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WAR on the Vegas Strip...

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I'm just back and catching up on the old shows. This is still the best dynasty I've read in a long while. I'm glad you're still plugging away with it. I'll keep reading as long as you keep writing.



Ares© vs. Donnie J vs. Fox Mask vs. Masked Cougar

Ares has been built up for a while, so i don't see him losing the belt just yet.


The Tri-State Kings vs. Art Reed, Buddy Garner, and Brutus O'Leary

The Kings should take this, but i'm always ready to root for the old guys and their buddy with the hands of stone.


Demonic Intervention© vs. Natural Storm

I always try to hire the Storm whenever i play a game, the are great but no match for the DI unless they really go hardcore, so the storm hits the ring and gets beat down.


Cletus© vs. Puerto Rican Power

I'm not a big fan of Cletus but i think he'll retain with a DQ. This gives PPR a chance later to get his belt back.


James Prudence vs. Shawn Gonzalez

The Prat will take Shawn down, cheating as always. Still, Gonzalez will have a good showing. Should be a great match.


Troy Tornado© vs. Eric Tyler

It'll take more than just one guy to get that belt off of Troy, he's not going to give it up and i'm sure that Tyler isn't the man to take it. Even with the WAR General out there, Troy once more flips off the big man and holds the gold.



I just noticed that there are no title changes on this card, for the guys i picked. Weird.

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Backstage Promo

Involved: Eric Tyler

“You can't stop me!”


{“Rise or Fall…” opens with the singular view of tonight’s WAR Championship challenger, Eric Tyler, standing before the lens. Captured in a tight angle, one that barely gives notice that the controversial “Traditionalist” currently resides in his own personal locker room, Tyler is overtly projected in a grandiose manner; as would be fitting for such a LEGEND of the sport. With a grainy black-and-white filter, one that gives each contouring line a depth of blackness, the heavily taped wrestler looks back upon said lens with a sense of utter confidence. Unafraid, focused, and determined in his stare, Tyler appears entirely ready for action tonight…}


[Eric Tyler]:
“Rise or Fall…” is an apt name for tonight’s event. For months now, that scraggly punk, that sophomoric a$$hole, has walked through these halls much like fingernails across a chalk-board. As he buys further into his own bloated ego, the constant scratch grows louder and louder… until it’s almost impossible to turn a deaf ear.
He believes that, just because he’s had a small streak of success, that he’s all of a sudden some sort of ICON…
Someone we should supposedly… praise…
{Slowly shakes his head as he pauses}
I don’t praise… Tornado… Especially not for brain-dead, talentless, never-been’s… like you…


{Tyler pauses for a brief second as he stares directly into the lens with a sense of hardened aggression; as if he’s seen it all already. Then, breaking from his silence, Tyler moves on as he aggressively wrenches upon his taped wrists with either hand in a show of upcoming battle.}


[Eric Tyler]:
They say WAR is your domain; that this entire company was practically built for you. Well, tonight, you have the ultimate opportunity to prove that…
{Pauses; stares straight into the lens as if speaking directly to Tornado}
Tonight, YOU… can prove to us all… Whether YOU… will RISE… or… Fall?


{Tyler takes another short break as he stares into the lens as if he were looking straight into Tornado’s eyes. There’s a sense of fury there unseen for quite some time. At this point, it’s almost as if we’re not looking into a 50-something on his last leg. If anything, he appears to be as young, as focused, as fruitful, as ever before. In the end, that’s the beauty of Eric Tyler. He never seems to age… never seems to slow down… never appears to have lost a step…}


[Eric Tyler]:
All the pressure is on YOU, Tornado. I’ve ALREADY proven myself to rise… over… and over… and over again. Hell, I was rising above the competition FAR before you first STEPPED into a wrestling ring.
{Pauses; fervid stare follows}
I’ve seen ‘up-and-comers’, ‘next big things’, and ‘sure bets’, come and go…
I’ve seen superstars, top draws, and even ICONS… fall from grace…
… but through all that… I STILL persevered… I STILL… dominated.
Tonight, at your TRUE crossroad Tornado, I’m going to see to it that history repeats itself…
That I continue to RISE… and that punks like you… continue… to FALL…
Welcome to your defining moment, Tornado…. Welcome… to the END of your reign… and the BEGINNING… of mine!


{With that, the severely weathered face of Eric Tyler is shown contorting in a purely aggressive manner. Hardened at best, the controversial “Traditionalist” looks to be WELL past his prime; however, unwilling to allow a ‘punk’ like Tornado go over him; given his lofty career achievements. In the end, as the camera fades to black, the final image is the same as we’ve seen consistently up until then; a focused, determined, and obviously fervid, Eric Tyler hell-bent on being the one who rises tonight}


Steve Smith:
“Rise or Fall…” is only 6 minutes into it and we’re ALREADY feeling the grandiose tension of what is Tornado/Tyler! That said, ole’ slick, I’m not all that surprised to be honest! These two couldn’t be MORE polar opposites…

Slick Rick:
Yea, one is an absolute LEGEND of the sport… The other… is a talentless douche…

Steve Smith:
There’s NO denying that Eric Tyler is certainly a LEGEND as you say but I wouldn’t go as far as to classify Tornado as simply a ‘douche’…

Slick Rick:
Blah… Blah… You can say what you want but until you’ve actually BEEN in that ring you know nothing!! I’ve been… I know… Tornado is NOTHING compared to Tyler. Tonight, we’re going to find ourselves a NEW WAR Champion… there’s NO denying that… Just sit back, pop some popcorn, and get ready for the beginning of a NEW Era… the ERA… of “The Traditionalist” atop yet ANOTHER wrestling promotion in WAR!!

Steve Smith:
While I don’t agree with you on Tornado, it would be stupid of me NOT to account for the possibility of Eric Tyler defeating him. I mean, he IS a LEGEND for a reason… 50-something or not… Eric Tyler is TRULY one of the better wrestlers we’ve seen in this industry!




Hype Video

Involved: Ares©, Donnie J, Fox Mask, and Masked Cougar

“WHO dominates the Sky?”


{The first hype video is shown depicting the budding struggle between the Blitzkrieg Champion, “The GOD of WAR” Ares, and the explosive Coastal Zone fraternity of Donnie J, Fox Mask, and Masked Cougar. Portraying the division as a whole as entirely chaotic at it’s core, the overall theme appears to be centered around the rebellious punk-rock-GOD defying the very institution that has come to define aerial wrestling in the region for which WAR resides. None the less, touching upon the short tension between fellow Coastal Zone fliers in Fox Mask and Masked Cougar, eventually brought back to each other’s side by the inspiring word of respect brought forth by fellow fraternity member Donnie J, the overall video shows the trio to be rather cohesive as they attempt to overrun an inextinguishable flame.}


… Earlier today …


{Toward the end of said video, we’re given the image of footage from earlier today; as it claims on the side of the screen. In this video, we’re shown the lifeless and bloodied body of Donnie J lying at the feet of an aggressively fortified Blitzkrieg Champion, Ares. As blood travels toward his scuffed boot, Ares looks down with a vile grin upon his face; showing that it was most certainly HIM that did this. All in all, as he holds his championship belt in one hand, one end dangling on the cement floor below, a small semblance of blood upon it’s silver plate proves it to be the ‘weapon of choice’ in such an attack.}


{Running to their brethren’s aide, Fox Mask and Masked Cougar are shown speeding at a reckless rate toward the bloodied state of violence. Sensing such a cavalry, Ares slowly shuffles away from the action as he keeps a vile grin upon his face.}


{None the less, as Foxy and Cougar kneel down at his side, checking upon the physical state of a fellow Coastal Zoner, their appears to be a heated stare down between them and the confidently retreating Blitzkrieg Champion.}


Steve Smith:
The last part of the video shows what we witnessed earlier today as company officials were gearing up for “Rise or Fall…”. At this point, not much is known about Donnie’s physical status; however, one thing is for sure, he WON’T be taking part in tonight’s Blitzkrieg Championship match. I’m not sure if that was his plan all along but Ares certainly chopped the Coastal Zone Brethren down with this attack!

Slick Rick:
It looks like he may have bled him dry with the Blitzkrieg Championship!
{Laughs in a raspy fashion}
Donnie’s a bleeder I guess…

Steve Smith:
I can’t believe that Ares would USE his title like that…

Slick Rick:
Use what you got…
He’s got a built-in weapon with a silver-plated belt like that!

Steve Smith:
Not very valiant…

Slick Rick:
Who gives a sh*t about valiant…





"The GOD of WAR"
Ares© vs. Fox Mask vs. Masked Cougar

WAR Blitzkrieg Championship Match

Non-elimination Rules


It should come as NO surprise that Fox Mask and Masked Cougar are coming for blood. Just after witnessing their friend, and fellow Coastal Zone competitor, left for dead in a backstage hallway all at the hand of their opponent, a want for revenge is almost palpable. With this in mind, stripping away their own competition with one another, Foxy and Cougar are shown working as well-oiled machine as they war 2-on-1 with the rebellious punk. Utilizing double-team maneuvers that leave the ring rattling, even taking to the air at several occasions to add further impact, it looks as though Ares may be on the verge of losing his strap early on.


That was until the “Hand of the Gods” was forced upon them…


Catching a descending Masked Cougar with his explosive finisher (“Hand of the Gods”; RKO), Ares is quickly able to subdue one-half of the Coastal Zone duo. That said, sensing a changing tide, Fox Mask is able to barrage the Blitzkrieg Champion with a string of high-impact chain-wrestling spots. Placing him on his heels, Foxy looks as though he’s about to step into the forefront of the match. Again, that was until the hand was bestowed once again…


Spinning Foxy around, reversing a belly-to-back suplex attempted by the masked flier, Ares is able to eventually force his way back into the forefront with a stiff “Hand of the Gods” (RKO) square in the center of the ring. Upon impact, the crowd starts booing like crazy as the scraggly, tattooed, punk-rock-flier is able to bring about an end to the match with a standard three count shortly thereafter.


Ares via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
“Hand of the Gods” (RKO) upon Fox Mask

Ending Time:

This marks Ares’ 2nd successful WAR Blitzkrieg Championship defense


Steve Smith:
They were determined to squash Ares for what he did earlier to Donnie J but, sadly, the “GOD of WAR” was simply too much to overcome.

Slick Rick:
Did you SEE what he did here? I mean what he REALLY did here? Ares just, single-handedly, DESTROYED the whole Coastal Zone bull-cr@p in a matter of a night! First, Donnie J. Now, Fox Mask AND Masked Cougar!
{Raspy laughter follows}
Let THIS be the point for which we STOP this sh*t about the Coastal Zone fliers! They are, no doubt, NOTHING compared to the Blitzkrieg Champion!

Steve Smith:
I can’t disagree with you there. Ares HAS shown himself to be a true force here tonight…

{A short pause is heard before they turn toward a new topic}

Steve Smith:
Well folks, my counter-part in Slick Rick was able to speak with Jayson Wright earlier today as he and his sister, Dharma, entered the Coliseum. More or less, it seems that “Mr.” Wright has some family issues at hand as of late…

Slick Rick:
That’s an understatement, Steve-o…




Backstage Interview

Involved: Jayson Wright, Dharma, and Slick Rick

“Sisters Keeper!”


{We transition to another round of footage from ‘earlier today’ in which to witness WAR commentator Slick Rick standing alongside “Mr.” Wright and his sister. The folksy beauty that is the cowboy hat wearing Dharma quickly stands out above all the rest as she accompanies her brother backstage. None the less, as she smirks playfully at the camera, toying with the male fanbase of WAR, Jayson appears to be somewhat frustrated in an underlying fashion.}


[slick Rick]:
I’m here with the resident ‘good boy’ in Jayson “Mr.” Wright...
{Devilish grin follows as Jayson lightly rolls his eyes}
Now Jayson, you’ve made QUITE the splash since you joined Wrestling Action in Revolt in which to ‘babysit’ your sister.
{Pauses as he smirks again}
I guess, at this point, the question on everyone’s mind is… Do YOU think you’ll ever be anything MORE than your sister’s keeper?


{Jayson quickly snaps his head in which to look over at Slick with sheer annoyance upon his face. Huffing to himself, curling his lips upward in an angered fashion, the man they call “Mr.” Wright appears to be silently agitated. Meanwhile, in connection, with her hands upon her exposed hips, the folksy Dharma is shown projecting a ‘nah-uh’ kind of over-dramatic face.}


[Jayson “Mr.” Wright]:
It’s true, Slick, I DID come to Wrestling Action in Revolt to protect my sister. I did it then and I’d do it again; 10 times over. But, at this point, I don’t see myself as ONLY her keeper. I aint perfect, I know I’m still pretty ‘green’ as they call it, but I feel as though I’ve come a long way in a short time. I don’t see how I can’t see to her safety and ALSO go about on my OWN as a ‘rassler…


{Relaying his response with a subtle southern drawl, Jayson appears to re-strengthen his confidence despite being verbally shot-down earlier by the heel Slick.}


[slick Rick]:
Oh, Jayson… You’re NOT a ‘rassler…
{Shakes his head in a ‘tisk’ fashion as he smirks in an arrogant manner}
You’re laughable at BEST between the ropes. If it wasn’t for that fine sister of yours, you wouldn’t have a win to your name…


{With that, Jayson’s confidence is quickly unraveled yet again. As anger returns to his face, “Mr.” Wright’s demeanor turns even more aggressive in nature. Meanwhile, Dharma’s tone has shifted in the same direction. In a typical younger sister move, one soaked in a bratty sense of nature, Dharma steps before Jayson in which to look Slick straight in his face. Pointing her finger on Slick’s chest, the folksy beauty appears to almost have more gall than her brother.}


Listen here buck-o! My big-brother ‘aint some door-mat for you to walk all ov’ah. You should show him some respect! Right, Jayson? I’d hate to see ya get an a$$ whoopin’ for havin’ a mouth like that!


{Jayson places his hand upon Dharma’s shoulder in which to move her aside. In doing so, Jayson now ends up face-to-face with the devilishly smirking Slick Rick. Silence is all that’s there for a matter of a few seconds as both stare one another down; Slick with high arrogance and Jayson with an aggressive tone.}


[slick Rick]:
Sorry bout that… Jayson… Didn’t want to… RILE UP… that pretty little thing of yours…


{Slick looks past Jayson in which to wink in a dirty fashion toward Dharma; a fact that inspires the scantily-clad beauty to pout her face in over-dramatic anger.}


[Jayson “Mr.” Wright]:
Watch your tone… Slick…


YEA! Watch it!


{A light chuckle is heard from the crowd as Dharma looks to her ‘slappin’ hand’, a ‘weapon’ she’s used in the past to help Jayson, as her brother and Slick Rick continue to stare one another down.}


[slick Rick]:
Yea… Yea… Yea… I’m watchin’ it…
{Again, winks at Dharma in a dirty fashion before turning his attention back toward Jayson}
Good luck ‘makin’ it on your own’, Jayson…
{Devilish smirk follows}
You’ll need it…


{With that, Slick slowly shuffles away from the scene with a devilish grin from ear-to-ear. Meanwhile, the brother/sister combo of Jayson and Dharma continue to stare upon him with nothing short of anger in mind.}


Steve Smith:
Was that really necessary? I thought you were going to conduct an ACTUAL interview but that was more of an arrogant spat if anything. Your lack of professionalism baffles me…

Slick Rick:
Get over it, Steve-o. I may have been the one to SAY IT but we’ve all been thinking it. Jayson Wright has NO right being in a wrestling ring. If anything, he should just resort to being a bodyguard or something if he wants to make sure that his pretty little sister is safe! He can’t keep her such if she keeps on getting in the middle of the action… She’s going to get him killed!

Steve Smith:
It’s true that she’s quite the spit-fire but I don’t know if that means that Jayson should ALREADY retire from in-ring competition. He’s shown signs of having that “it” factor; he just needs time to learn! If he can do THAT as he keeps an eye on his sister’s safety then I say go for both!

Slick Rick:
I’ll say it again… She will get him killed before you know it!





Hype Video

Involved: The Tri-State Kings & Art Reed, Buddy Garner, and Brutus O'Leary

“Warring from all angles!”


{The 2nd hype video is shown depicting the convoluted coiling of 6 different men as a number of storylines intertwine within one another. Whether it’s portraying a possible implosion of the profound Tri-State King faction, Brutus O’Leary’s long-standing rivalry with a veteran bully in Alex Braun, Buddy Garner’s continual back-and-forth with the potentially imploding faction, or the recent clash between a debuting Art Reed and his technical equal in Steve Flash, there’s more than enough depth to chew on within this match. None the less, as the overall feel is that of wonder, wondering if the Tri-State Kings can stay together let alone pick up a BIG victory in their corner, there’s a continuous thought that this 3-on-3 match, while developed only recently, could certainly bring about a cyclonic ending.}


Steve Smith:
I know that you’ve been a fervid supporter of the Tri-State Kings since day one but even YOU have to acknowledge that things aren’t ‘peachy-keen’ in their camp these days. Eric Tyler is seemingly walking alone, Alex Braun and Johnny Martin have been on the verge of destroying one another, and Steve Flash has been called into question on whether or not he ‘still has it’. If you ask me, the Kings are in BIG trouble here tonight… A lot to prove, Slick!

Slick Rick:
Prove-schmoove! Who the HELL do YOU think you are saying that these guys have to prove ANYTHING; especially to YOU? We’re about to witness three of the BEST in-ring competitors we’ve EVER seen come out of the Tri-State area! They’ve done everything to PROVE how great they are; so, no, I don’t think they need to prove anything. They’ll win; there’s no doubt about that.

Steve Smith:
I guess we’ll see…

Slick Rick:
You can ‘see’ all you want but it won’t change reality, Steve-o! The Tri-State Kings will do it YET again… As they ALWAYS have…

Steve Smith:
The great thing is, we don’t have to wait any longer… The Tri-State Kings… versus… Garner…Reed… and O’Leary… It’s…right…now!!






The Tri-State Kings vs. Art Reed, Buddy Garner, and Brutus O'Leary

3 vs. 3 Match


It’s obvious that neither threesome appears to be all that comfortable with one another; it’s evident in their basic mannerisms with one another. None the less, despite that glaring truth, there’s a match to be won and all 6 within the ring are considered to be focused professionals. With this in mind, the match itself would go off without a hitch…


… Well, at least at first…


While awkward in their exchanges with their own teammates, each wrestler steps out within the ring as if they were independent from anything or anyone. In a way, they all seem to be out for themselves despite being placed into a tag-like scenario. Some would consider this shocking as, at least ONE of the groups is an actual functioning faction; however, given the recent past of said faction, no one would really think of it as TOO far-fetched. All in all, despite wanting to defeat the other team before them, a basic understanding of all competitors, there’s simply TOO much radiating between Braun and Martin for things to end up beneficial to the Kings…


Braun, in his typical bully-like fashion, is shown continually jarring with his own teammates as much as his opponents. With this in mind, there comes a point where it all just snaps… that snap coming in the form of a hard-right hand from Johnny Martin square across the jaw of his once partner. With tension finally spewing out like an uncontrollable volcano, it doesn’t take that long for Martin to lay the final strike of their fading friendship; that being a “Twist on the Rocks” (Twisting spike DDT).



Tension boils over; Martin turns!


Leaving his own partner motionless on the canvas, Martin slowly backs away from the squared circle as an equally frustrated Steve Flash appears to be only on the apron out of confliction.


All in all, with Braun out cold, it doesn’t take long for the newfound WAR wrestler Art Reed to capitalize!


Jumping upon his fallen opponent, the legal man in Reed quickly locks in a bone-snapping submission hold best known as a sit-down-cross-face. Wrenching back, pulling up with all of his might, Reed eventually forces the now alone competitor to drop his macho bully persona in which to tap out like a little girl; a fact that you KNOW he’ll come to regret in no time. In the end, it doesn’t take very long for the match to come to an end at this point as Reed’s aggressive lock is simply TOO much for the veteran to fend-off; especially without anyone there to really save him (as Flash is present on the apron; however, seemingly unwilling to break the submission despite being the only partner of Braun’s who is STILL left at ringside).


Art Reed, Buddy Garner, and Brutus O’Leary via submission

Ending Maneuver:
A Sit-down-cross-face submission by Art Reed upon Alex Braun

Ending Time:

Johnny Martin turned face with his attack on Alex Braun. It wasn’t perceived well.


Steve Smith:
Well folks, it appears that, as you Americans say, the sh*t has hit the fan!

Slick Rick:
What the HELL was THAT all about Martin?

Steve Smith:
It looks like he had FINALLY had enough with Braun’s bullying ways! In that moment, all that was left was a “Twist on the Rocks” and Braun was left for dead.

Slick Rick:
Reed pounds his chest like he ACTUALLY did something!! You’re a damn vulture you punk! If it weren’t for Martin’s stupidity, you would have been face up & looking at the lights in the end. Don’t you forget that!

Steve Smith:
It may have happened… but it didn’t…
The Tri-State Kings are possibly… no more… at least the version we’ve known…

Slick Rick:
This is f*cking ridiculous!!




Hype Video

Involved: Demonic Intervention©

“They... who go bump in the night...”


{The 3rd hype video of the night is one of a truly unsettling tone as it depicts the carnage brought forth by the WAR Tag Team Champions, Demonic Intervention. Highlighting months of one-sided beat-downs, the menacing duo is ultimately portrayed as truly unstoppable to the masses. With power unseen, little regard for anyone’s health, and a vile streak of violent intent, these soulless monsters are presented in a way that paints their darkened personas the true definition of an evil incarnate. All in all, in the end, the final images is that of the towering behemoths standing side by side with the WAR Tag gold in their possession; staring back upon the lens, before a room of blanketing darkness, the pairing of DAMiaN and Leper Messiah appear entirely as first thought… unstoppable.}


Steve Smith:
I honestly don’t know how ANYONE can EVER expect to beat these guys?

Slick Rick:
It’s like that old-time dominance; back in the 80’s when one team would run ramped for a number of years before finally losing. That’s what we’ve got here. Demonic Intervention has shown NO signs of slowing down since they first grabbed the straps & tonight I’m sure it will be NO different. Who are these guys anyways? Natural Storm? Never heard of them…

Steve Smith:
Supposedly, they’ve been BIG on the indy scene for quite some time now wrestling down in Puerto Rico mostly. I know very little but from what I’ve heard they appear to be pretty strong as a tandem.

Slick Rick:
Strong is great but it’s not enough when going up against Demonic Intervention. I’ll give them a few minutes of time… then it’ll be another Chokeslam or powerbomb that brings about yet another end!

Steve Smith:
It’s entirely possible…





Demonic Intervetion© vs. Natural Storm

WAR Tag Team Championship Match


Despite standing before HELL itself, the bruising pairing of Natural Storm doesn’t appear to be all that frightened to say the least. If anything, it’s almost as though they are oblivious to the danger all together. With this in mind, from the very second, from the very first bell, both Eddie and D.C. are shown willing to go head-to-head with the powerhouse champions. Throwing fists of fury, crashing into one another at full-speed, neither appears all that willing to back down to say the least. In reality, it’s almost as though both are known for their brutish ways &, at this point, both want to show that THEY are the better in such a way; even if the newfound team to WAR, Natural Storm, is certainly undersized greatly.


Even when Demonic Intervention is able to floor their opponents, which happens A LOT due to their overpowering approach, both D.C. and Eddie are always shown back on their feet in no time. It’s not like they don’t feel the pain of such strikes, really quite the opposite as their physical step slowly begins labored soon after such an onslaught, but more so that they are true brawlers in the fact that they love a good fight; and simply can’t get enough (even if they are on top of the momentum swing).


In the end though, while such an approach often brings on MORE punishment than the average scenario, it’s this unwillingness to back-down that eventually brings about an outcome that is indicative of such a brawlers mentality.


As their wild encounter spills outside of the ring, neither faction appears to be all that interested in the typical rule-set of your standard wrestling match. At this point, the option of a tag is not necessarily important as all four men are seen brawling in a heavily contested manner. Meanwhile, focused entirely on one another, shutting out any other scenario in the process, their epic shared intensity makes it almost impossible to foresee the 10-count levied by WAR referee, Jay Fair. Before you know it, said 10-count has passed & the match is ultimately declared a DRAW; a fact that doesn’t seem to budge their brawl in the slightest.



Ending Maneuver:
Double 10-count

Ending Time:

This marks Demonic Intervention’s 2nd successful WAR Tag Team Championship defense!


Steve Smith:
Well, it may not be a win but a DRAW isn’t anything to be sad about! Demonic Intervention has steam-rolled MOST teams; so, coming out as equals, at least technically, is a HUGE stepping-stone for Natural Storm in their WAR debut!

Slick Rick:
They may be pretty hard-headed when they fight but that could come back and haunt them in the end. Sometimes, it’s best just to stay down. Ask Buddy Garner about that. He’s pretty much been under 100% physically for a long time now! These guys will end up in the same way, if not worse, if they plan on trying to take down Demonic Intervention!

Steve Smith:
It’s going to be tough, REALY tough, but these guys seem to have the gall to get it done! Could we have FINALLY found a team that can stand toe-to-toe with these monsters?

Slick Rick:
Hell no!

Steve Smith:
I guess we’ll have to see… either way, tonight, in their WAR debut, Natural Storm stood before HELL and still are on their own two feet!




Backstage Skit

Involved: WAR General Nemesis

“HE will return...”


{We transition backstage in which to see the menacing sight of an overtly authoritative WAR General Nemesis standing before the camera lens. Dressed in his recently typical black suit, one that seems to roughly fit his still defined frame, the chin-protruding WAR administrator appears to be in the middle of a closed-door meeting with an un-named staff member. Leaned back against his large executive desk, Nemesis appears to be scowling more than normal; a fact that many would have thought to be impossible due to his typical grumpy demeanor. All in all, with this in mind, it’s expected that, whatever they are talking about, things aren’t going as planned for the powerful figure.}


[WAR General Nemesis]:
So… Let me get this straight…
{Grimaces as it appears he can barely get the words out}
… He’s coming back… THIS Monday?


[unknown WAR Staffer]:
That’s what we’ve been told; just in-time for “Battleground”!


{While the staffer seems entirely excited about the news, Nemesis doesn’t appear to be sharing he same sentiment. In a way, it’s as if he’s attempting to hold back an all-out explosion of dislike; possibly masking some underlying feeling he has for the WAR owner.}


[WAR General Nemesis]:


{He proclaims in a sarcastic manner; still entirely brutish in it’s delivery}


[unknown WAR Staffer]:
Would you like for me to relay a message to Mr. Stallings before Monday?


{Again, practically snarling through his disdain for this moment, Nemesis returns with a message that can certainly be perceived as having a double-meaning.}


[WAR General Nemesis]:
No… I’ll wait for the ‘parade’ on Monday…


{With that, the segment comes to a close as the unknown staffer slowly shuffles out of the room. Meanwhile, a final shot is shown of the WAR General as he snarls while looking off camera; mentally stirring over something in his mind.}


Steve Smith:
HUGE NEWS… WAR Owner, Mr. Stallings, will be RETURNING to Wrestling Action in Revolt THIS WEEK on “Battleground”! Wow…

Slick Rick:
‘Great’… We really missed him…

{Slick relays in a sarcastic manner}

Steve Smith:
Maybe we can FNIALLY get to the bottom of WHO attacked him!

Slick Rick:
Again… ‘Great’… That’s EXACTLY what I want “Battleground” to be wasted on…

Steve Smith:
Watch it, Slick! He’s the man who writes the checks around here…

Slick Rick:
Riiiiggghhhtt… I’ll keep that in mind…




Hype Video

Involved: Cletus© and Puerto Rican Power

“WAR... in Appalachia!”


{The 4th hype video of the night is shown depicting the vicious struggle between Puerto Rican Power and the current Sin City Champion, Cletus. Within said video, one that chronologically follows their connection since Cletus' unexpected attack upon a then Sin City Champion Puerto Rican Power, there's an overall theme beginning to form: that of brutish obsession. Up until Cletus' reign, PRP has widely been known as an unstoppable powerhouse of his own. However, with one attack, one violent exchange, all of that came unraveled. With this in mind, battered, bruised, and quite possibly embarrassed given his once thought impenetrable status, Power is ultimately shown to be mentally fixated on redemption. In the end, as the video comes to a close, there's a real feeling that their upcoming exchange could certainly be one of THE most bloodiest affairs EVER seen in WAR history.}


Steve Smith:
I don't really know what to expect with this, Slick. Are we GOING to see them fight? Are we not? No one really knows for sure. All we DO know is that WAR has sent a personal camera man to the destination we found to be Cletus' shack in the hills of Appalachia. Meanwhile, just a few days ago on "Battleground" it became apparent that Power had FINALLY made it to the base of the mountain. Does that mean he's there now? We're not really sure but... wait...
{Appears to be talking off camera}
I've just got word ladies and gentlemen that our feed has gone live at Cletus' Appalachian shack! We're going to go there now...

Slick Rick:
Get your popcorn ready! This is bout to be one UGLY situation...





Cletus© vs. Puerto Rican Power

WAR Sin City Championship Match

Cletus' Shack Match (In the hills of Appalachia)


The feed opens with a shaky cam vision of a weathered pick-up truck rolls to a stop before a dingy tin shack among a plethora of towering trees. With rust encompassing the structure, random holes allowing the sparse sunlight to penetrate it's darkened walls, there's little in the way of comfort when gazing upon such a menacing sight. None the less, Puerto Rican Power looks entirely unmoved by the vision. Stomping aggressively, huffing already like a raging bull who sees red before him, PRP begins amp up his presence in which to prepare for what will most certainly be a war.


Before he can reach the walls of the shack, the thin door is shown flung open in a wild manner. Seconds later, as the camera shakes in a frightened fashion, the overpowering sight of Cletus from within the darkness is shown. Beating his chest like a true grizzly, the ball of hair that is the "Appalachian Grizzly" is shown meeting his rival steps before shack. What would ensue is a wild, almost primal-like, brawl that stretches the length of the weathered structure.


Swinging madly, using nearby weapons such as a iron rod, rotten 2x4, and even a metal pitchfork, there's little in the way of actual wrestling taking place. More aptly, this is a fight and a bloody one at that.


Busting one another open with a barrage of powerhouse strikes, both appear like bloody messes as red waterfalls pour from their foreheads. With that said, while some would then shy away after suffering such a wicked outcome, no such scenario comes to pass with these two. If anything, it's almost as though the blood pouring from their collective faces is enough to drive their aggression that much stronger; pushing to a whole new level as they crash into one another like speeding locomotives. More or less, as they surpass each unsettling peak of intense violence, there's yet another, even greater, peak left to climb.


In the end, as they spill into Cletus' shack, the faded tin door is quickly slammed behind them; leaving the camera man staggered and dazed. Seconds later, as he attempts to open the door, said camera man is again bombarded by what awaits him on the other side of the door...


Within the darkened room, a big boot comes flying out of nowhere in which to collide with the screen. In doing so, the feed goes completely dead; TV snow and everything. With that, the crowd begins to boo wildly as the wording "We are experiencing technical difficulties; please standby" is displayed across the screen. More or less, in their epic struggle, one that literally appeared like two giants smashing into one another at a reckless pace, bloodied from their intense warfare, we are stripped of the outcome by a wayward big boot that, most likely, came from Cletus himself.


Feed Lost...

Winner unknown...


Steve Smith:
What happened? Ladies and Gentlemen... It looks like we've lost our feed in Appalachia. Honestly, I've NEVER seen something like this before! We have NO IDEA who came away with the win there... We can HOPE to get our feed back but, right now, it sounds like the camera man is not responding to the control center. He could possibly be out cold after that, what seemed to be, a big boot!

Slick Rick:
You're right, Steve-o... I've NEVER seen something like this before. Who the HELL came out of that one?

Steve Smith:
The scary thing is, unless they come down from the mountain and back to Vegas, there's a chance we may NEVER know? Truthfully, from what we saw, we could have lost BOTH of them here tonight...

{Commotion is heard off camera as Steve Smith is also heard talking to someone off-mic}

Steve Smith:
Folks, it sounds like we have restored our live feed in Appalachia... let's go there now! Let's see WHO came away with the Sin City gold in the end!




Post-Match Celebration

Involved: Puerto Rican Power©

“There's no REAL winners here...”


{As the feed returns, presented in a shaky, grainy, manner, the camera lens appears to be lying upon the muddy ground below; creating the knowledge that the camera man is most likely still KO’ed currently. That said, with a smug of mud caked across the bottom of said lens, the inadvertent footage captures the sight of Cletus’ tin shack door flying open in a thunderous fashion.}


{As said door almost falls off it’s hinges, a grandiose figure is shown spilling out of the darkness; falling to the muddy ground in the process. Slowly, pulling themselves upward, almost crawling as they attempt to return to their depleted feet, the muscle-bound man proves to be none other than Puerto Rican Power.}



The man to emerge from the shack is PRP!


{Huffing, even coughing in a show of a great physical challenge, Power doesn’t appear to be the brutish, overpowering, Adonis we’ve come to know. In this case, he looks like a depleted, barely hanging-on, kind of figure. In a sense, almost more of a victim than a victor.}


{None the less, as he staggers to his feet, utilizing a nearby tree to keep himself up, Power is shown to have the WAR Sin City Championship firmly gripped in his right hand. With this in mind, it’s expected that, with this vision, Puerto Rican Power is the man who ultimately came away with the win inside of Cletus’ dingy shack. As, at this point, he’s the only man exiting with the title in hand.}


Steve Smith:
Puerto Rican Power DID IT!! The feed went dead but with it’s return, It’s obvious to see that Power is the last man standing! Oh my… This man is TRULY a LEGEND among men!

Slick Rick:
But wait… We never ACTUALLY saw the pinfall. Who’s to say he ACTUALLY won? Re-start it!! Throw him back in there and we’ll see if he can survive HELL like that on a second go around!

Steve Smith:
Are you insane? NO ONE could survive something like that. I don’t even think Cletus could go again; as we haven’t seen him emerge from the shack himself.

Slick Rick:
I stand to it… We NEVER saw the pinfall. As far as I know, Cletus is STILL the champ!

Steve Smith:
The feed went dead and HE was the only one to emerge with the belt… With that, Puerto Rican Power is the first EVER 3 time WAR Sin City Champion!!




Hype Video

Involved: James Prudence and Shawn Gonzalez

“WHO will leave WAR?”


{The 5th hype video is one centered around the arrogance of a youthful James Prudence. In said video, Prudence is documented as the snarky brat who has singled out a wrestling ICON, Shawn Gonzalez, in which to accelerate his ‘rise to the top’. In contrast, Gonzalez is presented as a hardened veteran who is unmoved by, yet, another youngster attempting to ‘take him down’. Standing in a stoic manner, the celebrated “Lone Wolf” is ultimately shown to be defiant of the youngster in a statuesque fashion. None the less, as the video comes to a close, there’s an overwhelming question lingering: After months of warring with one another, WHO will LEAVE WAR when it’s all said and done?}


Steve Smith:
These two have come to literally HATE one another. Prudence, the youngster who wants to expedite his process to the top! Gonzalez, the respected veteran who can’t seem to swat the fly that is the rookie at his heels. In the end, which one of them will be the LAST man standing in WAR?

Slick Rick:
No question it’s James Prudence! Gonzalez is big ONLY in name these days. He’s a SHELL of his former self and I have no doubt that tonight will be his LAST moment in WAR!

Steve Smith:
We’ll see… right… now!!




James Prudence vs.
"The Lone Wolf" Shawn Gonzalez

Loser Leaves WAR Match


The rabid WAR fanbase showers the ringside area with a thunderous roar typically left for main event moments. In this case, while roaring mercilessly, said energized fanbase appears to be firmly in the corner of the stoic "Lone Wolf" as their general disdain for the young brat in James Prudence is quite evident. None the less, as Prudence plays into his role perfectly, raising his nose at them, disrespecting Gonzalez at every turn possible, the man they call "The Fire-starter" ultimately glides through the opening of the match in dubious form.


Unseen low-blows, eye-rakes, and toe crushing stomps, all signify a classic heel role for the budding Prudence. Meanwhile, still finding ways to bubble back to the top, Gonzalez battles with such a polarizing onslaught before him with hardened defiance. Even as Prudence dips lower and lower on the respectable scale, seriously attempting to end the "Lone Wolf's" WAR career in any way possible, Gonzalez shows not to join in the downward spiral. If anything, standing as the proud, statuesque figure that he is, Shawn continually finds ways to overcome such an approach with a more classic babyface mentality. With that said though, It's not like Shawn Gonzalez will be kissing any babies anytime soon; I use the babyface mentality lightly due to his more tweener status.


At one point, Prudence's dubious means is almost shown to be his worst enemy as he bullishly shrugs off a rope break given to him by WAR referee Jay Fair. It came down to a count before Prudence FINALLY broke his Camel Clutch in the corner. While controversial, it DOES play well for the young "Platinum Player" as THAT very lengthy submission, even if told to be broken FAR before it was, shows to have slightly hindered the health of the snarling "Lone Wolf". More or less, while he tries to hide it, it's obvious that he's struggling to breath through the pain.


A string of submissions later, all targeted upon Gonzalez' back, brings about whispers in the crowd that this MAY actually be Shawn's last WAR match. With that, a loud roar begins to form for the "Lone Wolf" as the fans make it obvious that they won't accept a loss on his part; even IF injured.


Warring back, Gonzalez gains a 2nd wind, even a 3rd; however, each time such a wind is viciously suppressed by a string of underhanded strikes to his back. At one point, as Gonzalez is on said 3rd wind, a suplex is blocked by Prudence as he lands an eye-rake/punch to the lower back combo within seconds of themselves. As expected, at this point, it's almost seen as entirely 'writing on the wall' that this WILL be James Prudence's defining WAR moment thus far; ENDING the career of Shawn Gonzalez.


Well, that's at least what we thought...


Despite injury, Gonzalez continually returns to another wind; 4 and 5 before it's all said and done. In a show of great pride, wincing the entire way through, the "Lone Wolf" continues to push-on as his mannerisms tell of a man who is, himself, not willing to lose.


In the end, as James Prudence dives from the top rope, attempting to execute what appears to be a modified double-axe-handle strike, Gonzalez is shown roaring into his final wind as he catches the descending Prudence with his signature "Last Bite" (Lifting Side Chokeslam)!


The impact is so forceful that Prudence's head bounces wildly off the matt; motionless seconds later.


With that, a three count is administered as the rabid WAR fanbase explodes with excitement. Meanwhile, both men are lying in the center of the ring in a motionless manner; both appearing to have been hit by a semi truck.


Shawn Gonzalez via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
“The Last Bite” (Lifting Side Chokeslam)

Ending Time:

James Prudence will leave WAR!


Steve Smith:

Slick Rick:

Steve Smith:
After months of controversy, the little BRAT that DID is on his way OUT of WAR!

Slick Rick:
Re-start the match!! This CAN’T HAPPEN!!

Steve Smith:
Oh, but it did! The “Lone Wolf” is truly the last man standing in that ring tonight as James Prudence has just lost a loser leaves WAR match! They warred for quite some time but it’s Gonzalez who has the last laugh!

Slick Rick:
I think I’m going to be sick…

Steve Smith:
He pushed through the pain in his back and did what we ALL knew he could; get the job done! I have NEVER been so proud of one man before!! Once again, James Prudence, the “Platinum Player”, the “Fire-starter” as he was once called, is now OUT… of… WAR!!




Post-Match Celebration

Involved: James Prudence and Shawn Gonzalez

“Na, Na, Na, Na... Hey Hey Hey... Goodbye!”


{With the WAR fan-base roaring in the background, showering the “Lone Wolf” with a response fit for THE most respected, the stoic Gonzalez is shown brutishly pulling himself to his feet; a fact that only generates MORE response from the fans. Almost unable to raise his one arm in victory, Shawn looks as though he’s barely holding on by a string after such a brutal back-and-forth with James Prudence; however, regardless of all of that, between the two of them, HE is the one who STILL has a spot on the WAR roster.}


{Meanwhile, equally injured as he slowly rises to his feet, James Prudence is currently forging through a very opposite outcome. With a look of shock upon his face, slowly exiting the ring in a hobbled fashion, the “Platinum Player” is eventually shown walking up the WAR rampway for the final time; dazed and completely confused. None the less, as he never looks back on the crowd, completely floored about the reality at hand, the final shot is that of Gonzalez standing tall as Prudence staggers off into the darkness of the “Gates of WAR”.}


Steve Smith:
He tried, and tried, and succeeded at times, but tonight, James Prudence was unable to get the job done. For that, he’s now on the outside looking in! I’m sure he’ll have no trouble getting hired again, as he IS talented, but it certainly WON’T be here in WAR! Great day!

Slick Rick:
I still can’t believe it… THIS is insane! No Prudence? He IS the future of this industry and NOW he’s going elsewhere?

Steve Smith:
He COULD be a huge name sometime down the road but, as I said, it WON’T be here…

Slick Rick:
This f*cking sucks…




Hype Video

Involved: Troy Tornado©, Eric Tyler, and the WAR General Nemesis

“The Coastal Zone Reunion”


{The 6th and final hype vide of the night is one dripping in an epic nature. In what can most certainly be described as a generational war, the challenger, Eric Tyler, has spent the last month ranting as though the current WAR Champion, Troy Tornado, is not worthy of such a lofty stature. Claiming him to not be a ‘real wrestler’, Tyler has continually ripped into the grunge-rocker champ in a way of creating great separation between he & the aspiring 50+ contender. Meanwhile, Tornado has continued forth in his typical ultra-defiant tone; flipping off, spitting on, and ultimately disrespecting the challenger at every turn.}


{An altercation between the two would be iconic enough; however, the presence of the WAR General makes for THAT much more of a chaotic tone. A rival of both men, one through history and the other most recent, Nemesis utilized his power to force himself squarely in the middle of their altercation. In doing so, he’s made little confusion over what HE would like to see leading up to the PPV: A NEW WAR Champion in Eric Tyler. That said, upon announcing that HE would be the special guest referee, Nemesis made it known that he would officiate fairly; a fact that many dispute the possibility of.}


{In the end, the final image is that of a ‘versus’ screen that projects nothing but grandeur to the fans watching. The WAR Champion, Troy Tornado, on one side, the controversial “Traditionalist, Eric Tyler, on the other, all the while with the brutish authority of the WAR General positioned in the middle of them.}


Steve Smith:
It’s been building for a month now, cheap-shot-after-cheap-shot, blow-by-blow, these men have held NOTHING back in their hope of crippling the other. It MAY have started off as a simple wrestling argument; however, it ALL has turned rather personal as of late. One man attempts to do the unthinkable; winning a world championship at the ripe age of 50 years old. Meanwhile, another, will attempt to further validate his place atop the wrestling world; hoping to utilize his challenger as a reason for his lofty stature. It’s Tornado… Tyler… and it happens…right… NOW!

Slick Rick:
Hell YEA!! Get your popcorn ready… We’re about to crown ourselves a NEW champion!!





Troy Tornado© vs.
"The Traditionalist"
Eric Tyler

WAR Championship Match

Special Guest Referee: WAR General Nemesis




The roar of the crowd is so overwhelming, so electric, that one simply cannot take their eyes away. Two men, positioned across from one another in the ring, stare upon each other in differing states of focus; Tyler in your traditional ‘ice man’ approach as Tornado simply smirks in a defiance sense of arrogance. That said, it’s in this moment, with the stage set as high as it is, that the REAL cultural clash becomes evident. Two men of two different generations, projecting TWO different personality types, are set to clash in a grandiose manner.


After staring one another down in the center of the ring, Tornado smirking as he chomps his gum arrogantly, Tyler practically exuding pure hardened aggression, the proceedings all start with the ultimate sign of disrespect… A firm slam from Tornado square across the jaw of his challenger.


The slap sets in motion an irate Eric Tyler; rushing the WAR Champion with an onslaught as if he were 20 years younger. Raging, fuming with anger, feeling entirely disrespected, the controversial “Traditionalist” holds nothing back as he explodes with a sense of energy unseen. That said, as expected, such an approach couldn’t last for very long given his age. Instead, as he attempts to stomp away, Tornado is ultimately able to weasel his way out of the attack; creating his own wild brawl in the process.


That said, it’s at THIS moment that the tone for Nemesis as the special guest referee begins to form…


Moments after Tornado’s momentous wave takes hold, Nemesis is shown making a controversial decision by holding him back in a corner; claiming that Tyler called for a ‘time out’. The absurdity of such a notion, never hearing of a ‘time out’, the crowd boos madly as Tornado appears frustrated as hell. With that in mind, it didn’t take long for Tornado to get straight into the face of the WAR General. As he chomps his gum, barking in his face, Tornado ultimately proves to be his own worst enemy in focus as this opens up Tyler to jump right back into the lead with another onslaught.


Steve Smith:
A time-out? What is THAT all about? There’s no such THING as a time-out in a wrestling match!!


Slick Rick:
Leave the officiating to the WAR General, Steve-o! If you’re not in there, you don’t know what SHOULD and SHOULD NOT be called…


Steve Smith:
I MAY not be a referee but either is Nemesis. What he’s doing here is playing favorites…


On his heels, Tornado would eventually lead his way back in power; however, it always seems short lived. Whether it’s enforcing rope breaks, holding him off, or simply just being in the middle of the action, Nemesis continually finds a way to theoretically jab Tornado in the side. As one could expect, this only further frustrates the champ as his demeanor goes from high arrogance to borderline aggressive meltdown.


That meltdown, seeming as if it’s brewing to the surface of the WAR Champion, becomes impossible to suppress around the 15-minute mark…


After executing his signature “F*ck-Off!” (Top rope elbow drop), Troy Tornado is shown only getting a 2-count as the WAR General stops his count. Staring one another down, it becomes evident that, no matter what, Nemesis ISN’T going to officiate fairly in anyway. It’s MORE than obvious at this point that he has a favorite in the match and he’ll do ANYTHING he can to ensure a title change tonight.


Like a volcano overflowing, Tornado finally ‘snaps’ after close to 20-minutes of one-sided officiating. At this point, frustration and anger gives way entirely to pure, unadulterated, hatred. There is NO more smirk, no more arrogant strut, only the sight of a pissed off champion!


Steve Smith:
ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? Nemesis didn’t count to 3!! He stopped at 2!! This is absolutely deplorable!!


Slick Rick:
Maybe the 3rd count takes a little longer these days?
{Smirks devilishly}
You’ve got to keep in mind that Nemesis has had countless shoulder injuries over his career. Maybe it was just a little too hard to swing it down for a 3rd time?


Steve Smith:
Even YOU know that’s bull-sh*t!


Slick Rick:
Oooooo… Swearing now are we? I guess I really AM a bad influence…


Grabbing a steel chair from ringside, Tornado returns to the ring in which to inflict FURTHER damage on his challenger; however, Nemesis makes it VERY apparent that such a scenario WON’T be acceptable. As you can expect, the crowd begins to roar as the idea of Tornado hitting Nemesis with a steel chair is visited. That said, sadly, such a notion didn’t come to pass as Tyler, once again, sneaks his way back into the lead; attacking Tornado from behind in the process.


Eventually, Tornado would return to the top of a momentous wave; however, as he looks for the steel chair once again, said steel is met with his forehead. The attacker? The WAR General himself, Nemesis!


Steve Smith:
WHAT??!?!?! The WAR General has JUST floored Troy Tornado with a steel chair!! GOOD GOD… This just… just… Isn’t FAIR in the slightest! Shame on you Nemesis… shame on YOU for being a two-bit punk!


Slick Rick:
I think I saw a fly on Tornado’s forehead! If anything, the General was just helping to get rid of it…


Steve Smith:
I’m glad SOMEONE thinks this is funny… I, for one, think it’s disgusting!!


Slick Rick:
We’ve got ourselves a NEW Champion, folks… Eric Tyler WILL become the WAR Champion here tonight; Nemesis won’t allow anything BUT that to happen!


Swinging the chair square over the head of Tornado, the WAR Champion crashes to the canvas in a thunderous heap. Meanwhile, the crowd, in a state of angered shock, begins to boo like crazy as they NOW see the writing on the wall…


Pulling Tyler on top of the fallen champion, it appears as though the match is coming to an end…


Nemesis counts…








Somehow, someway, a bloodied Troy Tornado is able to kick-out of the pinfall attempt. In connection, Nemesis appears frustrated himself as anger becomes his firm demeanor.


Again, Nemesis would go for another chair shot; however, at this time, despite appearing staggered, Tornado is able to move out of the way. In doing so, this gives the WAR Champion enough time to land a Superkick square across the jaw of the WAR General. Both men, Tornado exhausted from the match, Nemesis from said kick, crash to the canvas below as neither look to be getting up anytime soon.


Steve Smith:


Slick Rick:
How DARE you kick the WAR General!!


Steve Smith:
He HAD it coming; Karma’s a B*TCH!!


Slowly, both would return to their feet; however, for one, a permanent stance is no longer possible…


Grabbing the nearby chair, an enraged, chair holding, champion is shown swinging like a mad man; connecting with the foreheads of BOTH Nemesis & Eric Tyler!!


Steve Smith:
{Laughs uncontrollably}
That’s what you get Nemesis!! You AND Tyler… out cold!!


Slick Rick:
The match should be called off here! How DARE you do that to the WAR General? Tornado should be STRIPPED of his gold!!


Before you know it, Tornado is shown placing a steel chair square across the face of his fallen challenger. Climbing atop a nearby turnbuckle, the WAR Champion is ultimately shown diving from the top rope in which to execute his signature “F*ck-off!” (top rope elbow drop) square upon the steel chair; a fact that crushes Tyler’s head beneath.


Steve Smith:


Slick Rick:


Steve Smith:
Here comes Jay Fair… It’s GOING to happen!!!


Slick Rick:
Someone STOP this!! Tornado can’t get away with this!!


Sensing he’s needed, WAR referee Jay Fair speeds toward the ring & begins to count seconds after sliding under the bottom rope. With Nemesis out cold, huffing as he attempts to regain consciousness after a round of chair shots, there’s little the WAR General can do to stop the outcome…








The WAR fan-base roars with excitement as Troy Tornado is ultimately declared the victor despite having SUCH lofty opposition. As his blood mingles with Tyler’s upon the canvas, and the WAR General is shown to be floored as well, the ringside area looks like a true warzone; casualties every which way. None the less though, through all of that, Troy Tornado has found a way, digging down deep and getting in touch with his inner ‘crazed fighter’, in which to bring about a HUGE victory in his corner!


Troy Tornado via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
“F*ck-Off!” (top rope elbow drop) onto Eric Tyler as a steel chair lay upon his face

Ending Time:

This marks Troy Tornado’s 9th successful WAR Championship defense


Steve Smith:

{Slick buries his face in his hands}

Slick Rick:
You’ve GOT to be kidding me…

Steve Smith:
Even WITH the odds stacked against him, Troy Tornado has retained the WAR Championship here tonight!!! Good GOD, this man is unlike ANYTHING I’ve EVER seen before!! As the odds get larger, the challengers get tougher, he finds a way, again and a again, to come away with the belt STILL in hand! Wow… We’re witnessing something VERY special with Troy Tornado; something VERY special indeed…

Slick Rick:
How can this stand? He not only superkicked the referee BUT hit him with a steel chair!! He should have been disqualified a LONG time ago!! Shame on you, Jay Fair, this is ALL YOUR FAULT!!

Steve Smith:
Tornado? DQ’ed? The WAR General brought that upon HIMSELF!! You can keep on tempting the snake before it bites you back…

Slick Rick:
This is f*cking RIDICULOUS… I’m out of here… I can’t stand to watch this bull-sh*t anymore…

{Slick Rick is shown ripping his headset off and throwing it down upon the black WAR desk before them. Storming off, Slick is shown throwing a cigarette into his mouth with one hand as he uses the other to flick off nearby fans.}

Steve Smith:
Slick? Slick?
{Shakes his head}
I apologize for him folks. That was uncalled for…
{Pauses; shakes his head}
That was VERY unprofessional. Either way though, the talk is NOT about Slick, as he would want us to, but about the REAL winner here tonight… the man who is STILL the WAR Champion… Troy… Tornado!!!




Post-Match Celebration/Attack

Involved: Troy Tornado© and ??????

“He... Has... Come...”


{As Troy Tornado struggles to return to his feet, shrugging off any attempt by Jay Fair to help him up, the defiant WAR Champion eventually returns to an upright stance; even if it looks tentative due to immense depletion. With his WAR Championship now in hand, a fact that came from him ripping it from Mr. Fair’s hands, Tornado looks out upon the crowd as his trademark grin slowly begins to reform upon his scruffy face. Utilizing a nearby ring rope as a crutch of sorts, he raises the title high into the air as the combination of sweat & blood continues to pour from his body like a raging waterfall. More or less, with such a vision, it’s rather obvious to see that Tornado has gone through nothing LESS than a complete war…}


{With such an iconic view, the champion pulling himself to his own feet, covered in blood, and still smirking in the process, one would expect this to be the way the PPV ends. That said, to those of you who thought this, you were QUITE wrong…}


{Before you know it, the lights begin to falter as if an electrical outage was on the verge of taking place. With that, the Stallings Tron above the “Gates of WAR” begins to flicker as well; creating a TV ‘snow’ like scenario in the process. For close to a minute, this is what continues to plague the Empire Coliseum as fans begin to wonder whether or not they’ll have to exit the arena in the darkness.}


{Then it happened, the lights went completely black.}


{From there, the sound of Gregorian chanting is heard overtaking the Coliseum; a fact that feels even MORE menacing given the fact that we currently reside in darkness.}


{As the chanting continues, the sound of electricity is heard coming from the Stallings tron. Seconds later, said video display screen ignites back into usage with a short video depicting black-and-white images of religious artifacts. Porcelain statues crying blood, empty, run-down churches, and smoking bibles are all shown within said video in which to add further menace to the scenario at hand. None the less, as the video finally comes to a stop, the screen goes black once again.}


{The darkness wouldn’t last for much longer as, seconds later, this string of wording is shown projected across the screen; being displayed one-by-one in the process to add further grandeur to each unveiling.}








{With that, the ringside area returns to darkness as the mixture of the crowd’s wonder & continual Gregorian chanting is heard overtaking the area. For a few seconds, there’s nothing but this auditory display of grandeur. That is… until the lights came back up…}


{As the lights return, the vision of a bald African American man, dressed in tattered clothing, is shown standing behind the WAR Champion as he staggers to stay upright.}




Steve Smith:
Wait a minute… is that? I think it is… It HAS to be Travis Century…


{Before you know it, before anyone can really understand WHO this man is, he’s already shown springing into action. With a kick to Tornado’s lower back, arching him backward, the bald African American man is shown quickly executing a snap reverse DDT square in the center of the ring.}


Steve Smith:


{The crowd boos like crazy as said man slowly rises back to his feet; keeping an almost trance-like stare upon the fallen body of the WAR Champion.}


{Seconds later, as he brutishly pulls Tornado back to his feet, the final image is that of the bald African American man lifting the champ over his shoulder & executing a ring-rattling Crucifix Powerbomb square in the very spot he had dropped Tornado with a DDT before.}


Steve Smith:


{All in all, as the show comes to an end, the final image is that of the bald African American man standing over his fallen victim. Dressed in tattered clothing, and appearing as though he’s in some sense of a trance, said attacker appears to be entirely fixated on destroying the WAR Champion. None the less, as the crowd boos wildly in the background, the final image is that of the tattered, trance-like, attacker standing over his fallen victim in the WAR Champion, Troy Tornado.}


Steve Smith:
Ladies and gentlemen, I don’t know what the HELL just happened here but…
{Pauses in shock}
It appears that another former DaVE alumni has come to WAR… Travis Century… has brought his brand of crazed violence… to WAR. Something tells me, this company will NEVER be the same again… At the very least, Troy Tornado… will never be the same… again…














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Outstanding. I was shocked when JP, the Prat himself lost and is now gone, i'm assuming that SWF came calling for him. Otherwise i think i went about 50/50 on my predictions. I knew that Tornado wasn't gonna lose the belt just yet, reading that i thought that he would pull the old chair shot to everyone and then count the fall with Nemesis' hand. I was close.


Just great stuff. Can't wait for the fallout.

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WAR: "Rise or Fall..."

Date of Event:
Saturday, 3rd Week of June 2010

Wrestling Action in Revolt (WAR)

7,202 out of 10,000 at the Empire Coliseum (An arena located in the Empire Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, NV)

PPV Buy-rate:

Competitors PPV Buy-rates:
USPW – “Americana!” (0.47), SWF – “Times of Trouble” (4.71), TCW – TBD

Event Grade:


  • Eric Tyler holds an opening promo on Troy Tornado.

  • Hype Video: Ares©, Donnie J, Fox Mask, and Masked Cougar.

  • Ares retains the WAR Blitzkrieg Championship by defeating Fox Mask & Masked Cougar in 8:43 via pinfall.

  • Slick Rick holds a polarizing interview with Jayson “Mr.” Wright & Dharma.

  • Hype Video: The Tri State Kings and the trio of Art Reed, Buddy Garner, and Brutus O’Leary.

  • Art Reed, Buddy Garner, and Brutus O’Leary defeated The Tri State Kings in 18:07 via pinfall. Johnny Martin turns on Alex Braun to bring about the end.

  • Hype Video: Demonic Intervention©.

  • Demonic Intervention retains the WAR Tag Team Championship as they come to a DRAW with Natural Storm in 6:01. Both teams are unable to return to the ring during a 10-count from WAR Referee, Jay Fair.

  • WAR General Nemesis is told that WAR Owner J.K. Stallings Jr. will return to the company on “Battleground” this coming Monday.

  • Hype Video: Cletus© and Puerto Rican Power.

  • Puerto Rican Power wins the WAR Sin City Championship by defeating Cletus in 8:12 in a Cletus’ shack match. This marks PRP’s 3rd reign as WAR Sin City Champion.

  • Due to losing the live feed during the match, Puerto Rican Power is shown to be the champion for the first time; answering the question as to WHO actually won in Cletus’ shack.

  • Hype Video: James Prudence and Shawn Gonzalez.

  • Shawn Gonzalez defeated James Prudence in 21:43 via pinfall in a “Loser Leaves WAR” match. In the loss, James Prudence is no longer a member of the WAR roster.

  • Shawn Gonzalez is shown celebrating, as best as he can while seeming injured, as James Prudence staggers through the “Gates of WAR” for the last time in a shocked manner.

  • Hype Video: Troy Tornado©, Eric Tyler, and WAR General Nemesis.

  • Troy Tornado retains the WAR Championship by defeating Eric Tyler in 27:48 via pinfall.

  • Travis Century makes his WAR debut by attacking a physically depleted Troy Tornado post-main event.

Next Show:
"Battleground" Episode #4

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It would take forever in which to respond to all of those who 'came out in support' of WAR; so, instead, I will save you the time (and the large post that would follow) and simply say thank you. Truthfully, the predictions, responses, insight, perspectives, and general 'Hey, I'm still here', comments were SO very awesome to read/see. I can't thank you enough; or really convey what it means to me. I absolutely LOVE this medium (writing a TEW dynasty about the form of entertainment I love most) and most likely have a sense of addiction as it pertains to talking back-and-forth with those who read my works. Especially with WAR, a project that took quite some time to formulate, it really DOES mean a lot to see people enjoying the ride (as I certainly do as well).


I may not update every day but I DO make time to visit the site a couple times a day (reading others work & seeing if there are responses to write). Truthfully, the TEW Dynasty forum is a home away from home for me.


All in all, I know it's a lot to read so I don't expect everyone to have read/skimmed/reviewed "Rise or Fall..." today. That said, if you give it a read over the next few days, let me know what you think (even via PM if you want to go that route); that is if you feel inclined to do so.


From here, there's MUCH more on the horizon as a HUGE change to the WAR landscape is just on the horizon...

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Why is Prudence gone? Damn, he had such a good match with Gonzalez.


I know, Right?


The high grade (B-) for the Prudence/Gonzalez match came as a BIG shock to me. This was their 4th match within the 3 month time-frame; so, there's a good chance that it could have blown up in my face (and to be honest, I was expecting it to do so). That said, it was an amazing surprise to find as the grades became known.


As for Prudence, I don't really want to give too much away; however, it will be addressed in time. More or less, know that there was a reason behind the loss (and it will certainly be touched upon).

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Wow, great show E-V. SO many great matches, and really well written as always. Was surprised to see Prudence lose, but I'm assuming he's been picked up by TCW or the SWF. Although I'd have though with Stallings money you would have a few guys tied down to written deals even at Cult?


I'm also interested to see what happens with Puerto Rican Power, there was obviously a reason it went down like it did (with the cut feed)... so I'm looking forward to the fall out. Also, Travis Century :D:D:D. He's one of my favourite C-Verse workers to book, and I know you'll write him brilliantly, so I'm really looking forward to seeing what you do with him. All in all, top work. :)

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Excellent show E-V. Completely conveyed an epic-event/big night feel. Nice work all round. Not too surprised by most of the important results. Prudence losing is easily the biggest talking point, but as has been mentioned, I suspect that decision was probably taken out of your hands by events transpiring outside of WAR. Still it could be a new dawn of sorts for Gonzalez as it's a major scalp.


Curious to see what the "lost feed" equates to in the Shack Match as I'm sure it hides some sort of development that is going to muddy the waters for PRP.


Tornado to retain was to be expected (loved the finish, simple but brutal) and whilst Century's arrival was a nice shock moment to end the night, the D+ rating is an indicator that you've got some work ahead of you to make Century a legitimate player in WAR and get him anywhere near Tornado's level. I'm keen to see you take on him though, because he's one of those characters I don't think you've written with a great deal before, unlike those stalwarts; Nemesis, Acid/Ares, Tyler, etc.


Now to see what the nerd has in mind for Battleground. :D

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Several reports have projected the claim that the WAR General is calling on Troy Tornado to relinquish the WAR Championship this week on "Battleground". It appears that the hardened authority figure is absolutely 'livid' over how the main event of "Rise or Fall..." transpired. Whether it was the fact that HE himself was knocked unconscious by the champ or the continual chair-shots levied by Tornado upon Eric Tyler, the truth of the matter seems to place Nemesis at odds with the current WAR Champion. While this is, in NO way, a stark contrast from their overall relationship in the past, this DOES mark the first administrative decision made by Nemesis in which to publically reprehend the rebellious Tornado.


Will Troy Tornado do the unthinkable in handing over the WAR Championship to Nemesis? That remains to be seen. That said, if you know Tornado as we do, there's a good chance that this won't go down as easy as Nemesis may want it to.


Tune in to "Battleground" LIVE this Monday in which to witness, what could be, THE 'defining moment' in their head-butting as of late...










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I can't see Troy dropping the title, using it to crush Nemesis face, yeah i can see that. Should be some good stuff coming up. With Travis Century coming in to give Troy even more trouble. I haven't seen Travis used in a dynasty before. I'm looking forward to what you'll do with him.


Keep up the good work. I'm still reading. Great stuff.

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So, It's pretty obvious that I've lost most of my readership as of late. That said, I'm not sure if it's because the project isn't resonating or if people have just fallen out of reading & are lost on the storylines? If it's the latter, would anyone like a re-cap post of all the storylines going into "Rise or Fall..."? It may make it easier to know, understand, what the card will look like when it comes down the pike later this week.


I know there are MANY great dynasties on the board these days; so, I don't expect anything crazy in readers. Overall though, I just wanted to make sure and see what I could do to possibly help that?


Thank you!


I very rarely get into the diary dome anymore. Still love this diary but have a lot of catching up to do. Nothing bad that I can say about this diary.

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To those about to wage in WAR, the battleground is the ultimate place for which LEGENDS are born. Putting everything on the line, a warrior has very little room for error. For, if one is to slip, even momentarily, mass destruction is almost an absolute certainty.


WAR is no place for the weak. When stepping onto the hallowed battleground, only one thing remains… Will you, or will you not, rise to the occasion?


Will you rise for your country? Will you rise for your family? Will you rise for greatness? Will you rise for your brothers? Will you rise… for the banner of WAR?


This and this alone is what measures a man…


… What turns an ordinary person into that of a LEGEND …


Who will dominate the Battleground?


WHO will become the LEGENDS of WAR?







For months, the infamous Tri-State King faction has been a pillar of strength in Wrestling Action in Revolt. The collective lofty stature of Tyler, Martin, Braun, and Flash, was often perceived to be the pinnacle of success in a region known for being extremely hard to dominate; let alone compete in. With all of that in mind, those days, at least as a collective unit, have come to a screeching halt at "Rise or Fall...". After weeks of tension,
Alex Braun
Johnny Martin
finally came to blows; a fact that brought about a loss for the Kings at said PPV. With that in mind, with all the cards now laid out between the two, one has to wonder where their fellow King,
Steve Flash
, will fall? Will he support Braun or Martin? We'll find out as the Tri-State Kings come to a supposed chaotic end...




It was only a few short days ago that the debuting
Natural Storm
came away with an impressive double count-out at "Rise or Fall...". While such an outcome is not typically celebrated, it IS when the opponent is none other than the viciously dominate WAR Tag Team Champions in
Demonic Intervention
. Will we find a concrete outcome this time around - or - are we destined for another shocking show of equals between the teams? In reality, one may be able to compete as equals ONCE around; however, struggle to match it when they stand before hell.




The creation of the WAR Blitzkrieg division has been an exciting development for fans of high-flying wrestling. With a new emphasis on explosive, if not borderline chaotic, impacts, the WAR General Nemesis made it very apparent that said division stands as the ultimate 'life-blood' of the organization as a whole. That said, it should be noted, that many tie Nemesis' success as the WAR General to this very creation; as it was his 'baby' from the start. At this point, the famed Blitzkrieg division has become a second home for those of Coastal Region greatness. High fliers, chain wrestlers, and all-around athletic competitors, have quickly taken to the division; however, it's the Coastal Zone brethren that have embraced the opportunity in a more impactful manner (outside of the current and first Blitzkrieg Champion in "The GOD of WAR" Ares).
At this point, sensing an impressive wave at it's peak, the WAR General has personally informed the Coastal Zone brethren that THEY will compete to crown a new #1 contender to Ares' crown.
More or less, it seems that he's willing to work with the regional phenomenon than attempt to crush it under the banner of WAR. In the end, WHO will prevail & step out from the rest of their brotherhood?



In international news, WAR has announced the signing of
a new luchador out of Mexico
. While little is known at this time, said Mexican flier is said to be 'bound and determined to succeed in WAR'. With this in mind, one can expect a jaw-dropping debut match as the masked man is scheduled to compete with the surging
Jayson "Mr." Wright



It was only a few days ago that
Art Reed
Buddy Garner
were teaming with one another. Part of a 6-man tag match at "Rise or Fall...", there were many who salivated at the idea of these two technical juggernauts all within one ring. Now, a few days removed from such an occurrence, the pot was only sweetened THAT much more. At this point, this week on "Battleground", wrestling fans will certainly rejoice at the development of a Reed/Garner match-up! With amazing athleticism, masterful technical abilities, and an intense sense of focus quite unique to the two of them, this truly is a battle for the ages! Tune in Monday on "Battleground" to witness, what many are calling, a 'must see match'.






WAR Battleground Quick Picks

Alex Braun vs. Johnny Martin vs. Steve Flash

Demonic Intervention vs. Natural Storm

Donnie J vs. Fox Mask vs. Mario Heroic vs. Masked Cougar vs. Matt Sparrow vs. Snap Dragon

?????? vs. Jayson Wright

Art Reed vs. Buddy Garner


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Alex Braun vs. Johnny Martin vs. Steve Flash

Demonic Intervention vs. Natural Storm

Donnie J vs. Fox Mask vs. Mario Heroic vs. Masked Cougar vs. Matt Sparrow vs. Snap Dragon

?????? vs. Jayson Wright

Art Reed vs. Buddy Garner- I can see a turn coming for Garner

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06.26.10 - 11:37 PM


Troy Tornado failed another drug test.


What of it?


Would I rather have my top star clean? Only and idiot would say no. That said, we simply do not have the luxury to allow Tony [Rennie] time-off to GET clean. Does that make me a bad person? That I’m placing WAR’s success over that of the health of one of my stars? If so, then fine, I’ll take that on my psyche and continue to make millions despite my ‘uneasy decision’.


I learned my lessons in the fallout of HGC. At another time, another point in my life, I probably would find a way to squeeze Tony out of the show; give him the ample time to ‘get better’. That said, now, I know such a move would only secure the death of WAR. I mean, who’s tuning into “Battleground”, buying our PPV’s, if Tony isn’t here? Who really gives a crap WHO we are if we don’t have our top star front-center for all to see?


Tony; addict or no.


If it’s ever found out, leaked to the public possibly, then we’ll go into a full-on PR blitz, play some sort of humanitarian-role in saying that we had NO idea & will get him help; however, for now, Tony will continue his role as our MOST defining figure.


I don’t expect it ever to go public though…


No one is stupid enough to cross me…


I’d bury them in no time; just how they ALL tried to do to me long ago…
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06.27.10 - 7:32 AM


“It’s being reported that current WAR tag team champion, DAMiaN, has signed a non-exclusive deal with Sam Strong’s USPW. The dominating super-heavyweight, once known as Hell’s Bouncer to DaVE fans, was said to be on Strong’s radar for quite some time and is widely considered to be the potential future of the company going forward. While no one can be reached for comment just yet, one has to wonder how such a signing will impact his current position in Wrestling Action in Revolt? Chances are, with both USPW and WAR being perceived as somewhat equals, something will HAVE to give…”


I could feel the knot in my shoulder building strength as it ravages to the surface. The prominent vein running up my forehead starts to throb with intensity. With a cyclone of anger raging within, the mere strike of my fist upon the desk before me is only a small snapshot of the REAL force growing within.


As I pry my focused eyes off of the computer screen, clenching the phone in my hand aggressively, only the simplest response can be heard muttered off of my snarling lips.


“No comment.”


Slamming the phone downward, bringing about an abrupt end to their attempt at a ‘scoop’, the cyclone within is too much to keep at bay. The slow, gradual, upswing of aggression has now become a raging, unstoppable, upheaval of any sense of rationality.


“Who the HELL… does HE… think HE… is?”


The room remains quiet as I can feel their collective gaze looking elsewhere; afraid that THEY may become the scape-goat of such a scenario.


“I made that a$$hole a STAR and THIS is how he repays me?”


Another slam of my slender fist resonates within the large space of my modern-laced office; anger being the real force behind such a large noise (rather than my accepted mere size).


“…and he signs with… with… STRONG?”


The anger within grows even more grandiose; if possible. It should come as NO shock with my inner circle that Strong is, quite possibly, public enemy #2 following Tommy Cornell.


During my short tenure with HGC, Sam’s signing with the company was often heralded as my greatest achievement. At that time, Strong was attempting to ‘get back’ at Eisen for not ‘believing him to be the ultimate draw he one was’. It was ALL over the internet, all over the wrestling publications, and every bloated, grease-stained, a$$hole in their basement saw the rising of a NEW power in American wrestling. That was, until Strong ACTUALLY showed up on sight.


Continually referring to me as ‘boy’, never by name mind you, Strong wanted nothing to do with me. Despite cutting him one of the BIGGEST checks in wrestling history, keeping his gluttonous ego well fed, he made it obviously clear that he didn’t respect me in the slightest. In reality, even though he was the one who eventually led the rebellion against me, Cornell was MUCH easier to deal with on a daily basis than Strong.


To say I was heartbroken would be an understatement.


Here was THE man, THE LEGEND, I had grown to worship as a child. Still a child at that point, he was certainly a larger-than-life persona to me; the kind of presence that makes you quiver in your shoes upon meeting them. Sadly though, in my mid-teens, I was forced to see the real, ugly, truth about the man I once worshiped.


Sam Strong was, and is, nothing more than a greedy, self-obsessed, a$$hole with a never-ending love of his OWN persona; and what that grants him personally.


So now, many years later, to have him swoop in & steal one of my top acts, a character that I placed A LOT of effort into ‘getting over’, it’s safe to say that the wound of my teenage years has been ripped open savagely.


“What will we do, boss?”


A weak voice is heard resonating from the corner of the room.


“Do we go after USPW like we did with CZCW & BSC?”


A light buzz is heard around the room as several independent conversations are heard.


“That’d be SUICIDE…”


“There’s NO WAY we could survive that right now… USPW is too strong!”


“If we go to war with Strong, he’ll sign up EVERYONE on our roster… We’ll be SCREWED!”


As the wayward statements are thrown my way, all dripping with fear, I find himself still locked deep within my own mind. Anger, frustration, and, to be honest, a slight sense of fear, all war within my psyche; waging a battle royal as to WHO would win out. Do I go to war with Strong? Risk EVERYTHING just for a petty signing? We did it before with Cliff [Anderson] but that was different. CZCW is much, much, smaller & USPW could, objectively, crush us if not done well.


“Gonzalez, Garner, Reed, Leper, Ares… The list goes on, Mr. Stallings… We could LOSE them all…”


Again, their collective responses of fear fall directly at my feet. It’s not that I don’t understand their fears, as the same thought is raging within my OWN mind, but, in reality, what they say and what I do is quite often independent of one another. They MAY be an inner circle, a supposed think tank, but, to me, they’re more of a sound-board for me to throw whatever I’m GOING to do at them. That’s a perk you’re given when you are as successful as I.


“Inform DAMiaN of his release…”


A sense of shock overtakes the room; silence is all that’s heard (or not heard) for a matter of a few seconds.


“… But… He’s a champion?”


Another wayward voice is heard projecting.


“I don’t care… We’ll re-work things…”


Again, shock overtakes the room. In that moment, it was clear to everyone there. DAMiaN’s release was to be expected, given my past; however, also a symbol that war with USPW may be evident on the horizon. With crippling uncertainty hovering, it was time for one final statement on the manner; one that could theoretically prepare the war horses…


“I didn’t return to play nice…”


I pause as my final thought becomes clear; as if it were drawn before my eyes.


“We will release DAMiaN… and prepare for war…”


There’s no snicker. No aggression. Not even the slightest state of arrogance really. Truthfully, I was just as aware of the uncertainty as the rest of those within the room; however, in my case, I was unwilling to be pushed around. Strong hiring DAMiaN, one of our biggest young characters, was an act of war; a brash decision typical of Strong’s arrogance.


I was not about to share DAMiaN.


Call me stubborn, call me vengeful,… I don’t really care.


I created this company with such a name for a reason…


… Sam Strong, USPW, you are the next victim on the horizon…


… A victim that I’ve waited 6-long-years to destroy…
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Wow, looks like there's another sign of J.K. Stallings Jr.'s insanity, but on some occasions, you do kinda have to sympathize with him a bit.


That is some hardcore, vindictive stuff going on...and it's awesome to see your perspective of how a man of Stallings stature feels betrayed and is coming unhinged.


My thoughts exactly.


JK is written as a man who will always have an underlying connection with the boy he once was (in my mind). He found success very early (money, his own business, etc.) but found the harsh hierarchy of pro wrestling at an influential age (going in with childish state of being naive and coming out hurt and jaded before he even hit 20). Most of us come to understand the ugliness of reality in a safe way. JK discovered such with a very avid public eye watching/judging.


That's where his ability to be irrational comes from; that inner boy (within the man) that's still hurt (and over years became furious enough to tackle the ugliness of revenge).


Is it smart to release DAMiaN (a champ and a highly popular figure)? Is it wise to pick a fight with a company (USPW) that stands far above them on many levels? Good GOD no. That said, the man (stallings), with years of learned reason, is not behind this. Its the hurt/vengeful/spiteful (all learned as well; only during his more impressionable years) that is 'pulling the trigger'.


He's entirely unable to silence the boy (nor does he want to)....


Episode #4 will be up on Sunday!

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Alex Braun vs. Johnny Martin vs. Steve Flash

I remember Johnny Martin from the PSW diary and how well you did with him.


Demonic Intervention vs. Natural Storm

Not sure what happens to this match. Does Damian do the job before leaving?


Donnie J vs. Fox Mask vs. Mario Heroic vs. Masked Cougar vs. Matt Sparrow vs. Snap Dragon

Donnie J is my pick here. Though I could see another draw with Ares coming in and interfering.


?????? vs. Jayson Wright

I have a hard time picking against Los Squiggles


Art Reed vs. Buddy Garner

Art Reed continues his rise toward the top.


Would love to see you eventually be able to sign on the Dirty White Boys, E-V. Think they would make a great addition to your tag team ranks.

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Backstage Skit

Involved: J.K. Stallings Jr. and WAR General Nemesis

“Returning to tension!”


{"Battleground" - Episode #4 on the POP! network opens with the sight of a sleek black limo pulling into the loading dock of the Empire Hotel & Casino. After a short wait, an approach utilized in which to add further grandeur to the moment, the back door is slowly opened by a proper limo driver in which to ultimately present the return of the WAR owner, J.K. Stallings Jr.}


Steve Smith:
What a momentous situation! Mr. Stallings has RETURNED to Wrestling Action in Revolt!


Slick Rick:
I wonder if he's REALLY healthy enough to return or if there's any problems still ticking in that head of his...


Steve Smith:
From what I know, his doctors signed off on his return! He's as fit as a fiddle!


{Adjusting his suit coat in a proud manner, the famed billionaire slowly shuffles his way toward the weaving back hallways of the Empire. With a confident stride, appearing much like a dignitary of sorts, Mr. Stallings travels in silence; taking in the whole experience in the process. Meanwhile, as he saunters, a number of unknown figures are heard wishing him a well return. More or less, it certainly DOES feel like the entire WAR universe is entirely excited to see their proud owner out of a hospital bed and onto hallowed grounds.}


{As Stallings turns a corner, he happens to stand before a large door for a matter of a few seconds. It's almost as though he's preparing himself for entering, adjusting his coat accordingly, as whatever stands on the other side is obviously uncomfortable for him.}


{With a simple twist of the knob, Mr. Stallings slowly steps into the office before him with a confident stride to his step.}


{Once inside, we are presented with a new camera angle in which to show said room to be none other than the WAR General's office.}


{As he saunters toward the large executive desk before him, a leather chair spins around in which to show the WAR General himself on the phone. Upon realizing who is before him, Nemesis is ultimately shown ending his conversation short; hanging up the phone in a quick manner. In the end, as they share a short stare, a cordial handshake is ultimately exchanged between the two as their relationship appears to be nothing more than professional; at best.}


[WAR General Nemesis]:
Welcome back, Mr. Stallings. The 'boys will certainly be glad to see you back.


{Stallings nods his head slightly, unable to hide a small smirk upon his face, as he appears somewhat humbled by the statement.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
It's good to be back. I've been assured that you held down the fort rather well while I was cooped up in my hospital bed.
{Nods his head in an approving manner; although slightly somber}
Thank you for doing so. It's comforting to know that I had someone I could rely on to keep WAR afloat as I struggled to do the same for myself. So, thank you for that...


[WAR General Nemesis]:
WAR has, and will continue to be, in good hands with me. You have no need to worry.
I love this place like it was my own...


{Tension continues to reside between the two despite speaking rather cordial with one another.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
Well, good. Luckily, now, you won't have to do it alone.


{Nemesis pauses for a second, almost as though he's sighing internally; however, then moves on to address the statement made. In a way, it's almost as though Mr. Stallings is baiting Nemesis in which to have him over-step-his-bounds. In doing so, Stallings could possibly derive if the WAR General had anything to do with the attack that sidelined him for so long.}


[WAR General Nemesis]:


{Nemesis' statement in return feels opened ended; as if he wanted to say more but didn't. From there, another brief stint of silence is heard.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
Ever find any additional information on the person who attacked me?


[WAR General Nemesis]:
Not as of yet. I've been working with the Empire's security staff but have come up with very little. Can you believe it? There was NO camera in the area you were attacked. At this point, it could be anyone really...


{A slight smirk, as if it were impossible to hold back, appears upon Nemesis' face. In return, Stallings is shown rolling his tongue across his teeth in a sign of subtle frustration.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
Of course. Well, that just forces us to cast a bigger net.
{Stallings looks as if he's about to walk away; however, turns back with another statement on the matter}
... Let me know what you find out. It's imperative that we find this person & deal with them accordingly.


[WAR General Nemesis]:
You'll know once I know...


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:


{Stallings spins away from Nemesis in a slightly frustrated, yet controlled, manner; however, as he reaches for the door, Nemesis is heard relaying one last statement with a vile smirk plastered across his weathered face.}


[WAR General Nemesis]:
It's good to have you back, Mr. Stallings. Be careful...
{Pauses; smirking devilishly}
There are A LOT of crazies out there...


{Sighing to himself, his back to Nemesis, Stallings responds seconds before reaching for the door handle.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
Thank you... I'll take that into consideration...


{With that, Stallings exits the WAR General's office in a subtle display of frustration. Meanwhile, Nemesis is shown circling back around his desk in which to sit back down. In doing so, the final image is that of the WAR General still holding the very same vile smirk upon his face as shown before. What is it hinting at? Well, with the tension between Stallings and Nemesis, one could derive that the WAR General MAY know more about WHO attacked the WAR owner than he's currently leading on.}


Steve Smith:
To say that something smells fishy about all of this would be a MAJOR understatement. What does Nemesis know? Is he NOT telling Mr. Stalling everything he knows about the man who attacked him? It's pretty obvious that SOMETHING is going on...

Slick Rick:
What? The General was pretty helpful if you ask me.

Steve Smith:
It just seems like he has more underneath it all that he's not saying...

Slick Rick:
What are you; some psychologist all of a sudden? If the WAR General says he doesn't know WHO attacked Stallings then I believe him!

Steve Smith:
Alright... I suppose that's all you can really do right now. I just feel like something is up here!

Slick Rick:
Return to your mother's basement, Steve-o! You can put your tinfoil hat back on and talk about ALL the conspiracies in the world today!

Steve Smith:




"Ice Man"
Alex Braun vs. Johnny Martin vs. Steve Flash


Three-way Singles Match

“The destruction of the Kings”


There is no gradual build. No 'feeling out' scenario. Truthfully, the hatred radiating between these three makes it impossible of such. From the very opening bell, if not before, the action is intensely personal as all three come looking for a fight. Luckily for them, or not so lucky depending upon how you see it, that's exactly what they got. That said though, this wasn't entirely a 'down the middle' affair. Steve Flash was the 'odd man out' of the whole Braun/Martin feud that tore apart the Tri-State Kings; so, many looked to him as the ultimate x-factor. Which side would he align with? In the end, he showed his true form to be devious; ultimately teaming with the controversial "Bully" in Alex Braun than the newfound babyface in Johnny Martin. In doing so, Flash is able to shift the overall momentum of the match firmly in Alex's favor throughout the altercation; utilizing a string of 2-on-1 maneuvers to keep the man known as "The Cornerstone" at bay. Blow-by-blow, Flash and Braun use an array of underhanded tactics NOT because they needed to but simply to add more theoretical dirt in the eyes of the depleted Martin. With all of that though, seeming as the victim throughout, Martin is ultimately able to score the only thing that REALLY matters... the win...


With Braun floored from a recent back elbow by Martin, a fact that drove Braun to slide out of the ring in which to re-group, Flash is shown attempting to step up for the team with a bum-rush-styled attack. While impactful, it's simply not enough. Within seconds of such, Martin is able to catch Flash off-guard as the hardened veteran attempts a swinging neck-breaker. Breaking the hold, Martin eventually forces Flash into a twist of his own; planting him with his signature "Twist on the Rocks" (Spinning Spike DDT). Before you know it, a three count is administered for Martin. Meanwhile, Braun is simply unable to bounce back quick enough to break the three-count in question.


Johnny Martin via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
“Twist on the Rocks” (Spinning Spike DDT) upon Steve Flash

Ending Time:


Steve Smith:
Despite having the odds against him, Johnny Martin came away with a BIG victory here tonight; defeating his former Tri-State King-mates in Alex Braun and Steve Flash! That said, while he DID walk away with the win, something tells me this isn't the LAST we see of this combination..

Slick Rick:
IT was ALL Flash's fault. Alex had this pretty much locked in and then HE had to go on and lose the match for them! Ridiculous!

Steve Smith:
So you're turning on Flash now too?

Slick Rick:
No. I'm just telling the god-damn-truth; something that NO ONE seems to be able to do around here! Flash lost it for Braun. It's as simple as that. You put Braun/Martin in a one-on-one and I KNOW that the "Ice Man" comes out on top!

Steve Smith:
I'm sure you'll get a chance to be right, Slick. Something tells me Martin/Braun is a match we're going to see in no time as the Tri-State Kings continue to unravel into nothing!





Involved: Puerto Rican Power© and ?????

“Appalachian Pride!”


{Standing in the center a darkened ring, WAR announcer Steve Smith is shown already holding a microphone in hand. A light smattering of clapping is heard, mostly out of respect for said announcer, as Smith wastes no time in getting straight to the point; the sign of any good announcer at that.}


[steve Smith]:
After weeks of traveling across country in a rundown truck, ducking into dive bars and sleeping in hour-rate motel dumps, Puerto Rican Power drove into the Appalachian hills with one thing in mind: reclaiming the WAR Sin City Championship!


{The rabid WAR fan-base is heard ‘popping’ in response to Steve’s statement. Meanwhile, with a smile upon his face, obviously proud of the man he’s about to introduce, the trusted WAR announcer is moves forward with anticipation of the interview at hand.}


[steve Smith]:
He’s a powerhouse, hence the name, and even the most brutal fighter has to think twice about crossing his path. Truthfully, I don’t know if I’ve seen anyone like him before!
Allow me to introduce the man who has brought the WAR Sin City Championship BACK to Las Vegas! The man… the muscle… and THE ONLY 3-time Sin City Champion in WAR history… Puerto… Rican…POWER!!!!


{With that, a generic heavy metal theme is heard overtaking OMEGA with thunderous force. With every drum hit, every roaring guitar rift, there’s a feel of true power to the whole presentation. None the less, as PRP finally shuffles through the “Gates of WAR” with the Sin City Championship lying over his stocky shoulder, the rabid WAR fan-base is heard showering the rugged powerhouse with a response fit for a king.}


{Slowly stomping toward the ring in a brutish fashion, Power eventually overtakes the ringside area to much fanfare. Meanwhile, as WAR announcer Steve Smith is shown clapping with equal excitement as the crowd, there’s a feeling of company-wide pride of the man who brought the title BACK to Sin City.}


{As his music fades into the background, a chant of “Thank you, Power!” is heard resonating throughout OMEGA. Not one to celebrate anything really, the Sin City Champion does very little in which to soak in his own arrogance; as some would. Instead, a simple raising of the belt is enough to appease the roaring crowd.}


[steve Smith]:
Power, these people know, as I do, that without you the Sin City Championship may have NEVER returned to Las Vegas! For that, their ‘thank you’ is much deserved for a man of YOUR bravery! Others tried and all failed. However, you, Power, somehow had what it took to overcome the monster that is the “Appalachian Grizzly”! First and foremost, I have to ask… How did you do it? How did you slay the beast?


{For a brief second, Power looks as though he’s unwilling to speak; let alone indulge as to how he won. None the less, after a brutish stare, Power eventually stomps his way toward Steve Smith in which to, as one would expect, address the question at hand. That said, before he can do so, Power is ultimately interrupted by an unexpected guest…}


{After a brief stint of TV snow upon the gigantic Stallings tron, as if something were being patched in, we’re ultimately given a menacing view via shaky-cam}



Via satellite -- Appalachian Mountains


{With Cletus towering in the background, his tree-trunk sized, hair-laced, arms proving to be entirely menacing on their own, a much smaller figure is shown standing before him. Wearing what appears to be an old civil war hat, one that has certainly seen better days due to wear and tear, the unknown, chew-spittin’ redneck, is ultimately shown to be the newfound voice of the infamous “Appalachian Grizzly”}


[Colonel Hazzard]:
Well… Well… Well… If it ‘aint that damn cheat, Power.


{The crowd boos like crazy as the scrawny colonel stares deep into the lens in a wiry fashion. Meanwhile, Cletus holds the very same cold look upon his face; expressionless if you will.}


[Colonel Hazzard]:
You may have snuck on outta Appalachia but the watermelon on ya damn head makes it impossible to hide.
Now, ‘aint sure how you pulled a fast one but that’s the ONLY way you could have escaped my boy Cletus! Difference is, I don’t give a damn HOW you did it. I only care about getting’ that thing ya’ holdin’ there back! It MAY say Sin City on it but that there belt belongs to this here country… that belt belongs to Appalachia!


{The crowd boos like crazy as no one really believes the Colonel’s statement to be reasonable. However, the audacity of such an idea pushes Steve Smith to respond in defiance of their tone.}


[steve Smith]:
You ARE right! This title DOES say Sin City on it and that’s where it’s bound to stay!


{Contorting his head to the side, much like a questioning hound would, the Colonel squints in which to witness who would dare question him.}


[Colonel Hazzard]:
Well who the damn hell do you think you are?


{The crowd boos like crazy as Steve Smith, realizing that he had just stepped out in such a manner, starts to back-peddle into the background. In a way, he may have stepped forth in defiance at first; however, now understands that he overstepped said bounds.}


[Colonel Hazzard]:
As I was sayin', that shiny belt there, that belongs to the great hills of Appalachia & I don't really give a damn what yall think! Next week, we're comin' down your way & there 'aint no stoppin' us from bringing it back! Not you, not no one, can stop us! Listen here, Power... You may have escaped these hills in one piece but we're goin' to see to it that that don't happen again. One week... one week...


{With that, after repeating himself in a trailing off fashion, a manner that feels quite unsettling none the less, the screen upon the gigantic Stallings tron comes to a sudden stop. Once again, TV snow overtakes the billion dollar marvel of new age technology; a fact that appears even more jarring given the grand scale of the screen itself.}


{Seconds later, as the crowd begins to boo like crazy, unhappy with what they've just witnessed, WAR Announcer Steve Smith is shown slowly turning his attention back toward the Sin City Champion. With a shrugging look upon his face, shocked as to what he had just taken part of, Mr. Smith is heard ultimately relaying one final question to the stocky hard-as-nails brawler.}


[steve Smith]:
Any response to what we just witnessed?


{With a fear-driving scowl upon his face, overtly brutish in nature given his roughneck persona, Puerto Rican Power is shown slowly looking upon the uncomfortable announcer. For a good 5-seconds, it's as if Power has taken Smith hostage with his powerful gaze. Then, without uttering a word, the Sin City Champion is shown stomping his way out of the ring in silence. With that said, his body language tells of a man ready for a fight; strong and amped.}


Slick Rick:
I think Steve-o may have just messed his pants!
{Raspy laughter follows}
He always says he wants to be closer to the action... Well, you got it here tonight, Steve-o!
{Pauses as he laughs}
Power looks pissed & is about to take it out on anyone who steps in his way no doubt. Sh*t... I can't wait for next week! Power... Cletus... Part III!!
{Pauses; shakes his head in excitement}
As that wiry sum-b*tch said, Power may have escaped Appalachia but it looks like they're bringing Appalachia to Vegas next week!! This time around, I have NO doubt that we'll see yet ANOTHER title change with Cletus bringing the belt BACK to his ho-dunk hills!




Demonic Intervention vs. Natural Storm


Tag Team Match

“Unable to climb the mountain”


Natural Storm have been told that they 'cannot beat Demonic Intervention' (or that any tag team could) for months now. Despite all of their success on the indy circuit, the dominating demonic monsters have ALWAYS been labeled as the team they simply could not overcome. Even WITH their high intensity, and equal love of brutality, they've often been undersold as a true threat to DAMiaN and the Leper Messiah. That fact, that lingering professional ceiling, can be seen ALL OVER this team as they step into the ring with the powerhouse WAR tag team champions. It's almost as if they're obsessed with the notion of overcoming what's been told to be impossible. With this in mind, the combination of D.C. Rayne and Eddie Howard are in no way looking for another 'moral victory' in a double count-out. They've come into tonight with a win in mind & certainly won't settle for less. Sadly for them, that coveted victory is still out of reach...


The sheer strength of the WAR tag champs is enough to subdue the eager intensity of their challengers. While DC and Eddie are projected as capable of victory, if not more really, the theoretical 'mountain left to climb' is still on the horizon. No matter how hard they continue to push, obvious injuries that they attempt to ignore, it's simply not enough to overcome the explosive wave of violence that is Demonic Intervention.


As Eddie goes toe-to-toe with Leper Messiah, trading blows like heavyweight boxers looking for a final KO punch, a scenario that most would always expect the much larger Messiah to win, DAMiaN is eventually shown to play his own hand with a big boot. Said strike, jarring to say the least, is completely unseen by Eddie and ultimately leaves him unconscious on the mat below. DC would attempt to make the save; however, would eventually be thrown from the ring by Leper Messiah with a vicious over-the-top-rope chokeslam to the floor.


With no help, Eddie eventually finds his partner's fate; a chokeslam that leaves him motionless. Seconds later, the match is brought to an end with a much hated three count; an outcome made easier by DAMiaN's illegal big boot.


Demonic Intervention via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
Chokeslam from Leper Messiah upon Eddie Howard

Ending Time:


Steve Smith:
Just a few days ago they were celebrated for gaining a 'moral victory' by coming to a DRAW with Demonic Intervention. Now, tonight, they wanted more! Sadly, that didn't come to pass as the WAR Tag Champs pretty much steamrolled Natural Storm. Do they have that extra 'something' to be champs someday? Good GOD yes! I mean, they're quite the unique team in themselves. That said, tonight, and possibly for the foreseeable future, this is a mountain STILL on the horizon waiting to be climbed!

Slick Rick:
I don't see it. Honestly. You SEE something in this team? Mark me down, right here, right now, as saying that Natural Storm will NEVER be the WAR tag champs. There's no WAY they'll ever get that far. Plus, if they've got to take down DAMiaN and Leper Messiah to get there then there's ABSOLUTELY no chance of this happening.

Steve Smith:
We'll have to see, Slick. I think they've got what it takes. They just need a little more 'seasoning' before they can really get to that level.

Slick Rick:
They could wrestle over a hundred matches and STILL be the same worthless team...

Steve Smith:
... Says the guy who never quite made it to the 'big leagues'...

Slick Rick:
Shut your god-damn-mouth, Steve-o... Before I do it FOR you!

Steve Smith:
Just saying... it's easy to throw stones but...

Slick Rick:
What did I just say?




Video Promo

Involved: Travis Century

“One focus”


{The scene opens in a dingy, run-down, intensely weathered, church most likely in the middle of nowhere. As wind whips violently outside of the crumbling walls before us, lightning filling the sky like a vicious light-show, there stands a man directly above the empty congregation. With his arms dangling before him in a loose praying fashion, said figure becomes better known as the camera man slowly pans up the isle way in which to show that it’s none other than the newfound WAR figure, Travis Century!}


{In video’s past, Demonic Intervention is often seen within his congregation; however, at this point, the room appears entirely empty. He’s alone. Alone to his thoughts. Alone to his premonitions. A VERY scary notion none the less.}


{Standing before his empty congregation, a tattered cloth wearing Travis Century looks to be severely disheveled. That said, while ‘dirty’ by societal terms, one has to think that, given his focus in life, Century cares nothing about his outward appearance.}


[Travis Century]:
All you sinners, all you dirty, disgusting, heathens, walk through this life in hopes of being saved! You may not say it now, you may not even THINK it now, but deep down, in the back of your mind, you know all it takes is to repent.
I’m here to tell you… it won’t matter… you’re ALL going to HELL…


{A huge lightning crack is heard in the background as a number of lights within the weathered church blow out in the process. Meanwhile, despite such chaos, Travis continues to stand dominantly before a crumbling alter.}


[Travis Century]:
Redemption cannot save you now. You’re doomed in death to the fires you’ve embraced in life! Vegas, Sin City, the devil’s playground, whatever YOU want to call it, is the very wasteland of the demonic. The muddy seas pool of the spiritually disgusting!
Lesser men would inspire you to follow them; to find the light at the end of your darkened tunnel. Not me. I already KNOW your plight and, to be honest, have turned my back on you LONG ago! You play the devil’s hand, indulge in the impure, and only show ANY semblance of love for the most high when something goes wrong in YOUR life. You’re disgusting, vile, spiritually empty, pigs rolling in the mud; entirely comfortable with the seas pool you call… Sin City; what MANY of you call… Home…
… And there is NO man MORE true of this than the BIGGEST heathen of all… Troy… Tornado…


{Again, another crack of lighting is heard crashing outside the crumbling walls of said church. Meanwhile, as his temper grows that much more evident with the naming of Tornado, there appears to be an uncomfortable wave overtaking the segment at hand. One that brings about fear for the very life of Troy Tornado.}


[Travis Century]:
If YOU are the hollow few who riddle this world with sheer ugliness, Tornado is your self-bloated leader; your messiah… the TRUE Anti-Christ.
YOU may follow him, YOU may love his devilish abilities, but I only see the one true evil incarnate of this world; the man who threatens to bring about the end of days.
For those of you who think I’m here to TAKE his title or to even CARE about a win over him, you are SADLY mistaken!
I care NOTHING of these meaningless things. Victories mean nothing to me. Championships are nothing but a false idol. I didn’t come to WAR… I simply came to the devil’s playground, independent of your company, for one thing and one thing only… To DESTROY… Troy… Tornado…
To crush his very being until the ugly beast is vindicated from this world… Not to save you… but to show that TRUE good will ALWAYS defeat… True… Evil…
… So it was written… So it WILL be done…


{With that, another lightning crack is heard resonating outside of the walls of the weathered church. In doing so, the remaining lights are all shown to blow-out bringing about mass darkness. With that in mind, it’s easy to transition on as all we’re given is darkness fused with the noise of an overpowering thunderstorm in the background.}


Steve Smith:
Is Travis Century claiming that he is ‘True Good’?

Slick Rick:
You heard the man! He’s here to squash the sheer evil that is Troy Tornado!

Steve Smith:
So after all of that, all that he said, all that we witnessed with him, we’re supposed to believe that he’s here as a beacon of good?

Slick Rick:
Did I stutter?

Steve Smith:
What is this world coming to…





Donnie J vs. Fox Mask vs. Mario Heroic vs. Masked Cougar vs. Matt Sparrow vs. Snap Dragon


Six-way Blitzkrieg Division Singles Match

“The rise of Anarchy!”


In what may go down as THE most anticipated match of the night, 6 aerial ambassadors of Coastal Zone fame (Donnie J, Fox Mask, Mario Heroic, Masked Cougar, Matt Sparrow, and Snap Dragon) are shown clashing high in the sky with very little regard for anyone's (their own included) health. As we've come to know, those who inhabit the Blitzkrieg Division are often known for using everything & anything as a launching pad for their explosive onslaught. One would think that the sheer number of individuals in the ring would call for a more tempered pace, maybe a more thoughtful approach; however, that certainly isn't the case. As always, all six men are shown weaving in-and-out of one another as they dive from on high with reckless abandon. Stringing chain maneuvers one after another, creating a seamless, never-ending, form of wrestling in the process, there comes this feeling of 'can they keep it up'; wondering who, and when, the seamless string would finally snap? Shockingly enough, no such scenario (the break of the chaining) would come to pass; at least not naturally.


After many near falls, each of them seemingly broken by another speeding opponent, the impressive string is eventually snapped by the interfering hands of Christopher LaFleur, Fumihiro Ota, and Jacob Jett.




While not originally booked in the match, no one would expect such a truth given how brashly they enter into the ring.


Equally diving, twisting, turning, and striking, these three dubious attackers eventually force WAR referee Jay Fair to 'give-in' to the madness; calling for the bell in a stressed manner. That said, even with his hopes of order, going as far as to throw the match out in which to hopefully instill such, the explosive onslaught continues with very little tempering. Instead, we're all given the sight of LaFleur, Jett, and Ota, inflicting their own brand of aerial prowess at the expense of the depleted 6 who had already invested almost 10-minutes of action before hand. In the end, while they don't seem to really be working as one, more or less just three men who happen to be attacking at the same time, the message is inevitably clear... the Blitzkrieg Division is currently in a state of true anarchy (to the point where a simple match under their banner is unable to find an outcome without explosive contention).


DRAW [sports Entertainment Finish]

Ending Maneuver:
Interference from Christopher LaFleur, Fumihiro Ota, and Jacob Jett

Ending Time:


Steve Smith:
What was THIS all about?

Slick Rick:
Isn't it obvious, Steve-o? I heard these guys talking in the back and they're SICK of ALL the attention the Coastal Zone fliers are receiving here in WAR! This isn't their stomping-ground... This is WAR... This IS the Blitzkrieg Division!!! Simply put, Ota, Jett, LaFleur, they're f*cking SICK of taking the back-seat! They WANT their shot & they're going to see to it that THEY get it NOW!

Steve Smith:
I guess I can't blame them. The Coastal Zone guys have REALLY been given a platform in which to compete here. They're fan favorites, and for good reason, but I could see how others would get rubbed the wrong way about it.

Slick Rick:
Damn right!

Steve Smith:
Well, folks, the Blitzkrieg Division is alive and well.... sadly though, for the Coastal Zone few, their days as the 'cream of the crop' may be falling by the wayside...

Slick Rick:
I'd pay to see Ares wrestle any one of those three right here.... right now... DO the right thing, General... Send these 6 back to where they belong... out of WAR and BACK in the Coastal Zone...






Post-match brawl

Involved: Ares©, Donnie J, Fox Mask, Masked Cougar, Snap Dragon, Christopher LaFleur, Fumihiro Ota, and Jacob Jett

“Blitzkrieg Division = Anarchy”


{As the WAR Champion himself, Ares, staggers from the back in a scraggly manner, the tattooed-punk of rebellious fame is shown watching the carnage unfold within the ring in a lazy fashion. Smirking devilishly, slightly nodding his head in approval, there's an obvious feel that Ares is not here for action. Instead, he's much more interested in watching the anarchy unfold before him. In doing so, we all witness the sight of a wild brawl between the 6-Coastal Zone fliers and the dubious 3 who decided to interfere within their match. In the end, while Ota, Jett, and LaFleur, may have had the upper-hand at first, catching the previous 6-competitors off-guard, by this point everything is quite equal; with both sides descending into a chaotic scuffle best described as pure madness.}


Steve Smith:
It looks as though Ares is happy just watching from afar right now...

Slick Rick:
Why not? All of his challengers are going to take each other out before they can even GET to him! Sounds like smooth sailing if you ask me...

Steve Smith:
I guess, if anything, you can't call the Blitzkrieg Division boring...

Slick Rick:
9-guys all fighting for one spot? Yea, I don't see how that could ever be boring...




Backstage Promo

Involved: Dharma and Jayson Wright

“It's a family thing...”


{We transition backstage in which to see the brother/sister combo of Jayson “Mr.” Wright and the lovely Dharma standing beside one another before a rusted WAR steel background. As “Mr.” Wright stands slightly in the background, arms crossed, sporting a confident demeanor, his folksy, spit-fire, of a sister, Dharma, is shown standing slightly in the foreground. With her hands on her hips, a sign of a younger, opinionated, sister, Dharma is ultimately shown to be the more dominant figure; as body language often tells the greater story than words.}


For days now, we’ve been hearing one question above all… How do you feel about facing the unknown?
Well, there ‘aint much that can scare off, Ole’ Jay! Growing up a Wright, I ALWAYS knew that I had someone who was there to protect me. Whether it was getting even with a dirt-bag boyfriend or steppin’ to a drunken punk, I KNEW I could count on my big brother. No matter what the problem, no matter how dangerous it may have been, Jay never backed down; he never let me down.


{Dharma continues to stand with her hands on her hips in a sassy younger sibling manner. Meanwhile, Jayson hasn’t flinched in the slightest from his apparent ‘tough-guy’ stance.}


‘Yall may have booked him against some unknown from Mexico but that ‘aint going to slow ole’ Jay down. Oh no!
{Shakes her head with attitude; all be it endearing attitude}
Tell that ‘lil flier that he can muster up all his might but it won’t make no difference! Jay here, he’s fixin’ for a big night tonight! And when it’s all said and done, when those roosters are crowin’, it’s going to be MY big brother, Ole’ Jay, that is standin’ there as the winner! There ‘aint no doubt; no DOUBT in my mind!


{With that, the segment comes to a close with the sight of both brother & sister still holding their same non-verbal cues. All in all, despite growing frustrated with his sister as of late, feeling as though he isn’t getting a ‘fair shake’ because most are attributing his wins to what SHE’S done for him, they appear to be cohesive once again. In a sense, despite having troubles, they’re still family & that always seems to find a way to bind once again.}


Steve Smith:
As the little girl touched on, I feel as though this relationship between the two has been THIS way for quite some time. Dharma’s the kind of spit-fire to get herself in trouble. I’m SURE Jayson was constantly called upon, whether directly or indirectly, to watch over her & see to her safety. It’s a very noble act for him; especially seeing how it’s probably forced him to focus LESS on his OWN life.

Slick Rick:
Noble? He’s whipped by his OWN sister!
{Slick bursts into a raspy sense of laughter}

Steve Smith:
Come on now, Slick. They’re family! It’s not about who or who’s NOT whipped! It’s about sticking up for your family; for fighting their fight when they need help!

Slick Rick:
Man, I’m glad I HATE my family. It’s a lot easier not to give a sh*t…

Steve Smith:
That explains a lot…




El Platinum-ay vs. Jayson


Singles Match

“Mexican LEGEND or Dirty Snake?”


An inspired chant of "That is Prudence" is heard resonating through the OMEGA night-club as the, supposed, newly hired "El Platinum-ay" is shown feverishly 'shhh-ing' them in connection. Feeling the frustration of the moment, Platinum-ay turns his obvious aggression toward that of his opponent, Jayson "Mr." Wright. Swinging wildly, applauding himself when he actually utilizes a lucha-libre-like maneuver, the masked flier is shown best attempting to simply mow-over his opponent. While it works at first, Mr. Wright is eventually able to pull himself back into an even-keel scenario. Digging down deep, even looking somewhat un-kept as his hair falls out of it's perfect place, the young technition roars back in which to match his equally impressive opponent in the process. Back-and-forth they exchange in a heated struggle; however, the ultimate x-factor proves to be the lady standing outside of the ring. At her brother's side, Dharma does more than just act as a cheerleader. At one point, she's shown pulling at the feet of a speeding El Platinum-ay; holding him up from diving atop her brother in the process. At another point, she's shown actually landing a hard-hitting slap square across the masked man's face as he attempts to pin Mr. Wright. All in all, even with her help though, Mr. Wright appears to grow more and more angered by what's taking place. In a way, it looks like the frustration of his sister ALWAYS being in the middle of things seems to continually dig away at his psyche. In the end, it's this weird relationship that proves to be his undoing; even though it HAS been the reason for his recent victories up until now...


Taking a moment to argue with his sister, yelling down to 'stay out of it', Mr. Wright, for the first time, is shown in a not so 'bubble-gum' route.


In doing so, arguing with his spunky, yet folksy, sister, Mr. Wright opens up the window for El Platinum-ay to swoop in and connect with his signature "Mejor que Oro" (Stroke). With Jayson's head bouncing off the canvas in a forced manner, unable to argue with his sister or even have a conscious thought for that matter, the match comes to an ultimate end with a standard three count.


El Platinum-ay via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
"Mejor que Oro" (Stroke)

Ending Time:


Steve Smith:
Who does he think he's fooling?

Slick Rick:

Steve Smith:
You can't tell me that you ACTUALLY believe that guy to be 'new to WAR'...

Slick Rick:
Yea! He's El Platinum-ay!! Mexican LEGEND!!

Steve Smith:
He seems very 'platinum-like' to me... A LOT like a guy who is supposed to be no longer part of the company...

Slick Rick:
I have NO IDEA what you mean...

Steve Smith:
Right... I'm sure you don't...

Slick Rick:
I'm just excited to see what El Platinum-ay can accomplish here in WAR!! Possibly a Blitzkrieg Championship win on his horizon? I mean, he IS a LEGEND after all!

Steve Smith:
If he's a LEGEND then name me some of his great battles in Mexico?

Slick Rick:
Well there was that one... and well... another one... WHO CARES, Steve-o! He's a LEGEND and that's THAT! I shouldn't have to explain that to YOU! Do your homework on the guy and stop trying to get ME to do it for you!

Steve Smith:
Right... I'll get on that right away...




In-ring argument

Involved: WAR General Nemesis and Troy Tornado©

“It all boils over”


{The militaristic tone of the WAR General’s theme roars like a battle hymn declaring the impending doom that is set to take place within moments. As the General himself slowly shuffles through the “Gates of WAR”, walking in a manner that tells of a man who has lived violence at it’s worst, there is a further sense of grandeur formulating as many anticipate the ‘boiling point moment’ of the Tornado/Nemesis struggle. None the less, as he slowly overtakes the ringside area, both in presence and in physical form, the momentous chorus of boos before him signifies the current state of the LEGACY of Nemesis.}


[WAR General Nemesis]:
It was only a few days ago that Troy Tornado cheated his way to victory. He took a momentous event and left it in pieces as his OWN bloated ego wouldn’t allow a fair contest.
{Crowd boos like crazy at the hypocrisy of Nemesis’ statement}
Now, it shouldn’t shock ANYONE that Tornado would stoop to such a level. He’s a punk who happened to get lucky early on & now he’s doing ALL he can to stay afloat; doing WHATEVER it takes to stay there. But what SHOULD shock you is that he would DARE defy MY rule!
{Crowd boos}
“Rise or Fall…” was MY baby. It was MY creation; the symbol of MY greatness here in Wrestling Action in Revolt. For Tornado to walk in and ‘spit in my face’ as he did… striking ME with a steel chair and forcing another referee to make the count for him… that’s the kind of bull-sh*t that can get you KILLED around here!
{Shakes his head; snarling}
Ever heard of the phrase… “Don’t cross the boss?”… Well, with me, it’s far worse than that…
{Pauses; huffing like an alpha male}
I’m not going to discipline with a pen like most authorities…
I do so with barbed wire… tacks… and baseball bats…
Don’t let the suit fool you…
If you f*ck with me… I’ll… f*ck… you… up…


{The crowd boos like crazy as Nemesis stares directly into a nearby camera lens. The heated stare, one that brings about an alpha huff of sorts, ultimately paints the WAR General as turning a corner. Gone is the hardened composure of a ‘tough as nails’ LEGEND. Here is the intense aggression bubbling to the surface once again; a violent outpour indicative of the violent career of Nemesis.}


[WAR General Nemesis]:
Tornado… You made your choice to cross me at “Rise or Fall…”. Now, get your a$$ out here and do the SMART THING for once. Hand over the WAR Championship so that we can find a REAL champion! Save yourself the horror of pushing this any…


{With that, cutting through Nemesis’ words like a capsizing tsunami wave, the overtly chaotic tone of Troy Tornado’s heavy metal theme overtakes the ringside area. As the fans roar like crazy, matching the overpowering sound of the music at hand, the WAR General is shown slowly twisting his head in which to snarl directly at the “Gates of WAR”; already anticipating the arrival of his most hated rival.}


{Within seconds, Tornado is shown lazily shuffling through said “Gates of WAR” with an arrogant grin running from ear-to-ear. As the bright lights from above bounce off of his pitch black sunglasses, doing much the same to the gold belt over his shoulder, Tornado is eventually shown slowly shuffling his way toward the ringside area in a sauntering fashion. To cool to seem to care, the WAR Champion eventually steps into the squared circle, sharing said space with the WAR General, as he confidently laughs off any sense of threat from Nemesis. In the end, as his music dies off, and the crowd eventually comes to a quieter tone, a state of absolute tension stands between the two enemies.}


[WAR General Nemesis]:
You don’t want to further this, Tornado. I promise you that. I’ve destroyed the LIVES of stronger men before you! You don’t stand a chance…


{Tornado laughs arrogantly in defiance of Nemesis’s aggressive tone; a fact that only further enrages the WAR General}


[Troy Tornado]:
I don’t stand a chance?
{The devilish grin upon his face appears to grow larger}
A threat like that may have meant something back in the 90’s Nemesis but, at this point, it means nothing to me. What are you going to do? You’ve already tried EVERYTHING to run me over and yet… here I am…
{Pauses as he smirks in defiance of Nemesis’ aggressive tone}
You brought back the Brotherhood and I put them BACK on the shelf where they belong. You created an entire group around ripping this championship from my hands and yet… their Reign was short & laughable. THEN, You put yourself into the main event in which to cheat the belt off of me and YET you STILL weren’t able to get the job done! You’ve failed… time… and time… again…
… And I know that it eats you up inside… that you’re unable to break me… that you’re unable to take the WAR Championship OFF of me…
{Smirks as he plays off of Nemesis’ aggression}
So, your little threats may have carried weight in the past but here, in WAR, at your age gramps, they’re no more scary than that of a bum yelling stories of ‘hellfire and brimstone’ on the streets…


[WAR General Nemesis]:
I can show you ‘hellfire and brimstone’…


{Nemesis responds in a subconscious manner as he snarls aggressively.}


[Troy Tornado]:
So, if you REALLY want the belt off of me, if you REALLY want me to just hand this thing over, you’re going to have to do it yourself…


{The crowd erupts with the idea of a Tornado/Nemesis match. Meanwhile, the intense anger within the frame of the WAR General paints him as on the verge of violent action.}


[WAR General Nemesis]:
Hand over… the belt…


{Nemesis barks as his chin extends outward in an authoritative fashion.}


[Troy Tornado]:
‘Hand over… the belt…’
{Troy Tornado mocks the WAR General}
Didn’t you JUST hear me? Forget to turn up your hearing aide, gramps?
I’m NOT afraid of you… why WOULD I be?


[WAR General Nemesis]:


{Unable to keep his aggression within, the recently composed, suit-wearing, WAR authority is ultimately shown to have ‘lost it’. After weeks of tempting such, Nemesis has finally ‘snapped’ and, in that moment, stripped away any sense of foresight as he aggressively snaps back into the ugliness of his extreme persona gone by. In doing so, energized despite his physical state, Nemesis explodes toward the WAR Champion; however, is quickly subdued with an equally explosive Tornado.}


{Slamming the WAR Championship straight into the forehead of the WAR General, Tornado is shown dropping Nemesis to the canvas in a thunderous heap. The immense jolt of Nemesis’ quick action, met with the jarring strike of a gold-plated belt upon his face, leaves the WAR General simply unable to stay upright; falling to the canvas as a trickle of blood is already seen falling down his face.}


Steve Smith:


Slick Rick:
STUPID MOVE, TORNADO! He HAS to have a Death Wish!!


{Shortly after the impact, the WAR Champion is shown ‘getting out of dodge’ as he carries the bloodied belt with him in the process. Climbing over a nearby guardrail, back peddling in which to arrogantly smirk in the direction of his fallen victim, Tornado eventually comes to a stop amongst his fans; high above the ringside area in the process. Meanwhile, the WAR General is shown slowly raising back to his feet.}


{With absolute anger radiating from his every pour, Nemesis looks nothing like the WAR General we have come to know. Instead of being composed and hardened, he appears more like a rabid dog; snarling, drooling, and disheveled. At first, the strike has rocked him so much that a simple stance is almost impossible for him to find. However, with time, he’s able to stagger to his feet.}


{In the end, watching Tornado celebrate on high, as blood trickles down his face in a continuous fashion, a heated stare-down follows; one that doesn’t need any verbal address at this point as the actions have spoken louder than any words could. All in all, as the WAR General huffs-and-puffs aggressively, staggering slightly even at this point, mentally fixated on vile intentions no doubt, the final image is that of Troy Tornado smirking on high amongst his fans; arrogantly defiant of Nemesis in the process.}


Steve Smith:
We MAY have just witnessed the ultimate unraveling of the WAR General. He doesn’t appear to be the same man and how COULD he at this point? Tonight, more so than ever, solidifies what I’ve said in the past… You can put a suit on rabid dog but you doesn’t change what you’ve got. Nemesis is NO different; he’s always been prone to ‘snap’; just as he did for YEARS in DaVE. At this point, Tornado may have brought on the truth…

Slick Rick:
Wrong move, Tornado. IF there’s ONE thing that I’ve known about Nemesis through his career, if you make the man bleed then you’re bound to do so yourself; 10 times over. He may be smirking now but he’ll end up on a hospital bed in no time…

Steve Smith:
I can’t disagree with you there. The Nemesis I once watched while across the pond is the same man I’m looking at right now in that very ring. That’s a very… very… scary thing to say…

Slick Rick:
Hell hath no fury like Nemesis…

Steve Smith:
I’m afraid you’re right…




"Fear This!"
Art Reed vs.
"The Machine"
Buddy Garner


Singles Match

“Warring with perfection!”


It all starts with a handshake. Nothing too out of the ordinary for both men. Just a simple, 2-second, exchange that ultimately tells of the respect that both have for one another. It wasn't long ago, a matter of a few days ago, that these two were actually teaming with one another. Now, removed from that instance, they find one standing across from the other; focused, determined, and entirely ready for a potential masterclass on techincal wrestling. All in all, that's EXACTLY what we were given... an absolute display of in-ring greatness.


While WAR is often dubbed to be a brawler's haven, technical wrestling is certainly heralded as a true art-form. This case is no different. With an appreciative fanbase clapping along, both Garner and Reed go about their business as only they know how: intense, physically harsh, and all-around demanding. At every turn, with every passing exchange, their altercation feels of something out of a history book; a throwback to days gone by. With that in mind though, the pace is not entirely that of a classic feel. Known for their collective athleticism, the overall speed of their exchange feels almost reckless. However, unlike the Blitzkrieg division, no aerial spots are utilized. Also, a number of rest-holds are employed in which to physically deteriorate their opponent's body. In a way, the speed is quite aggressive, especially when matched with a typical technical affair; however, not quite at the level of the Blitzkrieg division (which carries itself in an almost frantic manner).


Twisting one another's body in sickening directions, it's shocking that either can stand. While some may try to beat a victory out of another, these two are truly attempting to physically wrench said victory from the other. With that, as the match continues to move toward it's inevitable end, there's a level of fatigue that begins to overtake both men. While physical specimens, known for their legendary durability, the overall strain of the match is obviously taking a major toll. At two different points, Jay Fair is forced to utilize a standing 10-count in hopes of bringing a collectively floored Garner and Reed to their feet. Luckily, both times, at least one of them is able to return to their feet; however, in both cases, it's VERY close to ending in a double 10-count finish.


With so much invested, it's almost as if both men become obsessed with putting the other away. It's this obsession that ultimately turns to frustration when pinfall attempts are regularly broken at a 2 1/2 count. Before you know it, said frustration entirely boils over into a full-on combination of anger & fierce determination. From there, with a heightened tone, strikes become that much more heavy. Also, submission maneuvers seem to have an extra twist that most thought impossible before. More or less, the action itself is turning more chippy as the grandeur of the moment begins to really weigh heavily on both Garner and Reed.


As we boil to a fever pitch, it's the man who makes one less mistake that ultimately comes away with the win...


Wrestling an almost perfect match up until now, there's been very little in the way of mistakes (as is to be expected with two consummate professionals like Garner and Reed). While astonishing to say the least, as a 'perfect match' is often seen as elusive as a 'perfect game' in baseball, it's expected that SOMEONE will slip up sooner or later. Also, if wrestling history tells us anything, it will probably be that ONE mistake that ultimately brings about the end of the match. In this case, as addressed above, that's exactly what happens...


Garner has Reed positioned atop a nearby turnbuckle as he's dazed and confused. Climbing up in an athletic manner, Garner eventually locks in, what's expected to be, a top-rope belly-to-belly suplex. However, such a move never really takes place. Instead, as Garner attempts to pull Reed with him, his recently dazed opponent is able to grab onto the top ropes; fortifying himself in the process. In doing so, Garner is shown falling from the top rope in a twisting fashion all by himself.


Enraged, embarrassed no doubt, Garner speeds toward him yet again; however, as he speeds back in a blind rage, he's unable to notice that Reed has already lept from the top rope.


Reed had jumped to his feet atop the turnbuckle, quickly spinning around in an equally athletic manner, as he springs himself backward in a flipping manner. Before you know it, Reed has connected with a standing Buddy Garner; utilizing his signature "Hangtime Moonsault" in the process. Upon impact, Reed is able to capture Garner's legs in a fast-paced pinning predicament. Struggling, Garner attempts to kick out; however, is unsuccessful. Despite an almost perfectly wrestled match, Garner falls victim to that of a purely athletic reversal of fates; slamming his body from on high and utilizing such an impact to keep the former MMA-Star's shoulders square upon the mat.


Art Reed via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
"Hangtime Moonsault”

Ending Time:


Steve Smith:
What ... A ... Match!! Wow... Good Golly, Folks... Now THAT was an absolute clinic!! Buddy Garner and Art Reed just stepped into a WAR ring and, as I said, displayed EXACTLY why they are perceived to be two of THE BEST wrestlers in our industry today! My hat is off to both of them!

Slick Rick:
How EVER could you say that without having Eric Tyler accounted for?

Steve Smith:
Eric Tyler showed us at "Rise or Fall..." that he may NOT be the best competitor going right now! Garner and Reed, on the other hand, showed us they truly ARE!

Slick Rick:
Are they good on the mat? Yea, sure. I'm not blind. That said, neither Garner or Reed are anywhere NEAR Tyler's level...

Steve Smith:
But wait... didn't Tyler LOSE to Garner in the end after their lengthy feud here in WAR? Wouldn't that mean Garner is better?

Slick Rick:
He was able to cheat his way to victory... BUT ... I'm still calling for one last match! It'd be even BETTER than this one as it'd have the TRUE master technition in it!

Steve Smith:
You REALLY think you know everything, don't you...

Slick Rick:
Don't need to think... I just am...

Steve Smith:
It looks like Reed is about to extend his hand in respect to Garner... what a show of GREAT sportsmanship! We're REALLY missing that these days in sports...

Slick Rick:
Oh GOD... gag me... blindfold me or something... I've already had enough with this goody-goody... 'you did GREAT' bull-sh*t!!




In-ring attack/turn

Involved: Art Reed and Buddy Garner

“A perfect meltdown...”


{Standing over a kneeling Garner, an exhausted Art Reed is ultimately shown extending his right hand out in a show of respect to his recent opponent. For a matter of a few seconds, tension builds as the equally tired Buddy Garner is shown thinking through the notion; not committing right away to the gesture. With time though, Garner is ultimately able to accept Reed's hand; a fact that stands as a combination of a handshake & a pull to his feet.}


Steve Smith:
What a GREAT show of sportsmanship here between Reed & Garner. Kids, if you're looking for the 'right-way' of doing things, this is it!!


Slick Rick:
Sportsmanship just means you don't have the 'balls' to step out in front of everyone else. This sport is as cut-throat as anything I've EVER known. Sportsmanship, or whatever you want to call it, is just a sign of the weak; the people who will NEVER succeed in the long run.


Steve Smith:
I think Reed and Garner have done great for themselves...


Slick Rick:
'Great' and 'Legendary' are two different levels...


{Now upright, facing one another, the handshake continues as both men mutter something to one another. More or less, it feels as though both Garner and Reed are thankful for the exchange they just had. That was until one decided to take it in another direction...}


{Reed turns away as if to move on from his show of great sportsmanship; however, is quickly pulled back by a snarling Garner. At this point, Buddy has dropped the thankful schtick & is now turning his aggressive streak 'back-on' with said pull. Sadly, before Reed could realize what happened, the man dubbed as "Fear This!" finds himself looking up at the lights; a victim of a thunderous overhead belly-to-belly suplex.}


Steve Smith:


Slick Rick:
Now THAT'S the cut-throat ability I was looking for! Hats off to you Mr. Garner. I underestimated you!


{With the crowd booing like crazy in the background, Garner appears to psychologically 'snap'. With this in mind, the former MMA-standout is shown violently assaulting the fallen Reed with a string of heavy-footed stomps. Following one final blow to Reed's head, coming by way of a cold kick to the face, Garner is eventually shown locking in a wicked inverted crossface submission; one that forces Reed to stare directly into his attacker's rabid eyes.}


{Somehow, Jay Fair is eventually able to inspire Garner to release his hold; however, not before the damage is obviously already done.}


{With a semi-conscious Art Reed lying upon his back, squirming in a sign of true injury, Garner is shown slowly backing away; never breaking eye contact as he appears to be locked within a psychotic state.}


Steve Smith:
Buddy Garner has snapped; He's lost it! Art Reed was there to help him up, say 'thank you' for such a great match, and Garner just spit in his face theoretically with this attack!

Slick Rick:
If THAT was a spit then it was a lugee that's for sure! Garner put his a$$ out!! See kids, this is what you get if you try to do, as Steve-o said, the 'right thing'. You end up with an injured neck!

Steve Smith:
I can't believe he just did that...

Slick Rick:
Believe it, Steve-o... Believe it! Buddy Garner just put Art Reed on the shelf no doubt!




Backstage Skit

Involved: J.K. Stallings Jr.

“Revenge... of... the NERD!”


{Following Garner’s shocking assault on Reed, the broadcast transitions from pure chaos to that of silent calm as we now witness the sight of WAR owner, J.K. Stallings Jr., seated behind a modern desk within his equally new-age office. With profound art pieces strategically placed around the room, the overall space feels quite innovative; a counter-clash to most cold, professional, offices. None the less, as he leans back slightly in his chair, there’s a level of frustration upon his face.}


[stallings’ Aide]:
What’s wrong boss?


{Upon hearing the question, it’s as if his internal frustration is impossible to sequester. Spinning his chair slightly, the WAR owner is shown looking out upon the overpowering lights of the Vegas strip. In doing so, it’s not as though he’s ignoring said question outright. More or less, it appears as though he has to muster up the strength to address a situation that has already been plaguing him internally.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
Something isn’t right…


[stallings’ Aide]:
{He searches for his question}
… WAR?


{For a brief second, Stallings is shown in frustrated silence once again. With his chin resting within his fingers, a very thoughtful pose, the WAR owner is obvious troubled with something at this point.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
To be honest, I have NO idea. I’ve attempted to enjoy tonight, my BIG return to WAR; however, I can’t shake this feeling; that something doesn’t feel right. I can’t put my finger on it… but… it’s there…


[stallings’ Aide]:
It will come to you, Mr. Stallings. You HAVE to remember, You’re coming off of a very serious head injury. To say that something feels ‘off’ is probably a pretty common feeling. You’ve returned to the place for which it all happened. Maybe, it’s your mind trying to tell you WHO it was that attacked you? I guess, pay attention to your intuition. It may steer you in the right direction…


{Silence is shown from Stallings as he slowly starts to nod his head; while still in his hand.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
You’re probably right…


{Stallings slowly pulls his head away from his hand, removing himself from his pondering position, as he, once again, leans back into his chair comfortably. Following a brief sigh, Stallings is heard relaying pleasantries before being left alone again.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
Thank you… take the night off… I’ll see you first thing in the morning.


{Stallings grabs a bunch of nearby papers in which to occupy his time; positioning his glasses in which to view them better.}


[stallings’ Aide]:
Thank you!


{With that, Stallings’ Aide is shown briskly shuffling out of the room with the excitement of a post-“Battleground” night off. In doing so, he now leaves a seemingly focused Stallings by himself once again.}


{Once his aide has exited, the sound of a heavy door coming to a slowing shut, the sight of a frustrated Mr. Stallings begins to formulate once again. Dropping the papers out of his hand upon the desk before him, the psychologically struggling WAR owner is shown removing his glasses in which to rub his face in a strained manner.}


{Shortly following his physical display of tension, Stallings returns his glasses to his face in which to further ponder the uncomfortable situation at hand.}


{In a spark, Stallings starts to look around his desk. For what? No one really knows; not even him most likely.}


{Rustling through papers, moving aside his laptop, Stallings appears to be in an avid search for something. In doing so, while going through his desk, a bottom drawer catches his attention. At first, as he pulls upon the handle, a sense of mystery perpetuates as said drawer is shown to be locked. Tugging as hard as he can, thinking a man of his slender frame could simply break the drawer in which to get in, the WAR owner appears to not necessarily be in his ‘right mind’. For, if he were, such a primal display would not have been utilized to simply open a drawer; one of his own at that.}


{After fumbling around the desk, eventually, Stallings is shown pulling a small key from another desk drawer located on the other end.}


{Sliding the key in, twisting it in a curious manner, the drawer finally opens up as Stallings does so in a state of slow focus…}


{From there, pulling a small box from the drawer, one that looks to be aged due to the condition of said box, Stallings is ultimately shown dropping it upon the desk before him. For a brief second, it’s as though he’s curious; however, somewhat fearful of seeing what may be in side. That said, as he slowly separates the top from the box at hand, the look upon the WAR owner’s face is that of focused shock…}


{As “Battleground” comes to a close, credits being displayed at the bottom of the screen, the final images is that of the WAR owner slowly pulling out the contents:
a white oxford dress shirt, a black bow-tie, and a small weathered tub of hair gel


Steve Smith:
What does THIS mean?

Slick Rick:
I don’t know, Steve-o. I’ve NEVER seen someone stare at anything like this before… A shirt, bow-tie, and gel? What’s so special about that?

{Silence is heard; however, Steve Smith eventually breaks that with what can best be described as ‘breaking the code’.}

Steve Smith:
I think I know what this is about…

Slick Rick:
How the HELL can you take anything away from this?

Steve Smith:
I’m not sure, folks but… I THINK… oh my…

Slick Rick:
Spit it out, Steve-o!

Steve Smith:
Are we witnessing… Revenge of the Nerd?














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