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Psycho Pass







Genre: Sci-Fi Crime Procedural


Studio: Production I.G Director: Katsuyuki Motohiro, Writer: Gen Urobuchi Source: Anime Original

Original Broadcast: October 2012- March 2013 Episodes:22


Setting: In the future Japan has become an isolationist society, governed by a supercomputer known as the Sibyl System, that can measure a human's emotions and mental state (referred to as their Psycho Pass). If a person's Psycho Pass exceeds a certain level they are deemed a threat in need of therapy, or if too far gone executed on the spot with a weapon called a Dominator.


The Public Safety Bureau in charge of keeping order, carry the Dominators and work in teams of Enforcers and Inspectors. Enforcers are 'latent criminals' whose Psycho Pass has exceeded an acceptable level but have been granted permission to hunt down fellow criminals- the Inspectors supervise the Enforcers and make sure they do not step over the line.


Synopsis: High achiever Akane Tsukemori joins the Public Safety Bureau as an Inspector, and she soon learns that what she learned in training has not really prepared her for what lies ahead. Along with fellow Inspector Nobichuka Ginoza she takes charge of Section One and it's Enforcers, notably Shinya Kogami a former Inspector himself, whose Psycho Pass exceeded the limit when he became obsessed over a previous case. A sudden increase of criminal activity and a series of chaotic events, brings Kogami face to face with the criminal mastermind he has been obsessively tracking down, whilst Akane finds that her faith in the Sibyl System shall become severely tested.


Recommended Viewing Age: Older Teens (Approx 16+) and up- There's some nudity and Shion consistently dresses in a slightly provocative manner, but what could be construed as 'fanservice' is relatively mild, compared to the shows brutal and bloody violence.


The death's by the Dominator are viciously gruesome and there is a scene where a girl gets her throat slit (admittedly the actual throat slit ends up being off screen but the tension building up to the scene could leave some viewers emotionally frayed). With graphic violence that always carries serious consequences for the characters involved, this is one show that is clearly suitable only for adult viewers.


Action Level: Fairly High- Psycho Pass isn't so much an action packed show, as just a violent one. When the Dominator is set to Elimination mode, the criminal gets blasted into dust. There's enough action here (chases, shootouts, some hand to hand combat) to please those who like a balance of dialogue and action.


Moe/Kawaii Level: Virtually Non Existent- Those looking for a nice, cute and relaxing 'moe' show, would be advised to look elsewhere.


Animation Quality/Art Style: Produced by Production I.G (who have a fine resume when it comes to near depicting near future Sci-Fi setting) , Psycho Pass brings a high standard of art and animation, in a fairly understated manner.


Nothing here is revolutionary and the character designs are a bit generic in that semi-realistic style that more serious 'seinen' shows such as this tend to favour, but to not appreciate the effort put into delivering a consistently high quality of art and animation depicted throughout this show, would just come as flippant.


Most vitally, they manage to capture the right atmosphere throughout, with a well chosen murky colouring scheme and some real fine attention detail given to the background art.


Music: First opening 'Abormalize' by Ling Tosite is a pulsating indie rock number with a slighly sinister edge, whils the second opening 'Out of Control' by Nothings Carved in Stone is a slightly more danceable slice of Indie Rock, that is sung in English (though the band is Japanese).


Egoist (the band formed to perform the songs for the Guilty Crown soundtrack), provides both of the ending themes, firstly with the pumping yet ethereal 'Monster With No Name', and then with the emotive ballad (complete with stirring key change one minute in) 'All Alone With You'.

Overall the openings and endings are all fairly memorable (Out of Control is particularly infectious) and match up well with the generally cool and adult vibe of the show.


Meanwhile Yugi Kanno's (not be confused with the more revered Yoko Kanno who did the soundtracks for Cowboy Bebop and GITS:SAC) soundtrack is hardly revelatory but is solid enough and does a good enough job of complimenting the story being depicted on screen.


Plot and Characters: Psycho Pass introduces the viewer to a future society, where justice is not served via a judge or a jury but through a hi tech computerised system that can measure a person's likely hood to carry out a crime. Those deemed to be on the edge of committing a felony can be rehabilitated, those who have gone past that point either get incarcerated for the rest of their lives or they become Enforcers 'Hunting Dogs' for the Crimininal Investigation Bureau and those deemed to be about to commit a major crime, get eliminated and in this future elimination means being blown to nothing.


As we see the story progress in Psycho Pass, we see the flaws in it's system of justice begin to unravel, with the primary antagonist finding a way round the system and the Sibyl System shown to be as sinister (if not more so) as the man trying to bring it down.


Central to the story are the series dual protagonists in Shinya Kogami, a former Inspector turned Enforcer whose obsession over a case and the pursuit of the criminal mastermind behind most of the major terrorist incidents in Japan, sent his Crime Coefficient over the edge and the newly recruited inspector Akane Tsunemori.


Akane starts out as an eager but naive recruit, who believes in the Sibyl System but the events over the series opens her eyes to the reality of the world she lives in. Naive at first she may be but Akane always comes across as someone who believes in doing things her way, first of all being at loggerheads with her by the book fellow Inspector Nobu Ginoza, by treating the Enforcers more like equals than as underlings and then Kogami, with Kogami's thirst for revenge and old school justice at odds with Akane's belief in preserving peace and order.


The by the book Ginoza does have reason to be more stand-offish when it comes a relationship with the Enforcers, he saw Kogami become too involved and saw his Crime Coefficient go over the edge, whilst the same thing also happened to his father (leading to a strained relationship between the two). Ginoza is therefore desperate for the same thing not to happen to him, but Ginoza finds out that doing things by the book all the time and kissing the proverbial butt of his superiors constantly puts him on edge.


Whilst the other main supporting character is Tomomi Masaoka a wily old school style, whose disdain for the way justice is handed out in modern society, saw his crime coefficient deteriorate to a level where he was forced to become an Enforcer. Masaoka is the one who effectively shows the naive new recruit Akane the ropes at the Criminal Investigation Bureau.


Rounding out the CIB team, are the two enforcers the easy going Shusei Kagari, who has been deemed to be a latent criminal since 5 (we learn that Kagari despises the Sibyl System but is equally annoyed by the actions of the criminals he is forced to pursue), the female enforcer Yayoi Kunizuka, a former rock band guitarist, whose relationship with another rock band guitarist that happened to be involved in terrorist activities saw her crime coefficient rise past the required levels not be labelled a criminal herself and finally the sassy analyst Shion Karanomori, also measured to be another latent criminal by the Sibyl System.


In the series first half a string of antagonists are presented for the Criminal Investigation Bureau to overcome, but every one ends up leading the series primary antagonist Shogo Makashima, a genius mastermind and the man Kogami is determined to bring to justice- his way. However Makashima's cold and cruel actions do expose the Sibyl System's idea of justice as being horribly flawed and by the end of the series both Akane and the viewer will question who or what is worse, the evil criminal mastermind looking to bring chaos to the world or the machine that has brought peace and order to society.



Analysis: Psycho Pass on paper comes with a fine pedigree- a near future sci-fi show produced by Production I.G (the studio behind the anime adaptions of the Ghost In The Shell Series) and a screenplay from renowned writer Gen Urobuchi (Madoka Magica) so understandably Psycho Pass already had to meet some expectations.


Production I.G were just coming off a critical flop in the over-hyped Guilty Crown, though near enough everyone can agree the problems with that series were in the writing and pacing of that show and not in it's production values (art, animation, soundtrack)- with Psycho Pass Production I.G don't surpass what they did with Guilty Crown the previous year but they do at least keep up a high standard of quality and once again show that they are consistently good at depicting near future sci-fi worlds.


As Guilty Crown showed though, stellar production values aren't everything, so what of Psycho Pass itself as a story? In essence did it manage to deliver that all important steak to go along with the sizzle?


As a concept Psycho Passes, depiction of a near future dystopian society is admittedly not all that original and it's influences are clear to see, those being the works of Philip K.Dick and Production I.G's similar near future police procedural series Ghost In The Shell- Stand Alone Complex. Though the show refreshingly makes no attempt to hide from it's influences, and even proudly sneaks in a few nods to them with some cleverly executed name drops during dialogue. All in all, as a viewer I came away with the feeling that it was easy to see the show's influences but it felt like it's own story and not a second rate rehash of something that had come before.


Another thing that Psycho Pass has to it's advantage over the works that were clearly and influence over it, is the fact that the world depicted in the show, does not seem too far off from the reality we are experiencing now and some interesting topics, most notably the over reliance on technology is brought up throughout the show. Back in 1981 something like Blade Runner felt like pure fantasy, where as now what is much of what is depicted in Psycho Pass feels like a possibility.


As a writer Gen Urobuchi is well respected but he can also be divisive, with his critics pointing to the fact that he often neglects character development. In some regards they are correct, as the characters in his shows can often be sketchy, but in his defence I would say that he doesn't tend to pad out every semi important character with a back story, and certainly in the case of Psycho-Pass the characters that are actually important to driving the plot along and giving depth to the narrative that is being told throughout are effectively written.


I found the primary antagonist of the series Shogo Makashima, to be particularly compelling and a fascinating, though provoking villain. He's the kind of villain, where it's easy to agree with a lot of his principles and to sympathize with the theory of his actions, but his methods are less than admirable. In the end you find yourself torn between wanting Kogami wanting his revenge, the fraud that is the Sibyl System being brought crashing down and it's the stories co protagonist Akane who works as a sort of audience surrogate, without coming across as a bland cookie cutter character- with her principles and thought processes being tested, as one difficult situation is thrown at her one after another.


And in fairness it's not just Psycho Passes three key characters that pull you in, but much of the supporting cast are well written to, in the fact that they get enough to feel important to the story without taking away from it, by being in it too much and trying to compete with the main characters. Ginoza's strained attempts to keep things in order and to do everything by the book and his strained relationships with his father and Kogami, makes for an interesting sub-plot.


Interestingly, enough it's only when Urobuchi decides to give one of the supporting characters a bit more depth that the show kind of misfires- in the middle of the story the female enforcer Yayoi gets an entire episode dedicated to explaining her back story. There's nothing wrong with the execution of Yayoi's story, but it feels like an OVA episode shoe horned in to the middle of the series.


One thing that is noticeable of Urobuchi's work, is that he likes to deconstruct- Madoka Magica was noticeable for being a deconstruction of an entire genre (Mahou Shojo). With Psycho Pass he doesn't so much as deconstruct the style of the show, but he ends up gradually tearing apart this falsely perfect, sanitized world that is depicted at the start of the series, to reveal just how 'ugly' a world where human error is almost entirely eliminated could end up being. This along with Urobuchi's ability to jolt the viewer with startling twists are his strengths and what makes his works particularly gripping. Psycho Pass itself provides many fine examples throughout of Urobuchi's penchant to throw in twists and turns that will shock but never feel forced.


One minor criticism that could be thrown at the show, is that some of the violence, notably when the Dominator Gun is put into Elimination mode, comes across as unnecessarily gratuitous. It's not that I'm squeamish and/or prudish about such things, and I appreciate that is a show aimed at a mature audience but the graphic violence on this occasion doesn't really add anything.


Frustratingly for some, the story does finish on a rather open ended note, though in it's defence a second season aired earlier this year, which does soften the blow over the fact that just about nothing feels resolved by the end of this first season.


Closing Verdict: Psycho Pass is not a perfect show, but overall it is a well executed near future sci-fi police procedural series, with strong yet believably flawed protagonists that are easy to root for and compelling antagonists. And though it's easy to dismiss the style and themes of Psycho Pass a lacking originality, those themes feel fairly relevant right now, which adds some thought provoking depth to the show. All in all Psycho Pass feels like a fine spiritual successor to another landmark Production I.G series in the excellent Ghost in the Shell- Stand Alone Complex.


Highly Recommended


Is the Dub Any Good?: Psycho Passes dub was produced by Funimation and as is so often the case, when they get to work on a high quality show such as this, they pretty much hit it out of the park where it comes to providing an English dub adaptation.


One criticism that could have been levelled at Funimation a few years back is that their casting choices were always stellar but predictable, but lately they have been getting braver with their casting and putting in new-comers in more prominent roles, or letting previously pigeon-holded actors stretch themselves, and those risks seem to be paying off.


Both Kate Oxley and Robert McCollum put in solid, believable performances as the co main protagonists of Akane and Kogami. But it's the performances of Josh Grelle (playing against type- as he's usually known for playing crazier types) as Ginoza and newcomer Alex Organ as Shogo Makashima that are the most inspirational performances. Organ is a revelation as Makashima and is certainly one to keep an eye on in the future.


In the supporting cast Jason Douglas is well cast and puts in a strong turn as Masaoka, whilst Linda Leonard does a fine job of getting across the authority and sinister calm of bureau chief Kasei.

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School Days






Spoiler Warning: There will be some minor spoilers ahead in this review. In all honesty it's impossible to do a review for this series, without slightly 'spoiling' what lies ahead. Though I'm pretty sure most people reading this, have already seen this controversial and divisive series and are just interested in whatever my opinion happens to be...

Genre: Harem Drama


Studio: TNK Director: Keitaro Motonaga Writer: Makoto Uezu Source: Visual Novel developed by Overflow


Original Broadcast: July- September 2007 Episodes:12 (+ 2 OVA's)


Synopsis: Highschool student Makoto Itou rides the train together to school with the shy but beautiful Kotonoha Katsura. The two never speak to one another, but they've been admiring each other from afar. When Makoto's classmate Sekai Saoinji learns of Makoto's crush, she helps get them together. However just before Makoto takes the train to go on his first date with Kotonoha, Sekai kisses him on the lips- a moment that sparks a trigger that the two classmates might well have feelings for one another beyond a platonic relationship . However that kiss with the 'other girl', only proves to be the start of the complications for Makoto's relationship with Kotonoha.


Recommended Viewing Age: Older Teens (approx 16+) and up- Deconstruction of sorts it may be of the harem genre, but School Days still shares the same panty and booby shots of it's more light hearted brethren. The act of the characters making out here, is also presented to be a lot more edgier and realistic than the usual accidental fondling usually found in this kind of series (no comedic nosebleeds to be found).


As well as having a sexual edge, School Days also ends up becoming a considerably violent series and is noted for it's infamous ending, which was replaced with a shot of a 'nice boat' when it was originally broadcast (due to an incident that have drawn comparison to the series jaw dropping/eye popping final episode). All in all this is most definitely not a series to sit down to watch with all the family.


Action Level: Very Low- There's some dramatic violence in school days, but no action. There's some dramatic violence (designed to be in there for 'shock value' ) to be found in School Days, but you couldn't really say it's there to satisfy action junkies.


Moe/Kawaii Level: Fairly Low- Some people may find some of the girls here 'cute' in a moe sort of way, but more than likely you'll just be irritated by them....I know I was.


Animation Quality/Art Style: The art and animation for School Days is what you would call competent but not exactly spectacular for a mid 2000's anime. The now slightly dated character designs, are of the large eyed variety typical of Visual Novel adaptations, whilst the background art isn't exactly brimming with depth and beauty but there's enough there to look as though some degree of effort has put into it. All in all the visual merits of the School Days anime adaptation, neither enhance the show, nor do they subtract from it.


Music: About as forgettable and generic as music can be in anime. Forgettable generic opening song, generic ballad based ending and a BGM soundtrack that completely washed over me.


Plot and Characters: School Days is a harem series, but a harem series that is an intense psychological drama, rather than the typical comedy that these ordinary boy surrounded by lots of beautiful girls affairs tend to be. In most harem's the protagonist does not have any real consequences for being wishy washy about which girl to choose, but in School Days there are consequences for the actions and the decisions taken by the protagonists.


The central three way relationship is between Makoto, the shy girl he rides the girl to school with Kotonoha, and the girl he sits next to in class Sekai. The drama generated in School Days, does not come from Makoto's courtship of Kotonoha or Sekai, but from the mess coursed by their decisions in handling their respective relationships.


Makoto's and Kotonoha's relationship, immediately hits the skids when he's only basically interested in her body (mostly her notably large assets in the vicinity of the chest area) but she wants to take things slow. In essence Kotonoha wants their relationship to be a slow burning idyllic romance, where their 'first time' will be special, whilst Makoto can't wait to fondle her boobies and bang her. Frustrated about always striking out at First Base with Kotonoha, Makoto seeks help from Sekai, but her 'help' basically ends up with leading Makoto to cheat on Kotonoha with her.


Anyway things escalate from there, and instead of handling things in a rational mature manner, Makoto basically only thinks with the 'brain' between his legs, somehow gets several other girls to fall for his apparent charm and sends both of the girls he apparently claims to be in love with psychologically broken to the point that they end up becoming bat shit insane.


Key supporting characters include Sekai's best friend Setsuna Kiyoura, a diminutive girl who is also the class president. She wants Sekai to be happy, so does anything to encourage Makoto's relationship with their classmate, to the point that she will interfere with Makoto liaising with Kotonoha, but it turns out even she holds a candle for the apparent sex god that is Makoto, whilst another girl in Makoto's class Hikari is apparently more interested in what seems to be the only other guy in school dumb 'comic relief' Taisuke but even she ends up being drawn to Makoto's trouser snake, when she realises Taisuke is completely aloof to the fact that she likes him and is in fact attracted to big breasted wallflower Kotonoha.


Other in Kotonoha's class, she gets harassed on daily basis by a bunch of 'mean girls'- who are clearly jealous of Kotonoha's physical attractiveness and this goes someway to explaining Kotonoha's low self esteem. It also happens that one of Kotonoha's tormentors Otome Katou, is a childhood friend of Makoto's and that she has apparently held a romantic torch for him, before either Sekai or Kotonoha turned up in his life.


Makoto's dumb friend Taisuke sort of serves as the main comic relief for School Days, and there's a few comic relief moments during the school festival arc between the melodrama, revolving around a sub-plot where the classes have battling cosplay cafes. Other than that it becomes evident pretty early on, this a more (melo)dramatic take on the harem genre than the more commonly found comedic variety.


To summarise Makoto ends up seducing a lot of girls, which causes a huge mess that doesn't end at all well (to put it mildly).


Analysis: School Days, I had read/heard about how infamous this series was and how many people feel that it's the WORST ANIME OF ALL TIME :mad:!!! , but it also had it's admirers, who defend it for being a vitally important deconstruction of the tired and over worn harem genre, where the male protagonist suffers no consequence for playing around/being indecisive with multiple girls. All in all it was a series I was kind of avoiding, due to just how much bad press it has (I would honestly say that the hate for this series, outranks the support for it) but at the same time I was always curious to find out just why School Days and in particular it's characters are so universally despised.


The general premise of the series is actually a pretty solid idea- a more dramatic and realistic twist on the 'harem' genre, where the protagonists indecisiveness when it comes to choosing between various girls has consequences, but the execution does leave a lot to be desired.


The three main characters are all admittedly very flawed right from the start, Kotonoha irritates with her meek wallflower routine, Sekai frustrates with the fact that she encourages Makoto to get together with Kotonoha in the first place but then instigates a relationship with him, whilst Makoto is basically just an insensitive jerk who's brain most certainly isn't in his head.


However as unlikeable as these characters were right from the start, in the first half I didn't feel they were necessarily badly written characters- just because a character aggravates and makes decision that makes you want to pull your hair out, doesn't necessarily make them a bad character. In fact the first half does end up doing a half decent job of setting up Makoto as a jerk of a protagonist, who you are hoping gets his comeuppance and doesn't find a way to squirm his way out of trouble.


However it's during the second half of School Days, where things go rapidly downhill, with Makoto not just failing badly at juggling/trying to break off relationships with Kotonoha and Sekai, but when just about every girl in school ends up falling for him like he's kind of Japanese Highschool Don Draper- though one that is completely devoid of all the suave sophistication and believable charm of the Mad Men protagonist.


The second half also see's Kotonoha change from a mildly sympathetic character to a completely delusional batshit insane Yandere, which basically ends up being the catalyst for School Days simultaneously satisfying but laughably ridiculous over the top ending.


In general the series degenerates from being a relatively interesting twist on the harem romance genre with flawed characters who fumble around making poor decisions that have consequences, to ridiculously over the top melodrama with exasperating characters with mind bogglingly stupid motivations......By the end of suffering through the trainwreck that is School Days , I can honestly understand why so many people hate this series. It doesn't even have strong production values (average art and animation/forgettable soundtrack) to help hide the flaws of the series terrible writing.


Closing Verdict: I personally wouldn't go quite as far as declaring School Days to be the worst anime ever made, as I can at least in part see where the defenders of the series are coming from, but on a whole their argument for the series being a 'well deserved deconstruction of the harem genre' doesn't defend the melodramatic mess that this series ends up becoming. Though, I will give the ending a smidge of credit for delivering a satisfying conclusion, even if it was unintentionally hilarious.




Is the Dub Any Good?: Thus far all dubbing studios have had the good sense not to bother producing a dub for this trainwreck of a series.




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I'll get around to posting a real reply. Glad you took the job and reviewed this. School Days is a video game, and this is the bad ending, so to speak. I like that they went for it and didn't shy away from how bad things could get. There's no cop out and while i agree with you about the half and half nature of the show, it really does go for the throat in the last few episodes.


I'm glad i watched it but not really. I've been looking for something like it for a long time. I'm a big Harem guy and love slice of life shows. I always hate the wishy washy MC and School Days almost scratched an itch to see something more real and different. The ending is very different from what i was looking for but hell, the makers didn't shy away. I'm kinda glad of that.


Over all i'd give it a C- as it does a solid job of building up things as a simple harem show. Then it starts down it's path to insanity. In the end, no one is likeable and everyone gets what they deserve.


I think i'm gonna wash my brain with Puella Magi Madoka Magica.



Great reviews. Next time lets find you something a little less brain scarring.

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<p>Thinking a bit more about the train wreck that is School Days and it's terribly written characters, I don't so much have a problem with Makoto but with the endless stream of female school friends he manages to seduce.</p><p> </p><p>

Makoto himself is actually a fairly well written character- as I'm pretty sure the intention was to see him gradually become more and more of a jerk and for the audience to wish for him to get him comeuppance by the end of the series- so I'd actually have to say job well done there.</p><p> </p><p>

However the likes of Kotonoha, Sekai etc are supposed to garner some degree of sympathy from the viewer but I just ended up becoming more and more frustrated by how incredibly dumb they were for being played off against each other by Makoto. I think the only girl that emerges with some degree of positive character development by the end is the childhood friend- she starts off as a stuck up bitch but she manages to realise Makoto is a total douchebag without losing her marbles.</p>

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I've just re-reviewed (I kept some bits of the the review the same, changed some other bits) one of my favourite series of recent years Steins;Gate....


Link to the review here: http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1784928&postcount=91


The link can of course also be found on the first page


My decision to post up an improved review of Steins;Gate was triggered by the fact, that when I did my initial review for it, I had yet to watch the dub (though I'm delighted I watched both versions in full) and the fact that my next review will be the sequel of sorts Robotics;Notes.


When I feel like it, I may well do this for some of my other early reviews- especially if I feel like slightly adjusting the grade I ended up giving a series. In some cases I look back and feel like I was too critical, not harshly so but thinking too much from a objective standpoint rather than going with my own gut feeling on how good or bad a series/film is.


It's good when critiquing to be objective and take different viewpoints into account other than my own, but it's impossible not to be even the slightest bit subjective, otherwise there is no point in having an opinion.

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I've heard good things about Steins;Gate. I haven't seen it though. I'll have to put it on my playlist as i haven't really watched much lately. I wanted to say that the Psycho Pass review reminds me that i need to get back to it, i only saw about 3 episodes and it was getting good, gory, but good.
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Genre: Sci-Fi Adventure, Mecha, Conspiracy Thriller


Studio: Production I.G Director: Kazuya Nomura Writer: Jukki Hanada Source: Visual Novel developed by 5 pb

Original Broadcast: October 2012- March 2013 Episodes: 22


Note: Part of what could be referred to as the 'Semi-colon trilogy' Robotics;Notes is the third in a series of Visual Novel adapations all loosely based in the same world with stories that have elements of real life scientific theory interwoven into the plot. The prequels were Chaos;Head and Steins;Gate.Both of those series are at times referenced in Robotics; Notes and there is even a character that carries over from Steins;Gate (albeit in a much more grown up form) into Robotics;Notes. However it's not essential to have seen either Chaos;Head or Steins;Gate to be able to follow what is going on in the series.


Synopsis: There has only ever been one true goal for the Robotics Club of Central Tanegashima High School and that's to build a lifesize replica of the Giant Robot Gunvarrel from the popular anime series. But completing the task will not be easy, especially as the currently only has two members the enthusiastic Aki- who has taken over leadership of the club from her graduated sister and her lazy childhood friend Kai, who would rather spend all day playing Kill Ballad a video fighting game based on the Gunvarrel anime.


The duo need to win a robot fighting tournament in order to procure the funds to keep their club alive and recruit new members to the club in order to realise their (well actually Aki's) dream of bringing Gunvarrel to life. However when Kai stumbles across a conspiracy involving the unreleased final episode of Gunvarrel, the Central Tanegashima Robotics Club find themselves pulled into a situation that has the fate of the entire world in it's hands.


Recommended Viewing Age: 12 and up- There is very little fanservice in Robotics;Notes if any at all. However the character of Kona Furogori does have perverted mindset and swears quite a lot (albeit in a creative manner that smaller children won't be able to pick up on). The series also features some dark situations here and there including one that involves a character being forced into taking their own life. Overall though it's not the most sexually charged or violent of series, it probably is unsuitable viewing for the under 12's.


Action Level: Medium- Robotics;Notes does feature some Mecha based action here and there, but it's not what you could call a full on action series and more emphasis is based on the conspiracy based plot and interpersonal drama of the characters than on spectacular adrenalin pumping action sequences.


Moe/Kawaii Level: Medium- Robotics;Notes is not what you would call a 'moe' type of series, then again despite some dark situations it's also quite light-hearted in places. Genki-girl Aki, timid Karate club member Junna and even Hikikomori games developer genius Kona could all be perceived as having some 'moe' style character traits- though the most blatantly 'moe' character in the series is the A.I girl Airi.


Animation Quality/Art Style: Like much of today's anime output Robotics;Notes is a nice looking series without really doing anything to stand out from the crowd. Character designs follow the current modern trend (though the character of Kona does have a strikingly memorable design with her gravity defying twin tails), though fans of the original Visual Novel that the series is adapted from will be pleased that the anime stays faithful to the original character designs. The background art is bright and detailed but also a bit generic. Visually as a series it's good enough not to be detrimental but not outstanding enough to really enhance the enjoyment of the show.


Music: First opening theme Junjou Spectre by Zwei is an energetic rock track, that would be suitable as an opening for a mecha anime, and whilst much of the series first half isn't as full on or as energetic as the opening alludes to it, it does cleverly tie in to the protagonists dreams of building a mecha robot. Second opening 'Hokyo No Messiah' by Haruki, has a similar vibe to the first opening. Though not a bad track, it doesn't bring anything new to the table and it feels like they may as well have carried on with the first opening. (Though of course I do understand that changing the OP's and ED's of a series halfway through is purely driven by the fact that they all get released as singles).


First ending theme is the not bad but somewhat forgettable and generic rock ballad Umikaze No Brave sung by Fumika- that feels it's been plucked out of a manual of generic anime ending songs, whilst second ending theme 'Topology' sung by Kanou Itou is yet another ballad style closing track. Though I will say that the second half of the series with the viewers emotional attachment to the characters having increased, that the downbeat ballad style ending feels more warranted.


The soundtrack a collaboration between three composers (Takeshi Abo, Yuki Hayashi and Asami Tachibana) does a good job of complimenting the series, with the Gunvarrel theme and 'Robotics; Notes' theme being particularly stirring.


Plot and Characters: Robotics; Notes is a series that has a variety of subplots that appear to have very little to do with another at first but are all tied together by the end of the series. These include the central plot of the Tanegashima High School Robotics Clubs ambition to build a life size replica of Gunvarrel (a Gundam style giant mecha), the mystery surrounding the reason why the final episode of the Gunvarrel anime was never aired and a series of strange files (the Ko Kimijima reports) stumbled upon by Kai, which involves him making contact with an A.I girl named Airi.


The central characters of Robotics;Notes are the only two (at the start of the series) members of the Robotics Club- the determined Akiho and the laidback Kaito. Whilst Kaito wastes away most of his time playing the game called Kill Ballad, Akihio is determined to finish the replica of Gunvarrel started by the previous president of the Robotics Club her sister Misaki (who is now a leading member of an organisation that develops cybernetic suits). Despite being told by her older sister that she will never be anything above average- Akiho still admires her older sister, whilst also being determined to prove her sister wrong. Meanwhile whilst Kai appears unmotivated and lazy at first, it becomes clear that he does care about Aki and the club, whilst the discovery of the Ko Kimijima reports also help light spark under him.


Both Kai and Aki were victims of an incident known as the Anemone-gou incident, that left them with a condition known as the 'Elephant Mouse' syndrome....resulting in then suffering spasms that cause them to either experience time moving forward at a rapid pace (in Akiho's case) or time going into slow motion (in Kaito's case). Whilst the slow motion does come in handy on occasions for Kai when playing Kill Ballad or controlling a robot, the side effects of the spasms does result in excrutiating pain and tiredness after each attack.


Amongst the important supporting cast of high-schoolers are Suburu Hidaka, a robotics enthusiast who is forced to hide his enthusiasm for it from his disapproving fisherman father, Junna Daitoku a slightly timid Karate club member who is actually rubbish at Karate and suffered a past experience that made her wary of robots and Kona 'Frau Koujiro' Konogori- a hikikomori otaku- who communicates in online slang that also happens to be the developer of Kill Ballad- the super popular fighting game based on Gunvarrel that Kai is addicted to playing.


The adult supporting cast includes Akiho's scientific genius older sister Misaki and her shifty boss Toshiyuki Sawada, convenience store owner Mizuka (Misaki's best friend who lost the use of her legs in an accident and uses the Cybernetic suit developed by the organisation that Misaki works for to get around) who warns Kaito to avoid getting involved with the Ko Kimijima reports, Tetsuharu 'The Doc' Fujita the grouchy owner of the 'Robo Clinic' shop and several members of the JAXA (Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency) that include Akiho and Misaki's father and a returning character from Steins;Gate.


One other key character to the story and one that perhaps more than other helps to tie all the different subplots together by the end is the A.I girl Airi/Gesi stumbled upon by Kaito, that was developed by the mysterious Ko Kimijima. In her default mode as Airi she is a cheerful, air-headed girl but when Kaito wants to find out information about the Ko Kimijima reports he switches her over to the more straight laced Gesi mode.


By the end of the series we find out whether or not Akiho is successful in completing 'Robo One' the project to produce a lifesize replica of Gunvarrel, just why the final episode of the Gunvarrel anime was never shown and just who Ko Kimijima is and what his motivations were/are.


Though Robotics;Notes can't really be considered to be a comedy series, much like it's sister series Steins;Gate it does include a fair amount of light relief based around the quirks of it's characters. Akiho's over enthusiastic manner is sometimes played up for laughs, whilst the eccentric Kona has a perverted sense of humour. Meanwhile the uncle of one of the school teachers (Mitsuhiko- who was once in the robotics club with Aki's older sister) is the loud mouth owner of the Space Candy Company and Subaru's alter-ego is rather camp and over the top in contrast to his usually dry and cynical manner.



Analysis: Whether you refer to it as the 'Science Adventure Series' or as the 'Semi-Colon trilogy', prior to the release of Robotics; Notes it brought us one poorly executed mess of an entry in Chaos;Head and one superb entry in Steins;Gate. So the question is where did the latest entry lie, is it nearer to the disappointing Chaos;Head in terms of execution or does it continue the positive momentum of Steins;Gate?


Like it's immediate predecessor Robotics;Notes thankfully gets two cours to tell it's story, rather than being squeezed into about 12 episodes and much like Steins;Gate it has a relaxed easy going atmosphere with hints of darker things to come in the first half of the series, whilst the second half gets more serious.


Unlike Steins;Gate however where the prime focus was very much on Okabe looking to put things right with each leap through time- the focus of Robotics;Notes is much more fractured. At first the show seems to be about a few highschool kids looking to realise a dream of building a replica of a giant mecha from a popular anime, but it's soon sharing the spotlight with Kai's discovery of the mysterious Ko Kimijima reports. Then you have other little subplots thrown into the mix such as Kai and Aki being blessed/cursed with the 'Elephant/Mouse' syndrome, Suburu's family issues and Junna's fear of robots. This leads to the first half feeling a bit unfocused and fractured but thankfully like Steins;Gate the protagonists are likeable and well written enough that they are easy to root for and get invested in, whilst the antagonists such as Aki's older sister Misaki aggravate as they should, whilst also gradually being written sympathetically enough that their own misguided actions can be understood. Though ultimately the admittedly charismatic main villain just boils down to being, in 'layman's terms' a bit of a dick.


As the series primary antagonists Aki and Kai, much like their predecessors in Steins;Gate become easy to cheer on, whilst having enough flaws in their character, for them to be interesting. Aki just about stays on the right side of being endearingly enthusiastic about everything she does, rather than irritatingly so and we soon learn that enthusiasm is something of a crutch for her to overcome her own confidence issues after being told she is average and that motivation of wanting to prove herself, is easy to get behind. The laid back, you could even say lazy Kai may frustrate some with his lack of motivation but he makes for a good counterpoint to the energetic Aki, and it soon becomes apparent that when he does get motivated about something he does get engrossed and passionate about it- he's just not bouncing off the walls all the time like his childhood friend.


Another thing is that whilst he may come as having a laissez-fare attitude and a little bit of a jerk during the opening few episodes, as the story progresses it soon becomes apparent that Kai cares deeply for those closest to him and that when the chips are down, he will do all that he can to help them.


Aki and Kai are the heart of Robotics;Notes but they are helped along by a solid supporting cast of characters. Like Kai, Suburu's character and development makes for a good counterpoint to Aki. Like Aki, Suburu is very enthusiastic about Robots and like Aki he has someone in his life he would love to prove wrong (in this case his Fisherman father), however unlike Aki who is a bit of an idealistic 'dreamer' when it comes to building robots, Suburu is more realistic and pragmatic in his approach and this leads to some friction between the two robot enthusiasts, whilst more minor supporting characters such as the cantankerous robot mechanic 'The Doc' and convenience store owner Mizuka also have important roles to play in the story.


Though out of all the characters in the series, there is one who steals every scene she is in. The most striking character in terms of visual appearance and personality the text speaking, reclusive otaku queen, Kona' Frau Koujiro' Konogori. Kona is one of those characters that could have ended up being extremely irritating but she has this sympathetic fragility about her, that makes her more unpleasant characteristics easy to be overlooked or more to the point tolerated. Whilst her involvement in the story helps to link together the disparate elements to be found at the start of Robotics;Notes.


And whilst some of those elements feel a little bit tacked on (JAXA's involvement just feels like an excuse to bring back an older version of one of the Steins;Gate characters in a cameo role) Robotics;Notes does end up doing a commendable job of bringing together Aki's dream of building a giant robot and Kai's discovery of the Ko Kimijima reports into one thrilling finale.


Closing Verdict: Robotics;Notes falls between the two previous entries of the 'Science Adventure Series' in terms of how good the anime adaptation turned out, but thankfully it's nearer to Steins;Gate in terms of quality than Chaos;Head. It has it's flaws but by the end of the series Robotics;Notes feels like another positive entry in the series, with the messy Chaos;Head looking increasingly like the ugly step child.




Is the Dub Any Good?: As with the previous entries in the 'Science Adventure Series' the English dub was handled by Funimation, and as with Steins;Gate and even to a certain degree Chaos;Head they do their usually stellar job. As with many of their latest dubs it's encouraging to see new talent coming to the fore, and newcomer Clifford Chapin (in what was his first leading role) puts in a really natural performance as Kaito. Whilst other stand out performances, for me were Apphia Yu's suitably sweet performance as Airi, whilst also handling the switch to the more serious, almost emotionless Gesi with aplomb and the experienced Leah Clark's astute handling of Kona/Frau's creative dialogue

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So if I want to watch the whole "trilogy", would the order be Chaos;Head, Steins;Gate, and then Robotic;Notes?


I don't think I've ever seen someone give Chaos;Head a good review, but I'm a completionist :o


That would be correct, though you could quite easily watch them out of sequence and not miss anything vitally important. To be honest I saw Steins;Gate first, then Chaos;Head second. :p


Chaos;Head could have been good but it didn't get enough episodes for there to be a decent adaptation so it ended up a rushed and incoherent mess, which is a shame because it's a blot on what is otherwise a really interesting and generally well executed idea.

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I have three episodes of Steins;Gate left to get through. I can't recommend it highly enough. I fully agree with your revised A grade; it's honestly probably one of the two or three best series I've ever seen, and without a doubt the best exploration of time travel and its consequences that I have ever come across, in any medium or genre.


The opening part of the series was enjoyable if unremarkable, but holy crap has it ever distinguished itself over the later portions of the story! I pretty much never buy anime thanks to having the Funimation Channel on my TV (which is how I'm watching Steins;Gate), but I might make an exception for this show.

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Jeez, this thread reminds me how far behind I am on my anime. The last two I've managed to watch to the end were Code Geass (Actually I marathoned most of the second season in one sitting and impatiently waited for the final episode) and Eden of the East (well, the series, haven't watched the movies).
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Last Exile: Fam- The Silver Wing






Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy Adventure


Studio: Gonzo Director: Koichi Chigira Writer: Kiyoko Yoshimura Source: Anime Original by Gonzo

Original Broadcast: October 2011- March 2012 Episodes: 21 (+ 2 Recap episodes*)


* Note: The 2 recap epsiodes, 9.5 and 15.5 occur during the series: The first is essentially an abridged version of the early portion of the series, whilst the second recaps events from the original Last Exile to show how the past events of the original series, sowed the seeds for the current events taking place in the sequel.


Synopsis: Four years after the events of Last Exile, the colonists of Prester have returned to Earth. However the Ades Federation (the only nation to stay on Earth, whilst it was barely able to provide a sustainable existence) are angered by the colonists re-taking their land and have declared all out war on the nations descended from immigrants that returned to Earth by Exile ships.


Fam Fan Fan and her best friend Giselle Collette are Vespa Vanship pilots who carve out an existence as Sky Pirates, capturing and then selling large Battleships that they refer to as 'sky fish'. During what what was supposed to be a peace treaty between the Ades Federation and the nation of Turan (one of the immigrant nations formed by the returnees from Prester), the Ades military leader Premier Lusciana Halfez orders an attack on Turan. Unimpressed by the aggressive actions of the Ades Federation, the Sky Pirates leads by Fam get involved and end up rescuing the Turan princesses Liliana and Millia from being captured.


However during a latter battle between the forces of the Ades Federation and Turan, princess Liliana becomes captured, and then Iglasia, the capital of Turan, Iglasia is destroyed by an Exile, wiping out Turan's army and killing the King of Turan. Feeling like everything she cared for is lost a despondent Princess Millia is given refuge by the sky pirates with Fam promising to do everything she can to help Millia regain her kingdom.


Recommended Viewing Age: 12 and up- Fanservice as with the first series is virtually non existent, but there is consistent violence (which whilst never gratuitously gory can still sometimes be fairly bloody) and younger viewers may also not be able to grasp or become engaged with the more complex, often politically charged elements of the storyline.


Action Level: High- Do you like long battle sequences, between battleships bombarding each other ? Then Last Exile: Fam The Silver wing is the series for you, as it has skyship battles by the bucketload- with the skyship battles in a Fam The Silver Wing appearing to happen more frequently and often feeling even larger in scale from the first series.


Moe/Kawaii Level: Medium- Though still far from a blatantly moe show, the moe influence can be seen a little more in Fam the Silver wing, with a larger proportion of young female characters having prominent roles in the show, including the series 'genki girl' protagonist Fam. Most 'moe' of all the characters in Fam the Silver wing, though has to be the 10 year old empress of the Ades Federation: Sara Augusta, who despite being the leader of the antagonistic nation (though admittedly she's not behind Ades aggression) is essentially the series 'token mini moe'.


Animation Quality/Art Style: The art style of Last Exile: Fam The Silver Wing does not stray too far from the style of the original but the character designs have also noticeably been given a few tweaks in order to follow modern trends, whilst the colour palette is little more vibrant.


However on the downside Fam The Silver Wing still suffers from conspicuous CGI when it comes to incorporating things like the the CGI battleships with the traditional 2D elements of the art and animation. Whilst this was forgivable in 2003, with the original series looking well ahead of it's time, this sort of thing is more difficult to ignore for a series that was released in late 2011. Overall the sequel to Last Exile: Is still nice to look at, with the imaginative setting of the Last Exile still able to impress, but despite tweaking things slightly, it doesn't feel like a great leap forward and Gonzo were unable to clear the high bar they set themselves on the original Last Exile.


Music: Opening theme 'Buddy' sung by Maaya Sakamoto and with music arranged by School Food Punishment, is an infectious and energetic slice of J-Pop rock that suits the positive, take action outlook of the series main character whilst the orchestral flourishes in the sung help to remind the viewer of the epic scale of the Last Exile story. I also like the fact that apart from one recap episode where they brought back Cloud Age Symphony from the original series, the opening remained the same throughout, as more often than not the second opening fails to outshine the original opening of a series.


The primary ending theme is the ethereal ballad Starboard sung by Hitomi Kuroishi, which does a good job of sounding both hopeful and melancholic at the same time and gives a sense that the situation presented in the story really could go either way. An alternate arrangement of the song 'Silky Wind Version' sung in Russian is used in select episodes


Whilst the tracks in themselves from Hiromi Kuroishi's (who I assume is related to the singer of the series ending theme) traditionally orchestral based soundtrack aren't all that memorable, it does a strong enough job of providing a suitable accompaniment to the story being presented on screen.


Plot and Characters: The plot of Fam: The Silver Wing, primarily revolves around a conflict that can bear similarities to the never ending Israel-Palestine conflict in real life, the fact that a set of people who had no land of their own return to the land they feel is their true home but in doing so have displaced the people who occupied that land for years- leading to a never ending cycle of tit for tat revenge. It is revealed part way through the story, that during an event called the Grand Race, the two opposing factions had formed a peace treaty but during that event, it all comes crashing down in horrifying fashion and the aftershocks of that event essentially mould the characters current motivations.


This event drives the motivations of both the series primary protagonist the titular Fam and the series primary antagonist Premier Lusciania Halfez. Whilst Fam dreams of holding another Grand Race and believes in the hope of peace that the first one provided, before some extremists essentially sent the world back into conflict, Lusciania is driven by revenge and feels that crushing the opposition is the only way to ensure peace. It's a series where the primary protagonist and antagonist both want the same thing but their methods couldn't be any more different.


Went it comes to seeing her dream of another Grand Race come to fruition, Fam is rather blinkered but her positivity also helps those closest to her believe in themselves more. Always along for the ride is Giselle, Fam's co-pilot and best friend that has essentially become a sister to her, because Fam's parents are no longer around, but it's Fam's relationship with Princess Milia and Milia's own development that forms the heart of the series. Milia begins as a spoilt brat but by the end of the series grows into a decisive leader, willing to put up a fight for what she believes in and it's because of Fam's positivity and willingness to help others that Milia is able to make that journey.


The Ades Federation is ruled by Sara Augusta, a naive 10 year old girl who is on the throne because her mother the previous Augusta passes away when she was a baby. Though Sara strongly believes in the Ades campaign to reclaim the land that was stolen from them, she's not been given the full facts on just how aggressive the campaign lead by Lusciania is and that all attempts at peaceful solutions have been wiped aside for an approach that basically results in the Ades Federation committing genocide, and helping Lusciania fulfill his ambitions is a character that makes a shocking heel turn part way through this series, and it's this one loved person on then other side of the conflict that becomes a figure of hate for the eventual crimes that they will commit.


However the Ades Federation as a whole aren't portrayed as being totally evil- with the various Generals portrayed as human beings with different motivations rather than just being blood thirsty war mongers, even those who steadfastly support Lusciania's plan up to the end such as the veteran General Sadri. Another interesting twist is that some of the Generals are from countries annexed by Ades through previous conflicts, but have now accepted Ades rule such as the female General Vasant- however Lusciania's aggressive campaign makes some of these generals notably Vasant question what they are fighting for.


To complicate matters further, a third 'neutral' side is thrown into the mix with the isolationist nation of Glacies thrown into the mix. Glacies (who have a language that resembles Russian) have cut themselves on from the rest of the world, but when the Ades Federation bring the conflict to their doorstep, they find themselves drawn into it. The most notable of all the Glacians to feature in the series, is a Dian the stoic ace pilot of the Glacians elite Vanship squadron, who ends up becoming a key figure during the latter third of the series.


Whilst much of the original cast are reduced to little more than cameo roles, characters from the first series do return- Tatiana Wisla is now the commander of the Silvana, free spirit Dio is now living amongst the sky pirates and Alvis Hamilton the little girl that the protagonists from the original series were trying to protect, has grown up a little.


Much like the first Last Exile, Fam: The Silver Wing is far from a light hearted series, but it does has a sprinkling of light relief scattered through the series. The series primary light relief is Teddy, the clumsy servant of Princess Millia, whilst the returning Dio has his playful personality intact minus the creepy undercurrent of the original series.


Analysis: Whilst not at all a complete rip off of Star Wars, the Last Exile saga has elements that are clearly influenced by the famous cash cow sci-fi franchise, so it seems kind of fitting that the series long awaited sequel Fam: The Silver Wing should draw comparisons to the Star Wars: prequels in the fact that it has been crapped upon by a fair number of fans of the original series.


As it turns out Fam: The Silver Wing, much like the Star Wars prequels, is what you might term to be a base breaker- put in a search for a review of this series and it will return results that bring both positive praise and total derision, and though I was able to form by own conclusion went in came to assessing Fam: The Silver Wing, it is worth noting that many fans felt that this was far from being a worthy successor to the original.


Beginning with the positives, though the story has now moved to 'Earth' rather than in the sky colonies of Prester, the world presented in the Last Exile remains as imaginative and as compelling as ever, and though it's clear to see influences from other sci-fi and fantasy series, it manages to mould those influences into something that feels unique in of itself.


The general presentation of the war between the Ades Federation and the nations formed by returnees from Prester (most notably Turan) is also a positive, as it ends up being a astute commentary on the never ending cycle of revenge that many wars end up becoming, whilst also building the story around a central incident that affected the outlook of both the series primary protagonists and antagonists was also on the whole well executed, up and until the final stretch of Fam: The Silver Wing.


And that's where I will come to my first negative of the series, the groundwork laid out during the early part of the series and even through the middle is executed well but the final string of episodes leading to the conclusion (which in itself ended up being a logical and fitting end to the series, during the series final scenes), become ridiculous and riddled by flawed logic. The final episode itself is a sea of Deus-Ex-Machina's but it's ultimately the motivations of the antagonist Luscinia that for me end up going some way to spoiling the series, especially as they suddenly change from what you thought his original intentions were. Though his intentions were executed in a genocidal manner that clearly made him a villain, they were easy to comprehend but the finale suddenly try to presents his war mongering as having a more noble reason and that he's doing it all for the greater good. I'm pretty sure the goal was to make him a more sympathetic villain, but it completely fails at that and instead makes him come across as even more deluded and arrogant.


The series main supporting villain, turns heel part way through the series and though the turn does literally come out of nowhere, it did help put an interesting spin on the story- however much like Luscinia, there is an attempt to present this antagonist in a more sympathetic light once again during the final stretch but once again the logic for their actions just comes across as pompous and I will guarantee that you will be cheering for this person to get their comeuppance, for the path they decided to take.

The handling of the supporting cast is a mixed bag. The portrayal of the Ades Generals and the differences in their characters is well handled, giving them enough screen time to present an army that isn't just blood thirsty war mongers and molding characters that can offer differing viewpoints and motivations during the conflict.


Those returning from the first series of Last Exile however feel largely wasted and only appear to be there to provide a link between the original series and Fam: The Silver Wing, with only really Tatiana Wisla (who has moved up to Battleship commander from Vanship squadron leader) and Dio, who remains a compelling character and steals every scene he is in, but still manages to feel underutilized throughout the series.


The idea to introduce a nation into the mix that speaks a completely different language to everyone else, was an interesting idea and though everyone else ends up speaking 'English' or 'Japanese' (depending on how you're watching this), the fact that one nation speaks 'Russian', does add a sense of realism to the series, and there part as the third side that is suddenly pulled into the conflict ends up having an important part to play in the story.


Much of the screen-time for Fam: The Silver Wing is taken up by the titular character and the two girls that accompany here for most of the series (Giselle and Milia). Giselle is the most inconsequential of the three and ends up being one of the most blandest primary characters ever bought to screen- apart from one brief falling out with Fam, she brings nothing to the story but at the same time her milquetoast presence doesn't irritate the viewer, which brings me to the titular character of the series....


Fam Fan Fan herself is the primary reason for much of the bile spouted by the Last Exile sequels detractors. Her energetic and positive outlook on life and her willingness to help others in need, do start out as positive traits but they become grating after a while and her views end up become blinkered to the point that I often found myself berating the T.V screen and shouting out 'Shut Up Fam!'- it takes nearly the entire series for the character to have any kind of development.


Fam's lack of development contrasts greatly with the excellent portrayal and character development that takes place with Princess Milia, who in a lot of ways could be considered the co-protagonist of the series. Her journey from entitled brat to a strong willed and decisive leader of her people is paced and executed very well throughout the series, and if you decide to focus more on Milia's journey, rather than Fam's obsession with holding another Grand Race, then Fam: The Silver Wing becomes a more enjoyable experience. I also enjoyed the relationship Milia had with her loyal servant Teddy, who whilst not the most important character in the series was a fun and adorable injection of light relief.


Away from the characters and story, the visuals as I said are as a good as the original Last Exile but haven't moved things forward enough, to wow the viewer like they would have done in 2003, and whilst the many battle sequences are impressive in their scope, I personally felt that the series became a little bit over-saturated with airship bombastic airship battles and after a while they became a little bit monotonous.



Closing Verdict: Despite some pretty major negatives, (Annoying protagonist and a messily executed final stretch with a failed attempt to make the Antagonists motivations more sympathetic) they weren't enough to make me completely forget about the positive elements of the series. Sure Fam: The Silver Wing should have been a whole lot better and it doesn't come anywhere close to matching the excellence of the original series but it's not the total disaster some would have you believe either. In the end it manages to be an entertaining series with some good ideas but flawed execution in what admittedly are some crucial areas.


Mildly Recommended


Is the Dub Any Good?: Last Exile is one of those series that I would immediately recommend watching in the dub because for me the world setting suits characters speaking in English, more than it does if they were speaking in Japanese. Sure a lot of these characters, probably don't speak English but there's absolutely nothing in Last Exile, that makes me connect it to Japan or any other country from the Orient.


The original Last Exile dub was an L.A based one done by Geneon Entertainment, but after Geneon pulled out of the American market, Funimation acquired the rights for Last Exile, and thus the dub for Fam: The Silver Wing features a completely new cast featuring Funimation's in house talent.


Understandably because the returning characters from the original Last Exile, find themselves in minor roles, except for one recap episode- those parts were re-cast. There was an effort to bring back the original voice actor for Dio (Joshua Seth) but it appears he has retired from voice acting. On a whole the Funimation actors, do a good job of matching the performances of the original Geneon dub, though admittedly it may have been more noticeable had they had more prominent roles- crucially they get the recasting of Dio right, with Greg Ayres having the right kind of voice to be a suitable replacement for Joshua Seth.


The series Russian element was handled well, with the series Russian voice coach Tatiana Balazs eventually cast in the role of Dian (who speaks nothing but Russian). This ends up being a wise decision, as though Balazs is not a professional actor, her slightly stiff performance actually ends up suiting the character.


The Turanian princesses Milia and Liliana are given a sort of upper class English accent , in order to accentuate their nobility and mostly to get across the fact that Milia starts out as very entitled. Carrie Savage as Milia handles the role very well but for me Jamie Marchi struggles a bit tackling an accent that is clearly out of her comfort zone, with her performance ending up sounding like Jamie Marchi attempting a posh English accent.


Whilst I admire Marchi for taking on a part that isn't something you would expect from her (and for the most part I do like her as a V.A) casting her in the role, does show that sometimes type-casting isn't always a bad thing- especially as Greg Ayres and Monica Rial put in assured performances as Dio and Sara Augusta in roles you're not at all surprised to see them cast in. Then again in all honesty, I'm not really sure who amongst Funimation's current roster of female V.A's would have done a better job.


Jad Saxton and Leah Clark do a solid enough job as Fam and Giselle (it's not their fault that Fam becomes irritating and Giselle is blander than a dry ham sandwich), whilst Kara Edwards does an entertaining turn as Teddy.

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Is This A Zombie?

(aka Koru Wa Zombi Desu Ka?)






Genre: Harem Fantasy Action Comedy


Studio: Studio Deen Director: Takaomi Kanasaki Writer: Makoto Uezu Source: Light Novels by Shinichi Kimura

Original Broadcast: January- March 2011 Episodes: 12 (+1 OVA)


Synopsis: Ayumu Aikawa may seem like your average high school student at first, but he's actually a zombie, who was resurrected from the dead by a mute necromancer called Eucliwood Hellscythe. As Ayumu tries to make the best of his new lease of life, he gets caught up in a fight between a magical garment girl called Haruna and demon called a Megalo, where he inadvertently absorbs her magical powers, which results in him becoming a cross dressing mahou-shoujo.


Supported by Eu, Haruna and a vampire ninja called Seraphim, Ayumu finds himself pulled into the battle against the Megalos, whilst also trying to figure out the mystery behind his own death.


Recommended Viewing Age: Approx 15 and up- The big breasted Seraphim is the main source for fan service in the series, though the actual rate of fanservice and strength of it (there's a fair amount of cleavage/bikini type shots but not much in the way of nudity) isn't really all that strong compared to some other shows of this kind- in all honesty most of the fanservice occurs in the final TV broadcasted episode- a throwaway fanservice specific episode that involves the gang relaxing at a pool.


The series comic make up however does include plenty of sexually suggestive situations, and combined with the light fanservice and the odd bit of relatively graphic violence makes the series only really suitable viewing for older teenagers and beyond.


Action Level: Medium- Is This A Zombie? is a show that offers up some fantasy based violence. Fights between Ayumu and his allies against the Megalo happen nearly every episode but the series is primarily a comedy, rather than a fully fledged action series and the battles despite getting graphic at times, lean towards being over the top and comedic, with tongue firmly in cheek- which is to be expected when you have the protagonist cross dressing as a magical garment girl.

Moe/Kawaii Level: Pretty High- It's a harem show with the main male lead surrounded by cute girls, so the show is quite 'moe' in that regard, with the main female heroine, the practically mute Eu being the most 'moe' of all the girls.

Animation Quality/Art Style: Is This A Zombie, is a series that is visually competent but nothing to get excited about. The character designs are based in the generic otaku pleasing style favoured by light novels and subsequently their anime adaptations, but the series does provide two memorable characters from a visual point of view in Eucliwood (who is rarely seen without her necromancer armour) and the cross-dressing 'magical garment girl' version of Ayumu.


The background art is, with no better way to put it bog standard, whilst the CGI elements fail to blend convincingly. But I have seen shows with much worse art and animation and considering the type of show this is and the fact that it was from Studio Deen (an anime studio that rarely impresses me when it comes to delivering on the visual side), the show delivers to it's visual expectations


Music: Opening theme 'Leave It To Me Tonight' sung by Iori Nomizu (the seiyuu for one of the lead heroines Haruna) is an energetic slice of rock tinged J-Pop with some gothic overtones, that is quite catchy and does a good job of getting across the action based side of the series, whilst the quirky lounge pop of 'Notice Me Zombie I Am Your Classmate' sung by Rie Yamaguchi and Manzo obviously taps into the more comedic side of the series.


The soundtrack by Shinji Kakishima leaves little impression, but never felt out of place, whilst the final episode features the girls in a J-Pop idol contest that features a sweet ballad sung by Eucliwood and a hilariously over the top punkish number sung by Haruna.


Plot and Characters: Is This A Zombie? is primarily a comedy show with over the top action, that focuses more on the characters and their quirks rather than delivering an over-arching storyline. The series structure is little more than a series of arcs, an introductory one, one where Ayumu solves the mystery regarding his death and subsequent resurrection into a zombie and a show down with someone who also has a link with the series primary female protagonist, the necromancer Eu and seems hell bent on destruction.


Ayumu is a harem leads go, unique in the fact that he's one of the undead- but he's not your typical portrayal of a zombie, he's just a normal guy unless he finds himself out in the burning sun for too long (which results in him withering and turning into a stereotypical zombie). Though he has a sardonic personality, Ayumu is grateful that he has a second chance at life, even if his life now consists of living with three girls, one of whom communicates with written messages, whilst the other two constantly berate him both verbally and physically.


Though the show is a harem, it becomes obvious that Eu, is the girl that Ayumu cares for the most. Though Eu has extremely strong magical powers, it hurts her to use them and the reason it hurts her to use her powers ties into the fact that she is only able to communicate via written messages. Eu's relationship with Ayumu is what gives Is This A Zombie? some emotional resonance, beyond the crazy action and comedy that takes up the bulk of the series.


Haruna is the second lead female of the series, a magical garment girl (who appears to have come from some other dimension) that wields a chainsaw called Mystletain, she inexplicably see's her powers transferred to Ayumu, and then ends up sticking around because she has been ordered by her sensei to pick up some mysterious item whilst in Tokyo. Despite sometimes being volatile towards Ayumu, the energetic Haruna comes to care for him.


The third main female of the story, is Seraphim a well endowed vampire ninja that has connection to Eu. She acts rather cold towards Ayumu, consistently verbally berating him and basically seeing him as a depraved male pervert (despite the fact he's actually relatively restrained in that department), however she does come to respect his combat abilities and her perception of him gradually begins to thaw over the course of the series.


Some of the most notable supporting characters, consists of a childhood friend that isn't quite what seems, a ramen obsessed vampire-ninja from a different faction to Seraphim's, Haruna's magical garment girl teacher (who is very protective of her students) and Ayumu's best friend Orito, who somewhat delusions that he is as a bit of 'player' but is just a perverted nerd.


The basis of Is This Is A Zombie?'s comedic output, is running gags : these include Ayumu cross dressing as a magical girl, Ayumu withering in the heat, Seraphim's awful cooking skills and Orito's pathetic attempts at trying to impress the ladies. Another notable form of comedy is the dream sequences where Ayumu dreams of Eu speaking in a seductive manner and acting like she is there to please him.

Analysis: Those expecting to find your typical zombie apocalypse show from Is This A Zombie? will be sorely disappointed, given it's title but that disappointment will only come to those who didn't do their research. What the series actually is, is a harem comedy in new clothes and that's a description that will have many people turning away in droves, unless you're a fan of a genre is much maligned due to it's predictable tropes, (im)mature content and wet blanket male leads.


So does Is This A Zombie? manage to take this much maligned genre of anime and do something interesting with it, by adding elements that involve fantasy based violence, and a male lead that has been resurrected from the dead as a zombie?


The answer to that is kind of. Well at least it tries to give a fresh twist to the harem comedy, but at the end of the day it can't quite escape it's harem comedy roots. Much of the series unfortunately is still grounded in the genre's much maligned cliches, such as the male lead getting verbally/berated beaten up for acting perverted (usually by accident), one or perhaps more of the girls being a tsundere, and the first girl being the one who is the only real love interest for the male lead.


The fact that Ayumu is immortal and can regenerate after being beaten to a pulp, does make the punishment he takes throughout the series a bit more palatable, but the trope of the male lead getting berated and beaten up by his female colleagues does eventually get tiresome, as it inevitably always does. However Ayumi, despite often being labelled as a loser/pervert (especially by Seraphim) is compared to a lot of male harem leads, portrayed to be a little less wimpy/pervy. Much of Ayumi's perversions are confined to his dream sequences regarding Eu, whilst the introduction of his hapless friend Orito, makes him look like less of a loser in the eyes of the viewers and his school mates.


However the series delivers it's comedy with plenty of energy, and some of the series more absurd elements did happen to be genuinely funny- such as Ayumu's cross dressing as a magical girl or Ramen being used as a magical weapon that can eliminate giant monsters. Seeing such crazed absurdity in action is executed much better, than me trying to explain why these moments, that happen frequently throughout the series, often deliver bone-splitting hilarity.


Despite one being a magical garment girl and the other being a vampire ninja, the borderline obnoxious genki girl Haruna and the frosty tsundere Seraphim are stereotypical harem heroines in fancy clothes, but in Eucliwood Hellscythe the series has a genuinely original and interesting take on the 'emotionless' girl trope. It's not so much that she is devoid or born without emotion, but she has to keep her emotions in constant check to the point that she can't even speak. I thought as a twist on this well worn character trope, it was clever and original.


The series does take a slightly more serious turn, in the final arc where Eucliwood is being forced into unleashing the powers that bring great pain to her, and whilst this arc did end up giving the series some depth beyond being a zany blend of over the top action and comedy, Is This A Zombie? was inevitably a more enjoyable experience when it was fully engaged in it's brand of absurd comedy.


It should be noted that the series true finale, occurs in the penultimate TV broadcast episode, with the final episode being little more than an excuse for fanservice (that episode alone pretty much doubles the series fanservice quota) and feels more like an OVA type of episode, that happened to be broadcast on TV.


Closing Verdict: Being a comedy, it's safe to say that your mileage may vary on just how funny Is This A Zombie? ends up being to you. But from my personal standpoint, despite the series still be grounded in the cliches of the harem genre and still having plenty of stereotypical jokes (main lead getting beaten up on a regular basis, one of the characters being a cordon bleurgh chef), the show did deliver some side splitting laughs and was admirable in at least trying to do something different with the harem genre. Conclusively; Is This A Zombie? ends up being pretty good fun for what it is, but nothing more than that.


Mildly Recommended


Is the Dub Any Good?: Funimation did the English dub for this, and in order to make some of the comedy appeal to a western audience, their version is re-scripted- which might annoy purists, but given that the sub version contains several Japanese wordplay jokes it's understandable why Funimation went down this route. And for the most part despite the differences between the two versions, Funimation's English dub manages to maintain the feel of the original Japanese version.


In a generally solid cast, two of Funimation's relative newcomers in Austin Tindle and Morgan Garrett shine the brightest. Tindle in the lead role of Ayumu delivers a suitably sardonic performance, and whilst Seraphim was my least favourite of all the heroines (Seraphim's a badass fighter but her constant barracking of Ayumu gets tiresome), Garrett did an excellent job of delivering her brutal putdowns.


Both versions also feature various voice actors doing the voice for the fantasy version of Eucliwood (and it's good fun trying to work out which voice actress took on the role of 'Fantasy Eu' for each episode), in fact Cherami Leigh who plays the real version of Eu in the English dub has very little to do for much of the series.


Final Note: There is a sequel series called Is This A Zombie...of the dead? released a year later, which I have not seen yet. Given that I enjoyed but wasn't blown away by the first series- it's the sort of thing I'd happily pick up, if I see it being sold second hand, but wouldn't go out of my way to watch/purchase.


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Gunparade March






Genre: Mecha, Post Apocalyptic Drama, Romance


Studio: J.C Staff Director: Katsushi Sakurabi Source: Playstation Video Game developed by Alpha System

Original Broadcast: June-August 2003 Episodes: 12


Synopsis: In an alternate history, the world has been under attack from Aliens known as the Genjyu, that have left a trail of devastation. The nations across the world have banded together to try and fend off the beasts but the war has been going on for 50 years and countless lives have been lost.


Though the human race is now armed with the HWT mecha's and the devastating PBE bomb, so many lives have been lost that they have been forced to call upon high schoolers to help fend off the alien menace. Once such highschool based troupe, is Unit 5121 based in Kumamoto Japan- just how do these highschoolers juggle a normal education whilst battling the never ending threat of the Genjyu?


Recommended Viewing Age: Approx 12 and up- Very little in the way of fanservice, but the constant impending threat and the fact that some of the battles lead to realistically portrayed loss of life, mean that the show isn't really suitable for younger kids- however the violence is relatively un graphic given the premise of the show, so teenagers of any age and upwards should be at a suitable enough stage of maturity to view this anime.


Action Level: Fairly Low- The series sets itself up as a military mecha series, with the protagonists fighting off alien monsters (in the vein of Blue Gender)- however mecha fans should be warned that the early part of the series is a bit of false dawn for them, and the remainder of the show focuses almost entirely on the human drama.


Moe/Kawaii Level: Medium- Permantly eight years old but generally cheerful with it Nonomi, serves as Gunparades March 'Token Mini Moe', whilst accident prone comic relief Tanabe could also be seen as a relatively 'moe' part of the show.


Animation Quality/Art Style: The background art for the show is pretty decent for an anime that is now over a decade old, but the character designs are pretty unmemorable and generic, though they do have a style that looks less dated than much of the anime that came out from around this era. The animation during the mecha battles isn't bad, but unfortunately the budget must have gone out the window, as they repeat the same stock footage later in the show.


Music: Both the opening and ending themes for Gunparade March are unimpressive and extremely skippable. The opener 'Door of Reality' is a dated slice of female sung J-Pop that sounds like it could have been attached to an 80's OVA, whils the ending theme 'Surpass Darkness' is a dull and generic piano ballad.


The soundtrack fares a little bitter, incorporating some military style themes and some foreboding orchestral pieces during the series more during the series darker moments.


Plot and Characters: Initially Gunparade March appears to be about humanity fighting off an alien menace with giant mecha's piloted by highschool kids. But as the show progresses it soon becomes apparent that the focus is very much more how one school based unit, 5121 from Kumamoto Japan cope with being called upon to battle against the Genjyu whilst also trying their best to live like normal teenagers and gain a solid education. Along the way their trials and tribulations, include faltering attempts at romance and the aftermath of losing one of their comrades in battle.


Gunparade March has a relatively big cast of characters, though much of the focus ends up being on the two central leads- 'Average guy' Atsushi Hayami and the new transfer student, the cold and emotionally detached Mai Shibamura. Shibamura gets paired up with Hayami in a two seater tandem HWT and at first she acts rather frosty towards him (to be fair she acts frosty to everyone) but gradually begins to open up, and a series of incidents bring the pair closer together to the point that everyone else in the school are willing them on to take their relationship to the next stage. As the story progresses, we also get to learn why Mai struggles with opening up to others.


The other character that could be considered to have a considerable amount of screentime, is Nonomi- an orphan girl who is part of unit 5121 as she has a special ability that can control the PBE bomb, however this ability has left her unable to grow past being 8 years both mentally and physically.


Despite it's post apocalyptic setting Gunparade March does have it's share of light relief, with several of the supporting cast providing some lighter moments, such as the school casanova's Setoguchi's attempts at seducing the ladies or accident prone girl Tanabe. Whilst some of Nonomi's interactions with the more adult members of the cast can also be considered to be comedic.


Analysis: Not since churning my way through Casshern Sins, have I been so disengaged and bored with watching an anime as I have with Gunparade March, and to Casshern Sins mild credit that did at least get marginally better by the end- where as by the end of this series I was relieved that this poorly executed series was finally over.


It's not that Gunparade March is god awful bad (though there's an exception I will come to at the end of this review) it's just so blandly mediocre, whilst also pulling a bait and switch on the audience as to what kind of anime it intends itself to be.


The opening part of the series, presents a scenario where mecha's piloted by highschool kids are battling monster aliens, of whom we never find out what exactly the Genjyu as they are called purpose is for invading earth and if you were warming up for a big showdown between the humans and their mecha's at the end of the series- don't get your hopes up. That's because the series stops being a mecha series and turns into a highschool slice of life comedy/drama centering on the uninteresting romance of the two central leads.


Here's the thing, the mecha action in the series is generic and pretty boring but hardcore mecha fans may have got a bit more out of Gunparade March than someone like me who can give or take the mecha genre, but if I was in their shoes I would find the bait and switch this series serves up to be incredibly frustrating.


I wouldn't mind if the focus to move away from the mecha action and focus more on the human drama, actually lead to something more worthwhile but it doesn't. Though that being said, during the middle part of the series- it looked as though it might be capable of doing that- there's a small arc around the midpoint of the series where Unit 5121 end up losing one of their comrades, and it looked as though the series might have started to become an interesting psychological study on using child soldiers in combat and that we would see the Unit struggling to cope with their situation.


Gunparade March in fairness midway through was starting to get mildly interesting but this is where this infuriating series, pulls a second bait and switch on it's audience, by abandoning the path towards psychological drama into vapid highschool comedy and a romance arc between the two leads that happen to be the worst characters in the show, partly because everyone else didn't get enough screen-time to develop into becoming really annoying and partly because Atsushi Hayami and Mai Shibamura are the worst two central characters I have had the misfortune to endure since Keitaro and Naru from Love Hina.


Before I get to 'Love Hina minus the domestic violence', I will talk about the wasted potential of one of the supporting cast- that being the 'stunted' child of Nonomi. Nonomi has a special power that means she can't grow beyond being an eight year old- this messed up situation could have been interesting, but we never learn what this power is that she has and despite the potential to show a darker side with her character Nonomi ends up being portrayed as little more than a cute 'token mini moe' mascot.


However Nonomi may have been a waste of a character, but at least she was no where near as bad as the co protagonists of the series, whose tedious romance ends up being the primary focus of the show. I couldn't care less about either of these two and as far as their central romance goes I wasn't willing them to get together, I wanted someone to come along and slap these two irritants off the screen.That's because Hayami is a wet blanket who has yet to grow a pair, and Mai has a pole so far up her backside, you wonder what Hayami actually sees in her. In fairness Mai does gradually defrost during the series and we do get some explanation as to why she is so emotionally detached towards the end but over the course of Gunparade March's 12 episodes it just doesn't do enough to help you warm up to her.


Video game anime adaptations (excluding visual novels) are rarely good and sadly Gunparade March doesn't prove to be the exception to the rule, in fact this show is a prime example as to why anime studio's should generally steer clear of trying to conjure up a story from a video game, especially if they only get 12 episodes an end up having ADHD in regards to what kind of story it's attempting to concoct.


Closing Verdict: Both as a mecha show and as a romance, Gunparade March manages to be extremely dull, but the fact that it pulls a bait and switch on it's audience and actually looked to be turning into something mildly more interesting at the midway point, makes it even more frustrating. There probably is even more dreadfully bad anime out there, but in all honesty I couldn't recommend Gunparade March to anyone, and the fanbase it initially looked like pleasing it will probably end up pissing of the most.




Is the Dub Any Good?: Whenever I see the name Media Blasters attached to a dub, I don't get my hopes up, that's because the New York Based companies best efforts are passable, whilst their worst efforts are terrible. If Funimation are at the top of the English dub tree for consistent quality, then Media Blasters are at the bottom for consistently producing dubs that force you to switch over to watching the series subbed.


And as English dub's go Gunparade March is right near the bottom of the barrel, even for the consistently mediocre Media Blasters. Now admittedly I can only judge the dub on the opening two episodes, but from what I suffered through the performances here were so wooden that the dub was probably sponsored by Cuprinol. However given that Gunparade March is a failure of a show to begin with, it's probably fitting that the dub is as lame as it is.

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Like this :D


I honestly don't remember this scene- must be in the second series. Anyway I'm pretty sure the scene is a parody of the Japanese comedian Egashira 2:50






He is known for his vulgar brand of 'comedy' and polls conducted in Japan have voted him the most annoying comedian. For some absurd reason he even has a Figma.





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Anyway mostly working through a backlog of DVD's I've managed to accumulate right now- So for the coming month it will mostly be reviews of older stuff, rather than recent stuff airing or has just been aired on Crunchyroll.


After I've worked through the DVD backlog, I'll probably do another Crunchyroll request month.

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I admit, I have a love of a good harem anime. what I have really liked recently is that a lot of them are going away from the 'wimpy' male lead character and instead having them be the more badass one. Good recent examples are Black Bullet, Irregular at Magic High, Bladedance of the Elementalers and Fruit of Grisaia all with a main male character who isn't completely oblivious, or weak from the start.
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I admit, I have a love of a good harem anime. what I have really liked recently is that a lot of them are going away from the 'wimpy' male lead character and instead having them be the more badass one. Good recent examples are Black Bullet, Irregular at Magic High, Bladedance of the Elementalers and Fruit of Grisaia all with a main male character who isn't completely oblivious, or weak from the start.


This. They don't all have to be as badass as the dudes from Grisaia or Irregular but allowing them be competent at least lets them be more aggresive instead of waiting to see which girl remains to choose from. Extremely reactive characters like the typical harem protag are just too boring.

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Ouran Highschool Host Club






Genre: Romantic/Slice of Life Comedy, Reverse Harem


Studio: Bones Director: Takuya Igarashi Writer: Yoiji Enokido Source: Manga by Bisco Hatori

Original Broadcast: April- September 2006 Episodes: 26


Synopsis: Ouran Academy, a private school where the majority of the students come from elite families, however one scholarship per year is awarded to those who can score highest on a rigorous entrance exam.


Bookish Haruhi Fujioka, is one such student and looking for somewhere quiet to study as she starts the new school year, she stumbles across what she thinks is an abandoned music room. Instead she opens the door to the 'Host Club' a group of idle rich young men with good looks who entertain the female students of Ouran Academy. In the process of meeting the club, Haruhi accidentally knocks off a ridiculously expensive Ming Vase- far more than the value someone of her social background could even begin to afford.


In order to pay off her debt, Haruhi (on the mistaken identity that she is a boy due to her short hair and scruffy appearance) is roped into becoming the host's errand boy, but soon proves that after a makeover she makes for a natural 'host'. However at the end of her first day as a 'host', the rest of the club find out that Haruhi is in fact a girl, but in the interest of both parties both Haruhi and the host club agree that she should retain the facade of being a boy and continue to be part of the host club.


Recommended Viewing Age: Teens (approx 13+) and up- There's the odd bit of 'manservice' for the ladies, with the boys occasionally seen bare-chested, but the fanservice be it for male or female eyes is pretty mild. However there are a few suggestive situations (even if most are played up with a comedic twist) such as the twins playing up their 'Twincest' angle, plus the odd bit of intense emotional drama (one of the boys gets slapped by his disapproving father towards the end of the series) means that Ouran should be perfectly fine for most teenagers, but not yet appropriate viewing for youngsters.


Action Level: Low- Ouran Highschool Host Club is not what you would call an action series, but one of the characters, the 'cute young boy character' Mitsukuni (aka Honey) has a surprisingly bad ass side, being a super powerful martial artist who can take out entire armies by himself.


Moe/Kawaii Level: Medium- Cake loving and impossibly cute 'Honey' pretty much takes up the shows 'moe' quota all by himself.


Animation Quality/Art Style: I was initially surprised to see that Ouran Highschool Host Club, was a Studio Bones production, as reverse harem comedy pitched towards the shoujo demographic isn't something I would immediately associate the studio with. But as soon as I saw the character designs (which look like a blending of the typical shoujo style with the character designs found in Full Metal Alchemist) it was easy to see that this had Studio Bones style all over it, from the vibrantly colourful background art to the comedic flourishes such as the face faults (which really do add something here, seeing as the show is meant to be a comedy).


Overall the show had a presentation that felt unique without going too far outside of the box (something that is unfortunately lacking from a lot of recent anime, give or take a few exceptions) and in general the art and animation for Ouran Highschool Host Club holds up very well, despite being almost a decade old.


Music: Opener Sakura Kiss sung by Chieko Kawabe is a slightly cheesy but admittedly quite catchy slice of energetic J-Pop, whilst Sprint by Last Alliance somewhat surprisingly gives us another fast and energetic song, but in all honesty I liked the fact that the series refreshingly stayed away from churning out a cliched slow ballad, and in doing so immediately set out the series stall of primarily being a comedy with dramatic elements, rather than the other way round.


Curiously both the opening and ending were re-dubbed into English versions (something that might annoy purists) but in all honesty both English vocalists chosen by Funimation (Kristine Sa for Sakura Kiss and Justin Houston for Sprint) don't end up doing a great injustice to a couple of songs that are fun and energetic, though hardly masterpieces in the first place.


As for the OST- Yoshihisa Hirano's mostly orchestral soundtrack primarily succeeds in accentuating the privileged world and grandeur of Ouran Academy, whilst also keeping a primarily upbeat tone throughout suitable to a series that is on the whole more lighthearted than serious and/or 'dark in tone.


Plot and Characters: The premise of Ouran Highschool Host Club, pits the protagonist of the story Haruhi, into a situation that she feels kind of forced into being part of (she only agrees to join the host club, as she needs to pay off the debt she owes them) but over time as she becomes involved in their activities she actually comes to really appreciate the guys she ends up spending most of her with at Ouran Academy. In essence the host club opens up Haruhi's eyes, that life doesn't always have to be serious in order to do something worthwhile. In the end Haruhi comes to appreciate the effort (including herself) that everyone puts into making the host club as success and comes to admire the bonds of friendship that the host club has cultivated between it's members.


Though Haruhi's position in the host club relies upon keeping up the facade of being a boy, the set up becomes a bit of an afterthought in the context of the story and though Haruhi is in no doubt the protagonist of the series, the series takes considerable time to flesh out the main supporting cast of the titular Host Club. Some get more screen time than others to give their characters more depth, but by the end of the series each of the Host Club members have a different side to them beyond their reverse harem stereotypes.


The 'King' of the Host Club is Tamaki Suoh- a charming goofball of a man, who is something of a cloudcuckoolander to say the least, but his genuine warmth towards others, reaps loyalty from his closest friends. Despite being born into a privileged/monied family, we come to learn that Tamaki's up-bringing is not as privileged as we first lead to believe, and that difficult upbringing moulded the character he is today- it's the sort of upbringing that could have lead to Tamaki being a resentful character, but instead he's decided that he is going to tackle whatever life throws at him in his own unique way and he's going to bring his friends along for the ride.


Second in the command is Kyouha Otari, and the one who truly makes the club a success. Whilst Tamaki has the wild ideas's, Otari makes sure those ideas run smoothly whilst staying within budget. The youngest of three son's in family lineage that owns a powerful corporation, Kyouha feels frustrated that he is not in line to take over control of the family business once his father retires- however that has made Kyouha determined to prove that he can be more successful in life that his two older brothers. A much more pragmatic character than his fellow founding member Tamaki, Kyouha over the course of the series does reveal that he does have a warmer side underneath that cold and calculating exterior.


The twins Hikari and Kaoru Hitachin, are in terms of screentime and character development the most important characters in the story, outside of the main three (Haruhi, Tamaki, Kyouha). A mischievous pair of twins that play up a twincest angle whilst entertaining in the host club, we learn through back-story that they were extremely antisocial and were only absorbed in their own 'world' with each other and were unwilling to befriend others. However Tamaki managed to break through that barrier they set up, and though the twins can still be mischievous and cruel at times, they have come a long way from where they were since joining the host club. Also as the series progresses, we come to learn the subtle differences between the identical twins, with Hikari being the considerably more hot headed of the two.


Whilst Mitsukuni (aka Honey) and Takashi (aka Mori) don't get as much development as the other cast, they do get a few 'day in the limelight' episodes that flesh out their characters beyond their stereotypes. Despite being the oldest of all the members in the club, Mitsukuni looks the youngest out of everyone, and he plays up on his childlike appearance by acting like a elementary school kid, that is into cute things (he carries around a stuffed bunny) and loves sweets, however beneath this exterior is a total badass from a family of renowned martial artists- that if you mess with him or his friends is likely to give someone a very painful receipt for doing so. The strong and largely silent Takashi, is in fact Mitsukuni's cousin, and the 'gentle giant' of the group feels a big brother instinct towards Mitsukuni (despite the fact that Mitsukuni is in fact Takashi's older cousin).


A rich supporting cast includes, Haruhi's transvestite father Ryoji, Renge a dating sim otaku who forces her way into being the clubs manager, a rival club from an all female school, the president of the Black Magic Club (Nekozawa) and later on family members of Tamaki and Kyouha as the series heads towards it's dramatic conclusion.


As expected much of the series comedic situations are cultivated from playing up on the expected tropes of the personalities of the host club, and Haruhi's often deadpan reaction to the chaos around her. There are of course plenty of running gags, such as the regular cameo appearances of Renge (who is in herself a parody of the target audience for shoujo reverse harems).


Analysis: First off apologies to any female readers, for what will be a rather male-centric assessment of Ouran, but I cannot hide the fact that I was born with a Y chromosome, and I sure as hell wasn't supposed to be in Ouran's target demographic- the DVD cover with a lot of pink and roses adorned upon it- hammered home that point when I purchased the series. However despite not being in Ouran Highschool Host Club's traditional shoujo demographic, I had heard plenty of good things about this series and was willing to give what one might perceive to be a 'girly' anime a chance.


As I already pointed out in my assessment of the art and animation for Ouran, that I was surprised that Ouran was a project taken on by Bones, a studio whose other notable works lay more on the other side of the demo-graphical divide. But in taking on such a project Bones bring a style that can appeal across demographics, without completely alienating the typical visual cues expected from a shoujo romance. In a nutshell Ouran from a presentation standpoint is still very much a shoujo, but not one that would make male viewers such as myself question their manliness for watching such a series.


The other thing that makes Ouran appeal beyond it's target demographic is the fact that though there is a romance element to the story, it really takes a backseat to the stories core values about the bonds of friendship and trying to enjoy life to the fullest. Values that no matter if you are male or female can tug at your heart strings.


With the fact that Ouran is a shoujo that can appeal beyond it's core audience already established, is it actually any good?


The key things that work in Ouran, is that the comedy and the often whimsical drama is well balanced throughout the series and the comedy itself is actually pretty funny. The comedy which both celebrates and affectionately sends up the shoujo romance genre, sometimes does end up giving us some repetitive gags (Renge suddenly appearing on a high powered motor got really old after a while) and not everything is a home run but on the whole the comedy delivers. In particular what makes the comedy works is Haruhi's often deadpan reaction's to the absurd activities of the host club.


Where Ouran also impresses is in being able to take typical shoujo harem stereotypes and give them all an interesting twist, whether it be in a more dramatic sense with Tamaki, Kyouha and the twins or in a hilariously comedic sense in the case of Mitsukuni (Honey) whose cute childlike demeanor hides the fact that he is more of a badass than Chuck Norris. The only character in the core main cast that ends up feeling kind of underdeveloped and one dimensional is Tamaki (Mori) the strong/silent cousin of 'Honey' whose only real development is obvious undying loyalty to his older cousin.


The pacing of the series is admittedly rather episodic and much of the 'character development' is reliant on flashbacks but as a whole Ouran does a good job of developing it's characters and delivering some emotionally stirring drama without ever losing the sight that it's primarily there to deliver laughs.


The manga was on going when the anime finished airing, and the slightly melodramatic (as to be kind of expected) ending, does feel a little rushed but it does manage to deliver a satisfying conclusion to proceedings, with every core character realising how impact the titular host club has had on their lives- especially the series central protagonist Haruhi.



Closing Verdict: In the end I'm really pleased that I did take a punt on Ouran. It's still very much a shoujo, but do not feel afraid of giving Ouran a chance, even if this thing doesn't normally appeal to you- because for the most part the comedy and drama should tickle your funny bone or hit you emotionally whether you are the girliest of girls or the manliest of men. The series isn't perfect by any means (some repetitive gags/the melodramatic and rushed ending) but as shoujo reverse harem's go, Ouran certainly deserves it's well earned popularity.




Is the Dub Any Good?: The dub from Funimation, is as per usual strongly casted and delivered well. I know I must sound like a promotional agent for them sometimes, but I do honestly believe that when it comes to the art form of English dubbing, most of the time they get it right.


Particularly great here is the performance of Caitlin Glass as the protagonist Haruhi Fujioka- she's got the exact balance of femininity and masculinity in her vocal delivery, where the audience knows that Haruhi is a girl but she can convincingly pass for a boy.


They also get the casting spot on with the Hitachi twins with Todd Haberkorn and Greg Ayres voices blending in well with one another, but sounding just different enough to give the twins their own individuality.

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