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WAR on the Vegas Strip...

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<p><strong>Buddy Garner</strong> vs. Snap Dragon</p><p>

Fox Mask vs. <strong>Genio Verde</strong></p><p>

Alex Braun vs. <strong>Ares</strong></p><p>

DAMiaN vs. <strong>Puerto Rican Power</strong></p><p>

<strong>Eric Tyler</strong>'s - "Wrestling Lesson" Open Challenge</p><p>

<strong>James Prudence </strong>vs. Shawn Gonzalez</p><p>

<strong>Troy Tornado ©</strong> vs. Johnny Martin</p>

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<p>I forgot add someting, and I just want to add this. </p><p> </p><p>

PSW = Batman Comics</p><p>

WAR = Deus Ex</p><p> </p><p>

Perhaps Deus Ex isn't as deep in terms of character when compared to Batman, but it makes it with more crisp overarching storyline. It's characters vs. plot, essentially. This diary is more plot-focused and less character-focused.</p>

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<p>WAR Battleground Quick Picks</p><p>

<strong>Buddy Garner</strong> vs. Snap Dragon</p><p>

Garner is on his way to being one of the top guys and Snap Dragon can't stop him.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Fox Mask</strong> vs. Genio Verde</p><p>

Fox Mask is one of the best gimmicks on the roster.</p><p> </p><p>

Alex Braun vs. <strong>Ares</strong></p><p>

Ares is great! Braun is old and not getting any younger.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>DAMiaN</strong> vs. Puerto Rican Power</p><p>

PRP is a good talent but Damian is set to be a top heel here for a long time.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Eric Tyler's </strong>- "Wrestling Lesson" Open Challenge</p><p>

Tyler is premium talent. He should get an easy win here.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>James Prudence</strong> vs. Shawn Gonzalez</p><p>

I didn't know who to pick but Prudence made the most sense to me. Won't be surprised if I am wrong though.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Troy Tornado ©</strong> vs. Johnny Martin </p><p>

Tornado is the whole franchise. While Martin would be a good champion I just can't see Tornado losing.</p>

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<p><strong>Buddy Garner</strong> vs. Snap Dragon</p><p>

Fox Mask vs. <strong>Genio Verde</strong></p><p>

Alex Braun vs. <strong>Ares</strong></p><p>

<strong>DAMiaN</strong> vs. Puerto Rican Power</p><p>

<strong>Eric Tyler's</strong> - "Wrestling Lesson" Open Challenge</p><p>

James Prudence vs. <strong>Shawn Gonzalez</strong></p><p>

<strong>Troy Tornado ©</strong> vs. Johnny Martin</p>

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">WAR Battleground Quick Picks</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Buddy Garner</strong> vs. Snap Dragon</p><p>

<em>Buddy is by far the strongest contender for the championship. He must win.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Fox Mask vs. Genio Verde</p><p>

<em>No contest. Genio will f*ck the match again using his antiques.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Alex Braun vs. <strong>Ares</strong></p><p>

<em>Ares win the match, unfortunately after receiving a steel chair hit to the head. He win by DQ.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>DAMiaN</strong> vs. Puerto Rican Power</p><p>

<em>Tough call. Wants PRP to win, but looks like Damian and Leper Messiah still need to be strongly-booked. Damian wins this match, but in the end of the feud, PRP prevails over the two monsters.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Eric Tyler</strong>'s - "Wrestling Lesson" Open Challenge</p><p>

<em>Eric will win this one, if the opponent plays clean wrestling.</em></p><p> </p><p>

James Prudence vs. <strong>Shawn Gonzalez</strong></p><p>

<em>James dominates the match, but gets complacent and beaten by Shawn's quick attack.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Troy Tornado ©</strong> vs. Johnny Martin</p><p>

<em>Tornado is WAR...!!!</em></p>

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Thank you to EVERYONE who has predicted thus far! Such a great showing!

I forgot add someting, and I just want to add this.


PSW = Batman Comics

WAR = Deus Ex


Perhaps Deus Ex isn't as deep in terms of character when compared to Batman, but it makes it with more crisp overarching storyline. It's characters vs. plot, essentially. This diary is more plot-focused and less character-focused.


It's so crazy that you picked up on my love for Deus Ex; or maybe it's just that we have the same taste in vices. ha. I use to play that game like CRAZY back when it was on PS2 and ALWAYS loved the imagery of it all. I've always been more of an imagery person than anything else.


As for plot vs. characters, with WAR the plot is FAR more important than anything else I've done before. While the company itself is important, the shows as well, the background stuff is 110% about the resurgence of a scorned billionaire. Without him, without HIS story, then WAR would be just another rebellious company looking to patch into what's left behind by DaVE. Sure, it's harder to tell his story through the lens of a documentarian; however, I find this to be more refreshing (as I've already done a billion of these first-person types where it's through the eyes of one man). Now, you get to get Stallings' story from his own mouth; while also hearing from those around him that bring all the pieces into one insane puzzle.


The characters are STILL very important to me; however, after you've written for the same guys for so long, you start to find yourself running out of small details that can set them apart from your previous attempt. Acid is different for once, now Ares; however, part of the reason why I love the idea of WAR is because I can bank on the 'known few' straight out of the gate (all the while pinpointing my 'pet projects' to come in and have unique personas all together). Will those 'known few' have new subtle details to them over time? 100% yes. That said, at least from the start, I'm giving you the characters you know best, and how you know them, in which to create a familiarity that goes along with their public persona. With time, they will evolve... It'll just take time (some longer than others).


All in all, I've started writing the show and should have everything done on Saturday (my day of writing). So, you can expect the first WAR: Battleground PPV event later that night.


This show is a MAJOR jumping point for WAR; as the previous PPV's were more about creating a tone versus concrete storyline development. Now, you'll definitely see a pattern forming as a new influence takes hold. Also, a huge addition of authority is ultimately named and set forward; shadowing an epic struggle to come down the line. The previous PPV's were more of one-off's in my mind. With the weekly PPV event "Battleground" now out there, I plan on fleshing out the WAR-universe within.

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Backstage Argument

Involved: Troy Tornado © + The Tri-State Kings

“The Initial Clash”


{The first-ever broadcast of WAR’s weekly pay-per-view event, Battleground, opens with the iconic image of Troy Tornado riding a classic black & steel motorcycle into the Empire Hotel & Casino’s loading dock area. His recently died bleach-blonde hair ruffles in the mid-day Vegas wind, as the jet-black pair of sunglasses upon his face do their best to garner a mysteriously cool vibe for the historic FIRST WAR Champion. More or less, riding in on a weathered steel horse, most likely a collector’s item, the ‘hard-rock rebel’ screams nothing of your prototypical world champion. If anything, it’s this very rock-n-roll persona that he possesses that makes him entirely Wrestling Action in Revolt; predicating the company’s culture straight away.}


{Sadly, this point of WAR-defining imagery does not go unchallenged.}


{Seconds later, before he can even bring his ride to a standstill, the polarizing sight of the hardened “Tri-State Kings” overtakes the scene at hand.}


{There’s no pleasantries expected with this sight; only sheer aggression as neither camp looks all that interested in playing nice.}


[Alex Braun]:
We need a word with you…


{Tornado doesn’t seem to respond whatsoever. Instead, he kills his engine and begins to step off of his steel horse as if to leave the scene all together. Holding the WAR Championship over his shoulder, the plate facing the opposite way of the camera, everything about Tornado reeks of gritty cool.}


[Alex Braun]:
You may THINK you’re hot-sh*t, seeing how you got the strap and all, but you ‘aint foolin’ anyone. A WAR Roulette Match without ANY of the Tri-State Kings? Well sh*t man, you didn’t accomplish anything but beat some second-rate nobodies. I promise you… If WE were in that match, there ‘aint NO WAY you’re coming out on top.


{Troy doesn’t speak; however, the smirk upon his face tells of a man who must have heard a joke or something.}


[Johnny Martin]:
He’s right, Tornado. A championship match without the Tri-State Kings means nothin’. As far as we’re concerned, you’re nothing but a paper champ…


{Johnny pauses as a slight grin forms upon his face.}


[Johnny Martin]:
Good thing I pulled some strings to change that…


{As Troy looks to walk past the Kings, doing his best to just ignore the noise before him, the WAR Champion is shown coming awfully close to Johnny Martin; staring him down in the process.}


[Johnny Martin]:
I’m walking out with the gold tonight, Tornado. You may as well shine that thing up for me… make it all pretty for a REAL champion…


{Walking directly past the Kings, Troy Tornado keeps on shuffling his way toward the camera man & the locker room area. With a devilish grin upon his face, the WAR Champion relays a verbal jab of his own as he shuffles lazily.}


[Troy Tornado]:


{A man whose heard worse in the past, Martin barely budges at Tornado’s statement. That said, Alex Braun, a noted bully, looks to clench his fists in rage.}


{Sadly, once again, the WAR Champion just can’t have his moment of piece. Stopping for a second, Tornado looks upon someone off-screen; directly behind the camera lens. Shaking his head in annoyance, almost like “really? You got to be kidding me” kind of fashion, the ‘Hard-Rock Rebel’ projects that muted frustration; muted as Tornado is often described as lazy in his actions (or cool to others).}


[Troy Tornado]:
What the HELL do you want? I already punked your ass in the middle of the ring last week…


[Eric Tyler]:
Punked? I wouldn’t say that…



Tri-State King?


{Stare-down exists between Tyler and Tornado. Meanwhile, Alex Braun and Johnny Martin still stand behind the WAR Champion; creating a trap of sorts it seems.}


[Alex Braun]:
I’d watch my tone if I were you…
… You’re outnumbered…


{Alex Braun burns a hole in the back of Tornado’s head.}


[Eric Tyler]:
You need a lesson in respect, Boy…


{Tyler stares down Troy with much fervor.}


[Troy Tornado]:
F*ck your lesson, Tyler… You HAD your chance…


[Johnny Martin]:
Not quite…


[Eric Tyler]:
I may not be in the ring tonight but… I WILL be at ringside. You see, Tornado, I KNOW how to beat you. My body may have failed me last week but my mind is just as sharp as ever. I found your weaknesses; it didn’t take long really. Tonight, I’m going to give all of that information to a MORE DESERVING champion…


{Eric Tyler looks over toward Johnny Martin as the two exchange in a stern nod to one another.}


[Johnny Martin]:
You don’t stand a chance… Tornado…
… With Tyler’s vast expertise, I’m unstoppable…


[Alex Braun]:
… The Tri-State Kings are… unstoppable…


{A stern stare-down exists once again; however, this time, there appears to be more of a sense of underlying arrogance with the Tri-State Kings (knowing they have the upper-hand). Meanwhile, Tornado seems as though he’s ready to overload with a surging sense of inherent aggression}


[Troy Tornado]:
We’ll see about that… If you’re on his side, Tyler,…
{Looks over to him exclusively}
… then you better gear yourself for a fight. You step into that ring, if you so much as try to trip me up, then you’ll find my fist straight down your f*ckin’ throat…


{Tense stare-down follows between the Tri-State Kings and Troy Tornado at this point.}


[Johnny Martin]:
It’s over, Tornado… that belt… is mine…


[Troy Tornado]:
You’ll have to rip it from my corpse then…


[Alex Braun]:
That can be arranged…


{With that, the segment comes to a close with an overtly tense stare-down still existing between the Tri-State Kings, now with the addition of Eric Tyler, and the WAR Champion, Troy Tornado. While no action actually takes place, the intensity of their exchange feels as though fists were not needed. In the end, it’s the tension that’s been built that ultimately frames a surging WAR on the horizon.}


Steve Smith:
Did Eric Tyler just join the Tri-State Kings?

Slick Rick:
It seems that way, Steve-o! Mark it down, at this moment it’s now a far-gone conclusion… Johnny Martin WILL be the NEW WAR Champion here tonight! The punk Tornado ‘aint got a snowball’s chance…

Steve Smith:
It REALLY does throw a wrench in what is to be expected. I mean, with Eric Tyler in his corner, not only is there even MORE of a number game for the Tri-State Kings but it ALSO adds a voice of someone whose SEEN Tornado in the ring. Do I believe he has some insider knowledge? No bloody way. Will his insight help though? Certainly will.

Slick Rick:
Sign, seal, and deliver that sh*t… “The Cornerstone” is bound to be the champ before the night is through!




"The Machine"
Buddy Garner vs. Snap Dragon


Singles Match

“High-Octane combat”


While their entrances are stark contrasts to one another, Snap Dragon’s being more of a showman kind of approach versus Buddy Garner’s straight ahead stomp, equip with scale-looking lights, fire breathing, and a song that only furthers the iconicism of his presence, the action within the ring feels very much so similar. Both explosive, both willing and able to continually pull ‘all the stops’ possible, make their altercation feel like a victory is not wanted but NEEDED. Back-and-forth these two athletes push one another to the brink of their own physical failure; however, somehow, someway, no one is ready to cave in. Even up to the very last second, their incessantly combative match-up was highly contested. As Snap Dragon stands atop the nearby turnbuckle, at first kicking his opponent away with a swift defense kick, one would expect an aerial move of grandeur to follow. Shockingly though, no such thing comes to pass. Instead, leaping up onto the second rope in a show of super-human athleticism, in turn missing another swift kick attempt from Dragon, Garner is shown forcing Snap Dragon into a hug-like scenario. Seconds later, the “Machine” flings Dragon’s body violently off the top rope with a ring-rattling belly-to-belly-suplex. Falling as far as he did, as HARD as he did, and as TWISTED as he did, there’s no way for Snap Dragon to kick out.


Buddy Garner via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
A tope-rope belly-to-belly Suplex

Ending Time:


{Highly energetic, responding to the abrupt yet impactful, finish of the Garner/Dragon match, Steve Smith looks like a sci-fi geek seconds after the ending of one of his most favorite shows.}

Steve Smith:
Did you see that?!?! WOW!?!?! One second, it looks like Snap Dragon is about to fling himself off the top rope and then the next… BAM… top-rope belly-to-belly Suplex from the “Machine”! That was quite the ring-rattler!

Slick Rick:
I’m not one to drink the Garner kool-aide… but that was one HELL of a final. He’s lucky it was against someone like Snap Dragon because there’s NO WAY that would have flown with something like Johnny Martin.

Steve Smith:
… because he wouldn’t be on the top rope?

Slick Rick:
No, that he wouldn’t ALLOW such a move to happen. Snap Dragon opened himself up to the loss. It was HIS stupid choice to ALLOW Garner to even get as high as the second-rope. I place this loss MORE on Dragon not being ready for ‘prime-time’ than anything…

Steve Smith:
It’s hard to say otherwise, seeing how he’s 0-3 now in WAR, but I have faith that Snap Dragon can turn it around. His explosive style is the kind of approach that can bring ANYONE out of the gutter at any moment.




Diverting via an in-ring promo

Involved: Genio Verde, Fox Mask, and Cletus

“Too injured to compete”


{The rabid WAR fan-base moderately showers the mysterious Genio Verde with an overtly negative response, fit for most mid-card heels, as the devious evil mastermind overtakes the ringside area. Always a trickster of sorts, utilizing his vast intelligence to out-think his laundry list of foes, Verde appears to be ‘at it again’ as he gingerly staggers his way into the ring; showing signs of obvious injury in his right knee. With that being said, as he struggles to simply remain upright, the masked evil-doer slowly raises a WAR-branded microphone up to his cloaked mouth; speaking before the masses despite never ACTUALLY seeing his mouth move.}


[Genio Verde]:
I must apologize…


{The crowd is obviously confused by such a statement. Meanwhile, Genio Verde doesn’t help in their confusion as he administers a well-placed pause after such a striking statement.}


[Genio Verde]:
It was always my intent to come out here, to compete with one of the very best in our business, but, sadly,… that is not possible. Last week, in victory, I sustained a debilitating injury to my knee. As you can see, I could barely even walk into this ring tonight; so, I must apologize to Fox Mask… For, tonight, I simply won’t be able to compete…


{Expecting as much, Fox Masks’ theme music quickly interjects as the fiery comic-book-hero explodes from the back much like a prey-fixated feline would. Ferociously climbing into the ring, springing over the top rope, it’s rather easy to see the frustration resonating from the young flier. None the less, as it seems like he may be reaching for a microphone if his own, most likely to verbally combat his fitting foe, Verde is once again heard speaking. However, this time around, there appears to be more of a faint snicker to his tone.}


[Genio Verde]:
… The GOOD thing is… I found myself a replacement…


{Fox Mask turns away from looking for a microphone rather slowly; staring upon Genio Verde with the kind of body language that speaks of one stewing. Meanwhile, while we’re unable to see Genio’s face, covered by the green cloth wrapped around his mouth, it’s expected that an evil grin has formed.}


[Genio Verde]:
… Allow me to introduce to YOU… Your opponent for tonight…


{The unsettling sound of a minor rendition of the ‘dueling banjos’ is heard thereafter marking the menacing arrival of the ‘Grizzly Bear’, Cletus. Within seconds, the Appalachian Monster is shown stomping his way through the ‘Gates of WAR’; throwing his arms out at his side much like a roaring bear would.}



Genio Verde's master-plan


{With every stomp, every angry step, his gigantic powerhouse sends an unmistakable shiver down the collective spine of the WAR fan-base. Meanwhile, after staring down Genio Verde for a split second, exuding a sense of pure hatred, the ferocious Fox Mask has already fortified himself in the ring as he awaits his surging behemoth.}


Steve Smith:
Can he even do that? I mean, can Genio Verde just ADD a replacement like that?

Slick Rick:
Why can’t he? If Fox Mask didn’t want the challenge then he could just walk away. Then again, if he did so, the little p*ssy-cat would go down as exactly that…

Steve Smith:
This does NOT look good for Fox Mask. He came in tonight looking for revenge from last week, losing in a four-way bout to Genio Verde; however, now he has to step into the ring with that… that… man. Talk about your opposites!

Slick Rick:
I guess we’ll see what Fox Mask is made of tonight…

Steve Smith:
I can’t believe this is about to happen…




Cletus vs. Fox Mask


Impromptu Singles Match

“The Grizzly Mauls”


Despite storming the wild Appalachian Monster immediately with an explosive string of aerial spots, eventually the overwhelming power of Cletus becomes the great tool of destruction. Thrown around like a rag-doll of sorts, Fox Mask resembled more of a mangy cat than a regal fox as the gigantic Cletus makes quick work of the once-ferocious flier. There are a few moments where the much smaller Fox is able to temper his opponent, most often utilizing an aerial approach in doing so, but such scenarios would quickly subside after an equalizing power-strike (ala bear-hug crash, roaring back elbow, or massive closeline). In the end though, the outcome of the match eventually lies in the hands of the man who was originally set to compete.



Genio Verde


Springing back into the ring on the very leg that he once claimed was ‘too injured to compete’, Genio Verde ultimately forces Eugene Williams to call for the bell as the devious trickster floors a staggering Fox Mask from behind with a falling double-knee back-breaker. Shockingly enough, Cletus doesn’t take out his aggression on Genio Verde. Instead, he literally shoves Eugene Williams out of the ring with a choke-slam like maneuver; roaring like a vicious grizzly bear before a booing WAR crowd. Meanwhile, Genio Verde sits in the corner of the ring, watching, admiring from afar, as Fox Mask struggles to simply breathe after such a heinous altercation with Cletus (and subsequent beat-down by Genio Verde from behind).


Fox Mask via DQ

Ending Maneuver:
Falling double-knee back-breaker (Interference from Genio Verde)

Ending Time:


Steve Smith:
WHAT?!?! So, Genio Verde claims he’s injured. He pulls out a rabbit from his hat in Cletus. Then, after Cletus viciously floors Fox Mask at EVERY turn, practically leaving him for dead, Genio Verde swoops in and ultimately gets Cletus DQ’ed by attacking the depleted Fox Mask from behind? What is this world coming too?

Slick Rick:
That was GENIOUS!!
{Laughs in a raspy fashion; clapping his hands}
I don’t know how this guy does it. Wow! That was the PERFECT trap if there ever was one. Now, not only does Genio Verde have Fox Mask on the verge of a hospital visit BUT he also has the psychological victory under his belt as well. Damn, I love this guy!

Steve Smith:
How can you love someone as… as… devious as this man?

Slick Rick:
It’s easy; he’s damn good at what he does!




A message is delivered backstage

Involved: Nemesis, The Guru, and J.K. Stallings Jr.

“Power beckons...”


{The sheer sight of wrestling LEGEND, Nemesis, standing backstage quickly inspires the WAR masses to pop with extreme enthusiasm as the Hardcore Hero is shown speaking with a nameless staff member. Viewing such a scenario via the gigantic Stallings video tron located above the “Gates of WAR”, said feverish fan-base gives further depth to the notion that Nemesis IS the hottest individual in the company thus far; even if he isn’t an in-ring competitor. None the less, as the hindered volume picks up barely anything of the conversation, the image itself tells of a ‘down to earth’ individual; one willing to talk to even the stage-hands.}


{Seconds later, Nemesis comes to a stop as he slowly looks off camera. The once engaged state-hand quickly scurries off, back to work, as whoever stands off-camera HAS to be powerful enough to inspire a worker into such action.}


{Then, as the camera man pans out slightly more to encompass a greater view of the scenario at hand, it becomes rather obvious as to WHO was able to inspire such a drastic change; that person being J.K. Stallings Jr.’s right hand man, and all-around legendary manager, The Guru!}


[The Guru]:
It’s good to see that you made it, Nemesis.
{Pauses; nods his head with a slight smirk upon his face}
Mr. Stallings would like to speak with you at the end of the broadcast…


{Nemesis nods his head in approval; however, doesn’t feel the need to verbally respond. Either way, there appears to be a tension between the two. Why? No one knows thus far.}


[The Guru]:
… Keep in mind, … Mr. Stallings does not like to wait…


{With that, the Guru slowly walks past Nemesis as the two engage in a lingering stare-down of sorts. While there is no aggression on either’s part, the sheer tension is almost palpable. As the Guru exits the scene, the camera man zooms in on Nemesis once again as the wrestling LEGEND shakes his head, chuckling in a raspy fashion to himself, as he walks off in the opposite direction.}


Steve Smith:
What was THAT all about?

Slick Rick:
It looks like Stallings has something to say to Nemesis. GOD, I hope it’s a final ‘goodbye’. Enough with this Nemesis sh*t. This isn’t the 90’s!

Steve Smith:
I, for one, would love to see him stay in some capacity. I mean, he’s a wrestling LEGEND!! WAR could really benefit from his presence.

Slick Rick:
You’re an idiot, Steve-o. Nemesis is ONLY here to float his own ego. He won’t help one bit!

Steve Smith:
I guess we’ll see what’s about to happen later tonight. Is Nemesis on his way out? Will he stay with WAR? No one knows but J.K. at this point. Rumor is though, up until now, Nemesis was here only on a 2-show contract. After “World War III” and “Sin City Chaos”, he very well could be out the door!

Slick Rick:
GOD, I hope!




"Ice Man"
Alex Braun vs.
"The GOD of WAR"
w/ Goddess Emily


Singles Match

Hardcore Rules

“Uphill battle... STILL”


Exploding with pent-up fury, the man most often forced into being the victim, Ares, looks much like a head-hunter of sorts; firing on all cylinders as he attempts to overcome his long-time rival. Braun, much older and weathered by comparison, is simply unable to keep up straight away. With time, he eventually finds his stride; however, it comes on the back-hand of a string of cheap strikes. Depleted, staggered by Ares’ combustible onslaught, the “Ice Man” does everything he can to hinder his rival’s rise at any means necessary. Luckily, for him, such is acceptable when within a hardcore match. Steel chairs are used, tables are employed, even ladders are pulled from underneath the ring and used as weapons, as both do their very best to take out their frustrations on the other. Sadly, in the end, despite warring in a heated fashion, it has MORE to do with Braun’s connections than an actual respectable outcome. As Ares takes to a nearby top rope, the “Traditionalist” Eric Tyler is shown stomping toward the ringside area.



Eric Tyler


Picking up a steel chair that lays outside of the ring, used previously by Alex Braun upon the back of Ares, the newfound Tri-State Kings member methodically slides into the WAR squared circle. As Ares leaps from the top rope, attempting to crash into Alex Braun with a high-hanging top-rope closeline, Braun is able to duck out of the way in a desperation fashion. As he crashes to the canvas, Braun, Ares’ decent is met with the unforgiving strike of cold steel. The impact is so jarring, so sickening in it’s thud, that Ares is instantly knocked unconscious (the descent being an added sense of power behind the impact). In the end, as Eric Tyler stands in the corner of the ring, dusting his own hands off in an arrogant fashion, Alex Braun is shown diving atop the motionless Ares as he picks up a standard three count in favor of the Tri-State Kings agenda.


Alex Braun via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
Steel chair strike as Ares descends from the top-rope (Interference from Eric Tyler)

Ending Time:


Steve Smith:
Damn these Tri-State Kings…

Slick Rick:
If this is ANY sign then there ‘aint no way that Tornado is coming away with the gold tonight! The Kings are on the path toward victory; starting with Alex Braun over the supposed “GOD of WAR”.
{Rick scoffs in a dismissive fashion}

Steve Smith:
How does Ares even stand a chance when he’s constantly fighting an uphill battle? First, Martin and Braun? Now, Tyler is there to squeeze another victory out for the Kings? I’m starting to wonder if these guys can really win a match on their own!

Slick Rick:
Oh they can; they are all that DAMN good… but… does it really matter? A win is a win. A DQ loss is still a win. These men, these LEGENDS of our sport, are unstoppable and there ‘aint nothing ANYONE can do about it!




Ares receives EMT attention

Involved: Ares, Goddess Emily, Johnny Martin, and Alex Braun

“The GOD of WAR is humbled by men”


{Ares is motionless as a number of nameless local paramedics fill the darkened WAR wrestling ring at a frantic pace. Following brief check-up, shining lights into eyes of the “GOD of WAR”, a stretcher is quickly wheeled out in which to send the punk-rock flier to the nearest hospital. As Goddess Emily is shown with tears in her eyes, scorned as she aggressively stares down his attackers, Ares is safely exported from the ring in which to study his injuries further. Meanwhile, as this all happens, Tri-State Kings members, Eric Tyler and the victorious Alex Braun, continue to stand in arrogant defiance in the corner of the ring. Smirking, arms crossed, it looks as though the veteran duo is relishing in the moment; finding a sense of pride in their heinous plan of destruction.}


Steve Smith:
Look at them, smirking in the corner, do these bloody punks care for ANYONE but themselves? There’s a possibility that Ares could be paralyzed, taking a shot like that on his way down, and yet they don’t seem to care in the slightest. If anything, they’re loving every second of it.

Slick Rick:
Why shouldn’t they? Ares wants some sort of revenge for what the Tri-State Kings did to him during his years in DaVE. If anything, this is just another example as to WHY he was NEVER on their level.

Steve Smith:
Again, how can ANYONE be on another’s level when they continually use their numbers game as an advantage? It’s almost impossible. With time, you’d have to hope that things turn back in his favor; that he can FINALLY get a good crack one-on-one!

Slick Rick:
‘Aint going to happen… the Tri-State Kings bleed as one…




w/ Leper Messiah
vs. Puerto Rican Power


Singles Match

“The Clash of Titans”


The epic tale of two bruising powerhouses clashing full-speed into one another is exactly the same vibe that circulates between Puerto Rican Power and DAMiaN. While their altercation moves rather slowly, at least when compared to the likes of Buddy Garner/Snap Dragon, the action itself is much more brutish in nature. Double-axe-handle strikes, firm big boot’s to the jaw, and more clubbing than punching, these two big-men do everything in their power to simply destroy the other in an alpha-like manner. While a short match in itself, neither man actually HITS the canvas for the first time until the final moment of the bout. In that case, Puerto Rican Power is grabbed by the neck by the equally menacing Leper Messiah, who stands on the apron now, and is chokeslammed down to the canvas by said interferer as he wasn’t expecting the maneuver to take place; seconds before he was staggering away from a jaw-rattling upper-cut by the Damned. With Eugene Williams’ attention turned, forced into such by the menacing hand of DAMiaN, the Chokeslam leaves Puerto Rican Power slightly dazed; at least enough so for DAMiaN to sadistically stalk his prey. As Puerto Rican Power returns to his feet in a huff, practically blowing smoke from his nose with anger, the ferociously blinded powerhouse eventually turns back in which to go after DAMiaN once again. Sadly, in doing so, he wasn’t expecting what came next: that being a double-handed chokelsam BACK to the canvas. Not entirely knocked out, but dazed, Puerto Rican Power is unable to break the three count administered by Eugene Williams. If it were seconds later, he most likely would have kicked out; however, the brutish powerhouse loses on account of the back-breaking double-chokeslam which leaves the large victim in a momentary state of stupor.


DAMiaN via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
Double-handed Chokeslam (following another Chokeslam from Leper Messiah)

Ending Time:


Steve Smith:
Even the most powerful must fall. Puerto Rican Power stood toe-to-toe with DAMiaN, something we haven’t seen before, but even his brand of brutish action wasn’t enough to slow down the monster that is the Damned. I’ll give it to Power though, he stood his ground for a good 5 minutes or so and only fell after being blindsided by Leper Messiah. It just doesn’t seem fair, to have SO much power on one side; using it like this.

Slick Rick:
Puerto Rican Power had the BEST chance to beat one of these guys but even HE couldn’t get the job done.
{Shakes his head; smirking}
Looks like WAR is in for a LONG stint of HELL…

Steve Smith:
I just wonder how long it will take for these vile creatures to turn their attention toward… the WAR Championship?

Slick Rick:
When that day comes, I DOUBT anyone will be able to stop them…

Steve Smith:
Sadly, I must agree…




Attempted 1-on-2 attack

Involved: Buddy Garner, DAMiaN, and The Leper Messiah

“Revenge unsuccessful”


{Roaring through the “Gates of WAR”, a spirited Buddy Garner is shown speeding toward the ringside area with a look of true determination upon his face. Once overtaking the squared circle in a state of fury, the explosive “Machine” quickly attempts to gain revenge upon DAMiaN and the Leper Messiah for their continual assaults upon him last week at “Sin City Chaos”. Throwing punches like a mad heavyweight fighter, every blow connects with the kind of fire that is typically left for those most scorned. Shockingly, despite the heavy-handed blows, both of the big-men simply absorb what’s being thrown their way. While they do stagger slightly, most likely thrown off guard by someone actually taking it to them, Buddy’s heroic assault is quickly thwarted as the menacing behemoths come back to power with a ring-rattling double-choke-slam amidst another punch attempt by the MMA LEGEND. Motionless, Garner’s lifeless body is then thrown about the ring like a rag-doll for a short while longer as Leper Messiah and DAMiaN explore the possibility of truly DESTROYING their heated foe. None the less, in the end, the “Machine” looks to be without it’s oil; lying motionless, face down, after another double-chokeslam that forces Garner’s body to flop like a fish out of water.}


Steve Smith:
Can ANYONE stop these two? Buddy Garner is a world-class MMA fighter, one of the BEST we’ve EVER seen, and he STILL has been unable to slow these two down. I guess it’s going to take something… something… miraculous to EVER temper these brutish giants!

Slick Rick:
Buddy Garner is a punk to think he can even slow these two down. His ego may think that he has a shot but his body just doesn’t have the juice… No one does…

Steve Smith:
It’s entirely possible that no one does, Rick. Powers like these two, creatures like these behemoths, are often those who remain untouchable LONG after they’ve come into the fold. Is there ANYONE out there who can stop them? Anyone at all?




"Wrestling Lesson" - open challenge

Involved: Eric Tyler + Remmy Skye

“Teaching a lesson”


{The rabid WAR fan-base overtakes the Empire Coliseum with a strong mixed-reaction as the wrestling ICON known as “The Traditionalist” slowly shuffles through the “Gates of WAR”. Looking out upon the crowd with a look of smug arrogance upon his face, the hardened veteran takes his time walking to the ring almost as if he was daring the crowd to continue forth with their booing. None the less, once in the ring, Eric Tyler is shown once again standing before the crowd with his sternly built chin deflecting all that’s before him; his head raised as if he were looking down on every one of them.}


[“The Traditionalist” Eric Tyler]:
There’s an epidemic in professional wrestling these days; a sickness that has LONG plagued our sport. While it started in DaVE, recently it seems as though WAR has picked up the bloody carcass left for dead when Vilbert lost his hold in the revolution. Truthfully, I thought it would DIE in the hands of DaVE. Hell, I spent the majority of my career there attempting to stomp it out; however, sadly, it appears as though I failed…
{Looks up with a stern face}
… I will NOT let that happen… again. With the great almighty as my witness, I WILL succeed… this ugly sickness WILL perish…


{The crowd seems confused as Eric Tyler stands before them in a brief stint of silence; as if he were soaking in the moment. With a fiery stern look upon his face, the “Traditionalist” moves forward with his statement.}


[“The Traditionalist” Eric Tyler]:
The youth of our industry know NOTHING about proper professional wrestling. They look at our sport as a flash-in-the-pan; not the ARTFORM for which it should be viewed!
{Shakes his head; disgusted}
Jumping around like damn 13 year old gymnasts, picking up weapons for a bloody ‘cheap thrill’, or celebrating before you mindless fools, they ALL think as though they KNOW wrestling; as if they KNOW what it takes to be a wrestler.
{Crowd boos at Tyler}
The truth of the matter is, it’s not their fault… They’re sick…


{Again, the crowd is confused as Tyler gives very little to go off of.}


[“The Traditionalist” Eric Tyler]:
… They’ve ALL been infected by this disgusting virus that plagues our sport. For the sake of this sport, and the sake of my LEGACY, I will cure this industry of it’s ills. If it takes me one measly fool at a time then so be it.
{Pauses; looks out to the crowd with a holier than thou presence}
Tonight, I start this journey… Call it… a “Wrestling Lesson” of sorts. So, to those of you in the back, those of you who THINK you know what our great sport is all about, join me in this ring and I’ll see to it that you receive a PROPER education…
{Pauses; smirks devilishly}
… When it’s all said and done, you’ll all THANK ME for my tireless dedication…
{Pauses; crowd boos}
So who will be my first student? Who dare see the light in the error of your ways?


{With that, Eric Tyler steps back slightly at looks toward the “Gates of WAR” with a presence that screams of ultra-arrogance. None the less, as he stares upon said entrance, an answer to his question is given in the form of…}



Student or teacher of a rude-awakening for Tyler?


{Shuffling through the “Gates of WAR” in a lazy fashion, the enigmatic figure many have labeled “Poetry in Motion” overtakes the ringside area in a showering of positive support. Tattooed, scraggily, and possessing an unmistakable weird charisma, Remmy doesn’t look the part as it pertains to that of a ‘hero’; however, to those growing tired of Eric Tyler’s dismissive ways, he is quickly looked upon as exactly that. Meanwhile, looking upon his newfound challenger, if not first student in his eyes, the hardened “Traditionalist” shows no sign of emotion either way; simply clenching his wrists in a way of preparing mentally for the feat before him.}


Steve Smith:
It looks like Remmy Skye has heard enough! Well, Tyler, you wanted to educated the youth on YOUR art-form? Here’s the man they call “Poetry in Motion”. Show him how you’re supposed to ‘rassle’…

Slick Rick:
How DARE you disrespect a LEGEND like Tyler?
{Shakes his head slowly}
Skye doesn’t have a snowball’s chance here. I give him 2 minutes; tops. That punk doesn’t know the FIRST THING about TRUE wrestling!

Steve Smith:
I guess we’ll have to see about that… ‘Teacher’ meet student…




"The Traditionalist"
Eric Tyler vs.
"Poetry in Motion"
Remmy Skye


Singles Match

"Wrestling Lesson" - Open Challenge [Eric Tyler]

“Teaching... underhandedly”


Proving he’s much more athletic than his counterpart, the younger Remmy Skye quickly employs a speedier tempo in which to overrun his arrogant ‘teacher’. At first, the approach does exactly that. As the crowd cheers wildly, excited to see someone put Tyler on his back, Skye seemingly does everything right as it pertains to their explosive affair. Sadly though, this comes crashing down as Tyler’s expertise ultimately comes back into play: rolling out of the way as Remmy slams to the canvas alone after a twisting descent from a nearby turnbuckle. Winded slightly, blinking in a check for consciousness, Skye once again returns to his feet; however, at this point, the “Traditionalist” is able to employ a more tempered pace; one that is built upon the tired hands of submission-based wrestling. Stretching the scraggily flier every which way, Eric Tyler looks as though he’s ‘breaking-down’ the student of his ‘wrestling lesson’. With time, Skye is able to again return to a speedier pace; however, the sight of a hindered right leg is entirely apparent. In the end, in the experience of an aged man attempting to slow down his much more athletic counterpart, Tyler is shown, once again, dipping into a dubious nature as lands a low-blow, from behind, as Skye is looking to hit a nearby rope. From there, “Poetry in Motion” finds his momentum entirely thwarted. Seconds later, as he staggers away, hunched over due to the strike, a strike missed by Eugene Williams it seems, Eric Tyler is shown capitalizing; forcing his pained opponent into a trapped half-nelson/chicken-wing submission hold. Wrenching, twisting his body, and trapping the younger Skye with his legs, it’s only a matter of time before Skye eventually taps out. Cheap in nature, yes, but a victory none the less for the ‘teacher’.


Eric Tyler via submission

Ending Maneuver:
Trapped half-nelson/chicken-wing submission

Ending Time:


Steve Smith:
Is THAT how REAL wrestling is supposed to look like; cheating your way into victory?

Slick Rick:
It’s ALL part of the craft, Steve-o. I don’t expect you to get it… That 12-year old girl frame of yours tells that you were NEVER an in-ring talent…

Steve Smith:
I don’t have to be in which to spot a hypocrite!

Slick Rick:
Harsh words. Watch yourself before you go too far…

Steve Smith:
Eric Tyler wants to ‘educate the youth’ on REAL wrestling? Well, maybe he should start with educating himself! That was a deplorable outcome if there ever was one! First, he cheats in which to help Alex Braun defeat Ares. Now, he has the audacity to speak of wrestling as an ART-FORM and then finishes off Remmy like that? What a pile!

Slick Rick:
How about you take him upon his ‘wrestling lesson’ next week then, Steve-o! If you are SO mad about his, as you say, ‘hypocrisy’ then do something about it!

Steve Smith:
I’m no idiot; I KNOW I can’t hang with Eric Tyler. That said, I hope we find someone who can knock some sense into him soon…

Slick Rick:
Aint going to happen… He’s Eric Tyler; he’s a wrestling GOD…



Produced vignette

Involved: James Prudence and Shawn Gonzalez

“Framing a brewing rivalry”


{In which to better frame their altercation, a produced vignette about the brewing rivalry between “The Lone Wolf” Shawn Gonzalez and “Platinum” James Prudence is shown. The adrenaline-pumping production, equip with classical ‘battle music’, utilizes footage from the famed “WAR Roulette” match as the two were often seen clashing from pillar-to-post. Strikes are slowed down, impacts are synched up with the music, and raw emotions are captured, all in the hope of depicting their altercation as something that is truly bubbling to the surface. Meanwhile, as this is shown, the voice of James Prudence is heard speaking over the top. While no image is shown of him actually speaking, instead showing the produced action alone, it’s expected that the audio was taken following the “WAR Roulette” match that is being documented currently.}


[“Platinum” James Prudence]:
If a wolf bites you in the woods, are you supposed to thank your maker for being spared; walk along with a smile on your face for surviving? I’ve been told all week that I should thank my ‘lucky stars’ that I made it out of there in one piece; that Gonzalez is the kind of a$$hole you don’t want to mess with. Well, I don’t see it that way. To me, if I’m bitten by a wolf, you better be damn sure that I’m going to find that mangy mutt & leave HIM for dead…
“Lone Wolf”? All that means is that I have you one-on-one… without disruption.
After tonight, you’re going to WISH you never knew of the PAIN that comes from… “Platinum”…


{With that, the produced vignette comes to a close with the final image being that of James Prudence and Shawn Gonzalez standing side-by-side in a ‘versus’ kind of manner. After a flashy cementing process, having the images plastered across the screen, an aura is projected that a true brewing WAR may be on the horizon between these two.}


Steve Smith:
An unlikely rivalry looks as though it’s forming tonight as “Platinum” James Prudence and “The Lone Wolf” Shawn Gonzalez clash for the FIRST-TIME since Gonzalez’ debut in “WAR Roulette” last week. In the 20-minutes that transpired, it was fairly obvious that these two have an axe to grind with one another… Why? I’m not totally sure.

Slick Rick:
I don’t think there’s anything behind this. Sometimes you just DON’T get along with someone; the sheer sight of them makes you want to punch their lights out. That’s what we’ve got with these two…

Steve Smith:
I guess we’ll see who can take the first victory from the other. Either way, I’m sure this isn’t the LAST TIME we’ve seen these two clash…




James Prudence vs.
"The Lone Wolf"
Shawn Gonzalez


Singles Match

“Budding hatred”


A match that starts with a stiff slap from James Prudence upon his opponent, Shawn Gonzalez, is one that tells of an internal fire between the two right away. As expected, doing so within an in-ring stare-down, only furthers this notion as the mysterious “Lone Wolf” quickly turns rabid with aggression; flooring the platinum blonde flier at every turn. Despite being a one-man-army of his own, eventually Gonzalez’ fury is tempered by the sneaky-hand of Prudence as the man they call “Platinum” inches his momentum back into relevancy. Putting away their fists of fury in which to focus more predominately upon the skies, both competitors do everything they can in which to floor the other; utilizing an aerial approach that both are most commonly known for. Diving from the top rope with a leg drop, Prudence appears as though he’s defeated his more prestigious opponent on several occasions; however, every attempt is ended with a triumphant kick-out by the East Coast ICON. In contrast though, Prudence is not so lucky in his thwarting techniques. Catching a descending Prudence from on high, Gonzalez is able to turn James’ aerial crash into that of a ring-rattling Spinebuster. Seconds later, with his opponent dazed and confused from the impact, the “Lone Wolf” is able to turn said drop into a chain-like combination; administering his signature “Latino Crab” in a matter of seconds. Wrenching, sitting back with force, potentially breaking his opponent’s back in the process, Gonzalez eventually forces Prudence to tap out; a fact that pushes mass frustration upon Prudence’s face as he winces in pain.


Shawn Gonzalez via submission

Ending Maneuver:
“Latino Crab” (Boston Crab)

Ending Time:


Steve Smith:
WOW… What a match!!! I honestly thought Prudence was on the door-step to victory when, out of nowhere, the “Lone Wolf” turns the tables with a “Latino Crab”! While I don’t care for “Platinum” very much, I DO need to applaud him for his effort. He ALMOST walked out of here with a victory but, in the end, Gonzalez triumphs!

Slick Rick:
This isn’t the last we’ve seen of these two… Next time, my money is on “Platinum”. You can’t keep a man like him down for very long.

Steve Smith:
I HOPE we DO see these two go at it again. Hell, I hope Mr. Stallings’ is listening right now from his luxury box, book these two AGAIN next week! This is a fight that I’d pay to see again and again…

Slick Rick:
It HAS to be done! Next time, the “Lone Wolf” will be put-down… for good…




Backstage conversation

Involved: Troy Tornado © and Nemesis

“Common insanity”


{We transition backstage now in which to see the WAR Champion, Troy Tornado, shuffling lazily through a backstage hallway of the Empire Coliseum. With his head c*cked back slightly, the obvious sign of a healthy ego, the “Hard-Rock Rebel” continues to project his own-brand of gritty coolness; most often seen with those of his type. None the less, as the guiding lights from above gleam upon his jet-black sunglasses, a fact that is equally seen upon the gold plate of the WAR Championship over his shoulder, the celebrated champion is eventually stopped by the engagement of a wrestling LEGEND…}


Tear some sh*t-up out there tonight, Champ…


{A devilish grin forms upon Nemesis’ face as he stands off to Tornado’s right.}


[Troy Tornado]:
Won’t be too hard… That b*tch has it comin’…


{Equally grinning, the gritty “Hard-Rock Rebel” says so while nodding his head slightly in an agreeing fashion.}


Word of advice though, with those a$$holes, if you see one of them… You’re bound to see all of them…


{Nemesis’ smirk turns a little more serious at this point. With his arms crossed, his aged biceps still dominating in sight, the weathered LEGEND appears to be offering a sense of insight as it pertains to those he’s battle with for years.}


[Troy Tornado]:
{Nods his head; pushing his lips upward in a snarl-like fashion.}
They need their numbers… It’s all they have going for them…


{Nemesis is heard chuckling in a raspy fashion in response to Tornado’s statement.}


Damn straight…
{Pauses as he chuckles in said raspy fashion}
… DaVE was a fickle mistress. Sexy, easy, and wild in bed… but… When it was all over with,… you’re left with the f*cking pain of broken bones.
{Smirks devilishly}
They took a stab at the b*tch and now they’re much like me… F*cked up…


[Troy Tornado]:
That’s all a b*tch is good at…


{The two smirk in unison as it seems both are enjoying their back-and-forth. None the less, as the two exchange in an alpha-like shake, seconds before leaving eachother’s side, it appears as though a genuine sense of respect is forming between the two.}


The mark of a TRUE champion is a son-of-a-b*tch who stares down HELL and asks for more…
… You seem like a crazy enough motha-f*cker to do so…


{Troy Tornado smirks devilishly as well; nodding his head in approval.}


[Troy Tornado]:
‘Aint no one crazier…
{Nods his head; smirking}
I guarantee you that…


{With that, the two go off in their separate ways. While their interaction was brief, there appears to be a likeness between the two. Both known for their brash personalities dripping with a pure love for the crazy, these loose-cannons have come to find respect for one another; most likely feeling as though they’re looking at themselves in the mirror.}


{In the end, the final image is that of Troy Tornado continuing forth as he shuffles lazily, head c*cked back slightly, through an undisclosed backstage hallway.}


Steve Smith:
There’s something growing here between Tornado and Nemesis… A sense of respect maybe? Either way, in all of our sports history, I don’t think I’ve EVER seen a combination as exciting as these two. A pair of loose-cannons who just so happen to have their cannonballs facing the same way…

Slick Rick:
Are you done with your stupid little metaphors?
{Shakes his head}
What a loser.

Steve Smith:
If me loving this sport makes me a loser then so be it…

Slick Rick:
You can LOVE this sport without being a pansy…

Steve Smith:
It’s called journalistic creativity, Rick. You should look into it sometime.

Slick Rick:
Don’t need to… I’m already f*cking awesome…






Troy Tornado © vs. "The Cornerstone" Johnny Martin


Singles Match

WAR Championship Match

“New School vs. Old School”


The shocking sight of Johnny Martin alone brings forth a unique vibe for tonight’s Main Event. Often followed by his Tri-State Kings brethren, the “Cornerstone” appears to be doing the admirable thing by competing as a sole entity. That or he wants the recognition to be solely placed upon his own shoulders; a sign of sheer arrogance in NOT wanting to share the limelight. None the less, in obtaining such he would have to overcome the speedy insanity that is… Troy Tornado.


Clashing at the center of the ring after a heated stare-down, wild punches are soon to follow as both resemble that of heavyweight KO-kings in hopes of ending their altercation quickly. While their fervor is unmatched, the pace ultimately slows down considerably as such a hectic style is only possible for so long. With this in mind, their back-and-forth, purely open in nature, begins to take shape; telling the narrative of “Aged ICON vs. Hungry Rock-Star Cool”.


For a lengthy period of time, neither man really gains full control of their altercation. Martin, educated veteran, often finds ways to slow down his much more speedier opponent. Meanwhile, the explosive onslaught of the intensely wound “Hard Rock Rebel” often finds it’s way bubbling back to the surface in reckless fashion. It’s this epic struggle of opposites that ultimately adds further depth to their personas as Tornado appears even MORE loose-cannon-like when stacked up against the focused delivery of a consummate professional like “The Cornerstone”.


With time, showing signs of his advanced age versus his opponent, Martin appears as though his body is starting to fail him. It is THAT notion that ultimately pushes the staggering “Cornerstone” to desperately wave his hands in a calling gesture toward the “Gates of WAR” while kneeling upon the canvas. Struggling to regain his breath, Martin fears the incessant attack of his youthful opponent no longer as this small gesture brings forth Eric Tyler & Alex Braun from the back.



Alex Braun and Eric Tyler of the Tri-State Kings


Within seconds, the reckless WAR Champion is quickly overcome by the 2-on-1 attack administered by the fresh pairing of Braun and Tyler. Still attempting to fight back, Tornado swings like a drunken sailor; however, his depleted nature is simply unable to keep up with that of his attackers. With time, Tornado is entirely subdued.


Eugene Williams calls for the bell in a frantic decision of disqualification as Braun and Tyler continue to stomp the holy-hell out of the struggling WAR Champion. Meanwhile, seated in the corner of the ring, his head propped up by a turnbuckle, the “Cornerstone” is shown struggling to regain his breath. Then again, even in his overrun stupor, Martin is shown smirking arrogantly in between his huffing breaths.


Troy Tornado via DQ

Ending Maneuver:
2-on-1 beat-down (Interference from Alex Braun and Eric Tyler)

Ending Time:


Steve Smith:
After ALL of that… THIS is how the main event ends; with the Tri-State Kings assaulting Troy Tornado into a DQ? Johnny Martin should be ASHAMED! He blatantly called for a gang-like beat-down ALL because he couldn’t keep going. He was tired, beaten down, and he would RATHER lose in such a disturbing way then do the admirable thing and keep on fighting… This is just… Sickening!

Slick Rick:
What? If Tornado is going to be ‘the guy’ then he needs to be able to overcome it all! Right?
{Laughs devilishly}
Let’s just say they are ‘breaking in the new guy’…

Steve Smith:
That’s no ‘new guy’… He’s the bloody WAR Champion!

Slick Rick:
To the Tri-State Kings, he’s the ‘new guy’. He’s a nobody in NEED of a good beat-down; just so he knows who REALLY is in charge around here! Martin may not have won the title tonight but he sent a direct message to Tornado… “Don’t mess with us!”

Steve Smith:
Since when has our sport been about ‘messages’? What about wins-and-losses? What the Tri-State Kings did tonight is absolutely deplorable…

Slick Rick:
… or a sign of knowing the game better than any other.




Meeting in Stallings' personal luxury box

Involved: Nemesis, The Guru, and J.K. Stallings Jr.

“The enlistment of a WAR General”


{Stepping through an elaborately designed silver doorway, the man long dubbed as the “Hardcore Hero” is shown shuffling into the gigantic space known as Mr. Stallings’ personal luxury box within the Empire Coliseum. A room depicted as an ode to the beauty of modern art, Stallings’ personal space quickly creates an obvious contrast between it and the rugged man who had just walked in. Dressed in weathered sneakers, equally torn jeans, and a basic black t-shirt potentially older than Mr. Stallings himself, Nemesis simply appears as if he does not belong. None the less, as he shuffles inward, taking a second to soak in the museum-like décor, the Wrestling LEGEND embarks upon the sight of two executively dressed men before him.}


{Seated in a large black leather chair is none other than WAR’s owner himself, J.K. Stallings Jr. The stoic look upon his face, matched with the equally metropolitan dress style, paints the resurging billionaire as a man of intense wealth; cultured in an extravagant manner due to his wild riches. Meanwhile, standing next to him, almost like a well-tailored lap dog, is Stallings’ personal assistant and all-around ‘voice’, legendary wrestling manager, The Guru. The sight of the two powerful men before Nemesis creates an even more unique vibe as Nemesis is hardly EVER the lessened figure within ANY room.}


{As Nemesis comes to a sluggish stop, showing continual signs of his body being severely depleted after years of HELL in DaVE, the Guru is heard speaking in his typical slow, yet underlying arrogant, tone.}


[The Guru]:
Glad you could make it, Nemesis.
Mr. Stallings understands that you are a busy man; however, I promise that his offer will be well worth your time…


{Nemesis looks confused as his face contorts in a menacing fashion.}




[The Guru]:
{Pauses as he grins}
When Mr. Stallings created Wrestling Action in Revolt, he searched far-and-wide for a man of your caliber; one who could LEAD his men into battle. You see, every great army, or revolution in this manner, NEEDS a strong general at the helm. Without such, all is doomed to fail. This is where you come into the fold…


{Nemesis continues to look on with slight confusion; however, even his look of confusion carries a menacing tone.}


The Guru]:
Your original contract was set to expire following “Sin City Chaos”, correct?


{Nemesis nods in approval in a barbaric fashion.}


[The Guru]:
Well, Mr. Stallings has put together a life-changing package in which to keep you on board full-time with WAR. Money, stature, power, it’s all there; all for the taking if you agree to his terms.


{Chuckles in a raspy fashion}
… Maybe you don’t know me that well but I’m not one to live by any one’s terms…


{The Guru nods slowly in response.}


[The Guru]:
That’s apparent. Believe me, Nemesis, Mr. Stallings has done much research before EVER contemplating YOUR involvement.
The terms are simple, nothing out of the ordinary really, but your signature will ultimately cement your name as the great leader of WAR; the triumphant general that Mr. Stallings has long been searching for.


{Nemesis seems to be mulling over something which is apparent all over his crackling face. Shuffling with pain, the physically broken LEGEND changes his posture for a second; all the while keeping a focused gaze upon the men before him.}


So let me get this straight, you want me to run Wrestling Action in Revolt?


{The Guru twists his face slightly in a ‘well, kind of manner’ as he remains in a sense of smug presence.}


[The Guru]:
Well… Sort of. Mr. Stallings would still have final say over anything and everything; however, he needs someone ‘on the ground’ who knows the sport… who can rely on that knowledge to steer Wrestling Action in Revolt to victory.


… If he’s offering all of this sh*t then why can’t I hear from the man himself? You mute or something?


{Nemesis looks over to Mr. Stallings in his typical stern fashion; however, J.K. doesn’t budge in the slightest; still seated with his legs and hands crossed.}


[The Guru]:
That won’t be necessary. Mr. Stallings has employed me exclusively to speak for him. Believe me though, my word comes straight from him.


{Mr. Stallings nods his head in a single slow fashion.}


[The Guru]:
So what will it be?




{Nemesis continues to stare; deep in intense thought.}


[The Guru]:
Nemesis, respectfully, we don’t have all day…


{Nemesis seems to grow more aggressive in his stance as it’s obvious that he’s growing more angered.}


I don’t like to be rushed…
If you really want me on board then you’ll have as much time as I have…


{Nemesis stares on with intensity. Meanwhile, The Guru and Mr. Stallings have not budged from their stance of comfortability.}


What are your terms?


[The Guru]:
Nothing out of the ordinary for any corporate position: suit… tie… a non-violence clause.


{Nemesis snickers devilishly within the snarl he once held.}


Seems you didn’t do your research all that well, Mr. Stallings…
{Pauses as he snickers devilishly}
… None of those things will EVER work for me…


[The Guru doesn’t budge. Instead, he continues to speak as if he didn’t hear what Nemesis had just said.}


[The Guru]:
In exchange, you will hold power like no other has ever seen; outside of Mr. Stallings of course. You will aide in the rise of another great Empire and YOU, you Nemesis, will be the man most tied to it’s success.


{Nemesis still looks as though he’s about to walk out then in there; knowing that they are asking him to be someone he is simply not.}


[The Guru]:
Match decisions… stipulations… firing… and even hiring … would be at your disposal…
{A grin forms upon his face}
… That boy of yours… could find a home… in WAR…


{Nemesis’ tune seems to change slightly as it appears the Guru has said something intriguing. With his head twisted slightly, the intensely stern “Hardcore Hero” stops his defiant tone when the notion of family is brought forth.}


[The Guru]:
All of this, with just some… minor oversight from Mr. Stallings himself, could be yours…




{Nemesis is still caught up on the previous statement of his son. So much so that it’s expected that he missed out on the ‘oversight’ statement put forth by The Guru.}


You’re saying that, in being your general, I can bring my son to WAR?


{The Guru slowly nods his head. Meanwhile, a small smirk has formed upon the statuesque state of Mr. Stallings as he remains seated in his crossed position.}


[The Guru]:
What will it be, Nemesis? Do we have a deal?


{Nemesis continues to mull over the situation. His body language has turned conflicted, frustrated even, as it’s glaringly obvious that the Wrestling LEGEND is warring within.}


You’re asking me to be something I’m not…


[The Guru]:
… We’re asking you to turn the page in your career; to create a new chapter of your LEGEND. A suit is just clothing; it’s not going to change the measure of a man.
Non-violence is something that, at your age, should be celebrated. How many more years can you keep up at your previous pace? You’re going to be six-feet under soon if you don’t find a sense of… peace…
We can offer you that.


{Nemesis looks over at both men, attempting to read their minds if you will, as the wrestling LEGEND is most certainly conflicted. Everything about his body language tells of that very fact. Then, after what feels like forever, silence gripping the scenario, creating an awkward vibe of sorts, Nemesis is heard finally relaying an answer. With that in mind though, the stern stare upon his face, a heated mug often associated with the intense “Hardcore Hero”, doesn’t seem to fade despite said answer.}


… I shook the hand of the devil long ago …
{Pauses; stares in a ferocious manner}
… I know what to expect…
{Pauses again; stern in his demeanor}
… My soul ‘aint goin’ nowhere but down…


{Slowly, a devilish grin forms upon Nemesis’ face; the sort that practically warms the room with the flames of red.}


… Might as well rule as Cesar… before they come callin’ my name in the abyss…


{The Guru grins in response.}


[The Guru]:
Is that a yes?


{With that, Nemesis nods his head very slowly in an agreeing fashion. The action, barbaric in it’s administration, creates a round of smirking that binds all three together. In the end, Battleground comes to a close with the sight of J.K. Stallings Jr. projecting a devilish smirk of his own; solidifying the truth that Nemesis has, in-deed, become the ‘ground authority’ as it pertains to WAR.}


Steve Smith:
I’m lost for words…
Nemesis has joined the administration of Wrestling Action in Revolt! This is… wow… I can’t even put this into words…

Slick Rick:
A suit and tie? A non-violence clause?
{Laughs as he shakes his head}
I give him a few days before he breaks all of that. There ‘aint NO WAY that someone like Nemesis, as barbaric as he is, can EVER succeed in this role. Has Stallings set him up to fail? Is that the plan all along?
{Smirks; shaking his head still}
This is going to be a train-wreck!

Steve Smith:
Make sure to call your local pay-per-view provider and order “Battleground”, at this time next week, in which to see the official start of Nemesis as the WAR General! It’s bound to be one… well, one HELL of an affair…









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WAR: "Battleground" - PPV Episode #1

Wrestling Action in Revolt (WAR)

8, 467 out of 10,000 at the Empire Coliseum (Located in the Empire Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, NV)

PPV Buyrate:

Event Grade:


  • Tri-State Kings threaten Troy Tornado. ©

  • Buddy Garner defeated Snap Dragon via pinfall. (D+)

  • Genio Verde is ‘too injured’ to compete; announces Cletus as his replacement against Fox Mask. (D+)

  • Fox Mask defeated Cletus via a DQ run-in from Genio Verde. (D-)

  • The Guru tells Nemesis that Mr. Stallings would like to see him at the end of “Battleground”. (B)

  • Alex Braun defeated Ares via pinfall in a hardcore match due to Eric Tyler’s interference. (C-)

  • Ares is stretchered out. (C-)

  • DAMiaN defeated Puerto Rican Power via pinfall. (D)

  • Buddy Garner fails to take-down DAMiaN and Leper Messiah. ©

  • Eric Tyler explains his “Wrestling Lesson” open challenge; Remmy Skye accepts the first challenge. (C-)

  • Eric Tyler defeated Remmy Skye via submission. (D)

  • Hype video framing Shawn Gonzalez and James Prudence rivalry. ©

  • Shawn Gonzalez defeated James Prudence via submission. ©

  • Nemesis and Troy Tornado speak about their shared hatred of the Tri-State Kings. (B)

  • Troy Tornado retained the WAR Championship by defeating Johnny Martin via DQ due to an Alex Braun & Eric Tyler run-in. (B)

  • Nemesis accepts the position of “WAR General” offered by Mr. Stallings. (B-)

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2nd Week of February, 2010

... Scandal ...


With the sound of roaring voices in the background, the documentarian’s novice footage opens once again; however, this time around there is no WAR figure on the other-side of the lens. Instead, seated on the edge of his seat is none other than the documentarian hipster himself. His hair is rustled, his eyes telling of an exhausted figure, said film-maker appears to be resonating with something on his mind; at least so says his body language.


Earlier today, it was made known that Tony Rennie failed an internal drug test. While the media has yet to uncover this news, those in power within WAR have attempted to hide the truth at all costs. It’s unknown whether or not Tony will face any sort of discipline for the failed test but you’ve got to think that SOMETHING will come of this. At this point, I’m unable to come in contact with anyone; even Mr. Stallings. That said, it’s only a matter of time before someone speaks about the issue. In no way is this an investigative documentary but it’s certainly impossible to overlook something as gigantic as this. In a story about Mr. Stallings and the WAR he’s manifested, his top entertainer failing a drug-test is certainly news-worthy…


With that, the shaggy documentarian reaches atop the nearby camera in which to bring this round of footage to an end. Seconds after hearing the muffled noise of his finger running across the ‘stop’ button, all turns abruptly black; all with the final image being that of an extremely exhausted documentarian in search of answers.






2nd Week of March, 2010

... Speaking out on the matter ...


The camera lens ignites into existence once again as the slightly hazed person shown before us is none other than legendary manager, Eknath Dutta. A man most notably known for his masterful sense of calm appears to be somewhat agitated. His stare is slightly diverted, his lips uncomfortably dry, as the executively dressed Dutta resembles more of a corporate official these days than a simple wrestling figure. None the less, as he adjusts his seat in a nervous-like fashion, the obviously agitated Eknath looks as though he’s about to explode in some manner. Luckily for the documentarian, and ourselves included, that said explosion is an ‘on-the-record’ conversation about Troy Tornado’s recent drug-test failure.


[Eknath Dutta]:
What do you want to know?


Eknath adjusts his seating stance once again. Placing his fingers across his mouth in a thoughtful fashion, Mr. Dutta finally fixates his gaze upon the documentarian before him. It’s obvious that he’s uncomfortable, which is quite shocking for a man of his clarity; however, the thoughtful energy within seems to tell of a man eager to confess the truth of the matter at hand.


There has been word backstage that Tony Rennie, aka Troy Tornado, failed a drug-test following the initial production of “Battleground”. Is there any truth to that rumor?


Eknath sits in silence for a second, as if he is weighing what to say internally; however, it all comes spilling forth in a stoic, careful, manner thereafter.


[Eknath Dutta]:
Unfortunately, yes.


Why has it been covered up?


[Eknath Dutta]:
It’s all damage control… but what do you expect? While the news wouldn’t cripple WAR from a public perception standpoint given our fan base, no one wants a ‘black-eye’ this early in the proceedings. It’s a protection matter.


Was he disciplined for his actions?


Eknath sighs rather heftily as he leans back in his chair. For a brief second there is a look of annoyance upon his face; however, shortly thereafter it all seems to fade.


[Eknath Dutta]:


How is that beneficial for the company as a whole? I mean, in the short time I’ve come to know Mr. Stallings, it seems that he wants success more than anything else. If this were to make the national news then there would be, as you said, a pretty BIG ‘black eye’ left for WAR…


Following another sigh of sorts, sitting back deeper in his chair, Eknath’s body language tells of a man who is just as conflicted on the matter.


[Eknath Dutta]:
You underestimate Mr. Stallings need for revenge…


Eknath pauses for a second as he nods his head in a ‘no way around this’, matter of fact, kind of manner.


[Eknath Dutta]:
Troy Tornado is THE guy in Stallings’ camp. The guy slipped up, tested positive for hard drugs, but to Stallings he would MUCH rather move forward with the momentum we have then impose discipline. In the end, that would hinder the ultimate prize…


… revenge?


Eknath nods with a slight smirk upon his face.


[Eknath Dutta]:
It consumes him. There’s no way around it. At the end of the day, all that Stallings did was ‘slap the man on the wrist’; that’s it.


Do you think he learned from this; that he was scared ‘straight’ if you will?


A small stint of laughter under Eknath’s breath is barely heard. Meanwhile, his head is shaking ‘no’ in a slow fashion as well.


[Eknath Dutta]:
Not a chance. Rennie will do what whatever he wants… he knows he can get away with it.


Are you afraid someone may LEAK this?


[Eknath Dutta]:
There are A LOT of ‘boys’ who are pretty jaded over Stallings’ ‘kid gloves’ with Rennie. I mean, I’ve heard whispers from many of them when the rumors started circulating. A lot of them think that if it were them, someone lesser on the ‘corporate ladder’ if you will, then they would have been shown the door. Not Rennie. He’s not going anywhere.


So you think there’s a chance?


[Eknath Dutta]:
There always is when you’re dealing with money, power, fame… women…


Do you think Stallings will speak to me on the matter?


Again, another stint of laughter is heard from Eknath; however, this time it’s far more prevalent. Crossing his arms as he sinks in deeper into his chair, it’s obvious what his answer will be.


[Eknath Dutta]:
You have a better chance of breaking into Fort Knox…


With that the footage comes to a close with the sight of Eknath Dutta laughing heftily at the notion of Stallings speaking on the matter. His mannerisms, his very joyful face, tells of a man who knows Mr. Stallings quite well by this point. None the less, the dubious failure of Tony Rennie [aka Troy Tornado] is a scenario that this novice documentarian can simply not walk away from.



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2nd Week of February, 2010

... On the outside looking in ...


Another round of raw footage opens with the slightly off-center sight of our faithful documentarian seated on the corner-edge of his Stallings purchased hotel room within the Empire Hotel & Casino. His mannerisms are somewhat frantic, slightly agitated; however, such a fact could be stemming from the apparent lack of sleep he’s currently working through. With that said, as he holds his battered cellphone within his hand, the documentarian, in all of his hipster glory, looks straight into the camera lens; focused and determined.


I attempted to speak with Mr. Stallings about Rennie’s drug-test failure; however, was met with a response that felt rather… hollow. The smirk on his face [Mr. Stallings] spoke of someone who is withholding the truth; someone… for the first time… I felt I couldn’t trust. In my short time with Mr. Stallings, I’ve come to know a man of great dedication. I admire him. He opened his home to me, opened his heart and mind to my camera lens, and has done nothing to interfere with the great story of his return. That said, for the first time, I feel as though I am on the outside looking in… As if he were keeping me in the dark.


A saddened look forms upon his face as it’s apparent that he truly does feel as though he’s being fed a story versus the truth lately.


I asked him about the ‘rumor’ as he claimed it to be; however, he would only do so off-camera. His answer was masterfully passed through a coy smirk; one that told of someone overtly confident within the throws of potential scandal. His response? There was no failed test… No scandal to speak of. I kept my source confidential, not wanting to hurt Eknath for his bravery; however, I would be lying if I were to say that I didn’t want to bring it up. I mean, here’s a man so hell-bent on revenge, so fixated on crushing those who wronged him, turning a ‘blind eye’ toward something that could, eventually, blow up in his face. Maybe not today… maybe not tomorrow… but… almost inevitable to leak if the proper decisions were not put into place. To be honest… I’m a little surprised by his arrogance; that he could, somehow, someway, keep it all under-wraps. I guess… money really does talk… or in this case… silence…


With that, the footage comes to a close once again with the sight of the fixated documentarian reaching for the ‘stop’ button. In the process, as he brings the footage to a close, he’s also shown pushing a button upon his phone; one that’s expected to be a speed-dial scenario. The reasoning for such is that, even before the camera can go dead, by pushing one simple button his phone, we hear a pair of lingering words before it all goes black. That being: “He’s still cloaking…”



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Aww... Darn it. I missed two marks on the prediction. But hey, at least I got the parts "Genio screw the match" and "Ares got hit by a steel chair" right. :p


[Nemesis]: … Might as well rule as Caesar… before they come callin’ my name in the abyss…


Epic. Ave, Caesar, morituri te salutant...!

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Aww... Darn it. I missed two marks on the prediction. But hey, at least I got the parts "Genio screw the match" and "Ares got hit by a steel chair" right. :p


Those count in my book, Anggur! In some ways, I find it harder to depict an outcome (how it will unfold) versus who will actually win. You did well!


Epic. Ave, Caesar, morituri te salutant...!


Now you're speaking 'my language'. ha. ;) I am a HUGE Roman Empire enthusiast and have spent many hours researching for various reports, research projects, and general interest. In a way, I always looked at the concept for "WAR" being built around the Roman way of mythology (while still entirely pro wrestling).


Loosely in the role of Ceasar, due to money, power, dominance, is the resurgent J.K. Stallings Jr. His word is law within Wrestling Action in Revolt (both on-and-off-screen); so, it's an obvious comparison. From there, the wrestlers within the Empire Coliseum are thought as modern day gladiators of sorts (Wrestlers, MMA fighters, etc.). So, it's pretty easy to draw the lines to the comparison without straying too far from what this is all ACTUALLY about... Professional wrestling.


It's great to see someone fall upon the same feel.


If Nemesis is Caesar then who gets to be Brutus?


I have my ideas... ;)


Seriously though, Nemesis is going to be a MAJOR part of Wrestling Action in Revolt as he's now the "WAR General". With this in mind, you can be rest assured that epic power struggles are bound to unfold... Some that many didn't see coming (past, present, and future foes).

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To those about to wage in WAR, the battleground is the ultimate place for which LEGENDS are born. Putting everything on the line, a warrior has very little room for error. For, if one is to slip, even momentarily, mass destruction is almost an absolute certainty.


WAR is no place for the weak. When stepping onto the hallowed battleground, only one thing remains… Will you, or will you not, rise to the occasion?


Will you rise for your country? Will you rise for your family? Will you rise for greatness? Will you rise for your brothers? Will you rise… for the banner of WAR?


This and this alone is what measures a man…


… What turns an ordinary person into that of a LEGEND …


Who will dominate the Battleground?


WHO will become the LEGENDS of WAR?





Victims no longer, the unique pairing of
Donnie J
Fox Mask
Puerto Rican Power
, and
Snap Dragon
have formed as one in which to face-down the daunting task of stopping pure evil. While their pride is flexed full-force, one has to question their mental clarity given that their opponents are none other than:
Leper Messiah
, and
Genio Verde
. In the end, is this fear-driving foursome just a coincidence of same rivals OR something FAR more devious…



Capitalizing on his previous lecture, the polarizing “Traditionalist”
Eric Tyler
will bring his
“Wrestling Lesson”
BACK to the Empire Coliseum this week on “Battleground”. While many felt that the aged ICON manipulated his way into victory last week, using a number of back-handed tricks upon the youthful Remmy Skye, there still appears to be a sense of invincibility around unforgiving educator. This week, who will accept the “Traditionalist’s”
open challenge
? More importantly though, will they succeed in teaching Eric Tyler his OWN lesson…



Falling victim to Eric Tyler’s veteran craftiness last week, “Poetry in Motion”
Remmy Skye
explodes onto the scene once again in hopes of gaining revenge against another Tri-State King. In this go-around, Skye must compete with another hardened veteran, one who overcame his OWN rival last week in Ares, as the “Ice Man” himself,
Alex Braun
, attempts to carry his faction’s banner all the way to the top with yet another victory in their favor. Can the youthful, borderline reckless, flier overcome the hardened, well-educated, veteran this time around OR will we find yet another example of experience over youthful drive?



It’s no shock to anyone that “Platinum”
James Prudence
is an arrogant man. Last week, the young bleach-blonde flier thought he had everything he needed in which to pull away a HUGE victory over the East-Coast LEGEND,
Shawn Gonzalez
. To HIS shock; however, no such guarantee was evident. This week, live on pay-per-view, on “Battleground”, Prudence will gain ANOTHER opportunity to do what he couldn’t do last week… overcome a LEGEND.



Mystery circulates around this week’s “Battleground” main event as the WAR Champion himself,
Troy Tornado
, knows NOTHING about who he’ll defend against. Described as a defining moment in
’ new calling as the “WAR General”, company owner,
J.K. Stallings Jr.
, has given the wrestling LEGEND an opportunity to name whoever he sees fit to compete for the gold. With this in mind, many names have been thrown out as potential options; however, no definite has been given quite yet. In the end, WHO will the “WAR General” deem to be worthy of a title shot? Also, will that figure then go on to unseat Troy Tornado as THE guy in Wrestling Action in Revolt; obtaining control of the WAR Championship in the process.




WAR Battleground Quick Picks

Cletus, DAMiaN, Leper Messiah, and Genio Verde vs. Donnie J, Fox Mask, Puerto Rican Power, and Snap Dragon

Eric Tyler's - "Wrestling Lesson" Open Challenge

Alex Braun vs. Remmy Skye

James Prudence vs. Shawn Gonzalez

Troy Tornado © vs. ??????


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Cletus, DAMiaN, Leper Messiah, and Genio Verde vs. Donnie J, Fox Mask, Puerto Rican Power, and Snap Dragon

The monsters rule for now.


Eric Tyler's - Buddy Garner "Wrestling Lesson" Open Challenge

Can't lose your own challenge.


Alex Braun vs. Remmy Skye

Skye is good but this is WAR where fists speak louder than fancy flying moves.


James Prudence vs. Shawn Gonzalez

Shawn should go over but you need JP to get a win to keep the feud alive.


Troy Tornado © vs. Ares

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Cletus, DAMiaN, Leper Messiah, and Genio Verde vs. Donnie J, Fox Mask, Puerto Rican Power, and Snap Dragon

Eric Tyler's - "Wrestling Lesson" Open Challenge

Alex Braun vs. Remmy Skye

James Prudence vs. Shawn Gonzalez

Troy Tornado © vs. ??????

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Cletus, DAMiaN, Leper Messiah, and Genio Verde vs. Donnie J, Fox Mask, Puerto Rican Power, and Snap Dragon

Can't see Genio Verde's "cheat to win" attitude to disappear.

Eric Tyler's - "Wrestling Lesson" Open Challenge

It's his challange, and if he's doing these he needs to build up head of steam before he loses.

Alex Braun vs. Remmy Skye

My prediction about Remmy was wrong last time out... I can only sense that maybe he's going to "pay his dues" and learn for a while before getting a push.

James Prudence vs. Shawn Gonzalez

Some kind of stoppage here; maybe a double DQ? Saves Gonzalez from a loss and Purdence from being embarrassed.

Troy Tornado © vs. ??????

Tornado is your top guy; I just can't see him losing this early on.

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Just wanted to give a heads up as to why "Battleground" wasn't up tonight. I recently got pretty sick and spent most of my time wallowing in the annoyance of being blah. That said, I was able to write up a vast majority of the show today; however, will have to wait over the next few days to get the rest of it done. This whole 'body hates me' thing has run me down pretty hard. Slowly, in between my incessant "Vampire Diaries" viewings (Yes, it's actually a good show I've come to find thanks to Netflix), I'll have everything up probably by Monday/Tuesday of this next week.


After that, I may have some backstage stuff to post; however, I will be taking a short break as I fly home for a wedding this weekend. I'm going to leave my laptop here; so, that way, I'm forced to get away from my normal pattern. Sometimes it's good to detox; even from the things you love most (ie: writing).


All in all, just wanted to throw that heads-up your way.


I'm excited to get "Battleground" (PPV Episode #2/4th overall WAR show) up and running as it's got A LOT of groundwork being laid.

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My readers will probably be upset to hear this, but this is one of the diaries that I'm currently catching up on instead of writing my own. As always, great stuff so far! I'll leave a more detailed response once I get all caught
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