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Thinking of buying the game and need help

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Ok so all of my experience with the TEW series comes from TEW 2005 which I had a ton of fun with.


I know a lot of changes have happened since TEW 2005 up to 2010 but I'd like to know what are the major ones from the folks who have played it up till now.


Anything that stands out to you?

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Everything, honestly. For me it's like comparing Civ2 to Civ4, the same addictive gameplay but with so many new features it's almost impossible to list them.


Pretty much what Genadi said. I tried 05 after Adam made it free and truth be told if that would have been my introduction to the series I am not sure if I would have bought another one. I am just glad that 07 was my introduction to the series.


Anyway, why don't you check out the demo and play around with it. Yes it only gives you a month but that should be enough time for you to get a feel for it.

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