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Paragons Of Wrestling: 21st Century Comedy Lucha Fun! (jhdVerse)

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Paragons of Wrestling: 21st Century Comedy Lucha Fun!


Humble Beginnings


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POW Founder, "Tiny Jackson"


The origins of POW can be traced back to it's founder, 'Tiny' Jackson. Jackson had been working as a referee for about ten years, but was having difficult finding work despite being an excellent referee. The reason for this is apparent upon first sight; standing 6'5” and weighing 280 lbs, Jackson is far more intimidating than all but the most frightening of monster heels. Despite his monster look, Jackson has dedicated himself to the craft of refereeing and has never wanted to be anything aside from a referee. Finally after struggling to find employment Jackson decided he was going to start an organization of his own; an organization full of comedy and over the top characters where a giant referee would seem almost normal by comparison.


Most people didn't give Paragons of Wrestling much of a chance, but not only did the Chicago based company survive, it flourished. POW had two main things going for it; the bizzare over the top comedy that set it apart from any other wrestling organization, and a roster that included a number of talented young men and women who could deliver solid matches. By the end of 2011 POW had established it's own fan-base in the Chicago area. Many in the industry still regarded it as a joke, but the future looked bright for the young company.


At the end of the first year of the companies existence the company began quietly looking for someone to take over the position of head booker. Their choice would come us a surprise to everyone; especially to the man who they chose to guide POW into the new year.


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An Unlikely Protagonist



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Our Protagonist



There are a number of ways that one can become a star in the business. Some people just have the natural look of the star about them. Some have the natural physical gifts to take them into stardom. Others can get an entire arena to cheer or boo them with a few simple words. Then there are those few who can make it to the top on pure talent and experience. For the vast majority of workers the answer however is that you don't.


For every star in the wrestling business there are ten more guys who's job it is to get into the ring and make the other guy look good. A lucky few of these people might develop into stars and go onto success, but for most it's low pay and an early retirement from the wrestling business. At thirty-three years old I've long outlived the life expectancy for the career of someone with my natural talents. The one quality that separates me from the rest of the masses of able but unspectacular workers is my natural creativity. I've always had a gift for being able to embody whatever character I play; whether it is heel or face, mundane or outlandish, comedic or frightening.


My name is Bill Allison and I've been wrestling for fifteen years. That name won't mean much to you unless you're a friend or relative of mine; there's a good reason for that. In all my years in the business I've only once wrestled under my real name; I've played more characters then even I would care to keep track of. I've played the part of a primitive ape man, a race car driver, a man from the future, and in the dying days of the WWWE I even had a run as a sadistic butler as a part of the short lived House of Terror stable. You would have a hard time naming a promotion in the United States, large or small, that I haven't made an appearance at in the last fifteen years.


I've never had any illusions of grandeur. I never thought that I was going to become the next Terry Thunder or that I would be main eventing pay per views, but I have a passion for the wrestling business and I've managed to make a living as a wrestler. I've never lasted more than a couple years in one company, but I've never been short on work for too long. Whether it's due to an injury or just needing some to put a new guy over there's always room somewhere for a competent worker who can play his part and knows his role.


Well at least that was the case five years ago. For the past couple years I haven't been able to get booked on anything but the smallest of Indy shows wrestling for pocket change. No company was going to hire a nobody in his thirties when they could give the spot to a young prospect who might become a break out star; however unlikely. I don't say this with bitterness, but with an understanding of reality. Retirement had crossed my mind for some time and by December of 2011 I was almost ready to call it quits. Some might see my career as a disappointment, but the way I see it I had more success over the course of my career than anyone with my natural abilities has any right too. I had my fun, but maybe I just didn't have any characters left in me.


However it was then that I received a call from an unexpected source.


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The Interview



I hadn't been to a POW show before, but I had heard about the new promotion. It's brand of over the top characters, comedy, and action had gotten it plenty of buzz and discussion among wrestlers and wrestling fans. I knew a few of the more 'serious' wrestlers who regarded it as an affront to wrestling, but it sounded great to me. It was the kind of place I could see my brand of characters fitting in nicely; well five or ten years ago maybe. I knew the organization was full of young talent, so bringing in an older guy like me didn't make tons of sense. I suppose they might need an established guy to put over some young talent or fill in a spot on the roster, but I figured that in a few months I would be back looking for work.


The drive to Chicago wasn't too bad. When you've worked with as many organizations as I have you get used to spending long stretches of time behind the wheel. I had some slight trepidation about meeting Jackson in his apartment. I suppose it made as much sense as anywhere else since the young organization didn't have a building of it's own, but walking into the home of a stranger still made me feel a bit anxious. I took the elevator up to the sixth floor of the highrise apartment and walked down to room 612. I made one last check over my notes to make sure I had the right apartment number before knocking on the door.


"Come in. The door's open."


I opened the door into the apartment. It opened into a living room centered by a coffee table with a chair on either side. It opened into a kitchen, with a couple of other rooms branching off. The same booming voice came from one the rooms.


“Take a seat. I'll be there in a minute.”


I sat down in the closest of the chairs and waited in silence. I heard what sounded like paper shuffling from the back room, but a few seconds later a man emerged from the doorway. It was almost comical to see the giant man bend down to avoid hitting his head on the door frame, but there was also an element of fear as well. You see I'm not a small man, but this giant of a man was tall and well built and if he wanted to could probably beat me senseless. The man sat down in the chair opposite mine and cracked a smile.



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"Tiny" Jackson


“I'm so glad you made it Bill! I'm a huge fan of your work.”



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Bill Allison



“You're a fan of my work?”

“Absolutely. I loved RT-24, that robot assassin, and who could forget Stagecoach Sal, the singing stickup man?”


I was taken by surprise by the man's greeting. In all my career I don't think I'd ever had anyone honestly call themselves a fan of mine, and neither of those two gimmicks had lasted more than a few weeks. If anyone else was saying this I would have thought they were mocking me, but the enthusiasm in the man's voice sounded completely genuine.

“Thanks...If you don't mind me asking why do you want to hire me?”


“Right, let's get forward with the business at hand. First of all we're a growing company and we need to bring in some new faces to the company. Secondly I'm a fan of you work and would love to have you on board with us.”

“That sounds great, but what do you want to plan for me to do in the company?”


“Well I was hoping you could give me some suggestions in that regard. I'm looking for a partner for Lt. Geoffrey C. Westminster II, a 1940s British Fighter Pilot, but I had nothing planned specifically. My philosophy has always been to let the performers come up with the characters themselves, you know? Let it evolve naturally.”


Jackson had put me on the spot with the question. I considered myself to be fairly creative, but coming up with a fitting tag team partner to such an outlandish gimmick wasn't an easy task.

“Well...for a tag partner... I could be Pilot Officer Hugo Daring, a British Bomber pilot.”

“Hmm. I like it, but I think we need something a gimmick that stands on it's own. Try thinking a little more out there. Westminster is a villain so we need you to come up with a characters fans will want to boo. Something really out there, you know?”


“Well...How about...a villainous Highwayman from the 18th century.”


Tiny Jackson rumbled with laughter at my suggestion. I knew my idea was far fetched as the words came out of my mouth. Eventually Jackson managed to stop laughing long enough to give me his response.


“That's brilliant, I love it! I knew you would fit in well around here.”


“Of course...I was going to wait before I asked you, but I can see you've got a great mind for this kind of stuff. Have you ever thought of becoming a booker?”

“A booker?”

“You know, the person in charge of managing the storyline, booking the matches, keeping the talent in check.”

“Your want me to be a booker?”

“Why not? You've obviously got a creative mind, and I've been looking for someone to take over the position.”

“Why do you need a new booker?”

“Well I had Debbie doing the booking. She's also our Road Agent and our Manager, so she could use a break. I've been trying to help out, but my yoga instructor has said I need to cut down on my stress so I can't rightly take over the job either.”


“My wife got me onto it. Supposed to relieve your pains, increase tranquility you know. Anyway will you at least consider taking over as booker?”


“Well my ideas have always been a bit...strange. Are you sure you want me to be booking the show?”


Jackson laughed and nodded his head.

“I think you'll fit in just fine around here.


I left the apartment with a bag full of POW DVDs and an expression of disbelief. I'm not sure what was more bizarre; me becoming the new booker or the idea of 'Tiny' Jackson doing yoga. I couldn't begin to imagine just what I had gotten myself into.


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Out of Character Intro



If you're reading this far into the thread then you're a brave soul indeed as this is the first Diary I've ever written. I don't have too much to say here. I'm using the jdhVerse mod with no modifications. My plan for the story is to tell it from the perspective of the protagonist (Bill Allison/The Highwayman,) but with event write ups in a third person perspective.


Special Thanks:

  • Jhd1 for creating this mod and giving me permission to use it in a diary and for offering his graphical talents to make alts for characters.
  • Tiggerkinney for getting me interested in the jdhVerse with his Diaspora diary; also for letting me steal his match write up style. :p
  • Anyone who's managed to read this far for braving my questionable writing skills and meandering plot development.


I'm fully open to commentary and criticism, so don't hesitate to post your reactions.

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Good start so far. I like the layout - nice and clear and easy to read.


I like the idea of the "Highwayman" Bill Allison being part of POW as he definitely fits with the rest of the crazy gimmicks in the POW Roster. I'll be following as I think the JHDVerse is fantastic and has so many great characters. Never tried POW though but tempted to after checking out their roster as they look like they would be excellent fun. Good luck :)

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Yeah, the Highwaymen was one of the guys I like to sign when I play as POW. He's not especially good, but his character fits with the style of the company. I decided to have him be the booker/protagonist because I wanted there to be more of a story then just a rundown of each event, but none of the avatars would fit with POW and I wanted it to be someone not already employed by POW.


Thanks for the feedback.


Are the pictures showing up for everyone? I tried posting them with normal image tags, but they just showed up as links to me, so I switched to html code. They're working for me now, but I just want to make sure they show up for other people as well.

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I spent the next few days watching the DVDs that Tiny Jackson had given me and immersing myself into the world of POW. The shows were bizarre, and after about the fourth one I couldn't be sure if I was starting to hallucinate, but I knew I liked what I saw. The roster as a whole seemed pretty young, and many were still very green in the ring, but they had some good young talent with a lot of potential.


A couple of days after our meeting I got a phone call from Tiny Jackson.


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“Hey Bill, how's it going?”


“Hi Mr. Jackson.”

“Just call me Tiny. I know that I'm your boss, but POW is like a family to me and there's no need for such formality. Anyway, have you looked over the videos I gave you?”


“Yeah, I like what you're doing and what the company is about. I'm really looking forward to working here.”

“That's great. Anyway I've let it slip that we've got a new booker. I was wondering if you could come down this weekend to meet some of the guys.”

“Alright I'll be there on Saturday, but I want to ask you a question about the booking job.”

“Sure what is it?”

“So I'm in charge of hiring and firing right? I can't help but notice our roster seems a bit small. I don't think it would be a bad idea to bring in a few new wrestlers.”


“Well...you know we don't have a ton of money. I mean we've done well for ourselves so far just keeping a small roster.”


This was the most serious I had ever heard Tiny Jackson. For all his enthusiasm and good nature he was still first and foremost the owner of POW. He had just handed over control of the company he had built to a man he barely knew, so I could understand his apprehension.

“I understand that and I'm not trying to bankrupt the company. I just think the fans might like to see some new faces to keep things fresh. I'm sure there are some good young talent out there that would fit in well in the company.”


“Alright you have a point, but I just want to lay down a few ground rules. I don't want you to hire anyone who doesn't have a clue what they're doing in the ring. Secondly our fans expect us to be able to deliver quality fast paced matches; I don't want to see anyone in the ring who can't keep up with our guys.”

“That makes sense to me.”

“I trust your judgment Bill. I just want to make sure we're on the same page. That's all”

“I appreciate that Tiny. We can talk face to face about this on Saturday when I come down.”

“Alright. Oh and one more rule before I forget. Our product is family friendly, so don't hire any crazies.”


"See you on Saturday!"



The next few days would consist of me continuing my journey into the heart of POW as well as doing a little scouting for potential talent to bring into POW before my second meeting with Jackson on Saturday. I still wasn't entirely convinced that I wasn't hallucinating.

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On Saturday I made my second trip down to Tiny Jackson's apartment. I wasn't quite as nervous as I had been on my first trip since I knew Jackson wasn't a psycho killer; well not the killer part at least. I arrived at Tiny Jackson's apartment and knocked upon the door. A few moments later Jackson opened the door wearing his referees uniform.


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Tiny Jackson


"Hey Bill, come on in!"


Jackson ushered me inside. It was much the same as the last time I had visited save for there were know four people sitting around the table playing cards.


"Let me introduce you Bill. This here is Jack, our Colour Commentator."


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"Buccaneer" Jack Robin


"Welcome aboard Matey." Said Buccaneer in as piratey an accent as he could muster.


"And the ugly mug over here is Earl." Continued Jackson.


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"The Flying Hillbilly," Earl Ray Travis


"Hey Man." Said Earl cheerfully in his rural accent.

"And the short one over there is Jerome."


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"Aviator" Lt. Geoffrey C. Westminster II, aka Jerome Vasquez


"I say, that is most slanderous good sir!" Replied Jerome in a terrible English Accent.


"And the lovely lady over there is Debbie."


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Debbie Monroe


"Nice to meet you." said Debbie, glancing up from her cards.


"This is the most I could get in short notice, you'll have to meet the rest of the roster later. Most of our roster work with other promotions, so meeting up can be difficult." Said Jackson once the introductions had been competed.


"Who needs those fellows when you've got your biggest star right here? I say, I can't blame you for booking yourself as my mystery partner." Said Jerome confidently.


"Modest as always I see. I also see that card you're hiding under the table, so you know what that means." replied Jackson pointing at Jerome's hand.


"Darn it." Said Jerome dropping his English Accent momentarily as he begrudgingly put the card back into the the pile.


"Serves ya right ye scallywag." Said Buccaneer jokingly.


"Yer lucky we're not playing in Kentucky. Where I'm from dey'd give ya a whoopin if you tried that." Said Earl in his distinctive rural way of speaking.




I spent most of that afternoon playing poker along with the others. At least I thought at first it was poker; it was a strange variant where cheating was allowed (and encouraged) as long as the referee (Jackson) didn't catch you doing it. I didn't actually find about about the last part until midway through the game; much to my chagrin. The game ended abruptly when Jerome stormed off after losing his last chips to Debbie, but Jackson reassured me that he always did that and not to worry about it.


I'm not sure what I expected going into the meeting, but I could tell the locker room was going to be much different then any I'd ever been in before. I'd heard plenty of promoters claim that their employees are like a family, but in this case it seemed true; though perhaps somewhat dysfunctional.







I apologize for making you read through my meandering story. I'm going to be posting an overview of the current roster next and then it should be onto our first show.

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Darius King


Affiliation: Frat Pack

Titles: POW Trios Champion

From: Philadelphia

Age: 21 Size: Heavyweight

Character: College Sports Star with low IQ.


2011 in review: Darius King debuted with the rest of the frat pack in early 2011. The frat pack competed regularly in matches and even became the trios champions, but their main storyline came later in the year when their antics upset the proper Englishman Lt. Geoffrey C. Westminser II. The English Aviator repeatedly attempted to get revenge on the frat boys without much success.


My Take: Physically Darius is a very gifted young wrestler and considering his age he's not a terrible performer by any means. The problem is that he doesn't seem dedicated to becoming a wrestler. He really is a college football standout, and he seems to give it priority over his wrestling career. Worse is that he has no problem saying this; which has annoyed some of the other locker room members who are more dedicated to the profession.



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Donny Chic


Real Name: Donald Gaynor

Affiliation: Discotheque

Titles: POW Sidekicks Champion

From: Boston

Age: 24 Size: Lightweight

Character: A Disco Stud from the 1970s


2011 in Review: Early in 2011 Donny Chic went for the Grand Title, but came up short against champion Alexia Dynamite. However he would rebound and together with KC Summers as the entertaining team of Discotheque to become to beat the Slow-Mo Dojo and Dreamscape in a three way to determine the first POW Sidekicks Champions.


My Take: Donny Chic is a young talent with tons of potential. He and his partner KC Summers have gotten extremely over with the crowd since they came up with their disco gimmick and it's no surprise that DRAGON Pro Wrestling have also signed them.


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El Hot Dog


Affiliation: None

Titles: None

From: Chicago

Age: 20 Size: Middleweight

Character: Wrestling Hot Dog


2011 in review: El Hot Dog debuted midway through 2011 and is the character most often brought up when people discuss POW. His brand of comedy has gone over well with the crowd, but has come up short in the ring. He hasn't given up though and El Hot Dog is working hard to train harder to overcome the odds and finally win a match.

My Take: El Hot Dog is certainly not someone you'd see in any other promotion, but contrary to what you might expect of someone with his gimmick he's not a bad worker at all. His basics are solid and at only twenty years old he could develop into a very talented wrestler.


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El Scorcho


Real Name: Damien Welch

Affiliation: Slo-Mo Dojo

Titles: None

From: Akron, Ohio (Billed From Japan)

Age: 21 Size: Lightweight

Character: Comedic Martial Artist


2011 in review: El Scorcho has been with POW from it's origin and has been near the top of the promotion throughout. However when it comes to title matches he seems to continually come up just short. He and his tag team partner Sky Panther were a part of the three way for the tag titles, but lost a close match to Discotheque. A few months later El Scorcho would lose a close number one contenders match to Sky Panther who would go on to win the POW grand title.


My Take: El Scorcho and his partner Sky Panther are two of the fastest rising young stars in all of wrestling. The pair's popularity has skyrocketed over the last year and like Discotheque are working in DRAGON Pro Wrestling. El Schorcho isn't quite as good in the ring as his partner, but he really shines during promos and on the mic. It's a bit unfortunate Slo-Mo Dojo is so popular since they're a great team, but we need them as singles wrestlers.


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Freshman Patel


Real Name: Kal Patel

Affiliation: Frat Pack

Titles: POW Trios Champion

From: Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Age: 19 Size: Lightweight

Character: Youngest and Smartest member of the Frat Pack.


2011 in review: Freshmen Patel debuted with the rest of the frat pack in early 2011. The frat pack competed regularly in matches and even became the trios champions, but their main storyline came later in the year when their antics upset the proper Englishman Lt. Geoffrey C. Westminser II. The English Aviator repeatedly attempted to get revenge on the frat boys without much success.


My Take: Patel is still very green, but he's not terrible in the ring. I'm not sure if he'll ever be more than a mid-carder, but of the Frat Pack he seems to be the only one with a real passion for wrestling.


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KC “Superfreak” Summers


Real Name: Kurt Thesman

Affiliation: Discotheque

Titles: POW Sidekicks Champion

From: Boise, Idaho

Age: 24 Size: Lightweight

Character: Disco Stud sent forward in time from the 1970s.


2011 in review: Early in 2011 KC Summers went after the Grand Title without success. However he would rebound and together with Donny Chic, as the entertaining team of Discotheque, would beat Slow-Mo Dojo and Dreamscape in a three way to determine the first POW Sidekicks champions.


My Take: I feel much the same way about KC Summers as I did about his partner. Summers has some brawling and technical skills to balance out his partners flashy aerial style.


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Scott Bingington


Real Name: Scott Capaldi

Affiliation: Frat Pack

Titles: Pow Trios Champion

Hometown: Washington DC

Age: 20 Size: Middleweight

Character: Frat Boy


2011 in Review: Scott Bingington debuted with the rest of the frat pack in early 2011. The frat pack competed regularly in matches and even became the trios champions, but their main storyline came later in the year when their antics upset the proper Englishman Lt. Geoffrey C. Westminser II. The English Aviator repeatedly attempted to get revenge on the frat boys without much success.

My Take: Scott Bingington plays his hard partying frat boy character well. In the ring Bingington is fairly green as you might expect. Like his partners and real life friends in the Frat Pack he's in college and surprisingly given his character, is studying Law; a career that he is frankly much more likely to find success in.


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Sky Panther


Affiliation: Slow-Mo Dojo

Titles: POW Grand Champion

From: Monterrey, Mexico

Age: 21 Size: Lightweight

Character: Comedic Martial Artist


2011 in Review: Sky Panther was with POW from the beginning and chased after the Grand title for most of the year before beating his tag team partner to become the number one contender and going on to beat Alexia Dynamite for the Grand Title.


My take: Everything I said about El Scorcho applies to Sky Panther. He was overlooked by the promotions in his native country of Mexico, but their loss is our gain as he looks like a great young prospect. He's still very young and is a bit of a spot monkey, but with the right opponent he can put on a great match and he has a ton of potential.





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Alexia Dynamite


Affiliation: None

Titles: Former POW Grand Champion

From: Seattle

Age: 24 Size: Small

Character: Manipulative Egotistical Heel


2011 in Review: Alexia Dynamite won the POW Grand title in the debut show and spent most of 2011 using whatever dirty tactic she could to hold onto the title. Her reign was finally ended late in the year by Sky Panther. Alexia may have lost her title, but she's determined to win it back.


My Take: POW is a integrated wrestling company meaning that there is no separate women's division and they will regularly wrestle against men. This may be one of the smartest decisions that POW has made, because Alexia Dynamite is one of the best all around wrestlers in the company. She has a great look, entertaining mic skills, and has great in ring skills. Unfortunately she also has a history of drug issues, but she says she's put that all behind her and I can only hope that's true because she's one of the brightest young stars in the company.


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Earl Ray Travis


Affiliation: None

Titles: None

From: Rural Kentucky

Age: 21 Size: Lightweight

Character: Flying Hillbilly

2011 in Review: ERT had some success over the course of 2011, but mostly played a comedic character who isn't a real title contender.


My Take: Earl is a nice enough guy, but frankly I don't see much in him. He's not a very good wrestler, he doesn't have a very marketable look, and he's not especially entertaining on the microphone. Still his character has gotten over well with the fans and he's managed to get some fans to care about him.


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Affiliation: Dreamscape

Titles: None

From: Parts Unknown

Age: 25 Size: Middleweight

Character: Mysterious Masked Evildoer


2011 in Review: Dreamscape debuted in POW mid-way through 2011 and has primarily been working together in tag matches. They came up short in the three way against Discotheque and Slo-Mo Dojo to determine the first POW Sidekicks Champions, but the mysterious masked duo don't look like they'll give up on their goals easily.


My Take: Frightening is a solid worker with some good flying and decent technical skills. Backstage he and his partner aren't very social and seem to take their gimmicks very seriously as nobody seems to have seen them with their masks off.


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Lt. Geoffrey C. Westminster II


Real Name: Jerome Vasquez

Affiliation: None

Titles: None

From: Long Island. Billed from London, England

Age: 22 Size: Lightweight

Character: English Fighter Pilot who served in World War 2.


2011 In Review: Westminster spent most of 2011 feuding with the Frat Pack after they knocked over his tea kettle. He tried numerous tactics to beat the frat pack, but his plans seemed to constantly backfire upon him; though he's promised to bring in a partner to help him get revenge on the Frat Pack.


My Take: Westminster is a flashy young high flier, but is also a decent worker and can put together a match without making it a spot fest. He may be short, but he's in great shape and has a surprising amount of power to back up his athleticism. He has great potential, but also has an ego to match it.


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Affiliation: Dreamscape

Titles: None

From: Parts Unknown

Age: 26 Size: Middleweight

Character: Mysterious Masked Evildoer


2011 in Review: Dreamscape debuted in POW mid-way through 2011 and has primarily been working together in tag matches. They came up short in the three way against Discotheque and Slo-Mo Dojo to determine the first POW Sidekicks Champions, but the mysterious masked duo don't look like they're going to give up on their goals of winning the titles.


My Take: Scaremare and his partner Frightening have been putting on solid matches both here and in the SWA. They aren't especially over, but I think that's because they haven't been given much direction or much of a storyline.


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Affiliation: None

Titles: None

From: Chicago

Age: 32 Size: Middleweight

Character: Monster Heel


2011 in Review: W.M.D debuted late in 2011 and has made it clear that she wants a shot at the title and will destroy anyone who get's in her way. It seems it's only a matter of time before she get's a shot at the title.


My Take: W.M.D plays the monster heel well and she's by far the best worker in the company. Her years of experience in the AWA and elsewhere is evident in her ring work as she can put on solid matches with anyone on the roster.





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“Buccaneer” Jack Robbin


Role: Color Commentator

Age: 23


My Take: He's not terrible, but he definitely has a problem calling moves correctly. Fortunately his pirate gimmick let's him hide his lack of knowledge with nautical catchphrases.


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“The Chef” Chet Rio


Role: Announcer

Age: 45


Chet is a decent play by play man. His Chef gimmick is based upon him being accused of Stirring up Trouble and Cooking up Lies by his commentary partner, but he doesn't really play up the gimmick into his actual commentary. His commentary is rather bland, but he has a good knowledge of wrestling moves and can be generally trusted to call the action in the ring.


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“Tiny” Jackson


Role: Referee

Age: 32


My Take: Jackson is an intimidating site standing in at 6' 5” and weighing in at 280 lb. Surprisingly he's actually a very skilled referee and can even manage a convincing ref bump from wrestler's half his size. He's also the owner and founder of POW, so even if he wasn't a good referee his spot would be guaranteed.


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Debbie Monroe


Role: Road Agent

Age: 36


My Take: Debbie is a retired wrestler who works backstage both in POW and in AWA. She's a decent road agent, and occasionally has been featured as a backstage interviewer. She's also the former booker, but gave it up to focus on her other roles in both POW and AWA.



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Paragons of Wrestling presents Aniversario II: New Year, New Problems

1.25.2012 @ Logan Square Audiotorium, Chicago, IL

Show starts at 1:30 PM, Doors Open at 1:00



Join POW in celebrating their second anniversary in Chicago at Anniversario II: New Year, New Problems. POW's brand of Lucha Comedy Fun is welcome to fans of all ages and tickets are only 6$, but tickets are limited so order yours now!



<a href="http://s1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/?action=view&current=POW_Grand.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/POW_Grand.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> <a href="http://s1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/?action=view&current=SkyPanther.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/SkyPanther.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> vs <a href="http://s1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/?action=view&current=AlexiaDynamite.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/AlexiaDynamite.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

POW Grand Championship Match: Sky Panther © vs Alexia Dynamite.

The Main event of Aniversario II will see the new POW Grand Champion, Sky Panther, defending his newly won championship against the former Grand Champion Alexia Dynamite in a re-match for the title.


Alexia Dynamite won the Grand Championship One year ago and held onto the belt for ten months and will be ready to do whatever it takes to get the belt back around her waist, but the new champion Sky Panther won't let that happen without a fight. Will lightning strike twice for Sky Panther or will Alexia Dynamite become the first two time POW Grand Champion?



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POW Sidekicks Title Match: Discotheque © vs Dreamscape


The Semi-Main event of Aniversario II will see the team of Discotheque taking on the sinister and mysterious duo of Dreamscape in a match for the Sidekicks title. These teams are no strangers to confrontation as Discotheque won the vacant Sidekicks title in a three way match with Dreamscape and Slo-Mo Dojo.


Will the funky duo of Donny Chic and KC "Superfreak" Summers dance their way to a successful title defense or will Frightening and Terrifying avenge their earlier lose and claim the POW Sidekicks title for themselves?


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Grudge Match: The Frat Pack vs Lt. Geoffrey C. Westminster II and a Mystery Partner.


The Fratboys antics have upset "Aviator" Lt. Geoffrey C. Westminster II and he has tried numerous times to exact revenge on the Frat Boys without success. This time however he has promised to bring in a partner who will aid him in his quest to avenge his spilled kettle of tea.


Will Westminster finally get his revenge with the help of his mystery partner, or will Darius King and Scott Bingington be partying after another victory over the aviator?


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High Flying Challenge: El Scorcho vs Earl Ray King


The always entertaining El Scorcho is in action against "The Flying Hillbilly" Earl Ray King. A win for El Scorcho would put him on the path to another shot at the Grand Title, but the Flying Hillbilly will look to claim a big victory for himself. Whatever the outcome this match is sure to be a high flying contest.


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Open-Weight Challenge: El Hotdog vs WMD


El Hotdog has been entertaining fans since his debut late last year, but so far he hasn't been able to claim a victory in the ring. El Hot Dog has been training hard to bring in a victory in the new year, but he faces an enormous challenge in the always dangerous WMD who wants to show that she deserves a shot at the title


Will WMD send a message to the roster or will El Hotdog score a shocking upset and gain his first victory in POW?


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Open Challenge: Freshman Patel vs a Mystery Opponent


Also in action will be the youngest member of the Frat Pack, Freshman Patel. Who will answer the challenge? Find out at Aniversario II!



Prediction List:


El Hotdog vs WMD

El Scorcho vs Earl Ray King

Freshman Patel vs ???

The Frat Pack (Darius King and Scott Bingington) vs Lt. Geoffrey C. Westminster II and ???

Sidekicks Title Match:

Discotheque (Donny Chic and KC Summers) © vs Dreamscape (Frightening and Scaremare)

Grand Title Match:

Sky Panther © vs Alexia Dynamite

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Really enjoying this, Tiberious. The poker game was great, and I really enjoyed the roster review too. POW has the potential to turn anyone into a hero or villain, so I'm very much looking forward to seeing how your company develops. :)


El Hotdog vs WMD

Hotdog might be a fun character, but he's so far behind WMD it's silly.

El Scorcho vs Earl Ray King

As above really. Although I must admit to being a big fan of Earl Ray, even if he is a bit useless.

Freshman Patel vs ???

Winning debut for whoever it is.

The Frat Pack (Darius King and Scott Bingington) vs Lt. Geoffrey C. Westminster II and ???

Flash pinfall or a cheap finish for Jerome and Bill.

Sidekicks Title Match:

Discotheque (Donny Chic and KC Summers) © vs Dreamscape (Frightening and Scaremare)

Discotheque definitely have the edge in pop terms, even if Dreamscape are a solid team. Should be a good match.

Grand Title Match:

Sky Panther © vs Alexia Dynamite

Probably too early for a title match, but again it should be a strong one.

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Really enjoying this, Tiberious. The poker game was great, and I really enjoyed the roster review too. POW has the potential to turn anyone into a hero or villain, so I'm very much looking forward to seeing how your company develops. :)[/size][/i]


Thanks for the kind words and the plug in your mod thread. You may be mostly correct about anyone being able to be a hero or villain, but El Hotdog is a champion of the people and would never turn to villainy; though maybe if he grew a goatee...


Anyway, I will say that some of the matches on this show are fairly one sided, but since it's the first show of the diary and some readers might not be so familiar with the mod this show's main goal is to establish the characters and story lines going forward.

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Thanks for the kind words and the plug in your mod thread. You may be mostly correct about anyone being able to be a hero or villain, but El Hotdog is a champion of the people and would never turn to villainy; though maybe if he grew a goatee...


The Mirror Universe Hotdog, eh? :eek::D

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El Hotdog vs WMD

Hotdog might be a fun character, but he's so far behind WMD it's silly.

El Scorcho vs Earl Ray King

As above really. Although I must admit to being a big fan of Earl Ray, even if he is a bit useless.

Freshman Patel vs ???

Winning debut for whoever it is.

The Frat Pack (Darius King and Scott Bingington) vs Lt. Geoffrey C. Westminster II and ???

Flash pinfall or a cheap finish for Jerome and Bill.

Sidekicks Title Match:

Discotheque (Donny Chic and KC Summers) © vs Dreamscape (Frightening and Scaremare)

Discotheque definitely have the edge in pop terms, even if Dreamscape are a solid team. Should be a good match.

Grand Title Match:

Sky Panther © vs Alexia Dynamite

Probably too early for a title match, but again it should be a strong one.


Bit lazy, but I'll go with jhd1's picks and reasonings here, because they'll be the same as mine anyway.

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Dont know much about the JHD-Verse as im yet to find the time to play it but you've grabbed my attention, this looks right up my street ...


El Hotdog vs WMD

El Scorcho vs Earl Ray King

Freshman Patel vs ???

The Frat Pack (Darius King and Scott Bingington) vs Lt. Geoffrey C. Westminster II and ???

Sidekicks Title Match:

Discotheque (Donny Chic and KC Summers) © vs Dreamscape (Frightening and Scaremare)

Grand Title Match:

Sky Panther © vs Alexia Dynamite

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Paragons of Wrestling Presents Aniversario II: New Year, New Problem.


January 25th, 2012 @ The Logan Square Auditorium in Chicago, IL. 171 Fans in Attendance.



The show opens with the commentary team hyping the show.


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Announcer "The Chef" Chet Rio alongside "Buccaneer" Jack Robin


"Welcome to Aniversario II: New Year, New Problems! Our first show of the new year promises to be a big one. We've got two title matches, a card full of great match ups, as well as a surprise or two!"


"Yarr, Ye may be right fer the most part ye Landlubber, but I don't know about this the opening match up. I think El Hotdog is going to be shark bait after WMD is done with him."


"Well this is a big challenge for El Hotdog, but we all know he's been working hard to train and said he wants to fight the best in POW to prove himself, and if he wins tonight he'll certainly have done that."


"If the lad knew sense from salt water he'd wave the white flag, but I don't think WMD is going to be taking any prisoners."


"Well we'll see if you're right as that match is up next!"



El Hotdog vs WMD


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El Hotdog made a show of not being intimidated by his opponent as the match started, but it was all WMD for the beginning of the match. The Heroic Hot Dog was knocked around the ring with a barrage of powerful punches and kicks, but El Hot Dog kept bouncing right back up. This just seemed to irritate WMD more as she took El Hot Dog down with a series of slams and suplexes while making no attempt to cover her opponent.


WMD looked to finally mercifully end the match when she brought El Hotdog up to hit him with her devastating Power Bomb, but he reversed it into his trademark Hotdog-Can-Rana! El Hotdog was feeling it now and the crowd was behind him as he waited for WMD to get to her feet. He bounced off the ropes to gain speed and leapt at WMD with a Flying Cross-Bun, but was caught by WMD in mid-air!


WMD continued where she left off and displayed her strength by holding El Hotdog in mid-air for a few seconds before planting him on the mat with a Powerbomb! Rather than go for the easy pin WMD decided to put an exclamation on her victory by climbing to the top of the turnbuckle. She displayed amazing agility by performing her trademark Moonsault! She landed dead center on the motionless hotdog and finally covered him for the pin.


Result: WMD beats El Hotdog in 5:23 via Pinfall.

Rating: 31 (E+)



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Announcer "The Chef" Chet Rio alongside "Buccaneer" Jack Robin


"Y'arr, didn't I tell ye that would happen?"


"Even you have to admit that for a second there El Hotdog looked like he might just win it."


"I'll admit nothing of the sort ye Scurvy Dog. WMD be simply playing with the lad; she was in control the whole time."


"Anyway, we have a match up next between "The Flying Hillbilly" Earl Ray King and the always exciting martial arts expert, El Scorcho, but first let's go backstage.


The shot switches over to the backstage where Freshman Patel is standing around with his fellow frat pack members, Darius King and Scott Bingington.


<a href="http://s1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/?action=view&current=FreshmanPatel.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/FreshmanPatel.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


"Hey did you see the new girl in the maid outfit? She Must be one of the new people they hired"


<a href="http://s1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/?action=view&current=ScottBingington.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/ScottBingington.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


"Sweet bro, dude show me where she is."


"No way dude, I saw her first."


"Come on Bro, you're probably too scared to talk to her anyway."


"No, I just want to make sure I got a good line for her."


"What are you? Some kind of chicken pledge? Be a bro and introduce yourself to her.


<a href="http://s1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/?action=view&current=DariusKing.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/DariusKing.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

"It's like coach always says, you can't win if you don't play."


"Fine I'll do it. Just watch and see bro."


The camera follows Freshmen Patel as he walks through the locker room and approaches a person in a maids outfit who's facing away from the camera.


"Hey baby, is it hot in here or is just you?"


The person in the maids outfit turns to reveal...


<a href="http://s1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/?action=view&current=MeidoMachine.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/MeidoMachine.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

Meido Machine


"You must be Patel-san, I am very happy to meet you." said the man in the maid's outfit. Seemingly unconcerned that Patel had mistaken him for a women.


"Dude your a...Dude! Look just pretend I didn't say anything."


"There is no need for such shyness Patel-san. Say you wouldn't happen to know where El Scorcho is?"


"No...Er...If anyone asks we never talked okay. Just forget what I said alright."


Patel turned around and walked away looking embarrassed, but was stopped by his fellow frat pack members.


"That's the chick you were talking about bro?"


"No! Look it was a mistake."


"Mistake? Come on bro. Are you really going to let that dude play you like that? If he's here it must mean he's a wrestler. You gotta challenge him to match."


"I don't know. I mean he knew he was and I don't know anything about him."


"Dude he wears a maid outfit, what are you some kind of pledge?"


"Just like coach always say, if you go out there and give 110% you going to win."


"You're right bro, I got this!"


The Camera cuts away and goes back to the arena where the next match is about to start.



Rating: 24 (E)



El Scorcho vs Earl Ray King


<a href="http://s1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/?action=view&current=ElScorcho.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/ElScorcho.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> vs <a href="http://s1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/?action=view&current=EarlRayTravis.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/EarlRayTravis.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


The match between the two high flyers didn't take long to heat up as the two men attempted to show their aerial skills with a series of head-scissors and arm-drags. The charismatic El Scorcho soon began to take control with the crowd firmly behind him. The Flying Hillbilly was sent to the floor after being taken down by a series of dropkicks. El Scorcho signaled to the crowd to get them fired up before propelling himself over the ropes with a senton to Earl Ray King on the outside.


El Scorcho got to his feet first and took the time to gesture to his fans in the crowd before pulling Earl Ray up, but this gave "The Flying Hillbilly" enough time to recover and hit El Scorcho with a low blow and take control of the match. Earl Ray rolled El Scorcho into the ring before climbing up to the top of the turnbuckle. Earl Ray King gave a yell to the crowd before going for a Hillbilly Bomb, (Shooting Star Press) but his showboating cost him as he found nothing but canvas.


Both men were down on the canvas as referee Tiny Jackson started a ten count, but both men got their feet by the time Jackson got to eight. Earl Ray approached El Scorcho and brought back his right hand to throw a punch, but the master of martial arts clasped his hands together and shouted Bullet Time! Suddenly both men (and the referee) seemed to be moving in slow motion. El Scorcho dodged the punch and countered with a series of slow motion kicks and punches of his own. Finally the master of marital arts sought to finish off the match with a Blinding Kung Fu Rush (Series of normal speed kicks and punches to a slow-motion opponent.) This brought an end to the slow motion as El Scorcho covered Earl Ray King for the pin.


Result: El Scorcho beats Earl Ray King in 5:53 via Pinfall.


Rating: 33 (E+)


<a href="http://s1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/?action=view&current=TheChef.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/TheChef.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> and <a href="http://s1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/?action=view&current=Buccaneer.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/Buccaneer.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

Announcer "The Chef" Chet Rio alongside "Buccaneer" Jack Robin


"Y'arr a cheater! If he had played fair Earl Ray King would have had that match."


"Cheater?! Earl Ray was the one who hit a low blow!"


"Aye, but that El Scorcho slowed down time. That be cheating the laws of physics if you ask me."


"Anyway, let's go backstage now to Debbie Monroe who has an exclusive interview with one of the newest members of POW.




<a href="http://s1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/?action=view&current=DebbieMonroe.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/DebbieMonroe.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

Debbie Monroe

"Good afternoon! On behalf of POW fans across the globe I want to introduce the newest member of the POW family, DISCO Fox!"


<a href="http://s1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/?action=view&current=DISCOFox.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/DISCOFox.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>



"And I'm glad to be here. You see I been juking and jiving my way across this country getting my name out there and everywhere I go I keep hearing about this new promotion that has the coolest cats in all of wrestling. Now at first I thought brothers be talking nothing, but the more places I go the more I heard about this company in Chicago that was changing the game. So I decided that I should do the only thing that I can do and made my way on down to POW.


"So now that you're here what do you plan on doing next?"


Well I'm here for one reason only: to boogie my way to the top. They say POW has the coolest cats in all of wrestling, but I'm here to say there ain't no cat cooler than me and I intent to prove it.


You will have to excuse me, because I see a fiiine lady that I have not been properly introduce to yet.


The camera follows Disco Fox as he makes his way over to...


<a href="http://s1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/?action=view&current=WMD.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/WMD.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>



"Excuse me Foxy Lady, you and I have not been properly introduced yet and I would hate for that to go unfixed.


"I don't know who you are, but you must be out of your damn mind if you're going to walk up to me and talk like that.


"The name's Disco Fox."


"I don't care what your name is, but if you don't leave me be I'm going to do to you what I do to anybody who gets in my way. The only thing I care about is gold around my waist and hurting people until I get some."


"I see you are a busy lady, but I'm sure we'll meet again later."


DISCO Fox gives a wink before walking away; WMD just looks annoyed. The camera pans back to Debbie Monroe.


"I think we all look forward to see what this DISCO Fox can do in the ring. In the mean time-"


Debbie Monroe is interrupted when she is approached by an oddly well dressed man wearing a tuxedo.


<a href="http://s1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/?action=view&current=PaulCrowley_alt.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/PaulCrowley_alt.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>



"Excuse me Miss Monroe. I need to inquire upon you if you've seen anything unusual" Said the man in a smooth British accent.


"Who are you?"


"I'm afraid there is no time for introductions or other...formalities. I must ask if you've heard anything about a dark portal or a ritual of some kind?


"No, nothing like that."


"Ah I see, well contact me if you hear anything." Said the man as he handed Debbie Monroe a business card.


"Ah there you are! Don't just stand there, there's business to attend to!"


<a href="http://s1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/?action=view&current=EbiKadivar_alt2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/EbiKadivar_alt2.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>



The man in the tuxedo seemed to be talking to the empty locker-room in the backround, but suddenly a man appeared from seemingly out of nowhere wearing an elaborate disguise designed to blend in with the background, apparently having been there the whole time. The two men left the locker room in a hurry.


"Well that was...interesting."


The camera zoomed in on the business card the man in the tuxedo handed Debbie Monroe to reveal the words: "The Secret Service: Oliver Owens the 7th and The Master of Disguise."


Segment Rating: 40 (D-)


Freshman Patel vs Meido Machine


<a href="http://s1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/?action=view&current=FreshmanPatel.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/FreshmanPatel.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> vs <a href="http://s1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/?action=view&current=MeidoMachine.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/MeidoMachine.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Patel began the match looking confidant after the pep-talk from his teammates, but his confidence quickly faded as he was in the ring with the strange Meido Machino. There was a fairly standard back and forth opening. Every time Patel looked like he might be taking control he'd be distracted by an off putting gesture from his opponent. For his part Meido Machino displayed some very good chain wrestling skills in the early part of the match which were double effective against Patel since he seemed like he didn't want to be anywhere near Meido.


Patel left the ring to get away from his bizarre opponent wearing a maids outfit, but re-entered the ring so as not to get counted out. Patel was in the odd position of not wanting to lose the match, but was clearly being put off his game by the opponent. The crowd itself didn't seemed to be just as split with some laughing at Meido's antics, a few cheering for Patel, but most of them not really into the match.


The match finally began to heat up when Patel slipped out of an octopus hold and ran off the ropes to bring Meido down with a running dropkick. Patel continued to build momentum as he dropped Meido twice more with running dropkicks before jumping onto the second rope and leaping off with a College Dropout (Springboard Leg Drop) Patel connected with Meido and made the cover, but Meido got his shoulder up at 2 and a half.


Patel looked frustrated, but regained his composure and ran the ropes and went for a cross body on Meido, but Meido countered with a dropkick of his own. Patel looked slightly dazed as he got to his feet, and was immediately greeted with an enzuigiri kick to the side of the head sending Patel dazed to his knees. Meido wrapped Patel up on the ground and put him a painful looking Nyan-Lock (Keylock) leaving Patel no choice but to tap out.


Meido Machine defeats Freshmen Patel in 8:53 by Submission.


Rating: 31 (E+)



<a href="http://s1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/?action=view&current=TheChef.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/TheChef.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> and <a href="http://s1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/?action=view&current=Buccaneer.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/Buccaneer.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

Announcer "The Chef" Chet Rio alongside "Buccaneer" Jack Robin


"The newcomer Meido Machine looking strong in his debut with a win over Patel."


"Yarr, something tells me that boys a few planks short of a boat, but I suppose you got be tough to wear an outfit like that as a wrestler."


"Anyway, it looks like "The Aviator" is coming out to announce who his partner is."


<a href="http://s1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/?action=view&current=GeoffreyWestminsterII.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/GeoffreyWestminsterII.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

"Aviator" Lt. Geoffrey C. Westminster II


"It has been six months since that pack of rapscallions known as the Frat Pack caused great insult to my person by vandalizing my tea kettle and not once have they apologized." Began Westminster in his faux-English accent.


"Now I may normally be a jolly fellow, but for a man such as myself who served his majesties air forces in the darkest days of world war two to be insulted by a bunch of ungrateful whippersnappers is outrageous! You Americans should be grateful for if it wasn't for me and my countrymen you'd all be speaking German!"


The crowd booed at the insult to the country and a few in the crowd tried to start a USA chant, but it quickly died down.


"Now then it's become apparent that the Frat Pack refuses to fight fairly one on one, so I have decided to even the odds. I introduce you a man who shares my traditional values...A man of class with old school values...I give you...The Highwayman!


Rating: 28 (E)


Darius King and Scott Bingington vs Lt Geoffrey C. Westminster II and the Highwayman


<a href="http://s1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/?action=view&current=DariusKing.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/DariusKing.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/?action=view&current=ScottBingington.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/ScottBingington.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> vs <a href="http://s1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/?action=view&current=GeoffreyWestminsterII.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/GeoffreyWestminsterII.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/?action=view&current=TheHighwayman.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/TheHighwayman.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


The match started with Darius facing off against the Aviator. Geoffrey tried to use his speed to his advantage, but the big man used his size and power to throw the Aviator around the ring. The Frat pack looked to be in control until a cheap shot from The Highwayman in the corner gave The Aviator a chance to tag out and double team Darius. The Highwaymen worked over Darius with some punches and kicks as they tried to wear the big man down and keep him from making a tag to his fresher opponent. This strategy seemed to be working until The Highwaymen went for a clothesline only for Darius to meet him mid-way with a clothesline of his own sending both men down to the canvas.


The Highwayman managed to crawl over and make a tag to the Aviator, but he couldn't stop Darius from getting the hot tag to Scott Bingington. Bingington unloaded on the Aviator with a series oh right hands before clotheslining him out of the ring. The Highwayman tried to get a cheap shot in on the outside, but Bingington countered him and took him down with a dropkick. Bingington rolled the Aviator back into the ring, but was met with a handspring elbow from the Aviator as he entered the ring after him.


The Highwayman tagged in and earnestly got to work pummeling Bingington with punches and elbows to the midsection and back. Finally after working over Bingington some more the Highwayman lifted Bingington up for the Ransom Note, (Spinning Sidewalk Slam) but Bingington slipped out and took The Highwayman down with a dropkick. Bingington ran to the ropes to gain speed, but stopped when the Highwayman held out his hand and shouted "Halt! Your copper of your life!" Bingington didn't have any copper to hand over, but The Highwayman took advantage of his confusion with a kick to the gut.


This advantage didn't last long however. The Highwaymen went for a short armed clothesline, but Bingington ducked under it and finally got the hot tag to Darius King. King came in on and brought down his opponent with a series of clotheslines and forearms. The football star was rolling and he hit The Highwayman with a Touchdown. (Power Slam) It looked like the Highwayman was down and out as King went for the cover, but Westminster entered the ring to break up the pin. The Aviator was then taken to the outside by Bingington leaving King and the Highwayman alone in the ring. King was fired up as he unloaded into his opponent with a series of big right hands.


King signaled to the crowd that he was going to finish it as he whipped The Highwaymen into the ropes. King ran off the opposite ropes and met The Highwaymen in mid-ring with a big Blitz, (Spear) but King was confused when the referee refused to count as The Aviator had made a blind tag on his partner when he was whipped into the ropes. Westminster rolled up the confused football star and managed to keep his shoulders down for three seconds to get the cheap win.

Lt Geoffrey Westminster[W] and The Highwayman defeat Darius King[L] and Scott Bingington in 9:34 via Pinfall.


Rating: 28 (E)


<a href="http://s1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/?action=view&current=TheChef.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/TheChef.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> and <a href="http://s1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/?action=view&current=Buccaneer.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/Buccaneer.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

Announcer "The Chef" Chet Rio alongside "Buccaneer" Jack Robin


"Well The Aviator finally got a victory over his Frat Pack even if he had to use questionable tactics.


"Y'arr, what be so questionable? He made a legal tag and pinned him for the three count."


"True, but I don't think this rivalry is ended."


The camera shifts backstage where El Scorcho is talking to his tag team partner Sky Panther.


<a href="http://s1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/?action=view&current=ElScorcho.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/ElScorcho.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


"Hey man, I just wanted to wish you good luck in your match tonight."


<a href="http://s1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/?action=view&current=SkyPanther.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/SkyPanther.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


"Thanks man. I may have this title, but we're still the Slo-Mo Dojo you know."


"Right, but that doesn't mean I'm not coming for the title. You know either one of us could have won that number one contenders match."


"Well keep on winning and I'm sure we'll get to have a re-match."


Rating: 44 (D)


Sidekicks Title Match: Discotheque (Donny Chic and KC Summers) © vs Dreamscape (Frightening and Scaremare)


<a href="http://s1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/?action=view&current=POW_Sidekick.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/POW_Sidekick.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> <a href="http://s1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/?action=view&current=DonnyChic.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/DonnyChic.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/?action=view&current=KCSummer.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/KCSummer.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> vs <a href="http://s1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/?action=view&current=Frightening.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/Frightening.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/?action=view&current=Scaremare.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/Scaremare.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


The Fans were firmly behind the champions as the match got under way. The match started off slowly with some holds and counter holds, but the pace quickly increased as the two experienced and athletic teams moved into high gear. Scaremare tripped up Donny Chic from the outside as he was running the ropes which allowed Frightening to take advantage.


Dreamscape isolated Donny Chic in their corner using frequent tags to wear their opponent down, but the high octane high flyer managed to counter a double team maneuver into a headscissors-armdrag combo that took down both Dreamscape members and gave Chic the chance to tag in his partner. KC Summers was in and dished out flying forearms to both members of dreamscape. Frightening got a hold of KC Summers from the outside, but Summers managed to free himself just as Scaremare came rushing in causing the Dreamscape partners to collide and send Frightening to the floor.


Scaremare whipped Summers into the ropes and tried for a clothesline, but KC Summers ducked under the clothesline and instead hit a suicide dive to Frightmare on the outside. Not to be outdone Scaremare showed off his aerial prowess by doing a no-handed senton over the top rope onto Summers on the outside. This left just Donny Chic standing and he got the crowd behind him before hitting a big Asai Moonsault on all three men on the outside.


The crowd cheered and chanted as the competitors struggled to their feet. Frightening and Donny Chic were the first ones back into the ring. The two duked it out in the middle of the ring before Donny Chic took over with a series of kicks. Donny Chic whipped Frightening into the ropes, but the masked man held on. Donny charged at Frightmare, but Frightmare ducked as Scaremare jumped onto the apron and met the oncoming Donny Chic with a kick to the head. Donny Chic looked out on his feet as Frightening grabbed a hold of him and set him up for a double team maneuver. Scaremare sprung over the rope and hit the Black-Out (Dropkick/STO Combination) Frightening went for the pin, but KC Summers managed to break it up at the last minute.


Dreamscape remained in control however as with Donny Chic neutralized they were able to double team KC Summers. The mysterious masked duo hit KC Summers with a PANIC Attack (a series of kicks culminating in a big boot/enzuigiri to the head.) Scaremare guarded Frightening as he went for the pin, but Summers managed to just barely get his shoulder up before the three count.


Dreamscape looked frustrated by Summers's tenacity, but looked to finish off the match by heading to opposite corners and climbing to the top rope. The Duo looked to hit the Absolute Terror(Frogsplash/Legdrop combo) but Donny Chic cut Scaremare off and crotched him on the top rope as KC Summers got his knees up to counter Frightening's frogsplash. Summers went for the pin on Frightening, but somehow the masked man found the will to kick out after two.


Meanwhile Donny Chic went for the superplex on Scaremare, but the masked man fought out with a series of right hands to Donny Chic that sent him to the mat. Both Donny Chic and KC Summers were getting to their feet as Scaremare leapt off the top rope only to be met with a devestating The Parties Over! (Double Superkick) Summers went for the pin as Frightening tried to break it up, but Donny Chic interceded and held him back allowing Summers to pick up the one, two, three.


Donny Chic and KC Summers(W) defeat Frighteing and Scaremare(L) in 14:23 via pinfall to retain their POW Sidekicks Titles.


Rating: 44 (D)


The champions remain in the ring and grab a microphone from an assistant at ringside.


<a href="http://s1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/?action=view&current=KCSummer.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/KCSummer.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

KC "Superfly" Summers


"Chicago! We won our match tonight, but we're not just here to show we're the best duo in the ring, we're also here to show that we're the funkiest duo in POW.


<a href="http://s1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/?action=view&current=DonnyChic.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/DonnyChic.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

Donny Chic


"Therefore we're inviting anyone who thinks there fly enough to hand with us to come on out here. If anyone out there has the moves to match us then we'll make them the number one contenders to our title."


"The Flying Hillbilly" Earl Ray King makes his way out from the back. He climbs into the ring and takes the microphone from Donny Chic.


<a href="http://s1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/?action=view&current=EarlRayTravis.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/EarlRayTravis.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

"The Flying Hillbilly" Earl Ray King

"Let me show you how we do it in the country! Hit my Music!"


Earl Ray King's dance seemed to be some sort of square dance, though his rhythm was so far off beat that it may as well have been an incantation. Discotheque quickly cut the music off.


<a href="http://s1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/?action=view&current=DonnyChic.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/DonnyChic.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

Donny Chic


"We asked you to show us your moves, but the only think funky in the ring right now is the stench."


<a href="http://s1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/?action=view&current=KCSummer.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/KCSummer.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

KC "Superfly" Summers


"Is there no one in the locker room with the rhythym to match up with us?"


Discotheque is interrupted when one of the newest members of the roster makes his way out to the ring.


<a href="http://s1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/?action=view&current=DISCOFox.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/DISCOFox.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>



"You brothas got some moves I'll give you that, but you haven't seen anything until you seen me. Hit the music."


Disco music fills the air; the same disco music that Discotheque uses in their matches. DISCO Fox starts clapping until the crowd joins and then starts juking and jiving to the beat in an impressive display of rhythm and agility.


"Hold up brotha, if your going to come into our ring and try and school us at our own game you gonna have to do better than that. Hit the music!"


The Music hit again and the crowd began clapping again as Discotheque and DISCO Fox attempted to one up the other in funkyness. Eventually the end of the song was reached in a stalemate.


"I dig your moves brotha. Tell you what, find yourself a partner and you'll get a shot at these titles."


Rating: 36 (D-)


<a href="http://s1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/?action=view&current=TheChef.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/TheChef.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> and <a href="http://s1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/?action=view&current=Buccaneer.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/Buccaneer.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

Announcer "The Chef" Chet Rio alongside "Buccaneer" Jack Robin


"Quite a night for Discotheque. They win a tough match against Dreamscape and then named DISCO Fox as their number one contender."


"Y'arr, they be heading towards stormy waters if you ask me. Ye don't be giving away title shots unless ye be wanting to lose yer gold.


"Well either way DISCO Fox is going to have to find himself a good partner if he wants a shot at beating a team like Discotheque. Anyway, up next we have our main event. The title match between current Grand Champion Sky Panther and former champion Alexia Dynamite!"


Grand Championship Match: Sky Panther© vs Alexia Dynamite


<a href="http://s1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/?action=view&current=POW_Grand.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/POW_Grand.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> <a href="http://s1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/?action=view&current=SkyPanther.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/SkyPanther.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> vs <a href="http://s1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/?action=view&current=AlexiaDynamite.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/AlexiaDynamite.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


The match began slowly with plenty of chain wrestling which saw the talented technician Alexia Dynamite take control of the early portion of the match. Sky Panther used his agility and athleticism to get out of the holds, but Alexia Dynamite seemed to be continually one step ahead of the Martial Artist from Mexico with her variety of painful holds and submissions.


Alexia did her best to keep Sky Panther grounded where she had the advantage, but couldn't hold down the champion forever as he eventually escaped and attempted to up the pace of the match with a series of dropkicks. The match had shifted now with the momentum fully behind Sky Panther. Alexia tried to ground the high flyer once more with a octopus stretch, but Sky Panther countered with a hurricanrana.


Alexia went to the outside to take a break and slow down the pace of the match, but the champion was having none of it as he leaped over the top rope to deliver a flying crossbody to the challenger. Sky Panther rolled Alexia Dynamite into the ring and made a cover, but only got a two count. Alexia rolled again to the outside; Sky Panther tried to grab her and pull her back into the ring, but the craft Alexia Dynamite pulled Sky Panther into the ropes.


Alexia Dynamite got back into the ring and sought to keep Sky Panther on the ground with a series of kicks to the chest and head followed by a running dropkick to the head of the challenger. Dynamite saw an opportunity and locked Sky Panther in the Dynamite Lock (Twisting Armbar) The champion was in pain, but refused to tap despite the shouts from Dynamite for him to just give up. The crowd chanted for Sky Panther as he managed to assume a vertical base and began lifting Dynamite up into the air while she maintained her hold. Sky Panther got to his feet, but Alexia Dynamite countered by releasing the hold and giving a series of MMA style Elbows to Sky Panthers head. He crumpled to the ground as Alexia Dynamite quickly rolled him over to go for a pin, but Sky Panther managed to kick out despite Alexia Dynamite's attempts to pull the tights.


Alexia Dynamite got in Tiny Jackson's face (or more accurately chest) as she believed she had a three count, but this proved costly as when she went to grab Sky Panther he quickly rolled her up, but couldn't keep her down for a three count. Dynamite once again turned to her technical skills as she put Sky Panther in a headlock, but Sky Panther whipped her into the ropes and met her mid-way with a big leg lariat. Seeing the challenger on the ground Sky Panther decided to go big by going for the Panthersault (Springboard Moonsault) only to crash and burn when Alexia Dynamite rolled out of the way.


Alexia Dynamite quickly went for the pin on Sky Panther. Sky Panther got a shoulder up before the three count, but Dynamite took advantage by taking hold of the arm and once again applying the Dynamite Lock. Sky Panther was in a lot of pain, but refused to tap despite the damage being done to his arm. Sky Panther managed to get a foot on the rope and the referee broke up the hold after giving Alexia Dynamite a five count.


Alexia Dynamite looked furious that her opponent hadn't tapped and responded by kicking the downed Sky Panther repeatedly in his injured arm. Alexia Dynamite pulled Sky Panther to his feet, but sent him to the ground just as quickly with a double knee arm breaker. Alexia Dynamite taunted to the crowd as she signaled that she was once again going to lock in the dynamite lock. Alexia Dynamite pulled Sky Panther away from the ropes to the center of the ring and once again locked in the Dynamite Lock.


Sky Panther shouted in pain, but once more refused to quit. The crowd rallied behind Sky Panther as he got to a standing position with Alexia Dynamite hanging on. Alexia Dynamite tried the same strategy as last time by releasing the hold to go for the elbows to Sky Panthers head, but Sky Panther was ready for her and as she released the hold he brought her to the mat with a devastating DDT! Dynamite slumped down on her knees as Sky Panther signaled to the crowd he was going to finish it. Sky Panter ran to the ropes and then ran towards his kneeling opponent from behind and leapt over her and caught her with the Panther's Claw! (Mid-Air Ace Cutter to Kneeling Opponent.) Sky Panther made the cover and got the one, two, three much to the delight of the crowd.


Sky Panther beats Alexia Dynamite in 15:12 by pinfall and retains the POW Grand Championship Belt.


Rating: 43 (D)


Total Show Rating: 40 (D-)




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Actually writing a show was a lot my work then I anticipated. Having the idea of what you're going to do is one thing, but actually writing it all out is another.


I will say that I hate it when tag teams that start out together have negative tag chemistry, but I'll talk more on that when I do a Bookers Overview.



Jhd1, Tigerkinney, and Jingo all got perfect scores on the prediction. This first card was very predictable, but my next card should be more of a challenge to predict correctly.

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My first show as head booker of POW was in many ways a disappointment. Some of the reasons for this were things no one could have seen coming, but many were were as a result of my own inexperience and foolishness in my booking approach.


Starting with the positive I'll say that all of the workers I signed performed well.


-The tag team of Paul Crowley and Ebi Fardin Kadavar known as the Ambassadors club when they worked in UPJ had a good debut. Their new gimmicks as Oliver Owens the 7th and The Master of Disguise seemed to go over well with the crowd and their dark tag team match may well have been the best match of the night despite the duo not being very well known outside of Japan.


-DISCO Fox may only be 19, but I see a very bright future in him. He performed well in his dark match and also did well enough in the angles he was involved with despite being an unknown quantity to the fans.


-Meido Machine performed solidly in his debut. Patel isn't exactly the most over with the crowd or the best worker in the building, so Meido's real test will come against higher profile opponents.


All of these men more than deserved to be featured on the main show, but I wanted to see how the crowd would react to the new workers. I also wanted to show I wasn't playing favorites with the guys I brought in and wanted to make sure the existing roster was featured. Given the performances of the newcomer I don't think their will be much controversy if they're featured more heavily in future shows.


However the fact remains the actual show was less than spectacular.


-The opener between WMD and El Hot Dog was worse than I had anticipated. El Hotdog did a poor job of selling WMD's impressive offense and he just seemed sluggish and out of it in the ring. This match did acomplish the main goal of establishing WMD as a monster, but I can't help but feel the show would have gone much better if WMD were put in a real match with an opponent on her level.


-Earl Ray King also did a poor job of selling El Scorcho's offense. That being said the match wasn't any worse than I expected when I booked it. In fact Earl Ray and El Scorcho's high flying styles seemed to compliment each other to some degree. The match served it's goal of putting over El Scorch, but I can't help but think that in the short term I could have had a better show if I put WMD and El Scorcho together.


-The match between Meido and Patel was decent enough, but the crowd didn't really buy into Patel as the face in peril and didn't really know who Meido was.


-Lt. Geoffrey C. Montgommery II's introduction of me as his tag team partner fell flat. Geoffrey did a decent enough job on the mic, but the crowd just didn't seem to care about the storyline. I had thought since the feud had been going on for months and this had been teased in advance it would get more of a reaction, but it didn't really.


-Then we have the match itself which was frankly not good at all. The Crowd didn't really seem to buy into the Frat Pack as baby faces and their hot tags got next to no reaction from the crowd. In addition Darius King and Scott Bingington's timing seemed to be off all match which surprised me considering how often they work together, but maybe Patel was the one who kept them working together.


-The Tag Match between Discotheque and Dreamscape was the best match on the show and there's not much I can really complain about it. It did seem to me that Dreamscape were a bit out of sync whenever they were in the ring together. I hope this was just an off night, but I expected them to work together much more effectively given their experience.


-The main event wasn't a bad match exactly, but it could have been better. Sky Panther is a good athlete with some great aerial maneuvers, but he really needs to work on being less of a spot monkey if he's going to be headlining shows.


The show as a whole was rather disappointing both for me and most assuredly for Tiny Jackson who must have been hoping for something a little better than what we got. I don't think I'm going to be fired for one mediocre show, but if I want to keep this job I'm going to have to improve quickly for the next show.




(OOC: So The Frat Pack and Dreamscape have bad chemistry. I also forgot how bad debuting people in angles is, so The Highwayman has 9 momentum right now. Not the best start, but I guess it can only go up from here?)

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