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Locker Room Arguement

Involved: Puerto Rican Power © and G-Phunk

“It 'aint personal...”


{With the muffled sound of a roaring crowd in the background, signifying that “Battleground” must be nearing the final moments of the show, a moment that unveiled a new potential faction in WAR, we are presented the sight of the WAR Sin City Champion, Puerto Rican Power, packing up his attire in a small black duffle bag. Dressed in street clothes, that being a pair of faded blue jeans and a skin-tight black t-shirt, Power looks to be on his way out of the Empire Coliseum all together. With that said; however, as he puts away the final pieces of his stuff, flinging the Sin City Championship over his right shoulder in the process, the stocky-framed powerhouse moves into motion; spinning around as he walks toward the door.


Snarling as he comes to a stop, huffing outward in an alpha like fashion, Puerto Rican Power stares upon a figure that’s currently unseen. With time; however, that figure proves himself to be none other than the debuting, G-Phunk.


Clad flamboyantly in a large pimp-like hat, gold chain, and a long black trench-coat with his name drawn in purple and gold, the sly cackle of the arrogant G-Phunk resonates almost immediately; especially when paired with SUCH an opposite as the brutish, huffing, alpha persona of the Sin City Champion.


With a slight laugh to his tone, the overtly arrogant newcomer stares Power up-and-down; shaking his head as he appears to be sizing him up.}


Ooooooooooo-ieeeeee… Puerto Rican Powah, in da flesh… huh?


{As G-Phunk smirks, Power is shown huffing in brutish defiance.}


Why so pissed playa? … the big lady not puttin’ it out?
… Believe me… I’ve got ya covered there… What’s your game? Blondes? Brunettes? Bald?
{Laughs again heartily}
… You’d be a freak… I can see it on your face… a damn… freak...
{Laughs again}
… that’s goin’ to cost ya more…


{Power, huffing once again, steps closer in a brutish fashion; roaring like a powerful lion as he begs the question…}


[Puerto Rican Power]:
… I take it you want my belt…


It ‘aint personal, playa…
{Devious grin forms as he laughs}
… You’ve got what I want… it’s as simple as that…


{A slight smirk forms upon Power’s face as said grin looks truly menacing in nature. Through the scruff upon his face, said smirk resonates as Power’s ready for a fight.}


[Puerto Rican Power]:
… You want it… come get it…


{Throwing the Sin City Championship onto the ground before him, Power is shown stomping his direction directly toward his newfound challenger. In connection, smirking in an overtly arrogant manner, G-Phunk is ultimately shown throwing his colorful hat to the floor as well; removing his chain shortly thereafter as he sets both down in a gentle fashion (as if they were his most prized possessions).}









Puerto Rican Power © vs. G-Phunk


Impromptu Sin City Championship Match

Location: Locker Room

“You won't like me when I'm angry...”


Throwing his tree-trunk sized arms in a furious fashion, the brutish Sin City Champion continues to project his aura of an alpha-male powerhouse of sorts. In connection though, obviously MUCH smaller in size, the debuting G-Phunk is shown neutralizing such a crushing approach with a continual focus upon the usage of ‘dirty tricks’. Finger-poking, eye-gouging, low-blows, and scrappy back elbows, are all utilized in hopes of overcoming the powerful champion before him. Sadly enough, while it works rather well for a period of time, always bringing G-Phunk back to the surface of momentum, eventually, it’s almost impossible to keep up on. With time, as Power becomes increasingly enraged, puffing his chest like an alpha lion, every little ‘trick’ tends to fall rather flat. At one point, an eye-gouge from G-Phunk doesn’t even slow down the Sin City Champion. Instead, it only makes him MORE mad; a fact that bodes terribly for the debuting Phunk.


In the end, as G-Phunk attempts to halt the steaming Power with a scrappy chair-shot, the Sin City Champion is shown ACTUALLY punching the chair out of his hands. Seconds later, witnessing Power standing over him, Phunk is shown cowering slightly; only to execute a cheap low-blow seconds later. Staggered, Power looks like he’s slowed down; however, again, exploding with rage, is eventually shown spinning back around and executing his signature “San Juan Rush” square upon his challenger; slamming him into a nearby wall in the process. In the end, with such a powerful impact, there was no kicking out of a standard three count as Jez McArthuer is shown running onto the scene; getting there JUST in time to count to three.


Puerto Rican Power via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
“San Juan Rush” (Spear) into a cement wall

Ending Time:

Match Grade:

This marks the 5th successful defense of the WAR Sin City Championship by Puerto Rican Power.



Post-match attack

Involved: Puerto Rican Power © and Fumihiro Ota

“As if from nowhere; again...”


{Huffing, puffing, and out-of-breath, the raging Sin City Champion slowly pulls his stocky-frame upward; looking down upon his victim the entire time. At first, it’s almost as if WAR.com forgot to turn of the feed, simply showing a post-match , one-sided, stare-down; however, that notion would quickly lose merit only seconds later…}



"The Immortal" does it again...


{As if from nowhere, how he entered the room nobody knows, the mystical masked man, Fumihiro Ota, is shown cold-clocking Puerto Rican Power from behind with a swift standing side-kick to the head. Seconds later, crashing into the cement wall before him, Power is shown attempting to pull himself back into action once again; however, no such situation would arise.}


{After a string of lightning quick kicks, all centered square upon Power’s scruff-infested head, the overpowering alpha-male is eventually shown unconscious on the floor; only inches from the man he just defeated in G-Phunk. In the end, while Power is obviously the more dominant figure from a strength standpoint, Ota has, yet again, proved that his lightning quick presence, when matched with the mystical ability he seems to carry as “The Immortal”, is far too much for the Sin City Champion thus far.}











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"I'm shocked, appalled, and downright disgusted by the recent actions of J.K. Stallings Jr. To insinuate something as ugly as this... I’m lost for words; honestly. It’s a sad, sad, day in our industry today...”

+ Natalie Morris (aka Honey Golightly), BSC Owner


In one of the ugliest scenarios this industry has seen in some time, it appears that resurgent WAR owner, J.K. Stallings Jr., attempted to plant a heinous story about their fellow Las Vegas neighbors in BSC. While reports are quite sketchy, an ugly rumor was passed along that BSC, along with it’s owner Nathalie Morris, were housing ‘****-supporters’ within their ranks. These rumors were quickly shot-down by Ms. Morris, opening her operations in which to show there was no such scenario, and it appears that the story was all-together fabricated by someone within the WAR camp. While such a situation is not new to the wrestling industry, as ‘dirty tricks’ are often utilized to overcome a rival, this one stands as an absolute shock due to the originator of such lies.


After being cast from his own company many years ago now, the recently resurgent J.K. Stallings Jr. was expected to be determined; however, not in THIS manner. All signs point that the nasty rumor came from all the way at the top, so says an inside source; so, one has to really wonder… What’s going on with Stallings these days? Has the heralded billionaire lost his sense of decency in the last 6 years? Either way, after such actions were taken, a closer look on WAR, and J.K. Stallings Jr., may be needed in the future.


More information to come…




WAR loses momentum.

Backstage morale dips slightly.

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3rd Week of April, 2010

... WAR may burn like Rome ...


Seated on a small arm-chair, most likely within the confines of his WAR-purchased hotel room, our novice documentarian is shown in a bewildered state. Exhausted, a tad under the weather, and projecting a sense of sleeplessness, the hipster dressed storyteller appears to be more overcome with the scenario at hand than ever before. None the less, as he sniffs through his opening, making known that he most certainly needs to blow his nose, the baggy-eyed documentarian finally seems to have taken on the visual personification of the mess of WAR…


It’s a mess around here… a big, freakin’, mess. It’s arguable to say that Mr. Stallings EVER had a hand on the locker room area but, by this point, it’s easy to see that he’s lost control all together. People are STILL failing drug tests left-and-right; however, the more shocking truth appears to be that only SOME are being held accountable for their actions. Men like Tony Rennie [Troy Tornado] and Paul Kruse [TITUS] continue to be the center of rumors, over whether or not they failed ANOTHER test, only to have their names ultimately saved, shadowed, and protected, by Mr. Stallings himself. Meanwhile, people like WAR Pin-up girls Veronica, Ashley, and Athena, have all found themselves on the unemployment line after a string of failed ‘soft drug’ tests; or at least as it’s been presented to me recently.


Meanwhile, as the locker room morale seems to dip lower-and-lower, here comes the news that Mr. Stallings had TRIED, and failed, to plant a negative story about BSC. They don’t really pose any threat to the company, outside of offering a slightly-related form of entertainment on the same strip, but it all reeks of a personal vendetta that Stallings has for the company’s owner, Nathalie Morris [Honey Golightly]. Attempting to tarnish their name, which I don’t know how it’s possible seeing how they are a borderline strip-club with wrestling moves occasionally thrown in, Stallings’ own yes-men tried to orchestrate a story for which BSC, and Ms. Morris herself, were ‘****-supporters’. Appalling, and frankly overplayed in modern media, that being someone is a ‘****’, it goes to show that this is NOT the same Stallings we spoke to early on in WAR’s inception. Something’s clicked… snapped… coiled… or something… He’s lost it and now it seems as though he’s teetering ever-so-close on self-destruction… at least as it pertains to WAR.


His WANT, or really… NEED, for redemption has ultimately shape him into a reckless man. He’s alienating his locker room, firing wrestlers like Grunt and Stink after ONE show of service, hiding drug test results it seems, and completely overhauling his WAR Pin-up Girl franchise in a matter of weeks, and this all comes only a few months after CREATING Wrestling Action in Revolt. It’s shocking to say the least, that someone could completely evolve in this manner so quickly… That is… if what we saw in the first place was really him. By now, I’m starting to question my early time with the man. At this point… I’m starting to think that the man we see now… the manipulative, revenge-soaked, devious, grudge-holding, arrogant man of a newfound ‘iron curtain’… is what was really there all along…


With the recent rise of NOTBPW, pulling talent up-north at a staggering rate, even pillaging a number of WAR talent in the process, NOW is not the time for Stallings to fall victim to his own failures as a human being. If he REALLY wants to find that revenge he’s been seeking so aggressively, it’s time that he take a good long look in the mirror and reassess his company’s direction. Truthfully, if he continues down this route, there’s a good chance that WAR may burn much like Rome did many, many, hundreds of years ago… Either by his OWN doing… or the media finally uncovering the TRUTH about Wrestling Action in Revolt.


I have my sources. I KNOW what’s truly unfolding behind the scenes. I’ve attempted to reach out to Stallings, to speak about the matter, but all I get in response is a message from his slimy PR professional: “Mr. Stallings is busy currently; however, I would LOVE to speak on his behalf”. Blatant cover-up actions if you ask me. In the end, I WILL get my interview with Stallings… some day… whether today… tomorrow… or six months from now… I WILL get my interview… and when I do… I won’t hold the dogs back… not one bit.


For now, I must rely on my sources as I attempt to tell a story of a proud resurgent billionaire coming back to the sport he loves… from afar. I now find myself outside of the ‘iron curtain’ of WAR; a fact that makes it almost impossible to really tell a TRUE story. So, from the valleys I’ve come to know as my own, I will continue to throw rocks at the towering castle before me… Waiting… Wishing… Hoping… That one day… All answers will be given… and the TRUTH… really comes out.


With that, reaching for the very top of the camera, the baggy-eyed documentarian brings the raw footage to a close with the sound of his hand rustling on high. In the end, the final image is that of a man who, at one point, was extremely exuberant about the possibility of telling the ‘story of J.K. Stallings Jr.’. Now though, he appears much more like a weathered, emotionally dejected, physically sick, man with a camera, on the outside looking in… No longer at the forefront of the story he wishes to tell.





<hr color="black">
What we learned

A LOT has gone on in Wrestling Action in Revolt over the last week. With this in mind, what the documentarian is referring to in his self-documented analysis is that the company appears to be in shambles. The reasoning for this is as follows:


+ WAR Pin-up girls Veronica, Ashley, and Athena have all been fired due to repeated drug test failures for 'soft drugs'.

+ Grunt and Stink were fired after ONE event with WAR. While there's in game reasoning, as the crowd poo-pooed on one of them, the 'backstage story' is that Stallings never expected to keep them around. Simply put, they were seemingly brought in to float the WAR-created tag team in Demonic Intervention. When they were no longer needed after that, Stallings took no hesitation in firing them.

+ Tory Tornado (Hard Drugs) and TITUS (Steroids) continue to fail drug tests on a weekly basis; however, have never felt the 'heat' of their actions; only being given 'fatherly approaches' throughout their failed tests.

+ Locker Room Morale hit it's low at 53%; however, recently rebounded to 74% as a number of new hires, and firing of 'bad news bears', have elevated the percentage.

+ Acid recently was the culprit of a backstage problem with Puerto Rican Power that ALMOST came to blows. It was dealt more harshly than if Tornado or TITUS had done so; however, still is a sign of the locker room issues.

+ NOTBPW has now risen to national status. With that, they've pulled in new names like Mick Muscles, Sara Marie York, and Sayeed Ali (Kingpin Ali in WAR).

+ A 'dirty trick' in which to plant a negative story about BSC fell flat as it was uncovered that WAR had planted it. With that said, we lost some momentum; however, the real issue comes with the 'backstage storyline' that the media may be paying MORE attention to WAR's deeds in the future (feeling that there may be something brewing on the inside, something they don't know about, as a deed like this, trying to plant a story like this, points toward someone, or a collection of people, with skewed morality. So, in a sense, what ELSE could be happening if they would allow, or orchestrate, something like this story?).

+ From a 'backstage storyline' perspective, our documentarian has now officially been cast on the outside looking in as it pertains to his documentary about the resurgent billionaire in J.K. Stallings Jr. This has ultimately curbed his attitude to that of a more aggressive-toned figure. In the end, he's taken on MORE of a role as an investigative journalist at this point, than a true documentarian, as he feels slighted & wants to 'pin the tail on the donkey' so to speak.
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Reports out of WAR headquarters is that this week, on “Battleground”, Wrestling Action in Revolt will unveil a NEW roster of WAR Pin-up Girls!



'Rising from the shadows' as they target the former WAR Pin-up Girls...


In the past two weeks, the lovely foursome have been the victims of a deplorable plot by the demonic trio of Genio Verde, DAMian, and the Leper Messiah. Claiming they were ‘returning from the shadows’, these menacing psychopaths later targeted the beloved WAR Pin-up Girls due to their absolute beauty; labeling them as members of a looks-driven society that ultimately cast them into said darkness. While their actions are downright reprehensible, the overall success of their ugly plan has been spot-on.


In a comment to WAR.com, Wrestling Action in Revolt’s own ‘voice’ had this to say…



Appalled by their actions...


“It saddens me to see such ugliness. These women were targeted for their beauty alone. In the end, you can only hope that the injured heal, the trio of Verde, DAMiaN, and Leper Messiah, are punished, and the new cast of WAR Pin-up Girls are SAFE enough within the very company that looks to celebrate them.”

+ Steve Smith, Announcer


Since the loss of Ashley, Athena, Meggie Beth, and Veronica, Mr. Stallings has ignited a nation-wide search in hopes of securing a new crop of beautiful bombshells. In the end, WHO will become the NEW cast of WAR Pin-up Girls? More importantly though, will they simply have ANY safety in such a chaotic, violence-laced, organization? For them to be so, one has to wonder WHAT will be done as it pertains to Verde, DAMiaN, and Leper Messiah?










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WAR Survey:

Taking a moment to find out what's working, interesting, and not!


With WAR coming to the completion of it's 8th show, I wanted to construct a small (only 5 question; mostly multiple choice) survey in which to better know what my readers are thinking. This is why I LOVE writing in the GDS world, versus simply writing a book, because you can have real-time interaction with your readers (instead of only doing so at book readings, signings, and promotions, etc.). With that in mind, I create a very short, very to the point, survey to better understand what you're thinking as a follower of WAR!


Here is the link to said survey:


Click Here for the WAR Survey!!!


At this point, I'm really happy with how WAR has come out. So far, this dynasty has moved into a tie for my third longest venture (w/ USPW) in recent years. Now, I just need to surpass 11 shows to beat DOA and then 22 (I believe) to beat PSW. It's my goal to keep this one going, even if that means shortening results down the road as free time becomes EVEN less; so, it's great to know what's registering thus far (and whats not).


Thank you!

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Thank you to all of those who have responded to my WAR survey thus far! Honestly, it's been great to hear from you all (and to know what's working/not working for you!). With that said, for those who haven't gone through it yet, if you want it's still up. There's only 5 questions; so, it's really short (especially since most of them are multiple choice questions). In the end, it really helps me to know what others are thinking/feeling.


Here is the link:






To those about to wage in WAR, the battleground is the ultimate place for which LEGENDS are born. Putting everything on the line, a warrior has very little room for error. For, if one is to slip, even momentarily, mass destruction is almost an absolute certainty.


WAR is no place for the weak. When stepping onto the hallowed battleground, only one thing remains… Will you, or will you not, rise to the occasion?


Will you rise for your country? Will you rise for your family? Will you rise for greatness? Will you rise for your brothers? Will you rise… for the banner of WAR?


This and this alone is what measures a man…


… What turns an ordinary person into that of a LEGEND …


Who will dominate the Battleground?


WHO will become the LEGENDS of WAR?





“Battleground” opens this week with another
1st round Tag Team Championship tournament match
as the newfound
squares off against the grungey
. Relative newcomers as it pertains to working as one, forming exclusively in which to compete for the WAR tag straps, one has to wonder if their youthful spark will be enough to overcome the knowledgeable veterans in Payne and Shearer? In the end, no matter WHO wins, next week will bring them a grandiose challenge as they compete against… Demonic Intervention.



It was only one week ago that the debuting
Fumihiro Ota
did the unthinkable: KO’ing the brutish steamroller of a Sin City Champion in
Puerto Rican Power
! This week, returning to the Empire Coliseum with hopes of obtaining gold, the man they claim as “Immortal” will have to accomplish an even GREATER task: Doing it all over again. Can the blindingly fast Ota defeat the overpowering muscle-man; obtaining the
WAR Sin City Championship
in the end? – OR – Will the stocky powerhouse crush yet another challenger in his bid to dominate Sin City forever?




The brutal mentality of East Coast wrestling comes to a head this week as ANOTHER
1st round Tag Team Championship tournament match
pits the Bostonian
Hyde Park Hitmen
against the hardened veterans of DaVE fame,
The Tri-State Kings
. After KO’ing Alex Braun, and later defeating another King in Steve Flash via DQ (Thanks to Braun… again), Brutus O’Leary has brought a brand of hard-hitting violence to WAR since his debut. Now, with his long-time friend Dozer at his side, can the man known as the “Hands of Stone” punch his way toward ANOTHER victory over the Tri-State Kings? In reality, history says that it’s only a matter of time for the former DaVE ICONS finally return the favor.



Waging an epic battle that most closely resembles art of a brutal nature,
Eric Tyler
Buddy Garner
have tirelessly torn into one another in hopes of being labeled ultimately as ‘THE BEST’ in our industry today. Hiding behind nothing, showing very little in the way of limitations between the ropes, these iron-willed masters of submission-based wrestling will square off, potentially, for a FINAL TIME under the setting of a
30-minute Ultimate Submission match
. In the end, with such a lengthy affair at the forefront, will it be Tyler or Garner walking away as THE BEST submission artist in pro wrestling today?



A week removed from being the victim of a newfound alliance,
Shawn Gonzalez
has made it official that he has activated his
WAR Championship match
opportunity, made possible by gaining the contract via a ladder match win earlier in the month, which will pit him against said WAR Champion, and potentially injured,
Troy Tornado
. Connected in the fact that BOTH were assaulted by members of the WAR General Nemesis’ newfound alliance, these two WAR standouts will attempt to wage a battle with one another; all the while looking over their shoulders at WHO may be lurking in the distance. Can the rabid, yet intensely silent, “Lone Wolf” make good on his championship opportunity; becoming the NEW WAR Champion? – OR – Will the embattled rock-star, Troy Tornado, defeat yet ANOTHER challenger; maintaining his spot atop the WAR landscape with the top title in hand? In reality though, the REAL question may be… Will Nemesis’ newfound alliance alter the outcome of the title match in the end?




WAR Battleground Quick Picks

The Brotherhood vs. Cali-Air

Puerto Rican Power © vs. Fumihiro Ota

Hyde Park Hitmen vs. The Tri-State Kings

Buddy Garner vs. Eric Tyler

Troy Tornado © vs. Shawn Gonzalez


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The Brotherhood vs. Cali-Air

Puerto Rican Power © vs. Fumihiro Ota

Hyde Park Hitmen vs. The Tri-State Kings

Buddy Garner vs. Eric Tyler

Troy Tornado © vs. Shawn Gonzalez


Long time reader, first timer commenter Eisen and I must admit I'm loving WAR keep up the good work man.

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WAR Battleground Quick Picks

The Brotherhood vs. Cali-Air

Puerto Rican Power © vs. Fumihiro Ota

Hyde Park Hitmen vs. The Tri-State Kings

Buddy Garner vs. Eric Tyler

Troy Tornado © vs. Shawn Gonzalez




Great stuff. I keep rereading it. Keep writing and i'll keep reading.

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Long time reader, first timer commenter Eisen and I must admit I'm loving WAR keep up the good work man.


Great stuff. I keep rereading it. Keep writing and i'll keep reading.


Another great show, EV. Keep it up. You've got me hook, line and sinker.


This means A LOT to me; you have no idea. Truthfully, thank you to everyone who has predicted thus far. We've got some great diaries going right now, some new ones coming in as well; so, it's great to know that I have readers still stopping in lately. :D


I have a good number of segments left to write; however, it should go by pretty quickly. My guess is, as of right now, to expect the results on Saturday (as I'll have some time to work on it in the morning while I'm at my wife's coffeehouse). This puts the show a week after the original card went up. That said, you can expect another post down the line before the results go up (one that furthers the culture currently in WAR).


All in all, I had to swing in and say thank you!


EDIT: Also to those who took my short WAR survey (posted with the card). It's really been helpful to know who, what, and why, things have worked (or not) thus far. I've looked into a number of the ideas you all had in mind for potential workers and have even gone as far as to consider the hiring process. Right now, WAR has a rather bloated roster; however, I'm not going to keep myself from hiring new talent as I try to eventually shift the company's focus toward a new crop of wrestlers (using the current big names to float our image right now but eventually help the new cast of 'stars of tomorrow' to progress).

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I have one criticism, and not even a major one (depends on the view, but I don't consider it as major), and I was leaning towards saying this privately (PM), but I'm curious to hear other thoughts.


I'm not so it's helping you to have Traditional so high. To be honest, I think I was the one to advocate it to you (stupid me), but further playthrough in TEW seems to suggest to me it's not a good idea. You promotion has elements of Traditionalism, but by and far, it's not heavily traditional, it seems. Just a pet peeve, though.


Also, I want to admit it seems that have some Risque in your product seems to be have been good for your product-I was skeptical at first, but it seems to have worked out in your favor.

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I have one criticism, and not even a major one (depends on the view, but I don't consider it as major), and I was leaning towards saying this privately (PM), but I'm curious to hear other thoughts.


I'm not so it's helping you to have Traditional so high. To be honest, I think I was the one to advocate it to you (stupid me), but further playthrough in TEW seems to suggest to me it's not a good idea. You promotion has elements of Traditionalism, but by and far, it's not heavily traditional, it seems. Just a pet peeve, though.


Also, I want to admit it seems that have some Risque in your product seems to be have been good for your product-I was skeptical at first, but it seems to have worked out in your favor.


I feel as though WAR could certainly sell a high traditionalism focus. I mean, from what I believe, the in-game definition is simply taking on a 'good vs. bad storyline setting'. With this is mind, yes, I do have some who teeter in the tweener standing; however, for the most part, it's pretty black-and-white as to who is good and who is bad.


From a writing perspective I do like to play the 'grey area', hinting back and forth at what may happen; however, more so than any other project, I'm attempting to create a clear distinction of the good and bad.


Does that make sense?


... Or ... Is my definition of traditionalism even what others deem as such?


Either way, it's a good conversation to have, AMP. I appreciate the insight!

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I think you got the basic idea right, but there's a just a bit more to that. Good guys don't do bad things in more traditional settings, or even have "anti-hero" qualities to them. When I think of traditional good guys, I think "Ricky Steamboat". He's not so "cookie-cutter" (codeword for Mainstream) that he's unwilling to lay a smack-down on bad guys, but he doesn't do anything that suggests he has bad qualities.


Troy Tornado is anti-hero, which completely fits with your Cult, but not so much with traditionalism. Now that I mention it, I think if I was in your position, I would raise your "Modern" to "High" and lower your Traditional to "Medium". That's just me, though.


That being said, I don't want to be all negative, so I want to add that having a popularity-over-performance lean is to your benefit, rather than detriment. Sometimes the game gives you wonky weird ratings (Buddy/Tyler), but for the most part, your product fits your vision (I feel weird saying that).

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I think you got the basic idea right, but there's a just a bit more to that. Good guys don't do bad things in more traditional settings, or even have "anti-hero" qualities to them. When I think of traditional good guys, I think "Ricky Steamboat". He's not so "cookie-cutter" (codeword for Mainstream) that he's unwilling to lay a smack-down on bad guys, but he doesn't do anything that suggests he has bad qualities.


Troy Tornado is anti-hero, which completely fits with your Cult, but not so much with traditionalism. Now that I mention it, I think if I was in your position, I would raise your "Modern" to "High" and lower your Traditional to "Medium". That's just me, though.


That being said, I don't to be all negative, so I want to add that having a popularity-over-performance lean is to your benefit, rather than detriment. Sometimes the game gives you wonky weird ratings (Buddy/Tyler), but for the most part, your product fits your vision (I feel weird saying that).


Troy Tornado is an anti-hero degenerate isn't he? ha. That's exactly how I envision him: The 'good' bad guy. I mean, look at most of your big time rock stars and you have the same feel. He's gritty, he's alittle dirty, a little brash, a little reckless, but that's entirely the kind of persona that I feel fits a rock-star of his looks best. That said, I could see why he wouldn't fit so much into the traditional realm. Could it be possible though that he's the the slight deviated norm?


Now that I write that, Ares is a punk-rocker who still has bad boy tendencies (despite being face) and so does Shawn Gonzalez as the silent snarling Killer (yet face). I guess I don't like overt faces; the whole bubble-gum thing. It annoys me to no end (even when I don't realize that I'm booking against it. ha).


The hard thing is I don't know what I would move up in it's place? I don't really like modern that high as it's too DOA. Plus, most of my roster is chalked full of big behemoths that I've been really excited to work with. I don't really want to raise risque (even though I could) as it can alienate me from other wrestlers wanting to work there. From there, There's really nothing in my top three (Key, Heavy, Medium) that I think would really fit up there.


Hm. I'm stumped.


That said, thank you for the nod on my vision with WAR thus far. :D It's been a lot of fun to create (probably more fun than any other project I've done).

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Hello I just foung out about this awesome forum. Your diary was the first one I checked out and now I'm hooked.

The Brotherhood vs. Cali-Air

My money is on less than 1 minute

Puerto Rican Power© vs. Fumihiro Ota

Only to keep things interesting between these two

Hyde Park Hitmen vs. The Tri-State Kings

Over or not you put a lot into these guys already

Buddy Garner vs. Eric Tyler

Because he is the only talented MMA guy (Well that doensn't actually nearly kill you)

Troy Tornado © vs. Shawn Gonzalez

Troy has to sort things out with the Band and Titus first

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Or you could just lower your Traditional and see what happens. :) I'm not exactly a big fan of having Risque at Heavy either. It's not you like have to move anything up to replace it.


So I mulled over the change and, for the most part, it doesn't really do much to alter my product from an in-game perspective. If anything, it now calls for more subtle/complex characters and, as things have gone on now, there certainly is room for that in WAR (and is how I typically book characters for the most part anyways). Outside of that, everything remains the same it seems.


With your insight on Traditionalism, I do now see why WAR would be more 'medium' than 'heavy'. Sure, we have figures who coincide with the traditionalist-nature (Tri-State Kings, Puerto Rican Power, etc.) but as a direct contrast we ALSO have anti-hero babyfaces (Tornado, Ares, Gonzalez) running a-muck within the top tier of the show. With this in mind, WAR is conceivably more modern-booking versus traditional-thought.


I kept the rest of the product the same as I'm pretty happy with it thus far. I didn't want to overblow 'risque' as one may do so in Vegas. That said, the WAR Pin-up girls give enough sexual entertainment without going overboard. Meanwhile, I wanted to keep modern and mainstream at medium so that A) I can still book major big men and not feel like I'm doing DOA 2.0 and B) I can't stand the notion of overt mainstream wrestling these days (I'm more of a cult-phenomenon fan).


More or less, thanks for the conversation. It helped me refocus my view on what WAR's product should be. Now, I feel it fits me as a booker better (and WAR for that matter) as the subtle/complex part of the characters is something I tend to strive for naturally as a writer (Life is not black and white but rather a consistent shade of grey).


Hello I just foung out about this awesome forum. Your diary was the first one I checked out and now I'm hooked.


Amazing little creative-oasis, isn't it? (That being the GDS TEW Forum) There were days with more traffic; however, we've still kept a rather vibrant forum here. No matter what, even as new games are added, it seems there are still a concrete few who can't get enough of becoming a wrestling booker.


As it pertains to WAR, it's great to know that you got hooked pretty early on after stopping in. I've always had a focus to make every one of my dynasty's as entertaining as possible. To me, it's more about the story than simply booking events and saying "yay, I got a B in my main event"! So far, I'm really happy with WAR has become, especially after taking so long to finally give it a go after a good year of planning, and don't plan on stepping away anytime soon.


All of that said, 'welcome' to the TEW forum!

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So I mulled over the change and, for the most part, it doesn't really do much to alter my product from an in-game perspective. If anything, it now calls for more subtle/complex characters and, as things have gone on now, there certainly is room for that in WAR (and is how I typically book characters for the most part anyways). Outside of that, everything remains the same it seems.


With your insight on Traditionalism, I do now see why WAR would be more 'medium' than 'heavy'. Sure, we have figures who coincide with the traditionalist-nature (Tri-State Kings, Puerto Rican Power, etc.) but as a direct contrast we ALSO have anti-hero babyfaces (Tornado, Ares, Gonzalez) running a-muck within the top tier of the show. With this in mind, WAR is conceivably more modern-booking versus traditional-thought.


I kept the rest of the product the same as I'm pretty happy with it thus far. I didn't want to overblow 'risque' as one may do so in Vegas. That said, the WAR Pin-up girls give enough sexual entertainment without going overboard. Meanwhile, I wanted to keep modern and mainstream at medium so that A) I can still book major big men and not feel like I'm doing DOA 2.0 and B) I can't stand the notion of overt mainstream wrestling these days (I'm more of a cult-phenomenon fan).


More or less, thanks for the conversation. It helped me refocus my view on what WAR's product should be. Now, I feel it fits me as a booker better (and WAR for that matter) as the subtle/complex part of the characters is something I tend to strive for naturally as a writer (Life is not black and white but rather a consistent shade of grey).

Big Men can do in well in heavily-based Modern promotion. That being said, it's not so much of that I'm worried about, it's that you would have increase the intensity and danger levels as well, which some big men will not be able to handle. It's not a decision I disagree with, but a choice that I would not be unwilling to make. I'm also a bit surprised not to see any "Daredevil" aspects either.


I think I understand your focus much more now. I'm not sure I got this "part" right, but even if you are willing to add more Modern and Daredevil, it feels to close to your DOA project, which is something I think I can understand and emphasize with. However, considering where you are headed towards anyway, I'm not too sure "Daredevill" at Medium will hurt your product, and considering the amount of high flyers from CZCW you have. (You would also have to raise to a minimum of 55% danger as well). It's something to consider. :)


By the way, I want to let you know, if you feel like I'm pressuring you, tell me. These are mostly non-major pet peeves and possible improvements to an already excellent product. :)

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Big Men can do in well in heavily-based Modern promotion. That being said, it's not so much of that I'm worried about, it's that you would have increase the intensity and danger levels as well, which some big men will not be able to handle. It's not a decision I disagree with, but a choice that I would not be unwilling to make. I'm also a bit surprised not to see any "Daredevil" aspects either.


I think I understand your focus much more now. I'm not sure I got this "part" right, but even if you are willing to add more Modern and Daredevil, it feels to close to your DOA project, which is something I think I can understand and emphasize with. However, considering where you are headed towards anyway, I'm not too sure "Daredevill" at Medium will hurt your product, and considering the amount of high flyers from CZCW you have. (You would also have to raise to a minimum of 55% danger as well). It's something to consider. :)


By the way, I want to let you know, if you feel like I'm pressuring you, tell me. These are mostly non-major pet peeves and possible improvements to an already excellent product. :)


I don't feel 'pressured' in the slightest. Honestly, you were able to perceive something that I, the writer, was not; so, if anything, I should thank you for that. Having Traditional so high was maybe a good intention at first; however, as WAR was written, it became pretty clear that I had created my company around, as you've said, 'anti-hero' babyfaces. As I've said before, I hate bubble-gum babyfaces (at least in male figures). Whenever I create them, I always seem to have intentions for a later transition where they become something of the opposite...


In the end, while I loved DOA, I knew WAR's success would come from stepping entirely away from DOA. They both start at the same level in the US; however, this story is MORE about Stallings and his resurgence in the industry that once cast him out (rather dramatically at that). WAR, in all of its complexities, is a vehicle for Stallings & tends to take on his underlying dubious nature in the process. With that in mind, I wanted to litter the company with the big, the bad, the menacing, and the borderline sci-fi monster. More or less, I've worked to create something entirely new, entirely different from my previous companies, while also creating something that feels like my typical approach (Cult wrestling).


Oh, that being said, I intend on, and have thus far, raid CZCW; however, not for the reason one would necessarily think. Yes, they are chalked full of great talent on the indy scene BUT there is much more underlying that will come out as to why Stallings would want to see CZCW die (other than just being in the same region).



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I did take some enjoyment that you failed to give BSC some trouble and that it backfired, it really amused me. Now that you are going after CZCW, man, not sure how i feel about that. They are a great and fun promotion. Still it should be great fun to see you try to match them and then tear them apart.
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WAR "Battleground" episode # 7 (9th overall show) results will be up TOMORROW!!! My guess is around 12 mountain time!! So, if you're looking to find out what came of WAR General Nemesis' new group, Gonzalez/Tornado, and the last of the 1st round of the tag tournament, then 'tune in' tomorrow to find out!!


I did take some enjoyment that you failed to give BSC some trouble and that it backfired, it really amused me. Now that you are going after CZCW, man, not sure how i feel about that. They are a great and fun promotion. Still it should be great fun to see you try to match them and then tear them apart.


The battle with BSC is still raging on; however, there are many more names upon Stallings' 'hit list' so to speak. As touched upon before, after losing TCW as he did, Stallings retreated to Las Vegas so that he could 'hide' from society. In reality, where better would one go to both be in the middle of a vibrant light & also hide at the same time? Stowed away in his Vegas strip high-rise, only coming out at night, the jaded former promoter would come to devise a 'hit list' of sorts one night as he grabbed a nearby pad of paper found next to his bed. Scribbling down the names of those he hated, those who wronged him, those who chastised him, those who ignored him, those who bullied him, and those who laughed at his expense, J.K. creates a list for revenge; one that, as touched upon also, he carries with him on a daily basis.


With all of this in mind, CZCW has a place amongst the 'list for revenge'. What and how that comes into play? We'll come to find out over time. Nathalie (or Honey Golightly) was the first person revealed (and as to why she was placed on the list) but there are MANY more names on that list.


In the end, as Stallings would say, as to who will pay:


"All of them ... every... last... one of them..."

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