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WAR: "Battleground" - TV Episode #4

Date of Event:
Monday, 4th Week of June 2010

Wrestling Action in Revolt (WAR)

3,000 out of 3,000 at OMEGA (Night Club/Music Hall Located in the Empire Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, NV)

TV Rating:
0.60 (+ 0.18)

Competitors TV Rating:
SWF "Uprising" - 11.57 (+ 0.27)

Event Grade:


  • J.K. Stallings Jr. returns and has a moment of tension with the man who ran the company in his absence, WAR General Nemesis.

  • Johnny Martin defeated Alex Braun and Steve Flash in a three-way battle in 7:48 via pinfall (upon Steve Flash).

  • Puerto Rican Power© returns to OMEGA with the WAR Sin City Championship in hand. However, after fanfare, as he remains brutishly mute, Colonel Hazzard claims the belt belongs to Appalachia & will return to them next week (as Cletus is coming for PRP).

  • Demonic Intervention defeated Natural Storm in 5:22 via pinfall due to an big boot by an illegal DAMiaN.

  • Travis Century conducts a taped promo centered on his reasoning for attacking Troy Tornado at "Rise or Fall...".

  • Donnie J, Fox Mask, Mario Heroic, Masked Cougar, Matt Sparrow, and Snap Dragon come to a DRAW as Christopher LaFleur, Fumihiro Ota, and Jacob Jett independently run-in on the match (SE Ending).

  • Blitzkrieg Division brawl between the previous competitors and those who ran into the match (making it a DRAW). Meanwhile, the Blitzkrieg Champion, Ares©, watches it all unfold from the top of the steel rampway.

  • Dharma conducts a promo on her brother, Jayson "Mr." Wright's, behalf.

  • El Platinum-ay debuts by defeating Jayson Wright in 5:54 via pinfall.

  • The WAR General Nemesis calls on Troy Tornado to hand over the WAR Championship belt (over what happened at "Rise or Fall..."). Instead of doing so, Tornado meets the General in the ring & a heated back-and-forth exists. In the end, as it appears Nemesis is about to explode into a full-on act of violence, showing further signs of his unraveling, Tornado is ultimately shown cold-clocking him with the WAR Championship across his forehead. As Nemesis bleeds in the ring, huffing like an alpha, Tornado celebrates within the crowd with a bloodied belt in hand.

  • Art Reed defeated Buddy Garner in 17:30 via pinfall.

  • As Art Reed attempts to help a frustrated Buddy Garner to his feet, all hell breaks loose as the "Machine" snaps into violence. In doing so, he's seen flooring Reed viciously in which to send a message!

  • J.K. Stallings Jr. is shown expressing the fact that something feels 'off'. After he's left alone, he ultimately discovers a box within a locked compartment of his desk. In that box is a white oxford shirt, a black bow-tie, and a small tub of hair gel. While they don't seem signification to us, the sight of them appears to re-energize a man deep in thought!

Next Show:
WAR "Battleground" Episode #5


Episode #4 of "Battleground" can be see on the previous page!

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White oxford shirt, black bow tie, hair gel... those sound like all the ingredients of classic Stallings to me.


I've kinda skimmed Battleground at the moment, I'll have to go back for a full read. I'm quite impressed with how you're handling a roster of such a size though and keeping track of so many distinctive characters. That roster update a while back was a bit of an eye-opener. For a promotion of this size, I guess it rivals your DOA Season 2 diary (the first one), although obviously you had a B-Show then.


I guess if Stallings keeps firing everyone that dares to sign a new PPA elsewhere it won't be such an issue. ;)

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White oxford shirt, black bow tie, hair gel... those sound like all the ingredients of classic Stallings to me.




I've kinda skimmed Battleground at the moment, I'll have to go back for a full read. I'm quite impressed with how you're handling a roster of such a size though and keeping track of so many distinctive characters. That roster update a while back was a bit of an eye-opener. For a promotion of this size, I guess it rivals your DOA Season 2 diary (the first one), although obviously you had a B-Show then.


The roster IS pretty large; however, it's done out of necessity (both strategic and Stallings-based). As we've seen, Stallings isn't all that interested in 'sharing talent' with anyone (as we've seen with the release of DAMiaN). So, there's always a need for someone 'new' waiting in the wings to take over the open space. With such a large roster, there's that chance to have that next person ready to go.


The depth also makes for greater variety as new faces are able to be cycled through to new programs. In a sense, it's easier to make things feel fresh when there are a new list of villains chomping at the heels of our beloved babyface/tweeners (ie: Tornado, Gonzalez, Reed, etc.). With more people in the wings, there's a better chance for their to be a sense of newness over time.


Also, keeping with the TNA approach, I'm somewhat forced to use popular wrestlers past-their-prime in which to bank upon their notoriety. Sure, I like Johnny Martin, Alex Braun, Eric Tyler, etc.; however, their place in WAR is much more as a part of a transitional program. In a way, they are all there to keep WAR popular currently (as they have more popularity than those who I would LIKE to be in the Main Event scene) as we work to develop the talent of WAR's future (Brutus O'Leary, Jayson Wright, Jacob Jett, Christopher LaFleur, etc.).


With all of that, it's made for a pretty big roster in WAR. That said, it doesn't FEEL that big when I'm planning really.


I guess if Stallings keeps firing everyone that dares to sign a new PPA elsewhere it won't be such an issue. ;)


At this rate, Stallings would fire himself if it meant he could crush his rivals.... haha.

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Backstage argument

Involved: Puerto Rican Power© and Brutus O'Leary

“Let's see what ya got...”


{With a stomp so heavy it seemingly could rattle cement, WAR Sin City Champion, Puerto Rican Power, is shown stepping into the darkness that is the initial backstage hallway post-“Gates of WAR”. As the muffled roar of the crowd is heard in the background, most likely signifying that the event is still going strong, the gruff powerhouse is ultimately portrayed as a silent, brutish, tough-as-nails persona without much need for human interaction. With that in mind, as various WAR officials are shown walking past him, Power does little to show he even realizes they’re there.}


{Even with his theoretical blinders on, he’s ultimately stopped at the end of the darkened hallway by an unexpected potential foe.}


{Coming to a stop, Power is shown staring directly into the eyes of a fellow brutish brawler in Brutus O’Leary. Neither backing down in the slightest, the two men take a matter of a few seconds to send a psychological message that there will be no budging on either front. Then, from the silence, the “Hyde Park Hitman” is ultimately heard speaking toward the towering Sin City Champion. His tone is rather quiet, yet overtly intense, as it’s apparent that these two are most likely on the verge of a brawl no doubt.}


[brutus O’Leary]:
They say you’re a b*tch to take down…


{A momentary sense of silence follows as both stare one another down in an intense fashion. Then, moving forward, O’Leary is heard projecting his unwavering voice once again.}


[brutus O’Leary]:
… I’ll be the judge of that…


{Again, silence follows. However, at this point, following an alpha-huff, Power is shockingly heard responding. In most cases, you would expect a violent action over any sense of conversation. That said, there appears to be a level of respect or something between these two.}


[Puerto Rican Power]:
That’s fine…
{Pauses for a second; intense in nature}
… It’s YOUR death wish…


{With that, both men breathing heavily from their nostrils like enraged bulls, a brawl ignites out of the ball of fury resonating between the two of them. Throwing strikes like they were sledgehammers, neither man looks all that wiling to temper their assault. That said, even with Power so much larger than O’Leary, the famed “Hyde Park Hitman” ultimately shows to hold his own. If anything, it’s as if O’Leary’s strikes are that much more deadly; a shocking statement when faced against someone as brutish as Puerto Rican Power.}


Grade: D







Puerto Rican Power © vs.
"The Hyde Park Hitman"
Brutus O'Leary


Impromptu Sin City Championship Match

Location: Backstage Hallway of the Empire Hotel & Casino

“Brutish brawling”


The freakish sight of two powerhouses laying into one another is almost unsettling to watch. Truthfully, their exchange appears more like a bar-room brawl gone bad than a respected back-and-forth wrestling affair. No wrist locks are utilized, drop-to-holds snuck in, or headlocks for that matter. In this case, it’s good ole’ fashion, straight forward, fist-to-cuffs from start to finish. That said, it’s not that they actually get to discover who the better man is in reality. Why? A nearby Hopkirk, sensing this could be a moment for himself, sneaks into the action and ultimately adds himself to the match all together.



Puerto Rican Power © vs.
"The Hyde Park Hitman"
Brutus O'Leary vs. Hopkirk


Impromptu Sin City Championship Match

Location: Backstage Hallway of the Empire Hotel & Casino

“Three's a crowd”


With Hopkirk added to the mix, there’s more in the way in between Power & O’Leary. While it’s obvious that they WANT to test one another, it’s almost impossible given the persistent approach of the aged Hopkirk. In reality, it’s not that he does anything all that great in the brawl. Mostly, he’s seen as a ragdoll between the two; however, it does create enough distance between the other two that it makes things interesting.


In the end, after O’Leary is able to floor Hopkirk with a “Hyde Park Haymaker”, a fact that forces the aged rocker to collapse violently to the cement floor below, O’Leary ultimately is unable to celebrate his strike (even though he wouldn’t naturally anyways). Seconds after the KO, Power is shown speeding onto the scene. Once there, the Sin City Champion is shown executing his signature “San Juan Rush” (Spear) like a speeding locomotive. The impact is so harsh, so powerful, that it actually lifts O’Leary off the ground for a split second before coming to a devastating halt upon the cement floor below. Seconds later, as O’Leary lays motionless, obviously KO’ed himself by such a strike, Power is ultimately able to pick up the three count in his favor.


Puerto Rican Power via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
"San Juan Rush" (Spear) upon Brutus O'Leary

Ending Time:

Match Grade:

This marks the 1st successful defense of the WAR Sin City Championship by Puerto Rican Power.










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Great stuff as always. It's a treat for the weekend when i get my fix from WAR!


I do question PRP going over O'leary thought. Figured you'd stomp Hopkirk and leave O'leary fresh for a rematch at a later date. I won't question the master plan as i know you have much more in store for these guys, but D- for this match.. egads that's not good.


Can't wait for more.

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Great stuff as always. It's a treat for the weekend when i get my fix from WAR!


Thanks, Timber! Weekends tend to be the only time that I can actually get some work in on this; so, it just so happens to be the major point for updates too! That said, it's good to know that the WAR updates have become a normal part of your weekend. :D


I do question PRP going over O'leary thought. Figured you'd stomp Hopkirk and leave O'leary fresh for a rematch at a later date. I won't question the master plan as i know you have much more in store for these guys, but D- for this match.. egads that's not good.


Can't wait for more.


I know it seems strange from the get-go; however, there's a reasoning behind it all. I could have easily had Hopkirk take the downed 3 count but it really wouldn't have made the impact I was looking for. Without going too much into detail, the reasoning really works in the fact that A) Puerto Rican Power has proven to be able to beat some of the strongest competitors in WAR and B) this sets off for a storyline within a storyline (That already is taking place). So, in the end, PRP going over O'Leary only sets up further development down the line.


I'm just excited as this is Brutus O'Leary's first REAL major storyline in WAR. Sure, we had O'Leary/Braun (or really O'Leary versus the Tri-State Kings) for a bit; however, that was his introduction in a way. I chose them in which to help get him over. Now, at his point, it's his first 'sink or swim' moment. When booked right, PRP can pull down a pretty decent in-ring grade. We'll see, from here, if O'Leary can match that & bring about a new phase in his career.


The same goes for Jayson Wright as he's on the verge of getting more into the mix too.


All in all, thanks for reading/commenting Timber!

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No problem. Seeing as how the who storyline continues to ebb and flow, i wasn't really all that worried about Brutus O'Leary and PRP. I trust in your storyline skills. Just thought it was odd to start that rivalry off on that note. Adding Hopkirk to the mix only for him to be a non factor and all.


Great stuff and you have a loyal reader in me. We do need a "war fan" that can recap the year for some of the old and new readers. Small blog post that gives where people are in the card, titles, rumors. That kinda stuff. You've woven a quite complex story and i think i need a cheat sheet. :)



Keep up the great work.

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No problem. Seeing as how the who storyline continues to ebb and flow, i wasn't really all that worried about Brutus O'Leary and PRP. I trust in your storyline skills. Just thought it was odd to start that rivalry off on that note. Adding Hopkirk to the mix only for him to be a non factor and all.


It may look like Hopkirk was thrown in without much need; however, from a booker's perspective, he was thrown in for two main reasons. 1) To show the craziness that is the 24/7 Sin City Championship approach (That anyone, at anytime, could play a factor) and 2) to keep O'Leary and Power from getting a REAL one-on-one opportunity to show WHO is better. Now, by bringing him in, it shows that Power has people coming at him from all angles. Did he make a major impact in the match? Not really. That said, he's more of a symbol of how unexpected the chase for the Sin City strap can be.


Great stuff and you have a loyal reader in me. We do need a "war fan" that can recap the year for some of the old and new readers. Small blog post that gives where people are in the card, titles, rumors. That kinda stuff. You've woven a quite complex story and i think i need a cheat sheet. :)


That'd be pretty cool to read/see; however, that would take someone who has REALLY read the in's and out's of WAR. I know it can be pretty daunting to tackle week in and week out. So, I'm sure that'd be hard to find (someone who would be able to take it on). That said, it really DOES sound like a cool idea overall.

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06.30.10 - 2:14 AM


“Reports by an unnamed source out of Wrestling Action in Revolt claims that company owner, and all-around billionaire, J.K. Stallings Jr. has recently been perceived as entirely irrational. While his leadership, or lack thereof, has always been a point of contention amongst wrestling historians, it’s been silently documented that the resurgent businessman has already ‘lost touch’ with the locker room area some 6-months after developing WAR. In doing so, defiant of the tone of his own work-force, Stallings has been rumored to be acting in a purely selfish manner; one that is devoid of foresight.


None the less, with a rash of brash decisions currently coming down the pike, many have labeled the young billionaire as selfishly ‘out of touch’.”


A deep-seeded snarl slowly rises in the corner of my gin-soaked lips. With a wave of unadulterated anger surging within, dilating my pupils in a primal fashion, a lingering sense of absolute disdain becomes almost impossible to suppress. By this point though, suppression wasn’t much of ‘my game’. If anything, over the last 6-years or so, said underlying anger, so consistent in it’s presence, had become more of a friend than a foe.


With another strong swig, contorting each and every muscle across my already angrily twisted face, the fury within conducts like a surging string of electricity; unable to be destroyed in any manner possible.


“Irrational? Selfish? ‘Out of touch’?”


A defiant state of laughter follows. In reality, I feel justified in my thought of absurdity; however, the lingering perception of my own defiance is still present. That said, the latter is not necessarily needed for personal review. It doesn’t coincide with my obvious knee-jerk reaction and I don’t foresee any reason to change.


“If I ever…”


There was no need to finish my verbal expulsion. In mind, I know exactly what was implied. If anyone doesn’t like how I run MY corporation then they can see the door just as many have before them. The Guru, DAMiaN, and the companies of CZCW and BSC, they ALL found the truth of what happens when I’m crossed. Whether now, then, or ever, I WILL have my revenge at all costs. Call it irrational if you like… I don’t really care. I’m not here to appease anything but my OWN success.
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To those about to wage in WAR, the battleground is the ultimate place for which LEGENDS are born. Putting everything on the line, a warrior has very little room for error. For, if one is to slip, even momentarily, mass destruction is almost an absolute certainty.


WAR is no place for the weak. When stepping onto the hallowed battleground, only one thing remains… Will you, or will you not, rise to the occasion?


Will you rise for your country? Will you rise for your family? Will you rise for greatness? Will you rise for your brothers? Will you rise… for the banner of WAR?


This and this alone is what measures a man…


… What turns an ordinary person into that of a LEGEND …


Who will dominate the Battleground?


WHO will become the LEGENDS of WAR?








Since the inception of the WAR tag team division there’s been NO team as dominant as the current WAR Tag Team Champions in
Demonic Intervention
. While many have attempted to subdue their vicious reign, no tandem has come close to unseating their lofty stature. More or less, the hunger of such an upset has proven to be simply not enough to overcome the overpowering, almost supernatural, strength of DAMiaN and the Leper Messiah. This week, the surprising super-tandem of Kazuma Narato and Teddy Powell will attempt to do what others have tried and failed. This newfound combination, known under the name ‘the
Adrenaline Express
’, a combination of their previously famous tandems, will rely on their extensive knowledge of the art of tag team wrestling in hopes of toppling the vile monsters before them. Is it possible? Most think not. That said, if ANYONE is to do it, the combination of Powell/Narato may be of interest given their wealth of tag team knowledge!




With the rise of the Blitzkrieg Division, Wrestling Action in Revolt has looked for the initial wave of trendsetters. With this in mind, outside of the current champion himself, Ares, the explosive Coastal Zone brethren have found much success amongst the fray. While it’s certainly warranted, as the region appears to breed the true aerial masters of our generation, there are a number of up-and-coming fliers that have come to resent the famed divers. It was only a week ago that this rebellion came to a head; however, this week, those frustrated few have come to challenge the Coastal Zone brethren they hate most.
Christopher LaFleur
El Platinum-ay
Fumihiro Ota
, and
Jacob Jett
will do ALL that they can to overcome the team of
Donnie J
Fox Mask
Masked Cougar
, and
Snap Dragon
; however, one has to beg the question: Is it possible to beat the Coastal Zone brethren at their own game; a game that they helped to define long before the broken-ground of the Blitzkrieg divison?



WAR-wrestling.com has been inundated with a frenzied buzz ever since
Brutus O’Leary
attempted to overrun
Puerto Rican Power
in the darkened halls of the Empire Hotel & Casino. While the “Hyde Park HItman” was unsuccessful in gaining the
WAR Sin City Championship
, most claiming the interjection of the greasy Hopkirk as to the reasoning of such, it certainly wasn’t for lack of trying. If anything, O’Leary’s immensely powerful punches were seemingly strong enough to send the Puerto Rican powerhouse onto his heels. This week, sensing an epic re-match on our hands, the WAR General Nemesis decided upon booking their newfound rivalry once again. Can the heavy-handed boxer rip the Sin City title from the weathered knuckles of Power? – OR – Will we find the same outcome as we saw on WAR-wrestling.com? Either way, with what we heard last on “Battleground”, one has to expect that Cletus & Colonel Hazzard may not be too far away…




It wasn’t long ago that
Buddy Garner
was known to be a bitter rival of the Tri-State Kings. Warring with their hardened leader, Eric Tyler, the famed “Machine” was often at odds with everyone within his stable. Fast forward to now and we now will witness the MMA stand-out teaming with one of his former rivals in “The Ice Man”
Alex Braun
. Can they trust one another? Who really cares to be honest? At this point, their shared hatred of the equally tentative team of
Johnny Martin
Art Reed
is enough to bind them together (if only for one night). In a match where once rivals are now partners, WHICH team will ultimately gain bragging rights over the other?



Only a week removed from slamming the gold-plated WAR Championship across the WAR General’s face,
Troy Tornado
has finally come upon his moment of
‘true hell’
so says Nemesis. With dried blood still hardened upon the belt, the rebellious rock-star may be on the verge of his own ‘swan song’ now that he has the psychotic extremist hell-bent on his destruction. What will be in-store for Tornado or really WHO will be the one that the WAR General turns to for revenge? In the end, the REAL question may be… Will Troy Tornado simply survive “Battleground” this week OR will we finally witness the violent end of a constant fire-starter?






WAR Battleground Quick Picks

Demonic Intervention vs. Adrenaline Express

Christopher LaFleur, El Platinum-ay, Fumihiro Ota, and Jacob Jett vs. Donnie J, Fox Mask, Masked Cougar, and Snap Dragon

Puerto Rican Power© vs. Brutus O'Leary

Alex Braun/Buddy Garner vs. Art Reed/Johnny Martin

Troy Tornado vs. ?????


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Demonic Intervention vs. Adrenaline Express

Christopher LaFleur, El Platinum-ay, Fumihiro Ota, and Jacob Jett vs. Donnie J, Fox Mask, Masked Cougar, and Snap Dragon

Puerto Rican Power© vs. Brutus O'Leary

Alex Braun/Buddy Garner vs. Art Reed/Johnny Martin

Troy Tornado vs. ?????

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WAR Battleground Quick Picks

Demonic Intervention vs. Adrenaline Express

I think it's time for another team to give the DI some trouble.


Christopher LaFleur, El Platinum-ay, Fumihiro Ota, and Jacob Jett vs. Donnie J, Fox Mask, Masked Cougar, and Snap Dragon

It's a bold pick i know, but the prat..er i mean El Platinum-ay, is still a great wrestler and a cheating bastard.


Puerto Rican Power© vs. Brutus O'Leary

O'leary gets a win here, It's time for PPR to chase another man for what is his. Or DQ cause of Cletus.


Alex Braun/Buddy Garner vs. Art Reed/Johnny Martin

This should be fun, but Braun and Garner have way too much skill and they are not over the hill just yet.


Troy Tornado vs. ?????

Always bet on Troy.. for now.

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Demonic Intervention vs. Adrenaline Express

Christopher LaFleur, El Platinum-ay, Fumihiro Ota, and Jacob Jett vs. Donnie J, Fox Mask, Masked Cougar, and Snap Dragon

Puerto Rican Power© vs. Brutus O'Leary

Alex Braun/Buddy Garner vs. Art Reed/Johnny Martin

Troy Tornado vs. ?????

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Demonic Intervention vs. Adrenaline Express

It doesn't say whether the titles are on the line. I'm guessing it's non-title, then? Damian takes the fall here to begin his fall from grace.


Christopher LaFleur, El Platinum-ay, Fumihiro Ota, and Jacob Jett vs. Donnie J, Fox Mask, Masked Cougar, and Snap Dragon

El Platinum-ay puts this one in the hands of the heel unit.


Puerto Rican Power© vs. Brutus O'Leary

I know how big you are on Brutus O'Leary. I think he's gonna be your future.


Alex Braun/Buddy Garner vs. Art Reed/Johnny Martin

Braun and Garner is an interesting team. I hate going against the Pure Athlete, though.


Troy Tornado vs. ?????

I am going for a no decision here. Mr. Squiggles is tough but Tornado has seemed almost invincible.

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Demonic Intervention vs. Adrenaline Express

It doesn't say whether the titles are on the line. I'm guessing it's non-title, then? Damian takes the fall here to begin his fall from grace.


It's non-title. It'll make sense as to why it's non-tile when the match/storyline unfolds. As of right now, I've got a new idea for the fate of the WAR Tag Titles and hope that it will add some more focus to the belts/teams/division going forward. I guess we'll see though. I was kind of thrown a curve ball by 'losing DAMiaN' (even thought it was my choice; however, was done in character of the situation at hand).

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Demonic Intervention vs. Adrenaline Express

DAMiaN is released. What else?

Christopher LaFleur, El Platinum-ay, Fumihiro Ota, and Jacob Jett vs. Donnie J, Fox Mask, Masked Cougar, and Snap Dragon

All four are great workers

Puerto Rican Power© vs. Brutus O'Leary

This should be nice

Alex Braun/Buddy Garner vs. Art Reed/Johnny Martin

Braun has more skill than Reed

Troy Tornado vs. ?????


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Finally caught up on this - highest compliment I can give it is it's a 'grower', I feel rewarded for having read all 30 pages :-)


Did you hire Mean Machine in the end? If not, we need an entry detailing his long trip back to MAW :-)


Demonic Intervention vs. Adrenaline Express

I think this is a swerve - another team will get the belts and remove Damian from WAR post match.


Christopher LaFleur, El Platinum-ay, Fumihiro Ota, and Jacob Jett vs. Donnie J, Fox Mask, Masked Cougar, and Snap Dragon

A heel win keeps this story moving


Puerto Rican Power© vs. Brutus O'Leary

Think this could be the start of a long reign for Brutus.


Alex Braun/Buddy Garner vs. Art Reed/Johnny Martin

I think you have bigger plans for both men


Troy Tornado vs. ?????

I normally always pick the mystery man but Tornado is unstoppable.

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Finally caught up on this - highest compliment I can give it is it's a 'grower', I feel rewarded for having read all 30 pages :-)


That IS a feat, Z!


Thank you for taking the time to get caught up & read through the dynasty's entirety. I'm sure it was a daunting task at points; however, it's awesome to know that you got 'bit' by the 'WAR Machine' in the end. :D


Did you hire Mean Machine in the end? If not, we need an entry detailing his long trip back to MAW :-)


I did hire the Mean Machine; however, have been waiting on when to debut him. I have his initial storyline chosen already; however, now I just need to find who the OTHER man in that feud will be. I'm guessing, at some point here, he'll show up by the end of the in-game month (we're in the 1st week of that month right now).


<hr color="black">

I'm sorry that the next episode has taken so long to see the light of day. I'm in the process of studying for a large exam moving into grad school this fall. With that said, I've been studying non-stop lately and have had to pick-and-choose when I can write. I'm hoping to have it done soon (and have started working on it so far) but I just wanted to give you a heads up!
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Never fear about the timing of updates, it's all about quality and besides, we have a ton of back story to work with and read up on. Real life is a pain but you have to run with that first. I'm willing to wait for the best dynasty I've read in a long long time.


Good luck with the exam, see you soon on the boards.

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Never fear about the timing of updates, it's all about quality and besides, we have a ton of back story to work with and read up on. Real life is a pain but you have to run with that first. I'm willing to wait for the best dynasty I've read in a long long time.


Good luck with the exam, see you soon on the boards.


Thank you, Timber. I really appreciate that.


I do have off today; so, in between studying, I am making an effort to write a few segments during my 'cooling off period'. I'm hoping, in the end, it makes the process productive from a dual perspective.


While this exam is 110% my main focus, I am trying to set aside time to write as this project has only become MORE interesting to me as of late. I'm really happy with the current crop of storylines, who I'm building up, who i'm building down, and what is waiting for us on the horizon. The good thing is, once this exam is done, May 31st, I will have ample time to be back to a quicker write-up state. Up until then, we may only get this upcoming episode & some backstory stuff to set up where we are currently in WAR.


All in all, thanks for the support, Timber! :D

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Demonic Intervention vs. Adrenaline Express


Damian is going out the door so.


Christopher LaFleur, El Platinum-ay, Fumihiro Ota, and Jacob Jett vs. Donnie J, Fox Mask, Masked Cougar, and Snap Dragon


One team has Prudence and it's time to show that Blitzkrieg > Coastal Zone indie.


Puerto Rican Power© vs. Brutus O'Leary


Cletus interference for the schmozz draw.


Alex Braun/Buddy Garner vs. Art Reed/Johnny Martin


Garner just turned and both these guys need a win back.


Troy Tornado vs. ?????


Always bet on Troy.




Good luck with the exams mate.

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Thank you all for your 'luck' wishing. It's a daunting task, trying to prepare for this exam, but it's very important to me that I do well. That said, as you already know, I've had to put WAR on the back-burner a little (even though I'm only one segment away from being done).


IF it's any consolation for having the show results being later than normal, I believe I may have just stumbled upon my favorite character in ANY dynasty (that I've written). Junior's resurgent 'nerd' persona is... well... SO much fun to write.


As you can expect, it's got that twist of insanity that tends to come with a lot of my major characters; however, I feel he's entirely unique (versus any other character I've ever written/created).


That said, I'm excited for when this show finally DOES see the light of day.

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Verbal Altercation

Involved: WAR General Nemesis and J.K. Stallings Jr.

“Down... goes... Nemesis...”


{"Battleground" opens in dominating fashion as the menacing sight of a disheveled WAR General is portrayed. Standing already in the center of the ring, his driving militaristic theme already past it's mid-point, Nemesis appears to have slept very little as of late. His eyes are blood-shot and sunken, his stance rather pent-up, as his typical black suit and tie appear to have been worn straight since last week's episode. With a loosened tie, crumpled shirt, and a seemingly stained jacket, the snarling LEGEND seems unwilling to ease into tonight's broadcast; a fact made ever so evident by his brutish verbal interjection far before his theme music has faded off into the background.}


[WAR General Nemesis]:
I've got a BIG problem...


{Pacing as he looks down, Nemesis appears to be mentally fixated on something more so than we've ever seen before. It's almost as if the world around him doesn't exist; only the thought in his head.}

[WAR General Nemesis]:
I've got a big problem with that little... punk... Troy Tornado...


{Again, pacing with his mind fixated, Nemesis seems insanely focused on one man and one man alone.}


[WAR General Nemesis]:
You see, Tornado... there's something not working in that head of yours. Somehow, someway, you've lost your ability to reason.
You've lost ALL common sense.


{There's an air of humor in what Nemesis is saying. Not by him really; however, by the rest of us as NEMESIS appears to be the one who has recently lost his 'mind' as of late.}


[WAR General Nemesis]:
Who the HELL do you think YOU are? I'm a god-damn LEGEND and THIS is how you treat me? ME? NEMESIS? The GREATEST... OF ALL... TIME!?!?!?!


{A slight pop comes from the crowd, as it's impossible for some NOT to agree with Nemesis on his last statement, even IF lofty in nature; however, the bulk of the response is that of negativity. With that in mind, for the first time, Nemesis seems to break from his fixated state; forced to do so, it seems, by the response from the crowd. In doing so, he's shown looking out upon them with utter hatred upon his face.}


[WAR General Nemesis]:
How DARE YOU boo me!


{The crowd boos louder now, in unison, as the WAR General continues to carry a look of disdain upon his face.}


[WAR General Nemesis]:
Have you TOO forgotten who I am?


{A snarl forms upon his face even greater than before.}


[WAR General Nemesis]:
I destroyed my body for YOU, every last ONE of you, in DaVE and yet THIS is how you treat me? This is how YOU treat a LEGEND? You're ALL mad... crazy... STUPID...


{The last statement adds further anger, if possible, to Nemesis as spit actually rolls off of his mouth in the process; showing a sense of primal aggression. That said, he somehow, contains himself and moves forward. That said, his tone is not overtly sane by any means. If anything, he seems more enraged than ever.}


[WAR General Nemesis]:
... Just like Troy Tornado. You're ALL the same breed... degenerates! A$$-holes with NO REAL back-bone to speak of... And that's why, here tonight, I will force that punk Tornado down the road to 'HELL'... Just as I said I would do last week...


{The crowd boos like crazy as they respond to Nemesis' statement. Meanwhile, the WAR General is heard pausing in his anger for a second; allowing his message to resonate.}


[WAR General Nemesis]:
There's nothing YOU can do about it; any of you! Tonight, Tornado will get what's coming to him.... and I'm going to see PERSONALLY that THAT happens....


{As the crowd boos once again, Nemesis is shown looking straight into the camera lens before him. With his state of fury still resonating strong, the WAR General appears to be addressing Tornado personally through the lens.}


[WAR General Nemesis]:
TORNADO... Prove me wrong... Show me you really ARE a MAN and get your a$$ out here... It's time I END this bull-sh*t!!!!!


{The crowd pops as the notion of seeing Tornado, especially if it means a Tornado/Nemesis fight; however, no such altercation would come to pass. Instead, the WAR General is eventually met by the ONLY person in WAR with more power than he...}


{Just then, interjecting on the matter, the overcompensating theme of J.K. Stallings Jr. is heard resonating throughout OMEGA.}


{As expected, the crowd pops like crazy for the resurgent billionaire; however, despite their joy, it appears that the WAR General does NOT agree with the sentiments. If anything, hearing said music, it's as if Nemesis is entirely frustrated with the sound of anyone's music BUT Troy Tornado's.}


{Energetically exploding through the "Gates of WAR", Stallings places everyone on their heels as he looks NOTHING like the recent version we've come to know him as. Instead of an expensive tailored suit, and a sense of aged maturity, we are presented with QUITE the opposite. Dressed in his old attire, a white oxford shirt, bow-tie, and his hair gelled up as if he placed a finger in a light socket, the WAR owner appears more in-line with his former 16-year old self. A state of childlike wonder resonates within his bug-eyed experience as he practically shakes with excitement. More or less, it's as if we ALL collectively climbed into a time machine and returned to the late 90's all over again; only his persona feeling slightly more like a characacher than anything else.}


{With a WAR microphone in hand, Stallings is shown coming to a stop at the very top of the steel rampway overlooking the ringside area. Shortly after taking a second to soak up the moment, doing so in a dramatic fashion as he closes his eyes and LITERALLY breathes it in, the WAR owner ultimately looks upon his General with a devious, child-like, smirk upon his face. Meanwhile, still, Nemesis looks as though he's not happy with the scenario to say the least; snarling toward his boss with an added sense of aggression to his fortified stance.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
well... Well... WELL... If it isn't my TRUSTED General...
{Slight Pause}
The muscle to my brain... the hyena to MY kingdom...


{Stallings projects in a high-pitch, pre-pubescent, tone. Meanwhile, the snarl upon Nemesis' face grows even larger, if possible, as Junior simply grins stupidly in defiance of such.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
... but MAYBE, just MAYBE, I underestimated you, Nemesis.


{Stallings pauses in which to add further mystery around his last statement.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
Here I was, a man just looking for a little retribution, a little... REVENGE, and ALLLLL the money in the WORLD to see it through! However, despite my constant planning, my continual plotting, I made ONE grave mistake.... and THAT mistake... was YOU!!


{The crowd pops like crazy for Stallings as Nemesis appears to sink his body downward more in an act of primal aggression; as if he were ready to fight. Meanwhile, feeling the moment, Stallings pauses for a second in which to puff out his chest in greatness. Not necessarily in an alpha fashion, while his money DOES grant him a purchased level of such even IF his physical status does not, but in a "How great am I?" kind of way; comical more so than arrogant.}


[WAR General Nemesis]:
I don't have TIME for you bull-sh*t, Stallings... You're not Tornado... I WANT... Tornado!


{In a dramatic 'tisk-tisk' fashion, Stallings appears to shoot that possibility down rather quick.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
EUREKA!!!! You're Right!! I'm NOT Tornado... BUT... what you WANT and what you'll GET are two... TOTALLY... different things.


{Again, the crowd pops as Stallings seems rather confident despite knowing who he's speaking to. In reality, it's that very same childlike wonder that appears to give him a naive sense of confidence.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
Have NO fear though... I have a VIDEO that will explain it all.... R-R-R-R-R-ROOOLL IT, JIMMY!!!


{Almost in a game-show kind of fashion, Stallings over-dramatically turns to the side in which to point toward the large project screen above him that bears his name. In doing so, as Nemesis continues to watch on in supreme anger, we are ultimately presented a low-quality video that appears to be old security camera footage.}


{With the date presented in the corner, depicting that it was quite some time ago, this grainy state of footage ultimately captures a back hallway of the Empire Hotel & Casino. For the most part, said footage looks to be nothing special. A number of nameless individuals are shown strolling through; however, little really jumps out at you if anything. That is; however, until we see a hazed image of a figure positioned far at the end of the hall.}


{With a quick zoom of the footage, it becomes evident that said hazed person is none other than the WAR General himself, Nemesis. Standing over what appears to be a bloodied J.K. Stallings Jr., Nemesis is ultimately shown looking down upon his expected prey; snarling like a mad-man as a slight sense of vile laughter follows. More or less, as the footage comes to a halt, freezing upon the image of Nemesis over Stallings, it becomes entirely obvious that it WAS the WAR General himself, Nemesis, who attacked his boss, Stallings, many weeks ago; sending him into a medical spiral as Stallings spent such duration in a hospital bed.}


{Witnessing such, the crowd boos feverishly. Meanwhile, the footage doesn't seem to sway Nemesis which way; still holding the very same sense of primal aggression to his stance. With that in mind, it's as if the 'cat being let out of the bag' is less important to the WAR General than his current fixation on gaining his OWN revenge upon the WAR Champion, Troy Tornado.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
Unequivocally.... I made a mistake....
A mistake that I paid for in blood... However, like any GREAT intellectual, I LEARNED... from that mistake! So, this whole barking thing that you're doing... this "GIVE ME TORNADO... GIVE ME NOW!" ...
{Stallings pretends to do his best over-dramatic king-kong-esque persona}
Well... That just 'aint going to fly in MY... WAR!


{The crowd pops as Stallings shakes his head back and forth with delight; must like a comical version of Jay Leno of sorts. Meanwhile, through his brutish, defiant, body language, it's obvious that Nemesis is 'done' with this conversation. Instead, it's as if he wants to rush this moment in which to HIS thought in mind, Troy Tornado; not realizing the gravity of the moment at hand.}


[WAR General Nemesis]:
{Shakes his head with anger}
Listen here, boy, you MAY write the checks but don't get that confused with having ACTUAL power! This is MY... WAR... not yours!! YES, I'm the one who attacked you... but I did it for the SAKE of THIS company! You're not strong enough to lead men. Hell, you tried it once before and we ALL saw how THAT ended up! WAR will ONLY survive under MY rule.... YOU... on the other hand... You'll burn this place to the ground; if there's ONE thing you're good at.... it's that!


{A collective 'ohhh' is heard throughout the crowd as Stallings simply laughs off the notion. That said, coming back with a sense of dorky arrogance, the kind that tends to come from teenage prodigies, Stallings ultimately nips the whole scenario in the butt.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
Oh you poor... poor... overgrown guerrilla you...
{Shakes his head in pretend saddness}
You don't get it, do you? You may stomp around here like you own the place but... I... ME... J...K... STALLINGS....JUNIOR... am the TRUE owner of this place... and I don't really have the want for a power struggle....


{The crowd pops as they start to 'read between the lines'.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
So lets just nip this in the butt before it goes too far.... Nemesis... Oh poor fellow... you MAY have been my General for some time now but... Well... Your services are NO longer needed... in MY company....


{The crowd pops even louder. Meanwhile, Nemesis' body language turns even more aggressive as it's obvious he's turning his vile intent toward the scrawny man at the top of the rampway.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
Let me break this down for you... as I know that thick skull of yours holds very little brain-matter to speak of.... YOU... Nemesis... YOU... ARE.... FIRED!!!!


{Stallings bops around for a few seconds with pure joy as it appears he's living a 'dream' of sorts. Meanwhile, in contrast, the former WAR General looks to be on the verge of violently assaulting ANYTHING and ANYONE in his path.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
I've always wanted to do that!!!!
{He giggles to himself as he bounces around playfully}
I JUST fired a LEGEND!!!




[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
I THOUGHT you'd say that... that's why I've called on the wonderful, proud, and muscly, LVPD to ensure your exit!!! Oh... BOYS!!


{With that, a slew of uniformed LVPD are shown walking through the "Gates of WAR" like a proud army of sorts. Meanwhile, shaking his head in defiance, huffing and puffing like an alpha warrior, Nemesis appears as though he's about to explode.}




[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
Oh... I almost forgot!!!! Cut his mic too, Jimmy!! We can't have a non-WAR employee talking on MY show!!


{With that, in mid-sentence, Nemesis' mic drops. As expected, enraged by the fact, Nemesis is shown throwing said microphone out of the ring in a furious manner; almost hitting one of the police officers in the process.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:


{Again, like a crazy person, if not a child with no real understanding of a verbal filter, Stallings is shown skipping around the top of the ramp in a manner of pure joy. Meanwhile, filing into the ring, the LVPD are ultimately shown escorting a shockingly calm Nemesis from the ring. While his mannerisms tell of a man entirely angered, his actions actually go in-line with someone 'willing' to leave.}


{Slowly, he stomps his way up the steel rampway, never taking his eyes off of Stallings in the process. However, as he makes it toward the top, Nemesis' masterplan becomes evident.}


{Speeding away from the crowd of police officers, as fast as one can speed when you're entire body is riddled with arthritis and lingering pain, the former WAR General attempts to physically get his hands on the resurgent billionaire who just fired him. Sadly, at least for him, no such contact is made. Instead, as he gets within a fingertips reach from the WAR owner, the proud collection of LVPD officers are able to pull him back; dropping him to the steel rampway in the process. From there, in a frantic fashion, much like that we see on COPS, Nemesis is ACTUALLY arrested on the spot.}


{He attempts to fend off his captors, kicking wildly as spit rolls from his mouth in a primal fashion; however, no real strike is shown landing. Meanwhile, watching from afar, Stallings is left with a giant ear-to-ear grin upon his face; over-dramatic and corny in presentation. Then, shortly after re-adjusting his bow-tie, Stallings is heard pointing one finger in the air and proudly proclaiming "Take him away, boys" off-microphone in his newfound high-pitch fashion.}


{With the crowd cheering like crazy in the background, the LVPD officers are ultimately shown forcing him through the "Gates of WAR"; removing him from the ringside area for good.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
STALLINGS...1.... WORLD.... 0!!!


{Stallings proclaims, on-mic, in an overjoyed, yet dorky, fashion!}


{As the chant of "Stallings" is heard resonating around OMEGA, the final images are that of the once proud WAR General, Nemesis, being loaded into the back of a squad car; all but shattering his great persona in the process. In the end, after kicking out a back-window of the squad car, the once-famed LEGEND is shown being sped off into the darkness; his foot still hanging out of the window as he lays aggressively in the back-seat of the vehicle.}


Steve Smith:
Ding... Dong... the D*CK... is GONE!!

Slick Rick:
What? Can he DO that? Wasn't there a contract in place for Nemesis?

Steve Smith:
Can HE do it? He's the OWNER! He can do WHATEVER he wants!! Ladies and gentlemen, Stallings has JUST... FIRED... Nemesis from WAR!! This is a HUGE... HUGE... moment in our history!!

Slick Rick:
This CANNOT stand!! Re-read that contract... Call your lawyers, Nemesis... GET THIS OVERTURNED!!! SUE HIS A$$!!!!

Steve Smith:
What a GIANT return for Mr. Stallings! Not only does he finally find out WHO attacked him from months ago but he ALSO gets the chance to FIRE him on the spot!!! Wow... This is.... just... WOW!! This will change WAR forever!! No more... WAR General!!

Slick Rick:
Why the HELL would we need to change WAR? It was running JUST FINE without Stallings!!!





Backstage Attack

Involved: Leper Messiah, DAMiaN, Teddy Powell, and Kazz

“The Messiah takes control...”


{We cut backstage after a short commercial break to witness an utterly violent scenario.}


{As the camera man focuses in on what has taken part, we all witness the sight of three bodies lying motionless within a darkened room. A small streak of light, stretching ferociously from an open doorway leading into an undisclosed hallway, is all that’s available in which to depict the scenario at hand. Within said light, we’re able to make out the face of one of the fallen; that being Teddy Powell.}


{Aside him, there lies another man; however, it’s not entirely possible to make out his identity. With that in mind, it’s widely expected to be Powell’s newfound tag partner in Kazz; the attire for which he’s wearing is the biggest clue of such.}


{Meanwhile, the biggest shock of it all, depicts what appears to be the towering behemoth in DAMiaN lying face down on the very same floor as the Adrenaline Express. His pitch black hair stretches past the darkness and into the semblance of light, as does an upward lying hand that twitches frantically, as it appears that the man once thought indestructible is exactly the opposite.}


{A slow thud of walking boots can be heard off in the darkness; however, before you know it, said boots prove to belong to Leper Messiah.}


{Slowly, methodically, and in a cold fashion it appears, the face-painted psycho is ultimately shown walking past the three bodies lying motionless on the floor; dragging the WAR Tag Team belts behind him like nails on a chalkboard. One by one, passing them by, he pays no attention to their status.}


{In the end, only an unsettling, blood-curdling, sense of laughter is heard resonating from the big-man as he walks through the doorway & ultimately slams the door violently behind him; forcing the three victims to lay in complete darkness.}


Steve Smith:
Good GOD…

Slick Rick:
Was that… DAMiaN on the floor too?

Steve Smith:
It looked like it was.

Slick Rick:
Does that mean?

Steve Smith:
It appears that Leper Messiah has forged his own path… a bloody one at that…

Slick Rick:

Steve Smith:
I don’t like the look of this… not one bit… those men could be DEAD for all we know…

Slick Rick:
Sh*t man… this is… f*ck… this is crazy…





Christopher LaFleur, El Platinum-ay, Fumihiro Ota, and Jacob Jett vs. Donnie J, Fox Mask, Masked Cougar, and Snap Dragon


4 vs. 4 Match -- First Pinfall

“The cheat...gets his win...”


The sheer craziness of 8 high-spot highlighters speeding, diving, and ultimately crashing, into one another is much like witnessing an all-consuming tornado. With every exchange, accelerated at an insane pace in which to create a never-ending sense of chained reactions, there’s a collective gasp from the rabid WAR fan-base. More or less, said fans are either A) ready for someone to make a grave mistake & burn out accordingly or B) overcome all sanity and actually ‘hit’ on every life-altering dive.


As the famed Coastal Zoners display a sense of masterful understanding of the aerial approach, these relatively unknown (outside of OTA) fliers that oppose them seem nothing but tentative equals. What they lack in knowledge, they most certainly make for with absolute grit & determination. In a way, it’s as if they are so fixated on proving themselves to the so-called ‘masters’ (CZCW brethren) that they’ve become obsessed; even working as one at given points despite their very loose connection with one another.


In the end, in typical Blitzkrieg division fashion, the ending comes just as quick & hard-hitting as one would expect from such an explosive affair…


Within a mass of fliers, diving every which way, in-and-out of the ring, the sneaky craftiness of the so-called ‘Mexican Wrestling LEGEND’, El Platinum-ay, becomes too much to overcome. As everyone pulls their attention in every which way, attempting to stay ‘upright’ despite such continuous insanity from on high, Platinum-ay is ultimately shown pulling an unsuspecting Donnie J to the canvas with a Hurricanrana to the back of the Californian’s head. Flipping him over in an inverted fashion, Platinum is ultimately shown utilizing this dizzying scenario to quickly KO the trusted Coastal Zoner with a butterflied belly-to-back suplex. Without anyone to break the pinfall attempt, at least not until the very second following the 3rd and final count, the victory is ultimately handed to the upstart heel combination; all thanks to the sneaky craftiness of one, El Platinum-ay.


Christopher LaFleur, El Platinum-ay, Fumihiro Ota, and Jacob Jett via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
Butterflied belly-to-back suplex by El Platinum-ay upon Donnie J [Flash Pinfall]

Ending Time:


Steve Smith:
I have to be honest ladies and gentlemen, I did NOT see this one ending this way. The Coastal Zone fliers are KNOWN for their prowess via the air. These other four, while surely talented in their own right, are all, outside of Fumihiro Ota, well undeveloped on American soil. This could have gone either way but these devious four better thank James… I mean… ‘El Platinum-ay’ for bringing his brand of underhanded wrestling to the party on their behalf.

Slick Rick:
What’s this JAMES thing? That’s El Platinum-ay, a TRUE Mexican wrestling LEGEND, and you should start treating him like the ICON that he is!

Steve Smith:
I don’t see that happening. That said, I can’t deny the fact that HE was the one, out of all the 7 here, to actually get the pinfall. I wouldn’t be shocked to see this bode well for him in the Blitzkrieg division.

Slick Rick:
It BETTER! I wanna see an Ares/Platinum-ay battle for the Blitzkrieg crown! Now THAT would be historic!

Steve Smith:
I guess it’s not out of the realm of possibility. That said, I’d rather see someone MORE well deserving of the spot.

Slick Rick:
What? Like ANOTHER Coastal Zoner? They’ve all HAD their chances and haven’t been able to deliver quite yet. They ARE THE most overrated collection of wrestlers in ALL of the world! So they coined high flying wrestling? So what!! The WAR Blitzkrieg division has taken that to NEW heights; heights that THEY simply cannot match!

Steve Smith:
We’ll see about that….




Backstage Promo

Involved: J.K. Stallings Jr.

“Booking the main event...”


{We now transition backstage in which to see a weirdly charismatic, overtly strange, J.K. Stallings Jr. barking high-pitch orders to a number of unnamed movers within, what WAS, Nemesis’ WAR General office. As the room goes through a drastic transformation, stripping the walls of mementos, achievements, and nostalgic markers of a LEGENDARY career, the overall space quickly transitions from a grandiose space to that of bareness.}


{As the movers continue to ravage the office, Stallings is shown slowly spinning around in which to make eye-contact with the camera lens behind him. Smirking from ear-to-ear, in a comical-like fashion, if not somewhat creepy, the larger-than-life persona of the WAR owner is simply impossible to deter. At this point, he appears more like a sugar-addicted boy locked in a candy store overnight.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
OH… the huma…ni…ty…


{He proclaims in his high-pitch, somewhat comical, bouncing tone. Soon thereafter, a stint of laughter, much lower than his voice, is perpetuated in which to show Stallings thought on the removal of Nemesis.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
What-ever… will we dooo?


{Again, laughter follows. That said, this comical rendition of Stallings appears to teeter ever-so-close to that of an unsettling nature. It’s almost as if his psyche has snapped in half & ultimately produced this characacher of the young billionaire.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
I know!!
{Brightening his face in a dramatic fashion}
I… J.K. Stallings Jr.... will LEAD this company to prosperity!! Yes… yes…
{Reacting as if he were speaking over large cheering}
I know… I know… That was to BE expected, right? Well good… Now that we’re on the SAME page… Allow me to digress…


{Slowly, almost in a whimsical kind of fashion, Stallings is shown skipping lightly toward the desk once occupied by Nemesis. Running his hand over the top of it, closing his eyes as he smells the breeze, the resurgent billionaire almost looks to be in a state of psychological bliss. Why? We don’t really know; however, that appears to be a running theme with this new characacher of Stallings.}


{Slowly opening his eyes once again, smiling like a crazed lunatic, or one entrapped in youthful bliss, Stallings continues forward with his message. In doing so, he maintains the whimsical nature of his enthralled state.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
You know… there was ONE… count it… ONE… great achievement by Nemesis as he took over in my absence and that IS the creation of the WAR Blitzkrieg division! THE most splendiferous division this industry has EVER… yes… EVER… seen!!
{Smiles from ear to ear as he pauses}
But you see… that’s where my praise ends. He MAY have created it but did he do THAT great of a job to ensure it’s growth? No… No… No…
{Shakes his head in an overly dramatic ‘tisk tisk’ fashion. Then, followed by the very same gigantic smile as before}
That’s where I come in… and you’ll ALL thank me in no time for doing so…


{Again, the grandiose, comical, if not unsettling, smirk resurfaces as the energetic billionaire appears to be unable to hold back his emotion for the moment.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
Now, I know that you ALL would have LOVED to see Nemesis battle-it-out with Troy Tornado…. Myself included… BUT… due to the circumstances, you have a BETTER chance of seeing Nemesis wrestle a homeless man than EVER getting close to the WAR Champ!!
{Laughs to himself}
So…… What to DO with the mysterious main event tonight? Hmm…. Hmmm….. Hmmmmmmmmmmm…… I GOT IT!!!


{He bounces upward in an energetic jump.}


[J.K Stallings Jr.]:
I will TAKE that creation of Nemesis and place it FRONT… CENTER… That’s right… I’ll do what Nemesis was AFRAID to do!!! Tonight, in that very ring, a ring that I… and I alone… OWN… You WILL see Troy Tornado in action… HOWEVER… It won’t be against some aging has been!! Ohhhhhhhh no!!!!! No… No… No… It will be against THE man who BEST personifies the Blitzkrieg division… it’s CHAMPION… the “GOD… OF… WAR…”… ARES!!!!!


{The crowd pops at the idea of an Ares/Tornado match set for later tonight. In knowing such a response would follow, Stallings is shown grinning from ear-to-ear; soaking in his greatness if you will.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
In the FIRST… EVER… Non-title… Champion versus champion match in WAR history… Tornado and Ares will compete for ultimate bragging rights! Who is better? Which TITLE is better? Should we just scrap the WHOLE company and focus on the Blitzkrieg fliers? Should we unify the belts and SEE who would be the best option at carrying the BIG GOLD??!?!?!


{You can tell, the last few questions brought forth by J.K. are not out of what’s possible. If anything, it’s a young mind being wrapped up in the theoretical; buying into his OWN ability to do ANYTHING he wants… with ANYTHING he wants.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
… NOW THAT’S… how you book… a main event!!!!
{Laughs to himself}


{With that, Stallings is heard laughing in his typical high-pitched fashion as he whimsically shakes with joy. After a short little jig, something that resembles a lack of a filter more or less, the energetic billionaire is ultimately shown celebrating his OWN greatness… to himself… throwing a handful of confetti, which use to be in his pocket, high into the air…}{/I]


Steve Smith:

{Slick is heard laughing like crazy as Steve appears entirely confused.}

Slick Rick:
What… the F*CK… was that?

Steve Smith:
You know… I have NO idea…

Slick Rick:
He’s F*CKING crazy!!!

Steve Smith:
I’m afraid… you’re right…




Promotional Video

Involved: WAR Pin-up Girls (Blondie, Dharma, Misty, and Mandy)

“Booking the main event...”


{A lengthy produced video is shown at this point in which to hype the sexualized institution of the WAR Pin-up Girls. Showing these scantily-clad, over-sexed, females around the town in Las Vegas, the overall message states that they are spreading the WAR brand throughout the strip. Dancing, drinking, and exploring the strip, with fellow patrons, the WAR Pin-up Girls are shown to be theoretical royalty amongst the collective Sin City goers. In the end, they are presented as an equal unit, versus a number of individuals, and tend to rival that of the Playmates in a way.}


Steve Smith:
Well… uh…
{Clears his throat as he loosens the neckline of his dress shirt}{/I] … wow… that’s all I can say… wow…

Slick Rick:
GOD… Bless…America!!
{Laughs in a raspy fashion}
HELL… GOD… BLESS… Mr. Stallings for creating the WAR Pin-up Girls!! A BIG… atta boy is definitely in order here!

Steve Smith:
I can’t complain with you there. These ladies are ALL beautiful and GREAT ambassadors of the WAR brand! Did you see how the crowd reacted to them? Whether it’s in a club, at a bar, on the strip, or here in the Empire Hotel & Casino, these girls are LOVED!

Slick Rick:
As they should be… by me… in my bed… at one time…

Steve Smith:
You wish…

Slick Rick:
It WILL happen…
Oh yes… it WILL… happen…






Puerto Rican Power© vs.
"Hands of Stone"
Brutus O'Leary


Singles Match

WAR Sin City Championship Match

Location: In-Ring

“Still...no clean contest...”


Counterbalancing the epic explosiveness of the WAR Blitzkrieg division is the slow, heavy-hitting, bone-crushing power of the combination of Puerto Rican Power and Brutus O’Leary. In this case, there’s no Hurricanrana’s, no suicide dives, not even an arm-lock to be honest, as their exchange is much more primal in nature. Instead of aerial prowess, we’re force-fed unadulterated power as both PRP & O’Leary are shown viciously slamming into one another. The only real difference of their approaches is that O’Leary looks to do so simply through his “Hands of Stone” as the WAR Sin City Champion, PRP, utilizes a more full-body overrunning. Either way, as these two heavy-handed rivals clash with little regard for anything BUT domination, there’s a common perception that the winner will ultimately take JUST as much of a beating as the fallen.


Like two heavyweight boxers with little interest in blocking blows for their own health, Power & O’Leary do their best to simulate a bar-room like brawl; a fact that’s quite consistent with BOTH men in their previous matches. Blow-by-blow, power-move-by-power-move, there’s a general air of shock amongst the rabid WAR fan-base as to how ANYONE could survive such a beating (let alone two at the same time). With that in mind, what comes next would only push the boundaries of brutish destruction that much further…


Steve Smith:
Uh oh… this doesn’t look good…


It was around the 5-minute mark that Cletus made his bearish presence known. Storming the ring with a wave of big-man intensity, the hairy “Appalachian Grizzly” overtakes the squared circle like a back-home WMD of sorts. As Colonel Hazzard barks orders from ringside, doing so in between the mound of chew positioned firmly in his right cheek, his newfound ally is shown violently overrunning BOTH O’Leary and Power in a manner that can ONLY be described as explosive. While, in some cases, this would have ended in a brutish stalemate, the already depleted nature of both competitors makes it easier on Cletus to destroy all before him. With that said though, it’s not like they simply rolled over and allow him his way. There WAS an initial process of fighting back; however, with time, by sheer force, Cletus is able to overwhelm them both; leaving both unconscious with a string of running big boots.


Sensing there was NO return to normalcy, and not even knowing if Cletus is an actual member of the WAR roster, Jay Fair is forced to call for the bell at a frenzied pace. Sadly, for him, in doing so, he’s just another victim who happened to be in Cletus’ path. For, a few seconds later, as the final bell tolls, a big boot is slammed into the side of his skull as well.


No Decision [sports Entertainment Ending]

Ending Maneuver:
Cletus’ interference upon O’Leary and Power [Also, Jay Fair]

Ending Time:


Steve Smith:
Someone needs to inform the authorities!! I don’t believe Cletus is EVEN a member of the WAR roster anymore! He may have stolen the Sin City Championship recently; however, again, I’m not sure if it was ever an official title-change really. This MONSTER NEEDS to be escorted out before this goes too far!

Slick Rick:
You want to tell him that?
{Raspy laughter follows}
I don’t see anyone being THAT stupid!

Steve Smith:
If not that… someone NEEDS to get ahold of the Sin City Championship! I’m sure Cletus or that scrawny little redneck are looking to take it BACK to Appalachia! With Power, and even O’Leary, down, there’s no telling WHO could stop them from stealing the belt!

Slick Rick:
Again… I’d like to see you try. Do YOU want to jump on the Sin City Champion; make sure it’s safe here in Vegas?
{Raspy laughter follows}
By all means, Go ahead!

Steve Smith:
Is this how it’s going to be from here on out; with Cletus rearing his UGLY head around EVERY Sin City Championship affair? If that’s the case, may GOD have mercy on Puerto Rican Power’s soul, or any champion for that matter, because I don’t see how this ends well for ANYONE…




Post-Attack Menace

Involved: Cletus

“That ish scary!”


{As the hysteria of the moment reaches a fevered pitch, we are ultimately force-fed the image of a roaring Cletus acting much like a primal monster! Beating his hairy chest, yelling with absolute command, and flinging his mop of a head back and forth, the feared “Appalachian Grizzly” looks/feels exactly that… Like an uncontrollable, primal, grizzly-bear!}


{In the end, as he leans on a nearby rope, pushing it downward with all of his mite, showing the immense strength he really has, the camera man captures the unsettling image of a snarling behemoth in the throws of absolute aggression. Meanwhile, his handler of sorts, Colonel Hazzard is shown equally puffing his chest; albeit in a more scrawny, snake-like, fashion as he points toward the WAR Sin City Championship positioned outside of the ring in which to say “That be OURS soon enough” through a mound of gooey chew.}


Steve Smith:
Something tells me that Puerto Rican Power has a LONG road ahead of him if he wants to remain the Sin City Champion.

Slick Rick:
Long road? More like a giant cliff!

Steve Smith:
I guess, if anything, Brutus O’Leary found out FIRST HAND what it means to be at odds with Cletus… and he didn’t even DO anything to him! This may have him think twice about wanting to go after Power’s belt. I mean, look what it got him…

Slick Rick:
Yea, a grade-A a$$-whoopin!

Steve Smith:
Wow though… the immense STRENGTH of this mad-man! I don’t know how ANYONE can dare stand up to him! Then again, he may not even BE part of the roster right now so maybe we’ll never know what comes of this…

Slick Rick:
Re-instate the man, Stallings!!! Do it!!!




Leper Messiah vs. Teddy Powell


Singles Match



Despite obviously injured, an enraged Teddy Powell explodes from the match’s onset with at an energized pace. As dry blood remains upon his face, a moderate limp overtakes his step, and an occasional shaking of the head is utilized to re-focus his dizzied eyes, Powell does a relatively good job speeding incessantly around his much larger attacker. That said, such an onslaught only lasts around 30-seconds as a powerful closeline eventually floors a descending Teddy. From that point on, the destructive Leper Messiah is shown viciously beating the once-determined cruiserweight within an inch of his life; or at least what remains of it following an earlier assault. Flinging him around like a rag-doll, even utilizing his club-sized fists to pummel Powell to the canvas, Leper is ultimately portrayed as an uncontrollable monster.


In the end, it comes as no shock that the towering Messiah is able to come away with a victory.


Lifting a lifeless Powell off the matt, Leper eventually forces him back downward with a guerilla press slam into a modified Powerslam. The impact of such a maneuver, twisting it’s victim every which way before an unforgiving descent, places Leper’s opponent permanently on ‘dream-street’; appearing much like a car-crash victim post-accident.


Leper Messiah via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
Guerilla Press Slam/Powerslam combo

Ending Time:


Steve Smith:
Well… I can’t say this outcome shocks me… I mean, after the beating Powell took earlier, most wouldn’t even EXPECT to see him come out here and attempt to take down Leper Messiah. Kaz, even DAMiaN, took the very same attack and both of them are NOWHERE to be seen. Not Powell though. You’ve GOT To respect a man whose will to put his life on the line in a manner like this.

Slick Rick:
Really? Do we? Seems pretty stupid of you ask me… Stay down Powell… stay… down…

Steve Smith:
It MAY be stupid of him but you can’t fault a man for wanting to get even after what happened earlier…

Slick Rick:
Yea you can… He’s an IDIOT… Again… Stay down Powell… That IS if you’re still alive after what you just went through in there…
{Raspy laugh follows}




Promotional Video

Involved: Alex Braun, Art Reed, Buddy Garner, and Johnny Martin

“Coiled existence...”


{Shortly before the secondary main event is scheduled to take place, we are presented a produced video highlighting the coiled storylines of Braun/Garner vs. Martin/Reed. Within said video, it’s documented that, at one point, Buddy Garner and Alex Braun were intense rivals; a fact that pulled Johnny Martin in as a, then, ally of Braun versus Garner. Meanwhile, while brief in it’s history, the newfound rivalry between Garner and Reed, the fact that eventually turned Garner, making it possible to team with a once heated rival in Braun, is shown in which to set the stage for their budding showdown. In the end, while convoluted at best, the overall message is that one man’s rival today could eventually become his ally of tomorrow if the right circumstances fall.}


Steve Smith:
Well, what a difference a month makes…
{Laughs to himself}
It was only a month ago that Buddy Garner was locking horns with the Tri-State Kings and now he finds himself an ally of one of it’s former members in Alex Braun. I wonder what Eric Tyler would think of his heated rival now? Moreover, I wonder if he would accept his longtime ally in Braun to be a partner of the man he once placed in a sling for close to two months.

Slick Rick:
Hatred changes everything. Tyler and Garner may not ever be friends but even Tyler has to know why the “Machine” is now turning tides as of late. Garner proved he was the BEST in the world today by beating the “Traditionalist” and he was blatantly disrespected by Art Reed despite the fact.

Steve Smith:
How did Reed disrespect him?

Slick Rick:
He gloated his win over Garner and now he’s going to pay for it…

Steve Smith:
Uh… I don’t think I ever saw him ‘gloat’. If anything, he went to help him up & congratulate him on the match. To me, that’s a sign of a gracious winner.

Slick Rick:
You’d say that because you never spent a minute in that ring! I did; I know what that REALLY meant! Reed wanted to rub his win in the face of his opponent. Who the HELL does he think he is? This is Buddy… “The Machine”… Garner… THE… greatest technition in the WORLD… Today!

Steve Smith:
I get it… we all get it… funny enough, it wasn’t long ago that you hated the man…

Slick Rick:
Hatred changes everything… and I hate that little punk Reed!




Alex Braun & Buddy Garner vs. Art Reed & Johnny Martin


Tag-Team Match

“Ice Man... Bullish...”


While neither team appears all that comfortable with one another, their closeness doesn’t appear to matter as they focus their vicious intent on the rival that stands before them. Garner/Reed, Braun/Martin, are really the combinations that dominate this match exclusively. Sure, there are moments where you see an interchangeability between the four men; however, for the most part, it’s rather obvious WHO hates WHO in this altercation. With that in mind, there’s one man, amongst the four of them, who REALLY drives the tone of the match.


A true bully if there ever was one, Alex Braun is shown/heard getting under the skin of everyone involved; even the nearby WAR fan-base for that matter. Jaw-jacking, even spitting in the direction of others, Braun does a good job of pulling mass hatred in his direction. As expected, this only pushes the crowd to WANT to see someone like Martin, a strong rival of Braun, ‘punk’ the disrespectful brawler. With that in mind though, while he does have moments of such, it’s the underhanded tactics, quite often utilizing ‘dirty strikes’, Braun is somehow able to stay in uneasy control throughout the match itself.


With Garner/Reed, it’s much more of a subtle sense of hatred. With such a newfound rivalry, one built upon TWO men who do theoretically the same thing in the ring, there’s an underlying sense of building aggression between the two; the kind that tends to come from two who want to achieve the same status (but know that the other challenges that possibility). That said, even though it’s more of a subtle sense of hatred, that doesn’t mean that they are ‘playing nice’ by any means. In a way though, it’s just contested in a different manner (Braun/Martin = heated brawl, Garner/Reed = contested technical battle).


In the end, much to everyone’s dismay, the bully wins out…


Shortly after the match has digressed into absolute craziness, a fact that has Garner and Reed brawling feverishly around the ringside area, the polarizing “Ice Man” is shown muscling his way into a point of strength. Reversing an attempted spine-buster from Martin, Braun eventually forces his newfound rival into a cradled-piledriver shortly after an eye-racking scenario. With that, slamming Martin square upon his head/neck, especially in such a trapped fashion, ultimately brings about a shocking win for the hated “Ice Man”. As one expect, this is followed by a round of boos & general apathy.


Alex Braun and Buddy Garner via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
Cradled-piledriver from Alex Braun on Johnny Martin

Ending Time:


Steve Smith:
I have to say, I wasn’t expecting this one to turn out this way. On paper, the team of Reed & Martin seems like a dream-team of sorts. That said, tonight, it looks like the “Ice Man” himself, the resident WAR bully, has muscled his way into a HUGE upset!

Slick Rick:
Upset? I’m not sure I’d go THAT far. The “Ice Man” is a professional in EVERY sense of the word. He knows this sport in and out & it shouldn’t come as a shock that he could pick up a BIG win like this. Is he the same flier he was in his hey-dey? Hell no! He IS though much smarter, craftier, and focused than those days as well. Big win for Braun!

Steve Smith:
I still say, if you start this match again, we’d see a different outcome…

Slick Rick:
Say what you want… You’re still wrong…




Post-Match Promo/Attack

Involved: Alex Braun and Johnny Martin

“I will end you...”


{As Johnny Martin lies semi-motionless upon the canvas, rolling slightly as he flexes his hands in which prove to himself there is no real nerve damage done by the previous cradled piledriver, his brash rival is shown stomping toward the nearby ring announcer; pulling a microphone from his hand. In doing so, Braun then arrogantly stomps over the fallen Martin as he steps over him; looking down upon his victim in the process.}


{Never focusing on anything but the man beneath him, blocking out the chorus of boos lightly thrown his way, the aged bully is ultimately shown kneeling down in which to get closer to the semi-motionless Martin.}


[Alex Braun]:
How does it feel?


{The crowd continues to boo lightly as Braun pauses in which to look Martin in his glazed-over eyes.}


[Alex Braun]:
Huh? How does it FEEL to know that I COULD have ended your career with one simple move?


{In which to add further insult to injury, Braun is shown slamming his fist across Martin’s face repeatedly before pulling back once again. Now, with Martin even more so dazed, and certainly injured, Braun continues forward with his message of hate.}


[Alex Braun]:
I should have done this YEARS ago. You were ALWAYS the ‘golden-child’ in DaVE, weren’t you, Johnny? The heralded ‘cornerstone’ that Vilbert sucked-dry for years.
{Shakes his head with anger}
Meanwhile, I busted my a$$ for a decade and what did it get me? A fused neck, a rod in my leg, and screws positioned everywhere…
{Grows even more angry}
I’m a DAMN machine more than a man… and I have YOU… to thank… YOU… the man who could do no wrong… the man who was destined for greatness… YOU… made ME… suffer in the background! Breaking my body… my spirit… for NOTHING…


{Again, Braun lands a few more punches across the face of the dazed Martin. In doing so, the crowd starts to react more in an unsettled fashion than an outpouring of heel hatred for Braun.}


[Alex Braun]:
… but, I’m going to change all that… Even IF it’s years from the fact… I am going to see to it that MY Justice is felt!
{Crowd boos as Braun pauses}
With one move, I almost snapped your f*cking neck… it was THAT simple…
Next time… It won’t be a matter of almost…
{Pauses; stares down upon Martin with fury}
Next time… I’m finishing the job!


{With that, somehow, someway, Johnny Martin is able to regain composure at enough of a rate to land one major punch across the face of the kneeling Braun. Whether it was conscious or just a knee-jerk reaction after years in the ring, Martin’s strike sends Braun staggering slightly; however, it’s not enough to subdue him entirely.}


{Angered beyond the point of reason, Braun now explodes back in the region of the still fallen Martin. Stomping down aggressively, Braun lands his size 11 shoe square across the face of the injured DaVE “Cornerstone”. In doing so, Martin goes completely limp; a potential sign of further injury.}


{In the end, as the segment comes to a close, we’re shown the sight of an enraged “Ice Man” drooling with aggression. Meanwhile, as he runs his arm across his mouth, taking such away, we’re given one last image of the fallen Johnny Martin as he lies upon his back motionless.}


Steve Smith:
Call the EMT…

Slick Rick:

Steve Smith:
Johnny [Martin] looks like he could have something seriously wrong after all of that…

Slick Rick:
Oh GOD, get over it, Steve-o! This stuff happens in wrestling. Johnny knows that. Hell, he’s done the VERY same thing throughout his career. Calling an EMT is just overboard. If he’s hurt then it’s his OWN damn fault….

Steve Smith:
He could have a serious neck injury folks…

Slick Rick:
I hope not…

Steve Smith:
Finally… You’ve come BACK to your senses…

Slick Rick:
… That way Braun can FINISH the job as he said he would!
{Raspy laugh follows}
Ding-dong… the “Cornerstone” has crumbled!!

Steve Smith:
I can’t watch this anymore… I can’t do this…





Will he/won't he?

Involved: Steve Smith, Slick Rick, and Shawn Gonzalez



{Before we can transition to our main event, we first touch-base with WAR’s trusted announcing team. Shifting to a tight camera angle of them behind their black & red desk, “Battleground” comes to a point of questioning as Steve Smith & Slick Rick debate the future of the “Lone Wolf” Shawn Gonzalez.}


[steve Smith]:
Ladies and gentlemen, at this time, we feel it best to speak about the future of one of YOUR favorite wrestlers, Shawn Gonzalez.


[slick Rick]:
Do we have to?


{Steve pretends as if he didn’t hear Slick. Instead, moving forward in a very matter-of-fact-manner.}


[steve Smith]:
It was only a few weeks ago that the recluse “Lone Wolf” was victorious at “Rise or Fall…”; a fact that finally rid Wrestling Action in Revolt of James Prudence… or at least we thought. However, that’s not the reason we are speaking about Gonzalez. No, at this point, it’s become quite known that Shawn’s WAR contract is set to expire at the END of this month. While WAR officials have worked tirelessly to keep Gonzalez here, there are whispers circulating that the veteran may be looking to leave the company altogether. Why? We have NO idea. That said, this COULD be the greatest opportunity for Mr. Stallings to define his tenure as a powerful leader. IF he can get Gonzalez to re-sign, a fact that many feel Nemesis made sour in recent weeks, then there will be NO denying his [stallings] impact on this company as a whole! In a sense, keeping Gonzalez around, talking him into re-signing with the company, could be a great catalyst for Stallings to cement his role as the SOLE authority of Wrestling Action in Revolt!


{Slick rolls his eyes as he appears unmoved by the speech.}


[slick Rick]:
Who gives a crap? Honestly… Who gives? This is one guy and not even one that’s all that important to WAR’s future. He’s BIG in name but SMALL in talent. Let him leave…


[steve Smith]:
I know, like you, there are others out there who don’t agree with the NEED to keep him here in WAR. I respect that. That’s your opinion. With that said; however, I, for one, believe it would be a SAD day if we were to lose someone of Gonzalez’ stature. This guy has shown himself to be a vital asset to the company &, at least, I hope that Stallings can find a way to keep him on board.


[slick Rick]:
That’s on you then. I don’t really give a damn.


[steve Smith]:
I’m sure this point will be debating A LOT over the next coming weeks as we get closer to the end of the month. We’ll keep you informed of ALL the latest information coming out of WAR headquarters.


{The faint sound of Slick & Steve debating their points on the matter is heard in the background, off-microphone, as we transition to a commercial break.}




"The GOD of WAR"
Ares vs. Troy Tornado


Singles Match

Non-Title Champion vs. Champion

“Pulled every which way...”


The ominous sight of a plethora of erect tables around ringside sends shivers down the collective spine of all in attendance. While simple weapons, quite often used in this sport, the sheer sight of SO many brings forth a feeling that something devastating could take place at any moment. More or less, with so many nearby, there’s a good chance that ANY maneuver could bring about a much more drastic fall.


No strangers to one another, Ares & Tornado make no effort to feel one another out. Marking the 5th time they’ve crossed paths in a WAR ring, these profound figures appear as though they are equally energized to trounce the other. In a way, with a champion versus champion match, even IF non-title, there’s a feeling as though neither wants to look weaker to the other. In a sense, such a win would bring forth GREAT bragging rights going forward; especially for the Blitzkrieg champion, the “GOD of WAR”, Ares.


Despite the number of tables at ringside, there’s no real sense of caution between the two. Speeding toward one another, clashing at high speeds, this main event appears much more like a Blitzkrieg division affair than your typical WAR main event. Diving from on high, flipping, twisting, and descending, from every which direction, a true aerial exchange challenges every tired idea of WHAT a main event should look like (slow, plotting, and methodical).


Sure, the beginning of their onslaught may appear slightly more subdued, when faced with the tone set LATER in the match; however, by typical standards, it feels like a rebellious overthrow of all things traditional.


Sadly though, as the action begins to pick up more so, and as the heat continues to rise, the ultimate outcome of the match finds a controversial end; thanks to an equally controversial figure…


As Tornado and Ares aggressively clash within the ropes, now upright after a collective top-rope superplex that appears to miss a nearby table BUT does leave them shaken, the mysterious scenario of the arena lights going out is seen (or not seen really). From there, an almost heavenly white light shines from high in the rafters; directed only a few feet before the “Gates of WAR”. Within that light, as he slowly walks out into such, is none other than… Travis Century.


Slowly walking to the ring with a methodical pace, Century is heard speaking into a black hand-mic as the action continues to tentatively take place within the ring (still somewhat in darkness outside of the staggering shrouds of light coming from nearby fan pictures).



Sermon of Century


Travis Century:
Let the fires of HELL open and swallow you… Let the descent of your blackened soul be as torturous as you have been to this GOD-fearing world…
… May your end be much like your disgraceful present… shrouded in demons…


Barking like a southern preacher, the methodical zealot keeps his ferocious eyes squarely upon one man within the ring; that being Troy Tornado. That said, as his rant continues, Tornado’s attention now slowly turns away from his opponent; as Ares has recently been subdued with a side-belly-to-back suplex in the corner of the far turnbuckle.


Travis Century:
You, Troy Tornado, you serpent of HELL, have gone on LONG enough with your campaign of the morally corrupt. Week-in-and-week-out, you come out here, spouting off like a fowl nightwalker, acting like the deviant that you are, and FORCE IT down the throat of the modern world. You disgust me… you disgust HIM…
{Points up slowly]
and that’s why I have accepted my mission…


The crowd halts in a light buzz as Century stops before the squared circle; looking up upon Troy Tornado in the process. Meanwhile, Tornado has now turned his full attention toward the zealot calling him out.


Travis Century:
… and that mission is to RID this world… of you…


With that, the light buzz turns into an all-out boo as Travis Century stares upon the WAR Champion with a stoic sense of aggression. Meanwhile, thinking of such statement as absurd, the rebellious champion is ultimately shown laughing in his direction; rolling his eyes as he turns back toward the action within the ring. Sadly though, in pulling his attention, Tornado is unaware that Ares is waiting for him…




A Superkick levels the WAR Champion as Ares practically rips Tornado’s head off with a single kick.


The crowd boos like crazy as Travis Century continues to watch on from ringside. With his arms crossed, and a focused demeanor, this zealot-like figure appears rather stoic despite his insane claim.


From there, Ares would dominate the WAR Champion at every turn for a good 30-seconds. In reality, it’s almost as though Tornado is barely gripping to consciousness as the Blitzkrieg champion is continually shown executing impact maneuver after impact maneuver. However, it wasn’t until Ares took to the air that the REAL outcome came into existence…


Diving off the top rope, Ares appears as though he’s looking to execute a twisting closeline of sorts; however, as he descends, Tornado is shown dropping his staggered tone for a split second. In a last ditch effort, obviously still reeling despite having a slight moment of clarity, the WAR Champion is able to force Ares’ body in motion square into a nearby table.


Twisting, turning, and now colliding with the waiting table, Ares is shown motionless as he lay amongst the pieces of wood. Meanwhile, as Jay Fair calls for the bell, signifying the end of the match, Tornado is ultimately shown equally collapsing to the canvas; overrun from such a hotly contested match.


Troy Tornado via a table-break

Ending Maneuver:
Forcing a descending Ares to crash through a table as he attempts a top-rope twisting closeline

Ending Time:


Steve Smith:
Good GOLLY what a match!!

Slick Rick:
You’re in America now, Steve-o, drop that bull-sh*t! ‘Good Golly’? ridiculous…

Steve Smith:
Troy Tornado truly IS unstoppable, folks! Even with Travis Century pulling his attention elsewhere, and a vicious opponent in Ares who COULD have easily came away with the win there, the WAR Champion continues on his path of greatness. What is that now? 16-1? I’d like for you to find a wrestler with THAT dominating of a record these days!

Slick Rick:
It doesn’t really matter WHAT his record is today. Didn’t you hear Century’s sermon? His mission is to end Troy Tornado! This COULD be a major moment for Tornado but that won’t matter when Century’s done with him. I have NO doubt that we’re on the verge of Tornado’s demise…
{Raspy laugh follows as he rubs his hands together with excitement}
WAR without Troy Tornado… I love it!!

Steve Smith:
No one has been able to ‘end him’ up until now; so, until I see it happen, I don’t know if it’s even possible. Century is a freakish figure but… I don’t know… we’re talking about Troy Tornado here!

Slick Rick:
It won’t be long before we’re praising our NEW WAR Champion… Travis… Century!!

Steve Smith:
… I hope that never becomes true…




Dueling Promos

Involved: Troy Tornado© and Travis Century

“For another day...”


{As the lights slowly come back up, Troy Tornado is shown laboring as he returns to his feet. That said, once upright, it’s as if the WAR Champion has shrugged off the pain; staggering slightly but projecting mind-over-matter it seems. Seconds later, as he staggers to a nearby ring-rope, he’s granted what he’s asking for: a microphone.}


{Slowly turning back to look upon the stoic zealot at ringside, Tornado flashes a dirty smirk upon his weathered face. For a split second, there’s nothing but silence between the two as the WAR Champion appears to perceive Century’s threat as comical at best. None the less, as he slowly raises his microphone up to his mouth, the rabid WAR fan-base watches on in high anticipation.}


[Troy Tornado]:
You know… after 6-months of wearing this belt… I can honestly say… Who gives a f*ck who wants to take me down?


{The crowd erupts as Tornado laughs to himself; out of breath in the process.}


[Troy Tornado]:
You’ll all keep comin’, sayin’ that you’re the NEXT champ or whatever, but if there’s one thing I’ve shown till now… It doesn’t matter WHO you are…. or what you plan to do… I ALWAYS come out… on top; Always.


{The crowd erupts again as Tornado leans on a nearby rope as he attempts to catch his breath within the devilish smirk upon his face. Meanwhile, Century looks unscathed by Tornado’s pointed comments.}


[Troy Tornado]:
So, Century, it’s about time we add your name to that group of nobodies, has-beens, and never will be’s…
{Pauses; smirks in his direction}
… You want my belt? You want my place atop WAR?
{Laughs to himself; shaking his head in the process}
Then come get it… It’s a b*tch… but it’s MY… b*tch…


{The crowd pops as Travis Century slowly shakes his head in defiance of Tornado’s tone. Slowly, raising the microphone up to his mouth, the stoic zealot brings forth a truth that is more fear-driving than if he just wanted championship gold.}


[Travis Century]:
You don’t get it, Tornado… then again… why would anyone expect you to? Years of drugs, alcohol, and womanizing have left you overcome by the demons of this world. I’m not here to take your belt. I’m not here to take your place. Honestly, I’m not here for wins and losses…


{Century pauses as he stares down a smirking Tornado with growing fervor.}


[Travis Century]:
I came to Wrestling Action in Revolt with one thing and one thing only in mind… to END… YOU…


{The crowd boos like crazy as Tornado rolls his eyes in defiance of such a thought. Playfully pretending like he’s scared, the WAR Champion ultimately laughs off Century’s claim. Meanwhile, Century doesn’t bat an eye as he moves forward with his aggressive sermon.}


[Travis Century]:
When I’m done, there will be no Troy Tornado to speak of. That championship you hold will have moved onto the next person; erasing your control over these mindless fools.
{Crowd boos crazily}
Your heralded win/loss record will be nothing but a blip in the history books. Also, that devilish grin of yours will be long forgotten… stowed away… under hundreds of miles of dirt… burning… in the very depths… of HELL…


{The unsettling statement made by Century riles the fans up to a shocked state. Meanwhile though, there’s no sense of shock on Tornado’s face.}


[Troy Tornado]:
You ‘aint the first person to say I’m going there and certainly won’t be the last…
{Devilish grin follows}
Your threats mean nothing to me, Century. This whole ‘religious bull-sh*t’ weighs nothing…
{Shakes his head; smirking}
As I said, just like all of those before you, you can spout your rah-rah sh*t but it won’t do a thing in the end. You want me ‘ended’? You want me OUT of WAR? Out of this industry? Off this planet? Then so be it…
Drag that holier-than-thou bull-sh*t into MY ring and we’ll see WHO is going anywhere…


{Tornado’s rebellious tone riles the fans in his support once again. Meanwhile, the energy of his statement, sensing a battle on his hands, further riles up the WAR Champion as well. Dropping his microphone upon the canvas, Tornado looks back to the ringside zealot with a fortified stance; ready for a battle.}


{However, laughing slightly in a scoffing like fashion, Century is shown slowly shaking his head in a ‘no’ fashion. In doing so, he addresses the WAR Champion once again in a more subdued manner.}


[Travis Century]:
Silly heathen… I don’t resort to violence. At least not on your beacon call.


{The crowd boos as they thought they were going to see a Tornado/Century 2nd main event! Meanwhile, sensing Century backing out in a way, Tornado is heard yelling “come on you p*ssy” as the crowd pops slightly in his favor for doing so.}


[Travis Century]:
Mankind made such a mistake once before as a vile heathen forced our brother to eat from the tree.
{Shakes his head slowly}
I will not be tempted by your wickedness for I am too strong; too rooted in HIM. That said…
{Pauses as a slight snarl forms upon his face}
… When the time is right, and HIS word comes to fruition, It will be ME who puts an end to your disgusting reign of spiritual terror. Until then… just remember… I’m always watching… always… watching…


{With that, “Battleground” comes to a close with the sight of Travis Century and Troy Tornado staring one another down in contrasting manners. Tornado, energized by his aggression, appears to be on the verge of a furious meltdown of sorts; wanting to ‘punk’ Century in the worst way. Meanwhile, Century continues to stand in direct defiance of Tornado’s rebellious tone. In a way, he seems weirdly stoic despite speaking of such vile intent.}


{We finally fade to black with the unsettling sight of a calmed Travis Century, hands folded upward in a praying fashion, staring up the WAR Champion with an unsettling sense of calm.}


Steve Smith:
What does he mean ‘always watching’? Is that a threat that he could strike at anytime… anywhere?

Slick Rick:
I’m not sure, Steve-o, but Troy Tornado has FINALLY met his match! How do you destroy a degenerate punk? You do so with an angel of purity!

Steve Smith:
Angel of purity? Century? You’ve GOT to be kidding me!

Slick Rick:
Yea! He could have walked right into that ring and beat the living HELL out of Tornado here tonight but he didn’t. You know why? He HAS the discipline to know that NOW isn’t the time. He held himself back, relayed his message, and will now find a better point to get the job done. It’s admirable!

Steve Smith:
Again… You’ve GOT to be kidding me! This holier than thou stuff is ridiculous! Wasn’t it Century who attacked Tornado at the close of “Rise or Fall…”? Now he’s saying that violence is not his way? Really? REALLY? How can you say that after what we’ve seen from you thus far? Your rhetoric? Your actions? He’s a damn hypocrite if you ask me!

Slick Rick:
The attack on Tornado was different…

Steve Smith:
HOW SO?!?!?!

Slick Rick:
He was TOLD to attack Tornado that night… He was there under orders! Tonight, he’s not. So, he waits patiently for the time he can, once again, take it to that PUNK in the ring. Then, we can FINALLY breathe a sigh of relief with Tornado NO LONGER here…
{Raspy laugh follows}
Praise… well.. Century… for that day!!

Steve Smith:
I’m getting too old for this sh*t…














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WAR: "Battleground" - TV Episode #5

Date of Event:
Monday, 1st Week of July 2010

Wrestling Action in Revolt (WAR)

3,000 out of 3,000 at OMEGA (Night Club/Music Hall Located in the Empire Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, NV)

TV Rating:
0.63 (+ 0.03)

Competitors TV Rating:
SWF "Uprising" - 11.60 (+ 0.03)

Event Grade:


  • A disheveled WAR General Nemesis is about to call out Troy Tornado; however, gets WAR Owner J.K. Stallings Jr. instead. Soon after, we discover that it was NEMESIS who attacked Stallings all those months ago (putting him in a medical spiral that would last up until now) and, for that, he's FIRED from WAR. In the end, he's escorted out of OMEGA by the LVPD following 'aggressive intent'.

  • Leper Messiah is shown to have assaulted those he was suppose to face tonight (Teddy Powell and Kazz); however, in a shocking twist, is shown to have possibly assaulted his own partner, DAMiaN, as well.

  • Christopher LaFleur, El Platinum-ay, Fumihiro Ota, and Jacob Jett defeated Donnie J, Fox Mask, Masked Cougar, and Snap Dragon in 5:35 with El Platinum-ay pinning Donnie J.

  • A promotional video of the WAR Pin-up Girls is shown depicting them as 'on the strip' at all times; partying as they resemble something like the Playmates in the process.

  • Puerto Rican Power© and Brutus O'Leary come to a DRAW [sports Entertainment Ending] in 5:44 due to a run-in from Cletus.

  • Cletus roars like an uncontrollable 'grizzly' post-match.

  • Leper Messiah defeated Teddy Powell in 4:49 via pinfall.

  • Hype Video of Braun/Garner vs. Reed/Martin.

  • Alex Braun and Buddy Garner defeated Art Reed and Johnny Martin in 8:53 via pinfall.

  • Alex Braun holds a promo over a fallen Johnny Martin for which he declares he will 'END' Martin (due to his frustration with Martin for over a decade now). As Martin tries to hit him, still lying on his back, Braun eventually attacks him further out of rage.

  • Steve Smith and Slick Rick speculate whether or not Shawn Gonzalez, who's WAR contract is due to expire at the end of the month, will re-sign with the company.

  • Troy Tornado defeated Ares in 20:09 in a table match via a table breakage.

  • An argument follows between Troy Tornado and Travis Century. While no violence takes place, it's stated that Century has come to WAR not for titles, wins, or accolades, but to rid the world of 'his evil' (Tornado). In the end, Troy laughs it off & a battle appears certainly on the horizon.

Next Show:
WAR "Battleground" Episode #6

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