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MPW: Built from scratch (0/0/0/0 C-Verse)

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From the Ohio Jewish Center, with 253 people in attendance...

MPW presents The Price We pay


Remmington Remus and Jamie Atherton

Roger Monteiro vs Shame

This match was set up following Shame’s interference costing Roger Monteiro his match last month, continuing Monteiro’s recent run of bad luck and outside interference costing him matches. Monteiro started this match strongly, and came close to putting Shame away on a couple of occasions. The turning point of the match came when Shame pulled off the cover for the turnbuckle, forcing the referee to take action and replace the cover. At this point Marshall Dillon appeared from nowhere and delivered a Big Boot to Monteiro. Amazingly the referee missed the 320 pounder, and on turning back to the action counted the pinfall to hand Shame the win.


On commentary, Jamie Atherton laughs to himself as he muses that Monteiro’s time back with his tribe had done nothing to curb his slide down the card. Remus countered that Monteiro had performed well since his return to MPW, but had consistently been bought down by the numbers game.


In a bout that had a good crowd but featured terrible wrestling, Shame defeated Roger Monteiro in 7:25 by pinfall. During the match we also had Marshall Dillon run in and attack Monteiro.


Rating: D-


Jayson Van Pelt vs Mark Smart

Mark Smart’s run of losses continued here, as he never really threatened to win this one. Jayson Van Pelt looked good here, as he used his speed and energy to keep his opponent off balance. There was never really any doubt as to who would win, and when Van Pelt hit the Axe Kick it merely confirmed the inevitable.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Jayson Van Pelt defeated Mark Smart in 6:17 by pinfall with an Axe Kick.


Rating: D+


Following Van Pelt’s impressive win, Raphael and his valet Sienna DeVille make their way out to the ring to talk about tonight’s Main Event.


Raphael: “Tonight I face Nigel Svensson inside a Steel Cage, with the stipulation that whoever loses must leave MPW forever. Most people on the roster would be terrified if they were in my shoes... not that any of them could even dream of living life in my shoes... but tonight holds no fears for me. Nigel Svensson claims that his ‘MMA training’ means that he has an advantage inside that Steel Cage... but I have a news flash for Nigel Svensson: We’re not having an MMA match. No, we’re having a wresling match! And in a wrestling match, I am better than you. As I proved only two months ago. So I advise Nigel Svensson to make sure he enjoys our match tonight, as it will be the last match he will be wrestling here in the United States. I am going to send Svensson back to the wastelands of the European wrestling scene where he belongs, and as he wastes away there I will rise to the very top of this industry... and there is nothing anybody can do to stop me!”


Rating: D


Donte Dunn vs Jamie Atherton

This proved to be a very entertaining match, with both competitors showing incredible athleticism and taking to the air at every opportunity. The match was contested at a breath taking pace, with the momentum flowing back and forth almost as quickly. Donte Dunn gave a good account of himself in this match, but a Lightning Bolt from Jamie Atherton gave him the victory over the youngster.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Jamie Atherton defeated Donte Dunn in 5:33 by pinfall with a Lightning Bolt.


Rating: D+


Cal Sanders vs Roderick Remus

Both of these men were coming off impressive wins last month, and put in another impressive performance here. Sanders started strongly, using his strong technical base to control the pace of the match and smother the offence of his opponent. However Remus isn’t a former MPW Champion for nothing, and he managed to battle his way back into the match after flipping Sanders out of an Abdominal Stretch. The action was very even from this point, with neither man able to assert their dominance on the match.


The finish to this match came when Remus was able to slip out the back of an attempted Suplex from

Sanders, before hitting a Running Bulldog to send Sanders crashing to the mat. This opened up the

opportunity for Remus to lock in his Remus Clutch to get the win.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Roderick Remus defeated Cal Sanders in 8:03 by submission with a Remus Clutch.


Rating: C-


Velocidad vs Marshall Dillon

The 6’6 Marshall Dillon towered over his opponent in this one, and looked to use his height and weight advantage to dominate this encounter. Velocidad’s speed allowed him to evade the bulk of Dillon’s offence, but the luchador still found himself on the end of some hefty blows. The momentum of the match swung back and forth, with Velocidad building a period of offence, only to be halted by a power move by Dillon. The momentum shifted once again when an attempted Marshall Dillon powerbomb was reversed into a Hurricanrana by Velocidad. The luchador looked to push home his advantage with a Springboard Moonsault, but could only get a two count as Dillon kicked out. It was at this point that Ant Man & DeCipher hit the ring and began kicking the hell out of Velocidad, forcing the referee to call for the bell.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Velocidad defeated Marshall Dillon in 7:36 when Marshall Dillon was disqualified when Ant-Man ran in and attacked Velocidad. During the match we also had DeCipher run in and attack Velocidad.


Rating: D+


Ant Man & DeCipher continue their attack, until Ant Man calls for a microphone to address the crowd.


Ant Man: “It’s getting dangerous to be a luchador around here. That’s three months in a row that we’ve left these masked invaders lying in the middle of the ring. The success we’ve had since DeCipher arrived can’t be questioned, yet still people ask me why I’m working with this man. They say that I’m a hypocrite for working alongside one of the very luchadors I despise.... There’s an old saying. You’re enemies enemy is your friend, and DeCipher hates luchadors every bit as much as I do. We share a common goal, and that is to get these luchadors out of MPW and back to Mexico. DeCipher brings a new thought process to our goal. His unpredictability is what makes him so devastating. Those luchadors can’t come close to ‘deciphering’ his next move. Together we will remove the luchadors from this company, and then I can begin my quest to lift this company from obscurity... and that is a job for only one man, and that is me... because I’m the Ant Man, and I can lift anything!”


Rating: D


Ant Man makes to leave the ring, but stops in his tracks as he sees the MPW Champion appear at the top of the ramp alongside fellow luchador Amazing Fire Fly.


Lucha: “You know what Ant Man, most of what you say doesn’t make any sense... but I actually agree with something you said tonight. Being a luchador here in MPW has become a lot less comfortable since DeCipher arrived. So rather than sit back and take it, Fire Fly and I have decided to do something about it... tonight! Since you two are in the ring, we’re going to have ourselves a tag team match. No DQ’s, no Countouts... we’re going to settle this once and for all.”


With that, Lucha drops his mic and, along with Fire Fly, charges the ring at incredible speed. Ant Man and DeCipher look like they have been caught off guard, as DeCipher scrambles to recover his discarded chair before the onrushing luchas arrive... and this one is on!


Rating: D


Los Luchas (Mr Lucha III & Amazing Fire Fly) vs Ant Man & DeCipher

This impromptu tag team match was out of control from the very start. Normal tag team rules were thrown out of the window, as all four men just brawled with each other throughout. He match begun badly for Ant Man & DeCipher, when Decipher missed a wild chair shot aimed at Amazing Fire Fly. Having ducked under the attempted chair shot, Fire Fly snapped off a dropkick onto the chair that rebounded the steel off of DeCipher’s face. The impact caused DeCipher to drop the chair and it slid out of the ring and on to the floor.


With the chair taken out of play, Los Luchas took control of the match as they used their incredible speed to stay on top of their opponents. Their frustration at the recent attacks from their opponents over the past few months were evident, as the two luchadors landed a series of stiff looking striked and some high-risk, high-flying offence. The luchadors stayed on top, not allowing their opponents a whiff of offence, as Fire Fly sent DeCipher flying over the top rope.


As DeCipher lay on the ground, Fire Fly took a moment to play to the crowd as Lucha dealt with Ant Man. DeCipher slowly struggled to his feet, turned away from the ring, and Fire Fly attempted a Springboard Crossbody to the outside... BAM! The deafening sound of steel meeting skull echoed throughout the Ohio Jewish Centre, as DeCipher deliver a sickening chair shot to the airborne Fire Fly. The impact left Fire Fly crumpled in a motionless heap, as DeCipher looked on with his wild eyes staring at Fire Fly through his mask.


The sound had been enough to get the attention of Mr Lucha II in the ring. The MPW Champion had been on top of Ant Man throughout the match, but having heard the impact his attention was drawn to the welfare of his friend and tag partner. Lucha left Ant Man to go and help Fire Fly, but this opened him up for a sneak attack... as Ant Man levelled the luchador with a viscous Lariat from behind. Mr Lucha struggled back to his feet, but was immediately hauled onto Ant Man’s shoulders for the Antidote. Ant Man made the cover, and referee Jonathan Taylor reluctantly counted the three. Taylor then half heartedly raised Ant Man’s hand in victory, before motioning furiously for a first aider to come and help Fire Fly.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, DeCipher and Ant-Man defeated Los Luchas III in 6:03 when Ant-Man defeated Mr Lucha III by pinfall with an Antidote.


Rating: C-


Nigel Svensson vs Raphael

Cage Match – Loser leaves MPW

On commentary, Remmington Remus comments on the seriousness of the injury suffered by Fire Fly, and how it has affected the crowds mood going into this Main Event. Atherton says that they are about to be cheered up, as Raphael ensures that Nigel Svensson is thrown out of MPW forever. Remus chastens his broadcast partner, before condemning the actions of Ant Man & DeCipher and stating that he is sure those in power at MPW would make sure that their action don’t go unpunished. Atherton questions if anyone would be stupid enough to cross Ant Man & DeCipher right now?


During the commentators conversation about Fire Fly’s injury, a 15 feet high Steel Cage has been lowered to encompass the ring. As Raphael & Svensson make their entrances, Remus comments that we may be moving from one act of dangerous violence to another in this ‘loser leaves MPW’ match. Raphael starts this match strongly, as he makes use of the Steel Cage as a weapon, slamming the head of his opponent against the steel to cause damage. He looked for an early pinfall, but was unsuccessful as Svensson kicked out at two. As the match wore on, Svensson grew more and more into the match, before siezing the initiative with a German Suplex at around the six minute mark.


From here Svensson went back to his MMA roots, and utilised a series of submission holds to wear down the right arm of Raphael as he kept his opponent glued to the mat. Svensson then took a leaf out of Raphael’s book, as he threw his opponent against the steel cage, ensuring to send Raphael arm first into the unforgiving steel. Raphael looked in real trouble, and things only got worse when Svensson locked in his Hyper Extension Arm Lock. Raphael screamed out in pain, and struggled desperately against the hold. On commentary Atherton was begging Raphael not to tap out, but eventually the pain became too much and Raphael had no choice but to admit defeat.


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Nigel Svensson defeated Raphael in a Cage Modern match in 8:29 by submission with a Hyper Extension Arm Lock.


Rating: C


Following the match, the crowd gives Raphael the “na, na, na, na, hey, hey, hey, goodbye!” On commentary, Jamie Atherton declares it a tragedy that Raphael is gone from MPW. The promotion would have been much better off losing Svensson. Remus argues that Svensson just proved he is a better wrestler than Raphael inside a Steel Cage, and for that reason having the Swede stay in MPW was what was best for the promotion.


Raphael yells at the crowd as he leaves the cage with Sienna DeVille, declaring he doesn’t need MPW anyway. Raphael says he’ll go back to his life of luxury, and leave these fans to continue wasting their lives in dumps like this. The fans don’t seem too hurt by these words, and continue their chant. Which annoys Raphael further... and for the final time in his MPW career, he makes his way up the ramp before sliding behind the curtain.


Raphael is gone from MPW!


Rating: D-


Show Rating: C-

There was a feeling some of the angles used did not reach the standards set by the in-ring action. This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.

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  • Replies 256
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Emark 6-0

Condors 5-1

Boltinho 5-1

masterofnone 5-1

Zergon 4-2


Prediction Contest (After 9 Shows)

Zergon 54-5

Emark 52-7

Condors 44-7

Boltinho 29-10

masterofnone 5-1


Thank you to everyone who predicted again this show, and to everyone who takes the time to read the show. A warm welcome to masterofnone who was new to predictions this show, I hope to see you back next show :). Congratulations to Emark, who was the only person to get a full house for this show. As always I’d be interested to hear any feedback anyone has on the show, and I hope to see everyone back next show :)


A few of you picked up that one of Raphael and Svensson had been picked up by a larger promotion, with it now being obvious that Raphael is the man who is making his way up the ladder. I’d never seen either man picked up by a major promotion in any of my games, so I was surprised firstly that Raphael got picked up, and secondly that many of you thought Nigel was on his way to Japan. I’ll cover Raphael’s move in my monthly recap which I am in the process of writing atm.

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September proved to be an interesting month for us. The month began with news that Raphael’s contract with RIPW had been converted into a development deal with the promotions parent company, the SWF. This represented a huge opportunity for the young man, and I was very happy for him. However, it also meant his current storyline with Nigel Svensson was going to be cut about four months short. I contacted the Ohio Jewish Centre, and arranged to bring our show for September three weeks forward. We would have to rush to the conclusion of the storyline, but at least there would be some sort of payoff from it.


Despite the late show move, we still managed to make a $15K profit for the month. This was slightly down on August, but with the show move that was to be expected. I spent the rest of September looking for a replacement for Raphael as my leading Heel. After an extensive search, I couldn’t find anyone willing to work in my price range. So instead I signed a couple of young unknown wrestlers to work in a storyline we were just starting up. Hopefully this would ease them into the promotion, and allow them to connect with the fans instantly. I’d had my eye on one of these men for a while now, following a fan tip off, and now seemed like the perfect time to bring him in.


All in all we had come out of September well, despite losing our main Heel, and I was feeling positive going in to October. However on the last day of September I had a phone call to tell me that another of our wrestlers was on his way out, having secured an exclusive contract elsewhere. This meant that another of our major storylines would need rebooking at short notice, and that we would have to bring our show forward for the second time in as many months...


September 2011


-Karen Killer extends deal with TCW


Big Event: TCW Destructive Energy (B+) Buy Rate: 2.70

Main Event: Troy Tornado bt Sean McFly to retain the TCW World Heavyweight Title

Match of the Night: Rocky Golden bt Tommy Cornell


Bookers view: Another very strong month for USPW, who continue their dominance of the US wrestling scene.



-Steve Frehley & Robbie Retro gone from SWF

-Angry Gilmore, Fabulous Frank, Marcus McKing, Shady K & Remo extend deals with SWF

-Joe Sexy signs with SWF


Big Event: SWF Under Contol (B-) Buy Rate: 2.28

Main Event: Marat Khoklov & Christian Faith bt Vengeance & Lobster Warrior

Match Of The Night: Angry Gilmore bt Squeeky McClean


Bookers View: Things are anything but ‘under control’ in SWF... as Main Eventer Steve Frehley spectacularly walked out on the promotion. This was the talk of the wrestling world, and a week later Retro joined Frehley in walking out of the door. Things looked bleak for the promotion, but they regained some face by securing the contract extension of key superstar Angry Gilmore. SWF came under even more scrutiny when they decided to bring Joe Sexy back to the promotion, having let the 39 year old leave only a few months before.



-Mitch Naess & Danny Rushmore leave USPW

-Puerto Rican Power, Peter Valentine & Sara Marie York extend deals with USPW

-Cliff Anderson & Robbie Retro sign with USPW


Big Event: USPW United States of Pain! (B) Buy Rate: 1.51

Main Event & Match of the Night: Tyson Baine bt Enygma to retain the USPW World Title


Bookers view: A mad month for USPW. They lose announcer Mitch Naess, as he focuses on his SWF commitments. The promotion brings in indie announcer Cliff Anderson of the Coastal Zone to become the new voice of the promotion. USPW also bring in recent SWF departure Robbie Retro, to join recent acquisition Valiant in adding name value to the roster. Retro seems like he would be a great fit for the USPW family friendly product, so it will be interesting to see how he fares. USPW finished the month with a very strong showing on PPV. All in all, the promotion is heading in the right direction.

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MPW presents Doomsday

‘Doomsday’ takes place on the back of two of the most talked about moments in MPW history. The Main Event of ‘The Price We Pay’ saw the end of Raphael’s MPW career, as the youngster was fired from the company following his loss in his ‘Loser Leaves MPW’ match with Nigel Svensson. However, the main talking point coming out of ‘The Price We Pay’ was the viscous chair shot delivered by DeCipher to Amazing Fire Fly, which led to the luchador needing to be carried out of the arena in a stretcher. On the back of this viscous assault, DeCipher has been banned from the arena for ‘Doomsday’.


All eyes will be on the Main Event, as Mr Lucha III and Ant Man face off for the MPW Championship. Ant Man sees taking the MPW Championship away from the luchadors as the first step to ridding the luchadors from MPW, and he will now have to take the title without the help of his associate DeCipher. Elsewhere, a three way match between former MPW Champion Roderick Remus, Cal Sanders and Nigel Svensson, fresh off of his win over Raphael last month, will decide the number one contender for the MPW Championship. All that and more, only at MPW:‘Doomsday’.

Prediction List:

Roger Monteiro & ??? vs Marshall Dillon & Shame

Jayson Van Pelt vs Donte Dunn vs Mark Smart

Velocidad vs Jamie Atherton

Cal Sanders vs Nigel Svensson vs Roderick Remus (#1 contenders match)

Mr Lucha III vs Ant Man (MPW Championship)

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Roger Monteiro & ??? vs Marshall Dillon & Shame

Jayson Van Pelt vs Donte Dunn vs Mark Smart

Velocidad vs Jamie Atherton

Cal Sanders vs Nigel Svensson vs Roderick Remus (#1 contenders match) my head says it should be Roderick Remus vs Mr Lucha III

Mr Lucha III vs Ant Man (MPW Championship)

I am guessing (probally wrong) that Mr. Lucha III is the guy who got signed

away and giving Ant Man a title reign due to his internet popularity

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youve built a really good atmosphere and storyline with no pics and a small company with some heavily used workers here. Very impressive sir.


Roger Monteiro & ??? vs Marshall Dillon & Shame


Roger needs a win to stay competitive. And mr ?? always does well


Jayson Van Pelt vs Donte Dunn vs Mark Smart


Donte is IK. Smart is a jobber. JvP has been built up a bit and almost has enough pop to run a big storyline after Ant/Decipher vs Lucha Nation is over.


Velocidad vs Jamie Atherton


See above. I exect shenanigans here


Cal Sanders vs Nigel Svensson vs Roderick Remus (#1 contenders match)


I'd like to say Nigel but he was underwhelming last time out.


Mr Lucha III vs Ant Man (MPW Championship)


Time for a change methinks.

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Roger Monteiro & ??? vs Marshall Dillon & Shame-I think Dillon and Shame have more momentum going in

Jayson Van Pelt vs Donte Dunn vs Mark Smart-JVP is just way more over

Velocidad vs Jamie Atherton-I can actually see Atherton being the one who's signed on to an exclusive

Cal Sanders vs Nigel Svensson vs Roderick Remus (#1 contenders match)-I like Remus to win here and be a 2-time MPW champion

Mr Lucha III vs Ant Man (MPW Championship)-Ant Man is a little unstable and destructive to win this one


Completely agree with Boltinho, you've made a lot of progress with this one and I like the 'meat and potatoes' style you've got. You feature the major players and let the other matches fall where they may. Keep up the good work!

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Roger Monteiro & ??? vs Marshall Dillon & Shame

You have played with Monteiro´s native roots so I assume he´s partner will be either Running Wolf or Ace Youngblood and since neither one of them wouldn´t be particularly over I go with Dillon getting the win.


Jayson Van Pelt vs Donte Dunn vs Mark Smart

Van Pelt is the top guy here.


Velocidad vs Jamie Atherton

Could go either way but I see Velocidad as being slighly better.


Cal Sanders vs Nigel Svensson vs Roderick Remus (#1 contenders match)

Svensson got a huge win last time so might as well build him up espesially since I assume that the title will change hands.


Mr Lucha III vs Ant Man (MPW Championship)

You said that another guy is leaving and Lucha III seems like the most likely option for that so I go with title change.

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BTW, you're looking for "vicious," not "viscous."


Roger Monteiro & ??? vs Marshall Dillon & Shame

??? should know better than to team with a glorified jobber.


Jayson Van Pelt vs Donte Dunn vs Mark Smart

JVP is the biggest star in this match.


Velocidad vs Jamie Atherton

Via undetected interference.


Cal Sanders vs Nigel Svensson vs Roderick Remus (#1 contenders match)

Sienna DeVille returns to distract Svensson, allowing Remus to pick off Sanders.


Mr Lucha III vs Ant Man (MPW Championship)

No element of surprise and no numbers game are two strikes against Ant Man; Lucha III provides the Third Strike himself.


(With the nature of this storyline, I think Lucha III has to win here no matter which one of them is leaving. If it is Lucha III, I think he'll actually drop the title to Remus in an impromptu 2nd title match.)

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<p>From the Ohio Jewish Center, with 300 people in attendance...</p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>MPW presents Doomsday</strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Announcers:</strong></p><p> Remmington Remus and Jamie Atherton</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> MPW starts on a more sombre note than usual, with Remmington Remus at the announce desk. Remus announces to the fans that following his despicable attack on Amazing Fire Fly last month at ‘The Price We Pay’, DeCipher has been banned from the arena tonight without pay. Remus also announces that Amazing Fire Fly will also not be in the arena tonight, as he is still recuperating from that vicious chair shot. Remus wishes Fire Fly a speedy recovery, and hopes that we will see him back next month at ‘Death Toll’. </p><p> </p><p> Rating: D</p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>****************************************</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="33130" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Native Americans (Roger Monteiro & Running Wolf) vs Marshall Dillon & Shame</strong></p></div><p></p><p> At this point, Marshall Dillon and Shame appear from behind the curtain for the opening match of the night. Remmington Remus reminds us that Marshall Dillon & Shame had combined for the past two months to cost Roger Monteiro singles matches against each of them. Remus then informs us that Monteiro has found a tag partner to help him even the odds tonight. Atherton comments that it doesn’t matter who Monteiro finds as a partner, nobody can stand up to the 6’6 320lb Marshall Dillon. </p><p> </p><p> At this point, Roger Monteiro appears from behind the curtain with his partner... and Atherton is forced to eat his words as Monteiro’s partner is revealed to be the 6’6 290lb Running Wolf! Remus hypes Running Wolf as the leader of Monteiro’s Native American tribe, who has come to MPW to help Monteiro. Remus informs us that Native American values hold that if one member of the tribe is wronged, then the entire tribe is wronged, and Running Wolf is here in MPW to protect the honour of his tribe. Atherton even grudgingly admits this one may be closer than he first thought.</p><p> </p><p> Monteiro and Shame start this one of in the ring and, much like last month, the two men are very evenly matched in the ring. Shame quickly realises this and makes the tag out to the much larger Marshall Dillon. Dillon has fun throwing Monteiro around for a bit, until the Native American is able to slide out of an attempted Crackdown to dive for the tag to Running Wolf. Wolf enters the ring for the first time in his MPW career, and immediately went nose to nose with Marshall Dillon. The two big men have a brief stare off, before trading heavy right hands. To the surprise of some observers, including Jamie Atherton at the announce desk, Wolf looks like he is getting the upper hand in the exchange, until Shame enters the ring to get involved. Referee Jonathan Taylor jumps in and attempts to get Shame back to the apron, but as he does so a member of the audience pulls Roger Monteiro from off the apron. In the ring Running Wolf looks to aid his fellow tribesman, but the momentary distraction is enough to create the opening for Marshall Dillon to spin Running Wolf and hit an impressive Crackdown (Chokeslam) on the 290 pounder. With Running Wolf down Shame returned to the apron, allowing the referee to return to the action and count the three.</p><p> </p><p> Post match, the mystery man from the crowd joins Shame and Marshall Dillon in the ring to celebrate the victory. On commentary, Remmington Remus blasts the group for once again cheating the Native Americans out of the victory, while he also wonders aloud about the identity of this new associate of Marshall Dillon & Shame.</p><p> </p><p> In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Texas Outlaws defeated The Native Americans in 6:24 when Marshall Dillon defeated Running Wolf by pinfall with a Crackdown. During the match we also had Bradley Blaze run in and attack Monteiro.</p><p> </p><p> Rating: D-</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>****************************************</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> With the conclusion of the first match of the evening, MPW Champion Mr Lucha III makes his way to the ring to address the crowd.</p><p> </p><p> Lucha: “Tonight I am out here to address what happened to my friend Amazing Fire Fly in last month’s Main Event. DeCipher put Fire Fly’s entire career at risk, and has rightly been banned from the arena tonight. Speaking of tonight, I face Ant Man for the MPW Championship in tonight’s main event. I’m out here to dedicate that match to my friend Amazing Fire Fly... and with no DeCipher at ringside to provide interference, I will retain my title.”</p><p> </p><p> Rating: D+</p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>****************************************</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="33130" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Jayson Van Pelt vs Donte Dunn vs Mark Smart</strong></p></div><p></p><p> A fun triple threat match here. With both Donte Dunn & Mark Smart still searching for their first wins here in MPW, Jayson Van Pelt went into this match as the favourite. However this one was more open than many expected, with all three men having the chance to get periods of offence in. Donte Dunn once again impressed with his natural athleticism, but couldn’t quite put Smart or Van Pelt away. In the Van Pelt managed what many expected, as he hit the Axe Kick on Donte Dunn to secure the victory.</p><p> </p><p> In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Jayson Van Pelt defeated Donte Dunn and Mark Smart in 5:34 when Jayson Van Pelt defeated Donte Dunn by pinfall with an Axe Kick.</p><p> </p><p> Rating: D-</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>****************************************</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> Next, Ant Man is out to a series of boos. It is notable that Ant Man is coming to the ring alone, due to the suspension imposed on his associate.</p><p> </p><p> Ant Man: “I know you are all expecting me to come out here and talk about tonight’s Main Event, where I will take the MPW Championship away from the luchadors, and I will get to all of that... but first I need to address something even more important. As I’m sure you are all aware, DeCipher has been banned from the arena tonight for his so called ‘assault’ last month. Not only is this ban unfair, but if anyone is to blame for last month’s ‘assault’ it’s Mr Lucha III!”</p><p> </p><p> The crowd boos this statement, and on commentary Roderick Remus is incredulous.</p><p> </p><p> Ant Man: “Think about it. DeCipher and I didn’t make the challenge for the match last month... Mr Lucha did. DeCipher and I didn’t add Amazing Fire Fly into the match... Mr Lucha did. DeCipher and I didn’t add the no disqualification stipulation... you guessed it, the man who added that stipulation was your MPW Champion Mr Lucha III. Last time I checked, chair shots weren’t illegal in no DQ matches. So Lucha, this injury is on you. Last month DeCipher showed just how far we are willing to go to achieve our goal. Lucha, we’re in your head and tonight I will take the next step towards achieving our goal by taking the MPW Championship away from you tonight... because I’m the Ant Man and I can lift anything!” </p><p> </p><p> Rating: D+</p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>****************************************</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="33130" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Velocidad vs Jamie Atherton</strong></p></div><p></p><p> This match was contested at an incredible pace, with both men taking to the air regularly to try and put their opponent away. Velocidad was able to grasp the initial momentum, with a series of moves including a Hurricanrana, Arm Drags and a standing Dropkick to keep his opponent off his feet. However a Drop Tow Hold from Atherton halted the luchadors momentum, and he followed up with a Step-Up Enzuigiri to keep the pressure on Velocidad. The momentum then ebbed back and forth between the two competitors, and while both pulled off a series of high flying moves, neither could make an advantage stick. The turning point of the match came when Velocidad missed a high risk Moonsault from the top rope, giving Atherton the opening he needed to nail the Lightning Bolt for the win.</p><p> </p><p> In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Jamie Atherton defeated Velocidad in 8:38 by pinfall with a Lightning Bolt.</p><p> </p><p> Rating: D+</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>****************************************</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> Having picked up the win, Atherton grabs a mic to address the crowd.</p><p> </p><p> Atherton: “Last month, in an unbelievable travesty of justice, my best friend was fired from MPW. ‘White Lightning’ has his boys back, so Nigel Svensson you can consider yourself on notice boy. What I just did to this masked Mexican will be nothing compared to what I do to you. So next month, you and I will be going one on one boy. Revenge will be mine, and revenge will be sweet.”</p><p> </p><p> With that Atherton drops the mic and returns to his spot at the announce desk. Remus asks him what that was all about, and Atherton simply says that sometimes people have just got to be told.</p><p> </p><p> Rating: D+</p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>****************************************</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="33130" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Cal Sanders vs Nigel Svensson vs Roderick Remus </strong></p><p><strong> #1 Contenders Match</strong></p></div><p></p><p> A really fun three way match here. Svensson looked really strong in this match on the back of his huge win over Raphael last month, but all three men had good periods of offence throughout the match. The finish to the match came as Sanders dumped Remus over the top rump to the outside. However, he turned right into a Hyper Extension Arm Lock from Nigel Svensson. With Svensson’s finishing submission hold locked in it looks like this one is over, but Sanders held out. Sanders struggled for a long period of time, but looked as if he was finally going to have to tap... but just as his arm began to come towards the mat, Roderick Remus slid back into the ring and broke the hold. Remus then threw Svensson over the top rope, and locked in his own submission hold on Sanders. With the Remus Clutch locked in, and severely weakened from Svensson’s earlier hold, Sanders quickly taps.</p><p> </p><p> In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Roderick Remus defeated Cal Sanders and Nigel Svensson in 9:56 when Roderick Remus defeated Cal Sanders by submission with a Remus Clutch.</p><p> </p><p> Rating: C</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>****************************************</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="33130" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>© Mr Lucha III vs Ant Man</strong></p><p><strong> MPW Championship</strong></p></div><p></p><p> Ant Man’s words earlier in the night seem to have got to the MPW Champion, as Lucha goes for the challenger from the very first bell. This seems to favour Ant Man, as the match quickly descends into something of a brawl. This suits the more powerful Ant Man, who quickly grabs control of the match. Ant Man lands a series of power moves, before an attempted Powerbomb is spectacularly reversed into a spinning Hurricanrana by the champion.</p><p> </p><p> Realising he can’t match Ant Man in a straight up brawl, Mr Lucha decides to take to the air in an attempt to build some momentum. This tactic proves far more successful for the champion, as he is able to keep his more powerful opponent off his feet. Things look to be bleak for Ant Man as Lucha climbs to the top rope and goes for a Springboard Crossbody... but in an incredible show of strength Ant Man catches the flying luchador and shifts him onto his shoulders to set up the Antidote. Ant Man nails his finisher, and falls lazily into the cover. 1... 2... NO! Mr Lucha is able to get his outside leg onto the bottom rope, and Ant Man is going beserk and argues with referee Jonathan Taylor, who points at the champions leg and shows Ant Man that it is on the rope. Ant Man stares down at the champion, who is still down, with a twisted look on his face. The challenger then launches into action, as he pins Lucha to the mat and throws a punch after punch after punch. The referee tries in vain to pull Ant Man off, before starting his 5 count. Ant Man is relentless in his beating, and the referee calls for the bell to disqualify the challenger. </p><p> </p><p> In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Mr. Lucha III defeated Ant-Man in 10:30 by disqualification. Mr. Lucha III makes defence number 6 of his MPW Championship title.</p><p> </p><p> Rating: C+</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>****************************************</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> Upon hearing the bell, Ant Man looks up to see what has happened. As he realises that the referee has disqualified him, Ant Man makes at the referee... who immediately bails from the ring. Ant Man lets out a cry of rage, before hauling Mr Lucha to his feet and delivering another Antidote to the MPW Champion. Ant Man looks like he will continue his beating, when Velocidad comes flying from behind the curtain to come to the aid of his friend.</p><p> </p><p> Velocidad sprints to the ring, and the extra speed of the fresh man is enough for him to take Ant Man off his feet with a Step-Up Enzuigiri. Velocidad hauls Lucha to his feet, and it looks as if the two luchadors will get away from the ring when a familiar figure appears from behind the curtain...</p><p> </p><p> Remus: “It’s DeCipher! What the hell is he doing here? He’s banned from the arena!”</p><p> </p><p> DeCipher makes his way down to the ring to a chorus of boos, grabbing a steel chair en route. Back in the ring, on hearing the boos, Velocidad turns to see DeCipher making his way to the ring. Seeing Amazing Fire Fly’s attacker gives Velocidad a rush of adrenaline, and the luchador looks to take the fight to DeCipher the only way he knows how... with a Springboard Plancha over the top rope. Velocidad went flying through the air and... BAM! For the second time in as many shows, the sickening sound of steel meeting skull resonated throughout the Ohio Jewish Centre.</p><p> </p><p> Security immediately swamps DeCipher, who doesn’t put up any fight. The deranged luchador just stares down at the fallen Velocidad, the crazed look in DeCipher’s eyes visible even through his mask. As DeCipher is pulled away by security, Ant Man just sits in the ring laughing as he stares down at the team of paramedics lifting Velocidad out of the arena on a stretcher. </p><p> </p><p> Rating: D+</p><p> </p><p> Final Rating: C-</p><p> <em>There was a feeling some of the angles used did not reach the standards set by the in-ring action. This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.</em></p>
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masterofnone 5-0

Emark 4-1

Condors 3-2

Boltinho 3-2

Zergon 3-2


Prediction Contest (After 10 Shows)

Zergon 57-7

Emark 56-8

Condors 47-9

Boltinho 32-12

masterofnone 10-1

Thank you to everyone who predicted again this month, and to everyone who takes the time to read the show. Congratulations to masterofnone for getting a full marks this month. As always I’d be interested to hear any feedback anyone has on the show, and I hope to see everyone back next show :)


youve built a really good atmosphere and storyline with no pics and a small company with some heavily used workers here. Very impressive sir.

Completely agree with Boltinho, you've made a lot of progress with this one and I like the 'meat and potatoes' style you've got. You feature the major players and let the other matches fall where they may. Keep up the good work!

Thank you both for the kind words. I've had a lot of fun with this so far, and it's always great to hear that people are enjoying following it along. :) I realise that small promotions aren't always the most inspiring to read, but it's the game I've always most enjoyed playing which is why I ultimately went with this idea. In relation to the 'meat and potatoes' style, I think that comes with having a small company with shorter shows. I have limited time and I want to grow, so pushing my top guys to the forefront in that time makes a lot of sense.

BTW, you're looking for "vicious," not "viscous."

Thanks. I was spelling it "vicous" and then using spell check on word.... I guess I just picked the wrong correction :p

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October proved to be a very successful month for MPW. ‘Doomsday’ proved to be our most popular show to date, with MPW selling out the Ohio Jewish Centre for the first time in our history. It’s amazing to think that less than two years ago our debut show, ‘Road To Redemption’, was held in front of just 15 fans. If you had told me then that we would sell out the place in less than two years, I would have thought you were mad. Hell, if you had said we would still be in business I would have doubted you. One of the things I’ve loved about MPW so far is that we have grown using almost the same group of guys that performed in front of those 15 people in January 2010. ‘Doomsday’ selling out meant that October 2011 was our most profitable month to date.


However, October did see yet another wrestler leaving our midst. I found out at the beginning of October that SOTBPW were converting Velocidad’s contract into an exclusive deal. I was very happy for the guy, he truly deserved it... but that didn’t stop me from re-arranging ‘Doomsday’ for a day Velocidad could work one final date for us. I decided against having him jobbing to Ant Man on his way out, which was my initial thought. Firstly because it was too predictable, but also because I think this could actually be even more helpful for Ant Man & DeCipher going forward...

October 2011


-Guide extends deal


Big Event: TCW Threatening Behaviour (B+) Buy Rate: 2.68

Main Event: Sean McFly bt Troy Tornado to win the TCW World Heavyweight Title

Match of the Night: Rocky Golden, Joey Minnesota & Rich Money bt Jack Bruce, Ricky Dale Johnson & Tommy Cornell


Title Changes: Sean McFly won the TCW World Heavyweight Title (previous holder: Troy Tornado, W4 Sep 10-W4 Oct 11, 19 defences)


Mikey James won the TCW All Action Title (previous holder: Edd Stone, W1 May 11-W3 Oct 11, 15 defences)


Bookers view: There was only one talking point in TCW this month, as Sean McFly took the World Title from Troy Tornado. In doing so Sean McFly became the first man to have held the SWF, TCW and NOTBPW World Titles, with this title win coming almost exactly 16 years after he won his first World Title (with the SWF). On the other end of the spectrum, Mikey James also took the All Action Title this month. It will be interesting to see if this can provide the springboard for his young TCW career.



-Emma Chase, Big Smack Scott, Emmy & Paul Huntingdon extend deals with SWF

-SWF rise to Global size

-Tyson Baine, Grandmaster Phunk, Mick Muscles & Liberty joins SWF


Big Event: SWF Let The Games Begin (B) Buy Rate: 2.24

Main Event & Match Of The Night: Brandon James bt Christian Faith to retain the SWF World Heavyweight Championship


Bookers View: An exciting month for the SWF, as they completed their road back to Global size. This proved to be the catalyst for a number of big money moves from the company. Two former TCW stars, Liberty & Tyson Baine, joined the promotion to much fanfare from USPW. Many observers thought that the SWF were trying to send a message to rivals TCW by bringing in two of their biggest stars. Others thought this was a delayed revenge for USPW taking Enygma from the SWF two years previously. Whatever the motivation, it is certainly an exciting time to be following the SWF.



-Tribal Warrior & Des Davids extend deal

-Mick Muscles, Tyson Baine & James Justice leave USPW

-Kurt Laramee signs with USPW


Big Event: USPW Born In The USA! (B) Buy Rate: 1.57

Main Event & Match Of The Night: Valiant bt Tyson Baine to win the USPW World Title


Title Changes: Valiant won the USPW World Title (previous holder: Tyson Baine, W3 Jan 11-W3 Oct 11, 13 defences)


Bookers view: A devastating month for USPW, as the rise of the SWF meant that they lost three of their top stars. This included World Champion Tyson Baine, which opened up the opportunity for Valiant to take his first World Title. Much is expected of this young star, so his first World Title run will be watched with interest by many in the industry. USPW did manage to salvage something from October though, as they confirmed the signing of Kurt Laramee from the SWF, adding much needed name value to their depleted roster.

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MPW presents Death Toll

‘Death Toll’ sees Roderick Remus get the chance to reclaim the MPW Championship he lost to Mr Lucha III at the beginning of the year. Remus still claims to be the best wrestler in MPW, and this match represents a chance for him to add substance to this lofty claim. Jamie Atherton will also be facing Nigel Svensson in the semi-Main Event, as Atherton looks to gain revenge against the man he blames for ousting his friend from MPW.


‘Death Toll’ also sees the return of DeCipher, following his arena ban at ‘Doomsday’. Amazing Fire Fly also returns following his injury, and has demanded a match with the man who put him on the shelf. Speaking of attacks, both MPW Champion Mr Lucha III and Ant Man will be addressing last month’s attack by DeCipher on Velocidad... All that and more, only at MPW: Death Toll!


Prediction Key:


Roger Monteiro vs Bradley Blaze

Running Wolf vs Marshall Dillon

Jayson Van Pelt vs Mark Smart

Cal Sanders vs Shame

Donte Dunn vs Ant Man

Amazing Fire Fly vs DeCipher

Nigel Svensson vs Jamie Atherton

Mr Lucha III © vs Roderick Remus – MPW Championship

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Roger Monteiro vs Bradley Blaze

Running Wolf vs Marshall Dillon

Jayson Van Pelt vs Mark Smart

Cal Sanders vs Shame

Donte Dunn vs Ant Man

Amazing Fire Fly vs DeCipher

Nigel Svensson vs Jamie Atherton

Mr Lucha III © vs Roderick Remus – MPW Championship

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Roger Monteiro vs Bradley Blaze

Running Wolf vs Marshall Dillon

Jayson Van Pelt vs Mark Smart

Cal Sanders vs Shame

Donte Dunn vs Ant Man

Amazing Fire Fly vs DeCipher

Nigel Svensson vs Jamie Atherton

Mr Lucha III © vs Roderick Remus – MPW Championship

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Roger Monteiro vs Bradley Blaze

Not sure how over Blaze is (not much I presume) so I go with more established guy.


Running Wolf vs Marshall Dillon

Wolf starts with low overness so Dillon goes over.


Jayson Van Pelt vs Mark Smart

Smart is still a jobber.


Cal Sanders vs Shame

Shame is jobber too and thoguh he´s tag team with Dillon might help him, right now I think that Sanders is more important.


Donte Dunn vs Ant Man

Ant Man is one of your top guys, Dunn isn´t.

Amazing Fire Fly vs DeCipher

Possibly DQ win but I doubt that DeCipher has enough overness yet to get a victory.


Nigel Svensson vs Jamie Atherton

I see Svensson as being favorite to win here so I would give this one to Atherton via cheating in order to build him up as more dangerous guy.


Mr Lucha III © vs Roderick Remus – MPW Championship

Remus already had a run with the belt so I doubt he gets second run so soon.

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Roger Monteiro vs Bradley Blaze


Native Americans are getting on a roll


Running Wolf vs Marshall Dillon


The Cowboys beat the injuns didnt they? History happens again


Jayson Van Pelt vs Mark Smart


Future star vs jobber


Cal Sanders vs Shame


Cal is such a talent at this level


Donte Dunn vs Ant Man


Dunn is just a kid


Amazing Fire Fly vs DeCipher


Lucha comeback starts here


Nigel Svensson vs Jamie Atherton


Tricky one but I really like Atherton.


Mr Lucha III © vs Roderick Remus – MPW Championship


Only Antman is taking the belt

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From the Ohio Jewish Center, with 300 people in attendance...

MPW presents Death Toll


Remmington Remus and Jamie Atherton

Roger Monteiro vs Bradley Blaze

We open with a match that was set up last month when Bradley Blaze interfered in the tag match between the Native Americans and the Texas Outlaws. Monteiro requested this match to get a measure of revenge on the newcomer. Blaze surprised many by starting this match strongly, putting Monteiro on the back foot in the early stages. However as the match wore on Monteiro’s in ring experience began to tell, and the Native American worked his way back into the match. On commentary Remmington Remus hyped how important a win would be to Monteiro, as it would bring some honour back to his tribe. As he says this, Monteiro came off the second rope and delivered an Eagle Chop. This proved enough to get the three count, and give the Native Americans their first victory over the invading cowboys.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Roger Monteiro defeated Bradley Blaze in 5:45 by pinfall with an Eagle Chop.


Rating: D-


Following Monteiro’s win, Running Wolf made his way to the ring to celebrate with his tribesman. However, the celebration was cut short by the arrival of Bradley Blaze’s fellow cowboy Marshall Dillon. Dillon enters the ring, and immediately goes nose to nose with Running Wolf. Seeing the 6’6 320lb Marshall Dillon squaring up to the 6’6 290lb Running Wolf is quite a sight. Both men are testing each other to see who will back down first. Both men hold their ground, and the contest ends in a stalemate before Dillon & Blaze make their way to the back. On commentary, Remus hypes that later in the night these two larger than life men would be colliding in the ring.


Rating: D


Jayson Van Pelt vs Mark Smart

Last month, Van Pelt was able to pick up the win in a Triple Threat match also involving Mark Smart. However Van Pelt pinned the other competitor (Donte Dunn) in that match, so Smart requested a one on one match against Van Pelt this month. However, Van Pelt was once again the victor as he hit the Axe Kick.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Jayson Van Pelt defeated Mark Smart in 6:11 by pinfall with an Axe Kick.


Rating: D


Following Van Pelt’s victory, Ant Man makes his way to the ring with a microphone in hand. This month however he is accompanied by DeCipher, who had been suspended from the arena last month... although that didn’t stop him from making an appearance at the end of the show and taking out Velocidad with a Steel Chair.


Ant Man: “I am out here tonight to officially welcome my associate, DeCipher, back to MPW. Last month ‘MPW management’ took the decision to ban DeCipher for his chair shot on Amazing Fire Fly at ‘The Price We Pay’... and we all saw how well that went. This month, DeCipher has been re-instated at the request of Amazing Fire Fly... hell if the guy has a death wish I’m not one to complain. I’m sure DeCipher here will be more than happy to deliver another chair shot.”


Ant Man and DeCipher have a laugh together, before Ant Man continues.


Ant Man: “People have questioned whether DeCipher has gone too far with his chair shots, but I’m a firm believer that the end always justifies the means. After all history is written by the winners... and last month, that chair shot on Velocidad has put DeCipher and I one step closer to writing our own history. That’s right, Velocidad is gone from MPW! One chair shot and he’s thrown in the towel... I told you these luchas had no heart. Those luchadors are calling DeCipher’s actions barbaric... but this is just the beginning! You all want DeCipher gone from MPW? Well there is only one way to achieve that... and that is for all of you luchadors to leave MPW for good. DeCipher is only here to send you all back to Mexico... once you are all gone, he will have no reason to stay. Don’t worry though, because I will still be here. Once I have cleared MPW of it’s luchadors, I will go on to dominate this promotion like no other... because I’m the Ant Man, and I can lift anything!”


Rating: D


Amazing Fire Fly vs DeCipher

Following Ant Man’s speech, Amazing Fire Fly comes flying out from the back to join DeCipher in the ring. DeCipher stands nose to nose (mask to mask?) with Fire Fly, trying to intimidate the luchador... but Fire Fly snaps of a Dropkick to surprise DeCipher and get the match under way. Fire Fly starts the match like a house on fire, taking out his frustration over the attack from DeCipher that caused him to miss last month’s show. Fire Fly stayed in the ascendancy for much of the constest, using his blinding speed to keep DeCipher off balance and to avoid any offence DeCipher tried to raise.


This pattern continued until around the six minute mark, when Fire Fly looked to bounce off the ropes but was tripped by Ant Man, who was still at ringside. Fire Fly stumbled into the middle of the ring, off balance, right into a stiff looking Lariat from DeCipher. DeCipher looked tired from Fire Fly’s sustained period of offence, and stumbled to the corner to recover while Fire Fly was down. Seeing his man in trouble, Ant Man once again got involved as he grabbed a chair from ringside and slid it into DeCipher. Sensing an opportunity, Decipher grabbed the chair and swung at the rising Fire Fly... but the luchador ducked under the chair shot, before dropkicking the chair right into the face of DeCipher. Flire Fly made the cover, and Jonathan Taylor counted the pinfall.


Following the match Ant Man made to get in the ring, but Fire Fly was already out of the ring and celebrating as he made his way to the back. Seeing Fire Fly had gone Ant Man turned his attention to the referee, as he argued with Jonathan Taylor that Fire Fly had used the chair to win the match and should be disqualified. Unsurprisingly the referee was having none of it, causing Ant Man to get even more frustrated.


In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Amazing Fire Fly defeated DeCipher in 7:21 by pinfall with a Sky High Fire Fly.


Rating: D-


Running Wolf vs Marshall Dillon

This clash between the two big men was, as expected, contested at a slower pace than the rest of the card. The focus was on dealing damage with heavy strikes, rather than on mat skills or high risk dives. Throughout the match, both men looked evenly matched as they traded punches and holds. Eventually however Marshall Dillon’s experience gave him the edge, as he was able to land an impressive Crackdown on the 290 pounder to pick up the victory.


In an extremely poor match, Marshall Dillon defeated Running Wolf in 5:54 by pinfall with a Crackdown.


Rating: E+


Donte Dunn vs Ant Man

Donte Dunn showed a great amount of energy and athleticism in this match, as he looked to make an impression against Ant Man. However, the youngster struggled to make an impression against his far more powerful opponent. Ant Man simply threw his opponent around for long stretches of the match, seemingly toying with the youngster. Despite the best efforts of Donte Dunn, he could do nothing to prevent Ant Man from hitting the Antidote and picking up the win.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Ant-Man defeated Donte Dunn in 6:29 by pinfall with an Antidote.


Rating: D+


Next up, Remus makes his way to the ring to address the crowd.


Remus: “All I’ve heard about for the past month is DeCipher this, and Amazing Fire Fly that. When what people should be talking about is me and my title shot. Who cares about some crazed weirdo in a mask attacking some other weirdo in a mask? All that matters is that tonight, I will regain my MPW Championship and will begin my second reign as the greatest champion MPW has ever seen.”


Rating: D


Cal Sanders vs Shame

Shame was accompanied to the ring by his Texas Outlaws stablemate Bradley Blaze for this one. Shame surprised many observers by pushing Cal Sanders to his limit here. Admittedly, this may have had more to do with the Outlaws willingness to bend the rules than Shame’s actual wrestling skills, but he did give Sanders a real run for his money. Following Bradley Blaze interjecting himself into the match behind the referees back, Shame looked to have things in hand, until Sanders surprised him with a Schoolboy Rollup pinning attempt. This proved enough to keep Shame’s shoulders down for the three count, and from nowhere Sanders had picked up the victory.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Cal Sanders defeated Shame in 6:18 by pinfall.


Rating: D+


Jamie Atherton rises from his position at the commentary desk, grabbing a microphone on the way to the ring.


Atherton: “Last month I promised I would get my revenge on Nigel Svensson for getting my friend fired from MPW. Well I some great news, because tonight I won’t be getting my revenge alone! No tonight I will have help from a familiar face...”


At this point Sienna DeVille appeared from behind the curtain. On commentary, Remmington Remus hypes DeVille as Raphael’s former valet.


Atherton: “You see Svensson I’m not the only one who wants revenge for you removing Raphael from MPW... and tonight Sienna and I will have our revenge. Revenge will be ours and revenge will be oh so sweet. I’ve been waiting all month for this, and I don’t feel like waiting a second longer. Svensson, get out here!”


Rating: D+


Nigel Svensson vs Jamie Atherton

Atherton looks to go after Svensson from the opening bell, really looking to do some damage to the Swede. However this plays right into Svensson’s hands, as the Swede used his MMA background to bring the onrushing Atherton to the mat. From here Svensson looked to control his opponent with a series of submission holds. This tactic proved successful, as for the opening minutes of the match Svensson retained complete control. Atherton tried to make it to the rope, but found himself halted by Svensson agonisingly just short... that is until Sienna DeVille grabbed hold of Atherton’s outstretched hand and placed it on the rope. Referee Jonathan Taylor remonstrated with DeVille, but didn’t go as far as to disqualify her, before beginning the five count for Svensson to break the hold.


Svensson breaking the hold allowed Atherton to work his way back into the match somewhat, with the momentum of the match moving back and forth between the two men. Atherton even came close to putting Svensson away after a float over DDT, but the Swede was able to kick out at two. Atherton then looked to bounce off the ropes, but Svensson used Atherton’s momentum against him as he snapped a nice Belly to Belly Suplex... which was quickly followed by a second Belly to Belly. Atherton staggered back to his feet, but Svensson slipped behind the Canadian and hit a German Suplex. Svensson was quickly back to his feet, but found himself face to face with Sienna DeVille, who had slid into the ring. DeVille slapped Svensson hard across the face, and yelled at the Swede that he took her boyfriend away from her. Svensson just stared back at DeVille with an enraged look in his eye. We will never know how the Swede would have reacted, as Atherton jumped Svensson from behind before bailing from the ring with DeVille, as the referee called for the DQ because of the slap.


Atherton & DeVille make a beeline straight for the curtain, with an enraged Nigel Svensson chasing them all the way to the back. On commentary, Remmington Remus muses that we may not have seen the last of this feud.


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Nigel Svensson defeated Jamie Atherton in 7:58 by disqualification.


Rating: D+


© Mr Lucha III vs Roderick Remus

MPW Championship

Roderick Remus came into this match extremely focused on the job in hand. Mr Lucha on the other hand lost one of his luchador associates in Velcocidad last month... will this affect his concentration in this title match? Remus certainly starts the stronger, as he wrestled with great purpose and intensity. Remus looked to wear down the champion with a series of submission holds, as he looked to negate Lucha’s speed advantage.


Remus managed to retain his advantage until around the five minute mark, when the former champion looked to Suplex Mr Lucha. However the luchador was able to slip out the back of the Suplex attempt, before hitting a Bulldog to leave both men down. Both men begin to struggle back to their feet, but Mr Lucha is back up first and lands a Dropkick... followed by another... and another. He then delivers a Spinning Heel Kick to the challenger, sending Remus to the mat.


Remus struggles back to his feet and throws a wild right hand, but Lucha ducks underneath and nail a German Suplex. Remus is really on the ropes at this point, and in desperation throws another wild right. However Lucha is again able to easily avoid the blow, and this time nails the Third Strike. Lucha makes the cover, and gets the three count to retain his title.


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Mr. Lucha III defeated Roderick Remus in 7:49 by pinfall with a Third Strike. Mr. Lucha III makes defence number 7 of his MPW Championship title.


Rating: C

Show Rating: C-

There was a feeling some of the angles used did not reach the standards set by the in-ring action. This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.

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Emark 8-0

Boltinho 7-1

Zergon 7-1

Condors 6-2


Prediction Contest (After 11 Shows)

Zergon 64-8

Emark 64-8

Condors 53-11

Boltinho 39-13

masterofnone 10-1

Thank you to everyone who predicted again this month, and to everyone who takes the time to read the show. Congratulations to Emark for getting full marks this month, and drawing level with Zergon at the top. With only one show left for the year, things couldn’t be closer between you two. I’ll throw in a tiebreaker next month, and use that to split you both if it comes to it. :)


As always I’d be interested to hear any feedback anyone has on the show, whether it be on my writing style, layout or any other comments you may have. I hope to see everyone back next show :)

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November proved to be an important month for MPW, as we found ourselves involved in a regional battle for the first time in our history. With New York City Wrestling’s recent popularity boost in the Great Lakes, we found ourselves being compared to both their shows and the shows put on by Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling... despite the fact neither of the companies operate in the area. According to a website set up by fans of the Great Lakes wrestling scene, we had finished second in this opening battle. NYCW had easily outshone our show, but beating PSW was certainly an encouraging sign as they were considered by most to be a larger and more prestigious company. It certainly gave us something to build upon going forwards...

November 2011


-Robert Oxford, Jason Azaria, Laura Huggins, Floyd Goldworthy & Rick Law extend deals

-Shawn Doakes leaves TCW


Big Event: TCW A Little South Of Sanity (A) Buy Rate: 3.08

Main Event & Match Of The Night: Sean McFly bt Rich Money to retain the TCW World Heavyweight Title


Title Changes: Zimmy Bumfhole won the TCW All Action (previous holder: Mikey James, W1 Oct 11-W1 Nov 11, 1 defence)


Bookers view: A great month for TCW, as they put on a PPV that will certainly be in consideration for show of the year. This was in part down to the Main Event between McFly and Money, which will also be in contention for match of the year. TCW continue their impressive run of shows, and look like they have no intention of giving up their spot as #1 promotion in the world.



-Carl Batch & Everest extend deals

-Steven Parker & Puerto Rican Power signs with the SWF

-Kurt Laramee & Roger Cage leave the SWF

-SWF announce that Uprising will return on CBA network next season!


Big Event: SWF Break Like The Wind (B-) Buy Rate: 2.30

Main Event: Brandon James bt Vengeance to retain the SWF World Heavyweight Championship

Match Of The Night: Remo bt Akima Brave


Title Changes: Squeeky McClean & Angry Gilmore won the SWF World Tag Team Championships (previous holders: Big Smack Scott & Kurt Laramee, W4 Apr 11-W1 Nov 11, 7 defences)


Bookers View: A poor month for the SWF, as they failed to match the impressive PPV put out by rivals TCW. One of the talking points of the month was Kurt Laramee spectacularly walking out on the promotion. SWF only just had time to take the tag titles off of Laramee and his partner Big Smack Scott to the thrown together team of Squeeky McClean & Angry Gilmore. McClean & Gilmore look like they could be an interesting team, and SWF fans will be monitoring their progress closely as the promotion looks to freshen up their tag division.



-Roger Cage & Kirk Jameson sign with USPW

-Giant Redwood & Chris Caulfield extend deals with USPW

-Puerto Rican Power leaves USPW


Big Event: USPW Thanksgiving Thunder! (B-) Buy Rate: 1.47

Main Event: Valiant bt T-Rex to retain the USPW World Title

Match of the Night: Kurt Laramee & Chris Caulfield bt Bruce The Giant & Enygma


Title Changes: Alicia Strong won the USPW Womens Championship (previous holder: Raven Robinson, W4 Jan 11-W1 Nov 11, 17 defences)


Bookers view: An encouraging month for USPW, as they made a couple of exciting young talents in Kirk Jameson and Roger Cage, who is fresh from his spell in the SWF. They will be slightly disappointed ‘Thanksgiving Thunder!’ wasn’t better received, but the show was really let down by a subpar Main Event between Valiant and T-Rex for the USPW World Championship. Many USPW fans were also disgruntled that Alicia Strong won the USPW Womens Championship from Raven Robinson this month, with many seeing it as nepotism on behalf of USPW owner Sam Strong.

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MPW presents End Of Days

‘End of Days’ promises to be a big night for the Texas Outlaws, with all three members of the stable involved in important matches. Bradley Blaze & Shame team up to take on the Native American team, who the Texas Outlaws have targeted since arriving in MPW. Roger Monteiro & Running Wolf will be eyeing up victory, as they look to bring honour back to their tribe. Elsewhere Texas Outlaw stable leader Marshall Dillon gets his first shot at the MPW Championship, as he faces Mr Lucha III in the Main Event. Following Amazing Fire Fly defeating DeCipher in ‘controversial’ circumstances last month at ‘Death Toll’, Ant Man has demanded a match with the luchador at ‘End of Days’. All this and more, only at MPW: End of Days!

Prediction List:

Native Americans (Roger Monteiro & Running Wolf) vs The Texas Outlaws (Bradley Blaze & Shame)

Cal Sanders vs Mark Smart

Jayson Van Pelt vs Jamie Atherton

Nigel Svensson vs DeCipher

Amazing Fire Fly vs Ant Man

Donte Dunn vs Roderick Remus

Mr Lucha III © vs Marshall Dillon - MPW Championsip


Bonus Point: What will be match of the night?

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Native Americans (Roger Monteiro & Running Wolf) vs The Texas Outlaws (Bradley Blaze & Shame)

Cal Sanders vs Mark Smart

Jayson Van Pelt vs Jamie Atherton

Nigel Svensson vs DeCipher

Amazing Fire Fly vs Ant Man

Donte Dunn vs Roderick Remus

Mr Lucha III © vs Marshall Dillon - MPW Championsip


Bonus Point: What will be match of the night? Amazing Fire Fly vs Ant Man

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Native Americans (Roger Monteiro & Running Wolf) vs The Texas Outlaws (Bradley Blaze & Shame)

Cal Sanders vs Mark Smart

Jayson Van Pelt vs Jamie Atherton

Nigel Svensson vs DeCipher

Amazing Fire Fly vs Ant Man

Donte Dunn vs Roderick Remus

Mr Lucha III © vs Marshall Dillon - MPW Championsip


bonus match of the night will be Jayson Van Pelt and Jamie Atherton

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Native Americans (Roger Monteiro & Running Wolf) vs The Texas Outlaws (Bradley Blaze & Shame)

Could go either way but but I go with Native´s mainly because it´s the weaker two Outlaws who are in this match.


Cal Sanders vs Mark Smart

Sanders is step above Smart.


Jayson Van Pelt vs Jamie Atherton

Atherton is doing slighly more at the moment as he´s in feud with Svensson while Van Pelt to my knowledge isn´t in any feuds.


Nigel Svensson vs DeCipher

Svensson is more over.


Amazing Fire Fly vs Ant Man

Ant Man is one of your top heels while Fire Fly isn´t a top guy, not yet at least.


Donte Dunn vs Roderick Remus



Mr Lucha III © vs Marshall Dillon - MPW Championsip

I doubt that Dillon is popular enough to go over here.


Bonus Point: What will be match of the night?

Mr Lucha III vs. Marshall Dillon

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Native Americans (Roger Monteiro & Running Wolf) vs The Texas Outlaws (Bradley Blaze & Shame)

Cal Sanders vs Mark Smart

Jayson Van Pelt vs Jamie Atherton

Nigel Svensson vs DeCipher

Amazing Fire Fly vs Ant Man

Donte Dunn vs Roderick Remus

Mr Lucha III © vs Marshall Dillon - MPW Championsip


Bonus Point: What will be match of the night?

Jayson Van Pelt vs Jamie Atherton

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