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DAVE: Survive (CV2001)

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DAVE Danger Zone TV

Thursday, Week One, September 2001

From The Den, New England, USA



Dark Match: Frankie Future & "The Jurassic Power" T-Rex vs The New Jersey Devils


Future was content to let T-Rex do most of the heavy lifting, the bigger man using his size to punish Braun and Bradley. The "Ice Man" turned the tide at one point, using a high risk elbow off the top rope to put Rex down for a 2. Future, however, got the tag from Rex and used a 2x4 painted to look like a light saber to nail Tank Bradley. Braun could only watch as Future hit Tank with a Futureshock and pick up the pinfall.

Winner: Frankie Future & "The Jurassic Power" T-Rex

Time: 7:30

Rating: 31





Mitch Naess: Welcome to another great episode of Danger Zone TV. I'm Mitch Naess and to my right is the brains behind DAVE, Phil Vibert.


Phil Vibert: Mitch, I think I speak for all of DAVE when I say The Alternate Showcase can't get here fast enough.


Mitch Naess: Phil, last week you dropped the bombshell that Nemesis would be defending his DAVE Unified Championship against both Chris Caulfield and Madman Boone.


Phil Vibert: And I stick by that decision. Nothing, in my mind, separated Caulfield and Boone.


Mitch Naess: But what about the decision to install Johnny Martin as the match's Special Guest Referee? Seems you are purposely stacking the deck against Nemesis.


Phil Vibert: Real champions beat the odds Mitch.




[Nemesis saunters down to the ring, the DAVE Unified Championship over his shoulder]


Nemesis: I know what you're thinking. How can I possibly beat two men and Johnny Martin? That's the wrong f****** question. The question is...how bad am I gonna beat Johnny Martin's ass if he costs me this belt? The answer is I'm gonna beat his ass so badly his own mother won't recognize him. If that son of a b**** even has a mother. See, Johnny Martin wants what I have. He wants this belt, wants my spot at the top of the mountain. But he ain't gonna get it. I'm going to keep this strap at The Alternate Showcase, even if I have to raise Johnny Martin's hand myself and count 1...2...3.

Rating: 80


Mitch Naess: Strong words for Johnny Martin, Phil. Nemesis seems intent on keeping his belt, regardless of what Martin does on Monday.


Phil Vibert: John seems too focused on the referee instead of opponents Mitch. That might be a fatal mistake.




["The Lone Wolf" Shawn Gonzalez is walking backstage when out of nowhere he's attacked by...]




[...Kurt Laramee, Hardcore Killah, and Carl Batch. The three men lay into Gonzalez until...]




[..."The Priest of Pain" Pablo Rodriguez and Salcita comes running in. Rodriguez fights off Laramee and Killah while Salcita slaps Batch across the face. Rodriguez helps Gonzalez to his feet as Laramee, Killah, and Batch back off]

Rating: 26


Mitch Naess: How despicable by Laramee using his thugs to try and injure Gonzalez before their match on Monday. He won't have Batch and Killah on his side when he steps in that cage.


Phil Vibert: I'd be more concerned for Gonzalez. Laramee's proven himself superior and Gonzalez might have needed Rodriguez and Salcita to help him out.


Mitch Naess: Either way, it'll be one on one, no outside interference, inside that unforgiving steel cage on Monday.




Henry Lee: Madman Boone. You think you're crazy. I'm the "Icon of Insanity". Can you dig that? You don't know pain. You don't know scars and blood. I've fought wars up and down the East Coast. You're a young buck straight out of boot camp. When you step in the ring tonight, you'll be face to face with a real madman. Yeah!

Rating: 55



"The Icon of Insanity" Henry Lee vs Madman Boone


Lee started off strong using his brawling skills to punish Boone. The match devolved into a violent affair quickly with Boone using a fist wrapped in barbed wire to cause blood to gush from Lee's face. Lee, bleeding heavily, fought back hitting Boone with a trash can several times in the head. Lee looked primed to pick up the win until Boone caught Lee with a well-timed chair shot. A Boone And Bust followed, and Boone draped an arm over Lee for the pinfall.

Winner: Madman Boone

Time: 12:40

Rating: 34


Mitch Naess: Madman Boone picks up a big win heading into The Alternate Showcase.


Phil Vibert: You've got to like Boone's chances this Monday.


Mitch Naess: It doesn't hurt that Boone's ally, Johnny Martin, will be refereeing that match thanks to you Phil.


Phil Vibert: Boone can take care of business all by himself.


Mitch Naess: I'd be shocked if you haven't laid down a huge wager on Boone.


Phil Vibert: I don't gamble Mitch.




[big Cat Brandon and The Wolverine, The Animalz, are in their locker room backstage when suddenly the lights go out. We hear the sounds of a ruckus. When the lights come back on...]




[...The Darkness Warriors stand over the fallen forms of The Animalz, both breathing heavily. Jay Darkness recites something in Latin as Raul lights a match]

Rating: 35


Mitch Naess: The Darkness Warriors might have just taken out one of the three other teams they'll face this Monday for the DAVE Tag Team Championship.


Phil Vibert: Holmes and Kunomasu better watch out. That fair play stuff will only get you so far here in DAVE, especially when well-oiled machines like The Darkness Warriors are involved.




Scott Williams: Hello again Kurt.


Kurt Laramee: Hello yourself you corny piece of s***.


Scott Williams: I'm trying to be civil here.


Kurt Laramee: Who are you Gahndi? Take that civil bulls*** and stick it straight up your ass. I'm uncivil baby. And Shawn Gonzalez is about to find out how uncivil I can be. I don't need my homie Carl Batch or the stone cold assassin named Hardcore Killah to take your fruit-picking ass out Gonzalez. Hell, make it fair I might invite that boy-loving Priest you call your amigo and that b****, Salcita, into the cage with you. The playboy's wondering why you call yourself "The Lone Wolf" when you get a midget and a chick to fight your battles, Gonzalez. Monday, you get your ass whooped inside that cage and find out that the playboy don't play boy.

Rating: 51

Scott Williams: You do remember you have to face "The Hardcore American" Chris Caulfield tonight. Although, I'm shocked you can remember your own name.


Kurt Laramee: Course I remembered. Almost forgot about him and his fine ass ho. The playboy starts his move to the top tonight. Chris Caulfield can't hang with this. Hell, Caulfield's such a punk b**** I'm shocked he's American. I think he might be French. Last name is probably Coulvell or something fruity like that. Listen, you French f***, the playboy's gunning for you tonight. And I won't miss.

Rating: 53




Emma Chase: I love the world is acting like we should be concerned about Kurt Laramee as if he's ever step foot on our level. From what the girls tell me, Kurt is cocky about everything, but his...well you get the picture. Kurt Laramee isn't extreme, Kurt Laramee isn't hardcore. Tonight, my man, "The Hardcore American", shows Laramee exactly what it takes to rise to our level. And then we'll move on and bring the DAVE Unified Championship back into our arms. Because we're American and we're hardcore.

Rating: 49


Mitch Naess: Both Kurt Laramee and Chris Caulfield seem sure they're going to pick up the win tonight.


Phil Vibert: I still can't believe a beauty like Emma hooked up with a guy like Caulfield.


Mitch Naess: He is "The Hardcore American". I'm sure lots of ladies find that attractive.


Phil Vibert: Well, Emma might see things differently if Kurt Laramee can beat Caulfield. You know what they say Mitch, once you go black...



"The Hardcore American" Chris Caulfield w/Emma Chase vs Kurt Laramee w/Carl Batch


The crowd was rowdy throughout, belittling Laramee and cheering Caulfield's ever move. "The Hardcore American" controlled the match early on, but Laramee was able to reverse the momentum when Carl Batch tripped Caulfield as he came off the ropes. A back-and-forth hardcore match ensued with the action spilling to the outside. Caulfield nailed Laramee with a Piledriver on the cement and looked to have the match won, but Laramee somehow kicked out at 2. Caulfield rolled Laramee back in the ring, but...


...Johnny Martin sprinted down the ramp and got into the ring. Emma tried to warn Caulfield, but "The Hardcore American" didn't see Martin as he wound up and nailed Caulfield with a steel chair. Martin shook Laramee awake and Kurt Laramee seized the opportunity, hitting Caulfield with a Switchblade Powerslam and covering for the 1, 2, 3.

Winner: Kurt Laramee

Time: 15:21

Rating: 48


Mitch Naess: Kurt Laramee has upset Chris Caulfield thanks to Johnny Martin.


Phil Vibert: I don't know Mitch, Laramee dominated large portions of that match.


Mitch Naess: We must've been watching different matches then. More importantly, you have to think Martin won't let Caulfield win at The Alternate Showcase.


Phil Vibert: Or Martin will call the match fair and square.


Mitch Naess: Not one person believes that Phil.


Eric Tyler: In three days, I will demonstrate to another opponent that more can be achieved through hard work and technical expertise than absent-minded brawling. The Wrestling Challenge will continue until I find someone capable of beating me in an actual match, an achievement no one in DAVE has yet accomplished. Every time I've lost it's been because of interference that usually would cause a disqualification or the use of weapons banned in most countries. At The Alternate Showcase, I will be victorious, and the search will continue. Tradition never dies.

Rating: 54


Mitch Naess: Eric Tyler seems to think he's better than the rest of DAVE.


Phil Vibert: I've said it once and I'll say it again...if Eric Tyler doesn't wish to play by DAVE's rules, he's free to ply his trade somewhere else. Tyler may be a damn good wrestler, but DAVE isn't about toe holds and chin locks, it's about two men stepping into a ring and one man leaving victorious by any means necessary.




[Dressed in matching suits, Holmes says something to Kunomasu in Japanese, causing him to laugh. The mood is light until...]




[...the pair run into The Peak Brothers. The four men stare each other down. Eddie Peak shrugs his shoulders and charges at Holmes. The four engage in a brief brawl until security manages to separate them]

Rating: 47


Mitch Naess: Well we've seen The Darkness Warriors attack The Animals and now The Peak Brothers and Bryan Holmes and Kunomasu get into a physical altercation.


Phil Vibert: The Peaks seem determined to finally get a W this Monday. Frankly, I'm not sold on Holmes and Kunomasu having enough experiece to overcome three other teams.




Nemesis: JD Morgan? JD Morgan? Hell, I thought they fired that limey bastard months ago. 'Course, I've got no problem taking him down before I get my hands on Boone. It'll be a nice tune-up. Morgan must be shaking in his boots right now, rusty and realizing he's about to step into the ring with me. A pissed-off me. Morgan, this won't end well for you.

Rating: 82



Nemesis vs JD Morgan


Despite Morgan's long layoff, it didn't affect the quality of the match with the two men displaying excellent chemistry in the ring. Morgan actually used his technical ability to keep Nemesis off his feet for a portion of the match. The clash of styles made for a great bout with the crowd cheering Nemesis' every move. Eventually, the DAVE Unified Champion got the best of Morgan and hit a Nemesis Arrow. Referee R.M. Stones counted the 1, 2, 3 shortly after.

Winner: Nemesis

Time: 14:29

Rating: 56


Mitch Naess: Nemesis wins! Nemesis wins! Morgan gave the champ everything he could, but in the end Nemesis was simply too much.


Phil Vibert: Morgan got some offense in which has to give Boone and Caulfield confidence going in to The Alternate Showcase.


Mitch Naess: Nemesis soaking in the adoration for the crowd.




Mitch Naess: Oh no! Here comes Johnny Martin and Madman Boone. Nemesis trying to keep his eyes on both men.


[Nemesis delivers a solid right hand to Boone, but Martin capitalizes and hits Nemesis with a Twist On The Rocks. Boone and Martin begin stomping away at Nemesis]


Mitch Naess: This is disgusting. Johnny Martin showing the world exactly who's side he'll be on this Monday.


Phil Vibert: I'm not sure that's what this is about Mitch. You have to imagine Martin won't let his bad blood influence his decision-making at The Showcase.




Mitch Naess: Yes! Here comes Chris Caulfield to even the odds.


[Caulfield runs down the ramp with a chair in hand, but doesn't actually get in the ring]


Mitch Naess: What's Caulfield doing? He's watching Nemesis get beaten down by Boone and Martin.


Phil Vibert: I think Caulfield realizes an injured Nemesis improves his odds as well.


Mitch Naess: You can tell he's struggling with his decision.


[Caulfield shakes his head as he heads back up the ramp. Martin raises Boone's hand in the ring as the crowd boos like crazy]

Rating: 63


Mitch Naess: Statements made by Johnny Martin, Madman Boone, and Chris Caulfield. We'll see you at The Alternate Showcase.




Show Rating: 54

Attendance: 1,875

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Show Prediction Results:

Regis 4/4

The Celt 2/4

jtnlange 2/4

Charasmatic Enigma 2/4

Midnightnick 2/4


Overall Prediction Results:

Regis 15/16

The Celt 12/16

Charasmatic Enigma 12/16

jtnlange 12/16

Midnightnick 9/16

Timber 3/16

ChrisKid 3/16

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Are you tired of cartoon characters masquerading as wrestlers? Or over-the-hill veterans serving as world champions? We're not Supreme and we're certainly not Hollyweird. We're DAVE for God sakes, the leader in alternative wrestling. And what better place to showcase DAVE then The Alternate Showcase.


In the night's main event, DAVE Unified Champion Nemesis will have to not only fight off two challengers, "The Hardcore American" Chris Caulfield and Madman Boone, but Special Guest Referee Johnny Martin. Martin's made it his life's mission to destroy Nemesis. At the end of Danger Zone TV, Martin and Boone beat down Nemesis as Chris Caulfield struggled to watch. These four men will be all in the same ring Monday night. Who will walk away DAVE Unified Champion?


Kurt Laramee and "The Lone Wolf" Shawn Gonzalez have been at war recently. It seemed the self-proclaimed playboy had the numbers advantage until Gonzalez brought in outside help in the form of the beautiful Salcita. To make sure the two men settle their score one-on-one, it'll be Kurt Laramee and Shawn Gonzalez in a Cage Match.


Meanwhile, Gonzalez and Laramee will certainly be rooting on their respective amigos as "The Priest of Pain" Pablo Rodriguez takes on Hardcore Killah. Rodriguez has been looking to get even with Killah and Carl Batch since his hands were burned by Batch's cigar. Will Rodriguez have Salcita by his side to help neutralize Batch?


Bryan Holmes & Kunomasu shocked DAVE when they captured the DAVE Tag Team Championship at Attitude Adjustment last month, pulling a fast one on everyone in the process. Three teams that'll be looking for a measure of revenge will all have a shot at The Alternate Showcase. The Darkness Warriors and The Animalz are both former Champions, and must be salivating at the thought of reclaiming the gold. And then there's the sadistic Peak Brothers, who have shown they'll stop at nothing to win the belts.


Eric Tyler is undefeated since issuing his open "wrestling" challenge. Tyler's made a living off being a better wrestler than his opponents, and so far no one in DAVE has been able to out-wrestle "The Traditionalist" in a non-Extreme match. Who will answer Tyler's challenge at The Alternate Showcase? And can they emerge victorious?


Frankie Future was a joke, the nerdy guy in the back obsessed with science fiction. No one took him serious. That is, until he attacked Alex Braun with the help of "The Jurassic Power" T-Rex. Now, Future has a shot at Braun's DAVE Brass Knuckles Champion. The former joke is looking for recognition at The Alternate Showcase, but the "Ice Man" won't give up his title without a fight.


Speaking of T-Rex, he'll be teaming with Dog Fyte and JD Morgan to take on "The Icon of Insanity" Henry Lee and youngsters The New Wave in 6-Man Tag action before the main show begins.


It's the best in Extreme action. It's the most high-octane night in professional wrestling. It's girls in short skirts and bloodied faces and broken limbs. It's The Alternate Showcase.

Prediction Key:

DAVE Unified Championship: Nemesis © vs "The Hardcore American" Chris Caulfield vs Madman Boone {Special Guest Referee: Johnny Martin}

Cage Match: Kurt Laramee vs "The Lone Wolf" Shawn Gonzalez

Hardcore Killah vs "The Priest of Pain" Pablo Rodriguez

DAVE Tag Team Championship: Bryan Holmes & Kunomasu © vs The Animalz vs The Darkness Warriors vs The Peak Brothers

Eric Tyler vs TBA

DAVE Brass Knuckles Championship: "Ice Man" Alex Braun © vs Frankie Future

Dark Match: Dog Fyte, JD Morgan, & "The Jurassic Power" T-Rex vs "Icon of Insanity" Henry Lee & The New Wave

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DAVE Unified Championship: Nemesis © vs "The Hardcore American" Chris Caulfield vs Madman Boone {Special Guest Referee: Johnny Martin}

Cage Match: Kurt Laramee vs "The Lone Wolf" Shawn Gonzalez

Hardcore Killah vs "The Priest of Pain" Pablo Rodriguez

DAVE Tag Team Championship: Bryan Holmes & Kunomasu © vs The Animalz vs The Darkness Warriors vs The Peak Brothers

Eric Tyler vs TBA

DAVE Brass Knuckles Championship: "Ice Man" Alex Braun © vs Frankie Future

Dark Match: Dog Fyte, JD Morgan, & "The Jurassic Power" T-Rex vs "Icon of Insanity" Henry Lee & The New Wave

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DAVE Unified Championship: Nemesis © vs "The Hardcore American" Chris Caulfield vs Madman Boone {Special Guest Referee: Johnny Martin}

Because Nemesis doesn'y just lose, and nobody has been elevated to his level yet.


Cage Match: Kurt Laramee vs "The Lone Wolf" Shawn Gonzalez

Kurt Laramee will pull this one out due to shenanigans that the cage is specifically designed the prevent. Also, Pablo's going over the Killah, and we don't want to blow this all off in one go.


Hardcore Killah vs "The Priest of Pain" Pablo Rodriguez

Pablo's just way better than the Killah.


DAVE Tag Team Championship: Bryan Holmes & Kunomasu © vs The Animalz vs The Darkness Warriors vs The Peak Brothers

The Lord Of Strong Style and Bryan Holmes Who Doesn't Have A Nickname deserve these belts.


Eric Tyler vs TBA

Hot debut for a newcomer!


DAVE Brass Knuckles Championship: "Ice Man" Alex Braun © vs Frankie Future

I'm guessing that Braun will keep schooling Future until the title changes hands.


Dark Match: Dog Fyte, JD Morgan, & "The Jurassic Power" T-Rex vs "Icon of Insanity" Henry Lee & The New Wave

An essentially random guess - Lee sucks, T-Rex sucks and is huge, the New Wave will one day be awesome, Dog Fyte is a jerk but can bring it in the ring, and JD Morgan is cool and awesome.

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DAVE Unified Championship: Nemesis © vs "The Hardcore American" Chris Caulfield vs Madman Boone {Special Guest Referee: Johnny Martin}

The inevitable Nemesis vs Martin match should be for the DAVE Unified Championship, so Nemesis will find a way to retain here.

Cage Match: Kurt Laramee vs "The Lone Wolf" Shawn Gonzalez

Go Laramee push!

Hardcore Killah vs "The Priest of Pain" Pablo Rodriguez

Rodriguez has more upside

DAVE Tag Team Championship: Bryan Holmes & Kunomasu © vs The Animalz vs The Darkness Warriors vs The Peak Brothers

Too soon to move the title on

Eric Tyler vs TBA

DAVE Brass Knuckles Championship: "Ice Man" Alex Braun © vs Frankie Future

Dark Match: Dog Fyte, JD Morgan, & "The Jurassic Power" T-Rex vs "Icon of Insanity" Henry Lee & The New Wave

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DAVE Unified Championship: Nemesis © vs "The Hardcore American" Chris Caulfield vs Madman Boone {Special Guest Referee: Johnny Martin}


Cage Match: Kurt Laramee vs "The Lone Wolf" Shawn Gonzalez


Hardcore Killah vs "The Priest of Pain" Pablo Rodriguez


DAVE Tag Team Championship: Bryan Holmes & Kunomasu © vs The Animalz vs The Darkness Warriors vs The Peak Brothers


Eric Tyler vs TBA


DAVE Brass Knuckles Championship: "Ice Man" Alex Braun © vs Frankie Future


Dark Match: Dog Fyte, JD Morgan, & "The Jurassic Power" T-Rex vs "Icon of Insanity" Henry Lee & The New Wave


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Quick update...


College basketball has put me on a bit of delay. I got about halfway through The Alternate Showcase before having to go to work. Expect it to be up tomorrow and then hopefully everything will proceed as planned although I may only get one Danger Zone episode up before I leave for vacation.

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The Alternate Showcase

Monday, Week 2, September 2001

From The Den, New England, USA






Dog Fyte, JD Morgan w/Cat Jemson, & T-Rex vs "Icon of Insanity" Henry Lee & The New Wave


The six man tag match descended into chaos quickly with all competitors eschewing traditional wrestling in favor of a street fight. As Lee and Morgan brawled on the outside, Scout took out T-Rex, allowing Guide to pin Dog Fyte following a Guided Missile.

Winners: "Icon of Insanity" Henry Lee & The New Wave

Time: 7:55

Rating: 32




Mitch Naess: Welcome to The Alternate Showcase. I'm your host Mitch Naess and with me is the man with the plan, Phil Vibert.


Phil Vibert: And it should be a great night Mitch. I can't wait to see Nemesis take on two men in tonight's main event.


Mitch Naess: A match you set up Phil, stacking the deck against the DAVE Unified Champion.


Phil Vibert: I firmly believe a champion should be able to defend his belt anytime, anywhere, against anybody. If Nemesis can't make it out of here with the gold perhaps he doesn't deserve to be the champion.




{Johnny Martin comes out to a chorus of boos. He soaks in the hatred as if he it's giving him strength.}


Johnny Martin: You don't get it, do you John? The minute you showed up in DAVE, you took something from me, something I earned. I was the king, I was the man, and then poof, I wasn't anymore. Tonight is only another step in exacting my ultimate revenge, to drive you out of DAVE for good. Phil Vibert is a good man, a smart man, one who sees what I see, that as long as Nemesis is in DAVE, DAVE is Nemesis. And what happens if you get bored, John? If you don't feel like wrestling anymore. You retire, head off into the sunset. What happens to this company we built? It dies John. And I won't let you do that. When I put the stripes on tonight, I can't promise you it'll be a fairly called match. I'll do my best, but to swallow the hatred, the rage, well, I don't know if any man could do that.

Rating: 69


Johnny Martin: As far as "The Hardcore American" is concerned, you're a pest, a fly buzzing around the room. And what do you do to a fly? You swat it. I warned you Chris, that my problems with John didn't concern you. But you had to get involved. Had to get Emma involved. Look what's happened. You've been beaten to an inch of your life. Your girlfriend was kidnapped. I'll put you out of your misery soon enough.

Rating: 57


Mitch Naess: Johnny Martin making his intentions known with strong words for Nemesis and Chris Caulfield.


Phil Vibert: He made some good points Mitch. Especially about me.







{A graphic showing Holmes & Kunomasu, The Animalz, The Darkness Warriors, & The Peak Brothers appears on screen}


Mitch Naess: Well, the time for talk is over. We're less than a minute away from our first bout this evening. A four-way dance for the DAVE Tag Team Championship. Bryan Holmes and Kunomasu will be defending against The Darkness Warriors, The Animalz, and The Peak Brothers.


Phil Vibert: You've got to like The Peaks or The Darkness Warriors in this one Mitch. Both teams know the stakes and both are willing to do whatever it takes to win. I'm not sure you can say the same about Holmes and Kunomasu.


Mitch Naess: Don't forget about The Animalz, Phil. They are former 2-time champions.


Phil Vibert: Please. Those freaks have no business even being in this match.

Rating: 38





DAVE Tag Team Championship:

Bryan Holmes & Kunomasu © vs The Animalz vs The Darkness Warriors vs The Peak Brothers


Holmes and Kunomasu seemed to be at a disadvantage early on, the numbers in the match proving to be a poor fit for the more technical duo. The Animalz were first to go down when The Peaks hit a Peak & Valley on The Wolverine, after a wild brawl between Eddie Peak and Big Cat Brandon that left Brandon down on the outside. The Darkness Warriors were the next team to bite the dust as Bryan Holmes and Kunomasu hit Raul Darkness with simultaneous Superkicks allowing Kunomasu to get the pin. The Peaks quickly capitalized with Eddie not allowing Bryan Holmes to get his bearings. However, Holmes managed to get the tag to Kunomasu who hit an Enziguri to the back of Doug's head. Eddie tried to run in and break up the pin, but Holmes stopped him and the ref counted the 3.

Winners: Bryan Holmes & Kunomasu

Time: 16:04

Rating: 39


Mitch Naess: The champs somehow retain their belts. What a performance by Bryan Holmes and Kunomasu.


Phil Vibert: If you ask me Mitch, The Peak Brothers were the best team in that match.


Mitch Naess: Except they didn't win the match.


Phil Vibert: Sometimes, the best team doesn't win.




Frankie Future: End of Alex Braun tonight is. Ice Man he is not. Gold around my waist I'll have. Loser Braun is. Power on his side he has not. Got serious I did. Ending the reign of the Dark Lord I will. Ways of the power Braun knows not. Taught Rex I did. Coming for you I am. Open your mind must be. Your enemy I am not. Your teacher I am. Now, the future is.

Rating: 48


Mitch Naess: I'm not entirely sure but I think Frankie Future was saying he's confident he'll defeat Alex Braun tonight.


Phil Vibert: Nobody knows what that nerd is saying. Hey, Future, we live on planet Earth.


Mitch Naess: For once in my life, I agree with you Phil.


Phil Vibert: Despite my dislike of Mister Braun, I'll be rooting for him tonight simply to keep DAVE gold away from that geek.



Hardcore Killah w/Carl Batch vs "The Priest of Pain" Pablo Rodriguez vs Salcita


Killah and Batch did everything they could to stymie the high flying Rodriguez with Batch crotching Rodriguez on the ropes when "The Priest of Pain" went up top. After Killah used his size to overpower Rodriguez, Batch entered the ring and tried to burn Rodriguez with his cigar once again. Rodriguez hit Batch with a Seated Dropkick, sending Batch over the top rope. Salcita entered the fray, removing her nun's outfit to reveal a bikini. She then slapped the awestruck Hardcore Killah allowing Rodriguez to hit a Huracanrana followed by a Sinner's Salvation for the pinfall.

Winner: "The Priest of Pain" Pablo Rodriguez

Time: 7:35

Rating: 32


Mitch Naess: Sinner's Salvation! 1...2...3! Pablo Rodriguez gets his revenge.


Phil Vibert: Not very priest-like behavior from Rodriguez with Salcita revealing herself like that.


Mitch Naess: Turnabout is fair play Phil.


Phil Vibert: I'd like to turnabout Salcita if you know what I mean.


Mitch Naess: Unfortunately, I do. Let's go backstage to Scott Williams who is with Alex Braun.




Scott Williams: "Ice Man" you've got Frankie Future tonight and he seems to have gotten focused, especially with T-Rex at his side.


Alex Braun: Listen bro. One punch. That's all it'll take to put that loser down on the mat for the one, two, three. Hey, Future, what do you think I am? Some kind of no-nuts Jersey boy. I'll kick your ass from Rutherford to Camden. Light sabers? Dinosaurs? Probably never touched a girl in your life. And you'll never touch this belt either. Get ready Future because it gets cold when you're in the ring with the "Ice Man".

Rating: 41


Mitch Naess: Braun doesn't appear to be taking Future lightly.


Phil Vibert: I don't know why. Future is a guy who thinks he can wrestle. Braun may not be great, but he doesn't think he's a space knight, either.




DAVE Brass Knuckles Championship:

"Ice Man" Alex Braun © vs Frankie Future


The fans seemed disinterested to start the bout, but Future and Braun put on quite a show, displaying great chemistry with Future using his brawling to keep Braun down, but the "Ice Man" driving the spiked collar around his neck into Future's face after leaping from the top rope. Future motioned for somebody the back as he bled heavily and the monstrous...




...lumbered to the ring. "The Jurassic Power" climbed into the ring and stared down Braun as Future pretended to choke Braun from afar. Braun tried to brawl with Rex, but was quickly overpowered. Future grabbed Braun from behind as T-Rex swung a mighty fist...but Braun ducked out of the way and Rex nailed Future. Braun choked Rex with that spiked collar until Rex was out cold. A dazed Future got up and walked right into a Braun Damage. Braun draped an arm across Future and got the pinfall.

Winner: "Ice Man" Alex Braun

Time: 14:29

Rating: 52


Mitch Naess: Braun Damage! That should do it. 1, 2, 3. Alex Braun retains the DAVE Brass Knuckles Championship.


Phil Vibert: I was worried there for a moment. Then Future tried to choke the air.


Mitch Naess: You have to wonder if Future's obsession with science-fiction cost him a win there.


Phil Vibert: All I know is I might have retired the belt if Future had won.




Madman Boone: Nemesis. Nemesis. Nemesis. So many nemesis-s, neme-si? I see them all the time, laughing at me, hurting me. I hurt them back. It's the broadcasts, they make him think he has to hurt me. That belt is mine! Give it to me! They stole my other one. Green hair, red hair, I hate people with hair like a rainbow. I'll rip Nemesis' teeth out so he can't talk to my brain anymore. You'll see. The voices will stop.

Rating: 73


Mitch Naess: Madman Boone is obsessed with hurting Nemesis. In his brain, what's left of it, Nemesis is responsible for his problems.


Phil Vibert: Nemesis has to be scared to step into the ring with Boone. I would be.


Mitch Naess: He certainly has issues Phil.


Phil Vibert: He's just misunderstood.




{Eric Tyler's music hits and he comes down to the ring in traditional wrestling trunks.}


Eric Tyler: I have stretched. My wrists are taped. My boots are laced. I'm ready for a match. I am a 20-year veteran who knows more moves than everyone else in the back combined. Nothing so far tonight has convinced me that I am not the best wrestler in this company. Vin Tanner, Guide, Scout. Three men who thought they knew more than I do. They did not. Who wants a good match with no weapons, no interference? I am "The Traditionalist" and tradition will never die.

Rating: 53


{Unfamiliar music hits. Tyler drops the microphone and tightens the laces on his boots.}




{Valiant appears at the top of the ramp.}


Eric Tyler: You must be joking.


Valiant: DAVE fans, let me hear it if you think I can beat Eric Tyler.


{The crowd cheers half-heartedly.}


Valiant: Mister Tyler, you are one of my idols. I respect your ability both on the microphone and in the ring. My name is Valiant. I got that name by being willing to fight, no matter the odds. I may not be a match for you, but I want to try. For what is there to do except that which others think is impossible. I will give it my best.


Eric Tyler: Your best will not be good enough.

Rating: 40



"The Traditionalist" Eric Tyler vs Valiant


Tyler dominated the majority of the match using his years of experience to keep Valiant guessing in the ring. The youngster tried to fight back, but Tyler seemed determined to teach Valiant a lesson, locking in submission holds for long stretches. Tyler, having grown bored with twisting Valiant's limbs, hit seven consecutive German Suplexes on the youngster. Tyler toyed with Valiant, wrenching his neck for a solid minute. Tyler lifted Valiant up for a Brainbuster, but Valiant reversed, and rolled up Tyler.[/quote]

Winner: Valiant

Time: 13:45

Rating: 31


Mitch Naess: What a shocker! The rookie Valiant somehow manages to roll up the veteran Tyler and get the 3-count.


Phil Vibert: "The Traditionalist" finally gets schooled. But it seemed Valiant was more than willing to fight Tyler on his terms.


Mitch Naess: Tyler banging the mat in frustration, looking over at Valiant.


Phil Vibert: Uh-oh, Tyler's got that glare.


{Eric Tyler jumps Valiant and begins savagely beating him. Tyler locks in the Tradition Lift and refuses to let go. Referee Ryan Holland tries to separate Tyler as Valiant screams in pain. Holland finally pries Tyler off as Valiant clutches his lower back.}

Rating: 28


Mitch Naess: Looks like Tyler couldn't handle losing at his own game.


Phil Vibert: Valiant is still...


{The arena goes pitch black.}




???: I issued a warning, a warning that went unheeded. No investigation, the fact a force within DAVE is growing, seeking to change it, has gone unmentioned. I can't allow this to happen. For weeks, I have traversed the rabbit hole, seeking information about the men who wish to overthrow DAVE. Who leads these men? I do not know. Who is a member of this secret cabal? There are many blank faces, shadows riding on the winds. Yet, I discovered the identity of one of the betrayers though the lives of many were comprised in the process. Turn your eyes towards the screen and learn the name of a man who wants to destroy all we hold dear.


{The screen flickers and shows an image of...}




Rating: 29


Mitch Naess: JD Morgan? Morgan went a long time without appearing here in DAVE, then went from the main event to the first match. What's he got to do with this secret group?


{Phil ignores Mitch once again, talking directly into his headset.}


Phil Vibert: Somebody is doing this and I want to know who!


Mitch Naess: Sorry folks. Once again this event has been interrupted by a mysterious man claiming a secret group is growing inside DAVE. And he named JD Morgan as its first member.


Phil Vibert: This is the second f****** time. The second time someone slipped in that s*** without me knowing.




Emma Chase: Oh baby, Chris, I can't wait until you get your hands around Madman Boone's neck. And slowly squeeze the life out of him.


{Chris only tapes his knuckles.}


Emma Chase: You rant and rave Boone, but in the end you don't have what it takes. Those scars don't mean anything except you're just a baby who thinks he's hardcore. Chris Caulfield is a man, who drives me and these fans wild.


{Chris throws on his American flag shirt.}


Emma Chase: The minute Chris steps in that ring, he's gunning for you and you only. If he manages to put you down, great. If he shows you what extreme really is, even better. Because, baby, we're the Hardcore American Couple and you're about to find out what that means.

Rating: 53


Emma Chase: John, you may have the biggest...belt in DAVE, but to us, that title belongs to the Hardcore American Couple. Chris doesn't want to hurt you. In a way, he admires you. But, don't think that means he'll take it easy on you. I know I'm easy, but Chris Caulfield doesn't say that word. He's going to take out that disgusting dog Madman Boone and then come for your belt. Now, how 'bout we show you something hardcore.


{Emma turns her back to the camera and takes off her shirt. She straddles Caulfield and covers the lens with her hand.}

Rating: 60


Mitch Naess: "The Hardcore American Couple" certainly living up to their name.


Phil Vibert: Wait, tell that cameraman to get a better shot.


Mitch Naess: Caulfield's got a shot tonight, but remember he has to contend with Johnny Martin too.


Phil Vibert: Maybe if Caulfield loses, Emma will realize who is actually the man in DAVE.


Mitch Naess: Don't bet on it, Phil. Let's go back once again to Scott Williams who's with...Kurt Laramee.




Scott Williams: I'm here with (sigh) Kurt Laramee who's war with Shawn Gonzalez will come to a conclusion tonight inside a steel cage.


Kurt Laramee: Whoo boy, the playboy is back in da house and ready to end that fool Gonzalez. "El Lobo" more like "el puto". You been in that cage before Gonzalez, no way out, nothing but steel in between you and freedom? Nah, 'course you haven't. You messed with the king of the streets Gonzalez. I know you ain't got streets where you're from, but that means I'm the most dangerous, most ruthless, most hardcore son of a b**** in DAVE. And you nothing but a fake-afro'd, illegal immigrant, who needs to pray to his Mexican Jesus he survives.


Scott Williams: Gonzalez is Puerto Rican.


Kurt Laramee: Do they believe in Jesus?


Scott Williams: Some of them do.


Kurt Laramee: I don't give a s***. Black Jesus. Mexican Jesus. White Jesus. Gonzalez is gonna need all the Jesuses in the world to beat the playboy.

Rating: 46


Mitch Naess: It's been more than months since this battle between Kurt Laramee and Shawn Gonzalez began. Let's take a look back...


{A video package plays showing all the moments between Laramee and Gonzalez including Gonzalez spearing Laramee through a table, Batch burning the hands of Pablo Rodriguez, the double knockout at Attitude Adjustment, Salcita's debut, and Laramee beating down Gonzalez backstage.}

Rating: 46



Cage Match:

Kurt Laramee vs "The Lone Wolf" Shawn Gonzalez


The match was an utter war as both men went face-first into the cage early on, sending blood flying everywhere. Laramee went under the ring and grabbed a steel chair. Gonzalez avoided Laramee's strike with the chair and the move ended up backfiring on Laramee when Gonzalez DDT'd on him the chair. "The Lone Wolf" got the crowd hyped up when he threw Laramee into all four sides of the cage. Laramee looked done for until he nailed Gonzalez with a low blow. Laramee went back to his supply and emerged with a baseball bat, jamming it into Gonzalez's ribs. Laramee attempted a Switchblade Powerslam but Gonzalez escaped and went to climb out of the cage. Laramee kept him from escaping and both men crashed back to the canvas. Gonzalez was up first and crawled towards the door. He got about halfway out before...




...Carl Batch hopped out from the crowd and slammed the cage door right in Gonzalez's face. Laramee was awake and finally hit Gonzalez with a Switchblade Powerslam. Laramee draped an arm over and got the 1, 2, 3.

Winner: Kurt Laramee

Time: 18:03

Rating: 44


Mitch Naess: A screwjob! Shawn Gonzalez had that match won.


Phil Vibert: But Kurt Laramee came out on top.


Mitch Naess: It was supposed to be Laramee and Gonzalez in the cage.


Phil Vibert: And it was. Carl Batch never stepped inside. Laramee was smarter than Gonzalez, plain and simple.




Nemesis: Hell, two men and Johnny Martin, maybe I should give up and hand this belt over to Phil Vibert or Madman Boone or Johnny Martin. I say f*** that. I say I step into that ring tonight and beat the life out of Madman Boone, beat the life out of Chris Caulfield, and scare Johnny Martin so bad he pisses his pants and then counts 1...2...3. Johnny, the reason I'm the man in DAVE is because I've been in main events, I've been in clubs with 10 people, I beat Tommy Cornell within an inch of his life in front of 10 thousand people. You, Phil Vibert, that rabid animal you call an ally want to take this belt from my waist. That won't stop me. If you screw me, Johnny, I'll chase you to the ends of the Earth. Call it fair tonight. You escape with your life, I get the satisfaction of seeing you raise my hand in front of these fans.

Rating: 62





DAVE Unified Championship:

Nemesis © vs "The Hardcore American" Chris Caulfield w/Emma Chase vs Madman Boone

Special Guest Referee: Johnny Martin


There were no allies in the match as all three men took turn beating each other. Boone used his barbed wire on Caulfield and "The Hardcore American" bled all over the ring and the outside. Johnny Martin was obviously biased as Boone got a very quick two and a half after a mere clothesline on Nemesis. Meanwhile, after a huge chair shot from Nemesis on Caulfield, Martin took his time getting down to the mat and then refused to count. Nemesis threatened to hit Martin square in the jaw, but held back. The champ stood tall in the ring and smirked as Caulfield and Boone went at each other on the outside. Caulfield whipped Boone into the rail as Emma taunted him. Boone grabbed Emma who slapped him hard across the face. Boone's rage got the best of him as he charged Emma, right into a chair shot from Caulfield. "The Hardcore American" entered the ring and was met with a big right from Nemesis. Nemesis got Caulfield up for a Nemesis Arrow, and nailed it. Johnny Martin came from behind Nemesis with a steel chair, nailing the champ in the back of the head. Martin looked at the fallen forms of Caulfield and Nemesis. Martin placed Nemesis on top of Caulfield and counted a very fast 3.
Winner: Nemesis

Time: 23:32

Rating: 59


Mitch Naess: Nemesis Arrow! No! Johnny Martin nailed Nemesis with that chair. All three men are down except for Martin.


Phil Vibert: Can a referee win a match?


Mitch Naess: Wait, Martin's dragging Nemesis on top of Caulfield.


Phil Vibert: I told you he'd call it fair.


Mitch Naess: 123. Martin with a quick count allowing Nemesis to retain. I don't understand.


Phil Vibert: That's because you're not a genius like Johnny Martin.


Mitch Naess: Genius or not, these fans are stunned. Folks we are out of time, we'll see you Friday on Danger Zone TV and hopefully get an explanation from Johnny Martin.


Show Rating: 50

Attendance: 1,852

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Show Prediction Results:

Regis 6/7

jtnlange 6/7

Charasmatic Enigma 5/7

Midnightnick 4/7


Overall Prediction Results:

Regis 21/23

jtnlange 18/23

Charasmatic Enigma 17/23

Midnightnick 13/23

The Celt 12/23

Timber 3/23

ChrisKid 3/23


Regis, congratulations, you are the winner. I will PM you a list of names who you can choose from to challenge Alex Braun for the DAVE Brass Knuckles Championship at The Annual Wrestlerave.

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What the hell did Johnny Martin do? That's the question on the mind of every DAVE fan after Martin helped his bitter rival, Nemesis, retain the DAVE Unified Championship. Martin won't get a breather as he'll be taking on the "Icon of Insanity" Henry Lee. You have to assume Martin will shed some light on his actions at The Alternate Showcase.


Frankie Future missed out on taking home the DAVE Brass Knuckles Championship at The Showcase, but he'll have a second shot...if he can get by the "V Man" Vin Tanner. Will Future's new-found focus give him the upper hand again Tanner and get him another shot at Braun's belt?


Bryan Holmes and Kunomasu have been on a tear since teaming up, having not lost a match since getting together. This Friday, they'll take on The New Wave and defend their DAVE Tag Team Championship once again. Will the youngsters be able to stop the streak or will Holmes and Kunomasu continue their string of victories?


For those in attendance, The Darkness Warriors and The Animalz didn't get a chance to settle their business at The Alternate Showcase. But, one member of each team will be in action when Big Cat Brandon takes on Jay Darkness.


Also, the mystery man returned for a second time and told DAVE fans JD Morgan was a member of a group seeking to overthrow DAVE. Will Morgan be in attendance? Who is the mystery man?


All that and more this Friday on Danger Zone TV only on East Coast Today.


Prediction Key:

"Icon of Insanity" Henry Lee vs Johnny Martin

Frankie Future vs "V Man" Vin Tanner

DAVE Tag Team Championship: Bryan Holmes & Kunomasu © vs The New Wave

Dark Match: Big Cat Brandon vs Jay Darkness

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"Icon of Insanity" Henry Lee vs Johnny Martin



Frankie Future vs "V Man" Vin Tanner

FF rebuilds after his loss to the Ice Man.


DAVE Tag Team Championship: Bryan Holmes & Kunomasu © vs The New Wave

Not just yet.


Dark Match: Big Cat Brandon vs Jay Darkness


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DAVE Danger Zone TV

Thursday, Week 2, September 2001

From The Den, New England, USA



Dark Match:

Big Cat Brandon vs Jay Darkness


The two big men seemed to be on equal footing, each using their power and brawling ability to pummel the opposing man. It was late in the match when Brandon seemed to assert himself and finished off one-half of The Darkness Warriors with a Big Cat Pounce.

Winner: Big Cat Brandon

Time: 9:22

Rating: 44


{As Brandon stood over his fallen opponent...}




{...Raul Darkness stormed down to the ring and the two managed to overpower the youngster, Brandon, until...}




{...Brandon's partner, The Wolverine, ran down and fought off both Darkness Warriors}

Rating: 40




{The two teams began to brawl inside the ring, hammering away at each other. Eventually, the fight spilled into the crowd and into the hallways of The Den}

Rating: 36





Mitch Naess: Welcome to the Danger Zone. I'm your host Mitch Naess and to my right is the esteemed Owner of DAVE, Phil Vibert.


Phil Vibert: Did I detect sarcasm there Mitch?


Mitch Naess: Not at all. You are esteemed and you are the Owner.


Phil Vibert: With a capital 'O'.


Mitch Naess: The thing on the mind of every DAVE fan is Johnny Martin helping Nemesis retain the DAVE Unified Championship at The Alternate Showcase.


Phil Vibert: Johnny Martin is intelligent and dedicated, a dangerous combination for Nemesis.


Mitch Naess: Well, it looks like we're about to get an answer.


{Johnny Martin's music hits and the crowd lets out a chant of 'Mart-in sucks'}




Johnny Martin: You should know why I did what I did on Monday. Because, it has to be me, I have to be the one to take that belt, to take John's spot at the top of this company. If Boone or God forbid Caulfield pinned John first, my destiny would've been over. But, I didn't come out here to offer an explanation or issue a challenge. A challenge can be accepted or denied. No, this is a statement. I'm ready. At The Annual Wrestlerave it'll be me versus Nemesis for the DAVE Unified Championship.

Rating: 71


Mitch Naess: Finally! Johnny Martin no longer being a coward, saying he'll meet Nemesis at The Annual Wrestlerave.


Phil Vibert: Cowardice, Mitch? Is bravery and stupidity worth a celebration? No. Johnny Martin was smart. He'll meet Nemesis on his terms.




{"Icon of Insanity" Henry Lee appears at the top of the ramp}


Henry Lee: Oooh! Aren't you forgetting somebody Johnny? You got a match with the toughest, craziest son of a b**** in DAVE. Oooh! And I'm ready to bring the pain down on you. I look at you Johnny Martin and I see a scared little boy, scared of his own shadow, scared of the monsters hiding under his bed. And I'm that monster.


Johnny Martin: Henry Lee. Can't say I'm surprised. I could use a nice, easy warm-up before my brawl with Nemesis. And why would I be scared of you when Boone easily beat the s*** out of you two weeks ago?


Henry Lee: Oooh! You should be scared. I'm going to make these fans happy by making you bleed. The kid got lucky. You won't.


Johnny Martin: Big, bad Henry Lee. The "Icon of Insanity". You want to hear about real insanity. I went after Nemesis. Let me repeat that. I went after Nemesis, the guy nobody else wanted to step in the ring with, I went out of my way to destroy. All the ooohs and aaahs sound great. Pro tip Henry: they don't mean s***. You're washed up, a tune up for the real stars of DAVE.


Henry Lee: You'll be sorry Johnny Martin when I make you scream. Oooh!


{Martin smirks as Lee heads backstage}

Rating: 63


Mitch Naess: Henry Lee seems to be focused on Johnny Martin. Wonder if Martin can say the same about Lee.


Phil Vibert: Johnny Martin won't have any trouble dispatching Lee, especially if he pictures Nemesis' face on Lee's body.


Mitch Naess: Disturbing.



DAVE Brass Knuckles Championship #1 Contender Match:

Frankie Future vs "V Man" Vin Tanner


Tanner and Future both fought their hearts out although Future kept looking for help from T-Rex who was nowhere to be found. The two DAVE mainstays put on a good show although the match lacked in quality. Tanner seemed to have Future on the ropes after Future's attempt at a Dark Force (Front Choke Hold) backfired. Tanner was gearing up for the V For Victory when...


...JD Morgan appeared from the crowd. Morgan entered the ring and locked in a vicious STF. Future stood back and watched as Tanner screamed in pain. Morgan yelled "I know it was you" at Tanner before letting go of the hold. Future had no problem capitalizing and nailed a Futureshock for the pinfall.
Winner: Frankie Future

Time: 10:02

Rating: 41


Mitch Naess: What the hell? JD Morgan just attacked Vin Tanner, thinking he's the mystery man.


Phil Vibert: And it doesn't look like he's done Mitch.


{Morgan re-entered the ring as Tanner struggled to his feet. JD grabbed Tanner and locked in a Standing Armbar, screaming at Tanner that he'd break his arm if he didn't confess. Tanner seemed unable to speak and Morgan pulled back on his arm as Tanner screamed in pain}

Rating: 21


Mitch Naess: I think this means Morgan is a member of this supposed group that wants to change DAVE.


Phil Vibert: I haven't heard of such group Mitch, and they'd be hard pressed to control DAVE since, you know, I'm still here to run the show.




Nemesis: Now, I ain't the smartest guy here in DAVE, but that doesn't mean I'm stupid. Johnny, I know what you're trying to do. You want me so enraged, so ready to whip your ass in and out of that ring that I forget how I got to the top in the first place...by being the best damn wrestling in this company. I remember two months ago when you sent me to the hospital, all those times you attacked me and ran like a little b****.


You say I stole something from you. It wasn't yours to begin with. DAVE was struggling to win a war. I came in and pushed this company over the top. We won the war. You got the glory. You unified the belts. Then, you got soft. Lazy. I never got lazy. Every damn night I pushed my body to the limit for these fans. Didn't matter. They hated me and loved you. I never once held it against them. You whine and cry about how I took your spot. You took my glory. Glory I'd earned. What did I do? I kicked every single ass in this company until I got back to the top.


Which means ain't no way in hell I'm gonna take it easy on you. After I get through with you at The Annual Wrestlerave, Johnny Martin will be the story all those up-and-comers get told, a lesson to be learned about the dangers of f****** with me. I will have my revenge. That's for sure. Bring Boone, bring Vibert, bring a whole damn army of boys from the back who want a shot to be the king. My advice: you best not miss. See you soon Johnny.

Rating: 74


Mitch Naess: You can't blame Nemesis for wanting to inflict punishment on Johnny Martin after everything that's happened.


Phil Vibert: I can. Nemesis pointed the finger at everybody but himself. He never once thanked Martin for his contributions, never offered to drop the title to him when Martin deserved that much.


Mitch Naess: I thought things were earned here in DAVE.


Phil Vibert: Not when your name is Johnny Martin.




{Valiant is walking backstage, shaking hands and chatting with various crew members when somebody sends him into a brick wall}




{Eric Tyler locks in a Tradition Lift on the cold concrete, though it's clear Valiant is already knocked out cold and bleeding from being slammed into the wall. Tyler has a cold expression on his face, almost machine-like, as the gathered crew plead with Tyler to release Valiant. "The Traditionalist" finally lets go of Valiant's limp form, his eyes never displaying the least bit of emotion}

Rating: 26


Eric Tyler: I know this isn't the most traditional way to demand a match, but I figured I'd get your attention. Monday night, you got lucky. You didn't out-wrestle me. Even a blind dog hits the hydrant once. Let's see if you can do it again. Then, you'll gain my respect. The Annual Wrestlerave, me versus you, for a second time. Granting a re-match after a finish like last time isn't just good business, it's tradition.

Rating: 31


Mitch Naess: A heinous display by "The Traditionalist", attacking the rookie from behind. Tyler's clearly upset Valiant stole a victory at The Alternate Showcase.


Phil Vibert: I wouldn't take that challenge if I was Valiant. Tyler destroyed him last night. The rookie was lucky to escape with his life, let alone a win.





DAVE Tag Team Championship:

Bryan Holmes & Kunomasu © vs The New Wave


Holmes and Kunomasu started off strong with the Japanese wrestler hitting a succession of quick strikes on Guide. The match was primarily a back-and-forth affair throughout, each team getting in some offense, though Holmes and Kunomasu did dominate several minute stretches at a time. Any hopes of an upset were dashed when Kunomasu ducked under a Scout clothesline attempt and delivered a swift kick to the back of Scout's knee, sending him to the mat. Kunomasu quickly tagged in Holmes and the two delivered their Double Superkick. Holmes pinned Scout and the match was over.
Winners: Bryan Holmes & Kunomasu

Time: 12:05

Rating: 45


Mitch Naess: Another strong showing by Holmes and Kunomasu. They've literally run roughshod over the rest of the teams here in DAVE.


Phil Vibert: I've liked the new mean streak too Mitch. No shaking hands, no bows, just a well-oiled machine dedicated to kicking ass.


{Holmes and Kunomasu grab their belts and start to head up the ramp, but are interrupted by the music of...}




{Gonzalez appears at the top of the ramp followed by...}




Salcita: Hola chicos, parece que ambos podrían utilizar algunos desafíos nuevos. ¿Qué hay de darle a mis hijos un partido? Escucha, yo no necesito una respuesta esta noche o incluso mañana, pero si le hacen una paliza a los equipos de siempre, aceptar el partido. El lobo y el sacerdote saldrá victorioso. Y el oro será de alrededor de su cintura. ¡Viva el lobo. ¡Viva el sacerdote.

Rating: 44


Mitch Naess: I'm not sure, but it sounds like Salcita just challenged Holmes and Kunomasu to a match for Pablo Rodriguez and Shawn Gonzalez.


Phil Vibert: Are we sure she's Spanish? That sounded like it was run through a translation program or something.


Mitch Naess: You got me Phil. Let's throw it backstage to Scott Williams who's with...Kurt Laramee.


Phil Vibert: This ought to be good.




Scott Williams: Welcome again Kurt. On Monday, you finally ended the war with Shawn Gonzalez. How does it feel to come out on top?


Kurt Laramee: The playboy always comes on top if you get my drift.


{Carl Batch laughs way too hard at Laramee}


Scott Williams: You're disgusting.


Kurt Laramee: Least I'm not a virgin like your ugly ass. S***, I'd be shocked if a hooker even accepted your cash.


Scott Williams: You'd be wrong.


Kurt Laramee: Now who's disgusting. See, the playboy said he was gonna whoop Gonzalez's burrito-picking ass all over that ring and that's what he did. 'Course the scared wolf tried to escape, but my main man Carl saw to it he didn't get out of the playboy's grip. I'm done with Gonzalez. If I knew how to say done in Spanish, I'd say it so Gonzalez understood. Ain't no big dogs anymore left for the playboy to bite. 'Cept Nemesis.


Scott Williams: You want a piece of Nemesis? You?


Kurt Laramee: Ain't no one bigger. Ain't no one worth the playboy's time. How's about it big man? Me and you next week one-on-one.


Scott Williams: It's your funeral.


Kurt Laramee: Nah, man, it's Nemesis' funeral because the playboy don't play boy.

Rating: 58


Mitch Naess: Kurt Laramee and Nemesis next week on Danger Zone TV. Is Laramee crazy?


Phil Vibert: Mister Laramee, I admire your confidence. Consider it done.




{Emma is backstage, wearing a low-cut tank top and tight jeans with a thong sticking out of the top. Chris Caulfield sits next to her.}


Emma Chase: Baby, I know Johnny Martin hurt you on Monday. But, before we deal with the owner, we got to deal with the rabid dog that was set loose. Mmmmm, I can picture you making that freak bleed. And bleed he will. I can almost taste it on my lips. It tastes sweet like cherry pie. The mistake you made Boone was coming after me. Chris doesn't like it when people threaten me. I can fight my own fights, but Chris, he just likes to make people hurt so much, it'd be a shame to not let my baby have at you. You may be a madman, but we're "The Hardcore American Couple". There's a difference between the two.

Rating: 46


Mitch Naess: Emma Chase and Chris Caulfield seem to be unhappy with Madman Boone's actions on Monday.


Phil Vibert: What would you do if you saw Emma standing across from you? I'm about to go backstage and find her right now.



"Icon of Insanity" Henry Lee vs Johnny Martin


Johnny Martin showed no mercy, dominating his match with Henry Lee. Multiple times, Martin could've pinned Lee, but seemed to want to make a statement instead. Lee bled early and often, Martin opening him up with a piece of barbed wire that he later wrapped around Lee's throat. At one point, Lee laid motionless in the ring and Martin put a foot on Lee's chest, but pulled it off as the ref went to make the 3 count. The chemistry between the two men was severely lacking as Lee either undersold or oversold Martin's moves and Martin couldn't quite equal Lee's willingness to perform crazy stunts. Martin, thankfully, ended the lackluster main event after hitting his third Twist On The Rocks.
Winner: Johnny Martin

Time: 16:25

Rating: 36 (OOC: Oh, Henry Lee)


Phil Vibert: That's the Johnny Martin, Nemesis will have to face in a month's time. Ruthless, unforgiving, victorious.


Mitch Naess: Certainly an impressive display by Martin, dominating the former DAVE Unified Champion throughout.


Phil Vibert: Martin soaking in the hatred from the crowd, many of whom seem to be trying to get over the barrier and at Martin.


Mitch Naess: Oh my God! One of those fans isn't a fan at all. It's...




Mitch Naess: ...Nemesis!


{Martin sees Nemesis hop the barricade and get into the ring. Martin throws up his fists as if he's getting ready to brawl with Nemesis as the crowd goes nuts. Nemesis charges Martin and Johnny bails out of the ring, his arms raised as he backs up the ramp}

Rating: 78


Phil Vibert: Johnny Martin, once again using his head, to outwit Nemesis.


Mitch Naess: Martin appears to be serious when he says he'll only fight the DAVE Unified Champion on his terms.


Phil Vibert: And those terms will be in less than a month at The Annual Wrestlerave.


Mitch Naess: Johnny Martin versus Nemesis. The countdown begins.




Show Rating: 41

Attendance: 1,777

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Told you. Lee sucks. That's all.


I'm awestruck how Lee ever won the main belt given that in his two big matches he's had awful chemistry with both Boone and Martin. His entertainment skills are good, but he must look like a drunken idiot when he steps foot in the ring.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i1079.photobucket.com/albums/w506/scowilliams/DAVE-2.jpg</span><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="33218" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Last week on Danger Zone TV, Kurt Laramee said he wanted to start at the top, namely the DAVE Unified Champion, Nemesis. This Friday, he'll get his wish. While Nemesis surely has his sights set on the match with Johnny Martin at The Annual Wrestlerave, it'll be the self-proclaimed playboy standing across from him. Is it possible Laramee can defeat the champ before Martin or will Nemesis take out his aggression on the playboy? <p> </p><p> Frankie Future reclaimed his status as DAVE Brass Knuckles #1 Contender after his victory over "V Man" Vin Tanner. After failing to capture the gold, Future will get his second shot at "Ice Man" Alex Braun this week on Danger Zone TV. </p><p> </p><p> Speaking of "V Man", he was brutally attacked by JD Morgan last week and Morgan accused Tanner of being the mystery man who named JD as one of those involved in the coup to overthrow DAVE. Morgan and Tanner will be both be in the building and fireworks might go off.</p><p> </p><p> The Animalz and The Darkness Warriors dominated the DAVE Tag Team Championship for almost three years. But, both have fallen short in recent months in taking the belts off Holmes & Kunomasu. These two rivals will do battle once again on Danger Zone TV, despite no gold being on the line. Old feuds die hard, it seems.</p><p> </p><p> Plus, for those in attendance, the rookie Valiant shocked the world when he pinned Eric Tyler at The Alternate Showcase. Valiant looks to continue his winning ways when he takes on Hardcore Killah. </p><p> </p><p> And catch all your DAVE favorites like Madman Boone, Chris Caulfield, The Peak Brothers, and "The Traditionalist" Eric Tyler this Friday on East Coast Today. </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="color:#000080;">Prediction Key:</span></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></span><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">Kurt Laramee vs Nemesis</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> DAVE Brass Knuckles Championship: "Ice Man" Alex Braun vs Frankie Future</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> The Animalz vs The Darkness Warriors</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> Dark Match: Valiant vs Hardcore Killah</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></span></p></div><p></p><p></p>
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