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MPW: Built from scratch (0/0/0/0 C-Verse)

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<p>Cal Sanders & Roger Monteiro vs <strong>Raphael & Jamie Atherton</strong></p><p>

I like Atherton. Always wanted to sign him</p><p> </p><p>

Jayson Van Pelt vs <strong>Shame</strong></p><p>

JVP has stoopid hair</p><p> </p><p>

<strong> Nigel Svensson</strong> vs Mark Smart</p><p>

Any of my 21CW boys get the nod</p><p> </p><p>

<strong> ???</strong> vs Roderick Remus</p><p>

Mr ? always wins</p><p> </p><p>

<strong> Los Luchas</strong> vs Ant Man & KC Glenn</p><p>

My love for masked men as well as teag teams means I have to do it</p><p> </p><p>

Mystery man</p><p>

<strong>Inky The Squid Boy</strong></p>

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Cal Sanders & Roger Monteiro vs Raphael & Jamie Atherton

Jayson Van Pelt vs Shame

Nigel Svensson vs Mark Smart

??? vs Roderick Remus

Los Luchas vs Ant Man & KC Glenn


A bonus point is available for guessing the new signing who will be debuting this show? Simon Ice

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<p>From the Ohio Jewish Center, with 60 people in attendance...</p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>MPW presents Welcome To The Future</strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Announcers:</strong></p><p> Remmington Remus and Jamie Atherton</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="33130" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Cal Sanders & Roger Monteiro vs Raphael & Jamie Atherton</strong></p></div><p></p><p> Raphael and Jamie Atherton were accompanied by Sienna DeVille for this one, which proved to be a fun opening tag match. The momentum of the match swung back and forth, with all four men getting the opportunity to get in periods of offence over the course of the match. Sienna DeVille once again proved to be the decisive factor for Raphael, as her interference set up the finish here. DeVille provided a distraction to allow Atherton and Raphael to double team Monteiro, leading to Raphael landing the Inheritance for the win.</p><p> </p><p> In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Raphael & Jamie Atherton defeated Cal Sanders and Roger Monteiro in 7:45 when Raphael defeated Roger Monteiro by pinfall after Sienna DeVille interfered.</p><p> </p><p> Rating: D+</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>****************************************</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="33130" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Jayson Van Pelt vs Shame</strong></p></div><p></p><p> A fun, fast paced, back and forth matchup between these two. Both men took to the air in their search for victory, and impressed fans with their impressive aerial manoeuvres. Shame looked to use underhanded tactics to gain the advantage, but ultimately failed to do so as Jayson Van Pelt was able to land the Axe Kick. This proved enough for Van Pelt to get the three count and pick up the win.</p><p> </p><p> In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Jayson Van Pelt defeated Shame in 6:45 by pinfall with an Axe Kick.</p><p> </p><p> Rating: D-</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>****************************************</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="33130" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Nigel Svensson vs Mark Smart</strong></p></div><p></p><p> This was a very one sided affair. Svensson retained control for nearly the entirety of this match, as he worked away at Mark Smart’s arm as he looked to set up Smart for his feared submission manoeuvre. It was no surprise to anybody when Svensson locked in the Hyper Extension Arm Lock, and Mark Smart swiftly tapped out. </p><p> </p><p> In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Nigel Svensson defeated Mark Smart in 6:51 by submission with a Hyper Extension Arm Lock.</p><p> </p><p> Rating: D+</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>****************************************</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> Next up, Velocidad makes his way to the ring and begins to talk about the Main Event and how he was looking forward to wiping the cocky smirk off of Ant Man’s face... unfortunately at this point that cocky smirk made its way out from behind the curtain, closely followed by Ant Man who was joined by both KC Glenn and Roderick Remus.</p><p> </p><p> Ant Man: “I would apologise for interrupting, but what I have to say is of actual significance... so why don’t you just shut up for a minute? Velocidad, you come out here tonight and start talking about Main Events and beating the franchise player of this promotion? You haven’t earned that right! While it’s true that America is the land of opportunity, you have to earn that opportunity... and as far as I’m concerned you have a lot to prove before you’re ready to step in the ring with people like myself. But I have good news, I’ve set up a match for you to prove to me and all of these people that you deserve a spot in the Main Event... and that match is right now! Oh and one more thing... it’s against former MPW Champion Roderick Remus!”</p><p> </p><p> Ant Man then passes the microphone to Roderick Remus.</p><p> </p><p> Remus: “You see Mr Lucha you aren’t the only one who can play games. Now get a referee out here right now, and let’s do this!”</p><p> </p><p> Referee Jonathan Taylor appears from the back, Remus joins Velocidad in the ring and this match is on!</p><p> </p><p> Rating: E+</p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>****************************************</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="33130" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Velocidad vs Roderick Remus</strong></p></div><p></p><p> Ant Man & Roderick Remus had managed to catch Velocidad completely off guard with this imprompyu match, giving the luchador no time to prepare to face the former MPW Champion. This allowed Remus to get off to a strong start, as he dominated the early exchanges of the match. After taking a barrage of moves from Remus, eventually Velocidad is able to find his feet and begins to work his way back into the action.</p><p> </p><p> With Velocidad gaining momentum, the pace of the match lifts markedly. The luchador shows his usual flashy offence, with kicks and flips in abundance. Remus seemed to struggle initially with the injection of pace from Velocidad, and looked to slow things down by using rope breaks and eye rakes to try and stall Velocidad’s momentum. Velocidad looked to have things in hand, when AnT Man leapt up onto the apron and yelled at Velocidad to grab the lucahdors attention. Velocidad had Remus on the mat, but instead of going for the pin the luchador went after Ant Man. Ant Man dropped off of the apron, and signalled to the ref he didn’t want to get involved. Velocidad leaned out of the ropes to say something to Ant Man, but was caught from behind by Remus. Remus hauled the luchador back to the middle of the ring, and locked in his Remus Stetch submission. With nowhere to go, Velocidad had no choice but to tap out.</p><p> </p><p> In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Roderick Remus defeated Velocidad in 8:25 by submission with a Remus Clutch. During the match we also had Ant-Man distract Velocidad.</p><p> </p><p> Rating: D+</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>****************************************</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> Costing Velocidad the match seemingly isn’t enough for Ant Man, as KC Glenn slides a chair into the ring. Ant Man grabs the chair, and repeatedly strikes Velocidad across the back. Mr Lucha bolts out from the back, and Ant Man bails from the ring... but the damage looks to be done. Ant Man then grabs a microphone, as Lucha checks on Velocidad in the ring.</p><p> </p><p> Ant Man: “I told you I’d squash this little Lucha uprising before it even began, but I bet none of you thought I’d be able to put a stop to it before tonight’s Main Event even began? Then again none of you have my intelligence, power and talent, so I can achieve things that mere mortals such as Mr Lucha can only dream of... because I’m the Ant Man, and I can lift...”</p><p> </p><p> However before Ant Man can finish his catchphrase, the MPW Champion Mr Lucha III grabs a microphone and cuts him off.</p><p> </p><p> Lucha: “Ant Man, it may be true that Velocidad has been hurt, but what makes you think that the Main Event is off? You said you wanted to face two luchadors tonight, and you will. Let me introduce you to my partner tonight, a great friend of mine from back in Mexico: the Amazing Fire Fly!”</p><p> </p><p> Amazing Fire Fly makes his way out for his MPW debut. On commentary, Remmington Remus states that Ant Man’s war with the luchadors looks far from over. Jamie Atherton says that it doesn’t matter that Mr Lucha has a new partner, Ant Man and Glenn still have more than enough to get the job done in tonight’s tag team Main Event.</p><p> </p><p> Rating: D</p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>****************************************</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="33130" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Mr Lucha III & Amazing Fire Fly vs Ant Man & KC Glenn</strong></p></div><p></p><p> Ant Man argues with the referee before the match, seemingly very unhappy at Amazing Fire Fly’s late addition to the match. However, referee Jonathan Taylor tells Ant Man that Fire Fly will be in the match and to get on with it. When the bell rings, Ant Man goes right after newcomer Amazing Fire Fly. While Ant Man looks to overpower his smaller opponent, Fire Fly dazzles the fans with his unbelievable speed. Fire Fly manages to avoid many of Ant Man’s attempted power moves and get in a few shots of his own as he moved around the ring at blinding speed.</p><p> </p><p> Ant Man eventually gets frustrated at being unable to keep up with his opponent, and chooses to tag in his partner KC Glenn. KC Glenn fares much better than Ant Man, as he uses his own speed to keep up with Amazing Fire Fly in the early exchanges. As Fire Fly tired, KC Glenn began to take control of the match and looked to isolate Fire Fly in their corner, employing frequent tags with Ant Man. Things looked bleak for the luchadors, until Fire Fly showed great agility to flip over a Suplex attempt from Ant Man and sped across the ring to tag in his partner Mr Lucha III. Lucha came in like a house on fire, taking down Ant Man with a beautiful Dropkick, before cutting off KC Glenn with a step up Enzuigiri. Lucha stayed on top of Ant Man, and looked to have the match won when he hit the Third Strike. However, KC Glenn came in illegally to break up the pin attempt. Fire Fly flew into the ring to stop KC Glenn attacking Lucha, but was sidestepped by Glenn and sent flying over the top rope. Glenn took a second to shoot his mouth at Fire Fly, which cost him as a Dropkick from Lucha sent Glenn flying over the top rope as well. Lucha turned back to the action, but Ant Man had recovered and the MPW Champion turned right into an Antidote. Ant Man made the cover and it proved enough for the three count.</p><p> </p><p> In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Ant-Man & KC Glenn defeated Los Luchas III in 8:27 when Ant-Man defeated Mr Lucha III by pinfall with an Antidote.</p><p> </p><p> Rating: D+</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Show Rating: D+</p><p> <em>There was a feeling some of the angles used did not reach the standards set by the in-ring action. This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.</em></p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="33130" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Predictions</span></strong></p><p> Zergon 5/5</p><p> Condors 5/5</p><p> Emark 4/5</p><p> Boltinho 2/5</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Prediction Contest (After 3 Shows)</span></strong></p><p> Zergon 17/17</p><p> Condors 15/17</p><p> Emark 13/17</p><p> Boltinho 2/5</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thankyou to everyone who predicted on the show, and welcome back to Boltinho. Hope to see you all back on the next show. As always, any feedback or critique on the show will be gratefully received. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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March 2011


Big Event: TCW Just Another Day (B) Buy Rate: 2.05

Main Event: Troy Tornado bt Joey Minnesota to retain the TCW World Heavyweight Title

Match of the Night: Jack Bruce bt Bryan Vessey


Bookers view: A quiet month for TCW, as they moved serenely along in their position of being the largest promotion in the USA.



-Kid Toma leaves SWF


Big Event: SWF Awesome Impact (B) Buy Rate: 0.31

Main Event: Brandon James bt Eric Eisen to win the SWF World Heavyweight Championship

Match Of The Night: Steve Frehley bt Rich Money


Title Changes: Brandon James won the SWF World Heavyweight Championship (previous holder: Eric Eisen, W1 Dec 2009-W2 Mar 2011, 19 defences)


Bookers View: SWF finally pulled the trigger on the Brandon James push, as he won the SWF World Heavyweight Championship from Eric Eisen. SWF management will be hoping James can lead their push back towards being a Nationally recognised promotion. However, SWF have a long way to go. Their problems highlighted by the fact that their PPV was comfortably outsold by the offering from USPW.



-Mitch Naess signs for USPW.

-Des Davids extends deal.


Big Event: USPW Liberty & Justice! (C+) Buy Rate: 1.08

Main Event & Match of the Night: Andre Jones & Puerto Rican Power bt The Titans


Bookers view: A big month for USPW, as they outsold SWF for the first time ever on PPV! They will be a little disappointed with the PPV they put out, but will certainly be encouraged by their relatively impressive sales. The addition of Mitch Naess to the announce desk should also stand them in good stead.

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<div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">MPW presents Guilty As Charged</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> Following his victory in last month’s Main Event, Ant Man finally receives his first ever one on one shot at the MPW Championship at ‘Guilty As Charged’. Taking the MPW Championship away from Mr Lucha III would surely represent a huge step forward for Ant Man in his quest to remove the luchadors from MPW. Last month also saw Ant Man & KC Glenn attack Velocidad prior to the tag team Main Event. This month Velocidad has a chance to gain a measure of revenge, as he faces off against KC Glenn. Another match that catches the eye sees former MPW Champion Roderick Remus face off against the Amazing Fire Fly. Fire Fly was pinned on debut in last month’s Main Event, so will be looking to bounce back with a victory here, but faces a tough task against a focused Roderick Remus. All that and more at MPW:Guilty As Charged!</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="33130" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Prediction List:<p> </p><p> Jayson Van Pelt & Roger Monteiro vs Raphael & Jamie Atherton (w/ Sienna DeVille)</p><p> Amazing Fire Fly vs Roderick Remus</p><p> Cal Sanders vs Mark Smart</p><p> Nigel Svensson vs Shame</p><p> Velocidad vs KC Glenn</p><p> Mr Lucha III vs Ant Man (MPW Championship)</p></div></blockquote>
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<p>Jayson Van Pelt & Roger Monteiro vs<strong> Raphael & Jamie Atherton (w/ Sienna DeVille)</strong></p><p>

<em>Monteiro looks like the weak link here.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Amazing Fire Fly vs <strong>Roderick Remus</strong></p><p>

<em>Remus is former champ and Fire Fly is still new so I go with Remus.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Cal Sanders</strong> vs Mark Smart</p><p>

<em>I just like Sanders more.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Nigel Svensson </strong>vs Shame</p><p>

<em>Svensson has more going on.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Velocidad</strong> vs KC Glenn</p><p>

<em>Tough one but Velocidad had have some tough losses lately so I´d give him a win this time.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mr Lucha III </strong>vs Ant Man (MPW Championship) </p><p>

<em>Too early for a title change.</em></p>

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<p>Jayson Van Pelt & Roger Monteiro vs <strong>Raphael & Jamie Atherton </strong>(w/ Sienna DeVille)</p><p>

Amazing Fire Fly vs <strong>Roderick Remus</strong></p><p>

<strong>Cal Sanders</strong> vs Mark Smart</p><p>

<strong>Nigel Svensson</strong> vs Shame</p><p>

<strong>Velocidad</strong> vs KC Glenn</p><p>

<strong>Mr Lucha III</strong> vs Ant Man (MPW Championship)</p>

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<p>Jayson Van Pelt & Roger Monteiro vs <strong>Raphael & Jamie Atherton</strong> (w/ Sienna DeVille)</p><p>

Amazing Fire Flyvs <strong>Roderick Remus</strong></p><p>

<strong>Cal Sanders</strong> vs Mark Smart</p><p>

<strong> Nigel Svensson</strong> vs Shame</p><p>

<strong> Velocidad </strong>vs KC Glenn</p><p>

Mr Lucha III vs <strong>Ant Man</strong> (MPW Championship)</p>

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From the Ohio Jewish Center, with 72 people in attendance...

MPW presents Guilty As Charged



Remmington Remus and Jamie Atherton

Jayson Van Pelt & Roger Monteiro vs Raphael & Jamie Atherton

Having been cheated out of a victory by Raphael and Sienna DeVille last month, Roger Monteiro recruited a new partner this month in Jayson Van Pelt to face the team Raphael and Atherton. The match was very open, with all four men getting good periods of momentum over the course of the match. Once again Sienna DeVille proved to be the decisive factor, as she provided the distraction for Raphael to take advantage of and once again get the pinfall over Monteiro.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Raphael & Jamie Atherton defeated Roger Monteiro and Jayson Van Pelt in 6:05 when Raphael defeated Roger Monteiro by pinfall.


Rating: D+


Amazing Fire Fly vs Roderick Remus

This was Amazing Fire Fly’s debut single match in MPW, and the luchador put in a good showing; impressing everyone with his incredible speed and agility. This incredible speed allowed him to dominate the early exchanges of the match, as Roderick Remus struggled to keep up with the orange blur Fire Fly became. However, a strong Lariat from Remus knocked Fire Fly to the mat, halting his momentum, and the luchador struggled to recover from that point. Remus began using a number of throws and holds to inflict damage onto his opponents lower back. As well as succeeding in slowing Fire Fly down, it also set the luchador up for his patented Remus Clutch. Once Remus synched in the hold, there was little Fire Fly could do but tap out.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Roderick Remus defeated Amazing Fire Fly in 6:23 by submission with a Remus Clutch.


Rating: D


After his win, Remus grabs a microphone to address the crowd.


Remus: “And that makes two… Mr Lucha, that’s two shows in a row I’ve beaten your luchador friends, and you’re next on my list. I am the brightest talent here, and I am totally committed to my journey to the top of this business. I don’t waste my time playing to these fans, or playing games with people. I have a singular focus to succeed in my goal. In this business you can go from being top of your game one minute, to having your career ended forever the next. That’s why I don’t allow myself to become distracted by the wishes of these worthless fans, I only care about three people: me, myself and I. That is the basis of all my actions, and that focus is why when you finally grow a pair and agree to face me… I will once again become the MPW Champion.”


Rating: D


Cal Sanders vs Mark Smart

On commentary Jamie Atherton highlights Roderick Remus’ credentials as the top contender to the MPW Championship, and says that he fully expects Rodderick Remus to be Ant Man’s first challenger at next month’s show. Remmington Remus jumps in to point out that for that to happen Ant Man would have to beat Mr Lucha in tonight’s Main Event, which is quite a task. Atherton shrugs Remmington off, saying that Ant Man beating Lucha was a foregone conclusion. The only result that was in question was the result of next month’s ‘dream match’ between Ant Man & Roderick Remus.


In the ring, Sanders was giving a good demonstration of how to dismantle an opponent. Mark Smart struggled to raise even a token offense as the Canadian Lumberlack cruised towards victory. A Double Axe Handle from the middle rope eventually proved enough for Cal Sanders to pick up an impressive victory.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Cal Sanders defeated Mark Smart in 5:58 by pinfall.


Rating: D+


Nigel Svensson vs Shame

Svensson looked completely focused here, as he worked away at Shame’s arm throughout the match, as the Swede looked to set up his opponent for his patented submission manoeuvre. Shame struggled to match Svensson’s intensity, and it was no surprise when Nigel slapped on the Hyper Extension Arm Lock... it didn’t take long for Shame to tap.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Nigel Svensson defeated Shame in 6:19 by submission with the Hyper Extension Arm Lock.


Rating: D+


Next, Ant Man is accompanied to the ring by his associate KC Glenn. Ant Man grabs a microphone and prepares to address the crowd.


Ant Man: “Tonight represents the first step in my quest to rid this company of this luchador infestation that has plagued MPW since day one. If it wasn’t bad enough that these luchadors were taking up valuable spots on the roster that could have been held by more deserving wrestlers, now one of them holds the MPW Championship. However, there is no need to worry, because that won’t be the case for long. Because I’m the Ant Man, and I can lift anything… and tonight I’ll prove that includes the MPW Championship!”


Rating: D


Velocidad vs KC Glenn

Velocidad seemed hugely motivated for this one, as he looked to get some retribution for the attack from KC Glenn & Ant Man last month. Ant Man, who had joined the commentary desk for this one, dismissed Velocidad’s chances against KC Glenn, who Ant Man described as the second best wrestler on the roster... after himself of course.


Velocidad started the match strongly, with his high flying offense proving effective. However, a missed Springboard Cross Body gave KC Glenn the opening he needed to get back into the match. Glenn looked to push home his advantage by focusing his attack on the legs of Velocidad. This tactic proved successful for a time, but Velocidad was able to use his incredible agility to turn the momentum back in his favour. Things had looked good for KC Glenn when he locked in an Ankle Lock, but his luchador opponent had been able to work his way back to one foot before snapping off an Enzuigiri which sent Glenn crashing to the mat.


This proved to be the launching pad Velocidad needed, as he launched a series of high flying moves against KC Glenn. Things looked bad for Glenn as Velocidad signalled for the Velocidad Tornado (Springboard Hurricanrana), but Ant Man jumped up from the announce desk and nailed the luchador from behind with a chair. The referee immediately called for the bell and disqualified KC Glenn.


Ant Man & KC Glenn looked to continue their assault on Velocidad, as they had last month at ‘Welcome To The Future’, but before they were able to the MPW Champion Mr Lucha III came flying out from behind the curtain. Ant Man and KC Glenn bailed from the ring, as Mr Lucha checked on his fellow luchador. The locker room then emptied, as everyone tried to regain order before tonight’s title match. Eventually KC Glenn was hauled to the back by Nigel Svensson, as Amazing Fire Fly helped Velocidad to the back as well.


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Velociad defeated KC Glenn in 7:30 when KC Glenn was disqualified when Ant-Man ran in and attacked Velocidad.


Rating: C


Mr Lucha III © vs Ant Man

MPW Championship

With everything that had just happened, a pumped up MPW Champion motioned for Ant Man to get into the ring and fight him. However, Ant Man decided to make Lucha wait, taking his time to get in the ring and get this title match under way.


Mr Lucha III started this match with great intensity as he looked to gain retribution after Ant Man attacked his friend Velocidad pre-match, and looked to take the fight to his opponent at every opportunity. However, Ant Man didn’t seem very keen to be drawn into the early exchanges, as he constantly looked to take breathers outside the ring and use rope breaks to slow down the pace of the match and prevent Mr Lucha from building any real momentum.


Eventually this tactic frustrated the champion, and he made his first mistake of the match. Ant Man had been taking one of his breathers out of the ring, when Mr Lucha III looked to hit a Plancha to his opponent on the outside. Ant Man showed his incredible strength, as he caught Lucha mid flight and turned the attempted Plancha into a Running Power Slam. The impact against the thin mats on the outside was bone crunching, and Ant Man suddenly became much more proactive as he rolled Mr Lucha back into the ring. The challenger went for the pin, but incredibly the champion kicked out just before the three count.


Ant Man continued his attack, and looked to really punish the luchador. However when Ant Man went for a Powerbomb, Mr Lucha was able to shift his weight to reverse the move into a Hurricanrana. Ant Man was quickly back to his feet, but turned right into the Third Strike. This proved to be just enough, as Lucha gets the three.


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Mr. Lucha III defeated Ant-Man in 8:19 by pinfall with a Third Strike. Mr. Lucha III makes defence number 2 of his MPW Championship title.


Rating C


Final Rating: C-

There was a feeling some of the angles used did not reach the standards set by the in-ring action. This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.

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Zergon 6-0

Emark 6-0

Condors 5-1

Boltinho 5-1


Prediction Contest (After 4 Shows)

Zergon 23-0

Condors 20-3

Emark 19-4

Boltinho 7-4


Thank you to everyone who predicted on the show. Congratulations to Zergon and Emark who scored a perfect 6. It was great to see everyone back from the last show, and hopefully I'll see you all back on the next show as well. :)


As always, any feedback or critique on the show will be gratefully received.

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April 2011 - Summary


April would prove to be an important month for MPW, as we made the jump to being considered a Small sized promotion. This, combined with the fact that the US wrestling industry was finally beginning to climb out of the toilet, meant that we could attract more lucrative sponsors to advertise at our events. This meant that we made a profit over $14K for April, nearly 50 times higher than the profit we made in March. Things were certainly looking up!


With our rise to Small, I began May by looking for some new talent to bring in. A number of guys caught my eye, but eventually I settled on two wrestlers that I liked the look of. The first was Donte Dunn, an athletic young man who graduated from the DeColt Power House facility in Canada... so the kid comes with some pedigree. He is only 20 years old, but I think Donte could develop into a very useful performer for us. I also managed to pull off something of a coup for a promotion of our size. Marshall Dillon was only a couple weeks removed from being released from a development contract with the SWF when I got in contact with him. He is much larger than the rest of our roster, which is predominantly filled with small, athletic guys, but the man has a huge amount of potential. Potential that had got him spotted by the biggest promotion in the USA (when he was signed), I just couldn’t ignore this kind of opportunity.


Having bought in my new signings, I felt very content with how things were going. However things took a turn for the worse when I found out that we would be losing a member of our roster for the first time since MPW opened over a year ago. I had been proud that we had managed to keep hold of everybody since day one, I think it made the locker room a tight knit unit. However, I couldn’t blame the guy for moving on. It may not be a deal with one of the big two in America, but it may well be just as good for someone with his skill set. The added security of having a written deal, and a guaranteed income made the choice a no brainer really. While I was sad to see him go, I wished him all the best for the future.


Knowing that one of my top performers wouldn’t be with us for much longer, and bemoaning his destinations recent rise in size I made arrangements to have our event for this month moved forward. If I could get another show out of him, I would do everything I could to make it happen...



-American Buffalo extends deal.

-Backstage heat between Troy Tornado & Kyle Rhodes.


Big Event: TCW Where Angels Fear To Tread (A) Buy Rate: 2.34

Main Event & Match of the Night: Troy Tornado bt Sean McFly to retain the TCW World Heavyweight Title


Bookers view: Another great month for TCW, as the pumped out some great shows throughout April. None more so than their PPV, Where Angels Fear To Tread, which many fans are already talking about as show of the year. The only thing that interrupted TCW’s serene progress was a backstage spat between Troy Tornado & Kyle Rhodes. The two are now said not to be speaking, with many fans on the forums predicting this may finally push Rhodes out of TCW.



-Roger Cage extends deal.

-Zimmy Bumfhole leaves SWF.

-Nelson Callum called up from development.

-SWF sign PPV deal with U-Demand.


Big Event: SWF The World Is Watching (B) Buy Rate: 1.79

Main Event & Match of the Night: Brandon James bt Jack Giedroyc to retain the SWF World Heavyweight Championship


Title Changes: The Pain Alliance (Big Smack Scott & Kurt Laramee) won the SWF World Tag Team Titles (previous holders: Jack Giedroyc & Valiant, W1 Dec 09-W4 Apr 11, 15 defences)


Bookers View: The big news out of the SWF this month? They had put a title on Big Smack Scott! That’s right the Pain Alliance were now Tag Team Champions. If that wasn’t surprising enough, Jack Giedroyc went from dropping the tag belts straight on to challenge Brandon James in the Main Event at The World Is Watching. The Main Event proved to be a good match, and the PPV was one of the better recent offerings from the SWF... but you still had to question whether their current booking team can get them back to National.



-Robbie Sanchez, Giant Redwood, Freddie Datsun & Chris Caulfield extend deals.

-Demon Anger leaves USPW.


Big Event: USPW Freedom Fight! (C+) Buy Rate: 1.14

Main Event: Peter Valentine & Bruce the Giant bt Enygma & Caulfield

Match Of The Night: Tyson Baine bt James Justice to retain the USPW World Title


Bookers view: A poor month for USPW. Another decent buy rate for them, but again the quality of the PPV they put out will be disappointing for them. It shouldn’t be a surprise though, they decided to have Peter Valentine pick up the win in the Main Event. Valentine pinning Enygma on PPV? I know the guys tight with Strong, but that’s just not right. In more positive news for USPW, they managed to tie up a new deal for top star Chris Caulfield.

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MPW presents Birthright

MPW Birthright promises to be a night with huge implications. ‘Birthright’ will see the birth of two MPW careers, as new signings Donte Dunn & Marshall Dillon are both in action. Elsewhere Roderick Remus has the opportunity to take that next step on his ‘journey’, as he faces Cal Sanders in a number one contenders match with the winner getting a shot at the MPW Championship next month.


Having failed to capture the MPW Championship last month, Ant Man has managed to get his associate KC Glenn a shot at the title at ‘Birthright’. However, Ant Man is said to have had to make certain promises in order to get the match... what are these promises I hear you ask. You’ll have to watch MPW: Birthright to find out!

Prediction Key:


Jayson Van Pelt vs Mark Smart

Donte Dunn vs Jamie Atherton

Roger Monteiro vs Raphael (w/ Sienna DeVille)

Velocidad vs Shame

Nigel Svensson vs Marshall Dillon

Amazing Fire Fly vs Ant Man

Cal Sanders vs Roderick Remus (#1 Contenders Match)

Mr Lucha III vs KC Glenn (MPW Championship)

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Jayson Van Pelt vs Mark Smart

Donte Dunn vs Jamie Atherton

Roger Monteiro vs Raphael (w/ Sienna DeVille)

Velocidad vs Shame

Nigel Svensson vs Marshall Dillon

Amazing Fire Fly vs Ant Man

Cal Sanders vs Roderick Remus (#1 Contenders Match)

Mr Lucha III vs KC Glenn (MPW Championship)

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Jayson Van Pelt vs Mark Smart

Donte Dunn vs Jamie Atherton

Roger Monteiro vs Raphael (w/ Sienna DeVille)

Velocidad vs Shame

Nigel Svensson vs Marshall Dillon

Amazing Fire Fly vs Ant Man

Cal Sanders vs Roderick Remus (#1 Contenders Match)

Mr Lucha III vs KC Glenn (MPW Championship)

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Jayson Van Pelt vs Mark Smart



Donte Dunn vs Jamie Atherton

Not sure how over Dunn is in USA or how over Atherton is now so I just go with more established guy


Roger Monteiro vs Raphael (w/ Sienna DeVille)

Monteiro is jobber so he jobs.


Velocidad vs Shame

Again Veocidad is more important.


Nigel Svensson vs Marshall Dillon

Another tough one since we don´t know how over Svensson is but I go with Dillon getting debut victory.


Amazing Fire Fly vs Ant Man

I could see this one going either way but I go with Ant Man getting a win after losing in title match last month.


Cal Sanders vs Roderick Remus (#1 Contenders Match)

Remus is higher on the ladders plus Lucha likely stay as champ so heel makes more sense as challenger anyway.


Mr Lucha III vs KC Glenn (MPW Championship)

I think that it´s still little early to make the title change and Glenn is still pretty new and thus not established enough to carry the company.

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From the Ohio Jewish Center, with 137 people in attendance...

MPW presents Welcome To The Future


Remmington Remus and Jamie Atherton

Donte Dunn vs Jamie Atherton

We open the show with the debut of Barbadian youngster Donte Dunn. Dunn impressed the crowd with his natural athleticism, even his he was still a little green. He managed to give Jamie Atherton as good as he got in this match, but also never truly threatened to put away his more established opponent. As time went on, Atherton began to gain momentum and was able to hit the Lightning Bolt for the win.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Jamie Atherton defeated Donte Dunn in 6:09 by pinfall with a Lightning Bolt.


Rating: D


Roger Monteiro vs Raphael

These two have met in tag action for the past two months, with Raphael pinning Monteiro on both occasions following interference from his manager Sienna DeVille. This month, Monteiro would have his chance to put things right as he finally got to face Raphael one on one. Being cheated out of victory for the past two months seemed to light a real fire under Monteiro’s belly, as the Native American started this match strongly. He went after Raphael with a series of Arm Drags, Clotheslines and Knife Edge Chops.


Monteiro then hit a Flying Crossbody and went for the pinfall, he may have got the three count had DeVille not placed Raphael’s foot onto the bottom rope to break up the pinning attempt. Monteiro tried to explain to the referee that DeVille had placed Raphael’s foot on the rope, but referee Jonathan Taylor told Monteiro he didn’t see anything. This loss of concentration from Monteiro allowed Raphael to recover, and the wealthy youngster jumped Monteiro from behind... sending the Native American crashing to the mat with a Lariat. Monteiro never really recovered from this point, and having looked like he would pick up the win the Native American instead found himself on the end of an Inheritance and staring up at the lights. For a third month in a row Raphael had pinned Roger Monteiro, and for a third month in a row Sienna DeVille had a major hand in the outcome.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Raphael defeated Roger Monteiro in 6:14 by pinfall.


Rating: D+


Next up Ant Man makes his way with a microphone to address the crowd.


Ant Man: “After Mr Lucha beat me last month, people told me that my quest to remove the invading luchadors from MPW had come to a swift conclusion... but these people don’t understand the commitment that we have to the cause. They don’t understand that KC Glenn and I are willing to do whatever it takes to remove these invaders once and for all. The first demonstration of this commitment will be on display tonight when KC Glenn faces Mr Lucha for the MPW Championship. Everyone is wondering why Mr Lucha granted this match. Well let me tell you, after my loss last week I made Mr Lucha an offer. Tonight at Birthright, both sides will put everything on the line. Mr Lucha will put up the MPW Championship, and KC Glenn will put up his MPW career. Most people wouldn’t have the commitment to put their livelihood on the line for their cause, certainly none of those spineless luchadors. However, KC Glenn knows he can beat Mr Lucha... I know he can beat Mr Lucha. We are willing to make that sacrifice. We have one simple goal, one clearly defined end point. That is our strength. Next month, when we have the MPW Championship in our possession, we will be a large step closer to that goal. But before all of that, I think we should have a little preview of tonight’s title match. I’ll kick the stuffing out of Amazing Fire Fly, just like KC Glenn kick the stuffing out of Mr Lucha later tonight... because I’m the Ant Man, and I can lift anything.”


Rating: D-


Amazing Fire Fly vs Ant Man

Ant Man sounded very confident before the match, and this over confidence almost cost him, as he allowed Fire Fly back into the match by taking too long bad mouthing the luchador. Fire Fly once again dazzled the audience with his incredible speed and agility. However, Ant Man’s size and power would prove decisive. When Fire Fly went for a Flying Crossbody from the top rope, Ant Man was able to roll through the move and showed incredible strength to lift Fire Fly up across his chest. Ant Man then transferred Fire Fly onto his shoulders, before hitting the Antidote (F-5) for the victory.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Ant-Man defeated Amazing Fire Fly in 5:44 by pinfall with an Antidote.


Rating: D


Getting a victory over the luchador didn’t seem to be enough to satisfy Ant Man, as he grabbed a chair post match and slid back into the ring... presumably to attack Fire Fly. However, before Ant Man could put his plan into action, Velocidad and Lucha came flying out from the back. Not fancying his chances 3-on-1, Ant Man bailed from the ring and backed his way towards the curtain. At the curtain he is joined by KC Glenn, and Ant Man mouths “Here is your new Champion” to the three luchadors in the ring before he and Glenn made their way to the back.


Rating: D-


Velocidad vs Shame

Velocidad stayed in the ring, as he was in action next against fellow masked wrestler Shame. Velocidad’s incredible speed was once again showcased in this match, with his flashy, high flying offence proving effective. Shame struggled to keep up with his more agile opponent, and never really got fully into this match up. A Velocidad Tornado proved enough for Velocidad to pick up the three count.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Velocidad defeated Shame in 6:45 by pinfall with a Velocidad Tornado.


Rating: D


Nigel Svensson vs Marshall Dillon

This match looked like it could be a real challenge for Nigel Svensson, as his opponent was revealed to be the 6’6 320lb Marshall Dillon. With his opponent having such a height & weight advantage, Svensson’s MMA training would be under real scrutiny here. Marshall Dillon’s size advantage served him well in the early exchanges of this match, as his hard hitting blows prevented Svensson from building any momentum at all. Dillon managed to stay on top for the majority of the match, and dealt some real damage to his opponent. However, Svensson showed his amazing ability to reverse opponents attacks as he managed to avoid an attempted punch from Dillon, and latch in his Hyper Extension Arm Lock from nowhere. Dillon struggled for a long time, but Svensson hung on doggedly. Eventually the hold took its toll and Dillon had no choice but to tap out.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Nigel Svensson defeated Marshall Dillon in 7:34 by submission with a Hyper Extension Arm Lock.


Rating: C-


Jayson Van Pelt vs Mark Smart

Mark Smart struggles continued here, as Jayson Van Pelt looked in control for the majority of this match up. An Axe Kick (Bicycle Kick) consigned Mark Smart to what was his fifteenth straight defeat here in MPW.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Jayson Van Pelt defeated Mark Smart in 5:29 by pinfall with an Axe Kick.


Rating: D


Before his number one contenders match with Cal Sanders, Roderick Remus makes his way to the ring and grabs a microphone to address the crowd.


Remus: “The journey to the top of this industry is undoubtedly long and difficult... but every journey, no matter how long, begins with just a single step. For me, that first step occurs tonight when I defeat Cal Sanders and get named the number one contender to the MPW Championship. Mr Lucha III will no longer be able to deny me the rematch that by rights I should have received months ago. But let’s not dwell on that for now. They say that the sooner you start a journey, the sooner you will reach your destination. So Cal Sanders get out here, and let’s get this journey started!”


Rating: D


Cal Sanders vs Roderick Remus

#1 Contenders Match

Cal Sanders has impressed many since arriving here in MPW with his technical wrestling skills, and the Canadian Lumberjack once again put in a good performance here against the former MPW Champion. However, Roderick Remus was a man on a mission here, with a new found focus driving on the former champion throughout this match. Remus was super aggressive throughout the contest, and really took the fight to Sanders as he worked over the Canadians back with a nice Backbreaker followed by a series of hard knee strikes to Sanders back.


Sanders did manage to battle back briefly, using a nice combination of holds to try and halt some of Remus’ momentum. However, a Back Body Drop from Remus as Sanders bounced off the ropes turned things back in Remus’ favour, and from here Remus was able to lock in his Remus Clutch submission hold. Sanders struggled briefly, but the pressure of the hold, combined with the damage to his back earlier in the match, left the Canadian with little choice but to tap out.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Roderick Remus defeated Cal Sanders in 7:55 by submission with a Remus Clutch.


Rating: D


Mr Lucha III vs KC Glenn

MPW Championship

Tonight’s Main Event saw both men put everything on the line. Mr Lucha’s MPW Championship was on the line, as was KC Glenn’s MPW career. With so much on the line both men put everything they had into this match. The champion started the match strongly, using his mixture of speed and technical skills to keep KC Glenn off balance. Lucha’s offence mainly consisted of a series of Arm Drags, Dropkicks and fluid transitions between various submission holds.


An Eye Rake from KC Glenn bought some time, and a nice Enzuigiri turned the momentum in the challengers favour. Glenn looked to stay on top of the champion, as he landed a series of suplexes and a picture perfect Dropkick, before snapping off a DDT for a two count. Glenn stayed on top, gaining in confidence with every move he landed. He hooked Lucha up for another Suplex, taking a moment to bad mouth a couple of the louder members of the crowd. Glenn lifted the luchador, but Lucha managed to flip over the Suplex attempt and land on his feet. Glenn turned to try and reclaim the advantage, but turned right into a Step-Up Enzuigiri from the Champion. This clearly rattled Glenn, who struggled back to his feet... but turned right into the Third Strike! Lucha hooked the leg for the three count, and retained his title.


Lucha celebrated his win with the crowd, as on commentary Jamie Atherton reminded viewers that having lost KC Glenn had just wrestled his last match in MPW. Remmington Remus questioned what Ant Man’s next move might be, having lost his right-hand man. Jamie Atherton then reminds viewers that having got through KC Glenn, Mr Lucha III would have to face off against former MPW Champion Roderick Remus next month in what is sure to be a great match!


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Mr. Lucha III defeated KC Glenn in 9:18 by pinfall with a Third Strike. Mr. Lucha III makes defence number 3 of his MPW Championship title.


Rating: C

Show Rating: C-

There was a feeling some of the angles used did not reach the standards set by the in-ring action. This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.

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Emark 8-0

Boltinho 7-1

Zergon 7-1


Prediction Contest (After 5 Shows)

Zergon 30-1

Emark 27-4

Condors 20-3

Boltinho 14-5


Thank you to everyone who predicted on the show. Congratulations to Emark getting all eight correct. I can see why Boltinho & Zergon backed Marshall Dillon for a debut win, but unfortunately he hasn't picked up as much overness as I would have liked him to during his time in RIPW. The gap between him & Svensson in my home area was just too much for me to give him the win.


As always, any feedback or critique on the show will be gratefully received :)

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May 2011


I had mixed emotions as we came to the end of May. Our new extended 90 minute show had proved to be a success, as we managed to both put on our best ever show in terms of quality and make over $15K for the month. The problem I faced was that we were losing KC Glenn, who had just been part of the best match in our short history. I was happy for the kid, NOTBPW was a great opportunity for him... but it did leave a large, KC Glenn sized hole in our roster.


I had another scare as CGC came in at the start of June with an offer for Jamie Atherton. CGC were a Cult company, so had some of their guys on written deals. I sweated it out for a bit, until I spoke to Jamie and he told me he was only joining on a PPA. While we were no longer his top priority, at least we hadn’t been robbed of his services entirely. With Jamie staying, we only needed to bring in one guy to fill the spot left by the departure of KC Glenn. It was actually off the back of the advice from one of our fans, who I had been chatting to after one of our shows a few months ago that I heard about the wrestler I decided to bring in. Our new signing may not be a direct replacement for KC Glenn in terms of in-ring ability, but I think he has enough about him to make an impact here in MPW.


-TCW rise to Global size.

-Rich Money, Zimmy Bumfhole & Darren Smith sign with TCW.

-Killer Shark signed from TCW School of Pro Wrestling.

-Scout & Sam Sparrow extend deals.


Big Event: TCW Total Mayhem XV (B+) Buy Rate: 2.37

Main Event: Troy Tornado bt Tommy Cornell to retain the TCW World Heavyweight Title

Match of the Night: Sean McFly bt Wolf Hawkins


Title Changes: Edd Stone won the TCW All Action Title for the 2nd time (previous holder: Chance Fortune, W4 Oct 2010-W1 May 2011, 17 defences)


Bookers view: A great month for TCW as they complete their rise to Global status, officially making them the biggest promotion on the planet. Almost as soon as they rose to Global, TCW announced the signing of Rich Money from the SWF in a real statement of intent. The 15th edition of Total Mayhem proved to be a hit, to round off what could be considered a perfect month for TCW.



-SWF rise to Global size. Then immediately fall to International size.

-Rich Money & Darren Smith leave SWF.

-Valiant, Marc DuBois & Kurt Laramee extend deals.

-Ash Campbell called up from development.


Big Event: SWF Master of Puppets (B) Buy Rate: 1.87

Main Event & Match Of The Night: Brandon James bt Eric Eisen to retain the SWF World Heavyweight Championship


Bookers View: A strange month for the SWF. No sooner had their rise back to Global status been announced, the joy of that announcement was tempered by the announcement of their immediate fall to International size. Amidst this confusion, the SWF lost one of their biggest stars in Rich Money to arch-rivals TCW. On a more positive note, SWF did manage to extend some key deals this month as they retained the services of Valiant, Marc DuBois and one half of the Tag Team champions Kurt Laramee.



-James Justice, Pete the Hillbilly, Andre Jones & Raven Robinson extend deals.

-Hollywood Brett Starr signs with USPW.


Big Event: USPW Declaration of Independence! (B-) Buy Rate: 1.31

Main Event & Match of the Night: Tyson Baine bt Chris Caulfield to retain the USPW World Title


Bookers view: A better PPV offering this month from USPW. They also managed to extend the deals of some key talents, in particular James Justice & Andre Jones. All in all a good month.

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MPW presents Powerplay

Following KC Glenn’s loss against Mr Lucha III in a career vs title match last month; all eyes will be on Ant Man to see how he reacts to losing his associate. Ant Man has been given a chance to take back at least a measure of revenge against the luchadors, as he faces off against Velocidad at ‘Powerplay’. Number one contender Roderick Remus will get his rematch for the MPW Championship he held for over a year, as he faces Mr Lucha in tonight’s Main Event. Can Roderick Remus take a major step forward on his journey to the ‘top of the business’, or will Mr Lucha once again hold on to his title? Find out the answer to this question, and many others, only at ‘Powerplay’!


Prediction List:

Cal Sanders vs Raphael (w/ Sienna DeVille)

Amazing Fire Fly vs Jamie Atherton

Donte Dunn vs Marshall Dillon

Jayson Van Pelt vs Shame

Nigel Svensson vs Mark Smart

Velocidad vs Ant Man

Mr Lucha III © vs Roderick Remus (MPW Championship)

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Cal Sanders vs Raphael (w/ Sienna DeVille)

Raphael is more important.


Amazing Fire Fly vs Jamie Atherton

Tough one and I´m probably wrong here but I go with Fire Fly.


Donte Dunn vs Marshall Dillon

Dillon had a good match despite a loss and Dunn isn´t likely to be more over than Dillon so he can pick up a win this time.


Jayson Van Pelt vs Shame

Van Pelt has been doing more.


Nigel Svensson vs Mark Smart

Svensson just beat Dillon so I don´t see him losing to jobber boy Smart.


Velocidad vs Ant Man

Ant Man could use a win after his partner left plus there´s a possibility that he has found another ally to help him.


Mr Lucha III © vs Roderick Remus (MPW Championship)

I doubt that Remus is going to be the one who ends Lucha´s reign considering that he already had a run with the title little while ago.

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Cal Sanders vs Raphael (w/ Sienna DeVille)

Amazing Fire Fly vs Jamie Atherton

Donte Dunn vs Marshall Dillon

Jayson Van Pelt vs Shame

Nigel Svensson vs Mark Smart

Velocidad vs Ant Man

Mr Lucha III © vs Roderick Remus (MPW Championship)

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Cal Sanders vs Raphael (w/ Sienna DeVille)

Cal is a bit of a dork


Amazing Fire Fly vs Jamie Atherton

AFF is too obvious here. I see Atherton as a big wheel in a smaller company


Donte Dunn vs Marshall Dillon

The ex-SWF man has more right now


Jayson Van Peltvs Shame


Same applies as Atherton


Nigel Svensson vs Mark Smart


21CW employee wins!


Velocidad vs Ant Man


Bounce back for the ant to even the score a bit


Mr Lucha III © vs Roderick Remus (MPW Championship)


Remus is good but not this good this soon

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Cal Sanders vs Raphael (w/ Sienna DeVille)

Amazing Fire Fly vs Jamie Atherton

Donte Dunn vs Marshall Dillon

Jayson Van Pelt vs Shame

Nigel Svensson vs Mark Smart

Velocidad vs Ant Man

Mr Lucha III © vs Roderick Remus (MPW Championship)

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