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WAR on the Vegas Strip...

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In-Ring Argument

Involved: J.K. Stallings Jr. and Troy Tornado©

“You listened to THESE fools?”


{“Battleground” opens with the triumphant blowing horn of Mr. Stallings’ epic, if not over-compensating, Sci-Fi battle theme blaring over the OMEGA sound system. As it builds in a profound manner, driving the scene to a state of grandeur, the rabid WAR fan-base takes to their feet; cheering strongly for the man who has trusted HIS own company in their hands alone.}


{Leaping through the “Gates of WAR” with high energy, Junior looks exactly the part; in a state of excited childlike wonder!}


{Bouncing around like a man high on something, Stallings strolls down the steel rampway with a gigantic and overtly comical grin plastered across his face; much like a REAL LIFE cartoon character. None the less, as he stomps in a comical fashion, arms swinging in the process, his bow-tie even adjusting back and forth with each step, there’s an overall weirdness to his state.}


{Once in the ring, the WAR owner would eventually grab a nearby microphone; however, would spend additional time before hand hyping the crowd; running to each side of the ring in which to see which corner is the loudest. Once this is done though, as his music slowly starts to drown-out into the background, Junior is shown standing before the crowd in a pencil-like fashion; legs together and a very tight stance. Seconds later, as he goes to speak for the first time, his body relaxes as he jumps outward in a crazed fashion; now standing with his free arm & legs equally stretched out in a dramatic fashion.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr]:


{The crowd pops as Stallings pauses for a brief second; sporting his gigantic, comical, if not somewhat eerie, smile.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr]:
Ohhhh…. It’s a G-R-R-R-R-eat
{Trills his R}
Day to be a WAR fan!!!


{The crowd pops once again as Junior pauses in the same manner once again. All in all, while childlike in wonder, it’s becoming rather obvious that the WAR owner is not quite all there these days.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr]:
I came, I saw, I dictated… You sat, you logged on, and you developed!!! Yes, the first-round of voting for “Uprising” has come and gone and WOW-o-WOW… Did you EVER create one H-H-HEEEEELLLL of a show!!!


{The crowd pops in anticipation of what that could mean. Meanwhile, Junior’s energy is freakishly high right now; bouncing as he stands. Also, his signature high-pitched, if not equally cartoonish, voice resonates with every word.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr]:
You… and YOU… and YOU…


{Points to the fans in a frantic fashion; flailing around as if his entire body was limp.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr]:
{Gigantic, comical, grin follows once again}
And for THAT… I… Thank you!!!


{Again, the crowd pops as they seemingly celebrate their ability to change WAR through the simple click of their mouse.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr]:
Throughout the night, when you LEAST expect it, the beautiful, splendiferous, magmatic, Stallings Tron…
{Leans to talk out of the corner of his mouth quickly}
which is one HELL of a name if you ask me…
{Leans back forward to come ‘back’ to the promo}{/I] … Will display who and what YOU voted for! Yep, Yep, YEPPERS… Tonight, you will discover EXACTLY what YOU wanted “Uprising” to look like!!
{Pauses; smiles in a gigantic fashion}
Nemesis never did ANYTHING like this… NEV-AH… It’s ALLLLLL ME… You see? It’s ALL ME… well, and of course, YOU!!


{Again, the comical grin overtakes as the crowd pops in connection with his statement.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr]:
As I SAID before… This TRULY… is… an “Uprising”… It TRULY is… “Power… to THE… People!!”


{Grinning like a crazed cartoon of sorts, Stallings looks out upon the crowd in which to bask in their adoration; extending his arms outward, closing his eyes, and soaking it in. That said, instead of a chorus of cheering, he’s actually met with the striking theme of Troy Tornado’s hard-rock entrance song.}


{It would take a brief second for Stallings to realize what has happened. Slowly cracking his eyes open, yet keeping his wide-open stance, Junior is shown slowly turning his head ever-so-slightly in which to gaze upon the “Gates of WAR”. In doing so, he witnesses first hand, the WAR Champion himself, Troy Tornado, strolling through said “Gates” in a lazy cool fashion.}


{Instantly showered with a chorus of resounding boos, Tornado doesn’t seem to bat an eye in the slightest. Sauntering outward, lazily moving with every step, the “Hard Rock Rebel” stops atop the rampway for a brief second in which to lazily grin in Stallings direction. As the WAR Championship bounces light from above, Tornado appears to be all as much of the rock-star as we perceive him to be; just in this case, he’s severely hated due to the intensity of his egocentric perspective.}


{Slowly sauntering, Tornado eventually enters the ring; however, certainly taking his time. Never dropping the very same arrogant, yet lazy, grin, Tornado looks to be as calm as ever; comfortable in his own greatness it seems.}


{Eventually, he would be handed a microphone; however, as the tech does so, Tornado’s self-focused demeanor is shown THAT much more as it takes a few attempts to finally REACH the WAR Champion. More or less, it’s almost as though he’s unaware of ANYONE around him; expect for himself.}


{In the end, as Tornado’s music dies off, replaced by an epic chorus of boos, we now witness two men who couldn’t be ANY MORE opposite than Tornado & Stallings staring upon one another. It’s in that unique scenario that this all gathers that much MORE grandiosity; a defining moment in WAR no doubt.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr]:
You bad… BAD… boy… you…


{Stallings shakes his finger in a dramatic fashion as if to say ‘tisk-tisk’. In doing so, it’s expected that he said such “bad boy” due to his recent heel turn. That said, it doesn’t seem to phase Tornado in the slightest. If anything, that arrogant grin grows slightly larger & more gritty in the process.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr]:
What you did last week was NAUGHTY!!!
{Shakes his head in a comical fashion}
You should be ASHAMED!


{Tornado stares upon Stallings with the very same arrogant grin upon his face.}


[Troy Tornado]:
F*ck-off… Stallings…


{He projects in a calm fashion; grinning throughout. Meanwhile, hearing this, Stallings jumps back in a state of supposed shock; thrown-off by Tornado’s candor.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr]:


{He places his hand upon his chest in a “oh my” fashion; shocked. Meanwhile, Tornado hasn’t budged at all.}


[Troy Tornado]:
You heard me…
{Pauses as the lights from above bounce off of his midnight black shades; arrogantly grinning the entire time.}
I don’t stutter… F*ck… off… Stallings…


{He states once again in a calm manner; still grinning throughout.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr]:
That’s the word of the DAY!! AAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!


{The words “AAHHHH” show up on the Stallings tron, even having the noise pumped into the sound system, as the sold-out WAR fan-base follows suit. For a good 10-seconds, as the camera man shakes in which to add further craziness to the moment, we are presented nothing short of absolute campy insanity.}


{As this all goes on, Tornado doesn’t move in the slightest; statuesque as he grins arrogantly.}


{Eventually, as the “AHHH” moment comes to a close, Stallings is shown grinning himself; knowing that the previous moment was a dig at Tornado’s brash attempt at putting him off. None the less, moving forward, Stallings returns to the mic with that very same grin upon HIS face.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr]:
I’ve dealt with people like you ALL my life… the cool kids… the stoners… the bullies who shoved MY heat into a toilet bowl!!
{Shakes his head}
That may have worked back then but this is NOW!! I’m not that same scrawny 10-year old with bad acne & an obvious repellent toward women!!


{The crowd laughs as Stallings comically attempts to stand up for himself.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr]:
You MAY be the champ, you MAY be Mr. Cool, but I’ll tell ya this, Tornado… You’re NOT the TOP DAWWW-G here in WAR; that’s me!! J…K… Stallings… JUNYEEEERRRR!!!


{The crowd pops as they enjoy seeing someone stand up to Tornado.}


[Troy Tornado]:
You’re the top dawg around here? You? The idiot who decided to trust these LOSERS in the crowd?
{Crowd boos as Tornado pauses}
These dip-sh*ts don’t know the FIRST THING about what happens in THIS ring and yet… you ask THEM to book FOR you? To me, that doesn’t make you the top dawg… Junior… That makes you a damn fool!
{Crowd boos as Tornado pauses again}
But THAT’S no different than what we expect from you… You’re a failure; always have been… always will be. You see, on the other end, I’m not. I’ve torn through this company with EASE… All of those BIG signings you brought on… all of those up-and-comers you were heralding… They ALL fell at my feet!
{Pauses; grins toward Stallings}
Face it, Stallings… You’re NOT the top dawg here… I… AM…
While you buckle under pressure… I RISE above it… I… AM… The “KILLER… ELITE…”… I AM… WAR…


{Tornado chuckles to himself, dripping with confidence, as the crowd boos like crazy before him. That said, for the first time, Tornado actually seems to acknowledge the fan’s reaction. In doing so, he’s shown comically, in a mocking fashion, pretending to be ‘sad’ over their disdain of him. Seconds later though, he’s shown laughing rather heartily as he obviously doesn’t give a damn what they think.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr]:
I made WAR!!! It’s MINE!!!


{He responds in a childish fashion; pouting almost.}


[Troy Tornado]:
That may be true… but I took it… and made it my OWN personal playground.


{A pause happens between the two.}


[Troy Tornado]:
These idiots…
{Points to the crowd; never takes his eyes off of Stallings though}
You can have ‘em; I never wanted them. Not the kids looking up to me… the adults wanting to BE me… none of them… They’re ALL dead weight to me.
{The crowd boos loudly as Tornado pauses}
You can have them because you’re going to NEED them…
It’ll be the ONLY thing you have left when it’s all said and done… because you see… when the smoke has cleared… when the dust has settled… there I’ll be… 100-0… Undefeated…
Just AS it should be; as it ALWAYS was going to be!
And you… You’ll be in the ditch, once again, crying on your little baby bib, and tugging on these IDIOTS to tell you about the time you ACTUALLY meant something to someone…


{Tornado pauses once again; grinning arrogantly. Meanwhile, Stallings is shown to be a little overrun by this all; shocked to say the least.}


[Troy Tornado]:
I can’t be stopped… Stallings… and deep down… you and these IDIOTS… know it…


{Tornado throws his microphone in the direction of Stallings, connecting with his shoulder, as the WAR owner bounces back in fear. Gripping the nearby ring rope, gulping in sheer shock, Junior watches on in a fearful state as his extremely arrogant WAR Champion slowly exits the squared circle; never taking his eyes off of Stallings as he grins in a dirty-cool fashion.}


{In the end, the segment comes to a close with the final image of the WAR Champion grinning toward a fearful Stallings. Meanwhile, the crowd does their very best to overpower Tornado’s powerful theme music with their capsizing wave of boos.}


Mitch Naess:
What an A$$hole…

Eric Tyler:
You’re JUST noticing that now?
{Shakes his head}
You people really ARE idiots, aren’t you? THIS is EXACTLY how Tornado’s been since day one; nothing’s changed really. Just NOW you want to boo him? If you couldn’t see that from day one then you’re as LOST as the champ says you are.

Mitch Naess:
He’s never been a nice guy; someone you would want your daughter to date. That said, I never thought he was ACTUALLY as d*ck-ish as it seems. Maybe he did pull the wool over my eyes… over ALL of our eyes…

Eric Tyler:
No, you WANTED him to be your hero… YOU did this to yourselves. You were blind to the truth because of your stupidity.

Mitch Naess:
I guess maybe you’re right… I am one of those fools who believed in him… never again though… never again.




#1 Contender Fan Vote Announcement

Involved: ??????

“Who will challenge for the Blitzkrieg Championship?”


{Shortly after Mr. Stallings has exited the ringside area, leaving behind the craziness that just happened with he & his WAR Champion Troy Tornado, the video-tron above the rampway which carry his very name presents the FIRST #1 contender to be named tonight. Cycling through pictures of the entire WAR Blitzkrieg Division, creating a powerful tone with every changing image, we ultimately come to a climactic point as the music in the background grows that much more grandiose; a battle theme if you will.}


{Settling on one image, we are now presented the sight of Blitzkrieg flier, Snap Dragon!}




{The crowd boos like crazy as the fire-breathing, backstabbing, serpent-like flier is shown to be the victor of the widespread fan vote; a fact that has him challenging for the Blitzkrieg Championship against Masked Cougar at “Uprising”!}


Mitch Naess:
Snap Dragon!! The fans have voted for Snap Dragon to challenge Masked Cougar for the Blitzkrieg Championship at “Uprising”! I guess, now, we’ll get to see whether or not Cougar can gain some revenge for what happened last week.

Eric Tyler:
Revenge? For what? Making a way for himself? This whole ‘Coastal Zone Code’ is a bunch of bull. The region is a joke, they’re ALL a bunch of damn monkeys, and it’s about DAMN time that ONE OF THEM takes control of their OWN career. Is it better to stay within the bunch or break out and MAKE something for yourself? Especially when it has to do with the Coastal Zone, the faster that someone can separate themselves from that cr@p; the better!

Mitch Naess:
You can shoot them down ALL you want but the Coastal Zone is widely considered to be THE hottest region in ALL of pro wrestling!

Eric Tyler:
That’s because the fans are a bunch of idiots… Tornado’s right about that one.

Mitch Naess:
I’m not even going to give that a second of my time…
{Moves on}
When it’s all said and done, it’ll be Snap Dragon and Masked Cougar at “Uprising”! The battle of the former allies will decide who the Blitzkrieg Champion will be!




Masked Cougar vs. Jacob Jett
and Snap Dragon


2-on-1 Handicap Match

“Dragon's aren't left for folklore anymore...”


While tackling the feat of overcoming 2-men is entirely daunting, the sheer tension between Jacob Jett and Snap Dragon makes for an "X-factor"; as it pertains to an equalizing force. Don't get me wrong, Cougar certainly has his hands full, and spends most of the match as the beaten underog, but the obvious jealousy raging through Jett's overtly arrogant-frame makes for a tumultuous pairing (w/ Snap Dragon). That said, Dragon doesn't seem to care in the slightest; oblivious to it all as he projects his typical half-man-half-serpent-like persona.


Cougar continually finds pockets to rebound, exploding back upon his attackers in an aerial super-hero kind of fashion; however, most of those scenarios are rather short-lived.


At the end, generating an extra-level of energy out of nowhere, a fact that feels rather shocking given Cougar's depleted frame, the Blitzkrieg Champion appears to be on the verge of doing something rather special; defeating both Dragon & Jett. That said, as he roars like the ferocious kitty that he is, flexing in an alpha fashion after clearing the ring, the slender young flier ultimately finds the rug pulled out from underneath of him...


As Cougar is roaring, Dragon is shown leaping to the top rope from the ring apron. Within a matter of seconds, flipping his body like a crazed circus freak, the fire-breathing flier (as he does in his intro) is shown colliding with the Blitzkrieg champion; executing a high-octane twisting splash in the process.


Cougar would attempt to get back to his feet; however, as he does so, would eventually collapse back to the canvas following the execution of Dragon's signature "Black Death" (Springboard Tornado DDT); a maneuver he put into full motion seconds after landing his twisting splash from before.


Twisting, turning, and ultimately being spiked upon his head, Cougar is unable to kick-out of a pinfall attempt; even missing out on a potential pin-break from Dragons's partner & equal heel, Jacob Jett.


Snap Dragon via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
“Black Death” (Springboard Tornado DDT)

Ending Time:


Mitch Naess:
Snap Dragon MAY have just SNAPPED Masked Cougar's NECK with the "Black Death"! Did you SEE how fast he went from that twisting splash to the tornado DDT? Man... the Blitzkrieg Division is REALLY riveting to watch these days. Such back-and-forth, non-stop, action...

Eric Tyler:
Yea, if you LIKE that kind of crap...

Mitch Naess:
You don't?

Eric Tyler:
I never cared for spot-monkeys as their name gives you a good clue as to their importance in this sport. They're mindless, thrill-seeking, CLOWNS that don't know the FIRST THING about putting together a well-thought out match. It's just ANOTHER example of the degradation of Professional Wrestling.

Mitch Naess:
Oh god, Eric, really? They do EVERYTHING you would do... only ten times faster and more dangerous...

Eric Tyler:
They can't do ANYTHING I would do...

Mitch Naess:
Folks, disregard Eric on this matter; he's just a grumpy old dude who wishes for the 'old days'. The Blitzkrieg division, as we JUST saw, is the FUTURE of this industry!

Eric Tyler:
That's a future I hope I'm dead for...

Mitch Naess:
I'm sure that can be arranged...




Backstage Argument

Involved: Ravyn, Joanne Rodriguez, and J.K. Stallings Jr.

“Where's OUR spot?”


{Just as we witnessed last week, we are now presented an over-the-shoulder view of Joanne Rodriguez and Ravyn collectively storming into Mr. Stallings office. With a determined step, both appear to have no time to waste as they pass by a number of nameless WAR techs in which to finally stroll through the doorway of his office.}


{Once in, coming to a stop before his desk, Stallings practically bounces out of his chair in fear; most likely not expecting to see anyone barge into his room like that.}


{Grabbing for the phone, most likely to call security, Stallings instantly reacts in a knee-jerk manner. That said, as he realizes WHO it is before him, he slowly relaxes his miniature frame; never taking his hand off the phone though.}


[Joanne Rodriguez]:
What the HELL?!?


{Joanne responds as she places her hands on her hips in which to display a fiery attitude. Meanwhile, with her arms crossed, Ravyn responds in tow.}


Yea, what the HELL did you leave us off the show?


{Trying to explain himself, Stallings places one hand upon his chest; all the while closing his eyes.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr]:
Ladies… I was planning…


{Joanne fires back in a feisty fashion; chalked FULL of attitude.}


[Joanne Rodriguez]:
Shove it, Stallings… I don’t want to HEAR your bull…


{A stand-off of sorts follows as Stallings comically gulps in a dramatic fashion. Then, taking a second, obviously a little fearful of the situation at hand, he attempts to speak once again; guarded as he does so.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr]:
I… I… I understand, ladies. I do!! But you see….


Here we go…


{Ravyn rolls her eyes as she jets her hip out; still crossing her arms. Meanwhile, J-RO’s body language has turned that much more aggressive.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr]:
With WAR being ALL about “Power to the People” these days… I… I thought that I would leave it up to them… the fans… whether or not we should…


{He tries to trail off slightly; speaking under his breath in a comical fashion.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr]:
… have a women’s division.


{Ravyn shakes her head in annoyance as J-RO does quit the same; resting her hands energetically upon her slender hips.}


[Joanne Rodriguez]:
So let me get this straight, papi… It’s up to the WAR FANS whether or not Ravyn and I get a spot on the roster? After ALL that we did, tore the roof down at “Firestorm”, did ALL you asked of us… You’re putting the decision onto them?!?!


{Stallings slowly nods his head as he pushes his chair back slightly; attempting to create distance from J-RO as he’s obviously fearful.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr]:
You know… “Power… to the People”… yay!


{The previous phrase is sheepish at best; especially the ‘yay’ which sounds more scared than excited.}


Well… It’s good to know that money can’t buy you balls…


[J.K. Stallings Jr]:


{He states in a hurt fashion; however, after shot a look by both women, he retreats behind his desk that much more.}


[Joanne Rodriguez]:
Fine… whatever… at least the FANS know somethin’ about wrestling…


You know more about hiding in the shadows… letting everyone ELSE do your work for you…


{Stallings goes to say ‘hey’ in a hurt fashion once again; however, is stopped before he can make the noise by a collective look from Ravyn & J-RO. In the end, the segment fades to black as the two women exit the room in a hissy; stomping the entire way as if they were grounded like children. Meanwhile, Stallings is shown loosening up his bow-tie in a dramatic fashion; comically scared over what happened.}


Mitch Naess:
Stallings is definitely NOT one of those alpha-male-types… I thought he was going to shoot straight out of his CHAIR when those two walked in.

{Naess laughs; Tyler looks annoyed & frustrated.}

Eric Tyler:
THIS is the man who’s here to LEAD a revolution?

Mitch Naess:
Money has afforded him a 2nd chance, Eric.

Eric Tyler:
I don’t know how ANYONE could line up behind that man. The owner is supposed to be a LEADER; someone who can tell the guys to ride on his back to the top. That… that… man-child is nowhere NEAR that. He’s going to burn this place to the ground before you know it.

Mitch Naess:
He really does have to toughen up a bit but… we tend to forget that he’s probably STILL suffering from some neurological problems following his attack at the hand of Nemesis a few months back.

Eric Tyler:
Oh waaaa…. Who really cares? You’re in a sport of MEN… not sissies. Get over it!







Cali-Air vs. Genetic Perfection vs. Natural Storm vs. The Ring Generals
w/Doc Messing


4-Way Tag Team Match

WAR Tag Team Championship Match

“Sound Wrestling Wins-out!”


Wide-eyed, focused, and determined to make their mark, these four tag teams theoretically salivate with the chance of becoming the NEW WAR Tag Team Champions. In this very moment, within the unforgiving confines of the WAR squared circle, one of the four tandems will cement their place atop the newly evolved division as a whole. For the three remaining, only desperation, defeat, and sadness, will be their scraps...


Straight away, Genetic Perfection makes their presence known through the combination of youthful energy (LaFleur) & veteran grit (Flash). What Steve Flash no longer has in explosive aggressiveness, showing a more athletically calculating approach, his newfound partner in Christopher LaFleur counteracts beautifully. More or less, the combination of the two seems rather seamless straight out of the gate.


The remaining three teams take much longer to solidify their presence within the match.


The Ring Generals, while impressive in time, act as a well-oiled tandem; however, remain rather bland in their onslaught; keeping them somewhat on the back-burner.


Natural Storm, known for their raging intensity, creates their OWN mountain to climb by overlooking potential road-blocks; too intense to really forecast what may come next versus just acting in the moment.


Cali-Air, recently MIA, puts forth a moderate climb; however, it's obvious that one-half of the team, Ash Campbell, has his mind elsewhere; most likely focused on the personal failings of his father (Nemesis) in recent times.


With time, there would be more of an open affair; with each team having a moment in the sun due to their selling point as a tandem. Whether through brutish intensity, well-oiled dual combinations, masterful in-ring technical wrestling, or explosive Blitzkrieg-like aerial spots, the battle wages on with every team doing their very best to NOT be left behind.


At several points, each team has a point for which you THINK they're about to win; Natural Storm being the closest to that (despite having their pinfall attempt broken by a dive by Dean Waldorf from nowhere; once thought unconscious outside of the ring). However, in the end, it's the somewhat green, yet by-the-books, team that brings about a profound victory...


As Marv Slater and D.C. Rayne war within the ring, the focused Ring Generals are able to force the stocky brawler into a spiked-piledriver combo. Lying motionless in the corner of the ring, Marv quickly drops his husky frame upon the fallen Rayne; cradling his neck & leg in which to create further pressure for his pin. In the end, there's no kicking out of this scenario... MUCH to Doc Messing's delight, pumping his fist in a confident "we did it" fashion, it's HIS team that ultimately comes away with the WAR Tag Team Championships tonight (becoming ONLY the 2nd champions in the belts history).


The Ring Generals via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
“Old School Beatdown” (Double Spiked Piledrvier)

Ending Time:

The Ring Generals are the NEW WAR Tag Team Champions!


Mitch Naess:
Well, I’ll be damned; the green newcomers got the job done!

Eric Tyler:
Not ONLY did they get it done but they did it in a respectable fashion!
{Smirks as he nods his head}
These guys have a GREAT future ahead of them; that’s obvious. They remind me A LOT of myself when I first started…

Mitch Naess:
Oh great…

Eric Tyler:
They’re going to go FAR; I can see it now…

Mitch Naess:
Well, they’ve gotten pretty far in a very short time; winning the Tag Team belts here tonight.

{Naess pauses for a second as he sees Doc Messing calling for a microphone}

Mitch Naess:
It looks like the ‘voice’ of these two youngsters wants a mic… I’m SURE he won’t gloat in the slightest…

{Naess rolls his eyes somewhat}




Post-match Promo

Involved: Doc Messing + The Ring Generals© (Dean Waldorf & Marv Slater)

"Well past their years...”


{Shortly after the final bell is rung, the weasely Doc Messing is shown demanding a microphone from the nearby ring announcer. At first, it looks like he won't be granted such; however, after continually frustrating said announcer, the mic is eventually passed on.}


{While the crowd boos at a moderate level, Messing looks out upon the crowd as the Ring Generals are handed the WAR Tag Team Championships for the first-time. In doing so, Dean appears to be overtly arrogant about the victory; smirking like a punk as he raises his newly acquired championship on high with one arm. Meanwhile, the more simplistic minded Marv is shown to be rather dopey as the husky heavyweight flings his championship over his right shoulder in a whipping-like fashion.}


[Doc Messing]:
A congratulations is in order....


{Doc pauses as his weasely smirk projects above the chorus of light boos set before him.}


[Doc Messing]:
... But it's NOT what you may think.
The congratulations is NOT for these men behind me. No, it's for ALL of you...
{Points out to the crowd as they boo}
For once in your miserable lives, you have the chance to feast your eyes upon a REAL tag team! The Lords of WAR, the Demons of Rage, the DeColts... NONE of them have anywhere NEAR that talent as the Ring Generals behind me. You MAY call them green... BUT... there's one thing you HAVE to call them... and that's... Champions!


{The crowd boos as Doc smirks in his typical weasely fashion.}


[Doc Messing]:
All hail... The greats to be... The WAR... Tag... Team... Champions!!!


{The crowd boos as, shortly following Doc's final statement, both Dean & Marv are shown slowly lifting the WAR Tag Team Championships on high with one arm. As the lights from above shine greatly upon their beautiful plates, the final notion is impossible to outrun; while Doc is CERTAINLY annoying as HELL, in his smug weasly fashion, there's no denying that his boys, The Ring Generals, are the NEW... WAR Tag Team Champions!}


Mitch Naess:
I WANT to hate these guys... I REALLY do... but... the fact of the matter is... Doc is right... as much as it pains me to say that... The Ring Generals ARE the NEW WAR Tag Team Champions.

Eric Tyler:
You can hate all you want... it doesn't take away the truth!

Mitch Naess:
They ARE the champs.... UNTIL... someone comes along and knocks those two punks into next week!

Eric Tyler:
It isn't going to happen. These guys are lock-solid; they'll hold the straps for as LONG as THEY want to!

Mitch Naess:
I guess we'll see...





Backstage Promo

Involved: Slick Rick w/ Misty & Mandy + Mitch Naess



{We transition backstage in which to see the sleazy, crude, and overtly rude, former WAR commentator Slick Rick standing before the camera lens with a dirty smirk upon his face. Holding a lit cigarette loosely in the corner of his lips, holding a large bottle of jack in his dominant right hand, equally loose in his grasp, ole’ Slick projects sheer arrogance; controversial at best given his crude persona.}


{With the lovely, yet insanely stupid, Misty & Mandy at his side, somehow entranced with the sleazy Slick, the former commentator appears to be on top of his game ever since leaving the desk. Standing at 2-0, shaking up with two lovely ladies, and living a true playboy’s life, Rick makes dirty look cool; just that no one really thinks he’s cool… more so disgusted by him.}


{As Mitch stands before him, playing a great straight persona amongst the mix, suit-clad and a beacon of professionalism, this interview already feels as though it may crash off the rails pretty quickly.}


{The fact that Slick takes a giant swig of Jack shortly before puffing a haze of smoke above his head doesn’t really help this notion all that much…}


[Mitch Naess]:
I don’t think you can smoke in here…


{Mitch relays in a square-like fashion.}


{Seconds later, Slick is shown turning his head slowly to the side; blowing a giant plume of smoke square into the face of Naess.}


{Coughing, turning his head away, Naess obviously wasn’t expecting such to happen. That said, such brashness pushes Slick to laugh in a raspy fashion; displaying the gold-crowned tooth in the process. Meanwhile, Misty & Mandy are shown laughing as well; placing their hands on either side of Slick in the process.}


[Mitch Naess]:
Very professional...


{Slick rolls his eyes as he laughs in a raspy fashion.}


[Mitch Naess]:
Since leaving the WAR commentary desk, you've seen nothing but success, Slick. Standing at 2-0, you've found a way to do something that very FEW have done before; transition from a staff member to a successful in-ring competitor. To be honest, I have NO idea how you've been able to do so. Physically, you're a wreck; that's pretty obvious. You smoke like a chimney, chug Jack like it's water in the middle of the desert, and most likely ooze from areas I simply do NOT want to see. How... How have you done it?


{Slick projects a dirty grin as he continues to puff away on his cigarette like he was a smoke-machine filling a small gymnasium.}


[slick Rick]:
It's gotta be the genes...


[Mitch Naess]:
Oh... So you're saying your family...


{Before he can finish, actually thinking Slick was making a realistic point, the sleazy-grinning former commentator cuts-him-off; showing very little respect for Naess in the process.}


[slick Rick]:
... The jeans that I get INTO every-night...
{Sleazy grin follows}
The very same jeans that wind up on the floor whenever I'm around!


{Slick continues to laugh in a harsh, yet raspy, fashion. Meanwhile, Mitch drops his face slightly; frustrated that he ACTUALLY believed Slick would make a valid point.}


[Mitch Naess]:
Shame on me for thinking you would actually have something worthwhile to say...


{Naess shakes his head for a few seconds; trying to regain his professionalism. Meanwhile, Slick is having a grand ole' time.}


{After slapping both Misty & Mandy on the butt, projecting a raspy sense of laughter as he takes another swig on his Jack, Slick appears to be AS crass as ever.}


[Mitch Naess]:
Moving on...
{Sighs before going back into full-on professionalism mode}
... Your name is amongst the plethora of WAR wrestlers up for fan-voting right now. Do YOU think that your name will be called by the end of the night as a #1 contender? And if so, what championship do you THINK you'll be viaing for?


[slick Rick]:
F*ck yea, they're going to vote for me. Why wouldn't they?
{Devilish smirk forms}
I'm what every man WANTS to be... and every woman wants to... F...


{Naess jumps in quickly; blurting out.}


[Mitch Naess]:
OH okay... that's enough.


[slick Rick]:
What? It's the TRUTH! I'm all KINDS of good...


{Naess shakes his head in frustration as Slick continues to blurt out in raspy laughter. Meanwhile, Misty & Mandy nod slowly as they collectively lick their lips in a dirty fashion.}


[Mitch Naess]:
Something tells me that the fans don't want ANY part of you...


[slick Rick]:
They ALL want a part of me... It's down there.... In my pants! ....... 12-inches... Around!


{Again, laughing in a raspy fashion, Slick projects nothing short of absolute sleaziness.}


[Mitch Naess]:
{Continuing to shake his head in frustrated denial}
Here's a question that you can't make disgustingly sleazy... It's common knowledge that you dislike Jayson Wright...


[slick Rick]:
He's a pu**y...


{Slick projects his raspy sense of laughter once again in a brash fashion. Meanwhile, Naess tries to force through his question despite already looking pissed.}


[Mitch Naess]:
What are your thoughts on his BIG opportunity; facing the "Cornerstone" Johnny Martin later tonight?


[slick Rick]:
My thoughts? The dude is a f*cking pu**y! He walks around here as if he doesn't have a set of his own. He follows that b*tch, Dharma, as if she's some great lay or something. Truthfully, no b*tch is worth that kind of trouble. You've already seen that with this kid. He couldn't get a damn hooker to lay down for him...


{Naess continues to shake his head in annoyance/frustration.}


[Mitch Naess]:
Dharma and Jayson are brother and sister; there isn't any 'laying' there...


[slick Rick]:
They're from Alabama or somethin'... sh*t like that happens ALL the time down there.


{Slick bursts out in raspy laughter once again.}


{Meanwhile, Naess has pretty much lost all patience he has left; showing this obvious fact upon his face.}


[slick Rick]:
He's a f*cking loser... and ALWAYS will be one as long as that b*tch is calling his shots for him...


[Mitch Naess]:
Alright... That's enough. This interview is done.


{Naess starts to walk off scene; however, before doing so, turns back around to relay one last statement directed toward the sleazy Slick.}


[Mitch Naess]:
I hope you get your a$$ kicked tonight...


[slick Rick]:
'Aint happenin', brah...


{Laughing as Naess storms off in a fit, Slick turns his attention back toward his bottle of Jack; swigging away in which to finish up the bottle. Once done, he's shown throwing said bottle across the room; creating a crashing noise off lens.}


{In the end, Slick is shown laughing like a damn sleazeball, raspy in nature, as he walks off arm-in-arm with the lovely, yet stupid, pair of Misty & Mandy; leaving behind a giant plum of cigarette smoke int he air behind him.}


Mitch Naess:
I'm sorry ladies and gentlemen. This interview should have NEVER seen the light of day; and I tried to get it pulled before the brodcast hit. No one should care, in the slightest, about this miserable excuse for a human being. Again, I apologize on behalf of myself, and this company, for everything that he said...

Eric Tyler:
Interesting fellow...

Mitch Naess:

Eric Tyler:
He's got some valid points there. While they MAY have rubbed you the wrong way, the message underneath it all was spot on about Jayson Wright. His BIGGEST downfall is that he listens to that sister of his TOO much. I don't think he would have won much more without her here BUT he would certainly be seen as his own man; not his sister's keeper. By now, he's not only losing at an alarming rate but he's becoming a punch-line for everyone to throw around.

Mitch Naess:
I can see what you're saying BUT he should have stated it differently... What he said was inappropriate to the nth degree...

Eric Tyler:
He's a man; you can't tell him WHAT to do. You can only try to beat him into silence.

Mitch Naess:
GOD, I HOPE someone does exactly that tonight... Use that cage-wall to shut him up for GOOD!




"The Appalachian Grizzly"
w/Colonel Hazzard
"The Extreme ICON"
Chris Caulfield


Hardcore Match

“To the Extreme!”


*A HUGE thank you to
for his re-render of Chris Caulfield!


Chris Caulfield clutches “Rusty” as he stomps toward the ring. It wouldn’t take long for the “Extreme ICON” to introduce him to the big-hairy-head of the “Appalachian Grizzly”; striking him repeatedly with the dented steel chair at the same time as he enters the ring. While this initial burst is rather consistent with Caulfield’s typical approach, reeling on his heels, taking the brunt of another one, is not very typical as it pertains to Cletus’ tenure in WAR. With that in mind, as the assault continues, the wild big-man eventually explodes in a sense of full-on fury; eventually punching the steel chair out of Caulfield’s hand and inflicting his OWN brand of violence.


Just as “Rusty” was introduced rather early, a number of other weapons also make a quick appearance. With every strike, every maneuver upon said weapon, there’s an overall feeling that there is NO WAY either man can continue through such viciousness.


A running Powerslam by Cletus upon a waiting STOP sign leaves Caulfield bridging his back in wincing pain…


A double-arm DDT by Caulfield upon the actual ring bell forces the “Appalachian Grizzly” to roar out aggressively…


Thereafter, Cletus would use the nearby steel guardrail to practically decapitate Caulfield, the stomping “Grizzly” would crash through a nearby table as the “Extreme ICON” lands a desperation back-body-drop over the top rope, and a dually destructive Russian leg sweep would send both into the WAR commentary table; a fact that would practically bring said table to the ground.


More or less, both lay into one another with very little regard for the other, themselves, or the WAR property around the ring.


At one point, it even stretches INTO the crowd as the two hardcore wrestlers do their very best to permanently implant the other into the unforgiving cement below. That said, through it all, somehow, someway, both ALWAYS find a way to return to their feet; even if it DOES take longer and longer to happen as we go along.


Later, the rabid WAR fan-base would roar at the additional sight of FORMER Sin City Champion Puerto Rican Power & the “Hyde Park Hitman” Brutus O’Leary coming to the ringside area. While they don’t come together, a good minute apart or so, it’s obvious that BOTH are here for the same reason: to extract revenge upon Cletus for his attack upon them last week. In Power’s case, said attack forced him to lose his coveted WAR Sin City Championship.



Coming to the ring; separately...


Mitch Naess:
Power & O’Leary have come to the ringside area for revenge; no doubt. Cletus is about to get what’s comin’ to him after last week’s attack!


However, before they could enter the ring, attempting to gain their revenge through vicious means, both are stopped dead in their tracks as Chris Caulfield is shown motioning for them to ‘stay away’. At one point, he even barks in their direction, in between a number of hefty breaths, in which to keep the attackers at bay. While initially the two look like they will STILL go ahead, with time, there appears to be a sense of respect that Caulfield carries; one that would keep these two at bay for now.


Mitch Naess:
Look at the respect that they have for Caulfield! They WANT Cletus but… they’re staying away from getting INTO the ring.


Eric Tyler:
Caulfield? Respect? No one respects that psychopath…


Mitch Naess:
A LOT of people do, Eric. Power & O’Leary are two examples of that…


Eric Tyler:
Then they’re just stupid…


With that said, O’Leary and Power simply stay outside of the ring; waiting their turn.


Sadly, for Caulfield, this barking would open up a chance for Cletus to roar back into control; ravaging the “Extreme ICON” with a number of power moves that would certainly shake the very ring for which they stand.


Attempting a running-big-boot, his long-time finisher, Cletus has the ICON in his sight; however, again, somehow, someway, Caulfield is able to not ONLY move out of the way but grab “Rusty” in the process.


As Cletus spins back around, furious over missing, swinging like a mad-man, “Rusty” is AGAIN introduced to his gigantic forehead.


Strike-by-strike, 5 at this point, Caulfield eventually subdues the big-man enough to stagger him into the corner; NOT falling to the canvas though.


Acting like an injured animal, lashing out in a primal fashion, Cletus comes back at Caulfield in which to physically destroying him once again; however, in his swinging, the “Appalachian Grizzly” is shown to miss once again. In doing so, Caulfield is able to execute a crippling Flatliner maneuver; bridging the chair in his arm in which to have Cletus’ head forcibly collide with the steel.


While this maneuver forces Caulfield to injure his OWN arm, it’s enough to keep the hairy big-man subdued for long enough in which to grant a 3-count in his favor. Depleted, physically overrun, and sporting a pretty vicious arm injury on his own accord, Caulfield barely has enough energy to roll off of his opponent as the final bell tolls. Meanwhile, the gigantic “Grizzly” is shown lying on his back, looking up at the lights, and in a state of general confusion.


Chris Caulfield via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
Flatliner w/ a steel chair

Ending Time:


Mitch Naess:
That was BRUTAL…

Eric Tyler:
I STILL can’t get over it… Who the HELL calls THIS wrestling? Swinging chairs, dropping another on a DAMN STOP sign,… This ISN’T wrestling!! It’s the violence of the mindless; of the talentless. ANYONE can swing a weapon. People like Chris Caulfield should be ASHAMED to call themselves wrestlers!

Mitch Naess:
Nothing new to hear here, folks. BIG SHOCK, Eric Tyler can’t stand Hardcore wrestling…

{Naess laughs a little}

Eric Tyler:
There’s NO room for this kind of crap in MY sport.

Mitch Naess:
Well, Eric… you continue to prove yourself to be that old, grumpy, has-been who just can’t seem to let it all go.

Eric Tyler:
I’m not a HAS-BEEN… I could wrestle circles around EITHER of those guys; if not the ENTIRE roster for that matter. I may have stepped away from the ring but that doesn’t mean that I’m dead.

Mitch Naess:
I don’t see you staying behind this desk for very long…

{Naess snickers}

Eric Tyler:
I’m retired; THIS is where I plan to stay, Naess.

Mitch Naess:
Right… we’ll see about that…




Shocking Attack

Involved: Chris Caulfield and ??????

“Psychopathic Messiah”


{As the final bell tolls, a lightly bloodied Chris Caulfield is shown pulling himself upright utilizing the nearby ring rope as his ultimate crutch of sorts. Instead of taking the quintessential victory hand-raise, Caulfield brushes past Jay Fair in which to personally raise “Rusty” high into the air. That said, the crowd roars with excitement as they celebrate the epic, blue-collar, violence of the “Extreme ICON”.}


{Stepping out of the ring, giving a head nod to both O’Leary and Power, Caulfield shoots them a final ‘go ahead’. With that, as they exchange in said head-nod, the two brutish brawlers outside of the ring turn their attention toward the fallen Cletus within the ring.}


{At that point, the camera angle pans off of Caulfield in which to follow O’Leary & Power into the ring. From there, the two powerhouse fighters lay into the fallen “Appalachian Grizzly”; stomping an absolute-mud-hole in the hairy behemoth.}


{As Power & O’Leary gain their revenge, viciously beating down the big-man, we now pan back toward a new angle of Caulfield atop the steel rampway.}


{One last time, raising “Rusty” on high as he looks out upon the crowd in a hardened sense of confidence, Caulfield takes a final moment to stand before his roaring fans}


{Stepping through the “Gates of WAR”, Caulfield seems to disappear from the ringside area as we expect to return to the sight of the brutish 2-on-1 beatdown.}


{That said, that’s not what happens…}


{Crashing back through the “Gates of WAR”, Caulfield lands harshly upon the steel rampway in a thunderous heap; a fact that forces “Rusty” to equally crash downward. Seconds later, the daunting sight of Leper Messiah returning through the “Gates of WAR” is shown to the masses; bringing forth a momentous chorus of boos}



The Monster Returns!


{In the end, after methodically picking up the fallen Caulfield, landing a few more harsh strikes to the jaw of the “Extreme ICON”, Messiah is shown lifting Caulfield on high and chokeslamming him down upon the unforgiving steel ramp below.}


{Bouncing violently, Caulfield is obviously KO’ed the second he strikes the steel.}


{You would think THAT would be enough; however, it certainly is not. Seconds later, grabbing the motionless Caulfield by the throat once again, the towering attacker chokeslams Caulfield once again; bouncing his body off the steel ramp in a sickening fashion.}


Mitch Naess:


Eric Tyler:
He just broke Caulfield in half!!


{From there, the final image is that of the face-painted psychopath standing HIGH over his fallen victim; smirking like a crazed mad-man in the process.}


Mitch Naess:
{Shakes his head in shock}
Chris Caulfield may be REALLY hurt after that… 2 chokeslams… ON the steel ramp…
{Shakes his head again}

Eric Tyler:
He’s taken worse in his career, I’ve SEEN it, but now that he’s getting up there, after YEARS of the cr@p he’s taken, there’s a good chance he COULD be… well… out for good. And honestly, WHO would really miss the guy? He’s a poor-man’s wrestler; no I wouldn’t come CLOSE to calling him a REAL wrestler. Leper Messiah MAY have just done what’s right… putting Caulfield down for good!

Mitch Naess:
I don’t think Caulfield will EVER stay down; and you KNOW that Tyler… probably better than anyone.

Eric Tyler:
He’ll stay down if someone like Leper Messiah has anything to say about it… HELL, he may have already done it right here… tonight!

Mitch Naess:
Sadly, you may be true about that one…




#1 Contender Fan Vote Announcement

Involved: ????

“Who will challenge for the Sin City Championship?”


{As we return from a shot commercial break, attempting to move on past the violence recently seen by a returning Leper Messiah upon Chris Caulfield, our attention is quickly diverted the gigantic state-of-the-art Stallings tron above the “Gates of WAR”. Much like we saw earlier in the night, images from WAR wrestlers are quickly flashed across the screen, moving from one to the next, as a battle-hymn like theme blares in the background; creating a very iconic feel.}


{As the music comes to it’s overpowering climax, we are presented with the image of the NEW #1 contender to the WAR Sin City Championship; that being the shocking fan selection of Donnie J.}




{A quasi-excited pop follows as the respected Coastal Zoner is billed as the man who will challenge El Platinum-ay for the Sin City Championship. In the end, such a scenario proves that the supposed LEGENDARY Luchador isn’t fooling anyone. In this case, they’ve gone out and selected the former tag team partner of who REALLY resides under the mask.}


Mitch Naess:
It looks like the fans aren’t falling for the whole ‘El Platinum-ay’ shenanigans… They’ve selected respected Coastal Zoner and former tag team great, as a member of the “Fly Boys”, Donnie J to challenge for the Sin City Championship at “Uprising”!

Eric Tyler:
Falling for something? Are you another one of those naysayers who deny the TRUTH about El Platinum-ay’s LEGENDARY legacy?

{Eric smirks; even HE knows this is all ridiculous.}

Mitch Naess:
Maybe, If Donnie J wins at “Uprising”, we’ll be FREE of all of this stupidity. Then, the REAL man beneath that mask can officially come out. You know, once it DOES come out though, he’ll be forced to LEAVE the company as… well… he’s ALREADY lost a ‘career match’ earlier in the year.

Eric Tyler:
How DARE you make stuff like that up…

{Tyler continues to smirk}

Mitch Naess:
This is so FAR past ridiculous it’s… well… ridiculous!!




"The Cornerstone"
Johnny Martin


Singles Match

“Not there yet...”


Jayson Wright looks intensely focused as he stares across the ring from Johnny Martin. For a man who has been 2-7 since joining WAR, it’s almost as if he’s more frustrated with such a record than depressed. That said, as he locks up with Martin in the center of the ring, his sister Dharma slamming her hands upon the canvas at eye-level, there is a sense of youthful desperation to his overall demeanor. On the other side, Martin looks as cool, calm, and collected as ever; a true veteran who has seen it all.


Despite having more energy of the two, even if it IS desperate in nature, “Mr.” Wright finds the beginning of the match quite daunting. The more he tries, the more he pushes, the more he fights, the man they call “The Cornerstone” always has a way to either reverse it, deny it, or outright block it.


This further frustrates the youngster…


Over time, Jayson would find a level of success; however, it rarely felt as though he was in control. Even his offensive moments felt temporary at best. Even as the fans politely cheer him on, as most of the fan-base is behind Martin to say the least, unimpressed by the youngster it seems, nothing really ‘sticks’ for “Mr.” Wright.


At one point, attempting to put forth an ‘X-factor’ kind of scenario, Wright takes to the air in an uncomfortable manner. It’s common knowledge that the youngster isn’t much of a flier; however, it’s as if he’s trying to find ANY means in which to give him the heads up. As expected, while one dive would work, a short leap from the 2nd rope in which to land a fist to the head of his opponent, the next attempt, at the TOP of the turnbuckle, would prove to be a terrible mistake; missing his attempt at a missile drop-kick and ultimately setting him back quite a bit.


Reeling, slightly injured in his face from his missed missile drop-kick, and ultimately desperate, “Mr.” Wright would eventually swing one last momentous offensive streak. With his sister slamming her fists repeatedly upon the canvas, yelling out in a spunky manner, Jayson works his way into control utilizing a string of technical maneuvers; ie: drop-toe-hold, bulldog, side belly-to-back suplex, rolling fireman’s carry, etc.


Despite all of that though, “Mr.” Wright’s attempt at victory would eventually unravel…


After overcome Martin once again, checking for blood however upon his lips, Jayson is shown cracking his typical ‘nice guy’ persona in which to shoot-down his sister verbally. Speaking out of the corner of his mouth as he still focuses on Martin, Jayson is heard saying “Mind your OWN business…”. As expected, Dharma isn’t quite happy about this; placing her hands on her hips as she contorts her face in a folksy sense of rage.


Mitch Naess:
You can tell that Dharma is getting under her brother’s skin right now. They’re BOTH pretty frustrated.


Eric Tyler:
They SHOULD be. Jayson is about to work himself toward a 2-8 record and Dharma isn’t helping all that much.


Trying to take advantage of the moment, Jayson would bring Martin back to his feet in which to attempt a suplex; however, after 2 attempts are blocked, and a knee is driven into Jayson’s stomach, all that’s left is a “Twist on the Rocks” (Twisting lifted DDT) upon the unsuspecting Wright.


The impact sends Jayson’s body into a limp state. Meanwhile, as the “Cornerstone” goes for the cover, doing somewhat of a lazy job of really securing said pin, Dharma is shown having a full-on tizzy fit; keeping her hands on her hips as she mouths off to herself in a frustrated fashion.


Johnny Martin via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
“Twist on the Rocks” (Twisting Lifted DDT)

Ending Time:

Jayson “Mr.” Wright is now 2-8 in WAR competition.


Mitch Naess:
Well, he came, he tried, and he lost yet again…

Eric Tyler:
Slick Rick is right about this guy. Jayson has a LONG way to go before he can EVER be seen as a threat in WAR or ANY wrestling ring for that matter. He’s too green; too desperate. Plus, that sister of his may be easy on the eyes but she’s a damn pain in the a$$.

Mitch Naess:
She HAS caused more losses than wins but, here tonight, it was his OWN inability that brought about the loss. You’re right. As much as I hate to admit it, Jayson really DOES have a long way to go.




Post-Match Frustration

Involved: Jayson Wright and Dharma

“It's unraveling...”


{As Johnny Martin confidently celebrates within the ring, smirking arrogantly as he extends his arms out in an inviting fashion to the crowd, the real story appears to be on the other-end of the match’s outcome.}


{Rolling out of the ring in a hissy-fit, Jayson “Mr.” Wright looks intensely frustrated. Kicking nearby inanimate objects, swearing under his breath, and doing very little to interact with the fans, the young Wright looks to be overwhelmed with continuously losing.}


{Paying little attention to his sister even, Wright storms up the steel-rampway as Dharma is shown nagging at him from behind; equally frustrated with her brother’s lack of success.}


{In the end, as Martin celebrates in the ring, it’s obvious to see that things aren’t ‘peachy keen’ in the Wright family household.}


Mitch Naess:
I think it’s all become a little ‘too much’ for Jayson...

Eric Tyler:
What? Not being GOOD enough has become ‘too much’? This kid doesn’t have ‘it’… I don’t think he EVER will…

Mitch Naess:
I wouldn’t go THAT far. He COULD get there but… well… he’s got a way to go from here. I wonder what this means for him and his sister?

Eric Tyler:
Who cares…




Pre-Match Debut

Involved: ?????

“Big... Bad... Rex...”


{With the five main event competitors already situated in the ring, staring at one another feverishly as the dull-shine of the steel cage walls lower into place, there’s a high level of anticipation roaring within the OMEGA night-club. As EVERYONE stands on their feet, the same sense of high anticipation also radiates within the energized frames of those ready to do battle.}


{Then, just as the ring announcer goes to toll the bell, signifying the open of the match, those 5 within the now steel-enclosed ring are forced to hold-off for longer…}


{… For a HUGE surprise is about to overtake the ringside area….}


{Just before they can all violently clash, the roar of a Harley engine rumbles over the state-of-the-art sound system.}


{Moments later, allowing the engine to roar in a grandiose fashion, we finally are given the sight of the gigantic Rex rolling through the “Gates of WAR” atop an equally large black-and-steel Harley.}



On a Steel Horse he rides!


{Presented initially in a ‘Andre Shot’ angle, looking up upon the seated powerhouse, Rex pauses for a second in which to rev his engine a number of times before tearing off down the steel rampway; leading toward the ringside area.}


Mitch Naess:
Is that? It is!!! That’s Rex!!! This MUST be the BIG surprise that I’ve been hearing ALL about!!


Eric Tyler:
He’s HUGE… Between he & his Harley, there’s got to be almost a TON worth of weight up on the Steel ramp!


Mitch Naess:
I CAN’T believe Rex has come to WAR!!! This is a BIG, BIG, day in our company’s history!!


{As the brutish behemoth steps off of his impressive ride, those competitors within the ring have already moved onto the action at hand; attempting to take this moment to get an upper hand.}


{That said, as he brutishly stomps up the steel steps, leading toward the cage door, only a few within said squared circle turn their attention toward him. Even with that though, Rex doesn’t’ slow down.}


{Grabbing the cage door with his club-like hands, pulling aggressively much like a pissed black bear, Rex is eventually able to RIP the cage door square off of it’s hinges in a sign of IMMENSE power.}


Mitch Naess:


Eric Tyler:
Did he just?


Mitch Naess:


{Such an impressive feat now pulls those within the ring to stop and take notice; some even staring upon him in a shocked fashion.}


{Again, not slowing down in the slightest, Rex stomps heavily into the cage at this point; setting his sights on those within the ring as he stares upon them in a hardened, stoic, fashion.}


{Meanwhile, as Rex enters the squared circle, a number of nearby techs do their very best to attempt to re-connect the immensely heavy steel cage door; a fact that takes four people to maneuver.}


Mitch Naess:
It looks like Rex has forced his way into the Main Event here tonight! I don’t know if Stallings told him it was ‘ok’ but who is going to tell him no?

Eric Tyler:
and Idiot?

Mitch Naess:
You’d HAVE to be one…

Eric Tyler:
Well, this company is chalked FULL of idiots… So…

Mitch Naess:
I can’t believe what we’re seeing right now, Eric… This is… I don’t even know HOW to explain it outside of this being a HUGE moment in WAR history!!!





Art Reed vs. Brutus O'Leary vs. El Platinum-ay
w/Jennifer Heat
vs. Puerto Rican Power vs. Rex vs. Slick Rick
w/Misty & Mandy


Six-Way Steel Cage Match

“Steel Chaos!”


Once in the ring, the first person to step in Rex’ way is none other than the sleazy Slick Rick. Smirking as if HE is tough enough to take down the big-man, the crude & crass former commentator attempts to place Rex on his heels with around of heavy lefts-and-rights. In reality though, while confident in nature, it doesn’t take Rex very long to send Slick flying across the ring with a powerful standing closeline; one that literally sends the former commentator crashing into Art Reed & El Platinum-ay as they brawl on the other side of the ring.


From there, Puerto Rican Power and Rex meet face to face in the center of the ring; pausing as they stand nose-to-nose in an equally hardened fashion.


The rabid WAR fan-base roars at the sight of these powerful behemoths silently staring into one another’s eyes…


However, those expecting a violent clash are given something quite different.


Instead, the two turn their collective attention toward that of the weasely El-Platinum-ay; crushing the LEGENDARY Luchador with a round of clubbing strikes on behalf of both Power & Rex.


Over time, things would calm down quite a bit; however, Rex always seems to take the center of attention. Even as Art Reed proves himself to be a silent force to be reckoned with, utilizing a masterful technical approach as his weapon of choice, the collective eye of the entire crowd always appears to be on the new big man; popping whenever he simply lands a strike or two.


With time, Rex’ dominance would take a slight dip due to the devious combination of El Platinum-ay & Slick Rick; working as a tandem when possible. However, more than less, the brutish big-man finds a way to truly overpower those before his stance.


At one point, crossing paths, Brutus O’Leary attempts to KO the big-man with a round of heavy-handed strikes; however, while sending him reeling, Rex would stay standing; breaking the combo with a stiff hip to the stomach.


As touched upon before, Art Reed silently builds a great offensive from within the unforgiving confines of the cage. While in his case, he doesn’t use said cage walls as an additional weapon, Reed does utilize the new enclosure as a way of bouncing off the chain-link in an athletic fashion. At one point, standing on the top rope, Reed is able to leap upward, almost running along side the cage for a second, and diving at different angle in which to execute a breath-taking elbow drop to the forehead of the brutish Puerto Rican Power.


That said, as Reed tries to leap off the top rope, utilizing the wall once again, in which to execute a cross-body-splash upon a standing Rex, the outcome is QUITE different; as it ends in a vicious fashion as Rex forces the athletic technician to fold-up sideways with a shoulder block of sorts.


Toward the end of the match, Rick & Platinum-ay would again reunite as a tandem; a fact that proves to be beneficial for the two.


That said, much like earlier, their combination is brutishly ripped apart by the powerful onslaught of Rex, Power, and O’Leary.


As the other three focus their approach as an example of unstoppable power, Reed quickly takes control within the final moments; utilizing the best of technical wrestling in which to slowly infuriate, stress, frustrate, and overcome his much larger opponents.


Dropping O’Leary with a belly-to-back suplex, Reed forces the “Hyde Park Hitman” to lie upon his side in an injured fashion; holding his neck in extreme pain.


Later, Puerto Rican Power is overcome as Reed struggles out of a guerilla press slam attempt; executing a reverse DDT upon his descent.


From there, as El Platinum-ay and Slick Rick are ALREADY ‘out cold’ due to a previous bum-rush by the brutish three, Reed turns his attention toward an ascending Rex; furiously pulling himself back to his feet in a frustrated fashion (a fact that you tend to see from predators who have been forced to WORK for their food).


Attempting an arm-drag takedown upon the charging behemoth, a move that would work 9/10 times on ANY other opponent not Rex’ size, Reed gets an outcome he certainly wasn’t expecting; strongly latching onto Reed’s arm and pulling him upward in one swing.


Now in his grasp, pulling him upward, Rex is able to single-handedly throw the athletic technician into the nearby steel cage wall; an impact that forces Reed to collapse to the canvas below.


Now, huffing and puffing, Rex picks up the stunned Reed in which to further his assault…


At that point, Reed is thrown into the nearby turnbuckle at speeds unseen before…


Collapsing to the canvas following impact once again, the turnbuckle pad colliding with Reed’s sternum, Reed is simply unable to overcome the sheer POWER of Rex.


Again, picking an increasingly motionless Reed off the canvas, Rex whips the athletic technician into the turnbuckle once again; this time closer.


Reed tries, in desperation, to leap to the top turnbuckle, which he does in a shocking display of freakish athleticism, but as he spins back around, leaping from said top-rope in which to execute a twisting cross-body-block, the outcome ends in a violent fashion for the man they’ve dubbed “Fear This!”.


Expecting his descent, Rex’ sheer power is able to keep Reed over his shoulder despite crashing atop of him. Seconds later, in a whipping fashion, forcibly crushing his opponent under his immense weight, snapping Reed’s head squarely into the canvas in a car-crash like sense of violence, Rex is able to execute his newfound signature move – “D.O.I. (Dead on Impact)” (Power Spinebuster).


The impact is so sickening that most stand in shock. Meanwhile, Reed lies motionless.


From there, keeping his shoulder squarely upon Reed’s chest, the very gigantic shoulder that drove his opponent into the canvas, a three count is all that’s left as Jay Fair counts from outside of the cage (slamming his hand against the steel cage in which to administer the count.)


Rex via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
“D.O.I. (Dead on Impact)” (Power Spinebuster)

Ending Time:


Mitch Naess:
What power… WOW… what… POWER!

Eric Tyler:
I’ve seen A LOT of big-men in my day but, I’ve got to give it to Rex; he’s a powerhouse’s powerhouse! He’s one of those monsters among men!

Mitch Naess:
Driving down on a Harley, ripping the steel cage door off it’s hinges, and then POWERING his way to a victory; Rex REALLY knows how to make an impression!

Eric Tyler:
It’ll be interesting to see where he goes from here…

Mitch Naess:
Straight to the TOP!

Eric Tyler:
It’s possible but he’ll need to add some brains to his brawn to get there…




#1 Contender Fan Vote Announcement

Involved: Rex and ?????

“Who will challenge for the WAR Championship?”


{Shortly after the main event, as the energy within the OMEGA night-club is at a fevered pitch, the Stallings tron returns to the presentation style of the ‘Fan Vote’ scenario. Cycling through a number of WAR wrestlers, showing their images in a seamless fashion, the theme music in the background returns in which to add FURTHER grandiosity to the situation at hand; profoundly moving along in an epic fashion.}


{IN the end, the final image that resides upon the screen is that of the new #1 contender to the WAR Championship…}


{It is Art Reed.}




{In the end, “Battleground” goes off the air as the camera man zooms in on a fallen Art Reed; still motionless from the Powerful Spinebuster levied by Rex. Meanwhile, as Reed lies motionless, the brutish behemoth who put him there, Rex, is shown standing over him; huffing in an alpha-male kind of fashion.}


{The final image is that the fallen, the motionless, Reed is perceived to be the new #1 contender to the WAR Championship despite being unimpressive in his current state. Meanwhile, the towering Rex projects quite the opposite; putting forth one of THE greatest introductions in pro wrestling history.}


Mitch Naess:
Art Reed is the NEW #1 contender to the WAR Championship! He’ll go onto challenge Tornado at “Uprising” for the gold!

Eric Tyler:
That’s if he wakes up before then…

Mitch Naess:
I know you’re just trying to rouse people up but, now, I can’t disagree with you there. Reed MAY be the #1 contender but… does he REALLY look the part?

Eric Tyler:
He’s got an uphill battle in-front of him; not just to try to become Champion but overcome the stigma of being the under-dog…

Mitch Naess:
You’re probably right, Eric. You’re probably right.
That’s the end for this week folks, tune in NEXT WEEK as the fallout from the initial vote. Don’t forget to vote THIS WEEK in which to further dictate WAR as you see fit…

















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WAR: "Battleground" - TV Episode #9

Date of Event:
Monday, 1st Week of August 2010

Wrestling Action in Revolt (WAR)

3,000 out of 3,000 at OMEGA (Night Club/Music Hall Located in the Empire Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, NV)

TV Rating:
0.59 (- 0.05)

Competitors TV Rating:
SWF "Uprising" - 11.92 (- 0.16)

Event Grade:


  • WAR Owner, J.K. Stallings Jr., announces that we will find out the new #1 contenders as the night goes through. In the process, WAR Champion, Troy Tornado, interrupts Junior's promo; ultimately insulting the WAR Owner & Fans.

  • Snap Dragon is announced (via the Stallings Tron) as the #1 Contender to the WAR Blitzkrieg Championship; challenging Masked Cougar at "Uprising".

  • Snap Dragon & Jacob Jett defeated Masked Cougar in 8:18 as Snap Dragon pinned Masked Cougar.

  • Ravyn & J-RO barge into Mr. Stallings' office once again; demanding to know WHY they were left off the show. In the end, Junior, in a sense, hides behind the fans, giving THEM the ability to decide (during the next round of voting) whether or not WAR should have a women's division.

  • The Ring Generals WIN the WAR Tag Team Championships by defeating Cali-Air, Genetic Perfection, and Natural Storm in 10:07 via pinfall.

  • Doc Messing gets on the mic as his team, The Ring Generals, are handed the WAR Tag Team Championships for the first-time. A short promo follows hyping the Generals.

  • Mitch Naess attempts to conduct a promo with Slick Rick (w/ Misty & Mandy); however, it ultimately unravels as ole' Slick proves himself to be the crude sleazeball we've always known him to be; verbally attacking all women, Jayson Wright, and Dharma.

  • Chris Caulfield defeated Cletus in a Hardcore Match in 8:19 via pinfall.

  • As Caulfield leaves Cletus to be attacked by Puerto Rican Power & Brutus O'Leary, the "Extreme ICON" goes to leave; walking through the "Gates of WAR". In doing so though, Leper Messiah shockingly returns (the first time we've seen him since "Firestorm") in which to violently assault Caulfield; chokeslamming him twice on the steel stage (atop the rampway).

  • Donnie J is announced (Via the Stallings Tron) as the new #1 contender to the WAR Sin City Championship; challenging El Platinum-ay at "Uprising".

  • Johnny Martin defeated Jayson Wright in 7:35 via pinfall.

  • Jayson "Mr." Wright is shown storming away from the ring in a frustrated manner. Meanwhile, his sister and manager, Dharma trails behind just the same; shouting at her brother in the process.

  • As the competitors of tonight's steel cage main event stand in the ring, Rex makes his shocking debut atop a grandiose Harley. Once ringside, the big-man is shown ripping the cage door off of it's hinges & ultimately adding himself into the main event.

  • Rex defeated Art Reed, Brutus O'Leary, El Platinum-ay, Puerto Rican Power, and Slick Rick in a Steel Cage Match in 9:44 when he pinned Art Reed.

  • As Art Reed lays motionless in the corner of the ring, knocked out by Rex' "D.O.I." Finisher (Powerful Spinebuster), he's ultimately named as the #1 contender for the WAR Championship; despite looking rather weak in his current state. Meanwhile, Rex stands over him, huffing in an alpha fashion, and ultimately casting doubt on WHO really SHOULD be the #1 contender.

Next Show:
WAR: "Battleground" - TV Episode #10

"Uprising: Power to the People!" Fan Vote Results -- Survey #1

[Question] -
WHO should challenge Troy Tornado for the WAR Championship at "Uprising"?

[Fan Vote Result] -
Art Reed


[Question] -
WHO should challenge El Platinum-ay for the WAR Sin City Championship at "Uprising"?

[Fan Vote Result] -
Donnie J


[Question] -
WHO should challenge Masked Cougar for the WAR Blitzkrieg Championship at "Uprising"?

[Fan Vote Result] -
Snap Dragon


[Question] -
What ROLE should WAR owner J.K. Stallings Jr. play at "Uprising"?

[Fan Vote Result] -
Special Guest Referee


[Question] -
If YOU could give ANYONE a chance at competing under the WAR Banner at "Uprising", who would that be?

[Fan Vote Result] -
Jack Griffith and Giant Redwood


[Question] -
Since day one, Wrestling Action in Revolt has called Las Vegas it's home. With that said, where do YOU think "Uprising" should take place? Stay in the home-base we've come to personify or travel elsewhere for one night only?

[Fan Vote Result] -
WAR will stay in Las Vegas, NV for "Uprising"
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{The muffled noise of a hand being rubbed across the camera’s microphone inadvertently ultimately teams with the initial blurry haze that tends to come with most inexperienced film-makers. With time though, working with the camera to bring out it’s optimal ability, we are eventually presented a close-up, self-captured, view of the young Ash Campbell.}


{The pain upon his face, once unmistakable as if it were haunting his very core, has now progressed to frustration. A tinge of anger resides deep behind his eyes; building in strength as it creeps ever much closer to the surface.}


{With that in mind, sensing his current state as bordering full-on, body-consuming, anger, there’s already a different air to the video as a whole. More or less, no one knows WHAT to expect from the young man stewing with a problem…}


[Ash Campbell]:
I tried… but I failed.... He's coming... whether I like it or not...


{That underlying anger gravitates closer to the surface; a fact that causes his nostrils to flare for a brief second.}


[Ash Campbell]:
No matter what I did, no matter what I said,… the answer was always going to be the same. He wasn’t going to walk away; it’s impossible to make him see the destruction he’s causing… himself.


{Looking away from the lens for a second, the young Campbell attempts to regain his composure for a second.}


[Ash Campbell]:
So, what am I to do from here? Sit back? Watch my Father kill himself; week-in-week-out. Am I to ALLOW my own flesh-and-blood, the man who BROUGHT me into this world, play, what can only be described as, “Russian Roulette” with his own life?
{Shakes his head slowly; somber in a way}
I don’t know if I can do that…


{Ash pauses for a second, looking off camera again, as he continues to recollect his thoughts; forming what he wants to say in this severely interpersonal documentary.}


[Ash Campbell]:
We’re not REALLY close; we never HAVE been.
But even through that, he’s STILL my Father… and it’s STILL my responsibility, the responsibility of family, to look out for their own.
I don’t know HOW I could EVER reach him… I think he’s too far gone at this point. I’m too late. He’s locked everyone else out.
I NEED to STOP Nemesis… so I can SAVE… John Campbell.


{Ash pauses for a second; feeling the weight of his last statement.}


[Ash Campbell]:
They can’t survive at the same time; one will HAVE to win out.


{Pauses once again; almost as though he’s preparing for one final grandiose statement.}


[Ash Campbell]:
… And that’s why I’m pleading with Mr. Stallings… Give me the SHOT to STOP Nemesis…
Reinstate my Father, hopefully for ONE night ONLY,… and book me against him at “Uprising”.
If he REALLY wants to come back, he’ll know that this is the ONLY way he’ll have a chance to do so… against me… forced to face his own destruction as he must choose… His career… Or his Son…
I’m already afraid of the truth of what he’ll choose… but this is the ONLY way to get to him. I’m on my last leg; at my last resort.


{Ash pauses one last time as he looks deep into the camera lens.}


[Ash Campbell]:
Reinstate him for “Uprising”… make it so he has to beat ME to restore his wrestling career. If he loses, he’s forced to retire; for good.
It’s the only thing I can do at this point to make him STOP…
Do the right thing, Stallings… Let me END… Nemesis… so that my Father… Can live…


{With that, following a heart-wrenching sigh, the youthful Campbell is shown ending this short self-shot segment; a fact that leaves behind a very heavy vibe none the less.}


Original WAR-wrestling.com Programming

Brought to you by StallMedia

(A subsidiary of StallCorp)












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Wrestling Action in Revolt is now in


For the next month, YOU will dictate the development of THE hottest pay-per-view event in professional wrestling history! With a simple click of your mouse, power will TRULY be in YOUR hands as “Uprising” becomes a personal playground of sorts. Want to see Ash Campbell challenge Troy Tornado for the WAR Championship? El Platinum-ay defend the Sin City Championship in a ‘Hellbound’ match? Witness an underground darling grace the WAR stage for the first time? ALL OF THIS, every single piece of it, will be there for YOU to create.


For the next 3 weeks, J.K. Stallings Jr. will call on YOU to forge a path for his company going forward. Following each “Battleground” episode, a new questionnaire will be promoted on WAR-wrestling.com. From there, your choices, your direction, YOUR perspective, will ultimately shape “Uprising” into THE most talked about event in history!


The power is


… choose your direction wisely.


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{The scene opens with the sight of a crowded room. This room, weathered, worn, and certainly dated well past it’s prime, has points of crumbling rock located in every which direction. Meanwhile, the flooring below, cracked, occasionally missing pieces here-and-there, caked in dried mud, continues the notion that this space is expected to be 3rd world in nature. More or less, we’re not in Kansas anymore; or Vegas in reality.}


{Slowly, as the camera lens passes through the waiting crowd of sweaty individuals, glistening after a long day in the blazing sun, we ultimately are given clues that inform the viewer of where we are; a small jail.}


{Seeing guards positioned around, only distinguishable by their faded uniform as they mingle with the crowd, smoking even in several examples, it’s quite obvious now that the scene at hand is unlike anything we’re use to in the States.}


{As we pass around a number of individuals waiting in line, we ultimately come upon a faded steel collection of bars. Rusted, deteriorating despite their once perceived indestructible make, these bars hold in a number of nameless crooked individuals.}


{Deep within that group though, seated upon an equally faded metal bench, sits a muscular menace. Tattooed heavily upon his bulging, mountain-like, biceps, his art even traveling up to around his neck in the process, this fear-driving figure looks to be a cooped up gang-member; most likely charged on a petty crime to keep him off the streets.}


{In the end though, as he slowly raises his head upward, no longer looking down at the dusty floor below him, the facially scarred menace shows himself to be none other than Jesus Chavez; the man known world-wide to have attacked Shawn Gonazalez in Puerto Rico recently – placing him in a hospital as of result.}


{He gazes upon the lens in an intimidating fashion, not speaking, just staring, as the viewer starts to feel uneasy about such a scenario; even IF they are not ACTUALLY there.}


{Just like that though, the footage goes black.}


{Even in it’s blackness though, the image of the vile powerhouse staring down the camera lens still resides in the collective mind of us all…}


Original WAR-wrestling.com Programming

Brought to you by StallMedia

(A subsidiary of StallCorp)












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Place your vote in which to develop the WAR "Uprising" pay-per-view extravaganza!








That's right folks. For the first time in history, Wrestling Action in Revolt is going on the road as we overtake the island of Puerto Rico!


In a statement given to WAR-wrestling.com earlier this morning, J.K. Stallings Jr. was quoted in saying...



"Hey... HEY!... Is this thing on?
{Excited clapping is heard speeding up in the background}
{Clears his throat in a lingering, comical, fashion.}
Join the great and powerful WAR as we bring OUR revolution to Puerto Rico!!
{Free audio-ware of a large crowd cheering can be heard playing on repeat for a matter of 5-seconds or so}
Thank you... Thank you... NO... Thank you!!!
{Pauses; most likely grinning to himself}
That's RIGHT, WAR-fans, we are going ON location for first time E-E-E-EVERRRR!! There will be twists... turns... spins... falls... crashes... dashes.. and OH... will there be splashes!!!!! Yes, Oh yes... We're leaving our home... leaving Sin City.... JUST for a night... JUST... So you ALL... can witness... the INSANITY of WAR!!!"


While somewhat incoherent, Mr. Stallings' appears to be giddy with a childlike sense of wonder; a state that's most common for the young billionaire. It's long been said that, while Stallings is dedicated to Vegas as their home-base, he IS excited about bringing the WAR brand to those around the world. In this case, Puerto Rico just so happens to be the FIRST venture of sorts.


Adding to the grandeur of the moment, Mr. Stallings has booked the main event of "Battleground" to be a truly epic affair. Defending the WAR Championship for the FIRST TIME off of Vegas soil, Troy Tornado will put his belt on the line against THE greatest wrestler in Puerto Rican history... Puerto Rican Power!


As one would expect, this match MAY go down as one of THE hottest competitions in company history; as the home-field advantage for PRP will most likely cultivate a VERY ruckus environment.


Tune in THIS WEEK as WAR comes to Puerto Rico...


... bringing it's "Battleground" to the masses!










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Place your vote in which to further develop "Uprising: Power to the People!"






To those about to wage in WAR, the battleground is the ultimate place for which LEGENDS are born. Putting everything on the line, a warrior has very little room for error. For, if one is to slip, even momentarily, mass destruction is almost an absolute certainty.


WAR is no place for the weak. When stepping onto the hallowed battleground, only one thing remains… Will you, or will you not, rise to the occasion?


Will you rise for your country? Will you rise for your family? Will you rise for greatness? Will you rise for your brothers? Will you rise… for the banner of WAR?


This and this alone is what measures a man…


… What turns an ordinary person into that of a LEGEND …


Who will dominate the Battleground?


WHO will become the LEGENDS of WAR?







#1 contender for the WAR Championship. Sounds pretty lofty, huh? For
Art Reed
, this is where he finds his reality these days; on-course to challenge Troy Tornado for said WAR Championship at "Uprising". That said, you would have NEVER thought it to be so; given the fact that, this week, the newfound challenger will be NOWHERE NEAR the main event. Instead, the man they've dubbed as "Fear This!" is seemingly delegated to 'opener duty'; competing in the first match of the night versus the silent-but-deadly warrior in
Fumihiro Ota
. Why the low positioning on the card despite his recent success? No one really knows. However, such a thought won't do the masterful technition any good this week; as simply competing AGAINST Ota is enough to put ANY great wrestler in a bind. In the end, can Reed continue his up-swinging ways? - OR - Will Fumihiro Ota prove the new WAR Championship challenger to be weak; much like the debuting Rex may have done last week within the unforgiving steel cage?



It was only 2-weeks ago that
Snap Dragon
turned his back on Masked Cougar; ushering in a loss for the trio they both were part of. While it was unexpected at the time, the fire-breathing circus-freak has quickly become public enemy #1 as it pertains to Coastal Zone loyalists. "He's always been a punk", "He doesn't speak for the Coastal Zone", and "He broke the 'code'; now we'll have to break him" were all quotes coming from the now depleted brethren; however, with all of that said, despite being obviously hated, Snap Dragon is shockingly the newfound #1 contender to the WAR Blitzkrieg Championship; thanks to the WAR fans. Fast-forward to this week and you'll find this hated Benedict of the air set to do battle with a former member of his supposed brotherhood in
Matt Sparrow
. Can Snap Dragon continue his rebellion; overrunning YET another Coastal Zoner in the process? - OR - Will the "Bird Man" soar into victory; gaining a sense of revenge for his Coastal Zone Clan?




One of the GREAT shocks in the first round of "Uprising" voting was that a relatively unimpressive veteran in
Donnie J
was able to rise to the top of WAR; securing a one-on-one affair at "Uprising" for the WAR Sin City Championship against it's controversial holder,
El Platinum-ay
. While it's quite obvious to the rest of us WHY such a match would be desired, the masked, so-called, Luchador LEGEND is trying to deter what we ALL already know by claiming he has NO relationship with Donnie; denying the lengthy career of the man we ALL know is under the mask. This week, that resurgent veteran (Donnie) will have the great opportunity of FINALLY getting his hands on the so-called luchador; however, in doing so, will have to team up with a man who is quite his opposite. Young, green, untested, unsuccessful, and seemingly without a mind for his OWN,
hopes to bring a BETTER outcome to his match this week; standing at an alarming 2-8 since joining WAR many months ago. In turn, Donnie J hopes for the better outcome as well. As, this week, the controversial YET successful, El Platinum-ay will find refuge along with one of his GREATEST supporters over time; former color commentator,
Slick Rick
! This jam-packed
tag team match
is bound to have WAR fans firmly against the polarizing pair (Slick & Platinum-ay); a fact that can ONLY be beneficial to the combination of Donnie J & Jayson Wright. Will said polarizing pair do what they do best this week; gaining yet ANOTHER controversial win by equally controversial means? - OR - Will the pairing of Donnie J and Jayson "Mr." Wright not only gain some bragging rights over their recent rivals but ALSO cement their names as relevant in WAR competition? Only Monday night will tell...



Armageddon comes to Puerto Rico this week as our secondary main event pits three of the most dominant figures in Pro Wrestling today!
"The Cornerstone"
Johnny Martin
, the
"Extreme ICON"
Chris Caulfield
, and the recent debut of monstrous proportions,
, will clash in a
three-way dance
where only ONE man can be left standing. Competing under an
'elimination ruling'
, a fact that can actually produce a 'last man standing of sorts', these three powerhouse figures will compete with the hopes of taking another step in their WAR legacy; defeating two other household names in which to prove themselves to have that undying 'it' factor amongst all. Can Rex continue his unstoppable wrath; bulldozing through the competition much like he did LAST WEEK in his WAR debut? Will "The Cornerstone" Johnny Martin, coming off of a career victory over Alex Braun and then silencing the youngster in Wright, continue HIS push toward the top of WAR; bringing his brand of continued greatness to the forefront? - OR - Will the unstable, ultra violent, KING of Extreme wrestling, the "Extreme Icon" Chris Caulfield, bludgeon his way toward yet ANOTHER WAR victory with the help of "Rusty" once again? Tune in this week to find out WHICH profound figure will rise above the rest....



LEGEND; the name is thrown around TOO much. Yet, there are only a few who EVER make it to that state of grandiosity. In Puerto Rico, only ONE man carries the crown of such greatness. That man is the hardened, no-nonsense, brutish brawler by the name of
Puerto Rican Power
. This week, as "Battleground" comes to Puerto Rico, WAR owner J.K. Stallings Jr. saw potential for a truly ICONIC battle. For one night, and one night only, the WAR Championship, held by the dominating "Hard Rock Rebel" himself,
Troy Tornado
, will defend his top-prize in this highly-anticipated
WAR Championship Match
against the very man who has come to DEFINE the Puerto Rican wrestling scene... The LEGENDARY (in this region) Puerto Rican Power! For 6+ months now, Tornado has defeated EVERY challenger who has come his way; some with shocking ease. However, this time around, no one expects this affair to be all that easy... if possible... That's right, if things go as it could possibly, we COULD see Puerto Rican Power © vs. Art Reed at "Uprising"; not Tornado. Tune in THIS WEEK as WAR comes to Puerto Rico in which to see their homegrown Hero potentially walk way with the WAR Championship Gold. That said, by tuning in, we MAY also witness what's become quite expected since day one... Another hyped, great, competitor with dreams of championship gold,... defeated... by the man who has defeated them all... Troy... F'N... Tornado...





WAR Battleground Quick Picks

Art Reed vs. Fumihiro Ota

[singles Match]


Matt Sparrow vs. Snap Dragon

[singles Match]


El Platinum-ay and Slick Rick vs. Donnie J and Jayson Wright

[Tag Match]


Chris Caulfield vs. Johnny Martin vs. Rex

[Three-way Match; Elimination Rules]


Troy Tornado© vs. Puerto Rican Power

[WAR Championship Match]



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Art Reed vs. Fumihiro Ota

[singles Match]


Matt Sparrow vs. Snap Dragon

[singles Match]


El Platinum-ay and Slick Rick vs. Donnie J and Jayson Wright

[Tag Match]


Chris Caulfield vs. Johnny Martin vs. Rex

[Three-way Match; Elimination Rules]


Troy Tornado© vs. Puerto Rican Power

[WAR Championship Match]

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Art Reed vs. Fumihiro Ota

[singles Match]


Matt Sparrow vs. Snap Dragon

[singles Match]


El Platinum-ay and Slick Rick vs. Donnie J and Jayson Wright

[Tag Match]


Chris Caulfield vs. Johnny Martin vs. Rex

[Three-way Match; Elimination Rules]


Troy Tornado© vs. Puerto Rican Power

[WAR Championship Match]

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Hello... Hello... is anyone out there? :p


It's been a few days since I've been around (moving); so, I thought I'd swing in and let people know that the second round of "Uprising" voting is STILL open. This time around, I plan on having it open until shortly before the results go up (at that time, as we get really close to the results being up, I'll give a 24 hour notice in which to get your final votes in there).


I plan on getting some big work done on the show tomorrow; so, the final moments to vote may be coming in the next few days.


The reason I bring it up is, if there are ANY one else still out there interested in leaving their stamp on WAR "Uprising", there are still a few questions that are in a tie of sorts. This way, hopefully, we can break that and have clear-cut winners (just makes it easier all around).


All in all, I'm SO happy with the voting turnout thus far; however, wanted to say that it's still 'open'; hoping to break some ties.






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1st Week of August, 2012

"Oh, the RIOT... we will weave..."


It’s not my goal to be loved in Puerto Rico.


In reality, I’m using the region as a platform for WAR; a conceptual test-tube if you will.


While others would travel to the area in which to further develop the fan-base already present, my plan is to use Puerto Rico as a catalyst of sorts; bringing about further heat on Troy Tornado in which to develop our champion as THE greatest heel in wrestling history. How will we do this?


… by destroying their ONLY LEGEND.


I have not spoken to Puerto Rican Power about the plan quite yet; secretive of our direction. Could it strain our relationship? Most certainly yes. Does that make me want to change the plan I’ve constructed? Hell no.


I can create MORE Puerto Rican Power’s.


I can’t create the kind of backlash we’re going to get following “Battleground” with anyone else (in any other region). To me, that’s MORE important.


Babyfaces may inflate your company’s finances; establishing higher buy-rates, merchandise sales, and all-around buzz.


I don’t need more money. I’ve got 20-lifetime’s worth…


I will inflate WAR through the presence of the hated…


WAR may burn in Puerto Rico…



Puerto Rico may burn due to WAR…
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WAR Battleground Quick Picks

Art Reed vs. Fumihiro Ota

[singles Match]

Art reed mark.


Matt Sparrow vs. Snap Dragon

[singles Match]

Not much of a contest.


El Platinum-ay and Slick Rick vs. Donnie J and Jayson Wright

[Tag Match]

Dharma will find a creative way to lose this for the faces.


Chris Caulfield vs. Johnny Martin vs. Rex

[Three-way Match; Elimination Rules]

Could go anoher way, but I'd wanna keep the monster strong.


Troy Tornado© vs. Puerto Rican Power

[WAR Championship Match]

It's gonna take a bigger storyline and more prep to get the belt off of Troy. I'm assuming something's going happen during the match to get EVEN MORE heat on the champ. Which might go as far as going against my prediction, and getting something like a PRP win by DQ. Pretty sure the title's not gonna change hands though.

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WAR Battleground Quick Picks

Art Reed vs. Fumihiro Ota

[singles Match]

Upset in the making.


Matt Sparrow vs. Snap Dragon

[singles Match]

Yeah. sparrow is JTTS


El Platinum-ay and Slick Rick vs. Donnie J and Jayson Wright

[Tag Match]

El Cheating.


Chris Caulfield vs. Johnny Martin vs. Rex

[Three-way Match; Elimination Rules]

Chairs and blood.

Troy Tornado© vs. Puerto Rican Power

[WAR Championship Match]

Not yet time for PRP, soon maybe.

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Art Reed vs. Fumihiro Ota

[singles Match]

The Pure Athlete begins the build toward the impossible, taking the belt off Tornado.


Matt Sparrow vs. Snap Dragon

[singles Match]

Matty Sparrow just doesn't have it here against Snap Dragon.


El Platinum-ay and Slick Rick vs. Donnie J and Jayson Wright

[Tag Match]

Never vote against the King of Mexico.


Chris Caulfield vs. Johnny Martin vs. Rex

[Three-way Match; Elimination Rules]

I don't think Rex came in to job.


Troy Tornado© vs. Puerto Rican Power

[WAR Championship Match]

The champ of WAR beats the champ of Puerto Rico.

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The time has come for a 24-hour warning for the 2nd round of "Uprising" voting; bringing the cut-off time for 4:00 (CST).


At that point, all votes will be calculated and solidified. Truthfully, I'm so very thankful for the GREAT turnout thus far in voting! It's awesome to see all of you taking part in this little 'power to the people' scenario in WAR. I honestly had no idea it would take off as well as it did!


Right now, as it pertains to the vote tally, we have some clear cut winners and some REALLY close calls. So, if you're one who wants to play a part then certainly do not hesitate to submit your vote! Depending upon the question, a tie may call for a vote-off of the winning choices (as having two matches in one is not really possible). Situations like which match Stallings would officiate, who between Power/O'Leary gets to face Cletus, etc., those can actually have more than one outcome.


All in all, I currently have "Battleground" written in it's entirety and am only waiting on the formatting. With that in mind, the show should be up sometime tomorrow night (Tuesday -- 7/31).


Until then, thank you to those who have voted thus far & to those interested in placing THEIR vote as the deadline grows closer!

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Art Reed vs. Fumihiro Ota

[singles Match]


Matt Sparrow vs. Snap Dragon

[singles Match]


El Platinum-ay and Slick Rick vs. Donnie J and Jayson Wright

[Tag Match]


Chris Caulfield vs. Johnny Martin vs. Rex

[Three-way Match; Elimination Rules]


Troy Tornado© vs. Puerto Rican Power

[WAR Championship Match]

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In-Ring Promo w/ Brawl (Sneak Attack)

Involved: Troy Tornado©, Puerto Rican Power, and ????

“Tornado devastates Puerto Rico!”


{This unique airing of "Battleground" opens with the explosive sound of 2,000 Puerto Rican's cheering madly within the famed, yet dated, Ricardo Montenez Ballroom. Celebrating the arrival of WAR in a wild fashion, these ferocious wrestling fans feel as though they're certainly ready for a night of chaotic action. With that said, their ability to react to the WAR brand is quickly challenged as the polarizing WAR Champion's rebellious rock-theme overtakes the broadcast shortly after it starts.}


{Walking through the "Gates of WAR" at a snail's pace, the overall laziness (often referred to as 'lazy cool'; where you're too cool to even put forth energy in the smallest ways) of the WAR Champion radiates a sense of SHEER arrogance; a fact made stronger by the dirty smirk running across his face.}


{As one would expect, seeing how THIS man is destined to face THEIR hero tonight, Tornado is quickly met with absolute disdain. There's nothing playful about their booing. It's raw and vicious in nature. That said, their attempt to attack his psyche fall flat upon the floor before him. In a way, the "Hard Rock Rebel" shows very little in the way of swaying emotion. What I mean by that is this... He's an arrogant a$$hole regardless of the response of the crowd. They could cheer him; he'd act the same. They boo him; he acts the same. More or less, his HIGH arrogance acts as a force-field of sorts; deflecting anything and everything from Tornado's insulated, overtly bloated, psyche.}


{Entering the squared circle at the very same 'lazy cool' pace, Tornado eventually gets on the mic; however, it's not before milking EVERY second of the negative heat at hand.}


[Troy Tornado]:
I can't WAIT to get out of this sh*t-hole... and back to Sin City...


{The crowd boos like crazy as Tornado doesn't flinch in the slightest. If anything, is dirty smirk grows that much larger; playing the role of the arrogant antagonist to perfection.}


[Troy Tornado]:
You call this place HOME?!?!
{Pauses; smirks}
You ACTUALLY choose to LIVE in this pile?
{Pauses; smirks as the crowd boos crazily}
Back in Vegas, I ride in limousines, fly in personal jets, and shut-down clubs all with a snap of my fingers. THEY understand how to TREAT... a REAL celebrity.
Down here, in HELL, I was approached with a f*cking DONKEY as my ride to the show.
{Looks pissed; dropping the smirk for a second in a 'how dare you' fashion}
When I DEMANDED a limo, the IDIOTS at the airport thought I meant a damn LAMA...
{Shakes his head; disgusted}
Stupid... no good... 3rd World rodents...


{The crowd roars with disdain as Tornado looks out upon them as if he's MUCH greater then they are.}


[Troy Tornado]:
... but, I guess this shouldn't come as a SHOCK to me.... I mean... ANY IDIOT who would look to Puerto... Rican.. Power as their Hero HAS to be pathetic EXCUSE for a human-being...


{The crowd grows that much louder; showering the WAR Champion with disdain unheard of. In connection, how do you think Tornado responds to this? Slowly cracking that dirty smirk once again as he KNOWS he has the crowd RIGHT where he wants them.}


[Troy Tornado]:
Tonight, in THIS HELL-hole you call HOME, I'm going to personally DESTROY the ONLY... SHRED... of pride you have LEFT... in this sh*t-storm. That's right, your so-called... HERO... Will find his demise... DIRECTLY... before... your... eyes.
And there's NOTHING you can do about it...


{The crowd roars once again in hatred of the WAR Champion. Meanwhile, he pauses with the very same dirty smirk upon his face.}


[Troy Tornado]:
Then, after I put him out of his OWN misery, the FACT that he has to be a Hero to you idiots, I'll get BACK on my personal jet... fly BACK to Sin City... and FORGET this place EVER existed.
{Pauses; smirks}
Celebrities like me... No... LEGENDS like myself... shouldn't HAVE to be subjected to such...
{Looks down upon them again}
conditions. I am to be WORSHIPED... Luckily... Back in Vegas... They UNDERSTAND this fact. Honestly... How...


{Before Tornado can finish, the overpowering sound of Puerto Rican Power's theme music blaring can be heard throughout the Ballroom. With this in mind, the environment within goes absolutely INSANE as the spirited Puerto Rican fans practically explode with excitement; seconds from seeing their Hero.}


{As Power explodes through the "Gates of WAR", not walking, not sauntering, but RUNNING, the Ballroom grows even louder!}


Mitch Naess:


{He takes NO time to enter the ring, tired of listening to Tornado, as he instantly crushes the WAR Champion with his signature "San Juan Rush" (Spear)! The impact sends Tornado reeling as he crashes to the canvas in a thunderous heap; a fact that forces him to drop the WAR Championship in the process. As expected, this initial exchange delights the Puerto Rican crowd like NO other! Seconds after being verbally assaulted by Tornado, NOW they are watching THEIR Hero do what they ALL would love to do; beat the living CRAP out of the snarky, "I'm cooler than you", Rebel!}


{Upon impact, Tornado eventually pulls himself out of the ring in which to scurry away; however, PRP is closely behind. As Tornado crawls, Power is shown grabbing him by the back of his black mesh-shirt. Seconds later, PRP throws Tornado from said grasp; whipping him over the steel guardrail and into the crowd shortly thereafter.}


{WAR security scurries to keep the crowd back, fearing WHAT may happen to Tornado, but they should be MORE fearful of what Power may do to him. That said, as Power steps over the steel guardrail, while a number of fans reach out and pat their Hero on the back, the attacking powerhouse is shortly slowed down by a devious finger-poke square to the eye. This poke, while minor, is impactful enough to give the WAR Champion some time to stagger away from his attacker; falling to the ground in the process.}


{Power, somewhat blinded, would land a few more heavy stomps upon the staggered champ; however, once again, Tornado is able to gain the upper-hand with a low-blow out of desperation. Again, this devious strike sends Power (the brutish attacker) reeling for a second. Meanwhile, the crowd is showering Tornado with further disdain; more so wanting to see him GET what's coming to him.}


{As they gravitate up the weathered cement stairs, the ones that allow these fans to get to their seats, Tornado ultimately drives toward an "EXIT"; collapsing into, what seems as, a dark back alleyway.}


{Power, blinded, and somewhat reeling from the low-blow, continues on after him; huffing like a damn bull seeing red.}


{However, Power isn't ABLE to finish the job. Instead, as he steps through the "EXIT" door, the brutish brawler is ultimately forced to the cement alleyway by an impending unknown attacker.}


Mitch Naess:


Eric Tyler:
What the HELL was that?


Mitch Naess:
I'm not sure but whoever it was... They just knocked Puerto Rican Power... OUT... COLD!


{As the camera man catches up, we now witness that said attacker, who originally forced Power to the ground with a running body-splash of sorts, is none other than the VERY man who attacked, and hospitalized, Shawn Gonzalez a few weeks back in Puerto Rico, Jesus Chavez!}


Mitch Naess:
That's... That's... Yea I think it is... That's Jesus Chavez. He's the punk who put Shawn Gonzalez in a hospital bed following an event here in Puerto Rico. I thought he was in jail after that attack?


Eric Tyler:
I think it's obvious to say that THAT is NOT the case...


{Stomping aggressively upon the fallen Power, Chavez eventually sends a violent message by whipping the staggered PRP into the cement wall of the Ballroom in one powerful throw. Hitting said cement with his head & right shoulder, PRP ultimately collapses to the cement once again; motionless as he lay upon his side.}


{Meanwhile, as a number of Puerto Rican cop cars formulate in the area, Chavez is ultimately shown fleeing the scene; however, not before spitting on his fallen victim.}


{In the end, as medical professionals survey the damage done upon Puerto Rican Power, this creating a jarring scene as PRP has always been a vision of... well.. POWER up until now, the final image is that of tonight's challenger laid out; potentially severely injured. Meanwhile, a smirking WAR Champion, without his belt, is shown lying up against another wall, across from the carnage, as he lazily lies; attempting to catch his breath.}


Mitch Naess:
I don't think there's a WAY that Puerto Rican Power can be healthy enough for tonight's main event!! I mean, honestly, Chavez' sickening assault was left him motionless in a back alleyway. Not in a wrestling ring. In a DAMN alleyway!
{Seems pissed}
The question is, did Tornado have ANYTHING to do with this? He DID lead him toward the EXIT door... Did he KNOW that someone was on the other end ready to pounce? Why did he ONLY attack Puerto Rican Power and NOT the WAR Champion? Something seems REALLY off about all of this...

Eric Tyler:
I think you're reading too much into it, Mitch. Then again, that's what you're GOOD at; conspiracy theories.

Mitch Naess:
I don't know... Eric. I freely accept that I have a love of ALL things dramatic but... I don't know... something just feels orchestrated about all of this.

Eric Tyler:
Oh, get over it.
{Pauses; then moves on}
There's a chance that we WON'T have a WAR Championship match tonight. Really though, PRP is JUST dumb enough to push past this as if nothing happened. If he does THOUGH, there's a good chance he could risk FURTHER injury in a match tonight.

Mitch Naess:
Something tells me, injured or not... Power WILL challenge for the belt tonight.

Eric Tyler:
Exactly, he's an IDIOT...




"Fear This!"
Art Reed vs. Fumihiro Ota


Singles Match

“Despite disrespect, he's STILL... that... good!”


The raw intensity radiating from one Art Reed is almost palpable. Any thoughts outside of the task at hand simply are not possible in this moment. For, Fumihiro Ota, speedy, excessive, and viciously violent in his bone-crushing kicks, brings about a challenge that leaves the man they've dubbed "Fear This!" without room for anything outside of the action before him. In a great open, back-and-forth, affair, said action progresses as seamlessly as one would expect from these two technical masterminds. That said, despite Reed's explosive onslaught, Ota is able to appear particularly deadly; picking apart his opponent with an array of lightning-quick, yet insanely daunting, strikes. In the end though, as the match comes to it's ultimate climax, leaving behind a good 6-minutes or so of non-stop, heavily contested, all-out, warfare, it's Reed that proves to be the better of the two.


Catching Reed with an explosive tilt-a-whirl-backbreaker off the nearby ropes, it looks as though the athletic technition is on the verge of a spine-rattling maneuver. That said, as he's spun, Reed is ultimately able to fluidly reverse said motion, dropping to the canvas with his opponent, Ota, now in HIS grasp. Slamming to the canvas as one, Reed has somehow, someway, turned this maneuver, mid twist, into his signature "Dread Lock" (Crossface Submission). For a matter of 10 seconds or so, Ota attempts to fight through the pain; however, in time, it's too much. Reluctantly, the pained fighter is forced to slam his hand downward; signifying, in the end, that he must submit.


Art Reed n via submission

Ending Maneuver:
“Dread Lock" (Crossface Submission)

Ending Time:


Mitch Naess:
Just like that... SNAP... "Dread Lock"!

{Laughs slightly; excited by the quickness of the final outcome}

Mitch Naess:
One thing is for sure, Fumihiro Ota is one hell of a competitor; that's obvious in what he did here tonight. He took Art Reed to the very brink and back! There were points where I think we ALL thought it was Ota's to win. In the end though, Reed is as his nickname professes... a man to fear! In one split second, he was able to reverse Ota's tilt-a-whirl backbreaker & force the heralded cruiserweight to tap! It may not seem like one, especially given the fact that it was the opening match of the night, but this is a BIG... BIG... win for Art Reed here.

Eric Tyler:
Fumihiro Ota gave it his all and ALMOST came away with the win here. Honestly, I would have RATHER seen Ota walk away with it all. Reed may be hyped right now, he may have the fans in his corner, but it's pretty obvious that WAR isn't all that comfortable with him 'at the top'. I mean, opening match of the night? That's left for nobodies. This guy is supposedly the #1 contender to the WAR Championship! A win by Ota would have only made the issue that much more glaring... Is Art Reed READY for the spotlight? He may have won here but I don't think that means he is all in all...

Mitch Naess:
I've got to get a word from Reed; see what's going through that mind of his. What you're saying, this whole 'he's not ready' thing, I've been hearing that ALL around the arena for the last week or so. I'm SURE Art has to have SOMETHING to say about all of this... I'll be right back...

{The sound of Mitch taking his head-set off can be heard.}




Post-Match Promo Attempt

Involved: Art Reed + Mitch Naess

“Why the disrespect?”


{As Art Reed exits the squared circle, walking up the steel ramp-way in subtly frustrated manner, the WAR announcer, Mitch Naess, is shown scurrying around the ringside area in which to catch up with him. With time, he DOES catch up to the masterful technition with his hands on his hips as he walks; however, it all feels rather awkward at first.}


{Reed doesn’t appear to WANT to stop, still walking forward, as Naess attempts to project his voice over the theme music still blaring.}


[Mitch Naess]:
{Trails close behind as Art doesn’t spin around}
… Art… Just a quick word with you…


{The music drops out now; however, Art Reed continues to walk up the ramp-way; ignoring Naess in the process. With his hands on his hips, breathing heavily, the man we know as “Fear This!” attempts to be forging on past the distraction at hand.}


[Mitch Naess]:
You HAVE to be frustrated about all of this! Here you are, the NEW #1 contender to the WAR Championship and YET… You’re wrestling in the opening match here tonight!


{Art stops for a brief second in which to make eye contact with Naess; however, doesn’t turn all the way around. Shortly after that, glaring at Naess in an expressionless manner, stern in nature, Reed is ultimately shown walking away once again; exiting through the “Gates of WAR” and leaving Naess all by his lonesome without the STORY he wanted so desperately.}


{Hanging his head in slight defeat, Naess eventually looks back over at the camera and shrugs; saying “I don’t know” off-microphone to those watching at home.}


{That said, seconds later, we go to commercial break as we witness the sight of Naess sadly walking back toward the commentary table after an unsuccessful interview attempt.}


Eric Tyler:
I don’t know why you’d even BOTHER to talk to Art Reed. There ‘aint an interesting bone in that man’s body. He’s forgettable; easily. These fans made a HUGE mistake when they chose HIM to challenge for the WAR Championship. NO ONE wants to see this guy do ANYTHING. I wouldn’t be shocked to hear that his mamma jammed the system with EVERY vote he got…
Then again, wrestling fans ARE idiots these days… They don’t know TRUE greatness when they see it… They think jokes like Reed are worthy of Championship gold. This sport is falling apart… Reed’s #1 contendership is a sign of that…




"The Bird of Prey"
Matt Sparrow vs.
"The Circus Freak"
Snap Dragon


Singles Match

“Blaze of Glory!”


Matt Sparrow looks as though he's carrying the entire weight of the Coastal Zone on his shoulders. Biting his fingernails, talking to nearby birds that simply do not exist, even relaying a few bird calls throughout the match following major impacts in his favor, the off-beat "Bird Man" looks as though he's aware of the pressure set for him; wanting to get revenge for the sake of his Coastal Zone brethren in Masked Cougar. Sadly, despite putting forth a great, yet odd, effort, all the want in the world couldn't get Sparrow the victory. Comically making dumb-mistake after dumb-mistake, seeming like somewhat of a simpleton if you will, this bird-crazed flier would eventually unravel as the vile Dragon explodes full-steam ahead. Merciless, the fire-breathing circus freak of sorts dives from on high at a continuous rate; overwhelming his opponent with high-impact after high impact. In the end, flooring the perceived do-do-bird with a brainbuster, there was little that ANYONE could do to stop his signature "Black Death" (Springboard Tornado DDT). The impact forces the young Sparrow to flop around the canvas like an injured bird; holding his throat in immense pain. Meanwhile, allowing no time to waste, Snap Dragon is ultimately shown pinning his opponent in an aggressive fashion; locking his head and leg in the rough fashion.


Snap Dragon via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
“Black Death” (Springboard Tornado DDT)

Ending Time:


Mitch Naess:
He came, he saw, he made bird calls...

{Naess chuckles to himself slightly. Meanwhile, Tyler doesn't budge; stern as ever}

Mitch Naess:
Matt Sparrow, in ALL of his off-beat glory, came in to tonight with hopes of carrying the Coastal Zone on his back. He told me earlier, in between his constant squawking, that a victory for him tonight would be a victory for his entire brethren. It should come as NO shock that the Coastal Zoners want their Benedict Arnold taken out... but... Sadly, Sparrow wasn't strong enough to deliver.

Eric Tyler:
You couldn't actually expect that he WOULD do right by them. He's a damn clown.

Mitch Naess:
He certainly isn't one of those serious threats it seems...

Eric Tyler:
He's better set for a psych ward than a wrestling ring. That's for sure.

Mitch Naess:
Can't complain with you there I guess. That said, on the other side of the coin, Snap Dragon picks up yet another win over another member of the Coastal Zone brethren. You know, Tyler, there's a GOOD chance that Cougar's title reign could be short lived. This freak, this fire-breathing Dragon if you will, has ALREADY shown that he has the mean-streak to get the job done. He MAY be unorthodox but it's seemingly working for him as of late. We COULD have a new champion in Snap Dragon come "Uprising"...

Eric Tyler:
You could put the belt on Dharma for all I care... the Blitzkrieg division is a joke!

Mitch Naess:
That's where you and I differ. I LOVE the Blitzkrieg division. The craziness, the INSANITY of it all! There is NO other division in pro wrestling today that delivers THIS kind of chaos!

Eric Tyler:
Chaos is left for the undisciplined. I prefer the intelligent wrestler over the talentless adrenaline junkie...




Backstage Argument

Involved: Chris Caulfield, Johnny Martin, and Rex

“Clash of the Titans!”


{We transition backstage now in which to encounter the overwhelming roar of a powerful Harley engine. The lens, positioned just before it, slowly pans up from the glaring steel before it, traveling north while projecting a massive-framed male. With a large black leather vest opened to it's entirety, stretched due to the immense size of the man upon the roaring Harley, said figure's chest protrudes out like a true giant. More or less, it's almost jarring to see someone of THIS momentous size seated upon a motorcycle. That said, the Harley that chugs beneath him, is JUST as powerful as the man who sits atop it.}


{Panning to the top finally, we are presented the image of a slightly scruffy (5'o clock shadow) newcomer to WAR, Big... Bad... Rex!}


{Revving his engine one last time, Rex climbs off of his Harley, placing his mid-teen sized leather boot down upon the cement below in the process.}


{Slowly, it becomes apparent that we currently reside in the loading dock area of the Empire Hotel & Casino; making such an entrance possible. None the less, as several onlookers gaze from afar, in a state of disbelief due to his sheer size, Rex is ultimately shown walking toward, what's perceived to be, the WAR locker room area.}


{... At least that's where we THINK he was going. Instead, the powerful giant is stopped slowly in his tracks; not because of fear but really the lack-there-of.}


{As the camera man pans out to show the whole scene, we now witness that the "Cornerstone" Johnny Martin currently stands before him. Wearing his signature sequenced & feathered robe, projecting his trademark sly grin in the process, it's quite obvious that Martin doesn't fear the man before him either; even IF he should in reality.}


[Johnny Martin]:
Rex... Rex... Rex...
{The last 'Rex' is said with emphasis}
How the HECK are ya?


{Rex doesn't speak; or change his stern emotion for that matter. Instead, he's shown silently staring upon the smirking man before him.}


[Johnny Martin]:
I know it's been awhile but, well, there's no REAL way you could FORGET who I am.


{Martin's smirk grows that much larger upon his last statement. More or less, he's hinting to the fact that EVERYONE knows who he is; especially those who were in DaVE all those years -- Which Rex did a short stint there.}


[Johnny Martin]:
You were a HUGE surprise... and for good reason.
{Pauses; smirks}
But, I hope you don't plan on winning our little battle here tonight.
Now, I get it... You're a BIG deal; you showed us ALL that over the last few years. But, truthfully, you're ONLY as BIG... as I'll allow you to be.
{Pauses; smirks}
Don't get me wrong, I have NO qualms with you, Big-man. Big... Bad... Rex; that's EXACTLY what you are. So, don't take this as me comin' at ya.
{Pauses; smirks}
In reality though, both you and I know who the REAL superstar is between the two of us...
{Pauses; smirks}
Just as I was the "Cornerstone" in DaVE, I'm EXACTLY that here in WAR as well.
There's some GREAT talent around these parts but... youth, talent, drive, determination, will get you somewhere DOWN the road. Here, today, in WAR, it's still MY battle to win.
So, Big-man... Bring everything you've got in that gigantic frame of yours; I want it ALL. Because, tonight, I'm here to show the world that I'm the TRUE.... UNDENIABLE... "Cornerstone"...


{Rex, still silent in a menacing fashion, slowly crosses his arms now; a non-verbal cue that shows he's unafraid (if not bored). That said, as he stares about the "Cornerstone", Martin doesn't bat an eye either; smirking in return the entire time.}


{Then, just as it seems like the segment may be coming to an abrupt end, the familiar tone of WAR's "Extreme ICON" can be heard off-camera to the right.}


{Slowly shuffling in, showing signs of lingering injuries throughout his beaten frame, the "Extreme ICON" Chris Caulfield is shown entering the scene. With his faithful "Rusty" (dented steel chair) in hand, the former DaVE stand-out stares upon BOTH men as he makes his presence known.}


{That said, neither Rex nor Martin change their previous state in which to acknowledge the entrance of Caulfield.}


[Chris Caulfield]:
Why wasn't I invited to this little shindig?


{Caulfield smirks slightly as he clenches "Rusty" a few times.}


[Johnny Martin]:
Why invite? You normally just barge your way into everything anyways...


{Martin smirks in Cauflield's direction; playing off of Chris' typical chaotic tone. That said, the "Extreme ICON" appears to accept Martin's response in a playful fashion; shrugging his shoulders and seemingly agreeing with him.}


[Chris Caulfield]:
{Smirks; clenches the legs of "Rusty" once again as he holds him in a fortified fashion as always}
It's not MY choice though... "Rusty's" the A$$hole who can't get enough...


{Caulfield pauses as he smirks}


[Chris Caulfield]:
It's been awhile, Big-man...
{Looks all the way up to Rex' gigantic head; peering in a crazed fashion upon the big-man}
You ready for a little sliver of HELL?


{Martin and Caulfield chuckle slightly. Meanwhile, Rex doesn't budge from his ice-cold stair as he crosses his tree-trunk sized arms.}


[Chris Caulfield]:
You thought DaVE was hostile...
{Cracks an evil grin of sorts}
WAR's like one of those apoco-whatever kind of movies... every week... every "Battleground"...
I hope you're UP for the challenge...
Where YOU'VE been the last few years, that whole after-school special, It'd be sad to see that you ended up... soft...


{Rex snarls slightly as he looks directly at Caulfield. In connection, the "Extreme ICON" is shown smirking slightly.}


[Johnny Martin]:
I guess we'll have to wait and see, Chris...
Then again, some could say you've gone soft in the head yourself; what all those chair shots leaving you practically brain-dead.


{Martin smirks again as he pauses.}


[Chris Caulfield]:
Ehhh... Brain-dead... comatose... Don't matter to me. As long as I've got "Rusty"... I like my chances...


[Johnny Martin]:
... Not when you step into the ring with the "Cornerstone"...


[Chris Caulfield]:
I ALWAYS... like... my chances...


{A brief staredown exists between the two as a collective smirk, a sense of gamesmanship if you will, as their competitive banter gets straight to the point.}


{That said, projecting himself in the middle of the action, arms still crossed, snarling slightly and looking at both, Rex puts himself at the fore-front; a fact that forces Martin & Caulfield to break their stare and gaze upon the big-man. Seconds later, in an unexpected manner, Rex is shown slowly walking away from the scene at hand; however, not before extending his tree-trunk sized arm outward in which to lightly shove the "Extreme ICON" into a nearby wall. As said, it's quite gentle, for Rex that is, so Caulfield isn't hurt in the process BUT it does force him to take notice; looking up at the giant with a devilish grin upon his face.}


[Chris Caulfield]:
Tonight's gonna be fun...


{He states as he smirks; leaning up against the wall Rex had just thrown him into. Meanwhile, laughing AT Caulfield, Martin looks to be equally ready for tonight's battle.}


{All in all, the segment comes to a close with the two men watching the big-man walk off into the distance; both collectively smirking as if they are excited about tonight's battle.}


Mitch Naess:
I've come to know these three men pretty well, over the years, and, to be honest, I'm REALLY looking forward to this three-way match between Martin, Caulfield, and Rex! I mean, this is REALLY a test to see which one of these men is ready to take a HUGE step here in WAR. If you win this match, with ALL the names included, then there's a good chance you'll be on a fast track to the WAR Championship! Oh man-o-man, I can't wait!

Eric Tyler:
I've been in the ring with two of them MANY times, and the other i've seen from afar over the years, and I, for one, don't see what's all that SPECIAL about this match?

Mitch Naess:
Are you kidding me? The "Extreme ICON", the "Cornerstone", and Big, Bad, Rex... in an elimination three-way... and you DON'T see what's so SPECIAL about this? You're OBVIOUSLY losing your mind...

Eric Tyler:
I can call it, right here, right now... Caulfield tries to use "Rusty", a WEAPON that has him CONTINUALLY cheating, at every turn, Martin spends MORE time celebrating than actually DOING anything... and Rex... Well, You ALREADY know how I feel about him. He's a one-trick pony; no REAL talent to speak of. For me, this is the making for A LOT of bull-sh*t...

Mitch Naess:
Well, then WHO do YOU Think will win? I mean, you may think it's going to be waste, but SOMEONE has to win!

Eric Tyler:
No one will win; in fact we'll ALL lose for having to watch this cr@p!

Mitch Naess:
Always a pleasure to work with Eric Tyler. He's a glass is half full kind of guy...

{Naess relays in a sarcastic manner}

Eric Tyler:
I'm a realist. I know you hate that. I don't BUY into the bull that you microphone jockies like to create. I see it AS it is... and THIS match is bound to STINK UP the joint!




Donnie J and Jayson
vs. El Platinum-ay
w/ Jennifer Heat
and Slick Rick
w/ Misty & Mandy


Tag Team Match



Despite the obvious difference between the two, one being quite zany, the other overtly crude in nature, El Platinum-ay and Slick Rick act like fraternity of sorts. Utilizing the fans shared hatred of them both, these arrogantly blind competitors look as though they're EXPECTING to win from the very second they walk through the "Gates of WAR". It's this high-arrogance, this polarizing sense of personal grandeur, that only makes them appear THAT much more of a direct opposite to the tandem of Donnie J and Jayson Wright. Where one is flashy, arrogant, and controversial, the other is quite blue-collar, bland, and vanilla, in a lot of ways. Even WITH Jayson's family problems (his sister, Dharma) and Donnie J's shocking rise to #1 contender status to the Sin City Championship, they obviously pail in comparison to the 'me-me-me' mentality of Slick & Platinum-ay. That said, the action takes that very same feel.


Slick & Platinum-ay are shown celebrating at every turn. In Slick's case, overly lazy as always, the former WAR commentator is even shown to puff away on his cigarette as the match officially opens; striking and maneuvering while holding his cig loosely in the corner of his mouth. As expected, Jayson would eventually send that flying with a round of punches; casting the lit cigarette into the crowd (hopefully not to burn someone). Meanwhile, the obvious contrast of Donnie J and El Platinum-ay makes for a great 'arrogant punk vs. blue collar underdog' scenario. Also, adding to that notion, it's the underlying truth we ALL know to be true about El Platinum-ay's obvious identity that makes their affair that much more interesting. At one point, Donnie even attempts to rip off El Platinum-ay's mask before having Jennifer Heat get involved; leaping on Donnie's back and ultimately giving room for Slick Rick to floor the unsuspecting flier with a loose shoulder-block.


In the end, as the match digresses into an overbooked affair, the once valiant, yet unsuccessful, Jayson "Mr." Wright is shown to get immensely frustrated by his inability to shake the GREATEST competitor of all (at least for him) in his OWN sister, Dharma. With time, growing tired of her and frustrated with how the match is progressing against his favor, Wright eventually is shown to storm off from the ringside area; leaving through the "Gates of WAR" as the crowd watches on in a shocked manner. Dharma would storm off after him, equally frustrated, nagging the entire way, but no such thing would bring him back. In doing so, walking away from the ring that is, Donnie J is ultimately left to his own. Sure, he would put on quite a showing, taking his 2 opponents on in some sort of super-human fashion; however, that spurt is brief at best. Moments later, all that can be seen is the staggered former "Fly Boy" being forced into El Platinum-ay's signature "Mejor Que Oro" (The Stroke); a fact that KO's the veteran in the process. Unconscious, Donnie is unable to kick out as El Platinum-ay loosely covers in an arrogant fashion as Slick Rick grabs his bottle of Jack; chugging away just behind the pinfall in a rowdy fashion.


El Platinum-ay and Slick Rick via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
“Mejor Que Oro” (Stroke) by El Platinum-ay upon Donnie J

Ending Time:


Mitch Naess:
Jayson Wright just... walked away? He's SO frustrated with EVERYTHING that he simply... walked... away. There's NO WAY Donnie J had a chance after that happened. Through the craziness, having a partner you can RELY on would have made things doable but... in this case... Jayson didn't give him that option. "Mr." Wright? Looks more like "Mr." Selfish if you ask me.

Eric Tyler:
Yea, you can walk away from the ring like that. I don't care WHO you are. That's just so amateur on his part. This kid has a LONG way to grow up before he'll EVER be a force in that ring. Honestly, I don't know if he'll EVER get there with stunts like this. That's a punk move on his part. Either way though, they weren't going to beat Slick & Platinum-ay. It was written ALL over that match. Neither Donnie J or Jayson Wright are good enough to get the job done. They couldn't even stay on the SAME PAGE let alone defeat the Sin City Champion in El Platinum-ay. Hell, even as Slick puffs away on that cigarette, he didn't even seem to have a problem with whippin' them boys around.

Mitch Naess:
I'm just in shock here. Jayson Wright... The valiant, always 'do good', always respectable, youngsters just got up and did the ONE thing that I can't stand... walking OUT on others in the ring. Man-o-man, I hope Stallings gives Donnie J the chance to whoop some respect into Wright before "Uprising". Let the veteran beat some sense into him before he gets to via for the Sin City Championship. What could it hurt? Plus, Jayson needs a good whoopin', as you say, after that...

Eric Tyler:
He deserves nothin at this point. Not even our focus; to be honest. Let's move on.

Mitch Naess:




Backstage Skit

Involved: J.K. Stallings Jr. + Sara Silver, Art Reed

“We need to make you MORE... Mainstream”


{We transition backstage now in which to witness the sight of Art Reed dressing back into street-clothes post-match. Already wearing a pair of name-brand wind pants, Reed stands shirtless as he riffles through his black duffle-bag in which to grab a shirt. However, before he can do so, the subtly frustrated #1 contender to the WAR Championship is deterred by an impending, and unexpected, cavalry…}


{Practically bursting through the open door-frame, the overly energetic WAR owner, J.K. Stallings Jr., is shown prancing toward the dressing Reed.}


{Paying no attention to Stallings though, Art continues to get ready; seemingly dressing into street clothes in which to leave}


[J.K. Stallings Jr]:
ART!!! Just the MAN I’ve been searching for…


{Prancing up to Reed, Stallings comes to a stop as he places his hand on Reed’s shoulder. That said, as he does so, Art simply gazes over at him in a stern fashion; as if to say “what the hell are you doing?”. Sensing his employee is not very happy with him, Stallings slowly pulls his hand away in which to remove himself slightly from the awkwardness at hand; however, dusting off Reed’s shoulder in an equally awkward fashion upon the pull-back.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr]:
GR-R-R-R-REEAT win out there tonight!! You REALLY had Ota going… back-and-forth…
{Stallings starts to bounce around as he recalls the great action between Ota &Reed}
back-and-forth… you two put on a REAAAAALL clinic out there!! Bravo… BRAVISIMO!!


{Art continues to gaze at him in a stern fashion; however, slowly breaks away from that as he turns his attention away from the WAR owner and back toward his duffle bag.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr]:
Just a BIG-BIG-BBBBIIIIG time for you, huh? Win tonight… WAR Championship shot in a few weeks at “Uprising”… Wow-o-Wowsers!! It’s a WONDERFUL time to be Art… Reed!! Mr. “Fear This!”…


{Art continues to ignore him as he places his black knee pads into his equally dark duffle bag.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr]:
Now that you’re on TOP of WAR… Don’t you think we should… I don’t know… UPDATE your style?


{Stallings cracks a corny, overly large, comical, grin upon his face as he leans slightly toward Reed. That said, Art wouldn’t know as he continues to pack up his bag.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr]:
This industry is ALL about FLASHY…
{Does a little squirm movement for a brief second; excited it seems}
The glitz… the glamour… the SPECTACLE of it ALL!!
{Pauses; looks over at Reed with that very same grin upon his face}
Now I’m not saying you’re… well… boring or anything… It’s just that… If you’re going to be the WAR Champion, which I FREELY believe you could be, then… Well… It’d be GREAT to see you BUY INTO the grandiosity of the WAR Championship!!


{Reed continues to pack up his last few things as he doesn’t even show a shred of interest.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr]:
Pyro… Dance Music… maybe some flashier ring attire… OH… OH… I GOT IT… Streamers!! They could fall from the ceiling as you come out!!


{Slowly, Art pulls his focus away from his bag in which to gaze upon Stallings with a look that can only be described as “You’ve GOT to be kidding me”.}


{In connection, Stallings nods his head in an overtly comical fashion; grinning from ear-to-ear in the process.}


{Seconds later, after a good long stare, Reed is shown throwing his last piece of clothing into his bag, zipping up the top quickly, and looking as though he’s about to walk out of the room; leaving Stallings by his lonesome. That said, trying to keep Reed’s company for a bit longer, the WAR owner is shown jumping in his path; pivoting back and forth in which to allow him NO room to walk past. As you can expect, Reed isn’t all that happy with what’s taking place; staring upon Stallings in great frustration.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr]:
WAIT… WAIT… I have someone I want you to meet!!


{Reed tries to walk past him again; however, Stallings pivots back and forth in which to keep him in place. For a second, Art stops, dropping his body in a frustrated fashion, as he slowly places his hands on his hips while c*cking his head to the side in an annoyed fashion; the universal sign of such.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr]:
EVERY great entertainer has had a manager at one point in their career… Someone with FLASH… with PIZZAZZ… With the GIFT of Gabb to add a little… UMFFFFF… to their presence.
{Grins comically}
That’s why I searched the WORLD for THE greatest manager out there TODAY!! Believe me, I spared NO cost, left NO stone unturned, because THAT’S how MUCH I believe in… YOU…


{Stallings dramatically places his hand in his mouth and whistles; signaling that someone, or something, can come into the room.}


{Seconds later, someone DID walk through the door-frame. It’s none other than the beautiful, yet overtly coy, Sara Silver!}


{Coming to Stallings side, Silver stands with her arms crossed before her in a confident fashion. Meanwhile, cracking an equally confident grin upon her face, it’s as though she’s expecting Reed to jump at her with excitement. That said, Reed does nothing of the sort. If anything, he looks more annoyed than before.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr]:
The HOTTEST manager on the scene today… SARA SILVER!!! Eh…. EH…. EEEEEHHHHH….


{Stallings comically digs his elbow into the chest of Reed repeatedly in a ‘what do you think’ kind of fashion. Meanwhile, coming to a point where he can’t take it anymore, Reed is shown brushing right past Stallings; practically knocking him over in the process.}


{Exiting the room in a huff, Reed ultimately slams the door behind him; leaving Stallings & Silver alone in the room. That said, with a “oops” look upon his face, the kind of comical look someone would project following a ‘whoopsie’ moment, Stallings ultimately turns to Silver in which to address the awkward situation at hand.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr]:
Well… uh… yea… Maybe we can… try it again in a few days?


{Silver slightly shrugs; still smirking.}


{Seconds later, almost as if he turned a switch from embarrassed to stupid, Stallings changes his stance in which to stand closer to Silver. Looking her up and down, he ultimately nods and grins in a cartoon-like fashion.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr]:
So… uh… Are those pants FELT?!?!?!


{Shaking her head in an annoyed fashion, dropping her smirk in the process, Silver responds shortly before walking out of the room in a huff as well.}


[sara Silver]:


{With one single word, Sara is heard shooting down the WAR owner. With that said, she’s ultimately shown leaving the room in an annoyed fashion. Meanwhile, the final image is that of Stallings standing in the room by himself; shrugging in a cartoon-like fashion as the ‘whoopsie’ look reforms upon his face.}


Mitch Naess:
There were ALL KINDS of wrong there…

Eric Tyler:
Stallings is an idiot.

Mitch Naess:
You know, for such a successful businessman, he’s shown himself to be pretty TERRIBLE at running a wrestling promotion.

Eric Tyler:
That comes as NO shock.

Mitch Naess:
Ever since he took over, firing Nemesis, WAR seems to be falling apart at the seams! Every decision he’s made has pretty much BLOWN UP right in his face. I don’t think I’ve EVER seen something THIS clueless in his position before…

Eric Tyler:
ALL the money in the world can’t buy you wrestling smarts. He may have the bank but he doesn’t have the brain. He’s going to book this place into the ground… that’s OBVIOUS…

Mitch Naess:
I hope not! Then again… I don’t know if he’s shown ANY ability NOT to…




"The Extreme ICON"
Chris Caulfield
w/ "Rusty"
"The Cornerstone"
Johnny Martin vs.
"Big... Bad..."


Three-Way Match (Elimination Rules)

“CRUSH... ALL!!”


A funny thing happened on the way to the forum…. The Puerto Rican fans weren’t all that impressed with the bruising behemoth in Rex. It’s not that they booed him, as he’s perceived as a babyface, but it’s obvious that that they aren’t buying into him as much as WAR officials would like. That said, Chris Caulfield really came away as the belle of the ball; if you will. Even WITH “Rusty” forced to ‘watch on’ from ringside, the off-kilter “Extreme ICON” uses his unorthodox form of fighting in which to inflict as much damage on everyone in his path; even himself on most occasions. In a way, he’s best described as a boulder rolling down the hill; destroying much in it’s path but also chipping away at the rock as it descends. Meanwhile, much more methodical, projecting a truly intelligent perspective, the celebrated “Cornerstone” in Johnny Martin picks and chooses his battles; trying to remain out of reach by BOTH Rex & Caulfield when possible. In reality, this proves to be a great approach as Rex & Caulfield wail into one another. In contrast though, Martin shows very little damage throughout.


That said, the stand-off approach would ultimately consume Martin’s chances as well…


Once Rex is finally able to get ahold of him, Martin is pretty much delegated back with the bunch; struggling to stand upright after an array of powerhouse, ring-rattling, maneuvers. At one point, a running Powerslam leaves the aging veteran wincing in pain; arching his back as he’s most certainly hurting.


Shortly thereafter, the celebrated “Cornerstone” is eliminated from the match as the densely muscled frame of Rex is shown planting Martin squarely in the center of the ring with his signature “D.O.I. aka Dead on Impact” (Powerful Spinebuster).


Once Martin is removed from the match, Caulfield tries to jump straight into action; attempting to catch the big-man off-guard. At first, this approach works wonders, reeling the brutish behemoth with a truly unorthodox approach (ie: quick kicks to the shins, kidney punches when possible, and a number of wild impact maneuvers to keep Rex at bay). That said, over time, this unorthodox approach would eventually fall victim to the sheer POWER of Rex…


As Caulfield tries to force Rex into a running bulldog, the big-man is able to stop his momentum as the “Extreme ICON” jumps in the air. Stopping him in his tracks, picking him off the canvas, Rex eventually does the unthinkable by flipping Caulfield completely around (taking him from looking outward and changing that so he’s now in a Spinebuster positioning).


Caulfield attempts to wail away on Rex’ head with furious rights and lefts; however, through the pain, the jaw-dropping powerhouse is ultimately able to force his opponent down upon the canvas with his signature “D.O.I. aka Dead on Impact” (Powerful Spinebuster) once again! As expected, Chris is unable to kick out of this. Sure, his body looks to have SOME life left in it, slowly moving around on auto-pilot if you will, but it’s not enough to really show A) he’s aware of what’s happening and B) strong enough to kick out of the pinfall.


Rex via pinfall

Order of Elimination:
1st – Johnny Martin, 2nd – Chris Caulfield

Ending Maneuver:
“D.O.I. aka Death on Impact” (Powerful Spinebuster)

Ending Time:


Mitch Naess:
The sheer POWER of Rex made it IMPOSSIBLE for any OTHER outcome! The big… bad… biker… in Rex; he MAY be unstoppable it seems! He JUST defeated TWO men of ICON status in Martin & Caulfield. Wow… just wow!

Eric Tyler:
He’s a one-trick pony. He’s powerful; yes. But is he any GOOD in the ring? Hell… no! He’s a mess; an absolute mess. You put him up against someone who ACTUALLY KNOWS what they’re doing in the ring and bam… the so called ‘unstoppable’ monster becomes nothing more than a talentless man.

Mitch Naess:
If you think that way… Why don’t YOU step into the ring with him?

Eric Tyler:
Believe me, he doesn’t want ANY of that…

Mitch Naess:
I’m sure he wouldn’t mind it… crushing you limb from limb…

Eric Tyler:
Watch your mouth, Naess… you can’t speak to a LEGEND that way!




Backstage Promo (w/ Attack)

Involved: Joanne Rodriguez and Ravyn

“Will the REAL Ravyn; please stand up?”


{We transition backstage in which to see the combination of Joanne Rodriguez and Ravyn standing in weathered locker-room area. It’s quite obvious that the Ricardo Montenez Ballroom has seen better days; as the space itself looks to be falling apart. None the less, despite such ugliness, such destruction brought forth by years of usage, it’s the beauty of these two women that ultimately masks the true scenery around them.}


{Standing face-to-face, a good 3 feet apart from one another, the two standout wrestlers look to be already engaged in a conversation given their body language.}


I knew they’d make the right choice…


{She relays in a methodical tone; shockingly devoid of emotion.}


{J-RO is shown slowly nodding her head in approval of Ravyn’s statement.}


[Joanne Rodriguez]:
It’s OUR time, Ravyn. We took on the world and won. All the naysayers, the critics, the A$$holes who told us otherwise… They’re all DEAD wrong. WAR is MORE than just a catchy name; it’s the truth. We’re ushering in the REAL wave of Wrestling… Action… in Revolt!


{J-RO smirks in a confident yet sly fashion.}


It’s time we shake this industry to it’s core…


{Again, stating in an emotionless fashion as she turns her head slightly; much like a dog does when it’s trying to decipher a noise before them. In Ravyn’s case, it looks more like someone who may be… well… out of touch with reality.}


[Joanne Rodriguez]:
You and I…
{Nods her head; smirking with confidence as she has her hands on her hips in a spunky fashion}
We’re going to change the world…


{Both nod in approval of such.}


[Joanne Rodriguez]:
“Uprising” will…


{Before J-RO can finish, Ravyn shockingly leaps into action; slamming her forearm square into the forehead of Ms. Rodriguez. Strike after strike, vicious and rapid in succession, Ravyn is able to subdue the victim before her in a quick fashion. That said, never backing down from a fight, ALWAYS fortified and ready to go, J-RO attempts to fight back, and does rather well in creating a momentary stalemate; however, within seconds, that all comes crashing down as Ravyn is shown whipping her once-counterpart square into the cement wall aside them.}


Mitch Naess:
What the…


Eric Tyler:
Ravyn’s beating the living HELL out of J-RO!


{Crashing to the floor, holding her shoulder in pain, J-RO attempts to get back up again; however, in doing so, Ravn is shown leaping into action yet again; striking with a lightning quick Superkick to J-RO’s jaw.}


{Again, J-RO crashes to the cement floor below in a thunderous heap; however, this time around, Ravyn continues her assault shortly after her descent. Grabbing her hair in an unsettling fashion, the “Dark Angel” is ultimately shown slamming the beautiful head of J-RO into the cement floor repeatedly until a number of security officials come in to break up the fight.}


Mitch Naess:
That’s enough!! This is getting excessive…
{Shakes his head}
J-RO could have a concussion or something…


{In the end, just as she was shortly before the attack, Ravyn now returns to her emotionless state; a stark contrast from the sheer violence she possessed seconds earlier.}


{Twisting her head like before, watching her victim struggle with the pain as she clenches her head, security officials eventually are shown ushering the emotionless Ravyn from the room; leaving behind a stunned & injured Joanne Rodriguez in her wake.}


Ravyn’s heel turn was a disaster. Boo.


Mitch Naess:
There’s something very wrong with Ravyn… VERY wrong…

Eric Tyler:
That’s obvious… she’s flipped a switch or something…

Mitch Naess:
Maybe Stallings should dismiss her for a few months, get her the help she needs… because, as you said, it’s obvious that something’s VERY wrong.

Eric Tyler:
That’s how ALL women are… one second they’re normal… the next… BAM…

Mitch Naess:
You’ve GOT To be kidding me… Let’s move on… I can’t even BELIEVE you went there…

Eric Tyler:
What? It’s true…

Mitch Naess:
Let’s not take away from the moment with your stupidity… Ravyn just snapped or something & J-RO could have a concussion after all of that. Wow… That was just… excessive… emotionless… scary…




Elaborate Ring Entrance

Involved: Puerto Rican Power

“The Man, the Myth, the LEGEND... of Puerto Rico!”


{The atmosphere within the Ricardo Montenez Ballroom is absolutely electric as the opening sounds of Puerto Rican Power’s theme music begins to blare. Understanding the grandeur of the moment, it’s quite obvious that WAR is not taking this presentation lightly. For, unlike ANY OTHER entrance of his in the past, the man often perceived as blue-collar, not one for frills, is showered with a jaw-dropping pyro display!}


{As streams, showers, and towering displays, of pyro overtakes the top of the rampway, the true HERO of Puerto Rican lore is shown slowly shuffling through the “Gates of WAR”; projecting a truly grandiose image.}


{Stepping THROUGH the pyro, stomping his way toward the ring, the musclebound big-man looks to be focused & ready on the mountainous task at hand; defeating Troy Tornado.}


{All in all, taking a slight moment to acknowledge his roaring fanbase with a simple extension of his arm in a celebratory fashion, never breaking free from his intense focus upon the ring, there’s an air forming that these fans will accept NOTHING LESS than a Championship win for their proud Hero.}


Mitch Naess:
Through the pyro, he walks. The man often known for his no-nonsense, hardened, blue-collar, mantra to life, has now stepped through the “Gates of WAR” in one of THE most grandiose fashions this company has EVER seen! He’s a TRUE Hero to these fans… a TRUE… LEGEND of Puerto Rico!

Eric Tyler:
That’s not saying a lot.

Mitch Naess:
What? This region is RICH with wrestling history…

Eric Tyler:
New York is RICH with wrestling history. The ENTIRE Country of CANADA is RICH with wrestling history. Hell, even MEXICO has a great depth of meaningful moments in our sport. Puerto Rico? This place is a seaspool. This place should BE… History! Why the HELL did we even come down here?

Mitch Naess:
Folks, take Eric’s words as his own. That is NOT how we feel as a company here in WAR. Puerto Rico is an AMAZING place and we are MORE than HAPPY to be here!

Eric Tyler:
You’re RIGHT… it is MY words. That said, MY words are ALWAYS right… and YOU know it!

Mitch Naess:
You’re insane; going after these people… this GREAT place… You MAY want to watch yourself when you leave the ballroom tonight…

Eric Tyler:
They wouldn’t be AS stupid as to test me…






Troy Tornado © vs. Puerto Rican Power


Singles Match

WAR Championship Match

“The SUPER HEEL is Born!”


The spirited crowd is feverishly in the corner of their hero, Puerto Rican Power. Roaring with excitement, clapping wildly, ALL on their feet, there isn’t an unfocused eye present in the Ricardo Montenez Ballroom. As they hang from every corner, stand upon their seats, and swig away on their alcohol of choice, to say that the crowd is in HIGH anticipation would be a vast understatement.


Meanwhile, knowing their unwavering support of his opponent, Troy Tornado does ALL he can to play off of the crowd; ultimately billing himself as THE most HATED man in Puerto Rican history! Spitting at the crowd, wiping his feet upon the face of the fallen Power at moments, walking out of wrist-locks, and ultimately toying with EVERYONE & EVERYTHING, the WAR Champion does a masterful job in generating absolute disdain.


The match itself progresses pretty slow; building naturally if you will.


As Puerto Rican Power attempts to, well, POWER his way into an impressive spot, Tornado often takes the cheap-heel approach and thwarts such a rise with a number of underhanded tactics. As you can expect, this only drives the crowd to hate him THAT much more. Sadly though, for the sake of a WAR event, it’s not as though this is driving them to be MORE invested in the match. If anything, as Power struggles, it’s almost as though the crowd loses interest; playing a fickle role throughout.


Mid-way through the match, it looks as though the challenger MAY have Tornado in a difficult spot. Finally getting ahold of him, PRP is able to force his brutish onslaught upon the WAR Champion. At one point, a guerilla press slam has Tornado flying out of the ring; crashing to the cement floor below. The impact, rough on his frame, obviously hurts the champ; however, he has VERY little time to re-coop as Power is STILL on the prowl. However, as before, by the time PRP gets out there, landing a few more strikes, a simple rake of the eyes is able to give Tornado enough time to stagger away; collapsing on the steel steps for a few seconds.


It’s this constant back-and-forth of tough, yet frustratingly tempered, power by the challenger and, ultimately, how the Champion is able to weasel his way out of it.


… this pisses off the crowd to no end.


As Jay Fair is looking away, attempting to speak to the time-keeper in which to inform him of the ‘warning’ bestowed upon Tornado for NOT breaking a recent headlock submission despite a rope-break, the devious WAR Champion quickly reaches into a cargo-pocket of his faded black pants. Seconds later, with brass knuckles now in his grasp, Tornado is ultimately shown flooring his challenger with one vicious strike to the forehead.


… for good measure, Tornado lands one more shot as his challenger lays upon the canvas; semi-motionless.


… following the last strike, he’s NOW completely motionless.


Throwing the brass knuckles out of the ring, Tornado is never discovered to have HAD the small weapon of choice. Again, as expected, this pisses off the crowd to NO end. At that point, mounds of trash are thrown into the ring; seeming like a STORM of bottles, paper, and even the occasional trash-can. That said, that doesn’t stop the WAR Champion from climbing the nearby turnbuckle.


As the crowd continues to throw trash within the ring, a few pieces even striking Tornado as he perches on high, the “Hard Rock Rebel” is shown adding MORE gas to the flame by shortly flicking off the crowd in an arrogant fashion shortly before taking flight; landing his signature “F*ck-off!” (Tope Rope Elbow Drop) in the process!


Puerto Rican Power is unable to kick-out at this point. Despite being such a powerful, grandiose, LEGEND in this region, the devious WAR Champion has seemingly overcome; by dubious means though.


There’s a chance that the ballroom may crumble under the immense weight of FURY brought forth by the incessantly feverish Puerto Rican fans!


Troy Tornado via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
“F*ck-Off!” (Top Rope Elbow Drop) following 2 unseen strikes by a pair of brass knuckles

Ending Time:

This marks the 11th successful WAR Championship defense by Troy Tornado!

Note #2:
Puerto Rican Power was working through an injury in this match; Chronic Shoulder Pain.


Mitch Naess:
We may have to get out of here, Eric… I don’t think it’s safe anymore. This place may fall apart & these fans may just take us ALL down for what we just witnessed.

Eric Tyler:
Let them TRY… I’ll stretch every single one of them if they THINK they can bully ME, a LEGEND, into leaving ANYWHERE!

Mitch Naess:
Well, it’s up to you then… I’m out of here… I have a family to feed & I can’t do that if I’m in a hospital somewhere…

{The sound of Mitch Naess taking his head-set off can be heard}

Eric Tyler:
These fans don’t scare me… You’re pissed about the outcome? Maybe instead of taking it out on THIS ballroom, and THIS company, maybe you should look toward your HERO and see why HE couldn’t win the big one?
Puerto Rican Power is EXACTLY like the country he personifies…
They’re ALL… LOSERS!




Post-Match Celebration

Involved: Troy Tornado©

“You HATE me... You REALLY HATE... ME!”


{As an absolute STORM of trash is shown thrown around the ringside area, a number of nameless officials are shown scurrying toward the ring. Close behind them, there’s a small army of SWAT dressed WAR security officials storming toward the ring with batons in hand; confident in their collective step despite the obvious carnage taking place around them.}


{Once in the ring, this large protective group is shown lining the squared circle in which to ensure the safety of those within the ring; Troy Tornado, Jay Fair, and Puerto Rican Power.}


{The unnamed officials appear to plead with the WAR Champion to come backstage with them, most likely wanting to get him OUT of the ballroom as FAST as possible for his own safety, but, as expected, Tornado doesn’t budge.}


{Smirking in a devilish fashion, grabbing his WAR Championship in the process, Troy Tornado is ultimately shown looking out upon the crowd and laughing in absolute arrogance. Seconds later, as the show comes to a close, we are given the controversial sight of the WAR Champion looking out upon the crowd smirking as he continues to flick them off in a defiant fashion.}


{Meanwhile, as he’s seen disrespecting the 2,000 person RIOT before him, we continue to witness the unnamed WAR officials pleading with their Champion to leave with them. That said, the towering wall of SWAT security men around the ringside area act as the BEST form of security possible within such insanity. However, even for them, the sight of fans pushing back at them looks to be teetering EVER so close to a FULL-ON RIOT as the feed goes black…}


Eric Tyler:
You can’t be up here… who the HELL do you ALL think you ARE? Don’t you KNOW who I am?

{Tyler is heard feverishly speaking off-microphone to, what’s expected to be, a number of Puerto Rican fans who have stepped before the commentary table}

Eric Tyler:
Don’t like what happened? Go ask your so-called HERO… WHY he couldn’t get the job done?

{The sound of a roaring sub-set of the rabid fanbase can be heard before Tyler}

Eric Tyler:
Your HERO is a FRAUD…
All-HAIL… Troy… Tornado!!

{The sound of, what can only be thought to be, said sub-set of fans overtaking the commentary desk can be heard. That said, we aren’t presented with an image of it as the camera men have most likely fled; leaving the only shot that of the carnage around the ringside area}

Eric Tyler:
Come get me… You won’t LIKE what’s comin’ your way…

{With that, “Battleground” ends with an unsettling air like NO OTHER before. Even as we go ‘black’, there’s a feeling of shock; wondering WHAT will happen to those within the ballroom post-broadcast.}

















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Great Show! I was just wondering, that Caulfield picture is stunning but I was just checking to see if you have it without the chair? His picture just seems a little out of place and that's a great re-render of him.
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Great Show! I was just wondering, that Caulfield picture is stunning but I was just checking to see if you have it without the chair? His picture just seems a little out of place and that's a great re-render of him.


Thank you, Corki!


As for the Caulfield alt-render, that was done by the amazing Jtlant. I'm not sure if he has a version without the chair? It would probably be best to ask him! In my case, "Rusty" (the dented steel chair he takes everywhere; much like Al Snow/Head) is a huge part of his character (So made it into his render).

Another great show, E-V! I may just have to do another reView From A Hawk's Eye within the next couple of days. ;)


Thank you as well, Angel!


I'm ALWAYS happy to take part in the "Hawk's Eye". :D

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Thank you, Corki!


As for the Caulfield alt-render, that was done by the amazing Jtlant. I'm not sure if he has a version without the chair? It would probably be best to ask him! In my case, "Rusty" (the dented steel chair he takes everywhere; much like Al Snow/Head) is a huge part of his character (So made it into his render).


Ahh! I see! I'll send him a message and see if he has a copy of it! I might be able to edit it out though.

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