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I know there are some but I can't seem to find a thread that answers this question:


"I want to get rid of my BRANDS so I can reduce the number of workers I need. That will leave me with two A SHOWS. Do my Upper and Main Eventers have to be on both shows every week or can I stagger them from show to show and not get the 'Left Off Show' complaint?"


Sorry to ask, I know it has been answered but I can't find it. Thanks for the help.

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It depends quite a bit on personality, to be honest. It's mainly determined by push, modified by personality. So a humble, generous main eventer may not complain if he's left off a few shows, yet an egotistical, selfish midcarder might complain if he's left off just one.


The actual act of complaining is also quite random. So while - for example - Eric Eisen is more likely to complain after being left off one show, that doesn't mean he will. Likewise, Christian Faith is a relatively humble, generous guy but that doesn't mean he won't complain after not being on one show. He's just less likely to than Eric is.





*** Warning: Rambling, guesswork and conjecture follows! ***



I think it works sort of like this (though this is by no means gospel):


Your push determines how much 'right' you have to complain.

Your personality determines how likely you are to complain if you have a right to.


So for example, a main eventer has a 'right' to complain after being left off one show. The more shows they're left off, the more 'right' to complain they have. Christian Faith would have a certain 'score' that he has to beat with a dice roll in order to complain. After one show where he doesn't appear, that score is reduced, making him more likely to complain. Let's say the rolls are out of 100 and he starts at 50, meaning he has a 50% "right" to complain after being left off one show because he's a main eventer. Because of his personality, his roll would be reduced by a certain amount, let's say 10 because he's not exactly saintly.


He rolls a 30 after the first show. So he doesn't complain.


The next show his 'right' goes up, because he has more reason to complain. So the score he needs might go down to 40. He rolls 45 (-10 = 35), so still doesn't complain but someone without such a good personality would have.

The next show his score goes down to 20, because he's a main eventer and hasn't been seen for three shows now! So he'd need a really low roll to not complain. Eventually it'd go down to 0, and he'd complain almost automatically (he could still roll under 10 and thus have a negative score and not complain).


Meanwhile, Eric Eisen is also left off the first show, so gets a score of 50 to 'beat' just like Christian. His personality is more egotistical and selfish but he's hardly a cancer, so he gets +10 to his score. So to complain he'd only need to roll 40 or above. Making him more likely than Christian to complain. Also, because of his personality, he complains automatically once his score to beat gets down to 10, because even rolling a one he can't fail to beat that (remembering Christian still isn't automatically complaining even at zero).


The lower your card position, the less your 'score to beat' decreases each time, and the more consecutive shows it takes to get a score at all. A lower midcarder might start with a score of 80 after being left off two shows, for instance. An enhancement talent probably wouldn't get much right to complain at all.


Jay Chord, on the other hand, is such a **** that he'd probably get a modifier of +40 to his rolls. Meaning that as a main eventer, he'd only need to roll a 10 or above to complain after being left off ONE show.


This might all be complete bollocks, but... that's how I'd do it. :p And if it doesn't work like this, the way it DOES work is sort of similar in outcome.

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