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The Sammy Heizenger Story: TCW Calls

Guest codey

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This is an injustice. This is a travesty.


Here I am, preparing for the biggest night of my career, my coming to power, and I’m being forced to take time out of my day, my busy schedule, to write up some bull**** preview for the “fans.” Do you know how many shows I had to cancel to fit this in? One. That doesn’t seem like a big number to you cretins, but I was playing The Majestic. The ****ing Majestic! And what did I have to do? I had to give that up for a few fans on the internet that never gave me the time of day. **** you.


But hey, I’m a professional. I’ll take one for the team. I’m about to be champion, I might as well get used to more publicity.


Curtain jerkers of the evening goes to Sammy Bach, Clark Alexander, and Jay Darkness. Oh, I’m sorry, did I mean Danny Fonzarelli? I apologize if I ruined your innocence there. There’s no way in hell Ice Man or Fonzarelli take this anyway. Sammy’s too ****ing good.


There’s some All Action crap next, with Edd Stone defending his belt against Aaron Andrews. As far as I’m concerned, this is a bathroom break. Edd’s got the personality to be a real rockstar and the entourage to match, but he’s a ****ing idiot. Andrews? I don’t give a flying **** if Tommy Cornell trained him or whatever, he’s boring. All action? Yeah ****ing right.


Then we got Koshiro Ino and The New Wave against Rick Law and The Machines. There’s gonna be some pyro, some fireworks in this one. I’ve been in the ring with all these guys, and they hit ****ing hard. I don’t know which team wins, but this is a good undercard for MY main event.


Wolf Hawkins and Benny Benson are next. I hate Benny Benson. The dude’s a ****ing joke, flat out. Wolf Hawkins? Not at all. That cat’s got drive. He’s a future rock star as far as I’m concerned. Not a rock god like me, but a star. Benson’s got not shot in hell at winning this.


“The Freedom Fighters” are next, taking on Eddie Peak and Acid. Joey Minnesota and RDJ are a pair of self righteous ***holes. I’m not afraid to say it. I’ve said as much to their faces. They’re trying to “clean up” TCW, and why? Because they’re ignorant, small minded little *****es. Don’t like the way I talk? Don’t like my lyrics? Too ****ing bad. I hope Peak and Acid bleed you dry.


The next match isn’t the co-main event. Don’t be fooled. It’s a big money match, but they’re still below the one and only Troy Tornado. I’m talking, of course, about Tommy Cornell and Bryan Vessey. Now, personally, I think Vessey can take it, but I think he’s a ****ing moron if he doesn’t throw it. You don’t want to be on the bad side of your boss, especially if your boss is Tommy ****ing Cornell. The cat’s the biggest ***hole on the planet, and he’s vindictive as ****. Vessey: just take the fall.


And finally, it’s time for the MAIN EVENT! Troy “Rock GOD” Tornado. Sam “Old Bastard” Keith. The World Championship. The War to Settle the Score. Do I need to say more? It’s my coming out party, ****ers! If you don’t watch it, you’re wrong.




Quick picks:

Clark Alexander vs. Danny Fonzarelli vs. Sammy Bach © for the International Championship’

Aaron Andrews vs. Edd Stone © for the All Action Championship

Koshiro Ino & The New Wave vs. Rick Law & The Machines

Benny Benson vs. Wolf Hawkins

The Freedom Fighters vs. Eddie Peak & Acid

Bryan Vessey vs. Tommy Cornell

Sam Keith © vs. Troy Tornado for the World Championship
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Clark Alexander vs. Danny Fonzarelli vs. Sammy Bach © for the International Championship’

Aaron Andrews vs. Edd Stone © for the All Action Championship

Koshiro Ino & The New Wave vs. Rick Law & The Machines

Benny Benson vs. Wolf Hawkins

The Freedom Fighters vs. Eddie Peak & Acid

Bryan Vessey vs. Tommy Cornell

Sam Keith © vs. Troy Tornado for the World Championship

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Clark Alexander vs. Danny Fonzarelli vs. Sammy Bach © for the International Championship’

Well, I did tip Bach to win the last tag match saying that he will lose here so I guess it´s time to put my money where my mouth is and actually do that. Now the question is which one? It´s a close call but for some reason I see Fonzarelli as better guy from those two so I go with him.


Aaron Andrews vs. Edd Stone © for the All Action Championship

I would like to go with Edd but he haven´t done that well so far so I go with title change here.


Koshiro Ino & The New Wave vs. Rick Law & The Machines

This is probably the hardest for me as these two teams have looked quite even so far. I go with heels since Ino won the last PPV match agaisnt Law while Wave are the tag champs so I guess that means that heels have slighly more to gain from the win.


Benny Benson vs. Wolf Hawkins

Benson needs the win more and it would seem more logical to me if this is meant to continue to next PPV.


The Freedom Fighters vs. Eddie Peak & Acid

Again I think that Peak & Acid get more from the win and again I also feel that them winning would move the story better if this don´t end here.


Bryan Vessey vs. Tommy Cornell

Cornell will likely challenge Keith at some point so I see this working better if he takes this one, though I could see Vessey winning if this is meant to continue to next PPV too.


Sam Keith © vs. Troy Tornado for the World Championship

Keith just won the title in last PPV so it´s too early for him to lose it.

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Clark Alexander vs. Danny Fonzarelli vs. Sammy Bach © for the International Championship’

Aaron Andrews vs. Edd Stone © for the All Action Championship

Koshiro Ino & The New Wave vs. Rick Law & The Machines

Benny Benson vs. Wolf Hawkins

The Freedom Fighters vs. Eddie Peak & Acid

Bryan Vessey vs. Tommy Cornell

Sam Keith © vs. Troy Tornado for the World Championship

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Clark Alexander vs. Danny Fonzarelli vs. Sammy Bach © for the International Championship

Sammy is the future. Period. End Point. He wins.


Aaron Andrews vs. Edd Stone © for the All Action Championship

Edd is a fun character you can roll with


Koshiro Ino & The New Wave vs. Rick Law & The Machines

I think the heels could benefit more from a win


Benny Benson vs. Wolf Hawkins

See Sammy


The Freedom Fighters vs. Eddie Peak & Acid

By a bloody, oh so very bloody, DQ


Bryan Vessey vs. Tommy Cornell

Vessey is still a roid head so he should be packing his bags soon


Sam Keith © vs. Troy Tornado for the World Championship

He can't lose it this early, Matt has to challenge for the title

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Clark Alexander vs. Danny Fonzarelli vs. Sammy Bach © for the International Championship’

Aaron Andrews vs. Edd Stone © for the All Action Championship

Koshiro Ino & The New Wave vs. Rick Law & The Machines

Benny Benson vs. Wolf Hawkins

The Freedom Fighters vs. Eddie Peak & Acid

Bryan Vessey vs. Tommy Cornell

Sam Keith © vs. Troy Tornado for the World Championship

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Sunday Week 4, February 2010

25,632 fans in The Gardens of North Dakota (Mid West)







Jason Azaria - Kyle Rhodes - Sara Silver


This is The War to Settle the Score, and this is T-C-W!


That’s right, folks. We’ve got a big evening planned for you, too.


Not only do we have a big title match in Sam Keith and Troy Tornado-


Should be a barn burner.


-We’ve also got Bryan Vessey taking on Tommy Cornell-


A big money match on any night.


-and The Freedom Fighters taking on Eddie Peak and Acid!


That’s a blood bath in the making.


But to kick things off, we’ve got a triple threat for the International Championship with Sammy Bach defending against Clark Alexander and Danny Fonzarelli!







© w/ Karen Killer
for the International Championship

Sometimes, talent and popularity can come together and create beautiful things. Other times, for whatever reason, they don’t. It’s not that they can’t, they simply don’t.


This was one such example.


As the match kicked off, C.A. and Fonz teamed up almost immediately, bouncing Sammy Bach back and forth between them. For a few minutes, this looked more like a handicap match than anything. But as soon as the duo dumped Bach unceremoniously to ringside, they showed no problems turning their attention to one another. The duo went through the rounds a little bit before Bach showed back up, taking both down with a springboard dropkick.


He went to work then, going from one to the other, never spending too much time and attention on either. That is, until he dumped Alexander to the outside. At that point, Bach proceeded to tear Fonzarelli apart, exposing his weakness in the process. You see, as big as The Fonz is, he was completely unable to match the athleticism of Sammy Bach. Luckily for him, Alexander eventually made his return, striking Bach from behind and surprising him with a devastating Blue Thunder Bomb that nearly won him the match.


Alexander hit a few more big moves, but as he attempted to nail his Hawaiian Breaker (TKO), Bach used his agility to spin out and land on his feet. He took a running start and leapt easily up onto the top turnbuckle, but as he spun around, all he saw was Alexander right behind him. Alexander hit him with a big right hand, and proceeded to interlock their arms and heads, looking for a superplex. As he did so, Fonz came back in and hit him a clubbing blow to the back. He then ducked down between Alexander’s legs, and the cliché power bomb/suplerplex combo was set up.


The only problem here was that as Fonz sent Alexander crashing to the mat, Bach had held tight to the top turnbuckle and remained safe. Immediately after Fonz and Alexander went down, Bach followed, nailing Fonz with a back splash before transitioning directly into his Bach on Your Back choke hold! With Alexander down, no one was there to break the hold, and Fonz had no choice but to tap.


Bach retains, 73.

After releasing the hold, Bach was greeted by Karen Killer who had slid into the ring with his title belt. Bach leered at the belt, and Killer approached him, her sultry eyes burning a hole through him. As they reached one another, they embraced, and Killer slipped the belt into his hands. As Bach stared lustily at the belt, Killer knelt by his legs, completing the perverse image.







I would be lying if I said I wasn’t rooting against Bach the entire time.


The man is immensely talented, though. I don’t think he’ll lose that belt for a while now.


He does seem to…love it quite a bit.


You mean he lusts for it.








Jasmine Saunders stood by backstage with The LA Connection and Carl Batch. Andrews said something the camera couldn’t catch, and Jasmine burst into a fit of giggles. At that point, the camera man muttered something to her, and she looked shocked


We’re on!?


Andrews, Batch and Fortune laughed.


We’re on…Carl Batch. Since joining The LA Connection, they’ve seen considerable success, particularly against Edd Stone and getting high profile matches against the likes of Wolf Hawkins. Do you attribute this success to yourself?


Nah, baby, that’s not on me. The LA Connection are the future of the business. It just took an eye for talent such as myself to make everyone else realize that. These two cats got all the talent in the world, and someday I don’t think there’s gonna be a man in the world that can match up to them. Tonight is just the start of that, because tonight, Aaron Andrews takes the All Action title and puts it back on a real wrestler. But enough of what I think, let’s hear what the man of the hour has to say.


Andrews stepped up, brimming with confidence.


Jasmine, I was trained by Tommy Cornell by himself. Wolf Hawkins was the last guy to get trained in his home, but I was the last guy to get his undivided attention. A lot of people think that me being here is just nepotism on Tommy’s part, that I don’t have what it takes to survive in TCW. To those people, I say “Screw you.” Tommy Cornell doesn’t work like that. If you don’t have what it takes, he doesn’t give you the time of day. I have what it takes. And if it wasn’t for Edd Stone greasing up at Malice in Wonderland, I would be the All Action champion right now.


Tonight, I rectify my mistake of underestimating Edd Stone. He’s an idiot, but he knows how to use that to his advantage. He can’t take advantage of the talent the everyone knows he has, but he makes up for that by being unpredictable. Edd, I’m taking advantage of that tonight. I’m not going to be surprised by anything you do, I’m going to force you out of your comfort zone, and I’m going to take that belt of yours.






Big words from Aaron Andrews.


I don’t know about you guys, but I think he can do it.


We’re about to find out. That match is next!








for the All Action Championship


Edd Stone won the opening lock up, pulling Andrews through with a nice little arm drag. The move was largely ineffective, but that didn’t stop Edd from popping up to spin on his tip toes and drop back down into the splits.


Andrews didn’t take kindly to that, and hit him with a pair of kicks to his chest before he could rise. He followed up by pushing him into the corner where he fired off a series of stiff rights followed by a discus punch that just about knocked Edd’s tooth out. Edd slumped down in the corner and Andrews stepped back, ready to charge…but Laura Huggins jumped up on the apron and began to shriek at him.


Andrews turned his attention to her for just a second, but Charlie Batch was there in a second, barking at AA to turn back to the real threat. Andrews listened, but it was too late. When he ran in to nail Edd with a low dropkick, the wily Stone quickly rolled free, and AA’s feet found nothing but turnbuckle. He fell to the mat clutching his ankle, and Edd almost simultaneously spring boarded off of the bottom(???) rope, twisting and nailing an elbow drop.


Still a little woozy, Edd didn’t let that stop him from flirting with the blonde in row three as Andrews rolled to the center of the ring. Just as he began to rise, though, Edd was on him again, using his trademark offense compiled of ranas, head scissors, and meaningless flips and corkscrews to keep him down and minimize the young TCW prodigy‘s offense.


As Edd is wont to do, though, he got cocky. He slowly drifted from the offense that brought him to the game and started to attempt more big damage moves, which bit him squarely in the ass. As he lifted Andrews for a brain buster, Andrews brought his knee down hard on Edd’s temple twice, forcing him to drop him. As Edd recoiled, Andrews hoisted him up high and slammed him down with a sit out spine buster, earning him a one…two…kick out!


Edd Stone managed to survive the big spinebuster, but AA didn’t let that deter him. He pointed toward the turnbuckle and, to the crowds delight, began his ascent. As Edd wobbled up to his feet, Andrews came soaring off the top, planting his chest right into Edd’s with a High Cross Body Block…but Edd rolled through the pin attempt! Andrews struggled wildly to kick out, but it was too tale as Edd earned the three count, rolling from the ring immediately.


Andrews stared daggers through the ecstatic Stone, who was revealed after the match via replay to have grabbed a handful of Andrew’s tights on the pin.


Edd retains, 73.






I’m not sure who would have won that match, but now we’ll never know!


Fairly, at least. Andrews didn’t have it won, but neither did Edd until he grabbed a hold of his tights.


This isn’t done for, guys. Andrews is going to want a rematch.











Big shots opened up this one, as Guide and Law, two very heavy handed brawlers, started off the action hot. The two did little chain wrestling and even less actual moves as they punched and kicked one another into attempted submission. Eventually, Law got control, but after a couple of minutes of working Guide over, the face painted one was able to slip free and tag out to Ino, who came in by nailing Law with a slingshot shoulder block.


Law, sensing trouble, quickly rolled to his corner and tagged out Brent Hill, who did his best to counter the strength of Ino with his world class technique.


The match carried on much the same as this for its entirety, with the two legitimate tag teams doing battle, and Ino and Law remaining relatively isolated from one another. That’s not to say they remained entirely apart from one another, though, and in fact the finish involved both of them.


Ino had just gotten done working over John Anderson when a freshly recovered Brent Hill popped up on the apron, attempting to hot shot the Japanese star. His plan failed, and Ino was able to hit him with a few of his trademark arm lock head butts, sending him collapsing to the floor. The distraction allowed John Anderson to crawl to his corner and tag out to Law, however, and the big man came barreling in, dropping Ino with a Long Arm of the Law lariat from behing, earning his team the victory!


Law & The Machines win, 78






Law and The Machines win, and without a bit of cheating or trickery.


You could argue that Brent Hill distracting Ino was trickery…


And I would argue that it’s not. That’s just the nature of tag team wrestling, Sara.


I think that’s a debate best left for another day. What matters here is who won, not how, because they did so in a legitimate manner.









The opening tie up was an essential stalemate until Benson wisely dropped to his knees and took Hawkins down with a double leg. Displaying a new sort of fire, Benson quickly got on top of Hawkins and fired off a few grazing elbows, but Hawkins put his knees up and kicked him off. As he rose, Benson was right back on him, this time swinging over with a sunset flip. It was far too early to end the match with that, though, and Hawkins continued to roll backwards so that he was able to hit the seated Benson with a dropkick.


From here, Wolf took over, using a varied offense to keep Benson on his toes and guessing what was coming next. The self proclaimed prodigy of TCW was relentless as he battered Benson with a series of moves, going big early with a fisherman suplex and a tornado DDT, neither of which were able to put Benson out. He then appeared to decide that if Benson couldn’t get in the ring, he couldn’t win the match, so he set up a suplex to outside, which BB wisely slipped out the back of, landing safely on the apron.


Hawkins realized this and aimed to nail a roundhouse kick to his rival’s temple, but Benson ducked under and popped off a hot shot on Hawkins. With Hawkins reeling, Benson spring boarded on to the top rope and came off with a missile dropkick, earning himself a two count. This time it was Benson’s chance for control, but Hawkins didn’t relinquish it without a fight, driving Benson back with some great counter wrestling, but Benson was able to silence him well enough with a face wash in the corner.


The move only netted him a two count, but Benson didn’t let that get him down as a he stepped back, looking for a super kick. When Wolf got to his feet, Benson launched the boot his way, but Hawkins wisely ducked, grabbing a hold of Benson in the process and looking for his full nelson suplex. Before he could toss him overhead, though, Benson broke his grip and set up his own Future Shock (Spinning reverse STO), of which Hawkins countered again by gracefully cart wheeling out of it. Following the counter, Benson was too stunned to pull off another counter, and Hawkins blasted him with a Full Moon Rising (Running Enzigiri) to score the win!


Hawkins wins, 80.






What a finish!


What a match!


Both these competitors left it all in the ring tonight, but Hawkins was just the better man in there.


But would it be the same result if the fought again?







The screen cuts now to a training session between Sam Keith, Rocky Golden, and Matt Keith in Sam Keith‘s own personal gym, complete with wrestling ring. Sam is preparing for his World Title defense later tonight, and Matt and Rocky are doing everything to help him. Matt, being of similar size Troy Tornado, springboards off of the top rope, aiming to nail his father with Tornado’s Star Maker flying forearm. Keith, the wily veteran that he is, is able to fall back with Matt, grabbing his arm in the process. As they hit the ground, Sam rolls from underneath, yanking his arm in the process before transitioning to his legs, locking them up in a scorpion death lock before completing the Proton Lock by bridging backwards and latching on to the head of Matt, who is already furiously tapping out. Sam gets up briskly, with a confidence born of years of experience and looks dead at the camera.


You see that Troy? There’s not a thing you can do to me in this ring that I can’t counter. I will stop you dead in your tracks anytime you attempt ANYTHING. I know how to break you in half wherever this match takes us, and if you think for a minute that I’ve become a little “soft” in my old age, then think again, son. All it’s done is make me more dangerous. I’m smarter and tougher, but most of all, I’m meaner. I don’t give a damn if I retire you tonight. I’m not going to feel any remorse for that. I’ve worked thirty years to get to this point in my career, and I’ll be damned if I let anyone else walk out with MY World Championship.


Troy, you can have the next belt, I don’t care. But this one? This one, I’m retiring. There’s not a man in that locker room that can beat me, yourself included.







I actually believe him.


Please don’t buy into his hype. He may be tough, but his old age DOES mean something. His body’s going to quit long before his mind does.


The question is, will his mind let it? I’m not so sure.









This was a blood bath, plain and simple. The stitches RDJ wore on his head were quickly reopened by Eddie Peak, who felt it his mission to drain him dry.


Peak, in turn, was busted open nearly by his own hand when, just like he did in his match against Sam Keith earlier in the week, he pulled the cover off of the top turnbuckle and found himself hurtling face first into it after Joey Minnesota retaliated.


Minnesota looked especially impressive, with his partner RDJ extremely woozy from the blood loss early on. Peak, however, seemed to keep picking up steam as he bled.


The real dark horse was Acid, though. Almost an afterthought heading into the match, everyone viewed him as just another one of Peak’s lackeys, but they forgot how impressive he’s looked since debuting in late December. In fact, Minnesota and RDJ almost had their hands more full with Acid than Peak, and that came into play for the finish, when Minnesota found himself bust with Acid on the outside.


RDJ, the legal man, watched from the ring as Acid, the other legal man, battled with his partner. Distracted, he had no way of knowing that Eddie Peak was bearing down on him, a steel chair held high over his head and a maniacal grin spread wide on his face. So when Peak leveled him with the chair, it made it all the more sickening to see the defenseless man crumple to the ground. The ref immediately called for the DQ as Peak slid from the ring and leveled Minnesota as well, grinning wickedly as he backed up the ramp, calling Acid t his side.


The Freedom Fighters win by DQ, 83.






Oh, come on! That’s a bunch of bull and everyone knows it!


Something tells me Peak never cared whether he won this match or not.


I don’t think Peak ever does, to be honest with you.










For some reason, these two great wrestlers just did not seem to click at all. Both guy’s timing was off throughout the entire thing. I guess it just makes it a lot more meaningful when you realize that so far, it turned out to be the second best match on the card, not including the still to come main event.


Tommy Cornell took control early, and not without a little bit of cheating. They both exchanged shots for a few minutes before Cornell threw a thumb to the eye and took over. A couple of slams, a suplex, and a gut buster later, and Cornell looked to be well on his way to winning, and early, at that. But Vessey’s a fighter, and he would not be undone that easily.


He reversed an Irish whip of Tommy’s and ran right after him, clothes lining him straight out of the ring. The minute Tommy started to get to his feet, Vessey charged and hit a beautiful suicide dive through the ropes, actually landing on his feet after he impacted with Tommy! As he did so, he let out a battle cry and went right back to work, rolling Tommy back in the ring and earning himself a two count.


He hit a few very nice suplex variations after that, hoping to wear down Tommy. A half nelson that had Tommy actually pull a full rotation was particularly nice. When Tommy ducked under a lariat attempt of Vessey’s, though, the match really kicked into overdrive as the two both got a couple of extended periods of offense. Tommy looked well on his way to taking the win, though, especially after he nailed Vessey with the Three Inch Shrink (diving karate chop to the head!). Brimming with confidence, he walked around the prone Vessey a bit, taunting him as he slowly made his way to his feet. When he finally did, Tommy dove in like a shark, slapping on the Guilt Trip (Judo choke), sapping the life right out of Vessey.


The hold was on for what seemed like an eternity, and Vessey was draining, but slowly, surely, and…slowly…he began to reach down with his free arm, until finally, he grabbed a hold of Tommy’s leg. He then dipped completely, turning so that he could squat up, catching Tommy on top of his soulders, and leveled him with a Vessey Driver (Spinning DVD)! The pin afterward was academic, and Vessey was declared the winner!


Vessey wins, 82


Both competitors lay on the ground for a couple of minutes before Vessey finally rose to his knees, the referee holding his hand in victory. Meanwhile, Tommy Cornell rolled to ringside and out of camera shot. Vessey took a step up on the second turnbuckle, raising his hands high, but he was only there for a moment.


Tommy Cornell, wielding the same chair Eddie Peak dented over RDJ’s head earlier, came sprinting across the ring, chair held high, and brought it down square across Vessey’s back. After Vessey toppled to the mat, Tommy fired off a couple of more shots across his back, only stopping once he finally ceased to move. EMTs rushed to ringside to care for Vessey as Tommy looked on, completely satisfied with his work despite winning the match.







Tommy Cornell has got to be stopped!


Who’s going to stop him? He’s the boss.


The board of directors have to be able to do something!


If they could, they would have done it a long time ago, pal…







Busy Bein’ Born hit, and Troy Tornado came strutting out onto the stage, his arms already seemingly held high in victory.


That’s right, ladies and gentleman, it’s TIME! For your main event, that is. And no, it’s not because the World Championship is on the line. It’s because TCW’s resident rock GOD is in the match. It doesn’t matter if I’m in the third match, the second, or the first match of the show, whatever match I’m in is the ****ing main event, and it’s been that way since I joined this company.


For whatever reason, I haven’t won the big gold yet. I haven’t got my Grammy. Tonight, that changes. And, ****, looking at my opponent, you might as well crown my ass right now. Sam Keith’s got the build of Mick Jagger and the charisma of a rock. He’s got the skills, sure, but let’s be honest, the man belongs in a nursing home! He doesn’t have the ability to put those to use, and I’m about to show him what wrestling is about now. I’ll give you a hint: it’s me.






Despite Tornado’s claims of greatness, it was Same Keith that took control to start the match, outclassing Troy on the mat as the two chain wrestled. Keith began to work him over using a variety of holds, twisting his torso in a variety of ways. Tornado looked to be in legitimate pain, cowering away toward the corner as soon Keith released him. When Sam advanced on him, though, Troy flipped a switch and pulled him face first into the corner.


From here, Tornado released a flurry of elbows, celebrating like he had just won the world series when the ref pulled him off. After a few kicks to the gut, Tornado grabbed Keith for a suplex, lifted him, and let him float over and land on his feet. From here, he nailed a beautiful sit out neck breaker with every bit of snap on it. After that, Tornado was just controlling the match, until he made the mistake of going for the Star Maker. As he came flying off the ropes, Sam Keith caught him, just like he demonstrated earlier, and countered perfectly into a Proton Lock!


Luckily for Tornado, he was situated close to the ropes, and was able to grip them before the lock was complete. Keith then took advantage, this time avoiding the holds and instead using some impact moves to destroy Tornado’s back. What that meant was backbreakers galore! Seriously, it’s amazing that Tornado’s back was seriously not broken. He was able to get a little bit offense in here and there, but Keith was always able to find a counter eventually, and he maintained solid control. But when he went for a Neutron Plex, Tornado fired off a few hard elbows with his free arm, forcing Keith to break his hold. When he did, he found himself being sent to the mat, courtesy of a rolling elbow from Tornado.


With Keith down, Tornado thought this the perfect time to try for yet another Star Maker. Keith was slowly making his way to his feet, and Tornado sprung up onto the top rope, soaring…about three feet.


Unfortunately for Tornado, his back gave out as soon as he hit the top rope, and he fell to his doom. Well, if a Proton Lock could be described as doom. Because that’s what happened. Sam Keith locked on the Proton Lock, and Trot Tornado, his back racked with pain, could only tap out.


Sam Keith retains, 85.






Total: 77







This has been a presentation of…


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Man, that was an ugly show. You must have gotten dinged to hell on angles rating lower than matches.


Sam Keith’s got the build of Mick Jagger and the charisma of a rock. He’s got the skills,


But does he move like Jagger /shirtlessAdamLevineWHATAMIWATCHINGDAD?


Also, for a "War to Settle the Score," you have an awful lot of feud continuations...

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Yeah, the lower end of the show killed me there. I really can't believe the triple threat did that bad considering how their singles matches went. Luckily, every segment from Wolf/Benny on got over an 80. I just try and tell myself that most TCW outside of Tommy Cornell just aren't over enough to pull huge ratings yet like I can at the beginning of an SWF game. That, and that I'm not Phantom Stranger! :p
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Yeah, the lower end of the show killed me there. I really can't believe the triple threat did that bad considering how their singles matches went. Luckily, every segment from Wolf/Benny on got over an 80. I just try and tell myself that most TCW outside of Tommy Cornell just aren't over enough to pull huge ratings yet like I can at the beginning of an SWF game. That, and that I'm not Phantom Stranger! :p


It took over a year of play before I got my first A*. I think my first Cornell title defence to get an A was the second or third month of the diary - the 5th or 6th of the game.


Have patience. They can do it, and they will get there, and then you'll join me in doing the 'how do I avoid paying too much for everybody' dance.

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That part I never look forward to. Hopefully Cornell gets hit upside the head in a freak boating accident and decides to loosen up the purse strings a bit.
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While the show wasn’t a huge hit - some angles and matches early on prevented that from happening - we were overall happy with the end result. Sam Keith and Troy delivered in the main event, and Bryan Vessey and Tommy Cornell, while they don’t work together all that way for whatever reason, still put on a very good semi main event. Not only that, but Wolf Hawkins and Benny Benson put on a good one, and it actually made me rethink Benson’s long term potential.


We didn’t get great reviews, the dirt sheets are saying, but there are no vocal fans denouncing us as the worst company in the country. So there were some things to fix, but not too many that anything was pressing. One of the big things Tommy had already taken care of, and he would reveal it on Total Wrestling Tuesday, and that left most of us free to go to our own individual projects.


For me, that meant making a call down to Rip in North Carolina and checking on development. As strength and conditioning coach, I’m in charge of making sure these young guys in development are ready to appear on television. TCW’s about competition, sure, and being a better wrestler goes a long way, but we’ll be damned if we let some skinny kid with a bicep smaller than my thumb appear on tv and start kicking ass. That’s just not how this business works.


One such guy is Kirk Jameson. The guy’s a natural middleweight, but that’s just his weight. When we hired him, he didn’t have any mass, no definition. Now, we’re starting to see a little bump in his arms and a little fat wasting away, and he looks a lot better. I think part of it comes from being good friends with a good looking young guy like James Hernandez that’s spends a ton of time in the gym, and the rest of it comes from the realization that he’s in the big leagues now. He knows that the indies are more about wrestling, but to become a star, you need to be marketable, and the kid’s really working toward that. His partner’s already there, and he doesn’t want to be left behind.


But strength and conditioning isn’t what I’m calling for today. No, I know the two guys I’m interested in are already in good shape. What I want to know about is their wrestling skill. That’s not my area of expertise, being a failed wrestling wannabe at best, but I’ve got an investment in these two.


Casey and Johnny Heizenger, my boy and nephew, respectively.


I’ve been training those two since they were kids, and now they’re a couple of young, struggling wrestlers. As a favor to me, Tommy ok’d the signing that sent em down to development, and it’s there that I hope they become what I never was.


Casey’s got the look any wrestler would want, and the charisma to match. The boy doesn’t have the mic skills of his old man yet, but that’ll come with age. He’s a little bit leaner and taller than Johnny, but being a tall kid doesn’t stop him from flying around the ring. I had him in gymnastics when he was younger, and that really shines through in his ring work. Still can’t throw a punch to save his life, though, but that’ll come in time.


Johnny… well, Johnny’s kind of the runt of the Heizenger family. He’s on the short side, and got a lot of teasing coming up. I think that really motivated, cause that little bastard is jacked up. I’ve seen some tape of him down in MAW, and he actually pressed Giant Tana over his head! And this kid’s a lightweight! But he’s not all power, he’s got a decent little technical game that he’s working on, too.


Both of em got a ton of charisma, and I think we all know how much I appreciate that, and I think they got a lot of upside to em. I wanna see em on Saturday Showcase someday, but hell, that ain’t my decision.
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It seems The War to Settle the Score’s name is a little inappropriate. A good number of the feuds TCW had going on are still raging. Even The Benny Benson/Wolf Hawkins beef, which seemed to be settled when Wolf put Benson down, isn’t over, as Benson had some choice words for Wolf in an interview with TCW.com after the match.


The Machines have earned themselves yet another shot at The New Wave’s titles after defeating them in the six man tag with Rick Law Sunday evening, and they hope to ride that wave of momentum straight through to Just Another Day, heading through all opposition, incuding former champs The Guns. Since Gumble’s return, The Gun have been unable to reach their past heights, but they could change all of that with a win tonight.


Koshiro Ino will also be in action, trying to get back on track after taking the fall against Rick Law Sunday night. He’ll have a hard go of it, as he’ll be facing a complete unknown in Rhino Umaga. Knowing nothing about his opponent, will Ino be able to pull out the win?


Also in action, Sam Keith & Rocky Golden team up once again in an exhibition match against The Tag Team Specialists. It’s an interesting match in that only one competitor is under the age of 30, and only one other is under the age of 40, and just barely, as Joel Bryant is 39. There’s going to a be a veritable encyclopedia of wrestling knowledge in the ring. Will Rocky Golden be able to keep up?


Following a successful title defense against Aaron Andrews Sunday night, Edd Stone is understandably cocky, and so he’ll be giving a gift of another title defense tonight, this time against Andrews tag team partner, Chance Fortune. Will Fortune be able to succeed where Andrews failed?


A triple threat match is on the card next, featuring a variety of talent. The well rounded Wolf Hawkins will be taking on the big brawler Danny Fonzarelli and the nearly unknown Gino Montero. Montero’s made one other appearance in a loss against Aaron Andrews, but will he be able to walk out the win this time around?


Following the relative non-decision Sunday night, RDJ will be in action against none other than Acid. RDJ’s still beaten and battered, but after years and years of in ring competition, will he have what it takes to defeat Acid?


And finally, the main event will feature none other than Bryan Vessey. The legendary tag team warrior had to be carted to the back Sunday night, and he was only just released from the hospital Monday afternoon. Tommy Cornell did such a number on him after their match that the doctors wouldn’t even approve him t fight tonight, but Cornell, being the wonderful boss that he is, allowed Vessey to sign a waiver that placed any and all responsibility off of TCW management and right onto Vessey himself. His opponent is yet to be determined, but be assured that whoever it is will likely produce a barnstormer against Vessey!





Quick Picks:

The Guns vs. The Machines

Ino vs. Rhino Umaga

Keith & Golden vs. The Tag Team Specialists

Chance Fortune vs. Edd Stone © for the title

Danny Fonzarelli vs. Wolf Hawkins vs. Gino Montero

RDJ vs. Acid

Bryan Vessey vs. ???

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1. You do realize Jameson's Star Quality would imply that he already looks fantastic, right?



Casey and Johnny Heizenger, my boy and nephew, respectively.


Wait a second...


Oh, for that matter, Casey who? Valentine? His dad can't talk either...(and yes, I thought of Cameron Vessey first...Larry might be able to cut a promo...)


It seems The War to Settle the Score’s name is a little inappropriate.


*Airton Pose*

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The Guns vs. The Machines

Without question who will win.


Ino vs. Rhino Umaga

Ino is the big name here.


Keith & Golden vs. The Tag Team Specialists

This is a retirement home match.


Chance Fortune vs. Edd Stone © for the title

If Aaron can't win, Chance has no chance.:p


Danny Fonzarelli vs. Wolf Hawkins vs. Gino Montero

Wolf is a future world champ


RDJ vs. Acid

RDJ is a f'ing boss


Bryan Vessey vs ???

He beat Tommy so no way can he lose

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The Guns vs. The Machines

Machines stay strong before their title shot.


Ino vs. Rhino Umaga

Ino is the one with storyline going.


Keith & Golden vs. The Tag Team Specialists

Way bigger names.


Chance Fortune vs. Edd Stone © for the title

Don´t see Edd losing the belt right after PPV win.


Danny Fonzarelli vs. Wolf Hawkins vs. Gino Montero

Wolf is by far the biggest name here.


RDJ vs. Acid

Might go other way too depending on how over Acid is but I play safe this time and choose RDJ.


Bryan Vessey vs. ???

This is actually pretty tough one as the mystery man is sure to be big name being in main event and all plus Vessey isn´t on top condition. Still this seems to be build like Vessey being an underdog so I go with him conquering the odds after his PPV win over Cornell.

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1. You do realize Jameson's Star Quality would imply that he already looks fantastic, right?




Wait a second...


Oh, for that matter, Casey who? Valentine? His dad can't talk either...(and yes, I thought of Cameron Vessey first...Larry might be able to cut a promo...)


It seems The War to Settle the Score’s name is a little inappropriate.


*Airton Pose*


1. I like think it means they have the potential to look great...in this particular case. :p


2. Casey's actually a a made up character, the son of Sammy. Johnny's his nephew. I figured to spice the game up a little, I'd throw in a little bit of familial ties.


As far as his stats, Casey's pretty much just like Johnny, a little better and a little worse in places with their flying/rumble skills switched.

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The Guns vs. The Machines

Ino vs. Rhino Umaga

Keith & Golden vs. The Tag Team Specialists

Chance Fortune vs. Edd Stone © for the title

Danny Fonzarelli vs. Wolf Hawkins vs. Gino Montero

RDJ vs. Acid

Bryan Vessey vs. ???

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Guest codey

I'm posting this on a laptop without a mouse, so I'm not going to be bolding near as much. It's proven to be annoying at best. I'm also not including entrance music this time around, so, yeah...


EDIT: And somehow the commentary got centered. That definitely wasn't in the format.




Tuesday Week 1, March 2010

9,553 fans in Minnesota Coliseum (Mid West)







Jason Azaria - Kyle Rhodes - Sara Silver


Rhodes: Welcome, everyone, to the Tuesday Night’s REAL wrestling show, Total Wrestling!


Azaria: And it’s a show full of real wrestlers, too. Not only will a battered and beaten RDJ be in action against Acid…


Silver: But Bryan Vessey will also be in action, only getting discharged from the hospital yesterday. His opponent’s yet to be named, and Vessey had to sign a waiver to even compete, but it’s sure to be a big money match!


Rhodes: And now, we have TCW’s owner, Tommy Cornell, coming out to make with a supposedly HUGE announcement.


Azaria: And to brag, presumably.







Tommy Cornell was brimming with swagger as he stepped out on the stage. The fans let him know exactly how they felt about him, but that didn’t seem to bother Rough Justice one bit.


TC: Boo all you want, but facts are fact, and Sunday night, I proved my superiority to Bryan Vessey. Yes, I lost the match, but here’s the thing: Vessey put me down for three seconds. I put Vessey down for a day and a half in a hospital bed. The doctor’s wouldn’t even clear him to compete tonight! But when he came to me demanding a match, all bandaged up and stooped over, I couldn’t help but feel sorry for him. So believe me when I say I was quick to write up an agreement that alleviates TCW of all liability for him while he competes. Believe me, there’s nothing I want to see more than Bryan Vessey get hurt even worse than he already is.


TC: But losing to him, it made me realize something. That was the second month in a row I lost. Obviously, that‘s unacceptable. I’m the best wrestler in the world. I don’t just lose. So I got to thinking, and I came to one conclusion. I’m unfocused. I can’t handle outwrestling everyone on the roster AND running the day to day operations around here. When I had the Syndicate, I pulled it off because I had yes men to help, but now, I’m painfully alone.


TC: So what I did was search, hunt, and scrounge for the right man to run MY company for me. And after finding myself excruciatingly disappointed with everyone I interviewed, I realized who I was looking for. There was only one man I could trust with keeping the blokes in the back in line. So I reached out to him, and he didn’t even hesitate before he said yes. Ladies and gents, I give you…




TC: Nemesis!


As soon as For Whom the Bell Tolls hit, the crowd erupted, and only got louder as The Hardcore Icon himself stepped out onto the stage, his perpetual scowl weighing heavy on his face. He stood on the stage next to Cornell for a moment before turning to his old acquaintance and shaking hands. As soon as the gesture was complete, Cornell slapped him on the shoulder, grinning wildly, and walked to the back, leaving Nemesis alone. Nemesis stood there for a few more moments, soaking up the crowd reaction. Finally, he spoke.


N: I ain’t never been in TCW before, and it’s been a few years since I’ve been anywhere at all, but it’s damn good to see that I ain’t been forgotten. I want it to be clear, before I say anything else, I ain’t here to wrestle.


The crowd sounded quite disappointed at that statement.


N: But as the new man in charge, you better believe that I ain’t gonna put up with any ****. Period.


This time the crowd reacted strongly.


N: Now I ain’t got much experience running an organized show, cause let’s face it, DaVE wasn’t organized a damn bit, and I’m sure some of you are wondering why the hell I got picked for this job, and I’ll tell you why. I know this business. I know the wrestlers, and I know how they work. Most of all, I know how to keep heads in line, and if any of ‘em get out of it, I can knock ‘em back in.


N: Now I’m sure that a lot of you know I got history with Tommy Cornell, and me and the little bastard both got mutual interests, namely putting the SWF into the ground, so I can understand if you’re a little worried about me bein a little ****in’ biased when it comes down to who I support. I’m gonna tell you right now, I am biased. But I don’t give a **** if you get cheered or you get booed. If a wrestler performs, he’s got my support.


N: TCW’s about wrestling, right? Then I’ll be damned if I give you anything. I ain’t gonna take a good wrestler and stick him in a ****in’ animal costume. I ain’t gonna give you bull**** debates. And I damn sure I ain’t gonna give you a fat **** that can’t move halfway across the damn ring. What I will give you is wrestling.


N: And that starts tonight. I got Bryan Vessey in the main event, and I got a locker room full of guys that wanna step up and make a name for themselves. What I’ve got to do is pick someone to go up against him. I don’t care if it’s a rookie or a vet, because I’m gonna give you the best damn match I can. At the end of the night, I make one guarantee…


The crowd excitedly chanted Nemesis’ well known catchphrase along with him.


N: …Someone’s getting ****ed up!







Azaria: Nemesis!?


Rhodes: That IS a huge announcement!


Silver: I can’t wait to see what sort of stamp he puts on the show!


Azaria: But is he really going to not be biased? He’s good friends with Cornell!


Rhodes: Let’s give it some time before we judge, bud.







The Machines vs. The Guns


The Machines may have won a big 6-man tag Sunday evening, but that doesn’t mean they took The Guns, much lower on the card, for granted. The Guns are former multi-time tag and cruiser tag champions, and they presented a big threat throughout the match t knock The Machines right off the wave of momentum they’re riding.


But when Gumble fired off a Quick Draw Kick a bit to early, telegraphed it a little too much, The Machines took advantage. John Anderson ducked under easily and hit a beautiful German suplex that allowed Brent Hill to come flying off the top rope almost immediately to nail a HUGE King of the Hill splash to score the win.


The Machines win, 71






Azaria: The Machines just keep on winning.


Silver: I think we’re looking at the next tag team champs right now.


Rhodes: Let’s not speak too fast, Sara. The Machines beat the champs in a six man match. It’s a whole another ball game in a standard tag match.







The camera cuts to the backstage area now, where we catch up with Nemesis, wearing his ratty old suit and walking through the depths of the arena, shaking the hand of nearly everyone he comes across. Finally he comes across a door with a simple name plate slapped on it, the name “Nemesis” running across. As he admires it, a slow clap starts off screen, and Troy Tornado steps into the shot.


TT: Well, well, well…if it isn’t Nemesis, the most dangerous man in all of wrestling! Or, should I say…


Tornado looks Nemesis up and down, from the ill fitting suit to the stuffy expression on his face to the wrinkles weighing heavily among the scar tissue on his forehead.


TT: …John Campbell, the washed up old wrestler that just doesn’t know when to walk away. I’ve got news for you, John: there’s a new breed of rock star that’s come along since you left. We’re stronger, faster, more talented and more charismatic than you ever were or could ever hope to be. So I guess you could say that I’m here to give you a little bit advice. Don’t step on our toes, John. Know your place, because if you get out of line, we’ll knock you right back in. And if you don’t get back in? You’re…heh…gonna get ****ed up.


Tornado grinned, right up in Nemesis’ face, waiting for a response. It was a moment before he got one.


N: More charismatic, huh? Because I counted a line from my promo that you just jacked AND a my God **** catchphrase. Now I know there ain’t a whole hell of a lot of originality around here, yourself included, ya ****in’ Jack Bruce rip off, but that’s just in bad taste, son.


N: Now here’s the thing, Tornado. I don’t not like you. ’Fact, I appreciate you. You do what it takes to win, and I ain’t gonna like and say I didn’t do the same thing in my day. And my day was a few years ago. I’m retired. And because of that, you seem to be under the impression that I lost a step, that I ain’t tough anymore. Let me tell you, Troy, if you even try and **** with me…


The crowd knew what was coming.


N: …I’ll **** you up.


During the whole promo, Troy was growing angrier and angrier, and he was just about to throw a punch at Nemesis before he stopped himself. Forcing himself to smile, he responded.


TT: Okay, John, I get it. You’re trying to set a standard from yourself. I respect that, I guess. But keep in mind, I don’t buy into your act for one minute. John, have a lovely day.


Troy bowed mockingly to Nemesis before spinning on his heel and walking away down the hall. Before he got too far, though, Nemesis called after him, and he turned back.


N: Oh, and Troy? I noticed you didn’t have a match tonight. Let’s change that. Ya see, I have a problem with my main event. Bryan Vessey doesn’t have an opponent. Why don’t you go get ready and head on out there?


Troy smirked.


TT: Really, Bryan Vessey? A cripple? I know it’s the main event, but are you trying to end that old bastard’s career?







Silver: Looks like our main event’s set.


Rhodes: But does Troy have a point? Does Bryan even stand a chance?


Azaria: A better question would be what would they have to do to keep Vessey from the ring.







The camera shifts once more, this time to the locker room of Sammy Bach, where he’s seen lazily lounging in a steel chair, clad in leather pants, a studded belt, and an open shirt. The International Championship is lain carelessly across his lap, and Karen Killer is very nearly worshipping it. In walks Rocky Golden, disgusted.


RG: Are you kidding me?


Killer looks up, annoyed at the disruption. Bach doesn’t even seem to notice.


RG: Some of the biggest names in the history of our business held that belt, and this is how you act with it?


Bach rolls his head and finally seems to notice Golden’s presence in the room.


SB: It looks like we have…company, Karen.


RG: Yeah, you got company, man. And here’s the thing, I was just planning on coming in here and cutting a badass promo talking about how it’s been too long since I held gold, and how my names synonymous with it, but walking in here and seeing you, I just got pissed off. I don’t even care about me not being the one with gold anymore. I just don’t want you to have it.


Bach mulled that over for a moment before chuckling easily.


SB: We haven’t danced out there yet, Rocky.


He stood up, and the belt dropped to the floor, where Karen scrambled to pick it up.


SB: I think that’s a shame. I’ve got to say, though, this is a game that you just can’t win. I don't care about the history of this belt, I don’t know the names that used to hold it, and I barely care that mine’s on it. You…you care too much.


SB: I was a loser just a few months ago, Rocky. I couldn’t put together a win. I didn't know what was going on, what I was doing wrong in my life. Then…I stopped caring. I gave in to myself. I gave in to wrestling. I embraced it for what it really is. A primal dance. I use violence to create broad, beautiful…sexy strokes on my canvas. That’s all I care about. My pleasure is all that matters. You’re interested in wins, something outside of yourself. That’s why you lost your belt.


RG: I…I don’t even know what to say to that.


SB: You wouldn’t. You’re too obsessed with getting that next win, that next belt. You can’t fathom that I don’t care about any of that. My pleasure comes in a win…or a loss. My pleasure comes from the pain, inflicted…or received. I love every moment in the ring. I welcome your…challenge, Rocky Golden. I only hope that you learn to accept the pain of loss.






Azaria: Looks like we’ve got a match set for Just Another Day.


Silver: I hope Golden pummels Bach.


Rhodes: Sara, we’re supposed to remain impartial here…


Silver: Forget that, I can’t stand Bach!







Koshiro Ino vs. Rhino Umaga


Umaga’s making his debut here tonight, and the big Samoan made a huge impression against one of TCW’s best. Ino was smart enough to avoid the classic mistake of letting a Samoan head butt him, but he still found his hands full with the newcomer.


The two combined to put on a good brawl, but in the end, it was Ino’s experience on the big stage that led him to earn the win, finally putting Umaga down with a Kobra Bite (roll inverted DDT), forcing the Samoan’s hard hit into the mat to score the three count.


Ino wins, 76.




Immediately after the match, Rick Law hit the ring, once again coming from behind to nail Ino with a Long Arm of the Law lariat. Just like Sunday evening, the move put Ino down, and hard. In fact, Ino seemed to be out before he even hit the mat. His dastardly work complete, Law quickly exited the ring, walking to the back with his head held high.







Rhodes: Another brutal attack. From behind, no less.


Azaria: Honestly, this is getting ridiculous. Someone in the back should do something about it.


Silver: Ino should really be expecting this by now. I don’t think Nemesis is going to have any sort of sympathy for him.







Sam Keith & Rocky Golden vs. The Tag Team Specialists


Sam Keith is riding a high after his first title defense Sunday evening, and he took that feeling into this match against a couple of very dangerous guys. He and Golden looked very dangerous as they did their best to dismantle their opponents. But The Tag Team Specialists are called that for a reason. They’ve seen it all in this business, and refused to be put down by a so-called “occasional team.”


As it turns out, that’s exactly what happened. As the match devolved into chaos, Golden hit the Robert Oxford with a Golden Rule (Sleeper Slam), and the legal Sam Keith slapped on a Proton Lock to secure the victory.


Keith & Golden win, 74






Azaria: And Keith continues his winning ways.


Silver: And Golden gets some momentum heading into his match with Bach. Hopefully it keeps rolling.








Chance Fortune w/ Carl Batch vs. Edd Stone w/ Laura Huggins © for the All Action Championship


Sunday night, Stone pulled off a win against Fortune’s partner Aaron Andrews, and tonight, he looks to put the final piece of the team away. Fortune didn’t seem to want to make that easy for him, putting up a good fight throughout the match.


The thing about Fortune, though, is that while solid, he doesn’t excel in any one area. Edd Stone, on the other hand, is a fantastic, if erratic, flyer, and Fortune fell into the trapping of trying to match the wild Stone in his own area. That’s a hard job for a great flyer, because Edd’s so unpredictable, and Fortune just wasn’t able to keep up with him. In the end, Edd Fu prevailed, and Stone hit a weird looking springboard Party’s Over to score the win.


Edd retains, 69 (How immature of you, Edd)




After scoring the win, Edd immediately popped up and started busting a move, taunting his fallen foe. In doing so, he developed a bit of tunnel vision, and was unable to prevent a recently appeared Aaron Andrews from nailing him with a flying cross body block from the top.




Edd’s bodyguard Charlie Thatcher made his appearance a split second later, but when Andrews pulled a lead pipe from the back of his jeans, Thatcher thought twice about getting in the ring, choosing instead to just pull Edd to safety.






Azaria: Andrews makes a statement!


Rhodes: That statement being to Edd Stone that he hasn’t given up yet.







Danny Fonzarelli vs. Wolf Hawkins vs. Gino Montero


Fonzarelli is fighting in his second triple threat match in as many shows, and he didn’t fare much better this time around. Clark Alexander wasn’t around to help him gang up on his opponent’s, and he instead found himself being ganged up on by Hawkins and Montero until a well placed lariat removed Montero from the match.


That left Wolf and Danny alone, and Fonzarelli fared a little better in the one on one situation, but it was Hawkins that really controlled the pace. Even when Fonzarelli ducked a Full Moon Rising (running enzigiri), Wolf retained his composure and quickly finished him with the dragon suplex he’s come to call the Blood Moon.


Wolf wins, 82


Immediately after the match, Wolf snatched up a mic.


WH: For the past few years, I’ve had my share of doubters, people in the back that said I wasn’t the real deal. That I only succeeded with the backing of The Syndicate. That without them I was just another Stevie Grayson, one loss away from getting released. Well, I don’t see Sam Keith helping me out. I don’t see The Machines. I don’t see Tommy freakin’ Cornell in here! Working with those four was good for my career, but it his one simple truth. It hid just how good I really am.


WH: I hid that I was the BEST The Syndicate had to offer. There’s a reason I was Tommy’s go to man. I wasn’t stuck in a tag team, I wasn’t labeled an enforcer, I was his protégé, his right hand. Tommy was grooming me, and I knew that. That’s why I didn’t try to jump ahead of him in the pecking order. I respected him and stayed in my place. I knew my time would come, and it has. The Syndicate died. My pack has died. Wolf Hawkins is alone, and he’s ready to thrive.


WH: I proved that Sunday night when I dismantled Ben Benson. I was fully ready to move on to bigger and better things afterward, but then I heard a little story, and it seemed crazy to me until I verified it. Apparently, after I beat Benson, he decided to get on TCW.com and rant about how this wasn’t over, that he was going to knock me down a few rungs on the ladder. Benson, I was gonna leave you to yourself. I put you in your place, below me, and I was moving on. But now I’m pissed off. You want another match with me? Then you’ve got one at Just Another Day. And believe me when I say, Benson, that all it’s going to be is just another day, because there’s no way in hell I let you bear me.







Azaria: I was wondering if Hawkins had heard that scathing interview from Benson yet.


Rhodes: Hawkins doesn’t seem to want to let want to let any slights go anymore, I’m not surprised that he’s accepting a rematch.


Silver: Do either of you think it could go in other way than it did last time, though?


Azaria: Anything can happen on any given night, Sara.







The camera cuts no to the Crippler position, where The Hellfire Club are gathered, waiting on ACID to make his entrance for his match. The foursome look utterly terrifying, and all they’re doing is standing around.


??: Well if it ain’t the Bloody Handed God himself.




The camera pans out to reveal Nemesis, wearing what vaguely resembled a grin on his face.


N: I see you’ve been keeping busy since DaVE went down.


Peak walked up to Nemesis, and, in quite the odd scene, gave Nemesis a warm hug.


EP: I’ve continued to give the fans what they need. The blood flow has been glorious. The storm of violence, exquisite.


N: That’s what I like to here. Listen, Eddie. Earlier I said that the only way I’ll push you is if you get wins, but that ain’t all true. Long as you keep going out there and providing me good ****in’ TV, you got a spot to keep hardcore alive. And you--


Nemesis pointed at ACID, his bug eyes staring back.


N: --that goes for you, too. You were in DaVE, too, and I want to see that violent attitude alive and well.


EP: Nemesis, don’t you worry. We fully plan on draining both Minnesota and Dale dry. Their blood should stain the ring a gorgeous shade of red. With violence, we do the gods of war honor and keep the old ways alive and well.


N: Eddie, I never understood your way of thinking, but somehow it always falls in line with what I want to hear. Make it happen out there.






RDJ was clearly worn down from Sunday evening, and that helped ACID impose his gameplan that much easier. RDJ was never even very quick in his younger years, and now that he’s older, his speed has receded even more. ACID found this to be perfect to exploit, so he took the air early and often, devastating the beaten man with a bevy of high flying maneuvers.


ACID is well known to be reckless, though, and every mistake he made RDJ made him pay for with some high impact moves. In fact, that’s exactly where the finish came from, as after a short exchange, RDJ whipped ACID to the corner, where he leapt up top, and blindly dived backwards toward RDJ, only to find himself caught easily and thrown over with Southern Justice (Sambo suplex)! The pin afterward was academic, but when RDJ got up, it was clear the match had taken its toll on him.


RDJ wins, 83






Rhodes: Well, ACID didn’t get the win, but he did inflict significant damage upon RDJ.


Azaria: Nemesis did tell him that’s what he wanted to see from the group.






Bryan Vessey vs. Troy Tornado


Vessey was beaten and brutalized after his match Sunday and wound up in a hospital bed because of it, and yet here he is, taped up and bandaged, stepping into the ring with a very game Troy Tornado. This one was all about the heart and determination of Vessey, because despite his obviously tremendous skills, he was simply a beaten and broken man.


Troy Tornado, never the sympathetic type, didn’t dare hold back, unleashing every bit of pent up rage he had in him for losing the title match Sunday night. But for everything he threw at Vessey, the veteran just kept coming and coming, kicking out and breaking everything Troy Tornado had, and one had to wonder if anything was going to put Vessey down. The pain he was in was clearly immense, but he continued to just blindly go on and on.


And finally, it seemed he broke through the pain, laying into Tornado, and finally lifting him up onto his shoulders, aiming for a Vessey Driver…but his back gave out. Tornado, ever the opportunist, took the spot and absolutely drilled Vessey with a Rock of Ages (Inverted Piledriver), finally scoring the win for himself.


Tornado wins, 87






Total: 78




This has been a presentation of...


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Guest codey

Just a couple of notes:


  • I forgot to post the ratings Total Wrestling pulled. It got a 5.01, my highest yet!
  • I'm not sure if I specified this yet, but Saturday Night Showcase will be a B-show. I'm writing it now, and it should be up by tomorrow night (US Pacific time) since I'm utilizing the bullet format James Casey and Phantom Stranger use.
  • As I was writing the Eddie Peak-Nemesis segment, it dawned on me that Peak and Sammy Bach could be perceived as having the same character. It should come out in writing later on, but I want to explain a little. Yes, Eddie Peak and Sammy Bach both stated that they don't care about wins or losses, it's all about the violence in the ring, but they diverge from there. Bach is more of a pure wrestler, he doesn't care if he wins or loses, he just loves to be in the ring, the competition gives him a sort of high. Peak, however, is all about the violence. He will happily DQ himself if it means letting a little bit of blood flow. Just wanted to say that since my sub-par writing didn't really get it across!

  • Expect to see some debuts on Showcase. Also, some name changes. I'm not using pictures, and I don't want to leave you wondering who the hell you're reading about, so I'll specify in cases that make sense. For instance, he's not appearing on this episode, but I've renamed Steven Parker Machine Gun Mason because it sounds cooler and seems like something a big company would do. Exceptions will be masked wrestlers, since their identities will be hidden for a reason.
  • Please, don't take my waiting longer to post shows and updates as me not having the same level of interest in this as my last project, I'm just a little busier now, and even the TV shows are longer than my biggest MAW shows, hence the shorter summaries on the last show. I'm getting more and more excited about what's to come in this one. That's one of the reasons I started a month in already.

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Guest codey


Saturday Week 1, March 2010

1,660 fans in War Memorial Auditorium (Mid West)




Davis Dietrich - Kyle Rhodes - Sara Silver

  • Opening the first episode of the revitalized Saturday Night Showcase, Edd Stone, Freddy Huggins, Laura Huggins, and Charlie Thatcher came down to the ring. Edd rambled on for a bit about video games, the cute red head in the fourth row, and massive sugar highs before finally reaching a relevant point, stating that Edd Fu was the most legitimate martial, prompting The Dragons to come out and attempt to prove him wrong.

  • In a fast paced match, The Dragons used every bit of kicking power from their kung fu to try and topple Edd and Freddy, but after Charlie Thatcher pancaked #1 outside the referees line of sight, #2 quickly fell to a Party’s Over (seated face buster) from Edd. (72)

  • Next up, the camera cuts to Nemesis’ office, where he’s still trying to make himself at home. Cue an interruption as The Traditionalists Joel Bryant, JD Morgan, and Robert Oxford enter the room. Nemesis asks them what he could do for them, and they tell him that the influx of young talent taking their spots is unacceptable. Nemesis then goes on to tell them that he’s booked them all in a match tonight against young talent, and if they think they’re still relevant, they’ll issue a little bit of old school justice.

  • In the next match, The Guns had their hands full against a pair of real young up and comers in Gino Montero and the bullish Brandon Smith. Gino and Brandon worked extremely well together, but it was the tag experience of The Guns that eventually led to the win, when Ford Gumble blasted Smith with a Quick Draw Kick, allowing Allen to fly off with Fistful of Dynamite (Flying fist drop). (61)

  • The Traditionalists took on the newcomers Mystery Men and Flying Jimmy Foxx in the next bout. The speed of the younger competitors proved to be potent, but it was the technique of the vets that got them the win, as JD Morgan locked Jimmy Foxx in a Cross Atlantic Stretch (Rings of Saturn) to score the submission victory. (64)

  • Enter Nemesis, who makes an appearance on the stage to a huge pop, talking to the fans about one of his first signings: Kid Leone. A masked man then steps out on the stage, shakes hands with Nemesis, and goes on to proclaim himself to be the next great wrestler in TCW, stating that there’s not a wrestler in the locker room that could measure up to him, even at his young age.

  • In a very good match between newcomers, Leone took on Davis Wayne. Wayne looked good, but it was Leone that shone, putting down Wayne with a cutter dubbed the Blue Light Special. (75)

  • The camera cuts next to Matthew Keith, watching the previous match on a monitor. His dad, World Champion Sam Keith, walks up from behind, startling Matt. Sam comments on how both Leone and Wayne looked damn good, and Matt asks how long it’ll be until he gets to wrestle in TCW. Sam thinks about it for a moment, and then tells him that he’ll have to wait a little longer, but that he’ll be in there soon enough once he’s ready.

  • Once again, Nemesis’ office is shown, and the Hardcore Legend is messing with some sort of modern art on his desk. Eventually, annoyed with its placement, he picks it up and tosses it in the trash. Enter Ben Benson, demanding a match with Wolf Hawkins, tonight. Nemesis says he can’t do that because Hawkins isn’t there, but he can give him someone else: ACID. Benson doesn’t look happy, but heads to the ring regardless.

  • In a very fun tag match, The Machines took on The LA Connection. The match looked even at first, but midway through, The New Wave stepped out on the stage to scout, and The Machines turned it up several notches, dismantling Chance Fortune, not letting Aaron Andrews even touch the ring. Finally, Brent Hill ended it with an emphatic King of the Hill splash as Anderson intercepted Andrews. (74)

  • In the main event, Ben Benson and ACID clashed in a fast paced match up, leaving nothing in the ring. ACID did a great of looking dangerous, but he was simply unable to pull off the win, and Benson finished him off with a Future Shock (Reverse Spinning STO). After the match, he got on the mic and told Wolf that he was coming for him, and not to expect their next match to go the same way it did last time. (76)

Total: 77

Ratings: 0.47

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest codey

No excuses for taking so long to get this up. I just wasn't writing. Damn you Mass Effect 3!


Anyway, show's about halfway done and I'm starting to do matches in a much more summarized fashion, so it shouldn't be too long until it goes up.



Get ready for an action packed evening of Total Wrestling, TCW fans!


To kick our latest episode off, we've got John Anderson and Scout going one on one in a bout that's sure to have major implications for The New Wave's title defense later this month.


We've also got some very interesting tag team action, as Rocky Golden and RDJ team up to take on Sammy Bach and American Buffalo. The teamings are interesting and surely just a way to kill two birds with one stone, but the match should be an exciting, hard hitting one, as none of the wrestlers involved are known for subtlety.


After losing an exciting triple threat last week, Gino Montero will be back in action, this time against Ben Benson. The rising star Montero hasn't had an easy match yet, but this should get him a lot of needed exposure and experience.


The LA Connection will also be in action tonight, taking on the formidable pairing of Rhino Umaga and The Bulldozer, newcomer Brandon Smith. The newcomers have a huge size and strength advantage, but The LA Connection have both momentum and experience on their side, so this should be an exciting bout.


In the semi-main event of the evening, Joey Minnesota will be in action, taking on the workhorse of The Hellfire Club, ACID. The masked man and his friends have made life very tough for Minnesota and RDJ as of late, so there should be a good deal of animosity here.


And last, but most certainly not least, we'll witness World Champion Sam Keith in action. Against who, you ask? No one knows! Not even Keith himself. Nemesis said that when he signed this match, he did so as a punishment to the unknown opponent, so it should be interesting to see the man he's keeping this information from.




Quick Picks:

Scout vs John Anderson

Rocky Golden & RDJ vs Sammy Bach & American Buffalo

Ben Benson vs Gino Montero

The LA Connection vs Rhino Umaga & Brandon Smith

Joey Minnesota vs ACID

Sam Keith vs ???
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