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Thinking about starting a Dynasty

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I used to do these kind of things years ago and I've got a game I'd like to start one with now but don't exactly have the dedication to type up big descriptions of matches and promos. So, I thought of an idea of writing short show descriptions from the point of view of an internet smark on a made up wrestling website.


Does this sound like a good idea to you? Does anyone else write a dynasty like this now?

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I used to do these kind of things years ago and I've got a game I'd like to start one with now but don't exactly have the dedication to type up big descriptions of matches and promos. So, I thought of an idea of writing short show descriptions from the point of view of an internet smark on a made up wrestling website.


Does this sound like a good idea to you? Does anyone else write a dynasty like this now?


I think you could make it work. You could also go the way Jingo has gone in his diaries. Basically, he boils the match down to bullet points only listing the important stuff that happened in the match. This is a very reader friendly format to match write-ups. Check out his RAW diary and you will see what I mean.

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Not every diary has to be a Tigerkinney epic to be good. Or even a James Casey/PhantomStranger type affair. As long as you're able to convey the message you're trying to get across with the matches and promos, they don't have to be overly detailed.


The brilliant thing about the dynasty section is that as long as you put some effort into it and try to make it a good read, someone out there will read it and enjoy it. No matter what style it's written in. The 'internet smark' approach used to be quite common, in fact. It's a good way to get across the points you need people to know, without having to write out each and every match and promo. And it doesn't take three hours to read a show, either.


Some people even prefer the shorter, easier to read style of some dynasties. Look at, for an example off the top of my head (haven't been back in the dynasty-reading game for long) Boltinho's 21CW. The matches are mostly bullet-pointed lists of stuff that happened, followed by the result C&P'd from TEW. That doesn't make the dynasty any less 'good' in and of itself. Sure, it COULD be a lazy, easy way out of writing a "proper" diary (and I use that term in full knowledge of it's awkwardness and lack of any real meaning in this regard), but it can also be a perfectly legitimate way of doing it, depending on the reason you're doing it that way, and how much effort you otherwise put in.


If every dynasty was written in Tigerkinney style (or even JC/PS style), I'd never have time to read more than two or three. :p


So yeah... do whatever you feel comfortable doing. As long as what content there is, is good content, nobody minds if it's short and to-the-point. I'd rather a dynasty that had short recaps, but was well booked, frequently updated and lasted for ages, than a dynasty that read like a novel, but was only updated every three months and died after the third show because the writer was burnt out. I fell into that trap myself (and my dynasties were never very thorough in terms of match recaps to begin with...), the games became a chore to play, either because I realised I'd have to write up anything that I booked, or because I'd booked myself into a corner and didn't know how to get out of it (especially with that bloody Athletics Commission angle in LDW! Ugh...). But fear ye not laddies, I'll be returnin' tae t'dynasty section sooner then ye can drenk a pint 'o whiskey, och aye! (that's not a clue at all. Nope. Not at all...).


Dynasties should improve your enjoyment of a game, not completely destroy it. Otherwise what's the point? The point is to share the ideas and stories in your game with other people. If doing that ruins the game for you it's kinda counterproductive!

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Clearly I agree with BHK and D-L that shorter accounts can work well in punchy diaries (Zergon is great at this too) as that's what I do but I'm not really sure if it works with big companies.


If I do read SWF or TCW diaries then I'm doing it for a sweeping company ful of intrigue and detail. If I just want to read something quick, dirty and fun it seems to me that smaller companies suit it much better.


Even I'm not totally convinced of my own logic here but basically I like a punchy style for punchy companies.


But anyway - write it and see. You can always change styles later.

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Or go the totally-not-stupid route and start three dynasties with different styles.


Seriously, though, it allows me to write how I feel. Snarky? Road to Glory. Like I want to punch something? Maybe EPW. Want to help? Let's Play. Like I want to be all elocutional? EPW.

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How does the board react to dynasties without pictures? I sometimes think of starting one here, but I just don't much like pictures in diaries....but I don't think I've seen one without 'em other than the couple of aborted attempts I made a few years ago.


I don't use them and I seem to get a good number of views for my WWF dynasty...which you can read here:




Shameless Self Promotion > Pictures :D

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How does the board react to dynasties without pictures? I sometimes think of starting one here, but I just don't much like pictures in diaries....but I don't think I've seen one without 'em other than the couple of aborted attempts I made a few years ago.


Well Nooby_McDonald and MadMatt both have popular, longer running real world diaries and neither of them use pictures. So it can work, I actually do not mind Real World diaries without pictures because for the most part I know who the wrestlers are. However, I tend to not read C-Verse diaries that have no pictures. It is more of a personal preference on my part.

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