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WAR on the Vegas Strip...

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Puerto Rican Power© vs. Cletus

Power retains


Jayson Wright vs. Steve Flash

Flash is here to teach and put people over


El Platinum-ay vs. Fox Mask vs. Fumihiro Ota vs. Jacob Jett vs. Teddy Powell

Push continues


Alex Braun, Ares, Buddy Garner, and Leper Messiah vs. Art Reed, Johnny Martin, Masked Cougar, and ???

Mystery man rule, not sure the mystery man will be Tornado though

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Will he join the main event on "Battleground"?

In a shocking statement made earlier this morning, zany WAR Owner J.K. Stallings Jr. has made his intentions known about the main event for this week’s “Battleground”. It appears that the mysterious open spot for the main event team of Art Reed, Johnny Martin, and Masked Cougar will hopefully be filled by that of the “Lone Wolf” Shawn Gonzalez if Stallings gets his way.


Speaking to WAR-wrestling.com this morning, Stallings stated that he hopes Gonzalez will accept the role as the 4th partner of Reed, Martin, and Cougar as they compete against the team of Alex Braun, Ares, Buddy Garner, and Leper Messiah. While it’s unknown WHY Stallings would ask Gonzalez to ‘step-up’ versus simply booking him in the match, many sources within the WAR Owner’s camp claim he’s looking for the silent ICON to show his allegiance (or lack there of) to Wrestling Action in Revolt.


With the recent news of Shawn Gonzalez’ contract ending at the end of the month and the subsequent statement of NEED by Stallings to keep him in WAR, one could derive that this may be a situation where the WAR owner is looking to gage Gonzalez’ state of mind. In this case, if he were to accept the spot, there’s a possibility that he may be interested in staying. If not, then the meter may swing in the opposite direction; clueing to the fact that he may be leaving WAR altogether.


In the end, “Battleground” may stand as the ultimate signal as to HOW negotiations may be progressing…


Will he… or won’t he?


That is the question.










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Puerto Rican Power© vs. Cletus

Jayson Wright vs. Steve Flash

El Platinum-ay vs. Fox Mask vs. Fumihiro Ota vs. Jacob Jett vs. Teddy Powell

Alex Braun, Ares, Buddy Garner, and Leper Messiah vs. Art Reed, Johnny Martin, Masked Cougar, and ?????

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Really enjoying the diary, E-V. It is one of those that I look for each and every time I sign on to make sure I haven't missed anything.


Puerto Rican Power© vs. Cletus

The belt has found some stability around the waist of PRP and I don't think that stops here tonight.


Jayson Wright vs. Steve Flash

Wright is not quite there yet. Flash wins with some ill-timed interference by Dharma.


El Platinum-ay vs. Fox Mask vs. Fumihiro Ota vs. Jacob Jett vs. Teddy Powell

The match is really set for El Platinum-ay to get the victory but I am going to go for an underdog in this match.


Alex Braun, Ares, Buddy Garner, and Leper Messiah vs. Art Reed, Johnny Martin, Masked Cougar, and ?????

Shawn Gonzalez appears at the last moment and dominates to get the victory for his side. Though I could see either side winning.

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With Episode #7 of "Battleground" on POP! (due up later tonight most likely) this dynasty comes to a MAJOR point of pride for me personally. Why you might ask? This is why:


PSW: Evolution of Greed - 20 shows

WAR on the Vegas Strip... - 19 shows (after tonight's show)

DOA: Evolution of Greed - 11 shows (or so)


With this in mind, "Firestorm", the next show & pay-per-view of WAR, will tie this project with my 1,000 post PSW dynasty! Honestly, for awhile there, I never thought I would find a project that would EVER rival the length of my telling of the Greed/PSW story. Honestly, I thought my ability to stay creative, in one thread alone, had long past me; however, at this point, I stand on the brink of doing exactly what I thought I had lost.


I want to thank everyone who has supported me along the way. Whether PSW/DOA/WAR, it's been an amazing ride & I look forward to further telling the story of WAR. Believe me, there's really some big stuff on the way.





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In-Ring Argument

Involved: J.K. Stallings Jr. and ?????

“The Lone Wolf will have to wait...”


{This week's episode of "Battleground" opens with the triumphant, overly dramatic, over-compensating, theme song of one WAR owner, J.K. Stallings Jr.}


{Walking through the "Gates of WAR" with his chest held high, his next extended in confidence, the bow-tie-wearing billionaire saunters toward the ringside area with a bouncy-sense of excitement. With a gigantic, if not childish, grin upon his smooth babyface, the overtly enthusiastic Stallings overtakes the ringside area with a level of joyful confidence; if not ignorance. None the less, once in the ring, standing before the cheering masses, the small-framed WAR owner eventually addresses said fan-base; however, not before leading his own chant of "Stallings". In reality, while it may seem funny that someone would LEAD their own chant, with Stallings, the youthful mind that he is, there's no sense of humility to the act. If anything, he relishes the response as, in a short time, said chant is all that can be heard.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
Hell-O Wrestling Fans!!!!! How the H-H-H-H-H-HEEEEEEECK-UHHH... are ya?


{Stallings projects in his typical high-pitched, overtly nerdy, tone.}


{The crowd pops as Stallings puffs his chest further; bobbling his head slightly back-and-forth in a proud, yet comical, manner.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
I've got a plan stan... A PLAN that COULD save Wrestling Action in Revolt for the foreseeable future!
{Stallings pauses in which to raise his right-hand pointer finger upward at eye-level -- an eureka kind of thing.}
Now, I know... I know... WHAT could we E-E-E-VERRR need saving from? I already booted Nemesis to the curb...
{Crowd pops as Stallings grins like a little school-boy}
I re-strengthened the Blitzkrieg Division... HECK, I EVEN secured one of THE largest bands in the WORLD to play at "Firestorm"...
{The crowd pops once again as Stallings soaks it all up.}
SOOOOOO... You'd think that would be enough... BUT NO... Not for me... Not nev-ah! I have plans for the future... plans that will take us ALL the WAY to #1... BUT, I need someone... someone LIKE the "Lone Wolf" to cement it all!!


{The crowd pops as Stallings nods his head in approval.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
Lone Wolf... Oh Lone Wolf... Where ART... thou Lone Wolf?
{Pauses; projects a cheesy smile}
I booked tonight's main event with YOU specifically in mind!! Now, I know negotiations have stalled... stalled to a halt... a HALT I DO NOT like... But... I'm calling on YOU to take this opportunity tonight and join the team of Reed, Martin, and Cougar!! Join them... show us ALL, ALL these adoring fans of yours, that you will NOT separate from the pack! See what I did there? Pack? Huh? Genius... I KNOW!!!


{Stallings pauses as he overlooks the crowd with a youthful sense of high-confidence.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
S-a-hoooo.... Shawny-boy... "Lone Wolf".... Mr. Gonzalez... How-EVER you want to be addressed... PLEASE take this opportunity to show us ALL, your adoring fans, that you are WAR... forever!!


{Again, Stallings soaks in the positive response from the crowd; however, this fact wouldn't last for very long...}


{Just before he can raise the microphone back to his lips, the unsettling sound of Travis Century's out-of-tune church organ music can be heard. Immediately upon it's introduction, the rabid WAR fan-base is heard booing like crazy in defiance of the polarizing zealot. With that in mind though, even with a healthy dose of hatred turned his way, Century shows very little sway in emotion. As always, the hardened veteran is shown walking with a stoic-nature unseen by any before him. In a way, it's almost as though he has an overarching knowledge of all; a fact that would bring about such comfortability through such chaos as Pro wrestling.}



Interrupting Stallings' plea to Gonzalez


{Slowly, sauntering in a methodical pace, the black-robe-wearing figure of supposed divinity sends shivers down the collective spine of all. Without saying a word, or even showing much for body language for that matter, he's able to formulate a level of grandeur around him that peers through any and all.}


{Once in the ring, it's rather obvious that these two (Stallings and Century) couldn't be farther apart in every way.}


{The bouncy, over-dramatic, wide-eyed, childlike, Stallings just drips with pure excitement; as if he's living a dream. Meanwhile, Travis Century projects nothing short of hardened, silent, vicious energy.}


{None the less, following a short, awkward, exchange between the two, one where Stallings is shown smirking like a mad-man while Century simply stares upon him with a gaze of underlying fury, the two finally interact with one another via their individual microphones.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
Travis... Century; the big, bad, SCARY, soldier for the MAN upstairs!! To what do I owe this nightmare... I mean... Pleasure?


{Stallings dips his body slightly in a playful manner; however, his humor doesn't seem to translate well to Century. Following a short stare-down, one where Century does very little to show a lighter side, the polarizing zealot addresses the situation at hand; glazing over Stallings statement all together.}


[Travis Century]:
I've come with a request....


[J.K. Stallings Jr]:
A request?!?! Sure... Shoot... Fire-away... BOMBS... AWAY.... What ya need? new attire? how about a new song? Maybe a saucy valet? Huh?


{J.K. responds in his typical accelerated, getting ahead of himself, mind full of thoughts/questions, manner. Again, Century does very little to buy into the whole thing.}


[Travis Century]:
A simple request really...
{Pauses; then looks directly into J.K.'s eyes with a sense of true silent intensity}
... I want Tornado... at "Firestorm"... Just me... and him...


{Stallings nods his head while holding his signature gigantic smile upon his face. Taking a second to dramatically display that he's thinking, placing his finger upon his chin in the process, it appears as though the WAR owner seems interested in the idea.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
So let me get this straight... You... big scary man of the cross.... wants to take on OUR faithful WAR Champion... THE greatest show in ALL of Las Vegas... Troy Tornado... at "Firestorm"? Lemme see... Lemme see... Hmmmmm.....


{Stallings comically continues to think to himself in a dramatic fashion. Meanwhile, Century stares upon him with a stoic gaze of sternness.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
What to do.... What to do....


{J.K. bounces around in stride as he continues to think in a dramatic fashion.}


[Travis Century]:
Your immaturity is growing thin.... I'm not here to joke, Heathen...
{Stares down Stallings in a intense fashion}
I came here for one thing and one thing only... & I don't plan on leaving this ring UNTIL I have it.


{You would think such a statement would drive a sense of fear in Stallings; however, for some reason, he remains just as youthful throughout it all. Meanwhile, Travis Century continues to stare in a stoic fashion upon the WAR owner.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
Well, Mr. Century... Mister Stare's a lot.... MISTER... Preacher...
{Pauses comically}
Who says that I HAVE to GIVE you what you want?


{The crowd has a collective 'oooh' resonating as Stallings looks upon Century with a comical grin upon his face. In the end, Century doesn't look all that interested.}


[Travis Century]:
How DARE you speak to me like this... Don't you know who I am??


{Century proclaims while puffing his chest outward; barking in a harsh fashion.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
... Someone a week removed from a late-night hell-fire-and-brimestone cable access show?


{Stallings laughs to himself; proud of his rebellious statement. Meanwhile, as the crowd laughs along with the WAR owner, Century shows further proof that he's coming un-glued a little.}


[Travis Century]:
You stupid little man you.... Here you are, in your arrogance, attempting to wage a war of words with me.... ME... The man who made the very ground for which you stand upon. ME... The all-powerful being who gave you LIFE... that gave you this world... that gave you EVERYTHING.... And yet, you DARE tell me... No? You DARE make a mockery of me? ME? You will certainly rot in HELL for all I care... ALL of you... No longer will you know MY kingdom...


{Century barks toward the crowd now. Meanwhile, Stallings is slowly starting to piece together what's being said. In doing so, seeming somewhat confused at first, the WAR owner eventually vocalizes his thought; one that started to form on the minds of all in attendance it seems.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
Wait.... are you saying that you're....


{Travis snaps his head in which to look directly at Stallings with a sense of aggressive fury to his stare. Meanwhile, as a confident, if not vile, smirk forms upon his face, there's a real unsettling nature starting to form.}


[Travis Century]:
Yes... I am... HE... Who NEEDS... NO name....


{The crowd lightly buzz' with shock over such a drastic (if not controversial) statement. Meanwhile, Stallings stands comically with his eyes bugged-outward.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:


{Stallings relays while elongating the entire word itself; in a state of shock if you will.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
Need a little time off there, Travis?


{J.K. jokes as he comically winces while slightly adjusting away from him.}


[HE (who needs no name)]:
How PUNY that brain of yours is... You MAY have created vast technology in your short age BUT it pails in comparison of what I ... created.... What I'VE constructed!!
{Pauses; smirking confidently in the process but his stare seems somewhat empty}
I am NOT Travis... That is only the name I once took to 'FIT IN' with you... you... disgusting rodents....
{Snarls slightly; looking down upon us all}
It would be WISE of you to never call me that again...


{Stallings, again, playing up that he's certainly thrown-off by what's happening before him, acts in a tentative fashion as he comically tries to create separation between he and the supposed HE before him.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
With all DUE respect, uh... HE (who needs no name)... Uh... I just can't have you ANYWHERE... NEAR... the main event at "Firestorm". I mean, someone in your... uh... well... condition... It's QUITE the liability!


[HE (who needs no name)]:
I have a face-painted giant who would be QUITE unhappy if I were NOT to get what I want....


{He relays in a coy fashion. All in all, it's expected that he means Leper Messiah.}


{Stallings gulps rather dramatically as he stands wide-eyed.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
Certainly... Violence is not needed...


[HE (who needs no name)]:
... Certainly, sometimes it is...


{HE (who needs no name) smirks in a devilish sort of fashion; his brow dipped slightly to add further menace to it all. Meanwhile, Stallings gulps AGAIN in a dramatic fashion.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
Well... uh....
{Gulp again; wide-eyed}
We can talk about it...


[HE (who needs no name)]:
I'm done with talking....


{HE proclaims in a quick, stern, matter of fact, fashion.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
Okay... Well... Sure! Why not? You've got it!! You... Tornado... "Firestorm"!! It'll be an extravaganza!!


{Stallings relays in a way that seems as though, as he was, forced into making such a decision with the thought of intense violence on the horizon. That said, after relaying such, his mood turns to that of a manufactured sense of joy once again; tentative at best. More or less, he seems obviously afraid of everything before him & rather tries to act happy in which to possibly sway HE (who needs no name) in his direction of pure joy.}


[HE (who has no name)]:
It will be an "Inferno Match"...


{HE projects sharply in a way in which to give Stallings no room to negotiate. With that in mind, upon hearing the style of match, moving past another round of wide-eyed gulping, the WAR owner is shown slowly speaking in return.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
I just... I don't know if we can do that.... I mean, with all DUE respect.... an "Inferno Match"?? Someone could die...


{Stallings shows himself to be overtly consumed by fear as he mutters the last statement. HE (who needs no name) on the other hand seems as confidently stoic as ever.}


[HE (who has no name)]:
I'm sure my painted-face friend could change your mind...


{HE looks toward the "Gates of WAR" in which to summon Leper Messiah; however, before he can do so, Stallings is heard jumping in frantically. While it MAY not be the best decision ever made, the WAR owner is entirely acting upon impulse; trying to evade the violence that is Leper Messiah.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:


{He blurts quickly.}


{Meanwhile, HE (who needs no name) continues to crack a smile of complete dominance.}


[HE (who needs no name)]:
See how hard that was... you puny little ant you...
{Slight laughter is heard; however, reserved}
I look forward to BURNING your demon of a Champion.... I'll send him RIGHT BACK to where HE belongs...


{With that, getting what he want, HE (who needs no name) ultimately walks out of the ring in a chest-puffed, chin-high, sense of confidence. The coy smirk of dominance still resides as he slowly shuffles up the steel rampway. Meanwhile, in the ring, Stallings is left in a state of shock. Pulling at the neckline of his oxford shirt, obviously sweating from head-to-toe, the resurgent billionaire nerd looks as uncomfortable as ever. Gone is that playful, overtly dramatic, childlike sense of wonder. Here is the look of a man who had just been drove to the edge of true fear and back.}


Mitch Naess:
Did he just say....

Slick Rick:
Yea.... He says he's the man upstairs...

Mitch Naess:
Travis Century has LOST it... and NOW... he's bullied Mr. Stallings into booking him into the Main Event at "Firestorm"!

Slick Rick:
Not only that, it's an "Inferno Match"!
{Shakes his head in shock; laughing with a raspy tone}
Tornado's bout to end up extra crispy after the weekend!

Mitch Naess:
Folks, It's obvious that Century is a VERY sick man right now... I don't know what to say really. That said, it appears.... we're about to have one of THE most dangerous matches in wrestling history this Saturday at "Firestorm". Two men will compete where the ONLY way you can win is by setting your opponent on fire!
{Shakes his head; equally in shock.}
DaVE was known for it's violence but this... this really sets it all apart...

Slick Rick:
And it's ALL going to be Stallings' fault! He booked the match!

Mitch Naess:
If this goes wrong, and I don't know how the HELL it could go RIGHT, then Wrestling Action in Revolt may crumble under the intense weight of continuous law suits! States, if NOT the COUNTRY, could ultimately ban us from EVER holding ANOTHER show again!

Slick Rick:
Aren't YOU happy you came in now?
{Raspy laughter follows; hearty in nature}
Just in time to go DOWN with the SHIP!!

Mitch Naess:
I didn't think of that.... great....






Puerto Rican Power© vs.
"The Appalachian Grizzly"


Singles Match

WAR Sin City Championship Match

“Too much for eachother...”


Much like two enraged rams slamming full-force into one another, the combination of Puerto Rican Power and Cletus feels much in the same. Far before the bell is even rung, the brutish action comes to a head with an unexpected brawl between the two competitors as the Sin City Champion, PRP, is shown stomping toward the ring. Jay Fair, sensing that this altercation will be something of an unruly one, quickly calls for the opening bell in response; climbing from the ring himself in which to start his officiating from ringside. That said, it's not that Jay really has much to do in the way of policing anything. In reality, he's more there to just count a pinfall attempt as neither Power nor Cletus are all that interested in 'following the rules'. In connection to that, the match would never find it's way ACTUALLY into the ring. Instead, the two hated rivals are shown wildly brawling around the ringside area (utilizing the ramp and crowd area as places to wage in battle).


While chaotic in nature, their exchange is actually quite 'open'; with neither side dominating the other all that much. Sure, there are points where a powerslam onto the concrete or a piledriver onto a fallen gaurdrail brings about a sense of 'surely he can't go on'; however, even with that, each powerful maneuver is typically followed by one of equal (if not greater) force by the once fallen competitor. With this in mind, as you would expect, by the end of their vicious altercation neither looks all that healthy to say the least. While there's little blood, if anything for that matter, the physical tole of constant brutality begins to show wear-and-tear on both men; a fact that doesn't temper their assault though mind you.


In the end, it takes a pretty intense circumstance to ultimately bring this match to a close; one that actually leaves BOTH men unconscious as a result...


Warring on the unforgiving cement, next to the steel stage for which the ramp extends out of, the two heavy-hitting competitors are shown trading powerhouse blows back-and-forth; a fact that has both of them staggering yet not willing to ultimately fall. With spit flying with each strike, both appear as though they're having their bell-rung over and over again. That said, after an uppercut from the Sin City Champion sends Cletus staggering backward in a state of shock, Puerto Rican Power is ultimately shown throwing caution to the wind as he connects with an explosive "San Juan Rush" (Spear). While this impact would be ENOUGH to bring about the end of the match, especially given the fact that Cletus would eventually slam into the unforgiving cement below, it's the fact that both men go crashing through a wall of the steel stage that ultimately sends everyone into a collective state of horror.



"San Juan Rush" (Spear) through the steel stage wall!!


Frenzy is the best way to describe the mood as WAR technitions are shown attempting to move away the wreckage. However, as such is removed, it's unveiled that an unconscious Sin City Champion actually ended up STILL on top of Cletus following impact. Sensing his duty as a referee, Jay Fair quickly counts a three-count upon the cement below; more so to get the technical winner/loser scenario done so that medics could 'get in' to help. All in all, the unsettling sight of both brutish behemoths unconscious and under the steel stage brings about an almost Armageddon-like feel.


Puerto Rican Power via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
“San Juan Rush” (Spear) through the steel ramp-stage wall

Ending Time:

This is Puerto Rican Power’s 3rd successful title defense of the WAR Sin City Championship (x3 Sin City Champion)!


Mitch Naess:
You hope that the paramedics here can remove Power & Cletus before that whole steel stage comes crashing down! I mean, with such a blow to it’s infrastructure as two BIG heavyweight’s tearing through it, you’ve GOT to expect that it won’t stand for much longer.

Slick Rick:
Damn… Now THAT was an ending! Did you see them TEAR right through that steel wall? Holy sh*t, I’ve NEVER seen something like THAT before. I’ll be surprised if either of them actually walk, if not breathe, again.

Mitch Naess:
It really does make you wonder if EITHER will be able to compete at “Firestorm” this weekend.
Slick Rick:
There ‘aint NO way these guys can! Seriously…

Mitch Naess:
You’re probably right. They COULD be equally paralyzed for all we know…




In-Ring Argument

Involved: WAR Pin-up Girls and Jayson Wright

“War comes to the Pin-ups...”


{The sight of Dharma and her brother, Jayson "Mr." Wright, walking toward the ring only generates a light buzz. In reality, while Jayson is actually the one who competes within the ring, it's as if Dharma is more front-center between the two. Walking before her brother with a sense of spunky attitude, the playfully smirking folksy cowgirl waves in a dainty/lady-like fashion. Meanwhile, the youthful Wright is shown following closely behind; barely even responding to the crowd outside of an occasional high-five to a nearby fan. All in all, by the looks of it, it's entirely noticeable that Dharma runs the show despite her petite sizing.}


{Once in the ring, the skimpy denim-wearing beauty is instantly handed a black microphone; instead of her brother.}


{With the crowd still lightly buzzing for the tandem, more so for the beautiful Dharma than anything else, there's an extra sense of spunk as she rests her free hand firmly upon her jetting hip.}


You know somethin'... back home, if someone pulled yur hair on the dance floor... that was enuff for a good ole' a$$ whoopin'!


{The crowd pops lightly as Dharma nods in an agreeing fashion.}


... But the second those fake nails came at me... Well, there's a sayin' from where I come from... "Don't bite what you can't chew"...


{Again, the crowd pops lightly as Dharma winks toward the camera lens.}


Now Blondie... I'm sure that bleach-blonde head of yurs just 'aint right... I'm sure...


{Before she can finish her statement, the chalk-board screeching sound of a teenie pop-track is heard bouncing over the OMEGA sound system. While the song is new to WAR, it doesn't take long to decide WHO it could be for as, seconds later, Blondie herself is shown slowly shuffling through the "Gates of WAR". Scantily-clad, overly done-up, and practically dripping with star-presence, a collective dropping of the jaw is shown throughout the WAR fanbase. Even IF she's teetered toward that of a heel, given her attack on Dharma in the club, there's still a level of love for her given how physically striking she is.}



Apathetically Cool!


{Walking toward the ring in an apathetic fashion, the blonde-bombshell appears as though she thinks she's MUCH better than everyone else. With that in mind, wearing a pair of black bug-eyed sunglasses, a blue-tooth in her ear, and a fashionable to-go coffee cup in her hand, Blondie projects EVERYTHING we tend to dislike in celebrity women. She's hot, yes; however, unbelievable into herself in a way that tends to bring about the phrase: "Yea, she's hot but I can't stand her".}


{In the end, after having a microphone handed to her, as she's seemingly unwilling to walk the extra 2-steps to accept the mic on her own, Blondie ultimately stands before a still hip-jetted Dharma with a high level of apathy lazily radiating from her every pour.}


What do you WANT?


{She says in a lazy fashion while smacking her lips in which to chew her gum.}


Don't you know that there's a runway show in like... 20 minutes? Oh wait, you don't know fashion... You're wearing denim...


{A lazy smirk forms upon her face in response to her 'digging' statement. Meanwhile, Dharma shares the same smirk; however, in her case, it's more about having her buttons pushed than anything. Stepping forward a little more in a threatening-like fashion, the spunky cowgirl looks to be ready to tangle.}


Oh hunny, I've been tanglin' with lil' girls like you for ages... If you wanna get down-and-durdy then I'm game... I 'aint got NO problem with that...


{Aggressive in her tone, Dharma doesn't quite strike fear in the hearts of most. Her dainty frame, folksy denim cowgirl attire, and all-around beauty, brings out an image that she's more of a spunky little sister than anything else. If anything, she's considered to be more of a brat. With all of that in mind though, Blondie doesn't seem to be all that fearful of the hip-jetted cowgirl; sighing in a bored fashion.}


I'm bored... I have better things to do then listen to you...


{With that, Blondie turns in which to leave the ring in a lazy fashion; however, in doing so, she's ultimately caught off-guard as another new theme song begins to blare in OMEGA. As an obnoxious club-beat song begins to overtake the ringside area, the dual beauty of Misty & Mandy are seen walking hand-in-hand as they shuffle sensually through the "Gates of WAR". Staying at the top of the ramp, still holding their free hands together, both are shown raising their own microphone's up in which to, seemingly, address the situation at hand separately; or so we thought.}



Twins in Stereo!


{Meanwhile, Blondie appears THAT much more annoyed by someone ELSE forcing her to stay where she is. Most likely rolling her eyes under the gigantic bug-eyed sunglasses, the blonde-bombshell tells everything with her lazy body language.}


{Outside of that, Dharma looks to be equally annoyed that she's being interrupted by yet ANOTHER person; if not two.}


Are you two done yet?


Yea! It's about time some REAL Divas took the stage!


{Misty & Mandy raise their hand-holding arms upward in which to show one another off. In doing so, the WAR fan-base is heard cheering with excitement; not because they really like the two of them all that much but the raw sexuality acts much like a hunger dog with a bone in it's mouth.}


You two may think that it's ALL about you...


... but it's not! It's about US!


Yea!! US!!


{Dharma is shown rolling her eyes as she still holds her hand on her hip in a spunky fashion. Meanwhile, Blondie doesn't even seem to be paying attention. Instead, she's pulled her smart-phone out of her pocket in which to, most likely, update her social status; mentally removed from reality in the process.}


No one asked ya to come on out here... This is between me and Blondie... That's it...


{Dharma looks to Blondie; who's still on her phone and not paying attention to anything before her.}


You'd like to think that...


... You REALLY would...


... BUT... Everyone knows that the WAR Pin-up;s are really a two girl show...




... And Me!


{The crowd pops lightly once again. That said, it's obvious that Dharma isn't happy that ANYONE is attempting to upstage her.}


Let's see yall put that on the line...




Yea... What?


{A slight chuckle is heard around the ringside area as, after everyone responded, Blondie still appears removed from the situation at hand; glued to her smart-phone in the process. In reality, it's as though she's in a world of her own.}


You two find yourself a man... Blondie-bimbo does the same... and I'll bring Jayson... We'll see WHO really IS the better Pin-up!!


{Blondie chuckles to herself as she slowly raises her microphone up to her mouth. Meanwhile, still keeping her eyes glued to her phone.}


No one's afraid of Jayson...


{Hearing this, the youthful Wright is shown fortifying his stance slightly out of anger. In a way, everyone knows he wouldn't strike a female; however, his knee-jerk reaction is that of sheer aggression when called out as such. Meanwhile, as Misty & Mandy chuckle together, Dharma is shown riling herself up more with comical frustration.}


You betta' be afraid of ME!


{Dharma riles up in frustration further.}


There's no DOUBT that we'd find the BEST man...


Yea! We ONLY get the best of the best...


{A collective smirk forms between the two as they continue to hold one another's hand atop the ramp.}


So it's on?


{She roars in a dainty sense of rage; flustered.}


Bring it...


... ON!


{They they cut to Blondie, who's still on her found, in which to see her lazily respond in an emotionless fashion. Meanwhile, never taking her eyes away from the screen as she texts with her free hand.]{/I]


Yea... whatever...


Then it's set... Yall' are goin' to regret you EVER double-crossed me!


{Misty & Mandy collectively laugh as one. In the end, responding in a sarcastic tone.}




... Aright...


{With that, a stare-down exists between Misty & Mandy along with Dharma. Meanwhile, Jayson "Mr." Wright stands at his sister's side; lightly putting his arm out in which to theoretically hold his sister back. All the while, Blondie has already exited the ring, never taking her eyes off of her phone as she texts, with very little attention paid to anything BUT what's in her hand. In the end, it appears that the once beloved WAR Pin-up Girl institution has fallen on difficult times as an internal war has begun amongst them.}


Mitch Naess:
So THIS is the WAR Pin-up Girl group I've been hearing about.... looks like they've got some issues to iron out.

Slick Rick:
They can iron me out ANY-DAY...

Mitch Naess:
Well folks, one of THE most popular institutions in Wrestling Action in Revolt seems to be in the middle of... well... a revolt!

Slick Rick:
If they REALLY want a revolution, I can teach them all a thing or two... just need to meet me in my bedroom.

{Raspy, if not creepy, laughter follows from Slick.}

Mitch Naess:
Okay... we get it... you ONLY think with your mister downstairs... and frankly, it's getting a little old. I only work with professionals, Slick... is that you? Are you a professional?

Slick Rick:
Professional in the bed...

{Mitch cuts him off.}

Mitch Naess:
I don't even know why I asked...




vs. Steve Flash


Singles Match

“The puppet falls...”


The sight of Dharma slamming her dainty hands upon the canvas brings about an air of extreme pressure for her brother. Even standing at ringside, not actually climbing into the ring, the cowboy hat-wearing folksy beauty STILL finds a way, whether on purpose or inadvertently, to be the center of attention. Meanwhile, within the ring, her brother, "Mr." Wright, is shown taking an early swing of momentum as his youthful energy (and determination) brings about a steamrolling kind of approach. That said, even during this moment of great display, there's an air that it could all come crumbling down due to the constant 'thinking' shown all over his face (not acting naturally but over-thinking everything).


Despite being at odds, the presence of Dharma and Blondie equally force pressure upon young "Mr." Wright. Even if he doesn't show it entirely, how could one NOT feel as though they're thrown into the 'cooker' with one playing the annoying cheerleader & the other watching on smirking as she WAITS for you to make a mistake. With that said, the thorned beauty that is Blondie would ultimately get her way...


Whether it was Jayson finally making a mistake - OR - Steve Flash forcing such a blip due to years of experience in the ring, "Mr." Wright's reign would eventually come 'back down to earth' as the famed "Kind of New York" is able to force his way BACK into contention with a reversal/Russian leg sweep scenario. While a small maneuver, it's almost as though the crack in Jayson's approach brings about a sense of frustration typically brought on by a complete perfectionist (whether his own doing or others pressure upon him). One simple reversal, one simple mistake on his part, seems to unravel the youngster as he seems more desperate than aggressive from here on out.


In the end, it's that nervous desperation that ultimately pushes the youngster ALMOST to the point of victory...


In a show of budding greatness, "Mr." Wright is shown flooring his veteran opponent with a reversal of his own; executing a brainbuster in the process. With this in mind, as the WAR fan-base pops with excitement, the next step would most certainly be to go for the pin. In theory, that WOULD be the next step; however, NOT when his sister is looking to showboat if you will. Screaming at her brother to 'finish it off BIG', Jayson is ultimately shown giving into his sister's notion; even if he appears reluctant.



She wants MORE!


Climbing up top, "Mr." Wright eventually shakes his head in frustration shortly before attempting to land a crushing elbow drop. However, before he can even leave his perch, the youthful Wright is shown being pulled from the top rope by a now equally desperate Flash. Muscling his way to the second rope, Flash lands a killer top-rope "Flash Bang" (Side Suplex) from said top rope!


With the crowd now in shock, as this is NOT how this all was supposed to end, Flash is shown scoring a BIG 3-count as he lays exhausted upon his opponent. Meanwhile, as the third count hits, Dharma is shown burying her head in her hands; however, one has to expect it's not because she was WRONG in her decision but more so annoyed with her brother. Also, Blondie is pictured with a sly smirk upon her face; overly happy in seeing her newfound rival's brother fail miserably in front of thousands.


Steve Flash via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
Top-rope “Flash Bang” (Side Suplex)

Ending Time:


Mitch Naess:
I’m sure you’re happy to see this, Slick…

Slick Rick:
Happy? Happy? I’m f*cking ecstatic!
{Raspy laughter follows}
It just pushes what I’ve been saying for WEEKS now. Jayson Wright has NO talent & the only traces he DOES have is ultimately suppressed by his sister’s bull-sh*t!

Mitch Naess:
For a while there, it looked like he was about to defeat Flash; however, ultimately lost the opportunity due to Dharma’s WANT for a flashier ending. Sometimes, sending a message is not entirely a smart idea. Just GO for the pin; pick up the win. Showboating is not always going to make it THAT much better if something like THIS happens. He HAD the win but… lost it in the end.

Slick Rick:
He’s going to keep ON losing if he decides to tuck his manhood between his legs and follow his sister’s lead.

Mitch Naess:
I wish I could disagree with you there but, at this point, after what happened tonight, it’s starting to become rather obvious that Dharma is the TRUE mind behind this pairing. We thought Jayson was here to do the valiant thing by protecting his sister; however, what we’re seeing now is, the young Wright just doesn’t have the balls to be his own man. Sad to say… but I’m afraid it MAY be true.

Slick Rick:
May? It’s a freakin’ fact!




Backstage Argument

Involved: J.K. Stallings Jr. and Joanne Rodriguez

“Give me my shot!”


{We transition backstage in which to see an aggressively stomping young lady storming toward, what appears to be, Mr. Stallings office. As her perfectly straightened hair bounces behind her in a swift fashion, this unknown, slender-bodied, female is ultimately shown pushing right past the door of Stallings’ space; obviously not intimidated in the slightest.}


{Once in the room, a nameless security man quickly extends his arm outward in a halting fashion.}


[security Guard]:
Whoa… Whoa… You’re not supposed to be in here!


{Even with that stated, the unknown female doesn’t appear to bat-an-eye. With her gaze focused on Stallings entirely, she looks bound-and-determined to speak to the resurgent billionaire. Meanwhile, the newly introduced security guard stands with his arm outward in which to keep her from her point of destination.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
Let her be…


{He proclaims in a high pitched fashion from behind his desk. With a finger pointed upward, a subconscious physical directive in which to further his point, Mr. Stallings is shown gazing upon the young beauty with eyes wide open.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
… To what do I owe the pleasure?


{He proclaims in a swooning fashion.}


[Joanne Rodriguez]:
Keep it in your pants…


{Joanne responds in an aggressive tone as she pushes past the arm of the security guard. That said, despite the aggression, J.K. doesn’t drop the comically large smile upon his face. If anything, it’s as if he likes it a little rough…}


[Joanne Rodriguez]:
I’m not some common wh*re looking for a stripper contract.
I’m sick-and-tired of waiting in the wings. I want my shot at WAR and I want it now…


{Stallings seems taken back slightly. Adjusting his glasses with his eyes wide-open in a comical fashion, the young billionaire appears to be shocked.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
I’m sorry, beautiful… What are you talking about?


{Stallings responds in a fearful fashion; obviously afraid of Joanne’s aggressiveness.}


[Joanne Rodriguez]:
Don’t call me ‘beautiful’… I’m not one of your Pin-up sl*ts…
I’m sick and tired of being shut out!! I want my shot… in the ring… and I want it… NOW.


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
You want to… to… wrestle?


{He adjusts his glasses in a shocked fashion.}


[Joanne Rodriguez]:
Ya damn right I do!


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
Well, I don’t know… I mean… Wrestling Action in Revolt is kinda…


{Joanne cuts him off. In doing so, Stallings sinks further into his seat.}


[Joanne Rodriguez]:
Cut the ‘girls can’t wrestle’ crap! I promise you, IF you give me a shot, you WON’T regret it! If you THINK the Blitzkrieg division is explosive… just you wait and see…
{Smirks; still aggressive in her tone}
You ‘aint seen NOTHIN’ like me yet…


{Again, Stallings takes a deep gulp as he comically acts like a frightened nerd. Meanwhile, J-Ro stands as the perfect combination of sheer beauty and hardened warrior. If you will, she seems like a young lady who’s spent a lot of her life on the ‘wrong side of the tracks’. She’s beautiful in everyway; however, possesses this strength that appears more in-line with some of the toughest men I’ve known.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
So let me get this straight… you… YOU… The beauty that you are… want to WRESTLE? In MY ring?
{Thinks to himself for a second}
I like your spunk… You’re SPUNKY…
{Smiles comically}
You find yourself someone to wrestle and bring them to “Firestorm”... IF… and that’s an IF’s-IF… you can tear the house down then… You’ve GOT yourself a deal!


[Joanne Rodriguez]:
I’ll be on the roster?


{Stallings slowly nods his head while smiling.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
If you’re as GOOD as you say you are then… It’ll happen!!


[Joanne Rodriguez]:
You WON’T regret this…


{Joanne cracks a playful smirk. Meanwhile, still holding the same hardened edge as shown before.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
… and if I do?


{Stallings responds with a smile on his face; his attempt at being playful in return.}


[Joanne Rodriguez]:
… I’ll kick your a$$...


{In the end, the segment comes to a close with the sight of Joanne Rodriguez relaying the last statement as she walks past the camera with a smirk upon her face. In doing so, while she leaves the room, the final image is that of J.K. Stallings Jr. hunkered behind his desk; gulping like someone who realizes they may have just made a HUGE mistake.}


Slick Rick:
Well, hello there…

Mitch Naess:
I don’t think you want ANY of that! She’s not really the ‘lovable’ kind of gal. If anything, she’d probably take your head off for just THINKING of her in that way.

Slick Rick:
She can take my head off any-day…
{Raspy laughter follows as he licks his lips}

Mitch Naess:
Your ridiculous…

Slick Rick:
For her, I’d be ANYTHING…

Mitch Naess:
Something tells me, if you EVER crossed paths, she’d probably kill you. You know that, right?

Slick Rick:
At least I’d die happy…





Involved: Jennifer Heat and El Platinum-ay

“Let me introduce to you...”


{As the sound of mariachi music plays in the background, the video upon the Stallings tron signifies the entrance of the so-called Mexican LEGEND in El Platinum-ay. With a healthy chorus of boos resonating loudly, something that’s quite common for the masked flier of supposed fame, the shocking sight is that of a scantily-clad Jennifer Heat walking through the “Gates of WAR” instead of Platinum-ay.}


{Standing in a sexy pose, her leg getting outward slightly as she places her free hand upon her hip, the lovely Ms. Heat looks out upon the crowd with a sense of smug arrogance to her presence. Smirking mostly out of the corner of her mouth, the proud beauty ultimately brings her microphone up to her in which to speak. In doing so, El Platinum-ay’s spirited mariachi music is heard fading into the background behind the chorus of boos before her.}


[Jennifer Heat]:
Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, wrestling fans across the world. Tonight, I have the wonderful ability to introduce to YOU… THE… Greatest… Luchador in ALL of wrestling history!
{Pauses; smirks}
He’s the fastest, the smoothest, the bravest, the greatest, the one-and-only… Wonder of the world! You all may be too STUPID to understand his glory but I… I know talent when I see it. Plus, you fat, slobby, no good Americans don’t know REAL wrestling when you see it anyways!
{The crowd boos like crazy as she smirks}
Without further ado, allow me to bring to you… THE Mexican LEGEND… and GREATEST of ALL-TIME… El… Platinum…ay!!


{El Platinum-ay’s mariachi music starts once again; however, this time around, the man himself is shown walking through the “Gates of WAR” in a state of personal glory. With his chest puffed outward and his arms up in the air in a celebratory fashion, the rabid WAR fan-base is heard booing feverishly against him. However, even with that in mind, the combination of El Platinum-ay and Jennifer Heat are shown walking toward the ring arm-in-arm; possessing a level of closeness that tells that they are most likely together.}


Mitch Naess:

Slick Rick:
Now THAT’S the kind of woman that someone of El Platinum-ay’s status normally stands with. Did you SEE how beautiful she is? God-DAMN, I’d be ALL over that if I could ACTUALLY compete with someone of Platinum-ay’s stature!

Mitch Naess:
This is getting ridiculous…

Slick Rick:
All hail the Mexican LEGEND, El Platinum-ay! May your years of glory overtake this company!

Mitch Naess:
Okay, I think I’ve had enough…





El Platinum-ay vs. Fox Mask vs. Fumihiro Ota vs. Jacob Jett vs. Teddy Powell


5-Way Singles Match

“Viva la Mexico!”


5-men, all carrying the banner for their given region, stand proudly before one another as the ultimate question of: “Which region produces the BEST flier” is finally put to the test. With their heated stares from every direction within the ring, the striking sound of the ringside bell brings with it a sense of chaos unseen in Wrestling Action in Revolt.


It’s not that their exchange is that much more aggressive than anything we’ve seen before. Hell, it’s not even that their aerial spots are all that jaw-dropping. In this case, it’s more about the fact that the contested action within the ring is insanely seamless. If you will, from the opening bell until the final, it’s as if there isn’t a millisecond where SOMETHING isn’t taking place. In a way, it’s as if each man is looking to score a win as fast as possible, very anti-last-match with Flash/Wright; so, each flier does their very best to keep the action at a rapid pace; a fact that most certainly would bring a winner MUCH faster than previous bouts.


More or less, this is exactly how the Blitzkrieg division is projected: fast, seamless, heavily contested, and constant bombardment from on high. Really, there’s a level of control despite the madness. Well, that’s in the case for everyone BUT the young Jacob Jett.


In a shocking uprising, the young, and relatively unknown, Jett is shown as THE most dangerous force within the match. While his momentum doesn’t feel trusted, as with unknown’s you always expect them to come crashing down, this notion doesn’t really slow down the man they’ve dubbed as simply “Amazing”. In reality, he was exactly that (Amazing). Diving every which way, utilizing the ringside area like an incessant launching pad, this aerial juggernaut appears to center his attack primarily around the use of high-spot strikes (even going as far as to dive off of every turnbuckle for simple strikes like closelines, punches, and body crashes). While shocking, the young Jett proves to stand above the rest as he eventually stands 1-second away from winning the match.


Diving atop a fallen Teddy Powell, placed there by a harsh tornado DDT, Jacob is ultimately shown exploding from the top rope with his signature – “That’s Amazing!” (Shooting Star Press). Upon impact, it’s obvious that the motionless Powell isn’t going to kick out. However, with that said, victory wouldn’t come to the youngster as, just as the pinfall attempt was about to hit three, a still injured Fox Mask is shown landing a big top-rope leg-drop square upon the back of Jett’s head. This impact, so powerful in nature, seems to KO the young Jett in one swoop as the strike drives Jett’s head square into the unforgiving canvas below.


Injured himself from last week’s battle royal, Fox Mask takes a split second to eventually roll over Jacob for a pinfall attempt; however, this notion is ultimately broken (at least in this form) as Fumihiro Ota attempts to do his best in breaking the count. As he speeds toward him, Fox is ultimately shown jumping to his feet, wincing in pain due to his back in the process, and sending the masked flier over the top rope with a simple back-body-drop.


Left alone, Fox tries to go for the pinfall again; however, now standing, the injured Fox is in prime position for a scheming El Platinum-ay to slide in and force his signature – “Mejor Que Oro” upon the unsuspecting Fox Mask. In this case, with Ota regaining himself outside of the ring from his previous fall, Jett out cold from Fox’s leg drop, and Teddy Powell still reeling from the “That’s Amazing!” from Jett, Fox Mask doesn’t have anyone to break the pinfall attempt. With that in mind, all be it polarizing at best, sliding in to steal the win if you will, El Platinum-ay is declared the victor of the heavily contested 5-way regional match; a fact that, seemingly, declares his homeland of… Mexico… I guess… as the winner!


El Platinum-ay via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
“Mejor Que Oro” (Stroke) upon Fox Mask

Ending Time:

By winning, El Platinum-ay conceptually declares Mexico (his ‘hometown region’) as THE top producer of high-flying wrestlers (versus DaVE, Coastal Zone, South East, and the WAR Blitzkrieg division).


Mitch Naess:
Does this REALLY count for Mexico? I mean, have you opened your eyes lately? Isn’t it pretty obvious that El Platinum-ay is ACTUALLY James Prudence? There’s nothing about the name Prudence that makes me think of Mexican heritage.

Slick Rick:
How DARE you! He’s a Luchador LEGEND!!
{A sly smirk forms upon his face}
Haven’t you EVER seen his 2001 classic bout with Montezuma himself? He wanted his revenge but it wasn’t enough to beat Platinum-ay!

Mitch Naess:
I’m no history buff but I believe Montezuma died a LONG time ago…

Slick Rick:
This was zombie Montezuma… STILL no match for El Platinum-ay!

Mitch Naess:
What did I sign myself up for here?




Backstage Argument/Match Made

Involved: Alex Braun and Johnny Martin

“Next time will be final!”


{We transition backstage in which to witness an explosive exchange taking place backstage between former Tri-State Kings, Alex Braun and Johnny Martin.}


{Being held back in a stern fashion by a number of menacing WAR security guards, Braun and Martin appear to be unwilling to let their hatred for one another subside. Shouting from afar, forced apart in the process, there is an air that a brawl could break out at any second; even with the strong security presence already in place.}


[Alex Braun]:
You’re an a$$hole, Martin… I’m going to beat that god-damn smirk off your face… you hear me? I’m going to break every single bone in your body… We’ll see how f*ckin’ high-and-mighty you’ll be then…


{Braun yells with intensity as he points aggressively with one finger in Martin’s direction. That said, while furious in fashion, the hardened veteran is shown to be held back by a number of security men before him. Meanwhile, Martin stands loosely before the security detail in front of him; smirking arrogantly the entire time.}


[Johnny Martin]:
Same ole’ sh*t…


{Martin is shown laughing in direct opposition to Braun’s aggressive tone.}


[Johnny Martin]:
When are you going to give into the truth, Braun? You NEVER made anything of yourself NOT because of me but because you’re simply… not… good enough!


[Alex Braun]:
You want to come over here and prove that to me?


{Braun pushes forward; however, is ultimately forced back by security guards. Meanwhile, Martin is shown laughing to himself with his traditional coy-grin upon his face.}


[Johnny Martin]:
I don’t need to. There’s a good decade’s worth of footage to show EVERYONE that…


{Braun, again, tries to push forward; however, is, once again, held back.}


[Alex Braun]:
You’re going down, Martin… once and for all… You’re… going… DOWN!!


[Johnny Martin]:
I’ve heard it before, Braun… and yet… I’m still here.


{Martin cracks an arrogant grin as he tilts his head slightly to the side. Meanwhile, Braun is fuming.}


[Alex Braun]:
Not for long…
{Pauses; fuming with anger}
Put it ALL on the line, Martin… Put it ALL on the line…


[Johnny Martin]:
What the HELL are you talking about?


Alex Braun]:
You know what I’m sayin’… You… Me… “Firestorm”… Career vs. Career…


{Martin looks on for a second, dropping his arrogance for a second in which to focus on the thought; however, eventually comes back with his same old coy smirk.}


[Johnny Martin]:
You’d like that wouldn’t you?


[Alex Braun]:
You’re DAMN right I would… come on… what have you got to lose? If you’re so f*cking great then show EVERYONE you are…


[Johnny Martin]:
I don’t need to show anything anymore, Braun… I’ve seen it all… Done it all…
{Pauses; smirks}
… but okay… I’ll do it again… You’ve got it, Braun. In the end though, don’t come crawling back to me, tears in your eyes, begging for your name back.
You opened the door… now… I’m going to be the one to close it…


{The “Ice Man” is shown growing a smile of his own at this point; however, still in an aggressive fashion.}


[Alex Braun]:
Dumb move, a$$hole…
{Crazed laughter follows}
This isn’t about WAR… “Firestorm”… or DaVE even… This is about ME… kicking YOUR… a$$...ONCE and for ALL! See you on Saturday, Martin… the LAST DAY of your god-damn career!


{With an overt aggressive tone between the two, Braun and Martin are ultimately ushered away one another in which to bring about a sense of peace. That said though, distance does very little to convince anyone of any sense of calm. In just 4-short-days, one of these two men, Alex Braun or Johnny Martin, will find the end of their wrestling career.}


Mitch Naess:
Did I just hear that right? My god folks, this Saturday, at “Firestorm”, we will witness the END of a career. Whether it’s Braun or Martin, one of these two men will find themselves retired by the end of the weekend. It was common knowledge that these two HATED eachother in DaVE but I thought things had smoothed over when they joined WAR under the Tri-State King banner. I guess not…

Slick Rick:
Braun’s sick of it. All of it. Having to walk in the shadow of Martin. To be honest, Johnny’s nowhere NEAR the talent that the “Ice Man” is! The only reason Martin EVER got to his level is straight politics; bull-sh*t if you ask me. However, this Saturday, Alex is FINALLY going to have the opportunity to prove that he’s the better man.

Mitch Naess:
Alex IS one hell of a talent… but so is Johnny. Honestly, I’m looking forward to this one; even if it means that we’re going to lose someone in the process!

Slick Rick:
I’m calling it now… Braun wins… Martin retires… and Alex goes onto make the impact he’s ALWAYS wanted now that the so-called “Cornerstone” is gone for good!

Mitch Naess:
The impact he always wanted? At 48?

Slick Rick:
… Gotta start somewhere…




Who will take the spot?

Involved: ?????

“WAR goes Extreme...”


{As everyone looks to the “Gates of WAR” with eager anticipation, the overall question resides: “Will he or won’t he”? After practically pleading with Shawn Gonzalez to take the final spot in the main event, teaming with the babyface team in the process, the rabid WAR fan-base looks on in a questioning manner; wondering if he will take Stallings plea and appear.}


{With all eyes on the “Gates of WAR” the final contestant ultimately walks out from mystery; creating quite the shocking buzz in the process.}


{With a familiar classic rock theme blaring over the OMEGA sound-system, those in attendance rise to their feet and look on with a collective sense of excitement to their gaze. Within seconds, solidifying the fact that they recognized the song, the person behind said song officially steps through…}


{Standing there, with his faithful steel chair in hand, ‘Rusty’, is none other than Chris Caulfield.}



Mr. Extreme comes to WAR!


Mitch Naess:


Slick Rick:
You’ve GOT to be kidding me…


Mitch Naess:
Chris Caulfield has COME to WAR!!!


{As the crowd pops like crazy, the weathered extremist is shown slowly shuffling down the steel ramp-way as he riles the crowd up with an extended arm displaying ‘Rusty’ to the rabid WAR fan-base. As if wrestling royalty, Caulfield is ultimately received like the ‘Extreme King’ that he is; even a chant of “F*ck yea” can be heard amongst the excited wave of cheering.}


{In the end, as the crazed extremist is shown entering the squared circle, never dropping his beloved ‘Rusty’ in the process, there’s an air of EXTREME grandeur to this moment. Wrestling Action in Revolt has gone out and secured one of THE biggest S.O.B’s in wrestling history!}


Mitch Naess:
I can’t believe my eyes!!

Slick Rick:
Great, ANOTHER DaVE reject….

Mitch Naess:
DaVE may be good and dead by now but it’s legacy still lives on! Chris Caulfield, one of THE baddest, craziest, S.O.B’s in our industry’s history is now part of Wrestling Action in Revolt!!!

Slick Rick:

Mitch Naess:
This broadcast will FOREVER be remembered as the moment that WAR became just A LITTLE bit more… Extreeeemeee!!





Alex Braun, Ares, Buddy Garner, and Leper Messiah vs. Art Reed, Chris Caulfield, Johnny Martin, and Masked Cougar


4 vs. 4 Match

“Rusty conquers all...”


OMEGA is electric with the sight of former DaVE ICON Chris Caulfield standing amongst the WAR babyfaces in tonight’s main event. With his trademark steel chair still in hand, the battle-tested, blue collar brawler is rightfully so portrayed as a BIG addition to Wrestling Action in Revolt. That said, as the match officially comes to it’s open, Caulfield wastes no time in bartering himself into the position as the FIRST legal man; a fact that forces him to drop his trusty steel chair in the process.


Showing he STILL has much left in the tank, Caulfield engages in a drop-down-drag-out brawl with the likes of his long-time DaVE foe in Alex “Ice Man” Braun. While their exchange would be rather short, ultimately turning into that of a Braun/Martin showdown as Caulfield playcates to the rabid WAR fanbase, this opening fight goes a LONG way in proving that the company’s new acquisition is entirely fruitful.


The overall match itself really takes on the feeling of a typical prelude to “Firestorm” (coming this Saturday on Pay-per-view). The rivals within said match all clash at some given point during the match (Braun/Martin, Reed/Garner, Ares/Masked Cougar); however, there’s a level of ‘wanting more’ still radiating as each combination only clashes for a short while before being led into a different direction. Meanwhile, Caulfield is really the talk of the match itself as he battles in his typical extremist fashion; putting his body on the line like a damned psycho. In reality though, it’s the other perceived psycho that REALLY makes the biggest impression…


Leper Messiah, recently removed from knocking off his OWN tag partner, is ultimately shown dominating the match as a whole. This one man tag team champion, still carrying the belts with him despite the belts ACTUALLY being vacated due to he having no partner anymore, viciously stomps throughout the squared circle in a brutish fashion; crushing everyone in his path. Even the newfound darling, Caulfield, finds out first-hand of the Messiah’s power as he’s seemingly KO-ed for a brief minute or so after a running big-boot to the extremist’s jaw. More or less, Leper Messiah does EVERYTHING he wants in this match and, thus far, no one shows the ability to STOP him.


As the combination of Ares and Masked Cougar bounce around the ring like reckless cyclones, slamming into one another at a heavily accelerated pace, the pairings of Braun/Martin and Garner/Reed take on MORE of a methodical approach. Don’t take this notion as being more muted, or less ferocious, as their action is MORE heated than the Cougar/Ares; however, it’s portrayed more in a typical wrestling style (slower, thought out, unforgiving, etc.). In a way, while the Blitzkrieg fighters try to take one another out in a crazed chaotic manner, the rest are shown attempting to do the very same but only in a more bone-breaking style.


In the end, with each combination warring briefly, in-and-out, and Leper Messiah dominating from every which direction, the ultimate end comes at the hand of an illegal object…


With Jay Fair accidentally knocked-out, stuck behind a release belly-to-back suplex administered by Buddy Garner upon Johnny Martin, all hell breaks loose with the lack of order. With this in mind, eventually, much to the crowd’s love, Chris Caulfield is shown regaining control of his trademark steel chair. To those against him, this is easily the WORST case scenario…


Mitch Naess:
I’ve seen THIS before… many times… and it doesn’t end well for ANYONE…


Slick Rick:
Does Chris Caulfield have his OWN set of rules in wrestling? How does he CONTINUALLY get away with this chair sh*t? I swear, EACH of his matches should be labeled a 3-way… He, his opponent, and the chair…


Mitch Naess:
You mean ‘Rusty’?


Slick Rick:
What the HELL are you talking about?


Mitch Naess:
That’s the name he has for his chair. I’ve seen FULL conversations between the two in the past…


Swinging his beloved chair like a mad-man, the newfound Caulfield is vicious in his onslaught. Striking every villain in his path, the famed extremist is ultimately shown flooring EVERYONE in his path; even sending a reeling Leper Messiah over the top rope, and to the cement floor, following a string of chair shots square to his massive forehead. However, it’s the final blow, square over the head of an ascending Buddy Garner, that eventually brings the match to an end.


Shortly after the strike, sensing his moment following single-handedly clearing the ring, Caulfield is ultimately portrayed KO-ing Garner that much further with a neck-busting leaping piledriver square upon a waiting chair. The sickening thud of the impact leaves many roaring with excitement out of their hatred for Garner. Seconds later, after slapping Jay across the face, waking him up in the process, Caulfield gains a three-count in favor of his team; a fact that has the WAR fanbase counting along with each and every count.


Chris Caulfield via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
A leaping piledriver upon Buddy Garner onto ‘Rusty’ (Caulfield’s steel chair)

Ending Time:


Mitch Naess:
‘Rusty’ prevails once again…

Slick Rick:
I can’t believe that THAT crazy-sh*t won the match…

Mitch Naess:
He may be a little off but it’s suited him well throughout his career. I mean, to do the things he’s done, to put his body on the line as he does, you have to be a little… well… off!

Slick Rick:
He’s going to learn, pretty fast, that this may have all worked for him in DaVE but this is WAR; he’ll get his head knocked-off in NO time!

Mitch Naess:
We’ll have to wait and see… BUT… It looks like we won’t have to wait for a response from Travis Century…

Slick Rick:
HE [Who needs no name]…

Mitch Naess:
Right… either way… it looks like HE’s got a mic in hand already…




Post-Match Promo/Match Added

Involved: HE (who needs no name) and Chris Caulfield

“Credibility comes to the desk!”


{Standing atop the steel rampway stage, everything darkened around him except for a beaming light above him casting a darkened shadow, the man formerly known as Travis Century is shown holding a WAR microphone already in hand. Fixating his eyes on a man he once knew in DaVE, fixated on his presence, HE [Who needs no name] slowly brings said microphone to his mouth as the eerie sound of his out-of-tune church-organ music fades behind the overwhelming chorus of boos coming from the rabid WAR fanbase.}


[HE (Who needs no name)]:


{He projects with a booming voice.}


[HE (Who needs no name)]:
Your insatiable lust for violence has consumed your being for FAR too long. For years now, I’ve watched on as you continued to bury your soul deeper… deeper… deeper… into the ground. You may not know it… but you’re closer to the flame than ever before…


{The crowd boos as HE continues to stare upon Caulfield with a sense of grandiose confidence in his stance. Meanwhile, huffing as if out of breath, the extremist with the chair in hand is shown to be not interested in talking. If anything, he’s shown gearing up for a fight as he clenches his steel chair firmly.}


[HE (Who needs no name)]:
Repent… or…. Suffer…


{Without batting an eye, HE (Who needs no name) stares upon Caulfield with a sense of comfortable confidence despite such a grandiose statement. Meanwhile, in a slightly comical fashion, the battle-tested Caulfield is simply shown shrugging his shoulders in a ‘whatever’ fashion. Shortly thereafter, Caulfield is ultimately heard yelling “I’ll take suffer…”, off-microphone, from within the ring.}


{In doing so, claiming he’d rather ‘suffer’ than ‘repent’, the mood within the ringside area turns that much more feverish as everyone prepares for an absolute battle between the two…}


[HE (Who needs no name)]:
So be it…


{With that, dropping the microphone in a thoughtless fashion, HE (Who needs no name) is shown slowly sauntering toward the ringside area as the boos persist. Meanwhile, fortifying himself within the squared circle, Chris Caulfield appears fearless in the face of such chaos. Cementing his feet, Caulfield is ultimately shown gripping his beloved ‘rusty’ that much stronger; never taking his eyes off of his opponent in the process. In the end, after a very slow, methodical, entirely eerie walk, the grandiose figure that is HE (Who needs no name) is shown equally slowly entering the ring as the two engage in a heated staredown shortly before battle.}


Mitch Naess:
This won’t end well…

Slick Rick:
Caulfield HAD the chance to make this ALL go away.

Mitch Naess:
I know, Caulfield… When faced with two options, he’ll ALWAYS take the one that calls for a fight!

Slick Rick:
That may be the biggest mistake he’s ever made though… We could see his debut and the END of his career ALL in the same night!




Chris Caulfield vs. HE (who needs no name)


Singles Match

“All HELL breaks loose...”


Releasing his beloved ‘rusty’ once again, Chris Caulfield turns to that of his taped fists in which to inflict pain. Rushing his freakishly stoic opponent with an explosive, brawl-based, onslaught, the crazed extremist is shown taking direct control straight away. Haymaker after haymaker, stiff kick after stiff kick, Caulfield pours his everything into this fight. That said, despite his momentous roll, all of it comes to a halt with a single kick to the ‘manly region’ of Caulfield. This COULD have brought about the end of the match, calling a DQ in the process, but WAR referee Jay Fair seems willing to let this ‘play out’; simply giving a warning in the process (one that the zealot most-likely won’t adhere to).


Attempting to slow down his overtly violent counterpart, HE (Who needs no name) create a 1-2- punch scenario; inflicting A LOT of pain through a brawler’s approach and then ultimately utilizing rest-holds to bend the fellow brawler every which way. From the very start, it appears much like torture; however, despite it all, Caulfield doesn’t seem all that interested in giving up. If anything, as the pain becomes worse, as his body looks to fail him more, the famed extremist is ultimately portrayed as coming back for more. At one point, following a back elbow in the corner, one that forces Caulfield to crash to the canvas below in a seated position, Chris cracks an unsettling smirk; one that appears even more unsettling given the fact that his teeth are red with blood.


Slick Rick:
Is Caulfield enjoying this? That PSYCHO is smiling after getting his bell-rung!


Mitch Naess:
The sight of a man smiling with blood on his teeth brings back old memories… MOSTLY of Chris. This guy, for some reason, loves this sport SO much that he EVEN enjoys getting his a$$ kicked. I’ve never quite understood it.


Seemingly enjoying the pain, Caulfield eventually finds his way past his opponent’s onslaught and into the driver’s seat once again (following a double-armed DDT out of nowhere).


Sadly though, his hopes of resurgence in the match is thwarted by that of outside forces…


Stomping heavily toward the ring, Leper Messiah returns to the squared circle with ferocious focus. Stepping over the top rope in one powerful move, the bruising behemoth instantly goes for Chris Caulfield. While the famed extremist attempts to fend him off with a round of heavily taped punches, no such scenario would come to pass given Messiah’s overwhelming power. One closeline, truly stiff in nature, sends Caulfield crashing to the canvas in a thunderous heap.


Mitch Naess:
DAMN… The POWER of Leper Messiah is FREAKISH!


You would THINK this would bring about the end of the match in Caulfield’s favor; however, the interference of WAR Champion Troy Tornado dictates an ending of tainted equality…


Slick Rick:
‘Great’… Troy Tornado is back… ‘Wooo hooo’… Hopefully Leper Messiah will FINISH the JOB this time!


Mitch Naess:
He’s back, folks!! Only a week after being powerbombed through a burning table… Troy Tornado… THE WAR CHAMPION… IS… BACK and looking for revenge!!


As Leper Messiah is shown stepping into the ring, assaulting Caulfield in the process, a returning WAR Champion is shown speeding toward the ring as if he were 100%. The victim of a powerbomb through a flaming table last week, Tornado makes his presence known for the 1st time tonight by going directly for HE (Who needs no name). Diving off the apron, utilizing the ring ropes as a catapult, the rebellious rocker is ultimately shown slamming into his awaiting rival with a jaw-dropping missile drop-kick!


With Messiah attacking Caulfield and Tornado attacking HE (Who needs no name), Jay Fair quickly removes himself from the ring while calling for the bell. More or less, knowing it wouldn’t be received well by those in the ring, Fair thinks of his safety first as he calls the match to an end.


Meanwhile, even with the sound of the bell roaring in the background, signifying a definitive end to the match, the action doesn’t temper in the slightest. Instead, the combinations of Tornado/HE (Who has no name) and Messiah/Caulfield continues to rage on in an uncontrollable fashion.


DRAW – Double DQ (via interference from Leper Messiah & Troy Tornado separately)

Ending Maneuver:

Ending Time:


Mitch Naess:
Well, I can’t say that I’m shocked this ended up as a double DQ… It’s kind-of how things work around here, isn’t it?

Slick Rick:
What? Mass craziness descending into pure anarchy? Yep… That’s WAR…
{Raspy laugh follows}
Home sweet home!

Mitch Naess:
Something tells me that we haven’t see the last of ANY of this. With “Firestorm” coming, it’s already set that we’ll see Tornado/HE (who needs no name) but, at this point, I wouldn’t be shocked to see a Caulfield/Messiah match added as well!

Slick Rick:
Yea, you could book that… IF you want to see Caulfield’s career come to an end!! There wouldn’t be ANYWAY that he could topple the big-psycho!

Mitch Naess:
If ANYONE could… It’s Chris…

Slick Rick:
Well, if he enjoys to get his a$$ kicked then there’s no one better to do it to ya then Leper Messiah…




Post-Match Attack

Involved: Troy Tornado©, Chris Caulfield, HE (who needs no name), and Leper Messiah

“Didn't see that coming...”


{The insanity continues post-match as the simple striking of a ring bell does nothing to thwart the madness.}


{Thrown from the ring in a vicious fashion, Chris Caulfield lands pretty hard upon the lightly protected cement floor along the ringside area. In one powerful throw, a double-handed Chokeslam to be specific, the crazed masochist lays semi-motionless upon the floor, face-down, as he seems to want to crawl toward something. While it’s unknown as to WHAT he’s going for at this point, the sheer fact that he’s still moving despite such a vicious throw is enough to tell the average viewer that Chris Caulfield is something of loose-screw.}


Slick Rick:
Just stay DOWN you idiot!


Mitch Naess:
Chris doesn’t understand the notion of ‘staying down’…


{Meanwhile, within the ring, the action has turned sour for the resurgent WAR Champion.}


{At first, he held his own rather well against his hated rival in HE (Who needs no name); however, the addition of Leper Messiah into the mix ultimately turns the tables. Attempting to fend off two vile figures, especially one with the immense power of Leper Messiah, brings about a deadly combination for Tornado. Within seconds of the Messiah’s addition, Tornado goes from an equal fighting position to that of the obvious victim; lying upon the canvas in a hurt fashion following a heavy closeline to the back of his head by Leper Messiah.}


Mitch Naess:
This doesn’t look good! Last week, this SAME 2-on-1 scenario happened and that all ended with Troy Tornado in the hospital; powerbombed through a flaming table!


Slick Rick:
Like I told ya… Leper Messiah is about to finish the job!


{With HE (Who needs no name) barking orders in a verbose fashion, Leper Messiah is ultimately shown, like last week, to follow such vile orders. Continuing his assault with a round of explosive stomps, one’s that force Tornado’s body to flop around in the process, the powerful Messiah pushes the WAR Champion to the very edge of his own mortality. Blow-by-blow, Tornado appears to be drained of his explosive state; bringing him quickly down to that of a ragdoll in the process.}


{All looked doomed for Tornado… UNTIL… Chris Caulfield came roaring back…}


Mitch Naess:


Slick Rick:
You’ve GOT to be kidding me!


{With his beloved ‘rusty’ in hand, Caulfield re-enters the ring in an injured fury. Swinging wildly, connecting with Leper Messiah’s gigantic forehead in the process, the aggressive extremist sends the big-psycho reeling with a number of powerful blows. Meanwhile, as the bruising behemoth backpeddles, HE (Who needs no name) is ultimately shown removing himself from the ring in a stoic fashion; taking this moment of focus on the Messiah to exit the ring.}


{BAM… BAM… BAM… BAM… Shot after shot finally sends Leper Messiah over the top rope and crashing to the floor; however, not without making him seem like an absolute monster of sorts (withstanding such an assault).}


Mitch Naess:
Did you SEE how many chair shots it took to remove Leper Messiah from the ring? 4-5-6? I’ve NEVER seen ANYTHING like THAT before…


{Slowly, as Tornado regains his footing, he’s shown walking past a fortified Chris Caulfield in which to arrogantly jaw-jack with the, now, back-peddling HE (who needs no name). However, as he finishes so, spinning back around slowly in which to, what we believe speak with Caulfield, the REAL shocker happens…}


{BAM!! With one blow to the head, a fortified Caulfield sends the WAR Champion crashing to the canvas in a thunderous heap. Utilizing ‘rusty’, as always, Caulfield has turned our perceptions of the closing segment square on it’s heels; flooring Troy Tornado shortly after, seemingly, saving him.}



Caulfield floors Tornado with 'Rusty'...


Mitch Naess:


Slick Rick:
That was F*CKING… AWESOME!!!


Mitch Naess:
Caulfield practically took Tornado’s HEAD OFF with that shot!


{In the end, with a mixed reaction radiating throughout OMEGA, “Battleground” comes to a close with the sight of Chris Caulfield standing over a fallen Troy Tornado. Emotionless, simply looking down upon his shocking victim, the newfound WAR wrestler sends shockwaves throughout the space as a whole; everyone wondering simply… WHY?}


{Meanwhile, as the show finally comes to it’s final projection, we’re also given the sight of HE (Who has no name) standing atop the steel rampway stage w/ Leper Messiah at his side. Little is known as to WHY they didn’t return to the ring after such a strike, seeing an obvious 2-on-1 scenario, but given the almost cowardly ducking-out by HE (who needs no name), it’s accepted.}


Mitch Naess:
I have to say… I didn’t see THAT coming…

Slick Rick:
Still singing the praises of Caulfield? Huh?
{Raspy laughter}
He just went from #1 son to that of THE a$$hole in WAR!

Mitch Naess:
I don’t know I’d go THAT far; there are STILL some people cheering out there for him. That said, I honestly didn’t see THAT coming. It LOOKED like he came back into the ring to save Tornado but maybe it was just to get EVEN with Leper Messiah? Maybe it had NOTHING to do with Tornado &, in the end, Caulfield was planning on striking Tornado either way?

Slick Rick:
I can’t WAIT for “Firestorm”!!

Mitch Naess:
Join us THIS SATURDAY folks as WAR brings to you a pay-per-view event for the ages… “Firestorm”!!
{He pauses for a brief second; stating something that seemingly doesn’t seem scheduled to say.}
What will THIS mean to the PPV? Will Caulfield change the course of WAR at “Firestorm”?
















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WAR: "Battleground" - TV Episode #7

Date of Event:
Monday, 3rd Week of July 2010

Wrestling Action in Revolt (WAR)

3,000 out of 3,000 at OMEGA (Night Club/Music Hall Located in the Empire Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, NV)

TV Rating:
0.61 (- 0.02)

Competitors TV Rating:
SWF "Uprising" - 11.85 (+ 0.50)

Event Grade:


  • J.K. makes a plea to Shawn Gonzalez to take the final spot in the Main Event; however, is instead met with a bullying zealot in Travis Century. In the process, Century not only forced his way into the main event at "Firestorm" but also declared it as a feared inferno match. Meanwhile, he no longer goes by "Travis Century" but HE (who needs no name); hinting upon the fact that he's the 'man upstairs'. Yea, isn't that crazy?

  • Puerto Rican Power retains the WAR Sin City Championship by defeating Cletus in 7:40 via pinfall.

  • The WAR Pin-up Girls descend into a heated internal struggle. In doing so, a match is set for "Firestorm" where Blondie, Dharma, and Misty/Mandy will find their own competitors to manage against one another.

  • Steve Flash defeated Jayson Wright in 9:14 via pinfall with help from inadvertent distraction by Dharma.

  • Joanne Rodriguez secures a chance at WAR with a match set for "Firestorm". In conversation, Stallings tells J-RO that if she finds a stellar opponent, and puts on a great match, then there's a possibility that they could secure positions on the WAR roster going forward.

  • Jennifer Heat debuts as she introduces El Platinum-ay to the ring.

  • El Platinum-ay defeats Fox Mask, Fumihiro Ota, Jacob Jett, and Teddy Powell in 6:39 via flash pinfall.

  • Johnny Martin and Alex Braun argue backstage. In doing so, it's announced that their match at "Firestorm" will be a Career vs. Career match.

  • Shawn Gonzalez doesn't take Stallings plea in becoming the final member of the Main Event 8-man tag. Instead, Chris Caulfield debuts with WAR in which to take spot.

  • Art Reed, Chris Caulfield, Johnny Martin and Masked Cougar defeated Alex Braun, Ares, Buddy Garner, and Leper Messiah in 12:03 via pinfall.

  • HE (who needs no name) conducts a promo centered against Chris Caulfield. In doing so, a match is put together between the two tonight.

  • HE (who needs no name) and Chris Caulfield come to a DQ DRAW in 9:12 due to double-interference from Troy Tornado and Leper Messiah separately.

  • After clearing the ring together, Chris Caulfield is shown shockingly striking Troy Tornado over the head with his trusty 'Rusty' (Steel Chair).

Next Show:
WAR "Firestorm" on Pay-Per-View

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I actually just realized, touching upon my earlier post, that "Firestorm" will actually surpass my PSW: Evolution of Greed project as it pertains to the amount of shows (that being 20 shows right now)! So crazy!
<hr color="black">








Introducing Doc Messing & The Ring Generals

Online WAR-wrestling.com Exclusive

Runtime - 2:45


{Standing before a large weathered steel WAR logo, an unfamiliar trio presents itself with an air of superiority. The smaller of the three, positioned directly in front of the others, a fact that proves him to be much smaller than the rest, has a weasely disposition. His beady eyes, smug smirk, and 'power' hand gestures, tell of a man who most certainly has the ability to rub someone the wrong way. Just in a stare, coupled with his body language, portrays the slender runt as someone who thinks VERY high of himself.}


{Meanwhile, behind him, there stands a pair of men who sternly gaze forward in almost a bodyguard like fashion. While their collective demeanor and arm crossing is quite the same, that's where their similarities end.}


{One, looking much like a modern punk of sorts, stands with the semblance of a dirty smirk upon his face. His scraggly tattooed frame doesn't seem all that menacing; however, his overall look speaks of someone who's willing to get 'down and dirty' with the best of them. More or less, while lacking in intimidation, he certainly projects an air of defiance; the kind that tells of someone who will do anything needed to overcome.}


{The other, quickly perceived as the dumb muscle, stands with a simplistic sternness to his stare. In a way, while his husky build projects the fear his teammate does not posses, his apparent intellect is marked as the bottom of the three. With that in mind though, his sheer size, stout & husky, truly portrays him as the unforgiving muscle of the trio.}


[Doc Messing]:
I don't expect you to know who we are.... because... let's be straight... You're all stupid.


{Doc pauses while projecting a weasely grin upon his face. All in all, appearing as though he feel's above everyone.}


[Doc Messing]:
You don't know REAL wrestling when you see it.... Then again, it's not ALL your fault.
Your stupidity, while vast, is really a by-product of the industry as a whole. Sadly, for the last two decades, the state of our great art has been depleted at an accelerated rate. Long ago, before the Faith's, before the Chord's, before the Strong's,... Professional Wrestling was a true art-form. They were man's-men. They studied, researched, obsessed, to the point where they became MASTERS of their trade. It REALLY was an awe-inspiring sight....
{Pauses; drops his face slightly}
But today, all of that has been lost...
We've become a circus-show; a seaspool of ugly idiocrity...


{Doc pauses for a brief second in which to allow time for his striking statement to take hold.}


[Doc Messing]:
I've stood aside for FAR too long. I simply cannot allow this art-form, that I love, to die in infamy.... and that is why I have come to Wrestling Action in Revolt!


{The weasely grin upon his face grows that much larger as he places his finger tips together in a power tee-pee fashion.}


[Doc Messing]:
With these gentlemen behind me, I plan on restoring faith in Professional Wrestling.
It'll start with the WAR tag team division and move on further as we ultimately 'take back' this sport; pulling it away from the greasy hands of those already in charge.
If I'm to promise you anything then this is most certainly it.... I will NOT rest until the art-form of Pro Wrestling has resurfaced... and, with the help of "The Ring Generals", that's exactly where we're headed... the NEXT... "Golden Age"...


{Doc pauses once again in which to grin toward the camera lens in a weasely fashion. Meanwhile, the combination of the "Ring Generals" cracks a collective grin as it pertains to the idea of a new "Golden Age"; with them being the ushers of such.}


[Doc Messing]:
It will be done.... Trust me.... I'm the Doc...


{With that, the segment comes to a close with the sound of a unsettling, hyena-like, sense of laughter coming from the weasel up front. In connection, the "Ring Generals", still arm-folded behind Doc, look to be as confident as EVER that their supposed leader speaks the absolute truth.}










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Really enjoying the diary, E-V. It is one of those that I look for each and every time I sign on to make sure I haven't missed anything.


Great stuff buddy. J-RO, Chris Caulfield and inferno matches! Oh My! :)


Thanks guys. I really appreciate the sentiments. :D


While the show could have been a basic 'pre-PPV' show, it actually proved to add a lot of new developments to WAR overall. As you said Timber, J-RO and Caulfield are two of the bigger additions that bring a sense of newness to the company as a whole (with at least one more person on the way for "Firestorm" to add further).


I've got another Stallings perspective post before I end up posting the "Firestorm" card (plus the creation of it's look may take a little bit too). That said, I'm hoping everyone's ready for a big PPV event on the horizon. At that point, I'll surpass my PSW: Evolution of Greed... project as it pertains to my overall shows booked/written.





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07.21.10 - 12:22 AM


The struggle waged with United States Pro Wrestling has long been one perceived as an impossibility for success as it pertains to WAR. Strong’s stature, his legacy, even his very name, brings about a powerful promotional machine that many at our level simply cannot compete with. In some ways, people place his ‘stamp’ upon the company as a potential teeter-totter sway in their direction; even against the likes of SWF and TCW. So, with this in mind, no one really thought we would EVER compete on their level.


That was until Chris Caulfield jumped ship…


… bringing about a few more who are willing to take in his personal exile.


We’re still lagging greatly in ratings, buy-rates, and overall momentum as a promotion; however, Caulfield’s jump brings about a perceptional shift that many thought unlikely for WAR. With his leap of faith, if you will, the beloved DaVE extremist brings with him the notion that we are a desirable location (even when matched with Strong’s empire). By choosing us over Strong, over USPW, over the mainstream plateau of their brand, Caulfield sent shockwaves throughout the industry that we are certainly a force to be reckoned with.


As stated before, he’s not alone in his exile…


The rest are set to come very soon.


In doing so, a new day progresses as the uncertainty of dark clouds start to wane…


Standing before a large glass window in my high-rise, I look down upon the midnight street of the Vegas Strip. Even in it’s darkness, light projects as high as the heavens; placing it’s own stamp upon the space below. Just as Sin City carries it’s impenetrable brand, as does USPW in all of it’s family-friendly-mainstream-hug-fest, WAR continues to set it’s own; one built upon unforgiving action.


Then, through the thick darkness of the room behind me, a voice is heard resonating confidently from the hall.


“It’s Strong. He wants to speak to you…”


I would have thought his warm-glass of milk would have put him to sleep long ago.


For me, the scotch-laden glass cemented in my right hand does quite the opposite.


It gives me more time for self-analysis amongst the solidary darkness of night.


“Tell him I’m busy…”


I relay with a slight smirk forming out of the corner of my mouth. Despite being in a state of war, conversations between the two of us have persisted in the very same darkness I find myself within. Tonight; however, I was in no hurry to speak to the aging bully.


I would leave my war-games for another day…


Tonight, I want to relish in my small victory…


The victory of stealing a number of his superstars…
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Fire is an all-consuming agent.


Life can eventually rebuild after the blaze; however, it’s in that very moment that all in the area is subjected to mass destruction. Agents of change can attempt to subdue it’s uncontrollable fury but, in most cases, they often fall faint before the grandiose strength of such a storm. Truly, there is little that can stop such carnage. Instead, it’s best to just let it all burn…


In this day of high contention, Wrestling Action in Revolt now stands before the momentous wall of such flames. While it lies on a more theoretical plane, those within the company have come to find a state for which WAR certainly cannot sustain. Chaos, fury, viciousness, and all-around greed has brought this great empire to it’s knees; locked in a perpetual state of inferno. While agents of change attempt to do their best, the overall nature of the company’s culture has made it almost impossible to suppress the flames of destruction.


WAR must burn…


… to bring about life.


When the storm is over, and destruction has devastating the land before us, what new life will form from the wake of such a Firestorm?


… and what will be left unable to respond; burned to the core.



Jacob Jett vs. Jayson Wright vs. ????

Three-way Match

WAR Pin-up Girl Managing (Dharma/Wright, Blondie/Jett, and Misty & Mandy/????)


The WAR Pin-up Girls have long been one of THE most popular aspects of Wrestling Action in Revolt. Partying amongst the Vegas masses, these beautiful bombshells have quickly come to personify the Sin City mentality with long nights, hard drinking, and striking risqué behavior. However, after months of being labeled as the “IT” girls on the Vegas Strip, the famed WAR institution has come to a point of raw tension.


At “Firestorm”, these lovely ladies will attempt to manage their chosen WAR wrestler to victory; ultimately adding bragging rights to their cause.


At this point, it’s expected that Jayson “Mr.” Wright will represent Pin-up Girl, and sister, Dharma. Meanwhile, just earlier today, Blondie made her choice known via the social networking website ‘Tweeter’; declaring her representative to be none other than the jaw-dropping “Amazing” Jacob Jett.


It should be noted that Misty & Mandy have not yet made their choice of wrestler known.


In the end, which WAR Pin-up Girl will have the ultimate bragging rights following “Firestorm”?





Joanne Rodriguez vs. ????

'Prove Yourself' Match


It was just a few short days ago that the beautiful Joanne Rodriguez stormed into Mr. Stallings’ office demanding a ‘chance at WAR’. For months now, the battle-tested beauty has barraged WAR headquarters with continual pleas; however, in most cases, she was quickly shot down by the previous WAR General Nemesis; stating that ‘women’s wrestling wasn’t important’ to him. Now though, with Nemesis gone, it seems as though J-RO has finally received what she has pined for extensively… a chance… a shot…. An opportunity to prove herself…


While Mr. Stallings didn’t automatically sign her to a contract, he DID give her the ‘once-in-a-lifetime’ scenario of competing within the unforgiving confines of a WAR wrestling ring. Instructing her to ‘find the best competitor out there’, Mr. Stallings has made it known that if she and her opponent ‘tear the roof down’ THEN negotiations of full-time employment would open.


In the end, WHO will J-RO bring to “Firestorm” to compete against? Will they, as Mr. Stallings says, ‘tear down the roof’ of the Empire Coliseum?


More importantly, WILL we see the rise of a new division in Wrestling Action in Revolt?









Puerto Rican Power© vs. Brutus O'Leary vs. Cletus vs. Hopkirk

WAR Sin City Championship Match


Since it’s inception, the WAR Sin City Championship has brought forth A LOT of drama. Throughout all of that, one man has stood at the center of such insanity and somehow forged through; that being current, and 3-time , Sin City Champion, Puerto Rican Power.


Whether it was overcoming the stiffness of a silent Ota, sneakiness of the mischievous Verde, destructiveness of the uncontrollable Cletus, or recently, the brutishness of the hardened O’Leary, Power has taken on all & come back full-force around every theoretical turn. This time around though, one has to wonder if he’ll have enough left in his tank to overcome 3-others at one time; especially given the intense ending of his match against Cletus this week (having both go through the unforgiving wall of the steel stage with a “San Juan Rush”).


Competing against fellow rivals in Cletus (former Sin City Champion), Brutus O’Leary, and Hopkirk, Puerto Rican Power will have to descend into madness ONCE AGAIN in hopes of retaining his scuffed gold.


Can immense power & true grit be enough to overcome yet again? – OR – Will we crown a NEW WAR Sin City Champion at “Firestorm”?




Alex Braun vs. Johnny Martin

Career vs. Career Match


It’s long been documented that Alex Braun and Johnny Martin don’t like one another. If anything, that could be one of the bigger understatements in Pro Wrestling today. That’s why, when they collectively joined WAR, it was QUITE shocking to see the two standing side-by-side as members of the infamous “Tri-State Kings” faction. While their alliance was always tentative at best, before you know it, old, ugly, hatred would rear it’s head once again…


Claiming he’s sick of being left in the shadows of the so-called “Cornerstone”, the bullying “Ice Man” has declared to END Johnny Martin at all costs. In this case, all casts means putting his OWN career on the line as the two are set to square off in a dreaded Career vs. Career match.


In the end, will Braun finally get the redemption he’s looking for; taking Martin’s career from him in the process? – OR – Will his blind rage get the best of him, like many before, as the “Cornerstone” proves exactly WHY he’s considered to be a true ICON of the sport?


Either way, someone’s ending their career on Saturday…






Ares© vs. Masked Cougar

WAR Blitzkrieg Championship Match


Since the inception of the WAR Blitzkrieg Division, the “GOD of WAR” Ares has been on a dominating streak that rivals the very best of our time. With this in mind, the rebellious punk has come to define the very division he’s helped to coin. Even with that though, one man, and really one man only, has seemed to have Ares number… and that’s Masked Cougar.


Being the ONLY Blitzkrieg flier to defeat the “GOD of WAR” in singles competition, Masked Cougar has quickly become dubbed the “Ferocious Feline” due to his early success; touching upon his fiery, yet loveable, demeanor in the ring. Truthfully, while many claim that he’s ‘come out of nowhere’ to challenge the upper echelon of the Blitzkrieg division, it’s this fine sense of focus that has ultimately brought the explosive competitor to the brink of WAR gold.


Can Masked Cougar do it again; defeating Ares for a second time in singles competition? – OR – Will the vile “GOD of WAR” claim yet ANOTHER victim on the road to building his WAR legacy?


In the end, regardless of who wins, it’s bound to produce a whirlwind of combustible action…


… as is customary with the chaotic WAR Blitzkrieg Division.





Art Reed vs. Buddy Garner

Singles Match


Debuting with a shocking victory over “The Machine” Buddy Garner, Art Reed has already cemented his nickname of “Fear This!” with the WAR masses. While his size isn’t all that much to fear, it’s Reed’s explosive athleticism, especially when matched with a masterful in-ring technical approach, that brings about such impact. In reality, while still holding that new-wrestler-feel, at least as it pertains to Wrestling Action in Revolt, Art Reed has already made all the impression needed… a fact that drives Buddy Garner mad!


“The Machine” has long been an unstoppable force in Wrestling Action in Revolt. Defeating fellow MMA-standout Raul Hughes and eventually proving to be the ‘better wrestler’ against the widely respected Eric Tyler, Garner has proven himself time-and-time again to be the kind of wrestler many SHOULD fear. With his mixture of hard-hitting action, intense focus, and a never-say-die mentality, Buddy, like Art, has done much to prove his nickname to be entirely true: “Machine”. That said, after Reed debuted with a shocking victory over him, said “Machine” quickly malfunctioned with rage!


Now, on the brink of a battle once again, “Firestorm” will be the ultimate warzone for two proven warriors. Can Buddy Garner tie their rivalry at 1-1? – OR – Will Art Reed TRULY strike FEAR into the eyes of his opponent by going up to a dominating 2-0 against the famed “Machine”?


At the end of the day, it’s expected that BOTH will push their bodies to the extreme in hopes of victory; just as you would expect from the combination of Garner and Reed.





Chris Caulfield vs. Leper Messiah

Singles Match


Chris Caulfield literally JUST debuted in Wrestling Action in Revolt a few short days ago; however, in that short time-frame, he’s quickly become one of THE most talked about individuals in company history. That said, this Saturday at “Firestorm”, Chris will have to do MORE than just spark interest as he’ll stand before THE most menacing individual in WAR… a true psychotic monster… Leper Messiah.


After debuting as the final member of the 8-man tag match this week on “Battleground”, Caulfield went onto not only win the match on behalf of his team, using his signature “Rusty” in the process, but also then stepped before the vile zealot in HE (who needs no name) with a sense of fearless gravitas. With this in mind, many have labeled his entrance into WAR as somewhat of a ‘desperado’ affair; fearless, trigger happy, and imposing his will on all of those around (Troy Tornado even). Easily, this has quickly catapulted him to the forefront; however, sometimes, out-front-and-center isn’t always the BEST place to be.


Meanwhile, fresh off of destroying his OWN tag partner in DAMiaN, rendering his former Tag Championship reign as null-and-void, Leper Messiah has ALSO stepped out front-and-center; however, in his case, there’s been MUCH more violence left in his wake (which is saying A LOT given the other is the all-time instigator of violence in Caulfield). The mixture of his brutish strength, merciless approach, and cold-if-not-dead-stare, has ultimately labeled the face-painted crazy into that of an untouchable; someone you simply do NOT want to stand before.


While new to WAR, can Chris Caulfield do what MANY have failed to do in the past; overcome Leper Messiah? – OR – Will the face-painted psycho claim yet ANOTHER victim in his path of violence?


In reality, simply staying alive may be more of a benchmark for Caulfield going into “Firestorm”…






Troy Tornado vs. HE (who needs no name)

Inferno Match

WAR Championship Match


Throughout it all, through all the names listed previously, NO MAN has been MORE dominant in Wrestling Action in Revolt than the WAR Champion himself, Troy Tornado. Standing at a whopping 18-1 overall, 18-0 on singles competition, this down-and-dirty rocker has often been challenged; however, rarely defeated in what many have come to call “HIS” ring. With 9-successful title defenses already under his belt, the first-ever, and ONLY, WAR Champion, has YET to find someone who can ACTUALLY take said title away.


Cue Travis Century… or… I mean… HE (who needs no name)…


A man long known for his zealotry, HE (who needs no name) has brought this perception to the very brink of insanity; now declaring himself to be the “man upstairs” (hence the new name). Despite his obvious mental break of sorts, the vicious brawler is certainly one that has been dubbed as the possible person to shockingly unseat the current champ.


What makes him any different than the others before him?


HE (who needs no name) is just crazy enough to get the job done.


“Firestorm”, dubbed such in part because of the “Inferno Match” rules set forth by a bullying HE (who needs no name), will stand as the ultimate warzone for which these two polar opposites will clash. In the end, only one of them can walk away with the WAR Gold; a fact that many would firmly support Tornado due to his past successes in WAR. That said, when fire’s added, ANYTHING can happen…


ANYONE can go up in a blaze…






"Firestorm" Quick Picks

Jacob Jett vs. Jayson Wright vs. ?????

Joanne Rodriguez vs. ????

Puerto Rican Power© vs. Brutus O'Leary vs. Cletus vs. Hopkirk

Alex Braun vs. Johnny Martin

Ares© vs. Masked Cougar

Art Reed vs. Buddy Garner

Chris Caulfield vs. Leper Messiah

Troy Tornado© vs. HE (who needs no name)

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"Firestorm" Quick Picks

Jacob Jett vs. Jayson Wright vs. ?????

Joanne Rodriguez vs. ????

Puerto Rican Power© vs. Brutus O'Leary vs. Cletus vs. Hopkirk

Alex Braun vs. Johnny Martin

Ares© vs. Masked Cougar

Art Reed vs. Buddy Garner

Chris Caulfield vs. Leper Messiah

Troy Tornado© vs. HE (who needs no name)

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"Firestorm" Quick Picks


Jacob Jett vs. Jayson Wright vs. ?????


Joanne Rodriguez vs. ????


Puerto Rican Power© vs. Brutus O'Leary vs. Cletus vs. Hopkirk


Alex Braun vs. Johnny Martin


Ares© vs. Masked Cougar


Art Reed vs. Buddy Garner


Chris Caulfield vs. Leper Messiah


Troy Tornado© vs. HE (who needs no name)

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Jacob Jett vs. Jayson Wright vs. ?????

Joanne Rodriguez vs. ????

Puerto Rican Power© vs. Brutus O'Leary vs. Cletus vs. Hopkirk

Alex Braun vs. Johnny Martin

Ares© vs. Masked Cougar

Art Reed vs. Buddy Garner

Chris Caulfield vs. Leper Messiah

Troy Tornado© vs. HE (who needs no name)

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Jacob Jett vs. Jayson Wright vs. DAMiaN

Dunno why I chose DAMiaN

Joanne Rodriguez vs. ????

Joanne proves herself with a win

Puerto Rican Power© vs. Brutus O'Leary vs. Cletus vs. Hopkirk

A proper match

Alex Braun vs. Johnny Martin

Braun should retire soon. Then he can become an announcer

Ares© vs. Masked Cougar

2-0, Cougar's side

Art Reed vs. Buddy Garner

Garner is leaving eventually

Chris Caulfield vs. Leper Messiah


Troy Tornado© vs. HE (who needs no name)

Troy, Teoy, Troy, Troy!

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Jacob Jett vs. Jayson Wright vs. ???

Mystery man rule


Joanne Rodriguez vs. ????

Joanne wins here...over a USPW women's wrestler? I'm thinking Raven Nightfall?


Puerto Rican Power vs. Brutus O'Leary vs. Cletus vs. Hopkirk

Time for Brutus


Alex Braun vs. Johnny Martin

Martin to win to end this


Ares vs. Masked Cougar

Champ retains here


Art Reed vs. Buddy Garner

Garner is off


Chris Caulfield vs. Leper Messiah

A much bigger star


Troy Tornado© vs. HE (who needs no name)

Tornado to win but still get set on fire

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Thank you to everyone who has predicted thus far! "Firestorm" is developing into quite the explosive affair.


BTW the Sin City Title match synopsis is for Natural Storm's debut?


Good catch on that, Z. Thank you!


I fixed it and edited in the Sin City four-way synopsis now.

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"Firestorm" Quick Picks:


Jacob Jett vs. Jayson Wright vs. ?????

Interesting to see who they come up with though.


Joanne Rodriguez vs. ????

She'll get her contract. Too good not to.


Puerto Rican Power© vs. Brutus O'Leary vs. Cletus vs. Hopkirk

When in severe doubt, go with the champion retaining. Can't see where this'd go from here after that. But can't see any obvious feuds for the other three either. I guess that's why I just comment on diaries instead of writing them... :D



Alex Braun vs. Johnny Martin

Going for the character that does more for me with this unlikely pick. Could also see it go to a draw and a continued feud.


Ares© vs. Masked Cougar

To move on to a feud with El Platiunums-thingy.


Art Reed vs. Buddy Garner

I'm an Art Reed mark.


Chris Caulfield vs. Leper Messiah

Caulfield can take the loss and still look strong.


Troy Tornado© vs. HE (who needs no name)

I'm suspecting either some kind of draw, or a Tornado DQ win. No descisive result at this point in the feud, it has more legs than this.

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Jacob Jett vs. Jayson Wright vs. ?????

Never bet against Mr. ???

Joanne Rodriguez vs. ????

But feel free to bet against Mrs. ??? :p

Puerto Rican Power© vs. Brutus O'Leary vs. Cletus vs. Hopkirk

Keep him going strong

Alex Braun vs. Johnny Martin

I HATE Braun, so Johnny here for me

Ares© vs. Masked Cougar

Acid is awesome

Art Reed vs. Buddy Garner

Buddy's leaving, so Art pretty much has to go over here

Chris Caulfield vs. Leper Messiah

I'm guessing a win by DQ or some other cheap finish, to show Caulfield maybe isn't as extreme as he thinks.

Troy Tornado© vs. HE (who needs no name)

Troy's your biggest name, and as much as I like Travis Century he isn't ready for the belt yet.

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Jacob Jett vs. Jayson Wright vs. ?????

Joanne Rodriguez vs. ????

Puerto Rican Power© vs. Brutus O'Leary vs. Cletus vs. Hopkirk

Alex Braun vs. Johnny Martin

Ares© vs. Masked Cougar

Art Reed vs. Buddy Garner

Chris Caulfield vs. Leper Messiah

Troy Tornado© vs. HE

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Jacob Jett vs. Jayson Wright vs. ?????

It's hard to pick against Mr. Squiggles but this could be the start of something for Mr. Wright.


Joanne Rodriguez vs. ????

J-Ro ushers forth the Women's Division here in WAR.


Puerto Rican Power© vs. Brutus O'Leary vs. Cletus vs. Hopkirk

As someone earlier said, when in doubt stick with the champion. And Puerto Rican Power is becoming synonymous with this belt.


Alex Braun vs. Johnny Martin

I think you might be able to do more with Martin than with Braun.


Ares© vs. Masked Cougar

Just as PRP is synonymous with the Sin City Championship, so is Ares wih the Blitzkrieg division. Ares gets the win back against Cougar.


Art Reed vs. Buddy Garner

Garner is leaving so the Pure Athlete picks up the win and moves toward, perhaps, the Sin City Championship?


Chris Caulfield vs. Leper Messiah

A tough one for me. I just think Caulfield has too much overness to lose to Leper Messiah. The Hardcore American looked good in the last show.


Troy Tornado© vs. HE (who needs no name)

Travis HEntury come close but even HE cannot defeat Tornado.


The show looks amazing, E-V! I am looking forward to reading to it.


Enjoyed the last show as well. Chris Caulfield's debut was definitely surprising but in a good way. J-Ro should usher in a great women's division. I expect Wanda Fish aka Belle Bryden to be her opponent given their history.

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Given the sheer size of "Firestorm", I'm going to give a 24-48 hour notice that the results are on the way. Somehow, someway, I was able to get the show done in about a week (even with a good 25+ pages written when it's all said and done). That said, as I've said before, this show means SO much to me personally as it will place me at 21 shows within the WAR dynasty. With PSW: Evolution of Greed only having 20 (my largest dynasty thus far), this next show will surpass that and give this as my longest standing project. Funny though, seeing how I have half of the post-count that I had with PSW; however, now surpass it in show lengths. haha. Oh well.


Also, it should be noted that this next episode of "Battleground" will bring with it a major announcement for the NEXT pay-per-view (following "Firestorm"). It will call for reader/voter interaction going forward for the next month (in-game). So, if you want to have your stamp on WAR, now would be the time to start following closely (as you'll have that chance).


All in all, thank you for your continued support & focus as WAR moves on to a historic point.

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Given the sheer size of "Firestorm", I'm going to give a 24-48 hour notice that the results are on the way. Somehow, someway, I was able to get the show done in about a week (even with a good 25+ pages written when it's all said and done). That said, as I've said before, this show means SO much to me personally as it will place me at 21 shows within the WAR dynasty. With PSW: Evolution of Greed only having 20 (my largest dynasty thus far), this next show will surpass that and give this as my longest standing project. Funny though, seeing how I have half of the post-count that I had with PSW; however, now surpass it in show lengths. haha. Oh well.


Also, it should be noted that this next episode of "Battleground" will bring with it a major announcement for the NEXT pay-per-view (following "Firestorm"). It will call for reader/voter interaction going forward for the next month (in-game). So, if you want to have your stamp on WAR, now would be the time to start following closely (as you'll have that chance).


All in all, thank you for your continued support & focus as WAR moves on to a historic point.

For some odd reason, it STILL feels like PSW was your longest diary, even it's going to have technically less shows.

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