I can’t expect him to fall down very much more than #1 from here on out.


2. Buddy Garner

I really think Garner has benefited from his feud with Eric Tyler. He started out at a “D” in popularity and now resides around a strong “C” (given that’s pretty high for WAR outside of Tornado/Nemesis). That said, he tends to struggle when placed in main events. It’s not that his main event grades are bad by any means but that he always seems to perform better when placed in other points of the show. Going forward, I’ve got to keep this in mind and hopefully, with time, he’ll get over those main event jitters.


3. Johnny Martin

This shocks me to no end. Right now, he’s projected as the #1 heel by my Franchise Player listing and, while he’s a great talent, I haven’t really booked him all that strong recently. Being in the Tri-State Kings means you’re bound to get some strong moments; however, as of late, all he’s really seen is a tag team match win over the Hyde Park Hitmen. It’s not that I don’t like Martin, quite the opposite really, but I’ve found myself getting caught up on other feuds/stories/etc. that he’s taken somewhat of a backseat lately. That said, maybe now I can try to get the man some more screen time since TEW has decided he’s my top heel. Ha.


4. Puerto Rican Power

This doesn’t shock me all that much as I’ve booked Power relatively strong since the beginning of WAR. He’s picked up some consistent wins over time, more so than anyone else I believe due to the 24/7 nature of the Sin City Championship, and, for that, he’s seemingly risen up the ranks. He didn’t start on my top 5 but he’s there now! Moving forward, he’s on the brink of a big storyline that will hopefully elevate his brutish persona when matched with the very same size, strength, and destructiveness.


5. Shawn Gonzalez

I, at one point, had Shawn Gonzalez at a “B-” popularity level; however, his loss to James Prudence knocked him back down to a “C” (which is still great for WAR levels). Sadly, the loss didn’t boost Prudence at all (He’s still at a “C”). That said, Gonzalez is the kind of character that can remain strong regardless of a loss to me. Moving forward, I’m having him step away from the screen for a few weeks in which to give his character a slight rest and to ultimately build up a return; using Prudence as the man who ‘put him on the shelf’.


With that, I plan on posting the show card for PPV episode # 9 tonight. From there, I plan on cracking into the majority of the show on Saturday; however, it may not see the light of day until early next week (as this show has A LOT of shorter segments than most making it more bulky). All in all, thank you to all of those who are reading, responding, and keeping up with all things WAR. Like I said above, if there is any other 'Creative Meeting' information that you would like to know then let me know!
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To those about to wage in WAR, the battleground is the ultimate place for which LEGENDS are born. Putting everything on the line, a warrior has very little room for error. For, if one is to slip, even momentarily, mass destruction is almost an absolute certainty.


WAR is no place for the weak. When stepping onto the hallowed battleground, only one thing remains… Will you, or will you not, rise to the occasion?


Will you rise for your country? Will you rise for your family? Will you rise for greatness? Will you rise for your brothers? Will you rise… for the banner of WAR?


This and this alone is what measures a man…


… What turns an ordinary person into that of a LEGEND …


Who will dominate the Battleground?


WHO will become the LEGENDS of WAR?




Since his debut, the Hyde Park native,
Brutus O’Leary
, has been violently intertwined with the hardened Tri-State Kings. After first defeating the Kings resident bully, “Ice Man”
Alex Braun
, it became rather apparent that all hell had broken loose. For weeks following, O’Leary had to test his dominating “Hands of Stone” against the sheer nastiness of his fellow East Coast brethren. At this point, after weeks of warring back and forth, will there FINALLY be an ending point in their heated rivalry? – OR – Will it find something different in the point of evolution? Either way, in the end, THIS match-up is BOUND to be one chaotic scenario as both will climb into the ring under the unique scenario of a WAR promoted…
Boxing match




After weeks of intense battles, Wrestling Action in Revolt has FINALLY come to the point of our
Tag Team Tournament finale
! With this in mind, the two teams left standing will attempt to keep their momentum at a severe upswing; hoping to topple the other in hopes of obtaining gold. In the end, who will prevail? The insanely violent, overtly menacing, devil tandem in
Demonic Intervention
? – OR – The High-flying, high-octane, underdog duo of west coast fame in
Coastal Zone Chaos




8-men, all from different walks within WAR; however, combined by their incessant aerial bombardments, come together this week as “Battleground” is set to witness a
4-on-4 Table match
which could potentially rock the very foundation for which the company resides. On one side, there stands the dubious foursome of
Ares, Fumihiro Ota, Genio Verde, and Steve Flash
. On the other side, there stands the proudly heroic foursome of
American Elemental, Angel De Mexico, Ash Campbell, and Donnie J
. In the end, which flying four will ultimately dominate the skies in hopes of coming away with what’s expected to be a highly chaotic victory?



It was only a week ago that Brotherhood member,
, attempted to convey a polarizing sense of ‘life advice’ to the newfound youngster in
Jayson “Mr.” Wright
. In said scenario, Hopkirk went as far as to verbally demean the beautiful WAR Pin-up Girls, for which Wright has a sister within, in hopes of ‘cheering up’ an obviously emotionally-weathered man. Not so shockingly enough, the greasy rocker’s perspective on women didn’t really sit well with the young Wright; actually quite the opposite. Now, a week removed, Hopkirk hopes to project himself, as he says, as ‘the BIGGER man’ by defeating his newfound rival. Is it possible? That remains to be seen. More or less though, it’s bound to be an emotionally-tense affair; especially if Dharma accompanies her brother, Jayson Wright, to the ring!




In a match predesigned exclusively by WAR General Nemesis, the rebellious WAR Champion,
Troy Tornado
, must overcome the skeletons of his past THIS WEEK as he stands before the menacing duo of
Payne and Shearer
. After weeks of proclaiming that Tornado ‘turned his back on his brothers’, citing the fact that no member of the Brotherhood had been hired by WAR under Tornado’s ‘good word’, the pairing of Shearer and Payne get another crack at dispensing a large amount of pain upon their former front-man. More or less, as they compete under the banner of NO DQ, can the brotherhood tandem gain a sense of revenge once and for all? – OR – Will the rebellious, hard-rock, in-your-face, Troy Tornado gain YET ANOTHER psyche-crushing victory over his former brothers? Either way, with this match set as a
2-on-1 NO DQ match
, one has to wonder if Tornado even has the sheer ability for victory; given the obvious numbers difference!



A week removed from having his arm severely injured at the hands of his heated rival in Eric Tyler, a sling-wearing
Buddy Garner
will return to “Battleground” THIS WEEK with an entirely difficult task at hand; defeating Reign member, and WAR General favorite, “Platinum”
James Prudence
in our Main Event. Never mind the base toughness of such a task, as Prudence is coming off of THE greatest point of his career in defeating Shawn Gonzalez cleanly, how can anyone expect the overtly-intense MMA fighter to gain victory when he only has ONE ARM at his disposal currently? In the end, temporarily disabled or not, Garner must overcome all odds, yet again, when he steps into the ring with a man self-proclaimed as a ‘budding LEGEND’. Truthfully, while it seems like a tall task, if ANYONE is to do it… it would have to be… “The Machine”…




WAR Battleground Quick Picks

Alex Braun vs. Brutus O'Leary

Coastal Zone Chaos vs. Demonic Intervention

American Elemental, Angel De Mexico, Ash Campbell, and Donnie J vs. Ares, Fumihiro Ota, Genio Verde, and Steve Flash

Hopkirk vs. Jayson Wright

Troy Tornado vs. Payne & Shearer

Buddy Garner vs. James Prudence


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Alex Braun vs. Brutus O'Leary


O'Leary is a young guy with loads of potential and it seems like the vet Braun should put him over.


Coastal Zone Chaos vs. Demonic Intervention


I'd love for Fox & Dragon to win this thing, but you've been building up Demonic Intervention like crazy. Can't see them falling short.


American Elemental, Angel De Mexico, Ash Campbell, and Donnie J vs. Ares, Fumihiro Ota, Genio Verde, and Steve Flash


Could go either way, but Ares is the biggest name so I think his team gets the W.


Hopkirk vs. Jayson Wright


Hmm, a tough one to call, but I see Wright's sister maybe playing a role and either purposely or accidentally costing him the match.


Troy Tornado vs. Payne & Shearer


I hate handicap matches that end with the lone guy victorious, but Payne & Shearer are just awful and Tornado's the champ, so...


Buddy Garner vs. James Prudence


Jimmy P picks up the victory thanks to Nemesis, Eric Tyler, and probably somebody else.

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Alex Braun vs. Brutus O'Leary

It being a Boxing Match, Brutus being a young guy you need to make as homegrown (while Braun probably is in decline), and the fact that he has an awesome gimmick?


Coastal Zone Chaos vs. Demonic Intervention

DI's got this wrapped up, even though I'm not that intrigued by their story.


American Elemental, Angel De Mexico, Ash Campbell, and Donnie J vs. Ares, Fumihiro Ota, Genio Verde, and Steve Flash

Again, not that intrigued. Not sure why Angel is in this, but he'll probably be part of the weak link.


Hopkirk vs. Jayson Wright

I hope Dharma doesn't screw over Jameson. We don't need every bit of angst and grim-ness in this company. That said, Wright is losing.


Troy Tornado vs. Payne & Shearer

Interference, beatdown, referee bump... Tornado's gonna win though.


Buddy Garner vs. James Prudence

Mind checking Prudence's popularity data? I want to see if he's capped out yet. That said Prudence to win through Titus intervening.

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WAR Battleground Quick Picks

Alex Braun vs. Brutus O'Leary

Youth wins in this one. I'm sure that Alex's time is short so him putting over Brutus is assured.


Coastal Zone Chaos vs. Demonic Intervention

DI don't really need the belts to be a force, so i'm booking the upset with some help in the form of the pin up girls.


American Elemental, Angel De Mexico, Ash Campbell, and Donnie J vs. Ares, Fumihiro Ota, Genio Verde, and Steve Flash

You're building up Ares so his team will take it.


Hopkirk vs. Jayson Wright

It's not time for Wright to get the win here, he will sooner or later but not at this point.


Troy Tornado vs. Payne & Shearer

Buddy Garner vs. James Prudence

The Prat wins this, by cheating as always. Hope he loses some of his smile when Garner punches in his face.

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