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CGC: Antidote Poison

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Face me and fear me.


All who wrestle against me eventually fall. Every one, every man, every living being that I so choose will crumble. This is not an idle threat, not a promise, but an even more sacred, hallowed guarantee.


See, I am not a man of short-term plans; no, instead I see far, far to the future, to long-term goals that lead to ultimate ascension and destruction. It will not be today, this week, nor even this year when you begin to crest over the mountain. No, it will be a long, slow fall, one that will see you screaming in terror as, slowly, everything I say comes to pass.


There is nothing that can be done to change what is the future. Delay, yes, but time itself will onward march until you cannot run any more, cannot push, cannot pull yourself to your feet.


Face me and fear me.


It takes but a moment of advantage for the seed of your demise to be implanted. From that moment forth I can idly linger and rest on my laurels for you are, without your knowledge, doomed. Wait as long as you desire, as long as I choose to endure your agont, and the seed shall sprout, shall grow into a most majestic oak, or maple, or pine, or perhaps not even a tree at all. Perhaps, yes, this is ivy or moss adorning such a grateful history you have had. Your brick and mortar construction proclaiming excellence will crumble, ever slowly, as what I have inserted into your psyche takes its toll.


Mountains do not crumble in a day. No, it takes years, centuries, for the water to carve even the smallest imperfection in the stone and dirt landscape. Every drop of water does nothing but move forward, ignoring the world, and yet bit by bit, ounce by ounce, the mountain is yet washed away.


We travel further downward, yes, down to a stream, a river, a mighty ravine to the ocean, carrying everything you once enjoyed with it. This, I say, this is your destiny. It need not happen now, nor later, but as an eventuality, a point in time most distant, a time known and yet so oft ignored by those who have chosen the wrong choice in their decision.


Face me and fear me, or leave me altogether be.


You have but two choices. Let us fight, and you shall fall in time appropriate. Let us never meet, and you shall be branded a coward for all eternity.


The decision is entirely yours.


Face me and fear me, or leave me be.


Be the agent of your destruction, or be the coward of all humanity.


Pick your poison.

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There is nothing that can be done to change what is the future. Delay, yes, but time itself will onward march until you cannot run any more, cannot push, cannot pull yourself to your feet.


Powerful promo, nicely written. I can't help but think you missed the opportunity for a Dan DaLay pun though. ;)


Your diary title intrigues me, so I'll be reading.

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Who am I to critique the life of anyone? I am not a judge, merely a passer-by in what concludes the dance of a man's desire. I see the gilded gladiators of the north and find that perhaps, just to a degree palatable, too much thought is given to its highest warriors.


Far be it from me, again, to claim that the illustrious family DeColt is anything but pure success. From the grand patriarch, a man found "Gorgeous" by the masses, to the lowliest Ricky DeColt, each has forged a career enviable by even the most pleased of wrestler.


Yet with that said, with that made clear, and present, and obvious, with that fact put at the forefront, I then query as to why it is them, and only them, and no other, that is the face of this company.


Why is it that only, to no exception, stories involving the epic fabled feuds of ELITE and Clan DeColt are of any importance to Canadian Golden Combat?


I ask this merely as the lowly peon I am, merely an observer in the world, because I find that many others of my kind are deserving of some recognition. There are others with abilities to perform that would easily place them in main event status, would it be only that slight, acceptable changes were made to the reasoning and psychology of the plans of creating the product this company presents. There are others with the ability to captivate an audience, to inward draw the onlooker into his presence so as to thrill them, to excite their minds in a glory of dendritic ballet.


Words are spoken, claims are made, yet until proof is presented and accepted, these words are eternal shadows of action. Until men get their opportunity, potential achievement remains a distant idea in the ether of fortune's grasp. She is a mistress most possessive, and it is nary a soul that finds himself able to change her schema. One would think I most familiar with her charms owing to the fact that I have claimed a hold on the destiny of all I face. It is not her charms with which I am familiar, but the entity that is fate itself.


So as papacy is marriage to philosophy, one could, if he continues to examine my own philosophical meanderings, explain my very being as marriage to fortune herself. I and her communicate in a manner most perplexing to one who is not either of us, yet I believe proof, since that is what is desired, will be made present quite plainly once the first man I choose to fall does precisely what I have chosen.

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There are rumours floating about that the company for which I work wishes to expand its roster. These rumours claim many different things; some are fearful for their jobs, while others see this an opportunity to prove themselves against an ever-increasing array of foes.


For me I find the news largely irrelevant. We are, as I have already expressed, a company of DeColts against ELITE. I respect both parties though ally myself with neither; the DeColts are immensely talented, and if ELITE has banded together in spite of that, who am I to worry if they are being fools?


Are the new brethren fools? Entering a company full of devastating brawlers and clever technicians is asking for pain to be dealt to oneself. I find that knowingly offering pain to one's body is largely considered an irrational trait; however, if I must speak of my own thoughts, all who choose to step in the ring know that pain will soon follow them.


Since rumours are merely unfounded, idle sounds, let me continue a thought as to my own specialty. I can fly, as the common saying would imply, but this is not a strategy I find rewarding. Too often I have seen those who focus solely on such risky offense crashing and burning, to continue these cliché phrases. The ability to adapt to one's environment, to use the ropes, the corner, the apron, this is a well-learned trait, thus I can, if needed, take to the skies.


I spoke of brawling, and in my case, I am able to stand among most individuals and find myself quite capable of defending myself with strikes and slams. It is a rudimentary science, true, but certainly an effective one. Many of the greatest wrestlers, including the DeColts themselves, have taken to perfecting this style of work.


Would I be, then, a technician? The Shooter among the roster certainly is, and he is impressive. He is also ELITE, which curiously brings us back to the impetus of this initial discussion. Sean is a man, however, focused on a style, an aim, different from mine. The same is true of almost every other wrestler who has any talent in technical work.


Understand that I am not a chain wrestler. I am as much willing to work over a vertical opponent as I am to leap from the turnbuckle. While I am not unfamiliar with submissions, it is truly as a particular sort of mat wrestler that I shine.


Many technicians aim to submit an opponent. There are endless varieties of submissions, endless variations to any one submission; hence the reason why with I am familiar, but not prone, to such a goal. I find it far easier to pin a properly-confounded opponent. I do not mean to knock out an individual; outright unconsciousness is far more easily gained from submissions aimed toward such ends as opposed to pain. I do not win my matches through superior force nor by an opponent acquiescing to my will.


Ah, but was that the interesting diction? Have I not spent all this time claiming that my will was immaculate? Ha, but this is a joyous mistake! No, to defeat a man, to achieve the utter destruction I wish to cause, he must fight his demise for every moment until he is ended. This is the true agony of my wrestling; my opponent knows he could beat me, could break the pin, but he, curiously, is unable to do just that.


Face me, I have said, and fear me. Face me and fear me. Yet, plainly, why? Yes, there was that talk of destruction and mayhem and all the apocalyptic writing one desires, but that is far too vague. We, the masses, we desire a frontal definition, to the point, unambiguous. Just why am I to be feared when faced? The answer is simple.


Antidote Web.


You could study every match I have ever had, question every one of my opponents, compile data from each of my encounters and even see, for yourself, how a person has been able to beat me. Yet even then you would not escape the web. No one ever does.


Yes, you cry, but this man has! Here, watch this match! Ah, dear friend, foolish ignorant, but this is false. One exchange does not entail freedom. No, that is merely the snare being caught. Continue through that man's career and you will find the Antidote Web is not merely some mild modification to a small package pinning combination. It is a curse. It is the guarantee that in time one will find the only antidote to my poison is to wrap oneself fully and totally in the web I spin, to never, ever, face anyone again.


This is the truth. Face me and fear me, for the Antidote Web is woven most tangled.

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Let me slow the pace of my wandering for a moment. I have opened most eloquently, made my case of fiery passion, but as we come to the first episode of 2010 for CGC Title Bout Wrestling, I believe stepping back and considering the card has merit.


Understand that I still claim and follow the idea that short-term experiences do not matter, that focusing instead on achieving excellence over years of expansive time is key to true victory. However, I am a title holder. I defend this belt day-to-day. I would like to hold this belt as long as possible, even if only a short term excursion, thus I must analyze each opponent as them come to me.


If you must, think of my belt as a reminder for myself as I hunt my true target. It is something for which I can take off my mind from the leagues of plans and tests laid to end a man's sanity.


To that extent, then, I look at the proposed card:


Stevie Grayson and Zeus Maximillion vs. Grease Hogg and Lead Belly


Trent Shaffer vs. Ricky DeColt


Ryan Powell vs. Alex DeColt


Jack DeColt vs. Shooter Sean Deeley


I find it unsurprising that I am not on the card; my title is not yet of much importance, and the DeColts are yet still quite the popularity trio. I do find much interest in what might become a CGC World title match; Shooter Sean Deeley is an immensely talented individual who has years to grow; if I must fight him, end him, destroy his will, such a task will be exacerbated in difficulty by the fact that he could, easily, believe that a decade from now his destruction will have been forgotten.


Aside from that match, however, I find the show of little consequence. Let us see if I can have a bit of time with the camera to showcase who I truly am.


Remember: No two men bleed the same, just as no two men are defeated with the same strategy. Adapt to the opponent and be not fearful when the crimson mask is donned, lest ye be swept away in the torrential fall and find yourself damned.

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CGC Title Bout Wrestling


Most people backstage relax, don't try to "ruffle any feathers." And those that are a negative influence don't do much, honestly, to cause problems. I like that. I only want my problems to start and end in the ring. Don't bring it backstage.


A few of our workers drink before the show. Me? Now I'm of the opinion that I don't want anything affecting me anywhere close to a performance. Admittedly, I'm not scheduled to compete. That said, I showed up about an hour before the show, so on the chance that I wanted to do some talking early in the night, I don't want my brain swimming around in subconsciousness.


Thing we don't got are drugs, obviously; contrary to what might be popular in some communities and expectations of me, I'm not into the smoking and snorting and...hell, how can't one get messed up now? Injections, salves, pills, eyedrops...I'd get all mixed up just trying to keep the drugs straight.


Speaking of smoking, a few guys backstage aren't too happy with having to go outside for it. I don't think anyone's irreconcilably addicted, but one's like Gargantuan, DaLay, Destiny...I think a few others are a bit less approachable. Which is fine with me; I tend to be a bit more lonesome pre-show.


We get ready for the show and I have to get into the character of Joey Poison. See, the man in the ring isn't the same as the one outside of it. When I'm goal-oriented to victory, that's when the Poison has to run. But hey, pre-show, I can be Joey, right?


The show eventually does start, and we open with some pre-TV action. I like to think this was Jack showing off his girlfriend, but hey, what guy doesn't like a bikini contest? Admittedly this was a more tame contest; we're not that into the risqué skin-tease style seen elsewhere. The fans wouldn't be receptive to it even if they ran out with 5% of their body covered. With that in mind, Marie does look quite good in red. Jack's lucky. And her "opponent," Farrah Hesketh, goes for the joke of being a referee in a bikini. Zebra stripes...probably weren't the best choice, but hey, it's a joke. We laugh. Hotstuff wins, of course, and Jack gives her the sweet kiss that we've all come to adore. Nice.


After that, Alex and Ricky come out as the ladies go backstage. It looks like we're going to see some DeColt speech or something, but Gargantuan interrupts. It's tough to believe the DeColts could be taken as off-guard as they were, but getting chokeslammed from inside the ring to the floor outside the ring is going to knock anyone out. Poor Ricky.


The show truly begins; Papin notes that you missed a brutal beatdown if you're watching at home; Garcia quips that only live will you see the action truly as it unfolds. Shameless plugs, but that's what announcers are for sometimes. Our tag champs come out; I'm not going to harp on someone's weaknesses unless their my opponent or prey. Grayson and Zeus are neither. The fact that they also don't really exist as a team is what irks me. It's not that they're a bad team, either; I don't like it, though, when we have The DWB, when we have Youth Energy and The Specialists (who are back together, on occasion), when we have...well, when we have actual teams, why would GrayZeus get the belts? Fortunately that's rectified here as The DWB win via a Grease Spot on Zeus. I don't think I'll be facing either of them soon, but it's far from my ideal opponent if they become contenders to my title.


The DeColt Express rides into town next; Shaffer and Ricky battle in a surprisingly nice affair. Again; so long as I'm not imminently their opponent, I'm not going to rag on a guy. That said, both of the men in the ring are a little inconsistent. Comes from flying, I guess, but the fact is that the two took over that ring and performed admirably. Going to watch Shaffer; he's certainly a guy who could take my title if I'm not careful.


We continue on the train to pain with Alex vs. Ryan Powell. Ryan...he's on my list. I'll say that now. Fact that he didn't have control of the match, that Alex baited him into being dominant, tells me that Ryan doesn't have what it takes to be as famous as he is. He beat Alex hard, sure, when it was his time, but the DeColt won in the end. I have a target, so this match was quite useful for scouting.


Jack/Deeley was surprisingly poor, actually, in terms of what we saw in the ring. Well, before hell came, of course, but I'll get to that. Jack and Sean are fantastic wrestlers; I don't want to get on Deeley's bad side right now. He's riding high in ELITE and he can back it up. I need to take out someone else before I even think of facing him. Jack's possibly the most talented of the DeColts; unarguably he's one of the best wrestlers in the company. So the fact that they just didn't...work, really, is what made this match a lot worse than I expected. Only about as good as Alex's outing, and he had to deal with Powell. As for the hell that I mentioned, Eddie Chandler grabbed Jack's foot at one point, DaLay blasted him with the belt, and Nate Johnson breaks him with a German Suplex. At that point, Mr. Referee finally noticed that ELITE was interfering on Sean's behalf, and we have a DQ victory. ELITE need to be beaten, certainly, if we don't want this type of interfering in title matches. But as I've said before, I understand why they might want run of the company. If you don't like the DeColts-and I do, by the way, like them-then this place needs a regime change. I'll stay away for now.


After the match we find more reasons to dislike ELITE. A beatdown of Jack DeColt by the foursome eventually gets interrupted by the rest of the family. I admire ELITE's fortitude and intelligence; that said, I think I've found the weak link. But that's personal information right now; I'll talk about that later. And speaking of talking...


The lights go a bit lower as the show goes off the tape. Now in the land of the post-show, the crowd hunger for ELITE retribution. Tonight is not the night, however, and the brawl clears away. Once things settle, Joey Poison and Faith head to the ring. They are noticeably not in step as they enter; Joey gets to the ropes far ahead of Faith, so he has to hold the ropes open a bit longer than usual. That breaks the flow of his entrance.


Joey: I am your Poison!


The crowd reacts with a cheer; lighter than usual for Poison; again, ELITE needs to get killed.


Joey: The Poison running through my veins asks for another victim. As I stand here in this ring, having seen the show just as any other viewer-


A vague reference to them gets a pop from the crowd.


Joey: -just as any other man, I see that we have a few people that very easily could hope to take my Canadian Title from me.


Another, louder pop this time as Joey holds up his title. He hands it to Faith; she doesn't grasp it properly and spends a moment fumbling with it as Joey continues.


Joey: Just as I am the Poison, I too have the Antidote. I see the plague that spreads through the company, through this industry, through the world, and I yearn to wrap my web around what I see as unnecessary developments in humanity. Tonight I begin my purge of the company, the slow, inevitable destruction of those few unlucky enough to have been born fools. Tell me, do you want to hear the verdict?


The crowd does appear to desire such a decree.


Joey: We saw him tonight. We saw him fight, we saw him attempt to gain control of a situation far above his ability. We saw him focus all his energy on a charade, an attempt at legibility for a man illiterate. My web has been cast, and it is you-


A pause; the crowd swells.




The reveal garners applause.


Joey: Nate Johnson! The poison shall pierce thy skin and flow through thy blood, replacing the cancerous growths that have corrupted your brain. ELITE has too long spent time destroying this company with no threat to itself. You tire of the DeColts? I tire of you!


As Joey wraps his story with ELITE's, the harsh dictum elicits even louder crowd response.


Joey: I tire of your lack of unity, lack of purpose, Nate. You once were in a team; now you are part of a stable? I laugh at your impetuity! Face me, Johnson, and fear me! Face me and fear me, or get out of this company!


The gauntlet laid, Poison exits the ring as his challenge keeps the crowd happy.


Yes, Nate Johnson is the weak link. Deeley is a prodigy; DaLay is a powerhouse. Chandler is the leader, leaving...Johnson. He's not an easy quarry by any means; the fact that I know he is unable to commit to a decision, however, means I will vanquish him.


His feud with Youth Energy, by the way, along with Bobby Thomas elevated both teams into prominence in the eyes of CGC's fans. I do agree that they are two of the best non-DeColt teams in the company. Though my challenge had the fans begging for ELITE's downfall, the post-match victory of Youth Energy over The Soldiers of Fortune sent them hope pleased.


As the show ends and I take another snack from catering, I see a few changes that ought to be made come next episode:


  1. I need to understand Bobby Thomas to understand Nate Johnson.
  2. I need someone to guard me against ELITE interference in my plans.
  3. I need a new manager.
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Why Nate Johnson? Why challenge a member of ELITE, the dominant force in Canadian Golden Combat? Why antagonize the strongest group, directly contrary to what is learned both in nature and war?


First, know that this is not merely a predator stalking his next meal. I do not duel for my livelihood; I could make plenty of money merely winning championships. This indicates that if I am to decide to focus solely on destroying the very soul of one individual, it is not due to a necessity. It is due to a desire. A compulsion, perhaps, but still, not a requisite for that which is the easiest course to my victory.


Secondly, is this war at all? I merely noted that Johnson is himself a turncoat, a man so self-absorbed that he refused to even consider his former ally to continue being an ally. If Nate Johnson received an invitation to the group, why not even ask if Bobby Thomas could be brought into the fold as well? Thomas himself is a strong competitor, thus I would think this would benefit everyone. Instead, Nate decided to not try to ruffle anyone's feathers, to not try to improve anyone's position but solely his own.


How, then, have I declared war? I am, again, merely proving the point to Nate Johnson that his entire character is flawed and unacceptable to anyone in the company. I do not seek to gain anything from this aside from the thrill I would receive were I facing any other opponent. This is not war; this is his mistake.


As to taking on a member of ELITE, I have already stated that I understand ELITE's feelings without condoning their actions. I am neutral to them. While I enjoy the company run by the DeColts, they do not. This is a matter of their emotion. I do not feel they should seek to destroy the company, but I find little reason to directly oppose their action when their thoughts are just as valid as my own. I seek to oppose incorrect thought; Johnson has such imperfection. If ELITE disagrees, they are free to try to change my mind.


Just know this, DaLay, Chandler, Deeley: the Antidote Web is more than capable of ensnaring more than one unfortunate fool at a time. I will face all, gazing into the mask of fear on their faces. I am as a god among those plagued with hubris, the nemesis to their demise.


Test me in this, dear friends, and I shall send thee across the river Styx.

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I fight Nate Johnson's former ally this week to prepare for my true quarry. He is also in a match, though many would say a far more dangerous fighter than myself; Jack DeColt. Canadian Golden Combat is shaping to have a banner year, to use the cliched idiom, in 2010.


Joey Poison vs. Bobby Thomas


Christian Price/Grimm Quibble vs. Lead Belly/Grease Hogg(The Dirty White Boys)


Jack DeColt vs. Nate Johnson


Shooter Sean Deeley vs. Thrill Seeker


Alex DeColt vs. Gargantuan

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Joey Poison vs. Bobby Thomas


Christian Price/Grimm Quibble vs. Lead Belly/Grease Hogg(The Dirty White Boys)

Jack DeColt vs. Nate Johnson


Shooter Sean Deeley vs. Thrill Seeker


Alex DeColt vs. Gargantuan



Really liking this diary, Eidenhoek. KUTGW. :)

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Joey Poison vs. Bobby Thomas


Christian Price/Grimm Quibble vs. Lead Belly/Grease Hogg(The Dirty White Boys)


Jack DeColt vs. Nate Johnson


Shooter Sean Deeley vs. Thrill Seeker


Alex DeColt vs. Gargantuan


How many currently active diaries those this make? 4? 5? Seriously what you do write is fun but it would be better if focus on 1 or max 2 at a time and make clear which those 2 are imho.

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">CGC Title Bout Wrestling</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>No backstage antics before television. I would prefer this to continue to be the case, but I am not going to rely on what appears to be delaying an inevitable action.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Once the dark match begins, I see a solid little tag match between the Dirty White Boys, our tag champions, and this new team of Christian Price and Grimm Quibble. I don't think anyone expected the champions to lose here, and they dominated. Good for them; I'm not in the mood to disturb teams at the moment.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

The next match was a showcase of Shane Nelson's skill; he pinned Zeus Maximillion and thereby beat four other people. Nothing insulting here. But then again, the show hasn't started yet. </em><img alt=":rolleyes:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/rolleyes.png.4b097f4fbbe99ce5bcd5efbc1b773ed6.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Who better to begin the show than myself defending the title against Bobby Thomas? Ha, if I was that overconfident I would never have won my belt in the first pace. But I need to digress, it seems...</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

I will say, for the sake of truth, that the pace we set was difficult for me to keep. Bobby Thomas is a difficult opponent, and I think I got a bit distracted attempting to keep him from submitting me. In the end, however, the Antidote Web struck, and Thomas was another victim. For his sake, I would hope that he does not wish to press the matter.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Shooter Sean Deeley and Thrill Seeker followed me, and they far exceeded my own performance. I must say that the youth of Deeley combined with hit technical excellence is, as I have continued to say, the most dangerous opponent anyone in this company could face. Yes, above any of the DeColts. Thrill Seeker put on a great performance, but he submitted like so many have and so many will.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

The penultimate match is between Gargantuan and Alex DeColt. Gargantuan is the most fearsome individual in the company, sporting hellacious power with a muscled, huge frame. He might not be as talented as Deeley, but Gargantuan is not a man to cross. Unfortunately, the owner does not always get to decide who he faces; if someone needs to be put down, Alex is the man to do it.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

A quick domination follows, as is true of all Gargantuan's matches, but Alex managed to hit a rollup after barely dodging the steamroller of Gargantuan's lariat. It was a shock, and I think this might have something to do with what happens next.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Adrian Garcia comes onto the stage. Being the manager of ELITE, this is not a good thing. Gargantuan is still in the ring, Alex having stepped backstage quickly. Adrian notes that Gargantuan has been making his mark, perhaps becoming even more of a menace than Dan DaLay, who now makes his way to the stage. Adrian, flanked by Dan, continue to the ring, pondering the notion of accepting Gargantuan into the fold, or perhaps kicking him out of the company.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Ricky DeColt then makes a foolish error, in my eyes. He quickly enters the ring at a sprint, sliding between the two parties. Ricky makes the quite valid point that Garcia has been trying to wrest control of the company for some time now, yet he has been unable to do so. Adrian agrees, but then points out that situations like this haven't been very common. DaLay starts a beatdown on Ricky, and Gargantuan soon follows.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Jack, naturally, attempts to save his brother, but Eddie Chandler cuts off the rescue. We're left with ELITE standing in the ring over two fallen DeColts, with Gargantuan seething at a turnbuckle.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

The main event is Jack DeColt against Nate Johnson. Nate Johnson, yes, my quarry, my target, my enemy. Jack and Alex trade positions weekely over who I see as the more capable wrestler; I think this match swings my opinion in Jack's favor for now.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

It's a beautiful main event, one I hope I could measure to in the future, but I was waiting for someone to get involved. Perhaps Alex would come and distract Johnson; perhaps Eddie Chandler would try to get Jack out of his element.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Reality coalesced on the tried-and-true method of an ELITE swarm tactic; Chandler and DaLay outright assaulted Jack, giving him the win by interference, yet a loss in terms of damage differential.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

After the show, Alex DeColt and Ryan Powell had something of a standoff backstage with a few onlookers. This was followed by Trent Shaffer winning a three-on-three mtch which appeared to exist solely for him to dominate some wrestlers not on the show yet.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

With the show ended, I now realize that I need to face Johnson in a long-term match if I am to have a chance at beating him; given that his destruction need to come by a loss, I have a choice to consider.</em></p>

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As I rest before the great circus that is Elimination, I have found the results from the previous show incarnated upon the minds of Canadian Golden Combat's fans.


It seems that some people thought I would lose the match against Bobby Thomas. In part, I want to be rather conceited and claim that such an opinion was based on ludicrous ideas. Yet as parts of my mind that control what it is I do in the day consider back upon the match, I do recognize quite easily that the specialist did outclass me numerous times. His victory, his championship, very well could have started his career anew. Given that he was merely a facsimile of my true quarry, there would be nothing about this scenario contrary to my idealogy. I do think, however, that such disarray in opinion implies even further that I have much training to do before I can destroy Nate Johnson. Not beat him in a match, but end him.


The other matches that I revealed were universally predicted with the ending that came to be. However, I do think that the expectations of our fans differed quite much from the method by which, say, Alex DeColt beat Gargantuan. His victory nonetheless can stave the populace's fears of the DeColt family falling from grace, but I do think that people need to realize a bit more than they currently do that the forces which this company faces are quite difficult to contain.


CGC Elimination is upon us; as is tradition, only matches of three-man teams will be on the card. I am fortunate enough to have a party involved in this affair; I give you the brackets below:


  • Extraordinario Jr./Mr. Lucha III/Champagne Lover (Lucha) vs. Dan DaLay/Eddie Chandler/Shooter Sean Deeley (ELITE)
  • Joey Poison/Shane Nelson/Thrill Seeker (Youth Poison) vs. Jacob Jett/Davis Wayne Newton/James Prudence (Highlight)
  • Alex/Jack/Ricky (DeColt) vs. Grease Hogg/Lead Belly/Gargantuan (Dirty White Monsters)
  • Ryan Powell/Trent Shaffer/Bobby Thomas (Heatwave) vs. Destiny/Fate/Steven Parker (Future)
  • Lucha or ELITE vs. Youth Poison or Highlight
  • DeColt or DWM vs. Heatwave or Future
  • Lucha/ELITE or Youth Poison/Highlight vs. DeColt/DWM or Heatwave/Future


I do apologize for the rather disorganized format of those later brackets.

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Though I am sure it will not matter whatsoever, it would appear that CGC is in the midst of a brief hiring spree now that we close on the great Elimination event. Due to the number of people involved in the matches on that show, it is possible that management is considering temporary replacements for those that might become injured or fatigued due to wrestling multiple matches in one night.


If some of these workers appear at the Pay-Per-View, it is to that end that I claim they will not matter. The matches, the brackets, are already determined; aside from a bold debut by interfering in those matches, I believe these workers will fill in any gaps we have during the show. Take the next episode of Title Bout Wrestling, however, and that is when new stories could develop.


I do not want to give the impression that only rookies are being brought into the company. The rumors claim that a few women are being brought in as managers; however, it is possible these managers are actually talented female wrestlers. To that end, are we about to see a division in the company? Is this a look to the future? I do not know; so long as they are segregated from me, I do not see a reason to care as a wrestler. If they are better than me, then I will learn from them. If they are more popular, I will imitate them. If we are opponents, however...that is when I will truly take notice.


Futhermore, we might see a reunion of an old tag team. It was before my time, so I am unsure as to how I am expected to react. As a fan of some decades ago, I can say the prospect of an "old-school" team certainly does pique my interest; this company is progressive, is built upon entertainment, and the rough-and-tumble style so prevalent a decade or so ago could either be ruinous to the wrestlers or a pleasant reminiscing. If I must face that team...I do not fear them, I do not fear them, but I will certainly have plenty of footage to study.


Now we are at peace, just moments from the war.

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A brief out-of-character commentary from me:


I'm happy with the reception the diary has received; I wish I was writing as well as I did that first post. Sucks that it's all been downhill from there. I also appreciate the predictions/comments I've received; I wish I was writing as well as I did that first post, because then I'd have 800 views/hour or something. Maybe.


Anyway, just wanted to semi-bump this as I do have a little tournament bracket posted...I believe it'll be two posts above this one. Haven't seen any predictions and there's sure to be intrigue or something going into the event, so I figure someone must care.


Furthermore, and the reason I'm not posting the show right now, I intend on doing a more full writeup to the Pay-Per-Views; this is, obviously, the first one. Still deciding on the actual format, but it might take me awhile/be somewhat longer than the other shows.

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Just noticing the brackets were a couple of posts back. I was confused. :)




•Lucha or ELITE vs. Youth Poison or Highlight


DeColt or DWM vs. Heatwave or Future


•Lucha/ELITE* or Youth Poison/Highlight vs. DeColt/DWM or Heatwave/Future



This is still a CGC diary; got to be the DeColts and ELITE. And it's so early, having the heels win ignites the chase.

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We come unadorned, as the medals and trophies won in battles past mean nothing to the tournament that lies ahead. The young, the old, unified and splintered, face a contest of three men against another, and yet another, and a further third iteration, until only one triad stands victorious.


For many, this will be a Crimean event. For many, we face odds insurmountable. For three, just three, this is the night to begin the year of glory. This, dear friends, is Elimination.


The event begins for the live audience before the Pay-Per-View airs, as is custom. Tonight, this is a 20-man battle royal. I suspect the participants are pleased to appear on the Pay-Per-View in any capacity, if not the show proper.

Whippy the Clown bests Phillipe LaGrenier, Stevie Grayson, and finally Ed Monton by remaining in the ring.

If I am unlucky, we have my next challenger.


Such talk, however, is not of the moment most prudent, as I must prepare myself for the matches that lie ahead of me. Thus I bid this message farewell, to be concluded in the post-show chicanery.


Jack DeColt makes his way onstage amidst a resounding roar of cheers from the crowd. He soaks it in, calling on for louder noise as he slowly walks to the ring. Those near the ramp get some palm action as the champion, clad in belt, finally enters the squared circle, sizing up the Kelowna Stadium.


Jack: Kelowna, make some noise!


They certainly do respond. Jack pumps the crowd up, the noise swelling, until he continues his speech.


Jack: Now that, that sound, that energy, is why getting to see Canadian Golden Combat live is well worth the ticket price. Am I right?


Again the crowd agrees with Jack DeColt.


Jack: I’m not out here just for you guys in the seats, but everyone at home, in the bars, everywhere where this Pay-Per-View is being broadcast, I’m here for you as well. All three of us, the DeColts, are in this tournament not just for ourselves.


A brief smirk as Jack adjusts his title belt.


Jack: We’re here for all of you. We will win this tournament though our hard work, determination, and the sound of this crowd echoing through the stadium. Can we get some practice?


After a few moments of getting the crowd riled up, Eddie Chandler enters to ELITE’s theme. The jovial crowd immediately turns to anger as ELITE’s head interrupts the champion DeColt.


Eddie: Well that sure is a sour mood everyone is in. I don’t understand why your brother would book us here. Kelowna? I’m disappointed in you.


And they are displeased with you, Eddie, as the crowd continues throwing punishment his way. Not missing a beat, Chandler slowly walks his way down the ramp to the ropes.


Eddie: Jack, make a little room there, because I have to correct you on a few facts. And…well, I could do it from the stage, but I want to make sure you understand everything I’m saying.


Entering, Eddie invades the personal space of Jack, forcing him to take a step back. Smirking, Eddie leans back against a turnbuckle, surveying his own nemesis.


Eddie: You think that you’re going to win, right? That’s what you said a couple seconds or minutes or however long you’ve been boring me ago. You think the DeColts, the great brotherhood, can beat ELITE?


Jack: I know we can.


Eddie: That’s the first fact that you have wrong. The DeColts might be aligned by blood, but even that has its breaking point. You think Alex, or Ricky, don’t want your belt?


Jack reflexively grabs his belt in defense. He doesn’t respond, though, and Eddie laughs.


Eddie: That’s what I thought, Jack. Your “family” will turn on you the second they think you’re not watching. But ELITE? We’re a real, true group. A stable of stables, four men ready to put anyone we want through hell.


Jack: Yet I’m still champion, Eddie. All that talk, but where are the belts? Not with you, not with any of you. As tough as you are, as tight a group as you are, but you’re still just talk.


Eddie: Tonight’s when we change your opinion of us, Jack. Tonight we win the tournament, and soon I’ll have your title. It’s inevitable.


Jack: What’s inevitable is you getting out of the ring right now. I was out here talking to the fans, having a good time, and now you’re trying to rustle my feathers. Leave.


Eddie: Make me.


There’s a nose-to-nose stare down, but some officials hit the ring to break up what could have become a raucous brawl in a few moments.


Lucha vs. ELITE


Few would have expected Team Lucha to put up anything resembling a fight for ELITE. Extraordinario Jr. attempts a hurricanrana on Dan DaLay; this is rewarded with a brutal powerbomb. Chandler instructs DaLay to allow Mr. Lucha III to tag in; a big boot nearly rips apart his mask. Once Champagne Lover comes in, Eddie’s seen whispering something to Sean Deeley as DaLay resists being irish whipped. The Mexican heartthrob sadly fares no better than his teammates, a rough chokeslam leaving him motionless on the mat. Before DaLay makes the pin, Eddie has Deeley tag himself in, then get the easy submission victory in a show of dominance.


Heading backstage are the cameras, following ELITE back to their locker room. Smug as ever, Eddie gives his cohorts hearty pats on the back as he closes the door.


Eddie: Well boys, that’s a great start. We have this tournament in the palm of our hands. Dan, excellent work. Sean, that was a beautiful submission. All we have is two more chump teams in the way and this night is over.


Dan: Where’s Nate?


Eddie: We don’t need Johnson tonight. I just wanted the three of us to work the tournament. He can hold over the post-show if he wants.


Sean: And you think we can do this without him as insurance?


Eddie glares coldly at Sean, then composes himself.


Eddie: Jack was right that I was trying to get in his head; it’s fun to see the DeColts fail. But I wasn’t lying when I said we would win this whole thing. I’m not even sure we need all three of us, but just to make management happy, I obliged. Now stay warmed up, because it’s going to get slight, just slightly more difficult from here.


Youth Poison vs. Highlight


A match of ironic proportions: the youngest team in the tournament face the team with Youth Energy in it. Misnomer aside, Joey Poison proves himself as an intelligent wrestler, at least with regard to his teammates. While Youth Energy are not active in the title hunt, they still remain one of the best and most experienced teams in the company. Recognizing this, Poison plays something of a third wheel to their bicycle; after spending a few minutes wrestling James Prudence, he tags out to Thrill Seeker and lets them have their fun. A Clash of Styles on Jacob Jett soon gets the win for Shane Nelson and his team.


DeColt vs. DMB


The favorites against a team, truly, of monsters. The DeColts get a fabulous ovation as they enter, but the Dirty White Boys are unimpressed by that. They start the match attempting to dismantle the owner through brute force. To their credit, this strategy appears to work; however, one would have to admit that Lead Belly and Grease Hogg are want to following the rules precisely. A few too many thumbs to the eye gets the referee involved, and Jack DeColt is able to get in the ring. Clearing house, he unfortunately draws in the largest man in the company. Gargantuan does not budge, period. Try as he might, Jack is unable to fell the giant, and Gargantuan eventually scores with a chokeslam, then beckons in the youngest sibling. To his credit, Ricky hops over the ropes and charges at the goliath full force.

Straight into a big boot. Gargantuan starts raining down punches, and as the referee starts the count, the Dirty White Boys are seen laughing in their corner. Gargantuan does not heed-and likely does not hear-the count of five, thus disqualifying himself and his team.


A few seconds after the bell, and announcement of the winners of the match, it’s obvious that the “Dirty White Monsters” cared little about the tournament. Gargantuan continues hammering blows onto Ricky while Lead Belly and Grease Hogg aim to intercept the other DeColts.

Alex gets whipped into the barricade while Jack gets a duo powerbomb on the outside. Hogg then signals to Gargantuan that things are about to get a bit more…”fun.” Belly gets some chairs from under the ring, sliding one into Gargantuan and tossing another to his teammate. The next few minutes, before enough officials can stop the proceedings, are dominated by the crack of steel against skull, ribs, back, legs…whatever the DeColts happen to leave open as they try to protect themselves from the punishment.


Heatwave vs. Future


The “New” Soldiers of Fortune are accompanied by Chance, the member of the original alongside Fate. Steven “The Future” Parker appears to have a tenuous alliance with the triad, given that all of them seek to control what is to come in some way. In short, they have something of a bit of unity between them. Heatwave, contrarily, is comprised of three men with different agendas. Powell, starting the match for his side, wants to one-up Shaffer’s prima donna looks, using Parker as his chosen opponent for some flashy moves. After a blind-to both legal men-tag from Shaffer, the theatrics get even worse as almost every move is followed by a glare to Trent’s corner.

Once The Soldiers finally get involved in the match, momentum shifts heavily in their favor. Destiny is a standout performer, having some vestige of youth left in his team. A twisting neckbreaker doesn’t get the pin, however, and Shaffer manages to-barely-make it to Bobby Thomas.

The former Specialist proves why he was a member of that dangerous team by cinching in his Specialist Touch in moments. He might be the “weaker” of his old team, but Destiny taps out faster than Fate can interrupt the submission. Thomas exits the ring, ignoring the rest of his team’s bickering.


Youth Poison vs. ELITE


There was a chance that ELITE could lose this match, unlike their quarterfinal bout. Joey is a solid competitor, wise enough to steer clear of DaLay in the ring or in his corner. Deeley, however, who starts the match for ELITE, is renowned as the finest technician in the company. Splitting one’s attention against that caliber of opponent is dangerous. Thrill Seeker has to bail Poison out of a Front Choke Sleeper early in the contest, which allows Nelson to get the tag. And in comes Eddie Chandler.

Far more even is that faceoff than either man-and the fans-would expect. Shane is a tag specialist, but his skills while teaming with Thrill Seeker allow him to avoid Chandler’s more dangerous moves. Frustrated with being unable to get his opposition to the mat for the Fabulous Stretch, Dan DaLay is tagged in. Unhappily, Thrill Seeker comes in to meet him.

Much as before, the goliath cleans house. Big boot, chokeslam, clothesline…DaLay is nearly the largest man in the company, and he’s got at least a hundred pounds on every member of Youth Poison. Joey gets the worst of it, a DaLay Down, but it’s Shooter Sean Deeley with his Seated Stretch Armbar that finishes the match for ELITE.


Cameras go backstage just outside the medic station as a taped up DeColt trio address their recent attack.


Jack: That…hurt. Easiest way to say it, I really wish you hadn’t have done that, Hogg. Belly. And…Gargantuan, I thought you were rolling with ELITE, but it looks like that doesn’t really matter, does it?


Alex: You want to beat us up, do it in the ring. And if you have to take things beyond a match, backstage or before anyone’s gotten there, at least have the decency to not do that AT A PAY-PER-VIEW! You’ve made it that much harder for us to win, and I can’t say that with ELITE looking down the barrel at us, that that makes me happy.


Jack: But we’ll deal with you later. Tag champs, after all, and I think any of us would be fine with taking that away.


Ricky: But ELITE is our opponent, once we get past Heatwave. If we get past Heatwave. It won’t be easy, never was going to be easy, but now we have to dig deep into our reserves of energy. And hey, bros, I think I’m good. How you feeling, Jack?


Jack: Like a champion.


He flashes the belt.


Alex: And I’m owner of this company. We scheduled a tournament, I’m not letting something little like a bruise get in the way. It’s on, ELITE. And Heatwave, watch out. Because to get to them we have to get through you.


Jack: And believe me when I say that Eddie, tonight’s the end of your day.


DeColt vs. Heatwave


One of the better pure matches so far; while the DeColts do favor a brawling offense, there’s a measure of science to their moves that puts the hurt on Shaffer and Powell. Fed up with their stupidity, Bobby Thomas all but abandons the team for around half the match, allowing petty feuds over who looks the best being powerbombed take away from winning.

Thomas does tag in once both men are beaten, and then the real match starts. Sadly, even someone of Thomas’s skill cannot defeat two DeColts, and Ricky makes things even more lopsided in their favor. It’s Alex, eventually, that does win it for his team, using his famous DeColt Driver to get the pin.


A short video hyping up ELITE follows the match. There are shots of the DeColts being hit with various finishers and wrenched into brutal locks interspersed with scenes of Eddie Chandler chatting up some ladies at a fair while DaLay breaks one of those hammer carnival games.


DeColt vs. ELITE


The grand finale is here. The match everyone expects to double any earlier contest, the match between the pre-eminent heroes against the darkest killjoys. Three-on-three, the feud of the company, comes down to this moment.

Jack and Eddie start in the ring, continuing the long-standing jockeying for dominance the two have played for months now. Jack gets an advantage after a few moments, but he loses Eddie in a headlock and finds himself taken out by a blind German Suplex from Sean Deeley.

Ricky enters off the tag for his side, and his long-standing feud with the youngest ELITE member continues. DeColt flies off the ropes like few others, and Deeley is one of few men in the world able to counter some of his flashiness. For every successful flying forearm, there’s one that cracks into an armbreaker. One splash hits, the other is countered with knees to the chest and followed with a camel clutch. The two get hurt after nearly ten minutes of work, and Alex soon gets to face down the big DaLay.

There’s a bit of tragedy to this match-up; while the fans cheer every strike by Alex and boo every counter-punch from DaLay, neither man is given an opportunity to end things. As the match rolls around to the 20-minute mark, a masked man slides from under the ring and dropkicks Dan DaLay in the back. Alex instinctively drop toe-holds the giant, but he soon is blindsided by a long-haired unknown individual. Even Sean Deeley, not the legal man, gets taken out, this time with something very similar to a move made famous years ago.

Because both sides have been attacked, the referee calls for a double disqualification.


For the next 15 minutes a brawl ensues with everyone in the previous match taking part. Alex, unknowing to the invasion, goes after DaLay, but he is soon pulled off by his brother Jack. Ricky, meanwhile, attempts to take out Acid, the masked man who started the interference. ELITE have their hands full with Greg Gauge and Larry Wood, the latter of which appears to enjoy bleeding. He is cut open after half a minute of brawling, but that only makes things worse.

Eventually, ELITE get backed into the DeColts in the ring, and they turn to face each other. A beat, then everything falls apart as the three factions congeal into a mass of fists and fury. The Pay-Per-View ends with ELITE getting pulled backstage from the fight.


And then things continue. Such a great beginning to the post-show. I am want to interfere in the DeColts’ business, especially when it could be argued that Alex brought this on himself. He is, after all, the one approving all who are hired, yes?


Larry Wood…I will have to spend more time, after this event, speaking about him. For the present, let me say that one man brutalizing the DeColts has never, ever, looked so…scary. I suppose there is a better word, or a fancier word, but fear is what that man exudes. I do not want to face him, I do not want to meet him, and sending three men of any ability, much less the DeColts, out of the ring on stretchers is absolutely insane.


To calm the live crowd, Nate Johnson clinically dismantles Zeus Maximillion. I hope that provides ELITE with at least a small silver lining to their otherwise stormy event. Yes, I am being rather oddly chipper about everything, but I find that my initial impression of these large events ought to be positive. My detailed analysis comes after the adrenaline, when I have the time to think about the ramifications of the show. And with that, I bid you good night.

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<p><em><strong>On Larry Wood:</strong></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Larry is a guy people might remember from...I think about a decade ago. He was running around Canada like a lunatic then, and he did well for himself as a wrestler. Moving to Japan, he became even more crazed, going through a table a night if the rumors are to be believed.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

The fact is, those rumors need not exist fro Wood to have a frightening presence. What he did, by himself, at the end of the Pay-Per-View was ridiculous. The DeColts do not get beaten down by one man; that's been the problem ELITE has been having for all this time. They are a unified family able to back up each other; regardless of that, Larry Wood brutalized all of them.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Larry has a reputation for being an unavoidable menace; by that, I mean that it is impossible to form a meaningful alliance with him. He attacked the DeColts because they were in front of him; had ELITE not vacated the ring as quickly, they would have fallen prey to his madness all the same. Wood is a nigh unstoppable juggernaut in the ring, a far more dangerous foe than I am willing to even consider facing. If I never see him again, I will be pleased.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

As Larry Wood creates problems for those he attacks, he indirectly has caused me some trouble as well. Because he is an entity of chaos, the company is likely to collapse around him. The DeColts will have split attention toward him and ELITE, who will have to deal with him for similar reasons. Nate Johnson is currently not directly paired with any one DeColt, meaning that I expect him to be the choice they make to tame the giant. Which, then, leads to my problem:</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Because I did not have a hand in bringing in Larry Wood, (an idea which must have been Alex DeColt's-I cannot fathom his logic) the all-but-inevitable destruction of Johnson is not on my hands. Ergo, my quarry is taken from me. I could attempt to get to Nate before Wood is able to do so, but my methods tend toward the methodical. Larry is direct; ergo, I would lose that race. I could focus my efforts on slowing down Larry Wood, but I doubt that would prove fruitful. Furthermore, Nate will be able to avoid me for a longer time while I drain myself of energy. Therefore, I cannot assault the newcomer.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Where does that leave me? Abandoning the hunt, I suppose. My reputation, my cadence, is fear born in the ring. Larry's is a sentience of evil borne outside the ring. If my quarry is taken from me, I can do little to rectify the scenario aside from moving onward in my machinations.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

The case is such that I will have to wait to see what it is that Larry-and Nate-does. Analysis will be forthcoming on Acid and Greg Gauge, the two other new members of the roster, soon.</em></p>

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On Acid:


Acid plays a man enigmatic. A cliche, true, yet apropos in this case. He is popular with Canadian audiences, yet quizzically has not wrestled much in the country. He gained his fame in the United States and recently has worked-as we found with Larry Wood-in Japan. His Japanese Junior style was already top-notch; I imagine working in the native land of the style only helped improve him.


He presents a different problem than Larry Wood. Wood is a ferocious beast, easily able to ruin one's plans, help them, or be entirely neutral. He is unpredictable. Acid, however, does have an agenda. That agenda is unpredictable, but the man himself is not. Somewhat. See, things get rather tricky, and this is where my mind relishes in the study of humanity.


Acid will not do just anything, as is the case with Larry Wood. Acid might be choosing to make a strong debut, to lay claim to a high position in the company. To that effect, we could see him ally himself with neither DeColt nor ELITE, forming a tertiary stable. In this manner, he makes for himself a position of power.


But what if that is not the case? Perhaps, instead, he wishes to join ELITE. Why attack them? Perhaps, yes, perhaps he desired to show them his mettle, his ability to strike quickly, his...perhaps, to the point, the attacks were an impromptu audition. Or, more deviously, he actually works for Alex DeColt. The audition was a fake, a ruse to allow him to infiltrate ELITE and destroy them from within.


I do not know which scenario is true-nor the case of any other scenario I might devise for Acid. His plan is unreadable. However, I think that we will soon find his allegiance, at least for the short term. I do not expect him to be a trustworthy ally. Ah, let me restate that:


I claim that with whoever Acid first allies, that man will be turned upon by Acid for some greater goal.


Such is my prediction. He does not, I think, pose a direct threat to my goals, but I must always consider him when I devise my own machinations. If I become lazy, Acid is likely to ruin all my hard work in some flashy manner. Such is the style of the junior wrestler.

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On Greg Gauge:


Few men have the pedigree of Greg Gauge. Strictly speaking, Alicia Strong and Jay Chord probably are better set for the United States, and Cameron Vessey could make an excellent claim if we spoke of Japan. Then, of course, there are the numerous families and legacies that populate Mexico. But taken the world as a whole, few men have had the experience of Sam Keith-this, naturally, leads to the "pedigree" of his kids.


As far as following in the footsteps of his father, Greg's got his brother beat from the start. Greg has decided to travel the world, gain experience in all styles, then...I suppose you would have to ask him. Matthew, meanwhile, has focused his efforts on the USA and Canada-presumably to get most popular where wrestling entertainment most matters. I respect Greg for his decision, and I do hope that he continues to develop to make his father's lineage have great meaning.


Getting past the nice eulogy, (for the living) Gauge made a confused statement at his debut attacks. Wood, as I've driven through the earth by now, is insane. Acid's plans are unpredictable, so his ambivalent attacks are not out-of-character for him. But Greg? He is a rookie, this company is the first large North American company for which he has worked, and yet...a show of disrespect. Were this another person, I would expect them to be far too sure of their skills. I would call them pompous.


But the son of Keith? Is he overestimating what he can work in the ring? I find this doubtful. I think Greg is following, by talent and philosophy, his father's career. I think Greg is quite dangerous. To put himself in the main event, thrust himself into the eyes of the company, I think he wants to wrestle the best this company has to offer.


That is, I suppose, an honorable goal. However, I am disgusted by his brazen lack of respect for the business of wrestling. Interfere in my title defense? An insult to me, a slight on the belt, but not out of the ordinary. Interfere in the CGC World Championship match? Again, an insult to the belt, an act that will likely reap much pain by the hands of the loser, yet still conscionable. Interfere in a match that is the finals of a tournament between the two biggest factions in the company, leading to a draw? That is unacceptable.


Choosing a side would have shown Greg to be thoughtful, shown a desire to immediately become a foremember of whatever stable he chose. By angering both groups, Greg is labelled a pest, an insignificant fly that the company will likely swat until dead. The young Gauge has a rough road ahead of him in this company, and I am not sure if even a Keith can survive it.

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I figured I would check this out as I am big into CGC right now, I am currently playing a save with them and its the best save I have ever played since I started playing TEW back with the 08 version.


Anyways I will be keeping a close eye on this one as it progresses, the start was really well done as expected and I am sure as it goes along it will get better and better.


Really like the format that you are using because to me it seems different from what everyone else is doing and that is always a good thing.


Keep up the great work!

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Surely it is not the place of one such as myself to question "the management". Truly, as much as I respect Alex DeColt, I will not air my grievances at this minor infraction of what I consider to be standard matchmaking practices. He is the owner; he has taken over from his father; we have had continued success. I am not one to complain.


However, I am one to prepare for my matches, to tape trade as the saying goes, to study my opponent. I am one to be dissatisfied when chaos must reign in the initial stages of a bout. I do not like the "feeling out process" that is so common among new combatants. I am not a rookie. It is my duty as a wrestler, as an entertainer, to know my craft and thereby understand how to best utilize my skills. I take it as an offense when I am forced to second-guess myself. This is not what the fans want, nor is it what I desire. If this continues, I will begin to consider Alex a defector to ELITE.


With that said, all cryptic as I am wont to do, what is it that has me perturbed? Each match has at least one participant left a mystery. By itself, this could be a casual distraction from my labors. However, I am set to defend my title against an unknown opponent. An unknown, debuting opponent. What has been told me is that my opponent out-ages me and has seen combat in Canada years ago; I am told that he veritably eats his paycheck; I am told that he is a massive individual. Unfortunately, I am not told his name.


Thus I prepare my craft untailored. I must generalize my expertise so as to be prepared for all challengers. This will be a show to test my mettle; I must not, I must not, I must not let it distract my from my quarry. And if Larry Wood should decide to take Nate from me, then I shall have to find new opposition to crumble.


Thus bleeds the poison.


Ed Monton and ??? vs. Grease Hogg and Lead Belly©


Joey Poison© vs. ???


Shooter Sean Deeley, Dan DaLay, Nate Johnson vs. Alex DeColt, Ricky DeColt, ???


Jack DeColt vs. Eddie Chandler vs. ???

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CGC Title Bout Wrestling


From the outset of the show, we find a feud between Youth Energy and The Dirty White Boys officially recognized. Many had thought that Youth Energy had moved on from their tag work, but the 10-minute video showcasing the dominance of Lead Belly and Grease Hogg implied differently. The current champions are contrasted with the former champions, a difference in style and demeanor plainly obvious.


I fear for both teams; Youth Energy are one of our most experienced teams, and The Dirty White Boys have proven themselves quite competent with regards to brutalizing the locker room.


After that video, Mainstream Hernandez teams with Extraordinario Jr. against Kirk Jameson and Nathan Black. An interesting point highlighted by...Marty Papin, yes, is that Jameson and Hernandez are part of an active team in other companies; it appears they are not on the same page in our own.


This was an appropriate opening showcase; no one involved in the match is terribly important; only Nathan Black has previously held any merit in CGC. His Black Dog Down finisher ends the match against Extraordinario Jr.; I do not think he impressed anyone enough for me to worry about him challenging for the title any time soon. But then, the show must begin properly.


Yet again I am found opening the show. I defend my title, yet due to the stipulations of this event, I am found entering first. Awaiting the music of my competitor, an odd melody plays:


It all becomes clear as...no. No, there is absolutely no possible way that Alex DeColt or any owner would be foolish enough to...and the bell rings.


This man, if I may call him a man, is not meant to be confined to a ring. I say that not just due to his size, but largely due to his inability to wrestle. Quite often I am neutral with regards to the style of a wrestler; I appreciate all strategies, be they efficacious or not. Yet he...does not wrestle.


In fact, I still question the verdict of the referee. I found myself on the top rope, ready for a missile dropkick, and...the world came dark. On my back, confused, it seems as though he pinned me. I do not know how; the momentum had yet to shift. And yet here I am, lighter one title belt...


Or, as I find later upon watching the show, I could be reunited, briefly, with my belt to the back of my head. This mammoth of an individual struck me repeatedly, truly knocked me out and bloodied me, all the while screaming about desserts and dinnertime. Most curious.


While I should rematch the victor, such little respect do I hold for him that I almost do not wish to give him the television time for the match.


Tag Team Championship gold on the line in the next match, as The Dirty White Boys face-what?


Ah, now this is a debut worth seeing. Ed Monton has long been a man earned of my respect; not only is he a veteran, yes, but the toughest individual I have personally met. Anecdote: I believe five years ago he broke his arm in a match. Incidentally, the finish to that match was a lariat clothesline to his opponent. To this day, no fan with whom I have spoken believes that the arm was actually broken, as no fan believes that anyone would be insane enough to deliver a lariat with their broken arm.


He said it felt like a rubber bullet from the police.


Here we have Ed Monton, and who would stand beside him? Jon Jetson appears, and we have The Canadian Enforcers back in the company. Truly, this is the greatest nostalgia I will likely witness for the rest of my career.


The Enforcers never were a nimble team, running against their opponents and eventually toppling them. The DWB are similar, but they tend to run through their opponents. Thus, this match is reminiscent of easily a decade ago, just as hard hitting and just as important for every man involved.


While I must say I wished for a different ending, the RPM Bomb from Lead Belly was quite vicious; I can hardly complain that Monton was out for...what seemed to be five seconds. The fact that no post-match combat occurred was, I believe, a covert show of respect from the champions.


The ring clears, and Eddie Chandler enters the ring. He calls out Alex, our owner, and they share some words. Unpleasantries, let us say. Jack DeColt-the champion, if one recalls-soon joins the fray, likely anticipating an ELITE beatdown.


However, such is not the reality which unfolds. Champagne Lover, quite possibly the most famous active luchador in the world, is the man to jump the DeColts. I know him just barely because he is so famous in Mexico; in Canada, he is as a rookie, albeit an experienced one. Chandler appeared confused as well, but any advantage is not one to be wasted. Officials soon clear the ring, and Alex calls out both Lover and Chandler, stating that if these attacks continue, ELITE will have hell to pay.


With those words in mind, the match between champion and inevitable challenger held heightened tension. This was not a title bout, however, nor was it a singles match. Larry Wood, the most...forefront, shall I say, of the recent debuts, also joined in the match. With the anger of the other two competitors combined with the unpredictable psychosis of Wood, this was a match upon which the audience focused.


Typical three-way matches have one individual either get double-teamed or neglected from the action. The latter case would have Wood lie waiting, but he is not a passive man. DeColt and Chandler, then, have little time to settle their ire with each other, lest a discus elbow wreck their temple.


'Twas an excellent affair, to be sure. Jack's pedigree all but guarantees excellence in the ring, and I have said numerous times that Eddie Chandler is a capable challenger to his title. Larry Wood, while strictly a brawler, is one of high caliber; he might not have the innovation of some, but his strategy, however scrambled, was applied most effectively.


Wood nearly ends the match on multiple occasions from a powerbomb, a chokeslam, a DDT on the outside. He finds himself victim to a Fabulous Stretch, however, and while it is not in the ring, Eddie serves a good force of neutralizing the raging beast's offense.


Upon releasing the apparently knocked-out Wood, Eddie bundles Jack back into the ring and goes for the pin. A kickout from Jack; interference begins to appear.


ELITE target Jack DeColt, dismantling him with the giant strength of DaLay and technical excellence of Nate Johnson. Sean Deeley, however, puts a Front Choke Sleeper on Larry Wood, further ending his prospects to the match.


As a response, the DeColts hit the ring; Ricky goes after Eddie, and Alex brawls a bit with Sean, paying attention to the downed Wood.


Somehow, with great difficulty, Jack DeColt and Larry Wood are left in the ring. 4-versus-2 odds do not bear the family name good fortune, so a quick End of Days gets the submission for Jack, who can immediately help his brothers.


Eventually, again, the ring clears, but only just; ELITE, sans Chandler, face the two "fresh" DeColts. But who is their third?


Savage will forever hate this man, but no one else will.


The DeColts raise the arms of Steve Flash as he joins their corner, and the crowd applaud the man aptly named the "king of the independents". I need not spend the time now to relate his career, but the man is excellent both in performance and character. He is everything that is right about a veteran with nothing to his detriment.


Having said that, the DeColt/Chandler/Wood match had a higher calling and greater expectations. The belt was, subconsciously, defended in the three-way; here we have something close, but not yet, a DeColt-ELITE feud. Decide which is more important.


One might think Steve the weak link for his team. While this is true, it is only true in the sense that a wooden baseball bat is inferior to an aluminum brand; both can easily concuss an individual. Flash even manages to weather a storm of Dan DaLay, avoiding power strikes and countering with sweeps to the leg. A crippled heavyweight, while dangerous, is certainly beatable.


Late in the match Nate Johnson comes in against Ricky DeColt, and again Flash proves his worth by saving him from a boston crab. With Alex out after DaLay nailed a big boot on the outside, Steve tags in and faces against the former tag champion.


Sadly, the world is not saved for the forces of good; a Natural Order pins the veteran, and ELITE stand tall post-match.


But that is to ignore what happens after the match. ELITE make their way backstage as Jack DeColt checks on his brothers. Steve lets him know the general damage while returning backstage to get medical help. This is quite prudent, as Gargantuan storms past Flash coming up the ramp.


Gargantuan...there were tables near the ring. Let me restate: there were tables near the ring, announcers' desks and the like. Were. Not after, say, three minutes. The DeColts were not bloodied after their match. Yet in another couple minutes, this is not true. Gargantuan is the scariest man I have met face-to-face. Predictable, maybe, moreso than Larry Wood, but still the scariest individual I have ever met.


To lighten the mood, after the show ends, the live audience gets a 4-on-4 dark match of Bobby Thomas, Brett Frasier, and The (New) Soldiers of Fortune against Christian Price, Stevie Grayson, Warren Technique, and Zeus Maximillian. Thomas hits the Specialist Touch on Technique for the pinfall.


My sentiments for this show shall be stated another time; too much has happened recently for me to sort my ideas coherently.

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Mammoth won the title? Is Joey moving up the card or is Mammoth a old pet project?


I'll pop in with a little OOC update and address the above question.


I saw that Mammoth hadn't yet retired; given that he does so...pretty quickly, usually, I figured I might as well pick him up. I think he only has 5 years decline on him, so I can use him as long as I need to. Oh. He has 17 years time decline, meaning that his best was when he was 30. So...maybe not.


Given that Mammoth canonically sucked the hell out of Canada years ago, (in CGC, actually, with Land Mass. NOTBPW he was a singles midcard wrestler.) I thought it would be mildly funny-to myself, I suppose-if I brought him back into the North and used him improperly. By that I mean winning the title (he wanted a low level reign).


There is nothing redeemable about Mammoth. I'll probably speak through Joey about this, but in short, he has no skills, is negative backstage, and he's old; that means he won't improve. His only, only benefit is some high menace. Given that I have Gargantuan, that's unnecessary. Hell, given that I have literally anyone else on the roster, he's unnecessary. Yet I decided, hey, this is a guy that had work before in the workrate fed, so he'll fit right in with our land of entertainment.


What's the quicker way of addressing this...ah! No, I don't like Mammoth. I despise him. Hiring him at all, certainly using him, is a meta-joke.


There. Succinct.




Since I'm out of character, a bit of an update: I still feel that I've lost the absolute awesomeness of that first post. I still love that monologue. It's great. And now Joey's...kinda samey, just some guy talking about the show and about poison and destruction or something. I do need to recapture his character, and I hope this Mammoth thing will be the catalyst of that.


I've gotten a few posts in here, which is nice. More interest initially (surprise I wrote better then), and since the first couple of shows, I've had...maybe 4 posts or so? I think two predictions? Readership is down. That could be because the dynasties board is saturated, because people don't like the diary, because people don't feel compelled to post based on what I've written, because people don't like CGC/Canada...because people don't like me, becaus people don't like the writing style...I think I've covered all of the major ones.


I'd like more conversation, of course, but I'm not asking for it. That'd be rather stupid; if people wanted to post, they'd post. If I want more conversation, I should write more compelling stuff. Problem solved. It's, apparently, not that easy for me to write better. Therefore, I apologize to the readers and prospective readers of this diary for not entertaining you as much as I want you to be entertained. I've failed both of us.


Now then! I figure that, a few shows in, I should give you the over-arching idea of this diary. Ideally that should be done naturally through the in-character storytelling, but given that it's 5:36 as I first type these words, I'm pretty sure I'm just going to ramble awhile. And if there's a tilde here ~ then I didn't pay attention proof-reading.


  • Joey Poison is the main character and narrator of the diary. He's a charismatic 32-year-old worker for CGC. At game start he is their Canadian champ, which is their midcard title. He has less than 60 psychology, which is likely his greatest stumbling block on the path to greatness.
  • I chose Joey Poison because his finisher, the Antidote Web, was inordinately successful for me in Wrestling Spirit 1. For those of you that follow my NYCW diary, you'll see periodic introductions where I mention having played it/broken it/verbed it. For the record, it's a 45% finishing move with something like 40% accuracy. It's a tight small cradle. And yet, somehow, it hit an awful lot and won me a lot of matches. Especially off a counter. So yeah, my favorite move.
  • We have Joey Poison, you know why I chose him, so what do I want from this diary? Tentatively, the ending point will be when Poison wins the World Championship. I'm not sure if he ever will, (that psychology really irks me) and I'm not sure that I won't have material after that point. But it's certainly the long-term goal.
  • Short-term, I want Poison to start knocking some heads before going after the big guns. I've tried to describe him as a different type of face, if not a tweener, so I don't know if those "big guns" are the DeColts or ELITE (or some group different). I also haven't entirely planned his line of successive quarries; Nate Johnson probably wasn't the best initial choice given that there is no way in ****ing HELL that I am releasing him from his contract. Odds are something's going to interrupt that feud; I've laid the seeds for at least two options.
  • At some point Poison will have a reign with the tag titles. That's due to the fact that at some point he's going to have to team up with someone for a decent length of time; given that he's the main character, might as well toss him the belt.
  • Ah, no, I have the ending: If I can manage to get Jack Giedroyc into CGC and have him and Poison face each other for the World Title in a match that does not bomb due to crap psychology, that will be the end of the diary. Because there's really no better storyline ending than a family feud for the biggest title possible.


And now, fun fact, TEW2010 won't open. If it doesn't after closing this stupid Microsoft Visual Studio thing, I'm hibernating the laptop and going to sleep. WELL FREAKING GREAT TEW THANKS. w/e I'll just post this and edit it later because that's what professionals who want to be taken seriously do.

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