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Uprising: Power to the People!" Quick Picks


Ash Campbell vs. Nemesis

The Ring Generals© vs. Natural Storm

Cletus vs. Puerto Rican Power

Joanne Rodriguez vs. Ravyn

Masked Cougar© vs. Snap Dragon

El Platinum-ay© vs. Donnie J

10 Man Battle Royal: Who do YOU think will win? Travis Century

Troy Tornado© vs. Art Reed


Probably wrong on the last two, it'll probably be Rex and Troy. But, once again, refusing to pick against Reed. And, if Reed wins, having the monster face win and become the #1 Contender makes no sense.


Edit: On the topic of your earlier post, EV, I'd LOVE it if you could find the time to continue this in some form or another. it's been a hell of an entertaining read so far, and i'd miss it if it was gone. Then again, ofcourse, if you don't have the time you don't have the time...

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"Uprising: Power to the People!" Quick Picks

Ash Campbell vs. Nemesis

The Ring Generals© vs. Natural Storm

Cletus vs. Puerto Rican Power

Joanne Rodriguez vs. Ravyn

Masked Cougar© vs. Snap Dragon

El Platinum-ay© vs. Donnie J

10 Man Battle Royal: Who do YOU think will win? Chris Caulfield

Troy Tornado© vs. Art Reed

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Just a friendly update that "Uprising: Power to the People!" will be up tomorrow night!
This is outside of my norm, having the show done mid-week; so, I thought I'd tip those off looking to read of it's impending post! I'm really happy with how it came out. I hope others are as excited to read it as I was to write it!


As for the decision on what I'll end up doing with this project, I don't believe that I have that answer quite yet. As I said previously, the show ("Uprising") doesn't really feel like a 'final show' to me. There's a big storyline that takes place (for which I want to write) but I'm trying to be smart about what I'm going to be able to put together with school taking up a lot of my time as well. That said, I'd like to personally thank those who have left their feedback on the matter in recent days. It really does mean a lot to me!


All in all, while I don't have that answer yet, I do have the excitement of the PPV on it's way to the boards tomorrow!





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Ash Campbell vs. Nemesis

Nemesis returns...


The Ring Generals© vs. Natural Storm

Can't see the champs losing the titles so soon.


Cletus vs. Puerto Rican Power

PRP seals the feud with a win.


Joanne Rodriguez vs. Ravyn

Enjoying Ravyn's character.


Masked Cougar© vs. Snap Dragon

This is a close one and a tie goes to the champ.


El Platinum-ay© vs. Donnie J

No one can beat El Platinum-ay!


10 Man Battle Royal: Rex

Who can stop the monster?


Troy Tornado© vs. Art Reed

Thanks for coming, Art!

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"Uprising: Power to the People!" Quick Picks

Ash Campbell vs. Nemesis

The Ring Generals© vs. Natural Storm

Cletus vs. Puerto Rican Power

Joanne Rodriguez vs. Ravyn

Masked Cougar© vs. Snap Dragon

El Platinum-ay© vs. Donnie J

We know that El Platinum-ay can defeat Tornado blindfolded, with both arms behind his back and with a concrete anvil on his back, but, I think DJ will get the win...and El Platinum-ay unmasks, to be revealed as...Tommy Cornell! That's right, WAR buys out TCW!

10 Man Battle Royal: Who do YOU think will win? Rex

Troy Tornado© vs. Art Reed

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Hype Video

Involved: Nemesis and Ash Campbell

“Family Dysfunction to it's fullest...”


{“Uprising” opens with a short video documenting the tumultuous relationship between the Father/Son relationship of Nemesis and Ash Campbell. While the video does a good job to portray these two men on TOTALLY different levels professionally, there’s an overall emotional connection that ultimately paints the younger Campbell as the ‘voice of reason’ amongst the family. All in all, depicting Nemesis as we know him best, reckless and violent, the video brings up the question of whether or not Ash is right; SHOULD Nemesis retire before he loses his LIFE due to the sport? All in all, the stage is set by the video’s end. Will Nemesis continue his career with WAR or will his Son finally retire his wrestling persona so that his Father may live?}


Mitch Naess:
Ash wants THIS win more than ANYTHING he’s wanted before.

Sara Silver:
Which is quite weird given his tumultuous relationship with his Father.

Mitch Naess:
True, they haven’t gotten along very well over the years. That’s WELL documented. That said, he’s STILL his Father at the end of the day. I mean, who wants to see their own flesh-and-blood run themselves into the ground? I know Nemesis well. While I can’t tell you what’s tickin’ in that twisted head of his, I CAN tell you that he won’t stop. Honestly, he won’t stop until someone STOPS him.

Sara Silver:
After countless battles, some that SHOULD have ended his career long ago, I guess it’s on his Son to be the one to stop him. What Irony!

Mitch Naess:
It really IS quite the tragedy…





Ash Campbell vs. Nemesis

"Last Man Standing" Match

If Nemesis wins, he's reinstated to WAR with a new contract

If Ash wins, Nemesis is forced to retire


When before his Father, Ash personifies the role of o a child. His nerves are rather obvious as he now accepts the daunting challenge of standing-up to the man who brought him into this world. That said, in contrast, it's as if Nemesis looks at said challenge in a completely different manner; smirking devilishly as he expects to completely dominate the scenario at hand. A shock to him, that's not what comes to pass. Focused, determined, and emotionally on edge, the young Campbell brings EVERYTHING he has to the table. Giving his body and his mind to the cause, Ash puts himself through the ringer; taking some of Nemesis' hardest shots in the process. No matter what the wrestling LEGEND did... his Son would somehow, someway, return to his feet (always labored though; quite dramatic to say the least).


There ARE points where Ash would rise to the occasion and actually place his Father on his heels; however, that's few and far between. Most of the time, it's as stated above; Nemesis on the offensive... yet... Ash continually pulling himself back up off the canvas (bloodied, bruised, and viciously beaten).


In the end though, the young Campbell would eventually find his ultimate undoing through the form of continuous chair-shots from his Father. Yes, you read that right. With a sternness to his gaze, Nemesis levels his Son repeatedly with 3-chair shots square over the top of his head. Shockingly enough, in that moment, Ash would SOMEHOW rise from the canvas after the third strike; barely able to stay upright though as he wavers in the wind. For a brief second, Nemesis looks upon his Son with a look of sadness in his eyes; however, that was only a sick-joke of sorts. Wiping away that fabricated sadness, a vile grin, again, forms upon the wrestling LEGEND's face as he slams the steel chair one last time over the head of his staggering Son. The impact is so vicious that the young Campbell collapses in a thunderous heap; motionless for the first-time. From there, a standard 10-count is administered in which to bring about the end of the match. Meanwhile, as WAR Referee, Jay Fair, counts away, Nemesis is shown smirking in a devilish fashion over his fallen Son. More or less, it appears as though he's remorseless about the violence he just placed upon his only child.


Nemesis via ten-count

Ending Maneuver:
Steel chair strike; 3 in succession

Ending Time:

Nemesis returns to WAR under a new contract with this win over Ash!


Mitch Naess:
That was sickening! As a Father, to watch your Son struggle like that and to ultimately 'put them down'...
{Shakes his head; angered}
That's disgusting. WAR contract or not, career or not, there's NO reason a Father should level such VIOLENCE upon his own. I've known Nemesis for quite some time, I've seen his up's and his down's, but this is a new... NEW... Low. I don't know if he can go ANY lower than this...

Sara Silver:
I've only heard of Nemesis from afar; I've never seen him compete in person. While it's obvious that his body is not at it's peak anymore, his mean-streak is healthier than ever. As you said, I just can't get over that final image of Ash barely able to stand... his father playing emotional possum and ultimately slamming the steel chair over his head once again.
{Shakes her head; saddened}
It's an image that's going to haunt me for some time.

Mitch Naess:
You can only hope that Ash takes this disgusting moment and realizes that 'reaching his father' is impossible. Honestly, I wouldn't fault the young-man for hating his Father indefinitely after that... Who Could?

Sara Silver:
They MAY be family by blood but that's all.

Mitch Naess:
Sadly, that's the truth. A young-man in Ash Campbell who grew up without a present Father & now, he's found violence from the VERY hand of that absent figure. Just a tragedy...






Bikini Contest

Involved: J.K. Stallings Jr., Dharma, Meggie Beth, Jennifer Heat, Sara Silver, El Platinum-ay©, and ????

“Sin City Skin... for now...”


{We transition outside of the Empire Coliseum now in which to witness the sight of a comically grinning J.K. Stallings standing before a sole camera lens. The giddy nature of his body language from head-to-toe tells of the wonder before him; however, it’s until the camera man pans out slightly in which to see a truly beautiful sight: Dharma, Meggie Beth, Jennifer Heat, and even Sara Silver all dressed in oversized trench coats.}


{As these awe-inspiring beauties stand with their hands ready to remove clothing, all quite confident in what they have underneath said coat, Stallings appears much like an overweight kid in a candy store.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr]:


{He couldn’t hold it back. Stallings is heard blurting out as he literally rises off the ground with excitement. From there, Mitch Naess can be heard relaying a poignant statement on Stallings ability here.}


[Mitch Naess]:
YOU voted for him to be the host of our Sin City Bikini Contest… Well, here’s what you get…


{Naess is heard laughing. Meanwhile, Stallings looks like he may leap out of his bow-tie in the process. Spinning around, looking at the beautiful women before him, all standing on a platform equip with heavy lighting and the WAR logo prominently placed in the front, it’s rather obvious that he’s too excited to wait.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr]:
What are we waiting for?!?! BIKINIS!!


{Again, practically leaping out of his bow-tie, it’s as though the WAR owner has NEVER seen a women in a bikini before. None the less, as he spins around, his hands already in his mouth as he drops the microphone upon the cement sidewalk below, a grandiose light show follows; a fact that seemingly starts the proceedings.}


{One by one, the four beautiful women playfully undress from their trench coats in which to display what their mother’s gave them. Equally, one-by-one, each girl receives a rousing return from the inebriated crowd before the stage; standing out on the Strip itself.}


{As it’s Jennifer Heat’s turn, the final girl to go, El Platinum-ay is shown entering from her side of the stage in cautious fashion. With his eyes wide open, shocked if you will, it’s as though he’s about to lose his mind as well.}


[El Platinum-ay]:
Holy… Mammary-zuma’s revenge!!!


{El Platinum-ay drops to the stage in a fainting fashion as the lovely, yet muscly, Jennifer Heat rips her trench coat off in one powerful move. None the less, it’s rather obvious it was TOO much for Platinum to take.}


{It all looks to be fun-and-games until all of a sudden, SHE appears…}


{Before they can even name a winner, a stocky, if not plump, female brutishly stomps through the crowd and ultimately winds up on the stage. With her fingers clenched, staring at the beautiful ladies with a vicious snarl upon her face, the crowd actually begins to boo as they don’t care for her intrusion. At one point, someone is even heard saying – “ Hey Heffer, move along!”.}


{That said, ‘move along’ she did not. While most of the girls are able to scurry off the stage in time, the lovely doe-eyed Meggie Beth is simply not lucky enough. Making her return after MONTHS of being away, the former original WAR Pin-up girl is ultimately shown being theoretically ‘fed’ to the intruding female behemoth. Before you know it, after a running Powerslam upon the stage, a fact that actually breaks out a leg or two underneath, toppling down a set of lights in the process, the vicious attacker eventually stands over her prey; looking out upon the crowd in a fervid, fortified, fashion as the remaining members of the Sin City Strip crowd boos like crazy.}


Mitch Naess:
I can’t believe my eyes. I’m just happy that Sara [silver] got out of there when she did. She’s been a great partner tonight. That said, poor Meggie Beth… Her back may have been crushed after that running Powerslam.
{Shakes his head; saddened}
I know exactly who that was…
{Continues to shake his head; collecting his papers}
Her name is Gorgon and she’s the newest signing to the WAR Femme Fatale division. Stallings wanted more variety from just your stick-blondes. He wants to create a well-rounded roster of sorts. Well, I guess he got what he wanted…
{Shakes his head; saddened}
You brought her to the fold, now we have to deal with what’s to come…






The Ring Generals©
w/Doc Messing
vs. Natural Storm

WAR Tag Team Championship Match


Doc Messing is a loud-mouth; that's obvious. While his well-oiled machine systematically picks apart their challengers in a calculating fashion, touching upon a very bland yet effective old-school approach to tag team competition, the weaselly Doc is heard running off at the mouth like arrogant auctioneer of sorts. Even though it may not seem like an advantage, his incessant speech stands as great mental manipulation of the brutish, if not primal, brawlers in Natural Storm. Before you know it, growing tired of Doc's lip, both DC Rayne and Eddie Howard are shown gradually turning their attention away from the task within the ring & frustratingly focusing on the loud manager on the outside. As you can expect, as they attempt to send a message to their handler, the WAR Tag Team Champions are eventually given enough room to maintain a momentous rise within the squared circle. In the end, with Doc still spouting off at the mouth at speeds unseen, riling up the crowd and frustrating the challengers, the match ultimately finds a very traditional end with a throwback, if not vanilla, maneuver; their signature "Old-School Spike" (Spiked Piledriver; two-man maneuver). Post-impact, there's nothing anyone can really do about it (as Eddie Howard, the non-legal man, is too late in attempting to break up the 3-count).


The Ring Generals retains the WAR Tag Team Championship via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
“Old-School Spike” (Spiked Piledriver; two-man maneuver)

Ending Time:

This marks the Ring Generals 1st successful WAR Tag Team Championship defense!


Mitch Naess:
It may not be flashy, EVER, but the Ring Generals continually get the job done.

Sara Silver:
They really ARE quite bland, aren't they?

Mitch Naess:
You can tell that they're influenced by the older generation of tag teams. There's no glitz. No glamour. Just straight-up, well-oiled, vanilla-tag-team wrestling. It just so happens that, in an era of fast-paced, explosive action, these two have put forth a successful track record with such an opposite approach.

Sara Silver:
Doc Messing really helps a lot though too...

Mitch Naess:
100%. Without Doc, I don't know IF the Ring Generals would come away with the win as much as they have. That said, it's kind of a package deal I guess. Then again, I wouldn't mind seeing someone FINALLY shut that trap of his!

Sara Silver:
We can only HOPE that's coming soon...




Backstage Segment

Involved: J.K. Stallings Jr. and Nemesis

“Tonight... it ALL goes BOOM!”


{We transition backstage in which to see a gleeful WAR owner, J.K. Stallings Jr., reading what appears to be colorful comic book of sorts. Literally bouncing with excitement like a young child, grinning from ear-to-ear in a comical fashion, the bow-tie-wearing billionaire seems entirely fixated on the story at hand.}


{As he remains entranced by the story, cue his worst nightmare… Wrestling LEGEND… Nemesis}


{Now a full-fledged employee of WAR once again, Nemesis shuffles onto the scene with a sense of high confidence to his demeanor. With a vile smirk upon his face, one dripping with a sense of unadulterated aggression, the Hardcore ICON may come in a calm manner but there appears to be a sense of danger to his presence; as always.}


{Standing directly before his boss in a manner in which to intimidate Stallings, Nemesis pauses with the very same vile smirk upon his face; a fact that forces the WAR owner to slowly put his comic book down and lean backward in a sign of fear.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
{He bounces back as he leans in fear}
Nemesis! Uh… It’s GREAT to see you after ALL this time! How have you been?


{Nemesis continues to stare him down with his intimidating snarl upon his face.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
Did you get that fruit basket I sent you shortly after I… I… well… you know…
{No response from Nemesis as he snarls aggressively in an intimidating fashion}
Well, nevermind that… I mean… You’re BACK with WAR now, right? You know… let me be the FIRST to say… Congratu…


{Nemesis cuts him off in a harsh fashion; a fact that sends Stallings cowering more so than before.}


Shut it, Stallings…


{Stallings zips his mouth shut in a comical fashion, wincing in fear of getting hit in the process, as he does all he can to only look at Nemesis out of the corner of his eyes.}


We’re not buddies. You can keep that congrats bull-sh*t to yourself.
I came back to wrestle Ash NOT because I wanted to kick around my Son; I could do that ANY day of the week. No, I took the bait because YOU… have some debts to pay.
{Vile grin forms upon his face}
Some deep, dirty, debts… and it just so happens that I’m a DAMN good collector.
{Smirks devilishly; still intimidating though}
I’ve been doin’ it ALL my life… and now… YOU’RE the next in-line...


{Nemesis pauses as Stallings continues to project a comical sense of fear.}


You may have kicked me out before but I’m back baby…
{Vile grin grows larger}
And if you thought what I did BEFORE was heinous… Just you wait…


{Nemesis pauses as he takes a good second to stare-down Stallings with his vile grin upon his face. All in all, the sheer uncontrollability of the wrestling LEGEND, seen often as a loose-cannon, makes it so that many understand Stallings’ fear. Nemesis COULD strike at any-time; even through a vile grin.}


Tonight… It ALL goes BOOM…


{With that, Nemesis slowly walks off the scene; however, not before an additional lingering stare; one that is certainly intimidating in nature. Meanwhile, as Nemesis exits the scene slowly, ultimately playing mind games with his boss, Stallings is shown to be slightly relieved upon his departure. Taking a breath for the first time it seems, it’s as though the WAR owner is expecting the absolute worst. As he should.}


Mitch Naess:
What did THAT mean: “Tonight… It ALL goes BOOM?”

Sara Silver:
I have NO idea… but, when it’s from Nemesis, I have to admit that I’m somewhat afraid of what that DOES mean…

Mitch Naess:
You can never really know what’s going on in that twisted psyche of his. Honestly, this could be ANYTHING. Maybe we SHOULD be afraid of what’s coming?

Sara Silver:
Probably; sadly.




Hype Video

Involved: Cletus and Puerto Rican Power

“Oh, the Horror...”


{Framed in a gritty, horror-like, manner, the next short hype video depicts the violent history between two former WAR Sin City Champions in Puerto Rican Power and the “Appalachian Grizzly” Cletus. Produced in a way to make Cletus look like an absolute monster among men, the hairy behemoth is shown to be nearly unstoppable. That is until Puerto Rican Power came along. All in all, portraying their battle as a war between two immense powers, this ultimate vibe of intense violence is set; begging the question… Who, if EITHER, can survive tonight?}


Mitch Naess:
I’ve seen intense battles before, many of them really, but the imagery of these two clashing into one another is one I CANNOT get out of my head. Truthfully, I believe there’s a GOOD chance that NEITHER Power nor Cletus will walk out of the Empire Coliseum tonight. Both are HUGE men… but not free from pain.

Sara Silver:
I don’t know… I’ve only seen Cletus from afar but I don’t know if he DOES feel pain? He takes a beating and somehow, someway, gets back up to his feet no much later. Wasn’t it only a few weeks back that Puerto Rican Power sent Cletus through the steel stagewall with a “San Juan Rush”?
{Laughs to herself}
And YET… he’s here to compete tonight? That’s insane if you ask me.

Mitch Naess:
You’re right. That IS insane… as is he…





"The Appalachian Grizzly"
w/Colonel Hazzard
vs. Puerto Rican Power

Grudge Match


After months of continual warfare, Puerto Rican Power and Cletus know everything there is to know about one another. With that in mind, there's no 'feeling out process' as the match starts. Instead, before the bell can even ring for the first time, an all-out, unadulterated, bystander threatening, brawl takes place with a truly reckless tone. Blow-by-blow, powermove-by-powermove, these two brutish behemoths hold NOTHING back as they lay into one another in a purely vicious fashion. With that in mind, coming off of an injury earlier in the week, Puerto Rican Power does his best to mask his limiting pain; deadening his face but occasionally wincing in a subconscious fashion. This fact ultimately gives Cletus a powerful swing in momentum as the merciless "Appalachian Grizzly" rips away at his opponent in a harsh fashion; focusing primarily upon the injured shoulder of his hated rival.


A little overrun, Power eventually, well, powers his way back into contention in a manner that portrays a jaw-dropping sense of defiance. More or less, through the pain, he's not willing to lose; especially to Cletus. Before you know it, after seemingly popping his shoulder back into place following a running shoulder-breaker by his opponent, Power is able to forcibly run-over Cletus with his signature "San Juan Rush" (Spear).


Sadly, it takes him too long post-impact to make a pinfall attempt (showing signs of severe injury as he muscles up the strength to go for said pin) and, in doing so, Cletus is able to kick out.


With time, Brutus O'Leary even makes an appearance as he slowly shuffles toward the ring. While his support lies for neither it appears, warring with both over the last few months, his presence proves to be a beneficial one later in the segment.


In the end, even with an injured shoulder, Puerto Rican Power is eventually able to, once again, quiet the beast with another "San Juan Rush" following a string of power-blows. The impact sends the "Appalachian Grizzly" crashing to the canvas in a thunderous heap; striking his head upon said canvas in the process. From there, a 3-count is administered in favor of PRP. That said, it's not an easy one as Cletus is still shown moving underneath the pin; whether conscious or an auto-pilot reaction.


Puerto Rican Power via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
“San Juan Rush” (Spear)

Ending Time:


Mitch Naess:
Puerto Rican Power has done it AGAIN!

Sara Silver:
I don't know HOW he does it. The "Appalachian Grizzly" is a monster among men... and yet... PRP muscles his way into another victory. Wow. What he can do in a fight, and I'm not saying a wrestling match because he's more of a fighter than a wrestler, but what he can do in this kind of scenario is awe-inspiring.

Mitch Naess:
You have to wonder if Brutus O'Leary is out here though to get another look at his recent rival? Power and O'Leary have gone back-and-forth for months now but, funny enough, we haven't seen an ACTUAL one-on-one match between the two just yet. Could this be the moment we FINALLY get to see it? Has O'Leary come out to scout his future opponent? It may not be for the Sin City Championship anymore but... MAN... I'd love to see a REAL battle between these two; JUST these two!

Sara Silver:
The match that HASN'T happened just yet...
I'd love to see it to, Mitch.

Mitch Naess:
I guess we'll have to see... for now though, Puerto Rican Power has, once again, overcome the MONSTER that is Cletus! That deserves a HUGE moment in the sun for this Puerto Rican LEGEND!




Saving Another

Involved: Cletus, Puerto Rican Power, and Brutus O'Leary

“KO'ing a Grizzly...”


{Post-match, Puerto Rican Power is barely able to pull himself to his feet as he’s intensely depleted. That said though, as Jay Fair raises his right arm in the air as the victor, there’s a sense of real pride there.}


{Sadly, in his moment, Power is unable to notice that the drooling “Appalachian Grizzly” is now back on his feet and staggering in an aggressive manner toward the back of the victorious Power.}


Mitch Naess:
This doesn’t look good…


Sara Silver:
How is he BACK on his feet again?


{While he MAY have wanted to destroy his rival, Cletus is shockingly stopped by an interfering Brutus O’Leary. Stepping into the ring himself, sensing the situation at hand, O’Leary is ultimately shown flooring the hairy behemoth with one powerhouse haymaker (aka the “Hyde Park Haymaker”); a strike that even forces O’Leary to one knee due to the force of the blow.}


Mitch Naess:


Sara Silver:


{In the end, slowly spinning around, realizing what had just happened, Puerto Rican Power is ultimately shown extending his arm out in which to fist-bump O’Leary. Brutus accepts such a gesture and eventually exits the squared circle with his supposed newfound ally.}


Mitch Naess:
It looks like, after a few months of tension, Puerto Rican Power and Brutus O’Leary are on the same page

Sara Silver:
What a combination THAT is; brute force as we’ve NEVER seen it before!

Mitch Naess:
… And boy, is Power lucky for what O’Leary did there…

Sara Silver:
No doubt, Mitch! Did you SEE that “Hyde Park Haymaker”? It took Brutus to a knee in the process.

Mitch Naess:
Not to mention, he floored Cletus with that ONE punch. I wouldn’t be shocked to hear that Cletus’ skull was cracked as of result! Either way, it looks like we have a new, unexpected, alliance here in WAR between Puerto Rican Power and Brutus O’Leary!

Sara Silver:
I guess their shared problems with Cletus have brought them together…




Hype Video

Involved: Joanne Rodriguez and Ravyn

“Femme Fatale!”


{Another short hype video is presented depicting the WAR Femme Fatale Championship match as a true battle of opposites; yet not as you would think. Utilizing two frames, one of a gritty nature and the other a warm ‘soap opera’ nature, the video is produced in a manner where the obvious contrast between beauty and violence is projected. Two lovely ladies, one a little more crazy than she is lovely I suppose, digging down deep and defying the ‘damsel in distress’ narrative by creating their OWN tone for aggressive combat. More or less, by the time it comes to a close, the viewer is well-aware that these women MAY be wonderful to look at… but they’ve got JUST as much of a bite.}


Mitch Naess:
This is TRULY a historic night in American Women’s wrestling. I don’t think you could see it as ANYTHING otherwise…

Sara Silver:
Spot-on, Mitch. This is the kind of moment that comes to define a generation. I have NO doubt that this match will bring about a new rise in Women’s wrestling. I wouldn’t be shocked to see young women training ALL over the country; trying to get their feet in the door at WAR. We’ve ALREADY seen another lady, Gorgon I believe her name is, coming through the door that was opened by J-RO and Ravyn. I can’t WAIT to see where we go from here.

Mitch Naess:
This is bound to be an industry-shifting affair no doubt. Let us NOT forget though, this is more than just that for Joanne Rodriguez. She’s coming in to tonight with hopes of revenge after Ravyn floored her unexpectedly a few weeks back.

Sara Silver:
Something went wrong in that head of Ravyn’s. She snapped or something. I guess the ‘voices’ told her to go after J-RO and ‘go after her’ she sure did. I wouldn’t be shocked to see Joanne explode out of the gate.

Mitch Naess:
That’s how she ALWAYS is! So, when you add something like THIS, I’m sure she’ll be ready for a fight!






Joanne Rodriguez vs. Ravyn

WAR Femme Fatale Championship Match


Ravyn's psychological status is dire at best. Standing motionless in the corner of the ring, almost in a comatose kind of state, the 'check-out' competitor eventually snaps into a full-on fit of unadulterated fury as the bell officially chimes. Going from 0-60 in seconds, the mentally scarred individual unloads in an unorthodox fashion as if primal in nature. None the less, the sudden onslaught, merciless straight out of the gate, ultimately forces her opponent directly onto her heels right away.


This notion persists throughout the match, that being Ravyn's unadulterated sense of fury; however, with time, J-RO is able to even-the-score with her own brand of stiff warfare. In the best physical representation of the conceptual bandanna-wearing feminist from days gone by, Ms. Rodriguez battles back in a manner that's rather equally harsh. When coupling this fact with her almost palpable explosive attitude, ala Rosie Perez, the young competitor proves herself to be a WHOLE LOT to handle.


Back-and-forth they compete in an 'all-out' fashion until the straw FINALLY breaks the camel's back...


Fuming after being redirected in every sense of the word by the skillful J-RO, Ravyn is shown leaping back to her feet from the corner of the ring in an absolute tizzy. Seconds later, as she speeds toward her opponent, the psychologically twisted fighter is shown feverishly focused on responsitory violence. In this case though, no such scenario would come to pass. Instead, as Ravyn speeds toward the staggered J-RO, it's ultimately shown that Ms. Rodriguez is currently playing possum. With that in mind, as Ravyn draws near, speeding in a reckless manner, her opponent instantly snaps out of the constructed 'daze' in which to land her signature "J-Rocker" (Superkick) square across the jaw of the running Ravyn. Ultimately, the impact forces her body limp; crashing Ravyn to the canvas. Seconds later, J-RO is granted a standard 3-count in her favor; a fact that has Ms. Rodriguez handed the WAR Femme Fatale Championship for the first-time in HISTORY!


Joanne Rodriguez wins the WAR Femme Fatale Championship via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
“J-Rocker” (Superkick)

Ending Time:

J-RO is the FIRST EVER WAR Femme Fatale Champion!


Mitch Naess:

Sara Silver:
This is HUGE!

Mitch Naess:
Joanne Rodriguez is the FIRST... EVER... WAR Femme Fatale Champion!! What a TRULY... HISTORIC NIGHT!

Sara Silver:
She really IS the whole package; brains, brawn, and beauty! She's probably the BEST person to carry the title from the start! Congratulations, Ms. Rodriguez! This win is WELL deserved!

Mitch Naess:
Couldn't have said it ANY better myself, Sara! Congratulations, J-RO! You've JUST made HISTORY!!




Hype Video

Involved: ?????

“Make love... not WAR...”


{A short video is shown now; however, it’s not one present to hype an upcoming match. In this case, as the slow-groove of Jazz music plays in the background, there lies a silhouette of a large man. This figure, rather powerful in his size, defies such a menacing tone with a truly lazy sense of stature. At one point, the lack of menace goes as far as to see the Silhouette man is shown displaying calming gestures such as a cliché ‘peace’ sign with his right hand. All the while, as the figure remains unknown, we hear a lazy tone resonate over the slow-groove Jazz music; one that practically reeks of a combination of Surfer Dude/Pot Head/The Dude.}


[unknown Voice]:
Yea man… I’m bringin’ a little love… to WAR…


{With that, the Silhouetted figure ultimately vanishes into the darkness around him. In his place though now resides the name “Ricky Love” in fine cursive writing. While he’s ultimately shrouded in the unknown, the message has been sent. A figure known as “Ricky Love” in all of his laissez faire kind of fashion is coming to WAR.}


Mitch Naess:
Was that a pornographic movie or something?

Sara Silver:
I have NO idea…
If so, that silhouetted man needs to get in a little better shape. He looked a little rollie-pollie to be some sort of porn actor.

Mitch Naess:
By the sound of his voice though, maybe he wasn’t silhouetted on purpose. That could have been ALL the smoke he put in the air… if you know what I mean…

Sara Silver:
This is going to be interesting… VERY interesting…

Mitch Naess:
I don’t know where Stallings finds these people sometimes…

{Naess and Silver laugh as one as they move on to the next situation at hand.}




Hype Video

Involved: Masked Cougar© and Snap Dragon

“Down goes the Code!”


{The next video to be played is a short hype-video depicting the recent battle between fellow Coastal Zone fliers in Masked Cougar and Snap Dragon. Portraying the devious Dragon as a traitor of sorts, the man they’ve dubbed as the “Circus Freak” due to his unorthodox persona, the overall narrative is that the masked flier has flipped-a-switch in which to gain further singles success; breaking free from the limiting Coastal Zone Code in the process. Meanwhile, the highly successful Blitzkrieg Champion, Masked Cougar, is ultimately painted as the man carrying his entire region upon his back; hoping to gain revenge upon the exiled Snap Dragon in the process.}


Mitch Naess:
You know, everyone speaks to the fact that it’s ‘shocking’ that Snap Dragon would turn his back on the Coastal Zone region. They speak of the Coastal Zone Code as if it’s NEVER to be broken but, really, when it comes down to it, these kind of ‘codes’ don’t hold people back for very long. In the end, there are people like Snap Dragon who will 10 out of 10 times break the mold & turn the world on it’s head. He doesn’t care about what he SHOULD be doing, or what society TELLS HIM he SHOULD be doing, he’s just a damn freak… a “Circus Freak” for that matter. He’s coming into “Uprising” tonight as an exiled Coastal Zoner but someone who is also, at the same time, on the verge of a potential career-shifting Blitzkrieg Championship win!

Sara Silver:
What a story that would be if Snap Dragon DID walk away with the belt. That said, I don’t see it happening. Masked Cougar has SHOWN himself to be a force here in WAR. He’s the “Ferocious Feline” for a reason! Don’t let that smirk of his throw you off; he’s coming for a win here tonight!

Mitch Naess:
Oh believe me, I know! I can’t WAIT to see this one finally come to a head…






"The Ferocious Feline"
Masked Cougar© vs.
"Circus Freak"
Snap Dragon

"Dangerous Climb Match" (20-Foot Gym Rope)

WAR Blitzkrieg Championship Match


While the Blitzkrieg division is often based upon high-paced, never-ending, seamlessly suicidal aerial combat, tonight's championship match ultimately relies more heavily upon resiliency, stamina, and whatever strength these smaller cruiserweights possess. With the title hanging 20-feet above the ring, fixed to a point of the gym rope leading to the very lofty ceiling of the Empire Coliseum, the victor is one who can ultimately climb their way to success. With this in mind, while the typical aerial approach is ideal for inflicting copious amounts of damage upon your opponent, the very same notion acts as a catch-22 as the damage taken by the instigator eventually wears down their strength to the point of being unable to climb to the Blitzkrieg Championship.


Diving from every which way, Masked Cougar and Snap Dragon create a constant flow of aerial action; a fact that Snap Dragon proves to, almost, be better at than the champion himself. In reality, while that IS true to the naked eye, many liken this fact to the thought that the controversial "Circus Freak" (Snap Dragon) is more so without limits; taking bigger risks than Cougar and ultimately having them crazily pay-off.


Truthfully, if this were your typical Blitzkrieg affair, there's a GOOD chance that Snap Dragon walks out as the NEW Champion. That said, this is NOT your typical affair.


As time goes on, both men appear depleted from their onslaught in the skies. This notion ultimately makes it hard for either to overcome the daunting task of climbing up the gym rope. At points, both would attempt such; however, more often than not, either A) said wrestler would crash back to the canvas as they're unable to keep their strength up in which to climb or B) it takes long enough for their opponent to ultimately knock them from their climb; bringing them crashing back to the canvas in a thunderous heap.


Truly, it's THESE descents, forced from the rope, that prove to be THE most damaging as a 10-15 foot free-fall to the unforgiving canvas NEVER ends well...


At one point, mentally exhausted, Masked Cougar forgets HOW to come away with the win. In his disoriented state, Cougar is shown attempting a pinfall following a tope-rope superplex between the two. That said, as the reality of the moment takes hold, told this is NOT the way to win from Jay Fair, a sense of "Dammit" takes hold.


In the end, after both men have been thrown through the ringer, dropped from the rope countless times throughout their match, it's the depleted frame of the WAR Blitzkrieg Champion that ultimately muscles it's way toward the victory. BEYOND exhausted, Cougar slowly climbs, kicking off Snap Dragon on several attempts, but his opponent is not far behind; climbing up behind him. With both men attempting the daunting task, eventually the champ is able to, once again, kick-off his opponent; leaving him all alone. From there, Cougar is able to somehow, someway, conjure up ENOUGH strength to climb the 20-feet above the ring on the gym rope. Seconds later, ripping his championship from the rope, the "Ferocious Feline" is ultimately shown shimmying down the rope at an uncontrolled pace. In the end, it's will and determination that brings about the win... not aerial prowess...


Masked Cougar retains the WAR Blitzkrieg Championship item retrieval

Ending Maneuver:
Climbing the gym rope 20-feet in which to pull down the Blitzkrieg Championship

Ending Time:

This marks Masked Cougar’s 2nd successful WAR Blitzkrieg Championship defense!


Mitch Naess:
The Blitzkrieg Division has NEVER been about strength... but... here tonight... that's EXACTLY what these two men showed in that ring. Cruiserweights aren't known for being tough. Often, they rely solely upon the aerial prowess to find success. However, with the "Dangerous Climb", aerial combat will only get you SO far. In the end, you need to have the drive, determination, and ultimate defiance of your own limitations in which to come away with the win. BOTH of these men showed that here tonight but, when it was all said and done, Masked Cougar proved to be the better of the two! This is a HUGE, HUGE, win for Cougar going forward.

Sara Silver:
We really DID see a different side of the "Ferocious Feline" tonight, didn't we?

Mitch Naess:
We definitely did! If you had ANY questions about Cougar, not as a champion but as a MAN, then those were answered here tonight. Cougar is here to stay!

Sara Silver:
He can only hope to have "Battleground" off this week though as I'm SURE he's severely depleted after this one!

Mitch Naess:
Something tells me he WON'T want the night off... He's a fighter; a "ferocious" one as his name says. I FULLY expect to see him on "Battleground"; continually proving that he IS the best cruiserweight out there today!




Hype Video

Involved: El Platinum-ay© and Donnie J

“Fly Boys... err... 'Allegedly'”


{The next short hype video depicts the familiar struggle between two former tag team champions; or at least as much as can be hinted upon. El Platinum-ay, billed as a Luchador LEGEND from Mexico, attempts to defy logic continually by brutishly denying his true identity; doing very little to even acknowledge the notion. That said, his former ‘alleged’ tag team partner isn’t buying it. In the end, the video ultimately centers it’s tone around this obvious discrepancy as one man pretends to be something he’s not while another silently shakes his head in defiance. Meanwhile, making light of the terrible injustice that Platinum-ay’s character continues to place upon Mexican wrestling culture.}


Mitch Naess:
I can only HOPE that Donnie finds a way to rip that stupid mask off of El Platinum-ay’s face. That’d be a GREAT moment if you ask me.

Sara Silver:
So let me get this straight… James Prudence loses a ‘Career Match’ against Shawn Gonzalez and then re-appears as El Platinum-ay in which to get around the fact that he’s supposed to be GONE?

Mitch Naess:
Allegedly… you HAVE to throw that in there or else Platinum-ay’s lawyers will be ALL over you.

Sara Silver:
Why doesn’t Stallings just unravel it all and kick him out for good? Sin City Champion or not!

Mitch Naess:
Sadly enough… I think Stallings doesn’t know. To him, I think he believes that ‘alleged’ LIE that he signed a REAL Luchador LEGEND out of Mexico.

Sara Silver:
How can a man be SO smart… and yet… so DUMB at the same time?

{Sara laughs to herself}

Mitch Naess:
Thus is the tale of J.K. Stallings Jr…






"The LEGENDARY Luchador"
El Platinum-ay©
w/Jennifer Heat
vs. Donnie J

"El Pinata Estupido Match" (Title in the pinata)

WAR Sin City Championship Match


El Platinum-ay continues to make a mockery of WAR (if not ALL of wrestling; especially the rich Mexican history within the sport). That said, his opponent, a former tag partner of his ('allegedly'), proves to be the complete opposite of the self-obsessed prat that stands before him. This notion is brought forth RIGHT away in their entrances as Platinum-ay's is over the top and Donnie's is rather pedestrian in nature. None the less, once in the ring, this tone is somewhat squelched by the sheer fact that the by-the-books, sort of vanilla, veteran in Donnie J is not having ANY of Platinum's joke.


The action itself flows rather seamlessly as the two 'appear' to know one another really well. As one goes for a dropkick, the other diverts from the strike with a simple grab of the ropes. While this is only one example of such, the overall narrative is rather consistent. At given points, as one or the other attempts what could be constituted as a 'signature strike/maneuver', the other knows EXACTLY how to get out of it. This ultimately makes for a frustrating watch as there's more reversals, side-stepping, and blocks coming from their exchange than actual maneuvers it feels. There are points though where a strike/maneuver lands, and lands pretty hard, but that's often as a result of an unorthodox attempt by each (stepping outside of their typical to catch the other off-guard).


As expected, with time, the black baseball bat situated by the ring, used to break the pinata for which the WAR Sin City Championship resides within, comes into play. That said, before anyone can be bludgeoned by it, WAR referee, Jay Fair, is able to swoop in and break the altercation. Sadly though, this moment of chaos ultimately proves to be beneficial for the champion as, in all of the craziness, as Fair's eyes are turned away in which to throw the bat from the ring, Platinum-ay is able to utilize a string of cheap-strikes to slow down Donnie.


In the end, Donnie J looks as though he's about to win with bat in hand; however, as he strikes the Pinata... it does not break. He swings again, and again, but nothing. Seconds later, El Platinum-ay swoops in and drops his 'alleged' former tag partner with a top rope side belly-to-back suplex; a fact that leaves both men in pain upon the canvas. As Jay Fair checks on the two of them, Jennifer Heat is ultimately shown grabbing a NEW pinata from underneath the ring & replacing it with the one thought to be the official.


Mitch Naess:
What just happened here?! Jennifer Heat replaced the Pinata with a new one!


Sara Silver:
I think we've been dooped, Mitch.


Mitch Naess:
Donnie J was on the verge of breaking the Pinata earlier when it didn't bust open! At first, we thought it was just the exhaustion from the match that made it so he couldn't break it op. However, now, it's obvious that El Platinum-ay was CHEATING; using an unbreakable pinata from the start!


From there, El Platinum-ay is ultimately able to floor Donnie with an unexpected inziguri kick to the back of the veteran's head. This strike sends Donnie out of the ring; blinking incessantly as the sign of neurological problems are obviously there. From there, El Platinum-ay is able to leap atop the top rope and swing the baseball bat square against the new pinata. This time, in one blow, the pinata explodes in a colorful cloud of streamers, paper mache, and some random pieces of candy; leaving the WAR Sin City Championship laying outside of the ring (landing somewhat near Donnie's head). Scurrying quickly, Jennifer Heat is shown grabbing the belt and tossing it into the ring; directly into the champion's waiting hands. With that, Jay Fair calls for the bell in favor of El Platinum-ay.


El Platinum-ay via item retrieval

Ending Maneuver:
Busting open the REAL Piñata (originally hidden by Platinum-ay & Jennifer Heat)

Ending Time:

This marks El Platinum-ay’s 2nd successful WAR Sin City Championship defense!


Mitch Naess:
{He says sarcastically}
You cheated your way into ANOTHER victory, El Platinum-ay. You should be ASHAMED of yourself. After Puerto Rican Power spent MONTHS building that title from the ground up, creating a sense of prestige for it along the way, you've gone and unraveled that in a matter of a few weeks!

Sara Silver:
The thing IS, He's actually QUITE a talented wrestler. He doesn't NEED to step down to this level. Prudence, Platinum-ay, no matter WHAT his name is at the time... He COULD get the job done on merit alone but... for some reason... He's more content with this trickster mentality as of late. Then again, he's lucky he did this time around as Donnie J was SECONDS away from winning the Sin City Championship here tonight! If that first pinata was legit, we would be crowning a new champ right now!

Mitch Naess:
Can someone just rip that damn mask from his head already? Expose the TRUTH to Stallings? That way, he'll be out of here for GOOD!

Sara Silver:
Maybe it's best to put a bounty on his mask or something...
{Sara laughs}

Mitch Naess:
You know... that's a GREAT idea...




Backstage Promo

Involved: Eric Tyler w/ The Ring Generals© & Doc Messing

“Don't worry, I'll educate you...”


{We transition backstage now in which to see the hated “Traditionalist”, and former WAR color commentator, Eric Tyler standing before a weathered (on purpose) “Uprising” logo. With his newfound allies in the WAR Tag Team Champions, the Ring Generals, and Doc Messing, behind him, Tyler projects his trademark superiority-complex through the arrogant nature of his body language.}


[Eric Tyler]:
This week, I proved to the WORLD that the so-called “Big… Bad…” Rex isn’t as big… and bad… as first thought.
“He’s unstoppable” they said. “No one can match his power” they proclaimed. To them, he was some sort of mythical GOD or something. A true, modern day, Adonis.
Myself, I knew better than that.
You see, I’ve seen meatheads like Rex come and go MANY TIMES over the years. He’s a dime-a-dozen… but you’re ALL too STUPID to see that.
Have no fear though, ONCE AGAIN, I stand as YOUR educator… to teach YOU ALL what you SHOULD know.
This past “Battleground”, I took the so-called ‘unstoppable power’ of Rex and stopped it. With what? With the VERY same thing EVERYONE thought only HE possessed… POWER.
{Pauses; smirks arrogantly}
They say you can’t put out fire with fire… Well, I did… I put DOWN Rex with his OWN power-game…
{Pauses; still smirking arrogantly}
I didn’t HAVE to walk away, I COULD have picked up the win, but that’s not what I was there to do… I simply wanted to educate you ALL, as well as that meathead Rex, that he ISN’T special; that he CAN be beat. In time, that’s exactly what I plan on doing…
{Pauses; vile smirk forms}
I showed you that you’re beatable this week, Rex… Soon… I’ll make good on that fact… But first, I’m quite enjoying this drawn-out lesson-plan…
{Pauses; still smirking in a vile fashion}
It’ll mean MORE to me when I beat you… As I would have already crippled you from the inside-out…
Until then… see you tonight… Big-man…


{With that, Eric Tyler brings his Rex-centered promo to an end with a villainous grin upon his face. Meanwhile, his newfound allies carry the very same demeanor; quickly adopting the tone of their leader in a short amount of time.}


Mitch Naess:
Well, so much for being retired…

Sara Silver:
Still bent that Tyler lied to you?

Mitch Naess:
He told me he was ‘done’; retired from the ring. He said that this desk was his new priority. I guess, in the end, I’m the fool here because I believed Eric Tyler’s word.

Sara Silver:
You should know better than anyone, as you watched him in DaVE, that Tyler will ALWAYS do what HE wants to do. He’s not afraid of push-back. He’s the same guy 7-days a week and it just so happens that THAT guy is a hard-headed jerk with a superiority-complex!

Mitch Naess:
You’re right. I don’t know why I became so blind…
I can’t WAIT for Rex to squash him like the bug that he is…

Sara Silver:
That’s more like it!






Brutus O'Leary vs. Chris Caulfield vs. Eric Tyler vs. Fumihiro Ota vs. Jack Griffith vs. Johnny Martin vs. Leper Messiah vs. Rex vs. Slick Rick vs. Travis Century

10-Man Battle Royal

Winner becomes the NEW #1 Contender to the WAR Championship!


The ring looks rather small as the 10 wrestlers in tonight's WAR Championship #1 contendership battle royal climb into it. That said, before you know it, a number of them are thrown from it's unforgiving confines within the opening minutes. It's not that they don't put forth a great effort, it's really that those doing the eliminating (Rex, Caulfield, Martin, etc.) are well-versed in what it TAKES to get to the top. The others, rather new to the lofty stature, are shown making theoretical 'rookie mistakes'; bringing about a crushing loss within moments.


That said, Leper Messiah, Chris Caulfield, Rex, and EVEN the shocking truth of Slick Rick, are those who are able to rise above the rest; making it to a lofty final-four status.


While the others are quite expected, it's Slick Rick's presence that shocks most. In reality though, not eliminating a soul from the start of the match, Rick has played more of a cat-and-mouse kind of game as he simply stays out of the way of most. This, in turn, keeps him in the match all the way up to to the final four. Sadly, at least for him, now held accountable in the ring, Rick is ultimately eliminated due to a powerful Guerrilla press slam by "Big... Bad..." Rex!


Next, the face-painted psychopath, Leper Messiah, finds his removal from the ring due to a shocking sense of teamwork from Caulfield & Rex. Trading blows on the big-man back-and-forth, it's the "Extreme ICON" who finally eliminates his hated rival with a wild hangman's closeline over the top rope; a fact that almost has HIMSELF eliminated if he didn't fall on the apron as he does.


Now all alone, Caulfield and Rex take a brief second for a profound staredown between two transcendent figures. Then again, this staredown would only last a short while. From here, after a good 3-minutes of back-and-forth warring, it's the crafty, and always unorthodox, Caulfield that eventually eliminates his MUCH bigger foe in Rex. Attempting ANOTHER Guerrilla press slam, Rex is about to throw Caulfield from the ring when the "Extreme ICON" is able to wiggle out behind him. Now on his feet, facing Rex' back, the scraggly Caulfield executes an awkward drop-kick (one where he lands on his own butt) upon the back of the big-man. The extra umpf of the positioning of his strike sends Rex over the top rope; however, not to the floor. That said, as Rex attempts to step back over the top rope, Caulfield is shown ultimately knocking the big-man down with a wild 2nd rope springboard hard closeline that shockingly connects with the thick neck of Rex.


With the big-man tumbling, caught off guard if anything, Caulfield is ultimately declared the victor. Smiling like a mad-man upon his back on the canvas, the "Extreme ICON" looks dazed, exhausted, and enjoying EVERY second of it.


Chris Caulfield via elimination

Ending Maneuver:
Unorthodox springboard reaching closeline upon Rex (as he stands on the apron)

Ending Time:

Chris Caulfield is the NEW #1 contender to the WAR Championship!


Mitch Naess:
After a tumultuous first 90 days with WAR, the "Extreme ICON" FINALLY has a date with the WAR Championship next month on pay-per-view!!

Sara Silver:
This is the first-time I've had a chance to see Caulfield 'do this thing' and wow... he really IS everything they say he is; unorthodox, wild, and a little detrimental to his OWN health.
I don't think I've EVER seen someone inflict as MUCH pain upon HIMSELF as he does others... YET, it works!

Mitch Naess:
He really is a Tasmanian devil, isn't he?
Now we just need to see who prevails between Tornado and Reed. Whoever comes away with the Gold in the main event will then go on to defend against Caulfield! Either way, no matter who wins, both of those matches would be one HELL of a battle!

Sara Silver:
From what I've seen, Caulfield has a history with BOTH men since joining WAR; so, as you said, either way, we're bound to see a great match-up!

Mitch Naess:
BIG win for Caulfield here as the "Extreme ICON" looks to prove he's MORE than just a DaVE ICON...
He's quickly becoming a WRESTLING... ICON!

Sara Silver:
Can't argue with you there; nor would I want to!




Staredown w/ Dual Attack

Involved: Chris Caulfield, Rex, and Eric Tyler

“United we stand; tense... but somehow united?”


{As Chris Caulfield can barely stand within the ring, his hand held high by WAR referee Jay Fair, the victorious man of extreme fame is ultimately confronted by the big-man he just eliminated moments before. Climbing in over the top rope, Rex brutishly stomps in the direction of Caulfield as the two meet in a cold stare in the center of the ring.}


{This tense staredown would persist for a few moments before Eric Tyler, the constant schemer, is shown attempting to attack his newfound rival, Rex, from behind. That said, as he enters the ring, both Rex and Caulfield work as one; violently flooring the “Traditionalist” with a double-punch before throwing him out of the ring in a joint display of thunderous power.}


{From there, as the crowd pops rather loudly for their collective work, the two meet in the center of the ring once again with the very same tense staredown. In the end, this would break finally as Rex exits the squared circle in which to, seemingly, give Caulfield his moment in the sun. That said, neither take their focus off of one another; even as Rex gravitates closer to the “Gates of WAR” and further away from the ring.}


Mitch Naess:
Eric Tyler THOUGHT he had his chance at cheapshotting Rex but he thought wrong. Even through their tense staredown, Rex and Caulfield are able to work as one to ‘take out the trash’.

Sara Silver:
I just can’t get over how BIG Rex REALLY is! He made Caulfield, who’s no small guy, look like a child when they met in the center of the ring!

Mitch Naess:
Well, I’m guessing that’s something we’re going to see A LOT of in the next few months. These two appear to be on a crash-course of sorts. Then again, who isn’t in WAR?

Sara Silver:
Really… anything CAN happen, and will, here in Wrestling Action in Revolt!




Hype Video

Involved: Troy Tornado© and Art Reed

“Battle of polar opposites...”


{The final short hype video of the night depicts the battle of polar opposites in our WAR Championship main event. The glitz-and-glamour of the polarizing celebrity that is Troy Tornado is obviously quite different than the silent, blue collar, ‘go-to-work’, kind of persona that lies within the less than flashy Art Reed. That said, while doing so on very different spectrums, BOTH have had MUCH success during their collective tenures in WAR. In the end, overtly hyping the opposite ends narrative, the lingering question is presented: What will win out – Flash or All-Focus?}


Mitch Naess:
As much as I HATE the guy, Tornado really HAS beat some of the BEST this industry has to offer. That said, he HASN’T beaten Art Reed fair-and-square just yet. The last time they met, it was an inadvertent “Rusty” shot to Reed that helped Tornado come away with the win. Tonight, we can ONLY hope that things stay fair. If they do, there’s a GOOD chance that Art Reed COULD walk out of the Empire Coliseum as the NEW WAR Champion!

Sara Silver:
I can’t imagine anyone would run-in on Tornado’s behalf. No one can stand the guy. The entire roster hates him just as much as we all do.
He’s on an island all of his own. Plus, there really isn’t anyone out there who wants Reed down-and-out. He’s actually quite popular with the guys in the back it seems. His no-nonsense approach has everyone’s respect.

Mitch Naess:
It sounds like, while most understand WHY Stallings has tried to re-package Reed as of late, the masterful technition has gained THAT much MORE respect from the guys due to his Iron-Will. He’s not changing; this is WHO he is! There’s something VERY genuine about that.

Sara Silver:
He’d make for a great WAR Champion; if he can beat Tornado tonight.

Mitch Naess:
God… I hope he can… Maybe THAT would knock some reality into Tornado… I doubt it though…






Troy Tornado© vs.
"Fear This!"
Art Reed

30-Minute Iron Man Match

Special Guest Referee: J.K. Stallings Jr

WAR Championship Match


With a big-fight sense of hype around the ring, Troy Tornado and Art Reed lock-up for the first time in the center of the ring. After a string of reversals and traditional locks/holds, the respectful, honest, approach brought forth by both competitors is quickly devoured by the dubious hand of the WAR Champion. Shortly after flooring Reed for a short bit with a head-hunting closeline, Tornado is eventually shown grabbing a steel chair from ringside. As expected, WAR referee, Jay Fair, attempts to talk him down from what comes next; however, his pleas travel right past the champ's ears.


BAM!! BAM!! After a round of steel chair strikes, the score is already 0-2 (against Tornado) as Fair is forced to call 2 calls in favor of Art Reed due to DQ (the chair strikes). Even down 2 falls within the first 2-minutes of a 30-minute Iron Man Match, a scenario brought forth by himself, that trademark a$$hole smirk slowly begins to form upon his face. Lazily, dropping the chair by his side, Tornado may be down but it's obvious that the damage has already been done. Reed's hurt; pretty bad at that. As he clenches his right hand, attempting to gauge his strength, it seems as though the 2 chair strikes have injured the challenger's neck enough to develop strength-loss in his upper-body (a symptom of a severe stinger most likely).


Mitch Naess:


Sara Silver:
Are you serious?


Mitch Naess:
Tornado just DQ'ed himself TWICE... but... the damage has been done! Reed is hurt... he's hurt BAD!


Sara Silver:
I don't know if he can feel his hands right now... He's clenching them over-and-over again; trying to feel something!


With his challenger injured, Tornado moves forward in a way that can ONLY be described as 'a cat playing with his food'.


Taking his sweet time, a fact that plays into his inherent lazy-cool demeanor, Tornado picks apart his opponent from every angle; adding further damage to the stinger that Reed most likely has. With this in mind, Reed would occasionally will his way into a momentous swing; however, before you know it, his newfound limitations would hinder his chances.


With time, around the 15-minute mark, Tornado is caught back up fall-wise creating a 2-2 tie. Using a simple school-boy roll-up at one point, showing the severity of Reed's injury, and a bone-crushing "F*ck-off!" (Top Rope Elbow Drop), the WAR Champion leaves his challenger in terrible shape rather quickly. Minutes later, around the 20-minute mark, Tornado scores his 3rd successful pinfall; utilizing a sickening brainbuster to bring about a 3-2 lead.


As Reed attempts to soldier on, it's obvious that he's not anywhere NEAR 100%. The stinger has caused his strength to deplete rather dramatically; leaving him more likely around 30%.


Shockingly though, Reed doesn't give up.


As Tornado 'hot-dogs' a death-valley driver attempt, walking around the ring and allowing the fans from every direction to boo him, Reed is able to pull the WAR Champion over with a flash crucifix pinfall. Even WITHOUT his power, not that he normally has a lot to start with, Reed is somehow able to manipulate the champion into an unexpected 3-count; bringing the score to 3-3. As expected, the crowd loses it!


Mitch Naess:
It's TIED!!!


As does Tornado, who now seems to have lost his 'lazy cool' approach for the first-time in the match; feverishly laying out Reed with a snap superkick post-pinfall (this wouldn't result in a pin).


As we grow to the 28-minute mark, Tornado looks to be in FULL control until, all of a sudden, Reed is able to, once again, slip out of a suplex attempt by Tornado; locking in his signature "Dread Lock" (Crossface Submission) in the process!! Much like on "Battleground" this week, Reed takes Tornado to the canvas with his trademark hold; however, UNLIKE "Battleground" this week, the challenger doesn't have the strength to keep the submission locked-in. Before you know it, despite Reed's attempt at fighting back, Tornado is able to break free from the hold.


Mitch Naess:
Oh NO! Reed doesn't have the strength to keep the "Dread Lock" going!


Sara Silver:
If it wasn't for those chair-shots at the open of the match, this COULD have gone another way!!


Mitch Naess:
His stinger is obviously hindering him! He couldn't keep the hold clasped!


A minute or so later, all that's seen is Tornado muscling his way into ANOTHER victory as he A) floors Reed with ANOTHER brainbuster and B) executes his signature "F*ck-Off!" (Top Rope Elbow Drop) once again! The crowd hates it as they boo like crazy; however, there's nothing they can do. Tornado brings his lead to 4-3 as the final seconds of the match come to a close.


Troy Tornado retains the WAR Championship

Iron Man Match Final Score:
4-3; in favor of Tornado

Ending Time:

This marks Troy Tornado’s 12th successful WAR Championship defense!


Mitch Naess:
Woop-di-fricken-doo, Folks... Troy Tornado retains the WAR Championship.
I'm sorry, I KNOW i'm supposed to be unbiased but COME ON! What Tornado did tonight was pure bull-sh*t and he knows it!

Sara Silver:
He obviously feared Reed tonight; that's why he allowed himself to get DQ'ed in which to add further damage to his opponent. It's definitely an approach to have but it's not a respectful one that's for sure.

Mitch Naess:
Tornado? Respectful?
{Shakes his head; scoffs}
He's a douche-bag. He's ALL about himself and ONLY himself. As long as he has the money, the women, his name in lights, he doesn't NEED anything else.
He makes me SICK!

Sara Silver:
There was a time where EVERYONE wanted to BE Troy Tornado...

Mitch Naess:
Those days are dead and gone... He's a prick!

Sara Silver:
I just feel bad. After the month Art Reed had, ALL he had to go through with the whole 're-branding' stuff, and THIS is how it all ends. It's a shame.

Mitch Naess:
A DAMN shame!





Absolute Destruction

Involved: Troy Tornado©, Nemesis, J.K. Stallings Jr., and Chris Caulfield

“It goes BOOM!”


{The match comes to an end as Troy Tornado collapses off of his opponent, Art Reed, in an arrogant fashion. That said, as the crowd showers the dubious WAR Champion with a response fit for a SUPER HEEL, boy… They have NO IDEA what’s coming.}


{Storming out through the “Gates of WAR”, Wrestling LEGEND Nemesis is shown shuffling his way toward the ring with a steel chair in hand. Wincing as he steps, showing signs of the lingering injuries that still plague him to this day, the widely documented anarchatic agent overtakes the ringside area in a hurry.}


Mitch Naess:
NEMESIS!! HERE COMES NEMESIS!! What’s he doing out here?


Sara Silver:
I’ve got a BAD feeling about this…


{Stallings, obviously uneasy, tries to ‘talk down’ the wrestling LEGEND; however, no such scenario would come to pass. Within moments, a steel chair is slammed over the WAR owner’s head by the combative hand of Nemesis. Such a strike draws MORE heat around the ringside area as the fans are firmly behind Stallings; unhappy for such an act upon him.}


Mitch Naess:
OH NO!! Nemesis STRUCK Stallings with a chair!!


Sara Silver:
I don’t know if Stallings has the strength to TAKE a chair shot from Nemesis!


Mitch Naess:
He could be in SERIOUS trouble here…


{From there, without speaking to one another, the combination of Tornado and Nemesis partake in absolute destruction of all-things WAR. Tearing the turnbuckle pads off the corners (which dawn the WAR logo, ripping up the ring apron which relays the company logo, crumbling the commentary desk in a heap, scaring off Sara Silver, and even attacking Mitch Naess and the unnamed bell ringer, this shocking duo literally tears the company apart piece-by-piece.}


{Even as fans boo in their faces, even spit on a few occasions, these two don’t seem to slow down their destruction as they appear aggressively gleeful over the vicious impact.}


{The new #1 contender, Chris Caulfield, tries to be the ‘hero of the moment’; however, even with “Rusty” in hand, an overtaking of the scenario is pretty much impossible. Within a minute or so, Caulfield is already motionless outside of the ring; lying unconscious as “Rusty” lay behind him.}


{Ultimately, “Uprising” closes with the unsettling sight of Troy Tornado and Nemesis high fiving one another in the center of the ring. With a collective evil grin running across either of their faces, it’s quite obvious to see that somehow, someway, they’ve found common ground after months of warring with one another.}


{The result of that is a COMPLETELY destroyed ringside area; every WAR logo, script, or brand placement, ripped to shreds.}


{Silence is heard from the commentary desk as Sara Silver has been run off and Mitch Naess lay motionless amongst the wreck. With that said, the only real sound comes from the fervid crowd as they boo the anarchatic duo; Troy Tornado & Nemesis. Shockingly though, within the wave of boos, there lies a random cheer or two. More or less, when you’re as OVER as these two, sometimes being ‘bad’ ultimately comes across as ‘cool’. Not to mention, this is a HUGE storyline; which tends to create somewhat of a pop from some as it’s a defining moment for the company as a whole.}





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"Uprising: Power to the People!"

Date of Event:
Saturday, 3rd Week of August 2010

Wrestling Action in Revolt (WAR)

8,512 out of 10,000 at Empire Coliseum (an Arena within the Empire Hotel & Casino; Las Vegas, Nevada)

PPV Buy-rate:
0.54 (+ 0.16)

Competitors PPV Rating:
SWF -- "Welcome to the Jungle" (4.97), USPW -- "Apple Pie and Wrestling" (0.45)

PPV Buy-rate Note:
WAR's "Uprising" event surpasses ANY pay-per-view buy-rate achieved by USPW thus far!

Event Grade:


  • Hype Video: Ash Campbell and Nemesis.

  • Nemesis defeated Ash Campbell in a "Last Man Standing Match" in 10:16 via ten-count.

  • Sin City Bikini Contest w/ J.K. Stallings Jr. as the host with Dharma, Meggie Beth, Jennifer Heat, and Sara Silver taking part. After a comedic show from El Platinum-ay, Gorgon shockingly debuts by attacking the one person she can get her hands on; Meggie Beth.

  • The Ring Generals retains the WAR Tag Team Championship in 5:57 by defeating Natural Storm via pinfall.

  • Nemesis intimidates Stallings backstage before relaying a foreshadowing statement; "Tonight... It ALL goes BOOM!".

  • Hype Video: Cletus and Puerto Rican Power.

  • Puerto Rican Power defeated Cletus in 10:08 via pinfall.

  • Brutus O'Leary saves Puerto Rican Power from an attack by Cletus with ONE "Hyde Park Haymaker".

  • Hype Video: Joanne Rodriguez and Ravyn.

  • Joanne Rodriguez wins the WAR Femme Fatale Championship by defeating Ravyn in 10:43 via pinfall.

  • A video is shown for a new wrestler coming to WAR in Ricky Love.

  • Hype Video: Masked Cougar and Snap Dragon.

  • Masked Cougar retains the WAR Blitzkrieg Championship by defeating Snap Dragon in a "Dangerous Climb Match" in 9:49 by item retrieval.

  • Hype Video: El Platinum-ay and Donnie J.

  • El Platinum-ay retains the WAR Sin City Championship by defeating Donnie J in a "El Pinata Stupido Match" in 11:43 by item retrieval.

  • Eric Tyler promo w/ the Ring Generals & Doc Messing at his side. He rips into Rex.

  • Chris Caulfield wins the 10-man battle royal in 18:16 in which to become the new #1 Contender for the WAR Championship.

  • Rex and Chris Caulfield have a stare-down post match; however, it's eventually disrupted by a failed interference by Eric Tyler (an interference that is broken up by BOTH Caulfield and Rex).

  • Hype Video: Troy Tornado and Art Reed.

  • Troy Tornado retains the WAR Championship by defeating Art Reed 4-3 in a 30-minute Iron Man Match.

  • Nemesis shockingly joins the ring with Troy Tornado to tear apart the ringside area. Attacking Stallings, Naess, and even Caulfield at one point as he tries to play the role of the hero, the vicious duo literally rips apart EVERYTHING that carries the WAR logo.

Next Show:

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That is a ridiculous way to end this diary if that's the case! I'd love to see this come back in TEW 2013 if you need a break, and the alliance of Nemesis and Tornado is an insane force of power in WAR. I can't wait for more, and if there isn't any more, I'm tempted to make more myself because I want this to go somewhere phenomenal.
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Brilliant as always buddy. Great write up and i got most of my predictions correct. If you leave this as is, it's a great cliffhanger. Nemesis and Troy stand tall in the ring, the WAR arena in shreds and no one to take on the duo. Even poor Caulfield and his trusty chair are no match. Things look dim, i'd have Gorgon join them to be honest, need some one to keep the ladies in line. :)



If you do stop here, i'd be a sad panda, but it's a great place for a break if you wanted to take one till 2013 comes out. I do think that might be a solid idea really. With all the stuff you have upcoming, you'll need it. More so, it gives me something great to look forward too. You're gonna have trouble topping this.



My predictions is that Nemesis and Troy dominate for a while, Caulfield, Ash and the powers of brutality, PRP and Brutus start the WAR comeback. Maybe. :)


I can see Nemesis dividing the locker room down the middle, NWO style, join us or we'll end your career. Should be a bloody battle for the promotion, It'll put the butts in the seats and put me at the keyboard reading.


Till then, i'll have to wait. I'm good with that.

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That is a ridiculous way to end this diary if that's the case! I'd love to see this come back in TEW 2013 if you need a break, and the alliance of Nemesis and Tornado is an insane force of power in WAR. I can't wait for more, and if there isn't any more, I'm tempted to make more myself because I want this to go somewhere phenomenal.


Brilliant as always buddy. Great write up and i got most of my predictions correct. If you leave this as is, it's a great cliffhanger. Nemesis and Troy stand tall in the ring, the WAR arena in shreds and no one to take on the duo. Even poor Caulfield and his trusty chair are no match. Things look dim, i'd have Gorgon join them to be honest, need some one to keep the ladies in line. :)



If you do stop here, i'd be a sad panda, but it's a great place for a break if you wanted to take one till 2013 comes out. I do think that might be a solid idea really. With all the stuff you have upcoming, you'll need it. More so, it gives me something great to look forward too. You're gonna have trouble topping this.



My predictions is that Nemesis and Troy dominate for a while, Caulfield, Ash and the powers of brutality, PRP and Brutus start the WAR comeback. Maybe. :)


I can see Nemesis dividing the locker room down the middle, NWO style, join us or we'll end your career. Should be a bloody battle for the promotion, It'll put the butts in the seats and put me at the keyboard reading.


Till then, i'll have to wait. I'm good with that.


The champion and the General working together? May God have mercy on WAR's soul.


Seriously though, that was an awesome PPV. Thanks.


Thank you for your feedback guys!


I actually agree 110% with you that "Uprising" isn't one of those 'this is the end' kind of events. If anything, it was more of the start of something epic (at least I believe it to be). This is where my struggle is as, I just can't really see myself walking away from this storyline. I kind of wrote myself into continuing WAR (which is something I'm not opposed to).


The duo of Nemesis/Tornado is something that most WAR fans wouldn't see coming (given their past) but, once it's spelled out WHY they're together, will make TOTAL sense (as it's been developing in an underlying fashion for a bit now). I believe, if you look back on previous shows and look at the relationship (or lack there of) between Stallings/Tornado, then it'd be pretty obvious as to why it all happened.


You are right though... It's almost impossible to walk away right now...


I like where you're viewing this storyline to be going. I can't lie... You're touching upon some very strong facts that I have in mind.


I agree... May god have mercy on WAR's soul. For, they're going to need it...

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Oops...that was me :p. Really loving the diary so far.


I thought that was you!


I wanted to make sure that there was a small pocket of fans who were actually enjoying the destruction of WAR (as it's entirely plausible that this would get cheered given the A) grandiose nature of the angle and B) Nemesis and Tornado were now working together which is quite a shock to WAR fans). It's like the original (heel) DX or the nWo, even Nexus when they first made a big stink, there will be fans who simply go "Oh... that's cool". Which, I guess was you in the crowd. ha.


WAR is heavily 'cult' (key feature); so, this is going to bring a mixed reaction (tweener sort of scenario) out much more. Which I'm all for. I'm a fan of grey entirely when writing. That said, I always look to create a detestable heel but, more so often than not, they have MUCH more fun than the babyfaces.

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4th Week of August, 2012

"Oh, the obsessions we weave..."


The cabin has a gentle shake to it. Not enough to draw attention; however, steady to the point of inspiring a nap or two. Despite this, I often transform any space into a portable office of sorts. Even as my eye-lids plead with the rest of my body to simply "slow down" and "take a moment", it's a wishful thought. In reality, there's no slowing down for me. To slow down would be to 'give in'.


I already 'gave in' the last time around.


I don't plan on EVER making THAT mistake again.


"You're going to run yourself into the ground, Junior"
is often what I hear from my aides. Truthfully, their lack of incessant drive is the reason WHY they're aides (and not in my position). Ask any Tom, D*ck, or Harry you like, well, I should rephrase that, ask any successful businessman with the name Tom, D*ck, or Harry, WHY they never seem to 'stop' and you'll always get the same answer:
"I can't"


Whether it's an obsession, an addiction, a phobia, I don't really care. I've had countless shrinks attempt to pin-point the reasoning for my motor. In all cases, one-by-one, it ended with a bill that I wasn't interested in paying anymore. I MAY be made of money but that doesn't mean that I'm willing to throw it away to some quack with a clipboard.


"You MUST relieve your need for revenge"
is roughly the statement I constantly hear from all of them. One even went as far as to say that I would ultimately put myself in an early grave if I continued in this manner.


I don't buy it.


You tell me to pack-up-shop, to 'give in', to repeat the past...


I'll tell you walk along.


I will NOT rest until vengeance is mine...


As long as Strong, Cornell, Eisen, [Cliff] Anderson, and Nathalie [bSC owner] are still breathing, this battle will rage on...


... Then again, EVEN after their gone, I don't foresee an end point ...


Maybe the quacks ARE right.


The only way you'll see me take a 'day off' is when I'm lowered 6-feet under...
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There are dark days ahead for WAR.


It is impossible to deter this fact. The company we’ve come to know-and-love now stands before an ominous crossroads for which absolute destruction is all but expected.


Hope will remain. We will and must place our trust in those who can combat this evil; however, even they, in all their valiant glory, may not be enough to overwhelm this madness. In numbers they will rise. Yet, the holes of their brotherhood will ultimately be their crippling downfall. For, there is no greater ally than the one who is willing to watch it ALL go… BOOM. It is in this need for anarchy where their power lies; inexhaustible.


Upon the scarred backs of few, we will proceed with this struggle; however, the truth of our demise may already be in sight.


“Tonight… it ALL goes BOOM!”


Funny how such a simplistic phrase can bring about the complexity of capsizing violence…


@TheREALTroyTornado and @LEGENDofNemesis: In one night, you burned WAR to the ground. Prepare for the back-blaze. It’s a b*tch. #NeverBackDown #HaymakerComingForYou


In ALL my years, I’ve never seen anything like THAT. WAR went from on-top to rubble in one-night. This is about to get interesting.


Let the anarchy begin… #BestPresentEver


@WAR: BOOM… #Bulletproof #TheEnd


@Rusty: You ready for a little payback? #BloodThristy #CominForYou #LetTheGamesBegin










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If the previous post was too cryptic for you then have no fear. My simplest definition of the sort is that I'm going nowhere; WAR will continue.


With that said though, there are some changes that will take place from here on out. Here is a short description of what will be changing...


Show Cards

My cards will no longer have a paragraph defining the altercation between the competitors in question. From now on, there will be a simple picture/name/match layout that will be present to show what the upcoming card looks like. From there, there will also be a way for you to copy-and-paste a quick pick response (giving your predictions). I've decided to conjure up a prediction contest of sorts that will start with the next show and run for a period of time. I'll address this later though.


It should also be noted that with the 'card changes', now there will be a short segment at the end of the card that will 'post' tweeter (my cornellverse version of twitter) responses from various WAR wrestlers (and figures) going into the next episode of "Battleground". It's short; however, should add some extra depth to the upcoming card (while also making it feel like real-life in a way). I'm really excited for this addition (as it's something I've never incorporated before in a TEW dynasty; which is ALWAYS my goal... to add/do things I've never done before in new projects).


Show Results

"Battleground" and pay-per-view events will now be written in more of a condensed fashion (which will prove to be the hardest thing for me). I'm hoping to strip back but STILL have enough depth to make it an interesting read. At this point, I'm mulling over whether or not I will either A) shorten the description and keep dialogue or B) make one paragraph form for everything and not have individual dialogue. That said, I think I'm leaning toward the first; as that gives me more chance to create unique characters (again, another thing I always strive for).


Frequency of Posts

This will move a little slower than it has in the past. Then again, the shorter card & results may make it stay relatively the same. I'm not really sure? That said, I'm saying this now (that it may move slower) as I school/family really DO take center-focus for me. In a sense, this will become more of my hobby, done when I have time, instead of forcing said time while making other things suffer. More or less, to you, the reader, I hope that you can find patience with me as this moves on gradually.



The logos, text, WAR symbols, will change upon the re-start. More or less, I felt it was a good time to dust them off & give WAR a new look. Plus, with the new culture that's starting, the change that's already here (stemming from "Uprising"), there's obviously a 'new era' in Wrestling Action in Revolt. With this in mind, I'm hoping to capture that new era through the usage of new images (that coincide with said tone).


Length of Dynasty

You know, I haven't really decided on when I will officially walk away. As you can see, this is not an easy decision for me (as I'm still moving ahead with this in it's current form). In reality, I could end at anytime from here on out. It all just depends on A) School and Family Focus, B) My energy for the project, C) the response it's getting. Honestly, I know it's a 'dirty subject' to talk about but if people aren't interested then I could foresee closing stuff down earlier. This isn't a mandate of sorts; just me thinking out loud.


All in all, I'm happy to be still working on WAR under it's new, current, form. I NEVER thought I'd make it this far in the project; however, one of my goals is to make it to October of this fall (as it will mean WAR has been up for a full-year real-life)! Honestly, this is a huge thing for me to surpass and I hope I can get there!


With classes starting tomorrow, I plan on slowing easing back into the fold here. I'm working on the new layout, even creating a new image or two to give it a new feel as well, and will probably do a 're-get-to-know-WAR' post where the roster is shown once again. A lot has changed, in-game-wise, since I started this dynasty back in October. There are some wrestlers who've gone literally from unknown's all the way up to Upper Midcard/Main Eventers. That said, I want to showcase how far they've come since the start of this. I guess now, more than ever, would be a good point to do that as this is kind of a re-launch for WAR (Even IF I wasn't really gone, or away, for that matter). So, keep your eyes out for that!

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Breaking News:
Despite his recent injury keeping the WAR owner ailing at home, J.K. Stallings Jr. has announced the creation of a new month-long tournament which will beg the question: Which nation will prevail in the squared circle above all the rest?


8-Men, all proudly carrying the banner of their own home region, will compete in a series of matches for which the winner will walk away with the coveted "Clash of Nations Cup". In this single-elimination string of contests, the winner will be tested before several of the strongest competitors in the world. In the process, the remaining participant left standing will ultimately hold the cup on high as the true victor of the world.


Here is the listed participants and the nation they will represent...


Japan //
Fumihiro Ota

Canada //
Art Reed

Puerto Rico //
Puerto Rican Power

Nation Unknown //
Leper Messiah

The Samoan Islands //
Tui Tama

Mexico //
El Platinum-ay

United Kingdom //
JD Morgan

United States //
Brutus O'Leary


It's being reported that this tournament will stretch up until WAR's next pay-per-view event (unnamed at this time) and will officially start this week on "Battleground" with two action-packed altercations (Leper Messiah/Art Reed and Puerto Rican Power/Fumihiro Ota).


Also, we here at WAR-wrestling.com understand that Puerto Rico is not officially a nation of itself; however, you try telling Puerto Rican Power that. Truthfully, the notion was tackled rather early on with Power and his brutish response is what ultimately drove Mr. Stallings to overlook the 'minor detail' (as he claimed). In connection, it's still unknown where fellow participant Leper Messiah hails from. Rumors have placed him all over the world (if not in some sense of a supernatural realm); however, the ambiguity, again, was not all that important to the WAR owner. In a simple statement, Stallings was documented saying that he would rather NOT rock the boat with Messiah & would much rather see him compete than 'take it out on him'. It should be noted that the WAR owner made said statement while hiding underneath his desk.


None the less, the "Clash of Nations" tournament comes to Wrestling Action in Revolt this week on "Battleground" as we inch closer toward declaring the first-EVER Professional Wrestling Super-power!!










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It ALL went
at “Uprising”…


The shocking alliance of WAR Champion Troy Tornado and the returning wrestling LEGEND Nemesis has done MORE to shake Wrestling Action in Revolt than ANYTHING we’ve seen in our short history. The sheer sight of their destruction sent shockwaves throughout the industry; however, it’s the reasoning of their formation that may send shivers down the collective spine of WAR fans.


With destruction at our back, chaos now stands before us…


Welcome, whether you like it or not, to the Anarchy Era of WAR!








Fumihiro Ota vs. Puerto Rican Power

["Clash of Nations" 1st Round Match]



Sam Pratt vs.
Snap Dragon vs. Velocidad

[Three-Way Battle]



"BIG... BAD..."
Rex vs.
Steve Flash

[singles Match]



Art Reed vs. Leper Messiah

["Clash of Nations" 1st Round Match]



Chris Caulfield vs. Troy Tornado

[singles Match]


BIG NEWS Pratt-pack!! I’m WAR bound!! Tune in to @WARBattleground to see my debut! Thank you for ALL of your support! #PrattPackActivate


Let the education continue on @WARBattleground… #DownGoesRex


just received word about my new commentary partner. #AreYouSerious? #ThisWillBeInteresting


Yea man… Bringin’ a little LOVE to WAR. @SlickRick and @Mr.Wright, let’s hope the @LoveJungle brings you both peace. #MakeLoveNotWAR #ToNewBeginnings


@Rusty: Looks like we’ve got a date with @TheREALTroyTornado. Gear up for a blood bath! #ThereWillBeBlood #HeadHuntingTheChamp


Calm before the storm @Power. @ClashOfNations will be my greatest conquest. #HonorableNation











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"THE GREAT" Fumihiro Ota vs. Puerto Rican Power

["Clash of Nations" 1st Round Match]

I think i'll be PRP and the Prat..i mean El Prat in the finals then El Prat wins.


Sam Pratt vs. "CIRCUS FREAK" Snap Dragon vs. Velocidad

[Three-Way Battle]

Snap is the big man in this match. I see him winning easily.


"BIG... BAD..." Rex vs. "KING OF NEW YORK" Steve Flash

[singles Match]

Rex is just too big and too bad for Flash. Flash should make a good showing but he's gonna get squashed.


"FEAR THIS!" Art Reed vs. Leper Messiah

["Clash of Nations" 1st Round Match]

I almost think this will go to a double DQ or count out. I'm giving the edge to Art as he's shown he can still go and Leper is likely to under estimate Mr Fear This.


"THE EXTREME ICON" Chris Caulfield vs. Troy Tornado

Caulfield is on his way up the roster and heading to a title, but he's not taking out Troy anytime soon. With the backup that Troy has, its going to take a lot more than a simple Singles Match to get any traction. If Caulfield is going to take that belt, it's gonna have to be in a cage where there's not a chance of outside interference.

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"THE GREAT" Fumihiro Ota vs. Puerto Rican Power

["Clash of Nations" 1st Round Match]


Sam Pratt vs. "CIRCUS FREAK" Snap Dragon vs. Velocidad

[Three-Way Battle]


"BIG... BAD..." Rex vs. "KING OF NEW YORK" Steve Flash

[singles Match]


"FEAR THIS!" Art Reed vs. Leper Messiah

["Clash of Nations" 1st Round Match]


"THE EXTREME ICON" Chris Caulfield vs. Troy Tornado Draw

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I just realized I never actually posted the tournament brackets for the "Clash of Nations" challenge! With that in mind, here you go:




Also, "Battleground" -- Episode #12 will be up on Sunday morning!
If you're interested in keeping up with WAR then check for the show results toward the end of your weekend!
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