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DAVE: Survive (CV2001)

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"Lone Wolf" Shawn Gonzalez vs "The Traditionalist" Eric Tyler

Heels will cheat.


DAVE Brass Knuckles Championship #1 Contender: Big Cat Brandon vs "Ice Man" Alex Braun vs Jay Darkness vs Frankie Future

Just a feeling - Braun's challenged too recently, Jay ain't that great and Frankie's a bit of a joke.


"Icon of Insanity" Henry Lee vs Madman Boone

Lee sucks, why is he even in a match? Make it Hardcore, lots of Hardcore.


Dark Match: Scout vs T-Rex

Why would I pick against a monster? Scout is good, but he's not high enough up the card to beat a guy like the Jurassic Power.


*****Bonus Picks*****

Backstage sources say DAVE has recently signed two big stars, one a former member of the company. Unfortunately, we can't ascertain the identities of the two wrestlers. Readers, I ask you, who are they?

A former member of the company? Man, I really wouldn't know... Vengeance, maybe? Did he get canned that quickly? And let's say... Larry Wood. I don't have the '97 Mod to hand, so I don't know if that's practical, but what the hell bonus points for Wild Mass Guessing, eh?

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DAVE Danger Zone TV

Thursday, Week 3, October 2001

From McGaw Arena, Tri State, USA




[scott Williams interviews Scout about his upcoming match]

*****Rating: 36*****



Scout vs "Jurassic Power" T-Rex


The small crowd, still filing in, immediately chanted "T-Rex Sucks" as soon as the big man stepped through the curtain. Rex didn't look good out there as Scout did his best to make the match watchable. The ending came when Rex missed a huge clothesline, and Scout rolled him up for the 3.
Winner: Scout via Roll-Up at 4:42

*****Rating: 14*****




Mitch Naess: Welcome everybody to Danger Zone TV. I'm your host Mitch Naess. With me is Phil Vibert who last week dropped a bombshell.


Phil Vibert: I'm a man who likes to shock. And I figured Lords Of The Ring needed a match that lived up to that name.


Mitch Naess: It'll be the School of Tradition and Johnny Martin versus Nemesis, The Latin Alliance, Vin Tanner, and the mystery man.


Phil Vibert: If the mystery man ever shows his face...


[Eric Tyler's music hits]




[Tyler and Johnny Martin make their way out, NOT flanked by the rest of the School of Tradition]


Eric Tyler: Tonight I get a chance to hunt the "Lone Wolf". In a Lumberjack Match. It's not like it was in the old days when you saw your name across from another guy's on the marquee. That's who you fought and the best man won. But let it be said I will play the game when necessary. You got friends Gonzalez, allies who will be around the ring to watch your back. I've got friends too, believe it or not. Bigger friends than you can imagine. The difference is I don't need them to watch my back. I will twist your limbs in 100 different directions until you beg me to stop. Then you and your buddies will know what's in store for you at Lords Of The Ring.

*****Rating: 47*****


[Tyler hands the mic off to Martin who addresses the crowd, booing mercilessly]


Johnny Martin: Pablo Rodriguez. Vin Tanner. These are not men who strike fear into my hearts. I'm sure you're counting on the so-called champ, the icon of DAVE, you know who I'm talking about.


[The crowd shouts "Nemesis" in unison]


Johnny Martin: Yes. Nemesis. But you can't count on him Shawn. He doesn't have friends. He doesn't play well with others. If you think he's gonna be outside that ring tonight, protecting you, think again.


[Nemesis' music hits as the crowd erupts]




Nemesis: I'm not surprised you came out to talk about me Johnny. That's all you ever talk about. Nemesis. Nemesis. Nemesis. Trying to get inside my head. Didn't work two weeks ago. Won't work tonight. See, I will be at ringside tonight. Standing right across from you. Waiting for Tyler to come flying out of that ring. I don't pass up chances to kick a guy's ass. You think I'm gonna let Tyler slide, that I forgot what happened. No. I don't think so.


Johnny Martin: Go ahead John. Come to the aid of your teammate. It doesn't matter. What you still don't get is I'm...we're one step ahead of you.


Nemesis: That's fine. Stay a step ahead. Means you won't see it coming when I slam your skulls into cold, hard brick and watch you bleed.


Johnny Martin: Always the tough guy John. You'll see, you'll all see why I'm the true icon of DAVE, why I was the who ended the East Coast War by unifying the belts and why John Campbell is a washout who was in the right place at the right time.


[Martin drops the mic. Him and Tyler head to the back]

*****Rating: 70*****




Mitch Naess: The problems between Johnny Martin and Nemesis appear to be far from over.


Phil Vibert: Were you not paying attention Mitch? Nemesis won the first battle, but Martin said the war is just beginning.


Mitch Naess: I heard him. The question becomes how far is Johnny Martin willing to take this.


Phil Vibert: As far as it needs to go. Getting Tyler and his School of Tradition involved was a stroke of genius.


Mitch Naess: And while Martin guns for Nemesis' DAVE Unified Championship, four men will be vying for the right to become the #1 Contender to Eddie Peak, the DAVE Brass Knuckles Champion.


Phil Vibert: Lots of size here Mitch. Alex Braun has two strikes and this might be strike three. It's going to be hard for the smaller Braun to beat the likes of Jay Darkness and Frankie Future.


Mitch Naess: Not to mention, one-half of The Animalz, Big Cat Brandon. They've been on a roll as of late.


Phil Vibert: Without The Wolverine by his side, can Brandon really be considered a threat?


Mitch Naess: We're about to find out.




DAVE Brass Knuckles #1 Contender Match:

Big Cat Brandon vs "Ice Man" Alex Braun vs Jay Darkness vs Frankie Future


The four men immediately went after each other like rabid dogs fighting over a rare steak with Future targeting Braun and Jay Darkness targeting Big Cat Brandon. As the match descended into chaos, referee R.M. Stones gave up hope of maintaining order and simply let the four men slug it out on the outside. As Jay Darkness whipped Brandon into the steel guardrail, Braun had managed to get Future back in the ring. The "Ice Man" lifted Future up, ready to deliver a Braun Damage when Jay Darkness came from behind with his scepter, landing a shot right to Braun's back. As Future lay prone in the ring, Braun hit a dropkick on Darkness. Braun made a fatal mistake, however, focusing on Jay Darkness and hitting him with a Braun Damage as Brandon slid under the bottom rope. Frankie Future rose unsteadily to his feet and Brandon hit a Big Cat Pounce. By the time Braun turned around, it was too late, and Brandon had picked up the win.
Winner: Big Cat Brandon via Big Cat Pounce on Frankie Future at 9:21

*****Rating: 38*****


Mitch Naess: Big Cat Brandon has done it. He is the new #1 Contender for the DAVE Brass Knuckles Championship.


Phil Vibert: I can't believe it.


Mitch Naess: Believe it Phil. Brandon has proved he's more than capable as an individual.


Phil Vibert: Eddie Peak has to be licking his chops right now.


Mitch Naess: I'd be scared of that animal if I was Eddie.


Phil Vibert: You're scared of everything Mitch.


[Kurt Laramee's music hits and he makes his way to the ring, wearing a shirt that says "I'm A Pimp" accompanied by Carl Batch]




Kurt Laramee: What up b******? The playboy is back in the house, smooth and dangerous as ever. Last week, you saw the playboy put a hurting on that punk ass Chris Caulfield cuz he's jealous that fine ass ho Emma Chase wants some dark meat.




[The mere mention of their names prompts "The Hardcore American" Chris Caulfield and Emma Chase to come out. Chase is wearing a revealing Catholic schoolgirl outfit]


Emma Chase: Kurt, please.


Kurt Laramee: Please give it to me Kurt.


[Laramee and Batch cackle hysterically]


Emma Chase: No, please stop making an ass of yourself. You think I want anything to do with you? You're half a man. Literally from what I've heard. I've got the most extreme, hardcore man in DAVE and that's the way I want it. Know why I love him? Because he's not scared to take down a prick like you, especially when that prick is trying to hit on me.


Kurt Laramee: Don't play girl. I see the way those eyes stare me down.


Emma Chase: Know what I see. I see a cocky asshole who is trying to compensate for something. I'd love to step in that ring and give you a piece of my mind and then a piece of my heel right up your ass, but I'm going to let Chris take care of you at Lords Of The Ring instead.


Kurt Laramee: Haha. B****, you must be out of your mind if you think that white bread, out of shape, motherf***** has a chance at pinning the playboy. Oh and one more thing...

*****Rating: 57*****




[Out of nowhere Hardcore Killah appears. He throws Chase to the ground and takes a steel chair to Caulfield. Laramee runs down and joins in the assault until...]




[Valiant comes sprinting down, pushing aside Carl Batch. Valiant clears the ring of both Laramee and Hardcore Killah. He helps Caulfield and Chase to their feet and the trio stares down Laramee, Killah, and Batch]

*****Rating: 32*****


Mitch Naess: Valiant saving Chris Caulfield from an assault and Emma Chase from something possibly much worse.


Phil Vibert: This wasn't Valiant's fight.


Mitch Naess: Valiant has set himself up at the hero of DAVE. I think he's just trying to do some good.


Phil Vibert: Let's see how much of a hero Valiant is when the playboy gets a hold of him.






[big Cat Brandon and The Wolverine are walking backstage, Wolvie giving Brandon tips on how to handle Eddie Peak when...]




[...The Peak Brothers attack. Doug and Eddie think they've gotten the jump on The Animalz, but Brandon and The Wolverine are prepared. The four men begin to brawl backstage with Brandon spearing Eddie Peak through a stage prop. Doug attacks Brandon with a 2x4, but Wolvie grabs the 2x4 and nails Doug with a big right hand]

*****Rating: 37*****


Mitch Naess: The Peak Brothers tried to get the advantage on Big Cat Brandon, but The Animalz were ready.


Phil Vibert: Those beasts attacked Doug and Eddie for no reason. I'm sure Eddie simply wanted to wish Brandon good luck in their future match.


Mitch Naess: Somehow I doubt it.


Phil Vibert: Are you calling me a liar?


Mitch Naess: When you put it like that...yes.


Phil Vibert: You're crazy.


Mitch Naess: Maybe a little, but our next match features two guys that are certifiable. Madman Boone went after Henry Lee last week, trying to prove he's the real "Icon of Insanity".


Phil Vibert: It was a brutal assault Mitch. I'm surprised Lee is even able to wrestle tonight.


Mitch Naess: They call him the "Icon of Insanity" for a reason.



"Icon of Insanity" Henry Lee vs Madman Boone


This match was a cluster from start to finish with neither man able to control the flow of the bout. While Boone and Lee attacked each other with various weapons including a barbed wire bat, Lee putting Boone through a table, and Boone hitting Lee with a stop sign, the middle of the match dragged considerably. Eventually, the crowd got tired of the mayhem resembling more a barroom brawl than an actual match and checked out. Boone and Lee continued to battle with the match spilling out of the ring where Boone took full advantage, lifting the steel steps and driving them into Lee's skull. Boone rolled Lee back in the ring, waited for him to stagger to his feet and then hit a Boone & Bust. Boone covered Lee and got the 1...2...3.
Winner: Madman Boone via Boone & Bust at 10:38

*****Rating: 33*****


Mitch Naess: Madman Boone! Madman Boone!


Phil Vibert: I knew it. Boone deserves the title "Icon of Insanity".


Mitch Naess: He's certainly staked his claim to it. But, I have a feeling this one isn't over.


Phil Vibert: Lee just couldn't measure up tonight. Boone had an extra gear of craziness.






[in a festive locker room are Salcita, in her usual Puerto Rican flag bikini and daisy dukes, plus "Lone Wolf" Shawn Gonzalez]


Salcita: Senor Tyler you are estupido if you think Shawn can not take you down esta noche. El Lobo is as good a wrestler and much younger than you. You talk of amigos, but Shawn's amigos will die for him. Will yours? No creo que no. Shawn saldrá victorioso esta noche, y luego llevar a su equipo a la victoria sobre usted y el perros Holmes y Kunomasu. Y Puerto Rico se levantará otra vez. ¡Viva el lobo solitario.

*****Rating: 38*****


Mitch Naess: Salcita certainly calling out Eric Tyler


Phil Vibert: How do you even know what she said Mitch?


Mitch Naess: I've been brushing up on my Spanish.


Phil Vibert: Good for you. Frankly, I don't care. Gonzalez is no match for a multi-time champion like Tyler.


Mitch Naess: Tyler will have to use his experience to take down Gonzalez since the lumberjacks on the outside will make sure no funny stuff goes down.


Phil Vibert: Gonzalez better pray he doesn't end up on the floor. He might not make it back in the ring if Martin, Holmes, Kunomasu, or Morgan get a hold of him.


Mitch Naess: We're about to find out Phil.




Lumberjack Match:

"Lone Wolf" Shawn Gonzalez vs "The Traditionalist" Eric Tyler

Lumberjacks: Nemesis, Pablo Rodriguez, Vin Tanner, Johnny Martin, Bryan Holmes, Kunomasu, JD Morgan


Tyler and Gonzalez put on one of the best matches in recent months in DAVE, a technical, yet violent affair between two of the best wrestlers in the company. Gonzalez started off strong, shocking Tyler and the crowd, by outwrestling "The Traditionalist" in the early going. Gonzalez locked in an armbar and Tyler looked on the verge of tapping when Bryan Holmes got involved and nailed Gonzalez to break the hold. Tyler took advantage and threw Gonzalez over the top rope where Holmes, Kunomasu, JD Morgan, and Johnny Martin took turns stomping away at Gonzalez before chucking him back inside the ring. Tyler targeted Gonzalez' lower back, using a modified crab to put a crazy amount of pressure on the "Lone Wolf". Tyler went for the kill when he charged at a weakened Gonzalez. But Gonzalez ducked and Tyler flew over the top rope. This time it was Nemesis, Pablo Rodriguez, and Vin Tanner's turn to exact some revenge as the trio kept Tyler busy while Gonzalez regained his composure. Eventually, the match itself could not keep the lumberjacks from engaging each other as a massive brawl broke out at ringside between Holmes, Kunomasu, Morgan against Pablo Rodriguez and Vin Tanner as Nemesis eyed Johnny Martin. Meanwhile, Shawn Gonzalez seemed to have the victory within his grasp, switching up his style and using more strikes to keep Tyler from engaging him in technical maneuvers. Gonzalez signaled to the crowd that he was going to end the match and lifted "The Traditionalist" up into a hanging suplex when...




...an immense man entered the ring.


Mitch Naess: Who is that?


Phil Vibert: I've never seen him before...


Gonzalez dropped Tyler and stared at the massive person before him, then saying "Eddie?"


Phil Vibert: ...but Gonzalez seems to recognize him. Did the "Lone Wolf" take out an insurance policy to make sure he beat Tyler. What a cheat.


The unidentified man embraced Gonzalez with a hug and the two men shook hands. Gonzalez turned his attention back to Tyler when the man spun Gonzalez around, kicked him in the gut and delivered a huge powerbomb in the center of the ring.


Mitch Naess: No! No! Gonzalez thought he had a friend, but it turned out to be a foe.


Phil Vibert: That is one powerful Puerto Rican Mitch.


The giant left the ring as Tyler came to. Tyler locked in a Tradition Lift as referee Ryan Holland asked Gonzalez if he wanted to give up. The "Lone Wolf" didn't answer, but Tyler lifted Gonzalez' arm and tapped the mat for his opponent. Holland called for the bell and the match was over.

Winner: "The Traditionalist" Eric Tyler via Tradition Lift at 16:09

*****Rating: 56*****


Mitch Naess: Shawn Gonzalez was just screwed out of a victory.


Phil Vibert: Is this what Tyler meant earlier when he said he had friends?


Mitch Naess: It looks like it. But what is the relationship between Gonzalez and that large man?


Phil Vibert: They do look a like. Perhaps...


[As Vibert talked, his mic went dead and the arena was bathed in darkness]




?????: I have heard the call of those who think I am a coward for not showing my face. You are misguided. Your enemies are well-organized, determined to outfox you rather than outfight you. I am here to lend a hand. This conspiracy is no longer secret. But I made a miscalculation. I believed Eric Tyler was at the heart of it. To battle him is to battle the henchmen of the villain biding his time from his secret underground layer. No. To end the atrocities in DAVE, I must vanquish the true mastermind, the one who seeks to make DAVE his own. Johnny Martin, run and hide, because I am coming for you.

*****Rating: 81*****






Attendance: 2,827

Rating: 46


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Show Prediction Results:

Charasmatic Enigma 4/4

Occasional Z 3/4

Regis 3/4

Midnightnick 2/4


Overall Prediction Results:

Regis 7/8

Charasmatic Enigma 7/8

Occasional Z 6/8

Midnightnick 5/8

Boltinho 2/8

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Nemesis passed his test. Eric Tyler passed his as well thanks to the help of a giant of a man who clearly knows Shawn Gonzalez. This Friday, can Johnny Martin pass his when he takes on "V Man" Vin Tanner? No disrespect to the V Man, but the more pressing question seems to be: who is the mystery man and will he make an appearance this week to confront Johnny Martin?


Also last week, Big Cat Brandon became the new #1 Contender to the DAVE Brass Knuckles Championship held by Eddie Peak. The Peak Brothers tried to get a leg up on Brandon later when they attacked him and his partner, The Wolverine, backstage. DAVE brass has decided that Brandon's shot at Peak's title will come at a later date and instead it will be The Animalz versus The Peak Brothers at Lords Of The Ring. First though, The Wolverine takes on Eddie Peak in a non-title match.


In a bit of a shocker, Valiant came to the rescue of Chris Caulfield and Emma Chase during an attack by Kurt Laramee and Hardcore Killah. The self-proclaimed playboy will be looking for payback when he takes on Valiant in 1-on-1 action.


And for those in attendance, Jay Darkness will take on Tank Bradley. Will the former tag champ be able to defeat the youngster or will Bradley pick up a big win?


All that plus appearances by Nemesis, the School of Tradition, Henry Lee, Madman Boone, and more this Friday only on East Coast Today.

Prediction Key:

"V Man" Vin Tanner vs Johnny Martin

The Wolverine vs Eddie Peak

Valiant vs Kurt Laramee

Dark Match: Tank Bradley vs Jay Darkness

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"V Man" Vin Tanner vs Johnny Martin

Martin is too over to lose to the "V Man"


The Wolverine vs Eddie Peak

I can see Peak brutalising Wolverine to anger Big Cat before their title match


Valiant vs Kurt Laramee

Easy win


Dark Match:Tank Bradley vs Jay Darkness

Jay is better

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"V Man" Vin Tanner vs Johnny Martin



The Wolverine vs Eddie Peak

Nope, nowhere near.


Valiant vs Kurt Laramee

Valiant will take a kicking from interference.


Dark Match: Tank Bradley vs Jay Darkness

Tank sucks. Badly.

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DAVE Danger Zone TV

Thursday, Week Four, October 2001

From The Den, New England, USA




[scott Williams interviewed Jay Darkness before his match]

*****Rating: 37*****



Dark Match:

Tank Bradley vs Jay Darkness


Tank Bradley seemed rattled by the continuous chants of "Tank is s***" and put in a subpar performance, even for him. Luckily this match wasn't on television as despite the best efforts of Jay Darkness to get the crowd engaged, most of them seemed checked out. Darkness dominated the bout from start to finish and eventually put Tank Bradley down with a Fade To Black for the 3 count.
Winner: Jay Darkness via Fade To Black at 4:06

*****Rating: 25*****

{OOC: Bradley got hit with 10, count 'em, 10 penalties)


[After the match, Jay Darkness played like he was going to continue to assault Tank Bradley when...]




[...Alex Braun ran down. Braun and Jay began to brawl in the ring with security eventually coming down to separate them]

*****Rating: 21*****




Mitch Naess: Welcome to Danger Zone TV. I'm Mitch Naess. With me, is the one, the only, Phil Vibert.


Phil Vibert: Thank you for the introduction Mitch. The question on everybody's mind is will the mystery man show up tonight.


Mitch Naess: And will he go after Johnny Martin?


Phil Vibert: Not if he's smart.




[Johnny Martin's music hits and he makes his way out to a chorus of boos]


Johnny Martin: I know what you're thinking. That I'm scared. That when the lights go off at night all I can think about is the so-called mystery man who wants my blood. And a little shiver goes down my spine.


[Martin pretends to look over his shoulder and jump]


Johnny Martin: Please. I'm Johnny Martin. I'm not scared of s***. Especially some guy who can't be bothered to step to me like a man.




[Nemesis' music hits and the crowd erupts]


Nemesis: You're right Johnny. You shouldn't be scared of the mystery man. You should be scared of me.


Johnny Martin: I've never been scared of you John.


Nemesis: Hell, Johnny, nobody here believes that. You're terrified of me.


Johnny Martin: Now why would I be terrified of you? Last time we met I left you laying in the middle of the ring, I've attacked you and you haven't done anything. I own you John.


Nemesis: Yea. Yea. I've heard it all before. Thing is, that mystery man, he ain't here. I am. So keep running your mouth. I'm gonna close it for you real soon.


Johnny Martin: You don't want to step inside that cage with me John.


Nemesis: Yea I do. I can't wait. Neither can the mystery man apparently.


[The lights go off for a second. When the come back on, Johnny Martin is shielding himself from an attack that doesn't come. The crowd and Nemesis laugh]


Nemesis: You're a coward Johnny.


Johnny Martin: Like hell I am.


Nemesis: See you around Johnny.


[Nemesis heads towards the back. Martin glances around the arena, clearly worried]

*****Rating: 70*****


Mitch Naess: Looks like Johnny Martin is spooked Phil.


Phil Vibert: I disagree Mitch. Martin simply assumed he was going to be attacked by a man who won't even show his face. That's cowardly.


Mitch Naess: We'll see if the mystery man shows up tonight.


Phil Vibert: I hope he does. Johnny Martin will hurt him so bad, he won't ever come back.




[Kurt Laramee and Carl Batch make their way out]


Kurt Laramee: You two pieces of s*** on commentary. Shut the f*** up. The playboy bout to speak. Chris Caulfield thinks he's the man 'round here cause he got a dime piece by his side.


[batch cackles and starts yelling at the crowd]


Kurt Laramee: Only reason Emma is with you dawg is because she's a dumb blonde ho. All the smart girls know the playboy is the best looking, best dressing, best wrestling motherf***** in the world. I can't wait until Lords Of The Ring when I get Caulfield one-on-one and show the so-called "Hardcore American" what happens when he steps out of the suburbs and into the hood. And Emma will hop aboard the Laramee Train.


[Laramee removes his shirt and gets ready for his match]

*****Rating: 62*****


Mitch Naess: Kurt Laramee seems obsessed with Chris Caulfield and Emma Chase.


Phil Vibert: The playboy doesn't get obsessed. He gets what he wants.


Mitch Naess: Phil, Laramee didn't even mention his match with Valiant.


Phil Vibert: Why would he? Valiant is like a fly to somebody like Laramee.


Mitch Naess: We'll find out if that's the case soon.



Valiant vs Kurt Laramee w/Carl Batch


The rookie Valiant took his lumps like a champ as Laramee dominated the entire match from start to finish, but it was Valiant's performance that got the fans respect. Laramee did an excellent job playing to the crowd in between bouts of beating the crap out the youngster. In fact, the "Valiant" chant seemed to piss off Laramee more than usual as the self-proclaimed playboy nailed a Switchblade Powerslam. But, instead of going for the cover, Laramee lifted Valiant back up and hit a 2nd Switchblade Powerslam. He put a foot on Valiant's chest and flexed his biceps as referee Ryan Holland counted 3.
Winner: Kurt Laramee via Switchblade Powerslam at 4:51

*****Rating: 42*****


Mitch Naess: An impressive performance by Kurt Laramee.


Phil Vibert: I told you Mitch. I don't think the playboy even broke a sweat.


Mitch Naess: And it looks like he's not done.


[Laramee motions towards the back and down comes...]




[...Hardcore Killah. The two men pummel Valiant with each getting their shots in as the rookie struggled to break free and escape when...]




[...Chris Caulfield and Emma Chase came out from the crowd. Chase kicked Batch right in the nuts as Caulfield nailed Hardcore Killah with a steel chair as Laramee bailed. Caulfield helped Valiant to his feet, seemingly repaying the favor from last week]

*****Rating: 40*****


Mitch Naess: Chris Caulfield proving what kind of man he is.


Phil Vibert: A man who needs a weapon and a woman to win his battles.






[As we come back from break...the huge man from last week is alone in the center of the ring]


?????: Most of you don't know me. I'm the best wrestler in the history of Puerto Rico. I'm also the brother of Shawn Gonzalez. My name is Eddie Gonzalez and I taught Shawn everything he knows. Back in San Juan, me and Shawn were best amigos. Then, Shawn came here to America. First XFW, then here to DAVE. You putas said he was the best in Puerto Rico, the most extreme. You're wrong. My baby bro got soft. I'm here to harden him up, remind him where he's from. But not now. I've got business to take care of back on the island first. Maybe pay a visit to Shawn's old amor and show her what's become of the man who left her behind. A real Puerto Rican girl, not like Salcita who I never seen in San Juan or anywhere else in Puerto Rico. You got time to change your ways baby bro. If I see the old "Lobo" maybe I don't come back. Maybe I stay on the island and be our people's hero. Your choice.

*****Rating: 41*****


Mitch Naess: What a bombshell. The man who attacked Shawn Gonzalez last week was his own brother, Eddie.


Phil Vibert: Seems a family feud has come to DAVE.


Mitch Naess: Eddie Gonzalez certainly sent a message to his own flesh and blood last week.


Phil Vibert: Goes to show you not all brothers get along.


Mitch Naess: One set of brothers that always seem to be on the same page are Doug and Eddie Peak. They tried to get the jump on Big Cat Brandon and The Wolverine last time out, but The Animalz were ready.


Phil Vibert: And now Eddie gets to do some damage to The Wolverine by himself.


Mitch Naess: Don't underestimate the former DAVE Extreme Champion Phil.


Phil Vibert: Wolvie is washed up Mitch. Eddie will make short work of him.



The Wolverine vs Eddie Peak


The match was what you'd expect from two hardcore brawlers. The two men traded shots throughout and soon the ring was strewn with two steel chairs, a table, and a garbage can. The DAVE Brass Knuckles Champion seemed to have the upper hand, and signaled for a Peak & Valley when Wolvie reversed and dropped Peak up and over the top rope and onto the exposed concrete. With the crowd chanting "holy s***"...


..."Dangerous" Doug Peak came sprinting down and went right after The Wolverine. Eddie came to and joined in beating down the veteran, but the odds weren't in the Peak Brothers favor for long when...



...Big Cat Brandon charged down and nailed a spear on Eddie Peak. The two teams continued to brawl with the fight spilling out of the ring and into the crowd. Referee R.M. Stones had no choice but to call for the bell and declare the match a No Contest.
Match Declared Draw at 10:43

*****Rating: 42*****


Mitch Naess: Stoney making the right call and simply throwing the match out.


Phil Vibert: Right call my ass. Eddie Peak should've won.


Mitch Naess: On what basis.


Phil Vibert: By decision.


Mitch Naess: This isn't boxing Phil. And to hammer that point home, these four men don't seem to want to stop fighting. The action has made its way into the crowd.




[The four men continued to do battle throughout the arena, The Wolverine even using a chair handed to him by a fan to do some damage to Doug's ribs. As the crowd went ballistic, The Animalz and The Peak Brothers eventually brawled their way straight onto the concourse, through the front door of the arena and outside into the cold New England night]

*****Rating: 41*****

Mitch Naess: Folks, we've got to head to break. We'll let you know if The Animalz and The Peak Brothers are still fighting when we get back.




Mitch Naess: An update on that huge brawl between The Animalz and The Peak Brothers. It appears to have ended after security and the local police stopped the four men somewhere down the road from the arena.


Phil Vibert: I'd hate to be the drunk that has to share a cell with those four guys.




[Henry Lee's music hits and he makes his way down to the ring, his head heavily bandaged]


Henry Lee: Madman Boone! Get your ass out here. You want the title "Icon of Insanity" you're gonna have to do more than make me bleed. I've bled from Maine to Florida.


[Lee rips the bandages from his head. Takes a razor blade and opens one of the cuts on his forehead]


Henry Lee: This is what I'm capable of. Are you? I'd like to find out once and for all. Me and you at Lords Of The Ring. But this isn't a normal match. No, it'll be a match fit for the two of us. First Blood.

*****Rating: 53*****




[Madman Boone comes out with a razor blade in his hand as well]


Madman Boone: The voices scream at me. Destroy Lee. Destroy Lee. Make him bleed. Make yourself bleed.


[boone cuts himself. Blood gushes from his forehead]


Madman Boone: I wonder how it tastes. Good. Power. I will eat your heart Henry Lee and gain your strength. Bleed first. Bleed last. We both bleed. Blood brothers. I don't want to wait.


[boone staggers to the ring]


Madman Boone: Challenge accepted.

*****Rating: 51*****


[boone slides into the ring]


Henry Lee: Not good enough.


[Lee attacks Boone and throws him into the corner. Lee savagely strikes Boone over and over again as Boone smiles sadistically]


Henry Lee: You want blood?


[Lee takes the razor blade from his hand and cuts Boone across the arm. Lee takes his finger and wipes Boone's blood across his chest]


Henry Lee: This is insanity. And I'm its Icon.

*****Rating: 45*****


Mitch Naess: Jesus, I think I'm gonna be sick.


Phil Vibert: Somebody get Mitch a dress and heels. Don't be a girl. This is DAVE. It's not Danger Zone TV if somebody doesn't bleed like a stuck pig.


Mitch Naess: Boone and Lee are twisted. I don't know if I want to see what happens at Lords Of The Ring.


Phil Vibert: I do. I want to see Boone show Lee he's the true Icon of Insanity.




[We cut to a classroom. Bryan Holmes, Kunomasu, and JD Morgan are all dressed in suits and ties. Cat Jemson is in a skirt and white Oxford shirt. The camera turns 180 degrees and we see the four of them are facing Eric Tyler]


Eric Tyler: Who are we?


All: The School of Tradition.


Eric Tyler: What do we stand for?


All: Wrestling.


Eric Tyler: Damned straight we do. I re-formed this school because I got tired of seeing overweight, untalented bums grapple with each other and call it wrestling. This sport is a ballet and we are its masters, the best of the best. Our opponents don't know one-tenth of what we know about ankle locks and backbreakers and armbars. Shall we show the people what happens when you spit in the face of this sport, when a man who calls himself a wrestler is actually an acrobat?


All: Yes.

*****Rating: 44*****


[A video plays showing "Priest of Pain" Pablo Rodriguez walking down the street when Tyler, Holmes, Kunomasu, and Morgan jump him from behind. Passersby watch as the four men take turns locking Rodriguez in a variety of submission maneuvers. Pablo taps over and over again, but the School members ignore him, as if they want to permanently twist Rodriguez' limbs in a hundred different directions. The clip ends]


Eric Tyler: Pablo Rodriguez did not represent wrestling. He was a talented daredevil, flipping and jumping like a damned monkey. He got the lesson he deserved. School is out.

*****Rating: 41*****




Mitch Naess: We are moments away from our main event between Johnny Martin and Vin Tanner.


Phil Vibert: Johnny Martin is a well-oiled machine Mitch. I'm expecting a dominating performance.


Mitch Naess: I think Martin is too. He had this to say backstage.




Johnny Martin: Vin Tanner? Really? That's the best DAVE has to offer up against me. I've been in wars with Nemesis, Chris Caulfield, Eric Tyler. You name them, I've beaten them. This match is a waste of my time. I've got bigger fish to fry. Tanner might as well be a crash test dummy. V doesn't stand for victory tonight Tanner.

*****Rating: 77*****



"V Man" Vin Tanner vs Johnny Martin


The crowd wanted Martin's blood as soon as the bell rung and Tanner didn't disappoint as he went right after the former champ. Martin countered Tanner's initial burst with a well-timed low blow and controlled the match from then on. Martin put on an absolute clinic, as he sold Tanner's offense hard while playing to the crowd as much as possible. Though both men didn't seem to give it their absolute best, the action was still very good with Martin using a variety of strikes and suplexes to gain near fall after near fall on Tanner. The crowd nearly erupted when Tanner nailed Martin with a back body drop followed by an elbow, but Martin kicked out at 2. That would be the last chance for the "V Man" as Martin grabbed a chair just as Tanner charged and Tanner's skull caromed off the steel with a sickening THUD. Martin seized the opportunity and planted Tanner with a Twist On The Rocks. The crowd booed as Martin covered Tanner and got the 3.

Winner: Johnny Martin via Twist On The Rocks at 15:04

*****Rating: 50*****


Mitch Naess: Johnny Martin got all he could handle from Vin Tanner, but managed to pull out the win.


Phil Vibert: Of course he did Mitch. He's Johnny Martin. He is DAVE.


Mitch Naess: Martin said he'd win and he backed it up. Whether he can lead his team to victory at Lords Of The Ring remains to be seen.


Phil Vibert: Who would you rather have on your side...a tactician like Martin or a dumb brute like Nemesis?


Mitch Naess: Well, I...


[The lights go off]


Mitch Naess: It has gone completely dark here. Are we getting another visit by the mystery man?


Phil Vibert: I hope that coward shows his face tonight.


[All remains silent for about 30 seconds, a palpable buzz coming from the crowd. When the lights come back on...]




[...Nemesis is standing over an unconscious Johnny Martin, steel chair in hand]

*****Rating: 81*****


Mitch Naess: What has just happened? It looks like Nemesis has attacked Johnny Martin.


Phil Vibert: Unbelieveable. Nemesis is so scared of Martin he had to attack under cover of darkness.


Mitch Naess: Does this mean Nemesis is the mystery man?






Attendance: 1,618

*****Rating: 48*****

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Show Prediction Results:

Charasmatic Enigma 3.5/4

Boltinho 3.5/4

Occasional Z 3.5/4

Regis 3.5/4

Midnightnick 2.5/4

Overall Prediction Results:

Regis 10.5/12

Charasmatic Enigma 10.5/12

Occasional Z 9.5/12

Midnightnick 7.5/12

Boltinho 5.5/12

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Supreme Wrestling Federation

Ranking: #1

Size: International

Prestige: 90

Momentum: 84

Last PPV: Let The Games Begin (82)

Main Event: Christian Faith def. Eric Eisen to retain the SWF World Heavyweight Championship (85)

Title Changes: None

Arrivals: None

Departures: None



Hollyweird Grappling Company

Ranking: #2

Size: National

Prestige: 73

Momentum: 83

Last PPV: Threatening Behavior (88)

Main Event: Liberty def. Rip Chord to retain the HGC World Heavyweight Championship (92)

Title Changes: None

Arrivals: None

Departures: None



Burning Hammer of the Wrestling Gods

Ranking: #3

Size: National

Prestige: 90

Momentum: 81

Last PPV: Night Of The Burning Hammer (80)

Main Event: Bruce The Giant def. Tadiyuki Kikkawa to retain the Burning World Championship (82)

Title Changes: Optimus def. Elemental II for the Burning Junior Championship (8th reign)

Arrivals: Marihito Masuko (from Hinote Dojo), Tadukuni Toshusai (from Hinote Dojo)

Departures: Edo Phoenix II, Stuart Ferdinand (End of Tour), Black Cobra (End of Tour), Tribal Warrior (End of Tour), Scarlet Samurai (End of Tour)


Pride Glory Honor Wrestling

Ranking: #4

Size: Cult

Prestige: 78

Momentum: 79


Arrivals: Toshinobo Taku

Departures: PRIDE Koiso



Golden Canvas Grappling

Ranking: #5

Size: Cult (from Regional)

Prestige: 60

Momentum: 68

Last Event: ZERO (71)

Main Event: Saionji Omura & Dick The Devastator def. Kazu Yoshizawa & Toshiharu Hyobanshi (70)

Title Changes: None

Arrivals: Kazuko Hiroyoki

Departures: Nathan Coleman(End of Tour), Dark Angel (End of Tour), Hirokichi Yoemon (End of Tour), Sadakuno Nishimuraya (End of Tour, also the current GCG World Heavyweight Champion, so not sure what that means)


Danger And Violence Extreme

Ranking: #8

Size: Regional

Prestige: 45 (+1)

Momentum: 64 (+2)

Last Event: The Annual WrestleRave (63)

Main Event: Nemesis def. Johnny Martin to retain the DAVE Unified Championship (77)

Title Changes: Eddie Peak def. Alex Braun for the DAVE Brass Knuckles Championship (1st reign)

Arrivals: Puerto Rican Power as Eddie Gonzalez

Departures: None


Other Promotion News:

- World Level Wrestling has risen to Regional size


New Talent:

- Ernest Forthdyke-Hume, The Incredible Koyama, Kristabel Plum, Joshua Taylor, Trance & Rave


Worker Retirements:

Lamprecht The Lunatic, Ashley Amazon (2-time JWW Tag Team Champion)

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The countdown to Lords Of The Ring begins. Last time out, Nemesis left Johnny Martin laying in the middle of the ring...right after the lights went out. That's led some to wonder if Nemesis *is* the mystery man and has been playing Martin all along. Phil Vibert says he aims to find out this week when Nemesis and the mystery man will team up to take on Eric Tyler and Johnny Martin just days before they lead their teams into the Lords Of The Ring match.


In another preview of that huge main event, Kunomasu, a member of the school of tradition and DAVE Tag Team Champion will do battle with "Priest of Pain" Pablo Rodriguez. Last time these two met, they stole the show. Will the same happen this Friday, right before they face off inside a steel cage?


Also, "The Hardcore American" Chris Caulfield and his girlfriend, the beautiful Emma Chase, have had their problems with Kurt Laramee lately. It was two weeks ago when Laramee and his associate, Hardcore Killah attacked Caulfield. While Caulfield and Laramee are set to square off at Lords Of The Ring, "The Hardcore American" will get to seek a measure of revenge against Hardcore Killah.


And for those in attendance, Big Cat Brandon will go 1-on-1 with "Dangerous" Doug Peak. Brandon is the #1 Contender to Doug's brother Eddie's DAVE Brass Knuckles Championship and Brandon and his partner The Wolverine will team up to take on The Peak Brothers at Lords Of The Ring.


All that and more this Friday night on Danger Zone TV only on East Coast Today.


Prediction Key:

Nemesis & ????? vs Eric Tyler & Johnny Martin

Pablo Rodriguez vs Kunomasu

Chris Caulfield vs Hardcore Killah

Big Cat Brandon vs Doug Peak


Bonus Pick: Will the mystery man show up tonight? (Unless, he is Nemesis)

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Nemesis & ????? vs Eric Tyler & Johnny Martin

Nemesis does not lose.


Pablo Rodriguez vs Kunomasu

A risky gamble here, but I say that The Priest Of Pain pulls off a fluke win to further the plot.


Chris Caulfield vs Hardcore Killah

God, he's crap.


Big Cat Brandon vs Doug Peak

He's not so great either.


Bonus Pick: Will the mystery man show up tonight?

No, he sends a minion of some sort, or else doesn't show up at all. Make the public pay to see him!

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Nemesis & ????? vs Eric Tyler & Johnny Martin

Mystery man rule...though I'm not too confident here!


Pablo Rodriguez vs Kunomasu

Don't like betting against Kunomasu


Chris Caulfield vs Hardcore Killah

Set up Caulfield vs Laramee


Big Cat Brandon vs Doug Peak

Doug ain't all that, plus you keep to keep Brandon strong if he has a title shot coming up.


Bonus Pick: Will the mystery man show up tonight? (Unless, he is Nemesis) Yes

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Nemesis & ????? vs Eric Tyler & Johnny Martin

Pablo Rodriguez vs Kunomasu

Chris Caulfield vs Hardcore Killah

Big Cat Brandon vs Doug Peak


Bonus Pick: Will the mystery man show up tonight? (Unless, he is Nemesis)


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DAVE Danger Zone TV

Thursday, Week 1, November 2001

From McGaw Arena, Tri State, USA




[scott Williams interviewed Big Cat Brandon about his upcoming match with Doug Peak]

*****Rating: 42*****



Big Cat Brandon vs "Dangerous" Doug Peak


Brandon dominated the match from start to finish, using his power to pummel Doug. Without his brother Eddie there to watch his back, Doug seemed out of sorts, and despite a few shots, was unable to muster any consistent offense. Brandon eventually put Doug out of his misery with a Big Cat Pounce. The 3 count followed.

Winner: Big Cat Brandon via Big Cat Pounce at 8:06

*****Rating: 44*****




Mitch Naess: Welcome everybody to Danger Zone TV. Lords Of The Ring is only a few days away and tonight's show is sure to set the stage. Usually, I'm joined by Phil Vibert, but Phil said he had an announcement he wanted to make.


[Without music, Phil Vibert makes his way out]




Phil Vibert: Thank you Mitch. Mystery man, whoever you are, I've got something to say to you. For the past few months, you've interjected yourself in DAVE without warning, but more importantly without a contract. And I'm tired of it. I run DAVE. Not you, not Nemesis, not Johnny Martin, not Eric Tyler and his School. That's why I'm forcing your hand. Tonight, the main event will be Johnny Martin and Eric Tyler teaming up to face off against Nemesis and you.




[Nemesis' music hits and the DAVE Unified Champion makes his way out to deafening applause]


Nemesis: What's this about Vibert?


Phil Vibert: This is about re-taking what's mine. See, if the mystery man doesn't show his face tonight, the only person he's hurting is you.


Nemesis: Yea, sure, I ain't one to slap another man's hand when there's a fight going on.


Phil Vibert: Because, if the mystery man doesn't show up, then the match will go on as planned. Except, it'll be you versus Martin and Tyler in a handicap match.


Nemesis: No, it's not.


Phil Vibert: Yea it is.


Nemesis: See that wasn't a question. What I'm gonna do is come up there and make you re-think that decision.


Phil Vibert: Not a wise move John. If you so much as lay a finger on me tonight, not only will that match go ahead as scheduled, but it'll be for the DAVE Unified Championship.


[Nemesis smirks, as if he knows he's up against the wall]


Nemesis: Okay Phil. You got it. Hell, I'm not upset. A chance to kick the s*** out of both Martin and Tyler at once sounds damn good to me.


Phil Vibert: That'll be all. I believe I have a show to announce.

*****Rating: 68*****




[in a pre-taped vignette, "Icon of Insanity" Henry Lee is in what looks like a room at an insane asylum]


Henry Lee: You think you're crazy Boone. Talk to yourself. Spit out gibberish, pretending to be a madman. You don't know insanity. This is where I grew up. These rubber walls and white floors were my prison. But I got out. They said I was cured. They were wrong. I'm just as mad as I ever was. Sure, there were pills to mellow me out. They got flushed down the drain the minute you pinned my shoulders to the mat. 'Cause it's not time for a more mellow me, a more balanced me. It's time for the "Icon of Insanity" to come out and play. And Monday, when I'm done with you, the nightmares you have of me might drive you here. And then you'll get a taste of real madness.

*****Rating: 53*****


Mitch Naess: Welcome Phil. Quite a speech at the beginning of the show.


Phil Vibert: I'm tired of people doing what they want around here. I don't like rules. But I hate people disobeying *my* rules.


Mitch Naess: It seems like it. Some will say you're playing favorites with Johnny Martin.


Phil Vibert: Some people can say whatever the hell they want. DAVE is my company. I do what I think is best.


Mitch Naess: We'll see whether you're ultimatum forces the mystery man to show his face tonight. First, let's go backstage to DAVE's very own Hardcore American Couple.




Emma Chase: My mother used to dress me up all pretty and make me pretend to be in beauty pageants. She'd judge me. Practice makes perfect she'd say. Tonight, my love gets to practice. That's all you are Killah. Do you know what the girls say about you? That you're all bark and no bite. That you and Laramee are a little too close. That you don't speak because you have Laramee's...well, let's say you're a choke artist. You've come after me and Chris too many times the past few weeks. You're a dog that we're going to put down. Then, we'll deal with your master.

*****Rating: 48*****





"The Hardcore American" Chris Caulfield w/Emma Chase vs Hardcore Killah w/Carl Batch


This match was no contest from the moment the bell rung with Caulfield taking it to Killah. In fact, it seemed like Caulfield went above and beyond what was necessary, bloodying Killah with a chair shot before removing the turnbuckle pad and slamming Killah's head into it over and over again. Batch plead for Killah at ringside, and tried to distract Caulfield by grabbing a hold of Emma. Miss Chase, though, elbowed Batch right in the stomach before delivering a well-placed kick. Caulfield didn't waste much time after that and hit the Danger Drop for the win.
Winner: Chris Caulfield via Danger Drop at 7:53

*****Rating: 38*****


Mitch Naess: What a performance by Chris Caulfield.


Phil Vibert: I'm not surprised by the result Mitch. Caulfield might have no trouble with Killah, but Kurt Laramee is a whole different story.


Mitch Naess: Speaking of which, it looks like Kurt Laramee isn't waiting until Monday.




[Kurt Laramee runs down the ramp and slides into the ring. Caulfield gets the first shot in, but Laramee shrugs it off and the two men begin brawling. Laramee chokes Caulfield with a chain, dropping The Hardcore American to his knees, before Emma slides a chair in the ring. Caulfield nails Laramee with it and the two men trade punches on the ground before security steps in to break it up]

*****Rating: 56*****


Mitch Naess: Kurt Laramee trying to take the fight to Caulfield before their huge match.


Phil Vibert: Laramee doesn't try Mitch. He wins.


Mitch Naess: Well, it looks like he got as good as he gave there.


Phil Vibert: The playboy was simply allowing Caulfield to get a bit of false confidence.




["Ice Man" Alex Braun's music hits and he appears at the top of the ramp, microphone in hand]


Alex Braun: Jay Darkness. You cost me a shot at getting back the DAVE Brass Knuckles Championship. It isn't the first time I've had a problem with you. Freakin' guy worships the devil and thinks that makes him king of the boardwalk or something. You may got fire and darkness, but I got ice for blood dude. So what's say me and you settle this like men? At Lords Of The Ring, it'll be me versus you. I don't need an answer tonight. I'll be in that ring Monday night. If you want to do this Jersey-style, meet me there.

*****Rating: 42*****


Mitch Naess: Alex Braun laying down a challenge for Jay Darkness at Lords Of The Ring.


Phil Vibert: Not a smart move by Braun. Jay Darkness commands evil forces.


Mitch Naess: Don't tell me you believe in that stuff.


Phil Vibert: Have you seen those two?


Mitch Naess: Yes I have...and wait a minute...I'm getting word something is going down backstage.




[backstage, Frankie Future and T-Rex are assaulting The New Wave. Rex has Guide in a bear hug and looks to be literally squeezing the life out him as Future canes Scout over and over with a light saber. The New Wave try to fight back, but Rex sends both men flying into a concrete wall at the same time. Future waits for Guide to rise to his feet and then smacks him hard across the head with that light saber]

*****Rating: 26*****


Mitch Naess: What a vicious assault by the team known as Future Past. Not sure what their beef with The New Wave is.


Phil Vibert: Mitch, I think Guide and Scout have scored victories recently over Future and Rex. My guess is this is some sort of payback.


Mitch Naess: Still, those scores can be settled in the ring.


Phil Vibert: Agreed, that's why Future Past will take on The New Wave at Lords Of The Ring.


Mitch Naess: Wow! Another match added to the card. Not much time to prepare.


Phil Vibert: No time needed. That won't be a clinical showcase, it'll be four guys just beating the hell out of one another.




[Latin music plays as Salcita and The Latin Alliance make their way out to the ring.]


Salcita: Oye. This Monday, my amigos Pablo Rodriguez and Shawn Gonzalez will be in that ring, ready to go to guerra. But, they will not be alone.

Ni tampoco a aquellos hombres malvados llamados Bryan Holmes y Kunomasu. La Alianza Latina será ir tras ellos con una furia reservados sólo para aquellos de ascendencia española. Y luego, vamos a tomar sus títulos. Esta noche, sin embargo, "El Sacerdote del Dolor" tiene la oportunidad de ir a uno-a-uno con Kunomasu. Es posible que haya perdido su última batalla, pero el sacerdote ha estudiado y está listo para superar a la bestia.

*****Rating: 41*****






[We come back from break and jump right into the action with The Peak Brothers brawling with The Animalz in the ring]


Mitch Naess: Folks, while we were at break, these four men started battling backstage with the fight spilling out into the ring area.


Phil Vibert: I'm sure The Animalz started it and The Peaks are simply trying to finish it.


Mitch Naess: Given what we know about The Peak Brothers, that doesn't seem likely.


Phil Vibert: How dare you drag The Peaks through the mud? Especially when The Animalz have proven time and time again they rely primarily on instinct.


[The Peak Brothers get the upper hand on the brawl after Eddie nails Brandon with the DAVE Brass Knuckles Championship. Eddie signals to Doug who slides out of the ring and goes underneath. Doug emerges and throws two tables in the ring. Eddie and Doug smile sadistically and set up the two tables. The brothers drive The Wolverine through the first table with a Peak & Valley before doing the same to Big Cat Brandon. The brothers spit on The Animalz before leaving the ring] *****Rating: 41*****

Mitch Naess: Good lord! The Peak Brothers may have killed The Animalz.


Phil Vibert: I told you they'd finish it!


Mitch Naess: Will Brandon and The Wolverine be in any condition to compete Monday night?


Phil Vibert: Not likely. Which means The Peak Brothers win by forefeit.


"The Priest of Pain" Pablo Rodriguez w/Salcita vs Kunomasu


This match was an amazing back-and-forth affair that fell just short of these two's first encounter. Rodriguez employed a daring strategy, immediately landing a missile dropkick off the top rope. Rather than go for a quick win, Rodriguez kept to the skies, using his agility and flying ability to stay away from Kunomasu's quick strikes and mat-based attack. A slip-up by Rodriguez, though, allowed Kunomasu to batter him with stiff kicks to the body followed by a vicious belly-to-belly suplex. Rodriguez though dodged a superkick attempt after being sent off the ropes and dragged Kunomasu to the outside. Perhaps, living too dangerously, Rodriguez climbed the top rope and leapt at Kunomasu. 'Masu moved and Rodriguez crashed into the steel barrier eliciting a "Holy S***" chant from the crowd. Kunomasu rolled Rodriguez back in the ring and was gearing up to try and finish the match when Salcita got up on the ring apron and distracted Kunomasu by teasing she was going to remove her top. Though it didn't distract the Japanese import for long (we are all human after all), it was enough time for Rodriguez to recover, hit a dropkick to the back of Kunomasu's head and roll him up for the win as the crowd went nuts.

Winner: Pablo Rodriguez via Salcita distraction at 10:42

*****Rating: 56*****


Mitch Naess: The Priest of Pain exercises his demons, pinning half of the DAVE Tag Team Champions.


Phil Vibert: All thanks to that vixen Salcita. She stole that match from its rightful winner.


Mitch Naess: We've seen Nemesis' team pick up one victory. Can the champ himself make it 2-for-2 later tonight? The main event coming up after the break.






[We go backstage to Nemesis who is standing by the entrance to the ramp]


Nemesis: The mystery man ain't showing. At least I haven't seen his ass tonight. Fine by me. Like I said earlier both Martin and Tyler are in need of a good ass kicking and I'll be happy to provide one. And when I do, when both Tyler and Martin beg for mercy inside that ring, I'll give it to 'em. Not because I'm feeling particularly nice, but because in three days time, the true punishment begins inside that steel cage. And the whole bulls*** School of Tradition gets the beating they deserve. Tonight, I'll settle for bringing their bosses down a notch.

*****Rating: 69*****



Handicap Match:

Nemesis vs Eric Tyler & Johnny Martin


As soon as the bell rung, Nemesis charged Eric Tyler, and put him down with a lariat. Nemesis continued to stomp away at Tyler until Martin tossed the referee aside and entered the fray. Martin clocked Nemesis and him and Tyler took turns torturing the champ, a look of pure ecstasy on their faces. Nemesis did his best to fight back, clearing the ring at one point with scoop slams on both Tyler and Martin, sending the co-conspirators to regroup on the outside. Tyler tried to go one-on-one with Nemesis, but found himself on the end of a chair shot from the champ. Nemesis draped his body over Tyler, but Martin intervened and stopped the count at 2-and-a-half. Martin continued to pound away at his arch rival with an unbridled fury, tossing Nemesis over the top rope and to the floor. Tyler seized the opportunity and sent Nemesis into the ring barrier before rolling him back in to Martin. Johnny tried to hit a Twist On The Rocks, but Nemesis reversed and hit Martin's own finishing move on him. With the crowd roaring, Martin and Tyler smartened up and attacked Nemesis at the same time. While Martin mocked the champ, Tyler locked in the Tradition Lift. Nemesis struggled and screamed out in pain as Tyler wrenched in the hold. Nemesis appeared to be on the verge of tapping when the lights went out.


Phil Vibert: What the hell is going on here?


Mitch Naess: It is pitch black in this building right now folks.


Phil Vibert: This is the mystery man. I know it. Show your face!


Mitch Naess: Something is happening inside the ring, but we can't see.


The lights come back on and the crowd roars when they see both Johnny Martin and Eric Tyler laid out. Nemesis wobbled to his feet, picked up Tyler and delivered a nasty Nemesis Arrow that shook the ring. Nemesis covered Tyler and referee Ryan Holland counted 1...2...3!

Winner: Nemesis via Nemesis Arrow at 16:02

*****Rating: 70*****


Mitch Naess: Nemesis has done it! He's beaten both Johnny Martin and Eric Tyler!


Phil Vibert: With help from a coward who can't fight when his opponents can see.


Mitch Naess: The mystery man helped Nemesis. There's no doubt about it.


Phil Vibert: It may have worked tonight, but there will be nine other men in the ring Monday night. He can't hide forever.


[Nemesis celebrates in the ring when Bryan Holmes, Kunomasu, and JD Morgan run down. The three men surround Nemesis when Pablo Rodriguez, Shawn Gonzalez, and Vin Tanner join the party. The nine men engage in an all-out brawl]

*****Rating: 46*****


Mitch Naess: These nine men plus our mystery guest will be trapped inside a steel cage in less than 72 hours. Which team will emerge victorious? We'll see you at Lords Of The Ring.






Show Rating: 58

Attendance: 2,562

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Show Prediction Results:

Regis 4/4 +1

Occasional Z 3/4

Boltinho 3/4

Charasmatic Enigma 3/4 +1

Midnightnick 1/4 +1

Overall Prediction Results:

Regis 15.5/16

Charasmatic Enigma 14.5/16

Occasional Z 12.5/16

Midnightnick 9.5/16

Boltinho 8.5/16

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Lords Of The Ring Match:

Nemesis, ?????, The Latin Alliance, & "V Man" Vin Tanner w/Salcita vs Johnny Martin & School Of Tradition w/Cat Jemson



"The Hardcore American" Chris Caulfield w/Emma Chase vs Kurt Laramee w/Carl Batch



"Icon of Insanity" Title Match:

"Icon Of Insanity" Henry Lee vs Madman Boone



Tables Match:

The Animalz vs The Peak Brothers



"Ice Man" Alex Braun vs Jay Darkness



The New Wave vs Future Past



Dark Match:

Tank Bradley vs Raul Darkness


Prediction Key:

Nemesis, ?????, The Latin Alliance, & Vin Tanner vs Johnny Martin & School of Tradition

Chris Caulfield vs Kurt Laramee

Henry Lee vs Madman Boone

The Animalz vs The Peak Brothers

Alex Braun vs Jay Darkness

The New Wave vs Future Past

Tank Bradley vs Raul Darkness



Hint: He shares a first name with a current member of the DAVE roster.

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