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DAVE: Survive (CV2001)

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"The Icon of Insanity" Henry Lee vs Johnny Martin

J-Mar remains untouchable


DAVE Tag Team Championship: Bryan Holmes & Kunomasu © vs The Peak Brothers

...Careful not to hurt the Peak as credible challengers with all these failed title shots man


Eric Tyler vs Guide

I'm guessing this match is happening on TV since they blew that recent dark match out of the water. Same result though.


Dark Match: Frankie Future vs Tank Bradley

Unlike most of GDS, you don't seem to hate Tank Bradley


Bonus Pick: What will be the main event of The Alternate Showcase?

Utter guess: Fatal 4 way between Nemesis, Martin, Tyler and Caulfield so that Martin can take the championship without pinning Nemesis.

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"The Icon of Insanity" Henry Lee vs Johnny Martin

Martin doesn't lose without a good reason.


DAVE Tag Team Championship: Bryan Holmes & Kunomasu © vs The Peak Brothers

They need to stay strong, because seriously.


Eric Tyler vs Guide

He's Eric Tyler, bitch.


Dark Match: Frankie Future vs Tank Bradley

Tank Bradley sucks.


Bonus Pick: What will be the main event of The Alternate Showcase?

Got to be a multi-man match, there's too much going on otherwise. I have to echo The Celt, Martin vs. Nemesis vs. Caulfield vs. Boone seems most likely.

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DAVE Danger Zone TV

Thursday, Week 4, August 2001

From Pennsylvania Park, Tri State, USA



Frankie Future vs Tank Bradley w/Alex Braun


Frankie Future took control early on against one-half of The New Jersey Devils using a variety of power moves to stymie the youngster, Bradley. While Tank did manage to get in some offense, Future used a low blow to turn the tide back in his favor. A Futureshock followed by a pinfall ended the bout at 6:51
Winner: Frankie Future

Rating: 28


{After the match, Future put the boots to Bradley. Braun tried to intervene, backing Future into a corner, but the "Ice Man" didn't see the monstrous figure coming down the ramp}




{T-Rex entered the ring and nailed Braun in the back of the head with a chair. Future and T-Rex continued the beat down on Bradley before raising their arms in victory and heading to the back}

Rating: 19




Mitch Naess: Welcome to the Danger Zone. I'm Mitch Naess and with me, as always, is the Robin to my Batman, Phil Vibert.


Phil Vibert: Thanks Mitch, even though, I'm clearly Batman, considering I run this company.


Mitch Naess: Phil, you said you have a big announcement concerning The Alternate Showcase. What might that be?


Phil Vibert: You're about to find out Mitch. First, I'd like to invite Madman Boone, "The Hardcore American" Chris Caulfield, and the DAVE Unified Champion, Nemesis, down to the ring.




{Boone comes out first to a cascade of boos. Chair in hand, Boone huddles in a corner of the ring}




{Caulfield is the next man out, accompanied by Emma Chase, looking wondrous as always dressed in a tight-fitting DAVE tee-shirt and low-cut jeans. The "Hardcore American Couple" enter the ring together, Caulfield's eyes never leaving Boone}




{Nemesis' music hits and the DAVE Unified Champion saunters down the ramp, but stops short of getting in the ring}


Phil Vibert: What we have here is a failure to communicate. Perhaps, I've been blinded to the fact that you three men and Johnny Martin can't seem to settle your issues. That stops now. John, as much as you'd like to get Martin in the ring, that won't happen. Due to Johnny faking an injury last week, I've removed him from wrestling in the Main Event at The Alternate Showcase. So, who gets the shot at your belt? Both Boone and Caulfield haven't been able to come out on the right side of a match in the past few months. However, I feel both are worthy challengers, and a match to settle the debate seems pointless. Therefore, at The Alternate Showcase it will be Nemesis defending his DAVE Unified Championship against Madman Boone...


{Caulfield throws up his hands in frustration as Emma consoles him}


Phil Vibert: ...and Chris Caulfield in a Triple Threat Match.


{The crowd goes nuts with the announcement. Nemesis smirks as he stares daggers at Caulfield. The three men all exchange wary looks before Nemesis shrugs and heads back up the ramp}

Rating: 60


Mitch Naess: Wow! Phil, you dropped a bombshell on the DAVE fans. Nemesis defending his belt against two men.


Phil Vibert: Nothing, in my mind, separated Boone and Caulfield.


Mitch Naess: Isn't that stacking the deck against the champ?


Phil Vibert: If John is a worthy champion, he'll have no problem keeping his gold.


Mitch Naess: What about Johnny Martin? Both Caulfield and Nemesis have had their problems with Martin.


Phil Vibert: DAVE comes first Mitch. Johnny Martin spat in the fans face, and my face, when he faked an injury to get out of last week's match. That kind of behavior can't be rewarded.




{Alex Braun, microphone in hand, makes his way down to the ring}


Alex Braun: Frankie Future. I know guys like you from back in Jersey. The runts of the litter, the kids into their Planet Wars or whatever who couldn't get laid in high school while guys like me were the kings. Most of those kids take the shit and move on. Most of those kids don't put on 100 pounds. You're still a loser Frankie. Don't mean I'm gonna let you get away with what you did. I want you in this ring at The Alternate Showcase and I'll put this belt on the line to make sure you meet me man-to-b****.

Rating: 52




{The theme from Star Wars hits and Frankie Future, dressed once again as Darth Vader, comes out}


Frankie Future: Challenge me you do? Beat me you can't. Great fear I sense within you, Alex Braun. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to the dark side. At The Alternate Showcase, pin you I will. Friends I have. Propser and live long you won't. The future is now.

Rating: 38


Mitch Naess: I couldn't really understand what Future was saying, but it sounds like he accepted Braun's challenge.


Phil Vibert: No doubt about it, Future wants a piece of Braun, and I can't say I blame him. Braun's a bully. And Future seems to have ditched the comedy routine, and gotten focused.


Mitch Naess: Seems to me, Future is taking out some past aggressions on Braun and Tank Bradley. Even though, the Devils have done nothing, but play by the rules since coming to DAVE.


Phil Vibert: Doesn't matter to Future, Mitch. He's out for justice. And with the monstrous T-Rex on his side, I like his chances.






DAVE Tag Team Championship:

Bryan Holmes & Kunomasu © vs The Peak Brothers


Though, it was evident all four men were holding back slightly, the performance of the match belonged to Kunomasu who used his agility ad technical expertise to hammer both Peak brothers throughout the match. The Peaks advantage in chemistry was obvious, using it at several occasions to isolate Holmes in the Peaks' corner and control the match.
Mitch Naess: Kunomasu with a sick kick to the side of Doug's head.


Phil Vibert: Probably an illegal strike, but the referee didn't seem to call it.


Mitch Naess: Kunomasu gearing up...a Launching Knee Strike. The cover. Eddie in to try and break it up, but Bryan Holmes has him in a Headlock.


Phil Vibert: Hey, Stones, Holmes isn't the legal man. Get him out of there.


Winners: Bryan Holmes & Kunomasu (12:16)

Rating: 40

Mitch Naess: 1...2...3! Holmes and Kunomasu retain.

Phil Vibert: The Peak Brothers, once again, fall victim to the underhanded tactics of their opponents.


Mitch Naess: Seemed to me, the Peaks were using some questionable tactics of their own throughout. Kunomasu had Doug pinned fair and square.


Phil Vibert: We'll see what happens when the champs have three teams to deal with, all pissed off about the swerve they pulled earlier this month.




{"The Lone Wolf" Shawn Gonzalez is walking backstage with Salcita, when out of nowhere...}




{...Kurt Laramee nails him with a steel chair. Batch holds Salcita back as Laramee lands five or six good shots on Gonzalez' skull before dropping the chair}

Rating: 44


Kurt Laramee: Hey there b****, see what happens when you get involved in a war with me. This fake-fro mother f***** thinks he can hang with the playboy. After I'm through with him, the two of you will be working at the Taco Bell down the street. Yo quiero kicking your ass, Gonzalez. What about it, Salcita, you wanna see what it's like to be with a real man. Nah, I got finer hoes than you begging to spend a night with the playboy. I'll give you one last chance to get both of your asses back to Mexico so you can make sombreros. I warned you, the playboy don't play, boy. Or girl.

Rating: 47


Mitch Naess: Kurt Laramee has lost his mind. It seems the desire to inflict pain on Gonzalez is all he thinks about.


Phil Vibert: The playboy knows what he's doing Mitch. Without Batch in his corner at The Alternate Showcase, Laramee wants to throw Gonzalez off his game.


Mitch Naess: But, why? Gonzalez pinned Laramee once. Now, it seems Kurt wants to take "The Lone Wolf" out permanently.


Phil Vibert: Once it all takes for a guy like Laramee. Can't say I blame him.




Scott Williams: Mister Tyler, you are two-and-oh so far in your "Wrestling Challenge". But, tonight, you have you might have a challenge in the youngster Guide.


Eric Tyler: Thank you for calling me Mister Tyler, I believe I've earned it. Guide is not my concern. He lacks ability, if not heart. DAVE is an environment where a lack of skill is tolerated. But, I will not tolerate it. Only the best wrestlers should grace the hallowed ring. Since, I am the best wrestler here, they must prove themselves worthy of their spot. Phil Vibert talks about pushing the envelope. Where has that gotten us? This is a circus and Vibert is the Ringmaster. I'm different. I'm a master in the ring. The other men here are my pupils.

Rating: 62


Mitch Naess: Eric Tyler seems determined to prove DAVE doesn't need its unique brand of violence to succeed.


Phil Vibert: Perhaps, Mister Tyler would be more at home north of the border, then, where he can put fans to sleep with two hour marathons involving Ankle Stretches and whatever other boring moves he has in his arsenal.


Mitch Naess: Tyler's certainly had success with more DAVE Unified reigns than anybody else.


Phil Vibert: Canada is a stone's throw away if you get my drift, Mitch.



Eric Tyler's Wrestling Challenge:

"The Traditionalist" Eric Tyler vs Guide


The veteran and the youngster worked hard to whip the crowd into a frenzy, showcasing a variety of moves in succession. Guide did his best to keep pace with "The Traditionalist" but Tyler succeeded in targeting Guide's knee, keeping the action on the ground. The youngster tried to fight back, but Tyler reversed a DDT attempt, pushing Guide to the mat.

Mitch Naess: Guide, gearing up for a DDT. No, Tyler held his ground and Guide fell flat on his back.


Phil Vibert: Tyler will surely look to put the crowd asleep here with another submission attempt.


Mitch Naess: The Tradition Lift is locked in. Guide, using every last bit of energy to pull himself towards the rope and force a break.


Phil Vibert: For the love of God, somebody get Guide a piece of barbed wire or something.


Mitch Naess: Tyler drags Guide back into the center of the ring. Guide taps! This one is over.


Winner: "The Traditionalist" Eric Tyler

Rating: 42


Mitch Naess: Eric Tyler continues his streak, his third straight win in the Wrestling Challenge.


Phil Vibert: I'm sorry Mitch, I dozed off. Tyler won? Good for him.


Mitch Naess: Thanks for paying attention Phil.


Phil Vibert: At least we made some money at the concession stands.




Henry Lee: Oooooh, Johnny Martin, there's a storm brewing. Thunder, lightning, it's gonna be a hell of a storm. The "Icon of Insanity" is back in the Danger Zone. I'm going to bring the hurt down on you for all the boys in the back. You'll cry for your mama, but she won't be there to help ya. I've made guys bleed up and down the East Coast. He's gonna squeal like a stuck pig. And when that ring is covered in sweet blood, you'll know you went toe-to-toe with the "Icon of Insanity".

Rating: 64




Johnny Martin: Henry Lee is my punishment? The corpse of *Bruce* Lee would be more of a challenge. I've beaten Nemesis, Eric Tyler, Chris Caulfield...cleanly. When I found out, the so-called "Icon of Insanity" was my opponent, I laughed. If I get off this light, I may fake more injuries. This match is a foregone conclusion. Johnny Martin will have his hand raised in victory while Henry Lee slinks off to his trailer park to cry alone. Phil Vibert must be losing his touch.

Rating: 74


Mitch Naess: Johnny Martin doesn't seem to think the punishment fit the crime, Phil.


Phil Vibert: Johnny Martin is the most talented member of DAVE right now. But, he screwed over me and the fans who paid good money to see this show. He may not think Lee is much of a challenge, but Lee's a violent man.



"The Icon of Insanity" Henry Lee vs Johnny Martin


Martin backed up his words before the match, looking every bit the superior wrestler to Lee. At one point, the crowd actively began to boo Henry Lee as he looked exhausted midway through the match. Martin nailed Lee with back-to-back Brainbusters, but could only score a 2-count. It didn't stop Martin from continuing his attack, dropping Lee to the mat with a hard Clothesline off the ropes. Lee managed to get a shoulder up at 2-and-a-half. Lee did land a few good right hands on Martin at one point, but the DAVE veteran quickly stopped any momentum with devastating chair shot to Lee's skull.


Mitch Naess: Martin laid Lee out with that chair shot.


Phil Vibert: Johnny seems to be almost toying with the "Icon of Insanity" right now. Lee can barely stand.


Mitch Naess: Martin flashing an evil smile. I think we all know what's coming. Twist On The Rocks! That ought to do it. 1, 2, 3. Johnny Martin picks up the win.


Phil Vibert: Lee wasn't completely dominated, but this one was never really in doubt. That's why Johnny Martin's the best.

Winner: Johnny Martin

Rating: 39 (OOC: OUCH! I'll explain below.)


Mitch Naess: Martin demanding to have his arm raised. Wait a minute, here comes...




Mitch Naess: "The Hardcore American" Chris Caulfield.


{Caulfield sprints down to the ring and lays into Martin with big right hands.}


Mitch Naess: Caulfield is going to town on Martin.


Phil Vibert: I'm disgusted by Caulfield's actions. Attacking someone after a brutal match like that is simply unfair.


Mitch Naess: Caulfield is not stopping. Oh no, here comes help.


{Madman Boone charges down to the ring. Caulfield turns his attention away from Martin, who rolls to the outside as Boone and Caulfield begin trading blows}


Mitch Naess: These two men not content to wait for The Alternate Showcase.


{The crowd pops as...}




Mitch Naess: Nemesis! Nemesis! The DAVE Unified Champion wants to get his hands on Madman Boone.


Phil Vibert: Look at Martin on the outside Mitch. He smartly is letting these three men go at one another.


{...Nemesis hits the ring and nails Boone with a Nemesis Arrow. Nemesis and Caulfield ready themselves for a brawl}

Rating: 64


Nemesis: Johnny Martin it's a damn shame you won't be in that ring at The Showcase. What I did to your boy Boone here is a taste of what I'm gonna do to your ass.




Phil Vibert: Sorry to interrupt you John. I may not have made myself entirely clear earlier. I said Johnny Martin wouldn't be wrestling in the Main Event of The Alternate Showcase. He will, however, be in the ring as the match's Special Guest Referee. You say you want to get your hands on Johnny Martin, Nemesis, you'll be free to do so next Monday night. I'd think twice about it, though, since if you attack Johnny before or during the match, I can't say I'd blame him if he counted a tad quicker than normal. Good luck.


Mitch Naess: Unbelieveable. Not only will Nemesis have to defend the DAVE Unified Championship against two men, but he'll also have to contend with Johnny Martin as the referee. Folks, we are out of time. Join us next Friday night as we head towards The Alternate Showcase.




Rating: 42

Attendance: 2,000 (SELL OUT)


{OOC: As for the Main Event. Lee was penalized for the following: stale character, poor gimmick, stamina, inconsistency, poor selling, poor psychology, poor basics, negative crowd reaction, and holding back slightly. I mean, that's a murderer's row of negatives right there}


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Yeah, that's the irony of the DAVE product or hardcore cult products in general: they hate stuntmen who can't tell a story rather than embracing them a bit like in real life.


Technically Sandman and New Jack would have a hard time getting over in DAVE despite their charisma due the fact they can't hold a match together.

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Yeah, that's the irony of the DAVE product or hardcore cult products in general: they hate stuntmen who can't tell a story rather than embracing them a bit like in real life.


Technically Sandman and New Jack would have a hard time getting over in DAVE despite their charisma due the fact they can't hold a match together.


It's exceptionally tough to strike a good balance because when you check the product you get the "wrestlers are rated much more on popularity than performance" note, but any worker with atrocious performance stats (currently: Lee, T-Rex, Tank Bradley) drag match ratings down. It didn't help that Martin and Lee also had negative chemistry.


Despite this setback, I'm going to continue using Lee here and there because his pop is still decent enough to help put guys over. And he's a former DAVE Unified Champion for crying out loud.


Also, a brief schedule going forward...


Tomorrow - TEWrestling.com Top 5 (Top 5 promotions and where DAVE stands towards their push for Cult) and the card for last Danger Zone TV before The Alternate Showcase.


On separate note, what would people like to see as far as other promotions (Top 5) go. Here's what I got so far...


- Rankings

- Size

- Title Changes


Should I add worker hires/fires? Is that something you'd be interested in? Anything else that comes to mind?

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Show Prediction Results:

jtnlange 4/4 (+1 Bonus)

Regis 4/4

Midnightick 3/4

Charasmatic Enigma 3/4

The Celt 2/4


Overall Prediction Results:

Regis 11/12

The Celt 10/12

Charasmatic Enigma 10/12

jtnlange 10/12

Midnightnick 7/12

Timber 3/12

ChrisKid 3/12

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Ranking: #1

Size: International

Prestige: 90

Momentum: 77

Last PPV: Welcome To The Jungle (76)

Main Event: Christian Faith won a 30 Man Battle Royal (78)

Title Changes: None

Arrivals: None

Departures: None




Ranking: #2

Size: National

Prestige: 73

Momentum: 86

Last PPV: Hotter Than Hell (82)

Main Event: Liberty def. Rip Chord to retain the HGC World Heavyweight Championship (87)

Title Changes: Ares [Vengeance] def. Grunt for the HGC Hardcore Championship (Tuesday, Week 3)

Arrivals: None

Departures: None




Ranking: #3

Size: National

Prestige: 90

Momentum: 76

Last PPV: Eagle Swoops To Kill (81)

Main Event: Bruce The Giant def. Masaaki Okazaki and Tadiyuki Kikkawa to retain the Burning World Championship

Title Changes: Yuichi Fukao & Sanetomo Shirashi def. Fukusaburu Inao & The Awesome Kiyaru for the Burning International Tag Championship

Arrivals: None

Departures: None




Ranking: #4

Size: Cult

Prestige: 78

Momentum: 79

Last Big Show: Night of HONOUR (81)

Main Event: Yoshimi Mushashibo & Danger Kumasaka def. Mito Miwa & Eisaku Hoshino (85)

Title Changes: Lee Wright def. Nobuatsu Tatsuko for the PGHW Historical Japan Championship (Thursday, Week 1)

Arrivals: None

Departures: Java, Rico Santana




Ranking: #5

Size: Cult

Prestige: 70

Momentum: 76

Last Big Show: Summer Smash (70)

Main Event: Dark Angel & Canadian Executioner def. Canadian Cat & Richard Coleman (70)

Title Changes: None

Arrivals: None

Departures: None




Ranking: #7

Size: Regional

Prestige: 44

Momentum: 60

Last Big Show: Attitude Adjustment (51)

Main Event: Nemesis def. Madman Boone to retain the DAVE Unified Championship (49)

Title Changes: Bryan Holmes & Kunomasu def. The Darkness Warriors for the DAVE Tag Team Championship (Monday, Week 2)

Arrivals: BJ O'Neill (as Salcita), Marcus McKing

Departures: Fabulous Frank

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Wait, wait... I'm ahead in the rankings? Dude!


Looking forward to the next show. :)


I am purposely booking crazy shows to throw Celt off his game so he can't win the contest again. Seems to be working.


Next up, T-Rex versus Nemesis. I'm thinking it's time for The Jurassic Age to begin.


As an aside, the answer to a question no one asked, here are my top 5 favorite characters to write so far...


1. Kurt Laramee

- The playboy don't play boy.


2. Johnny Martin

- Oh, the Johnny Martin Ultimate Mindf**** will continue, perhaps forever and ever.


3. Frankie Future

- Figured out how to use him I did.


4. Madman Boone

- That disjointed pattern of speech I imagine Boone talking is right up my alley.


5. Emma Chase

- She's sassy and she knows it.

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DAVE Unified Championship:

Nemesis © vs "The Hardcore American" Chris Caulfield w/Emma Chase vs Madman Boone

Special Guest Referee: Johnny Martin




Cage Match

Kurt Laramee vs "The Lone Wolf" Shawn Gonzalez











DAVE Tag Team Championship

Bryan Holmes & Kunomasu © vs The Animalz vs The Darkness Warriors vs The Peak Brothers




"The Traditionalist" Eric Tyler vs To Be Determined





DAVE Brass Knuckles Championship

"Ice Man" Alex Braun vs Frankie Future




"The Priest of Pain" Pablo Rodriguez vs Hardcore Killah

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Make sure you build up that Cage match as happening because of all the side players in the feud and the need to keep them out. Since Salcita, Pablo, Killah and Carl Batch all keep adding their 2 cents to the Gonzalez/Laramee feud, a cage match is a great gimmick that will make sense with the context of the story being told.


Also J-Mar being the ref basically out to screw Nemesis could be genius. I'd love it if something crazy like Caulfriend ending up as champ happens because of all the drama it'd cause.


Finally, a great payoff to Tyler's "wrestling challenge" would be a technical wrestler making his debut in DAVE and out wrestling the heel trying to make his name on wrestling; Tyler going nuts would be assured.

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Make sure you build up that Cage match as happening because of all the side players in the feud and the need to keep them out. Since Salcita, Pablo, Killah and Carl Batch all keep adding their 2 cents to the Gonzalez/Laramee feud, a cage match is a great gimmick that will make sense with the context of the story being told.


Also J-Mar being the ref basically out to screw Nemesis could be genius. I'd love it if something crazy like Caulfriend ending up as champ happens because of all the drama it'd cause.


Finally, a great payoff to Tyler's "wrestling challenge" would be a technical wrestler making his debut in DAVE and out wrestling the heel trying to make his name on wrestling; Tyler going nuts would be assured.


Appreciate the feedback man. I'll try to address each point without spoiling too much.


- I touched on it briefly with Gonzalez's promo right after Salcita made her debut, that now the sides were even, it seemed beneficial to Gonzalez and Laramee to keep everyone else out of it, but since it is the Danger Zone episode before the big show, expect some more build-up.


- It's funny because the way I have it in my head, J-Mar isn't out to "screw" Nemesis. That's too simplistic. He wants to mess with Nemesis' head, and eventually end him. To use a cliche, J-Mar sees himself as a cat and Nemesis as a mouse. It's no fun if you can't play with your food.


- Tyler's Wrestling Challenge is something I came up with to keep the best pure performer (from a in-ring/mic work standpoint) in DAVE busy while I figure out what to do with him long-term. Luckily, the game gave me a bit of a break and a logical end point to what will be a simple, two-month feud.


And as a tease...


Whatever happened to that mystery guy with the dire proclamation about DAVE's future at Attitude Adjustment?

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The Alternate Showcase is less than a week away. And we now know Nemesis will be defending the DAVE Unified Championship against both Chris Caulfield and Madman Boone in the night's main event. Phil Vibert is nothing if not unconventional, so all three men involved in the main event will be in action this Friday.


Nemesis might have the toughest challenge at The Showcase, with the man who's made it his life's mission, Johnny Martin serving as the match's Guest Referee. The Champ won't get a breather the week before his defense, as he'll face technical specialist JD Morgan. The title won't be on the line, but Morgan will surely be looking to pick up the upset victory.


Madman Boone made an impression his very first night in DAVE when he attacked Nemesis at the behest of Johnny Martin. Boone failed to capture the DAVE Unified Championship at Attitude Adjustment, but is in line for another shot this Monday. First, Boone will have to deal with "The Icon of Insanity" Henry Lee. Lee couldn't put Johnny Martin down for the count, so there's no doubt "The Icon" will be looking for a measure of revenge against Martin's ally.


"The Hardcore American" Chris Caulfield has had his own problems with both Boone and Johnny Martin. But, Caulfield will have his hands full with a very different kind of opponent, Kurt Laramee. The self-proclaimed playboy has "The Lone Wolf" Shawn Gonzalez on his plate at The Showcase. Laramee's proved dangerous in the past couple of weeks. Can "The Hardcore American" and the lovely Emma Chase gain some momentum heading into Monday night's big showdown?


For those in attendance, Frankie Future came out of nowhere to challenge "Ice Man" Alex Braun for the DAVE Brass Knuckles Championship, dealing Braun's friend Tank Bradley a loss last week and sticking to The New Jersey Devils with the help of his "storm trooper", the monstrous T-Rex. The Devils will get their chance at revenge when they take on Future and T-Rex.


All that and more, this Friday on Danger Zone TV, only on East Coast Today.


Prediction Key:

Nemesis vs JD Morgan

"Icon of Insanity" Henry Lee vs Madman Boone

"The Hardcore American" Chris Caulfield vs Kurt Laramee

Dark Match: Frankie Future & T-Rex vs The New Jersey Devils

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Nemesis vs JD Morgan

Nemesis don't just lose.


"Icon of Insanity" Henry Lee vs Madman Boone

Lee sucks.


"The Hardcore American" Chris Caulfield vs Kurt Laramee

Always bet on the cheat.


Dark Match: Frankie Future & T-Rex vs The New Jersey Devils

I'm just guessing here... Future and Braun can't take the fall before the PPV, so it's down to which of the sidekicks can lose. Tank sucks, and T-Rex sucks and is huge.

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Nemesis vs JD Morgan

JD "I'm not dead you know?" Morgan makes his return to the Danger Zone! JD hasn't been on screens for a while, but given his skills I'm expecting a pretty good match out of him. Nemesis creams him of course, Nemesis is Stone Cold to Morgan's William Regal.


"Icon of Insanity" Henry Lee vs Madman Boone

Uck, this one could be one hell of train wreck since neither man can hold a match together and both have representations as being stuntmen. If you don't add a sick bump to the match better overbook to distract the audience. Boone wins to cement that he's a top guy.


"The Hardcore American" Chris Caulfield vs Kurt Laramee

Caulfield builds momentum for his shot by smacking the loudmouth Laramee around for a bit


Dark Match: Frankie Future & T-Rex vs The New Jersey Devils

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Guys, guys, Henry Lee is a former DAVE Unified Champion. He doesn't "suck". Well, he can't work a match to save his life, but he's one of the top 5 people on the mic in DAVE. So, there's that. And, uh...


Also, Celt, don't worry I've got huge plans for Morgan. Huge, I say!


Lastly, any poster talking trash about Kurt Laramee will be fined 3 correct picks because Laramee is just that awesome (auto-pushing to Main Event, though I bump him down to UMC because you know, I've got enough guys hanging around the ME scene right now).

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Oh, Kurt Laramee is awesome, I'll give you that. And Henry Lee could be awesome, in any promotion that allowed for Hardcore matches and didn't allow for the fans hating on him for his meager in-ring abilities.
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Okay, I'm going to be gone here and there the next couple of weeks. So people don't think this is dead, I wanted to post a brief schedule...


Tuesday 6th - Danger Zone TV

Thursday 8th/Friday 9th - The Alternate Showcase

Sunday 11th - Danger Zone TV

Tuesday 13th - Danger Zone TV

Monday 19th/Tuesday 20th - Danger Zone TV

Thursday 22nd/Friday 23rd - Danger Zone TV


With The Annual Wrestlerave soon after.


Hope everybody is still enjoying the diary.


EDIT: And thanks for the picks!

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