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TCW: The Return Of The Hawk

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Sammy Bach vs. Joey Minnesota

Comment: Cease your jobbing of Sammy Bach this instant!


The Canadian Animals and Charlie Thatcher vs. The L.A Connection and Joshua Taylor

Comment: I love Edd Stone, but Taylor & Andrews are greater than the Animals this early into a game. Also, Charlie Thatcher sucks really hard.


American Buffalo vs. Harry Allen

Comment: Allen is jobbing.


Sam Keith vs. Koshiro Ino

Comment: I want Ino to win here, but he won't beat Keith.


Non Title: The Syndicate vs. The New Wave

Comment: You don't beat The Syndicate until you're a main eventer in TCW


Non Title: Eddie Peak vs. Rocky Golden

Comment: Champion wins


Signs: "You can't powerbomb Edd Stone!"

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The Canadian Animals and Charlie Thatcher vs. The L.A Connection and Joshua Taylor

Just because I love the Animals and like pairing Thatcher with them to help get them over with his menace


Thatcher is actually paired with Edd Stone specifically at the start of things as his bodyguard and chief interference runner according to Thatcher's bio. But it definitely helps the young team to have someone with that strong menace.


Thank you for your predictions!


American Buffalo vs. Harry Allen

Comment: Another match in the lets keep the midcard monster heel, somewhat relevant series.


You know I love my midcard monster heels from my USPW days. Can't help but see something in American Buffalo.


Thanks for your predictions!


The Canadian Animals and Charlie Thatcher vs. The L.A Connection and Joshua Taylor

Comment: Joshua Taylor is a unique guy and someone who could really be a major asset to TCW.


Sam Keith vs. Koshiro Ino

Comment: This could go either way but I'm a Keith mark. Koshiro Ino COULD be a great character for TCW; however, I only see him winning if you plan on creating a lengthy feud between the two.


Non Title: The Syndicate vs. The New Wave

Comment: Common wrestling practice would say that the challengers would get the win here as it would solidify themselves as the #1 contenders. I say the Syndicate wins; however, in an underhanded manner. This way, when Cornell doesn't do anything to punish them for doing so, it shows how they DO have mass power within the company on their side.


Joshua Taylor is definitely someone who I look forward to having a good and successful career in TCW. He's just young enough to accept that slow build on him though he is already the TCW International Champion.


Koshiro Ino I definitely see as a Tajiri style of character in TCW. He doesn't really talk but his facial gestures and his japanese speech are the things that get him over.


And the Syndicate are Tommy Cornell and Wolf Hawkins so I can't say I see him punishing himself. ;)


Thanks for your predictions!


Read through this. Good work so far. Going to get some predictions in for the next show


Thanks for the compliments. Glad you enjoyed the first show and I hope I can keep up the top level here. I definitely have plans all the way through May of 2010 already thought up for several storylines.


Thanks for your predictions!


Guess who just read up on this!!


About time you read one of my diaries! Now get to predicting and commenting sometime soon. ;)


Sammy Bach vs. Joey Minnesota



The Canadian Animals and Charlie Thatcher vs. The L.A Connection and Joshua Taylor



American Buffalo vs. Harry Allen



Sam Keith vs. Koshiro Ino



Non Title: The Syndicate vs. The New Wave



Non Title: Eddie Peak vs. Rocky Golden


I agree with these picks


Sammy Bach vs. Joey Minnesota

Comment: Minnesota is the one here who has more going on.


The Canadian Animals and Charlie Thatcher vs. The L.A Connection and Joshua Taylor

Comment: I could see this one goinn either way but I go with Animals & Thatcher simply because I like that group for some odd reason.


American Buffalo vs. Harry Allen

Comment: Buffalo gets another victory in order to make him somewhat relevant.


Sam Keith vs. Koshiro Ino

Comment: Both have feud going on so both should stay strong but Keith is the one with higher profile feud so he picks the win.


Non Title: The Syndicate vs. The New Wave

Comment: Non-title so I see no reason why Synticate should lose.


Non Title: Eddie Peak vs. Rocky Golden

Comment: Since Golden lost the last match I assume that he picks up the win here unless you want to de-push him from the start.


Sammy Bach vs. Joey Minnesota



The Canadian Animals and Charlie Thatcher vs. The L.A Connection and Joshua Taylor



American Buffalo vs. Harry Allen



Sam Keith vs. Koshiro Ino



Non Title: The Syndicate vs. The New Wave



Non Title: Eddie Peak vs. Rocky Golden



Thanks for your predictions and comments, guys! I really appreciate them! It's this kind of response that definitely gets a diary going on the right side of things.

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Tuesday Week 2 January 2010

Location: Minnesota Coliseum (Mid West)

Attendance: 10,000

Overall Rating: B

TV Rating: 4.45




Mitch Naess: "Good evening everyone and welcome to Total Wrestling! For those of you who do not know, my name is Mitch Naess and this is Sara Silver and we are your new commentating crew for the program. Sara, we've got a great show lined up for the fans today."


Sara Silver: "Yeah, sure, Mitchie. Whatever you say."


Mitch Naess: "Well, alright. Let's head up to the ring where I am being told we have the introduction of the brand new TCW Commissioner!"




[Here in the Minnesota Coliseum in the Mid West region of the United States, the fans are on their feet. A 'TCW' chant begins to fill the air as the crowd becomes more and more prepared for the wrestling action that has come to define TCW. The ring announcer begins the introduction of the brand new TCW Commissioner that was talked about last week on this very program. The fans turn their attention to the top of the entrance as a guitar riff breaks out that is familiar to some of the fans and not so much to other fans. Pyro explodes at the top of the ramp as the man steps out from the back.]




['The Traditionalist' Eric Tyler steps free from the back and pauses as he takes in a mixture of cheers and boos. Of course the fans have no idea what to make of this man, of this return from oblivion. Tyler ignores the fans who try to give him a high five at ringside and walks straight down to the ring, pausing on the top step to soak in the mix from the fans. A 'DaVE' chant starts from a few of the fans in the front row. Tyler acknowledges them with a nod before he enters the ring, being given a microphone.]


Eric Tyler

"First of all, it is great to be back in the sport that I hold so dear. It is great to be back in Tradition. It is great to be back in professional wrestling. When the Board of Directors were looking for someone to take over this role, they were looking for someone who could inject a little danger into TCW. They wanted someone who could bring a little extreme into the company. But they also wanted a man who would hold fast to tradition. Who better to hold fast to tradition than the Traditionalist Eric Tyler?"


[An 'Eric Tyler' chant begins within a few fans in the crowd. Tyler looks around for a moment as though trying to figure out where the chant started. He acknowledges that section of the crowd with a twirl of his fingers.]


Eric Tyler

"Make no mistake about this, Tommy Cornell, Wolf Hawkins, Ricky Dale Johnson, Eddie Peak, Joey Minnesota, there is a new sheriff in town. And we, I mean, I am taking over this company. I am going to bring this company to new heights that it has never seen before. Total Championship Wrestling, get ready for the overhaul that you need. Get ready for the reign of Tradition. Get ready for Eric Tyler."


[The crowd began booing Tyler now as they seem to enjoy their company just the way that things are. Eric Tyler set down the microphone and exited the ring.]




Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/TCW/SammyBach_alt31.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/TCW/KarenKiller_alt.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/TCW/JoeyMinnesota_alt1-11.jpg

Sammy Bach vs. Joey Minnesota


[Our opening contest could, indeed, be the main event contest and could main event anywhere in the world. But this is the opening contest here on TCW Presents Total Wrestling. The match was fast-paced as the opener and saw both men get several near falls. Karen Killer served as a distraction to Joey Minnesota allowing Bach to catch Minnesota with three straight kicks to the knee and bring Minnesota to the mat. Bach heads to the top turnbuckle and leaps with a Picture Perfect Moonsault except for one thing -- Minnesota gets the knees up! Minnesota gets to his feet and catches Bach with a tornado DDT for a two count. Minnesota grabs Bach in a back suplex and turns around, whipping his arm across Bach's chest sending Bach to the mat with a spike slam. It's the Empire Spiral! Minnesota makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Joey Minnesota (Via Pinfall @ 14:06)

Match Rating: B






[We head backstage into what appears to be an office as it has the large table set up with the brand new TCW Commissioner Eric Tyler sitting behind it. Standing in front of him are the two Syndicate members: Tommy Cornell and Wolf Hawkins.]


Eric Tyler

"Tommy, I can assure you that my contract done up by the Board of Directors is ironclad. I made sure of that before I agreed to become a part of this promotion. You should know, though, since you were there in the meeting."


Tommy Cornell

"Eric, you know I didn't vote for you."


Eric Tyler

"But everyone else did and it was a majority rules, just the way it was agreed upon, Tommy. I know that you and your friend here have a match coming up at Malice In Wonderland so tonight I thought I would give you both a warm up to that. Tonight, you and Wolf will team up to face the TCW World Tag Team Champions The New Wave. You better go and get ready. You WILL show me respect."


[Tommy's eyes went wide and so did Wolf's! Wolf looked ready to hit Tyler but Cornell stopped him at the last moment. Cornell whispered in Hawkins' ear and the two slowly smiled and nodded and then headed off. Eric Tyler slid his feet up on the desk as we headed back to the ring.]




Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/TCW/EddStone_alt4.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/TCW/FreddyHuggins.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/TCW/CharlieThatcher1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/TCW/LauraCatherineHuggins.jpg



The Canadian Animals and Charlie Thatcher vs. The L.A Connection and Joshua Taylor


[Our big six man tag team encounter here is considered about an average match by the fans watching in the arena and at home around the world. In the beginning of the match, Edd Stone and Freddy Huggins both hide behind the might of Charlie Thatcher, only tagging in when Thatcher has a clear advantage and then tagging out quickly so that they are kept safe in this matchup. Edd Stone pointed from his place on the apron toward a sign that reads: 'You can't powerbomb Edd Stone!' and then scratched his chin like he was thinking about that fact. Eventually, like with most six man tag team encounters, the match degenerates into a wild brawl involving all six men. The end of the match comes with both Joshua Taylor and Freddy Huggins in the ring. An attempted distraction by Laura Huggins proves futile against Taylor and the TCW International Champion locks Huggins in the Butterfly Lock! Huggins struggles to get free and Edd Stone heads to the top turnbuckle but it's too late! Huggins taps out to the hold.]


Winners: The L.A. Connection and Joshua Taylor (Via Submission @ 8:10)

Match Rating: C






[We cut to the backstage area once again where the loud sound of a chair being smashed against someone's body is the first thing we are greeted to. That, along with the resulting grunt, comes from the body of Bryan Vessey as he tries to cover up. The man standing over him is an insane psycho by the name of Eddie Peak! The clean cut Vessey tries to reach for the legs of Peak but suffers another chair shot to the ribs! The chair is tossed away and Peak catches Vessey with the bionic elbow! Peak gives a kick to the ribs and smiles a vicious smile as officials come in and try to seperate these two. What a horrible assault by Eddie Peak!]




Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/TCW/AmericanBuffaloALT1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/TCW/FloydGoldworthy.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/TCW/HarryAllenALT.jpg

American Buffalo vs. Harry Allen


[Another devastating squash for American Buffalo, this time against a decorated TCW wrestler in Harry Allen. But Allen doesn't have to face someone as big and strong as American Buffalo in the All Action division. Buffalo destroys Allen in the corner with an avalanche and then slams forearm shots into the head and shoulders of the former TCW World Tag Team Champion. Buffalo roars to boos from the crowd, picking up Allen from the mat and raising him over head with a press slam, bringing him crashing down to the mat! Buffalo beats his chest as Floyd Goldworthy smiles from ringside. Buffalo picks up Allen and lifts him onto his shoulder. He bounces off of all four turnbuckles before bringing him down with the running powerslam known as The Stampede. Buffalo brings his hands down on the chest of Allen: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: American Buffalo (Via Pinfall @ 4:40)

Match Rating: C






[We head backstage where Jasmine Saunders is standing by within the interview area with Sammy Bach and Karen Killer.]


Jasmine Saunders

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I'm standing by here with one of the top talents in TCW right now in Sammy Bach. Though, Mr. Bach, you appear to be going on a bit of a losing streak..."


Karen Killer

"Excuse me? Who are you again? I don't think you have clearance to be here. You especially don't have the clearance to speak with Sammy Bach in such a manner. I suggest you leave before I have you thrown out of the building. Now, Sammy, I believe you had a few words that you wanted to share with your viewing public?"


Sammy Bach

"Thank you, Karen. It's always good to have good representation on any level, even here in Minnesota. This is the boring capital of the United States, right? I mean the best thing about Minnesota is the road out of the entire state. But I need to turn my focus to Malice In Wonderland where I will be facing five other men inside my stage, my ring. This is my wonderland, my playground. My backup singers will not even get a share of this spotlight because at the end of the day it's all about me. It's all about Bach. Malice In Wonderland, have the green m&ms ready, have the champagne on ice because the Elation Sensation is coming to rock you."


[Karen Killer shoves Jasmine Saunders back and she walks off with Sammy Bach. Saunders slightly shrugs her shoulders and we head back to the ring.]




Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/TCW/SamKeithalt-11.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/TCW/KoshiroIno.jpg

Sam Keith vs. Koshiro Ino


[This match is definitely a slower paced match than some of the earlier contests with a sharp feeling out period in the beginning of the match. Both men are adept at brawling and a lot of that was shown throughout the contest, which was fairly evenly matched. Ino locks in an STF on Keith and seems close to victory as Keith raises his hand to tap out but Ino gets distracted as Rick Law comes out from the back and walks down to ringside. Ino releases the hold and jaws with Law for a moment. This gives Sam Keith the opportunity to recover from the STF. Keith moves in and turns Ino around, giving him the Keith Inverted Atomic Drop! He hooks the head and arm of Ino -- Neutron Plex! The crowd boos as this came as a direct result of the distraction by Law! Keith moves in and hooks Ino -- Proton Lock! Ino struggles in the hold but he is in the center of the ring and has no choice but to submit.]


Winner: Sam Keith (Via Submission @ 9:48)

Match Rating: B




[Sam Keith releases the hold shortly after the bell sounds and exits the ring as Rick Law enters the ring. The crowd boos as Law begins beating Koshiro Ino around the head and body with his nightstick. Law goes in for one more blow and he catches some asian mist in the eyes! The crowd cheers as Law is blinded by the mist! Law staggers around the ring, rubbing at his face and eyes. This gives Ino a chance to exit the ring before more pain can be administered.]




Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/TCW/TommyCornellALT1.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/TCW/WolfHawkins_alt11.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/TCW/Guide.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/TCW/ScoutALT1.jpg

Non Title

The Syndicate vs. The New Wave


[Our semi main event and another matchup that could be a main event anywhere in this country. The New Wave are the current TCW World Tag Team Champions and have held those belts twice. They are the cornerstone of the tag team division. But The Syndicate has two wrestlers that are considered the best in the world. The actual match itself is a back and forth contest that has all three segments of wrestling: brawling, technical skills and flying throughout the contest. Guide very nearly scores a pinfall on Wolf Hawkins when he connects with the Northern Lights Bomb that he calls the Guided Missle but Tommy Cornell broke that up before the three count could be made.]


[Later in the match, Scout had been taken down by both members of the Syndicate and worked over for several minutes before he made the hot tag to Guide. Guide came in strong, catching Hawkins with a flying knee strike and then Cornell with the Arc Kick! The crowd went wild stomping their feet and clapping and chanting 'New Wave, New Wave!' Guide headed to the top turnbuckle and went for a moonsault but Cornell rolled out of the way! Guide landed sharply on his feet and Cornell ran quickly to him -- overhead belly to belly suplex! Scout and Wolf Hawkins brawl at ringside during this moment as Cornell moves in behind Guide -- Guilt Trip! He has the Judo Choke Sleeper locked on Guide and Guide is fading fast. Scout tries to jump in the ring but he is grabbed by the foot by Wolf Hawkins. Guide has no choice but to tap out.]


Winners: The Syndicate (Via Submission @ 16:44)

Match Rating: A


[The crowd begins a 'That Was Awesome' chant to show their appreciation for the match. Tommy Cornell ignores them as he releases the hold only on a referee's count of 4 and a threat to reverse the decision. Wolf Hawkins rolls Scout into the ring and Scout checks on his partner Guide. As he is doing that and The Syndicate are exiting the ring, two more men head to the ring and slide inside.]




[John Anderson and Brent Hill! The team known collectively as The Machines go right after Scout. Anderson hooks Scout and drops him with a sit out underhook facebuster! The move is also known as the Ammo Dump! Brent Hill begins putting the boots to Guide, who has already been choked out by Tommy Cornell. Hill heads to the top turnbuckle and looks down at Guide. He leaps -- high elevation Flying Legdrop known as the King Of The Hill! The crowd boos as Hill connects and The Machines stand tall in the center of the ring over the New Wave. Hill and Anderson make belt motions at their waists, showing that they indeed want the TCW World Tag Team Titles.]




Match #6

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/TCW/EddiePeak.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/TCW/RockyGolden_alt31.jpg

Non Title

Eddie Peak vs. Rocky Golden


[Our main event this evening is a true conflict of styles as the maniacal 'Hardcore Assassin' Eddie Peak takes on the loved TCW World Heavyweight Champion Rocky Golden. Both men, however, are brawlers and this match shows off the skills and talents of both wrestlers as several near falls are made early on during the feeling out period. Peak takes things outside the ring early and often, using the ring post, steel steps and the guardrail as weapons against the TCW World Heavyweight Champion. Peaks lifts Golden up and drops him so that his legs are on either side of the guardrail. Golden howls in pain and Peak shoves a fan back so he can kick Golden and send him right into the front row! Peak interrupts the count and then goes right back after Golden. He slides the TCW World Champion back inside the ring and locks on a bear hug in the center of the ring! Golden struggles against the strength of Peak and gathers energy from the crowd. Cheers and chants of 'Golden, Golden' fill the air. Golden manages to reverse things with three solid punches to the face of Peak, breaking the hold. A double clothesline sends both men to the mat.]


[both men were slow to get to their feet but when they did they began exchanging punches in the center of the ring. Neither man wants to back down here. Golden manages to duck a punch and catches Peak with an atomic drop! Golden clotheslines Peak in the back of the head, bringing Peak to the mat. The TCW World Champion bounces off the ropes -- big legdrop! The crowd goes absolutely wild! Golden picks up Peak and slides in behind him -- German Suplex! Golden holds tight around the waist and pops his hips, moving to his feet again -- German Suplex! Golden pops his hips again and finishes with the third German Suplex! The combination of moves known as the Rocky Road! Golden makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Rocky Golden (Via Pinfall @ 17:09)

Match Rating: B+


[The TCW World Heavyweight Champion Rocky Golden has won the match! What a huge victory here tonight as we are just a couple weeks away from Malice In Wonderland! The crowd is a little surprised as someone leaps the guardrail and slides in the ring behind Golden. The man is wearing a hoodie sweatshirt with the hood pulled up over his head so we can't tell who it is. Rocky Golden slowly turns to look at this man and gets kicked in the gut! The man grabs Golden by the arms and folds them over like a straightjacket. He lifts Golden up and drops him back in a variation on a DDT! The crowd boos and this mystery man calls for and is given a microphone.]


Mystery Man

"Call me..."


[The man pushes the hood from the hoodie back from his face and hair to reveal]







[The crowd is in shock at first and then the boos come in as Nemesis turns and puts the boots to the ribs and head of Rocky Golden! Nemesis picks up the TCW World Heavyweight Champion and tosses him over the top rope to the floor below. Nemesis turns to look at the fallen Eddie Peak as Peak is still lying inside the ring after taking the Rocky Road. Nemesis helps Peak to his feet and presses him into the corner. Nemesis stands in the center of the ring and raises his arms up in victory as the show comes to a close.]


Mitch Naess: "Oh no! What have we done? Nemesis is here in TCW. May God have mercy on our souls."

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Welcome to the TCW Prediction contest. This contest will run through the end of March in-game time.


We had several people get a perfect score of 6/6 this week! Congratulations to Emark, Rob4590, Spud1305 and Rayelek!


1. Rayelek=2 Wins

Emark=2 Wins

3. Midnightnick=1 Win

ChrisKid=1 Win

Rob4590=1 Win

Spud1305=1 Win

7. Eisen-verse=0 Wins

Tigerkinney=0 Wins

CMPunkBubble=0 Wins

Zergon=0 Wins

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Tuesday Week 3 January 2010


Non Title: Edd Stone vs. Joshua Taylor



Texas Pete vs. Bryan Vessey



Non Title: The Tag Team Specialists vs. The New Wave



Troy Tornado vs. Benny Benson



Wolf Hawkins vs. Ricky Dale Johnson





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Non Title: Edd Stone vs. Joshua Taylor

Comment: He has the higher ranked title


Texas Pete vs. Bryan Vessey

Comment: Hmmm - talentless hoss v class act - tricky


Non Title: The Tag Team Specialists vs. The New Wave

Comment: A bit of psychology training for the Wave


Troy Tornado vs. Benny Benson

Comment: Future world champ v midcard comedy act


Wolf Hawkins vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

Comment: Gotta keep the Freedom Fighters strong while keeping Wolf's ego in check



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Non Title: Edd Stone vs. Joshua Taylor

Comment: Edd has two losses so far against opponents on similar level than him so this is kind of last change for Edd on my eyes. Still non-title suggest that he has a shot to win this time.


Texas Pete vs. Bryan Vessey

Comment: Vessey is the one who has storyline going.


Non Title: The Tag Team Specialists vs. The New Wave

Comment: Yes it´s non-title but Wave seems to be feuding with Machines so I don´t see why Specialists should go over unless you want to include more teams in tag title chase.


Troy Tornado vs. Benny Benson

Comment: Since the story goes that Benson won the first encounter I´d say that Tornado evens things up here, though it won´t be a clean win.


Wolf Hawkins vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

Comment: I could see this one going either way but I see Wolf and Minnesota being the weak links on their teams right now so this looks like the best opportunity for Freedom Fighters to get a win over Synticate. And of course there is the fact that Cornell beat Minnesota two weeks ago so RDJ winning here would tie the score.

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Non Title: Edd Stone vs. Joshua Taylor



Texas Pete vs. Bryan Vessey



Non Title: The Tag Team Specialists vs. The New Wave



Troy Tornado vs. Benny Benson



Wolf Hawkins vs. Ricky Dale Johnson



Signs: We want Tommy!!

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Non Title: Edd Stone vs. Joshua Taylor

Comment: hard call just think Taylor edges this one


Texas Pete vs. Bryan Vessey

Comment:Vessey shouldn't have a problem here


Non Title: The Tag Team Specialists vs. The New Wave

Comment: The champs pick up the win


Troy Tornado vs. Benny Benson

Comment: can't see Benny getting the upset


Wolf Hawkins vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

Comment: Another tight one but i think RDJ wins


Signs:I paid $200 to see Troy

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Non Title: Edd Stone vs. Joshua Taylor

Comment: International champ is supposed to be a higher push level, than the All Action Champ and as Stone has been losing to those around the same level, it would seem a bit odd to suddenly have him go over the International champ.


Texas Pete vs. Bryan Vessey

Comment: Vessey's in a high profile feud with Eddie Peak and is just generally being pushed at a higher level anyway.


Non Title: The Tag Team Specialists vs. The New Wave

Comment: Non title because the Tag Team Geriatrics are past their sell by date.


Troy Tornado vs. Benny Benson

Comment: The ready made story in the game, is that Benson won the first encounter, in something of an upset...I think Tornado will get his win back (probably through some form of nefarious means) to even up the feud and get his win back.


Wolf Hawkins vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

Comment: Difficult one to call, but at this moment in time RDJ's the established main eventer, where as Hawkins is still establishing himself in the main event, and in order to keep the Freedom Fighters looking a threat to the Syndicate...then RDJ should pick up the win here.



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Non Title: Edd Stone vs. Joshua Taylor

Comment: Taylor is higher on the card and a little more of the TCW style. But I want it to be Edd, please =P


Texas Pete vs. Bryan Vessey

Comment: Vessey is too good to job in TCW.


Non Title: The Tag Team Specialists vs. The New Wave

Comment: New Wave = Greatest C-Verse tag team


Troy Tornado vs. Benny Benson

Comment: Can't imagine this is settled here


Wolf Hawkins vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

Comment: Wolf is pretty cool, he could win here, I guess


Signs: "Total Wrestling Matters"

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First of all, thanks to everyone who has made predictions! They are all read and really appreciated.



Wednesday Week 2 January 2010

McGaw Arena (Tri State)

Attendance: 4,645

Show Rating: C


Giant Redwood defeated Al The Hillbilly...E

Java defeated Anger...D-

ANGLE: Brawl involving Enygma and Bruce The Giant...B

Alicia Strong defeated Belle Bryden...C-

ANGLE: Brawl involving James Justice and Tyson Baine...B

Raven Robinson defeated Cherry Bomb to retain the USPW Womens Title...D+

James Justice defeated Peter Valentine...C



Thursday Week 2 January 2010

The Kettley Arena (Mid South)

Attendance: 28,963

Show Rating: B-


Enforcer Roberts defeated Everest...C+

ANGLE: Skit involving Jessie and Jack Bruce...A

Kurt Laramee defeated Shady K...C-

Bart Biggz defeated John Greed...D+

Akima Brave defeated Knuckles...D+

Runaway Train defeated Joe Sexy...C

Angry Gilmore defeated Gregory Black...B-

Jack Giedroyc defeated Paul Huntingdon...C

ANGLE: Skit involving Marat Khoklov and Vengeance...B+

Marc DuBois defeated Brett Biggz...C

ANGLE: Skit involving Angry Gilmore and Christian Faith...B+

Brandon James defeated Lobster Warrior to retain the SWF North American title...B

Rich Money defeated Remo...B+

Jack Bruce defeated Marat Khoklov...B

Eric Eisen defeated Steve Frehley to retain the SWF World Heavyweight title...B-



Tuesday Week 3 January 2010

The Dust Bowl (South East)

Attendance: 15,000

Show Rating: B-


Frederique Antonio Garcia defeated Brett Biggz...C

Bart Biggz defeated Roger Cage...D

Everest defeated Akima Brave...D

ANGLE: Backstage segment with Marat Khoklov and Rich Money...B+

Brandon James defeated Gregory Black to retain the SWF North American title...B

Marat Khoklov defeated Steve Frehley...B-

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Loved the last show. Good way to bring Nemesis in, instant heat by destroying Rocky Golden.


Here are my predictions for the next show.



Tuesday Week 3 January 2010


Non Title: Edd Stone vs. Joshua Taylor

Comment: Taylor will win this one I think, just because he is higher up the card.


Texas Pete vs. Bryan Vessey

Comment: Bryan Vessey is superior to Pete


Non Title: The Tag Team Specialists vs. The New Wave

Comment: The New Wave take this one as they are the champs, possibly another assault from the Machines afterwards though.


Troy Tornado vs. Benny Benson

Comment: Tornado is easily in the top 5 guys in TCW


Wolf Hawkins vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

Comment: I'll pick RDJ in this one to keep things going.

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Thank you to everyone who has gotten their predictions and comments in! I love reading them all!


That being said, the next show is going to be put up tomorrow. So there is still time for predictions to be made!


Loved the last show. Good way to bring Nemesis in, instant heat by destroying Rocky Golden.


Glad you liked that last show. The next show definitely sets up why Nemesis is there and how a lot of the stories are going to figure in to things within the future and a long-term story.

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Tuesday Week 3 January 2010

Location: The Theatre Of Dreams (North West)

Attendance: 9,490

Overall Rating: B

TV Rating: 4.62







[The show begins inside The Theatre Of Dreams with a nearly sold out crowd on their feet as the opening credits for TCW Presents Total Wrestling come to a close. A sign is shown almost first thing as the show opens: 'Total Wrestling Matters!' And that's the truth here in TCW! The crowd look toward the entrance ramp and out comes the brand new TCW Commissioner Eric Tyler. Tyler has a sour look on his face as he stomps down to the ring and climbs the stairs and moves in through the ropes. He leans over and is handed a microphone, looking around at the crowd.]


Eric Tyler

"What happened last week was unacceptable. It is deplorable that something like that should happen my first week as commissioner here in TCW. What I want this week in front of all the TCW fans is an answer as to why this happened. I want your respect. Nemesis, come out here and give me a reason why I shouldn't have you arrested. I know you're backstage right now. Come out here and face the music."




[it takes the score of several minutes but eventually Nemesis comes out to no fanfare, no music and boos from the crowd. Nemesis ignores the boos as he walks with eyes that are locked onto Eric Tyler like a shark looking at his prey. Nemesis steps inside the ring and is handed a microphone of his own.]



"Eric Tyler. It's been a long time."


Eric Tyler

"Not long enough, John. Now, tell me, tell me and these fans what is going on."



"There is no simple answer, Eric. You know that better than most people. Eric Tyler, a traditionalist in a land of extreme entities. The first man to win the DaVE Unified title five times, right? That has me beat by one time. But I didn't come out here to talk about you. I came out here to talk about me. I came out here to talk about Total Championship Wrestling. I came out here to talk about Tommy Cornell. I know that this might surprise a lot of you fans out there but I cannot stand this guy. We go back to February of 1997, don't we, Tommy? You remember that? Nearly 13 years ago, you nearly ended my career before it truly got started. We were both bleeding heavily at the end of that match. I smacked you with a chair, powerbombed you through a table and then pinned you but it wasn't over with that pinfall. Later that same night I was fired from that Supreme company. You? You got a slap on the wrist. You got NOTHING."


[Nemesis pauses and paces for a moment. He raises his eyes and looks at Eric Tyler for a moment and then looks away toward the crowd again.]



"After that match, I went to DaVE and had a very good career for myself. I was a former four time DaVE Unified Champion. I was a former DaVE Extreme Champion. But, in the end, DaVE died. As much as I tried, the company fell and went away. In 2006 I retired and worked behind the scenes but my body was never the same. My body has never been the same since my time in Danger and Violence Extreme and I blame you for that, Tommy Cornell. I watched from the background as you ran your Syndicate here. I watched as you destroyed more lives in your authority role in this company and I grew to hate you. So I made the decision that I am taking this company over from you. I am taking this company and burying it in the ground beside DaVE. And that begins with your golden boy. That begins with the TCW World Heavyweight Champion: Rocky Golden. Rocky, consider me Apollo Creed from the first movie. Eric, you wanted to know exactly why I did what I did last week? There you go."


[Eric Tyler paces for a moment and then gets up in the face of Nemesis before shoving him toward the corner.]


Eric Tyler

"In that case, I have only one thing to say. Malice In Wonderland, TCW World Heavyweight Title Match: Rocky Golden versus Sam Keith...versus Nemesis!"


[Eric Tyler extends his hand toward Nemesis and Nemesis accepts! The crowd boos as Eric Tyler raises the arm of Nemesis! Eric Tyler points toward the man that...he just named a new participant in our main event at Malice In Wonderland?]


Eric Tyler

"It's time to rip our respect from the throats of our enemies. It's time to bring our company back from the dead."


[The two men shake hands again and then exit the ring together to boos from the crowd. Eric Tyler, the new TCW Commissioner, is teaming with Nemesis??? What's next?]




Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/TCW/EddStone_alt4.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/TCW/CharlieThatcher1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/TCW/JoshuaTaylor.jpg

Non Title

Edd Stone vs. Joshua Taylor


[Our opening contest here on Total Wrestling features two of TCW's Champions when the All Action Champion 'The 24 Hour Party Animal' Edd Stone takes on the International Champion and world-renowned Joshua Taylor. A decidedly back and forth encounter that featured some good moves by both men. Stone tried to pick up the pace when he was in control, catching Taylor with moves like a rolling wheel kick and a shooting star legdrop that gains a two count. There was some interference by Charlie Thatcher out at ringside but Taylor fought his way back into the match. He kept Stone on the mat and nearly gained a submission with a single leg boston crab. Stone came back and went for a move off the top turnbuckle but got caught by Taylor. Taylor hooks on the Butterfly Lock. Stone struggles but eventually he has to submit.]


Winner: Joshua Taylor (Via Submission @ 7:59)

Match Rating: C+


[Charlie Thatcher helps Edd Stone out of the ring following the end of the bout. Joshua Taylor gets his hand raised and is given his TCW International title belt. He raises it up and begins his move to all four corners in celebration of the victory tonight though the match was non title. He only gets to two corners as he gets attacked from behind.]




[This masked man climbs the turnbuckle and delivers a devastating Super Russian Legsweep that brings the TCW International Champion to the mat in strong fashion. The masked man, identified as former DaVE wrestler Acid, goes back to the top turnbuckle. He leaps and lands the Swandive Senton Bomb known as the Acid Rain Bomb! Taylor is left down on the mat clutching his ribs but Acid isn't done! Acid locks in the Death Lock STF! Taylor is left tapping out to the hold as security comes running down to break things up. Welcome to TCW, Acid!]






[The show cuts to the backstage area where a fight has broken out between Nemesis and Rocky Golden! The two men are exchanging punches in the backstage area with neither man looking to back down from the fight! Nemesis lands a low blow that definitely stops the forward motion by Rocky Golden. Nemesis grabs a chair and brings it slamming down on the head of Golden, giving him a brand new necktie with the chair. The chair is removed and Nemesis grabs Golden, picking him up -- Power Bomb through a catering table! A message toward Tommy Cornell?]






[We head to another area backstage where our esteemed Jasmine Saunders is standing by with Sam Keith.]


Jasmine Saunders

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I am here with Sam Keith. Sam, I am sure you have some comments about the earlier decree that your TCW World Heavyweight Title Match at Rocky Golden has been made into a threeway."


Sam Keith

"Jasmine, I have the most feared submission hold in the entire world today in the Proton Lock. I am a former 10 time World Heavyweight Champion. I am a former two time wrestler of the year. All of that comes with being the man, being the best in the world. Whether it's Nemesis or whether it's whatever remains of Rocky Golden at Malice In Wonderland I am walking out of that ring as the brand new TCW World Heavyweight Champion. It's the one title that I have not held and it is coming to the top family in professional wrestling. Rocky, Nemesis if you fear only one thing in this entire world, in your entire lifetime: FEAR THE PROTON LOCK."


[sam walks off with Jasmine sending things back to the ring.]




Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/TCW/TexasPete1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/TCW/BryanVessey.jpg

Texas Pete vs. Bryan Vessey


[Our next encounter features the brawling of the 28 year old Cowboy Texas Pete against the overall skill of the 38 year old Bryan Vessey. The former six time TCW World Tag Team Champion Bryan Vessey was dominant in this match against Pete. He took Texas Pete down with such moves as the Vessey Line and a fisherman's suplex that drew a two count from the official. In the end, it was the spinning Death Valley Driver known as the Vessey Driver that put Texas Pete down for good. Vessey makes the cover and hooks the leg: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Bryan Vessey (Via Pinfall @ 7:49)

Match Rating: B




[The victory celebration was short-lived for Bryan Vessey as he was assaulted by not one but two men: Eddie Peak and Nemesis. Nemesis brings Vessey down with a body slam, while Peak goes outside the ring, tossing a chair inside. Peak enters and slams the chair down on the forehead of Vessey! Three more chair shots follow and Vessey is busted open! Peak smiles and grabs some of the blood from the forehead of Vessey, smearing it over his face like a trophy! The crowd boos as Nemesis raises Peak's arm over top of the fallen Vessey.]






[We are taken backstage where the camera is following over the shoulder of an unknown person. The camera draws back slowly to reveal the back of Troy Tornado. Tornado approaches someone standing by the fallen catering table: Benny Benson! Tornado grabs Benson by the shoulder and turns him to face him.]


Troy Tornado

"I hear from a little birdie that you're telling people that you beat me last month inside a TCW ring. That has to be some kind of joke, right?"


Benny Benson

"No, Troy. I did pin you."


Troy Tornado

"No way, Benson! There's no way that a butler beats me! Don't you know that this is Tornado Championship Wrestling! No one beats Troy Tornado on this show! I demand another ruling!"


[benson shrugs him off by turning away and Tornado cheapshots him from behind! Tornado slams Benson down into the remnants of the catering table, rubbing his face into a piece of cake! As Tornado releases and takes a step back, he steps right into someone.]




[The brand new TCW Commissioner Eric Tyler! Tornado immediately extends a hand to shake with Eric Tyler but Tyler shrugs him off.]


Eric Tyler

"Troy, here in DaVE, I mean, TCW, we settle our differences right there in the ring. So tonight you are going to have an opportunity to set things right in the ring as you are going one on one with Benny Benson."


[The crowd actually likes that ruling. Tornado seems happy with it, though Benny Benson is down on top of the catering table right now.]




Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/TCW/JoelBryantALT1.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/TCW/RobertOxford.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/TCW/Guide.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/TCW/ScoutALT1.jpg

Non Title

The Tag Team Specialists vs. The New Wave


[The lone tag team encounter here on the card featuring the TCW World Tag Team Champions in a non title match against two men who considered tag team specialists in Robert Oxford and Joel Bryant. The Tag Team Specialists have the edge in the experience category, which helps them in the early going of the match but the match is focused on the quick tags and all around ability of both members of The New Wave. They take the advantage toward the end and set up Oxford for the tag tower legdrop known as the Wave Of Mutilation! Guide makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: The New Wave (Via Pinfall @ 10:27)

Match Rating: B






[The show heads backstage where Tommy Cornell is shown walking down a hallway. Jasmine Saunders comes running up to him trying to get an interview.]


Jasmine Saunders

"Tommy! Tommy! Do you have any comment on what has transpired with Nemesis and Eric Tyler?"


[Cornell turns and looks at her for a moment. He shakes his head and steps inside a room, closing the door and closing her out of the room. Guess there's no comment from the owner of TCW?]






[We move quickly to another area backstage in the building. This time it's a locker room where Koshiro Ino is doing something by his locker. His focus is on the locker so he doesn't see Rick Law come in from behind. Law smashes Ino in the back of the head with his nightstick! The crowd boos in the background. Law begins choking Ino with the nightstick from behind. Ino struggles but cannot break free of the chokehold and he goes down to the ground with Law standing over top of him. Law puts in a few good kicks for good measure.]


Rick Law

"Malice In Wonderland, you and me, Ino. Loser Leaves TCW for a month. Enjoy your vacation, boy."


[Law puts in a few more boots to the skull of Ino and then walks away.]




Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/TCW/TroyTornado_alt11.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/TCW/BennyBenson1.jpg

Troy Tornado vs. Benny Benson


[benny Benson is slightly worse for wear coming into this match with Troy Tornado following the assault by Tornado earlier in the evening. This led to Tornado getting several early near falls on Benson but Benson always kicking out at the last moment. Tornado got frustrated quickly, which led to several roll up attempts by Benson, getting two counts. Tornado tries to go outside the ring to regroup but Benson isn't having any of that. Benson bounces off the ropes and leaps, clearing the top rope in a Nuclear Warhead Plancha that brings Tornado crashing to the mats outside the ring. The crowd goes absolutely wild. Benson picks up Tornado and whips him toward the guardrail -- reversed! Tornado reversed it and Benson hits the steel hard. Tornado poses in front of a sign that says: 'I paid $200 to see Troy!' The action moves back into the ring where Tornado puts his foot on top of Benson and flexes his muscles: 1 -- 2 -- Shoulder Up!]


[As the action continues, Benson regains the advantage at one point and sends Tornado to the ropes -- leapfrog and then he turns to catch Tornado -- inverted atomic drop -- double leg trip! That's the combination known as Benson's Big Adventure! Benson makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Tornado comes back and catches Benson with a snap overhead belly to belly suplex and then heads outside the ring. He grabs a chair and slides back in. The referee moves in the way but gets shoved aside and Benson catches a chair shot to the back causing a DQ.]


Winner: Benny Benson (Via Disqualification @ 18:11)

Match Rating: B


[Troy Tornado brings another chair shot to the back of Benny Benson as the crowd boos. Tornado picks up Benson -- Star Maker! That is a high velocity Flying Forearm! Benson goes down and Tornado heads to the top turnbuckle -- Moonsault! Benson is down and clutching his ribs. Tornado smiles and poses for the crowd, absorbing in the boos like they are cheers. He exits the ring and heads for the back as officials come in to check on Benny Benson.]




Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/TCW/WolfHawkins_alt11.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/TCW/TommyCornellALT1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/TCW/RickyDaleJohnson.jpg

Wolf Hawkins vs. Ricky Dale Johnson


[it's main event time here on TCW Presents Total Wrestling. As Wolf Hawkins comes down to the ring, he is accompanied by the leader of the Syndicate: Tommy Cornell. Cornell pauses in front of a sign that reads: 'We want Tommy!!' He takes the sign from the fan and rips it up, sprinkling the ground with sign confetti. RDJ comes down to the ring and we have our match as Cornell remains at ringside. Needless to say, there was a lot of brawling to start the match off with as both men tried to show they are better than the other. This led to Wolf Hawkins exiting the ring several times to regroup. A distraction by Tommy Cornell puts the momentum solely in the corner of Wolf Hawkins. Hawkins brings down RDJ with a vertical suplex and then chokes him on the mat, nearly getting disqualified in the process. Hawkins pulls RDJ into the bow and arrow, trying to stretch the submission out of him but RDJ won't give up! The crowd gets solidly in the corner of RDJ as he battles out of the hold.]


[RDJ gets to his feet and catches Hawkins -- short arm knee lift. RDJ lifts Hawkins into an over the shoulder backbreaker -- Texas Hold Em! The move draws Tommy Cornell up on the apron! RDJ comes over and slugs the TCW with a punch, bringing him down to the floor. RDJ turns back to Hawkins and brings him over with a back body drop as Hawkins charged at him following the distraction. RDJ gets the crowd in behind him and then moves in for the kill. He grabs Hawkins by the throat -- Southern Justice! He connects and makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Ricky Dale Johnson (Via Pinfall @ 30:09)

Match Rating: B


[As soon as the bell sounds, though, Tommy Cornell enters the ring and assaults Ricky Dale Johnson! Cornell with some hard kicks and then he slips in behind RDJ -- Guilt Trip! He's locked in the Guilt Trip as RDJ tries to fight the hold. The crowd tries to rally behind RDJ and then stand on their feet and cheer as someone comes running in from the back.]




[it's Joey Minnesota! Cornell releases and exits the ring quickly as Minnesota slides inside. Minnesota grabs up Wolf Hawkins -- Empire Spiral! The crowd cheers! Minnesota and RDJ have had their troubles in recent weeks but it looks like they are on the same page right now as Minnesota helps his partner up. RDJ looks out at Tommy Cornell and yells at him: 'you and me next week!' And the show comes to a close.]

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Welcome to the TCW Prediction contest. This contest will run through the end of March in-game time.


No perfect scores this week but several people got 4/5. Congratulations to Rob4590, Emark, CMPunkBubble, Tigerkinney and Spud1305!


1. Emark=3 Wins

2. Rayelek=2 Wins

Rob4590=2 Wins

Spud1305=2 Wins

5. Midnightnick=1 Win

ChrisKid=1 Win

Tigerkinney=1 Win

CMPunkBubble=1 Win

9. Eisen-verse=0 Wins

Zergon=0 Wins

moon_lit_tears=0 Wins

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Top Read so far, Love how you have Tyler and Nemesis in The mix should be intresting for sure.


I appreciate your words. Hope that the way that Eric Tyler and Nemesis are being used now fits your expectations. It's definitely interesting for me to write up.


I can't believe Tommy had the audacity to rip up my sign :(


A really nice show and I like the back story on the return of Nemesis.


Don't worry, am sure you got some merchandise to make up for your sign being destroyed. :)


And am glad you like the way I brought Nemesis in. Hope I can continue to move things forward at a good clip.

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Tuesday Week 4 January 2010


Sammy Bach vs. Aaron Andrews



Charlie Thatcher vs. Timothy Hawk



Freddy Huggins vs. Danny Fonzarelli



Handicap Match, Non Title Match: Nemesis and Eddie Peak vs. Rocky Golden



Steel Cage Match: Tommy Cornell vs. Ricky Dale Johnson





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