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The Sammy Heizenger Story: TCW Calls

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Tuesday Week 2, April 2010

In front of 9,007 fans in Wisconsin Gardens (Great Lakes)






Jason Azaria – Kyle Rhodes – Sara Silver


This! Is! Total! Wrestling!


That’s right, and the shows already under way! Sam Keith, Koshiro Ino, Tommy Cornell, and the legendary Nemesis are already in the ring!








True enough, those four men stood in the ring. Keith, Ino, and Cornell each in separate corners, and Nemesis planted squarely in the center, a contract and a microphone in his left and right hands respectively. Meanwhile, Keith watched on pleased, Ino indifferent, and Cornell with a scowling annoyance.


Last week, Sam Keith issued an open challenge. Ino came out, and I thought that the talent made my job easier for me by making their own matches. Then Tommy Cornell came out, and I kept thinking they we remaking my job easier by putting up some interesting match ups. Then Ino and Cornell fought to a draw, and that’s when it hit me: this is just an easy job.


I went from having a set main event for Where Angels Fear to Tread to having two potential main events, and finally to having one really obvious main event, and I didn’t do a damn thing. See, Cornell –


Nemesis pointed at Cornell.


And Ino –


Nemesis pointed toward Ino.


Fought to a draw, and I ain’t about to give either of them a rematch. They tore the house down last week, so they both get a reward. Now, at Where Angels Fear to Tread, it’s going to be Cornell vs Ino vs Keith for the World Championship!


The crowd erupted at the announcement.


Don’t get too excited now.


He stepped forward.


We’ve all signed this contract now, and all it should mean to anyone is that Sam Keith’s reign of terror is in TCW is winding down. That belt is going back where it belongs, sunshine: my waist!


Cornell looked on smugly as the crowd booed.


I’m going to say this because he—


Keith gestured toward Ino.


--won’t. Tommy, shut the hell up!


Cornell: What did you say to me!?


You heard me, loud and clear! I’m tired of hearing you talk about how you’re the top dog in this company, and everyone else is, too. Fact is, Tommy, you lost this belt once you’re support network fell apart. Once me, Brent, John, and even Rick left, you fell apart. You lost the belt—to the man I won it from, by the way—and then you lost your protégé. Things aren’t looking so good for you, Tommy. In fact, I’m more afraid of Ino right now than I am of you even coming close to beating me.


Cornell got right up in Keith’s face as Ino continued to watch on, completely disinterested in the preening rooster act.


You wanna say that again, with me right up in your face?


I’d be happy to.


Nemesis quickly put himself between the two.


Save it for later, ladies. Sam, you’ve got a match later. I’m not gonna let you ruin my main event. Hit the locker room, you three.


When they didn’t immediately move, rage flashed across Nemesis’ war-worn face.


I said move!






Triple threat!


Always fun to watch.


It’ll be interesting to see how Keith can use the Proton Lock to its full potential when there’s always a third man ready to break it up.


That’s a good observation, Sara.








w/ Charlie Thatcher


It should be noted that Stone left his usual manager, Laura Huggins, in the back, choosing to come out with just his bodyguard instead.


It didn’t do him much good in the long run. Minnesota just got done facing down Eddie Peak, so he wasn’t about to let Thatcher intimidate him. Minn did have some trouble with Stone’s erratic Edd Fu, though, never really knowing exactly where he was coming from. Putting Edd down once he got a good hold of him proved to not be too difficult, though, and Minnesota really got on a roll late in the match. That’s when Freddy Huggins appeared.


Apparently trying to help, Huggins hopped up on the apron, trying to distract Minn. He did so, but when Stone tried to capitalize by hitting Joey from behind, he found himself nailing Huggins with a clothesline as Minn sidestepped the attack. An Empire Spiral (Back suplex slam) later, and Minn had the match.


Minnesota wins, 81





While Thatcher helped Stone to the back and Huggins followed in his wake, Joey Minnesota celebrated his win. Spoiling that celebration, as he so often does, was Troy Tornado, he stepped out on the stage clapping, sarcastically begging for an encore.


That was impressive, Joey! You just beat a man that hasn’t won in weeks, and all it took was a little interference from his best pal there at the end!


Minnesota toned his celebration down now, staring down Tornado with intensity.


Don’t get too big of a head, now. You just have to look at last week to see what happens when you get in the ring with a rock star like me. It’s okay, little buddy. You’re not the first loser to fall before my sweet licks and my badass kicks! And with that, I leave you. Again, don’t take it take it too hard, kid. You’re just not made to be a main attraction like me.







It was just two weeks ago that I remember seeing Tornado getting pinned to the mat.


Looks like his win last week erased that all from his memory.


His glasses didn’t look like they were rose tinted to me.







Backstage, Rocky Golden could be seen warming up for his match later in the evening. He was standing on his workout bands, curling the incredibly tense bands and getting his biceps absolutely jacked. In the middle of his set, Jasmine Saunders approached, coughing to get his attention. Rocky turns to her and smiles as she begins the interview.


Rocky, I just want to start by saying you look great!


Thanks, Jazz.


Now on to the hard part: You’ve had a rough run since you lost the World Championship, topped off by losing to Sammy Bach at Just Another Day and then again in last week’s tag match. What’s going through your head knowing that you were on top just a few months ago and now you can’t string together just a couple of wins at a time?


How did I know that was coming?


Rocky sighed.


But really, I’m not too bothered by it. I climbed the mountain and stood on the peak. There’s no where higher. If I want to climb it again I have to drop a little. No one stays on top forever. No one. Did Sam Strong? No. I seem to remember Rip Chord taking the title off fo him a couple of times. Staying on top isn’t what makes someone legendary, it’s if they can get back up if they fall, over and over and over again.


Don’t worry about me, Jazz. I’m pure gold, I’m gonna be back on top. Soon.






Even when on a cold streak, Golden just oozes confidence.


He’s right though. No one stays on top forever. But can Rocky Golden get back up? That remains to be seen.









for the All Action Championship


Andrews wants to be seen as a fighting champion, and putting the title on the line against Montero is a good start. Montero is new to the business, but he’s dangerous, and Andrews found that out the hard way early on in the bout. Montero utilized his strong background in the lucha libre style of wrestling to confound and confuse Andrews, seemingly able to hit an arm drag from just about any tough spot in the ring.


Montero made the mistake of putting all of his eggs in the speed advantage basket, though, and that proved to be a fatal flaw in his gameplan when he realized that Andrews, while no hare, is certainly no turtle in the ring. Andrews fought back with fire, taking the fight to Gino wherever they went. Eventually, Montero thought to come back with a springboard attack, but Andrews caught him midair, drilling him down with a spinebuster.


Carl Batch, on the outside, proclaimed loudly, “That’s how it’s done, baby!”


Andrews rolled over Montero, who lay lifeless on the mat for the three count, winning his first title defense.


Andrews retains, 66






THAT’s a spinebuster!


Andrews snatched him right out of the air for that one!


More importantly, I think Andrews made a big point by proving the rest of the division can’t out-speed him. He has definite all action chops.










The Fonz has the size and strength to match both Buffalo and Rahn, but lacked the intensity of his opposition. Clark, while obviously a skilled technician, found himself overwhelmed in a match against two massive brawlers with even bigger mean streaks. What’s even scarier is that The Hellfire alumni seemed to be fighting for a purpose for once. For whatever reason, they’ve set their sights on the Tag Team Championship, and that focus plus their usual brutality meant bad things for Party Down.


A short match, this one was, and it ended mercifully after Buffalo nailed Alexander with a Stampede (Avalanche splash).


Buff & Rahn win, 66





No sooner had the match ended than The New Wave hit the rign. Scout wielded a bat, which he placed surgically to the back of the Buffalo’s knee, followed by a second shot that he brought down across the big man’s back, cracking it in half. Guide immediately blasted Rahn with a Guided Missile, folding him in half, before the rabid, face paint wearing man began to rain shots down on the back of Rahn’s head. Upon closer inspection, it became clear that Guide had a small chain wrapped around his fist, dealing extra punishment. With their foes sufficiently unconscious, Scout beckoned for a mic.


Let this be a lesson to everyone in the back: The New Wave lie down for no man!


The duo exchanged a look, Guide nodding in approval of the message.


For the past couple of years, these two have been running around acting like they’re big shots, a couple of tough guys because they like to use weapons and get a little hardcore in a place that doesn’t actively promote it. Me and Guide, we were doing just fine letting them do their thing, because we were above it. But last week, they drug us down, and I got news for you boys: we ain’t about to back down! You’re hardcore in TCW, but we were raised up in barbed wire, bleeding in every corner of the tri state. Ask Nemesis. Hell, ask Eddie. We drew blood from him and his brother more than a few times over the years.


That part of us didn’t die with DaVE, it just took a little nap. Now, you woke it up. Now, we charge into battle with a different goal. We aren’t going to just win, we’re going to make you bleed.







Payback’s a *****.




What? It is.


That’s not the point, Sara. The censors don’t like language like that on live tv…


But they’re ok with seeing a show full of guys beating the crap out of each other, plus this beatdown we just saw?




When you put it like that…







Nemesis sat at his desk, attempting to type something on his computer and growing increasingly frustrated when Rick Law stepped into the room.


What the hell, Nemesis?


Nemesis looked up, and rage flashed across his face for a split second before he settled down.


Son, you better have a damn good reason for coming in here like you just did.


Like you have a good reason to leave me off the shows? I lose ONE MATCH to Ino, and I not only don’t get a rematch the next night, but now I have to BEG to even get a match on the show? This is bull ****!


Nemesis shot up suddenly and violently, his chair rocketing backwards.


Bull ****? Bull ****!? Son, I don’t owe you a damn thing. I gave you a main event, sure. You want to know why? I wanted to give Sam Keith an easy win. I wanted Keith to have an opponent he could pick apart and look damn good going into a triple threat title match. Why? Because Sam Keith is worth something for this company. Sam Keith puts asses in seats and dollars in my pockets, and you can’t even sell a damn t-shirt.


Nemesis reached into his desk drawer and pulled out a black t-shirt. He looked at it, scowled, and hurled it at Law.


“Officer Rick Law?” What is that ****? You ain’t in Sam Strong’s house anymore. You want to keep doing that 1980s bull **** go back there. This is TCW, and it’s 2010. That’s not the kind of stuff we sell here. And as long as you ain’t winning, we aren’t going to. Don’t like it? Tough. Take it out East.


Law looked Nemesis dead in the eye, fuming.


Don’t want to promote me? Fine. That’s fine. I’m gonna leave you with these words. I will make you promote me. Remember that.







That was unexpectedly harsh.


The truth hurts.


Law’s one of the best strikers we have on the roster, though. Is it really smart to not promote him?


If the fans don’t want to see him, yes. How many t-shirts does Officer Rick Law sell, anyway?










The All Action division was shown in full effect with this one. The three competitors in the ring also happen to be prime examples of the youth factor in TCW, and they were throwing out new things throughout. Elemental in particular, picked by the legendary Japanese wrestler to carry on his legacy, was doing things that hadn’t ever been seen on such a large stage in America. He was adding flips to his twists and twists to his flips and it created a spectacular scene.


He also happened to be the main target in the match. Leone in particular almost solely targeted him. Maybe he was insulted by seeing another mask in the ring or maybe he just saw Matt Keith as a bigger threat due to his training by his father and current world champ Sam Keith. Whatever it was, it led to Elemental being ping ponged between Keith and Leone, and after Matt flapjacked Elemental into the air, Leone snatched him down with a Blue Light Special (Cutter). He immediately grabbed Matt by the trunks and hair and tossed him from the ring, covering Elemental for the win.


Leone wins, 75






And Nemesis’ first big signing picks up yet another win.


And he didn’t even really touch Matt Keith all that much, either.


Both of them really focused on Elemental the entire time. A good strategy, too, because Elemental’s got to be skilled to wear that mask.


And as good as Leone looked, Matt Keith’s slowly been showing more and more skill. Sam Keith’s training is really shining through for him.







Joey, just settle down!


The fans cheered as RDJ and Joey Minnesota came into view, but it was clear that the atmosphere in their locker room was tense. RDJ was wearing a cast on his arm, and Minnesota was distraught as he paced back and forth.


I’m trying, Ricky. I'm really trying. It just…it just pisses me off. No one around here respects me, man!


You know that’s not true.


It is. I came in and beat Sam Keith for the International title. Nothing. I ended The Syndicate with you. Nothing. And I beat Eddie Peak at his game. Nothing! Troy Tornado disrespected me tonight—


--That’s just how Troy is—


--and I can’t stand it! When am I going to get what I deserve? I’m a damn good wrestler, man! I don’t want any titles or more money or anything, I just want. Want. Respect. That’s it!


And you have it! You just don’t see it, brother. You got it in your head that because Tornado and Sammy Bach and whatever other weirdo don’t respect that no one else does either. That ain’t the case! You got the respect of me, most of that damn locker room, and the whole crowd out there too! Just look around, brother.


I have been. And I don’t see anything that says anyone recognizes me or my talent. I don’t.






Minnesota’s definitely not the most secure guy I’ve ever seen.


And I don’t know why.


He’s got a ton of confidence in his ability, it’s his confidence in how other’s see him that’s lacking.


Dale Johnson’s trying to pep talk him, too, but it looks like it’s not working.







As the next segment began, Ben Benson came out to the ring, high fiving the fans along the way. Sliding into the ring, he grabbed a mic and addressed the locker room.


Last week, I won a match, and Eddie Peak tried attacking me for it. I’m not upset about that. This is wrestling. We’re all fighters here, and I know Peak only takes on guys he feels are worthy of fighting. That’s cool and all, and I’m a little flattered that he’s deemed me good enough, but I’ve seen the collateral damage that comes with fighting Peak. I mean, we all just saw the cast on RDJ’s arm. So I’m gonna forget about Eddie. I’m moving on. Done. I don’t want to deal with the repercussions that along with fighting him. It’s not worth it, simple.


Now that that’s out of the way, let’s move onto something else. I don’t have a match tonight. That means no match bonus, and I do love my money! So I’m out here, ready to go, and I want to issue an open challenge for anyone else that wants to make a little bit of that cash mo-NAY tonight!




A few moments later, and JD Morgan’s music hit. But just a the British Traditionalist stepped out onto the stage, so did Eddie Peak. Peak struck swiftly and efficiently, with a lariat to the back of Morgan’s neck that sent him collapsing down onto the steel grating. Peak then hoisted him up, and powered his limp body up and sent him plummeting back to the steel stage with a Peak of Perfection. Benson’s previously jovial disposition quickly changed, and he stared down Eddie Peak as the Pale Rider grinned wildly back. Standing tall over Morgan’s limp body, he once again raised both wrists to his neck and drew his two thumbs slowly across his throat.







Well, Benson wanted to leave Peak behind and ignore him…


…But Peak just didn’t want to let him do so.


If Benson doesn’t care that much, then JD Morgan surely has to.










Per his M.O., Rocky attempted to overwhelm Wolf early with his distinct size advantage. That worked well for a little while, but Wolf is simply to good to let someone as relatively one dimensional as Golden overwhelm him.


Slipping backwards out of a powerslam, Wolf brought Rocky to his knees with a chop block and followed up with a low dropkick to his head. Following that, Wolf employed pure technique combined with his natural athleticism to keep Rocky grounded. But when Wolf decided it was wise to try and put Golden away with a sleeper hold, he found himself slowly but surely being lifted off the ground until finally Rocky stood, Hawkins held up on his back. Rocky then reached back, hooked Hawkins head, and dropped down, nailing him with the Rocky Road (Backpack stunner)!


When Rocky finally covered Hawkins, it had been too long. Wolf kicked out at two, and Rocky looked disappointedly at the ref. But he went back to work regardless, dragging Hawkins to his feet… where Wolf proceeded to boot him in the gut, take a step back, and blast him with a Full Moon Rising (Charging enzigiri) to score the win.


Hawkins wins, 88.






That was a win Rocky could have really used.


I’m sure Sammy Bach doesn’t mind that he lost all that much.


I’m afraid to know what Sammy Bach thinks about anything.







Indeed, Sammy Bach did look pleased. He and Karen Killer were featured in a split screen shot with Bryan Vessey watching the previous match from different parts of the arena. Vessey looked to not be the least bit entertained, but Bach looked extremely pleased as Karen Killer clung to him.







Told you.










Law charged Keith recklessly to start, a move which proved to be a big mistake. Keith easily sidestepped and hit him with a nifty little armdrag that transitioned straight into a vicious armbar that Keith cranked back on with a smile on his face. He quickly released the hold, though, and let Law back to his feet. Law didn’t charge this time, but he did find himself the unwilling recipient of a running calf kick.


From then on, this was nothing but an extended exhibition of Sam Keith’s offense, with a little bit Rick Law’s brutal looking strikes added in for a little bit of spice. Finally, almost mercifully, Sam Keith nailed Law with a Neutron Plex. Instead of pinning him, though, he grapped him by the legs, twisted, turned him over, and bridged back, securing both the Proton Lock and the win in short time.


Keith wins, 82.



Total: 83




This has been a presentation of…


Rating: 6.30

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Saturday Week 2, April 2010

In front of 1979 fans in Perry Hall (Great Lakes)



Davis Ditterich – Kyle Rhodes – Sara Silver



  • The opening contest of the evening was a six man bout featuring the team of American Elemental and Party Down taking on those dastardly Traditionalists. The Traditionalists controlled most of the match by isolating Elemental, but JD Morgan’s lingering issues from Eddie Peak’s beatdown earlier in the week allowed Elemental to get the hot tag to The Fonz, who came in and cleaned house, putting Morgan down with a Retro Rocket (Release powerbomb) while Elemental and Alexander ran interference to keep the pin from getting broken up.

  • The next match saw the debut of a pair of Canadians known as Real Appeal, Nate Chandler and Sean Deeley. They faced off against Mystery Men in a match that had good implications for the future of the tag division. It was technicians against luchadores in an exciting bout that said a lot about Real Appeal. They’re both technicians, but both have very different approaches to their craft. Deeley was straight forward, no nonsense, and absolutely crisp, whereas Chandler proved to be quite the showman, using all sorts of time taunt his opposition. Despite that, Chandler did find time to pick up the win with a double armbar he dubbed the Fabulous Stretch.

  • After the match, Real Appeal got on the mic to proclaim that they’re the future of the tag division in TCW. Apparently, it’s because Deeley is the “real” deal and Chandler is the sex “appeal.” Whatever that means.

  • Machine Gun Mason finally got his shot at Kid Leone, and the two combined for a very good Saturday night match. Last week their tag match served as a nice preview, and they delivered in this one on one affair. Still, Leone’s run of good form continued tonight as he pulled off the win with a Blue Light Special counter to a Mason brainbuster attempt.

  • Before the next match began, Aaron Andrews and Carl Batch came out and announced that next match would be to decide the new number one contender for the his title. How’s that for added pressure?

  • Jimmy Foxx, Davis Wayne, and Freddy Huggins were already in for a tough match, but the pressure Andrews just added made it even tougher for them. Bodies flied and men crashed and burned, and in the end, Freddy Huggins stood tall after nailing Foxx with his Huggins Kiss superkick.

  • Backstage, Jasmine Saunders was interviewing The New Wave. She asked them about their surprisingly brutal assault on Rahn and Buffalo Tuesday night, and Scout responded that they try and stay away from that sort of violence, but there’s really now other way to deal with The Hellfire Club. He finished by saying that they’re not ashamed of it at all. After all, hardcore is what made them famous.

  • The Guns had the difficult task of tackling Rahn and Buffalo next, and they didn’t fare so well. Apparently, The Hellfire Club wasn’t all that pleased with The New Wave’s attack and subsequent statements about them, and they bulldozed through the pair of cruiserweights across from the ring with them. Buffalo finished it quickly with a stacked Stampede (Avalanche) on both men.

  • And now we’re on to the main event! It’s another tag match, this time pitting the young Dragons against the well oiled Machines. The action was quick and furious, featuring a lot of stiff martial arts stunts from The Dragons and a lot of flawless, fundamental wrestling from The Machines. The match was very even throughout, but it was The Machines who pulled away at the end, ending it with a King of the Hill splash on #2.

Total: 67


This has been a presentation of…


Rating: 0.53

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List 1 Accent 1"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Revision"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="34" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" QFormat="true" Name="List Paragraph"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="29" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" QFormat="true" Name="Quote"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="30" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" QFormat="true" Name="Intense Quote"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="66" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium List 2 Accent 1"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="67" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Grid 1 Accent 1"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="68" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Grid 2 Accent 1"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="69" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Grid 3 Accent 1"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="70" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Dark List Accent 1"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="71" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Colorful Shading Accent 1"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="72" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Colorful List Accent 1"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="73" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Colorful Grid Accent 1"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="60" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Light Shading Accent 2"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="61" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Light List Accent 2"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="62" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Light Grid Accent 2"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="63" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Shading 1 Accent 2"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="64" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Shading 2 Accent 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SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Dark List Accent 4"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="71" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Colorful Shading Accent 4"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="72" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Colorful List Accent 4"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="73" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Colorful Grid Accent 4"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="60" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Light Shading Accent 5"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="61" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Light List Accent 5"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="62" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Light Grid Accent 5"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="63" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Shading 1 Accent 5"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="64" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Shading 2 Accent 5"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="65" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium List 1 Accent 5"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="66" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium List 2 Accent 5"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="67" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Grid 1 Accent 5"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="68" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Grid 2 Accent 5"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="69" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Grid 3 Accent 5"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="70" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Dark List Accent 5"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="71" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Colorful Shading Accent 5"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="72" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Colorful List Accent 5"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="73" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Colorful Grid Accent 5"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="60" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Light Shading Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="61" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Light List Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="62" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Light Grid Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="63" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Shading 1 Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="64" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Shading 2 Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="65" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium List 1 Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="66" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium List 2 Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="67" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Grid 1 Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="68" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Grid 2 Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="69" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Grid 3 Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="70" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Dark List Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="71" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Colorful Shading Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="72" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Colorful List Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="73" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Colorful Grid Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="19" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" QFormat="true" Name="Subtle Emphasis"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="21" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" 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If you ask certain members of the wrestling community, being stuck under a mask is an insult. You’re not good enough, so put this on and hide who you are! The mask gets famous, not you, they say. And while I do think that’s true, I don’t think it’s a bad thing at all.




Just take a look at American Elemental. He’s undoubtedly one of the most talented guys we’ve got, but would we have noticed him if he had never been handed the Elemental mask? Maybe, maybe not. The indies are bursting with guys that have all that talent in the world but never made it past local midcarder. Putting on that mask put a spotlight on him, and it got him hired by the second largest promotion in the world (soon to be largest).



But there’s more reasons to wear a mask that that. Take a look at Mystery Men, El Leon and Electrico. They come from the world of lucha libre, where the culture has embraced masks for what they are: honors. To wear a mask there is to have an identity. It allows guys like Electrico and El Leon, who may not have the best looks (and trust me, they really are just a pair of unassuming dudes) to hide that and let their abilities shine through. The mask elevates them and makes them maybe more than they could have previously been.




Then you’ve got a guy like ACID. He’s an odd case, in that his mask isn’t really needed. His look without it (if you’ve seen his early days in CZCW you know what it is) is just as good as his masked look. He doesn’t need the mask at all, but chooses it for legacy purposes. He’s only 32, but he’s already looking forward to the next generation by attempting to build a certain amount of prestige and mystique behind that mask and paint underneath. And it’s working, too. Even though he’s a heel that rarely wins, his mask is one of the hottest sellers on TCW.com. Rumor has it that he’s already training a guy he found in Boston last year to succeed him and don his mask.



On that note, we move to Kid Leone. In Mexico, masks are usually passed on to family members. In Japan, it’s mostly to protégés of the original. But in America, masks are usually just passed on to the most suitable candidate. “Who can benefit from this mask now?” sort of thing. Notables from the past include The Masked Mauler, The Masked Patriot, and Rip Chord and that British friend of his have been trying to create a legacy with some spider mask. That’s what we want to do with the Kid Leone mask. The guy wearing it now is not going to be wearing it forever, not by a longshot. But we want other guys to wear it. Guys newly debuting, guys coming back from injury looking from revenge. We want it to be instantly recognizable, so that it can elevate whoever’s wearing it.




Out East, they don’t like masks. Lobster Warrior’s is open faced and everyone knows who he is, and they put that idiot Big Smack Scott (Who’s actually a worse wrester than I was, if you believe that) in a mask and called him Super Lucha Scott as a joke. They don’t respect wrestling tradition or the history of the business of there. That’s not TCW operates. We embrace our history and tradition. We embrace wrestling.

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I thought you meant "East" as in "Japan". This led to a few questions:


  1. How the hell did SWF not have control of BSS?
  2. Does he even work in Japan?
  3. Who would hire him in Japan?
  4. As a luchador?
  5. Oh, wait, isn't SWF East of TCW or something?


So then I just lold.


Also, Nate Chandler? Too many Eddies?


Machine Gun Mason? I assume this is Mason Ryan posing as Batista (at least with the same entrance). As to how Mason's in TCW-or why you'd choose him to import into the data-I await your explanation.




Three good matches on your main show; opener, main event, and semi-main in order of good-ness. How the hell did Golden and Hawkins pull off an 88?

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Machine Gun Mason? I assume this is Mason Ryan posing as Batista (at least with the same entrance). As to how Mason's in TCW-or why you'd choose him to import into the data-I await your explanation.


It's Steven Parker, as noted earlier.


I'll admit to thinking MGM is a bad name for Parker, though - a name like that needs to be justified with wins early or the dude ceases to be a young rookie and becomes a comedy jobber.

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Guest codey

Admittedly, I had bigger plans for Mason when I hired him. For the time being, though, he's going to be a Showcase mainstay, picking up mixed wins and losses until he gets a bit more over. He's a good fit for the all action division, which I'm going to use to have a bunch of multi-man matches and title defenses to get younger guys exposure.


And yeah, too many Eddie's. So now Eddie Chandler is "Nasty" Nate Chandler, which I'm kind of disappointed in since I wanted to someday hire Nate Johnson and give him that nickname. Maybe I can make him "Natural" Nate Johnson, but that sounds way too generic to me.


Actually, a quick editor check tells me Johnson's contract isn't over for nearly 500 days, so I'm not too broken up about it I guess.

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Guest codey


Total Wrestling this week will be featuring two big tag team matches in the main and co-main event slots. The first of the two will be RDJ's return to action, as he teams up with partner Joey Minnesota to take on The Machines in an exciting exhibition match. Both teams have accomplished a lot in TCW, and this should be a memorable match for all four of them. The main event features a bit more animosity, with Bryan Vessey and Rocky Golden teaming up to take on Wolf Hawkins and Sammy Bach. This is the first time Vessey and Hawkins step into the ring against one another, but the same can't be said for Bach and Golden, who've competed several times in the past few weeks. Unfortunately for Golden, he's been on the losing end of each of those matches.


Continuing the tag team theme, Sam and Matt Keith team up for the first time to take on Brandon Smith and Gino Montero. Matt's been unable to piece together a win so far, but with the world champ at his side, things are looking up for him. In another matchup, Guide will go one on one with American Buffalo in what's sure to be a violent affair if their previous encounters are any indication.


The All Action division will be a big part of the show this week as well, with an All Action title match between champion Aaron Andrews and former champ Freddy Huggins. Joshua Taylor will also be making his return to TCW in a multi man match featuring Davis Wayne, American Elemental, Kid Leone, and ACID. And finally, in a match that says a lot for TCW's international, a big star from Japan will be making his debut in a match against Robert Oxford.


Don't forget to tune in for this exciting evening of wrestling!



Quick Picks:

Sam & Matt Keith vs Montero & Smith

American Elemental vs Davis Wayne vs Joshua Taylor vs ACID vs Kid Leone

Aaron Andrews © vs Freddy Huggins for the All Action title

??? v Robert Oxford

Guide vs American Buffalo

Freedom Fighters vs The Machines

Golden & Vessey vs Bach & Hawkins
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Sam & Matt Keith vs Montero & Smith


I want to keep the Matt streak, but the world champ isn't losing.


American Elemental vs Davis Wayne vs Joshua Taylor vs ACID vs Kid Leone


That's a talented undercard. I actually like Taylor, contrary to most people. What are Leone's stats?


Aaron Andrews © vs Freddy Huggins for the All Action title


Bleh. Andrews has never done it for me, and I hate Huggins because of...um...actually, I can't remember. I don't think it's just that him and Edd are pals, but I can't remember what it is...


Buddy Garner v Robert Oxford


I'm hoping it's Garner. Probably my favorite match on the card.


Guide vs American Buffalo


Bleh. The New Wave are a great team but poor individually, and AmBuff sucks. I'll go for a draw instead of Guide win via DQ. Hellfire shenanigans.


Freedom Fighters vs The Machines


MOTN. Give RDJ a comeback win.


Golden & Vessey vs Bach & Hawkins


Golden's losing, Vessey's in the doghouse, and...oh, I guess that's it. Not the MOTN because I don't think Vessey can carry everyone.

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Sam & Matt Keith vs Montero & Smith

American Elemental vs Davis Wayne vs Joshua Taylor vs ACID vs Kid Leone

Aaron Andrews © vs Freddy Huggins for the All Action title

??? v Robert Oxford

Guide vs American Buffalo

Freedom Fighters vs The Machines

Golden & Vessey vs Bach & Hawkins

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Sam & Matt Keith vs Montero & Smith

No way that Sam loses this one.


American Elemental vs Davis Wayne vs Joshua Taylor vs ACID vs Kid Leone

I do hope that I´m wrong here as I would like to see ACID (or Taylor) winning this one but I think that Leone is going to continue his winning streak.

Aaron Andrews © vs Freddy Huggins for the All Action title

Too early for a title change.


??? v Robert Oxford

Mystery man is usually a good pick and I doubt that Oxford will get many victories considering he´s age and current card position.


Guide vs American Buffalo

Usually I would pick Guide but I think that Hellsfire Club need to win this one more.


Freedom Fighters vs The Machines

Machines are great but Freedom Fighters are main event guys so I assume that they will go over.


Golden & Vessey vs Bach & Hawkins

Golden gets another loss.

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Sam & Matt Keith vs Montero & Smith

American Elemental vs Davis Wayne vs Joshua Taylor vs ACID vs Kid Leone

Aaron Andrews © vs Freddy Huggins for the All Action title

??? v Robert Oxford

Guide vs American Buffalo

Freedom Fighters vs The Machines

Golden & Vessey vs Bach & Hawkins

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Guest codey


Tuesday Week 3, April 2010

In front of 8,873 fans in Virginia Park Fields (Mid Atlantic)






Jason Azaria – Kyle Rhodes – Sara Silver


Welcome to Total Wrestling, and boy do we have a show planed for you!


That’s right, and it’s already getting started. The team of Brandon Smith and Gino Montero are already in the ring, and the father/son pair of Sam and Matt Keith are on their way out now!










This is the first time that both Sam and Matt have stepped into a TCW ring together, and it really seemed to bring out a little extra fire in Matt. This was a very good opener that presented Sam Keith as being the extremely dangerous competitor he is, since he was never really in danger, and showed Matt, Gino, and Brandon off very well. Matt came out of his shell and looked good, and Brandon and Gino exhibited some nice teamwork.


Lie was said earlier, though, when Sam Keith got in the ring he dominated, and that was the tide turner. After nailing Gino with a Neutron Plex, he tagged out to his son, who twisted Montero up in a Proton Lock and forced the submission, earning his first TCW win!


Sam & Matt win, 76.






Matt’s been improving as he gets more comfortable in the ring, and it finally pays off with a win.


I’d say he owes his dad a lot for it, though.


In more ways than one. Sam trained him, too, after all.







Matt was ecstatic as he and his dad walked through the Crippler position. Sam was, too, though their moods dropped considerably as Tommy Cornell stepped into the shot, slow clapping.


Congratulations, young Matthew! I was wondering if I had to fire you for losing too much for a moment there.


Matt looked down sheepishly as Pa Keith stepped in.


S. Keith:
You’re out of the line, Tommy.


Am I, Sam? Am I?


S. Keith:
Yeah, you are. You’re problem’s with me, not my boy. You got something to say, you say it to me.


Sam, I don’t have a bloody thing to say to you. It’s enough for me to simply take that gaudy belt off your waist. I don’t have to embarrass you further. Now, if you’ll excuse me—


He took a look at his watch.


I’ve got a company to run. Keep it up, sunshine.


Tommy walked off, and Sam turned to his son.


S. Keith:
Don’t listen to a damn thing his says. It’s all poison.


M. Keith:
Yeah, yeah, I know…


S. Keith:
Come on, we’ve gotta watch the match tape.




The duo headed down the hallway, Sam in the lead, when they ran into Koshiro Ino. Ino looked past Sam toward Matt and extended a hand. Matt looked at his dad who nodded approvingly, and took Ino’s hand, shaking it. As he did so, Ino bowed deeply. Without a word, Ino raised back up and headed down the hall, leaving Matt and Sam alone.







Welp, two different reactions to a career milestone.


I just want to say congratulations to Matt. No matter what Tommy says…


Is it really a good idea to publicly oppose the boss like that?


Tommy Cornell? Never.












The backdrop for Joshua Taylor’s return to action was a very good all action match that also served to set up the All Action title match that would take place next. The action was intense, with a lot of different styles coming forward from everyone. Davis Wayne and Kid Leone in particular seemed to be able to adapt to any situation they were thrown into.


But it was Josh Taylor who took the starring role. He really seemed to enjoy being in a TCW ring again, and that showed as he was never really put on the defensive the entire time. And when he stood over the prone Elemental and secured the Butterfly Lock, it looked the match was all but done. He never anticipated Kid Leone appearing from nowhere, though, and that’s exactly what happened. With impressive quickness, Leone wrenched Taylor’s head violently to the ground with a Blue Light Special and covered him for the win before anyone else could interfere.


Leone wins, 79.


Instead of the usual posing to celebrate, Leone called for a microphone instead.


Not the triumphant return you were looking for, Taylor? Sorry about that. But look, I didn’t want to be the to put you down like that. Someone had to do it, though. And looking at the terrible talent that was in this match, I knew it had to be me. You’re not TCW’s young star anymore, Josh. You lost your International title and disappeared for a few months, and you fell off. Other, better talent—namely me—has replaced you. You need to realize that. If you don’t already, come see me Saturday night. I’ll be waiting for you in the ring.







Leone not only impresses but rains on Taylor’s parade in the process.


Submission victories are hard to take in matches like this. It takes a lot of time to force one, and that’s not something you have fighting 3 or four other guys.







…I’m not saying it’s messed up or anything, but it’s messed up, man!


Edd Stone and Freddy Huggins were standing in the Crippler Position ahead of Freddy’s title match.


Dude, I didn’t ask for a title match. I didn’t even ask for a number one contender match.


A likely story.


Whatever, man. You’re paranoid. I don’t have any problems with you and I don’t know why you have any with me.


What about when you hit me last week? I was totally about to turn the Edd Fu up all the way to eleven and trick Minnesota into beating himself, and you showed up and ruined it!


Whoah! You hit me, dude. That was all on you. You just have bad aim.


…Edd Fu never misses.




Jasmine Saunders sauntered by and Laura Huggins walked up to the duo. Edd’s eyes instinctively followed the backstage correspondent.


Can we finish this later? I’ve got…stuff… to do.


Huggins sighed.


F. Huggins:
Sure, whatever.


Ok, cool. Jasmine! Hey, Jasmine!


And with that Edd went bounding after the buxom interviewer. Freddy looked on, doing a bad job of hiding his disgust.


F. Huggins:
Can you believe people think that idiot’s better than me?


L. Huggins:
It’s the name.


F. Huggins:
A name he doesn’t come close to living up to. But it doesn’t matter. When I win my record fifth All Action title, people won’t even remember that name.






Sounds like jealousy from both of them.


I’d say Edd’s is more the standard paranoia we’ve come to expect from him, but Freddy just doesn’t seem to like him at all anymore.


Kind to his face, and ugly when he’s off chasing tail.


Did you just call our coworker Jasmine Saunders ‘tail?’


I…er…no! It’s just a broad, general term.


And now she’s just a broad?


This is one you can’t win, partner.











When two competitors have an innate understanding of one another, it’s obvious. This is one of those times. Andrews and Huggins seem to elevate one another to that next level, and they wound up turning in one of the best All Action title defenses in some time.


Huggins approached with pure speed, and Andrews found himself on the retreat, using superior technique and a little bit a brawling to keep himself in the match. Throughout, Carl Batch remained vocal on the outside, and it was his coaching that led to Andrews’ eventual win. As Huggins lined up the Huggins Kiss super kick, Batch was quick to warn Andrews about, and Ace ducked under the boot, spun about and planted Huggins with his trademark spinebuster to score the win.


“Ace” Andrews retains, 73.






Andrews has developed that spinebuster into a seriously dangerous move.


In the all action division, at least. But will it be effective against bigger wrestlers like himself? He barely makes the weight limit, after all.







With Robert Oxford waiting in the ring, the lights cut out, the fans screamed in anticipation, and the sound of snake hissing echoed through the arena. From the black, the silhouette of a cobra formed itself on the big screen, and the sounds of Treading Paper could be heard. The music played, and a spotlight cut through the darkness to reveal…




Black Cobra, standing on the stage!





The famed Japanese star attempted to shake hands with Oxford, who slapped it away in disgust. For his troubles, he received a lightning fast enzigiri followed by a near-flawless series of mat based moves. Oxford, no slouch himself, attempted to keep up, but found himself repeatedly pinned to the ground and locked in holds.


Cobra finally let him up, only to springboard off the the ropes and put him right back down with a moonsault press. When that didn’t put him away, he took aim and dropped him with a lethally quick heel kick and followed that up by climbing to the top rope. Cobra leapt off with amazing grace and nailed Oxford with a swandive senton bomb. When Oxford rolled over in agony, Cobra struck, using the opportunity to tie him up and stretch him out the a move dubbed the Alabaster Agony (Romero Special) to score the submission win in his debut!


Cobra wins, 67






…I can’t believe we got him.


Try and pick your jaw up off the floor, Kyle.


He’s right, though. This is a big deal! We just got one of the premier super juniors in the world on our roster!


I guess the best in the world really do come to TCW.







We cut backstage, where Nemesis is standing uncomfortably, his arms nearly bursting the seams of his jacket waiting to be interviewed by Jasmine Saunders.


It’s nice to have you here, boss.


It’s nice to be here, I guess.


So, the thing weighing on everyone’s mind is what you had to say to Rick Law last week. Is it really hard to promote Law?


Yeah, it is.


Care to elaborate?


Nemesis eyed Jasmine with obvious annoyance, but continued on regardless.


Look, I don’t dislike Rick. I actually like watching him a lot. Guy throws one of the best punches I’ve seen in years. But here’s the thing: he’s dated. The whole cop thing is right out of the eighties. It’s 2010 now, and Law’s living twenty years in the past. I see that, you see that, the fans see that. And once he gets on a losing streak, they don’t wanna buy him. All they see is a big son of a ***** acting like a cop when they know he ain’t and they turn the channel.


So with Law on a cold streak, can you see yourself booking him again for a big match?


If he wants it, I’ll give him another chance. But it’s not gonna be against just anyone. I’m not in the wrestling business anymore. I’m in the wrestling BUSINESS, and I’ve gotta sell tickets. Rick Law against Joe Schmo ain’t gonna sell. It’s gonna take a big star for me to get him again. But for now, you can catch him at house shows and Showcase, and that’s about it.







Nemesis dropping logic bombs.














Violence, violence, and more violence.


Guide and Buffalo aren’t exactly known for their subtlety, so this match ended up being a straight up brawl. Guide mixed in some flashy attacks to hold his own against the massive Buffalo for the duration, but it proved to be unnecessary since the match didn’t last very long.


Not five minutes in, the action spilled to the outside, where Guide grabbed a steel chair and Buffalo powered up the ring steps. Buffalo missed his attack, but Guide struck home on Buff’s back. Buff didn’t seem to mind, though, and lashed out with a huge lariat as the the ref called for the DQ, declaring the match a draw as security spilled from the back to separate the two.


DQ draw, 64






That was quick.


I never expected it to last long, to be honest.







Eddie Peak’s music hit next, and the leader of Buffalo’s group appeared from the back, dragging a body behind him. Upon closer inspection, it became obvious it Jimmy Foxx, bleeding profusely from the forehead and unconscious. Peak dragged him all of the way to the ring before dumping him at ringside and climbing up into the squared circle.


The bodies pile higher and higher, and they will continue to do until I get what I want. The blood of Jimmy Foxx is on your hands as well as mine, Ben Benson. I’m fine with that, but I know that the guilt eats away at you. This man bleeds because you’re afraid to face me. Afraid of the ‘collateral damage.’ But the damage is here and the blood is already flowing. I want a fight, Benson. Appease me.


Peak waited a moment longer, and when Benson’s music never played and he never stepped out on the stage, Peak grinned.


That’s fine. But as the liquid of life floods through the locker room and threatens to drown everyone in it’s wake, know that you could have prevented it.







The scary thing is that he’s completely serious.


Just fight him Benson.


That’s easy for you to say.


You know it’s going to happen one way or another eventually.










RDJ was still sporting his cast as he made his in-ring return, and The Machines were quick to exploit that. RDJ was a target throughout, and with a bum arm, it proved difficult for him to tag out. The result was the Total Legend fending off the relentless Anderson and Hill for most of the match, with Joey Minnesota watching on from the apron, helpless.


Even though his arm was being battered, though, a cast is still a very hard protective shell, and when RDJ threw it, it hurt. That’s exactly what happened when Hill attempted to suplex RDJ. Johnson countered by throwing a hard body blow that doubled Hill over, making him gasp for air. RDJ followed up with a Southern Justice (Uranage) that would have put Hill down for the count had he been able to cover. Instead, he slowly began dragging himself to his corner, where he finally tagged out to Minnesota.


Minn came in on fire, hopping over the top rope just as Hill tagged out to Anderson. Minn dropped him with a right, another right, and finally a Minnesota Salute (running forearm smash). Hill was just recovering on the apron, and Minn gave him a Minnesota Salute for his troubles, as well. He spun about and immediately began to size Anderson, drilling him with an Empire Spiral the second he got to his feet. The cover afterwards was academic, and RDJ didn’t even have to run interference on Hill.


The Freedom Fighters win, 86





Neither Joey’s nor Ricky’s music played after the match. No, instead the sounds of Busy Bein’ Born could be heard, and Troy Tornado stepped out onto the ramp.


You’re still not showing me what the big deal about you is, Minnesota. You wanna be part of the main event, you gotta impress! Last week you failed to do that against Edd Stone, and this wek you did it again. You won, yeah, but RDJ did all the work! You just cleaned up the scraps at the end. That’s not good enough, kid. Now I hear you’ve been asking Nemesis for a match with. It’s not gonna happen. Not yet. And keep performing like this, and you ain’t even gonna open for me.







Troy Tornado once again steals his moment.


Troy’s kind of a jackass.


He’s certainly got the rock star ego down pat.








w/ Karen Killer


Bach and Vessey started the match, circling until they eventually tied up. Vessey tripped Bach, and the two began to chain wrestle until Vessey whipped Bach into the ropes. Vessey dipped down, looking for a back body drop, but Bach flipped over his back and nailed a spinning heel kick when he turned around. A stomp and a tag out later, and now it was Wolf in the ring. Cockily, Wolf began to lightly push Vessey’s face down with the heel of his boot, but Vessey wouldn’t have that and responded by grabbing a hold of Wolf’s boot. Still holding on, he stood as Wolf fought to maintain his balance, before quickly pulling and nailing him with an overhead belly to belly.


Vessey tagged out to Golden, who came in with a big leg drop on Hawkins. He only got a two out of it, and quickly went to smother Hawkins with some basic but effective ground work. Finally locked in a butterfly hold, Hawkins struggled and got to his feet, countering Golden with a mule kick that got both men to their respective corners. They tagged out simultaneously, and Bach and Vessey came rushing in toward one another.


Vessey dipped down once more and Bach flipped over him, but when he tried the heel kick this time, Vessey ducked under, and hit Bach with an overhead belly to belly when he recovered. Vessey was quick to pounce, hoisting Bach up and hitting a brainbuster. He covers and gets a one…two…Hawkins makes the save, booting Vessey in the head. Golden comes sprinting in to even the odds, but Hawkins sees him coming and dips the top rope low, and Golden goes tumbling over to the outside. This gives Wolf the perfect opportunity to show off his aerial skills, and he goes to nail a plancha on the big man…but Golden catches him on the way down. Showing impressive strength, Golden rushes forward and rams Hawkins’ back into the ring post.


Meanwhile, in the ring, Bach wrests control of the match with some impressive aerial work. A springboard moonsault almost earns him the match, and he attempts to tag out to Hawkins, only to realize that he’s not there. Neither is Golden, for that matter. Both men are laying beaten at ringside.


Bach shrugs and attempts a second springboard moonsault, but Vessey raises his knees and Bach is forced to rotate completely and land on his feet to avoid the counter. It’s not enough, though, because Bach landed slightly off balance, giving Vessey time to get to back to his feet, boot Bach’s gut, and hoist him up for a fireman carry gutbuster. Golden is up now, but still working his way back to his corner, while Hawkins is nowhere to be seen. As Vessey calls for the Vessey Driver and beckons Bach to get up, it becomes clear where Wolf was. Hawkins is wobbly on the top rope, but he comes off with a beautiful front drop kick that takes out Vessey, allowing Bach some recovery time.


Bach’s got a crazy look in his eyes now as he goes to work on Vessey, who can only get in sporadic bursts of offense that are quickly shut down as Bach and Hawkins work the quick tag. Finally, he seems to get some life back in him, and as Hawkins drags him to his feet, he pushes off and blasts Wolf with a lariat that turns him inside out. Now, with them both men in the center of the ring, the fans are going crazy. Slowly but surely, they begin to drag their carcasses toward their respective corners, where their partners are begging to be tagged in. They finally do so, and the place goes nuts. Bach and Golden meet in the center of the ring and start trading. Golden with a strong right hand, and Bach with lightning fast kicks. It looks like a stalemate, until Bach ducks under one of Golden’s punches and charges his corner, dropkicking the just-recovering Vessey down to the floor.


This takes the ref’s eyes off of Golden momentarily, and allows Wolf to slip in unnoticed and kick Rocky right in his golden globes. Hawkins quickly slipped out as Golden writhed in pain, and Bach pounced on his foe, slapping on the Bach on Your Back submission (Sleeper with scissors), and Golden tapped quickly enough.


Bach & Hawkins win, 97



Total: 85


This has been a presentation of…


Rating: 6.26

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Guest codey


Saturday Week 3, April 2010

In front of 1,778 fans in North Carolina’s Biker Museum (Mid Atlantic)



Davis Ditterich – Kyle Rhodes – Sara Silver


  • Kicking off the show, The Traditionalists – Joel Bryant, Robert Oxford, and JD Morgan – came out to the ring with a new, younger roster member at their sides. They introduced him as Marc Speed, taking offense at the fact that everyone says their together because they’re “old,” and that’s just not true. They’re together because they respect tradition. Marc Speed, apparently, respects tradition, which is why they welcome him with open arms into their brotherhood. Aaron Andrews, Chance Fortune, and Jimmy Foxx? They don’t, and they’re about to learn the error of their ways.

  • The following match, a six man tag featuring Bryant, Oxford, and Speed taking on Andrews, Fortune, and Foxx was a decent opener. Speed got in a lot of offense, showing off a refined technical game that his opponents - especially Foxx, still reeling from Eddie Peak’s assault – struggled to cope with. But when All Action champ “Ace” Andrews got rolling, he really was near unstoppable. Ace finishes it with a spinebuster with impressive torque on Oxford.

  • Davis Wayne and Machine Gun Mason team up next, taking on the new team of Real Appeal. The match is a technical affair throughout, and the fans got really into it. Sean Deeley secured the win for his team in the end, locking the Front Choke Lock on Wayne for the submission.

  • Jasmine Saunders interviews Matt Keith in the standard TCW interview area next. Matt says that it’s great to have his first career win, but he really owes it all to his dad. If he wasn’t there, Matt says he would still be winless.

  • Edd Stone and Freddy Huggins put their differences aside long enough to pick up a win against Mystery Men next. There was obvious strife between the two, no more evident than when Huggins blind tagged himself when Stone got on a roll and finished the match himself with a Huggins Kiss superkick on Leon.

  • Super juniors unite! That’s what happened as Black Cobra and American Elemental teamed up to take on the team of Gino Montero and Brandon Smith. Smith and Montero had a good showing for what it’s worth, displaying impressive teamwork, but it was the pure speed and technique of Cobra and Elemental that ended up taking the win when Cobra locked Montero in the Alabaster Agony submission while Elemental used a rana to take Smith out of the ring and out of the equation.

  • Backstage, Jasmine Saunders tries to catch up with The Canadian Animals. They don’t seem to notice her as she tries to gain their attention since they’re arguing so heatedly, with Stone acting almost more confused than Huggins is confrontational.

  • The semi-main event of the evening was a triple threat pitting RDJ against ACID against Rhino Umaga. The match was fast paced for both RDJ and Umaga, with ACID doing his best to set a furious pace for them to keep up with. Rhino bruised, ACID flew, but it was RDJ that brawled his way to victory. After decking Umaga with his cast, ACID attempted to springboard in and take Johnson out, but found himself caught and put down hard with a Southern Justice for his troubles. RDJ takes the win.

  • Before his match, Kid Leone came out to cut a promo. According to him, TCW had to force Josh Taylor to take this match because he’s afraid of Leone. Leone doesn’t blame him, though, because who isn’t? He’s the most talented person in TCW.

  • Well, no one saw this coming. Apparently, Leone and Taylor just don’t click in the ring. Their timing was just off with one another, but they still managed to reach the twenty minute television time limit against one another. The fans were almost relieved when the ref called for the bell, but it left nothing settled between these two.


Total: 65


This has been a presentation of…


Rating: 0.51

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Guest codey


Just one week away from Where Angels Fear to Tread and things are starting to heat up.


The main attraction, obviously, is a triple threat tag team match up designed to serve as a preview for Sunday's World Championship triple threat match. Champion Sam Keith will partner with Rocky Golden, Koshiro Ino with RDJ, and Tommy Cornell will be teaming up with Sammy Bach in what should be an exciting match up.


Also in action will be Bryan Vessey as he looks to rectify his loss to Wolf Hawkins in tag action last week by beating John Anderson in a rare singles outing. That should be tough, because Anderson's nickname, "Human Arsenal," is one he earned by proving himself to be an absolute machine in the ring.


The all action division will continue to have a strong presence this week, with champion Aaron Andrews teaming with his partner, Chance Fortune, to take on The Tag Team Specialists. Oxford and Bryant demanded the match after what they claimed was a robbery Saturday night when they lost to Andrews, Fortune, and Jimmy Foxx.


Speaking of Foxx, that win seems to have gotten him noticed by people higher up the pecking order. He'll be taking on Troy Tornado in the opening slot of the evening in what looks to be his toughest match yet. Continuing their rivalry, Kid Leone and Josh Taylor will team with Gino Montero and Davis Wayne, respectively, as they look to gain an advantage over one another. Matt Keith will also be in tag action, teaming up once more with Machine Gun Mason to battle Brandon Smith and the big bruiser Rhino Umaga.


And finally, in what could quite possibly steal the show, the mysterious and dangerous Black Cobra will compete against Freddy Huggins. It will be interesting to see how the Japanese junior will compete against Huggins, a multiple-time All Action Champion who's been on quite a roll lately, despite taking a loss Aaron Andrews last week.



Quick Picks:

Jimmy Foxx vs Troy Tornado

Josh Taylor & Davis Wayne vs Kid Leone & Gino Montero

Matt Keith & Machine Gun Mason vs Brandon Smith & Rhino Umaga

The LA Connection vs The Tag Team Specialists

Bryan Vessey vs John Anderson

Keith & Golden vs Ino & RDJ vs Cornell & Bach

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Jimmy Foxx vs Troy Tornado

Josh Taylor & Davis Wayne vs Kid Leone & Gino Montero

Matt Keith & Machine Gun Mason vs Brandon Smith & Rhino Umaga

The LA Connection vs The Tag Team Specialists

Bryan Vessey vs John Anderson

Keith & Golden vs Ino & RDJ vs Cornell & Bach

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Jimmy Foxx vs Troy Tornado




Josh Taylor & Davis Wayne vs Kid Leone & Gino Montero


You are not a fan of Taylor and are a fan of Leone (GK I am guessing)


Matt Keith & Machine Gun Mason vs Brandon Smith & Rhino Umaga


Go Matty and Mason go! BTW where is Samoan Machine?


The LA Connection vs The Tag Team Specialists


Specialist have been on a roll on the B show but one team has Ace!


Black Cobra vs Freddy Huggins


I know Huggins got a title shot coming up but its the freaking black cobra Duane Stone! Plus Edd can FU Huggins


Bryan Vessey vs John Anderson


Despite the chemistry bug Vessey is still one of your top performers.


Keith & Golden vs Ino & RDJ vs Cornell & Bach


Golden is in a loosing streak storyline, Ino and RDJ are not a regular pairing and you are elevating Bach to ME status.



BTW getting a 97 out of an ME with Golden is nice work although you have been training him a lot partnering with guys or working against guys with good basic skills.


Again too bad for the Vessey, Cornell bug it is probably your strongest match normally from the starting roster.


Finally read all of your MAW and caught up on this one. KUTGW and would like more behind the scenes stuff, I am a sucker for it.

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Jimmy Foxx vs Troy Tornado

Josh Taylor & Davis Wayne vs Kid Leone & Gino Montero

Matt Keith & Machine Gun Mason vs Brandon Smith & Rhino Umaga

The LA Connection vs The Tag Team Specialists

Bryan Vessey vs John Anderson

Keith & Golden vs Ino & RDJ vs Cornell & Bach

Black Cobra vs Freddy Huggins

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Jimmy Foxx vs Troy Tornado

Foxx doesn´t win.


Josh Taylor & Davis Wayne vs Kid Leone & Gino Montero

Leone push continues.


Matt Keith & Machine Gun Mason vs Brandon Smith & Rhino Umaga

Not sure about this one but Matt has so far got most TV time from these four so might as well pick him.


The LA Connection vs The Tag Team Specialists

Doing slighly more, well Andrews is anyway.


Bryan Vessey vs John Anderson

Singles main eventer over good tag guy.


Keith & Golden vs Ino & RDJ vs Cornell & Bach

It seems that Golden doesn´t win much and I rate RDJ slighly higher than Bach. Besides Ino could use the win more than Cornell or Keith.

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Guest codey

Forgot to add one match to the quick picks: Black Cobra vs Freddy Huggins



Go Matty and Mason go! BTW where is Samoan Machine?


Machine's waiting in the wings right now, plying his trade in MAW. I know he's more talented, but I've always preferred Umaga simply because his render connects with me a lot more.



BTW getting a 97 out of an ME with Golden is nice work although you have been training him a lot partnering with guys or working against guys with good basic skills.


I was honestly amazed I got a score that high with those guys in particular. I've been training Golden up a lot lately, but he's not really improved much. His basics and selling have gone up enough, but I was expecting at least a single psychology point. No dice, though.


Again too bad for the Vessey, Cornell bug it is probably your strongest match normally from the starting roster.


I think Vessey's going to fall under the category of "bad with everyone." I usually get at least one guy per game that can't work well with anyone, and Vessey's already earned awful chemistry teaming with Minnesota and bad against Tommy. But then, Tommy's also got awful chemistry fighting RDJ :(

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Guest codey


Tuesday Week 4, April 2010

In front of 9,786 fans in The Friedman Building (Mid South)



Jason Azaria – Kyle Rhodes – Sara Silver


Welcome to Total Wrestling, where tonight we’ll see a preview of Sunday night’s triple threat match for the World Championship.


We’ll also see Bryan Vessey, Black Cobra, and Troy Tornado in action.


Speaking of Troy Tornado, here he comes now.










Jimmy Foxx really stood no chance against Tornado, but that didn’t stop him from giving it his all. Because of that, the crowd were solidly behind Foxx even as Troy beat him from turnbuckle to turnbuckle, finishing him off rather easily with a Star Maker (Springboard flying forearm).


Tornado wins, 77.





Though Tornado’s music played after the match, it was only for a short time. Joey Minnesota came from the crowd and entered the ring from behind Tornado’s back, drilling him with an Empire Spiral! Standing over Tornado, Minnesota called for a microphone.


You’ve rained on my parade a few times in the past couple of weeks, Troy. I just wanted to return the favor. And I also wanted to tell you that I just got out of a meeting with Nemesis, and just like me, he’s had it with all your talking. You keep saying I don’t belong in the main event with you, and Sunday night everyone’s going to see just how much that isn’t true. I’m one of the best wrestlers you’ve ever seen. I’m no opener for you, and I’m not your equal. Troy Tornado, my name is Joey Minnesota, and I’m better than you.







Base level revenge and a match! Just what Minnesota wanted.


I’ve never been one for sneak attacks, but… good for you, Joey.







Sam Keith stood alone in the interview area facing the camera, Jasmine Saunders inexplicably absent.


I’ve been pretty quiet the past few weeks. Let the wrestling tell the story. I put on a good enough show, people will pay to see me again, I figure. But I guess at a certain point that’s not enough, least not for management. They want to know what makes me tick. I’ll tell you: I’m pushing fifty years and I’m still at the top of the pile. I’m beating guys barely older than my son. My prime? Twenty years ago, and I’m still this damn good. I’m a wrestler. I thrive on proving that I’m better than the man standing across from me. Sunday night, I defend this belt against two guys that feel the same way about themselves as I do myself. Tommy, Ino: I’d wish you good luck, but that’s not gonna be enough to take me down.


Sam smirked.


To beat me, you’re gonna need a damn miracle.






Nothing like a little trash talk.


I like where this one’s gone. It’s not about petty personal problems or anything like that, it’s all about the wrestling. Sure, you’ve got Tommy acting like an ***hole—


And when doesn’t he?


--but that’s about it.










Leone and Montero have been loosely affiliated for the past few weeks, working together a few times on Showcase and doing the odd bit of double teaming in multi-man matches, so it makes sense that they work better fundamentally as a team than Taylor and Wayne do. But Taylor and Wayne are both talented individuals, so despite the quick-tag work of Leone and Montero, they were able to stick in the match.


Wayne in particular was seen as the less experienced, easier target. Leone and Montero worked him over mercilessly until he countered a Montero dive into a knee-facebuster. The two then found themselves crawling toward their corners, worn out and worked over, and made the tags at the exact same time.


Leone and Taylor instantly hit the ring, exchanging shots at a frenetic pace until Taylor took control with hard right hands. He aimed to nail his trademark discuss right, but Leone ducked, ran the ropes, and came back with a spinning wheel kick that Taylor now ducked under. Taylor now charged forward, flipping over Leone and hooking in a sunset flip pin. Leone countered, though, shifting forward into a pin of his own, and… grabbed the top rope for leverage. The ref didn’t see, and counted the three count as Taylor struggled to free himself.


Leone and Montero win, 69.






How do the refs always seem to miss that? It seems painfully obvious!


As a bystander, maybe. But I did some refereeing while I was getting my broadcast journalism degree, and it’s very hard to focus on a pin and pick up on other things at the same time.


You really did that?


Yes, Kyle, I was a referee.


I think he meant to ask if you really have a broadcast journalism degree.












Two of the stiffer TCW workers faced off against two of the better young technicians in the next match. Umaga and Smith did a great job of working toward their strengths and battering the younger, smaller competitors throughout. The fought angrily, wearing their emotions on their elbow pads. That’s why it made it all the more important that Matt and Mason maintained level heads.


By doing so, they were able to attack with precision, and when they did, they made it hurt. Matt in particular seemed to be using his head, coaching Mason from the apron to watch out for any Umaga headbutts or to target Smith’s left knee, apparently damaged while playing collegiate football.


It was really interesting to see what gaining his first win last week did for his confidence. He would probably still be awkward in interviews, but here he was, not just competing, but directing traffic.


The repeated attacks to Smith’s knee eventually wore the big man down, and Matt took advantage by clamping on an Indian Deathlock, really putting the pressure on. Umaga looked to interfere, but Mason grabbed his ankle from ringside and dropped to the ground, using all of his body weight to yank the big man to the floor. With no one to break the hold, Smith eventually begrudgingly tapped out.


Matt & Mason win, 72.






Good match featuring some of the lesser lights here in TCW.


And Matt showed off some real savvy ringwork there.


We’ve seen flashes of it from him before, but now he’s really put it together, it seems.


Maybe a win was all it took.








Nemesis’ office is the setting when we return from commercial. The actors are Nemesis himself, standing behind his heavy oaken desk, The New Wave and The Hellfire Club, standing opposite Nemesis, and a mess of security personnel situated right between all of them.


The past few weeks, you boys have done nothing but tear into each other. You’ve broken crap backstage, you’ve made me raise security’s wages, and you’re scaring little kids in the front row with the way you’ve going at it.


Nemesis broke into a grin.


And I love it. Now, since every time I’ve seen you boys on camera the past month there’s been a weapon or two involved, I know your match Sunday’s just gonna be a DQ. That ain’t gonna settle anything. And believe me, I’m in the business of settling debts. What I’ve gone and done is make your match a street. That means no count outs, no DQs, and you gotta win by pinfall or submission. It doesn’t matter how you do it, so long as you do.


The camera turned to get the teams’ reactions. The New Wave were smiling ever so slightly and nodding their heads, but The Hellfire Club seemed like they could not care less.


: Now I know you’re not gonna shake on it, and I know I don’t need to make you sign a damn contract to agree to this, but I do know how you’re gonna honor this agreement. Sunday night, you go out there and you fight.






That’s a lot of security in there.


It takes a lot to hold those guys apart.


I don’t envy them at all. Caught between The New Wave and The Hellfire Club? No thanks!










Huggins obviously did his homework on Cobra, as he was extremely wary of the dangerous wrestler’s attacks and defenses. As Cobra wound up for a roundhouse kick, Huggins dropped to the ground. When Cobra looked slap on some sort of lock, Huggins scooted away on his butt. And when Cobra looked to dive off the top rope, Huggins rolled to the safety of ringside.


When Huggins rolled to the safety of ringside, Cobra leapt on him anyway.


After that, Cobra rolled him back into the ring and the two really went to work.. The action was fast and furious, with Huggins showing off a few new moves out of the super junior style, including a nice little powerbomb counter to a hurricanrana that got him a two count. Still, trying to hang with Cobra by imitating his super junior style is hardly the best way to beat him, and Cobra showed Huggins just that when he planted him with a Black Cobra Bomb (Black Tiger Bomb) and scored the win.


Cobra wins, 80.






Cobra with the win!


And Huggins looks like his upper back and neck is in a lot of pain right now.


If you got hit with that, you would be too.







Ben Benson came out to the ring next, but before he could so much as address the crowd, the lights cut out and the big screen crackled to life with Eddie Peak’s maniacal visage plastered right in the middle of it.


Benjamin, Benjamin, Benjamin… You still haven’t given me an answer. Will we fight Sunday? Will we not? I’m just not sure. I know I’LL be fighting… who I’ll bleed dry, I don’t know, but I do hope it’s you. There’s only five days left, Benson, and I’d like an answer now.


My answer is no. I don’t want anything to do with you, Eddie. Find someone else to mess with.


I’m disappointed, Benson. I really am. I was hoping for a harder target. The one I have now is…




The camera zoomed out now, revealing ACID standing with Jasmine Saunders securely in his grip. The woman is cowering in fear, and when Eddie Peak reaches out to stroke her cheek, she flinches back.


…so soft.


Wait! Wait a minute! I’ll do it! Just let her go!


What could have brought out this change of mind? ACID?


ACID stared bug-eyed, and Peak’s grin grew even wider.


You can let her go, now.


ACID did so, and Jasmine, breathing heavily, shot off, breaking a heel in the process.


You went too far, you bas—


NO! You DROVE me too far!


Peak’s white face tuned bright red as his rage spewed forth.


I’m here to fight, Ben Benson! I don’t care about the money or the fame, I just want the blood. For nearly a month, you have deprived me of the blood that I want to see. Your blood. THAT, Ben Benson, is why you will be punished! You have five days to prepare, but I swear to you that that will not be enough. Sunday night, I will use you as a tool to paint a bloody mural on the canvas. You will leave crimson and red, and I will leave wearing your blood as war paint.






Oh my God…


This is going too far.


Benson saved Jasmine, but he threw himself into the fire in the process.


If he would have done this last week or the week before, it would have never gotten to this point in the first place.


That's unfair to say!


It's true! If he would have just confront Peak it would have never come to this point.










The Specialists have been gaining a lot of momentum on Showcase lately, but this past week they took a loss to none other than the men standing across from them, “Ace” Andrews and Chance Fortune. The four combined once more for a fun effort, with the veteran Specialists becoming increasingly frustrated with the speed advantage Andrews and Fortune held. They also found themselves very distracted by the constant chatter coming from Carl Batch at ringside, and the LA Connection had a little fun with that.


That’s not to say Bryant and Oxford didn’t get in any offense, though. In fact, the duo were able to impose their undoubted technique on the youngsters at several points in the match. But in the end, it just wasn’t enough, and Andrews got the pin on Oxford following a spinebuster while Chance Fortune ran interference by hitting Bryant with a Stroke of Luck (Pump Kick).


The LA Connection win, 74.






The youngsters take that one with speed.


And Andrews isn’t even that fast.


Fast enough.







Edd was relaxing backstage reading Sports Illustrated’s Swimsuit Edition with bodyguard Charlie Thatcher when Freddy Huggins and his sister Laura burst in the room.


F. Huggins:
What the hell man!?


Edd looked up, startled.


What did I do?


F. Huggins:
You helped your brother scout me. There’s no way he beats me otherwise!


My brother…?


F. Huggins:
Black Cobra!




F. Huggins:
Your brother!




F. Huggins:


Oh. Oh! Duane’s in the bathroom, bro.


A toilet could be heard flushing off screen.


Do NOT go in there! That is some rancid stu--


The camera turned, revealing Duane Stone with a deer in the headlights look as he zipped up his pants.




D. Stone:
Oh…hey guys. Laura…


Laura Huggins blushed, and Freddy looked pissed as he approached Duane, poking a finger right in the center of his chest.


F. Huggins:
Next time we wrestle you won’t get so lucky.


D. Stone:
Wrestle? I haven't wrestled since 2007, man. I don’t do that anymore.


E. Stone:
Yeah, bro. Duane’s here to take me and Charlie out on the town. The Flying Stones reunite!


Freddy looked back and forth between them.


F. Huggins:
You can’t fool me. I know exactly what’s going on here.


D. Stone:
Uhh, sure man. Whatever. You ready, Edd?


Edd threw the magazine over his shoulder and hopped up to his feet.


E. Stone:
You know it! Charlie?


With a grunt, Thatcher got to his feet, allowing Edd to hop up on his back.


E. Stone:
Giddy up!


Edd and Charlie left the room, and Duane followed soon after but not before turning back toward Freddy and grinning.


D. Stone:
Good luck next time.


And with that, Duane was gone, and Freddy was throwing a fit.







What’s that supposed to mean?


Maybe Freddy’s onto something?


: No, I’m positive that Duane’s on hiatus. TCW doesn’t even hire people that haven’t been wrestling lately.


That is true.







Nemesis! Nemesis!


Law stormed into Nemesis’ office, and the legend sighed, setting down a record book and rubbing his temples.


What do you want?


I want my second chance. You said I get a second chance!


Yeah, I did. But I don’t see anyone willing to risk wrestling you. You ain’t hiding someone under that sheriff’s badge are you?


Well, no. But…


I’ll fight the kid.




RDJ stepped into the office, already ready for his main event match alter tonight.


You sure, Ricky?


Yeah I’m sure!


Nemesis snapped.


I’m talking to him, idiot!


RDJ laughed.


Yeah, I’m sure. I don’t got anything to lose. I’m getting up there and I’m just coming back. It’s time to test myself a little.


Alright, then. Shake on it, and it’s good as done. I’ll get the paperwork filled out.


RDJ stuck out his hand in a friendly enough manner, and Law accepted it greedily.






Welp, guess Law gets his second chance after all.


RDJ sure was willing enough to give it to him, too.










The match started slow, with both men working deliberate submissions and holds to start. Vessey took control, working over Anderson’s knee with some nice kicks and a few nice basic holds that he cranked for added effect.


Anderson tried fighting back soon enough, but Vessey was prepared, and after Anderson threw a wild clothesline, Vessey ducked, grabbed him and lifted him for a knee breaker before lifting him again and tossing him over the ropes to the outside. Vessey followed shortly after, but Anderson countered a right hand and followed up with more of his own before taking control, ramming Vessey against the barrier and sending him back into the ring.


With Anderson in control, the match took a different focus, as The Human Arsenal targeted the ribs of Vessey. At one point, he locked in an abdominal stretch and fired off a volley of elbows at Vessey’s exposed midsection, constantly shouting for the verbal tap out. It never came, and Vessey soon fought out, using leverage to twist out and come out on top of Anderson, where he fired off a number of his own elbows.


Anderson quickly recovered after Vessey rolled off of him, breathing heavily, and went right back on the attack. A number of gutbusters and other assorted maneuvers later, and Anderson looked to have the match in the bag. Cockily, he aimed to hoist Vessey up on his shoulders and nail and over the shoulder variation of gutbuster, but when he got him there, Vessey fired off a couple of elbows that stunned Anderson, and he slipped out.


Back on the ground, Vessey dug deep and put all of his eggs in one basket as he used nearly every ounce of energy left to decapitate Anderson with a Vessey Line (Lariat). It worked, and Anderson was hit so hard he could have flown right out of his boots and maybe even his kneepads, too. After a moment of recovery that saw both men on the ground for some time, they both slowly made their way to their eet. Vessey got up first, and, knowing he couldn’t power Anderson onto his shoulders with his midsection torn up like it was, opted to plant him with a Vessey Plex (Exploder suplex) instead, and it proved to be enough to score the win.


Vessey wins, 85.





Wolf Hawkins gave Vessey no time to revel in his victory as the young star stepped out on the stage with a microphone in hand.


Hawkins: Am I supposed to be impressed? No, don’t answer that. I’m not. You’re part of a dying breed. A tag wrestler on his last his last legs. The world’s moved you by. It’s the younger generation’s time. It’s time for The Lone Wolf to shine.







If you didn’t notice, Vessey was breathing pretty heavily the entire time Wolf was talking.


Is that supposed to mean something? He just finished a match!


Hey, he’s just trying to call what he sees.












With three legal men in the ring at all times, there was always plenty of room for some fun action. Whether it was Ino fighting to men off at once with vicious strikes, Sam Keith working frenetic, dynamic submissions and swiching between both opponents with a lucha style, Sammy Bach flying like a mad man, or Tommy Cornell doing everything he could to sneak in and steal a win when no one was looking, something was always going on.


But with three teams, there was always someone there to keep the match from ending. Even after Ino nailed Bach with a Kobra Bite (Cross Rhodes), Tommy Cornell nailed RDJ with a Rough Justice (rope hung jawbreaker), or even when Sam Keith nailed a tope rope Neutron Plex on Bach, someone was always there to bust the pin up.


Soon enough, though, with this many high profile personalities involved, the match had to break down. And when it did, it did so spectacularly.


With RDJ, Ino, and Golden all brawling on the outside, Sammy Bach took a running start, leapt all the way onto the top rope, and dived down to the outside, executing a 450 splash that took out all men on the outside. This left just Sam Keith and Tommy Cornell in the ring as the legal men, and the two combined for a very exciting sequence that ended when Sam crotched Tommy on the top turnbuckle, sending him toppling to the mat. Sam immediately latched onto his legs, twisting them up and twisting Tommy over before bridging back and locking on the Proton Lock!


Impressive as it as, nearly immediately after Sam locked on the hold, the ref called for the ring bell, declaring the match over and a draw due to TCW 20 minute television time limit.


And thus the show ended, with nothing settled ahead of Sunday’s Where Angels Fear to Tread!


It’s a draw, 87.

Total: 82



This has been a presentation of…


Rating: 6.15

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Rhodes: No, I’m positive that Duane’s on hiatus. TCW doesn’t even hire people that haven’t been wrestling lately.


Silver: That is true.


Law: Nemesis! Nemesis!


I lold, think it was intentional. If not even better lol.


Nice show mate.

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Saturday Week 4, April 2010

In front of 1,911 fans in West Texas Coliseum (Mid South)




Davis Ditterich – Shawn Doakes—Sara Silver



  • Kicking off the show tonight, Matt Keith teamed once more with Machine Gun Mason to take on Real Appeal. This time out, the pair weren’t as successful as they were Tuesday night, and Mason was forced to tap when Chandler locked him in the Fabulous Stretch (Double armbar).

  • Up next was a very fun four way, pitting American Elemental, Black Cobra, Davis Wayne, and Rhino Umaga against one another. Every man hit their big spots, including Elemental’s Inferno Splash (Phoenix Splash), Wayne’s STF hold, and Umaga’s face wash boot, but it was Black Cobra’s trademark Black Cobra Bomb on Wayne that ended the match.

  • Next up, Jasmine Saunders interviews Aaron Andrews, Chance Fortune, and Carl Batch. She announces that tonight’s main event will pit Andrews and Fortune against one another in a triple threat match also featuring ACID for the All Action Championship. Andrews and Fortune both agree that they don’t have any problems facing one another, and competition in the ring has no bearing over their friendship.

  • Eight man tag action followed, seeing Party Down and The Guns combine forces to face The Traditionalists. After a few quick tags from both sides, chaos ensued. For a while, Harry Allen looked like he would win, but Marc Speed quickly shut him down, pulling his trademark Deadly Heel Hook and forcing him to frantically tap out.

  • The Traditionalists take up the mic afterward, proclaiming that that losing to the LA Connection doesn’t mean anything to them. From here on out, I’s going to be a wrestling clinic, and they’re the instructors.

  • Much like Tuesday night, a three way tag match was featured next, pitting The Dragons against The Machines against Gino Montero & Brandon Smith. The two rookie teams had strong showings, but it was the clinical attacks of The Machines that eventually led to the win as John Anderson planted Montero with an Ammo Dump (Swinging sit out pedigee).

  • Prior to his match, Jasmine Saunders interviewed Josh Taylor, who said that since he’s been gone there’s been a lot disrespect in the locker around here. Apparently, he’s the one to fix it. Before he was done, Kid Leone interrupted, Brandon Smith and Gino Montero at his side. The masked youngster criticized everything about Taylor, from his charisma to his ring skills to his ring attire. According to Leone, there was no way Taylor won tonight.

  • In a fairly dull match that showed off just how well Leone and Taylor DON’T work against one another, Leone picked up the win after countering a brainbuster into a Blue Light Special (Cutter) in one of the few spots of the match that worked well.

  • The main event went some way toward redeeming the previous effort, pitting Andrews against Fortune and ACID as he defended his All Action belt. Andrews and Fortune worked well together to neutralize ACID, but they certainly weren’t afraid to engage one another. The partners really showed no hesitation in attacking, though they didn’t exhibit any malice toward one another. After ACID dropkicked Fortune from the ring, he fell victim to one of Andrew’s patented spinebusters followed up with a big cross body from the top to score the win.


Total: 66


This has been a presentation of…


Rating: 0.49

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No lengthy prediction card this time around. Now, predict!




Ben Benson vs Eddie Peak

The New Wave © vs The Hellfire Club for the Tag Team Championship in Hardcore match

Rocky Golden vs Sammy Bach © for the International Championship

Bryan Vessey vs Wolf Hawkins

RDJ vs Rick Law

Joey Minnesota vs Troy Tornado

Sam Keith © vs Koshiro Ino vs Tommy Cornell for the World Championship
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