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Superior Wrestling: A Road to Glory Walk-Through

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I do want to thank all of my readers. I surpassed 1,000 views which is about 900 more than I thought I'd ever get. Also, to whomever voted this a 5-star diary, thank you very much though I don't think I deserve it yet. I'm going to try centering the screenshots this time around to see if it works better.


Superior Wrestling Presents WrestleFeast


The show opens with Blackjack Mulligan in the ring. He informs the crowd that due to the injuries Jimmy Garvin inflicted upon Michael Hayes at Halloween Horrors when he viciously slammed the cage door into Hayes' head.


This prompts Garvin and Precious to come down to the ring looking smug. So if the title isn't going to be defended tonight, why aren't you giving me the title as I'm clearly the best wrestler here in SW!


You aren't going to win the title that way, Garvin. Not while I'm in charge. But don't worry, you will get a shot to claim the #1 Contenders Match. I made some calls and have brought in a very talented wrestler. Oh, and the match is going to be a 30 minute Iron Man Match just to keep that harpy of a manager of yours interferes won't automatically end the match. (Blackjack-Mic, Garvin-Overness, Precious-SA)



Sting & Wood vs Mysterion & Tom Pritchard


This is a pretty standard opening match. Sting wins by pinning my user character, and he now has hit 60 on psych (that's probably a rounded up number but still).


Sunshine comes out with The Midnight Rockers. They hype themselves as Superior Wrestling Tag Team Champs and talk about how much being the first ones to hold these belts means to them. Shawn says that they will happily take on all comers for these belts because they're fighting champs. (Sunshine-SA, Shawn-Entertainment, Marty-Overness, Blackjack-Mic) And of course Jannetty is underwhelming proving yet again who carried whom.


Mick Foley vs El Hijo del Diablo


This was a cheap time filler match due to me putting the show at 2 ½ hours. Foley picks up the win.


Brian Pillman & Dean Malenko vs The Midnight Express


This is the give the Express a win to boost their momentum and overness. The plucky faces try their best, but the Express use their veteran wiles to get the pin. Lane pins Malenko. This is why tag matches are super-powered in TEW. No chemistry, no tag experience, and get this result. Well, that and call in the ring road agent note.


Owen Hart vs Shane Douglas—Cruiserweight Title Match


This is a good match with plenty of back and forth. Owen manages to overcome Shane and pick up the hard-fought win. Owen makes his 3rd defense of his Cruiserweight Title. Slightly disappointed that Shane didn't pick up any psych gain from this match. Might need to rename the belt the “you don't gain any skills title”.


Jimmy Garvin and Precious come out to the ring looking a little frazzled. "Blackjack Mulligan, Precious and I have been tearing through the backstage area trying to find this mystery worker you booked me against. Where are you stashing him, and why are you treating me with such disrespect? With Precious by my side, I'm going to win every match I have in this fed so I'm not scared or anything, but I demand to know who I'm facing!" Blackjack just looks at them and laughs saying that they'll just have to wait a little longer. Uh oh, this angle should have gotten a 66-68 which would have been fine. Yay, I'm guaranteed to see that poor angle note now.


Art Barr vs The Undertaker


This is a squash match as I try to increase Taker's popularity and to cool the crowd down a little bit. And I didn't get the squash note which I thought I would even without the dominate note (remember, I don't want to hurt Barr's SQ). I've gotten that before with Openers. Oh well, not a bad match for what it was.



Rick Martel vs Jimmy Garvin—30 Minute Iron Man #1 Contenders Match

This match is more than main event-worthy as these are two very talented wrestlers who know how to go in the ring. Martel comes out last to the cheers of the fans who remember watching him on WWF TV (and a few who saw him in AWA). This is a back and forth match with plenty of pins and near-pins, but as the clock ticks down, the score is tied 2-2. The end shows the fatal flaw in Mulligan's logic in this match being an Iron Man Match. One fall can indeed determine the victor so Precious still being out there can and does swing the match in Garvin's favor. Garvin's DDT gets blocked into a suplex, and as Martel gets setup for the Boston Crab with 1:30 left to go, Precious pops up on the apron and just nails him right in the face with a slap that stuns Martel. Jimmy lets go of the ref, and quickly rolls Rick up for the 1...2...3 as the countdown starts at 10 seconds left. And Garvin wins the match while Blackjack is disgusted with himself on commentary. Hmmm...guess Garvin can't go 30 minutes as he got dinged for stamina.



The Midnight Rockers vs Awesome Twosome (Manny Fernandez & Rick Rude)--TLC Tag Team Title Match


This time I carefully kept the new people out of angles. This is because of the match rating I knew these two teams would put out (and that tag matches with two tag experience bonuses will get even better ratings) meant that it was best to leave their original momentum to be created here. The match is a tag team wrestling clinic even with the tables and chairs. The first ladder doesn't even enter the ring for the first 10 minutes, and Manny is the first one to bring the ladder into the ring. He doesn't even get to set it up before Shawn and Marty hit a double dropkick sending him out of the ring narrowly missing a table. Shawn quickly eats a suplex right onto the ladder by Rude to even the odds. As the match starts to wind down to its conclusion, Manny gets double suplex through a table at ringside. The Rockers turn their attention back to Rude who is just getting to his feet in the ring, but as they slide into the ring, Precious grabs Jannetty and keeps him from getting into the ring. Shawn floors Rude and goes to the top rope for the elbow and connects. While he sets the ladder up in the ring, Manny starts stirring. He gets to his feet as Shawn hits the 3rd step when Sunshine steps between Fernandez and the ring keeping him from entering as Shawn grabs the titles winning the match. The Midnight Rockers make their first defense of the Tag Team Titles. MARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!! He's the only one that kept me from calling in the ring. I've got to get his psych up to 60 pronto. Still a great Main Event.



They don't get to celebrate too long as Precious sees Sunshine's role in keeping Manny out of the ring and CATFIGHT!!!! They are rolling on the floor pulling hair and slapping each other silly. Right as the show comes to an end, Sunshine manages to get the upper hand as she rolls Precious up hard against the guardrail. The Rockers and Sunshine leave with the titles as the show ends (Precious and Sunshine-SA)



The show was another sell-out in Louisiana with 236 people (oops, that 232 last month wasn't a sell-out). I had hoped to hit 300, but the economy crash prevented that. I now get to wait for 2 days before WWW runs their show to see if that 66 is going to be good enough to win the battle again. And even with a Kevin Sullivan def Sgt. Slaughter and Chris Adams retaining the International Title vs The (Ultimate) Warrior, they only got a 63 so I win again. My pop is now 18.2. My wrestlers cost $2,100 more than last month combined with my merchandise dropping $1,000 due to the bad economy means that I only made $461 last month. However, any money is good money so it isn't all bad though you should be making $7,000+ per month at Small in a normal game.


Congrats go out to Sting as he and Seiji Sakaguchi won the Super Grade Tag Team Tournament in NJPW to close out the month. They were named Team Pillage.

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Sorry that this has been delayed a day. Blame Nascar, Smash, and JHD1's new mod for the delay. (Liar! You just wanted to hit 1,100 views.)


Today's lesson is going to be on Momentum. You neglect momentum at your own peril in the game. It is used for advanced booking (which affects your attendance), your angle ratings are enhanced or detracted slightly (or largely by it at high levels) by it, and momentum also affects your wrestlers' popularity gains (you have an incredibly difficult time raising a wrestler's pop above his momentum).


This is why I said you never want to start a wrestler out in an angle IF a match can/will do better than the angle. Want proof? Here's my roster's current momentum and Who's Hot (your Top 5 Hot List has to have momentum over 65 to be on it).



That was one of the reasons I put Owen vs Shane Douglas last month. He had 71 momentum from his initial match with Liger plus a win over Owen. Now, that got transferred to Owen. A whopping trade of about 11 points for both btw. The biggest example of what I'm trying to show is look at both Midnights (Shawn & Marty & Bobby & Stan) vs the Awesome Twosome (Manny and Rick Rude). I can pass that momentum on several times. Martel's lower-than-expect initial momentum is directly related to the poorer-than-expected match with Garvin.


So, that is why it is good to A)start every wrestler off with a match, not an angle and B)make it a good match. If you're running a National+ fed, a squash match that scores in the 80's is not out of the question, or putting them in a tag squash match with an experienced tag team (60+ tag experience) works well too. Take a look at Dean Malenko on this list as Exhibit 2.


Starting strong is the first step towards getting high momentum. The 2nd step is easy, WIN. Nothing moves you up like winning, especially defeating people that have higher momentum than that wrestler (which is why you want your lower people to have high starting momentum). The 3rd step is to be in angles that are high quality. This will increase a worker's momentum some, but not nearly as much as winning matches will do. The basic rule of thumb is to not be pushing people that aren't on the Who's Hot list excluding the new people. This is where your top people need to be because again, higher momentum=better angles and better adv. heat (which means attendance which means mo' money). Also, dominate note wins increase momentum as well.


The rest of this will be a quick stat update.


Sting has indeed crossed the call in the ring 60 psych threshold (If you don't want to go into the editor to view actual ratings, you can filter by 60 psych. If it is a rounded up 60, he/she won't show up on the list). The bad news is that his Performance rating is somehow down from 71 to 65 which doesn't make any sense given his performance row stats are 70/60/77/85/72.


My user character hasn't made nearly the improvement that he should have. I've gained 3 across each top row skill and every performance skill except psych which will jump next show (it goes gain 1 in the 4 then gain the 1 in psych). Oh well, this is a very long haul so I've got time plus that die-roll at the end of the year.


Top 10 Pop in the Mid South area


1. Jimmy Garvin--62 +2 since signing with me (thanks to WCW not me)

2. Michael Hayes--59 unchanged

3. Manny Fernandez--54 unchanged (not bad since he's lost his one match)

4. Shawn Michaels--54 whopping +5

5. The Undertaker--52 massive +17 since start of game (and was 53 at start of month)

6. Sting--51 sadly only 6 points since the beginning; did I mention that tag matches don't gain overness unless they are without the open match note?

7. Bobby Eaton--49 down 1 (guess where some of Shawn's gain came from)

8. Terry Taylor--49 gained 4 since I have hired him despite not using him (WWW and AWA have)

9. Marty Jannetty--48 gained 5 since hiring him (notice Stan Lane isn't on this list)

10. Rick Martel--45 no change through 1 match


Superior Wrestling Christmas Bash


Owen Hart vs Mike Rotundo--Cruiserweight Title

Mysterion & Eddie Guerrero vs Dean Malenko & Mick Foley vs The Midnight Express

Terry Taylor vs Ricky Santana

Sting vs Steve Keirn

Scott Armstrong vs The Undertaker

The Midnight Rockers vs Awesome Twosome--Tag Team Title Match (Will not be a gimmick match at the request/demand of Precious and Awesome Twosome)

Michael Hayes vs Jimmy Garvin--Superior Wrestling Championship (Precious will be banned from ringside)


And I only have to do better than a 60 in the regional battle. One last note about JHD1's new mod. If you want to get your butt handed to you in a regional battle, start the game as AWW. I've never seen a Regional fed hit an 80 before outside of a Japanese, much more performance fed, but I did in the 2nd month in that one. Sheesh, that Puerto Rico fed is nasty.

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Superior Wrestling Christmas Bash


This is the stuff you want from your owner. His Rick Rude impression was spot on and even had Manny laughing.



The show opens with a very full of himself Jimmy Garvin w/Precious. He proclaims that it's perfectly clear that he will be the Champion here in Superior Wrestling by the end of the night. Both of them start to sing Merry Christmas to us when Blackjack Mulligan comes out from the back saying that that present isn't happening as you should know that the match has been changed to be a Cage Match! Jimmy freaks out and gets ready to put his hands on Blackjack when Michael Hayes' music hits. He hits the ring and grabs the mic from Mulligan. I'm back and better than ever Garvin, and now that your harpy of a manager can't interfere, this title is staying with this Freebird. (Hayes & Garvin-Entertainment, Precious-SA, Blackjack-Mic)


Owen Hart vs Mike Rotundo--Cruiserweight Title

This is a very good opening match to the show. Fans of mat wrestling were enthralled by the match as these are two of the best in the world at that. Rotundo couldn't get the upper hand so he signaled to Precious who had stayed at ringside to hop onto the apron. He tries to distract the ref, but Dinsmore clearly sees her smack Hart right in the face calling for the bell. Owen Hart retains the Cruiserweight Title via DQ



The Precious show continues as Manny and Rick Rude come down to the ring. Rude has the mic. We came here for real wrestling, and low-and-behold we find two punks who hide behind ladders, tables, and chairs to keep those belts. Why don't you gutless babies face the two of us in a straight up wrestling match for those tag titles? I'm clearly the Superior Specimen in SW! Manny here has won titles all over and is one mean man, and we have the best manager in the world in Precious. So, we're getting those belts from you either in the ring, or we'll run you down and take them from you. (Rude-Entertainment, Manny-Overness, Precious-SA, Blackjack-Mic)



Mysterion & Eddie Guerrero vs Dean Malenko & Mick Foley vs The Midnight Express


The pass the momentum from Malenko and Eddie to The Midnight Express is in full effect. They are in complete control of the match from start to finish. Lane pins Eddie while Eaton looks strong. And this wasn't supposed to be an elimination match.



A challenge has been laid down, and a challenge is going to be answered. The Rockers come down to the ring with Sunshine. Shawn grabs the mic while about 5 teenage girls faint. You call us punks? I say these belts make us champions. You say that we aren't real wrestlers because we use tables, ladders, and chairs in our matches. We say that we'll take your challenge and prove to you how wrong you are. As for being a Superior Specimen, Rude, we have women from coast to coast wanting to touch us while you do a little hip thrust that turns no one on. Well, maybe Manny. This is how you do a hip thrust. The EMT's go revive the 10 girls that fainted. (Shawn-Entertainment, Marty-Overness, Sunshine-SA, Blackjack-Mic)


Terry Taylor vs Ricky Santana


Taylor makes his debut in SW! He gets to show his skills while Ricky gets some moves in too. Terry gets to do something few people in my feds ever get to do. He gets the win. Terry Taylor wins via pinfall.



The Precious and Sunshine show continue as we take a break from looking at sweaty men to see which one can look hotter in an elf costume. Sunshine keeps piling onto Precious' bad night as she wins.



Sting vs Steve Keirn


This is a build Sting's skill up while using Keirn match. Sting wins pretty easily as the veteran's tricks run out to the Scorpion Deathlock.



Garvin and Precious come out from the back looking steamed. Jimmy gets right in the face of Blackjack demanding that he step down because he's holding the only star Superior Wrestling has just because he's jealous that he's a retired loser who lives alone while Jimmy travels all over the world with his beautiful wife, Precious. Blackjack responds he isn't going anywhere, Hayes will spread Garvin's blood all over the cage, and he wouldn't sleep with anything that looked like that (pointing at Precious). Jimmy has had enough and nails Mulligan knocking him to the ground before stomping off.


Scott Armstrong vs The Undertaker


Obviously, this is the build up Taker and bathroom break before the last two matches portion of the show. Armstrong never knew what hit him.



The Midnight Rockers vs Awesome Twosome—Tag Team Titles


This match was pure chaos as all 4 men spent most of the match in the ring at the same time. The ref finally gave up and just let them have at it. Right as Jannetty goes for the pin on Rude, Precious grabs his leg to stop him. Sunshine comes tearing around the corner, but Manny gets between them causing her to slap him. The ref says that's it. He declares the match a draw with a Double DQ. Midnight Rockers retain the Tag Team Titles And I have no idea why I got that lack of psychology note. 3 of the 4 can call in the ring meaning at least 1 of them was in the ring at all times. Even I'm not going to blame Marty on this one.



Before the main event, Michael Hayes comes to the ring to say a few words while the crew are assembling the cage. He thanks the fans for their support while he was out of action. This title means a lot to him, and he's going to hold on to it for a long time. Garvin isn't in his league, and he's ready to prove it again tonight.



Michael Hayes vs Jimmy Garvin—Superior Wrestling Championship Cage Match

This was nothing short of a brawl. They took full advantage of the cage structure leaving both men busted open. Gavin managed to get a couple of near falls, but couldn't put the Freebird down for the 3 count. This almost causes his defeat as Hayes rolls him up for a 2.5 count while he's chewing out the ref. Jimmy finally has had enough and goes into his tights for some brass knuckles. One punch later, and we have a new Superior Wrestling Champion.



While Mulligan and Sting on commentary are in disbelief at the loss, Garvin is waving for someone to come down to the ring, Precious, Stack guesses. What he gets is a 7' tall man named The Undertaker. He enters the ring and joins in the stomping and beatdown of Hayes. Sting can't take it any more and enters the ring with chair in hand as the two heels bail. (Sting-Menace, Hayes-Overness, Taker-Menace, Garvin-Overness)



And we put on the best show ever! Or it would have been without that negative angle note from the two tag angles. 2 angles dropped me from about a 73 to a 68.



The only bad thing about it was that it wasn't quite a sellout at 228 people. However, with the economy down to 18 and falling, I'll take an almost sellout any day of the week (note: this is about the time you should start your second small show. I just spent $20,400 on the show so I won't ever be doing that). I made another jump to 19.7. The math is quite simple. If I keep gaining 1.5 per show, I will hit 31.7 in 8 more shows to put me at Regional (I'd need 30.6 at the 95% Importance area that the Mid South is to hit the 29 Importance to be Regional). So, I hit Small in 6 months, and I will hit Regional in 1 year after that. Not bad at all.


Ugh, I lost $3,300 this month as my Merchandise and Sponsorship dropped $1,000 apiece. I'm down to under $19,000. Hmmm....60 minute Iron Man 3-way tag match anyone? Pair that with a 60 min 4-way title match and me facing Owen, and I think that would cover it. Really hoping that the economy turns around soon.

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LOL, so the two old fossils of the Territory era are banding together. Then, they proceded to run their big show opposite PNW's TV show meaning they couldn't share workers.



Did he get to talk about that Rooster costume? Oh yeah, that hasn't happened yet.



And this is the perfect example of angle order organizing. Blackjack was in spot #1 instead of Sting's Menace (75) or Garvin's Overness (62). Oh well, as you will see, this isn't out of the ordinary.



Two good chemistries for my user character, and this match did much better than I expected.



Ugh, my angles stink this show even Sunshine's Sex Appeal and being a Catalyst didn't save it.



Nothing important to say about this match. Just trying to get two people some work.



Three for three on poor angles so far. Insert NOTBPW soulless fed comment here.



This is just a shocking result. No chemistry note, no call in the ring, just a slow build note. Oh, and since the game bases popularity on the entire country, not just the region it is being held in, Martel (45 across the country) wouldn't lose to The Undertaker (54 in Mid South but not much everywhere else). Which just killed Taker's pop to 47 (Martel at least took all of it to jump to 53) even with the DQ loss.



And it may have dropped it worse with this angle helping. Oh, and this isn't a good angle either. Having a great semi-main and main event isn't always an awesome thing.:eek: Yep, that needs to be fixed in the next version.



And Tim's overness gets fed to Foley in a cheap cool-down match.



Hey, let's use everyone so they can get some skill gains while furthering the Garvin is refusing to talk to Blackjack after the initial angle. Who cares that it stinks?



Some people would be complaining now that the Singles title should always be the last match of the show. I know, BUT 3 UMC and ME tag teams with 2 tag experiences just can't be beaten in this game. Plus, the Tag Titles are Main Event too. Notice, that Sting has clearly hit above the 60 psych threshold to call in the ring. Always remember that more quality people mean better match ratings in TEW10.



Why did I put the belts on the Express? Remember my roster breakdown several posts ago? Both of them have downsides. This means that even if I don't use them I have to pay them. Granted, it is about 50% of what they'd earn by using them, but they basically have a guaranteed spot on the show due to that. That's why you should never sign contracts containing downsides unless they are clearly awesome wrestlers that you'd use anyway.



To anyone who says that the poor angle note isn't that severe, take that. Seven points lost. This is the real reason people hate NOTBPW. I'm not going to tell you how to play TEW10, but if you can put on great main events with moderate or low overness, don't run angles. It just doesn't pay to do them unless you absolutely want to jump wrestlers' overness. Just understand that it will hurt your show disproportionally.


All that said, I still put on my best show ever by 2 points. I jumped to 21.2, and cleared WWW's 66 to win the Regional battle easily. Even with that type of card, I spent $19,050 on wrestlers. And the merchandise and misc money bottomed out meaning I still lost $1,476 for the month. The economy is just a killer. It's at 15 and falling. Hopefully, I'll keep my head above water until it rebounds.

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So how should I go about using someone like Ekuma the Hawaiian Strong Man with high menace and some generally useful qualities, except with no ability to put on a good match? I try Protect, Decisive Win and Keep Strong, but that just hurts the segment rating.....any ideas?
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So how should I go about using someone like Ekuma the Hawaiian Strong Man with high menace and some generally useful qualities, except with no ability to put on a good match? I try Protect, Decisive Win and Keep Strong, but that just hurts the segment rating.....any ideas?


You shouldn't do Protect unless someone is really atrocious which Ekuma isn't???? *looks at his card* Yikes. Put him against someone who can call in the ring. If you're hiring him at Local, which is about his usefulness, good god I'm looking at him a year in...okay script the match, the type of win isn't going to affect the match rating much at all (barring a pure/realism fed that won't allow anything but clean finishes).


You're mis-using the Keep Strong note. That's only for losers of a match to keep their pop loss to a minimum so don't use that unless he's losing. Also, unless you're trying to handicap yourself by building him up as a long term goal of the game, his overness isn't going to be a concern so don't use it even when he loses. If you're trying to god-push him, you should use the Dominate note not Keep Strong. Again, why I don't know. Also, if the match is scripted because the other person is that bad*, use the overbook note which will mitigate the suckitude of the match.


So, basically don't do anything that you have been doing other than decisive win. Also, it wouldn't hurt to put him with another brawler in a brawl-based match with the overbook note.


*Considering this is my TCW game with two overstocked development feds, and I didn't even think about picking him up means he's awful. He's a 2 or 3 year development guy at the least. There's been numerous game-created people with much better skills with less psych than him.


Edit: I came across a little harsh on Ekuma. If you're running a much more pop fed, he would be pretty good because of his really high SQ and Menace. Do the whole build up the monster heel to the faces strategy that works well in much more pop feds. If you're not running a much more pop fed though, my opinion on him holds.


Now, I figure that I needed something added to the post so I don't have a double post that aren't shows. So, I thought I would list all the awards and do a promotion highlights before I post the last show of the game year (since I started in March) and I talk about my user character's reward.


The awards were heavily dominated by Japan this year

Wrestler of the Year: Tatsumi Fujinami (NJPW)

Young Wrestler of the Year: Chigusa Nagayo (AJW) (I was robbed!!! :p)

Veteran Wrestler of the Year: Terry Funk (AJPW)

Female Wrestler of the Year: Lioness Asuka (AJW)

Promotion of the Year: World Wrestling Federation

Match of the Year: Genichiro Tenryu def Ted DiBiase at AJPW Burn It Up Tour (Thursday)--99

Card of the Year: AJPW Burn It Up Tour (Thursday)--92 This isn't unusual btw. The best match ends up being the on best card of the year a lot for obvious reasons unless the AI goes goofy and puts it as the semi-main event.


Being less than a full year you don't get Most Improved Promotion.


1. World Wrestling Federation--Stayed #1 all year while hitting Global. The declining wrestling industry is finally starting to drag them down a point a month, but considering that they're no worse than 85 across the 8 important areas (Hawaii and Puerto Rico being the 2 that don't affect National much at all due to being low importance regions), they won't be at risk at falling to Cult for awhile. Though it is important to note that the industry is just under 80 and falling. 1 point per month means 9 more months before they lose National (you have to hit 76.5 pop in the 85% importance areas to be National) so that does bear watching.


World Champion: Ricky Steamboat def Andre the Giant in May 1987 defended 8 times since (and I swear I'm not booking them! Ricky is my 3rd favorite wrestler of all time behind Hogan and Flair)

Tag Champions: The Hart Foundation Had it the entire time though only defended it 8 times in 11 months (I'm to the last day in Feb.)

King of the Ring: Butch Reed I put that in just for the comedy of it though it is set as a floating tournament title

Intercontinental: Randy Savage Had it the entire time as he defeated Steamboat at Wrestlemania 3 It's set at Midcard which probably isn't right so I don't know if he'll ever drop it as he's way too popular to drop it to a Midcarder.


Biggest Losses: Roddy Piper left at the end of his contract, ditto Adrian Adonis (simmering tensions with Vince didn't help), and Rick Martel was stolen by NJPW as I forgot to take him off Exclusive PPA.


2. World Championship Wrestling--Somehow have stayed at #2 all year despite being at Cult I can't tell by looking at them if the falling industry has caught up to them or if their horrible Feb cards did it, but they dropped a point across the US. This is great news for me as that keeps them from hitting National as they were only 5 points away from doing so.


World Champion: Magnum T.A. In the least defended world title ever, it has been defended 5 times all year. Note: Yes, this is the other half of the what if that is The Superfly Effect mod. Hogan being out is half and Magnum not being in a car wreck is the other half. He's probably the best wrestler no one has ever heard of non-Japanese edition.

US Champion: Barry Windham def Ron Simmons at October Supercard. This one has been defended the exact same 5 times the World title has been. Simmons twice then lost and Windham twice. Those TV shows must be boring to watch as they have 5 shows per month--4 TV and 1 PPV.

World Tag Team: The Russian Team def Awesome Twosome at the March Supercard (the 1st PPV of the year). They've made 7 defenses.

TV Title: Tully Blanchard He's defended it 7 times, and I fear he's in the same boat as Savage as the TV title is Midcard and he's a Main Eventer.


Note: I'm leaving out the extra titles both WWF and WCW have as they're inconsequential


Biggest Losses: The Road Warrior Animal left for a Written deal with AJPW. Oddly enough Hawk only went on tour with NJPW once or twice but no Written deal yet. That's really been the only defection for them. Their biggest problem has been the booking as I've done better cards the last couple of months than almost all of their cards in the last 6 months. Hmmm....Flair, Dusty, Magnum, and Tully in the main event maybe? Too many times it is Murdoch or Big Bubba Rogers which isn't good for a more pop fed.


3. All Japan Pro Wrestling National all year. They've managed to remain above NJPW all year via the Funks, Snuka, Animal, Stan Hansen, and bringing in DiBiase to go along with Japanese greats like Tiger Mask II, Jumbo Tsuruta, Genichiro Tenryu (MOTY), and owner Giant Baba. They're well on their way to keeping Card of the Year as they've put out 2 better cards than the one that won with a 94 and 93, and GT and DiBiase were at it again as they hit a 100 to better than 99 for MOTY. Obviously, they've been growing despite the even worse wrestling industry in Japan (60 and falling). That's the advantage of being a non-pop>performance fed.


NWA International Heavyweight: Jumbo Tsuruta He's defended it only 8 times and had it all game long

PNW World Heavyweight: Stan Hansen def Yoshiaki Yatsu in April to take it back from him and has run with it defending it 21 times since

NWA International Tag Team: Tenryu and Tsuruta hasn't been defended once. Set to Floating may have something to do with it. More likely it's the fact that the game is grabbing one of them for the semi-main or main event though.

PNW Tag Team: Ted DiBiase and Stan Hansen. It hasn't been defended either.

NWA Unified National: Genichiro Tenryu And that's the likely culprit as they have 3 Main Event titles with 2 floating tag team titles. That's too many for a fed with a 12/18/30 match length though they manage to squeeze in 8 matches

AJPW Junior Heavyweight: Tiger Mask II defeated Masanobu Fuchi after Fuchi held it all 1987 defending it 37 times. Midcard title

AJPW Strongest Tag Team: Ted DiBiase and Stan Hansen Tournament Title in December


4. New Japan Pro Wrestling National They should have passed AJPW as they've stalled out at 79 as AJPW passed them to break the tie several months ago. They have the World's #1 Wrestler in Tatsumi Fujinami, and they stole Yoshiaki Yatsu from AJPW several months ago too. Their biggest signing has to be Roddy Piper as he's shot to the top while they've brought in Americans like Bret Hart and Jake Roberts on touring contracts to bolster the Upper Midcard ranks though Bret is now touring with AJPW. Their biggest problem has been their Semi-Main match short-circuiting the exceptional Main Event meaning they have only one show at 90 despite having numerous 93+/A matches, or they've put on a dud main event by putting the great match as the semi-main.


IWGP Heavyweight: Roddy Piper def Tatsumi Fujinami at Tough Love Tour in Nov. He's made 13 defenses since. Tatsumi had made 28 defenses before losing. Finally a #1 title being defended often.

International Wrestling Grand Prix: Road Warrior Animal won tournament in August before thanking Inoki by signing with AJPW.


The tag titles haven't been defended either.


Superior Wrestling Bloody Valentines


Art Barr vs The Undertaker

Sting vs Mysterion

Owen Hart vs Eddie Guerrero

Martel and Taylor vs The Midnight Express--Tag Team Title Match

Michael Hayes vs Jimmy Garvin--Superior Wrestling Championship Match


2 hour show in the hopes of saving some money. Might add one more short and cheap match.

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Updated my last post with a lot of stuff so you might want to check it out as I didn't realize that it wouldn't show up as a new listing for you to read. Yes, I should have thought that but didn't.



Hey, I didn't know Mr. Not as good as a Windham could draw? Hey, I like him.



Rick Rude def Aldofo Tapia


This was just a shot to use Tapia some and build up Rude to hopefully Upper Midcard status. Also, I wanted to see if the Work the Crowd note would stop the Cold Crowd negatives I keep getting.



So, they both did their jobs on getting the crowd going, but it still didn't stop me from getting the cold crowd note.


Superior Wrestling Bloody Valentines


Michael Hayes challenges Garvin to a title match. Garvin comes out and says that he'll accept if it is his last shot at the title as long as Garvin holds it. You can hear Blackjack yelling no, but Hayes says yes but it will be an Indian Strap match. Garvin chuckles and says you can have your Little Big Horn moment if you want.



Carl Wood def El Hijo del Diablo


This was another two cheap guys who only work for me match. If a wrestler doesn't get used by someone in 6 months (The Country Independent Shows count), they get Ring Rust which lasts for 2 matches. Unfortunately, this match stinks. Fortunately, it doesn't matter at all as it is just one of 3 non semi-main or main event matches that count for 10% of the show rating.



Bruce Pritchard and The Midnight Express come out to foul up my angle rating errr....to hype that they have the tag titles now and they'll accept all challengers. The concession vendors are big fans!



Sting def Mysterion


This is just a nice match to give Sting a little bit of overness for his title match next month. You think I'm going to pin the boss? Still that's consecutive 57's for me. Not bad considering this didn't have a title to boost it. No call in the ring or all out so pretty darn good.



We follow that up with the only reliably good angle we have, a costume contest/bikini contest. Sunshine wins of course as she's the better looking Cupid.



Owen Hart def Eddie Guerrero via DQ to retain Cruiserweight Title


This clearly did better than I expected. Their first singles match was only a 58 so a 13 point jump is better than anyone could expect. And I'd just recently yanked Eddie's Freelancer status (1 year in they drop it if they aren't under contract so it is only fair) and signed him to a 2 year deal.



Obviously, I didn't expect the 71, or I wouldn't have run a 6 minute angle after it. Blackjack continues his attempts to get answers from Taker for two months ago, and this time they almost come to blows before The Undertaker walks off. Oddly enough, those 6 minute angles that don't do better than the preceding match usually get dinged 10 points which means it wouldn't have been worse than the match. Oh well...



The Undertaker def Art Barr


Another face gets fed to The Undertaker. I've got to regain his pop he lost to Martel somehow. He did gain 2 of the 7 he lost back to get back to 49.



The Midnight Express def Rick Martel & Terry Taylor to retain the Tag Team Titles


When someone picks up popularity you didn't really want to give them, you have two choices. You can either continue to build them up, or you can feed their overness to someone you want to push. I was really hoping Martel and Taylor had tag chemistry to give me a 2nd face team, but it looks like I'm going to have to pry Tito away from WWF (Yeah, right) for that. Oh well, since that part failed, I'll just have to take Eaton going from 55 to 57 and Lane going from 46 to 50. Nice consolation.



Jimmy Garvin def Michael Hayes to retain the Superior Wrestling Championship Title


Oh, don't worry about the Freebird. He'll be just fine. I'm riding Garvin just a little bit longer, and there is a face besides Sting I have thought about putting the title on. Still, a great main event match.



The show wasn't as quite as good as the last couple, but it was more than enough to win the Regional battle and gain the precious 2.2 points of popularity. I also managed to make almost $3,000 which would have been $4,000 if I hadn't used Rude and Tapia. Oh, and I finally got a 400 seat-sell out to boot. It cost me $800 more to rent, but I made just enough off the extra attendance to make it worthwhile. Still the economy is falling and hit 12. At least the attendance jumped from the stagnant 230's so that's a positive.


Oh and in bad news, it looks like UWA isn't going to go broke in this game. Seems that they got a much better TV and PPV deal in this game. However, in good news, I jumped to 23rd place on my own though that may not last as AGPW is going to start touring again from March-May. Yay, me using my spillover areas to jump them. Hate when that hurts me, but I love it when it helps me.

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I'm really enjoying this - and look forward to trying out some of the tips and tricks of the trade you are providing.


The Freebird feud between Hayes and Garvin has been stellar on top (even though it wasn't booked as such).


Another cool thing is have all 3 of Stan Lane's partners available. Current champion partner Bobby Eaton, but also Fabs Steve Keirn and Heavenly Bodies Tom Pritchard. Maybe Keirn and Pritchard would have some chemistry as partners (Fabulous Bodies?) - or at least as a team would get in some work and could train some of the up and coming faces in tag matches. Or if Eaton ever tries his hand at singles, Lane has a couple good choices for partners (or to feud with if there is a face turn in someone's future).

I've never had that kind of success with tag team matches - not sure what I'm doing wrong.


was interesting how some of your early stars quickly got passed over as the promotion grew - they just didn't seem to grow as fast as you did. But some are remaining relevant on the undercard

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I'm really enjoying this - and look forward to trying out some of the tips and tricks of the trade you are providing.


The Freebird feud between Hayes and Garvin has been stellar on top (even though it wasn't booked as such).


Another cool thing is have all 3 of Stan Lane's partners available. Current champion partner Bobby Eaton, but also Fabs Steve Keirn and Heavenly Bodies Tom Pritchard. Maybe Keirn and Pritchard would have some chemistry as partners (Fabulous Bodies?) - or at least as a team would get in some work and could train some of the up and coming faces in tag matches. Or if Eaton ever tries his hand at singles, Lane has a couple good choices for partners (or to feud with if there is a face turn in someone's future).

I've never had that kind of success with tag team matches - not sure what I'm doing wrong.


was interesting how some of your early stars quickly got passed over as the promotion grew - they just didn't seem to grow as fast as you did. But some are remaining relevant on the undercard


Yeah, in a normal game, you wouldn't hire any of those stars that I did because of the money situation that darn near broke me, and I know what I'm doing. Hey, stop laughing! I had my shortlist filled with both ends of workers to hire when I hit Small, and I would have gone with my low-end list (or been intelligent like Remi and turn off small roster penalty even though we're technically supposed to play with it on. again, it is all because Auto-Push doesn't work like it should by pushing up instead of down). I still have plans for most of them.


The problem as I showed with The Undertaker is that the game cares about the wrestlers pop in all of your home country not just in your area which doesn't make much sense when you're Local or Small at least in my opinion. Yeah, Martel probably wouldn't have loved to lose to Taker anyway, but that kind of short-circuited my plans temporarily when it crippled Taker's pop. However, I'm the type of player that has a Plan B, C, and D so I'll be fine. Garvin is probably going to hold the title longer than originally planned though.


As for the tag thing, the Fabulous Ones were a great FACE team so I'd have to turn Lane to do it. The Heavenly Bodies I didn't think included Lane. That was Jimmy Del Ray as his partner, and they were forgettable to me. I'm hoping to continue spamming to find chemistry though. Frankly, I'm just happy that I've figured out that 2 hours is basically as long as I can go until the economy recovers, which can't come fast enough.


Also, the money situation has pretty much made it highly unlikely that I'm going to hire the people I wanted to. So, no mini-horsemen (Arn & Tully) to play with until I hit Cult.:( Well, I might give it the old college try when I hit Regional because the economy probably will not have recovered by then. I'm 4 shows away from Regional so if the economy actually hits 0, it should hit 4ish (depending on when I run the show) by then. Ugh, that just is ugly to look at. The industry is at 77 and falling, so I'll be dealing with that soon enough too.


Now, on to the fun portion of play Road To Glory, the yearly bonus. Here is the full list Derek B took from the base list Kamchatka, who created this scenario so thanks for that K.


1. "Friends with Benefits" You gain one Working Agreement (you may try a different company if you are rejected)

2. "War is Good for Business" Your owner demands you declare war on another promotion in the same area. (do nothing if your owner blocks you)

3. "Trusted companion" You gain the Loyalty of one of your roster (random roll from the list of your current roster),

4. "Chance Encounter" While on holiday abroad you have befriended a wrestler and offered them a job (choose a wrestler in another regional area who is unemployed, make them active in your area and create a Strong Friendship between you and them)

5. "Lean On Me" Gain Strong Friendship with random wrestler in your promotion. -15 to both your character's and the random wrestler's Bad Personal Extras (Smoking, Drinking etc), and set to Reformed.

6. “Master And Disciple” You can become the protégé of anyone 10 years or more older than you are (they must be on your roster) OR you can become the mentor of anyone 10 years or more younger than you (they must be on your roster). Randomly roll from anyone who is eligble.

7. “That Loving Feeling…” Your love life has something happen. Move along the scale from left to right, starting a new relationship with someone appropriate (according to their own preferences) on your roster. Dating->Engaged->Married->Separated->Dating->… (use your own discretion if you need to work out if they are the parent of any children you may have. IF you are separated you may choose to start dating someone else, or start over again with them)

8. “LEGEN… wait for it… DARY!” Gain a Best Friend relationship with someone on your roster whose picture is of them wearing a suit. If no-one on your roster is wearing a suit, you must hire someone who wears a suit and become their Best Friend anyway then add +10% to your Drinking habit.

9. "Like A Chimney" +20% to your character’s Smoking.

10. "Ghosts Of Wrestling Past" +20% to your character’s Drinking.

11. “P-A-R-T-why? Cos I Gotta!” +20% to your character’s Soft Drugs habit.

12. “Forgive Me Father, For I Have Wrestled…” +20% to your character’s religious behaviours/habit

13. “I Fought The Law And The Law Won” +20% to your Law Problems

14. "Chance to Train" You have been offered the chance to train with a Wrestling Legend. Gain +20 points to spend on any performance row stats. (Basics, Psychology, Safety, Consistency, Selling)

15. “Nose To The Grindstone” You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +5 any top row skill of your choice

16. "Fists of Fury" You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +5 to your Brawling skill

17. “Feet of Fury” You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +5 to your Puroresu skill

18. “Drunken Monkey Style” You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +5 to your Hardcore skill

19. "Life of a Saint" You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +5 to Mat Wrestling skill

20. “Link To The Past” You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +5 to your Chain Wrestling skill

21. “Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, OWWWW!” You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +5 to your Submissions skill

22. "Top Rope Hero" You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +5 to Aerial skill

23. “Flash, AAAHH!!” You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +5 to your Flashiness skill

24. “World’s Most Dangerous Man” You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +10 (yes, +10!) to your MMA skill

25. “Hit The Bricks” You have devoted your holiday season to training in the gym. +10 to spend on physical skills. (Athleticism, Toughness, Stamina, Power)

26. “Bit Part" You have been hired for a small role in a tv pilot +10 points to spend across Microphone Skills, Charisma and Acting

27. “A Bumpy Ride” You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +5 to your Basics skill

28. “So, Tell Me About Your Mother…”You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +5 to your Psychology skill

29. “You Can Dance If You Wanna” You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +5 to your Safety skill

30. “Solid? Liquid? Gas?” You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +5 to your Consistency skill

31. “Snow To An Eskimo” You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +5 to your Selling skill

32. "You're a Natural" After a booking error you are forced to step into the role of referee for a match and discover a yet unknown skill in that area. +15 to Refereeing.

33. “Puntastic Punditry” You realise you’re better at commentating than you thought, +15 to Announcing

34. “Makeover Time” You get yourself an image makeover. Your sex appeal, star quality and menace EACH randomly change by anything between -5 and +15.

35. ”Healing Hands” Over the holiday season you book yourself in for several massages and physio appointments. +7.5 to all Physical Condition.

36. "Making Movies" You are unavailable for events for one month due to a role in a small movie (can be January, February or March). Gain +5 Star Quality.

37. “I Can Hit THIS Hard” You may set your stiffness score to be whatever you want it to be.

38. “RAAAAAAWRR!!” You may set your intensity score to be whatever you want it to be.

39. "Step Into The Light" You get your 15 minutes of fame. +15 Pop across entire base country.

40. "Internet Sensation" One of your wrestlers (random roll from the list) has become an internet video hit due to a pirate recording of his last match. +5 pop for your company in your home area and +15 pop for the wrestler in all areas.

41. "Christmas Pudding" You have been piling on the pounds, go up one level of weight class. If you are now middleweight or higher, you can no longer be a cruiserweight, spot monkey or super junior and must be reclassified as a Regular Wrestler.

42. “New Year’s Resolution” You have resolved to go on a diet, go down one level of weight class. If you become a lightweight or lower weightclass you may change your style to cruiserweight, spot monkey or super junior.

43. “Cold Turkey” Change any habit you have formed to be “reformed”, but do not change the base percentage of that habit.

44. "A New Beginning" You may choose to evolve your wrestling style to anything you want.

45. "Unsound Investment" Lose $10,000 (Local or Small) or $100,000 (Regional or larger) (down to a possible 0).

46. "Loan Shark" Gain either $10,000 (Local or Small) or $100,000 (Regional or larger) but in 12 months you must pay back twice that amount.

47. "Charity Event" Your owner has decided to host a charity event. Your next wrestling show gains you no money, but the company gets twice the amount of popularity from it. (Remove how much profit you gain from the next event, after having paid Workers and Show Costs

48. "What's In A Name" Your company has been rebranded in an attempt to appeal to the changing industry. Lose $20,000 Gain 3 Promotion Overness across all areas you have popularity in, and +20% Momentum.

49. "Where There’s A Will" One of your die hard fans has passed on bequeathing their worldly possessions to your promotion. Do you accept it or donate it to charity? Gain EITHER $56,609 or +5 Popularity across your home area.

50. "Keeping It In The Family" Create a younger sibling wrestler aged 17 (same 750 skill point split). If you are over 32 treat this as a son/daughter.


Now, I'm going to tweak the rules a little bit. I love everything Derek did with this, but imo, I think he went way too negative. This is a really, really hard challenge (especially when you don't get skill gains from matches like I have). So, honestly, I'm suggesting to re-roll any negatives for the first 5 years. I mean really, are you going to take up drugs (which are a killer in TEW10 for some unknown reason) or anything that is going to kill your matches this early? So, that eliminates 8-13 and 40-44. Also, 35, 45-47 aren't good ideas either as money is much to precious this early in the game. Simply, it is best to focus on skill development as obviously, you stink at the start.


So, drumroll please.....I roll (there's a good auto-roller right below this list on the first page in the general discussion thread) a FOURTEEN!!!!!!!!!



Sorry, it is a white background so it doesn't display well. Fine, I'll cop to hitting 5 of the worst negatives before rolling that which would be terrible when I hit 25 as I'd take them. For what it's worth, a 25% drug/steriod or drinking use almost eliminates you from EVER meeting your goal. That's how severe the penalty is for drug use in the game. So, I have 20 points across my performance row which was sorely needed.



That was soooooo needed. I'm not even at 60 on any of them yet. One tip for those of you who don't want to write things down when upping multiple skills is to focus on whole numbers so round everything up you can to round numbers first then distribute the rest of the points. It makes things easier. The rest of the rundown is basically I've gained 4 points across my top row, 2 on Entertainment skills, 3 on athleticism and toughness, 6 on stamina, 2 on power, a paltry 4 on performance with only 2 on psych which is really weak, and a couple of points (not a full 2) in SA and SQ. Oh, and I've only gained 7 in booking which is why you just can't jump feds as they won't hire that poor of a booker. This might need to be tweaked Derek if you're reading this. Maybe a free 40-50 points for it? Just in case you get fired early on.


Oh, and my pop went from 0-30. Not bad considering I'm a whopping 3-9. That's called losing up the card. The show should be up Monday night as there's nothing on that I can't watch in the background (take that Vince). Well, that depends on how fast I can recover from getting a shout out from Remi in his new RTG diary. You can never have too many different viewpoints to consider so definitely check his out. He's doing a women's fed in America with the default C-Verse.


Superior Wrestling Slammiversary I (Yes, I'm copying TNA. It's a cool name. Okay, it is an appropriate name.)


Rick Martel vs Jimmy Garvin--Championship Title (remember Martel got screwed in his previous match)

Terry Taylor & Mick Foley vs The Midnight Express--Tag Team Title (AWA vs WCW only in SW!)

Midnight Rockers vs Tom Pritchard & Shane Douglas

Sting vs Ricky Santana

Owen Hart vs Eddie Guerrero--Cruiserweight Title (Eddie swears he won't get "wrongly" DQ'd again)

Lanny Poffo & Shinobi/Al Snow vs The Undertaker & Mysterion Please give me tag chemistry with Taker. Pretty please?

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First some good news for me.



Now, the chuckles



Though he did lose to Steamboat in a non-title match on Superstars that was a 95. Still, that was all Ricky you egomaniac.;)


Finish up with the downright hilarious.



When your Daddy is running this fed maybe, but then he'll hire Brad and push him instead you extremely limited, low SQ curtain jerker. You get these every so often along with the "This person has been singled out as rising star in the business". 99% of the time that means that they blow. They have a good destiny roll, but there skills are just too low to be useful. The 1% of the time they hit on a good worker like Mick Foley got that one which made me smile.


First, I had to make a change to the card thanks to both MSW and AWA killing Marty's overness. So, I had to break up tag match to give him a chance to rebuild his overness. Yes, a squash dark match.


Marty Jannetty def El Hijo del Diablo


(where it all begins again)


Blackjack is in the ring looking really perturbed. He says that he's a man of his word, and that Michael Hayes won't get another shot at the Championship as long as Jimmy Garvin holds the belt. However, he's going to fix it tonight. Garvin comes down and laughs at him saying that this belt stays with him and no one here is good enough to take it from him. Blackjack replies that there was one man who lost only because of that harpy next to you, and you will face him tonight. Oh, and I'm cancelling your rematch clause so when you lose the belt I'm never giving you another title match.


I kept Shane Douglas on the card hoping Shawn could develop his skills a little bit. Nope, no luck on that. This game is becoming epic fail on developing in-ring skills.


Shawn Michaels def Shane Douglas



Shawn and Sunshine stay in the ring as Marty comes out. Shawn says that losing the belts hurt them as they couldn't party for a week. He and Marty worked out hard to learn from them mistakes, and with Sunshine by their sides, those titles will be returning back to the rightful Midnights. And somehow it gets dinged for being worse than the previous match even though it was by 7 points. Grrr....



The Undertaker and Mysterion def Lanny Poffo & Shinobi (3 guess who got the win and the loss) Alas, no tag chemistry for me and Taker.:(



It's clear that Blackjack is in a really bad mood tonight as he gets right up in the grill of The Undertaker demanding an answer to why he attacked Hayes in the cage. Taker keeps giving the menacing looks right back at him before he kills the lights to disappear. (Both on Menace this time)



Owen Hart def Eddie Guerrero to retain Cruiserweight Title (Eddie didn't cheat and look what that got him)



Sting def Ricky Santana

And I forgot Sting can't go all out...Oh well, I needed a match to prevent a burnt out crowd, and this sure did it. Can't believe I can do 3 points better than someone making $900 on a PPA contract. Must have been the all out when I shouldn't have or the off his game note from Ricky. Always keep track of all out and check the notes.



Jimmy Garvin, Precious, and Steve Stack do another "Building Stack's Overness Interviews". Garvin does the arrogant heel saying he's not afraid of some Frenchy, and that the next person who calls Precious a harpy is going to get a beating like he's going to dish out in a few minutes. Martel is on-screen just briefly at the end (It's a cheap way to gain entertainment skills by having him be on screen).



The Midnight Express def Taylor & Foley to retain Tag Team Titles

This was a way better match than I could have ever hoped for even with no tag chemistry or tag experience (the Express are at 40 now). Taylor of course took the fall as Mick is a long term project.



Jimmy Garvin def Rick Martel to retain the Superior Wrestling Championship Title


Precious screws Martel out of the title again as she grabbed him when he went for a flying cross body setting him up perfectly for a DDT. This was an awesome match. It went from a 64 in their first meeting all the way up to a 79 for easily the best singles match in our history. Definitely a great way to cap off the first Slammiversary.



And those 2 opening angles killed me again. 7 point drop this time. Still, I'll take the #2 & 3 rated matches in history to give me the 2nd best show in a 13 months. We also set a new attendance record as we almost sold out a 450 seat venue in New Mexico (wow, Mid South stretches a long way). Had 447 people. The bad thing is that the industry dropping has finally taken a toll as I only jumped to 24.2 so it looks like my jump to regional is going to take a few months longer.:( Oh, and obviously we won the Regional battle going away. MSW hasn't cracked 60 ever, and WWW hasn't come close to 70 either. They did hit a 66 so I can't rest on my laurels at all.


And the best news is that my Merchandise money has come roaring back. I got $4,450. To put that into perspective, I got a grand total of $2,450 for the last FOUR months combined. So, I made a $4,004 profit on the month bringing the bank up to $24,197. This is wonderful news.

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Here is the perfect example of why you always have to have Plans A-M while playing TEW10 at anything under National. No, no one left me though, worryingly, Rude is negotiating with NJPW. The reason is that unless you're Remi playing a female fed with only 3 (which should have been 2) other women's feds in the entire world, you get thrown curve balls by other feds from time to time. This is especially problematic when you have 2 other feds running in your region along with 2 Cult feds with National PPV deals. Here's what happened:



A) That was an atrocious PPV.

B) Notice who won

C) Notice where it was held though being a PPV doesn't mean as much


Also, Marty Jannetty won his match in MSW though he didn't shoot up in pop that much. The key is that his psych has now hit 59.


So, this means that Manny has jumped to 52 in Mid South, and Rude jumped back up to UMC as he hit 42. Shawn and Garvin both lost their WWW matches causing them to drop a point of pop (51 and 61) which is a minor annoyance.


As I said before, Garvin wasn't meant to have the title as long as he has. This is going to give me a chance to do something about it. So, just remember that flexibility is the key to playing this game. You always have to keep things in perspective. WWW putting on a 66 didn't help things either. All of this changed 4 matches on my card as I had to balance costs so small things make for big changes.


Before the card is revealed, here are some fun screenshots for the month.



Uh, I would take one of the two involved in the 99 Main Event. No offense Ted.



And WWF rectify letting him leave for Hollywood via Tokyo. NJPW let him go without stripping him of the title which is another pet peeve of mine in TEW. You know 14 days when they're not being re-signed so have him drop the belt. Looks like they're bringing him back in as a heel as they're turning Andre the Giant back to face.



No kidding! He's one of the cornerstones of my fed. Oh, and Sting signed on with WWW. Guess Mantell doesn't view us as a threat. He's sorely mistaken of course, but Sting's still in the improve his skills phase so the more matches for him the better. I'm never going head-to-head with them anyway. Once I get TV, this could be an issue, but that's a long way off. Gotta hit Regional first. I'll discuss the pros and cons of that when I hit Regional.


Superior Wrestling Spring Break

Dean Malenko vs Mysterion (I'm going to improve skills one of these matches dang it)

Owen Hart vs Steve Keirn Cruiserweight Title

Sting vs Mike Rotundo

Carl Wood vs The Undertaker

Mick Foley & Brian Pillman vs The Midnight Express Tag Team Title Match

Jimmy Garvin vs Shawn Michaels vs Manny Fernandez Championship Title Match When reached for comment about this match, Blackjack said he's not concerned about the fact that Manny and Jimmy are both managed by Precious. Does he know something the rest of us don't?

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Superior Wrestling Spring Break


We had some super-secret pre-show dark matches featuring our newest signing who is quite rusty. Remember how I said the game doesn't handle Freelancers well? He's one of them that went the whole year without a contract which means he dropped his freelance status, and I went ahead and snapped him up. Unfortunately, I completely botched his initial momentum as Rotundo has bad chemistry with someone else. These Windhams are testing my patience mightily.


The show opens with Shawn Michaels in the ring (what my Authority or title holder doesn't open the show?). He says that he's fed up with Jimmy Garvin cheating month after month to keep that title, and since Michael Hayes can't get that title off of you, I'm going to tonight! Garvin comes out with Manny Fernandez and Rick Rude. He starts to talk while the Awesome Twosome slowly start to surround the ring. You are nothing more than a snot-nosed punk who isn't even worth my time which means I'll have another easy title defense as no one is a worthy challenger to me in this small fed. Just to make sure, get'em boys. At which point Shawn reveals that he brought a chair into the ring hiding behind him. After a couple of near-misses as they tried to get into the ring, the 3 of them decide to go to the back. This is the angle rating you get when 50% of them have 3 negative drug notes each and no one has better than a 60 overness (Garvin).



Mysterion def Dean Malenko


And yet again, I can't gain any skills. I better keep getting awesome rolls every year or I can pretty much kiss the challenge good-bye. Either that or get Ric Flair to carry my sorry behind to a 95.



Blackjack calls Garvin back out here (my mistake for not including Precious). He states that since "he's too good for the competition here in Superior Wrestling" that he's not going to have a singles match for the title. Since Manny didn't have a match scheduled for the night, he's being added to the main event making it a 3-way match between Garvin, Shawn, and Manny. Garvin almost slugs Mulligan, but he just clears the announce table of all the papers instead before going to the back in a huff.



Steve Keirn def Owen Hart to win the Cruiserweight Title


Yes, I'm tired of booking Owen to win. You can't god-push people else they end up being horrible backstage. Since Owen is one of my long-term people, I want to avoid that. Plus, he's working for CWA Europe which means I can't put the show on the last Friday of the month. So, I may move it there meaning he needs to drop the title. And of course, my new signing required a Midcard title run.... Oh, and of course, Mr. Great Top Row gains skills, but I can't.:mad:



Sting def Rick Rude via DQ (Precious hits Sting)


Realized that I'd already discovered that Rotundo and Sting have bad chemistry so I punted him to the dark match. Unfortunately, I should have put this later in the card. Need to pass some of that momentum on to Sting anyway.



The Undertaker def Carl Wood


This was to calm the crowd down a little. This is a good time to mention that if a preceding 6-minute+ angle or match is really good (above 60) that you will get a bleed over in the next segment. This means that the match will be better than it would have been otherwise. The rebuilding Taker's popularity project ticks along. Oh, and of course, Taker gains skills too....



Blackjack gets into Taker's grill again. This time there is plenty of pushing and shoving with Taker finally pushing Mulligan to the ground. As The Undertaker stands over Blackjack the fans there can clearly hear him say that he'll tell him everything after he fights him in the ring. Then he stomps off.



The Midnight Express def Mick Foley & Brian Pillman to retain the Tag Team titles


If this doesn't illustrate precisely how tag matches are over-valued in TEW10, this should do it. No tag chemistry, no tag experience, a tainted finish, and thanks to Foley's sub-60 psych no call in the ring, yet I get this result. I did go ahead and use Open Match meaning pretty much no one gained any overness from it and it helped the match. However, I never thought in my wildest dreams that it would get over a 68, and it probably shouldn't.



Manny Fernandez def Shawn Michaels & Jimmy Garvin in an elimination match to win the Superior Wrestling Championship via interference from Precious as she caused him to crotch himself on the top rope.


I would love to know why I got that lack of psychology note. 64 was the worst of the 3 so I should have been good. It went 22 minutes which isn't that long in a 3-way. When you see that lack of psychology note keep in mind that a) you should have scripted the match and b) because you didn't take 4-6 points off the match rating. Shawn pinned Jimmy then lost to Manny at least in my head as you have no control of the elimination order (I tried putting it like this Manny wins, Jimmy loses, Shawn loses which didn't work) in the game. It is strictly determined by their pop. Hopefully that will be fixed in the next version. Now, I get to find out if I beat WWW's 66. Not looking good...



Shawn recovers from the roll-up and starts a beatdown on Manny. Precious (again should have put her in the angle) starts screaming to get out here. Out comes Jimmy at a stroll with a chair in hand. He slides into the ring as Shawn is picking Manny up for a superkick. The crowd screams at Shawn (who's shorter than Manny btw) who ducks leaving Manny to take a chair shot to the back. Jimmy tries to sell the shock as Shawn takes the chance to leave the ring. Soon they are followed by Garvin and Precious as Steve and Blackjack are left to their own discussion about whether it was intentional or not.



Did I mention the 6 total drug negatives? Why do they cause this much damage? Quite silly and unrealistic imo.



And the answer to that question is NO! I will have lost the regional battle to WWW which means I'll end up only going up to 25.5 instead of 25.7. I did manage to sell out the 450 seat arena at $10/ticket due to hitting E last month so that's a plus. I should make a ton of money this month as I spent $2,000 less than I did last month. And Rude signed with NJPW on a Written deal meaning losing to Sting was his last match which was why I had him lose to Sting and Manny go solo. I made $4,907 this month as my Merchandise dropped slightly.


So, now I have to figure out what my Plan F is as clearly a Garvin/Manny feud is going to be a disaster. Still angry about that lack of psychology note as both Jimmy and Manny have 70's with Shawn's 64 psych. So, I'm off to bed. This diary may slow down a little as the college basketball conference tournaments are heating up. When the NCAA tournament gets going, I definitely will be taking those 4 days off. Go Kentucky Wildcats!

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Just a quick update and short lesson on gimmicks.


First here's a scary thought.



In related news, they've righted the ship and stayed in place the last couple of months. So, it doesn't look like we're going to have an SWF fall to cult thing going on. In better news, WCW has continued to slide in pop at a point a month so no worries about them hitting National causing me to scream and punch stuff as my roster goes bye-bye. AWA is so far away I'm not worried about them. Hey, just like real-life!:p


LEROY JENKINS IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Daily Show reference from last night. Find it on the web now. Hilarious, and not Eidenhoek funny, actually funny.:p)


Things I would have loved to know before picking the owner/cornerstone of my fed. Eh, that motivation penalty isn't that big a hit in the grand scheme of things. Smoking pot twice in your life is clearly worse *glares at Garvin and Manny snorting coke off a table*



I decided to try the normal thing to do at high-Small which is run a 2nd small show. It's a 1 hour show (as I learned that Medium shows have to be 1.5 hours). A little more expensive as I sent Rude off to Japan with a loss and decided to elevate Owen to the Upper Midcard (failed btw as losing Rude caused me to only require 6/6 ME/UMC keeping him at Midcard. still jumped to 43 so he's +1 from where he was when he lost the belt).


I did this for 2 reasons. The main one is to obviously hit Regional quicker. I only gained 1.2 instead of 1.5 due either to the Small show or more likely clicking in just under the 40 points better than my pop. Only lost $2,360 which can be chalked up to 2 things. Using Rude ($800) instead of a cheaper wrestler, and the projected attendance was supposed to be 400 causing me to book the 400 seat/$1,000 cost arena instead of a 350-375 one that would have cost me $200. So, all told, I blew $1450 I wouldn't normally do on a show like this. Still, I'll take the trade of losing a little bit of money/not making much of a profit for hitting Regional while the economy stinks as I'll make a ton more money at Regional. Also, this is going to keep me at 23rd in the promotional rankings which keeps me employed.


One bonus of completing the first owner goal at Small is I picked up the >35 Athletic ability. The big thing is that sometimes when you hit Regional you can get those skill goals except they're 53, not 35. That can take a useless goal and make it really annoying.



Superior Wrestling Thunderstruck


Mystery Wrestler vs Mysterion (my rusty signing from earlier)

Lanny Poffo vs Steve Keirn--Cruiserweight Title Match

Blackjack Mulligan vs The Undertaker (a Brawl-based gimmick match)

Sting vs Jimmy Garvin--#1 Contenders Match for Championship Title

The Midnight Rockers vs The Midnight Express--Tag Team Titles

Michael Hayes vs Manny Fernandez--Cage Match for Superior Wrestling Championship Title


Back to the 2.5 hours show as 3 of the matches are going to be long ones. Also, there will probably be a short crowd-killing match before the final 2 matches.

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Quick tip on selecting venues for shows. The game will give you a reasonably accurate estimated attendance figure. From there, you need to pick the best available venue according to size. Keep in mind that there are hard cut-offs on the cost of the venue. For instance, from 400-1,000, the cost remains $1,000. "So, I should just pick a 1,000 seat venue?" Not exactly. Your show will get a bonus if it is a sell out so you need to figure out which is better, more tickets or a sell out. Since I'm so good at booking, okay WWW bombed with a 63, so I don't need to much help with the match rating, and I'm desperate for money. So, I'm picking from the numerous 1,000 seat venues in Texas. There is also a bonus as they are all listed as Hotbeds. Along with matching the product to the venue (especially important if you're a Pure or Hardcore fed), picking a Hotbed venue will always bring you more people which is why making your own venue is a must do at either mid-Regional or definitely Cult. I'll mention that in detail later.


Superior Wrestling Thunderstruck II


Manny Fernandez is in the ring to start the show. He says that he's the new champ now, and that he's going to hold onto the title for a very long time unlike that goofball Michael Hayes who couldn't even defeat Jimmy Garvin. Manny continues that since he's ditched that kid that was holding him back that he will let his excellence shine through to all you worthless fans here in Texas. Blackjack takes the opportunity to interject. He says that if he's so good that he won't mind facing Hayes who is going to get a fair shot at that title tonight without any interference in a steel cage! Fernandez starts to sputter that he can't do that to him when Hayes slides in behind him and they brawl for a couple of minutes before it is broken up.



Lanny Poffo vs Steve Keirn--Cruiserweight Title Match


A slight shuffle as I ended up not having the room to put in another crowd lowering match so we kick off with a Title match. Not nearly the match I thought it would be. Partially my fault because again, I forgot to check whether they could go all out only to discover Keirn can't. Oh well, not bad in the grand scheme of things. Keirn wins with a handful of tights to retain the title.



Next up is the Stack interviews Garvin and Precious segment. This time Garvin hypes up his upcoming #1 contenders match versus Sting. He isn't worth the time and effort an will be nothing more than a stepping stone to getting that title back. It's all his fault that he lost the title anyway. Very good angle.



Blackjack Mulligan vs The Undertaker--Badstreet Brawl


First, always remember to switch a non-wrestler back to Occasional Wrestler so you can book them. This is the advantage of having my new mystery signing as he gets to be the Road Agent even though I had Keirn and Sting was good enough now to be one (he's the one I use on my Small shows). Unfortunately, I forgot to use the Overbook note as I knew that there would be the lack of selling note. That's when you should use it or with two mediocre wrestlers involved in the match. It hides obvious in-ring flaws, not stamina or psychology ones, but the others like selling. This one underperformed too, but I'm not concerned. Remember, the semi-main and main event matches are all that matter. Basically, Blackjack tries to hang blow for blow with a youngster like The Undertaker, but he's been retired for almost a year now. Eventually, he stops giving as good as he gets, but he won't give up. Finally, Sting, on color commentary for the match, gets up and metaphorically throws in the towel by telling the ref to end the match.



As you can imagine, this ticks Taker off something awful. Dinsmore goes scurring from the ring as Taker closed in on him. He turns back to the prone Mulligan, but Sting gets in his face as they have another faceoff. Finally, The Undertaker leaves the ring.



Sting vs Jimmy Garvin--#1 Contenders Match for Championship Title

Oof, I may have made a mistake putting this match here. Come on tag title match! The crowd had woken up from their slumber and warmed up with that angle leading to a very high quality match. This was helped by Sting's inexplicable jump in pop this month. I'd love to be responsible for it, but I'm not looking a gift-horse in the mouth. This match goes back and forth for a long time with lots of near falls. Sunshine is finally left to announce 5 minutes left of the 20 minute time limit. This causes a noted uptick in the action which caused Garvin to eat a Stinger Splash in the corner. Right as Sting is setting up for the Deathlock, Sunshine says 1 minute, and Undertaker hops into the ring clubbing Sting in the back of the head. It was enough as the bell is rung as we're out of time....Draw (what, you think I'm not drawing this out longer?:D)



Michael Hayes has a short time to hype his match vs Manny for the Championship. He says that he's missed the great fans of Texas (while teaching a young Mick Foley the cheap pop trick), and he has come back to save you from the drecks of Manny and Jimmy. That title is going to come back around my waist tonight, and I get to make Manny bleed.



Mil Mascaras vs Mysterion


And now you know who the mystery signee is. I couldn't pass up his skills. This was just another attempt to gain skills for me and make sure his ring rust is all gone before he wins the title from Keirn (sorry Steve!). I got the answer as clearly 2 matches isn't enough to eliminate the rust. Oh, and of course, I didn't learn a **** thing from the match. Grrr...of course this would happen in my diary game. I've gained tons of skills in the other diaries. Don't know why this is happening other than the fact that I'm a living example of Murphy's Law.



As the fans settle back into their seats from visiting the concession stand, Bruce Pritchard and the Midnight Express come out to the ring to hype themselves to the moon. I'm beginning to not like Pritchard as this angle bombed after a lousy match. Glad I don't have to shoot very high this month as this angle may have put a 68-70 permanently out of reach. At least Eaton and Lane improve their mic skills.



The Midnight Rockers vs The Midnight Express--Tag Team Titles


And this match delivers for me. The match is great featuring everything these two teams can throw at each other. Pritchard earns his money for the Express as he ends the match by tripping Jannetty causing him to stumble right into a powerslam by Lane for the flash pinfall. 4th defense of the Tag Team Titles.



Michael Hayes vs Manny Fernandez--Cage Match for Superior Wrestling Championship Title


This one delivered for me as they put on as classic a match as you can expect at Small. They both beat the living daylights out of each other for 20 minutes. After one last time of launching Hayes into the cage, Manny looks like he's going to exit the cage door, but Hayes recovers quickly. The door is open with both heads sticking out as they both do the two people sticking together while trying to go through a tight opening simultaneously. Garvin comes down to the ring while Precious distracts the ref leaving the door unattended. Garvin clearly yells "get down!" and slams the cage door...



...on Manny's head as you don't have to tell Michael Hayes anything twice. Garvin and Precious have credible looks of shock on their face giving Hayes the chance to push the door back open shoving Garvin out of the way with it. Michael Hayes wins the Superior Wrestling Championship for a 2nd time becoming the first repeat champion in SW! history! It goes down as botched interference as Stack, Sting (selling Blackjack as hurt), and Sunshine on commentary have a long debate on who that warning was really for to end the match.



It doesn't look like Manny thought it was a warning for him though as he's regained his faculties though he's lost his head a little bit. Precious sees it first and gets in between them trying to explain how it was all a big mistake. Jimmy says he's sorry, and he really wanted to help him retain the title. Precious says a few more words that seem to calm the entire situation down as the show comes to a close. Uh, yeah, I lowered Manny's drug use down to 5-10% instead of 20-30% that it was. Gee, think that helped much?



Remember what I said about Hotbed locations? How does a projected 750 attendance sound? How does getting a 1,000 seat SELLOUT sound? Easily shattering the previous record for attendance. Now, how bad did the angles hurt the show?



It was about what I expected. Around 7 points which isn't unexpected as all but one angle failed. That's the problem with great semi-main and main events. If it had been a 73 and 75, the other 3 angles wouldn't have been failing leaving the tag team one being awful. Probably would have gotten a 72. Oh well, we're far away from that difference mattering. The thing that does matter is that I set a record for profit in the month by clearing $7,680! This was all due to going from $4500 to $13,590 in ticket sales from my two shoes while only spending $3,600 more on workers. So despite the drop in merchandise and DVD sales, I set a record.:D


My pop has jumped to 28.2 meaning if I keep my normal gains of 1.5, I'll hit Regional at the end of next month (30.6 pop). Even 1.2 will do fine. Thankfully, this will be the last month with a failing economy as it is at 4.

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Can you link me to those grade/number hybrid pics?




There are several dual-grade options to choose from in the mods section. You just have to search dual-grade (with or without hyphen). To use any of them, backup the existing numbers in the Skins/Default/Graphics file. Then, you put all of the new dual grade pics in that folder. After doing all of that, you have to uncheck the box in the user settings in the game that states show stats as grades instead of numbers (the very first option). Keep in mind that this will work in any game you have going, BUT it will only work after getting into a new game as the Tour the fed option shows only grades. So, you have to go past the initial picking which fed to start with to see the dual grades.

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First, the Summer Showcase was a complete hit. Another 1,000 seat sell-out! And we almost beat WWW's regular show with the 66. They scored a 67 which should be easily doable considering my semi-main and main events for the regular show.



Now, today's topic is the absurd penalties the "poor" angle note brings you. This is from my fun ECW game with Hive's 1995 War of the Worlds mod (the 1994 version coming soon to this board. Whatcha gonna do when Hulkamania runs wild on WCW?



Did I mention that your main event match better be darn good? That is one of the worst matches I've ever seen a Regional fed run in one of the last 2 slots ever. The penalty for doing it? 10 points! Go back and look at several of my cards. I've lost 6-8 points just from 2 angles being more than 10 points worse than the main event/semi-main avg. So again, if you're not running a much more pop fed, you may seriously have to consider running an angle free fed. That's why I've been spamming Menace and Sex Appeal angles (though most of those have been helpers to the angle) so often.


I do want to point something out. Normally, I hate to switch the title back to someone who hasn't been in a match for 2 months without an injury, real or fake, but that's something you have to do sometimes with an expensive roster. Frankly though, for what I'm heading towards, Manny didn't need to keep the title, and this gets my most reliable (drug-free surprisingly) and best performing main eventer back in the main event. Again, this is something you have to keep in mind as that is 70% of your match (and typically your show) rating. When you find a couple of people who can really deliver for you, keep them going. It's easy to do when you're this small as you're only giving them popularity in one measly region which typically doesn't draw too much attention and keeps their price down. As we expand to regional, that will start to change.


This brings us to TV. When you look for TV, you have to do some obvious filtering: Country and Size of fed they'll deal with. If you're doing a hardcore fed that restricts you from Mainstream networks, you're kind of out of luck on filters as it's best to leave that unsorted and skip those networks when they pop up. Otherwise, you have to filter Sports Specific then do it again for Cult. The rankings of those 3 categories is Mainstream, Sports Specific, Cult. So, you want to shoot for Mainstream when you can, but those typically have higher thresholds for giving you a deal both in Prestige and Time Slots than the other two have. You have to have a certain prestige level before you can get a deal with them. Your prestige goes up over time (mine is up to 20 which will jump when I hit Regional).


When you're looking for a TV deal, you have to remember a couple of key things. First, you can't renegotiate time slots with the same network meaning if you take a graveyard slot, you're stuck there unless there is another network willing to take you. However, ratings are pretty much meaningless. You gain pop from your shows, and your money is gained from your contract based on how their finances are. This is the second thing. NEVER sign a TV deal where you receive no money (a 100/100 deal). Yeah, you'll gain pop in other areas, but you'll be out of business long before you can ever use the gains. In an ideal world, you'd get a 70/90--meaning 70% revenue (30% to you)/90% costs (that's your amount). When you are first starting, you can expect a 90/100 deal. That's fine as you can make sure that you make money from the shows or make money for the month off your sponsors and big monthly show.


The third thing to keep in mind is that you have to have good coverage in the area(s) that network you want to get on. For example, Tempo Television would be an awesome choice for me. It's 20% Prestige (check), High Patience (always good to have as you're trying to figure out how to successfully book a cheap show), Risk Levels-Medium (note to mod makers, if you have a product that requires you to run Low Risk matches instead of the default Very Low, Medium is the min. risk level you can do so cut it out with low risk PPV and TV networks. I don't know why it kicks it up a level like that, but I've had to edit several PPV carriers and networks because of my usual product.), and it covers the entire US and Canada. However, I'm going to have to cover at least THREE of these regions at a rate of 40 pop before they'll talk to me. So, basically, I'll be at Cult before I can get on that network. My best choice to start out with is KXTX-TV as it covers just Mid South and South East (one of my 2 spillover areas). My pop in Mid South should be enough to be popular enough for them to give me a show. There is a network that just covers Mid South, but again, if you aren't going to get additional regions from TV, the deal better be awesome. There's really no point in running a TV show on just a one-area network. I'd have to be rolling in money and get a 70/90 deal for me to sign up with them. TV just costs a lot of money to gain nothing but a distant spillover gain.


Now, obviously, when you run in multiple areas, you start the ramp up to Cult. This is something you should never do unless your bank account has SEVEN figures in it, and that first number should never be 1 either. Cult is pure hell in TEW 10 unless you are completely prepared for it. Take my ECW game for example. I have a TV show that covers almost the entire US and 2 PPV deals both 90%. The big thing though is that my TV shows are run in my custom-built arena in my home base (Tri-State) with about 8,000 per show, and my PPV crowd is about 18,000. I'm clearing $110,000/show with a High drug test level and minor music. That's being prepared and having lots of experience playing Cult feds.


Superior Wrestling Summer Bash


Michael Hayes vs Jimmy Garvin vs Manny Fernandez--Superior Wrestling Championship Title match

Sting vs The Undertaker

Rick Martel vs Tom Pritchard

Mil Mascaras vs Steve Keirn--Cruiserweight Title Match

Shawn Michaels vs Shane Douglas

Mick Foley vs Mike Rotundo

My user character and The Midnight Express will be in action as well


This will for sure be my last show at Small so I put it in Week 2 in case I need to go on a hiring spree. I may stick with my 2nd small show as I made almost $1,000 from it though I haven't decided on that yet.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Black';"><span style="font-size:36px;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">Superior Wrestling Summer Bash</span></span></span></p><p>


First, we start off with a couple of dark matches as we don't have to worry about money due to hitting Regional meaning a lot more sponsorship money. So, we try a little bit of skill development.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Mysterion def Aldofo Tapia</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Certainly not breaking the bank on this match, and definitely not a good match. However, I pick up a win in this lousy match. That's one of the ways you use dark matches. And that's the price you pay for having low consistency. Yep, no skill gain again.<img alt=":mad:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/mad.png.69834f23b9a8bf290d98375f56f1c794.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><a href="http://www.UploadScreenshot.com/image/836388/7197904" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://img1.UploadScreenshot.com/images/main/3/7617092074.jpg</span></a></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Ricky Santana def Scott Armstrong</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

First, I didn't realize I hadn't used Scott in a match in over 6 months as he was rusty. Second, that's the price you pay for using the dominate note as I tried to boost Ricky's pop. Oh well, I wasn't expecting a great match which is why it was here.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><a href="http://www.UploadScreenshot.com/image/836391/6102439" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://img1.UploadScreenshot.com/images/main/3/7617112720.jpg</span></a></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Finally, we limp towards the start of the show. No surprise that I'm going to have a cold crowd as I always have that. Another reason why I didn't care about the dark matches (remember, the <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">ANGLES</span></strong> in the pre and post shows count towards the show grade or at least you get penalized for them if they are a "poor" angle, but dark matches never do other than the over-use note).</p><p> </p><p>

Jimmy Garvin and Precious are in the ring. They call out Manny Fernandez to come to the ring. Garvin tries to tell Manny that everything should still be cool between them because it has been nothing but accidents and bad luck on the interference. Blackjack comes out and says that if you believe that, I've got oceanfront property in north Texas he'll sell Manny real cheap. It's clear to anyone here that Jimmy and that tramp he has with him are never going to let you get that title back. I have an offer for you. I will book you 1 on 1 with Michael Hayes for the Superior Wrestling Championship belt if you leave these two losers. Jimmy says that evidently The Undertaker didn't knock enough sense into you last month. Precious and I are not, nor will we ever, stand in the way of Manny winning the title, but either you're with us or against us. So, you better stay with us, or we'll make you regret it. Besides, it is clear to me that Blackjack will keep coddling Hayes so if you don't have our help, nobody will ever be given a fair shot at beating him. Blackjack says that is a lie, but you will have to decide who is telling the truth and decide now. Manny looks both of them over and just stalks off out of the ring to the back leaving both men stunned and Precious slightly upset.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><a href="http://www.UploadScreenshot.com/image/836394/1317345" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://img1.UploadScreenshot.com/images/main/3/7617134361.jpg</span></a></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Rick Martel def Tom Prichard</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

This is part of the push Martel strategy I'm working under as he can clearly put on great matches. These two put on a great opening match really engaging the crowd (as I try to stop the cold crowd note). Can't ask more from an opening match than this. Probably should have put it later in the show.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><a href="http://www.UploadScreenshot.com/image/836406/6601382" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://img1.UploadScreenshot.com/images/main/3/7617191634.jpg</span></a></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Shawn Michaels def Shane Douglas</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Another awesome match between two young up-and-comers. And here come The Midnight Express to wreck it. They lay out Shawn in the middle of the ring leading to a DQ.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><a href="http://www.UploadScreenshot.com/image/836415/9047504" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://img1.UploadScreenshot.com/images/main/3/7617250058.jpg</span></a></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Michael Hayes comes out next. He says that normally a champion should be worried about facing two men in a 3-way match, but after what Garvin has put Manny through the last 2 months, this Freebird is not worried. He's ready to soar, and he's going to keep this beautiful title belt around his waist. Those two can bicker over who is the bigger man or who can last longer in bed with the skank for all he cares. Michael Hayes is the champion in Superior Wrestling, and he's going to stay that way for a long, long time.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Remember what I said about angles being all about overness? This sums it up pretty well. Hayes has B- skills across the Entertainment skills, but his overness is 66. The other two were off screen so they don't matter in the angle and don't gain overness from being in the angle. However, their drug negatives don't factor in either. People have to be on-screen to gain pop or affect the angle grade. Somehow, this didn't get an angle worse than the preceding spot note but did get a cold crowd note despite two consecutive 60+ matches including the first one that had the work the crowd note.</em></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><a href="http://www.UploadScreenshot.com/image/836418/8954127" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://img1.UploadScreenshot.com/images/main/3/7617283898.jpg</span></a></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Mick Foley def Mike Rotundo</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Did you know that Mick now pushes to Main Event? Shocked me too. He's jumped almost 20 points in 4 months. We continue our string of quality matches that continue to get hit with the cold crowd note. Pretty soon I'll start getting the burnt out crowd note from having too many consecutive segments score about the same. Nice win for Mick even though he doesn't pick up any skill gains.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><a href="http://www.UploadScreenshot.com/image/836421/8310385" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://img1.UploadScreenshot.com/images/main/3/7617301492.jpg</span></a></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">The Midnight Express def Art Barr & Dean Malenko to retain the Tag Team Titles</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

And we finally hit on tag chemistry!!!!! Unfortunately, it is with a lower midcarder and an opener. Fortunately, they are both very talented and won't stay there too long. Nothing is a surprise here as the Midnights retain the titles.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><a href="http://www.UploadScreenshot.com/image/836425/8694166" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://img1.UploadScreenshot.com/images/main/3/7617390010.jpg</span></a></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Next up, we have a contract signing between Sting and The Undertaker for the #1 Contendership match. Steve Stack says that the match will be a Texas Death match. Sting says that's funny since Taker is already dead. Taker says that won't stop him from killing him. This causes an argument which leads to Taker knocking Sting face down in the ring.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><a href="http://www.UploadScreenshot.com/image/836427/6647728" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://img1.UploadScreenshot.com/images/main/3/7617454451.jpg</span></a></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Mil Mascaras def Steve Keirn via Count Out; Steve Keirn retains the Cruiserweight Title</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Mil has finally shaken off the rust. This is a good example of how matches don't do as well when you can't go all out (and the match is too short to use slow build). Also, when you have a cheap finish, it drops the match rating a little bit too. Still, this is a midcard match, and a 59 is darn good. Mil looks like he's going to win on several occasions, and finally Keirn snaps and just walks out leading to the count out. Mil is unhappy in the ring.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><a href="http://www.UploadScreenshot.com/image/836429/4377365" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://img1.UploadScreenshot.com/images/main/3/7617475284.jpg</span></a></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Marty Jannetty def Eddie Guerrero</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

This is part of the rebuilding the Midnight Rockers' pop combined with using Eddie as he loses his way up the card. Somehow, we've lost the cold crowd note along the way, and we haven't picked up the burnt out crowd note either. Hopefully, Eddie's psych skills rubbed off on Marty and solidify his 60 psych too.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><a href="http://www.UploadScreenshot.com/image/836446/2034493" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://img1.UploadScreenshot.com/images/main/3/7617553023.jpg</span></a></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Sting def The Undertaker in a Texas Death #1 Contenders Match</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

We've reached the semi-main event of the evening. This is a real brutal match featuring very little wrestling and lots of fists a-flying. Right as The Undertaker seems to have seized control of the match as Sting is bleeding in the ring, Blackjack Mulligan gets up from the announce table with his chair in hand. He hops up on the apron and gets Taker's attention. As Taker goes to punch him, Blackjack swings the chair up and nails Taker right between the eyes! The ref can't do anything as this is a no-DQ match. Sting has recovered by this point and saw what Mulligan did, and he's really ticked off about it. Sting says that he could win this match on his own while Blackjack keeps yelling at him to pin him to start the 10 count. Sting says he won't do it. Blackjack says that if he won't do it, he's going to step in the ring and lay him out then permanently end Taker's career as he's fed up with The Undertaker in Superior Wrestling. Sting reluctantly covers The Undertaker who is still motionless in the ring for the 10 count. Sting is the new #1 contender.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><a href="http://www.UploadScreenshot.com/image/836452/4771604" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://img1.UploadScreenshot.com/images/main/3/7618022822.jpg</span></a></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Sting gets in Blackjack's face and demands that he drop the chair and leave the ring right now! Mulligan says that he's going to pay Taker back for what he did to him last month, and Sting isn't going to stop him. Sting proceeds to knock the chair out of his hands as they have a staredown that leaves the crowd on the edge of their seats. The two men finally go their separate ways as Taker has been taken to the back by this point.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><a href="http://www.UploadScreenshot.com/image/836467/3218458" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://img1.UploadScreenshot.com/images/main/3/7618224686.jpg</span></a></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Michael Hayes def Jimmy Garvin and Manny Fernandez to retain the Superior Wrestling Championship Title</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Clearly, this match isn't going to be a 2-on-1 match as Manny and Jimmy aren't even on the book much less the same page anymore. Michael succeeds in getting the two of them to fight each other for part of the match mainly popping in to make sure neither one gets a pin. They finally decide to take on Hayes as a team which puts the champ in serious trouble. He is down in the ring while Manny sends Garvin out to the floor with a dropkick. Manny takes a moment to let it sink in that he's going to be the new champion. Unfortunately, he forgot about Precious outside of the ring. She hops up on the apron and starts applauding saying that he's going to win. But before he does that, the winner should get a kiss. The crowd starts to chant NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Sure enough, Manny gets one across the kisser though it's a hand, not lips. Hayes takes advantage with the rollup to retain the title. Then, he gets the hell out of dodge with the title belt.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><a href="http://www.UploadScreenshot.com/image/836474/4270170" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://img1.UploadScreenshot.com/images/main/3/7618365388.jpg</span></a></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

To say that Manny is ticked off is an understatement. He gets up and heads straight for Precious...or where Precious was standing just a minute ago as she pulled a road-runner and beep-beeped her way out of the arena. Garvin is up though. He hollers at Manny saying he's a two-bit Mexican who isn't worthy of shining his boots, and that he will never be champion here while Jimmy Garvin is around. Manny moves in to attack Garvin, but he neglects to check behind him as a 7 foot tall shadow falls over him. The Undertaker strikes fast and furiously leaving Manny in a pool of his own blood as the show ends with Garvin high-fiving The Undertaker. You can hear Garvin say "you were worth every penny". <em>Ugh, even Taker's un-godly menace can't completely save two mid-50's over drug addicts</em></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><a href="http://www.UploadScreenshot.com/image/836485/8362999" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://img1.UploadScreenshot.com/images/main/3/7618444697.jpg</span></a></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

The turn of Manny Fernandez was a complete success!</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><a href="http://www.UploadScreenshot.com/image/836488/2897186" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://img1.UploadScreenshot.com/images/main/3/7618473296.jpg</span></a></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Yay, about a 6 point poor angles penalty! Oh well, the show sold out, and we easily beat WWW this month. Of course the big news is that SW! did indeed jump to Regional as our prestige jumped up to 31 with our momentum at 43 (not bad for just over a year starting at 0). Even keeping the brand split (which is still a must btw), I have an excess of 3 workers. Since I'm a roster hog, that means I need to sign about 6 more people!<img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> I'm kidding though I'm going to add a couple. </p><p> </p><p>

The one thing I forgot about is that most of the top people are going to want downsides in their contracts which means that I shouldn't negotiate with them until next month as they'll still get the downside this month. I'm rolling in cash now, but it is still a massive waste of money so that is a no go. The same thing with signing people to written deals. If they're on your roster at the end of the month and have either a downside deal (and went unused that month) or a written deal, they're going to get paid. The only exception would be if you steal someone from a company you're at war with or they are currently on a written deal, the contract doesn't start until the existing one runs out (7 days on a PPA or length of time on written contract between 1-14 days usually). None of that applies to me right now.</p><p> </p><p>

I'll list who I'm going to go after and why in the next installment which will be up probably around 5-7pm CDT as the late games all look like they're going to blow.</p>

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And boy was I right about these games being awful...


I can't stress this enough. In a different game, I would maybe sign one or two people which would probably be a couple of people on my roster already because you shouldn't be going after a whole lot of people wanting $1,000+. As you've seen, you really only need about 4 great wrestlers to hold down the main event matches. However, I'm a sucker for big rosters plus I love this era of wrestling so much that I can't resist picking up some of the people. Also, keep in mind that the economy has completely tanked. At the start of the month, it has hit 1 and is still falling. This means that this is the cheapest I'm ever going to be able to get most of these people. If I can lock them up for 18 or 24 months, that will be huge for me in the long run to Cult, and it is a really long run to Cult when you play a 3x0 game as you're mainly waiting for spillover to take effect to grow.


The first thing is to evaluate the roster to see if there are people that you're not using or can easily be replaced with a better option for about the same price. Also, you have to keep an eye on the face/heel balance. There are some people that can play either well, but the larger percentage can only do one well. You don't want to have to turn 3 people on your first show if you can help it.


Here's the list of people I could happily let go:

Tim Patterson (hired just for his pop which has gone up still not that good)

Jason Knight (lousy)

Scott Armstrong (little used though good psych)


Could let go if I really, really wanted to but I don't right now: El Hijo del Diablo

He's just too good backstage and he speaks Spanish which can help as well if I lose a couple of people.


That's the list. The first thing I would recommend is to look at the Hidden Gems list as that's where some good people are to be found. However, that couldn't be further from the truth for me as it can be summed up as Brian Adams and Konnan (average in the ring and massively awful backstage), and Adams has 0 pop in the Mid South and one tag team which doesn't work as Denton is out hurt, not to mention old as dirt too (40).


Beyond that, the things I cross off my list for potential hires.

1. Cancer backstage--So, no Ultimate Warrior, Kevin Sullivan, Dusty Rhodes (even if I could get him), Buzz Sawyer, Larry Zbyszko, or Scott Hall


If they had just incredible talent, I could probably take one or two. Considering my backstage is at about 200% with just Manny being a minor negative, I could swing it. However, I have never seen the logic in signing a true knucklehead not named Jay Chord or Hulk Hogan in any of my games. It only takes one to completely ruin your backstage so shy away from them as much as possible.


2. Lower than 55 psych for mod-created wrestlers.


I apply that a lot more liberally for the game-generated wrestlers as A) they tend to start off with horrible psych to begin with but B) they start off with some fabulous skills to off-set that. I'm past the need for lousy psych guys as I can easily find several Virtually Unknowns or Independent Names to plug in. As Eidenhoek pointed out in his NYCW diary, a youngster is going to gain about 2 psych per year regardless of who or if they wrestle anyone. 55 is a pretty good cut-off line.


3. Obvious owner goal failures


This won't affect me right now as I mentioned before that until you hit Regional, the goal number is 35. However, I'm starting to reach the end of two of my stat goals in the next 8 months. That means they will jump to 53. Hopefully, I won't get the 53 psych goal as the 53 stamina or safety aren't a big deal though again that's part of Rule #2. The worst one is athleticism, but I lucked out as I got that one while still at Small so I've got 18 months before that one expires at 35.


4. You can hire older wrestlers though there really should be a very good reason why you're doing it. Mil Mascaras fit the bill as he's just that good. Steve Keirn wouldn't be hired now if I was hunting for someone for instance though. Your time decline list should still be pretty clean. Unfortunately, I have 4 on it. Oddly, Rotundo is the 4th one (Mil, Garvin, Keirn, Rotundo). 30 isn't a good time to be past your prime. If I don't get Windham, he might be a cut. Think Steve Flash rather than Black Hat Bailey.


5. I'm not going to go over $2,000 which normally would eliminate National Workers, but with this economy, I think I can swing it. However, that does count out International Stars which is really a no duh as they won't give Regional feds the time of day anyway. Normally, you would be focusing on the lower-level Independent Stars as being as much as you want to spend.


So, we do a couple of quick signings before the end of the month for the big ticket people. Here's the wrestler.



He's going to be an Enhancement Talent as he has 0 pop anywhere and will probably remain Midcard and below in his career with that SQ. However, wow! That top row is awesome for a 25 year old. With those performance skills he'll be an excellent curtain jerker as well. That's Jerry Lynn btw at $100 PPA for 24 months.


Next comes the Color Commentator. Normally, I wouldn't hire him, but he's a game-created person who oddly was created as a ref (53). I think anything else that involves a mic would be better, don't you?



He checks in at only $300 PPA for 24 months. Jerry Kelly is his name, and the only drawback is that he's got 4 pop across the US. Hopefully, I will get lucky and get announcer chemistry. Plus, now I get to stop having to manually select Blackjack as Road Agent every match. He wasn't giving me a color commentator bonus anyway.


Now, one last tip that Remi pointed out in his RTG game. You want to target people in a certain order. The way the negotiations work is largely based on your roster's top 3 contracts. So, sign all of your Independent Names first, then Ind. Stars before you go after National Workers. Also, targeting people on the last Thursday of the month kicks you into the start of next month to sign them.


Here are my main thoughts on who I want to bring in. I need a face tag team. Are there other relatives/friendships for my roster than I can afford? After all, that's why I signed a couple of people I did to begin with. I need another top heel (or two) since I turned Manny as I have 3 top faces (Sting, Hayes, and Manny) with only one top Heel not in a tag team (Garvin). The Undertaker just doesn't work well with how the game calculates who should be happy to lose to whom. His limited pop across most of the US keeps him off that list.


Who I offered:

The Rock N Roll Express (where the Midnight Express are they should follow)

Ronnie Garvin (fits perfectly as they also have a very experienced tag team together)

Tully Blanchard (one of my favorite wrestlers ever plus he brings plenty of coke...wait that's the wrong coke!)

Arn Anderson (fine I'll add another heel tag team. They're too good to pass up.)

Dutch Mantell (really good pop in Mid South as he works for WWW plus great mic skills though he's 38)

Barry Windham (Rotundo really needs me to sign him. Triple relationship with him and Blackjack)

Curt Henning (no explanation needed)

Chris Benoit (this is just a flier as he's locked in as Freelancer or AJPW will sign him forever)


There are two Guerreros running around free, but they're both National Workers so I'm waiting on them.


Let's see how this goes. I go with the 3 Independent Stars first (Dutch and the Express). The Express sign for $1,500 each thanks to the "I should be getting paid like your other main eventers". Oddly, Gibson demands a $700 downside while Morton doesn't. I've always like Ricky more anyway.:p


Looks like $1,500 is going to be it as Dutch wants it too. Ditto Ron Garvin. What say you Tully? *snort* Coke ain't cheap. I want $2,000/$1,000 downside and a midcard title run. You're a Light Heavyweight! Oh well, you're just lucky I love you too much for my own good.


Next day, Curt comes storming into my office. I heard that Tully's brought the coke, and I want in. Fine, $1,000/$700 downside. Ha! Ha! try again. $1,500/$700. I want a midcard title run. But you're a Light Heavyweight! Sigh. Fine. Calls in for a Jr. Heavyweight Title belt.


Day 3. First, I cut Knight and Patterson. Then, Arn breaks my heart by demanding $2,000/$1,000. You want a midcard title shot too? Nope, I'm good. But you're a Middleweight!!!! *facedesk* And it's clear I'm not going to sign Benoit as my roster is too big.


Day 4. Nothing. Uh oh, I hope Barry isn't negotiating with WCW. Bidding wars are bad (and stupid on PPA's).


Day 5. Benoit says he's not interested. Let me guess Barry, you want $2,000/$1,000 right? Yep. DO NOT DO THIS AT HOME!


I'm 10 over on my roster now. That's probably 5 too many. The pay breakdown isn't too bad other than Taylor ($1,000) and Martel ($1,500) push as Midcarders. Thankfully, there isn't anyone who has a contract coming up that could trigger the "I should be paid what other midcarders are" note. Oh crap, Owen, Pillman, and Shane Douglas come up in 1 month. This could get ugly.


Looks at my financial statement:



I think I will be fine. We'll see about that though.

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<p>Superior Wrestling announce that their shows will now be two days instead of one! This split card will allow everyone on the roster a chance to shine, and the crowd to get to know them and love or hate them all.</p><p> </p><p>

I came to this decision via simple math. If I keep getting 1,000 seat sell-outs, I will make $24,000 per month ($12 x 1,000 x 2). So, I figure that if I spend about $20,000 per show on talent plus the $2,500 the show costs, that will mean a net loss of $10,000 per show. Check out my sponsorship money again. That should soon hit $50,000 now that the economy is starting the very slow climb back up (2 and rising!!!!). This means that I should clear $20,000 per month pretty easily. Even then, that's looking at a breakdown like this:</p><p> </p><p>

$3,100 is set for my ref, road agent/authority figure, Stack and Jerry Kelly (CC)</p><p> </p><p>

That leaves me $17,000 for talent which is roughly ($1,500 x 11= $16,500) which isn't unrealistic and probably a little high as I balanced things pretty well. I'm going to put up a full roster breakdown later today (Tuesday), but here is the brand split.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Day 1</span></strong></p><p>

The focus of this brand is going to be the Superior Wrestling Championship and Cruiserweight Titles</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Main Eventer</span></strong></p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">Michael Hayes</span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

Sting</span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

Barry Windham</span></p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;">Tully Blanchard</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Upper Midcarder</span></strong></p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">Mick Foley</span></p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;">Arn Anderson</span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

The Undertaker</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Midcarder</span></strong></p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">Brian Pillman</span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

Mil Mascaras</span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

Owen Hart</span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

Rick Martel</span></p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;">Dutch Mantell</span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

Steve Keirn</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Lower Midcarder</span></strong></p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;">Eddie Guerrero</span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

Ricky Santana</span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

Shane Douglas</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Opener</span></strong></p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">Carl Wood</span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

Dean Malenko</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Enhancement Talent</span></strong></p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;">Jerry Lynn</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Day 2</span></strong></p><p>

This brand is going to focus on the Tag Team Titles and the soon-to-be created Junior Heavyweight Title</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Main Eventer</span></strong></p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">Ricky Morton</span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

Robert Gibson</span></p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;">Jimmy Garvin</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Upper Midcarder</span></strong></p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">Manny Fernandez</span></p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;">Bobby Eaton</span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

Ron Garvin</span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

Stan Lane</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Midcarder</span></strong></p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">Curt Hennig</span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

Marty Jannetty</span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

Shawn Michaels</span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

Terry Taylor</span></p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;">None</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Lower Midcarder</span></strong></p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;">Mike Rotundo</span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

Mysterion</span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

Tom Pritchard</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Opener</span></strong></p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">Aldofo Tapia</span></p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;">El Hijo del Diablo</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Enhancement Talent</span></strong></p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">Art Barr</span></p><p> </p><p>

Yes, I let go of Al Snow/Shinobi firing my only found tag chemistry in the game. Brainfart on my part, but I was way too face heavy down the card so I let him and Scott Armstrong go. So, I have a 19/18 breakdown, but I'm not going to hire anyone as it would cause auto-push to wreak havoc again by giving me 8 ME and UMC'ers instead of 7. Not a huge deal since I'm going to use everyone, but it annoys the hell out of me. I may flip Keirn next month after he drops the title to Mil, but I'll see how it goes.</p><p> </p><p>

My goal with this is to ramp up towards getting a TV deal which will end this split. Negotiations start next month which I'm completely positive I won't get picked up as I explained previously, but if I hit 40 pop before the next cycle, spillover will bump me to 17 pop instead of 5 in the South West and Mid West which might allow me to sneak a deal with someone. If not that, I'll jump another $2/ticket which will let me make more money. I can always call this idea off if it doesn't work out well. However, I really like this idea as two 2-hour shows beats me trying to cram almost everyone into a 3-hour show. One thing is for sure, I've got the horses to pull off 4 great semi-main and main events. Did I mention I love my roster?<img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

Now, I just have to guarantee WCW doesn't jump to National and steal pretty much my entire roster. Genadi mistakenly setting South West to an 80% Importance area will help some. However, they're starting to run really good shows as they have fought against the falling industry that normally kills much more pop feds. They're up to 71 overness across the country.<img alt=":(" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/frown.png.e6b571745a30fe6a6f2e918994141a47.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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Here's the more detailed roster breakdown done a day late.




Day 1

The focus of this brand is going to be the Superior Wrestling Championship and Cruiserweight Titles

(Name/Face or Heel/Contract Length/Amount/Momentum/Mid South Pop)


Main Eventer

Michael Hayes--Face/13 months/$1,500 $0 Downside/70/66--Our 2-time Superior Wrestling Champion has survived the challenge of Garvin's posse for now, but a quick look at the roster shows some new horses coming in. Currently #3 on the Franchise Player list


Sting--Face/Owner/$500/72/64--Our top face (yes, he's still our top face guess ownership has its privilages) is still wrapped up in his perpetual feud with The Undertaker. He's shown some tension with Blackjack over his growing hatred with Taker. Everyone knows he's never turning heel (though since he started as one I could turn him as he has a 77 heel rating) as that will strain my credibility with myself too much. He's going to start his other perpetual war with the horsemen soon.


Barry Windham--Face/23 months/$2,000 w/$1,000 downside/68pop--Blackjack's own son has been brought in either to reign in his father or become the in-ring avenger that his father can't be anymore. Time will tell. Since he doesn't have a title clause, I have a little bit of freedom with him. Windham has exceptional brawling skills (75) with quite good technical skills (C+ on all 3). The only hole in his arsenal is that pesky 58 entertainment skill which Blackjack will fill for the time being as his manager.


Tully Blanchard--Heel/14 months/$2,000 w/$1,000 down/67pop--For the record, I've toned down everyone's drug use to 10 or less, and Tully only had soft drug use which is odd since he admitted to failing WCW's drug test due to coke use irl. Oddly, he has a 77 in brawling but much less in technical skills than I would have thought. Oh well, expect some Cage matches and Texas Death matches with him which works out well for me. His Midcard title demand won't be too hard to deal with as he's starting off in a feud with Hayes. I can always switch Arn and Tully to Day 2 for the tag titles if the Rockers or Rock N Roll Express win the titles.


Upper Midcarder


Mick Foley--Face/7.5 months/$600/53/60--The big news is that he's up to that 60 pop and his psych is up to 56. He is going to learn a lot from the additions of Arn & Tully & Dutch Mantell. I just hope I can sign him to a reasonable deal when his contract comes up. His development is coming right along though.


Arn Anderson--Heel/23 months/$2,000 w/$1,000 down/56pop--His pop took a hit when he lost the WWW TV title to Dutch Mantell and a loss to Bubba Rogers the week before that in WCW. The great thing is that I can plug him in in so many places. He's a Middleweight so he can fight for the Cruiserweight Title. He's buddies and tag partners with Tully so I can go that route as well. Arn can literally do it all. An 83 mic skill, all B's on Performance skills highlighted by an 87 consistency, and a great 75 brawling skill. The only downside is that I'm his 3rd employer so he's a poaching risk.


The Undertaker--Heel/19 months/$100/62/59--He can gain pop so easily through his Brute gimmick and Menace angles, but he's severely hamstrung by his lack of nationwide pop making it almost impossible for him to win against anyone other than Sting or some midcarders or lower. Not much I can do about that, but I hope I can keep improving him as he's still in the very low 50's in Basics, Psych, and Selling.




Brian Pillman--Face/43 days/$600/54/35--And we hit the massive drop-off from the top 7 in pop. Pillman is here instead of LMC only because they have even less pop than he does. He is in a nice tag team with Owen which I'm stealing in experience from Stampede. Hopefully, he and Owen will get more use now that CWA isn't touring on days when I want to have a show. Resigning him may hurt my pocketbook more than I like though.


Mil Mascaras--Face/14 months/$700/59/41--His win streak has jumped him from 29 to 41 pop. Considering he's 45, this may be his last contract with anyone as he's #1 on the old fart board though it isn't saying "Retirement is staring him in the face" so maybe he'll go until he's 50. You can't turn down 92 psych, 90 SQ, 88 consistency, and C+ tech skills. Oh and 88 charisma. That's lots of bonuses. Shame I can't use his nice entertainment skills (speaks English and Spanish) with that lousy pop. He and Arn will be quite a show, or it would be if I could guarantee Arn would be happy losing.


Owen Hart--Face/47 days/$500/65/43--Former Cruiserweight Champ who is a must re-sign for me. He's more talented than most of my pre-Regional roster and still isn't a slouch with the bigger names. Kind of in a holding pattern push-wise as I can't really turn him, and he's still mainly a Cruiserweight though I might have a tag push with Pillman eventually.


Rick Martel--Face/5.5 months/$1,500/63/50--Shocked that he dropped this low. He may end up returning to his heelish ways soon which would cause him to jump to Day 2 since he's a LHW. Either that or organizing a Release Tito campaign which probably will get laughed out of Stamford, CT.


Dutch Mantell--Heel/23 months/$1,500/56pop--Also shocked he's this low, but this means I'll be able to do something I thought impossible in TEW--run midcard angles that don't bomb horribly (oh all my angles are going to bomb as I forsee 80-85 main events now I'm talking about 35-40 angles). He's another on the old fart list, but he's just on the decline. Great brawler and really awesome on the mic (75 Entertainment/73 Mic). Can also use his 72 Menace skill while enjoying his 87 consistency. That skill can't be overstated in importance as those constant off or really off his game can really hurt your match ratings.


Steve Keirn--Heel/7.5 months/$600/54/35--This shows you that even a cheap loss can kill your pop as he dropped from 41 to 35 with the Count Out loss to Mil. So remember that you can't accurately sim those nice "Heel says Phooey to the plucky face and takes his title and runs" in TEW. Losing kills everything. Not a huge deal since I'm not sure he's getting re-signed, but even if he does it will be that midcard gatekeeper role as his pushable days are long since passed. Stop laughing Stan Lane! I'll stop the Express and re-form The Fabulous Ones and have you carry him like he did you for 4 years!


Lower Midcarder


Eddie Guerrero--Heel/13 months/$400/60/29--He's been moving up in pop while losing which is pretty much what I expected for him. He's really young. A signing of one of his talented uncles would have been a big boost to his career, but he's very likely to have that never happen unless he leaves me for WCW when they hit National. Otherwise, he can sit tight, and maybe get a long title run as everyone with talent jumps ship.


Ricky Santana--Heel/7 months/$900/40/32--Way too expensive to be down here for too long. Especially when you consider that he's got no top-row skill higher than a D+. He can call in the ring, but I may be finding someone cheaper soon.


Shane Douglas--Heel/48 days/$600/54/32--He's very close to hitting 60 psych, and unlike Ricky, he's got loads of talent and young so he's not going anywhere unless he gets way too greedy.




Carl Wood--Face/4.5 months/$450/46/21--Nothing wild and crazy here other than his price tag being a little too high. He's still very young (20) and still developing into what looks to be a very solid lower midcarder for life (still has a 28 SQ). Not ready to cut bait with him yet even though I might have fired him and kept Al Snow if I'd thought about what I was doing.


Dean Malenko--Face/12 months/$400/60/18--Still the same talented, charisma-free wrestling machine we've all known. He can make everyone look good, and his momentum is very high so I can keep passing it off to others.


Enhancement Talent

Jerry Lynn--Heel/23 months/$100/0 pop--Another future midcarder (47 SQ) who will be kept far away from a mic at all costs. He's an excellent jobber though which is why he's right where he needs to be.


Day 2--This will be up later tonight!

This brand is going to focus on the Tag Team Titles and the soon-to-be created Junior Heavyweight Title


Main Eventer


Ricky Morton--Face/23 months/$1,500/61pop--Ahhh...my clear favorite Rock N Roll Express member. Yet another brawl-heavy worker, he clocks in at 62. Really, that's pretty much it other than his 56 Flash and 75 Athleticism. 85 stamina means I can pretty much run 60 minute Iron Man or Cage Wars with the Midnight Express.:D The lack of entertainment skills means I've had to go out and get another hottie to add to their interviews.


Robert Gibson--Face/23 months/$1,500 w/$700 downside/64pop--Okay, he's the more talented of the two. I have to give you that. Though I am not overly thrilled with both of their 71 psych skills as that could be a problem later on. Wait, WCW will hit National long before that becomes an issue.:( Oh well, hopefully I can ride them to Cult or high Regional. Still thrilled that I get to book RNR vs Midnight Express though. That's always fun.


Jimmy Garvin--Heel/13 months/$1,500 w/$800 downside/72/64--The feud with Manny is just heating up, and adding in his brother is going to ratchet it up even more in the coming months. It's funny that he went from one of the most expensive contract to now being one of the more reasonable ones. Hopefully, that won't change in a year, but other than his drug issues hurting his angles a little, he's done quite well for me.


Upper Midcarder


Manny Fernandez--Face/7.5 months/$1,500/87/60--And that's what a successful turn will bring you. 87 momentum will last a very long time. Since he still stinks on the mic, I'm giving Sunshine to him. Hmmm...Sunshine vs Precious in Texas, I think that will sell tickets. He's still the only bad backstage presence, but he has not raised a peep yet. This feud is probably going to consume the entire year in SW! which all good feuds should do.


Bobby Eaton--Heel/13.5 months/$1,500 w/$700 down/65/57--Half of the tag team champs, they haven't been gaining pop much at all. This is more of the tag team curse in TEW10 though WCW bears more of the burden than I do. Hopefully, that epic war that is going to be unleased on SW! will boost them up to where they should be.


Ron Garvin--Heel/23 months/$1,500/54pop--This is SW!'s version of nepotism as I would never sign a 43 year old that only has a 58 SQ and only a 64 selling that can't cut promos. However, he does bring a 100 tag team to the table, has a brother and sister-in-law that can cut the promos for him, can still go in the ring, and gives me that blood relative backstage positive. Not the worst signing in the world by far.


Stan Lane--Heel/13.5 months/$1,500 w/$700 down/66/55--The other half of the tag champs. He's doing better jumping to that 55 from the low 40's just 6 months ago.




Curt Hennig--Face/11 months/$1,500 w/$700/55pop-He of the Midcard Title requirement combined with a very short contract means he's going to be the first Jr. Heavyweight champion just out of necessity. Either that or he and Manny stealing the tag titles from the Midnights which just wouldn't make any sense. He is going to be involved in the Manny vs Garvins storyline which will probably focus on the Jr. Hvy Title between him and Ron. He's a face for that reason btw.


Marty Jannetty--Face/4.5 months/$1,000/61/45--The other tag team that has been cursed on gaining overness for me. That 45 is actually the highest it has been in 6 months from 48. Hopefully, I'll be able to get them some singles matches to build them up. Not too much as I do have to re-sign him soon.


Shawn Michaels--Face/13 months/$1,000/60/49--I may need to invade the AWA as they've killed both of their popularity. Given that he's got another year (more than 8 months longer than Marty), he may get some more singles work if Marty gets too greedy.


Terry Taylor--Face/13.5 months/$1,000/54/50--Someone that hasn't had a whole lot to do since joining SW! Probably going to get more work now with the brand split. Possible tag team with Curt as well, or a heel turn and feud with Curt. He's got options, and his talent hasn't gone anywhere.


Lower Midcarder


Mike Rotundo--Heel/13.5 months/$700/48/32--This fits him perfectly as he's always struck me as a LMC. He's going to get lots of title shots by virtue of being one of the few heels not in a tag team. Keeping him away from Windham as that might be slightly confusing to the fans who know they're related since they're on opposite sides, and you can't really feud family members who are at opposite ends of the popularity ladder.


Mysterion--Heel/User Character/49/34--Of course my worst user character in any of my RTG games is the one in my diary. I can only hope it gets better soon. The good news is that my SQ is up to 66, and that's it. Ugh.


Tom Pritchard--Heel/7.5 months/$600/48/32--Another wrestler that has fallen to his perfect place on the card. Still related to Bruce so I get that positive note. Still good enough on the performance row to make others look good.




Aldofo Tapia--Face/46 days/$300/34/10--One of the people that will benefit hugely from the brand split as he's going to work pretty much every month now. Considering he's gone from 0-10 since I started, he'll keep moving up the card with ease. I'll be re-signing him post-haste.


El Hijo del Diablo--Heel/7.5 months/$200/27/10--Another youngster who will get more chances with the brand split. He's still got a long way to go with that 50 psych, but Diablo is still awesome backstage.


Enhancement Talent


Art Barr--Face/6.5 months/$250/29/10--He's improved just enough to be really pushable though that's still a long way away. He can definitely call in the ring now which is a huge plus. Safety looks like it is stuck at 60 which isn't ideal, but I can live with it. He'll get squashed all the way up the card.




Ashley Cartier--Face/18 months/$250/17pop--She is the manager for the Rock N Roll Express. Don't worry about her low pop. She comes with an 87 Sex Appeal which makes her hotter than both Precious and Sunshine. If I can get her pop up she does have 70 charisma and 64 Entertainment skill. I tried very hard to sign Dark Journey, but she wanted $1,500 plus other stuff which is absurd for a manager despite her 60 pop. Ashley's sex appeal will result in a higher angle rating than that 60 pop so I'll save over $1,500 thank you very much.


Everyone else stayed the same. You can check out Jerry Petty's skills on the previous page. [/Quote]


I'd love some suggestions for Ashley's new name. Something that fits in with the Rock N Roll Express.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="33390" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I'd love some suggestions for Ashley's new name. </div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Rock N Roll's Express >_></p><p> Rock N Roll Sexpress <_<</p><p> </p><p> Ashley Guitarier</p><p> Ashely Guitier</p><p> Trashley Cartier</p><p> Ashley Cart Her >_></p><p> Smashley Guitar (there we go)</p>
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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Black';"><span style="color:#FF8C00;"><span style="font-size:36px;">Superior Wrestling Fireworks</span></span></span></p></div><p></p><p> Day 1</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';">Live From Fort Worth with a 1,000 seat Sell-Out! </span></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

The show opens with Michael Hayes in the ring.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">"I'm through with that punk Garvin and his hoochie wife, and I have this beautiful title to prove it. I'm the best here in SW!, and in fact being called the Superior Champion has a great ring to it. There's no one left to face me.....</span></p><p> </p><p>

The lights go out, and there seems to be a stampede sound coming through the speakers in the arena. When the lights are finally turned back on, Michael Hayes is face down in the ring with the title belt laying right on top of him. Steve and Jerry are left to ask the question clearly going through the arena. Who laid out our champion?</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Note: As I've said before, NEVER put your debuting workers in angles before their first match UNLESS that angle is going to do better than said match. Since Tully vs Hayes is clearly going to be a B- or B, there is no way two workers with C+ overness are going to cut an angle that good. That's around 10 points of momentum I'm going to need later on. So, this angle is only Hayes using his 66 overness.</em></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><a href="http://www.UploadScreenshot.com/image/852441/8687499" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://img1.UploadScreenshot.com/images/main/3/8209133278.jpg</span></a></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Barry Windham def Eddie Guerrero</strong></p><p>

Speaking of debut matches, the beauty of having someone so immensely talented in the lower midcard means you can put on matches like these. Eddie looks good. Barry looks good. Blackjack has no chemistry with his own son. Wait, WHAT???????? *headdesk* Back to momentum, this should start Windham with around 80 momentum (since he got the win).</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><a href="http://www.UploadScreenshot.com/image/852458/8764171" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://img1.UploadScreenshot.com/images/main/3/8209262074.jpg</span></a></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Barry is celebrating his debut win in the ring when a blur flies by the proud papa and into the ring. This is a pretty quick and decisive mauling by The Undertaker, who can clearly follow a brief genealogy chart, as our second babyface is left face down (and out) in the ring. Blackjack is just left stunned as the speed of the attack doesn't give him the chance to do anything (other than marvel at how great The Undertaker's Menace rating is. Oh wait, that's me.<img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />).</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><a href="http://www.UploadScreenshot.com/image/852475/5160420" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://img1.UploadScreenshot.com/images/main/3/8209343440.jpg</span></a></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Undertaker & Dutch Mantell def Mick Foley & Rick Martel</strong></p><p>

And this is why you should always turn off the Dirt Sheet should be hidden as I wouldn't know that this match was penalized by a lack of tag chemistry between Taker and Dutch which is a shame. They would have been a great menacing tag team. Oh well, at least Ashley's first appearance, as Martel's manager, gave me some good chemistry. I am not worried about the match rating as I knew that it wasn't going to be nearly as good the Taker-Windham angle. Nice cool off match. Dutch wins in his debut with the usual heel tactics of laying on the 2nd rope for the pinfall.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><a href="http://www.UploadScreenshot.com/image/852483/5163422" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://img1.UploadScreenshot.com/images/main/3/8209371640.jpg</span></a></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mil Mascaras def Ricky Santana</strong></p><p>

And then there is this match which I clearly thought would be better. The good news for Ricky is that I've surveyed the available wrestlers, and they're all going to be too expensive for what I want to spend. The bad news for Ricky is that this show only cost me $18,400 on talent instead of the $20,000 I budgeted (I would have used Pillman in a dark match but I didn't want to boost his pop any more than it is now since I have to re-sign him). Oh well, at least Mil gains some pop before his title match next month.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><a href="http://www.UploadScreenshot.com/image/852504/1773508" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://img1.UploadScreenshot.com/images/main/3/8209484171.jpg</span></a></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Blackjack is in the ring and calls out Sting. He gets right in Sting's face and demands that he apologize for last month when he wouldn't follow orders and get rid of the menace that is The Undertaker. My son just got hurt by that monster, and that is on YOUR hands Sting! Sting gets right in Mulligan's face and says that isn't how he rolls and shouldn't be how the authority figure rolls either. Furthermore, I'm not going to take orders from you that I don't like. Blackjack says that that has consequences, and they start later on tonight as you have to defend your #1 contendership against someone that called him up personally saying he'll take you out. They end with a staredown.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><a href="http://www.UploadScreenshot.com/image/852517/101946" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://img1.UploadScreenshot.com/images/main/3/8209563782.jpg</span></a></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Steve Keirn def Owen Hart to retain the Cruiserweight Title</strong></p><p>

Ooof, I had much higher hopes for this match given that I heated up the crowd for them with the preceding angle. Guessing that it was hurt by the flash pinfall w/tainted finish. Oh well, it's not that big a deal as it will hopefully get me Owen cheaper though it might hurt my title prestige a little.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><a href="http://www.UploadScreenshot.com/image/852532/6092946" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://img1.UploadScreenshot.com/images/main/3/8210055771.jpg</span></a></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sting def Arn Anderson via DQ</strong></p><p>

And now we're to the very important part of the show. Boy are we off to a roaring start too. This wasn't even a brawl-based match either. Great debut match for Arn who should come out of this with 74ish momentum as well with a minimal hit to his pop since it was a DQ loss. Tully came in and whacked Sting with a chair in the back, but unfortunately, Dinsmore had just turned around from checking on the "hurt" Anderson causing Bob to ring the bell. This isn't the end of this either...</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><a href="http://www.UploadScreenshot.com/image/852540/2312988" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://img1.UploadScreenshot.com/images/main/3/8210120989.jpg</span></a></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Michael Hayes draws with Tully Blanchard in Badstreet Brawl Match for the Superior Wrestling Championship</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Hmmm....making this a no-DQ match probably wasn't the best idea there Blackjack (oh wait, this is the one Brawl match that has a draw finish). To be fair, this match went a very long time with no interference much to the delight of the sell-out crowd as Hayes and Tully brawled all over the place beating the holy hell out of each other with anything they could get their hands on. Finally, Arn has had enough as Tully is bloody on the floor looking like he might lose. Our chair budget might be used up in one night as CRASH goes another chair right in the back staggering Michael who gets another one for good measure. Tully gets back to his feet with a smile on his face which turns into a grimace as a bat to the back signals that Sting has come out to stop the attack. The ref has had enough and calls the match off via double stoppage (hey don't blame me, I keep thinking that that is a double ten count or blood stoppage or something like that where both can't continue the match).</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><a href="http://www.UploadScreenshot.com/image/852544/2321361" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://img1.UploadScreenshot.com/images/main/3/8210225533.jpg</span></a></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Oh these four aren't done by far as Sting and Arn face off with weapons in hand. Metal bat on metal chair equals dropped chair as that hurts leaving Arn to face the wrath of the Stinger. Hayes has recovered enough to get the jump on Tully and lays him out with a DDT on the floor leaving the 2 faces standing tall as the show comes to an end.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><a href="http://www.UploadScreenshot.com/image/852553/3416810" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://img1.UploadScreenshot.com/images/main/3/8210274282.jpg</span></a><p> </p><p>

<a href="http://www.UploadScreenshot.com/image/852556/8653178" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://img1.UploadScreenshot.com/images/main/3/8210292698.jpg</span></a></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Okay, I'm confused on how I over-used Blackjack. Is there a limit on how much or if you can use a Road Agent too much? I've used a road agent as authority figure before without ever getting that note. Hmm...I'm confused on that, but in the grand scheme of things I don't think it hurt the show at all as I figured that one bad angle (the opening one) probably dropped it 4 points down to the 78. Considering that is a good TV show for SWF and much better than almost all of the WCW shows, I'll gladly take it. This is what I wanted with the brand split in the first place as I should be able to put on 4 great matches like these 2 each month. </p><p> </p><p>

I have discovered, or re-discovered truthfully, that I'm going to be stuck at the 1,000 seat arenas for awhile. Yes, it is another math lesson! Quite simply, the 1,000 seat arenas cost $1,000 to rent while anything above that cost $8,000. Since I'm currently at $12/ticket which will hit $14 soon, that means I have to have almost 1,600 people to make up the difference in the cost. Maybe I'll surpass that soon, but I don't see the shows being in bigger arenas for another couple of months.</p><p> </p><p>

Tully (83), Arn (77), Dutch (58), Windham (71). Well, 3 out of 4 isn't bad.</p>

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