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Saturday Week 2 March 2010

..."Indecent Proposal"



Timothy Hawk



[The morning started off just like any other. I woke up and did the usual things in the morning to get ready for the day. As I finished and sat down in my recliner, I thought about the past and what has led me to this day. My career has been on the rise since I came to USPW. Though it isn't my in ring wrestling career that has been on the rise. I pushed that thought away and moved from the inside of the apartment to the outside of the apartment building. Within a few minutes, a limousine pulled up and the driver got out. He opened the door for me and I got in.]


[A few minutes later, I was at a rather expensive restaurant. I slipped out of the limousine and moved to the inside of the restaurant. My eyes slowly took in the scenery. A lot of men dressed in suits and women in dresses. Definitely the more high brow type who wouldn't know a wristlock from a wristwatch. Which makes this meeting all the more private, right? I passed on the man behind the podium and found exactly who I was looking for.]




[Tommy Cornell. Our eyes met and he rose from his seat, motioning me to him. I walked over and we shook hands and thus began the pleasantries before we ordered our salads. Got to keep in shape for the wrestling ring, right? And, for us, that shape is definitely not round. Within a few minutes, though, the conversation got down to brass tacks.]


"I'm going to be honest with you, Tim. We have decided to let Joel Bryant's contract expire. News of it, I am sure has already hit all the major internet news outlets. With Joel's contract gone, we are in need of a new head booker. This is the big time here, kid. I want to know if this is something you are interested in or if I should look elsewhere for a new head booker."


[This meeting reminds me so much of the first meeting I had with Shane. That was when I had decided to give booking USPW a shot. Now I was being offered the opportunity to book for Total Championship Wrestling? A company that is on the verge of being an internationally known company? I knew that my surprise showed on my face but I locked down the emotions for now.]


"First of all, I am sorry to hear about Joel. I know he's been a good hand for you over the years. And he's also a good man. So it pains me to know that he is out of a job. Secondly, this is something that I am going to need to think over. After all, I have a very steady job working for Sam and USPW."


"I am sure that the old folks home there will be fine, kid. What I am offering you is the opportunity of a lifetime. I am offering you the chance to come on to our meteoric rise. I am offering you the chance to become part of greatness. But I understand that you'll need to talk to Sam. So you can do that but you have one day to get back to me. Otherwise, I will need to contact other candidates."


"Thank you for the opportunity, Tommy."


[The rest of the lunch was short-lived as Cornell got a phone call and explained that he had to go. He paid for the meal, though, and left his card with me so that he could be reached at any specific time. I thanked him for the opportunity again and finished my meal in silence and alone. TCW or USPW? That is the question.]

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You just hired Chance away from TCW. Really enjoyed what you were building in USPW. If you take the job with TCW will you try to bring some of the guys over from USPW that we love so much?


I'd like to see you bring Seduction and Devine over if you play as TCW. Also Nicky Champion and the Force I'd like to see come over. That's what I would want to see in TCW if you ran it.


As for USPW I like how you are using everyone. I'm not a fan of Shawn Gonzalez but I see why you brought him in.


I'll read no matter what path you take.

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Three letters..


T... C... W


You just hired Chance away from TCW. Really enjoyed what you were building in USPW. If you take the job with TCW will you try to bring some of the guys over from USPW that we love so much?


I'd like to see you bring Seduction and Devine over if you play as TCW. Also Nicky Champion and the Force I'd like to see come over. That's what I would want to see in TCW if you ran it.


As for USPW I like how you are using everyone. I'm not a fan of Shawn Gonzalez but I see why you brought him in.


I'll read no matter what path you take.


TCW is a definite possibility. I was shocked when I learned that they got rid of Joel Bryant, especially when they're doing so well.


As far as who I would bring in to TCW were I to go? Well, all of those are definite possibilities. One of the things about my time in USPW so far is that I signed everyone that I could to written contracts. This means, of course, that a move to another promotion like TCW means I couldn't pick up any guys until they either left the company or their contracts expired.

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Sunday Week 2 March 2010

..."The Talk"



Timothy Hawk

Alicia Strong

Sam Strong


[surprise, shock. Those are both words that could describe my feelings after my meeting with Tommy Cornell. He wants me to step forward to a company who in all honesty is on the cusp of being an international company. They are right on the borderline of greatness and in direct competition with Richard Eisen and the SWF. Though some may not see things that way, Tommy Cornell has kept up the pressure on SWF even after the money incident where his backers stepped away from the company, leaving him with far less money than he had before. SWF is just barely beating them out with shows in the high 6's, while TCW has shows in the high 5's, low 6's. A little push could be all they need to overtake Richard Eisen's empire. And I am not guaranteed anything in this business. I am not guaranteed to remain as head booker for USPW. All I know is what is put right in front of me.]


[Every single week I go to church on Sunday and then have a meeting with Sam and Alicia Strong. We go on a first name basis because things are easier that way. And when you have Sunday lunch with someone you can expect that kind of courtesy, right? This Sunday lunch was different, though. This one was filled with tension. It was after dessert was eaten that I finally looked up and looked into the eyes of Sam Strong. He was looking at me in a curious manner.]


"I was wondering when you were going to do that, Tim. I wanted to look you right in the eyes and ask you about what I have heard. I have my own scouts in various companies as you know. I hear things and the latest thing that I have heard is that you had a meeting with Tommy Cornell. I know that he lost his head booker due to letting his contract expire, brother. I also know that you are one of the top flight up and coming bookers in the business. So what is it going to be?"


[i looked in Sam's eyes for a moment and I hesitated. I absolutely hesitated because I had no idea what I was going to do. I didn't know if I was going to look at the new job and look to expand my surroundings or if I was going to remain here and remain faithful to USPW. This is the big company that has given me my break but TCW is TCW.]


"I want you to know that the rumors are true, Sam. I did go and talk with Tommy Cornell here in Huntsville. He sent a car for me and we had a conversation about the job of head booker for TCW. He told me that he wanted me on board in his company. We haven't talked anything about a contract or anything like that. But I told him that I want to talk to you first and foremost. I felt you deserve that kind of respect."


"Tim, look at me."


[My eyes shifted from Sam Strong to his beautiful daughter Alicia. Alicia and I have been getting along backstage, though I had no prospects of taking the daughter of my boss out on any dates or anything like that. But, still, it's nice to have a friend in this business of backstabbers and liars.]


"You have to do what is best for you. Whether you believe that it is best to remain here in USPW or to move on toward TCW. I know that this is a hard decision for you. But it is one that we need an answer to so that we can either move on or have a celebration in keeping one of the best young talented minds in the business."


[The decision was definitely told to be made today. Tommy told me to make the decision today and now Alicia and Sam were looking for an answer today. It is one of the biggest decisions of my lifetime. Do I stay or do I go? I will never have another opportunity like this again. I can almost guarantee that. I nodded and took out my cell phone and the card with Tommy Cornell's phone number on it. I remained at the table so that Alicia and Sam could hear my decision. The phone rang and then that familiar voice answered on the other end.]


"Tommy, this is Timothy Hawk. I've decided to stay with USPW."


[in the end...loyalty matters.]

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USPW American Wrestling

Wednesday Week 3 March 2010


Prediction Key:

Darryl Devine and Cherry Bomb vs. Chance Fortune and Alicia Strong



Sam Strong Picks The Stipulation: Peter Valentine vs. Johnny Martin



The Titans vs. Champion Force



James Justice vs. Chris Caulfield




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USPW American Wrestling

Wednesday Week 3 March 2010


Prediction Key:

Darryl Devine and Cherry Bomb vs. Chance Fortune and Alicia Strong


Strong is daddy's little girl but I'm pulling for Cherry.


Sam Strong Picks The Stipulation: Peter Valentine vs. Johnny Martin

Comment: More a fan of Valentine.


The Titans vs. Champion Force

Comment:No idea who either are.


James Justice vs. Chris Caulfield

Comment:Caulfield is Hardcore.



Signs: Cherry is da bomb.

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Guest KingOfKings

Darryl Devine and Cherry Bomb vs. Chance Fortune and Alicia Strong



Sam Strong Picks The Stipulation: Peter Valentine vs. Johnny Martin



The Titans vs. Champion Force



James Justice vs. Chris Caulfield


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USPW American Wrestling

Wednesday Week 3 March 2010


Prediction Key:

Darryl Devine and Cherry Bomb vs. Chance Fortune and Alicia StrongComment:Chance Fortune to pick up the pin on Devine.


Sam Strong Picks The Stipulation: Peter Valentine vs. Johnny MartinComment: I will go with the former DaVE standout.


The Titans vs. Champion Force

Comment: I want to pick Champion Force but I think the heels will win in typical heel fashion.


James Justice vs. Chris Caulfield

Comment: I could see either man winning here but to balance things out I am going with the face here.


Signs: Thank you Hawk!


Glad to see you staying with USPW as I really think this is where you belong.

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Darryl Devine and Cherry Bomb vs. Chance Fortune and Alicia Strong


Jimmy Says: Darryl Devine and women, I'd rather be buying some Jim Force Merchandise, than have to endure this match. I won't care to watch this match, but I think Fortune and Strong will win, because they fight for good!


Sam Strong Picks The Stipulation: Peter Valentine vs. Johnny Martin


Jimmy Says: Peter Valentine is a jerk- I hate him and he should lose every match!


The Titans vs. Champion Force


Jimmy Says: Champion Force are greatest team ever, because they have the power of the Forcemaniacs behind them....they will smash the Titans!!


James Justice vs. Chris Caulfield


Jimmy Says: James Justice is still acting strange, but I'm sure if Caulfield beat some sense into him, he will see that he is being a bad boy.




Peter Valentine winning makes me cry more than when my pet dog died!


Nine Hundred and Ninety Nine Gazillion Trillion Forcemaniacs can't be wrong!


There's no sense in Justice!

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USPW American Wrestling

Wednesday Week 3 March 2010


Prediction Key:

Darryl Devine and Cherry Bomb vs. Chance Fortune and Alicia Strong

Comment: The first Daughter of wrestling takes another win


Sam Strong Picks The Stipulation: Peter Valentine vs. Johnny Martin

Comment: i hate that valentine bastard


The Titans vs. Champion Force

Comment: Baine is a beast


James Justice vs. Chris Caulfield

Comment: He is the only justice that matters


Signs: "USPW > TCW"

"Peter Valentine = sh*t"

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Darryl Devine and Cherry Bomb vs. Chance Fortune and Alicia Strong

Comment: The way Fortune has been introduced almost dictates a win here


Sam Strong Picks The Stipulation: Peter Valentine vs. Johnny Martin

Comment: Can't stand Valentine but I don't see him losing this one after dropping the title


The Titans vs. Champion Force

Comment: Nicky screws the pooch in this match


James Justice vs. Chris Caulfield

Comment: I see a DQ win for Caulfield here


Signs: Dude, I Love Hardcore!!!


Well played sir--well played regarding 'the Decision'

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Wednesday Week 2 March 2010

Rainbow Bar & Grill (South East)

Attendance: 271

Show Rating: D-


Ant-Man defeated Tribal Warrior...D-

ANGLE: Skit involving Commissioner Doom and Crippler Ray Kingman...C

Regular Joe and Happy Elwood defeated Paranoia and Paradox for the M-SWA International Tag titles...E

ANGLE: Confrontation involving Tribal Warrior and Ted Brady...E+

Bob Casey defeated Paradigm for the M-SWA Top Contender title...E

ANGLE: Brawl involving Rayne Man and Whisky Jack...E+

Pete The Hillbilly, Rayne Man and Teddy Powell defeated Whisky Jack, Blackjack Robbins and Ted Brady...D-

Sgt. Bubba Lee West defeated Al The Hillbilly for the M-SWA International title...D-



Thursday Week 2 March 2010

The Gardens Of North Dakota (Mid West)

Attendance: 29,865

Show Rating: B+


Kid Toma defeated Randy Bumfhole...C

Jack Giedroyc and Valiant defeated The Pain Alliance to retain the SWF World Tag Team titles...C+

Brandon James defeated Brett Biggz to retain the SWF North American title...B

Akima Brave defeated Roger Cage...D+

ANGLE: Skit involving Jack Bruce and Dawn The Cheerleader...A

Angry Gilmore defeated Robbie Retro...C+

Lobster Warrior defeated Everest...B-

ANGLE: Brawl involving Christian Faith and Marat Khoklov...B+

Shady K defeated Enforcer Roberts...C

Runaway Train defeated Marat Khoklov...C

Christian Faith defeated Steve Frehley...B

Remo defeated Joe Sexy...B-

Jack Bruce defeated Vengeance...B

Eric Eisen defeated Rich Money to retain the SWF World Heavyweight title...A



Tuesday Week 3 March 2010

Iowa State Fayre (Mid West)

Attendance: 13,472

Show Rating: B


American Machine defeated Kid Toma...D+

Robbie Retro defeated John Greed...C-

Shady K defeated Brett Biggz...C-

ANGLE: Confrontation involving Jack Bruce and Eric Eisen...A*

Vengeance, Eric Eisen and Remo defeated Rich Money, Christian Faith and Runaway Train...B

Jack Bruce defeated Marat Khoklov...B



Tuesday Week 3 March 2010

The Ranch Of San Antonio (Mid South)

Attendance: 10,000

Show Rating: B


Eddie Peak defeated Brent Hill to retain the TCW International title...B+

Koshiro Ino defeated Clark Alexander...B-

Edd Stone defeated Flying Jimmy Foxx to retain the TCW All Action title...D+

Giant Tana defeated Aaron Andrews...C

Joey Minnesota, Rocky Golden and Ricky Dale Johnson defeated Tommy Cornell, Troy Tornado and Sam Keith...B

Wolf Hawkins defeated Benny Benson...B

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Glad to see you staying with USPW as I really think this is where you belong.


Well played sir--well played regarding 'the Decision'


Glad you guys enjoyed 'the Decision.' I played it out a little faster than I originally intended. But I am getting ready for a move all the way across the country so I want to get in as many shows as I can before the move.


Darryl Devine and Cherry Bomb vs. Chance Fortune and Alicia Strong


Jimmy Says: Darryl Devine and women, I'd rather be buying some Jim Force Merchandise, than have to endure this match. I won't care to watch this match, but I think Fortune and Strong will win, because they fight for good!


Sam Strong Picks The Stipulation: Peter Valentine vs. Johnny Martin


Jimmy Says: Peter Valentine is a jerk- I hate him and he should lose every match!


The Titans vs. Champion Force


Jimmy Says: Champion Force are greatest team ever, because they have the power of the Forcemaniacs behind them....they will smash the Titans!!


James Justice vs. Chris Caulfield


Jimmy Says: James Justice is still acting strange, but I'm sure if Caulfield beat some sense into him, he will see that he is being a bad boy.




Peter Valentine winning makes me cry more than when my pet dog died!


Nine Hundred and Ninety Nine Gazillion Trillion Forcemaniacs can't be wrong!


There's no sense in Justice!


As always, your comments make me laugh out loud. And they are part of the reason why I chose to remain with USPW.


Thanks to everyone for their predictions and comments, though! Really love the interactive part of this diary!

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Wednesday Week 2 March 2010

Rainbow Bar & Grill (South East)

Attendance: 271

Show Rating: D-


Ant-Man defeated Tribal Warrior...D-

ANGLE: Skit involving Commissioner Doom and Crippler Ray Kingman...C

Regular Joe and Happy Elwood defeated Paranoia and Paradox for the M-SWA International Tag titles...E

ANGLE: Confrontation involving Tribal Warrior and Ted Brady...E+

Bob Casey defeated Paradigm for the M-SWA Top Contender title...E

ANGLE: Brawl involving Rayne Man and Whisky Jack...E+

Pete The Hillbilly, Rayne Man and Teddy Powell defeated Whisky Jack, Blackjack Robbins and Ted Brady...D-

Sgt. Bubba Lee West defeated Al The Hillbilly for the M-SWA International title...D-



Thursday Week 2 March 2010

The Gardens Of North Dakota (Mid West)

Attendance: 29,865

Show Rating: B+


Kid Toma defeated Randy Bumfhole...C

Jack Giedroyc and Valiant defeated The Pain Alliance to retain the SWF World Tag Team titles...C+

Brandon James defeated Brett Biggz to retain the SWF North American title...B

Akima Brave defeated Roger Cage...D+

ANGLE: Skit involving Jack Bruce and Dawn The Cheerleader...A

Angry Gilmore defeated Robbie Retro...C+

Lobster Warrior defeated Everest...B-

ANGLE: Brawl involving Christian Faith and Marat Khoklov...B+

Shady K defeated Enforcer Roberts...C

Runaway Train defeated Marat Khoklov...C

Christian Faith defeated Steve Frehley...B

Remo defeated Joe Sexy...B-

Jack Bruce defeated Vengeance...B

Eric Eisen defeated Rich Money to retain the SWF World Heavyweight title...A



Tuesday Week 3 March 2010

Iowa State Fayre (Mid West)

Attendance: 13,472

Show Rating: B


American Machine defeated Kid Toma...D+

Robbie Retro defeated John Greed...C-

Shady K defeated Brett Biggz...C-

ANGLE: Confrontation involving Jack Bruce and Eric Eisen...A*

Vengeance, Eric Eisen and Remo defeated Rich Money, Christian Faith and Runaway Train...B

Jack Bruce defeated Marat Khoklov...B



Tuesday Week 3 March 2010

The Ranch Of San Antonio (Mid South)

Attendance: 10,000

Show Rating: B


Eddie Peak defeated Brent Hill to retain the TCW International title...B+

Koshiro Ino defeated Clark Alexander...B-

Edd Stone defeated Flying Jimmy Foxx to retain the TCW All Action title...D+

Giant Tana defeated Aaron Andrews...C

Joey Minnesota, Rocky Golden and Ricky Dale Johnson defeated Tommy Cornell, Troy Tornado and Sam Keith...B

Wolf Hawkins defeated Benny Benson...B


I'm surprised Benny Benson was in the TCW main event. Other than that looks like TCW is still booking decent shows. Who is their head booker now that Joel Bryant is gone?

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I'm surprised Benny Benson was in the TCW main event. Other than that looks like TCW is still booking decent shows. Who is their head booker now that Joel Bryant is gone?


The new head booker doesn't come out until after the next USPW show. But I can tell you who it is right now. The man who took over the book, took over the job is the man who got run out of town in SWF...Sam Keith!


But for that show, technically the head booker position was vacant. So am assuming that Tommy Cornell ran the show.

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[show Poster Provided by SeanMcFly]


Wednesday Week 3 March 2010

Location: McGaw Arena (Tri State)

Attendance: 5,000

Overall Rating: C+

TV Rating: 1.58




[The rabid fans within the Tri State area and the McGaw Arena are on their feet as the cameras open here for USPW American Wrestling! A 'USPW' chant is mixed in with a 'DaVE' chant as the crowd mugs for the camera. A couple of signs in particular are shown in this early going: 'Thank you Hawk!' and 'USPW > TCW' are the two that get focused on while Danny Jillefski, Micky Starr and new third man in the booth: Captain USA weclome everyone to what will be an amazing night of action.]


[The words of the announcers are interrupted by music that brings a chorus of boos from the crowd. The curtains part and out walks one of the most hated men in professional wrestling: James Justice! Justice looks like he's going to high five a member of the crowd and then just shakes his head and continues on toward the ring. He slips inside the ring under the bottom rope and is handed up a microphone. A 'You Suck' chant begins in the crowd and Justice flashes his goofy trademark smile.]


James Justice

"I suck? Is that what you people here think? Well, let me give you a lesson in what really sucks. What really sucks is the inJUSTICE done to me two weeks ago at the hands of that psycho freak Enygma. What really sucks is that I lost the opportunity at a title shot because he came at me with a baseball bat. THAT is what sucks. But tonight I am getting the opportunity to right a wrong. I am getting the chance to put things back in their natural order, DUDES. I am getting a shot at the crowd-favorite, the Hardcore American Chris Caulfield. But, you see, if Chris Caulfield had any GUTS at all, he would be coming out to this ring to defend himself. But we all know that your Hardcore American is a coward. He is a coward that won't even come out here to confront me one on one. But everyone here in the McGaw Arena and everyone around the world knows that when I am out here Justice is always served."




[Justice's words get interrupted by the sound of music that brings cheers from the fans! The curtain parts and out from the back comes the number one contender, 'The Hardcore American' Chris Caulfield! Caulfield stands at the top of the ramp just outside the curtain soaking in the positive feelings, the LOVE from all of his fans up here in the Tri State area. That is stopped, though, when he is assaulted from behind! The USPW World Champion Tyson Baine comes out from the back, throwing clubbing blows to Chris Caulfield. Caulfield turns and begins throwing punches of his own! He is definitely no punching bag! But James Justice exits the ring and comes running down the ramp, mowing down Caulfield with a clothesline! The crowd boos and James Justice and Tyson Baine come face to face for a moment. Justice then shrugs and leans down, picking up Caulfield and positioning him in front of Baine. Baine grabs Caulfield around the throat and lifts him up -- Hades Bomb! Caulfield's body bounces off the ramp and then he is stock still, unconcious! Justice gives an arrogant thumbs up and heads to the back. Baine raises his arms slowly and as they come down, fire explodes from all four corners inside the ring. Baine turns and exits as EMTs and officials come out to check on Chris Caulfield.]


[When we return from commercial break, we are shown The Hardcore American pulling himself up to his feet! The crowd within the arena goes wild with a 'Caulfield' chant! Caulfield stumbles forward and goes down on his knees. He is shaking his head but refusing medical attention. Caulfield pulls himself up again and makes it to the back with the fans going absolutely wild for him.]




Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/DarrylDevine_jsilver.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/CherryBomb_alt3.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/Seduction_jsilver.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/RandallHopkirk_ewanite.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/BJShearerbyewanite.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/ManMountainCahill_ew.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/Gorgon.jpg



Darryl Devine and Cherry Bomb vs. Chance Fortune and Alicia Strong


[Our opening contest here on USPW American Wrestling is filled with a mass of humanity in the ring and at ringside. Darryl Devine brings down the group known as Painful Procedure along with his girlfriend Seduction. Gorgon comes down to be in the corner of Cherry Bomb as they take on Chance Fortune and Alicia Strong. During this match, the men could only face the men and the women could only face the women. This was a definite back and forth tag team encounter that saw a liberal amount of interference from those outside the ring, bringing down any chance of momentum by Fortune and Strong throughout the encounter. One particular fan holds up a sign at times reading: 'Cherry is da bomb!' Fortune and Strong did have the occasional burst of momentum, especially in the match's waning moments. All four were in the ring doing battle. Fortune catches Devine with the pump kick known as the Stroke Of Luck! At the same time, Strong lands a Strong Arm Tactic on the USPW Womens Champion! Strong makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: Chance Fortune and Alicia Strong (Via Pinfall @ 5:45)

Match Rating: C+






[We move backstage now where the sounds of several thuds can be heard in the background. As the camera pans around, we see two men being thrown around almost like rag dolls! Those two men are the USPW World Tag Team Champions: Freddie Datsun and Des Davids! They are at a significant numbers disadvantage as Grunt, Stink and Hell's Bouncer brawl with them in the backstage area while Queen Emily looks on proudly. Datsun and Davids are brought down to the floor at Emily's feet, though they struggle to move away.]


Hell's Bouncer

"You WILL bow at the feet of our Queen. Ugh!"


[The last sound made by Hell's Bouncer was because of an elbow shot to the gut by Datsun! Datsun brings him over in a snap mare and then covers up his tag team partner as the Foot Soldiers were double teaming on Des Davids. Emily screams and begins putting the boots to Datsun herself! She rakes her nails along his back and the crowd boos in the background. A 'Dairy Queen' chant starts up with the crowd. Emily covers her ears as though she can even hear it in the backstage area. Datsun and Davids are left laying on the ground as Hell's Bouncer and the Foot Soldiers escort her away. But these two teams will meet inside of a steel cage at USPW Liberty And Justice!]






[We are taken back to the ringside area where the Tri State fans are ready for more action. Instead, though, the music for the Sneer Corporation begins to play and Shane Sneer leads out all four men that make up his group. Danny Rushmore and Mick Muscles are side by side in the second row, with Steve Flash and Anger making up the final row. All five men step inside the ring with Flash moving up to the side of Shane Sneer. Sneer is handed a microphone.]


Shane Sneer

"It has been a very long time since I have led my Sneer Corporation out here into the ring as one group, one unit. But every single person in this building knows that the Sneer Corporation is the most powerful corporate entity in professional wrestling today. We are even more powerful than USPW themselves. In fact, USPW should stand for Under Sneer Pro Wrestling. Now, every group needs to be kept in shape and that is something that hasn't been done for my Sneer Corporation in far too long. Therefore, I am announcing that beginning next week we are going to have a series of matches to determine the fate of the current Sneer Corporation members. You lose a match? You're out of the company, gone, without a contract. I don't employ losers. Next week, it will be Anger and Mick Muscles with their shot to remain members of the Sneer Corporation. Good luck gentlemen. And remember that everybody always has a price for the Sneer Corporation."


[The music begins to play again and the members of Sneer Corporation look shocked at first and then determined to prove their worth to the company. Sneer motions them on and they exit the ring, heading toward the back all together as one unit. The question that is being asked right now is just who will Anger and Mick Muscles face next week?]




Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/PeterValentine_alt.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/CarlBatch.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/JohnnyMartin_jhd1.jpg

Tables Match

Peter Valentine vs. Johnny Martin


[Our next match of the evening had a stipulation determined by USPW Owner Sam Strong. That stipulation is a tables match! Tables are set up all around ringside and the winner is the first man to put his opponent through a table. This definitely seems to sway into the favor of Johnny Martin, who gets a rousing ovation from this Tri State crowd. Martin is definitely the more hardcore of the two and it shows even in the early goings of the match. The match goes outside the ring early on and Martin crotches Valentine on the guardrail. Remember, this is a tables match so there is no disqualification in the match. So when Carl Batch attacks Martin from behind, the referee can do nothing but watch and admonish Batch. Though the fans let it be known what they think about that with their boos and what they think about Valentine with their signs: 'Peter Valentine = sh*t' and 'Peter Valentine winning makes me cry more than when my pet dog died!']


[The attack led to Valentine getting the advantage but he took a little too long in working to set up a table. Definitely not his cup of tea. He sets Martin on top of the table and goes for a DDT but instead gets lifted and thrown off the table to the floor, grunting and holding his back. Jack Griffith comes out from the back and heads down to the ring, beginning a brawl between him and Johnny Martin! The brawl leaves Valentine with time to recover and he joins in quickly, working on the arm and shoulder of Martin. Griffith lifts Martin for the Jack-in-The-Box but Martin reverses it into a DDT on the floor! Griffith is out cold! Martin avoids several stomps by Valentine and gets to his feet, sending Valentine into the ring and bringing a table inside as well. Martin is quicker to set up the table than Valentine was. Martin rolls Valentine on the table and then heads to the top turnbuckle. Martin looks toward Valentine but then gets thrown off the top turnbuckle, hitting the guardrail on his way down!]




[The man that threw Martin off the table stands in the ring with a black mask covering his face. The knowledgeable Tri State fans are in shock at this wrestler being here in USPW. The masked man bounces off the ropes and leaps, going over the ropes and hitting Martin with a flying dive outside the ring! What a move! The masked man rolls Martin back in and helps Valentine off the table. Martin is placed on the table in Valentine's place and the masked man helps Valentine ascend the turnbuckles. Valentine looks poised up there. He leaps -- flying elbow drop through the table! Both Valentine and Martin crash to the mat and Peter Valentine will pick up the big win here with a lot of assistance!]


Winner: Peter Valentine (Via Table Break @ 6:02)

Match Rating: C-






[We are taken to the backstage area where we see Darryl Devine leading his group down along a hallway. Seduction, in particular, looks a little apprehensive about what is going to happen but the USPW National Champion has his usual arrogance, especially when surrounded by the group known as Painful Procedure. Devine knocks on a door and that knock is answered by the USPW World Champion Tyson Baine. Devine comes to about chest-level on Baine and has to slowly look up into the eyes of the 'The Demon From The Deep.']


Darryl Devine

"Next week, Sam Strong has put you and I into a tag team match together against Chance and Chris. I thought that at the very least you and I should come up with some strategy for our match together. But you know that no matter what happens next week I'll always be Devine and I'll always be Mighty Fine."


[baine looks down slowly at Devine, seeing the mass of humanity standing around him as well. Baine's upper lip curls into a snarl for a moment and then he grabs Devine by the throat. The members of Painful Procedure step in to try and seperate the two men. Slowly, Baine's lips curl into a smile and he laughs a dark, evil, demented laugh before releasing Devine and then moving past him. His match with the equally dangerous T-Rex as his partner is up next.]






[before we get to our next match, we are taken to a spotlight video of 'The First Daughter Of Wrestling' Alicia Strong. Strong is shown inside the ring, hitting various moves on a variety of different wrestlers, including the Strong Arm Tactic and the Angel Driver. As the moves are shown, there is a voiceover of Strong talking about how difficult it is to be the daughter of such a famous wrestler. She talks about her home life with her mother and with Sam Strong, whenever he would be able to come home, which every time he did he would always bring her a present. She also says that even as a little girl, the only thing she ever wanted to do was to follow in her father's footsteps and become a Champion. She has the opportunity to be a two time USPW Womens Champion at Liberty And Justice. At the end, she promises not to let her fans down in the ring or outside the ring. And one more thing, Cherry Bomb, whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when the power of StrongMania and all the Strongmaniacs runs wild over you?]




Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/TysonBaine_alt4.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/T-Rex_alt1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/HenryLee_jhd1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/NickyChampion_jhd2-1.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/JimForce_jhd1.jpg

The Titans vs. Champion Force


[Our third match can be only be characterized as odd domination. The match begins in a back and forth manner with Nicky Champion showing some good, solid moves in the ring against both T-Rex and the reigning USPW World Champion. He tags out to his partner and The Force also shows that he can keep up with two of the more monstrous entities in professional wrestling. The momentum shifts when The Force goes for the Full Force on T-Rex and is caught with a big boot from an interfering Baine. The Force is kept within the corner of The Titans for the majority of the match with both Titans tagging in and out quickly. Baine hits The Force with a snake eyes and T-Rex brings him down with a clothesline. Henry Lee looks on with pride at ringside for this assault by his Titans. The momentum shifts slightly when T-Rex misses a corner clothesline and The Force brings him down with a clothesline of his own. Both men are down and moving toward their corners. The fans rally behind The Force, including a sign that reads: 'Nine Hundred and Ninety Nine Gazillion Trillion Forcemaniacs can't be wrong!' T-Rex tags in Baine and The Force makes it to his corner -- but gets short-armed! Nicky Champion drops off the apron as The Force looks on in shock. Champion makes a motion like he's wiping his hands of the situation, moving toward the back. Inside the ring, Baine attacks The Force with the Devil's Hammer and then picks him up -- Hades Bomb! The Force is planted in the center of the ring. Baine makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: The Titans (Via Pinfall @ 7:40)

Match Rating: C+






[After the ring is cleared of the wrestlers, the crowd waits to see who will be coming out next. The sound of a wolf's howl can only mean one person, right? The USPW Television Champion 'The Lone Wolf' Shawn Gonzalez steps from the back. He has the USPW Television title around his waist and comes out, stepping up the stairs and into the ring. He is given a microphone and it looks like he is going to speak.]


Shawn Gonzalez

"As everyone knows, I am a man of few words. I would rather let my actions in the ring dictate everything and those actions have led to my becoming the USPW Television Champion. Andre Jones, you have been a formidable champion here in this company but now it is time for the Lone Wolf to shine. I don't need any outside interference. I don't need any help from anyone. I never have and I never will. That is the thing about being a Lone Wolf. You learn to rely on yourself and yourself alone. And I have learned that I am a stronger man than I ever could have dreamed."




[Gonzalez might have continued but his words were interrupted by the presence of the former USPW Television Champion Andre Jones. Jones walks right down to the ring with no hesitation in his step. He slips inside and comes face to face with the Lone Wolf. Jones asks for and is given a microphone.]


Andre Jones

"I never needed any interference in my matches either. Do you know who I am? My name is Andre Jones and I am the world's most famous professional volleyball player. Do you think that came easy? No, I had to bleed and sweat and fight and pay the price to get there. Just like you're going to pay the price for stealing my television title. Next week, I am invoking my rematch clause."


Shawn Gonzalez

"Is that right? Well, let me ask you something, Andre, how's your back? Is it still feeling a little sore? A little stiff from my Latino Crab last week? Well, don't worry, I will just make you tap out again. Remember, Andre, at the end of the day, everybody taps."


[The two men come nose to nose again and the fans are definitely expecting a physical confrontation. But they don't get one. Jones just smiles and points toward the belt and then motions around his waist. He steps back and exits the ring, while Gonzalez draws in more cheers from the crowd. We're going to see these two men in action one week from today on American Wrestling!]






[We are transitioned to the backstage area. This time the focus is inside of a locker room with Chris Caulfield stretching and getting ready for his main event match tonight against James Justice. Caulfield does a few toe touches and then slowly looks up to see Chance Fortune standing in front of him. Caulfield offers a handshake, which Fortune accepts.]


Chris Caulfield

"Welcome to USPW, Chance."


Chance Fortune

"Thanks! I know that next week we are teaming up together to take on Tyson Baine and Darryl Devine. You know more about both of these men since you have been on the roster longer than I have. I am sure that you have some advice for me, right?


Chris Caulfield

"I do but let's go out somewhere else later tonight after my match with James, alright? There are cameras all over this building and I don't want or strategy to be caught on tape where it can be used by Baine and Devine next week. I may be a beer drinking, pickup truck driving Hardcore American but I know when I am being taped. So later tonight we'll grab a couple of beers and have ourselves a talk. Right now, though, I need to get out to the ring and give James Justice a hardcore Tri State butt whipping from the man representing America, the man representing the Hardcore, the Hardcore American."


[Caulfield pats Fortune on the back and the two of them exit the backstage locker room area. But the cameras remain focused on this one section oddly enough. The room definitely seems empty. Then something falls on the ground from the ceiling. Before the camera can focus on it, smoke begins rising and filling the locker room area. Briefly, a rope can be seen dropping down from the ceiling.]




[When the smoke clears, the mysterious ninja is shown hanging upside down from the rope. The ninja flips over and lands on his feet in the locker room, moving up against the locker stealthily. He moves slowly along the lockers until he reaches the end and then slides around again, exiting through the door. Within a few seconds, something hits against the camera at a rapid speed and the camera goes down to the ground, capturing only feet as someone moves by and we now head back to the ring.]




Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/Liberty_LoNdOn.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW%20Goal/ChrisCaulfield_alt1.jpg

James Justice vs. Chris Caulfield


[it is main event time and this is a match that could headline any pay-per-view event around the United States. James Justice comes out first, drawing in boos from the crowd as the former beloved fan favorite walks down to the ring and feigns giving his shades to a fan. Instead, he pulls them back at the last moment and hands them to a security guard for 'safe-keeping.' Justice enters the ring and waits as 'The Hardcore American' Chris Caulfield comes out to a roar from the crowd. Caulfield high fives the fans and goes right up to the little boy who didn't get the James Justice shades. He takes off the U.S.A. bandana and gives him the bandana before sliding inside the ring and facing off with his opponent.]


[One of the overarching themes of this match is, unfortunately, a negative theme. Despite the fact that these two men are veterans inside the ring, the two men just don't seem to click when wrestling one another. Their moves and reactions were just slightly off what they would be in facing another wrestler and the Tri State crowd picks up on that, booing at certain moments when the moves just don't quite go as well as they should.]


[but because these two men are veterans they are still able to put on a match that is worth watching and draws the fans in for the most part. The action takes place both inside the ring and outside the ring where Justice sends Caulfield face-first into the steel steps. Caulfield staggers after the blow and Justice whips him into the guardrail, following that up with a clothesline that sends The Hardcore American over the guardrail and into the front row! Justice stops the count and then grabs a chair, leaping the guardrail and setting up to hit Caulfield. As Justice brings the chair back, it is grabbed by referee Baby Jamie at the last moment! Justice is surprised and turns around, getting into an argument with the referee! During this moment a sign is shown in the crowd reading: 'Dude, I Love Hardcore!!!' This gives Caulfield time to recover and Caulfield grabs Justice, tossing him over the railing back to the ringside area. Caulfield climbs the guardrail and picks up Justice, dropping him with a body slam. Caulfield climbs onto the apron -- Philly Flop! Caulfield nails Justice with the flying splash off the ring apron! Caulfield picks up Justice and tosses him back in the ring. Caulfield follows him in and makes the pin: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout!]


[Caulfield is a little surprised that this doesn't get him the pinfall but he continues with the advantage through the next few minutes. He sends Justice to the corner and climbs, throwing punches as the crowd counts them out. When reaching ten, he drops down and picks up Justice -- front slam! Caulfield gets some momentum from this crowd here in McGaw Arena! He moves up the turnbuckles, aiming toward Justice. He leaps -- flying splash -- misses! Justice rolls out of the way at the last moment and Caulfield hits chest-first on the mat. The crowd boos as Justice pulls himself up to his feet. Justice bounces off the ropes -- SSSTTTAAA -- Justice's pause is interrupted by the sounds of scraping metal on metal. Justice's eyes go wide as Enygma makes his appearance, walking from the back and dragging the metal baseball bat behind him. Justice quickly exits the ring and leaps over the guardrail. Enygma turns and watches as Justice stands in the crowd. Justice wants to move toward the ring but he doesn't want to be in the line of sight of Enygma. As Justice stands in the crowd, a sign is shown reading: 'There's no sense in Justice!' The referee has no choice but to bring the count to ten and call for the bell.]


Winner: Chris Caulfield (Via Countout @ 16:36)

Match Rating: C+




[Chris Caulfield picks up a major win here on the road to Liberty And Justice. Enygma moves over the guardrail and once James Justice sees that, Justice is out of here. Enygma is walking and Justice is running, escaping through the crowd and out to the backstage area with Enygma in pursuit. Back inside the ring, Henry Lee has brought Tyson Baine out to the ring and the two men attack Chris Caulfield! The crowd boos at the two on one situation but there's nothing they can do about it. Lee tucks Caulfield between his legs -- Asylum Buster! The leaping piledriver sends Caulfield head-first down to the mat. Baine stands tall in the center of the ring, raising his arms and bringing them crashing down sending fire exploding from all four corners. Baine and Lee stand in the center of the ring as the show comes to a close.]

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Welcome to the USPW Prediction contest. This contest will run through the end of March in-game time.


Once again we have one perfect score this week. Congratulations to Emark!


1.Emark=6 Wins

2. Tigerkinney=4 Wins

juggaloninjalee=4 Wins

4. pennyone=3 Wins

5. Rayelek=2 Wins

Charasmatic Enigma=2 Wins

7. Eisen-verse=1 Win

jhd1=1 Win

arwink=1 Win

borman_48=1 Win

KingOfKings=1 Win

12. Midnightnick=0 Wins

Hashasheen=0 Wins

Purple Cowboy=0 Wins

foolinc=0 Wins

flat_dougnut=0 Wins

Timber=0 Wins

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Unfortunately, that last show is going to be the last show within this diary for probably around a month or so. As some of you may have read here, I am moving across country a week from tomorrow. So I definitely have other needs and other things to focus on in real life. This does not mean that this diary is dead. Far from it. When I return, I will be focusing here and on my NWA diary once again the way that I always have. In the meantime, I'd like to place a little survey here for all my readers to fill out if/when you have the time.


Favorite Character In This Diary/Why:


Most Popular Wrestler In This Diary/Why:


Most Hated Wrestler In This Diary/Why:


Match Of The Year So Far In This Diary/Why:


Feud Of The Year So Far In This Diary/Why:


New Signing Of The Year So Far In This Diary/Why:


Wrestler Of The Year So Far In This Diary/Why:


What Do You Enjoy Most About This Diary:


What Do You Enjoy Least About This Diary:


Do You Like The Writing Style:


What Would You Like To See More Of:


What Would You like To See Less Of:

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Though I don't believe I will have another show posted before I leave, I wanted to go ahead and throw out the prediction list for the next card so that people can go ahead and start predicting.





USPW American Wrestling

Wednesday Week 4 March 2010


Prediction Key:

USPW Television Title Match: Shawn Gonzalez defends vs. Andre Jones



Sneer Corporation Challenge: Mick Muscles vs. Frankie Perez



Sneer Corporation Challenge: Anger vs. Timothy Hawk



The Beautiful People vs. Raven Robinson and Jaime Quine



Tyson Baine and Darryl Devine vs. Chris Caulfield and Chance Fortune




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Favorite Character In This Diary/Why: James Justice. really liking the direction of his character


Most Popular Wrestler In This Diary/Why: Tyson Baine. Just a monster...plain and simple


Most Hated Wrestler In This Diary/Why: Peter Valentine. A floating example of turdness.


Match Of The Year So Far In This Diary/Why: Baine -v- Enygma for the title. The monster against the most popular man in the company. What more is needed.


Feud Of The Year So Far In This Diary/Why: Enygma -v- Justice looks like a good feud in the making


New Signing Of The Year So Far In This Diary/Why: Chance Fortune. Young and should be a good fit for USPW


Wrestler Of The Year So Far In This Diary/Why: Darryl Devine. Always a whipping boy but has started to shine with his title run and new group,


What Do You Enjoy Most About This Diary: The back stage interactions between Hawk and the roster


What Do You Enjoy Least About This Diary: I can't really think of anything I don't enjoy.


Do You Like The Writing Style: Yes


What Would You Like To See More Of: A big Acid push and more Hawk matches


What Would You like To See Less Of: For some reason, Chris Caulfield. I've never really been drawn to his character

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USPW Television Title Match: Shawn Gonzalez defends vs. Andre Jones



Sneer Corporation Challenge: Mick Muscles vs. Frankie Perez



Sneer Corporation Challenge: Anger vs. Timothy Hawk



The Beautiful People vs. Raven Robinson and Jaime Quine



Tyson Baine and Darryl Devine vs. Chris Caulfield and Chance Fortune




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USPW Television Title Match: Shawn Gonzalez defends vs. Andre Jones

Jimmy Says: I don't remember much about their earlier match, I think I went to the toilet, and when I came back Shawn was new champion. I don't think Andre Jones is all that good.


Sneer Corporation Challenge: Mick Muscles vs. Frankie Perez

Jimmy Says: I do not know who this Perez is, maybe he's like Extra Jobber....but I hate anyone who kisses up to that weasel Shane Sneer, so I'm backing this Perez dude for the win!


Sneer Corporation Challenge: Anger vs. Timothy Hawk

Jimmy Says: Too much Shane Sneer on this show, can he just go away and die please- Anger will lose because he is one of Sneer's stupid chronies!


The Beautiful People vs. Raven Robinson and Jaime Quine

Jimmy Says: Ugh womens wrestling.....


Billy Bob Says: Jimmy my son, no one care's about your opinion on this match, one days you will come to appreciate these damn fine pretty ladies, especially the goddess that is Raven Robinson. I'll be pitching a tent in my pants for this match, and of course Raven will win because she makes me explode with excitment!


Jimmy Says: Doesn't make me explode with excitment, wrestling is a man's sport!


Billy Bob Says: I hope one day you do get excited, otherwise I'll be very worried boy.


Tyson Baine and Darryl Devine vs. Chris Caulfield and Chance Fortune

Jimmy Says: That bully Tyson Baine and that jerk Darryl Devine will get what's coming to them, because bad guys like them just shouldn't win!




Sneer Corporation- Peddling Crap


Wrestling Is A Man's Sport!


Raven Robinson makes me Explode!

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