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WAR on the Vegas Strip...

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Before the first show hit the forum, I wanted to swing in and give some nuts-and-bolts information about Wrestling Action in Revolt. This way, when you read "World War III", you have a better idea for the feel/pace/tone of the overall company as a whole. As always, at least with the product, there is always a chance that I may tailor the product in which to better fit the roster I have at that time but, for the most part, this is what to expect straight out of the gate.


A quick note for those who will be reading, while I will have time for writing during the week, my best day for production will come on Saturday mornings each week. The reasoning is that I always hang out at my wife's work (a coffeeshop) on Saturday mornings as she opens. With that in mind, I have a good 4-hour block in which to crack into that week's show. Realistically, the results will find the board sometime after that. I may even go as far as to negotiate a TV show on a Saturday. That way, it's almost like it's in 'real-time' or so.


Thank you to everyone who has read/responded/predicted thus far. It's great to know that there are others out there as interested in WAR as I am. With that, here is the dissection of Wrestling Action in Revolt:







In what has been recently dubbed as 'Revenge of the Nerd', J.K. Stallings Jr. has once again returned to the American wrestling landscape; however, this time around there is certainly a new tone to his step. Hellbent on revenge, entirely jaded by the dismal truth that was his failed HGC development, Stallings hs resurected his call for industry-wide domination; this time in a conscious manner though. His vehicle for such an aggressive take-over: Wrestling Action in Revolt (WAR).


Cornering the rebellious market, fallen on death's ear since the 2007 demise of DaVE, WAR is attempting to restore the rock-n-roll mentality to the world of professional wrestling.


In the end, with J.K.'s fervid sense of focus, not to mention the deepest pockets in all of the industry itself, and the resurgence of the Hardcore Icon, Nemesis, within their fold, WAR is expected to cause numerous shockwaves within a marketplace that many feel is already overtly saturated.



Las Vegas, NV





J.K. Stallings Jr.

Booking Team:
Nemesis, Eric Tyler, and The Guru

Road Agent:

Head Referee:
Eugene Williams

Lead Announcer:
Steve Smith

WAR Commentator:
Slick Rick {Ernie Turner}


Product Name:
Sin City Impact



Mainstream, Modern, and Risqué


Match Intensity:

Match Danger:

T&A Level:

Face/Heel Divide:


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Opening video vignette

Involved: Nemesis, Troy Tornado, Raul Hughes, Ares, Johnny Martin, The Guru, and J.K. Stallings Jr.

“Overcoming the odds”


{As WAR’s first Pay-per-view event kicks off, “World War III”, a short vignette is shown depicting the overall rebellious tone of the product as a whole. Developing an obvious ‘chip on the shoulder’ mentality, a number of WAR personalities are shown in which to remind the viewer of the psychologically hell-bent figures currently upon the roster. Whether it’s the recently Cornell-less Troy Tornado or the returning wrestling LEGEND Nemesis, a number of these personas are highlighted in a gritty fashion while a back-track of an upcoming underground rock band blares in the background. While it’s short in nature, the tone is already starting to take form. Wrestling Action in Revolt is exactly that… A revolution on a widespread battle plan; predicated by the very man shown at the end of the video… that being a smirking J.K. Stallings Jr. standing with his arms crossed before the camera.}


Steve Smith:
If you’ve got an axe to grind, THIS is where you come to sharpen your blade… That’s right folks, after years of waiting on the sidelines, J.K. Stallings Jr. has RETURNED to professional wrestling with the hottest, the most chaotic, the sexiest, and the absolute deadliest, wrestling company this industry has EVER seen! Welcome to the frontlines of WAR… Welcome, to Wrestling Action in Revolt!

Slick Rick:
We’re like a loose braud, a little dirty, a lot bit vile, and on the verge of pleasing…

{Smith shakes his head as Slick smirks}

Steve Smith:
We’re not slowing down in the slightest; we’re getting STRAIGHT to the action. After years of crossing paths, slamming into one another both physically and in theory, Buddy Garner and Raul Hughes are set to clash for, possibly, the FINAL time on American soil! I don’t know about you Slick, but I’ve been looking forward to this one all week. I’ve watched what these men can do while overseas and it’s no shock that both can fight with the best of them!

Slick Rick:
Damn straight, Steve-o! We could have ourselves a good ole-fashion blood-bath on our hands… the ‘goods’ if you ask me.

Steve Smith:
Let’s get to the video and see how we came to this point with “The Machine” Buddy Garner and “Pound for Pound” Raul Hughes!




Hype Video

Involved: Buddy Garner and Raul Hughes

“Years of tension”


{A short produced video is shown depicting the longstanding rivalry that’s been forged between Garner and Hughes. Both MMA standouts in the U.S., if not LEGENDS, there’s an overwhelming feeling that the answer of ‘who is better’ could FINALLY be found here tonight. Displaying both men equally as they physically dismantle a number of nameless opponents, footage from their previous MMA fights, there is no escaping the fact that this is NOT your typical wrestling event opener. If anything, this ‘big fight’ mentality only speaks to the kind of environment WAR is attempting to cage: Absolute, in-your-face, aggression. In the end, the final image is that of a dual screen of both men. Their collective hardness, yet energized personas, set the stage for a true WAR if there ever was one…}


Slick Rick:
Who you got?

Steve Smith:
I’m not really sure, Slick. I mean, Buddy Garner is one hell of a submission king but Raul Hughes packs that knockout punch that can REALLY change the game at any point. I guess it comes down…

Slick Rick:
I ‘aint asking for your analysis, Steve-o, who’d you put your money down on?

Steve Smith:
My money?

Slick Rick:
Yea, it’s always nice to take a moment and sniff the… well, the ponies you’ve put your wad down on…

{Slick laughs devilishly}

Steve Smith:
I’m a professional, I don’t wager on wrestling events.

Slick Rick:
That stick HAS to hurt, man…

Steve Smith:

Slick Rick:
The one up your a$$!!

{Rick begins to laugh again; devilish in nature}




Buddy Garner vs. Raul Hughes


Singles Match

“A WAR from another world”


Staring upon one another with an equal sense of fervor, these two MMA standouts make no attempt at tempering their explosive hatred for one another. Within seconds, almost before the bell can be rung, a wild brawl exists between the two; one that is quickly taken to the ground by Buddy Garner. While their matchup doesn’t really resemble your garden variety wrestling match, feeling more like an MMA fight, Eugene Williams does his best to keep order amongst the swinging fists, arms, and kicks. In the end, after Raul Hughes is continually shown turning Garner’s body into a theoretical piñata, the ultimate end comes as “The Machine” is able to counteract a flurry of punches from the man known as “Pound for Pound”. Sweeping out his leg and then quickly descending upon him, Garner is able to lock in his signature “Garner Tendon Hold”. Hughes does his best to fight it; however, in the end, a hanging hand is eventually slammed onto the canvas to signify his call for an end.


Buddy Garner via submission

Ending Maneuver:
“Garner Tendon Hold” [lying ankle lock]

Ending Time:


Steve Smith:
What a fight!!!

{Slick looks unhappy; throws his papers down}

Slick Rick:
Well, there goes 2-G’s…

Steve Smith:
I’m sure we could have had a different outcome every time but here, TONIGHT, “The Machine” Buddy Garner has come away with the victory! I thought Raul was going to have his ankle snapped there for a second; he just wouldn’t tap!

Slick Rick:
Tap? Real men don’t tap… Hughes just showed himself to be a p…

{Smith jumps in quickly in an act of censorship}

Steve Smith:
I’d like to see you say that if he were standing right here!

Slick Rick:
You’d like that wouldn’t you?
I’d take him. No doubt about it. How long did it take Garner to put him down? 9 minutes? I’d do it in half the time…

Steve Smith:
Yep… and… that’s why you’re behind a commentary desk…
[pauses and then moves on]
Next, we have two men well-versed in the other. A war from beyond the border, Snap Dragon and Genio Verde are two Luchadors looking to settle their heated score up-north! Let’s watch the video depicting how they got here…




Hype Video

Involved: Genio Verde and Snap Dragon

“A battle from beyond the border”


{The next produced hype video depicts the lingering struggle between Genio Verde and Snap Dragon while wrestling for SOTBPW in Mexico. The footage presented is obviously not a first-hand account, most likely purchased from the company itself, as it weaves the narrative that these two simply do not get along. Slamming into one another at high speeds, clashing in mid-air almost exclusively, there is an overwhelming feeling that these two are willing to do battle no matter WHERE it happens; Mexico or America. In the end, the final image is shown of a dual screen presentation of both men standing side-by-side (or so it seems). With Snap Dragon crouching slightly, breathing out fire into the air above him, and Genio Verde, in all of his mysterious glory, wrenching his hands together in a methodical fashion, the obvious ‘evil mastermind’ gesture, their altercation is almost certainly going to be an explosive affair.}


Steve Smith:
After butting heads for years beyond the border, there’s a good chance that these two Luchadors may leave it ALL in the ring here tonight. Truthfully, I love cruiserweight action; so, this is a matchup I’ve been looking forward to all week! The footage I’ve seen of these two, the heat between them both, there’s no denying that no stone will be unturned…

Slick Rick:
I’ve got the dude in the hat… He just looks wicked…

Steve Smith:
‘Great analysis’, Slick… You’re a REAL pro at this…




Genio Verde vs. Snap Dragon


Singles Match

“A high-speed clash”


Unlike the opening bout, fiery and explosive from the onset, Snap Dragon and Genio Verde play it quite the opposite; slowly getting into their rhythm as they allow room for the other to make a mistake as they strike. Eventually, the lid would be theoretically torn off as their tentative approach would eventually give way to a more rapid state of clashing. Diving every which way, utilizing the ENTIRE ringside area as a pedestal to leap from, both Luchadors hold back nothing as they attempt to flatten the other with a wide array of high-spot maneuvers. Utilizing them with an awe-inspiring flare is Snap Dragon; however, even at his most flashiest, Genio Verde’s obvious dubious nature often tempers his opponent; utilizing every ‘dirty’ trick up his sleeve to slow down the speedy flier across from him. In the end, despite engaging in a great sense of back-and-forth, it’s what Snap Dragon wasn’t expecting that ultimately left him reeling.



DAMiaN and The Leper Messiah


Storming from the backstage area, this menacing duo quickly overtakes the ringside area by force. Flooring Eugene Williams with a hefty throw, flinging him across the canvas, DAMiaN is shown equally flooring Snap Dragon with a jaw-shattering big boot. A few other power moves later, employed by both men as Genio Verde simply lays in the corner holding his own jaw, watching on, the match is brought to a DQ finish due to the absolutely menacing interference.


Snap Dragon via DQ

Ending Maneuver:
Interference from DAMiaN and Leper Messiah

Ending Time:


Steve Smith:
Who… the bloody hell… is that?

{Silence is heard}

Slick Rick:
The boogeymen?

[slick is heard laughing to himself]

Steve Smith:
Whoever they are, I think they just killed Snap Dragon…

Slick Rick:
Roll out the stretcher boys… We’ve got ourselves a dead Luchador…

[Rick insensitively laughs]




Exiting ringside

Involved: DAMiaN and Leper Messiah

“The Things that go bump in the night”


{With an eerie red light following them from on high, the rest of the Empire Coliseum resting uncomfortably in darkness, the menacing tandem of DAMiaN and Leper Messiah slowly exit the ringside area in a psychologically dominating fashion. Staring down a number of fans at ringside, projecting a purely devilish environment, the towering behemoths with an obvious evil streak, slowly shuffle away; all the while followed by the hell-red light that shines down upon them from up high.}


Steve Smith:
Are those… guys… Even under contract? I can’t seem them on my roster list anywhere?

Slick Rick:
Something tells me, those ‘guys’ as you put it, don’t really care about what you have on your little roster list…

{Slick Rick laughs and Steve Smith gulps}

Steve Smith:
Well… The show must go on, right?

Slick Rick:
Keep on telling yourself that…

Steve Smith:
{Attempting to ‘snap out of it’, Mr. Smith moves on}
For years they were one of THE hottest tag teams in all of professional wrestling. Their high-speed in-ring action was ALWAYS in direct contrast of their care-free California mentality. Yet, despite their calm demeanors, they were able to capture tag team gold on MANY occasions. Fast forward many years later and you’ll find nothing of that remaining. Once dubbed the “Fly Boys”, Donnie J and James Prudence have done nothing but fly away from one another in recent months; warring on the independent circuit here in the United States. Why have these longtime friends finally snapped? Maybe this video will help you find answers; as we all are…




Hype Video

Involved: Donnie J and James Prudence

“The fallout of The Fly Boys”


{The third produced hype video of the night opens with the heart-warming reminder of just how close the “Fly Boys” really were during their previous stints with one another. High fiving, hugging post-wins, and executing a wide-arrange of double-team maneuvers, are all shown in which to further this narrative. Sadly, that feel good mentality comes to a screeching halt with the image of James Prudence flooring Donnie J from behind at a previous CZCW event. Again, being as good of quality as it is, it’s expected that the footage was purchased by WAR in which to tell the story. None the less, after the initial strike, a very different story is laid as it becomes rather obvious, just through actions and demeanors, that these two are at their wits end with one another. All the while, as they show this fast-hitting, hard-impact, video, Prudence’s voice is heard speaking in the background as if taken from an in-ring promo done in the past.}


[James Prudence]:
I’m tired of carrying around your dead weight, Don… This is MY time; my moment to succeed! You’ve simply become the ‘welcome mat’ to my legacy…


{With that, as the final phrase is put forth, signifying that Prudence has long moved on from his past partner due to his own arrogance, the final image is shown of “Platinum” James Prudence standing over a fallen Donnie J. The video slows, blood is shown lying atop Donnie’s forehead, and the lasting thought is that of the “Fly Boys” being no more; never to return.}{/I]


Steve Smith:
After years of working with one another, traveling the roads here in the States, most likely being present for ALL major life events, the “Fly Boys” are no longer. I just can’t wrap my head around it. Why would James Prudence do such a thing? His own petty arrogance? I just don’t know how someone changes THAT MUCH… that quick…

Slick Rick:
Donnie J was holding him back; it’s just that simple. J is one of those whiny little punks that only win over the fans because he ‘tries so hard’. Does trying alone win you championship gold or a Legacy for that matter? No! It’s SKILL that gets you there. Prudence has it… Donnie doesn’t… It was time to cut the cord…

Steve Smith:
We’ll see if James can finally make good on his ‘dream’ here tonight… Can the man they call “Platinum” crush his former friend for good? I guess we’ll see… right… now…




Donnie J vs. James Prudence


Singles Match

“The Fly-by clash”


Donnie J looks like he’s itching for revenge. Before the bell can even ring, before Prudence can even make his way down the steel grated rampway, the often ‘breezy’ Donnie J looks to be heavily spirited; throwing punches like a heavyweight fighter looking for an early KO. Pushing his former partner to the brink right away, J ultimately loses such a lead when Prudence is able to regain a sense of momentum; steamrolling over his opponent in a super-human kind of fashion. Tossing J around the ringside area, slamming him into the nearby guardrail almost repeatedly, “Platinum” begins to show his surging mean streak; angrily making up for being embarrassed by Donnie right away. To say this matchup is one-sided is not entirely fair, as Donnie does return to control at several points; however, in reality, even J’s resurgence often feels tentative. In the end, James Prudence is able to ultimately subdue his opponent with a ring-rattling “Better than Gold”. With Donnie motionless, on his back, Prudence is able to score an easy, and disrespectful, pinfall with a lazy foot residing upon his opponent’s chest as he stands over him; celebrating prematurely in an arrogant fashion.


James Prudence via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
“Better than Gold” [The Stroke]

Ending Time:


Slick Rick:
Like I said, SKILL is what wins you matches… Prudence HAS that. Donnie J just has effort. Effort gets you a ‘that a boy’ from the weak… Not a win.

Steve Smith:
Something tells me though, we haven’t seen the last of this WAR…

Slick Rick:
If Donnie has ANY hopes for singles success, he’d step away from this NOW! He can’t beat Prudence; he NEVER will be able to.

Steve Smith:
I guess we’ll have to see…

Slick Rick:
There’s no ‘seeing’… It’s obvious…




Sneak-Peek of the WAR Pin-up girls

Involved: Ashley, Athena, Meggie Beth, and Veronica

“WAR gets… Sexy”


{In a steamy, hazily-produced, video, the four soon-to-be-famous WAR Pin-up girls are shown in a sneak-peek kind of fashion. Dressed in very little, in some cases nude yet still keeping the sight PG-14 in the way that they frame the shot, these lovely ladies are introduced in a way that has the viewer clawing for more. In the end, after going through the gambit of beautiful women, a link is shown displaying at the bottom of the screen reading: “To see MORE of the WAR pin-up girls, visit
Shortly before the video closes, playing off of the sexual nature, a zoomed in shot of Veronica is shown as she playfully winks toward the camera lens; smirking in a sensual fashion thereafter.}


{Steve Smith’s mouth is wide open. Slick is smirking devilishly; as always when it comes to women}

Steve Smith:
I think I’m in love…

Slick Rick:
The website is going to CRASH today… There’s no doubt about that. Damn!

Steve Smith:
… and that was JUST a sneak-peek!! Can you imagine what we’ll see when they officially make their debut? Lord, have mercy!

[smith gulps again]

Slick Rick:
If he did, he wouldn’t have made women like that…

{Attempting to move on, shaking off his pent-up sexual frustration, Mr. Smith moves on with the next matchup scheduled.}

Steve Smith:
While I would love to focus on the pin-up girls for the rest of our broadcast, as I’m sure many of you agree, our altercation coming up next just reeks of the very notion WAR stands for. After the fall of DaVE in 2007, a day that will forever live in infamy, two of it’s former standouts now find themselves on new soil. That said, while new surroundings, it seems that a long-standing hatred still resides… Let’s see what has brought us to this point between “The Cornerstone” Johnny Martin and the man who once-dawned the mask of Acid… Now, known as Ares…




Hype Video

Involved: Ares and Johnny Martin

“The Hatchet is uncovered”


{The fourth produced hype video of the night depicts the underlying WAR that once plagued the DaVE locker room area; Ares and Johnny Martin being the main focus of such toxicity. Utilizing footage from the deadened company, bought by J.K. Stallings Jr. upon WAR’s development, the narrative is formed that Ares (then Acid) had always been shoved into the shadows while within DaVE; no example more obvious than that of Johnny Martin’s domination of the former hardcore company. Depicting Johnny as the arrogant, man-a-top-everything, it’s easy to see how Ares would carry a gigantic grudge as it pertains to being shadowed by Martin’s oversized shadow. In the end, the final image is that of the recently unmasked, and heavily tattooed, Ares standing alongside his equally altered manager, Goddess Emily, next to the robe-wearing, East Coast LEGEND, that is “The Cornerstone” Johnny Martin. One man heralded for what he had done in the past. The other attempting to forge new ground with a persona unique to here and now; moving on, it seems, from DaVE.}


Steve Smith:
THIS has been a WAR brewing for a little over a decade now! Did you know, Slick, that there was once rumors of a wild brawl between these two at a DaVE event? While it’s never been confirmed, it’s said that the entire locker room area had to keep these two apart. Whether true or not, I’m positive that these two will NOT temper anything about this altercation… They BOTH have something to prove here…

Slick Rick:
Martin has NOTHING to prove. He’s a LEGEND of our sport. He built DaVE, dominated the scene for years, and this Ares-punk is just showing himself to be without a backbone. Face it, You couldn’t get over under a mask… You ‘aint going to have some massive turnaround without it. I’m calling it, as always, Martin over Acid… I mean… Ares…

Steve Smith:
As I was told in our production meeting, “Acid” is dead; so says the man himself. Ares is his true-self and it’s that inherent truth that will ultimately ‘set him free’ as he says…

Slick Rick:
Sounds like a bunch of cr@p if you ask me…




w/ Goddess Emily
vs. Johnny Martin
w/ Alex Braun


Singles Match

“The Clash of Extremes”


With his fellow DaVE brethren, Alex Braun, at ringside, Johnny Martin projects his ultra-arrogant “Cornerstone” personality with ease. The robe, the smirk, the posture of grandeur, Martin just feels the part; as it pertains to an aging LEGEND drinking his own kool-aide. In contrast, Ares looks nothing like his previous persona. Tattooed, maskless, and rebellious in his punk-rock-like persona, the man once known as Acid practically beheads his opponent with an explosive opening to their altercation. With this in mind, it takes Johnny Martin quite a bit to get back in control, trying to simply stay upright during Ares’ onslaught; however, Johnny eventually regains his footing with a low-blow unseen by Eugene Williams (Alex Braun pulling his attention at the time). With the WAR crowd booing like crazy, Johnny Martin methodically picks over his fallen opponent in a fiery fashion; taking time to stop and pose before said booing crowd at times. To their happiness, Ares IS able to force his hand back into the action; bum-rushing the much slower Martin with an array of speedy strikes that are easily defined as reckless in nature. In the end, though, Ares sheer ability, and determination, is not enough to overcome Martin.



Alex Braun


Poking his head where it doesn’t belong, fellow member of the “Tri-State Kings”, Alex Braun, continually makes his presence known. In the final case, Braun is shown landing a steel chair shot square upon Ares’ back as he hits a nearby rope. Eugene Williams, his attention pulled away AGAIN, this time by Johnny Martin who is whining about an injured back, is unable to see the strike which eventually slows Ares down; forcing him down to one knee. Seconds later, Martin miraculously springs back into action; executing his signature “Twist on the Rocks” upon the depleted Ares. There was nothing he could do to stop the outcome. Even as Goddess Emily screams frantically, slamming her hands on the canvas, there outcome is sealed with the interference from Alex Braun.


Johnny Martin via pinall

Ending Maneuver:
“Twist on the Rocks” [Twisting spike DDT] w/ help from Alex Braun

Ending Time:


Steve Smith:
Now… Come on!! That’s just unfair!

Slick Rick:
‘oh… How sad’… The little punk that couldn’t… well, couldn’t… once again…

{Slick Rick laughs in his raspy fashion}

Steve Smith:
If it wasn’t for Alex Braun, I think we would have seen a different outcome! That was simply unfair…

Slick Rick:
It’s just the order of things. A punk like Ares will NEVER beat a LEGEND like “The Cornerstone”; it’s impossible.




Hype Video

Involved: Fox Mask and Troy Tornado

“The Coastal Zone Conflict”


{The fifth produced hype video depicts a long-standing ‘what if’ scenario; as it pertains to the highly-competitive Costal Zone region. The narrative, presented through WAR’s gritty, militaristic-themed approach of programming, paints a picture of an explosive figure who once stood above the rest; only to leave said ‘kingdom of sorts’ for greener pastures. In turn, the other, the fearless feline who stuck around, went on to dominate said kingdom in his wake. Now, many years later, the decorated feline now must square off with the man many felt WOULD have taken his place; if he would have stayed. None the less, the WAR feels very much so about ‘what if’. In the end, the final image is that of Troy Tornado, recently removed from his TCW-stank, dressed in his typical rock-star-like clothing, posing alongside the fiercely posed Fox Mask. A WAR many years in the making. Finally coming to a head within the even-playing field of Wrestling Action in Revolt.}


Steve Smith:
A WAR in the making for many years, what will happen when the “King of the Coastal Zone Jungle” squares off against the rebellious rock-star of professional wrestling, the crazed whirlwind himself, Troy Tornado? All I know is, there’s no doubt that sheer insanity will soon follow…

Slick Rick:
My money is on a double count-out; something unfulfilling like that. Why? I don’t think either of these losers really know how to ‘get the job done’. You can tout them all you want but neither is a ‘Grade A’ superstar if you ask me.

Steve Smith:
So says the man behind the commentary desk…

{Smith shakes his head as Slick Rick does equally; however, smirking}

Slick Rick:
I may behind a desk but I know what it takes to succeed in this industry. Foxy is decorated but in a fourth-rate company. Meanwhile, has ONE title reign in the last 4-years. Big Time? I think not, b*tches…




Debut Promo

Involved: Troy Tornado

“F*ck off, Cornell”


{The Empire Hotel & Casino roars with ground-rattling excitement as a short video vignette displays on the immense Stallings Video Tron located above the entrance ramp. Said video, projecting a gritty rock anthem, shows a man standing with his back to the camera in a pitch black room. As the camera gets closer and closer it becomes increasingly expected that THIS person is none other than the debuting Troy Tornado. With a pair of faded blue jeans on, torn to shreds from every angle, a medal chain connected from his belt loop to his wallet, and a black fish-net shirt, there’s very little left to the imagination; even if his face is unseen at first.}


{In the end, as the camera finally grows closer, while a screeching overdriven guitar solo is masterfully shred, said figure slowly spins around showing himself to be exactly who everyone thought it was: Troy Tornado!}


{With a gritty smirk upon his face, Troy is heard projecting a devilish stint of laughter as if to say “It’s me!”}


{Exploding out of the back like he was shot from a cannon, Tornado overtakes the Empire Hotel & Casino like a world-class rock-star standing before ‘his people’. Utilizing a strong sense of swagger, the medal chain on his hip flapping with his every step, the recently Cornell-divorced mega-star storms the squared circle like only THE most charismatic can. Throwing his arms in the air, yelling out in an arrogant fashion, and overlooking the packed WAR crowd from the top of the turnbuckle like a wrestling GOD of sorts, it really feels as though the resurgent rebel is soaking every miniscule second out of his highly anticipated debut.}


{With that in mind, as he grabs a microphone and stands in the center of the ring, smirking in a dirty fashion, the WAR crowd forces him to wait before addressing them all; cheering wildly in his favor. With time, the gigantic roar would fade slightly in hopes of finally hearing from Tornado upon his TCW-departure. None the less, with a new company microphone in his hand for the first time in almost 10 years, Troy Tornado stands forth like a new-man; rejuvenated, rebellious, and roaring with confidence.}


Troy Tornado:
I’ve got a lot of sh*t to get off of my chest…
{Looks straight into the camera lens}
… Starting with that douche-b@g, Cornell…


{The rabid WAR fan-base explodes with excitement as it’s apparent they anticipate further dirt on the proud TCW owner. That said, Tornado stands amongst the craziness with a “I’ve got you” dirty grin upon his face.}


Troy Tornado:
All week, I heard nothing but warnings from our lawyers; a bunch of pricks in suits telling me what I can and cannot say. They said I couldn’t call him by name, that it would bring about a law-suit, and that a mess would definitely follow. Well, f*ck them too… I’m tearin’ into that weasel Cornell and there ‘aint nobody who can stop me!


{The WAR crowd again erupts with eager anticipation as it creates a fever-pitch within the Empire Hotel & Casino. Basking in the moment, obviously aware of the controversy that will follow, Tornado continues to project the very same gritty smirk upon his face; as if he were relishing in said controversy the whole time.}


Troy Tornado:
For close to ten years I busted my a$$ for that clown. I tore ligaments, broke bones, missed major milestones in my kid’s lives, all for the love of what I do. No matter how hard I hurt, how much guilt overtook my mind, my body was always ready to go; pushing forward for the company. They called me a ‘company man’ for this…
{Snickers; shakes his head}
… Well, at least others did. Cornell didn’t see it that way; he never did. To him, a ‘company man’ was those a$$-clowns he called his ‘inner circle’. If your name didn’t end in Cornell, or if you weren’t one of his little ‘pet-projects’, then you were just another expendable punk; of no worth to him. While I had heard others saying this in the past, I thought there was NO WAY he could do it to me. Hell, he gave me a shot to overtake Bruce’s position in “Painful Procedure” after he left…
{Crowd pops}
What I DIDN’T KNOW was that the position itself was being devalued, downgraded, after they lost Bruce. I was the head but the HEAD of a failing group.


{A semblance of an angered snarl forms upon his face}


Troy Tornado:
For years he paraded me around like some f*cking novelty act. I was counter-culture for TCW, a rebel in rock-n-roll clothing as they said, but even THAT didn’t warrant me anything more than a dismissive laugh whenever I came to the back. After CARRYING the company for years, where was MY Championships? Where was MY opportunity? One title in almost ten years.
{Shakes his head; disgusted}{/I] What the F*CK is that?
{Pauses; stares into the lens as if to speak directly to Cornell}
I did EVERTYHING they asked me to, put my own life on the hold, spent countless nights in nameless hospitals, and yet… nothing; nothing at all.


{Troy stares into the camera lens, again attempting to look Cornell straight in the eye through the said lens, as the rabid WAR fanbase explodes with excitement behind him.}


Troy Tornado:
When contract negotiations came up at the end of 2009, I had had enough. At that point, I couldn’t even get into Cornell’s door. He knew I wanted to f*ck him up, that I was angry about being put on the backburner YET again, and so he kept as much distance as possible. There was NO WAY I was going back; F*ck that. Now, I could have gone to Eisen; knock on his door for a job? But, you see, I’m not all that good at kissing a$$; never have been. I wasn’t about to jump from one douche to another. Then there’s Strong…
{Shakes his head; dirty smirk}
There was no F*cking way that I was going to his little ‘child’s play’ bull-sh*t. Does it SOUND like I enjoy afterschool specials?
Listen here kids, there are punks out there who want to screw you over just because they can… You know what I say when that happens? F*ck em.
{Pauses and smirks as the crowd pops}
Strong would have been no different. He’s a Grade-A a$$-clown; just now in a suit.


{The crowd pops once again as a chant of “Tell the truth” continues to roll within the Empire Hotel & Casino. With this, feeling the rush of the moment, Troy grows a rather large smirk upon his face. Bouncing with an extra step, Troy turns toward the final blow of his opening WAR statement. One that would be directed at all of his naysayers.}


Troy Tornado:
That leaves me with you…
{Looks into the camera lens again; stern in his demeanor}
All of you naysayers, you douche-b@gs who think you know everything there is about wrestling,... I’ve had my fair share of critics in my career but now, standing on my own two feet, I have the first opportunity to ACTUALLY speak to you directly.
{Stares into the lens for a second; quite fervid}
I don’t care who the F*CK you think you are, where the F*CK you came from, or what the F*CK you think you know,… I ‘aint going nowhere.
{Crowd pops}
You think that me leaving TCW is a my own ‘death-wish’?
{Snickers; shakes his head}
We’ll just see about that in 5 years… When WAR has become THE BIGGEST thing in professional wrestling.
{Crowd pops}
Thanks to Stallings, I have a microphone now… and I don’t plan on silencing it anytime soon.
{Stares into the lens one last time before speaking}
If you’re with me; great. If not, f*ck you… I’m doin’ whatever I want anyways…


{With that, Troy Tornado arrogantly drops the microphone down upon the canvas below. Meanwhile, the WAR fan-base is practically exploding with excitement; creating a stark contrast between Tornado’s current stillness and the crowds energized pace. None the less, finally turning away from staring into the lens, Tornado flings his arms into the air in a showman kind of fashion; a fact that riles the crowd up even further. With his steel wallet chain swaying next to him, colliding with his own leg continually, the rock-star dressed superstar looks to be stepping on an energized foot; all made possible to one man, J.K. Stallings Jr.}




Fox Mask vs. Troy Tornado


Singles Match

“Clash of the Coastal Zone Titans”


A rock-n-roll concert feel overtakes the Empire Coliseum as the rebellious deviant himself, Troy Tornado, explodes onto the WAR stage. Only a month removed from his highly publicized exodus from Cornell’s TCW, the first sight of Tornado brings forth a feeling of ‘shock’; seeing him elsewhere for the first time in almost a decade. When climbing into the ring with the “King of the Coastal Zone Jungle”, Fox Mask, there’s an air of absolute grandeur to their proceedings. Luckily, they did not let anyone down. Clashing in a wild fashion, neither really tempering anything to say the least, the combination of a fierce feline and a defiant rocker proves to be highly combustible. Attempting to prove to the other, and the greater public for that matter, that THEY are the REAL ICON of the Coastal Zone, neither leaves any stone unturned. Flying left and right, colliding upon every inch of the blackened squared circle, the two warring, larger-than-life, competitors do their very best to literally overwhelm the other. In the end, after flooring Fox Mask with a Brainbuster in the center of the ring, forced into such a maneuver after a wide-array of impactful drops, the rebellious rock-star climbs a nearby turnbuckle; posing atop the ropes like a TRUE Rock-God. Seconds later, leaping from on high, Tornado brings an end to their altercation with a ring-rattling “F*ck-off!”; a new signature move since his departure from TCW. The impact is so forceful that Fox Mask’s body convulses upon his thunderous descent. That said, there was no kicking out at this point. At least in THIS altercation, Troy Tornado proves to tentatively reclaim the crown as KING of the Coastal Zone…


Troy Tornado via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
“F*ck-off!” [Top rope elbow drop]

Ending Time:


Steve Smith:
I think Fox Mask may have just had his ribs crushed with THAT elbow drop. Either way, HUGE debut victory for the rebel himself, Troy Tornado! Fox Mask gave everything he had, almost came away with the win himself after that top rope Hurricanrana, but, in the end, it was Tornado who ultimately controlled the moment at hand.

Slick Rick:
It’s one win; that’s all. His big-mouth will get him in trouble one of these days…

Steve Smith:
HIS big mouth?
calling the kettle black are we?

Slick Rick:
I ‘aint callin’ no kettle nothing… What do you think this is? A cooking show?

Steve Smith:
It’s a saying… It’s like… Well… Nevermind… You don’t seem to get much outside of beer, chicks, and explosions…

Slick Rick:
The only things that matter, a$$-clown…




Hype Video

Involved: Eric Tyler and Nemesis

“Framing opposites”


{The sixth and final produced hype video tackles the daunting task of framing absolute opposites in a matter of four minutes. While the time frame is longer than the previous ones, Nemesis and Eric Tyler are the kind of opposites that are bound to spark continuous confrontation. In reality, that’s EXACTLY what the video attempts to depict as the lengthy rivalry between the “Traditionalist” and the Hardcore Hero slams forth on your TV screen with little remorse for anything or anyone in the process. Weapons, injuries, bloodied bodies, overwhelming odds, and dubious outcomes are all presented through the lens of the fallen DaVE as the vignette does it’s best to frame an epic struggle of 10+ years. In the end, the final image is that of the collectively weathered LEGENDS standing next to one another in a ‘big fight’ mentality. Meanwhile, below their stance, there is the jarring wording that puts ALL of this into perspective; that being “Nemesis’ retirement match’.}


Steve Smith:
Even for someone who spent their entire life overseas, even I know how monumental Nemesis was to the American pro wrestling scene. While his antics were often controversial at best, that’s our industry in a nut-shell; a constant sense of controversy. Without it, we would simply founder in the background. It’s crazy to see this day finally come…

Slick Rick:
He’s a grade-A douche BUT I can’t look past his body of work. Nemesis has tortured the industry for years now. Losing him tonight, it’s like seeing a legendary ball player walk off the field one last time…

Steve Smith:
wow, Slick… That was ACTUALLY quite touching…

Slick Rick:
Blow it out ya’ a$$...

{Smith shakes his head; saddened}




Split Promos

Involved: Eric Tyler and Nemesis

“The verbal WAR”


{We slowly transition into a produced video which frames the Nemesis/Eric Tyler confrontation as nothing short of epic. With a broody classic theme climbing in the background, major cymbal crashes coinciding with powerful impacts between the two, the overall feel is that these two are bound to challenge the very foundation for which the Empire Hotel & Casino lies upon. 10+ years of aggression. 10+ years of hate. All wrapped into one night as these long-time rivals square off for one final time.}


{Moving on from the action, a slow fade out done both visually and in audio, we are now presented an image of the “Traditionalist” Eric Tyler standing within the confines of his own personal locker-room. Already dressed in his blandly-developed black wrestling gear, the aged technical mastermind appears to be 100% ready for the moment at hand. Displaying an arrogant grin, his weathered face crackling with such a movement, the overtly confident veteran stares straight into the camera lens; unfazed by the gigantic feel of the scenario before him.}


Eric Tyler:
Another night. Another opportunity to prove, without a shadow of a doubt, that I am… better… than Nemesis.
{Smirks as he pause}
It shouldn’t come as a shock to any of you. Nemesis may rile up the crowd with his sophomoric attitude, his barbaric thirst for blood, and his uneducated fists, but the truth of the matter is this… Like a fine wine, talented technitions age supremely. Those like Nemesis, those who simply have relied upon violence to overcome, will almost ALWAYS burn-out LONG before the rest of us do.
You haven’t seen him for three years and there’s a REASON for that. He’s broken. From head-to-toe… He’s an absolute… mess.
{Shakes his head in a ‘tisk’ fashion}
So, fear not, you’ll GET your Nemesis, your ‘Hardcore Hero’
{Eric says in a sarcastic fashion}
, but it won’t be the pretty picture you’re thinking of.
{A vile smirk forms upon his face}
Tonight marks the END of Nemesis’ career…
{Stares deeper into the lens with aggression fuming}
… And I’M going to be the ONE to END IT…


{After a slight evil chuckle, mostly under his breath, the camera lens zooms in even closer upon his face until there’s nothing to see but him. The cracks in his face tell of his advanced age; however, the fire in his eyes tells of a consummate competitor, once again, hoping to usurp his long-time rival in Nemesis}


{Seconds later, transitioning past Eric Tyler’s personal statement on the matter, we are presented with a view of Nemesis pacing in a darkened back hallway of the Empire Hotel & Casino. Slamming his fists upon his face like a crazed madman, most likely surging with adrenaline by this point, the Hardcore Hero appears to be on the verge of exploding with RAW energy. Once with his back to the camera, Nemesis now spins back around in which to look straight into the camera lens. His eyes are just as, if not more, fiery than his opponent. His nostrils are flaring with every passing second. The blood has already rushed his head from repeated strikes. His body, obviously worn-down, has a slight spring despite showing signs of advanced arthritis. More or less, he looks ready for a fight.}


{With his eyes glaring straight into the lens, standing extremely close to the camera itself, the almost rabid Nemesis literally grabs both hands on either side of the camera. Pulling the lens even closer now, the intensely fuming wrestling LEGEND relays his personal statement on the matter; only moments away from the FINAL MATCH of his career.}


They SAY you just know when it’s all supposed to be done. That there’s some sort of LIGHT that just… goes out.
{Nemesis pauses as his face explodes with intensity}
I may be on my last leg, It may hurt like a b*tch to just walk down this damn hallway, but there ‘aint no light going out for me; not now. I’ve got a skinny little punk-b*tch spoutin’ off like he owns me.
{Pauses; again high with intensity}
You ‘aint got nothin’ on me, Tyler. Nothin’.
{Pauses; fuming with emotion}
I may not know the difference between an arm-bar and an arm-drag but I don’t really give a f*ck. It never stopped me from kickin’ your a$$ all over the Tri-State area.
{Evil grin forms}
If tonight is to be my final match, then I’m going to see to it that I go down the only way I can… In a blaze of motha-f*ckin’ glory.
{Pauses; snarls with intensity}
… and Tyler… I’m taking you WITH ME!!!


{Exploding with fury in his final moments, the overtly intense Nemesis expels a violent huff straight into the camera lens; so strong that it leaves behind a hazed view thereafter. Seconds later, the camera is viciously shoved back into the waiting hands of the WAR camera man. Staggering, the lens shaking violently, the hazed picture eventually picks up the final image: that being Nemesis storming toward the ringside area with an epic-sense of fervor exuding from his every pour. Slamming his fists into his own head, roaring like a beast, yet staggering with lingering injuries, Nemesis embarks upon his journey toward the ringside area for the last time as a an in-ring competitor; a truly historic moment in professional wrestling history.}


Steve Smith:
I would HATE to be Eric Tyler right now…

Slick Rick:
Did you see how he was barely able to walk? I STILL have my money on Tyler in this one. Eric Tyler has aged gracefully. Like he said, he’s like a fine wine. On the other hand, Nemesis looks like a 50-year old opened beer. He’s flat, he’s sour, and unable to satisfy…

Steve Smith:
He’s certainly not in the prime of his career, that’s pretty obvious, but I STILL wouldn’t bet against the Hardcore Hero! I mean, he’s a LEGEND for a reason!

Slick Rick:
As is Eric Tyler. The difference is though, Eric Tyler can still ‘go’ while Nemesis looks like a bumbling homeless man. I give this match 3 minutes before Tyler slaps on his high-hanging Boston crab and snaps him in half!

{Slick Rick laughs in a raspy fashion}

Steve Smith:
I guess we’ll have to see how much is left in the tank of Nemesis. Can he beat his long-time rival in Eric Tyler? That remains to be seen. Either way though, we’re about to witness the battle of the ages… The official retirement match of the wrestling LEGEND, Nemesis… and it’s up… Right… Now!!




Eric Tyler vs. Nemesis


Nemesis’ Retirement Match

Singles Match

“The Final Stand”


Despite hobbling toward the dreaded WAR squared circle, stiff in his swaggered step, the rabid WAR fan-base practically combusts with excitement as the Hardcore Hero himself, Nemesis, makes his triumphant return to professional wrestling. That said, the mood is quite somber as it’s already known that THIS match, this clash of long-time rivals, is set to be his last. Celebrating in his GOD-pop, Nemesis does everything he can to rile up the crowd; even hinting at grabbing a steel chair before he steps into the ring. In contrast, as is to be expected, the hardened “Traditionalist”, Eric Tyler, is quickly defined as the ‘bad guy’; the one who is looking to force his rival into retirement sadly under a loss. As the match ceremoniously started, the ring bell chiming at a slow and grandiose pace, Eric Tyler goes forth looking to do exactly that.


While their altercation starts rather slow, a more brawl-based sense of action taking place for a good 5 minutes or so, the masterful “Traditionalist” quickly began to pull out ALL stops in which to hinder his hated rival. Zeroing in on his back, infamously known as being a point of continual injury for Nemesis, Tyler attempts to wear-down the retiring Hardcore Hero. Soaking in the negative response like a pro, Tyler continues to ravage Nemesis as best as he can; choosing his spots, putting forth very little energy, as he looks to bend the Wrestling LEGEND into every position possible.


Going even farther, Tyler eventually busts Nemesis open wide with a steel chair unseen by Eugene Williams. As the referee laid on the canvas, forced there by a wayward closeline from Tyler, or so we thought, the “Traditionalist” is able to force the weapon for which originally was held by Nemesis. Slamming it over his head, a laceration has opened upon the injured Nemesis’ head. Blood spilling, creating an uncomfortable yet familiar sight, Nemesis looks as though he may be on the outs… Losing the final match of his career.


Tyler is even able to lock in his signature high-hanging Boston crab shortly after the chair shot. With blood spilling out of Nemesis’ head, compiling on the canvas below, it’s almost expected that Nemesis is about to give-up…


And then it happened…


With a super-human second wind, Nemesis is able to break the submission hold; much to Tyler’s shock. As the WAR crowd roars in the background, the proud LEGEND is eventually able to cultivate a powerful onslaught as he overpowers his long-time rival with an explosive wave of violence. Jaw-breaking punches, rib crushing kicks, and with guerilla strength unseen by the LEGEND before, Nemesis, bloodied from head-to-toe, eventually beats Eric Tyler into epic submission.


As Tyler staggers toward him, reeling from a turnbuckle closeline delivered earlier by his hated rival, Nemesis is able to slam his boot square into the “Traditionalists” stomach one last time. Lifting him on high, blood still falling below, Nemesis lifts Tyler off the canvas with his signature “Nemesis Arrow”. The impact is so impactful, so powerful, that Tyler’s body resembles that of an unconscious car victim lying in a destructive wake.


As the crowd counts along with Eugene Williams, the retirement match comes to a close. With an act of super-human power, the retiring LEGEND, Nemesis, is able to overcome his hated rival for the final time. Bloodied, bruised, and obviously in pain, the emotion of the moment overtakes Nemesis as he collapses on top of Tyler in a truly historic moment; signifying the END of his long, controversial yet illustrious, career!


Nemesis via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
“Nemesis Arrow” [Falcon Arrow Suplex]

Ending Time:


Steve Smith:
HE DID IT!! NEMESIS DID IT!! I didn’t think it was possible, Tyler was all over him, but the LEGEND, the Hardcore Hero himself, Nemesis, was able to YET AGAIN overcome his hated rival! He may be a good 20 years past his prime, there’s no denying that, but what we witnessed here tonight was something for the ages!

Slick Rick:
Someone’s going to have to wheel a stretcher down here for Nemesis; I don’t think he can even stand at this point.

{Slick Rick laughs to himself in a raspy fashion}

Slick Rick:
Life’s a b*tch and Nemesis has found out first hand that his body can’t keep up with it anymore. He may have won tonight, how I don’t know, but that was sure torturous to watch. A LEGEND maybe? Relevant in the ring today? Hell no!

Steve Smith:
He may not be what he used to be BUT he’s STILL a LEGEND!! Here, tonight, THAT LEGEND placed the final axe-strike to the back of his rival, Eric Tyler. In a night ALL ABOUT engaging in WAR with your most hated, Nemesis is able to stand with the GREATEST thing for any competitor; bragging rights!




Post-match celebration

Involved: Nemesis

“Goodbye, my friend”


{Nemesis is barely able to stand on his own two feet as Eugene Williams wildly swings his upward in victory. The river of blood, crashing down his face in an expansionist manner, leaves a trail of organic stains behind him; creating his ‘final mark’ upon the wrestling industry if you will. His body, broken, bruised, and abused, appears to be more in-line with that of someone 15 years his age; the constant barrage of violence depleting his physical state to an extreme level by his 50th birthday. More or less, as he stands victorious, the image of the victorious LEGEND is that of a train-wreck. He put his body through hell one last time; all for the love of the industry he helped to shape.}


{As the rabid WAR fan-base roars in his honor, collectively cultivating a “Thank you, Nemesis” chant in the process, the final image is that of Nemesis standing on high within a WAR wrestling ring. His in-ring days may be behind him, as claimed with this final matchup against his long-time rival in Eric Tyler, but the sheer image of him bloodied, as he always was, and standing with his arm raised feels like ‘home’.}


Steve Smith:
A TRUE wrestling LEGEND. He may have rubbed some people along the way, ruffled some feathers if you will, but that’s just the mark of a revolutionary agent. Without his brashness, without his rebellious personality, there’s no doubt that our industry would have NEVER progressed the way it did. He brought about DaVE. He brought about the sweeping change for more violence. He took the traditional world and flipped it upside down. Whether you like what he accomplished, you sure as HELL have to respect it.

Slick Rick:
He’s one major Son-of-a-b*tch, that’s for sure; both good and bad. The kind of a$$hole you don’t want to meet on the battlefield but would LOVE to have at your side in the trenches. Insane, brutal, violent, and a tad bit freakish… A recipe for something ugly.

Steve Smith:
Thank you for joining us, ladies and gentlemen, as Wrestling Action in Revolt forges it’s very own… World War III. It’s been chaotic; however, some of the greatest matches, and most heated rivalries, all took place here tonight… under one roof… that being the lovely Empire Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, NV!! Join us NEXT MONTH as we return to the very same point of destination for ANOTHER GREAT explosion of wrestling action LIVE on Pay-per-view!! Good night!!









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"World War III"

Wrestling Action in Revolt (WAR)

8, 797 out of 10,000 at the Empire Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, NV

PPV Buyrate:

Event Grade:

  • Opening Video w/ Nemesis, Troy Tornado, Raul Hughes, Ares, Johnny Martin, the Guru, and J.K. Stallings Jr. (C+)

  • Hype video w/ Buddy Garner and Raul Hughes. (C+)

  • Buddy Garner defeated Raul Hughes via submission. (C-)

  • Hype video w/ Genio Verde and Snap Dragon. (E+)

  • Snap Dragon defeated Genio Verde in 7:05 via DQ. (D)

  • DAMiaN and Leper Messiah exit ringside together. (C+)

  • Hype video w/ Donnie J and James Prudence. (D)

  • James Prudence defeated Donnie J in 7:47 via pinfall. (C-)

  • Sneak-peek of the WAR Pin-up girls. (C+)

  • Hype video w/ Ares and Johnny Martin. (C-)

  • Johnny Martin defeated Ares in 12:20 via interference. (C-

  • Hype video w/ Fox Mask and Troy Tornado. (C-)

  • Troy Tornado promo. (B)

  • Troy Tornado defeated Fox Mask in 10:12 via pinfall. (C-)

  • Hype video w/ Eric Tyler and Nemesis. (B-)

  • Dueling promos w/ Eric Tyler and Nemesis. (B-)

  • Nemesis defeated Eric Tyler in 25:22 via pinfall. (C-)

  • Nemesis celebrates post-match. (A)


"When Hell Freezes Over" = 3.61 (B+)

"Malice in Wonderland 2010" = 1.53 (B+)

"Stars, Stripes, and Slams" = 0.36 (C+)

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1st Week of February, 2010

... Controversy of a pay-day ...


The apparent sound of the documentarian’s hand grazing over the ‘record’ button is heard as the visual scene before us remains in a state of haze. Slowly, coming back into focus, we are able to witness the sight of renown MMA fighter, and one-time WAR competitor, Raul Hughes seated before the lens. His muscular physique, still visible through his layers of clothing, when combined with a sternly chizzled jaw-line, ultimately creates quite the menacing sight. In a sense, he looks like the kind of guy you would NEVER want to cross.


His demeanor tells of the very same notion.


[Raul Hughes]:
It was all a pay-day.


He barks in a forceful fashion; his eyes burning a hole through the lens before him.


[Raul Hughes]:
You put me in a REAL fight with [buddy] Garner and he stands no chance. No chance at all. I’d knock that b*tch’s head off in seconds.


Raul licks his lips quickly in an aggressive wetting fashion. Seconds later, as the documentarian attempts to speak, obviously driven to a sense of fear by Hughes’ menacing presence, there seems to be a burning rage boiling from deep within.


Why would you agree to such a match? Won’t this hinder your public persona as you step back into the MMA ring?


A quick ‘no’ shakes upon Raul’s face. Meanwhile, his clenched jaw starts to pulsate in a furious fashion.


[Raul Hughes]:
It doesn’t hinder anything; everyone KNOWS I could punk that b*tch in a real-fight. As I said, this was just a damn pay-day. Stallings came to me with an offer; one that I turned down at first. Then, the offer was increased. Still, I turned it down. Finally, I couldn’t say ‘no’ after hearing how much he was putting on the table.


The documentarian quickly jumps in; asking the lingering question out there.


How much was it?


With a stern look, Hughes stares on in silence. Then, seconds later, he begins to speak once again.


[Raul Hughes]:
That’s none of your business.


You can almost hear the documentarian gulp.


So he paid you to ‘take a fall’?


A strong slow nod comes from Hughes. His eyes, never breaking from his focus on the lens, continues to pierce with raw aggressive emotion.


[Raul Hughes]:
If Garner wants a real-fight, he knows where to find me. This time, though, he’ll find his head off-his-shoulders if he’s stupid enough to agree.


Again, the documentarian is almost heard gulping with fear.


Thank you for speaking with me, Mr. Hughes.


No response comes from Raul. Instead, a stern glare is all that is left in return. Seconds later, the footage comes to an abrupt stop with the slow pushing of the ‘stop’ button; obviously tentative as he’s afraid of what may happen once the camera is no longer taping.






1st Week of February, 2010

... Setting the tone with Garner/Hughes ...


Another stream of footage is brought forth; however, this time the documentarian finds himself in a much safer environment.


Located at the towering heights of J.K. Stallings Jr.’s high-rise, positioned directly over the gleaming lights of the Vegas strip, we find the man himself seated in a newly purchased black leather chair. With his feet kicked up upon a beautifully inscribed oak coffee table, a dime a dozen for someone like Stallings, the billionaire businessman appears to be enjoying the last drops of a scorching glass of scotch. His final swallow, almost painful in it’s presence, shows of man who doesn’t seem to care for the taste; rather the effects of what comes next.


Why would you throw a large sum at one man; for one night? Raul Hughes was never officially under contract but yet you paid him healthily for a one-off with Buddy Garner. Why?


A small smirk forms upon J.K.’s face as he inspects the bottom of his glass; now empty.


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
… Because I can.


He looks over to the camera lens still holding the very same smirk as before. Seconds later; however, said smirk has dissipated. Returning back to a thoughtful demeanor, the powerful billionaire does his best to explain the situation.


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
In all seriousness though, I knew that “World War III” needed something spectacular, something iconic, to reign in the start of WAR. With Garner/Hughes, we had exactly that. Two men, both known for their amazing abilities within the MMA circle, now were set to do battle; however, this time, it was in a WAR ring… under ‘MY’ roof. I would have paid Hughes double, if not triple, what I actually gave him; money is no object with me. In the end, he took the bait, took the cash, and did the one thing we asked of him: ‘lay-down’.


Did he put up a fight?


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
You could say that… but… in the end, money is the greatest tool for motivation.


A devilish grin forms upon J.K.’s face as he stares into the lens with a dripping confidence; the kind that only can be cultivated by extreme wealth.


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
Everyone has a price… even Raul Hughes.


With that, the footage comes to a close with muffling sound of our documentarian slowly pushing the ‘stop’ button on high. In the end, before said button could bring it all to a close, we witness the lingering image of a man relishing in his own ability: that being limitless opportunities through intense wealth.



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Is it just me, or the match ratings are a bit low?


WAR is a pop > performance company. Not overly; however, it is slightly more important to have overness than skill. That said, my roster tends to hover around the "D" to "C" range for my in-ring competitors. So, I was kind of expecting a bunch of "C's".


With Nemesis/Tyler, I wasn't expecting anything crazy from a grade standpoint. I mean, I didn't alter their status (both retired); so, I knew that they wouldn't pull out a crazy match. Also, pushing it 25 minutes was probably not the best decision but it was more about the story than the grade; the kind of situation where people sit back and say "Hey, it wasn't a great match but it was MORE about seeing Nemesis wrestle one last time" (a la like what you would see with Hogan or something).


It's going to be some time before the ratings go up; however, I do have some good overness guys in the mix which should help things as time goes on. Tornado, Ares, Garner, Martin are all at a "D+" or higher. Also, I'm not entirely sold on having Tyler no longer wrestle. Between he and Nemesis, he still has some gas left in the tank; so, that could help since he's got decent overness as well.

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I'm not concerned about that, at least not directly. I'm just wondering what I can learn on what and what not to do in a product like yours.


I'm still learning myself as I typically run with 50/50 products. All I can hope, at least with WAR, is that I can gain some overness for workers by having them interact with Nemesis, Tornado, and Tyler (using them as a catalyst for popularity). Nemesis alone jumped up to an "A" in popularity after one event; so, that should come in handy.


We'll have to learn how to work through the product together I guess.

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2nd Week of February, 2010

... TV is King; or is it? ...


The hazy scenario before us gains more of a sharper production as the novice documentarian falls victim to the dreaded auto-focus setting. Struggling to regain control of his own machine, said documentarian fidgets nervously with his newly purchased camera as the hazed footage still captures the audio at hand. Unable to see anyone, everything seeming like blobs of light, at first it’s almost impossible to make out who is actually speaking.


[unknown Voice]:
You know, J.K., if you don’t mind me calling you that, your industry has long been known to NEED television as a launching pad. Without a broadcasted show, you run the risk of NEVER maintaining a public image. Without that, you’re pretty much bound to repeatedly fail.
I’m sorry for the bluntness but you seem like a man who would rather hear the truth than have his a$$-kissed.


The hazed footage continues to struggle to gain a sharp-nature as a brief stint of silence is heard. Then, in a quieter tone, another voice is heard speaking. This voice, also unknown; however, vaguely familiar, appears to be much closer to the camera as the audio is slightly stronger despite the lessened volume.


[unknown Voice #2]:
He’s right, J.K. Having a TV presence is entirely crucial to what you can accomplish on a national level.


Slowly, as if an act of GOD, the footage finally becomes much clearer.


Now, with a visual available, the scene at hand begins to take shape. Located in J.K. Stallings Jr.’s modern art utopia, aka his Vegas strip high-rise, there sits Stallings with his back to the camera lens. In a deep-black leather chair, the powerful billionaire appears to have his eyes fixated on a large screen located before him. At first, said screen resembles that of a 50+ flat-screen TV; however, with time, it becomes rather apparent that the gigantic, yet sleek, box is actually a tool for video-conferencing.


Within said video projector there sits two professionally dressed gentlemen. Sporting large grins upon their collective face, these obvious salesmen sit directly before a large ‘National Pride TV’ logo at their back upon the wall.


Within seconds it becomes obvious as to what is going on at the present moment. Coming in late, the documentarian has quickly made use of his camera in which to capture a potential negotiation between WAR and National Pride TV.


[National Pride TV Exec #1]:
So, what will it be, J.K.? Do we have a deal?


A brief silence is heard as the camera man continues to capture the back of Stallings head. With this in mind, there is little knowledge as to how he’s taking the negotiations thus far.


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
Those close to me can call me, J.K…
You may call me Mr. Stallings.


The National Pride TV Executive drops his poker-face for a split second; thrown back by Stallings response. That said, like any good salesman, he moves forward with a well-placed, yet hollow, smile.


[National Pride TV Exec #1]:
I’m sorry, Mr. Stallings. Sometimes I just… get… a little too… excited about these kinds of things. I mean, a partnership between the two of us could really bring about something special. You know?
{Large smile as he pauses}
So, let’s get down to business as I can tell you’re a businessman through-and-through, what do you think about bringing WAR to National Pride TV?


Another stint of silence follows as it’s expected that J.K. is mulling over the opportunity. Seconds turn into tens of seconds as the TV executives overly large grin begins to appear more awkward that not. The sides of his mouth tremble with the weight of his smile; however, knowing the trick of the trade, he continues to push forward in hopes of landing a career-shifting deal.


Silence still follows.


Then, as his right arm rustles slightly, as if he were grabbing something at the moment, the man once known as the ‘Billionaire brat’ finally responds. In the end, said response is quite in-line with a new attitude exuding from the small-statured businessman.


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
No deal. Good-day, gentlemen.


With a calm, yet swinging, gesture, J.K. points a small black remote toward the video conferencing projector. Seconds later, the conversation has been closed; at least the black screen makes it seem as such.


Before Stallings can even place the remote back upon the table before him, masked by the sheer size of his black leather chair, a familiar face is shown walking onto the scene at hand.




[Eknath Dutta]:
Well… that wasn’t what we talked about before hand…


With a look of confusion upon his face, the former legendary SWF manager is shown walking onto the scene. Dressed in an equally beautiful 3-piece suit, one that was most likely purchased for him by his current boss, this is the first moment for which Eknath is displayed to be a ‘right-hand-man’ for Stallings. That said, you wouldn’t know it by the way Stallings was acting.


Continuing to look forward at a screen that has gone ‘dead’, Stallings appears to be stewing over something; even IF we can’t see his face to know for sure.


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
We don’t need them.


Eknath appears confused still.


[Eknath Dutta]:
Sir, with all due respect, we NEED a TV presence.


Eknath pauses as he continues to gaze upon his seated and stoic boss.


[Eknath Dutta]:
The Pop! Network, NCTV, and Sports America all felt we were ‘too small to take on’. We NEED National Pride TV… It’s all we’ve got at this point.


For a few brief seconds there is silence. Then, speaking at a much quicker rate than he did with the TV executive, Stallings responds to Eknath’s point of wisdom. However, as a window into the young billionaire’s soul, there appears to be a ‘me against the world’ mentality to his thought process.


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
While true, Eknath, if there’s one thing I learned back in 2004… it’s that I’m going to make my OWN decisions. I would have taken this deal when I was 20. I would have been influenced by everyone and everything to believe that it’s ‘good for us’. In reality, it’s not.


[Eknath Dutta]:
How is it not good for us?


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
What do THEY get if we sign? The public boost that a billionaire is funding one of their programs. On top of that, they can come calling for sponsorship money down the line; acting chummy-chummy when their measly bank-accounts begin to run dry. What do WE gain? A ‘D-list’ television partner who can barely bring it’s OWN fan-base to the table each week. With time, they’re nothing but a liability to us financially. Not to mention our brand.


J.K. pauses for a second.


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
National Pride TV MAY be a TV presence… but they’re barely even that… A step up from local-access is NOT where WAR will reside… Not now… not ever…


[Eknath Dutta]:
So, where do we go from here?


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
It’s quite simple, really. After our February event, we turn to U-Demand and garner a weekly pay-per-view broadcast. We push the wrestling fans to purchase the action in which to be part of something new; something revolutionary.


[Eknath Dutta]:
A weekly pay-per-view won’t draw us much money though…


A stint of laughter is heard exuding from Stallings as he sits. Then, as it begins to wane rather quickly, he’s heard addressing the issue brought forth by Dutta.


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
I’ve already made my money… I don’t need any more.
Wrestling Action in Revolt is not about making money…


Silence is heard as Stallings pauses for a brief second.


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
… It’s about


With that, the intensely-wrapped footage just witnessed comes to a climactic close. Becoming much more versed at turning to the ‘stop’ button, there is very little in lingering coverage. That said, what IS seen before being cast into an abrupt blackness is that of Eknath Dutta nodding his head in an affirming fashion. Meanwhile, J.K. Stallings Jr. continues to remain seated in his chair. Never did we see his face; however, his emotional fire is known to be there.



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Chaos; it's what's bred in Sin City.


In a city built upon the back of sheer insanity, Wrestling Action in Revolt again invades the infamous Sin City with a brand of chaos unseen. Housing a ten-man battle royal entitled "The Tenacious 10" and the newly developed "WAR Roulette", this impactful night will bring forth a hefty dose of controversy amongst the history-making. In one night, odds will be played, rivals will clash, and the FIRST-EVER WAR CHAMPION will be declared!


Chaos reigns extreme this month as Wrestling Action in Revolt, once again, overtakes the Vegas strip...





10 men have the grandiose opportunity to hold their own destiny firmly in hand as the victor of the opening battle royal will be granted an automatic spot in the WAR Championship match at the end of the night. Dubbed as the
“Tenacious 10”
, these hell-bent few will put everything on the line in hopes of cementing the only ‘golden ticket’ there is during “Sin City Chaos”. In hopes of gaining their spot in WAR Roulette,
Buddy Garner
Donnie J
James Prudence
Leper Messiah
Philippe LaGrenier
Puerto Rican Power
Remmy Skye
, and
Steven Parker
, will all compete in an over-the-top-rope scenario where there can only be one left standing. Who will it be? Who will rise to the occasion and step straight into the first-ever WAR Championship match with a resounding victory?



Exploding onto the scene in an accelerated manner, these four high-flying cruiserweights will clash in what’s bound to be described as a truly chaotic affair. Perceived as an opportunity for said fliers to establish bragging rights within the aerial brethren,
Angel Del Mexico
Fox Mask
Genio Verde
, and
Snap Dragon
will come to a head within the four-corners of combat in hopes of setting themselves apart from the rest. When it’s all said-and-done, WHICH high-impact competitor will stand above them all? More importantly though, for Wrestling Action in Revolt as a whole, can the Empire Coliseum simply house such a whirlwind of action without crumbling to it’s core? It all remains to be seen.



After being subjected to a heinous double-team during WAR’s inaugural event, “World War III”, Ares comes into “Sin City Chaos” with hopes of evening the score; if not gaining a sense of revenge. With the beautiful Goddess Emily at his side, the “GOD of WAR”,
, must trust in another’s hand in which to gain such an opportunity though. Who is out there for such a scenario? That remains to be seen. That said, the Tri-State Kings, made up of DaVE brethren,
Johnny Martin and Alex Braun
, will attempt to crush their former extremist co-worker once again by any means necessary it seems (as we saw last month). Who will come to Ares’ aide? Will it even be enough to overcome the entitled Kings? Either way, the matchup is bound to be a fiery exchange.



Whether it’s perceived as intense uncertainty or limitless possibility,
WAR Roulette
will certainly go down in the sands-of-time as THE MOST IMPACTFUL moment in the history of Wrestling Action in Revolt. Housing the FIRST-EVER
WAR Championship match
, said Roulette approach will grant 6-lucky men the opportunity to stand as the TRUE cornerstone of a heated wrestling revolution. With one competitor of the six decided earlier in the night, via the “Tenacious Ten” battle royal, 5-other wrestlers will be chosen at random through the means of a Las Vegas Roulette wheel. From there, the sensational 6 will compete for the right to be the LEGENDARY FIRST WAR CHAMPION; a truth that will NEVER subside. Who will it be? Who will walk away with the gold? And WHO will ultimately lead the revolution? These questions could really find ANY answer as ANYTHING is possible…




World War III Quick Picks

"Tenacious Ten" Winner:

Angel Del Mexico vs. Fox Mask vs. Genio Verde vs. Snap Dragon

Ares and ???? vs. Alex Braun and Johnny Martin

WAR Roulette Winner:


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"Tenacious Ten" Winner: Buddy Garner

Angel Del Mexico vs. Fox Mask vs. Genio Verde vs. Snap Dragon

Ares and ???? vs. Alex Braun and Johnny Martin

WAR Roulette Winner: Troy Tornado!

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"Tenacious Ten" Winner: Buddy Garner

Angel Del Mexico vs. Fox Mask vs. Genio Verde vs. Snap Dragon

Ares and ???? vs. Alex Braun and Johnny Martin

WAR Roulette Winner: Troy Tornado!

Ah, screw it, I second this. I'm trying to figure who's going to the fatal four-way match, but it's hard to see...


I'll just go with codey's predictions, considering they would have been what I would have picked, save for the fatal four way (I have no idea for that one).

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World War III Quick Picks

"Tenacious Ten" Winner: Steven Parker. (not going to happen, but i'm a big fan of "The Future")


Angel Del Mexico vs. Fox Mask vs. Genio Verde vs. Snap Dragon

(Fox is the best of the bunch.)


Ares and ???? vs. Alex Braun and Johnny Martin

(Always go with the ???. I'm go with Remmy Skye


WAR Roulette Winner: Troy Tornado!

(kinda obvious. I do expect some kinda beat down from Leper Messiah and his buddy.)

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"Tenacious Ten" Winner: Cletus

He may have a lack of youth, but he has Menace to burn and with high performance skills, he can put on a good match to boot.

Angel Del Mexico vs. Fox Mask vs. Genio Verde vs. Snap Dragon

I'm a fan of Snap Dragon, always have been to be honest.

Ares and ???? vs. Alex Braun and Johnny Martin

Debuts Tend to mean victory but we'll have to see.

WAR Roulette Winner: Remmy Skye Vs Cletus Vs Ares Vs ???? Vs Johnny Martin Vs Fox Mask

I picked out the six jsut for fun, but I see Remmy Skye being the kind of Entertaining individual that could carry a promotion like WAR.

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"Tenacious Ten" Winner: Buddy Garner

Looks to be the strongest challenger for the true main event. Thought about James Prudence, too, but it seems that it's not yet his time.


Angel Del Mexico vs. Fox Mask vs. Genio Verde vs. Snap Dragon

Genio Verde is the one who actually already assert his authority, with the 'employment' of Damian and Leper Messiah in destroying Snap Dragon. But for the first champion, WAR is going to need an already established name in the US. Fox Mask for this match.


Ares and ???? vs. Alex Braun and Johnny Martin

Ares and his pal gonna lose this one, but will take the victory at the next PPV.


WAR Roulette Winner: Troy Tornado

Well... Troy is the Star of the WAR. I expect good match between him and Buddy Garner. :D


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]: I’ve already made my money… I don’t need any more. {Pauses} Wrestling Action in Revolt is not about making money…


Silence is heard as Stallings pauses for a brief second.


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]: … It’s about revenge.


Stallings is a bad ass...

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World War III Quick Picks


"Tenacious Ten" Winner: Buddy Garner

I think Buddy Garner is going to be a major player in WAR.


Angel Del Mexico vs. Fox Mask vs. Genio Verde vs. Snap Dragon

Fox Mask may not be on Troy Tornados level but he is one of the best guys on the roster I feel.


Ares and ???? vs. Alex Braun and Johnny Martin

???? always wins! ???? is a beast.


WAR Roulette Winner: Troy Tornado

I almost picked Nemesis but Tornado is going to be the face of the company so it makes sense that he is the 1st champion.


Great diary! Truly an inspiration for aspiring diary writers.

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