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(TV commercial for DIW)


Deep Impact Wrestling

Beer Violence and Action

(Video shows Dean Hawkens and Big Jim Teasdale with shots of people getting chair shots and flying over the ropes to the floor)


Dean Hawkens: Hello and welcome to Deep Impact Wrestling. I am you’re host and announcer, Dean Hawkens. To my right is my broadcast partner, Big Jim Teasdale.

Big Jim Teasdale: Shut up you little worthless idiot. I don’t need anyone to introduce me. This is DEEP IMPACT WRESTLING! Get it right you skinny idiot.


DW: Sure thing Big Jim. Tonight fans we have a great show for you. Grab your beer, pretzels and chairs. Tonight we get ready for a heck of a fight.

BJT: Heck of a fight? Are you mad? Tonight there is gonna be blood and teeth and broken bodies spread around the arena. It’s gonna be glorious.

DW: The Comedian is going to do battle and he’ll have quite a challenge ahead of him. We have some new comers to the promotion. Davis Miles and Maurice Jackson

BJT: Those kids better make sure their health insurance is up to day. They are taking their life in their hands when it comes to a real wrestling promotion. We ain’t a bunch of sissies who faint from the sight of a little bit of blood. This is real combat by men that have no problem settling the problems the old fashioned way.

DW: The old fashioned way?

BJT: Hell, yeah. A punch to the face and a chair to the skull. There’s no need to talk about your feelings, you just handle it in or out of the ring. We don’t dance here, we fight.

DW: So come down to the Arena and watch a great show.

BJT: Hell, you might get your own teeth kicked in.


Dean Hawkens looks at Big Jim and shakes his head.


(Video fades out to a black screen that reads:)



Matches for DIW Overdrive:

Wez Dobberly vs Louie Scorpio

Dunfrey Pinn vs Asylum

The Apocalypse vs The Bad Truckers

Davis Miles vs Abattoir

The Comedian Vs Mayhem Mulhoney


(I have no idea what i'll run here but well see if i can do a dynasty of some type. Worst comes, it's lame but i'm good with that.)

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Wez Dobberly vs Louie Scorpio

Dunfrey Pinn vs Asylum

Probably wrong but im a big fan of Asylum

The Apocalypse vs The Bad Truckers

Love both teams .. Cant pick so tough ...

Davis Miles vs Abattoir

The Comedian Vs Mayhem Mulhoney

Big Mayhem fan but .. Comedian is Comedian!

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Deep Impact Wrestling

DIW Overdrive

Monday week 3 Jan 2010

Marv's Sports Central (Eastern Australia)

Attendance 51


Dean Hawkens:Welcome to Deep Impact Wresting i am Dean Hawkens and my broadcast partner is Big Jim Teasdale. Tonight we have a great card with The Comedian defending his DIW Championship and the Apocalypse defending against the Truckers

Big Jim Teasdale: That's right, The Comedian has held on to that title for way to long. Mulhoney is in the back taping his fist in anticipation of getting them around his neck.

DH:I'm sure he is there Big Jim but The Comedian is no slouch in the ring I'm sure he's ready.


Wez Dobberly vs Louie Scorpio.

Wez made short work of the rookie in a short but brutal match. The fans really had a dislike for the kid and Wez got a nice pop from his Full Nelson Slam that ended the match.

Wez Dobberly defeats Louie Scorpio

Match Rating: E


DW: Wez really didn't care to let this match go on long.

BTJ: I think the crowd hated that punk kid more than Wez does. Good to see that sexy little thing Lori again.

DW: She doesn't do much but stand around.

BTJ: As long as she stands around looking that good, i'm fine with that.


Dumfy Pinn vs Asylum

Denfy Pinn pushed the lighter Asylum around the ring in the early part of the match. Asylum roared back with a long series of punches but his reckless barrage let The Boss hit the Boss-A-Nova to pick up the win.

Denfry Pinn defeats Asylum

Match Rating: E+


DW: The Boss shows why he's headed for a match with The Comedian soon.

BJT: The Boss told me earlier that he intends to make an impact and take what is rightfully his. The Championship belt will hang around his waist soon enough.


Angle: Jamie G interviews Maurice, interrupted by Tombstone

Jamie G: I'm here with a new member of our roster Mr Maurice Jackson.

MJ: Thanks Jamie.

Jamie G: You just signed a few days ago and you're looking to make a start soon in the company.

MJ: Oh yeah, i wanted to be where the action is, no drama just fists and fights as

The huge frame of Tombstone casts a shadow over the tiny Jaime G.

Tombstone:You came to the right place for a fight. Soon we'll see how good you are.

Maurice and Tombstone stare at each other and head off.

Jamie G: Well, looks like Tombstone is up to making friends again.


The Apocalypse vs The Bad Truckers

Tag Team Championship Match.

Hatemonger starts of the fight with Diesel Dan. Hate is one of the strongest men in all pro wrestling. They lock up and push, neither giving way. Dan is a huge man and uses his weight to send Hate into the corner following it quickly with a splash. The match goes back and forth as Hate tags in War and Dan tags in his partner, Big Rig. Clotheslines abound until the Truckers get the upper hand and double splash Hate in the corner, they go for a second try and Dan slingshots Rig in only to be bear hugged by War and lifted up for Hate to hit the Apocalypse Nowish from the top. Hate sends Dan out of the ring with a bull rush and War picks up the win.

The Apocalypse defeats the Bad Truckers

Apocalypse in a tough match wins.

Match Rating: D


DW: That is what DIW is all about, just pure power and great matches.

BJT: All it takes is one mistake and the Apocalypse will end the match in a hurry. The Trucker showed that they could handle the Mongers, next time they'll take those belts.


Davis Miles vs Abattior

Not waiting for the bell or even ring introductions, Abattior met the newly hired Davis in the aisle. Punching and kick, tossing into the barricades both men stumbled to the ring. Not satisfied with just entering the ring, Abattior grabbed a chair from ring side and attempted to bash in Davis' head. A miss and Davis drop kicked the chair into Abattiors face, dazing him. Davis hit The Miles to Fall cutter on the outside of the ring onto the concrete. Death Ref shook his shoulders and counted three.

Davis Miles hits the Miles to Fall cutter and defeats Abattoir

Match Rating: D


DW: Even you have to give that kid credit for surviving that onslaught by Abattior. There was no let up from the start to the finish. And what a finish

BTJ: Abbatior is all fist and top gear. I hate to give any kinda credit to that punk kid but that was a sweet cutter to the concrete. Abattior is gonna feel that for a week.



A break in the action before the Main Event.


DW: Mayhem Malhoney has been ready for this day for sometime. Mayhem thinks that The Comedian has been ducking him and taking the easy way out.

BJT: You're right about that. Mayhem has been chasing that rat for months trying to get a title shot. Now The Comedian can't run and he can't hide. Time to pay the piper.

DW: Here we go.


The Comedian vs Mayhem Malhoney

DIW Championship Match

The Comedian hits the ring and head straight for Mayhem. Punches fly and Comedian gets the best of Mayhem for the moment. Both men brawl outside of the ring until The Comedian misses a charge and gets slammed into the ring post. Sensing a kill, Mayhem tosses Comedian into the barricade and back into the ring. Mayhem slows the match down with a crushing bear hug. Trying to wring the life out of the champion. Death Ref checks the arm and only gets to two before Comedian head butts Mayhem. Seeing the trickle of blood from that move, Mayhem drops The Comedian and shoves him into the corner.


With a roar, Mayhem rushes The Comedian and gets a second rope spear for his troubles. Momentarily stunned The Comedian lifts the bluk that is Mulhoney over his shoulders to the shock of the crowd. With a running start out of the corner The Comedian crushes Mulhoney in the center of the ring. Death Ref counts the one, two. three.

Comedian in a long fight beats Malhoney with a running powerslam.

Match Rating E+


DW: That was one heck of a match. I was sure that Mayhem had him with that bear hug.

BJT: He did, the Ref should have stopped that match once Mayhem had him locked in. I can't believe that The Comedian held out and won.

DW: That just goes to show you how tough our Champion is.

BTJ: You mean he's one lucky son of a b..


Angle Dumfrey and his boys(Blitz Simpson/Vaughan) beat down the Comedian

While The Comedian celebrates in the ring The Boss, Dumfrey Pinn and two huge men rush the ring and attack The Comedian. Dumfrey directs his charges to give a beat down. Lifted high in the air for a power bomb the smaller of the two tattooed men comes off the rope and catches The Comedian with a neck breaker on the way down. The Comedian lies lifeless on the mat.


DW: What the heck was that?

BJT: Dunfrey told me earlier today that he had a huge surprise in store for tonight but this i didn't expect. Looks like The Comedians days are numbered and The Boss is in charge

DW: We need some help for The Comedian, get some guys out here.

BJT: Get a hearse, because he's head for a funeral.


Show Grade: E+

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That was just a simple and easy show with hardly anything really going on and i'm ready to take a nap. This really makes me appreciate the hard work that goes into a dynasty and for that i thiank all those that write and put their hearts and time into making these. Thanks guys.
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(TV commercial for DIW)



This is Dean Hawkens and later this week we'll see the return of Deep Impact Wrestling to Marv's Sports Central. This week we have a great show. The Comedian will be in action as well as the Tag Champions the Apocalypse. We have young stars ready to break out and all the action that Deep Impact Wrestling is known for. Come down and see the Stars of DIW.




Announced Card

Maurice Jackson vs Abattoir

Chain Gang vs Asylum and Louie Scorpio

Apocalypse vs Wez Dobberly and Scotty Hamstead

Menace to Sobriety vs Diesel Dan and Roadhouse Rad-ford

Davis Miles v Mayhem Malhoney

Comedian vs Tombstone

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Deep Impact Wrestling

DIW Overdrive

Monday week 3 Feb 2010

Marv's Sports Central (Eastern Australia)

Attendance 40


Dean Hawkens: Welcome to Deep Impact Wrestling. I am Dean Hawkens and this is Big Jim Teasdale. Tonight we'll see some of our young talent take to the ring along with the Apocalypse. The Comedian is set for action as well.

Big Jim Teasdale: That's right, Tombstone has been waiting for a long time to get his chance at the DIW Champion and tonight he's got his chance.

DW: Lets start the show.



Angle with Comedian opening the show and Pinn interupting him

Comedian: Last time i was here Dumfrey Pinn and his boys got the best of me after a sneak attack in the ring. It's fitting that fat piece of trash has to hit a man from behind and then get others to do his dirty work.

Dumpfrey Pinn stands at the top of the ramp with a mic in his hands.

Dumfrey Pinn: You see Comedian, you've held on to that title for too long. I've decided that you needed a wake up call, a way to get your attention before i beat the hell out of you and take what's mine.

Comedian: Listen up fat man. Anytime you want to bring your sorry butt into the ring, if you can fit between the ropes, just bring it and i'd be more than happy to kick your teeth in.



DW: Strong words from the Champ.

BJT: Strong but not smart. Pinn and his boys are looking for every reason to beat The Comedian down and he just gave them quite a few. You don't mess with Pinn, not now that he has the Chain Gang on his side.


Maurice Jackson vs Abattoir

Abattoirs reckless brawling takes the forefront as he lays into the rookie Maurice. Taking a beating in the opening moments, Jackson gets a slam and stuns his opponent. Seizing the momentum, Jackson hits a Rolling DDT and scores the upset.

Maurice Jakson defeats Abattoir

Match Grade:E+


DW: Maurice Jackson is showing some signs of being a solid hire for DIW.

BJT: Not bad for the kid, but that win just shows how tough you have to be to work in the most hardcore of promotions.


Dumfrey Pinn walks slowly to the ring, his boys, The Chain Gang in tow.

Chain Gang vs Asylum and Louie Scorpio

Short match as Blitz and Vaughan crushed Asylum with a huge double power bomb, leaving Louie all alone to face the huge tattooed gang members. Louie lasted about a minute before they hit the Riot on poor Louie and left him laying on the match after the three count.

Chain gang beat Asylum and Louie Scorpio.

Match Rating: E


DW: That was brutal.

BJT: I swear that little punk kid is the only one that can give these behemoths a pop for taking a finisher. This crowd hates his guts and so do i. Hit him again!


Angle. Pinn and chain gang talk in the ring to Jamie G

Dumfrey Pinn stands in the ring, Vaughan kicks the lifeless body of Scorpio out of the ring and onto the floor. Asylum simply walks by and heads to the back.

Dumfrey Pinn: As you can see my boys are everything I've said they were. Together we are going to dominate DIW. It's only a short matter of time before we humble The Apocalypse and The Comedian. I suggest that anyone who wants to remain up right and breathing give us a wide berth or you'll find out how that little punk laying on the floor feels.

Rating: E



The Apocalypse vs Wez Dobberly and Scotty Hamstead.

Tag Team Championship match

Solid match as Wez and Scotty used there speed to get an advantage against the larger and stronger pair of Hate and War. Wez almost got War off his feet before the huge man laid him flat out with a running clothesline. Wez was able to stumble into a tag to Scotty who didn't look all that pleased to have to face War. Still, a game try but War tagged in Hate how hit a massive spinning Spine buster to pick up the win.

The apcoalypse defeat Wez Dobberly and scotty hamstead

Match Rating: E+




DW: After that match we get to see The Comedians tag partner Menace to Sobriety take on Diesel Dan and Roadhouse Radford

BJT: Time that even The Comedians friends get a taste of defeat. Careful of how you hitch your star to.


Menace to Sobriety vs Diesel Dan and Roadhouse Radford

Menace came to work with his boots on and was able to fend off both challengers. Menace was able to put Radford down after Dan missed a charge and was pushed out to the floor. Radford stayed down for the count after a Hangman's Neck breaker.

Menace to sobriety defeats Diesel Dan and Roadhouse Radford

Match Rating: E


DW: I'm looking forward to seeing this new kid take on Mayhem Malhoney. Mayhem is an old hand in DIW and he is always ready for a fight.

BJT:After his lost to The Comedian last time i know he's spoiling for a fight. Mayhem is going to extract some vengeance and this rookie is gonna pay.


Davis Miles vs Mayhem Malhoney

Davis seemed off his game to start the match as Mayhem was ready at the bell. Mayhem started off strong keeping the rookie off balance through out the match. Spilling to the outside, Mayhem kept up the pressure. Ramming the rookie into the barricades and crushing his face up against the fans at ringside. Davis looked like was about to take the fall when Mayhem missed a splash into the corner and Davis pounced, hitting the Miles to Fall out of nowhere to score the huge upset victory.

Mavis Miles defeated Mayhem Malhoney

Match Rating: D+


DW: Amazing, Davis Miles was able to withstand all that punishment and take the win with his cutter from out of nowhere.

BJT: He might have taken the victory but look at him, he's pretty busted up and worst of all, Mayhem is not happy about the end result, we can see that this match has to happen again somewhere down the road.



The Comedian vs Tombstone

DIW Championship Match

A fairly even contest between the to men, while Tombstone has the height advantage Comedian has the experience on his side. Using fists and kicks, Tombstone takes command of the match, punishing The Comedian. Every time The Comedian gains an advantage Tombstone shuts him down. Brawling out to the fans and back in the ring. After a few long minutes, The Comedian takes Tombstone down with a body press and wails away. Pulling the big man to his feet, The Comedian takes the stunned youngster over his shoulder and finishes it with his trademarked running power slam.

Comedian Defeated Tombstone

Match Grade: D


Pinn and Comedian have a face off

After the match Dumfrey Pinn comes out to the ring mic in hand and his boys in tow. He gets in the face of The comedian daring him to hit him. The Comedian pulls back his fist.


Dumfrey Pinn: Go ahead, I'm more than happy to get my boys to show you the errors of your ways if you even think about trying that. You're alone out here and we are gonna make you eat that fist.


Out of the back comes Hate and War along with Maurice Jackson. They slide into the ring behind The Comedian.


Comedian: Looks like you're wrong on that. I fight alone because that's what i do. Don't ever think that i don't have back up for the times when i need it. It's only a matter of time before i get my hands on you Pinn. You can't hide behind your Wall of Muscle for ever. I'll beat all of them just to get you in the ring.


Both stare at each other as the lights dim.


Show grade: D-

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Deep Impact Wrestling


Monday week 3 March 2010

Marv's Sports Central (Eastern Australia)

Attendance 78


Dean Hawkens: Welcome to the March Show, Deep Impact Wrestling Overdrive. Tonight we'll have the young stars show up and we know that Dumfrey Pinn will have some words for our Champion, The Comedian.

Big Jim Teasdale: You're damn right about that. The Comedian talks a big game but he's hiding behind the power of The Apocalypse, he can hide but it's only a matter of time before Pinn and his boys take that belt from him.


Angle: Comedian talks to Jamie G with Hate/War at his side

The show starts off with The Comedian and The Apocalypse in the ring talking the the very tiny Jamie G.

Jamie G: Comedian, you and Dumfrey Pinn have been building a feud. He really thinks he can take you and your belt.

The Comedian: Last time Pinn and his boys showed up and talked some trash. They didn't seem to ready to fight it out in the ring and slinked back to their holes in the ground. Don't worry though, I'm sure that we'll see those punks in the ring soon and I'm really ready to get my hands on Pinn, right around his neck.

Hate and War stand menacingly in the background.



Davis Miles vs Abattoir

Miles and Abattoir pick up right where they left off the last time the locked up. Punches fly as the hit the ring. No quarter is given but the Davis surprises Abattoir with some fine technical moves to take him down. As both men brawl on the outside, Mace Mueller comes out and tries to waffle Davis, his mistimed chair shot finds the face of Abattoir, Davis hits the Miles to Fall on Mace and then picks up the win.

Match rating: C-


DW: Mace really needs to learn how to swing a chair.

BJT: If you're gonna attack someone, make sure you don't piss off the other guy as well. Mace just make a huge mistake.


Bad Truckers vs the Duo

Two young kids stand in the ring, announced as The Duo, Donovan Boon and Rusty Mills, they look unsettled as the mass of the Bad Truckers come out the back and hit the ring. The two kids give a plucky performance but they can't stave off the power of the Truckers. The end comes after Big Rig hits The Truck Stop on Boon and leaves him flat on the canvas.

Match Rating: E+


DW: Those kids tried but they didn't have what it takes to beat the Truckers, spunky but that's not enough.

BJT: Those two punks were lucky that the Truckers were taking it easy on them. The fact they can still walk just means the Truckers are going to come back and do it again later.


Tombstone vs Louie Scorpio

The fans at ring side boo the hell out of Scorpio. Tombstone walks slowly to the ring, enters and just unloads. Fists and a kick to the stomach, Louie doesn't even get one punch in as Tombstone just buries the kid. Louie tries desperately to escape the ring, but Tombstone takes the opportunity to lock in a rear naked choke to end the match in quick fashion.

Match Rating: E


Angle Dumfrey Talks to Jamie G with Chang Gang at his side.

Jamie G: Mr Pinn, The Comedian says that you are hiding behind the Chain Gang and that you are scared to face him one on one.

Dumfrey Pinn: Little lady, let me assure you that that is not the case. I have these two in my corner because i know that the Comedian is a cheating bastard and he'll take any chance he has to to keep that belt. It's easy for him to look smug when he's using the rest of the locker room to prop him up. That's just fine. If the Chain Gang and i have to to walk through the entire DIW roster, we will, and we'll like it.


Maurice Jackson vs Roadhouse Radford vs Scottie Hamstead vs Asylum

This match easily got out of hand quickly as the four men battled in the ring and outside of it at random. After knocking Jackson to the floor, Radford and Hamstead took to beating down Asylum in the ring. Fighting back, Asylum dumped Radford over the top rope and he landed on Jackson, wiping both out. Jackson was able to recover enough to counter Asylum and land a flying body press on Radford, rolling it over to hit a spiked DDT on Hamstead as he tried to re enter the ring.

Match Rating: E+




Angle Chain Gang brawl with Menace and Asylum

In back the Chain Gang find Menace and Asylum sitting in the locker room, the rush the two stalwarts of DIW and they brawl in the back till the rest of the roster can separate them.


DW: The Chain Gang don't care who they attack. Menace and Asylum are friends of the Comedian.

BJT: That;'s right, those two are making sure that the Comedian knows that he's next on the hit list. Dumfrey Pinn is making sure that the Comedian knows that the title won't be his for long.


Comedian vs Frankie Robertson

DIW Championship Match

The Comedian stands toe to toe with Frankie Robertson. Both men start tossing fist and brawling. Comedian takes control with a short arm clothes line and from there on he maintains it. Frankie is quick to make a comeback but the wiley veteran takes back control every time. Frankie slips behind and tries to grab a Full Nelson but the Comedian drops to a knee and pulls him over his should, a full run and plants Frankie with the running power slam.

Match Rating: D


DW: Frankie put a solid fight. I thought he had it going for the Full Nelson.

BJT: I hate to say it, but the Comedian used his brains in this match. Frankie has a future here if he can get some fire in his belly. You can't let up or the Comedian will take full advantage of you and plant you with that slam.



Apocalypse vs Mayhem Mulhoney and Wez Dobberly

DIW Tag Team Championship Match.

The two huge teams stand apart till the bell sounds. Mayhem starts with Hate. The battle back and forth as Hate gets control with a shoulder block. Mayhem makes it back to the comer where Wez gives him some advice. Mayhem goes low, taking the big man top the mat, where Mayhem drops a few elbows. Mayhem follows Hate into the buckle and tags in Wez. Wez takes some cheap shots and taunts War. War is stopped from getting into the ring and the double team is on.


A tag to Mayhem and they drop Hate with a double back drop. Mayhem seizes the momentum to dump Hate outside and yells at the ref while Wez works Hate over at ringside. Hate battles back and slams Wez into the announcing table. Getting back in the ring Hate runs right into a slam from Mayhem. As Hate struggles to get to his feet Mayhem waits with his arm held out ready to hit the Lariat.


Hate ducks and falls into his corner and tags War in. Fists pop and War takes Mayhem off his feet. War pushes Mayhem to his corner and Wez inadvertently tags the big man. War takes no time helping Wez over the top rope and slams him to the canvas. Hate makes his return taking him and Mayhem off the ring apron and to the floor below. Wez is dazed and War plants him with a huge power bomb to pick up the win.

Match Rating: D


The Apocalypse hold their belts high in the air as the Chain Gang look on from ringside.




Show Rating: D-

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Deep Impact Wrestling


Monday week 3 April 2010

Marv's Sports Central (Eastern Australia)

Attendance 78


Dean Hawkens: Hello and welcome to Deep Impact Wrestling. Coming to you from Marv's Sports Central, I am Dean Hawkens with my partner, Big Jim Teasdale.

Big Jim: I can't wait. The Comedian is going to get his tonight. I've talked to The Boss, Dumfrey Pinn and he's got something planned. I'm sure i wouldn't want to be in the Comedian's shoes tonight.

DH: I'm sure the Champ can handle himself and he's not alone.


Comedian opens the show Wez Dobberly w/ lori interrupt

The Comedian comes to the ring and takes a mic from Death Ref.

Comedian: Last week Dumfrey Pinn and his boys thought that they could do what the wanted, talk the way the pleased and take what is mine from me.

Comedian holds up his Championship Title.

Comedian: I'm still holding this belt and there isn't anyone that i'm afraid to face. I'm a fighting champion and anyone who wants a shot can come and try.

Wez Dobberly comes out the back with his lovely valet, Lori.

Wez: Last time we fought, i almost beat you. You cheated and took the easy way out. I'm demanding a rematch. I know i can take you and that title. I want a rematch.

Comedian: You lost but you still whine and complain. Ok, Wez, you want a shot at this title, you'll have to prove that you can hack it. Tonight you'll face Davis Miles, if you can beat him. You'll get your shot.

Wex: That's what i wanted to hear, you'll be short one title soon. I can take this Davis Miles kid and then i'll take you out.


DH: That's gonna be a good fight tonight and if Wez can beat Miles he'll get his rematch.

BJT:He'll beat that little punk then he'll take out the Comedian. If you're the champ you shouldn't be so eager to lose your title.


Comedian vs Roadhouse Radford.

The Comedian make short work of Roadhouse, punching and slamming him all over the ring. Roadhouse made a charge but the Comedian turned him inside out with his running power slam for the three.

Comedian beats Roadhouse Radford

Match rating E+


Jamie G talks to War/Myahem/Pinn about the tag titles

Jamie G is in the ring talking to Warmonger when Mayhem Malhoney and Dunfrery Pinn interrupt her.

Jamie G: War you and Hate have held on to the belts for sometime, There are some great teams in DIW that are really chomping at the bit to get their hands on you and your titles.

Warmonger looks at Mayhem and Pinn.

War: I know that Mayhem has found himself a partner and Dumfrey has his boys in the Chain Gang. Hate and i will face anyone at anytime in any kind of match. We ain't afraid of anyone. If you got the stones, bring them to ring.

Mayhem stares a hole into the Tag Champion.

Dumfrey Pinn: It's only a matter of time before i sick the Chain Gang on you and take those shiny belts. We have business with the Comedian first so, Mayhem, go a head and take your shot at the Apocalypse. But know that we'll be right there to take those belts whenever we please.

Mayhem pushes Pinn and Warmonger out of the way as he exits the ring.


DH: That was intense. Now that Mayhem has found a partner, the tag team scene is about to get really violent.

BJT: You just heard Pinn, the Chain Gang will take those titles whenever the choose. This is bad news for the Comedian as Pinn and his boys are focused on him.


The Chain Gang vs The Duo

The Chain Gang come out to the ring and stand with Pinn as The Duo come out of the back running to the ring. Vaughan and Simpson meets them at the ring apron. Boon and Mills jump the ropes and take the Gang down with duo body presses. They take the advantage with some elbows and a double clothesline to empty the ring.

Vaughan and Simpson shake out the cobwebs and rush back into the ring taking the Duo by surprise with their quickness. It's all down hill for the Duo as Vaughan is quick to powerbomb both men, picking up Mills Vaughan and Blitz hit the Riot and get the three.

Chain Gang beat The Duo

Match Raiting E+


DH: The Duo gave it all the had, doing well at first but the power of Vaughn and Blitz Simpson was just too much for the kids.

BJT: They made one mistake, they made the Chain Gang mad. You could see the ring move after the Riot. Get a spatula and get those punks out of the ring.


Apocalypse vs Tombstone and Mace Mueller

War and Hate hit the ring as Tombstone and Mueller are already there. We hit the bell and Tombstone starts with War. War uses his size and strength to try to push Tombstone around but finds the man stronger than he thought. The trade punches and slams. Tombstone gets the better of War as he takes him to the turnbuckle and follows him in with a clothesline. Mueller makes a blind tag and gets a look from Tombstone.


Mueller tries to bully War to no effect. War tosses Mueller into the corner of the Apocalypse and Hate tags in and just decimates Mueller with punches and a side slam. Picking up Mueller, Hate tosses him into Tombstones corner, Tombstone drops down and walks to the back. Hate and War finish off Mueller with the Apocalypse Nowish.

Apocalypse defeats Tombstone and Mace Mueller

Match Rating: E+


DH: What the hell was Mace doing blind tagging Tombstone. Is he insane enough to think that he can go toe to toe with War and Hate?

BJT: You don't just abandon your partner, well i would against Hate and War, but that's just bad form.


Vaughan hits the back stage area and destorys Asylum and Menace to Sobriety.

Asylum and Menace arei in the back talking about their upcoming match with the Truckers as Vaughan hits the backstage and attacks them both. The sneak attack leaves them down and out till the Chain Gang pulls and punches them to the ring where the Truckers are waiting.


Bad Truckers vs Asylum and Menace to Sobriety.

This was an easy match as the beaten bodies of Asylum and Menace were easy pickens for the Truckers. After a short but brutal beating the Truckers hit the Truck Stop and took the win.

Bad Truckers beat Asylum and Menace to Sobriety

Match Rating: E


DH: Well that was easy. After Vaughan handed them the match they just got the easiest win of their careers.

BJT: You have to take advantage of the gifts that fall into your lap.


Maurice Jackson vs Frankie Robertson vs Scottie Hamstead.

A solid match as the three of them fight it out in the ring there's not real winner until Tombstone comes out from the back and distracts Maurice. Maurice makes the mistake of holding on the the ropes as he jaws with Tombstone and gets dumped by Frankie. With Maurice out of the ring Frankie and Scotty hit some fine chain wrestling that leaves both men down on the mat.

This gives Maurice time to get back in the ring and hit a double clothesline as they get to the feet. Maurice waits as Frankie is first to his feet. Frankie rushes Jackson only to get tossed into Scotty sending Scotty out of the ring and the stunned Frankie turns into a DDT. Maurice covers for the three.

Tombstone nods his head and heads to the back.

Maurice Jackson beats Frankie Robertson and Scottie Hamstead

Match Rating D


DH: Great match between our young stars. I can't wait to see Maurice Jackson get in the ring with Tombstone.

BJT: You and me both, there's something simmering between then and it can only lead to violence.


Wez Dobberly vs Davis Miles.

#1 Contenders Match

A long match that featured some great wrestling as Miles stuck to the technical ground game and Wez used his punishing array of slams to work on Davis' back. After about 15 minutes of back and forth action it was the distraction of the lovely Lori getting on the ring apron as Wez whipped him to the ropes that caught him. Coming to a halt before he could hit the tiny girl, Wez caught him with the full nelson, holding him long enough for Lori to get in a shot and an evil smile. Wez planted Miles on the mat and picked up the win.

Wez Dobberly beats Davis Miles

Match Rating: C-


Wez gets on the mic.

Wez: I beat your paper tiger and now it's time for you to put up or shut up. I'm ready for my title shot. I'm ready to be the champion that this company deserves. I'm a star and the best this place has to offer. I'm ready Comedian, get that belt shined up. It's mine.


Show Rating: D

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I'm enjoying this. Your getting good ratings as well, i ran a DIW dynasty for quite some time (6 years game time) and for the first two years never got above a E+ keep up the good work, would love to see DIW challenging APW and eventually RAW.
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Deep Impact Wrestling

DIW Overdrive

Monday week 3 May 2010

Marv's Sports Central (Eastern Australia)

Attendance 77



Dean Hawkens: Welcome once again to Marv's Sports central. Tonight we have a great show. Two championship matches and some of our young stars show off what they can do in the ring.

Big Jim Teasdale: That's right, the Comedian will put his belt on the line against Wez Dobberly. The Truckers get a shot at the Tag Team Titles.


The Comedian opens the show, Pinn/Wez/Asylum interrupt.

The Comedian: Last time we held DIW Overdrive, Wez Dobberly beat Davis Miles for a chance to face me. Tonight i'm giving him his shot. He's fancies himself the best here and he'll get that chance to put his money where his mouth is.

Dumfrey Pinn walks out to the ring, interrupting The Comedian.

Dumfrey Pinn: That's right, Mr Wez Dobberly does get his shot tonight, but let me remind you that i have a title shot whenever i choose to take it. I'm fine sitting back and letting Wez beat the hell out of you but if he wins or if you retain, that belt is mine soon enough.

Wez Dobberly and the lovely lithe Lori come out from the back and step into the ring.

Wez: Pinn all you do is run your mouth. That's fine, as i am the best that this pathetic company has to offer. So if you want to put butts in the seats, then you'll have to make me the top dog around here. Pinn, after i beat the Comedian, take your best shot, Boss.


DH: Wow, that's the way we start things in DIW, soon Wez gets his chance but The Boss has made his intentions clear.

BJT: The Boss can take that belt anytime he wants. Letting Wez weaken him is a great plan. Pinn is a complete genius.


Blitz Simpson vs Asylum

Blitz wastes no time in jumping Asylum at the bell. The big man took Asylum to the limit both in and outside the ring. After a few minutes of trading power moves with Asylum's speed offense, Blitz spiked Asylum with a DDT and took the fall.

Blitz Simpson beats Asylum

Match rating: E+


DW: Say what you want but the members of the Chain Gang are monsters in the ring.

BJT: Pinn didn't hire them for their looks. They produce and they are why he wins the Tag Team Championship and takes the belt from either the Comedian or Wez.


The Duo vs Mace Mueller and Roadkill Radford.

The match was a virtual no contest as the Duo flew around the ring hitting Mace and Roadkill with high dives and double team moves. The Duo were very fluid with elbows and a plancha to the outside. Neither Mace nor Roadkill could get started and they fell easily to The Duo when they hit a pair of double elbows off the top on Mueller.

The Duo beat Mace Mueller and Roadkill Radford

Match Rating: E+


Wez Dobberly and Comedian Face off in the ring.

Wez Dobberly and the Comedian are in the ring with Jamie G and Wez's manager the lovely and lithe Lori.

Wez: I wanted to set the stipulation for the match tonight. Everything is fair game, no DQ's or Count outs, no chance that you can skip out and take that title with you. I want no excuses for when you lose.

The Comedian: You want the full extreme of DIW to rain down on your idiot head. That's fine with me. We'll set up and go for an old school DIW match. I tried to take things in a less hardcore way. Less chair shots to the head, i put the ladders away and i even left my trusty brass knuckles in my desk in the back.

Wez: Bring everything you got, it won't stop you from falling the the best in DIW, ME!


DH: Intense promo from the champ and the challenger.

BJT: This match just got interesting. It's been some time since we've see DIW go fully extreme. I don't like the Comedians chances tonight.


Frankie Robertson vs Menace to Sobriety

Frankie took it to Menace early and often. Menace didn't seem to have a counter for the speed and strength of the young man. Frankie took Menace over the top and the brawled on the floor. Shoved into the steel ring post, Menace was stunned and fell easy prey to an Atomic Spine buster on the floor to give Frankie the win.

Frankie Robertson beats Menace to Sobriety

Match Rating: E


DH: The Truckers are in the ring waiting on the Tag Champs. The Truckers have been racking up wins and now they get a shot at the gold.

BJT: As big and bad as the Apocalypse are, the Truckers are just as big and just as bad. This is gonna be brutal.


Apocalypse vs The Bad Truckers

Tag Team Title Match.

A hard fought match that saw the team of Hate and War taken to task. The Truckers kept War isolated for most of the match. Big Rig and Diesel Dan used their size to keep War beaten down. Splashes in and outside the ring left the big man on the canvas. Big Rig showed that the Truckers are brains and brawn by keeping the ref distracted while the pounded on War.


A missed splash in the corner let War get the tag and Hate began to demolish Dan. Power slams and a boot to the gut left the big man laying on the canvas as War climbed the rope and dropped a huge leg on the fallen Trucker. War tackled Big Rig and held him back long enough for Hate to pick up the win.

Apocalypse beats the Bad Truckers

Match Rating: D-


Pinn and Chang Gang in ring interview

In the back Jamie G catches up with Pinn and his boys.

Jamie G: Mr Pinn can i get a word with you about the main event and Tag Team Champions.

Dumfrey Pinn: Of course you can. Its' no mistake that i'm letting Wez try his hand at the Comedian first. I want him weakened and ready to lose to me the next time i go for the belt. My team of Blitz Simpson and Vaughan are waiting patiently for the signal to take the gold from the Apocalypse. It's all about timing.

Jamie G: Thanks for your time Mr Pinn.


DH: Dumfrey Pinn looks as confident as a man can get.

BJT: The world is his whenever he wants it. There's no denying that he'll walk away the champ anytime he wants.


Mayhem Malhoney vs Maurice Jackson

Mayhem and Maurice are a contrast in styles as Mayhem is the brawler and Maurice is the smooth technician. It was all on display as Mayhem kept Jackson on the outside of the ring as much as he could to weaken him with big moves and a huge splash against the barricade.

Maurice was quick to get back in the ring and head off Mayhem. Some nice ring work and Maurice was able to ground the big man but with the appearance of Tombstone at the entrance, Mayhem snuck in a win with a crushing lariat to the back of Maurice's Skull.

Mayhem Malhoney beats Maurice Jackson

Match Rating: D


Intermission before the Main Event.


The Comedian vs Wez Dobberly.

DIW Championship Match.

The Comedian stood in the ring, the belt over his shoulder. He paced back and forth waiting on the challenger. He didn't have to wait long for the arrogant Wez to come out the back with the lovely lithe Lori.


Wez charged the ring and we were on. Comedian struck first with a series of rights and lefts that staggered Wez. Not to be out done, Wez took to the ropes and bounded off with a body press that got him a 2 count. Wez took the offense and laid the champ on the outside of the ring with a drop kick. Grabbing a chair from ringside, Wez stalked the champ, waiting to crush his skull in with the wicked weapon.


The Comedian blocked the chair with a big boot and staggered Wez. The Comedian picked up the fallen chair and began to slam one shot after another in the back of the challenge. Lori interfered long enough for Wez to tackle the Comedian into the announce table, sending Dean Hawkens running and making Big Jim laugh while he did.


Wez pulled the Comedian into the ring and set up two chairs. Suplexed onto the chairs the Comedian writhed in pain. Taking full advantage of the ring side weapons that Lori handed him. Wez wrapped a chain around his fist and pounded the Comedian in the skull till blood ran down his face.


The Comedian found strength in his crimson mask and booted Wez in his stomach. A front face lock into a face buster on the chair put him firmly in control. The Comedian intercepted a chair that Lori had tossed into the ring and used to to take out the legs of Wez. Leaving the man down the Comedian placed two facing each other and picked up the fallen challenger.


Hoisting the large man on his shoulders, the Comedian aimed for the chairs. Lori grabbed his ankle and the Comedian stumbled but held onto Wez. Lori fell back and landed on her butt. The Comedian laughed and ran for the chairs in the center of the ring. The sound of metal meeting flesh was deafening and stunned even the Comedian. Taking a moment to clear out the bells in his head he moved slowly to make the cover.


Ding Ding Ding

Death Ref lent a hand to the bloodied Champion and lifted him up. The Comedian raised his hand up but Death Red took the mic and told the crowd that these two gone to the time limit of 20 minutes. Wez lay in the corner with Lori at his side and the Comedian looked at the Ref. He almost punched him out but stayed his hand. Taking his title from the ringside announce table.

Comedian drew with Wez Dobbery

Match Rating: D-


DH: That was a fantastic match. Too bad that the Comedian ran out of time.

BJT: The only thing that ran out here was you. It was a hell of a match and even i can't complain that much. This will have to happen again. There has to be a winner between these two stars.


Vaughan beats down the Comedian

The Comedian takes his title in hand as Lori and Death Ref help Wez to the back. Vaughan comes out of the crowd and grabs the Comedian by the throat and drags him into the ring. Vaughan hits a power bomb, then another and one more for good measure. The Champion is left to lay in a pool of his own blood, his title belt left on his broken body.

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