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DAVE: Survive (CV2001)

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The kid had potential, no doubt. After Attitude Adjustment, I looked in the mirror and realized, hell, I hadn't been in a war like that in a long time. Plus, he wasn't too happy about the way things went down with Phil. I guess Vibert had told the kid, he'd get a shot with the belt, 'course nothing was in the contract. He came up to me backstage before the tv taping and asked me what I thought. Should he leave? I told the kid, f*** no, you were made for DAVE. He decided to stick around. I decided to make Madman Boone the next Nemesis. Figured it couldn't hurt to have another guy watching my back.


OOC: How hilarious is it that Nemesis took Boone as a protege after their main event match? Also, show will be booked in the game tomorrow. Write-up probably on Wednesday. Thanks to everybody for the picks!

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OOC: How hilarious is it that Nemesis took Boone as a protege after their main event match? Also, show will be booked in the game tomorrow. Write-up probably on Wednesday. Thanks to everybody for the picks!


Wow, that's crazy. Nemesis obviously thought the kid showed him something special during their match. I wonder if Nemesis can get this Madman Boone to be more a worker rather than a crazed stuntman. Also, Nemesis would probably try and get Boone to be the next Professor Nero rather then himself in my own opinion. That goofy look on Boone's render says "Hey, I can do psycho, but I just can't do badass"


"The Hardcore American" Chris Caulfield vs Madman Boone

This one is another super tough call since both have just had major defeats. I've gone with Boone because DAVE needs to justify that the guy is a major competitor who deserved a title shot at the PPV, and not some chump who got handed a title shot for nothing.

Kurt Laramee vs "The Priest of Pain" Pablo Rodriguez

Really tough one to call here, as Laramee seems to be getting a solid push being shown that he can hang with the likes of Shawn Gonzalez. In the end I've gone with Laramee because it might just tell the better story to have him win here.

DAVE Tag Team Championship: Bryan Holmes & Kunomasu © vs The New Jersey Devils

Holmes and Kunomasu: The thinking DAVE fan's team, to obviosuly retain here. They've got a ton of momentum and creditability and there's no way the belts are getting hotshotted off them.

Dark Match: Eric Tyler vs "The V Man" Vin Tanner

No thinking about this one: Eric Tyler to blow Tanner out the water here

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Wow, that's crazy. Nemesis obviously thought the kid showed him something special during their match. I wonder if Nemesis can get this Madman Boone to be more a worker rather than a crazed stuntman. Also, Nemesis would probably try and get Boone to be the next Professor Nero rather then himself in my own opinion. That goofy look on Boone's render says "Hey, I can do psycho, but I just can't do badass"


"The Hardcore American" Chris Caulfield vs Madman Boone

This one is another super tough call since both have just had major defeats. I've gone with Boone because DAVE needs to justify that the guy is a major competitor who deserved a title shot at the PPV, and not some chump who got handed a title shot for nothing.

Kurt Laramee vs "The Priest of Pain" Pablo Rodriguez

Really tough one to call here, as Laramee seems to be getting a solid push being shown that he can hang with the likes of Shawn Gonzalez. In the end I've gone with Laramee because it might just tell the better story to have him win here.

DAVE Tag Team Championship: Bryan Holmes & Kunomasu © vs The New Jersey Devils

Holmes and Kunomasu: The thinking DAVE fan's team, to obviosuly retain here. They've got a ton of momentum and creditability and there's no way the belts are getting hotshotted off them.

Dark Match: Eric Tyler vs "The V Man" Vin Tanner

No thinking about this one: Eric Tyler to blow Tanner out the water here


Nero's a good comparison, and thinking about it, Nemesis shouldn't have compared Boone to himself. In my mind, I was thinking "Nemesis believes Boone is the next Nemesis regarding his place in DAVE in that Nemesis was the primary heel (along with Tyler) in DAVE as it grew in popularity. But, at 42, he has to realize that in a couple of years he won't be able to be that guy anymore and he sees Boone as his successor in that "major heel" role."

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So, show is booked. The write-up will be done tomorrow. Thanks for the patience.


I've also decided to use some of the beautiful re-renders done by the GDS community in the Re-Render Thread after Celt suggested it (check it out, if you haven't seen them!). The new renders of T-Rex, Valiant, the Peaks, Nemesis, and a couple others replaced the old ones in all the shows and sidebars. (This took quite a while).


Plus, the roster and champions page has been updated so that both are current.

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DAVE Danger Zone TV

Thursday, Week 2, August 2001

From The Den, New England, USA



Dark Match: "The Traditionalist" Eric Tyler vs "The V Man" Vin Tanner

*The Eric Tyler Wrestling Challenge*


Vin Tanner was the first to answer Tyler's challenge. The two put on a show for the live audience with some back and forth action. Tyler's skills proved too much for Tanner in the end though and "The V Man" tapped to a Tradition Lift at 15:36.
Winner: Eric Tyler

Rating: 48




Mitch Naess: Welcome everybody to Danger Zone TV. I'm Mitch Naess, and usually I'm joined by Phil Vibert. Except tonight, Phil is in the ring, waiting on the DAVE Unified Champion, Nemesis. My partner helped Nemesis retain his title at Attitude Adjustment for reasons unknown.


*Nemesis' music hits*


Mitch Naess: But, it looks like we're about to find out.




*Nemesis saunters down to the ring, DAVE Unified Championship in hand. He smirks when he sees Phil Vibert across from him*




Phil Vibert: Go ahead and ask what you want to ask John.


Nemesis: Me and you haven't seen eye-to-eye recently. Way I figure it, I shoulda been the one on the end of that chair shot. Now, I don't need help, you know that, these fans know that, especially against a punk like Boone. I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth either. Most people figured I'd come out here and give you an ass-kicking for sticking your nose into my business, that you'd move to #1 on my s*** list. 'Course, you still got that paper that says I don't get Martin if I touch 'ya. So, Phil, why don't you fill me in on exactly what's going on.


Phil Vibert: John. I know things haven't been great between us recently. There's been some...hostility. You think I'm out to get you. I'm not. See, DAVE is my baby, and like any good parent, I want to see my baby grow into a fine young man. Know what turns DAVE into a lazy, shiftless hobo like so many of our fans? The DAVE Unified Championship appearing on another company's television show. And that title being set on fire or thrown in a trash can or pissed on. Boone's an animal. Martin's using him to hurt you. That's all well and good. Monday, there was a chance, a guy who isn't solely committed to this company could've walked out as the champ. I'm not a guy who takes chances. That answer your question?


Nemesis: Sure does. Got one more thing to say. This thing between me and the Madman isn't done. One way or another I'm gonna make sure that son of a bitch's shoulders hit the mat 1, 2, 3. Then, I might make sure he doesn't ever get up.


Phil Vibert: Fair enough.


*Nemesis exits the ring as Phil Vibert returns to the announce table*

Rating: 77


Mitch Naess: Welcome back Phil.


Phil Vibert: Thank you Mitch. Sometimes, when you're the boss, you need to let the boys know why you do the things you do.


Mitch Naess: I don't think there's anybody out there who knows what you're thinking Phil.


Phil Vibert: And that's the way I like it. The element of surprise is a hell of a tactic.


Mitch Naess: I'll tell you who else subscribes to that theory. Bryan Holmes and Kunomasu. The pair put one over on everybody and walked out of Attitude Adjustment, the DAVE Tag Team Champions. They've vowed to face any and all comers, the first of which will be The New Jersey Devils...right now.






DAVE Tag Team Championship Match:

Bryan Holmes & Kunomasu © vs The New Jersey Devils


Holmes and Kunomasu once again displayed the teamwork that won them the belts in the first place, constantly isolating the weaker Tank Bradley. Alex Braun managed to shift momentum midway through the bout, but Holmes & Kunomasu regained control using a barrage of quick tags and quicker strikes. The onslaught was too much for the Devils, and after a Double Superkick, Holmes covered Braun for the win at 12:11.
Winners: Bryan Holmes & Kunomasu

Rating: 40


Mitch Naess: Holmes and Kunomasu retain! The newly formed duo seem to be taking their business very seriously.


Phil Vibert: Uh-oh Mitch, looks like Holmes and Kunomasu might get what's coming to them. The former champs, The Darkness Warriors, are sprinting down the aisle, chairs in hand.




*The Darkness Warriors slide into the ring and go after Holmes and Kunomasu. The two teams engage in a brawl that spills out of the ring*


Mitch Naess: Wait a minute, it looks like The Warriors aren't the only ones wanting to get in on the action. Here come...




Mitch Naess: The Animals.


*Big Cat Brandon goes after Jay Darkness while The Wolverine brawls with Bryan Holmes and Kunomasu and Raul Darkness trade punches*


Phil Vibert: These three teams do not like each other Mitch, and it looks like this brawl might go on for a while.


*Suddenly, two more figures emerge from behind the curtain*




Mitch Naess: This has turned into complete chaos. The Peak Brothers are leaping into the fray.


*Holmes & Kunomasu, The Peak Brothers, The Darkness Warriors, and The Animalz brawl for a solid minute until security manages to separate the eight competitors*

Rating: 40


Phil Vibert: I don't think Holmes and Kunomasu's ploy went over too well with the boys in the back. Seems like everybody wants a shot at those tricksters.


Mitch Naess: Not to mention the DAVE Tag Team Championship.




*Johnny Martin appears on the big screen at the top of the stage*


Johnny Martin: We both learned lesson on Monday, didn't we Chris? I said you didn't have the stomach for what was about to happen. Each of those chair shots was me teaching you that when you get involved in my business, bad things happen. You didn't keep your b**** in line and bled out in the middle of that ring because of it. But, I learned something too. You're tougher than you look. I figured nine or ten shots would be enough to put you out of action permanently. Then, I find out, you'll be back in action less than four days after I doled out my punishment. Guess I was wrong. It'll be the last time. This isn't over Chris, not by a long shot.

Rating: 68


Mitch Naess: Johnny Martin, not mincing words Phil. He seemingly wants to end Caulfield's career, and almost did at Attitude Adjustment with those sickening chair shots. Martin seemed to enjoy making Emma watch him beat Caulfield to a pulp.


Phil Vibert: "The Hardcore American" brought it on himself Mitch. Johnny Martin had a problem with one man and one man only...Nemesis. Then, Caulfield and his girlfriend had to get themselves involved. Sometimes, you pay the price.


Mitch Naess: I believe Martin when he says it's not over. Another man with unfinished business is backstage with our Scott Williams.




Scott Williams: Kurt, you and Shawn Gonzalez knocked each other out at Attitude Adjustment. Tonight, though, it'll be "The Priest of Pain" Pablo Rodriguez in the opposite corner surely looking for payback for the injuries afflicted by your associate Carl Batch.


Kurt Laramee: Gonzalez didn't knock me out. I purposely fell from that stage. Show everybody how a real G ends a match. As for "The Priest of Pain", hell the playboy don't care about that choir boy. Kurt Laramee don't go to church on Sundays. See, Marx said religion is the opiate of the masses. Only mass, the playboy knows about, is Gonzalez's fat mama.


Scott Williams: Wait a minute. Did you just make a reference to 19th-century Communist thinker Karl Marx?


Kurt Laramee: I say what I say, you white bread mother f*****. Pablo Rodriguez, you step in that ring, and the scars on your hands won't be nothing compared to what happens tonight. 'Cause the playboy don't play boy.


*Laramee and Batch cackle as they head towards the ring*

Rating: 60



Kurt Laramee w/Carl Batch vs "The Priest of Pain" Pablo Rodriguez


Rodriguez came out with a flurry using high-risk moves to keep Laramee down. However, Laramee came prepared and a well-timed chair shot from...


...turned the match back in Laramee's favor. Still, "The Priest of Pain" refused to give in. The sheer numbers were too much for Rodriguez, and when Carl Batch nailed Rodriguez with a wooden cross right in the forehead, Laramee took advantage and hit a Switchblade Powerslam to get the pinfall at 10:41.
Winner: Kurt Laramee

Rating: 43


Mitch Naess: Laramee using sheer numbers to take down Pablo Rodriguez once again. And, it looks like they aren't done.


Phil Vibert: The playboy using his head to overwhelm "The Priest of Pain". Killah and Laramee putting the boots to Rodriguez. Here comes Carl Batch with the cigar, trying to finished what he started.


Mitch Naess: Not again! Not again!




Mitch Naess: Shawn Gonzalez is here! He looks like a man possessed.


Phil Vibert: This isn't his fight Mitch.


*Gonzalez runs to the ring, chair in hand. A stiff chair shot to Hardcore Killah sends Laramee and Batch scrambling from the ring. Gonzalez grabs Rodriguez's hand and helps him to his feet*

Rating: 34




*Emma Chase, wearing regular clothes, is by herself in a locker room*


Emma Chase: I know I should be crying right now. I won't let you have the satisfaction Johnny. Chris isn't here. I asked him to let me do this alone. Johnny Martin kidnapped me, kept me locked up in his basement, and forced me to watch as he nearly killed my boyfriend. I'll never forget it. You don't know love Johnny, don't know what it's like to watch as someone you care about is hurt. I didn't either until Monday. One day, Johnny, you'll know that pain. And I want to be the one to make you feel it. I hate you, Johnny Martin.

Rating: 65




*Chris Caulfield enters the locker room and wraps an arm around Emma*


Emma Chase: That was personal. But I know this is a business too. And tonight, my boyfriend has to go into battle against Madman Boone. I begged him not to, I begged him to take it easy. He won't take it easy, not on himself, and definitely not on you, Madman Boone. Every piece of barbed wire digging into your face, every shot with a steel chair, every punch will be therapy. For Chris. For me. You're a creepy psychopath. We're The Hardcore American Couple and we're about to show you the difference between the two.

Rating: 52



"The Hardcore American" Chris Caulfield w/Emma Chase vs Madman Boone


Caulfield went on the attack early, using a trash can to put Boone down for a 2 count. Madman fought back and managed to land a chair shot square on Caulfield's head. Emma urged her man to get up, and get up he did, reversing an attempted Suplex into a Brainbuster. It looked like Caulfield was in control until...



...Johnny Martin strolled down to the ring. Martin stalked Emma around the ring, causing Caulfield to leave Boone in the ring and protect Emma. As Caulfield charged after Martin, Boone came to his senses and hit Caulfield with a Clothesline on the outside. The psychopathic Boone set up a table in the ring and deposited Caulfield onto it with a Scoop Slam. A second later, Madman hit the Boone & Bust, pinning Caulfield at 15:38.
Winner: Madman Boone

Rating: 55


Mitch Naess: Johnny Martin just cost Chris Caulfield a victory.


Phil Vibert: Not true Mitch. Caulfield cost himself the win. He had Boone dead to rights, but let his temper get the best of him.


Mitch Naess: What would you do if a man kidnapped your girlfriend and made her watch as he beat you senseless?


Phil Vibert: I'd get the win first Mitch. We've always known Caulfield isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer.


Mitch Naess: Look at this display by Johnny Martin. Emma is checking on Caulfield as Martin stares her down, swinging an invisible chair. He's sadistic.


*The crowd erupts*


Mitch Naess: The crowd going crazy. And, with good reason.




Mitch Naess: Nemesis is here and heading straight for Johnny Martin.


*Nemesis charges towards Martin who sees the big man coming at the last minute and hightails it into the crowd as security keeps the crowd, themselves, from going after Martin*

Rating: 78


Mitch Naess: Johnny Martin has made his escape once again. The crowd wants his blood, but security isn't letting them get at Martin. Nemesis burning a hole through Johnny Martin.


Phil Vibert: Not sure what Nemesis thinks he's doing Mitch. Martin's well protected in the crowd right there. The smartest man in DAVE once again proving why he's the best.




Nemesis: You think I forgot Martin? You think Boone would keep me busy and I'd let what you did to me slide. No way in hell. Waking up in that hospital with my boy Ash standing over me thanks to you and that face-painted freak isn't something I forget. I'm tired of you running from me. Kidnapping women. Beating on guys with chairs after they're already down. You're a f****** coward. Johnny Martin, the man who ended the war, is scared s***less. See, Phil gave me that answer earlier, and I didn't buy it for a second. He knew Boone wasn't walking to Stallings with the belt in hand. What Phil knows is I'm more valuable than you, Johnny. I'm the face of DAVE. You're a has-been.

Rating: 78


Nemesis: Now, I got nothing you want. Ain't no way to force you to face me man-to-man. But I know how bad you want to hurt me Johnny. And how bad you want to hurt Chris. So, how about I make you an offer. Next week on Danger Zone TV, it'll be myself and Chris Caulfield versus you and Madman Boone in a tag team match. This isn't a request, it's not a challenge, it's happening. And to make sure, I'll throw in something. We won't face off.


*The fans boo loudly*


Nemesis: Johnny Martin and Nemesis won't be in that ring at the same time next week. I get Boone, Caulfield gets you.


*Martin smiles and nods at Nemesis. The DAVE Unified Champion drops the microphone and walks away as Caulfield and Chase glare at Martin from the ring*

Rating: 65


Mitch Naess: Wow! Be sure to tune in next Friday night to Danger Zone TV. It'll be the DAVE Unified Champion, Nemesis, and Chris Caulfield versus Johnny Martin and Madman Boone in tag team action. Good night everybody!




Show Rating: 54

Attendance: 1,825

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DAVE would like to announce they've reached an agreement with Marcus McKing. The former APWF and SWF star will be serving in a backstage capacity for DAVE.

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So...I guessing based on this episode the next PPV matches will be something like...


Nemesis © vs J-Mar

Caulfield vs Madman Boone in a gimmick match

4 way mayhem for the Tag team straps

Either Kurt Laramee or Pablo Rodriguez getting a Brass Knuckles title shot someway

Eric Tyler faces down someone with a good momentum as the pay off on this open challenge stuff.

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So...I guessing based on this episode the next PPV matches will be something like...


Nemesis © vs J-Mar

Caulfield vs Madman Boone in a gimmick match

4 way mayhem for the Tag team straps

Either Kurt Laramee or Pablo Rodriguez getting a Brass Knuckles title shot someway

Eric Tyler faces down someone with a good momentum as the pay off on this open challenge stuff.


Hmmm...right on one match, wrong on all the others and you are underestimating the power of the playboy, Kurt Laramee, and what I'm now referring to as Johnny Martin's Ultimate Mindf***.

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The challenge was laid down at the end of last week's episode of Danger Zone TV. Nemesis and Chris Caulfield versus Johnny Martin and Madman Boone. But, there's a catch, Martin and the DAVE Unified Champion won't be in the ring at the same time. Will Nemesis find a way to get his hands on Martin and Boone in one night or will the self-proclaimed "DAVE Icon" be able to escape the champ's grasp once again?


There's been no love lost between Kurt Laramee and Shawn Gonzalez. This week, "The Lone Wolf" steps into the ring with Laramee's ally, Hardcore Killah. One has to expect Gonzalez will look to inflict some punishment on Hardcore Killah for his part in the assault of "The Lone Wolf's" friend, Pablo Rodriguez.


Alex Braun escaped Attitude Adjustment with his DAVE Brass Knuckles Championship after pinning Eddie Peak in the middle of the ring. This Friday, Braun will face the other Peak brother, Doug, with the title on the line. Will one Peak be able to do what the other could not or will Braun maintain the death grip he has on the title?


Also, for those in attendance, the Eric Tyler Wrestling Challenge continues. We've learned, one-half of The New Wave, Scout will attempt to out-wrestle "The Traditionalist". The bet seems to be 'no', but you can be sure Tyler isn't taking the youngster lightly.


All that and more this Friday night on Danger Zone TV only on East Coast Today.

Prediction Key:

"The Hardcore American" Chris Caulfield & Nemesis vs Johnny Martin & Madman Boone

Hardcore Killah vs "The Lone Wolf" Shawn Gonzalez

DAVE Brass Knuckles Championship: Alex Braun © vs Doug Peak

Eric Tyler vs Scout

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"The Hardcore American" Chris Caulfield & Nemesis vs Johnny Martin & Madman Boone-this one goes to a no contest


Hardcore Killah vs "The Lone Wolf" Shawn Gonzalez


DAVE Brass Knuckles Championship: Alex Braun © vs Doug Peak


Eric Tyler vs Scout

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"The Hardcore American" Chris Caulfield & Nemesis vs Johnny Martin & Madman Boone

Could be thrown out, but I don't know if that'll play with the fans. Plus, you don't keep nemesis from a win for anything but the very best of reasons.


Hardcore Killah vs "The Lone Wolf" Shawn Gonzalez



DAVE Brass Knuckles Championship: Alex Braun © vs Doug Peak

A simple matter of quality.


Eric Tyler vs Scout

Yeah but no.

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"The Hardcore American" Chris Caulfield & Nemesis vs Johnny Martin & Madman Boone

Nemesis is the same spot as Rock or Stone Cold in 1999 WWF in regards to DAVE...he just doesn't lose unless the story absolutely needs it


Hardcore Killah vs "The Lone Wolf" Shawn Gonzalez

I'm expecting Shawn Gonzalez to work a leg so hard he plucks it out, beat HK over the head with it and takes it home with him.


DAVE Brass Knuckles Championship: Alex Braun © vs Doug Peak

Not sure why Doug is getting a title shot here for since the Peaks didn't get it down on PPV and haven't won a match since. Braun wins, but something happens post match to make people want a rematch


Eric Tyler vs Scout

Scout surprises Tyler with some dazzling offence, but the veteran pulls it together at the end and clinches the win.

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DAVE Danger Zone TV

Thursday, Week 3, August 2001

From Pennsylvania Park, Tri State, USA



Dark Match: "The Traditionalist" Eric Tyler vs Scout


The duo put on quite a show for those in attendance with Scout managing to hold off Tyler's technical assault by utilizing his energy to keep Tyler at bay. However, the veteran proved too much for the youngster in the end, and forced Scout to tap at 10:21 to a Tradition Lift.
Winner: "The Traditionalist" Eric Tyler Rating: 57 (OOC: Damn! Lesson learned)




Mitch Naess: Welcome, everyone, to what's sure to be another fantastic night of Danger Zone TV. I'm Mitch Naess and as always, my partner in crime, Phil Vibert is seated next to me.


Phil Vibert: Mitch, Mitch, Mitch. This is the night DAVE fans have been waiting for, Nemesis and Johnny Martin on opposite sides here tonight.


Mitch Naess: Of course, there's a catch, as Nemesis agreed to not face off with Martin directly, being forced to tag whenever Martin steps in the ring.


Phil Vibert: Shows you that even the DAVE Unified Champion doesn't want any part of Johnny Martin right now, Mitch.


{***Johnny Martin's music hits***}




{***Martin comes out with Madman Boone from the back, obviously limping.He's dressed in street clothes. The crowd chants "You're a bitch. You're a bitch at Martin***}

Johnny Martin: I have an announcement to make. I know all you fans couldn't wait to see me in action, but there's been a mishap. During my weekly hoops game at the park, I suffered a severely sprained ankle and will not be able to compete tonight. While DAVE's doctors claimed I wasn't injured at all, my private specialist ordered me to stay out of the ring for at least three weeks to get back to 100%. But, because I care so much about DAVE, I found a replacement for tonight's Main Event.


{***An up-tempo rap song hits and...***}




{***...Kurt Laramee appears next to Martin at the top of the ramp with Carl Batch in tow***}


Johnny Martin: Mister Kurt Laramee was kind enough to take my place tonight and all it took on my part was some cold, hard cash.

Rating: 56


{***Laramee grabs the microphone from Martin***}


Kurt Laramee: That's right, that's right, the playboy is like The Jeffersons and movin' on up. Nemesis. Chris Caulfield. S***. We all know the real star of this show is me, Kurt Laramee. Hell, Martin didn't even have to offer me nothing. Figured I'd take a break from that punk Gonzalez to get a shot at the big time. Maybe, even show that fine ass dime Emma Chase, what a real man looks like. After I pin that flaming-haired freak Nemesis 1, 2, 3 in the middle of the ring, ain't nothing gonna stop me from taking home the main prize, gold truly worthy of the playboy. To make damn sure, I even got this crazy ass motherf***** on my right to watch my back.


Madman Boone: Hardcore. I'm hardcore. Not the man with the shirt. America. I'm a patriot. That girl is pretty. He's ugly. I don't understand. The man on fire wants to hurt me. I hurt him first. I'll hurt him last. Kurt Laramee understands me. He's crazy like I am.


Kurt Laramee: Whoa man, Kurt Laramee crazy like a fox. You just crazy.


Madman Boone: I'm crazy like the tiger. I'll eat you alive. Nemesis. Caulfield. Emma. Pretty Emma.




{***Nemesis, Chris Caulfield, and Emma Chase come out from behind the curtain, behind Laramee, Boone, and Martin. Martin limps out of there leaving Laramee and Boone to fend for themselves***}

Nemesis: Can't believe how scared Johnny Martin is. Ankle injury my ass. Only thing holding Martin back is his lack of balls. Don't matter. He'll get what's coming to him. Only difference tonight is I traded one loudmouth for another. Kurt Laramee. I don't even know who you are. This isn't the playground kid. You can go back and forth with Gonzalez all day, but when you step in the ring with me, playboy, playtime is over.


Chris Caulfield: Way I look at it, you two are practice. The idiots Martin's set up in front of us to make sure we can't get to him. I'm from America, land of the free, home of the brave, and I'm the most hardcore son of a b****, in the most hardcore country on the planet. You come from a bad part of town, Laramee, hell I make the bad parts of town, the bad parts. What say we forget referees and bells and rules, and get this over with right now.


Kurt Laramee: Like the playboy's scared of you two.


{***The four men are suddenly nose-to-nose. Laramee throws the first punch and chaos breaks out as all four men begin to brawl. Security quickly moves in to separate them***}

Rating: 65


Mitch Naess: Unbelieveable Phil, Johnny Martin refuses to even be in the same zip code as Nemesis.


Phil Vibert: The man says he's injured Mitch. Better to get healthy than risk further problems with that ankle.


Mitch Naess: Somehow, I doubt Martin's "injury" is as bad as he's making it seem.


Phil Vibert: Is your name Doctor Mitch Naess?


Mitch Naess: Damn it Phil, I'm an announcer, not a doctor.


Phil Vibert: Exactly.


Mitch Naess: Either way, it should be a great main event and a great opportunity for Kurt Laramee to prove he belongs at the top. But, now it's time for action. Alex Braun beat Eddie Peak at Attitude Adjustment and hung on to his DAVE Brass Knuckles Championship. Now, the other Peak brother gets a shot at gold.


Phil Vibert: You've gotta think the Peaks have something up their sleeves.




DAVE Brass Knuckles Championship:

"Ice Man" Alex Braun © w/Tank Bradley vs "Dangerous" Doug Peak w/Eddie Peak


Doug Peak immediately went on the offensive, keeping Braun down with a varied attack. The champ, however, reversed a Headlock into a Back Body Drop and took control of the match. Of course, Eddie Peak couldn't keep out of the match and hit Braun with a chair shot as the Ice Man came off the rope. Doug Peak used the advantage, but could only get Braun down for a couple of 2-counts. When Eddie and Doug simultaneously choked Braun against the bottom rope, Bradley hopped up on the apron. Doug and Tank argued back and forth as Braun regained his senses. Doug turned around and was hit with a Braun Damage. A 1, 2, 3 followed at 10:24.
Winner: "Ice Man" Alex Braun

Rating: 50


Mitch Naess: Doug, arguing with Bradley on the apron.


Phil Vibert: Come on ref! Get Bradley out of there.


Mitch Naess: It looks like Bradley's had his say. Uh-oh. Doug doesn't see Braun behind him. Braun Damage! 1...2...3! Alex Braun is still your DAVE Brass Knuckles Champion.


Phil Vibert: The Peaks are screwed again Mitch.


Mitch Naess: Don't tell to that the "Ice Man" who is soaking in the adoration from the crowd.


{***Darth Vader and a Storm Trooper walk methodically down the ramp***}


Mitch Naess: What the hell? Is that Darth Vader and one of the Empire's Storm Troopers? Is this some kind of gag?


Phil Vibert: Maybe Braun hired them for the after-party?


Mitch Naess: I don't know Phil, Braun looks just as confused as we are.


{***Vader and the Storm Trooper enter the ring. Braun stares at them in disbelief. Vader holds out his hand as if he's trying to choke Braun using the force. Of course, this doesn't work. The Storm Trooper unleashes a big right hand that knocks Braun down to the mat. Vader begins stomping away at Braun as the Storm Trooper deals with Tank Bradley. Booed mercilessly by the crowd, remove their masks***}


Mitch Naess: That's not Vader and a Storm Trooper. It's...




Phil Vibert: ...Frankie Future and T-Rex.


Mitch Naess: The two men are leaving the ring. But, why did they attack Alex Braun? And why is T-Rex teaming up with a nerd like Future?


Phil Vibert: More questions than answers right now Mitch.

Rating: 26


Mitch Naess: Well, we officially have our second match for The Alternate Showcase. A four-team dance for the DAVE Tag Team Championship. Bryan Holmes & Kunomasu will defend their belts against the former champions, The Darkness Warriors, The Animalz team made up of Big Cat Brandon and The Wolverine, and The Peak Brothers who struck out on singles gold.


Phil Vibert: What a match! All those teams will be gunning for Holmes and Kunomasu, who pulled one over on everybody at Attitude Adjustment, especially The Darkness Warriors.

Rating: 42




{***We are taken to a darkened room, almost medieval in its design, lit only by a few candles. Jay and Raul Darkness kneel in front of an altar with a skull on top***}


Jay Darkness: Lo, the hour of revenge is upon us, Brother Raul. The deceivers must be defeated, their crimes must be punished.


Raul Darkness: Yes, Brother Jay. On the first day, our Lord created us, his acolytes, to act upon that which society shuns. Wrath, greed, envy. We are his servants. We do his bidding. He is strong and wise. He brought us into the depths to issue an ultimatum. The ones called Holmes and Kunomasu must be eliminated lest their way spread throughout the world.


Jay Darkness: We are patient. Let the deceivers have their moment in the sun. They will soon be dragged down into the shadows where The Darkness Warriors reign.

Rating: 41


Mitch Naess: Okay. Those guys creep me out.


Phil Vibert: They should Mitch. A willingness to do what others won't is powerful. And nobody knows evil like The Darkness Warriors.


Mitch Naess: I'm sure the Warriors would love to get gold around their waist for a fourth time.


Phil Vibert: Unfortunately, they'll have to contend with not only the champs, but also The Animalz and my pick to come out on top, the Peak Brothers, who might rival the Warriors' take no prisoners style.



Hardcore Killah vs "The Lone Wolf" Shawn Gonzalez


Killah did his best to fight off Gonzalez, but "The Lone Wolf" seemed determined to inflict punishment on Kurt Laramee's ally. Gonzalez battered the Killah in the corner, but Killah managed to nail "The Lone Wolf" with a low blow. Grabbing a chair from ringside, Killah nailed Gonzalez over the head. Somehow, "The Lone Wolf" kicked out at two. It seemed Killah had control, until...


Mitch Naess: Hardcore Killah, surprisingly, giving Gonzalez everything he can handle.


Phil Vibert: Gonzalez doesn't seem like he was expecting much of a fight. Maybe looking ahead to a future showdown with Laramee.


Mitch Naess: Oh! Killah with a Scoop Slam onto the chair. Gonzalez is writhing in pain. Somebody's emerging from he back. Laramee, perhaps?


{***A stunning woman, wearing daisy dukes and a Puerto Rican flag bikini top comes out from behind the curtain. In her high heels she casually strolls down to the ring***}




Mitch Naess: Who is this woman?


Phil Vibert: I don't know, but I'd sure like to find out.


{***Killah appears fixated on the mysterious girl. She seductively climbs in the ring and motions for Killah to come over to her. He does what he's told. As he leans in for a kiss, the woman sprays a can of mace in Killah's eyes***}


Mitch Naess: Killah can't see. That woman blinded him with a can of mace.


Phil Vibert: Killah thought he was getting some lovin', but got nothin' instead.


Mitch Naess: Gonzalez is up, that steel chair in his hands.


Phil Vibert: "The Lone Wolf" moving in for the kill.


Gonzalez nails the blinded Killah over the head with a chair. Killah staggers for a second and then falls flat on his back, seemingly out. Gonzalez covers for the pinfall at 9:04.
Winner: "The Lone Wolf" Shawn Gonzalez

Rating: 41


Mitch Naess: Gonzalez beats Hardcore Killah thanks to the help of that woman, who seems to be on Gonzalez's side.


{***The woman plants a big kiss on Gonzalez's lips***


Phil Vibert: Lucky bastard.


{***Gonzalez grabs the microphone***}


Shawn Gonzalez: Hola Kurt. See this mami here...she's on El Lobo's team. Came all the way from San Juan. Oye. You got your chica Batch. I got Salcita. Looks like the odds are even, eh chico. So how's about we make it mano-e-mano. A cage match at The Alternate Showcase. Salcita and that puta Batch on the outside. I take care of you. My amigo Pablo takes care of Killah. 'K? Viva El Lobo! Viva El Lobo!

Rating: 34


Mitch Naess: We have a name. Salcita. All the way from Puerto Rico to assist Shawn Gonzalez in his war against Kurt Laramee. And what about this cage match at The Alternate Showcase.


Phil Vibert: Gonzalez is pulling out every stop. He knows he can't beat Laramee fair and square. And we'll see if that match is signed off on.


Mitch Naess: Plus, it sounds like "The Lone Wolf" issued a challenge to Hardcore Killah on behalf of Pablo Rodriguez as well. I'm not sure "The Priest of Pain" will be too happy with that.


Phil Vibert: I wouldn't be Mitch. Pablo is likely to get eaten alive by Hardcore Killah.


Mitch Naess: I'm being told Scott Williams is backstage with two of the men in tonight's Main Event. Scott?




Scott Williams: Guys, it looks like Johnny Martin slipped from your grasp once again.


Nemesis: Like I said earlier, it doesn't matter. Martin will get his soon enough. Tonight, it's all about Madman Boone and Kurt Laramee. Boone, you know I've got problems with. Sneak attack a man on your first day in the company. Sneak attack me? That's not a good start. Boone's about to find out what it means to be the most extreme dude alive. I'll bleed out to make sure Boone gets his. You can be sure of that. As for Laramee...he's a cocky son of a bitch, trying to step up to the plate. He's gonna step in that ring, see my face, and piss his pants. Won't be so damn cocky after that.


Chris Caulfield: Pennsylvania let me hear ya! The Hardcore American. Know how I got that name? By being the most violent, crazy dude in the country. Boone's new here. Just cause that company out West called you their "Hardcore" champ doesn't mean s*** around here. It's like being the hottest chick in Iowa. Laramee? I think me and Nemesis agree Laramee has no idea what's coming. He's a deer caught in the headlights. And I'm that Ford truck coming down the road because America's hardcore and I'm The Hardcore American.

Rating: 60


{***Caulfield and Nemesis head towards the ring. All the sudden, Kurt Laramee with Carl Batch and Madman Boone appear behind Scott Williams***}




Kurt Laramee: Were they just here?


Scott Williams: Yes.


Kurt Laramee: S***. Just missed 'em. Coulda beaten their asses before we got in the ring. Don't matter. The playboy's ready to go. The Hardcore B**** and...Nemesis, whatever, I can't think of a funny name for his ass think they know me. Think I'll be scared. The playboy's been waiting his whole life for this. I'm cocky, yea, but ain't no good being cocky if you can't back it up. I talk the talk, damn sure I'm gonna walk the walk down to that ring and show those two how dark chocolate tastes.


Madman Boone: I like chocolate. I like blood. I don't like Nemesis. I'm hardcore. Who said I wasn't? Chairs and tables and barbed wire are my friends. They understand me. No one else does.


Kurt Laramee: 'Course no one understands you, you crazy motherf*****. I stopped listening to you the minute words started coming out of that crooked mouth of yours.


Madman Boone: Crooked?


Kurt Laramee: All you gotta do is be you man. Go insane. Hit yourself in the head with a chair to freak 'em out. This is my shot. Don't f*** it up.


Madman Boone: Chair. Shot. You got it.

Rating: 60


{***Laramee shakes his head in disappointment and walks off. Madman looks around, before eventually following Laramee towards the ring***}






Nemesis & "The Hardcore American" Chris Caulfield w/Emma Chase vs Madman Boone & Kurt Laramee w/Carl Batch


The match was a brutal affair between the four men. Nemesis used his size to batter Laramee and Boone. It seemed like neither team could establish much of a chemistry, though, with Laramee distracted by Emma Chase at one point as Madman Boone reached for a tag. Caulfield brought barbed wire into the fray and scraped it across Laramee's head causing the playboy to bleed like a stuck pig. Laramee, eventually got a tag to Boone who came in a like a...Madman...and managed to put Caulfield down for a 2-count after a Powerslam. After a Double Clothesline, Caulfield managed to get the hot tag to Nemesis who cleaned house on both Boone and Laramee.
Mitch Naess: Nemesis with a big right hand, sending Laramee over the top rope.




{***Johnny Martin limps down to the ring***}


Mitch Naess: Come on, what's Martin doing down here?


Phil Vibert: Taking in some good DAVE action I'm assuming.


Mitch Naess: Nemesis is spying Martin, but Boone is up.


Phil Vibert: Looks like Martin's completely ignoring Nemesis. He's going after Emma Chase.


{***Martin moves towards Emma Chase causing Caulfield to hop down from the apron and go after Martin. Martin pleads with Caulfield to not attack him, pointing to his ankle. As Caulfield backs off, Martin kicks Caulfield hard in the stomach***}


Mitch Naess: Johnny Martin not hurt at all Phil! Look at that, he used that bad ankle to kick Caulfield right in the gut. No! Don't do it! Twist On The Rocks on the cement! Caulfield is out cold.


Phil Vibert: Johnny Martin once again outsmarting both Caulfield and Nemesis. Unbelieveable.


As both Boone and Nemesis battle back and forth, Boone becomes distracted when Martin hits the Twist On The Rocks outside. Nemesis, however, manages to keep his focus on Madman Boone. Boone turns around to find Nemesis waiting for him and The DAVE Unified Champion hits a Nemesis Arrow on Boone and pins him for the 1, 2, 3 at 20:12.
Winner: Nemesis & "The Hardcore American" Chris Caulfield

Rating: 47


Mitch Naess: Nemesis ignoring Martin on the outside. He's got Boone up. Nemesis Arrow! Nemesis Arrow! 1...2...3!


Phil Vibert: Boone seemed distracted by Martin's appearance at ringside and that might have cost him the victory.


Mitch Naess: The DAVE Unified Champ won't be happy with another tainted win over Madman Boone, but he got the 'W' nonetheless. But, what, if any, repercussions will Johnny Martin face next week for faking his injury? You'll have to tune in next week to find out.




Overall Rating: 48

Attendance: 2,000 (SOLD OUT)

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Show Results

Regis 4/4

Charasmatic Enigma 4/4

The Celt 4/4

jtnlange 3/4

Midnightnick 2/4


Overall Prediction Results

The Celt 8/8

Regis 7/8

Charasmatic Enigma 7/8

jtnlange 6/8

Midnightnick 4/8

Timber 3/8

ChrisKid 3/8

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48 rating? On a Nemesis match? Are you kidding me? Man, you got screwed.


Both Nemesis & Caulfield and Laramee & Boone had awful chemistry notes in the dirt sheet. I'm assuming that had something to do with it. I mean, my dark match between Tyler and Scout and Braun versus Doug Peak of all matches outperformed the main event. I didn't know Doug Peak was capable of pulling in a 50 with any opponent.

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Johnny Martin's fake ankle injury has landed him in hot water. Even Phil Vibert, perhaps Martin's only supporter, has vowed to punish Martin for skipping out on last week's Danger Zone TV main event. That punishment will take the form of "The Icon of Insanity" Henry Lee. Lee has been quiet for the past couple of months, but he'll be looking to stand up for the entire DAVE locker room when he takes on Martin.


Also, Vibert has said Martin will factor heavily when he announces the main event for The Alternate Showcase, DAVE's next big main event. It's a sure bet DAVE Unified Champion Nemesis will be involved as well, and no one would be shocked if "The Hardcore American" Chris Caulfield and Madman Boone interjected themselves into the proceedings.


One match that's already been signed for The Alternate Showcase is Kurt Laramee versus "The Lone Wolf" Shawn Gonzalez in a Cage Match. These two have been one-upping each other for several weeks with Gonzalez striking the most recent blow with the introduction of the beautiful Salcita. Now that the odds are even will Laramee attempt to take out Gonzalez before The Showcase?


Bryan Holmes and Kunomasu will defend their DAVE Tag Team Championship against three others teams at The Showcase. The champs aren't willing to wait and plan to take the next step on their quest to roll through every team on the roster. This week it's the sadistic Peak Brothers who get a shot at gold. Doug and Eddie both struck out against Alex Braun, but perhaps they'll have better luck as a duo.


Eric Tyler will be competing at The Showcase as well, though he doesn't yet know his opponent. Tyler's "Open Wrestling Championship" moves to the small screen this week. After notching two wins against "The V Man" Vin Tanner and Scout of the New Wave, Tyler gets Scout's tag team partner Guide in singles action.


DAVE Brass Knuckles Champion Alex Braun was attacked last week by the unlikely tandem of Frankie Future and "The Jurassic Power" T-Rex. No one quite knows why the bizarre duo attacked Braun, though it seemed Future was the one calling the shots given he was dressed as Vader. A little payback might be in store as the other half of The New Jersey Devils, Tank Bradley gets his shot at Future.


All that and more on this week's episode of Danger Zone TV, Friday on East Coast Today.

Prediction Key:

"The Icon of Insanity" Henry Lee vs Johnny Martin

DAVE Tag Team Championship: Bryan Holmes & Kunomasu © vs The Peak Brothers

Eric Tyler vs Guide

Dark Match: Frankie Future vs Tank Bradley


Bonus Pick: What will be the main event of The Alternate Showcase?


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Cage Match: Kurt Laramee w/Carl Batch vs "The Lone Wolf" Shawn Gonzalez w/Salcita










DAVE Tag Team Championship

Bryan Holmes & Kunomasu © vs The Animalz vs The Darkness Warriors vs The Peak Brothers



Eric Tyler vs To Be Determined

*Eric Tyler's Wrestling Challenge*



Hardcore Killah vs "The Priest of Pain" Pablo Rodriguez

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"The Icon of Insanity" Henry Lee vs Johnny Martin


DAVE Tag Team Championship: Bryan Holmes & Kunomasu © vs The Peak Brothers


Eric Tyler vs Guide


Dark Match: Frankie Future vs Tank Bradley


Bonus Pick: What will be the main event of The Alternate Showcase?

Nemesis vs "The Hardcore American" Chris Caulfield vs Madman Boone

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