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WWF 1994 - A New Take

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MATCH 3 WWF Womens Title Match

Carl Pierre & The Barbarian def. Scott Taylor & Mike Rapada

A dominant win for Ravens followers who made an example of the 2 young wrestlers after the match by beating them with no mercy.


Lol at above. Not really concerned with predictions, I'd rather just follow. This is by far my favorite diary on here and one of the very few I follow anymore. The new attitudes/characters of guys like Luger, Raven, and Simmons and even Alundra Blaze are starting to shine thru and I can't wait to see what's next! Keep up the good work.

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MATCH 3 WWF Womens Title Match

Carl Pierre & The Barbarian def. Scott Taylor & Mike Rapada

A dominant win for Ravens followers who made an example of the 2 young wrestlers after the match by beating them with no mercy.


Lol at above. Not really concerned with predictions, I'd rather just follow. This is by far my favorite diary on here and one of the very few I follow anymore. The new attitudes/characters of guys like Luger, Raven, and Simmons and even Alundra Blaze are starting to shine thru and I can't wait to see what's next! Keep up the good work.


Oops... lol. I guess that's what happens when I copy the layout and code from previous shows. Haha.


Thanks for the positive comments.

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Monday Week 3, September 1994 from the Providence Civic Center



Vince McMahon: Welcome to Monday Night Raw! I'm.... [Dustin Rhodes music begins, cutting Vince McMahon off]


Dustin Rhodes: Boo, boo, boo... Shut up you morons and sit quietly, because I've got something to say. Hey fatso, I said shut up. I didn't pay to hear you, you paid to hear me so sit there and keep your mouth shut chubs! Ok continue booing, I've got a microphone so I'll just talk over all you worthless pieces of garbage. I am here in the WWF to beat people up and win Championships and I intend to start next week when I beat the holy hell out of some punk kid whose claim to fame is he can count to 3. Well done, give yourself a big pat on the back, because 1-2-3 Kid, next week when I break every bone in your body, you won't be able to use your arms again!


[Ahaha Money, Money, Money, Money, Moneeeeyyy]


Ted DiBiase: You know Dustin, I came out here because I have got to say you have shaken your old mans stench off of you. I remember you coming to your dads rescue a few years ago when myself and Virgil took you both out and sent you packing back down to the minor leagues in Atlanta - but look at you now! You are a man who isn't afraid to say it as it is, and so I've got a proposition for you. You want to break skulls and win championships, well how about you earn a fat paycheck in the process and work for me? Join my Corporation and the gold and crimson will flow in equal flows with the green!


Dustin Rhodes: Ted DiBiase. The Million Dollar Man! Give it up people! You know DiBiase, I don't play well with others so you can take your "generous" offer and stick it down your throat because I don't work for anyone! Now I don't like you DiBiase, but I'm going to afford you the opportunity to leave this ring on your own 2 feet, a curtousy I won't extend to anyone else. So take your $5 suit, your $2 haircut, and get the hell out of MY ring.


[Ted DiBiase looks less than happy but backs off and leaves the ring as Dustin waves him goodbye]


Dustin Rhodes: Bye bye Ted. Now as I was saying, 1-2-3 Kid, I'm putting you on notice. Make sure your insurance is all paid up because I'm going to break you in half! "The American Nightmare" is going to claim his first victim!


Vince McMahon: Dustin Rhodes has made his motives clear! Although I'm less than impressed he cut me off.


Jerry Lawler: He may regret talking to DiBiase like that, but...


Jim Ross: But nothing King, Rhodes isn't here to make friends, he said it himself.




I.R.S def. 1-2-3 Kid

The Kid should have won the match in the early going but instead turned his attention to the Million Dollar Man instead of pinning IRS. Schyster got back into the match and whilst the referee had his back turned hit Kid with the briefcase! IRS made the pin, but Kid showed good ring awareness and put his foot onto the rope. 1-2-3 Kid mounted a small comeback but his efforts were in vain as IRS dropped him with the Stock Markey Crash for the pinfall win. After the match Bam Bam Bigelow and IRS took 1-2-3 Kid apart leaving him in a heap in the middle of the ring.


MATCH 2 - Intercontinental Tournament - Semi Final


Randy Savage def. Rick Martel

The Canadain Model showed great ofence in the opening of the mature, taking it to Macho Man from the bell. A more aggressive Model then reverted back to his showboating ways and soon found himself on the end of a Savage comeback! Jim Cornette attempted to get the referees attention, but all he managed was to rile Savage up even more. Rick Martel attempted a comeback of his own but it fell short when Macho hit a lariat followed by the flying elbow drop for the 3 count. Savage celebrated in the ring before asking for a microphone.


Randy Savage: I said that I was going to be the next intercontinental champion and I wasn't lying. The Macho Man is going to be wearing gold again real soon. Oooooh Yeah! Dig it!


Todd Pettengill: I'm here with a man who later tnight has to take on the near 600lb mammoth, Yokozuna. The WWF Champion, Bret "Hitman" Hart!


Bret Hart: Tonight I have to take on Yokozuna in a "warm up" match for Sunday. Guess James E Cornette threw a polyster tantrum and got his own way again. To say I'm less than thrilled about it is an understatement, but I am a fighter, I am the World Wrestling Federation Champion so I've just got to roll with the punches. Tonight the title isn't on the line but Yokozuna you are going to find out this Sunday that I am the excellence of execution - and that this title means more to me than anything else in this world. You're a big man, but I've beaten you before and I'll do it again tonight, and this Sunday!


Todd Pettengill: Thanks for that Champ. Good luck tonight! Back to you at ringside.


Vince McMahon: Thanks Todd. Lets get things restarted with our next match!


Jim Ross: I am still intrigued as to who Lex Luger has got to partner him against Camp Cornette.




Lex Luger, Tatanka & Road Warrior Animal def. Owen Hart, Jim Neidhart & Crush

The crowd blew the roof off when Animal was introduced, which set up a great start. Tatanka and Neidhart started things off with Neidhart just overpowering Tatanka at every turn. Frequent tags by Camp Cornette as Animal was tagged in and cleared house to the crowds delight. Unfortunately he took to much time playing to the crowd which allowed Crush to hit him from behind with a big forearm. Camp Cornette kept Animal firmly in their half of the ring, tagging in, double teaming and using underhanded tactics, until Animal finally capitalised on a mistake by Owen Hart and tagged in Luger! Luger opened up on Owen, who scramble out of the ring. He rolled back in and made the tag to Crush. Crush and Luger threw rights and lefts at each other when Luger uncharacteristically poked Crush in the eye and headbutted him! Luger came off the ropes and hit the running Forearm to pick up the pinfall victory as Owen and Neidhart had their attentions diverted by Tatanka and Animal.


MATCH 4 - Intercontinental Tournament - Semi Final


Shawn Michaels def. Razor Ramon

A classic Michaels/Ramon match with both men getting the upperhand at varying points. HBK hit sweet chin music on Razor, but he rolled straight out under the bottom rope. Michaels missed a flying elbow drop which allowed Razor to get back into the match. Razor set Michaels up for the Razors Edge when Bam Bam Bigelow showed up at ringside with Luna Vachon and Ted DiBiase. This distraction allowed Michaels to hit another Sweet chin Music on Ramonto pick up the win. HBK vs. savage will be the finals to the Intercontinental Title Tournament!


Vince McMahon: We're getting reports that something is going down backstage. Our camera crew are on the scene...


They show Raven, Pierre & Barbarian attacking Marty Jannetty! The lights go off in the back and when they come back on The Undertaker is cleaning house on Barbarian before turning his attention to Raven. Raven throws Pierre in the Undertakers path and makes a quick escape as Pierre is chokeslammed onto some crates.


Jim Ross: What was all that about? Now Ravens lackeys are just attacking anyone they see fit?


Jerry Lawler: Raven outsmarted Undertaker again. As for Jannetty, I guess he was just in the wrong place at the worng time.




Yokozuna def. Bret Hart

The Champion looked good in the early going and could have had the big man pinned if it wasn't for the antics of Owen Hart who came down to ringside and pulled down the top rope as The Hitman was coming off of them. Bret Hart hit the outside hard. Yokozuna took full advantage and began working over the rib area of the Hitman. The pain was evident, and it looked like Bret would not be able to continue, but he mustered up enough to hit Yokozuna with some rights and lefts, but when he headbutted him, it looked like Bret came off worse. Yokozuna clotheslined Bret down before hitting a huge legdrop which seemingly engulfed the Champion. He dragged Bret to the corner and hit the Banzai Splash for the 3 count. After the match Owen told Yokozuna to hit him with another, which he took great delight in agreeing to! Yokozuna was about to go for a third but Lex Luger, Animal and Tatanka came in for the save.

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Friday Week 3, September 1994 from the Providence Civic Center




Brian Lee def. Fred Avery

No one really cared about the match - or indeed Fred Avery, but they booed the hell out of Brian Lee.



Doink The Clown def. Kwang

The WWF return of Doink saw him overcome Kwang in a pretty decent match.


MATCH 3 WWF Womens Title Match

Alundra Blayze def. KAORU to retain.

KAORU had the crowd behind her, but was unable to get the win they wanted her to due to Alundras run in buddy Luna Vachon getting involved. After the match, Alundra demanded a mic from ringside.


Alundra Blayze: Do you people have any idea who I am? I'm the WWF Womens Champion, which means I am the greatest female professional wrestler in the world. The distinct lack of respect you people show me, week in and week out is nothing short of disgusting. I have beaten everyone this company has put in front of me and I have done it with a style and grace you people can only dream about. I will continue defending this title, and I will continue to be YOUR womens champion, so I suggest you all just deal with it.



Adam Bomb def. Bob Holly

An average match that saw Adam Bomb win with the Meltdown.

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For those who would like to predict In Your House 2 results;


DARK MATCH: Alundra Blayze vs. Jaguar Yokota [Womens Title Match]


1. Crush vs. British Bulldog [Providing Bulldog comes back from his injury in time - He is scheduled to be out 3 more days]

2. The Undertaker vs. Carl Pierre

3. The Smoking Gunns vs. Adam Bomb & I.R.S. [Tag Title Match] - Tag name of Financial Meltdown maybe???

4. Razor Ramon vs. Bam Bam Bigelow

5. Randy Savage vs. Shawn Michaels [intercontinental Final Match]

6. Lex Luger vs. Owen Hart

7. Bret Hart vs. Yokozuna [World Title Match]

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DARK MATCH: Alundra Blayze vs. Jaguar Yokota [Womens Title Match]


1. Crush vs. British Bulldog [Providing Bulldog comes back from his injury in time - He is scheduled to be out 3 more days]

2. The Undertaker vs. Carl Pierre

3. The Smoking Gunns vs. Adam Bomb & I.R.S. [Tag Title Match] - Tag name of Financial Meltdown maybe???

4. Razor Ramon vs. Bam Bam Bigelow

5. Randy Savage vs. Shawn Michaels [intercontinental Final Match]

6. Lex Luger vs. Owen Hart

7. Bret Hart vs. Yokozuna [World Title Match]

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Sunday Week 3, September 1994 from the Fargodome



The usual Free For All hosted by Todd Pettengill runs down the history of the past month and general ramblings to get people to buy the PPV and a match. Doink The Clown made an appearance, hitting Todd with a pie, before hosing him down with the water from his big yellow flower.




Alundra Blayze def. Jaguar Yokota to retain

In a pretty decent match, Blayze showed a new mean streak. Beating Yokota mercilessly. Jaguar Yokota eventually got in some offence, but it was short lived as Luna made her presence known on the outside. Alundra Blayze picked up the pinfall with the Bridging German Suplex.


Vince McMahon: Welcome to In Your House 2! Hello ladies and gentlemen, I'm Vince McMahon, alongside Jim Ross and Jerry "The King" Lawler! The lines have been drawn as we will see Crush take on British Bulldog. Razor Ramon will be looking for retribution against "The Beast from the East" Bam Bam Bigelow!


Jim Ross: We'll also see The Smoking Gunns defend their Tag Team Titles against the newly formed team of Adam Bomb and I.R.S. as well as "Made in the USA" Lex Luger against Owen Hart.


Jerry Lawler: And history will be made when Shawn Michaels finally shuts up "The Macho Man" Randy Savage!


Vince McMahon: Finally our Main event will pit Bret Hart against one of his biggest opponents, and a man he has lost and beaten when it comes to the World Title, the 600lb Yokozuna! Lets get underway!




Crush def. The British Bulldog

Two powerhouses kicked off In Your House 2 with a decent match taht got the crowd going. Crush started the match on top, gaining the early momentum with some stiff shots and a huge clothesline. The tables turned however when he missed an elbow drop, which allowed Bulldog to gain his composure and hit a huge slam on Crush. Bulldog took control of the match until he went for the running Powerslam, as Crush slipped out of it and locked on the Kona Clutch. Bulldog passed out and the referee called for the bell.


Vince McMahon: We're getting word that Todd Pettengill has someone backstage with him. Todd who are you with?


Todd: Thanks Vince. Now I'm here with "The American Nightmare" Dustin Rhodes who says he...


Dustin Rhodes: I can't believe that I have to wait until tomorrow for my debut. A debut against a guy half my size, and a quarter of my talent. I did not come to the WWF from Atlanta to sit in the shadows. Oh no, I could have done that down there in the huge shadow cast by my porky dad. I came to the WWF to break peoples bones, and every fans spirit. Tomorrow night on Raw, I will dominate and destroy the little 1-2-3 Kid, and then I'm going after the top gun. Whether that's Bret Hart or Yokozuna, I don't really care. The clean cut Rhodes boy is no more, now you gotta deal with "The American Nightmare"!




The Undertaker def. Carl Pierre

A very quick match saw Undertaker dismantle Pierre in under 2 minutes with the Tombstone Piledriver. Following the match Raven came from the crowd with a lead pipe but The Undertaker ducked the shot and kicked Raven in the stomach. He whipped him off the ropes and hit a big boot before going for the chokeslam. The Barbarian took out Undertakers knee with the pipe as Raven looked relieved. The Barbarian helped Carl Pierre and Raven out of the ring as Undertaker stood up. Lightning hit the stage area just in front of The Barbarian as the lights go out. Undertakers voice belowed out in the arena.


Undertaker: Raven... your time has come. I am more than you can ever comprehend. The legend of The Undertaker will not rest until you are in a wooden box clawing for breath. You will not rest in peace Raven... you will burn in hell!


The lights come back on and Undertaker is no longer in the ring.


MATCH 3 - WWF Tag Team Titles


The Smoking Gunns def. Adam Bomb & I.R.S. to retain

Adam Bomb and I.R.S. showed good teamwork despite this being their first match together, almost getting the win after Bomb hit a Meltdown on Billy Gunn - who managed to put his foot under the rope. Plenty of tags in the match and offence from both teams, however The Smoking Gunns finally picked up the win with the Sidewinder on I.R.S. Following the match, Ron Simmons and an unknown accomplice (Kama Mustafa) came down to the ring and attacked The Smoking Gunns! They both stood over the downed Gunns and raised a fist in the air.


Vince McMahon: Lets go backstage where Todd Pettengill is with Lex Luger.


Todd: Thanks Vince. I'm here with the "American Made" Lex Luger. Lex, thoughts on your match with Owen?


Lex Luger: You know Todd, for weeks now all I've heard is Camp Cornette run their mouths about how much they hate America, how much they hate all Americans. Well I'm confused because wasn't Jim Neidhart born in Tampa, Florida? I'm pretty sure that's the US. Jim Cornette, wasn't he born in Louisville, Kentucky? Anyway hypocricy aside, I'm sick of these invaders coming here, taking our dollars and then pissing all over the American flag! I am going to send each and every one of you packing from this great land starting with that crybaby from Calgary, Owen Hart tonight.


Todd: Er... Some strong words from Lex Luger. Back to you Vince.


Vince McMahon: Thanks Todd. We apologise for Lex Lugers language ladies and gentlemen. He clearly let his emotions get the better of him.


Jerry Lawler: Owen is going to make him eat those words later on!




Razor Ramon def. Bam Bam Bigelow

Bigelow came out flanked by Ted DiBiase and Brian Lee. Razor unleashed a torrent of rights and lefts on Bigelow as soon as he entered the ring which really got the crowd hyped. Unfortunately Bigelow poked Razor in the eye to take advantage. Bam Bam then controlled the match and almost won with a 2 (point 9!) count. Bigelow went to the top for the Flying Headbutt, but Razor came round and hit a tremendous right hand which unbalanced Bigelow who came crashing down crotch first. Razor hit a big slam on Bam Bam which got Ted DiBiase up on the apron as Brian Lee snuck into the ring from the other side. Brian Lee went to hit Razor but missed and was hit with a huge fall away slam right to the outside! Ramon then knocked DiBiase off the apron. Bigelow by this point has recouped and attempted a big clothesline on Razor, but Ramon ducked it before hitting the Razors Edge for the pinfall victory.


MATCH 5 - Intercontinental Title Tournament Final


Shawn Michaels def. Randy Savage to become the NEW Intercontinental Champion

In what can only be described as the match of the night, Savage and Shawn went after each other like mortal enemies! The upperhand was Shawns to start following a cheap shot that got Savage so wound up he made an error in judgement. Michaels hit Savage with a huge running forearm and an elbow drop from the top for a near 2 count. He went to the well one too many times however and Savage gained the upperhand hitting HBK with a stiff uppercut that knocked Michaels off his feet. Randy continued his onslaught, getting several near falls before turning Michaels inside out with a viscious clothesline. Another near count as Savage then went to the top for the Flying Elbow drop, - again Michaels kicked out! Savage looked stunned and began pummeling Shawn, however as the referee was distracted (for whatever reason - only he knows) Michaels kicked Savage in the groin and gained a rest. Shawn then began beating on Savage, and had to be pulled off by the referee. Savage got up and walked straight into Sweet Chin Music but kicked out! Now it was Michaels turn to look stunned. Another Sweet Chin Music however put Savage away for the 3 and shawn Michaels again became the Intercontinental Champion.




Owen Hart def. Lex Luger via Result Reversal

A heated rivalry was coming to a head as Luger beat on Owen like he owed him child support! Luger went for the forearm early but missed. Owen then took advantage with several shots and the Enziguri for a 2 count. Owen went to apply the Sharpshooter, however Luger kicked him away, which caused Owen to fall through the ropes. As the referee was checking on Owen, Jim Neidhart jumped the barrier and entered the ring hitting Luger with a running shoulder block. This only infuriated Luger who chased after Anvil, hitting him with rights and lefts. Luger entered the ring again and was met with a kick to the stomach and a Piledriver from Owen Hart for another 2 count. Luger then composed himself and hit Owen with a knee to the midsection before he unleashed a torrent of lefts and rights which dazed Owen. The referee interjected himself and warned Luger who told him to mind his own business, with Luger distracted Owen snuck up behind for a roll up, and yet another 2 count. Luger was now so angry he went after Owen with a vengeance hitting him with the loaded forearm. He then put Owen up in the torture rack before Neidhart and Crush rushed the ring. Luger took both of them out and put Owen in the Rack again! Owen tapped out and the referee declared Luger the winner, however Luger would not release the hold! The referee tried to get Luger to break it but Luger dropped Owen and put the referee in the Turture Rack! Several other officials came down and tried to stop Luger, but he just hit them as they came near him! Jack Tunney came down and was handed a microphone. He then reversed the referees decision and declared Owen Hart the winner due to Lugers actions!


Vince McMahon: Joining us backstage, Ray Rougeau with The Hitman!


Ray Rougeau: I'm here with the world Champion who in just moments will be defending his title against Yokozuna. "The Hitman" Bret Hart. Bret, after Mondays beating are you at 100%?


Bret Hart: Ray, I'd be lying if I said I was in peak physical shape. Yokozuna beat me black and blue on Monday, but I'm not one for making excuses. Tonight I will retain my Championship because I am everything I say I am. The best there is, the best their was and the best there ever will be. Believe it.


MAIN EVENT - WWF World Title


Bret Hart def. Yokozuna to retain

Still favouring his ribs after Mondays assault at the hands of Yokozuna, Bret Hart looked set to drop the title. That was more evident in the early going when Yokozuna zoned in on the injury. Bret began a minor fightback, however it was futile as he was just out powered by the collosal Yokozuna, who once again went after the ribs. At one point Earl Hebner almost ended the match but Hitman fought back and found his second wind, knocking Yokozuna down to one knee afetr a torrent of punches and kicks. Mr Fuji on seeing this hit Bret hart in the back as he came off the ropes with the Japanese flag, and Yokozuna got a 2 count. Hitman showed great Hart and again fought back against Yokozuna. Yoko hit a huge kick that had to be seen to be believed which sent Hitman sprawling to the outside. Hitman rolled back in at 8 and was given a huge Yokozuna legdrop for his troubles. Another 2 count for the big man who then slammed the Hitman hard, before clotheslining him again out of the ring. Hitman again made the count at 8, this time Yokozuna missed a legdrop, and was slow getting back up. This allowed Hart to have a breather and regain himself. He stomped on the fingers of Yokozuna before hitting a running knee to the downed Yokozunas face. Hart went to the top and hit an Axehandle Elbow drop. He then locked in the Sharphooter on the big man for the unlikely submission finish! Hart unable to stand was helped to the back by British Bulldog and Lex Luger who came out to celebrate with him.

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Really enjoying things. Great job so far.



Adam Bomb & I.R.S. vs. The Headshrinkers

Raven vs. Hakushi

Bob Holly vs. Ron Simmons

Dustin Rhodes vs. 1-2-3 Kid

British Bulldog & Lex Luger vs. Crush & Owen Hart


Thanks for the positive words. I'm glad you're enjoying it so far, and hopefully the next few shows will be just as enjoyable. :)

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I really thought Savage would win the belt, thus making Michaels chase the belt to finally win it.


Adam Bomb & I.R.S. vs. The Headshrinkers

Raven vs. Hakushi

Bob Holly vs. Ron Simmons

Dustin Rhodes vs. 1-2-3 Kid

British Bulldog & Lex Luger vs. Crush & Owen Hart

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Monday Week 4, September 1994 from the Fargodome



Vince McMahon: Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to Monday Night Raw! I'm Vince McMahon, alongside Jim Ross and Jerry "The King" Lawler. We have an explosive show tonight which includes our Main Event.


Jim Ross: That's right Vince. Tonight we have a rematch from a few weeks back as Lex Luger and The British Bulldog look to gain some retribution for their singles losses last night against Crush and Owen Hart!


Jerrry Lawler: Lex Luger showed his true colours last night and tonight he is going to get what he deserves!




Adam Bomb & I.R.S. def. The Headshrinkers

Adam Bomb and I.R.S. once again showed they worked well together despite their loss at In Your House, taking the match to the Headshrinkers. They alienated Samu from his partner, making frequent tags and double teaming him. Samu finally made the hot tag to Samu who hit chops on Adam Bomb and a standing side kick on I.R.S. Fatu tagged in Samu as the Headshrinkers took control of the match, however some miscommunication on the part of the Headshrinkers allowed Adam Bomb to hit Samu with the Meltdown as I.R.S. came down on him with the 2nd rope elbow drop for the pinfall victory.


Raven came down to the ring and sat in the corner with a microphone.


Raven: Apparently there's been some complaints over the past month, that what I've been saying has not been easy to understand because of my excessively large vocabulary and my high level of diction. Well, tonight I will put what I have to say in terms so clear that everyone, even those of limited intelligence will know exactly what I mean. Hakushi, you are a mere pawn and a pebble in my road to The Undertaker that I will kick to the side. There will be no salvation for you tonight Hakushi, just the Evenflow! Quote The Raven. Nevermore.




Raven def. Hakushi

A surprisingly good match saw Raven man handle Hakushi in the early going with hard rights and lefts. Hakushi fought back and began taking to the air with some high risk offence that stunned Raven and got the crowd behind him. Unfortunately it was all for nothing as from out of nowhere, Raven hit the Evenflow DDT to pick up the pinfall victory. As Raven celebrated in the ring standing over the fallen Hakushi, arms held out wide, the lights go out and the bell begins to toll. The Undertakers voice rings out over the arena;


Undertaker: Raven. You have chosen to rage war with the darkness and now the Demon of Death Valley is going to unleash hells full force upon you! The creatures of the night will witness your demise. At In Your House 3 you will rest in peeeeaaaace.


Vince McMahon: I would not want to be Raven right now! The Undertaker sounds like he menas business.


Jerry Lawler: I wouldn't want to be you right now McMahon. You're commentary is dreadful! Thank god I'm here to boost the charisma levels. Raven has taken this fight to The Undertaker and at In Your House 3, if Raven chooses to wrestle, we may finally witness the end of the Undertakers 4 year reign of terror upon The world Wrestling Federation!


Vince McMahon: We'll see King. Right now lets head back to Ray Rougeau who is with Lex Luger.


Ray Rougeau: Hi Vince. Yes I am indeed here with Lex Luger. Lex, last night you seemed to be losing control a bit...


Lex Luger: Let me stop you there Ray. Last night, I disgraced myself when I let my emotions get the better of me. For that I apologise to my fans and everyone here at the World Wrestling Federation. You see I'm proud to call myself an American and I love my country with all my heart, but that does not excuse my behaviour. I let myself down but more importantly, I let every one of my fans down.


Ray Rougeau: Whoa! Owen Hart what are you doing here?! You shouldn't be here.


Owen Hart: Shut your mouth Rougeau. I'm Owen Hart, I'll go where I want. Last night Luger, all you did was prove you are nothing but a thug. A low down, dirty American thug. You threw everything at me but I still beat you all by myself. Don't look at me like that. You know it's true. I outsmarted you and I beat you. I don't know why Jack Tunney has put me and Crush in a tag match with you and Bulldog later on because neither one of you are in our league! Crush beat Bulldog, I beat you so we have nothing to prove.


Lex Luger: Little man you want to stop right there. You beat no one last night. I left you down and out, so tell me Owen, what part of that scenario makes you a winner? Is it the having your ass handed to you? Or was it the inevitable tears that came in your dressing room? Nothing about you says winner Owen, and later on I'm going to prove that again. Now get out of my way.




Ron Simmons def. Bob Holly

Ron Simmons came out, flanked by Kama Mustafa. In a pretty quick match that saw Holly get in little offence, Simmons hit the Dominator on Holly to pick up the pinfall win. After the match Simmons took a microphone from ringside.


Ron Simmons: Smoking Gunns listen up. My name is Ron Simmons and I'm a former All American Football star, former WCW World Heavyweight Champion and 2 years ago I was voted Most Inspirational Wrestler of the Year. This here is "The Supreme Fighting Machine" Kama Mustafa and together we are The Nation. Now that you know who we are, let me tell you what's going to happen. You're going to shine those belts up, pull on your cowboy hats, bring yourselves to In Your House. When you leave, it's going to be in an ambulance, minus those belts! Now you better believe we're for real.




Dustin Rhodes def. 1-2-3 Kid

1-2-3 Kid took the fight to Rhodes early on which seemed to take The American Nightmare by surprise. Kid hit a running spin kick which almost gave him the victory. Rhodes however shook off 1-2-3 Kids onslaught and finally used his weight advantage and sheer brutality to get the upper hand. Rhodes picked up the victory with a reverse DDT and then just looked at the crowd signalling that Kid was the first victim. He then applied a rear naked choke on Kid until he passed out.


Vince McMahon: Dustin Rhodes showing he's not to be trifled with. Lets go backstage now where Ray Rougeau is with Randy Savage.


Ray Rougeau: Thanks Vince. Randy, last night you lost in the Intercontinental Title Tournament final to Shawn Michaels. What are you thinking right now?


Randy Savage: I'm thinking the better man on the night won. I gave Michaels everything I had but it wasn't enough. I threw everything at him but he still would not be beaten. That said, I still don't like you Michaels and our business is not finished by a longshot. No. I'm...


Ray Rougeau: Shawn Michaels you're not supposed to be here!


Shawn Michaels: Rougeau, I go where I like, when I like because when you look like this, you get to do what you want! As for you Savage, our business is not finished, you're right because I'm not going to be happy until I rid the WWF of you and your stupid hat and glasses. You look like a Pimp Jester.


Randy Savage: Watch your mouth Michales or my fist will do it for you! Yeeeah.


Shawn Michaels: Yeah yeah, whatever Savage. Tell you what I'm going to do. We're going to go around one more time, the last fight between us. But it won't happen tonight. In Your House Savage, The Heartbreak Kid will put up his Intercontinental Title but, if I'm going to put this up, you too will need to put up so lets see what will it be? How about your collection of hats? Wait no... I've got it your career! Think it over Jack but if you want a shot at this then that's the price.




Lex Luger & British Bulldog vs. Owen Hart & Crush went to a No contest

The match started out with Crush and Bulldog slugging it out with various rights, lefts and kicks before Lex was tagged in. He and Crush then went at each other, however Luger gained the advantage when Crush played up to the crowd. Crush tagged in Owen, who was reluctant and tagged Crush back in straight away. Crush looked at him puzzled but went after Luger again. Luger and Bulldog made various tags, however Rick Martel and Jim Neidhart made their way out to ringside. The referee warned them not to interfere, both men tried to look innocent. Tatanka and The Road warrior came out and stood in the corner. Neidhart tripped Luger as he went for the loaded Forearm and all hell broke loose! Luger came outside the ring and attacked Neidhart but Crush attacked him. The referee ended up losing all control of the match as it descended into a brawl between all 8 men as the show went off air.

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Friday Week 4, September 1994 from the Providence Civic Center




Doink def. PJ Walker

Some post match shenanigans by Doink got PJ Walker riled up but it was the Prince of Mischief who picked up the win with a Stump Puller.



Bob Holly def. Adam Copeland

Bob Holly gave the young Canadian a lesson when he beat him with a Falcon Arrow. Copeland looked raw and showed real potential in the offence he got in.


MATCH 3 WWF Womens Title Match

Alundra Blayze def. Jaguar Yokota to retain.

Yokota had the crowd behind her, but again Blayze picked up the victory with an assist from Luna Vachon


Jeff Jarrett: I don't know what the hell is going on but it seems like I'm being shoved onto the minor league shows because the WWF are afraid of what a star I am. I'll tell you something, Ol' Double J is gonna beat the hell out of Tatanka tonight and then I'm heading to Jack Tunneys office where we're going to find out why the greatest wrestler and entertainer in the world today is relegated to performing in front of people like you hicks and morons! Aint I great!



Jeff Jarrett def. Tatanka

Jarrett looked a little more ruthless than usual and picked up the win over the Native American with a Russian Legsweep.

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Monday Week 1, October 1994 from the Lee County Civic Center



Vince McMahon: Welcome to Monday Night Raw! I'm Vonce McMahon alongside...


Jerry Lawler: They get it McMahon, it's the same every week. Try a new introduction already!


Vince McMahon: I'm sorry King? What would you have me say?


Jerry Lawler: If it were up to me you'd just sit there quiet all evening.


Jim Ross: Give it a break you two.


Dustin Rhodes comes out to the ring looking annoyed (as usual). He takes a microphone from ringside.


Dustin Rhodes: I said last week that I was going to beat 1-2-3 Kid, and I did. I said I was going to leave him down and out, and I did. I then said I was coming after the champ, and I am. Bret Hart you say you're the best there is, the best there was blah blah blah... You've never faced me Bret. So I'm challenging you to a match tonight! I will prove that you are nowhere near being the best, past, present or future. Let us see if you can withstand the onslaught, of the American Nightmare. What do you say Hitman? If you have the balls, meet me in this ring later and I'll show the world that I am exactly what I say.




The Nation def. Bob Holly & Marty Jannetty

Despite being a "makeshift" team, Holly and Jannetty worked well together hitting their larger opponents with some great offence and double team moves. The Nation soon overpowered and took the advantage when Jannetty missed a high cross body from the top rope. Simmons and Kama then just destroyed him. The Nation picked up the win when Simmons hit Jannetty with a Dominator for the pinfall victory.


Vince McMahon: Let's go backstage where Ray Rougeau is with Bret Hart.


Ray Rougeau: Thanks Vince. Bret, Dustin Rhodes issued a challenge to you early in the broadcast. Do you have a response?


Bret Hart: Dustin Rhodes, I pride myself on being a fighting champion and I do not walk away from challenges so if you want my attention, you got it. You know Dustin, you're a good athlete in your own right, but just like my brother Owen, your bitterness gets the better of you, so I'm going to have to show you just like I did my brother that you just don't have what it takes to be the top guy.


Ray Rougeau: Thank you Hitman. Back to you guys at ringside.




Raven def. 1-2-3 Kid

Raven and Kid put on a surprisingly good match with both men getting in a measure of offence against the other. However the distractions and presence of The Barbarian and Carl Pierre were too much for the Kid and he turned his attention to them once too often, turning into a Raven Evenflow DDT for the 3 count. After the match Raven sat in the corner with a microphone, but was cut off from saying anything by the toll of the bell.


Undertaker: Raven. The countdown to your demise is nearing it's conclussion. At In Your House 3 I will unleash a fury on you that you will never recover from. Raven, you will rest in peeeeeaaaace.


The lights come back on and Raven is still sitting in the corner, somewhat bemused. He raises the microphone.


Raven: Undertaker at In Your House 3, I will be sitting in the confinement of my sanctuary. I will not be facing you. These parlour tricks, the "scary" voices and darkness don't impress or intimidate me in the slightest. I have lived in darkness my whole life and I embrace it's cold and bitter existence.


Jack Tunney comes onto the Titantron.


Jack Tunney: Raven you are an employee of the World Wrestling Federation and as such you will wrestle at these events! You have seen fit to anger The Undertaker and now it is time he was given the opportunity at retribution. Therefor I am sanctioning a match to take place at In Your House 3 between you Raven, and The Undertaker. Failure to turn up for the match will result in suspension without pay.


Raven: Jack Tunney let me make one thing perfectly clear to you, in words even a Canadian can understand, I make my own rules and I forge my own destiny. I will not bend to your will so suspend me and see where it gets you in the long term. I will only fight the Undertaker on my terms, and those terms are non-negotiable. If you insist on making this match, then it is a Ravens Rules match. Do you know what that means Tunney? It means there are NO rules! Anything goes.


Jack Tunney: Then the match is set. The Undertaker vs. Raven in a Ravens Rules Match at In Your House 3. Enjoy the rest of the show ladies and gentlemen.


Jim Ross: Wow! Some great match making there by our WWF President.


Vince McMahon: "Wow" indeed it was. Finally we are going to see Raven and Undertaker one on one.


MATCH 3 - Handicap Match


Lex Luger def. Rick Martel & Jim Neidhart by DQ.

Jim Cornette had to pull a few strings to get this match sanctioned! The Model and The Anvil took the early offence and made their number advantage count, however a miscommunication allowed Luger to hit a big clothesline on Martel that turned him inside out. Luger knocked the Anvil off the apron before beating down on Rick Martel. He put him in the Torture Rack but Neidhart came in and took Lugers knee out with a shoulder block. Camp Cornette double teamed Luger and Martel almost picked up the victory but Luger kicked out at 2. Lex Luger made another comeback and this time hit Anvil with the loaded forearm, however Owen Hart and Crush made their way to the ring and all 4 men attacked Luger. A blatant set up! Tatanka, Bulldog and Animal rushed out to make the save but Luger was already beaten down and in bad shape.




The British Bulldog def. Jeff Jarrett

The British Bulldog started the match like he was possessed! Throwing Jarrett into the turnbuckle and unleashing a flurry of lefts and rights before hitting a huge clothesline in the corner that nearly knocked Jarrett up and over! A thumb to the eye from Jarrett allowed him to take advantage however Bulldogs power agian shone through and he picked up the victory with a running Powerslam. After the match Bulldog looked into the camera and said he was coming for Crush.


Vince McMahon: Ladies and Gentlemen, we now go backstage where Ray rougeau is with "Macho Man" Randy Savage!


Ray Rougeau: Thank you again Vince. Yes I am here with the Macho Man, and Randy last week Shawn Michaels issued you with a challenge for the 3rd In Your House event. Have you had time to think about your answer?


Randy Savage: You know something? It's been playing over in my mind all week what it is that Shawn Michaels wants in return for a shot at the Intercontinental Championship and I have weighed up the pro's and cons yeeaah and I have come to a definitive conclusion that my career is all I have in this world. However I know that the point of having a career with the WWF is to prove you're the best and win titles, so with that said and done, I only have one response to Shawn Michaels. At In Your House Michaels, The Madness is going to be unleashed like never before and I am going to take your belt and continue my career with the WWF! Oooooooooooooh Yeeeeeeeeeah. Dig it!


Ray Rougeau: There you have it. A pumped up Randy Savage who will take on Shawn Michaels in a Career vs. title match at the next In Your House event.




Bret Hart def. Dustin Rhodes

Dustin showed his new ruthless streak again in the early going of this match, making an attack on Brets already injured ribs. He continued to work on the rib area with stiff shots and stretches. hat began a fightback midway through and even attempted to apply the Sharpshooter but Rhodes wriggled and kicked to the ropes. Hart came off the top rope with the double axe elbow drop but only managed a 2 count. Dustin then feigned injury and pulled the referee in the way, however when Bret turned his back Dustin jumped back up and hit him with a clubbing blow from behind. Rhodes then got 2 hear falls before arguing with the referee. This allowed Bret to get a 2 count with a schoolboy pin. Rhodes again unleashed some brutal shots on Brets ribs and then looked like he was going to finish the match with a reverse DDT, however Bret twisted around and rolled Dustin into the Small package for the surprise 3! Dustin Rhodes looked shocked, but that soon turned to rage and he began punching the Hitman repeatedly before applying the rear naked choke as Bret passed out. Officials attempted to get Rhodes off the Hitman, but it was too late and the damage had been done.



Rand Savage and Shawn Michaels B+

Lex Luger and Camp Cornette B

British Bulldog and Crush B

Raven and Undertaker C

Bret Hart and Dustin Rhodes B-

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Friday Week 1, October 1994 from the Lee County Civic Center




Doink def. Repo Man

A pretty decent match saw Doink pick up the win with the Stump Puller



Well Dunn def. The Hardy Boyz

The young team of Jeff and Matt showed some high risk offence, but the more experienced Well Dunn picked up the victory with a Double DDT.



Alundra Blayze & Luna Vachon def. Jaguar Yokota & KAORU

Yokota & KAORU had the crowd behind them, but it was not enough as Alundra and Luna picked up the victory following a bridging suplex.


A video begins playing with various scenes and every now and then a persons eyes are shown. A voice can be heard saying he fought and clawed his way from the "School of Hard Knocks" and was here to take back what is rightfully his. The video ends on a beach with the sun over the water.



Tatanka def. Kwang

In a pretty good match that saw Kwang spit the mist into Harvey Wipplemans face by accident, Tatanka won with the Tomahawk Drop.

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<p>On the next edition of Raw...</p><p> </p><p>

Razor Ramon & 1-2-3 Kid vs. Adam Bomb & I.R.S.</p><p>

Jeff Jarrett vs. Marty Jannetty</p><p>

British Bulldog vs. Shawn Michaels (non title)</p><p>

Lex Luger & Tatanka vs. Owen Hart & Yokozuna</p><p>

Bret Hart vs. Rick Martel (non title)</p>

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<p>Razor Ramon & 1-2-3 Kid vs. <strong>Adam Bomb & I.R.S.</strong></p><p>

<strong>Jeff Jarrett</strong> vs. Marty Jannetty</p><p>

British Bulldog vs. <strong>Shawn Michaels</strong> (non title)</p><p>

Lex Luger & Tatanka vs. <strong>Owen Hart & Yokozuna</strong></p><p>

<strong>Bret Hart</strong> vs. Rick Martel (non title)</p>

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<p><strong>Razor Ramon & 1-2-3 Kid</strong> vs. Adam Bomb & I.R.S.</p><p>

<strong>Jeff Jarrett</strong> vs. Marty Jannetty</p><p>

British Bulldog vs. <strong>Shawn Michaels</strong> (non title)</p><p>

Lex Luger & Tatanka vs. <strong>Owen Hart & Yokozuna</strong></p><p>

<strong>Bret Hart</strong> vs. Rick Martel (non title)</p>

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v260/Frontiergfx/Raw.jpg</span><p>


Monday Week 2, October 1994 from Providence Civic Center</p><p>

=============================================</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Vince McMahon:</strong> Welcome to Monday Night Raw! I'm Vince McMahon alongside Jerry Lawler and Randy Savage who will be filling in for Good Ol' JR!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Randy Savage:</strong> The atmosphere is electric, and these fans are running wild! I can feel the madness in the air... Oooooooh Yeah.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jerry Lawler:</strong> I wouldn't get too used to it Savage because Shawn Michaels is going to end your career at In Your House.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Randy Savage:</strong> That's your opinion, and your welcome to it but step out of line tonight and I'll slap that stupid crown off your head!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jerry Lawler:</strong> stupid Crown? You're one to talk with your multi coloured hats you moron.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Vince McMahon:</strong> Gentlemen please. Here comes Adam bomb & I.R.S.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">MATCH 1</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Adam Bomb & I.R.S. def. Razor Ramon & 1-2-3 Kid</strong></p><p>

Razor looked like a man possessed in the early going, taking the fight to I.R.S. He tagged in Kid who also unleashed a flurry of kicks and hits. I.R.S. made it to Adam Bomb for the tag after a thumb to Kids eyes. Bomb dominated the Kid until Razor got tagged back in and opened up on Bomb, but the referee hadn't seen the tag as I.R.S. was distarcting him! As the referee tried to get Razor out of the ring, Bam bam Bigelow came running down and hit Kid with a huge headbutt! Adam Bomb hit the Meltdown to pick up the (tainted) victory. After the match, razor went after Bigelow who headed to the back... quickly!</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Randy Savage:</strong> That was a travesty! I can't blame the referee, he was doing his job but he should be paying more attention to the guys in the ring than out.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Vince McMahon:</strong> Even so, that's a huge win for Adam Bomb and I.R.S. I believe Ray Rougeau is backstage with Lex Luger and Tatanka. Ray?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Ray Rougeau:</strong> Thanks Vince. I am indeed here with "Made in the USA" Lex Luger and "The Native American" Tatanka. Guys, any thoughts on your match tonight?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Tatanka:</strong> Tonight we are going up against one of the biggest Superstars this business has seen and... er... Owen Hart. We won't be an easy cross to put in the win column.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Lex Luger:</strong> That's right. Tonight, Camp Cornette gets a serious beatdown at the hands of Lex Luger and Tatanka. Jack Tunney told me to go out and get a guy I trusted, a guy who I knew would have my back in this match. The choice was obvious, a man I've been friends with since I came to this company. A man who loves this country as much as I do. Yokozuna, you may be 600lbs of sheer brutality, but I am one angry American with a score to settle... and Owen, I've left you laying before, tonight will be no different.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Ray Rougeau:</strong> Thanks guys. Pumped up and raring to go. Back to you at ringside.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jerry Lawler: </strong>I cannot wait to see Yokozuna crush that ingrate thug Lex Luger!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Randy Savage:</strong> Watch who you call a thug Lawler or we're going to have a problem. Dig it.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">MATCH 2</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jeff Jarrett def. Marty Jannetty</strong></p><p>

Jarrett lost focus more than once during this match, playing to the crowd. Jannetty gained the upperhand following one such incident and almost pinned Jarrett for the 3 count. Following that near fall, Jarrett looked a changed man, and fought back with a mean streak he had not shown before. He hit Jannetty with a Russian Leg Sweep and then applied the Figure Four for the submission win. After the match Jarrett grabbed a microphone.</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jeff Jarrett:</strong> You have just witnessed a triumph of brilliance by J.E.double F, J.A. double R, E, double T! Aint I great!</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">MATCH 3</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Shawn Michaels def. British Bulldog</strong></p><p>

Speed vs. Power! Bulldog started the match in great shape, man handling Michaels and throwing him about like a small child, almost pinning HBK in the first 2 minutes. Unfortunately for Bulldog, Michaels resilience shone through again as he hit a huge flying forearm after a missed Clothesline. Bulldog again tried to use his power, but Michaels showed he was too quick hitting several high risk moves including an elbow drop from the top rope for a 2 count. HBK looked over at Savage on commentary and gave him a cocky wink abd smile. This showboating allowed Bulldog to get Michaels set up for the running powerslam, but Michaels managed to slip down out of it and hit a Sweet Chin Music as Bulldog turned around for the 3 count. After the match Shawn looked over at Savage, telling him he was going to end his career.</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Randy Savage:</strong> He can say what he likes. That Intercontinental championship will be around my waist and I'm gonig to take him out.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Vince McMahon:</strong> Right now lets go backstage where Ray Rougeau is again standing by with a group of...well... misfits I guess you'd say.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Ray Rougeau:</strong> Thanks again Vince. I am here with Raven, The Barbarian and Carl Pierre. Raven, at In Your House you are going to be taking on The Undert...</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Raven:</strong> Barbarian. If you wouldn't mind, throw this third rate announcer out in the garbage where he belongs. Recently I don't think I've been getting through to anyone here so I am going to dumb it down for those whose intellect has never quite developed to the pinacle of my own. Undertaker, I have lived in Darkness my whole life. I have lived in Solitude my whole life. I have never fit in anywhere I go, so I have stopped trying. Your tricks and "sorcery" are just illussions you hide behind, but make no mistake at In Your House...</p><p> </p><p>

[The Lights go out and when they come back on Undertaker is standing face to face (sort of) with Raven as Carl Pierre and Barbarian are lying on the floor.]</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Undertaker: </strong>Raven. In 13 days you will finally come face to face with your maker. In 13 days you will have your very soul shattered into pieces. In 13 days Raven, you will Rest in Peace.</p><p> </p><p>

[The ights go off once more and when they come back again Raven is stood alone, Carl Pierre and Barbarian still lying on the floor]</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">MATCH 4</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Owen Hart & Yokozuna def. Lex Luger & Tatanka</strong></p><p>

Tatanka and owen start the match with plenty of offence from both men. Tatanka eventually tags in Luger, but Hart wants nothing to do with him and tags in Yokozuna. Luger goes right after the big man hitting him with a flurry of lefts and rights but Yokozuna just shakes it off and hits a huge headbutt on Luger. Now Owen wants tagged in, which Yokozuna acknowleges with a tag. Owen pins Luger but barely even gets a one count. Owen attempts to tag in Yokozuna again however Luger runs and knocks the 600lb monster off the apron with the loaded forearm! Owen goes after Lugers leg as his back is turned but Luger sees him and hits him with a hard right hand. Luger tags in Tatanka, but as the referee tries to get Luger out of the ring, Owen hits a low blow followed by the piledriver. He uses the ropes for leverage to get the pinfall victory! Owen rolls out of the ring and celebrates with a slightly dazed Yokozuna. Luger comes into the ring and asks Tatanka what happened. As Tatanka tries explaining himself Luger just walks away signalling he's had enough of Tatankas excuses.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">MATCH 5</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Bret Hart def. Rick Martel by DQ</strong></p><p>

A good match between 2 of Canadas best. Hart had the momentum in the early going, but Jim Cornette distracted Bret which allowed Martel to gain the advantage. Martel attempted the Boston (or as he is now calling it, Quebec Crab) but Hart rolls trough it and counters into a small package for a 2 count. Hart then gets a schoolboy roll up for another 2 count as Martel argued with the referee. Some more interference by Jim Cornette got him a smack in the mouth from Hart, knocking him out. Bret then hit the running lariat and second rope elbow before applying the sharpshooter. Whith the macth all but won, dustin Rhodes uns out to the ring and attacks Hart, prompting the disqualification. After the assault, Rhodes asks for a microphone and kneels down to where the Hitman is laying.</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Dustin Rhodes:</strong> How does that feel Hitman? You have something I want. Your WWF Title, and in 13 days time at In Your House, I'm going to take it, and leave you lying in your own sweat, tears and blood. I am here to become Champion, and that is exactly what i intend on becoming... but it's a bonus that I get to beat the hell out of you in the process. 13 days Hitman, and you reign is over and the reign of the "American Nightmare" begins!</p>

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I like the graphics you got going on very much man, brightens up the diary. Should seriously read this whole thing through, but just wanted to drop a "I'm lurking" post! <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />
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<p>PROMO POSTER</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v260/Frontiergfx/WWF%201994%20Diary/IYH3.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

CARD SO FAR</p><p>


WWF Tag Team Title Match</p><p>

The Smoking Gunns vs. Adam Bomb & I.R.S.</p><p>


Jeff Jarrett vs. Doink The Clown</p><p>


Razor Ramon vs. Bam Bam Bigelow </p><p>


<span style="text-decoration:underline;"><em>Ravens Rules Match</em></span></p><p>

Raven vs. The Undertaker</p><p>


Lex Luger & TBC vs. Owen Hart & Rick Martel</p><p>


<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Intercontinental Title - </span><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><em>Belt vs. Career Match</em></span></p><p>

Shawn Michaels vs. Randy Savage </p><p>


<span style="text-decoration:underline;">WWF World Title Match</span></p><p>

Bret Hart vs. Dustin Rhodes</p><p>


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This has me worried and confused! My last 3 shows were sellouts, I have $12m in the bank, Raw is doing solid numbers as is my PPV's so yeah.... :-/


Anyway I should have another Raw up seeing as it's the Bank Holiday and I'm off work until Wednesday.

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