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DAVE: Survive (CV2001)

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Nemesis, ?????, The Latin Alliance, & Vin Tanner vs Johnny Martin & School of Tradition

Chris Caulfield vs Kurt Laramee

Henry Lee vs Madman Boone

The Animalz vs The Peak Brothers

Alex Braun vs Jay Darkness

The New Wave vs Future Past

Tank Bradley vs Raul Darkness

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Nemesis, ?????, The Latin Alliance, & Vin Tanner vs Johnny Martin & School of Tradition

I can't do it. I want to, but I can't predict against Nemesis.


Chris Caulfield vs Kurt Laramee

Caulfield is a DAVE loyalist, and while Laramee is cool, Chris is the kind of guy this promotion wants to push.


Henry Lee vs Madman Boone

Because Lee sucks?


The Animalz vs The Peak Brothers

The current Brass Knuckles Champion has the kind of swing to take this.


Alex Braun vs Jay Darkness

A simple matter of quality.


The New Wave vs Future Past

Frankie is cool, but T-Rex doesn't have what the fans want.


Tank Bradley vs Raul Darkness




Hint: He shares a first name with a current member of the DAVE roster.

I'll come back to this later.

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Nemesis, ?????, The Latin Alliance, & Vin Tanner vs Johnny Martin & School of Tradition

Mystery man rule


Chris Caulfield vs Kurt Laramee

I'm not sure on this one, but Larmee could do wth a big win, Caulfield can bounce back


Henry Lee vs Madman Boone

Lee is hopeless in ring, Boone should win this and move on


The Animalz vs The Peak Brothers

The Peaks are pretty awesome


Alex Braun vs Jay Darkness

Alex could do with a win after losing the title


The New Wave vs Future Past

New Wave are the better team


Tank Bradley vs Raul Darkness

Raul should win this



Hint: He shares a first name with a current member of the DAVE roster.

I'm not too familiar with 2001 Cverse, racked my brains, all I got is Alex DeColt

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Nemesis, ?????, The Latin Alliance, & Vin Tanner vs Johnny Martin & School of Tradition


Nemesis and Mr?. They win.


Chris Caulfield vs Kurt Laramee


better bet for the long-terms DAVE icon


Henry Lee vs Madman Boone


Lee has been more convincing


The Animalz vs The Peak Brothers


Love the Peaks


Alex Braun vs Jay Darkness


Jay has looked stronger for me


The New Wave vs Future Past


Much as I love TRex the New Wave are just better


Tank Bradley vs Raul Darkness


To bakance out Jays win



Hint: He shares a first name with a current member of the DAVE roster.


Alex DeColt is a great shout. Ive discarded Erik Strong and some others...

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Lords Of The Ring

Monday, Week 2, November 2001

From The Den, New England, USA



Dark Match:

Tank Bradley vs Raul Darkness


Winner: Raul Darkness via Demonic DDT at 5:51

*****Rating: 32*****



Dark Match:

The New Wave vs Future Past


Winners: The New Wave via Wave of Mutilation (Guide pins T-Rex) at 10:04

*****Rating: 40*****


[Fireworks go off at the top of the stage and a video intro showcasing various DAVE stars plays]




Mitch Naess: Welcome everybody to Lords Of The Ring! I'm your host Mitch Naess. My usual partner-in-crime, Phil Vibert, is once again kicking things off tonight with what he says is a very special guest.




Phil Vibert: Thank you Mitch. And my guest is indeed special. He is the icon of DAVE, a man who has been with this company since it's inception. A man who tonight will lead a team into the death trap known as a steel cage to take part in the first ever Lords Of The Ring match. He is Johnny Martin.


[Martin's music hits as the fans boo]




[Martin strolls out in a suit and tie. Makes his way over to Vibert]


Johnny Martin: Hello boss.


Phil Vibert: Johnny, I have to ask. What prompted you to team up with an anti-hardcore guy like Eric Tyler?


Johnny Martin: Similar goals create allies. Tyler and me both want the same thing.


Phil Vibert: Which is?


Johnny Martin: The elimination of Nemesis. Tyler sees him as the general of the 'extreme' movement, a man more interested in hurting his opponents than out-wrestling them. Tyler has a problem with what John represents. I have a problem with John. You said it yourself Phil. I've been with this company since Day 1, when we had 25 people at a bingo hall to watch me wrestle Black Hat Bailey or The Wolverine. I stuck with it. I became a fan favorite. They loved me for my loyalty, my dedication to DAVE. Then, four years ago, John shows up, blackballed from the two major companies. All the sudden, I wasn't the favorite anymore. They booed Nemesis, sure, because they were supposed to boo him.


Johnny Martin: But they wore his shirts, waited in line for his autograph outside. Suddenly, Johnny Martin wasn't the big man on campus anymore. It sounds like this is jealousy, as if I'm envious of John and the heights he's taken DAVE. No. I'm not jealous. I'm pissed. Pissed that somebody like me was cast aside in favor of the new guy, the big name. What happened to you people? I thought you were revolutionaries. I thought we were building something different here. We're not. We're a more violent SWF. All because of him. I'm trying to save DAVE. Don't you understand? Can't you see? One day, Nemesis won't be here. And the network will drop us. All the progress we've made, all the stars in this ring will flee for greener pastures. To save this company, I must destroy Nemesis. By any means necessary. Tonight is merely another battle in the war. One I intend to win.


[Martin drops the microphone and walks off]


*****Rating: 71*****


Mitch Naess: What a way to kick off Lords Of The Ring. Phil, welcome.


Phil Vibert: Mitch, I have to say, Johnny Martin is a man on a mission.


Mitch Naess: I don't think anyone doubted that. Whether his mission is righteous is another issue.


Phil Vibert: It may not be. But that kind of drive makes DAVE what it is.


Mitch Naess: Well, it's time for our first match of the night. A match made just last week when Alex Braun issued a challenge to Jay Darkness, the man he blamed for costing him another shot at the DAVE Brass Knuckles Championship.


Phil Vibert: Braun cost himself a shot at the belt. And now he's about to feel the wrath of a man who's not to be trifled with.



"Ice Man" Alex Braun vs Jay Darkness


These two men who'd been in DAVE for a while displayed an excellent chemistry, igniting the crowd. Braun used his speed and ability to keep Jay off balance while the bigger Darkness countered with several powerful moves. Jay got the first near-fall of the match when he nailed Braun with a sick Backbreaker. Somehow, the "Ice Man" kicked out at two. Braun rebounded, and nailed a Cross Body Block from the top rope, but Jay managed to avoid the 3 count. The match continued on, a brawl spilling to the outside where Darkness attempted to use his scepter on Braun's head, but Braun dodged the blow and took out Jay's knee with a swift kick. The "Ice Man" rolled Jay back in the ring and seemed to be setting up for a Braun Damage when...


...came from under the ring armed with another scepter. Raul entered the fray and nailed an oblivious Braun with the weapon. Jay hit a Fade To Black and got the 3.
Winner: Jay Darkness via Fade To Black at 13:28

*****Rating: 47*****


Mitch Naess: What a travesty. Braun had that match won.


Phil Vibert: The odds were simply too great Mitch.


Mitch Naess: And it doesn't look like The Darkness Warriors are done.


[Jay and Raul begin putting the boots to Braun]


Mitch Naess: Braun is getting killed! Where is Tank Bradley?


Phil Vibert: Doesn't look like he wants any part of The Warriors Mitch.


[Jay hits another Fade To Black. Raul picks up Braun's lifeless form and hits a Demonic DDT. The Darkness Warriors pose over Braun]

*****Rating: 29*****




[A video plays showcasing recent events in the Madman Boone vs Henry Lee feud including Boone's first assault on Lee, Boone pinning Lee in the center of the ring, and Lee making Boone bleed on Danger Zone TV]

*****Rating: 46*****


Mitch Naess: Two of the most violent, sadistic men in DAVE are ready to square off.


Phil Vibert: Boone's younger, better, and crazier. And already has a victory over Lee.


Mitch Naess: I wouldn't count out the "Icon of Insanity" Phil.


Phil Vibert: He won't be that for much longer. That unofficial title will soon be Madman Boone's.


Mitch Naess: Our cameras caught up with Boone earlier today as he prepared for his match with Lee.




[in the depths of The Den, a camera focuses in on Boone, rocking back and forth in the corner of the room]


Madman Boone: Tell them. No. You tell them what you plan to do. What I plan to do? Yes, explain why you are here. I'm here to destroy Henry Lee. Make him feel the pain I've felt. Insane in the membrane, that's what you are. That's what we are. Will you make him bleed? Until he has no more blood sir. Good, good. They will see your wrath, the extent of your madness. It is good and great. I am the Madman. Soon, I will be the "Icon of Insanity". Yes, we will.

*****Rating: 58*****


"Icon of Insanity" Match

"Icon of Insanity" Henry Lee vs Madman Boone


This was an epically bad encounter between the two men, the length and lack of psychology not able to keep the crowd's interest even as the two men went after each other with various weapons. Lee seemed to be gasping for air early on and Boone took advantage, pounding Lee with a steel chair, barbed-wire-wrapped baseball bat, and garbage can. Seemingly discontented with the prospect of defeating Boone early, Boone dug the barbed wire into Lee's skull as Lee bled like a stuck pig. Boone threw Lee to the outside and rammed him into the guardrail. The two men battled into the crowd where Lee reversed a Piledriver attempt by Boone into a Back Body Drop that sent Boone down a flight of stairs.


Apparently unfazed by the move, Boone charged Lee and beat him senseless and he walked Lee down to the ring. Boone rolled him inside and continued to pound away at the prone Lee. The crowd chanted "Lee sucks" and "this match blows" repeatedly as Boone tried to escalate the violence by whipping Lee into a table he'd set on fire. Sensing the crowd had already turned on them, Boone and Lee traded haymakers one more time until Boone delivered a sick Piledriver on a steel chair and followed it up with a Boone & Bust to pick up the victory.

Winner: Madman Boone via Boone & Bust at 18:23

*****Rating: 26*****




[in their locker room, Emma Chase is wearing the skimpiest outfit possible while Chris Caulfield tapes his hands. Emma addresses the camera]


Emma Chase: I get it Kurt. Back home, you were the big man.You got what you wanted. Girls, money, it didn't matter, nobody ever said the word 'no' to you. But this isn't the block Kurt. This isn't your home. This is the home of the "Hardcore American Couple". And I get what I want. And what I want is for my man, Chris Caulfield, to kick your ass tonight.


[Caulfield begins punching a bag, a picture of Kurt Laramee's face taped to the top of the bag]

*****Rating: 51*****


Mitch Naess: I have to say I'm looking forward to that match.


Phil Vibert: So is Kurt Laramee Mitch. Being 'hardcore' only goes so far. Caulfield thinks he knows pain. The playboy is from the streets. Just like me.


Mitch Naess: You're from Harlem?


Phil Vibert: The mean streets of Connecticut Mitch.


[Familiar music hits and the crowd begins to boo]




[Eric Tyler and the rest of the School of Tradition come to the ring]


Eric Tyler: Tell your friends that tonight you saw the four best wrestlers, not fighters, wrestlers on the planet in the same ring. These three men behind me have as many ways as you can count to break somebody's arm. Tonight, they plan to use them. Nemesis, the traitor, and their merry band of losers think they can stop us. They can not. Bryan Holmes is a machine, capable of tearing apart a grown man limb from limb. Kunomasu? He comes from a land where if you can't wrestle, you're cast aside. But his holds don't compare to the severity of his strikes. JD Morgan was kicked out of England for being too good. You people want violence. We'll give you violence. But, not chairs or blood. We'll give you real violence because tradition never dies.

*****Rating: 51*****


Mitch Naess: Tyler certainly seems fond of the men he's collected under his umbrella.


Phil Vibert: Why wouldn't he be? He's amassed an army capable of destroying anybody here in DAVE. With wrestling. I may not be a fan of his tactics...


Mitch Naess: Who is?


Phil Vibert: But, you have to admit, they are a formidable force.




[A video plays hyping up the feud between The Animalz and The Peak Brothers. Among the highlights are Big Cat Brandon winning the #1 Contender's Match for Eddie Peak's DAVE Brass Knuckles Championship, the Peak Brothers' subsequent attack on The Animalz, The Wolverine and Eddie Peak's match, and finally The Peak Brothers putting The Animalz through tables on last week's Danger Zone TV. The video package ends with two tables in the center of the ring and pictures of the four men surrounding them]

*****Rating: 38*****


Mitch Naess: These four men do not like each other Phil.


Phil Vibert: That's an understatement. Once The Animalz struck first in this battle, they've been on the end of some brutal attacks.


Mitch Naess: Sneak attacks.


Phil Vibert: Call them what you want. I call it righteous vengeance.


Mitch Naess: You would.



Tables Match:

The Animalz vs The Peak Brothers


The fans seemed to be on the edge of their seats for this one, waiting for a bloodbath to begin, and they were not disappointed. From the opening bell, the two teams went after each other, disregarding standard tag rules and turning the affair into a free-for-all. Big Cat Brandon, though hurting himself with a lack of psychology, ran right through everybody, spearing Eddie Peak, then turning around to spear a hazy Doug Peak right through a table.


With a two-on-one advantage, The Animalz teamed up on Eddie Peak, but Peak had a trick up his sleeve. He nailed both Brandon and The Wolverine with brass knuckles. As Brandon spilled over the top rope, Eddie lifted up The Wolverine and drove him through a table with a Peak & Valley. Now down to Brandon and Eddie, the two men used whatever weapons they could find to inflict punishment on each other. Eddie seemed to have an advtange, but Brandon reversed a Peak & Valley attempt, and sent Eddie onto the apron. Eddie turned around and Brandon connected with a Big Cat Pounce, forcing Eddie off the apron and through a table to pick up the win.

Winner: The Animalz via Big Cat Brandon putting Eddie Peak through a table at 14:19

*****Rating: 44*****


Mitch Naess: The Animalz win! The Animalz win!


Phil Vibert: I can't believe it.


Mitch Naess: Believe it Phil.


[big Cat Brandon is growling, rage in his eyes]


Mitch Naess: What is going on with Big Cat?



[brandon leaps down to the floor. As Eddie stumbles to his feet, Brandon hits another Big Cat Pounce. Doug tries to protect his brother, but Brandon spears Doug into the steel guardrail, then screaming towards the rafters]


Phil Vibert: Somebody get out here and stop this beast before he kills everyone.


[Finally, Brandon's partner, The Wolverine tries to hold Brandon back, but Big Cat punches his own partner in the jaw and then hits a Big Cat Pounce on The Wolverine before leaping into the crowd as the fans scattered]

*****Rating: 46*****


Mitch Naess: Big Cat Brandon has snapped.


Phil Vibert: He attacked his own partner not to mention The Peak Brothers after the match was over.


Mitch Naess: Security needs to track him down before he seriously injures a fan.




[Nemesis is shown watching Brandon's rampage on a monitor, he smirks as if to say 'Good job, kid']


Nemesis: That's what I like to see. Guys who let their fists do their talking. I ain't even got anything left to say. Martin and Tyler can run their mouths all they want, but I'm tired of their s***. They think I'm scared. I'm never scared. Just don't have it in me. You think I'm going to be trapped inside that cage with you two b******. No, you're trapped inside with me. The belt don't matter anymore. I'm here to inflict pain. Sure, four other guys, maybe three, got my back. Don't matter. The minute I step inside those steel walls, your lives belong to me.

*****Rating: 72*****


Mitch Naess: Nemesis on a mission tonight.


Phil Vibert: The champ may say he's not scared, but the odds aren't in favor.


Mitch Naess: We'll find out whether Nemesis can lead his possibly short-handed team to victory tonight. First, though, it's a battle between two men over one woman.


Phil Vibert: A beautiful, sexy woman who makes every man in here lose consciousness.


Mitch Naess: One of those men, Kurt Laramee, is backstage.




[We got backstage to Laramee, attired in a shirt that reads, well, 'Emma Chase Blanked My Blank']


Kurt Laramee: Lords Of The Ring? S***, the playboy ain't a lord, he's the king of the streets, baby. Easy Emma doesn't want to get a Laramee injection, hey that's fine with me. You ain't the only ho the playboy got on speed dial.


[batch cackles hysterically and repeats "speed dial"]


Kurt Laramee: My main man Carl knows what I'm talking about. I ain't got a problem with Easy Emma. Her punk ass boyfriend is another story. Chris Caulfield thinks he's hardcore. Hell, he even goes by "The Hardcore American". You don't know hardcore Chris. Hardcore is living in a place with the lights off, no food on the table, bills piling up. And the only way out is to beat somebody's ass. That's my America. Wear that flag on your shirt with pride. Tonight, I'm gonna rip it off your chest. Tonight, the playboy shows you the real meaning of hardcore. B****.

*****Rating: 69*****




[A video package plays showcasing the highlights of the Kurt Laramee versus Chris Caulfield feud. Highlights include: Laramee harassing Emma Chase and Caulfield attacking him, Hardcore Killah and Laramee beating down Caulfield until Valiant makes the save, Emma Chase insulting Laramee and slapping Carl Batch, Caulfield and Laramee brawling on last week's Danger Zone TV, before a graphic flashes of Caulfield and Laramee on opposite sides with Emma in the middle]

*****Rating: 61*****


Mitch Naess: The time for talk is over. It's time for these two men to settle their differences in the ring.


Phil Vibert: Chris Caulfield better get ready for the real "Hardcore American".


Mitch Naess: I'm guessing you like Laramee to win this match.


Phil Vibert: Of course.



"Hardcore American" Chris Caulfield w/Emma Chase vs Kurt Laramee w/Carl Batch


With the crowd firmly on Caulfield's side, the two men went after each other with a fury as soon as the bell rung. Laramee gained the early advantage, pummeling Caulfield in the corner and smirking over at Emma Chase as Batch cheered him on. Laramee got a little too confident though, posing for the crowd before gearing up for a big strike. Laramee swung and Caulfield blocked the punch, before turning the tables and throwing Laramee into the corner and slamming his head into the turnbuckle. Caulfield continued the assault, picking up Laramee and dropping him with a stiff Snap Suplex. Caulfield went for the pin, but only got a 2 count.


The men continued to trade momentum, back and forth for several more minutes, scoring several near falls over each other. Laramee decided to get dirty and hit Caulfield with a low blow. Emma looked on in horror as Laramee bludgeoned Caulfield with a steel chair handed to him by Batch. It seemed like all was lost before Caulfield found some untapped well of willpower and kicked Laramee in the gun before dropping him with a sick DDT. Exhausted, the crowd implored Caulfield to get up. Both men staggered to their feet at the same time when Carl Batch got involved, tripping Caulfield as he came off the ropes. Laramee seized the advantage and hit Caulfield with a Switchblade Powerslam.


The crowd groaned as the ref counted 1...2...NO! Caulfield kicked out as Laramee went after referee R.M. Stones. Somehow, Caulfield regained his composure. As Laramee turned away from Stones, Caulfield hit him with a Danger Drop out of nowhere. Stones happily counted the 3 as the crowd erupted.

Winner: Chris Caulfield via Danger Drop at 22:22

*****Rating: 51*****


Mitch Naess: Somehow, someway, Chris Caulfield pulls off the win. What a performance.


Phil Vibert: Kurt Laramee was screwed. That count was slow.


Mitch Naess: Looked good to me Phil.


Phil Vibert: I think Caulfield's in for a world of hurt. Laramee won't take this lying down.


Mitch Naess: We'll see this Friday on Danger Zone TV. But, now, it's time for our main event.




[A video package plays showcasing the highlights for those involved in tonight's main event including: Jim Force and Johnny Martin attacking Nemesis, the mystery man calling out the School of Tradition, the various mind games Johnny Martin played on Nemesis, Nemesis beating Martin at The Annual WrestleRave, the School of Tradition's assault on Nemesis after that match, the mystery man declaring war on Johnny Martin, Nemesis using the 'lights off' trick to attack Martin, and Nemesis winning last week's handicap match thanks to the mystery man's interference]

*****Rating: 64*****


Mitch Naess: Will the mystery man show up or won't he?And who is he? Either way, we're about to find out.


[The nine participants make their way to the ring. All are standing outside the cage when the lights go off]


Mitch Naess: He's here! The mystery man is ready to show his face.


Phil Vibert: About damn time.


[The lights come on and the crowd goes nuts when they see the mystery man is...]




Mitch Naess: That's Chris Morisette. He hasn't been seen in DAVE in years! He's the mystery man.


Phil Vibert: What's he doing here? He can't be the mystery man. He's working up in Canada for those DeColt boys.


[Morisette saunters to the ring as the nine men on both teams glare at him. Morisette approaches Nemesis, Pablo Rodriguez, Shawn Gonzalez, and Vin Tanner and shakes their hands]

*****Rating: 45*****


Mitch Naess: It looks like Morisette is ready to step inside that cage.


Phil Vibert: He's going to get a rude re-welcome to DAVE Mitch. Johnny Martin and Eric Tyler will make sure of that.


Mitch Naess: Well, the time for talk is over. It's the moment of truth for these ten men. Who will be crowned Lords Of The Ring?





Lords Of The Ring Match

Nemesis, Chris Morisette, The Latin Alliance, & Vin Tanner vs Johnny Martin & The School of Tradition


Gonzalez and Holmes were the first to enter the match for their respective sides. The two clinicians decided against mat wrestling and instead went after each other, trading right hands. The buzzer sounded and Kunomasu was the next man to enter the fray. 'Masu and Holmes quickly got the upper hand on the outnumbered Gonzalez. Holmes locked an STF on Gonzalez, but the "Lone Wolf" refused to tap. Thankfull, the bell rung, and Gonzalez's partner, Pablo Rodriguez, entered the ring. Rodriguez hit a dropkick on Holmes to break the hold, but quickly met a Spinning Heel Kick from Kunomasu. The tag champs continued working over their challengers and were soon joined by JD Morgan. Morgan applied the Cross Atlantic Stretch to Rodriguez, but the "Priest of Pain" refused to tap as Holmes and Kunomasu battered Gonzalez.


The bell rung again and the crowd erupted as Nemesis marched into the ring. The DAVE Unified Champion quickly cleared the ring, landing big right hands on Morgan, Kunomasu, and Holmes. The three heels circled the ring as the faces stared them down. Not content with waiting for the next entrant, Nemesis led his charges into battle and the faces gained the advantage. Nemesis slammed Kunomasu's head into the cage, busting him open as the bell rung and Eric Tyler joined the match. Tyler went right after Gonzalez as Nemesis battled Holmes and Kunomasu alone. Tyler tried to get Gonzalez down but the "Lone Wolf" stopped Tyler's attack and knocked Tyler flat on his back. Vin Tanner was the next man in and quickly got leveled by Bryan Holmes. The eight men continued to do battle until Johnny Martin and Chris Morisette stepped into the cage at the same time. Nemesis and Morisette chased Martin around the ring. Martin tried to escape, but was met by Gonzalez and Rodriguez. The crowd roared as Morisette allowed Nemesis to grab a hold of Martin and ram his head into the cage walls over and over again, as Martin's blood dripped from his face.


As Rodriguez leapt off the top rope, taking out both Holmes, Kunomasu, and his partner Gonzalez, Morisette dealt with JD Morgan, locking in a Sleeper Hold as Morgan's arm dropped down. As Nemesis went to deliver a Nemesis Arrow to Martin, Johnny struck, driving his heel into Nemesis' groin. Martin smiled and grabbed a steel chair from under the ring. Martin went to swing the chair at Nemesis' head, but Morisette grabbed the chair from Martin and connected with a sick chair shot. As Nemesis and Morisette stared each other down, Tyler locked in the Tradition Lift on Vin Tanner. Nemesis and Morisette tried to get back in the ring, but Johnny Martin, bloodied and beaten dove for their ankles. Nemesis and Morisette simultaneously stomped on Martin's head, breaking his hold. But, Martin had held them up long enough as Tanner tapped out to the Tradition Lift.

Winners: Johnny Martin & The School of Tradition via Eric Tyler forcing Vin Tanner to submit with a Tradition Lift at 24:18

*****Rating: 56*****


Mitch Naess: Unbelieveable. Eric Tyler has won the match for his team.


Phil Vibert: I told you Mitch! I told you they'd win.


Mitch Naess: Security is escorting Nemesis, Morisette, and the rest of their team from the cage. Nemesis is fighting to get back inside.




[Eric Tyler grabs a microphone. Helps Johnny Martin to his feet]


Eric Tyler: I told you all. You didn't believe we had what it takes. Nemesis couldn't stop us. The supposed mystery man, Chris Morisette, couldn't stop us. Nobody can stop us. We are the School of Tradition. Johnny Martin, the DAVE icon, is our ally and friend. All of DAVE will fall before us. The days of hardcore, chair-swinging freaks are over. Those who can't wrestle, who can't execute even the most basic of moves will be targeted.


[The fans boo like crazy]


Eric Tyler: I don't care what you people want. We aren't in the ring for you. We're in this ring to prove who the best man is. I'll fight in an empty arena if I have to.


[Johnny Martin grabs the mic]


Johnny Martin: Chris Morisette, you've gotten yourself involved in this mess. You will not be spared. Once you became allied with Nemesis, you dug your own grave. And the mighty Nemesis has fallen. You've lost John. Your team gave up, gave in. I told you John, I'm in this for the long haul. I will not sleep, not eat, not rest until you are gone from DAVE.


[Martin wipes the blood from his face]


Johnny Martin: I've been bloodied, beaten by you. And I'm still here. I'll always be here. I am DAVE!


[Martin drops the mic. The five men taunt the fans]


Mitch Naess: The School of Tradition has landed their first blow in this war. Is this a new era for DAVE? We'll see you Friday night on Danger Zone TV.





Rating: 53

Attendance: 1,870

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What? No! Where's The Rest Of The Show?




Unfortunately, I got bogged down by some other stuff and fell three segments short (the reveal, the match, the aftermath) of finishing it before I went to work. I plan on finishing it on my break tonight.

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Show Prediction Results:

Regis 4/7

Midnightnick 4/7

Occasional Z 3/7

Boltinho 3/7

Charasmatic Enigma 3/4


Overall Prediction Results:

Regis 19.5/23

Charasmatic Enigma 17.5/23

Occasional Z 15.5/23

Midnightnick 13.5/23

Boltinho 11.5/23


Regis wins. I'll PM you about the prize.

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Four out of seven?


Daaaaaaaaaaaaaamn, there were a few shockers here!


Well, only Midnightnick saw Martin & The School pulling off the upset. My thought process was that if Nemesis was ever going to lose, beating down Johnny Martin while Tyler forced the weak link to submit (Tanner) was the best way to do it.


Everybody picked The Peak Brothers which is interesting because despite the gap in psychology, Big Cat and Eddie are pretty much the "next gen" stars in my mind (in fact, there will be a post coming soon about this topic).


And then you had even splits on Caulfield vs Laramee and Braun vs Jay Darkness which was to be expected.

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When the article hit the front page of TEW Magazine and their fledgling web site, Phil about exploded. The first rule of DAVE was nobody talks to the dirt sheets. The second rule of DAVE was nobody talks to the dirt sheets. So when TEW ran their piece about Big Cat Brandon being considered a "rising star" and "the future" of the company, Phil lost it. He demanded to know who let that little factoid leak. Nobody stepped up and admitted to doing it. That's because it wasn't any of them. It was me.


See, Brandon wasn't exactly growing as I'd like. I mean, he had the size, the look, but he was boring as hell on the microphone and couldn't carry a match to save his life. That's partially why I matched him up with Eddie. Watch an Eddie Peak match. Really watch it. Sure, there are the weapons and the violence, but Eddie knows how to structure the match to keep the crowd in it without burning them out. That article served two purposes: to motivate Brandon *and* Eddie. Because I saw five years down the line with no Nemesis, no Eric Tyler, no Chris Caulfield, and I saw a main event of Big Cat Brandon taking on Eddie Peak.

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Fallout from Lords Of The Ring! The mystery man was finally revealed and it was none other than former DAVE star Chris Morisette. DAVE's newest addition may have stolen the show, but it was Eric Tyler who picked up the victory for his team in the Lords Of The Ring match when he forced Vin Tanner to submit to the Tradition Lift. The two men who made the biggest impact Monday night will square off when Eric Tyler takes on Chris Morisette.


Four more men involved in Monday's main event will be in the ring together with the DAVE Tag Team Championship on the line. That's right, it will be School of Tradition members Bryan Holmes & Kunomasu versus The Latin Alliance, Pablo Rodriguez & Shawn Gonzalez, for the gold. Will Gonzalez's brother make an appearance? Can The Alliance walk away champions?


Before the School stepped into the limelight, JD Morgan was named as its first member. Morgan immediately went after the man he believed sold him out, "V Man" Vin Tanner. While the "V Man" didn't have the best night, he'll get a chance to even the score when he resumes his war with Morgan.


And for those in attendance, two men who've put themselves squarely in the middle of two of the baddest wrestlers in DAVE will do battle. That's right it's the rookie Valiant versus Hardcore Killah.


All that plus appearances by Nemesis, Johnny Martin, Chris Caulfield, Kurt Laramee, and many more DAVE stars this Friday night only on East Coast Today.


Prediction Key:

Chris Morisette vs Eric Tyler

DAVE Tag Team Championship: Bryan Holmes & Kunomasu © vs The Latin Alliance

Vin Tanner vs JD Morgan

Valiant vs Hardcore Killah

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nice work on getting Lobby in. Bit disappointed he hasnt got his mask though... :(


Chris Morisette vs Eric Tyler


Morisette is the money now. Hes got to look good


DAVE Tag Team Championship: Bryan Holmes & Kunomasu © vs The Latin Alliance


They look really strong. Good way to use Boring Bryan


Vin Tanner vs JD Morgan


Im supporting my countryman natch. Vin looks too much like a sex-case


Valiant vs Hardcore Killah


I just dislike Valiant Im afraid. Especially in DAVE

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Chris Morisette vs Eric Tyler

Keep Chris strong.


DAVE Tag Team Championship: Bryan Holmes & Kunomasu © vs The Latin Alliance

I foresee Eddie Gonzalez poking his nose in.


Vin Tanner vs JD Morgan



Valiant vs Hardcore Killah

Useless lump.

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Chris Morisette vs Eric Tyler

DQ when all the heels run in


DAVE Tag Team Championship: Bryan Holmes & Kunomasu © vs The Latin Alliance

Can't see the champs losing


Vin Tanner vs JD Morgan

Vin is there to put others over


Valiant vs Hardcore Killah

Not too sure here, but Valiant could do with a win

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Hey guys. It seems I've got five loyal predictors/readers and I'd like to say thank you. Writing this has been amazing fun, but without anybody reading it, well I can't say I'd feel the urge to keep going.


Show is delayed by a day or two largely because I've been a bit of a spaz with my formatting and decided to stick to Franklin/3 with a nice, easy-to-read structure. The OCD then kicked in so I went back and re-formatted all the old shows, posts to kind of fit the theme (a brand if you will) with some odd shows missing colors, a month worth of shows in Arial Narrow, and some other minor differences.


The countdown to Christmas With The Devil (which is an amazing name for an event) will be posted the middle of this week.

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Hey guys. It seems I've got five loyal predictors/readers and I'd like to say thank you. Writing this has been amazing fun, but without anybody reading it, well I can't say I'd feel the urge to keep going.


Show is delayed by a day or two largely because I've been a bit of a spaz with my formatting and decided to stick to Franklin/3 with a nice, easy-to-read structure. The OCD then kicked in so I went back and re-formatted all the old shows, posts to kind of fit the theme (a brand if you will) with some odd shows missing colors, a month worth of shows in Arial Narrow, and some other minor differences.


The countdown to Christmas With The Devil (which is an amazing name for an event) will be posted the middle of this week.


I have read this diary within the last 2 weeks and I say this is great.Since I´m a big fan of old school hardcore wrestling I have to say that you catched the hardcore spirit very well with your characters, creativity and the unexpected turns.


This is my second diary I read after swf: supreme and I really want to see how the feud of Nemesis & Johnny Martin gonna end.


Can I still check in in your prediction picks?


here they are:


Chris Morisette vs Eric Tyler

The Mystery guy gets the win


DAVE Tag Team Championship: Bryan Holmes & Kunomasu © vs The Latin Alliance

I don´t see any reason for a title change at this moment.


Vin Tanner vs JD Morgan

heel vs jobber (heel winns)


Valiant vs Hardcore Killah

young prospect vs old undercard heel (young prospect)

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I have read this diary within the last 2 weeks and I say this is great.Since I´m a big fan of old school hardcore wrestling I have to say that you catched the hardcore spirit very well with your characters, creativity and the unexpected turns.


This is my second diary I read after swf: supreme and I really want to see how the feud of Nemesis & Johnny Martin gonna end.


Can I still check in in your prediction picks?


here they are:


Chris Morisette vs Eric Tyler

The Mystery guy gets the win


DAVE Tag Team Championship: Bryan Holmes & Kunomasu © vs The Latin Alliance

I don´t see any reason for a title change for the moment.


Vin Tanner vs JD Morgan

heel vs jobber (heel winns)


Valiant vs Hardcore Killah

young prospect vs old undercard heel (young prospect)


Welcome aboard! Also, I'm a big fan of 94-97 ECW (before their roster was ravaged by WCW/WWF) and wanted to capture that "anything goes" mentality. I'm going to expand on why some of the riskiness has been toned in an upcoming post, but needless to say I'm trying to harken back to the glory days of hardcore.

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Chris Morisette vs Eric Tyler

no contest, i know its unlikely but i reckon there will be a lot of interference


DAVE Tag Team Championship: Bryan Holmes & Kunomasu © vs The Latin Alliance

Holmes and Kunomasu, two of my favorites in the C-Verse


Vin Tanner vs JD Morgan



Valiant vs Hardcore Killah



have been here since pretty much the start of this diary just always been more of a lurker, but will be taking part from now on if thats cool

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DAVE Danger Zone TV

Thursday, Week 2, November 2001

From The Den, New England, USA




{Scott Williams interviews Valiant}

Rating: 36



Dark Match:

Valiant vs Hardcore Killah


Valiant defeated Hardcore Killah with a V-Split with Carl Batch cheering on Killah from ringside, but not actually getting involved in the match.
Winner: Valiant via V-Split at 2:53

Rating: 12


{Fireworks go off and a video package featuring the stars of DAVE plays}




Mitch Naess: Welcome to Danger Zone TV! I'm your host Mitch Naess. With me, is the brains behind DAVE, Phil Vibert.


Phil Vibert: Mitch, what an event we're coming off of. The School of Tradition and Johnny Martin beat Nemesis and his gang of followers. Just like I said they would.


Mitch Naess: We also saw Chris Morisette make his first appearance in DAVE in quite some time.


Phil Vibert: Unfortunately, Morisette chose to side with Nemesis. He's 0-fer-1 here in DAVE so far.


{The School of Tradition's music hits}




{Eric Tyler, Johnny Martin, and the rest of the School make their way to the ring}


Eric Tyler: Welcome everybody to a new age in DAVE. An era of technical superiority, disqualifications for using weapons of any kind, no top-rope maneuvers, more Olympics than Beerlympics. Nemesis and his rag-tag bunch found out exactly what we're capable of. Johnny Martin, our greatest ally, played his part perfectly. And Nemesis and the traitor Chris Morisette were too stupid to realize our plan of attack.


Eric Tyler: But our mission is not yet complete. The war is not over. You see, the symbol of this wayward life, these hardcore antics still retains physical possession of the top prize here in DAVE. The DAVE Unified Championship. I aim to take it from Nemesis. Johnny Martin has...reluctantly...agreed to let me beat Nemesis for the sake of eliminating the so-called legend from the annals of DAVE history. His name will stain the record books, but not the present.


Eric Tyler: Tonight, Bryan and Kunomasu are being forced to defend their Tag Team belts against two men who can not hope to defeat them. Shawn Gonzalez and Pablo Rodriguez are unworthy challengers, their skills lie in acrobatics and boxing, not wrestling. Go be a gymnast Pablo. Shawn, go back to Puerto Rico. Live your lives doing what you were born to do. Because the two men at my side were born to wrestle.


Eric Tyler: If you think our war is small in scope, that we only target those who attack us first, you are wrong. Let this be a notice to the entire roster. If you engage in tactics unbecoming a true wrestler, if you do not respect the tradition of this ring, we will come for you and end your career. JD Morgan is a well-trained assassin ready to eliminate those who need to find another place to showcase their antics. We are the teachers of tradition and school is in session.

Rating: 49




{Phil Vibert rises from his chair at the announce table}


Phil Vibert: Eric, this is still my company.


Eric Tyler: The man who turned it into what it was.


Phil Vibert: The man who is allowing you to wage your crusade. I step in only when it is absolutely necessary. DAVE isn't about extreme-ism Eric. It isn't about hardcore. There are two principles of DAVE. Anarchy and survival. You have embraced both of these. You won the Lords Of The Ring match. Therefore, at Christmas With The Devil, it will be you, Eric, versus Nemesis for the DAVE Unified Championship.


Eric Tyler: And when I force Nemesis to tap, you will know tradition is the future.

Rating: 63


Mitch Naess: Wow! We have our main event for Christmas With The Devil. "The Traditionalist" Eric Tyler versus Nemesis, the man who is about as anti-tradition as you can get. With the DAVE Unified Championship on the line.


Phil Vibert: Eric Tyler believes his way is the right way. I'm giving him a chance to prove it.


Mitch Naess: Tyler certainly has the skills and the experience. Remember, Nemesis won the title from Tyler back in May.


Phil Vibert: And that match was a war. Expect the same thing this time around.


Mitch Naess: I shall Phil. Let's go backstage to a man who's been in several battles himself. Chris Caulfield with the lovely Emma Chase.




{Emma, wearing her usual scandalous outfit, has the microphone. Caulfield is wearing tattered jeans and his "Hardcore American" shirt}


Emma Chase: When it came time for "the playboy" to be a man, he failed. Because he's not a man, he's a child. A small kid who thinks he can step into the big-boy ring and compete. I considered the matter finished. My man, a real man, did not. He wants another shot at you Kurt. What do you say?

Rating: 52


{At that instant, Emma and Chris receive an unexpected visitor in the form of...}




{Caulfield moves to shield Emma from Boone}

Emma Chase: What do you want?

Madman Boone: I'm the new "Icon of Insanity". We saw what I did to Henry Lee. I made him scream. Made him beg for mercy. He bled. Delicious, red life-giving blood. Shut up. No, you shut up. Did you see what I did? Did you? He thought he was crazy. I showed him.

Rating: 57


Emma Chase: Yes, we know. Congratulations. Now, leave.


Madman Boone: I like my new name. I want another. I want to be the "Hardcore American" too. It sounds so pretty. Like you. You're pretty. If I'm the Hardcore American, I could see your pretty face every day.


Emma Chase: You can't be the "Hardcore American".


Madman Boone: I CAN BE ANYTHING I WANT! The doctor told me so. And I want to be him. Next week, I will become him.


{Boone flashes a sadistic smile}


Emma Chase: Chris?


{Caulfield nods}


Emma Chase: You got it psycho.

Rating: 60




Mitch Naess: It appears we've already got a match booked for next week. Madman Boone and Chris Caulfield will tangle for the title of "Hardcore American"


Phil Vibert: I'm not sure why Caulfield agreed to this match. Boone's been on a tear lately. And does Emma come with the title? If so, I'd like to get in on the action.


Mitch Naess: I'm sure you would Phil.




{Eddie Peak's music hits. He marches down to the ring, without his brother, and grabs a mic}


Eddie Peak: Big Cat Brandon. You're an animal. But, so am I. Me and my brother are terrors. Rage. I feel it. So do you. I can tell. You're a rabid beast. Me? There's a method to my madness.


{Peak cackles to himself}


Eddie Peak: This belt is mine. Come and get it. Little kitty cat.

Rating: 45


Mitch Naess: Maybe not the brightest idea to insult Big Cat Brandon after what we saw Monday night.


Phil Vibert: Oh please Mitch. Eddie Peak knows what he's doing. Brandon's an animal, all brawn and no brains. Peak has that same tenacity and the smarts to go with it.


Mitch Naess: Are you sure about that?


Phil Vibert: Are you insulting one of our wrestlers?


Mitch Naess: I would never stoop so low Phil.



"V Man" Vin Tanner vs JD Morgan w/Cat Jemson

Vin Tanner goes after Morgan as soon as the bell is rung, hitting the Englishman with a flurry of rights and lefts. The "V Man" nails a Snap Suplex, and immediately goes for the pin, but Morgan kicks out at two. Tanner tries to end the match early, gearing up for a V For Victory, but Morgan connects with a low blow. The School of Tradition member locks in an Armbar, but Tanner reverses it into an Armbar of his own. Morgan steadfastly refuses to give in. Cat Jemson sneaks into the ring and sprays some kind of perfume in Tanner's eyes. Blinded, Tanner swings wildly as Morgan taunts him. Morgan connects with a Brainbuster, then locks in the Cross Atlantic Stretch. Tanner has no choice but to tap.

Winner: JD Morgan via Cross Atlantic Stretch at 8:45

Rating: 33


Mitch Naess: JD Morgan pulls it out thanks to help of Cat Jemson.


Phil Vibert: That was just icing on the cake Mitch. JD had that match won regardless of if Cat got involved.


Mitch Naess: Either way that's two straight times Tanner has tapped to a member of the School of Tradition.


Phil Vibert: Not a good week for the "V Man".




{We cut backstage where The New Jersey Devils are walking down the hall, seemingly arguing with each other}




{Big Cat Brandon is going the opposite way and Tank Bradley accidentally bumps into him}


Tank Bradley: Watch where you're going bro.


{This is all it takes as something inside the monster snaps and Brandon unloads on both Tank and Braun, tackling both men in one fell swoop before chucking Bradley into a brick wall. Braun tries to retaliate but Brandon drops him with a Big Cat Pounce on the cold, hard cement before walking off, snarling}

Rating: 35




Mitch Naess: Welcome back. Big Cat Brandon has seemingly lost it.


Phil Vibert: He's become rabid, the first sign of conflict sending him into beast mode.


Mitch Naess: He's certainly more dangerous than before.


Phil Vibert: I'm surprised he hasn't been locked in a zoo yet.


Mitch Naess: While paramedics attend to The New Jersey Devils, two teams who spent Monday locked in a cage will square off.


Phil Vibert: And the stakes couldn't be higher. Holmes and Kunomasu have run roughshod over the division since winning the belts. And with the School of Tradition watching their backs I don't think that'll change anytime soon.


Mitch Naess: The Latin Alliance will certainly give it their best shot.


Phil Vibert: And it won't be enough.


Mitch Naess: Well, we're about to find out if that's true. The DAVE Tag Team Championship will be on the line right now!




DAVE Tag Team Championship:

Bryan Holmes & Kunomasu vs The Latin Alliance w/Salcita


The tension for this one is palpable, the two teams eyeing each other as the bell rings. Holmes and Gonzalez start off with the two men locked up in the center of the ring. The two men go back and forth hitting a variety of moves before Kunomasu and Rodriguez are tagged in. 'Masu batters Rodriguez with quick strikes, but the "Priest of Pain" counters with a Sunset Flip and a 2 count. Kunomasu counters with a Leg Sweep, sending Rodriguez down. 'Masu and Holmes isolate Rodriguez in the corner, forcing the "Priest of Pain" to the top rope. As Holmes geared up for a Superplex, Rodriguez staved off Holmes, but Holmes poked Rodriguez in the eye and pushed him off the top rope and onto the floor below. 'Masu dragged Pablo back in the ring as the crowd chanted "Holy shit". Rodriguez struggled to his feet as Kunomasu geared up for Spinning Heel Kick, but Pablo ducked and dove to make the tag to Gonzalez. Kunomasu turned around and was met by a hard right hand and a Russian Leg Sweep from Gonzalez. Holmes entered to break up the count and nailed Gonzalez with a Cyclone Shock Kick. Rodriguez leapt back into action, sending Holmes to the outside with a Dropkick. With both Kunomasu and Gonzalez down, Pablo climbed to the top rope as cameras flashed. Pablo nailed The Final Judgement on Kunomasu, dragged Gonzalez on top of Kunomasu. 1...Holmes tries to muster up the energy to get back in the ring...2...Holmes reaches for Gonzalez...3!

Winners: The Latin Alliance at 12:30

Rating: 54

*The Latin Alliance wins the DAVE Tag Team Championship*


Mitch Naess: They've done it! Pablo Rodriguez and Shawn Gonzalez are your new DAVE Tag Team Champions.


Phil Vibert: No. I don't believe it.


Mitch Naess: Believe it Phil. They out-wrestled and out-fought Holmes and Kunomasu.


Phil Vibert: Eric Tyler is not going to be happy about this. He wanted the School to hold all the belts.


Mitch Naess: Now, they have none.


Phil Vibert: That match was fixed. There's no other explanation.


Mitch Naess: Sure there is. Tonight, Gonzalez and Rodriguez were better.


Phil Vibert: I'm just hoping the belts aren't stolen by a Mexican cartel when they bring them back to their homelands.


Mitch Naess: Gonzalez is from Puerto Rico!


Phil Vibert: Fine. Puerto Rican cartels.




{We fade in from break. Chris Morisette is backstage, ready to go, his fists taped, his gear on}




Chris Morisette: Why did I come back? Why did I hide for so long? I keep hearing the same questions over and over. I left DAVE after a couple of months. I didn't fit in. Eric Tyler dropped by up North a while back and asked if I wanted to be a part of his revolution. I told him I'd think about it. Truth is, I didn't have to. DAVE wasn't for me, but I sure damned respected the company! I thought Tyler was the one needed to be brought down. So I waited. Made sure I knew who could be trusted. That's why I hid in the shadows. As I watched, I realized Tyler wasn't the mastermind. He was the henchman, the number two. Johnny Martin was the one trying to destroy DAVE.


Chris Morisette: Tonight, I don't get Martin. I get the man I originally came back for. Eric Tyler. The so-called Traditionalist. F*** tradition. DAVE is evolution. The days of two guys putting each other in headlocks for 45 minutes is over. I'm not a wrestler. I'm a fighter, a whirlwind, a tornado of violence. Eric Tyler, a storm is coming.

Rating: 52


Mitch Naess: Chris Morisette already making an impact.


Phil Vibert: I don't know Morisette thinks he's fooling. He hid because he was scared of Eric Tyler and Johnny Martin.


Mitch Naess: Then why show his face now.


Phil Vibert: Because he has Nemesis watching his back.


Mitch Naess: We will see if Morisette can take down the leader of the School of Tradition, Eric Tyler, right now!



Chris Morisette vs "The Traditionalist" Eric Tyler


Tyler does not come down to the ring with the members apparently preferring to face Morisette alone. Tyler goes right after Morisette, going after the newcomer's knee. He wraps it around the ring post and slams it into the hard steel over and over again as Morisette yelps in pain. Tyler drags Morisette in the ring and goes for a Figure Four, but Morisette kicks him away. Tyler charges a limping Morisette, but is felled by a Drop Toe Hold. Morisette lifts Tyler up and hits three consecutive German Suplexes. Morisette goes for the cover, but only gets a two count. Morisette lifts Tyler onto his shoulders and goes a for Fireman's Carry Neckbreaker, but Tyler counters and reverses the move into a Rear Naked Choke. Morisette elbows Tyler in the head several times until The Traditionalist is forced to break the hold. Both men rise to their feet. Tyler drops to his knees and begs off Morisette before taking out the newcomer's knee. Tyler taunts the crowd, thinking he has the match won, but doesn't see...




...Nemesis come down to the ring through the crowd. Nemesis slides into the ring as the crowd goes nuts. Tyler turns around and looks shocked when he sees the champ. Nemesis hits Tyler with a Nemesis Arrow and slaps Morisette around to wake him up. Morisette comes to, walks over to Tyler, and locks in The Storm Stretch. Tyler, half-alive, is forced to tap and the crowd goes nuts!

Winner: Chris Morisette via The Storm Stretch at 14:41

Rating: 61


Mitch Naess: Chris Morisette beats Eric Tyler! His first singles match back in DAVE is a victory.


Phil Vibert: What just happened? Ref! That's interference! This match should be a No Contest.


Mitch Naess: Your rules Phil. Your rules.


Phil Vibert: Nemesis had no business in this match.


Mitch Naess: How does the School of Tradition re-group after two losses tonight? We'll see you next week!





Rating: 52

Attendance: 1,821

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Eisaku Kunomasu, better known to DAVE fans by his last name only, has left the company. He has decided to return to Japan and work for Golden Canvas Grappling. DAVE wishes him all the best and is honored to have had a wrestler of Kunomasu's ability lace up his boots for the company. During his time in DAVE, Kunomasu was a Brass Knuckles and Tag Team Champion.


OOC: And now we all understand why Gonzalez & Rodriguez won the belts.

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