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MPW: Built from scratch (0/0/0/0 C-Verse)

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From the Ohio Jewish Center, with 183 people in attendance...

MPW presents Powerplay

Announcers:Remmington Remus and Jamie Atherton

Cal Sanders vs Raphael

During the entrances, Jamie Atherton on commentary discusses Raphael’s string of victories over the past few months against Roger Monteiro. Remmington Remus then informs us that Monteiro is not her tonight, taking month off to go home to his Native American tribe to reflect on his recent misfortune. However, Remmington tells us that the Native American will be back next month.


Back in the ring Sanders & Raphael competed in what was a really open match up, with both men putting on a showcase of technical wrestling. The momentum in this match continued to go back and forth, until Sienna DeVille once again inserted herself into one of her boyfriend’s matches, and turned the match in Raphael’s favour. Following his managers intervention, Raphael was able to hit the Inheritence and continue his winning streak... once again with an assist from his manager.


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Raphael defeated Cal Sanders in 8:29 by pinfall.


Rating: D+


Post match, Sienna DeVille joins Raphael in the ring and hands him a microphone.


Raphael: “You know... I don’t know why I bother any more. I came here to get an outlet for my physical talents, an outlet outside of my luxurious lifestyle to showcase just how good I am. However, over the past few months I’ve come to realise that there just isn’t anyone here who can challenge me. I’m looking for competition, and it seems nobody can provide it. I mean I haven’t lost a match this year...”


Nigel Svensson appears from the back and makes a beeline to the ring to address Raphael.


Svensson: “You want a challenge, well you’ve got one standing in front of you. I haven’t lost in five months, and unlike some people I could mention I haven’t had an airhead at ring side to bail me out of fights I can’t win...”


Raphael: “I don’t think I like what you’re implying...”


Svensson: “I don’t care what you think. I only care about getting in this ring and kicking ass. So how about next month at ‘Summer Slaughter’, we do Raphael vs Nigel Svensson... winner gets a shot at the MPW Championship?”


Raphael: “Do you know what, that might just be the first intelligent thing you’ve ever said. Congratulations, I’ll see you next month.”


Rating: D-


Amazing Fire Fly vs Jamie Atherton

This was a fast paced match, with both athletes showing off their flashy, high-flying offence. Atherton spent the whole match seemingly trying to ‘one-up’ his opponent. This provided some incredible spots throughout the match, which delighted the crowd. This one could have gone either way, with both men gaining a series of near falls. In the end though, it was Jamie Atherton who picked up the victory following a Lightning Bolt.


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Jamie Atherton defeated Amazing Fire Fly in 8:11 by pinfall with a Lightning Bolt.


Rating: D+


Donte Dunn vs Marshall Dillon

After both coming up short in their debut matches, MPW’s two newest signings had a real chance to make an impact here. Having put in an impressive performance coming up just short against Nigel Svensson last month, Marshall Dillon once again impressed here. The southern cowboy towered over his younger opponent, and used this size and power advantage to control most of the match. Donte Dunn’s athleticism wasn’t enough to trouble Dillon, and the larger worker debuted his finisher the Crackdown (Chokeslam) to pick up the win here.


In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat, Marshall Dillon defeated Donte Dunn in 5:41 by pinfall with a Crackdown.


Rating: E+


Jayson Van Pelt vs Shame

A short match here, with Van Pelt continuing the momentum from his win over Mark Smart last month at ‘Birthright’. Shame managed to get a few bursts of offence, but never really threatened to put JVP away. When Van Pelt landed his finisher the Axe Kick, the three count that followed was academic.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Jayson Van Pelt defeated Shame in 5:47 by pinfall with an Axe Kick.


Rating: D


Next up, Roderick Remus makes his way to the ring with a microphone in hand.


Remus: “My journey back to the MPW Title has been a long one… much longer than it should have been. Losing the title back in January was a shock, but it was an even bigger shock when I didn’t receive my rematch in February… or March. Someone was trying to hold me down and stop me getting back the title I deserve. I had to fight to get my title rematch, and last month I earned the right to face Mr Lucha fair and square. Having to fight for my shot, it’s made me hungrier and more dangerous than ever. Tonight see’s me get the rematch for my title that I should have been granted months ago. Tonight represents the next stage of my career… and tonight is the night that I once again become MPW Champion. You people don’t have to like it, but after tonight you will respect the fact that I am the best wrestler in this place.”


Rating: D-


Nigel Svensson vs Mark Smart

Svensson seemed to be looking to send Raphael a message in this match, a the Swede’s impressive run of performances continued here. Svensson used all his MMA training and mat skills to keep Smart at bay throughout the match. Mark Smart just couldn’t get into this match, as his efforts at mustering an offense were continually squashed by the ruthlessly effiecient Swede. It was no surprise when Svensson locked in his feared Hyper Extension Arm Lock... Smart immediately tapped out.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Nigel Svensson defeated Mark Smart in 5:44 by submission with a Hyper Extension Arm Lock.


Rating: D+


Next up, Ant Man makes his way to the ring and seems to have something to say before his match against Velocidad.


Ant Man: “Last month, a very close friend of mine was taken away from me. A man who worked tirelessly to save this company from invasion. I’ve been asked if, now that KC Glenn is gone, my quest is over. Whether I can continue to fight the luchadors without him? Well I’m here to tell you that I can and I will. We became so focused on our goal that we became predictable, there was no mystery to what we were trying to achieve. If I’ve learnt anything from this it’s that in order to achieve anything worth having, you need to make sacrifices. KC Glenn made a great sacrifice last month, and so that his sacrifice is not in vain, I will be making a sacrifice of my own. But that’s all to come, tonight is about getting back on track by defeating Velocidad… and that result is not in doubt, because I’m the Ant Man and I can lift anything!”


Rating: D


Velocidad vs Ant Man

The problems these two have had over the past few months are clear in this match, as both men really push themselves to the limits. Velocidad’s speed put’s Ant Man on the back foot in the early exchanges. Velocidad unleashed an impressive barrage of moves, and looked like he may pick up a quick victory when he set Ant Man up for the Velocidad Tornado. However, Ant Man was able to catch the luchador and reverse the Springboard Hurricanrana attempt into a sickening Powerbomb.


This really took the wind out of Velocidad’s sails, and Ant Man began to take over. The pace of the match slowed right down, as Ant Man used power moves to take the wind out of his smaller opponent as Velocidad continually crashed to the mat. Things looked bad for Velocidad as Ant Man once again hauled him up from the mat. Ant Man took a moment to bad mouth the luchador, before Velocidad onto his shoulders to set up the Antidote.


Velocidad managed to slip out the back, and land a Step-Up Enziguiri. Velocidad headed to the top rope, looking to land a Flying Dropkick, but Ant Man pulled the referee in front of him leaving all three men down. At this moment a masked wrestler appeared from behind the curtain holding a chair, and stormed towards the ring. On commentary, Atherton begins screaming that Velocidad had bought in yet another luchador to screw Ant Man out of a win, but Remus says that’s not Velocidad’s style.


The masked man stood in the middle of the ring, as both Ant Man and Velocidad struggled back to their feet. He looked from one wrestler to the other and hesitated for a moment... before he nailed Velocidad with a chair shot! Ant Man falls into the cover just as the referee regained consciousness just in time to make the three count. On commentary both Atherton and Remus are shocked by the turn of events, having assumed the man was on the side of the luchadors due to his mask. Just what did this new masked man want?


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Ant-Man defeated Velocidad in 7:49 by pinfall with an Antidote following outside interference.


Rating: C-


The attack doesn’t stop once the bell had rung. The masked wrestler began wailing on Velocidad with the chair, with Ant Man yelling encouragement and taking a few cheap shots of his own. Mr Lucha and Amazing Fire Fly came flying from the back to make the save, but the damage had already been done. Ant Man and his new associate bail from the ring and make their way to the back. On commentary, Jamie Atherton and Remmington Remus once again speculate on who this new wrestler could be… and why was he working with Ant Man?


Rating: D


Mr Lucha III vs Roderick Remus

MPW Championship

Mr Lucha begins to check on Velocidad in the ring, but Roderick Remus interrupts as he makes his way to the ring. As soon as Remus is in the ring he demandes that referee Jonathan Taylor rings the bell to start the Main Event. Mr Lucha tries to argue that he needs to check on Velocidad, but Remus is having none of it. Fire Fly has to help Velocidad out of the ring on his own, as the bell rings and the title match is underway.


Mr Lucha seems to be caught off guard by the sudden start to the Main Event. Remus capatalises on this, and dominates the early exchanges. An extremely focused Roderick Remus looks to concentrate his attack on the lower back of the champion, as he tries to set his opponent up for his Remus Clutch finisher.


Remus continues his attack on the back of Mr Lucha, retaining control until an attempted Suplex from Remus is reversed into a Front Suplex from Mr Lucha. Both men are down, and the referee begins his ten count. Both men are back to their feet by the count of six, and begin trading strikes. Remus delivers a punch to the face of Lucha, while Lucha replies with a kick to the challenger’s hamstrings. They went back and forth until the champion managed to gain control, and deliver a succession of quick kicks to Remus’ hamstrings, followed by a Spinning Heel Kick which sent the challenger crashing to the mat.


A couple of Arm Drags followed by a Headlock Takedown put Lucha in the ascendancy, and the pace of the match began to quicken. The luchador stays on top with a series of nice kicks; before going for a Step-Up Enzuigiri. Unfortunately for the champion Remus is able to duck underneath, leaving the champion prone on the canvas. Remus looked to take advantage and apply his Remus Clutch submission hold to the prone luchador. Mr Lucha struggled, and Remus couldn’t quite synch the hold in. After a short struggle, Lucha was able to escape the hold by rolling through and flipping Remus onto his back. Remus struggled back to his feet, but this time the champion was able to land the Step-Up Enzuigiri and send the challenger crashing to the mat. Remus once again struggles back to his feet, but turns right into a Third Strike from Mr Lucha, who hooks the leg and get’s the three count for the win.


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Mr. Lucha III defeated Roderick Remus in 9:49 by pinfall with a Third Strike. Mr. Lucha III makes defence number 4 of his MPW Championship title.


Rating: C-


Final Rating: D+

There was a feeling some of the angles used did not reach the standards set by the in-ring action. This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.

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Boltinho 7-0

Zergon 6-1

Condors 6-1

Emark 5-2


Prediction Contest (After 6 Shows)

Zergon 36-2

Emark 32-6

Condors 26-4

Boltinho 21-5


Thank you to everyone who predicted on the show. Congratulations to Boltinho for being the only person to get a full house this month. I was interested that Condors & Emark both backed Roderick Remus to reclaim the strap off Mr Lucha. Remus is obviously still a top guy in a small company like this, and I'm glad that seems to be coming across. :)


As always, any feedback or critique on the show will be gratefully received

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June 2011

June proved to be a very successful month for MPW, as we once again posted a record profit for a month. Since our rise to Small size, we had seen profits sore and were now making over $15K each month. With this in mind, I tentatively began talks with the Ohio Jewish Centre about the possibility of holding a second show each month at the venue. While I didn't want to commit to the idea yet, it was certainly something I was considering going forward.


I also agreed an extension to the contract of Sienna DeVille. The girl had being doing some good work with Raphael recently, and even had the decency not to ask for a raise. At $100 a show she was a steal.



-Troy Tornado & Brent Hill extend deals

-Duane Fry signs for TCW


Big Event: TCW Excessive Forces (B) Buy Rate: 2.25

Main Event: Troy Tornado bt Tommy Cornell to retain the TCW World Heavyweight Title

Match of the Night: Joey Minnesota bt Ricky Dale Johnson


Bookers view: TCW announced some major deals in June 2011, including the signing of the lead announcer of their arch rivals, the SWF, Duane Fry. They also managed to secure the contract extensions of two key workers in Brent Hill and World Champion Troy Tornado.



-FAG, Spencer Spade, Nelson Callum, Ash Campbell & Bart Biggz all extend deals

-Wilson Carlisle joins SWF

-Steel & Hollywood Brett Starr released

-SWF sign PPV deal with CAN-TV


Big Event: SWF Times of Trouble (B) Buy Rate: 2.02

Main Event: Brandon James bt Steve Frehley to retain the SWF World Heavyweight Championship

Match of the Night: Angry Gilmore bt Lobster Warrior to retain the SWF North American Title


Bookers View: Another sign of how far the SWF has fallen, as yet another worker chooses to jump ship to TCW. This time it is lead announcer, and the voice of the SWF, Duane Fry who jumps. In spite of this, the company still managed to put out a good PPV with an improved buy rate. The PPV was also shown in Canada for the first time since the company’s fall, which is certainly a step in the right direction.



-Collosus (Hell’s Bouncer), Nicky Champion, Captain USA, Cherry Bomb & T-Rex all extend deals

-Hollywood Brett Starr joins USPW


Big Event: USPW Americana! (B-) Buy Rate: 1.35

Main Event & Match Of The Night: Tyson Baine bt Enygma to retain the USPW World Title


Bookers view: A good month for USPW. The PPV they put out was better than their previous couple of efforts, and drew better too. They also made an exciting signing in Hollywood Brett Starr, fresh off his release from the SWF. USPW also managed to secure contract extensions for key talents Nicky Champion & T-Rex.

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MPW presents Summer Slaughter

In the wake of the surprising debut of Ant Man’s new associate at ‘Powerplay’, the Main Event of ‘Summer Slaghter’ sees the team of Mr Lucha III and Velocidad look to get a measure of revenge for the unprovoked attack. However the question still remains, who is Ant Man’s new accomplice, and why is the masked wrestler seemingly working to rid MPW of its luchadors? The other stand out match on the card is a match announced last month at ‘Powerplay’, where Nigel Svensson looks to end the winning streak of Raphael. Can the Swede get the job done, or will Raphael’s manager, Sienna DeVille, once again have a say in the outcome of the match? Find out only at ‘Summer Slaughter’!


Prediction Key:

Roger Monteiro vs Jamie Atherton

Jayson Van Pelt vs Roderick Remus

Cal Sanders vs Mark Smart

Donte Dunn vs Shame

Amazing Fire Fly vs Marshal Dillon

Nigel Svensson vs Raphael (w/ Sienna DeVille)

Los Luchas vs Ant Man & ???


Bonus Point: Who is Ant Man’s new associate?

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Roger Monteiro vs Jamie Atherton

JA has been very solid


Jayson Van Pelt vs Roderick Remus

So has JvP but Remus is a ME isnt he?


Cal Sanders vs Mark Smart

MS is a jobber


Donte Dunn vs Shame

Shame doesnt win many and Dunn has bags of talent. I made him the new lobster warrior for USPW. With mixed success...


Amazing Fire Fly vs Marshal Dillon

CLose one but AFF has a stable and thus a bigger storyline


Nigel Svensson vs Raphael (w/ Sienna DeVille)

Im playing a ROF game at the mo and Nigel has great chem with Don Henderson and British Samurai. Star


Los Luchas vs Ant Man & ???

Debut win needed


Bonus Point: Who is Ant Man’s new associate?

Im going for Ash Campbell.

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Roger Monteiro vs Jamie Atherton

Atherton just beat Fire Fly so I don´t see him losing to Monteiro.


Jayson Van Pelt vs Roderick Remus

Quite hard actually but I think that Remus is slighly higer on the ladders.


Cal Sanders vs Mark Smart

Sanders is the better guy from these two.


Donte Dunn vs Shame

This is an interesting one actually. I guess Dunn is more talented from these two but I would assume that Shame is more popular even though he haven´t won many matches. I go with Shame here but I could see this one going either way.


Amazing Fire Fly vs Marshal Dillon

Another tough one. Dillon isn´t all that over but I´m not sure if Fire Fly is either as he has mainly been on losing side so far... I guess I go with Fly based on the fact that he need it more but I won´t be surprised if I picked the wrong guy.


Nigel Svensson vs Raphael (w/ Sienna DeVille)

And we got yet another hard to predict match here. I go with Raphael because current champ is face though.


Los Luchas vs Ant Man & ???

If the new guy is who I think he is, I doubt he has the overness to get a win here even with Ant Man as he´s partner.


Bonus Point: Who is Ant Man’s new associate?

I´m skipping this one as I have a feeling that it might be certain guy that was on my list when I was given choice to choose who you need to hire.

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Roger Monteiro vs Jamie Atherton

Jayson Van Pelt vs Roderick Remus

Cal Sanders vs Mark Smart

Donte Dunn vs Shame

Amazing Fire Fly vs Marshal Dillon

Nigel Svensson vs Raphael (w/ Sienna DeVille)

Los Luchas vs Ant Man & ???


Antman's new associate i am guessing Remmy Honeyman

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Roger Monteiro vs Jamie Atherton

Jayson Van Pelt vs Roderick Remus

Cal Sanders vs Mark Smart

Donte Dunn vs Shame

Amazing Fire Fly vs Marshal Dillon

Nigel Svensson vs Raphael (w/ Sienna DeVille)

Los Luchas vs Ant Man & ???


Bonus Point: Who is Ant Man’s new associate? Ash Campbell but I like Condors pull of Remmy Honeyman

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From the Ohio Jewish Center, with 254 people in attendance...

MPW presents Summer Slaughter


Remmington Remus and Jamie Atherton

Roger Monteiro vs Jamie Atherton

On commentary, Remmington Remus tells us that Roger Monteiro has spent time back with his Native tribe for the past few months and has come out with a new focus he says will make him a success here in MPW. However, Monteiro doesn’t look happy when he see’s who is accompanying his opponent to the ring, as Sienna DeVille saunters out at the side of Jamie Atherton. DeVille has had a hand in costing Monteiro his last three matches, and the Native American hasn’t forgotten.


Monteiro is proved right to be wary, as DeVille once again plays a part in the finish for this match. The match had been very open throughout, but as Monteiro began to build a period of offence Sienna DeVille jumped onto the apron. Monteiro saw this and turned to face DeVille, alerting the referee to her movements. Jonathan Taylor made sure DeVille dropped down from the apron, but Monteiro took an extra few seconds to make sure she wasn’t up to something. This proved to be his undoing, as when Monteiro turned back the match, he turned right into a Lightning Bolt. This led to the pinfall, and once again Monteiro had been cost the match by Sienna DeVille...


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Jamie Atherton defeated Roger Monteiro in 7:03 by pinfall with a Lightning Bolt after Sienna DeVille interfered.


Rating: D+


Next up, Roderick Remus makes his way to the ring with a microphone to address the crowd before his match.


Remus: “Last month I was finally granted a rematch for my MPW Championship. I finally received my rematch I should have been granted months ago, and the inconceivable happened... Mr Lucha III beat me. The loss was a surprise no doubt, but shouldn’t be taken that Mr Lucha is better than me. Not for a second. Just like the greatest Wide Receiver will occasionally drop a catch; just like the greatest batter will occasionally strike out; and just like the greatest Soccer player will miss the occasional penalty... the greatest wrestler will lose the occasional match. I am still the greatest wrestler in this company; I have proved that since day one. However if you simpletons can’t remember that far back, maybe it’s time for me to refresh your memory...”


With that Remus drops his microphone, and motions for his opponent to join him in the ring.


Rating: D-


Jayson Van Pelt vs Roderick Remus

Remus looked confident going into this match, but Jayson Van Pelt puts up more of a fight than the former MPW Champion expected. Van Pelt’s speed and high flying offence stopped Remus from controlling the match, and kept the former champion on the back foot. Van Pelt stayed on top, until he went for one move too many... as Remus rolled out of the way of an attempted Senton Bomb.


Van Pelt struggled back to his feet clutching his lower back, and Remus was quickly on him landing a Backbreaker. Remus continued to focus his attack on the back of Van Pelt, looking to set him up for his finishing hold. Sure enough, Remus is later able to lock in the Remus Clutch, and Van Pelt swiftly taps.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Roderick Remus defeated Jayson Van Pelt in 8:19 by submission with a Remus Clutch.


Rating: D


Cal Sanders vs Mark Smart

Mark Smart’s losing streak continues here, but he does put in an improved performance against Cal Sanders. The two competitors trade blows back and forth, and the action is very open. However, it is Cal Sanders who manages to pick up the win with a Double Axe Handle from the second rope.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Cal Sanders defeated Mark Smart in 6:45 by pinfall.


Rating: D+


Ant Man makes his way to the ring, flanked by the masked wrestler who attacked Velocidad at ‘Powerplay’.


Ant Man: “What a difference a month makes. Only one month ago, people were telling me that the luchadors had beaten me. That I had failed in my goal to get rid of these invaders. However, tonight I stand here with my new associate with the upper hand. People wonder how I could turn things around so quickly. Last month I said that in my focus to banish these luchadors I had become predictable. I realised that I had to make a change to get to where I wanted to be. Every dream requires sacrifice, and siding with this man is my sacrifice to the cause. Nobody expected it, and that’s what will give me the edge. Nobody can decipher my thought process, because I’m the Ant Man and I can lift anything.”


Rating: D-


Donte Dunn vs Shame

Donte Dunn once again impressed with his athleticism, and managed to get a good portion of offence in this match. Shame had to resort to a series of underhand manoeuvres in an attempt to slow down the young Barbadian’s progress. Unfortunately for Dunn he couldn’t convert his momentum into a pinfall, and got caught out by his more experienced opponent, as Shame rolled up the youngster and used a handful of tights to keep Dunn down for the three count.


In an extremely poor match, Shame defeated Donte Dunn in 5:54 by pinfall with a handful of tights.


Rating: E+


Amazing Fire Fly vs Marshall Dillon

Marshall Dillon towered over Amazing Fire Fly in this match, much like he has towered over each of his opponents in his previous matches. However, the luchador didn’t back down, and was able to surprise his larger opponent with his incredible speed to grab the initiative early on in the match. The luchador looked to take Dillon’s legs away with a series of kicks, and take the larger man to the mat. This tactic proved successful, as Dillon struggled to get hold of his speedy opponent.


Fire Fly stayed on top until around the six minute mark, when the luchador went for one move too many. Fire Fly looked to come of the top rope, but was caught by Dillon before being Power Slammed to the mat. From here the 6’7 Marshall Dillon took control of the match, using his size and power advantages to throw his smaller opponent around like a rag doll. Fire Fly looked to rally, but as he bounced off the ropes the luchador ran straight into a Big Boot from Dillon. The 300lb wrestler then stalked Fire Fly, before delivering a bone crunching Crackdown to get the win.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Marshall Dillon defeated Amazing Fire Fly in 8:30 by pinfall with a Crackdown.


Rating: D


Before their match, Raphael comes out with a microphone and has a few words to say about Nigel Svensson.


Raphael: “Last month, Nigel Svensson insinuated that my winning streak was down to having the beautiful Sienna DeVille at ringside for my matches. That I couldn’t get the job done myself. Most people would be upset, insulted or even angry about this... but not me. You see I’m not like you people. I’ve had the finest education, and think on a higher plane than all of you. Rather than focus on the pettiness of Svensson’s comments, I have decided to focus on the positives. Like the fact that this match has been made a number one contenders match for the MPW Championship. So Nigel Svensson, I just wanted to say thank you... thank you for volunteering to be the next stepping stone on my rise to the top.”


Rating: D-


Nigel Svensson vs Raphael

Nigel Svensson makes his way to the ring and in direct contrast to Raphael’s relaxed attitude, the Swede looks fired up for this one. This match quickly descends into an all out brawl, with Svensson throwing a series of hard right hands which sent Raphael reeling. Raphael realises he is in trouble, and begins trying to create some separation between himself and Svensson. Raphael tried to use rope breaks and cheap tactics such as eye rakes to try to keep Svensson at bay, but did very little to halt Svensson’s momentum.


Raphael bailed to the outside to try and catch a breather, but Svensson was right on top of him. Svensson delivered a stiff right hand, before rolling Raphael back into the ring. Svensson makes to join Raphael back in the ring, but some high pitched screaming from Raphael’s manager Sienna DeVille distracts Svensson. The two engage in a brief argument, before Svensson decides to just ignore the valet and slides back into the ring. By this point Raphael has hauled himself back to his feet in the corner, but still looks worse for wear and is using the turnbuckle for support. Svensson charges Raphael... but the wealthy youngster is able to slip out of the way just in time, sending Svensson crashing into the turnbuckle.


Svensson stumbles away from the turnbuckle clutching his shoulder, turning right into a dropkick from Raphael. This proves to be the turning point in the match, as the momentum shifts completely into Raphael’s favour. Raphael begins to work on Svensson’s shoulder, even having the audacity to lock on Svensson’s own Hyper Extension Arm Lock submission hold. Svensson struggled to the ropes causing Raphael to break the hold, but the damage had been done. Raphael turned away from Svensson, and began taunting the crowd... taking the referee’s attention with him. Seeing an opportunity, Sienna DeVille once again got involved in the match. With Svensson still slumped over the ropes, DeVille hopped onto the apron and grabbed hold of the Swede’s arm. She then draped it over the rope before dropping back to the floor, striking the Swede’s injured shoulder against the middle rope as she did so. Svensson yelled out in pain, as he stumbled away from the ropes to prevent another attack from DeVille. However, Svensson found himself rolled up by Raphael in the middle of the ring. A combination of the pain in Svensson’s shoulder, and the fact Raphael had a handful of tights, meant that Svensson’s shoulder stayed down for the three count.


Post match, Raphael quickly bailed from the ring and celebrated with DeVille as he made his way to the back. In the ring, Svensson is back on his feet. The Swede isn’t complaining about what just happened, but is staring a hole right through Raphael. This one clearly isn’t over...


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Raphael defeated Nigel Svensson in 10:25 by pinfall

with a handful of tights.


Rating: C-


Los Luchas (Mr Lucha III/Velocidad) vs Ant Man & DeCipher

The luchadors start this match fired up following Decipher and Ant Man’s attack last month. Tag team rules are out of the window for this one, as the referee struggled to gain control throughout the match. Mr Lucha and Velocidad take the attack to their opponents from the opening bell, snapping off a beautiful double Dropkick to start the match. The luchadors stayed on top of their opponents with simultaneous Hurricanranas, which sent both of their opponents flying through the ropes to the outside. A double plancha followed, much to the delight of the crowd.


Mr Lucha rolled Ant Man back into the ring, while Velocidad and DeCipher brawled on the outside. Lucha stayed on top of Ant Man with a series of Arm Drags, followed by a Standing Dropkick. Ant Man tried to fight his way back into the match, but a wild right hand was dodged by Mr Lucha, and quickly followed by a Step-Up Enzuigiri. Lucha played to the crowd, before setting Ant Man up for his finisher: the Third Strike.


However on the outside DeCipher had turned things around against Velocidad, throwing the luchador head fist into the barriers. The mysterious masked wrestler then grabbed a chair and slid into the ring. Mr Lucha was able to hit the Third Strike on Ant Man, but turned right into a chair shot from DeCipher. The referee immediately called for the bell, disqualifying DeCipher and Ant Man.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Los Luchas defeated Ant-Man and DeCipher in 6:19 when DeCipher was disqualified while fighting Mr. Lucha III.


Rating: D+


Following the match, DeCipher hands the chair to Ant Man and motions to Mr Lucha. Ant Man obliges, delivering a vicious chair shot to the luchador. Velocidad slides into the ring to try and help, but finds himself on the end of a chair shot as well. Ant Man holds the chair up, and stands tall over the two lucahdors. On commentary Jamie Atherton comments that while the record books may put Los Luchas down as the victors, in reality there was only one winner here tonight... and he is the only man in the ring not wearing a mask.


Rating: D-


Show Rating: D+

There was a feeling some of the angles used did not reach the standards set by the in-ring action. This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.

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Zergon 6-1

Condors 6-1

Emark 6-1

Boltinho 3-4


Prediction Contest (After 7 Shows)

Zergon 42-3

Emark 38-7

Condors 32-5

Boltinho 24-9


Thank you to everybody for predicting again this month, it’s always nice to get some reader interaction to know people are following along. A three way tie at the top this month, with no-one getting a perfect score. As always I’d be interested to hear any feedback anyone has on the show, and I hope to see everyone back next show :)


I’d also like to apologise for the delay in getting this show up. Work was absolutely crazy this week. I found myself working 11-12 hour days, and by the time I got home I just had no energy left to do any writing. Hopefully things have sorted themselves out now, and we will be back to normal service going forward. :)

Bonus Point: Who is Ant Man’s new associate?

I´m skipping this one as I have a feeling that it might be certain guy that was on my list when I was given choice to choose who you need to hire.

I'd be interested to know if you picked this right? DeCipher was a bit left field, but when you mentioned him I was immediately hit with an idea for character he could play. An awesome re-render from J Silver also meant I had to use him :)


I was quite surprised to see everyone bar Zergon pick Donte Dunn to go over Shame. While Donte is very talented (and one of my personal favourite C-Verse workers), he currently has next to no overness in the Great Lakes. While Shame has jobbed most of his MPW career, he has been gaining overness and pushes to the Midcard compare to Dunn’s Opener... which is ultimately why he got the victory.


While I wasn’t too surprised that nobody picked the new associate, I did allude to him being a luchador and wearing a mask in the previous show write up... so I was surprised to see Ash Campbell & Remmy Honeymoon mentioned as possible associates. :p (although they are both guys I may look to bring in in the future)

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I'd be interested to know if you picked this right? DeCipher was a bit left field, but when you mentioned him I was immediately hit with an idea for character he could play. An awesome re-render from J Silver also meant I had to use him :)


Actually no, I was thinking that it would be Zonk since I completely forgot that I had DeCipher on my list too. :o

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May 2011

‘Summer Slaughter’ actually ended up being something of a disappointment for me. I had really hoped we could build on a series of strong shows, but this one just couldn’t quite live up to some of our recent efforts. It wasn’t a disaster by any means, but I had expected more somehow. We would look to bounce back next month.


The start of June saw two of our luchadors pick up an extra contract abroad. While it wasn’t a massive problem, it did limit what dates they were available to us... particularly in the case of our champion Mr Lucha III. Mr Lucha signed a touring contract with National rated promotion BHOTGW, which was a fantastic opportunity for him. This did mean he was working a lot of extra dates over the next few months, so I would have to keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn’t over do it. Amazing Fire Fly also finally got the recognition he deserves back home in Mexico, as he signed a PPA deal with OLLIE. If his run with us played even a small part in Fire Fly getting his break in Mexico, then I will feel very pleased about that. The kid has done a great job for us, and I think he will tear it up at OLLIE.



-Freddy Huggins & Ray Johnson extend deals.


Big Event: TCW Summer Showdown (B+) Buy Rate: 2.32

Main Event: Troy Tornado bt Tommy Cornell to retain the TCW World Heavyweight Title

Match of the Night: Rich Money bt Scout


Title Changes: Eddie Peak won the TCW International Title (previous holder: Danny Fonzarelli, W1 Nov 2010-W4 July 2011, 17 defences)


Bookers view: Another good month for TCW, as they put out another good PPV. They have been relentless in their quality recently, which is why they’ve overtaken the SWF as the biggest promotion in the world. One of the talking points this month was Eddie Peak becoming International Title, on top of already being one half of the tag team champs (along with Koshiro Ino). TCW management clearly rate Peak highly, and it will be interesting to see if he moves into the World Title scene soon.



-The Stomper, Shan Stones, Squeeky McClean & American Machine all extend deals

-Bear Bekowski leaves SWF


Big Event: SWF The Supreme Challenge 31 (B) Buy Rate: 2.28

Main Event: Brandon James bt Vengeance to retain the SWF World Heavyweight Championship

Match Of The Night: Christian Faith bt Marat Khoklov


Bookers View: A decent month for the SWF, as they put out an improved offering for the Supreme Challenge. They also managed to secure the contract extension of Squeeky McClean, which could be a key piece of business following many of their top names jumping ship to TCW.



-Tyson Baine & Baby Jamie extend deals


Big Event: USPW Independence Day Slam! (B-) Buy Rate: 1.52

Main Event & Match of the Night: Tyson Baine bt Nicky Champion to retain the USPW World Title


Bookers view: A good month for USPW, with a decent offering on PPV with an improved buy rate. The major positive being that they managed to extend the deal of World Champion Tyson Baine.

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MPW presents Bulletproof

Following his win over Nigel Svensson last month at ‘Summer Slaughter’ Raphael gets his chance at Mr Lucha’s MPW Championship. Considering his recent winning streak, Raphael has to have a chance in this one... and one has to wonder what part valet Sienna DeVille will play in the title match. Find out only at Bulletproof!

Prediction List:

Cal Sanders vs Shame

Amazing Fire Fly vs DeCipher

Jayson Van Pelt vs Ant Man

Donte Dunn vs Roderick Remus

Roger Monteiro vs Marshall Dillon

Velocidad vs Mark Smart

Nigel Svensson vs Jamie Atherton

Mr Lucha III © vs Raphael – MPW Championship

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Cal Sanders vs Shame

Amazing Fire Fly vs DeCipher

Jayson Van Pelt vs Ant Man

Donte Dunn vs Roderick Remus

Roger Monteiro vs Marshall Dillon

Velocidad vs Mark Smart

Nigel Svensson vs Jamie Atherton

Mr Lucha III © vs Raphael – MPW Championship

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Cal Sanders vs Shame

Could go either way but so far Sanders have done slighly better job.


Amazing Fire Fly vs DeCipher

DeCipher likely doesn´t have much overness at the moment so I´d assume that he has to take a loss here.


Jayson Van Pelt vs Ant Man

Another close call but right now Ant Man seems to be doing more.


Donte Dunn vs Roderick Remus

Remus is one of your top guys while Dunn is still building overness.


Roger Monteiro vs Marshall Dillon

Dillon should be able to beat jobber.


Velocidad vs Mark Smart

Smart continues to job.


Nigel Svensson vs Jamie Atherton

Another close one but I give Svensson a win after a tough loss last month.


Mr Lucha III © vs Raphael – MPW Championship

Raphael might well be your next champ but I don´t think it happens yet.

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Cal Sanders vs Shame

Amazing Fire Fly vs DeCipher

Jayson Van Pelt vs Ant Man

Donte Dunn vs Roderick Remus

Roger Monteiro vs Marshall Dillon

Velocidad vs Mark Smart

Nigel Svensson vs Jamie Atherton

Mr Lucha III © vs Raphael – MPW Championship

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From the Ohio Jewish Center, with 265 people in attendance...

MPW presents Powerplay


Remmington Remus and Jamie Atherton

Cal Sanders vs Shame

Shame surprised many observers by pushing Cal Sanders to his limit here. Admittedly, this may have had more to do with the Outlaws willingness to bend the rules than his actual wrestling skills, but he did give Sanders a real run for his money. Following a crafty rake to the eyes, Shame looked to have things in hand, until Sanders surprised him with a roll up pinning attempt. This proved enough to keep Shame’s shoulders down for the three count, and from nowhere Sanders had picked up the victory.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Cal Sanders defeated Shame in 6:28 by pinfall.


Rating: D+


Velocidad vs DeCipher

This was a keenly contested match, with the intensity thrown up a notch following DeCipher’s attacks for the previous two months. The two put on a highly entertaining back and forth contest, and looked very evenly matched until DeCipher once again bought a chair into the match. Referee Jonathan Taylor yelled at DeCipher not to use the chair, but DeCipher ignored the instruction and nailed Velocidad right in the head causing Taylor to call for the bell.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Velocidad defeated DeCipher in 6:12 by disqualification.


Rating: D+


With DeCipher standing tall over Velocidad wielding a chair, Ant Man appears from the back to join his associate in the ring.


Ant Man: “I’ve had people questioning why DeCipher used a chair in last month’s Main Event, considering he got us disqualified and lost us the match. I said last month we would make a statement to the luchadors in that Main Event, but I never promised we would win. I’m taking the long view on this. Last month DeCipher sent a message, and he reiterated that message tonight. Simply put luchadors, DeCipher doesn’t like you. He may even hate you as much as I do. I hate you for coming here to the US and stealing the jobs of hard working Americans, but DeCipher hates you for leaving Mexico in the first place. You see unlike you three, DeCipher respects the proud traditions of lucha libre... I don’t understand why, but he does... and he hates seeing so called luchadors such as Velocidad, Mr Lucha and Fire Fly dishonouring those traditions by whoring themselves out abroad. Lucha libre is sacred to the country of Mexico, and DeCipher is here to make sure that it stays that way. DeCipher hates being here in the USA, but like me he is willing to bend his morals to make sure he achieves his goal. Simply put, DeCipher and I will not rest until all luchadors are out of the US and back in Mexico where they belong. We will use any means necessary, even if we have to drag you out kicking and sceaming... and don’t put that past me, because I’m the Ant Man and I can lift anything!”


Rating: D


Jayson Van Pelt vs Ant Man

With the conclusion of Ant Man’s promo, Jayson Van Pelt is out for the next match. While Van Pelt did enjoy periods of offence in this one, Ant Man’s power advantage really shone through and put him in the ascendancy. Ant Man showed immense power in the finish of this match, as he caught an attempted Cross Body from Van Pelt, before shifting his opponent onto his shoulders and nailing the Antidote for the win.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Ant-Man defeated Jayson Van Pelt in 6:38 by pinfall with an Antidote.


Rating: D


Donte Dunn vs Roderick Remus

Donte Dunn showed a great amount of energy in this match, as he looked to make a name for himself against the former MPW Champion. However, Remus’ skill meant that he managed to keep the youngster at arm’s length for much of the match. Some showboating from Remus did allow Dunn back into the match briefly, but it proved to be short lived. Nobody was surprised when Remus locked in the Remus Clutch, and forced Donte Dunn to tap out.


In a bout that had a good crowd but featured terrible wrestling, Roderick Remus defeated Donte Dunn in 6:04 by submission with a Remus Clutch.


Rating: D-


Following his win, Remus grabs a microphone to address the crowd.


Remus: “Like I said last month, my loss to Lucha at ’Powerplay’ was nothing but a fluke… but adversity leads to opportunity. I have the opportunity to regroup and improve. So I’m sending Mr Lucha a warning: I’m coming for my title. I’m going to jump higher, run faster and puch harder than ever before! Mr Lucha, be ready for me.”


Rating: D


Roger Monteiro vs Marshall Dillon

On commentary, Remmington Remus hypes the recent trip Roger Monteiro had to visit his Native American tribe, and how Monteiro thought this new found perspective would allow him to get over his previous poor run. Monteiro faced a difficult task tonight though, as he faced off against the 6’6, 320lb Marshall Dillon.


Monteiro started the match strongly, using a hit and run tactic to try and avoid the power game of his much larger opponent. This tactic didn’t work for long however, as Dillon was able to get hold of his smaller opponent. A few power moves from Dillon completely turned the momentum in his favour. The big man looked to have things wrapped up, until Monteiro was able to slip out of an attempted Crackdown (Chokeslam). Monteiro managed to knock Dillon off his feet with a dropkick, before immediately heading to the top rope. Monteiro looked to have a great opportunity to push home his advantage... but before he can attack, the Native American is distracted by the arrival of Shame at the top of the ramp. This momentary distraction proves to be the undoing of Monteiro, as Dillon is back to his feet and lands a thunderous Crackdown from the top rope. Following the three count, Shame simply tips his hat to Dillon, before leaving the cowboy in the ring to celebrate his win.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Marshall Dillon defeated Roger Monteiro in 6:21 by pinfall after a distraction from Shame.


Rating: D


Amazing Fire Fly vs Mark Smart

Mark Smart’s run of losses continues here, as Fire Fly once again impresses everyone with his incredible athleticism. Smart did get his share of offence, but it never looked like he would get the victory here. An incredible Sky High Fire Fly proved to be enough for the luchador to get the three count.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Amazing Fire Fly defeated Mark Smart in 6:18 by pinfall with a Sky High Fire Fly.


Rating: D+


Raphael, who is challenging for the MPW Championship tonight, makes his way to the ring accompanied by his valet Sienna DeVille.


Raphael: “Tonight marks the start of something special for MPW. My winning streak will continue tonight, and for many nights ahead. For the past few months the MPW Championship has been playing second fiddle to me, and that’s just not right. So tonight I’m going to take the MPW Championship away from Mr Lucha, and put it back where it belongs: at the forefront of this company...”


I’m sure Raphael could have talked about himself and his achievements for hours, but at this point he was interrupted by the arrival of Nigel Svensson.


Svensson: “I’ve heard you talk about this ‘winning streak’ of yours for the past few months... but you’ve always left out one important detail, and that is the involvement of the lady to your left. Without Sienna DeVille you wouldn’t have been granted this shot, and you wouldn’t be sitting on this so called streak.”


Raphael: “I guess you’re entitled to your opinion...”


Svensson: “You’re right I am. I’m here to give you a warning. Make sure there’s no funny business tonight, because I’ll be watching...”


With that Svensson dropped his mic and made to leave the ring, but was called back by Raphael.


Raphael: “Hey where do you think you’re going? Since you were kind enough to join us out here, I think it’s only fair to give you a reward. Jamie get in here, I think it’s time to treat Mr Svensson some respect.”


Jamie Atherton jumped up from the announce table to join Svensson in the ring, and this one is on.


Rating: D


Nigel Svensson vs Jamie Atherton

Atherton looks confident going into this one, and starts the match well as he uses hit and run tactics to stay out of the Swede’s grasp. However, Svensson is eventually able to get hold of Atherton and snap off a nice looking Belly to Belly Suplex. Atherton rolls to the outside for a breather, but is immediately followed by Svensson. The Swede gets hold of his opponent and smashes Atherton head first into the ring apron, before rolling him back into the ring.


Svensson follows Atherton into the ring, and the Swede begins to wear his opponent down with a series of submission holds. Atherton tries to stave off his opponent with a rake to the eyes, but receives a reprimand from the referee for his actions. Svensson is quickly back on top of Atherton with another Belly To Belly Suplex. Atherton is back to his feet, and slaps the taste right out of the Swedes mouth. Svensson seems unfazed and stares down Atherton with crazed look in his eyes. Atherton looks unnerved and tries to throw a right hand. However, Svensson catches the punch and transitions it into a Hyper Extension Arm Lock. Atherton struggles briefly, but has no choice but to tap out.


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Nigel Svensson defeated Jamie Atherton in 7:06 by submission with a Hyper Extension Arm Lock.


Rating: C-


Mr Lucha III vs Raphael

MPW Championship

Mr Lucha started this match quickly, instantly putting his opponent on the back foot. Raphael looked in real trouble, until some timely interference from Sienna DeVille bought him some time and turned the momentum of the match. Raphael began to wear down his opponent, staying on top of the match until he tried to whip Mr Lucha into the corner. Lucha showed great agility to leap to the top rope, before springing off into a Springboard Cross Body. Caught by surprise, in a desperate move Raphael pulled the referee in front of him to take some of the impact. Lucha crashed into the referee, who went flying back into Raphael, leaving all three men down.


Seeing an opportunity, Sienna DeVille grabbed the title belt from ringside and slid into the ring. DeVille stalked Mr Lucha, her intentions clear as she looked to use the title belt to attack the MPW Champion while the referee was down. However, Nigel Svensson came tearing out from the back. Sienna DeVille saw the Swede coming, and bailed from the ring. Raphael struggled back to his feet, and saw Svensson at ringside. Raphael yelled at Svensson to get out of here, before turning back to the ring... right into the Third Strike! Lucha made the cover, and it proved enough to get the three count.


Sienna DeVille is throwing a fit at ringside, and on commentary Jamie Atherton is bemoaning Svensson for bringing the title match into such disrepute. Remmington Remus points out that this was no different to any of Rahael’s recent wins, but Atherton tells Remus that this is completely different.


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Mr. Lucha III defeated Raphael in 8:31 by pinfall with a Third Strike. During the match we also had Nigel Svensson distract Raphael. Mr. Lucha III makes defence number 5 of his MPW Championship title.


Rating: C+


Raphael looks absolutely furious, having been cost his title match by the interference of Nigel Svensson. The irate Raphael grabs a microphone and calls Svensson, who had been making his way towards the curtain, back to the ring.


Raphael: “Where do you think you’re going? And more to the point, who the hell do you think you are, getting involved in my business?”


Svensson turns around and makes his way back to the ring, grabbing a microphone for himself on the way.


Svensson: “I told you I wouldn’t just stand around and watch you cheat your way to the top. The wrestlers in this company deserve so much more than that...”


Raphael: “Don’t make me laugh, I could beat everyone here with one hand tied behind my back...”


Svensson: “While I think that’s a match stipulation all of these fans would want to see, I’ve got another suggestion. How about you and I go one on one in the Main Event next month?”


Raphael: “You’ve got it...”


Svensson: “Let me finish... you and I, one on one... inside a Steel Cage! No managers, no interference, no funny business at all. Just two men, fighting it out, to prove who the better man is.”


Raphael: “Okay, but since you’ve made all the terms so far I want one of my own: If you lose, you’re out of MPW. Done. Fired.”


Svensson: “How about loser leaves town, eh?”


Raphael: “Do I look stupid to you?”


Svensson: “No, not stupid... but I do think you look scared.”


Raphael: “Scared? Of You? I’m not scared of anything! What the hell, I don’t need this place. Loser leaves town, you’ve got yourself a deal. Now take a good look around and take it all in Svensson, because your days left in MPW are numbered.”


With that, Raphael bails from the ring and makes his way to the back. Nigel Svensson remains in the ring, with a satisfied smile visible under his ginger beard.


Rating: D


Final Rating: C-

There was a feeling some of the angles used did not reach the standards set by the in-ring action. This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.

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Zergon 8-0

Emark 8-0

Condors 7-1


Prediction Contest (After 8 Shows)

Zergon 50-3

Emark 46-7

Condors 39-6

Boltinho 24-9


Thank you to everyone who predicted again this month, and to everyone who takes the time to read the show. Seemingly a more straight forward show this month, with both Zergon and Emark getting full marks. As always I’d be interested to hear any feedback anyone has on the show, and I hope to see everyone back next show :)


Just a quick note: I noticed that I accidently switched Velocidad and Fire Fly on the card, which I realise may be of disappointment to anyone who had been looking forward to those matches. This was a simple mistake on my behalf, and I sincerely apologise for my stupidity. :p

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‘Bulletproof’ proved to be a very successful show for us. The Main Event tore the house down, and will go down as the best match MPW has put on to this point. On the back of that match, ‘Bulletproof’ will also go down as the best show we have managed in our short history. Things were definitely on the up, and a record attendance of 246 was certainly encouraging. My new aim was to sell out the Ohio Jewish Centre by the end of 2011. On the back of this record attendance, August also proved to be our most profitable months to date, with the end of month accounts showing us $16K in the black.


August 2011


-Eddie Peak, Archie Judge & Sam Keith extend deals.


Big Event: TCW Hotter Than Hell (B+) Buy Rate: 2.60

Main Event: Troy Tornado bt Jack Bruce to retain the TCW World Heavyweight Title

Match of the Night: Rocky Golden bt Tommy Cornell


Bookers view: TCW continued their serene progress at the top of the Wrestling world. Hotter Than Hell proved to be a very successful PPV for the company, as they put out a quality show and improved on their previous buy rate.



-Primus Allen, John Greed, BJ O’Neill, Jungle Lord, Runaway Train & Masked Patriot extend deals.

-Mitch Naess signs with SWF

-Valiant leaves SWF


Big Event: SWF Welcome To The Jungle (B) Buy Rate: 2.16

Main Event: Lobster Warrior won a 30 man Battle Royal

Match of the Night: Brandon James bt Christian Faith to retain the SWF World Heavyweight Championship


Title Changes: Jack Giedroyc won the SWF North American Title for the 2nd time (previous holder: Angry Gilmore, W4 Feb 11-W2 Aug 11, 15 defences)


Bookers View: There were a number of talking points in the SWF this month. Welcome to the Jungle saw Lobster Warrior named as the number one contender for Brandon James’ SWF Title, as he won the 30 man Battle Royal Main Event. The PPV also saw Jack Giedroyc beat Angry Gilmore for the SWF North American Title to spark a singles push for Giedroyc. As if to confirm this, a week later SWF released Giedroyc’s former tag partner Valiant. This was a move that surprised many observers, as less than a year ago Valiant had been regarded as a potential star for the promotion.



-Valiant signs with USPW

-Commissioner Doom & Seduction extend deals


Big Event: USPW Apple Pie And Wrestling! (B-) Buy Rate: 1.43

Main Event & Match Of The Night: Tyson Baine bt James Justice to retain the USPW World Title


Bookers view: A good month for USPW. While they didn’t put on their best PPV, they did manage to secure the signing of Valiant, fresh off his release from the SWF. Valiant’s release surprised many, as the youngster had been tipped to be a huge star for the SWF, it will be interesting to see if USPW can release that potential.

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MPW presents The Price We Pay

In a match set up last month at ‘Powerplay’, the Main Event will see the culmination of the feud between Raphae & Nigel Svensson. The two men will do battle inside a Steel Cage, with the loser paying the ultimate price... leaving MPW! Raphael picked up a win over Svensson only two months ago, but Svensson’s MMA background will give him confidence going into this one... as well as the fact that the threat of Raphael’s valet Sienna DeVille getting involved is nullified by the cage. This one really could go either way!


Prediction Key:

Roger Monteiro vs Shame

Jayson Van Pelt vs Mark Smart

Donte Dunn vs Jamie Atherton

Cal Sanders vs Roderick Remus

Velocidad vs Marshall Dillon

Nigel Svensson vs Raphael – Loser leaves MPW

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Roger Monteiro vs Shame


I never get Shame matches right


Jayson Van Pelt vs Mark Smart


cool guy keeps winning


Donte Dunn vs Jamie Atherton


And the other one


Cal Sanders vs Roderick Remus


hes great too


Velocidad vs Marshall Dillon


better worker


Nigel Svensson vs Raphael – Loser leaves MPW


Nigels off to Japan

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Roger Monteiro vs Shame

Jayson Van Pelt vs Mark Smart

Donte Dunn vs Jamie Atherton

Cal Sanders vs Roderick Remus

Velocidad vs Marshall Dillon

Nigel Svensson vs Raphael – Loser leaves MPW I'm thinking Raphael goes into development via RIPW

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Roger Monteiro vs Shame

Jayson Van Pelt vs Mark Smart

Donte Dunn vs Jamie Atherton

Cal Sanders vs Roderick Remus

Velocidad vs Marshall Dillon

Nigel Svensson vs Raphael – Loser leaves MPW


(Is Mr. Lucha III on his Burning Hammer tour at the moment?)

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Roger Monteiro vs Shame

There have been lots of talk about Monteiro visiting Native American tribe in order to get help on his poor performance so far. Well if he is really going to get better then this is one of the few opportunities that I could see him having.


Jayson Van Pelt vs Mark Smart

Smart is a jobber.


Donte Dunn vs Jamie Atherton

Dunn is still learning and collecting overness via losing.


Cal Sanders vs Roderick Remus

Remus is simply bigger name.


Velocidad vs Marshall Dillon

Tough one, but I´m not sure if Dillon has collected enough overness to beat Velocidad so I take the safer route.


Nigel Svensson vs Raphael – Loser leaves MPW

Hard one but I have seen Svensson leaving to Japan happening more often than Rapheal getting contract with big companies so I´d say that Svensson is the one who is leaving.

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