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MPW: Built from scratch (0/0/0/0 C-Verse)

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Consider me on board!


Cal Sanders & Roger Monteiro vs Shame & Mark Smart

Shame and Smart seem to be in the role of "jobber"


Jayson Van Pelt vs Raphael

Nigel Svensson vs Jamie Atherton

Both these could go either way. I'm thinking a split.


Velocidad vs Ant Man

I love me some Ant-Man, but Velocidad should win, then get the next shot at Remus.

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Cal Sanders & Roger Monteiro vs Shame & Mark Smart

Everyone here is basically jobbers but I see Sanders as guy who have potential to be more.


Jayson Van Pelt vs Raphael

Nigel Svensson vs Jamie Atherton

Like smwilliams said both matches could go either way so I just go with personal preferense.


Velocidad vs Ant Man

Heel champ, so I see face getting a win here.

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From the Ohio Jewish Center, with 29 people in attendance...

MPW presents The Price We Pay



Remmington Remus and Jamie Atherton


The show opens with Raphael making his way to the ring along with his manager Sienna DeVille.


Raphael: “Ever since I arrived here in MPW Jayson Van Pelt has been a constant thorn in my side, continually sticking his unwelcome nose in my business. At first I couldn’t understand why Jayson continually got in my way, but now that I’ve had time to consider it... well, it’s incredibly obvious isn’t it? The reason Mr Van Pelt has been interfering in my affairs in simple, the poor boys jealous of me. He’s jealous of my good looks, he’s jealous of my charisma, my wealth, my talent and my girlfriend. It’s kind of pathetic really. I’ve tried to avoid embarrassing the poor boy, but he’s forced my hand. Tonight I will beat some sense into Van Pelt, and he’ll finally leave us to carry on our push to the top of this pathetic company.”


Rating: E+


Jayson Van Pelt vs Raphael


Jayson Van Pelt goes after Raphael right from the bell, swinging wildly with left and rights. Initially Raphael is caught off guard and Van Pelt builds a good period of offense, landing a series of impressive moves to leave Raphael reeling. It takes a thumb to the eye from Raphael to halt Van Pelt’s momentum, before he hits a nice Suplex to take the steam out of Van Pelts assault. Raphael put’s the boots to Van Pelt, before hauling his opponent to his feet and landing a Body Slam.


Van Pelt regains his feet, and the two men begin trading right hands in the middle of the ring. Raphael whips Van Pelt off of the ropes and goes for a Clothesline, but Van Pelt is able to duck underneath and snap off an Axe Kick from nowhere to send Raphael to the mat. Van Pelt hooks the inside leg for the pin and the referee begins to count. 1... 2... NO! Referee Jonathan Taylor may have missed Sienna DeVille palcing Raphael’s foot on the bottom rope, but he does notice the foot on the rope to stop the count. Van Pelt can’t believe it, looks to the outside and sees DeVille by the ropes and puts two and two together. Van Pelt begins arguing with DeVille, who furiously protests her innocence. A noticeably exasperated Van Pelt turns back to the action, and is nailed by the Inheritance by Raphael! Raphael makes the cover, and just to make sure puts his feet on the middle rope behind the referee’s back. Sure enough, this proves enough to get the win.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Raphael defeated Jayson Van Pelt in 8:03 by pinfall, illegally using the ropes for leverage.


Rating: D


On commentary, Jamie Atherton is in celebration mode having seen his friend Raphael ‘give that punk Van Pelt what he deserved’. Remmington Remus seems less impressed, and muses that this may not be the last time we see those two men in the ring together. Atherton looks to argue this, but Remus changes the subject as Ant Man makes his way to the ring with a sour look on his face following his failure to win the title at Bulletproof last month.


Ant Man: “I may have come up short in the title match last month, through no fault of my own I might add, but tonight I have the opportunity to put things right against the man who cost me last month. Tonight’s Main Event will see me face off against Velocidad, and boy are we going to put on a show for all of you. This is a match that will showcase talent, ability, charisma and spectacular moves… it’s just a shame that all of those attributes will be coming from me. Tonight I will prove I am the best in MPW, because I’m the Ant Man and I can lift anything…”


Rating: E+


Cal Sanders & Roger Monteiro vs Shame & Mark Smart


Fairly standard tag fare here. The heels managed to keep Roger Monteiro stranded in their corner for the majority of the match, until Cal Sanders is able to get the hot... well warm... tag, and clear house before getting the win for the faces.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Roger Monteiro and Cal Sanders defeated Shame and Mark Smart in 8:46 when Cal Sanders defeated Mark Smart by pinfall.


Rating: D-


Next, Mr Lucha II makes his way to the ring to address the crowd.


Lucha: “Since arriving in America, MPW has treated me very well. This is why it saddens me that a man such as Roderick Remus holds the MPW Championship. I have faced Roderick Remus many times, but every time we wrestle he cheats one way or another to keep hold of his belt. I want another chance to prove I can defeat Roderick Remus, and become the MPW Champion!”


Roderick Remus seems to have heard enough, and appears from the back with mic in hand.


Remus: “You want another shot at the title? Are you for real? I mean how many shots have you had already? If you were capable of beating me, you would have done so by now. You should just give up, pack your bags, and head back to Mexico. I am the star of this promotion. You need to realize this isn’t Mexico, and here in the USA you are a nobody just like all of these idiots watching us.”


Rating: E+


Nigel Svensson vs Jamie Atherton


As Roderick Remus makes his way to the back, Mr Lucha makes his way to the announce table, which means it’s time for Jamie Atherton’s match. Remmington Remus welcomes Lucha, and apologises for his brothers behaviour and says that he hopes Lucha get’s another title shot soon.


Back in the ring, Atherton looks very apprehensive at facing Svensson. He takes an awful long time to remove his t-shirt and sunglasses before the match can officially get underway. Atherton begins the match stalling as much as possible, and trying to keep as much distance between himself and the Swede. Atherton makes use of rope breaks and continually slides to the outside of the ring for a breather. Eventually Svensson has had enough, and follows his opponent out of the ring and lays into him with some stiff strikes.


Atherton is rolled back into the ring, and the Swede begins to wear his opponent down with a series of submission holds. Atherton tries to stave off his opponent with a rake to the eyes, but receives a reprimand from the referee for his actions. Svensson is quickly back on top of Atherton with a Belly To Belly Suplex. Atherton is back to his feet, and slaps the taste right out of the Swedes mouth. Svensson seems unfazed and stares down Atherton with a maddened look in his eyes. Atherton looks unnerved and tries to throw a right hand. However, Svensson catches the punch and transitions it into a Hyper Extension Arm Lock. Atherton struggles briefly, but has no choice but to tap out.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Nigel Svensson defeated Jamie Atherton in 7:47 by submission with a Hyper Extension Arm Lock.


Rating: D


Velocidad vs Ant Man


Jamie Atherton rejoins Remmington Remus and Mr Lucha on commentary, and is in a bad mood after his loss to Nigel Svensson. Svensson begins a tirade against Svensson, accusing the Swede of cheating and not allowing Atherton to prepare mentally at the beginning of the match. Lucha tells Atherton to have some dignity and accept his loss with honour. This seems to wind Svensson up, and the two launch into an argument.


In the ring Ant Man has begun the match aggressively, looking to take the fight to his opponent from the opening bell. While this approach isn’t completely successful, it does mean that the match is competed at a great pace with neither man backing off for a second. Both men manage to land some powerful moves in the early exchanges, as momentum ebbs back and forth between the two competitors.


Eventually Velocidad’s speed proves too much for Ant Man to contain, and the luchador begins to gain the advantage. Velocidad snaps off a series of moves, including a Hurricanrana, Arm Drags and a satnding Dropkick, to keep his opponent off his feet. Velocidad then headed to the top rope, and attempted a Flying Cross Body. However, Ant Man was able to roll through the move and roll Velocidad into a pinning predicament. Ant Man forced all of his weight down onto Velocidad, and grabbed hold of his opponent tight for extra leverage, which proved to be enough to keep the luchador down for the three count.


On commentary, Jamie Atherton applauds Ant Man’s victory, saying that Ant Man just proved himself to be the most worthy challenger to Roderick Remus and his MPW Championship. Lucha takes the bait, and states that Ant Man’s method of victory was deplorable and that MPW deserves better than having their wrestlers ruin the competition by cheating.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Ant-Man defeated Velocidad in 8:24 by pinfall with a handful of tights.


Rating: D


Show Rating: D

There was a feeling some of the angles used did not reach the standards set by the in-ring action. This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.

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Emark 3-1

smwilliams 3-1

Zergon 3-1

The Effect 1-3

Condors 1-3


Prediction Contest Standings (after nine shows)


Zergon 34-8

The Effect 30-12

Emark 16-6

Boltinho 10-10

Condors 7-6

Pennyone 5-5

Midnightnick 4-1

Rayelek 3-1

smwilliams 3-1

King Of Old School 2-3


Thank you to everyone who predicted on the last show and is reading along. As always, any feedback on the show would be greatly appreciated.

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-Emmy, Chief Two Eagles, Jack Giedroyc & Ric Young extend deals.

-Giant Brody released.

-Matthew Keith called up from development.


Big Event: SWF Under Control (B) Buy Rate: 3.54

Main Event: Eric Eisen bt Rich Money to retain the SWF World Heavyweight Championship

Match of the Night: Christian Faith bt Jack Bruce


Bookers View: A good month for the SWF. Eric Eisen continues his run at the top of the promotion, but it was Faith & Bruce who really caught the eye at Under Control, with the two veterans putting on a MOTY candidate. The other major talking this month was Matthew Keith being called up from development. All eyes will be on the young man to see if he can live up to his famous father.



Genghis Rahn & Clark Alexander extend deals


Big Event: TCW Destructive Energy(B) Buy Rate: 1.48

Main Event: Troy Tornado bt Rocky Golden for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Match of the Night: RDJ, Minnesota & Vessey bt Hawkins, Cornell & Law


Title Changes: Troy Tornado won the TCW World Heavyweight Championship (previous holder: Rock Golden, W1 Aug 2009-W4 Sep 2010, 16 defences)


Bookers view: Only one talking point this month in the world of TCW. Troy Tornado was named the new champion at Desructive Energy, bringing an end to Rocky Golden’s year long run with the strap. All eyes will be on the new champ, to see how he shakes things up. It will also be interesting to see what TCW do with Golden now that he no longer has the belt.



Chris Caulfield extends deal


Big Event: USPW United States of Pain! (B-) Buy Rate: 0.91

Main Event & Match of the Night: Enygma bt T-Rex for the USPW World Title


Bookers view: Another solid month for USPW. They managed to secure the contract extension of key talent Chris Caulfield.

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MPW presents Doomsday


After finally getting his hands on Jamie Atherton last month at The Price We Pay, and coming out victorious, Nigel Svensson has been rewarded with a shot at Roderick Remus' MPW Championship. Elsewhere, after clashing on the commentary desk last month, Mr Lucha III & Jamie Atherton will have the opportunity to resolve their differences in the ring. Make sure you don't miss Doomsday!


Prediction List:

Roger Monteiro vs Raphael

Velocidad vs Mark Smart

Jayson Van Pelt vs Shame

Cal Sanders vs Ant Man

Mr Lucha III vs Jamie Atherton

Nigel Svensson vs Roderick Remus © - MPW Championsip

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Roger Monteiro vs Raphael

Easy win for Raphael


Velocidad vs Mark Smart

Velocidad builds his overness by squashing Smart.


Jayson Van Pelt vs Shame

Van Pelt is doing more.


Cal Sanders vs Ant Man

Ant Man is the one with a storyline going.

Mr Lucha III vs Jamie Atherton

Lucha III is slighly higher on ladders.


Nigel Svensson vs Roderick Remus © - MPW Championsip

Not yet time for a title change and Svensson isn´t the best option as next champ thanks to his bad entertainment skills.

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Joining late


Roger Monteiro vs Raphael - Seems like he has a story going

Velocidad vs Mark Smart - The 'dad!

Jayson Van Pelt vs Shame - Push! This! Man!

Cal Sanders vs Ant Man - I hate Cal, but he seems to be doing well

Mr Lucha III vs Jamie Atherton - Mild upset

Nigel Svensson vs Roderick Remus © - MPW Championship - Not as big a Nigel fan as I was a year ago. He seems to always be upside unfulfilled.

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From the Ohio Jewish Center, with 28 people in attendance...

MPW presents Doomsday


Remmington Remus and Jamie Atherton


Roger Monteiro vs Raphael

A fairly open match here, with Raphael looking to use his technical skills to negate Roger Monteiro’s speed advantage. The match went back and forth, with momentum shifting between the two men until a well timed low blow from Raphael while the referee was distracted by Sienna DeVille proved to be the difference maker. Monteiro never really recovered, and when Raphael hit the Inheritence this one was over.


In a bout that had a good crowd but featured terrible wrestling, Raphael defeated Roger Monteiro in 7:10 by pinfall.


Rating: D-


Velocidad vs Mark Shame

Velocidad’s speed proved too much for Smart here, as the luchador’s flashy offence kept Smart off his feet for the majority of the match. While Smart did have patches of offence, he never really threatened to pick up the win. A Velocidad Tornado proved enough for Velocidad to get the win. In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Velocidad defeated Mark Smart in 5:39 by pinfall with a Velocidad Tornado.


Rating: D


Next up, Mr Lucha made his way to the ring.


Lucha: “Last month, I came out and declared my intent to depose Roderick Remus from his position as MPW Champion, a position he has cheated his way to, and I still intend to do so. However, this month I intend to take care of another problem within MPW. While on commentary last month, I heard Jamie Atherton showed a blatant disrespect to a fellow competitor in Velocidad. Speaking to the guys in the back, this has been going on for some time. I cannot stand by as my fellow wrestlers are disrespected week in week out, so tonight I will beat some respect into Jamie Atherton.”


Rating: E+


Jayson Van Pelt vs Shame

Next up Jayson Van Pelt is in action, and Jamie Atherton takes the opportunity to remind everybody that Van Pelt was unsuccessful in his match against Raphael last month. He says that Van Pelt needs to realise he isn’t in Raphael’s league, and should stick to dealing with the likes of Shame. Van Pelt put in a good showing here, using his high paced offense to keep his opponent off guard and build momentum. Having been in control for the majority of the match, an Axe Kick proved to be enough to put Shame away.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Jayson Van Pelt defeated Shame in 6:05 by pinfall with an Axe Kick.


Rating: D-


Cal Sanders vs Ant Man

Cal Sanders came into this match with the game plan of using his superior technical skills to ground his opponents much vaunted (well at least by Ant Man) power game. This proved successful early on, with Sanders using submission holds and his superior mat skills to keep Ant Man grounded. However, as the match went on Ant Man began to gain more and more of a foothold, and eventually was able to overpower Sanders and break his holds to gain control of the match.


When Ant Man gained the initiative he really upped the pace of the match, as he landed a series of high-impact slams. Sanders tried to slow the match down and regain control, but couldn’t find the same success as he had at the beginning of the match. Ant Man was finally able to secure the win when he connected with the Antidote.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Ant-Man defeated Cal Sanders in 7:16 by pinfall with an Antidote.


Rating: D


Post match, Ant Man grabs a mic to address the crowd.


Ant Man: “I have just proved, once again, that I am the premier talent here in MPW. After my win over Velocidad last month and my domination of Cal Sanders here tonight, I have provided all the necessary evidence that I am the most worthy challenger to Roderick Remus and his MPW Championship. Yet I have never received a one on one shot. Instead MPW management have chosen Nigel Svensson to wrestle for the title. Svensson lacks my power, my charisma, my good looks and my talent. I have been carrying MPW on my back since this promotion debuted, and I expect to be treated with the respect I deserve from now on... because I’m the Ant Man, and I can lift anything.”


Rating: E+


Mr Lucha III vs Jamie Atherton

Lucha goes after Atherton from the first bell here, seemingly looking to teach the arrogant youngster a lesson. Atherton surprises many by holding his own against the luchador in the early exchanges. Atherton even gains the upper hand, but gets overconfident and misses a Senton Splash from the top rope as Lucha rolls out of the way. From here Lucha stays on top, and is able to hit the Third Strike for the win.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Mr. Lucha III defeated Jamie Atherton in 7:12 by pinfall with a Third Strike.


Rating: D-


Nigel Svensson vs Roderick Remus ©

MPW Championship

Following his win over Jamie Atherton last month, Nigel Svensson is rewarded with a MPW Championship shot this month. Svensson has built up a reputation of being arguably the best technical wrestler on the MPW roster, but this didn’t seem to deter the champion from coming forward and facing the Swede head on. Remus had mixed success with this tactic, with Svensson showing the benefits of his MMA background and chain wrestling skills by reversing a number of Remus’ attempted holds and strikes. However, it would be unfair on the champion to say Svensson had the better of the early exchanges. This back and forth action really got the crowd into the match, and on commentary Remmington Remus voiced his appreciation of seeing his brother facing the challenge of Nigel Svensson head on, rather than hiding away from a challenge as he had done in previous months.


The champ continued to try and take the fight to his challenger, but as the match wore on Remus began to tire and Svensson was able to reverse more moves and build longer periods of offence. With his offense becoming less and less effective, Remus began to get desperate, throwing wild right hands which allowed Svensson to take control and lock in his Hyper Extension Arm Lock. Remus screams out in pain, and looks as if he is about to tap out and lose his title. However, Remus is eventually able to make it to the ropes to break the hold, but it looks as if the damage has been done.


Roderick Remus is favouring his right arm, and backs away from Svensson into the corner asking for a time out. Svensson’s having none of it, as he corners the champion. Remus then springs into action, as he grabs the Swede’s tights and sends him headfirst into the turnbuckle. The crowd reacts angrily to Remus using these cheap tactics and tainting what had, up to that point, been a hard fought athletic contest. Remus doesn’t seem to care what the crowd think of him, and slaps on the Remus Clutch. Svensson finds himself stranded in the middle of the ring and has no choice but to tap out, allowing Remus to walk away with his title reign still intact.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Roderick Remus defeated Nigel Svensson in 8:16 by submission with a Remus Clutch after blatantly cheating. Roderick Remus makes defence number 5 of his MPW Championship title.


Rating D+


Final Rating: D

There was a feeling some of the angles used did not reach the standards set by the in-ring action. This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.

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Emark 6-0

Zergon 6-0

The Effect 6-0

Condors 5-1

Astil 3-3


Prediction Contest Standings (after ten shows - two remaining in this series)


Zergon 40-8

The Effect 36-12

Emark 22-6

Boltinho 10-10

Condors 12-7

Pennyone 5-5

Midnightnick 4-1

Rayelek 3-1

smwilliams 3-1

Astil 3-3

King Of Old School 2-3


Thank you to everyone who predicted and who has read the show. As always, any feedback or critique will be gratefully received. Thanks again :)

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Jerry Eisen extends deal with SWF.

Knuckles released.


Big Event: SWF Let The Games Begin (B) Buy Rate: 3.66

Main Event: Eric Eisen bt Rich Money to retain the SWF World Heavyweight Championship

Match of the Night: Steve Frehley bt Christian Faith


Bookers View: A reasonable month for the SWF, as they put on a better PPV than rivals TCW. Elsewhere in the promotion, Jerry Eisen retains his job in the family business, while young talent Knuckles is future endeavoured.



TCW rise to International Status.

Sean McFly, Frankie Perez, Mikey James, James Prudence, Jessie, Jez MacArthur, Acid and Lee Wright all sign with TCW.

Danny Fonzarelli extends his contract.


Big Event: TCW Threatening Behaviour (B-) Buy Rate: 1.59

Main Event: Troy Tornado bt Joey Minnesota to retain TCW World Heavyweight Title

Match of the Night: Wolf Hawkins bt Sean McFly


Title Changes: Chance Fortune won the TCW All Action Title (previous holder: Aaron Andrews, W2 Apr 10-W4 Oct 10, 15 defences)


Bookers view: A successful month overall for TCW, despite putting on their worst PPV of the year so far, with an underwhelming first title defence from new champ Troy Tornado. Their recent success seems to have fueled their growth and this has encourages Cornell to splash out on some new talent, most notably bringing Sean McFly back to the States. McFly is a great acquisition for TCW, and will bring some new blood to their Main Event scene. Other notable signings include Acid, young tag team The Cali Dragons and exciting young talent James Prudence.



James Justice, Raven Robinson & Andre Jones extend deals.

James Prudence leaves USPW.


Big Event: USPW Born In The USA! (B) Buy Rate: 0.91

Main Event & Match Of The Night: Enygma bt Tyson Baine to retain the USPW World Title


Bookers view: A great month for USPW, as they topped the efforts of both TCW & the SWF on PPV! They also managed to extend the deals of some key talents. However, the loss of James Prudence to TCW has to be seen as a blow to the promotion.

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MPW presents Death Toll


Following his loss to Roderick Remus in last month’s Main Event, Nigel Svensson gets his chance at revenge as he teams up with Mr Lucha in this month’s tag team Main Event. In the same match, Ant Man will get the chance to back up his claims to be the best in MPW, as he teams with MPW Champion Roderick Remus in the Main Event at ‘The Price We Pay’. Elsewhere, Jamie Atherton looks to bounce back from his loss to Mr Lucha last month against Lucha’s fellow luchador Velocidad. All of this and much more at Death Toll!


Prediction Key:

Velocidad vs Jamie Atherton

Jayson Van Pelt vs Mark Smart

Roger Monteiro vs Shame

Cal Sanders vs Raphael

Nigel Svensson & Mr Lucha vs Roderick Remus & Ant Man

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Velocidad vs Jamie Atherton

Heel champ so one of the top faces are kept strong.


Jayson Van Pelt vs Mark Smart

Smart is jobber.


Roger Monteiro vs Shame

Pretty much a coin flip.


Cal Sanders vs Raphael

Raphael is the one who has storyline going.


Nigel Svensson & Mr Lucha vs Roderick Remus & Ant Man

Svensson and Lucha get a win over champ here in order to set up another title shots for them.

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From the Ohio Jewish Center, with 39 people in attendance...

MPW presents Death Toll



Remmington Remus and Jamie Atherton


Velocidad vs Jamie Atherton

Atherton comes into this match looking to prove a point after failing to get the job done against Velocidad’s fellow luchador Mr Lucha III last month. Atherton took the fight to the luchador from the first bell, but Velocidad’s amazing speed proved too much for Atherton to handle. Velocidad showed off his dazzling offence, as he kept his opponent off his feet. Atherton managed to slow the pace of the match down with a well placed eye rake, which briefly turned things in his favour. However, this didn’t last long as Velocidad manage to turn the tide with a beautiful Standing Dropkick, and lift the pace once again. Velocidad was back in his comfort zone, and was able to hit the Velocidad Tornado for the win.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Velocidad defeated Jamie Atherton in 8:22 by pinfall with a Velocidad Tornado.


Rating: D


Next up Mr Lucha makes his way to the ring to address the crowd.


Lucha: “I came out here last month, and told all of you that Roderick Remus didn’t deserve to be MPW Champion because of the disrespect he shows you fans every time he takes a shortcut to hold on to that belt. Later that night he went out and went toe to toe with Nigel Svensson, one of the toughest men in MPW. For the first time I can recall, Remus held himself like a champion and he came through with the win. Back where I come from we believe a man can see the light if he is given a second chance, and if this is a sign of how Roderick Remus will carry himself in the future, I for one am willing to give him that second chance…”


Roderick Remus seems to have heard enough, and appears from the back with a mic.


Remus: “A second chance? Who the hell are you to be handing out second chances? People from your hick of a town may believe in handing out second chances, but I don’t. I haven’t made a single mistake in my entire life, and that is why I hold this championship and you don’t. So you can keep on making mistakes, and keep telling yourself that it’s okay and that you’ll get a second chance… but I’ll warn you now, that second chance may be a long time coming.”


With that Remus drops his microphone and storms to the back.


Rating: D-


Jayson Van Pelt vs Mark Smart

Van Pelt looked good in this one, as he used his speed advantage to always stay half a step ahead of his opponent. Mark Smart had a few flurries of offence, but never really looked like beating his opponent. The match came to an end following an Axe Kick from Jayson Van Pelt. In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Jayson Van Pelt defeated Mark Smart in 5:50 by pinfall with an Axe Kick.


Rating: D


Roger Monteiro vs Shame

A fast paced back and forth between these two men. Both had their opportunities to pick up the win, but in the end it was Monteiro who walked away the victor. In an extremely poor match, Roger Monteiro defeated Shame in 6:49 by pinfall with an Eagle Chop.


Rating: E+


Next up, Ant Man is in the ring and seems to have something to say.


Ant Man: “Over the past few months I have proved time and time again that I am the biggest and brightest talent not only here in MPW, but in all of MPW. I have a level of Charisma that nobody else on this roster shares, I’m the best looking man to have ever set foot in this poxy little arena, and lest we forget I can lift one hundred times my own bodyweight. It’s taken a long time, but finally tonight I am in the ring with the other ‘leading lights’ of MPW. After tonight, nobody will be able to claim that I am not the franchise player of this promotion... because at the conclusion of tonight’s Main Event, there will be one man standing tall above all others. That man will be the franchise player, the leading light and the next MPW Champion. That man will be the Ant Man... because I can lift anything.”


Rating: E+


Cal Sanders vs Raphael

This was a really open match up, with both men putting on a showcase of technical wrestling. The momentum in this match continued to go back and forth, until a timely distraction from Sienna DeVille turned the match in Raphael’s favour. Following his managers intervention, Raphael was able to hit the Inheritence and continue his mini-winning streak.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Raphael defeated Cal Sanders in 7:45 by pinfall.


Rating: D+


Mr Lucha III & Nigel Svensson vs Roderick Remus & Ant Man

Referee Jonathan Taylor completely loses control of this one right from the bell, as all four competitors brawl. Ant Man goes straight after Lucha following his promo earlier in the night, while Svensson looks to go after Roderick Remus following the finish to their title match last month. The four men brawl for a couple of minutes, until order is finally gained when Remus and Lucha take their position on the apron.


Ant Man looks to use his power to dominate his opponent, but Svensson is able to use his MMA background to control his opponents power game and keep Ant Man on the mat. Ant Man becomes visibly more and more frustrated as his efforts are continually subdued by his opponent. After being reversed yet again, an agitated Ant Man tags in his partner. Remus slowly gets in the ring, and the two men who met last month circle each other... and Ant Man attacks Svensson from behind! The ref gives Ant Man a warning, but the damage has been done and Roderick Remus begins stomping away at Nigel Svensson. From here, the Heels are able to keep Svensson stranded in their corner by utilising frequent tags.


Things look bleak for Svensson and Lucha, until Ant Man tries to lift Svensson up for a Body Press Slam but the Swede is able to slip out the back and lunge at Mr Lucha for the hot tag. Lucha comes in with a Springboard Hurricanrana to take Ant Man off of his feet. Remus comes in to try and stop the luchador, but is met by a Standing Dropkick. Lucha then sends Ant Man crashing over the top rope, before posing for the fans in attendance. Remus is back to his feet, but is met by a series of kicks, followed by a nice step-up Enzuigiri. The luchador then nails a groggy Roderick Remus with the Third Strike, and BAM! Ant Man nails him with a Steel Chair from behind, and the referee immediately calls for the bell.


Svensson looks to help his partner, but is immediately nailed with a chair shot as well. Remus immediately bails from the ring, wanting nothing to do with the enraged powerhouse. After another chair shot to both Lucha and Svensson, Ant Man is left as the last man standing in the ring... just as he promised to be earlier in the night.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Nigel Svensson and Mr. Lucha III defeated Roderick Remus and Ant-Man in 9:02 when Ant-Man was disqualified for attacking Mr. Lucha III with a foreign object.


Rating: D-


Show Rating: D

This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.

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Emark 5-0

Zergon 5-0

The Effect 4-1

Condors 3-2


Prediction Contest Standings (after eleven shows - one remaining in this series)


Zergon 45-8

The Effect 40-13

Emark 27-6

Boltinho 10-10

Condors 15-9

Pennyone 5-5

Midnightnick 4-1

Rayelek 3-1

smwilliams 3-1

Astil 3-3

King Of Old School 2-3


Thank you to everyone who predicted and who has read the show. Just the one show left for this round of predictions, so for anyone who wants to jump in on predictions, a new series will be starting up in two shows time so keep an eye out for that.


As always, any feedback or critique on the show will be gratefully received. Thanks again :)

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-Akima Brave, The Stomper & Matthew Keith extend deals

-SWF fall to Cult size.


Big Event: SWF Break Like The Wind (B-) Buy Rate: 3.68

Main Event: Eric Eisen bt Marat Khoklov to retain the SWF World Heavyweight Championship

Match of the Night: Christian Faith bt Kurt Laramee


Bookers View: The main talking point in the world of wrestling came in the final week of November, as the powerhouse that is the SWF fell to Cult! It is unknown how the promotion will react to this setback, but widespread change is expected. SWF were lucky to secure the contract extension of young talent Matthew Keith before their fall to Cult. SWF’s poor month was epitomised by the Main Event to their Break Like The Wind PPV, which saw Eric Eisen defeat Marat Khoklov in an underwhelming outing.



-TCW sign deal with Seleccion Mexico to broadcast their PPV’s in Mexico.

-Flying Jimmy Foxx & Kyle Rhodes extend deals


Big Event: TCW A Little South Of Sanity (B+) Buy Rate: 1.61

Main Event & Match of the Night: Cornell, McFly & RDJ bt Minnesota, Hawkins & Vessey


Title Changes: Danny Fonzarelli won the TCW International Championship (previous holder: Sam Keith, W3 Feb 2010-W1 Nov 2010, 18 defences)


Bookers view: The main talking point in TCW this month was the shock Face turn of Tommy Cornell, and the Heel turn of Joey Minnesota that followed. Off the back of these turns, TCW put on their best PPV of the year to further solidify their position at the top of the ladder.



-Nicky Champion & T-Rex extend deals

-Ekuma The Hawaiin Strong Man & Hell’s Bouncer sign with USPW


Big Event: USPW Thanksgiving Thunder! (B) Buy Rate: 1.01

Main Event & Match of the Night: Enygma bt Tyson Baine for the USPW World Title


Title Changes: Jumbo Jackson won the USPW Television Title (previous holder: Andre Jones, W1 Dec 2009-W2 Nov 2010, 13 defences)


Bookers view: A strong month for USPW, as they broke the 1.0 barrier for PPV buy rates. They also made a couple of important contract extensions in Nicky Champion & T-Rex, and secured a couple of exciting signings in Ekuma and Hell’s Bouncer. All in all, things are looking up!

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